Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With John King 20240708

Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With John King 20240708

able to do that. they are, in fact, in terms of military capability, weaker than when this started. we would like to make sure, again, that they don't have the same type of capability to bully their neighbors that we saw at the outset of this conflict. >> that new statement from secretary austin follows a promise alongside 40 other nations as the secretary put it, to keep moving heaven and earth to meet ukraine's military needs. that is just one of two big international meetings today. the united nations secretary general in moscow, his long shut mission, to try to get vladimir putin to back down, and to broker a deal to let starving ukrainians out of mariupol. and a potentially decisive battle for ukraine's east, already moscow including today, pufl rising targets from the air. cnn has resources across the globe to cover this more. we start our coverage with secretary austin is in germany, cnn's orn lieberman is right there. >> defense secretary lloyd austin got a lot of attention when we talked about weakening russia. he expanded and said this isn't about a fight between the u.s. and russia. but it's clear as we've watched this war now entering the third month that it's been the ukrainian military that has weakened russia. first, through attrition. this war lasted longer than russia planned and through ukraine's successes in the battle field. it is also the u.s. goal to make sure that russia can't carry out this sort of aggression against its neighbors in the future, and that part of the u.s. strategy, the strategy we're seeing from the eu nato and the west is through sanctions, to essentially weaken and make sure that russia's economy isn't capable of supporting this type of war and that its defense industrial base isn't capable of carrying out or build organization manufacturing the sorts of weapons that we see russia using in ukraine. one of the other interesting points that austin announced in his closing remarks before his press conference was that this meeting that we saw here today between the u.s. and more than 40 other countries will become monthly, and that gives you a sense of the sort of timeline that the u.s. and others are looking at when it comes to russia's invasion of ukraine. this is no longer being talked about in terms of days or weeks. this is months. now, part of that is in the short term and medium term, what weapons does ukraine need to stay in the fight against russia and to succeed in the fight, but also in the long-term, what is the sort of situation, what is the weaponry ukraine needs to defend its own sovereignty if and when we see an end to this conflict. that's a bigger question. it's not only a question of what is the weaponry, but also transitioning ukraine away from the soviet weaponen ri to more modern weapons. and that involves training. so it is a complex discussion. one the u.s. is having with dozens of country us and the discussion will very much continue. >> live for us, oren, thank you. in moscow today president putin hosting the u.n. secretary general. that visit coinciding with new tough rhetoric from russia as well, the foreign minister warning about the prospect of nuclear war. nic robertson has more on that. nic, the american defense secretary talking tough but so is russia's foreign minister. >> he is. sergey lavrov has spoken about the deterrence of nuclear weapons that no nation would want to use it, but then he goes and says look, these are dangerous. they need to be taken seriously. in russian speak, that really can be interpreted just one way. that they are saber rattling on the issue of nuclear weapons this. this is not about talking about -- no nation should actually use them although, he did say that. it's to say that they're out. they need to be taken seriously, and they're dangerous and certainly the chief of staff responded to that as well in conversations he's had today. lavrov also telling the u.n. secretary general that ukraine is not interested in negotiations. indeed, again, pointing the finger at the united states as he did a number of times today, saying those nations that want to see russia defeated and here he means the united states who are stuffing ukraine full of weapons and here he means united states and partners at nato, are in essence, stopping ukraine wanting to hold talks. what lavrov seems to be beginning to perhaps grapple with is that all the nations are doing what they told russia they would do in the first place which is support ukraine easte 's territorial integrity. putting as a priority, getting russia to end the war and putting as a number one priority above that, trying to get humanitarian assistance and corridors to the beleaguers civilians inside mariupol and the ukrainian forces there. offering u.n. and red cross to be part of that process to do that. russia it seems to be tin eared toward that in part because of the strategic objective is to have no ukrainians there whatsoever, and certainly not an international presence of some bridge head that will stop them controlling the whole area. >> nic robertson live for us in brussels. today's battlefield developments support what nic said about russia's goals. the attacks on eastern and southern ukraine on day 62 of the battle against ukraine. zaporizhzhia, missiles killing one person. in luhansk, heavy fighting and claims russia keeps raising everything to the ground. and odesa, an important railway destroyed part of what they see as a campaign to trap people inside major cities. lviv, western ukraine, scott mclain is tracking the latest on the battlefield. >> reporter: john, perhaps one of the most significant developments in the last 24 hours is the bridge near odesa. it's significant because it is the only road or rail link between the south western corner of ukraine and the rest of the country. any other route you might take by road or by rail would take you through moldova. elsewhere in the country, the military chez pieces are moving around, and they are at work. in kharkiv there is a russian buildup of troops there according to the ukrainians. they are trying right now to attack a strategic town which would give them access to go further west toward creme torsing. just a couple weeks ago that was the place where the train station was attacked killing civilians. in kyiv russian troops have been gone for some time, and yet a new curfew announced by authorities there is meant to ward off or prevent provocations by russians. and in mariupol, well, new accusations now of mass graves that were found. you'll recall not long ago the mariupol city council had said that two mass graves were found, and a village to the west of the city and another one to the east. now this is north of the city limits. they say that this first showed up on satellite images when russians first occupied this village, and then it grew into april, and then the latest satellite images not long ago, show that this trench that has been dug, the series of trenches that had been dug is around 200 yards or so long. and the most disturbing thing that the mayor of mariupol said is that local people have been enlisted to actually help build those trenches or dig those trenches in exchange for food and water. cnn is not in a position to confirm any of that. if it turns out to be the case, it means that situation in mariupol just when you think it can't get worse, it does. >> another on a long list of alleged atrocities to be investigated. scott, also curious developments in moldova. the government responding to recent explosions in a pro-russia break away region. what can you tell us about that? >> there was one explosion yesterday at the ministry of state security, and then early this morning there was another one that hit two other explosions that hit radio towers there. now, the ukrainians, they're blaming the russians for these attacks, saying they are trying to -- they're false flag attacks trying to gin up anti-ukrainian sentiment. the moldova people, they convened their security chiefs earlier today to discuss how to respond to this, and the moldova president condemned the attacks calling them provocations aimed at drawing the country into actions that can endanger peace. that's her words. she said that there were forces inside that would very much like to destabilize that region. she also mentioned that even before these attacks, even before these explosions, there had been previous bomb threats against schools and medical facilities. >> scott mclain live for us in lviv. appreciate the update snchblt up next, we continue on the ukraine story now stirring cold war like rhetoric. the top diplomat warning do not underestimate the threat of nuclear war. to protect your clothing from damage in the wash. like f fading, stretching and pilling. woolite has a first of its k kind formula that keeps today's fabrics lookoking like new. woolite damage and darks defense. i didn't know my genetic report could tell 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(excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. the sooner the better, those words from the united nations secretary general in moscow and pushing hard for a cease fire. the secretary general embarking on the trip facing considerable skepticism from ukraine. he landed to an equally icy reception from russia's top diplomat who insists it is ukraine not interested in peace. joining our conversation, a former deputy national intelligence officer. grateful to see you here in person. the diplomats want to meet and try to broker a cease fire. it seems a fool's errand if vladimir putin is willing to back down. >> i agree. it's a fool's errand. let's remember the context in which the visit takes place. the u.n. is already under heavy criticism for the feckless presence in the conflict. they've really been absent on the humanitarian front, and obviously the u.n. security council of which russia is a member hasn't even come out to condemn the conflict. now, the secretary general goes to russia, trying to broker a peace agreement, but the timing is so off. in part because it's clear that we're so far away from any sort of negotiated settlement. russia has just embarked on its second major offensive in ukraine. putin clearly feels emboldened that they can accomplish things on the palgt field. we're very far away from any kind of negotiations, and so, again, a fool's errand, as you said. >> and as you see the russian propaganda in full force in the sense that lavrov saying this is the united states pushing an anti-russia campaign. the ukrainians are a problem. we want peace, not the ukrainians. and he throws this in, raising the prospect of nuclear war. >> translator: a nuclear war cannot be won, and must never be fought. the danger is serious and real. and it should not be underestimated. >> who's he talking to there? >> i think he's talking to the united states in particular, but the west more broadly. but i think three quick points on that comment. number one is just to remember that this nuclear rhetoric has been prevalent all the way through the conflict. at the beginning of the war russia puts its nuclear forces on heightened alert. and it was just last week that russia tested a nuclear two missile. this has been a persistent narrative. second point, we should expect the rhetoric to continue if not grow in the coming weeks. i say that especially if russia faces more resistance in ukraine. we all want ukraine to win. it's critical that vladimir putin is defeated in ukraine. but that's the scenario in which i worry most about the risk of nuclear escalation. so that's really the third point. it's not just the rhetoric that will grow, but i do think that the risk of a nuclear confrontation rises as russia faces more problems in ukraine. you know, this is an existential threat for vladimir putin. i don't think that defeat is an option. and so if he is facing defeat, that's the scenario in which i worry most that we could see the use of chemical weapons. more massive cyber attacks. and potentially a nuclear weapon, and he would do that because either to try to reverse the momentum on the battlefield, or to distract the russian public from this relatively weak performance. >> and you make that point. it's a sobering one, a chilling one at a time where if you listen to secretary austin, we're going to meet monthly. germany, major policy shift. policy is sending in anti-aircraft weapon. secretary austin saying this may last months but we're not going to blink. how does putin process that? >> i think the next couple -- it's a long-term confrontation, but as we've heard repeatedly from the administration, we are in a critical period. the next couple weeks will shape, i think, the outcome of this conflict. so seeing the united states doubling down, sending more weapons, the germans now stepping in, the west being able to show their commitment and their support for ukraine in this critical moment is going to be key. >> grateful for your insights. appreciate it. ahead for us, inside the pentagon's new end game, not just a ukraine -- but a weakened russia. oh hi caesar. we were just talking about you. yeah, you should probably get out of here. ♪ ringcentral ♪ wealth is breaking ground on your biggest project yet. worth is giving the people who build it a solid foundation. wealth ishutting down the office for mike's retirement party. woh is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime. ♪ ♪ wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. ♪ ♪ it's still the eat fresh refresh, which means subway's upping their bread game. we're talking artisan italian bread, made fresh daily! the only thing fresher than their bread is the guy reading this. subway keeps refreshing and refreshing and refreshing and re- the top american military brass trying to send a clear signal to vladimir putin. washington wants moscow's military to wind up worse off. today the pentagon chief lloyd austin sounding the message from germany. this morning in an exclusive entrier on kra nn the top u.s. general echoing a clear u.s. objective. >> the russian aggression has been halted and stopped. and at the end of the day, i think that's going to involve a weakened russia, strengthened nato and war is a two-way street. there's reaction, counterreaction. the first start is strategic attempt to seize key neve a lightning strike. now the russians are trying to essentially envel lope and crush about half the ukrainian army around the line of contact. the ukrainians are set. they're ready for this fight, and -- >> with me to share the reporting and their insights, kasie hunt, you covered the pentagon. of course you're in a fight with somebody or supporting somebody. you want the other side to come out weak and lose, but the way they seem to be deliberately making this point almost to poke at putin, you're going to lose, not get the territory of ukraine. you're going to come out of this worse off. way? >> delivered is the key point. when this first started getting messages from various officials in the region, the secretary of state and defense, there's almost an open question on was this intentional? it's clear that it's intentional now. and i think to peel it back and look at what the intent is and what the strategy is, they want to sort of force putin to recognize the facts on the ground, because there's been a lot of reporting in the last few weeks on how is putin getting the right information? are the generals telling him what's actually happening? they want to make it clear to putin and his inner circle that he is losing, and that this is as you were saying, a one-way street, and one-way street back to moscow because it's hard to see how they move forward. >> we mentioned lloyd austin, general milley you saw on cnn. it's the entire biden team sending a clear message. >> we want russia not to be able to threaten their neighbors again in the future. >> we want this war to be a strategic mail yur for russia. >> we are going to do everything we can to push back on president putin's aspirations. >> again, it seems to be not only a message to putin. and make sure are the generals telling you this? do you get this? but also secretary austin with 40 plus nations who says germany changing the policy. we're going to send anti-aircraft tanks or armored vehicles that shoot missiles out of the sky. canada sending eight armored vehicles. we're going to meet every month and keep doing it until the war is over. >> the biden administration has been trying to make sure they're aligned. all the things you lined up underscore that. i think also this is something they steered clear of in the beginning because there seemed to be more of a concern about a potential nuclear confrontation. we weren't clear on where the russians were in terms of using tactical nuclear weapons or something else that we hadn't yet seen. that concerns teams who faded to the background and they're more comfortable -- in some ways this is russia versus the united states of america. now we seem to be lining up that way. >> i want to bring in major breaking news. a source telling cnn the vice president of the united states, kamala harris, has tested positive for covid-19. let's get straight to our white house correspondent. what do we know? >> well, president kamala harris has tested positive for covid-19. a source familiar with that told our colleague and just a short while ago the press secretary for vice president harris also put out a statement that she tested positive for covid-19 on a rapid and pcr test today. it's important to note that she has not been a close contact of president biden, because she has actually been traveling for the past week. vice president harris had been spending some time in california. she flew back yesterday, and she will be slated to participate in a classified briefing receiving the daily brief. according to her office, she has not been a close contact of the president due to their travel schedules. the press secretary for harris says harris has exhibited no symptoms. she will isolate and continue to work from the residence and follow the cdc guidelines and the advice of her physicians. and she will return to the white house once she tests negative. at this moment the vice president has tested positive for covid-19. she is the highest ranking administration official within the biden administration to do so. you'll remember a few months ago her husband had also tested positive for covid-19, but now we learned that vice president harris does have covid-19. >> appreciate the hustle on the breaking news. let's bring the conversation back into the room on the one hand, this is part of our life now. it's part of our life. we've seen after -- as people resume their travels, we saw recent dinners in washington d.c. but to have it happen to the vice president of the united states who is vaccinated and boosted but in proximity, not recently to the president of the united states, but to people of power all the time, plus on the road. >> you've seen the white house kind of lay the ground work for this. as you said, there have been a number of positive tests around the president, around the white house. you saw the white house a few weeks ago essentially said listen, the president himself is going to go about living his life. essentially he may get covid, but listen, he is vaccinated and boosted. and so now you have the vice president in a similar situation. not a surprise in some ways, because of what we know about this recent variant, because also they're opening back up in terms of being on the road. not wearing masks in the way that they were months and months ago. and so it's no surprise, we, of course, wish her the best and a speedy recovery. >> no symptoms? going to take the precautions. again, part of your life. but it knocks you back a little bit when you see it moving up high up the levels of power. >> it is. and i think for all of us, hopefully as we've noted, the vice president vaccinated, boosted. it's unlikely this is going to be a threat to her life, especially if she's asymptomatic. the question is always the president of the united states. he's an older person who is at more risk of significant side effects from covid. and if you think about the political environment and how this has all become whether you wear a mask or not is like waving a red or blue flag, your team, and that's a real problem when you're just trying to protect yourself or make a decision about hey, i'm more vulnerable an you are, i maybe need to wear a mask. it's gien if you don't. >> and the timing matters in this case, because the vice president is not a close contact to the president or the first lady because she's been on the road. it reminds now, number one, the president and vice president always have jobs to do that include travel. it's heating up in a midterm election campaign. covid is not what it was six months or a year ago. it's with us when you have people out there again in the group settings. >> the white house has changed their posture. we've all kind of covered the white house. they all have their own rhythms and patterns. white house has gone to i don't want to say a covid doesn't exist pattern, because that's not right, but they're living their lives in an open way. >> the president is supposed to come to the white house correspondent dinner. >> great point. they're going through the motions. we can take a survey, and we're on camera at the dinner, but i suspect a lot of us won't have our masks on and you'll be able to see us laugh at jokes we shouldn't laugh. but to be serious about it, the white house has a plan for this. they're prepared for it. and look at how smooth the communication rollout has been that the vice president of the united states tested. they got all the information out very quickly. i would be shocked if there were not a communications plan on the shelf they can dust off if and when and let's just say -- hope it's if and the president doesn't get covid, but if he does, they will have a routine road plan to go to that they can assure the american people who he's talked to, how his health is and where to go from there. >> we'll track this development. stay more with us. immigration policies, a giant issue in this campaign and this week, in the federal courts as well. 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internet and voice for just $49.99 a month for 24 months with a 2-year price guarantee. call today. today the supreme court is hearing arguments about the remain in mexico policy. the biden administration wants to end that trump era policy which sends residents from say central america or other countries to mexico to await their immigration proceedings to play out. the courts are also involved in the controversy over a separate but important border policy called title 42. a federal judge temporarily blocking the biden administration from ending title 42. that trump era pandemic restriction allows border authorities to turn migrants away because of the coronavirus saying because it's a public health crisis. title 42 is set to expire in may. may 23rd. reporters are back to discuss. you have the federal courts involved in an issue in which check in on a campaign, almost anywhere in america, this is a giant issue. >> and in many ways i think politically for the biden administration, i'm not speaking about the people unable to apply for asylum, but for an administration really struggling with what to do, they've been saved by the judge from having to make this decision for a couple weeks. i think they're going to appeal it, but depending on how long it's in place, it could prevent the pictures of people coming across the border. it's going to end up in the campaign ads. there are real questions about whether the biden administration has a plan in place to deal with that surge, even if they say correctly hey, this doesn't comport with the laws and the constitution of the united states the way this is set up, you still have to do something with them once they cross the border. i don't think anyone, hhs or dhs are fighting behind the scenes with each other. i think members of congress are saying this looks like a bad idea. >> one of the challenges here when you're covering the issue is the subsets of it, if you will. i want to show you a graphic of the u.s./mexico border apprehensions by month. this goes back to the obama administration. the obama administration on the left. the trump administration in the middle. you see the obama administration relatively flat lined. the trump administration goes up to one high surge. the biden administration on the right, if you're republicans trying to run an ad in the place where you think border security works, just run that graphic. >> it almost works anywhere they want to run this ad and this idea that somehow democrats are soft on immigration and that the folks who are coming across the border oppose some sort of threat, whether it's a threat to your health or your jobs. a threat to your livelihoods. this is a play that republicans have run very, very successfully time and time again. i mean, it was on the idea of building a wall on the border that donald trump won in 2016. that was the main part of his campaign. in many ways we'll see that again. republicans running a very familiar play book that is based on essentially an unfounded fear of people coming across the border, and who will supposedly do harm to americans. that's what their idea has been for many, many years now. >> to your point, in this plays everywhere. in the border states, sometimes it's higher volume. these are democrats. a graphic of several democrats who told the administration please don't take away this title 42. you see mark kelly, the yellow highlights around those on the ballot. kelley is running for reelection in arizona. if he goes home and turns on the tv, he might see this. >> what do you call a politician that votes the party line in washington and says the opposite when he's home in arizona? you call him mark kelley. he votes to allow restrictions to be lifted to cause a massive new border surge. tell senator kelly, stop voting with biden and against arizona. >> the campaign says wait a minute, sometimes he's in the president, sometimes he's not. no welcome to ads. >> the ads write themselves. we've talked to democrats in town who are -- you don't talk to a single strategist who says title 42 is a winning issue for the are democratic party. they're trying to figure out how to diffuse. you mentioned the bedrock principles. for biden, this was a humanitarian thing he talked about. that's having a more humane approach to people seeking asylum in this country. but politically everyone acknowledges it's a headache and disaster. the only real debate is how bad it's going to be for the democrats on this issue. >> and we're watching it play out in the primaries and throughout the election year. we'll watch the courts. when we come back, more on today's important breaking news in washington. the vice president of the united states testing positive for covid-19. ♪ pedialalyte powder packs. feel better fast. if you have advanced non-small cell lung cancer, your first treatment could be a chemo-free combination of two immunotherapies that works differently. it could mean a chance to live longer. opdivo 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did not return to washington until last night. the vice president has received all her coronavirus vaccines including a second booster shot back on april 1st. we're told she's isolating at her residence. last night was double debate night in pennsylvania. the primary is three weeks from today. and with the republican incumbent retiring the pennsylvania is one of the few pickup opportunities for democrats in this very challenging midterm year. both debates were feisty at times. the republican candidates were asked is it time for the republican party to move on from the big lie and the 2020 election? i have discussed with president trump that we cannot move on, and we have a tragedy that most republican voters of pennsylvania don't believe in the spegty of the election. and there's all sorts of reasons to worry about it. >> senator rand paul said the election of 2020 was stolen by the zuk bucks, zuckerberg zuckerberg and his family and friends, changing the outcome of election by private money controlling our election. >> absolutely not. there's nothing more important than making sure that my one vote matters. and we see that elections have consequences. >> kasie hunt, and our panel back with me. one of the key tests in the republican primary is does the endorsement of dr. oz carry weight. the candidates saying we can't move on from 2020. we can't move onto from a lie. >> because donald trump says we can't move on from the big lie which he invented and spread and keeps at it over these last many months and should he run for president? i'm sure it will be central to his campaign then. we have seen donald trump controls the republican party. we'll see what his endorsement in this race does. i think oz. was sort of below mccormick in polling. we see if there's enough to catapult him to win in may 17th. >> as you jump in, you mentioned dr. oz.. everybody knows dr. oz.. david mccormick, a lot of establishment support, and trump people who support him. and trump's endorsement was kind of an issue through them. >> he did not endorse mr. mccormick. he endorsed me. >> i'm america first. >> the reason he keeps talking about president trump's endorsement is because he can't run on his own positions and his own records. what's true is that he has flip-flopped on every major issue we're talking about in this campaign. the problem, doctor, is there's no miracle cure for flip floming and pennsylvanians are seeing flu your phoniness. >> three weeks from today, we get the first big test in a race that really matters. trump endorsement, does it work, and b, does it hurt you in november? >> the numbers show it's likely to be one of the two of those people. we still are testing the trump endorsement power. what we know is that the former president attacking you in the campaign is killer. with primary voters. so it's going to be interesting to see especially i think if mccormick wins this without the trump endorsement, what happens in a general election where he needs not only republicans in rural pennsylvania, but rural soccer moms and what is he saying and doing? all the smart people around president trump to the extent that there are such people anymore, he's lost a lot of them. they want him to move on. they'll tell him in private, like, stop talking about this. if you want a political future, move on. look ahead. but he is so stuck in this that he's holding basically hostage all of these other people. i mean, this is an interesting one in particular. dr. oz has a lot of the characteristics of the former president. right? tv star who is well known to americans across the board. he's famous. that's stuff the former president is attracted to when all of the former presidents are working for the other guy. >> you mentioned what does trump do now in the sense that he's going to have a rally in pennsylvania on may 6th? does he just go all in for oz. or hedge his bets if he's looking at the polling? mccormick tried to, 2020 came up but we're in the covid pandemic, and he looked at dr. oz and said you can't sell that. >> dra kroen yan changes were made by democratic leadership. they've blocked appropriate reviews of some of those decisions. >> this is where i'm oz cracks me up. i hear his statements about covid now. this is a guy who on national television said the chinese were doing a great job with covid lockdown. >> it is one of the risks. he's a lot like trump. he was a tv celebrity. donald trump was able to get voters to give him a pass an a lot of tape people used against him. the question is does dr. oz have that gift? >> i'll come clean. i didn't watch the debate, but i heard dave mccormick giving pretty good zingers that seemed rehaersed and practice. he didn't call him dr. oz. he calls him mehmet. >> i noticed that too. >> he gave him the honor, doctor at the end, but -- so look, no one at this table has any idea how the primary is going to go. kasie hunt might because she's from philadelphia. >> i don't. but thank you. >> but what we do know is that this is going to be a knife fight, and there's a lot of money involved. we should all reconstitute may 6th and have a round table up there. that's going to be a good debate. i'll watch that one. >> in the interesting thing, the democrats debated last night. the lieutenant governor is. one says i'm a better general election candidate. the question is can you sell that in a primary? electability is a hard one in a primary. sometimes it works after losing, iowa, new hampshire, nevada, it worked for joe biden. does it work here? >> and listen, democrats were a little cautious about fetterman and thinking that lam would be a better candidate, but fetterman, he has this sort of mystique and is a progressive. his issues are sellable to some of the rural voters. he certainly won't win in the rural counties. but he might be able to close the gap a little bit in a general election. that's what democrats think. >> it's one of the many great races, primary and general elections on the ballot. we'll spend a ton of time on it in the weeks ahead. donald trump says he will not go back, but do you believe him? elon musk is taking over twitter, and trump might get the green light to tweet again. air. connect to nature. bonnie boon i'm calling you out. everybody be cool, alright? with ringcentral we can pull bonnie up on phone, message, or video, all in the same app. oh... hey bonnie, i didn't see you there. ♪ ringcentral♪ i didn't know my genetic report cou tell me i was prone to harmful bloodlots. travel a ton, so this info was kind of life changing. maybe even lifesaving. ♪do you know what the future holds?♪ i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? the three ps of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't 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tech: when you have auto glass damage, trust safelite. this dad and daughter were driving when they got a crack in their windshield. 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Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With John King 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With John King 20240708

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able to do that. they are, in fact, in terms of military capability, weaker than when this started. we would like to make sure, again, that they don't have the same type of capability to bully their neighbors that we saw at the outset of this conflict. >> that new statement from secretary austin follows a promise alongside 40 other nations as the secretary put it, to keep moving heaven and earth to meet ukraine's military needs. that is just one of two big international meetings today. the united nations secretary general in moscow, his long shut mission, to try to get vladimir putin to back down, and to broker a deal to let starving ukrainians out of mariupol. and a potentially decisive battle for ukraine's east, already moscow including today, pufl rising targets from the air. cnn has resources across the globe to cover this more. we start our coverage with secretary austin is in germany, cnn's orn lieberman is right there. >> defense secretary lloyd austin got a lot of attention when we talked about weakening russia. he expanded and said this isn't about a fight between the u.s. and russia. but it's clear as we've watched this war now entering the third month that it's been the ukrainian military that has weakened russia. first, through attrition. this war lasted longer than russia planned and through ukraine's successes in the battle field. it is also the u.s. goal to make sure that russia can't carry out this sort of aggression against its neighbors in the future, and that part of the u.s. strategy, the strategy we're seeing from the eu nato and the west is through sanctions, to essentially weaken and make sure that russia's economy isn't capable of supporting this type of war and that its defense industrial base isn't capable of carrying out or build organization manufacturing the sorts of weapons that we see russia using in ukraine. one of the other interesting points that austin announced in his closing remarks before his press conference was that this meeting that we saw here today between the u.s. and more than 40 other countries will become monthly, and that gives you a sense of the sort of timeline that the u.s. and others are looking at when it comes to russia's invasion of ukraine. this is no longer being talked about in terms of days or weeks. this is months. now, part of that is in the short term and medium term, what weapons does ukraine need to stay in the fight against russia and to succeed in the fight, but also in the long-term, what is the sort of situation, what is the weaponry ukraine needs to defend its own sovereignty if and when we see an end to this conflict. that's a bigger question. it's not only a question of what is the weaponry, but also transitioning ukraine away from the soviet weaponen ri to more modern weapons. and that involves training. so it is a complex discussion. one the u.s. is having with dozens of country us and the discussion will very much continue. >> live for us, oren, thank you. in moscow today president putin hosting the u.n. secretary general. that visit coinciding with new tough rhetoric from russia as well, the foreign minister warning about the prospect of nuclear war. nic robertson has more on that. nic, the american defense secretary talking tough but so is russia's foreign minister. >> he is. sergey lavrov has spoken about the deterrence of nuclear weapons that no nation would want to use it, but then he goes and says look, these are dangerous. they need to be taken seriously. in russian speak, that really can be interpreted just one way. that they are saber rattling on the issue of nuclear weapons this. this is not about talking about -- no nation should actually use them although, he did say that. it's to say that they're out. they need to be taken seriously, and they're dangerous and certainly the chief of staff responded to that as well in conversations he's had today. lavrov also telling the u.n. secretary general that ukraine is not interested in negotiations. indeed, again, pointing the finger at the united states as he did a number of times today, saying those nations that want to see russia defeated and here he means the united states who are stuffing ukraine full of weapons and here he means united states and partners at nato, are in essence, stopping ukraine wanting to hold talks. what lavrov seems to be beginning to perhaps grapple with is that all the nations are doing what they told russia they would do in the first place which is support ukraine easte 's territorial integrity. putting as a priority, getting russia to end the war and putting as a number one priority above that, trying to get humanitarian assistance and corridors to the beleaguers civilians inside mariupol and the ukrainian forces there. offering u.n. and red cross to be part of that process to do that. russia it seems to be tin eared toward that in part because of the strategic objective is to have no ukrainians there whatsoever, and certainly not an international presence of some bridge head that will stop them controlling the whole area. >> nic robertson live for us in brussels. today's battlefield developments support what nic said about russia's goals. the attacks on eastern and southern ukraine on day 62 of the battle against ukraine. zaporizhzhia, missiles killing one person. in luhansk, heavy fighting and claims russia keeps raising everything to the ground. and odesa, an important railway destroyed part of what they see as a campaign to trap people inside major cities. lviv, western ukraine, scott mclain is tracking the latest on the battlefield. >> reporter: john, perhaps one of the most significant developments in the last 24 hours is the bridge near odesa. it's significant because it is the only road or rail link between the south western corner of ukraine and the rest of the country. any other route you might take by road or by rail would take you through moldova. elsewhere in the country, the military chez pieces are moving around, and they are at work. in kharkiv there is a russian buildup of troops there according to the ukrainians. they are trying right now to attack a strategic town which would give them access to go further west toward creme torsing. just a couple weeks ago that was the place where the train station was attacked killing civilians. in kyiv russian troops have been gone for some time, and yet a new curfew announced by authorities there is meant to ward off or prevent provocations by russians. and in mariupol, well, new accusations now of mass graves that were found. you'll recall not long ago the mariupol city council had said that two mass graves were found, and a village to the west of the city and another one to the east. now this is north of the city limits. they say that this first showed up on satellite images when russians first occupied this village, and then it grew into april, and then the latest satellite images not long ago, show that this trench that has been dug, the series of trenches that had been dug is around 200 yards or so long. and the most disturbing thing that the mayor of mariupol said is that local people have been enlisted to actually help build those trenches or dig those trenches in exchange for food and water. cnn is not in a position to confirm any of that. if it turns out to be the case, it means that situation in mariupol just when you think it can't get worse, it does. >> another on a long list of alleged atrocities to be investigated. scott, also curious developments in moldova. the government responding to recent explosions in a pro-russia break away region. what can you tell us about that? >> there was one explosion yesterday at the ministry of state security, and then early this morning there was another one that hit two other explosions that hit radio towers there. now, the ukrainians, they're blaming the russians for these attacks, saying they are trying to -- they're false flag attacks trying to gin up anti-ukrainian sentiment. the moldova people, they convened their security chiefs earlier today to discuss how to respond to this, and the moldova president condemned the attacks calling them provocations aimed at drawing the country into actions that can endanger peace. that's her words. she said that there were forces inside that would very much like to destabilize that region. she also mentioned that even before these attacks, even before these explosions, there had been previous bomb threats against schools and medical facilities. >> scott mclain live for us in lviv. appreciate the update snchblt up next, we continue on the ukraine story now stirring cold war like rhetoric. the top diplomat warning do not underestimate the threat of nuclear war. to protect your clothing from damage in the wash. like f fading, stretching and pilling. woolite has a first of its k kind formula that keeps today's fabrics lookoking like new. woolite damage and darks defense. i didn't know my genetic report could tell 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(excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. the sooner the better, those words from the united nations secretary general in moscow and pushing hard for a cease fire. the secretary general embarking on the trip facing considerable skepticism from ukraine. he landed to an equally icy reception from russia's top diplomat who insists it is ukraine not interested in peace. joining our conversation, a former deputy national intelligence officer. grateful to see you here in person. the diplomats want to meet and try to broker a cease fire. it seems a fool's errand if vladimir putin is willing to back down. >> i agree. it's a fool's errand. let's remember the context in which the visit takes place. the u.n. is already under heavy criticism for the feckless presence in the conflict. they've really been absent on the humanitarian front, and obviously the u.n. security council of which russia is a member hasn't even come out to condemn the conflict. now, the secretary general goes to russia, trying to broker a peace agreement, but the timing is so off. in part because it's clear that we're so far away from any sort of negotiated settlement. russia has just embarked on its second major offensive in ukraine. putin clearly feels emboldened that they can accomplish things on the palgt field. we're very far away from any kind of negotiations, and so, again, a fool's errand, as you said. >> and as you see the russian propaganda in full force in the sense that lavrov saying this is the united states pushing an anti-russia campaign. the ukrainians are a problem. we want peace, not the ukrainians. and he throws this in, raising the prospect of nuclear war. >> translator: a nuclear war cannot be won, and must never be fought. the danger is serious and real. and it should not be underestimated. >> who's he talking to there? >> i think he's talking to the united states in particular, but the west more broadly. but i think three quick points on that comment. number one is just to remember that this nuclear rhetoric has been prevalent all the way through the conflict. at the beginning of the war russia puts its nuclear forces on heightened alert. and it was just last week that russia tested a nuclear two missile. this has been a persistent narrative. second point, we should expect the rhetoric to continue if not grow in the coming weeks. i say that especially if russia faces more resistance in ukraine. we all want ukraine to win. it's critical that vladimir putin is defeated in ukraine. but that's the scenario in which i worry most about the risk of nuclear escalation. so that's really the third point. it's not just the rhetoric that will grow, but i do think that the risk of a nuclear confrontation rises as russia faces more problems in ukraine. you know, this is an existential threat for vladimir putin. i don't think that defeat is an option. and so if he is facing defeat, that's the scenario in which i worry most that we could see the use of chemical weapons. more massive cyber attacks. and potentially a nuclear weapon, and he would do that because either to try to reverse the momentum on the battlefield, or to distract the russian public from this relatively weak performance. >> and you make that point. it's a sobering one, a chilling one at a time where if you listen to secretary austin, we're going to meet monthly. germany, major policy shift. policy is sending in anti-aircraft weapon. secretary austin saying this may last months but we're not going to blink. how does putin process that? >> i think the next couple -- it's a long-term confrontation, but as we've heard repeatedly from the administration, we are in a critical period. the next couple weeks will shape, i think, the outcome of this conflict. so seeing the united states doubling down, sending more weapons, the germans now stepping in, the west being able to show their commitment and their support for ukraine in this critical moment is going to be key. >> grateful for your insights. appreciate it. ahead for us, inside the pentagon's new end game, not just a ukraine -- but a weakened russia. oh hi caesar. we were just talking about you. yeah, you should probably get out of here. ♪ ringcentral ♪ wealth is breaking ground on your biggest project yet. worth is giving the people who build it a solid foundation. wealth ishutting down the office for mike's retirement party. woh is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime. ♪ ♪ wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. ♪ ♪ it's still the eat fresh refresh, which means subway's upping their bread game. we're talking artisan italian bread, made fresh daily! the only thing fresher than their bread is the guy reading this. subway keeps refreshing and refreshing and refreshing and re- the top american military brass trying to send a clear signal to vladimir putin. washington wants moscow's military to wind up worse off. today the pentagon chief lloyd austin sounding the message from germany. this morning in an exclusive entrier on kra nn the top u.s. general echoing a clear u.s. objective. >> the russian aggression has been halted and stopped. and at the end of the day, i think that's going to involve a weakened russia, strengthened nato and war is a two-way street. there's reaction, counterreaction. the first start is strategic attempt to seize key neve a lightning strike. now the russians are trying to essentially envel lope and crush about half the ukrainian army around the line of contact. the ukrainians are set. they're ready for this fight, and -- >> with me to share the reporting and their insights, kasie hunt, you covered the pentagon. of course you're in a fight with somebody or supporting somebody. you want the other side to come out weak and lose, but the way they seem to be deliberately making this point almost to poke at putin, you're going to lose, not get the territory of ukraine. you're going to come out of this worse off. way? >> delivered is the key point. when this first started getting messages from various officials in the region, the secretary of state and defense, there's almost an open question on was this intentional? it's clear that it's intentional now. and i think to peel it back and look at what the intent is and what the strategy is, they want to sort of force putin to recognize the facts on the ground, because there's been a lot of reporting in the last few weeks on how is putin getting the right information? are the generals telling him what's actually happening? they want to make it clear to putin and his inner circle that he is losing, and that this is as you were saying, a one-way street, and one-way street back to moscow because it's hard to see how they move forward. >> we mentioned lloyd austin, general milley you saw on cnn. it's the entire biden team sending a clear message. >> we want russia not to be able to threaten their neighbors again in the future. >> we want this war to be a strategic mail yur for russia. >> we are going to do everything we can to push back on president putin's aspirations. >> again, it seems to be not only a message to putin. and make sure are the generals telling you this? do you get this? but also secretary austin with 40 plus nations who says germany changing the policy. we're going to send anti-aircraft tanks or armored vehicles that shoot missiles out of the sky. canada sending eight armored vehicles. we're going to meet every month and keep doing it until the war is over. >> the biden administration has been trying to make sure they're aligned. all the things you lined up underscore that. i think also this is something they steered clear of in the beginning because there seemed to be more of a concern about a potential nuclear confrontation. we weren't clear on where the russians were in terms of using tactical nuclear weapons or something else that we hadn't yet seen. that concerns teams who faded to the background and they're more comfortable -- in some ways this is russia versus the united states of america. now we seem to be lining up that way. >> i want to bring in major breaking news. a source telling cnn the vice president of the united states, kamala harris, has tested positive for covid-19. let's get straight to our white house correspondent. what do we know? >> well, president kamala harris has tested positive for covid-19. a source familiar with that told our colleague and just a short while ago the press secretary for vice president harris also put out a statement that she tested positive for covid-19 on a rapid and pcr test today. it's important to note that she has not been a close contact of president biden, because she has actually been traveling for the past week. vice president harris had been spending some time in california. she flew back yesterday, and she will be slated to participate in a classified briefing receiving the daily brief. according to her office, she has not been a close contact of the president due to their travel schedules. the press secretary for harris says harris has exhibited no symptoms. she will isolate and continue to work from the residence and follow the cdc guidelines and the advice of her physicians. and she will return to the white house once she tests negative. at this moment the vice president has tested positive for covid-19. she is the highest ranking administration official within the biden administration to do so. you'll remember a few months ago her husband had also tested positive for covid-19, but now we learned that vice president harris does have covid-19. >> appreciate the hustle on the breaking news. let's bring the conversation back into the room on the one hand, this is part of our life now. it's part of our life. we've seen after -- as people resume their travels, we saw recent dinners in washington d.c. but to have it happen to the vice president of the united states who is vaccinated and boosted but in proximity, not recently to the president of the united states, but to people of power all the time, plus on the road. >> you've seen the white house kind of lay the ground work for this. as you said, there have been a number of positive tests around the president, around the white house. you saw the white house a few weeks ago essentially said listen, the president himself is going to go about living his life. essentially he may get covid, but listen, he is vaccinated and boosted. and so now you have the vice president in a similar situation. not a surprise in some ways, because of what we know about this recent variant, because also they're opening back up in terms of being on the road. not wearing masks in the way that they were months and months ago. and so it's no surprise, we, of course, wish her the best and a speedy recovery. >> no symptoms? going to take the precautions. again, part of your life. but it knocks you back a little bit when you see it moving up high up the levels of power. >> it is. and i think for all of us, hopefully as we've noted, the vice president vaccinated, boosted. it's unlikely this is going to be a threat to her life, especially if she's asymptomatic. the question is always the president of the united states. he's an older person who is at more risk of significant side effects from covid. and if you think about the political environment and how this has all become whether you wear a mask or not is like waving a red or blue flag, your team, and that's a real problem when you're just trying to protect yourself or make a decision about hey, i'm more vulnerable an you are, i maybe need to wear a mask. it's gien if you don't. >> and the timing matters in this case, because the vice president is not a close contact to the president or the first lady because she's been on the road. it reminds now, number one, the president and vice president always have jobs to do that include travel. it's heating up in a midterm election campaign. covid is not what it was six months or a year ago. it's with us when you have people out there again in the group settings. >> the white house has changed their posture. we've all kind of covered the white house. they all have their own rhythms and patterns. white house has gone to i don't want to say a covid doesn't exist pattern, because that's not right, but they're living their lives in an open way. >> the president is supposed to come to the white house correspondent dinner. >> great point. they're going through the motions. we can take a survey, and we're on camera at the dinner, but i suspect a lot of us won't have our masks on and you'll be able to see us laugh at jokes we shouldn't laugh. but to be serious about it, the white house has a plan for this. they're prepared for it. and look at how smooth the communication rollout has been that the vice president of the united states tested. they got all the information out very quickly. i would be shocked if there were not a communications plan on the shelf they can dust off if and when and let's just say -- hope it's if and the president doesn't get covid, but if he does, they will have a routine road plan to go to that they can assure the american people who he's talked to, how his health is and where to go from there. >> we'll track this development. stay more with us. immigration policies, a giant issue in this campaign and this week, in the federal courts as well. 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internet and voice for just $49.99 a month for 24 months with a 2-year price guarantee. call today. today the supreme court is hearing arguments about the remain in mexico policy. the biden administration wants to end that trump era policy which sends residents from say central america or other countries to mexico to await their immigration proceedings to play out. the courts are also involved in the controversy over a separate but important border policy called title 42. a federal judge temporarily blocking the biden administration from ending title 42. that trump era pandemic restriction allows border authorities to turn migrants away because of the coronavirus saying because it's a public health crisis. title 42 is set to expire in may. may 23rd. reporters are back to discuss. you have the federal courts involved in an issue in which check in on a campaign, almost anywhere in america, this is a giant issue. >> and in many ways i think politically for the biden administration, i'm not speaking about the people unable to apply for asylum, but for an administration really struggling with what to do, they've been saved by the judge from having to make this decision for a couple weeks. i think they're going to appeal it, but depending on how long it's in place, it could prevent the pictures of people coming across the border. it's going to end up in the campaign ads. there are real questions about whether the biden administration has a plan in place to deal with that surge, even if they say correctly hey, this doesn't comport with the laws and the constitution of the united states the way this is set up, you still have to do something with them once they cross the border. i don't think anyone, hhs or dhs are fighting behind the scenes with each other. i think members of congress are saying this looks like a bad idea. >> one of the challenges here when you're covering the issue is the subsets of it, if you will. i want to show you a graphic of the u.s./mexico border apprehensions by month. this goes back to the obama administration. the obama administration on the left. the trump administration in the middle. you see the obama administration relatively flat lined. the trump administration goes up to one high surge. the biden administration on the right, if you're republicans trying to run an ad in the place where you think border security works, just run that graphic. >> it almost works anywhere they want to run this ad and this idea that somehow democrats are soft on immigration and that the folks who are coming across the border oppose some sort of threat, whether it's a threat to your health or your jobs. a threat to your livelihoods. this is a play that republicans have run very, very successfully time and time again. i mean, it was on the idea of building a wall on the border that donald trump won in 2016. that was the main part of his campaign. in many ways we'll see that again. republicans running a very familiar play book that is based on essentially an unfounded fear of people coming across the border, and who will supposedly do harm to americans. that's what their idea has been for many, many years now. >> to your point, in this plays everywhere. in the border states, sometimes it's higher volume. these are democrats. a graphic of several democrats who told the administration please don't take away this title 42. you see mark kelly, the yellow highlights around those on the ballot. kelley is running for reelection in arizona. if he goes home and turns on the tv, he might see this. >> what do you call a politician that votes the party line in washington and says the opposite when he's home in arizona? you call him mark kelley. he votes to allow restrictions to be lifted to cause a massive new border surge. tell senator kelly, stop voting with biden and against arizona. >> the campaign says wait a minute, sometimes he's in the president, sometimes he's not. no welcome to ads. >> the ads write themselves. we've talked to democrats in town who are -- you don't talk to a single strategist who says title 42 is a winning issue for the are democratic party. they're trying to figure out how to diffuse. you mentioned the bedrock principles. for biden, this was a humanitarian thing he talked about. that's having a more humane approach to people seeking asylum in this country. but politically everyone acknowledges it's a headache and disaster. the only real debate is how bad it's going to be for the democrats on this issue. >> and we're watching it play out in the primaries and throughout the election year. we'll watch the courts. when we come back, more on today's important breaking news in washington. the vice president of the united states testing positive for covid-19. ♪ pedialalyte powder packs. feel better fast. if you have advanced non-small cell lung cancer, your first treatment could be a chemo-free combination of two immunotherapies that works differently. it could mean a chance to live longer. opdivo 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did not return to washington until last night. the vice president has received all her coronavirus vaccines including a second booster shot back on april 1st. we're told she's isolating at her residence. last night was double debate night in pennsylvania. the primary is three weeks from today. and with the republican incumbent retiring the pennsylvania is one of the few pickup opportunities for democrats in this very challenging midterm year. both debates were feisty at times. the republican candidates were asked is it time for the republican party to move on from the big lie and the 2020 election? i have discussed with president trump that we cannot move on, and we have a tragedy that most republican voters of pennsylvania don't believe in the spegty of the election. and there's all sorts of reasons to worry about it. >> senator rand paul said the election of 2020 was stolen by the zuk bucks, zuckerberg zuckerberg and his family and friends, changing the outcome of election by private money controlling our election. >> absolutely not. there's nothing more important than making sure that my one vote matters. and we see that elections have consequences. >> kasie hunt, and our panel back with me. one of the key tests in the republican primary is does the endorsement of dr. oz carry weight. the candidates saying we can't move on from 2020. we can't move onto from a lie. >> because donald trump says we can't move on from the big lie which he invented and spread and keeps at it over these last many months and should he run for president? i'm sure it will be central to his campaign then. we have seen donald trump controls the republican party. we'll see what his endorsement in this race does. i think oz. was sort of below mccormick in polling. we see if there's enough to catapult him to win in may 17th. >> as you jump in, you mentioned dr. oz.. everybody knows dr. oz.. david mccormick, a lot of establishment support, and trump people who support him. and trump's endorsement was kind of an issue through them. >> he did not endorse mr. mccormick. he endorsed me. >> i'm america first. >> the reason he keeps talking about president trump's endorsement is because he can't run on his own positions and his own records. what's true is that he has flip-flopped on every major issue we're talking about in this campaign. the problem, doctor, is there's no miracle cure for flip floming and pennsylvanians are seeing flu your phoniness. >> three weeks from today, we get the first big test in a race that really matters. trump endorsement, does it work, and b, does it hurt you in november? >> the numbers show it's likely to be one of the two of those people. we still are testing the trump endorsement power. what we know is that the former president attacking you in the campaign is killer. with primary voters. so it's going to be interesting to see especially i think if mccormick wins this without the trump endorsement, what happens in a general election where he needs not only republicans in rural pennsylvania, but rural soccer moms and what is he saying and doing? all the smart people around president trump to the extent that there are such people anymore, he's lost a lot of them. they want him to move on. they'll tell him in private, like, stop talking about this. if you want a political future, move on. look ahead. but he is so stuck in this that he's holding basically hostage all of these other people. i mean, this is an interesting one in particular. dr. oz has a lot of the characteristics of the former president. right? tv star who is well known to americans across the board. he's famous. that's stuff the former president is attracted to when all of the former presidents are working for the other guy. >> you mentioned what does trump do now in the sense that he's going to have a rally in pennsylvania on may 6th? does he just go all in for oz. or hedge his bets if he's looking at the polling? mccormick tried to, 2020 came up but we're in the covid pandemic, and he looked at dr. oz and said you can't sell that. >> dra kroen yan changes were made by democratic leadership. they've blocked appropriate reviews of some of those decisions. >> this is where i'm oz cracks me up. i hear his statements about covid now. this is a guy who on national television said the chinese were doing a great job with covid lockdown. >> it is one of the risks. he's a lot like trump. he was a tv celebrity. donald trump was able to get voters to give him a pass an a lot of tape people used against him. the question is does dr. oz have that gift? >> i'll come clean. i didn't watch the debate, but i heard dave mccormick giving pretty good zingers that seemed rehaersed and practice. he didn't call him dr. oz. he calls him mehmet. >> i noticed that too. >> he gave him the honor, doctor at the end, but -- so look, no one at this table has any idea how the primary is going to go. kasie hunt might because she's from philadelphia. >> i don't. but thank you. >> but what we do know is that this is going to be a knife fight, and there's a lot of money involved. we should all reconstitute may 6th and have a round table up there. that's going to be a good debate. i'll watch that one. >> in the interesting thing, the democrats debated last night. the lieutenant governor is. one says i'm a better general election candidate. the question is can you sell that in a primary? electability is a hard one in a primary. sometimes it works after losing, iowa, new hampshire, nevada, it worked for joe biden. does it work here? >> and listen, democrats were a little cautious about fetterman and thinking that lam would be a better candidate, but fetterman, he has this sort of mystique and is a progressive. his issues are sellable to some of the rural voters. he certainly won't win in the rural counties. but he might be able to close the gap a little bit in a general election. that's what democrats think. >> it's one of the many great races, primary and general elections on the ballot. we'll spend a ton of time on it in the weeks ahead. donald trump says he will not go back, but do you believe him? elon musk is taking over twitter, and trump might get the green light to tweet again. air. connect to nature. bonnie boon i'm calling you out. everybody be cool, alright? with ringcentral we can pull bonnie up on phone, message, or video, all in the same app. oh... hey bonnie, i didn't see you there. ♪ ringcentral♪ i didn't know my genetic report cou tell me i was prone to harmful bloodlots. travel a ton, so this info was kind of life changing. maybe even lifesaving. ♪do you know what the future holds?♪ i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? the three ps of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't 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Questions , Campaign Ads , Laws , Pictures , Doesn T Comport , Idea , Each Other , Members , Fighting , Scenes , Anyone , Challenges , Constitution Of The United States , Hhs , Dhs , Congress , Subsets , Graphic , Left , Middle , Obama , Border Apprehensions , Republicans , Right , Ad , Border Security Works , Folks , Play , Immigration , Livelihoods , Donald Trump , 2016 , Many , Harm , Fear , Play Book , Pennsylvania Don T , Democrats , Border States , Everywhere , Volume , Mark Kelly , Ballot , Mark Kelley , Politician , Opposite , Party Line , Reelection , Arizona , Restrictions , Senator Kelly , Border Surge , Stop Voting , Ads , Strategist , Bedrock Principles , Debate , Everyone , Headache , Humane , Disaster , Election , Primaries , Non Small Cell Lung Cancer , Feel , Powder Packs , Pedialalyte , Chance , Opdivo Plus Yervoy , Opdivo Plus Yerv , Treatment , Combination , Immunotherapies , Positive , Cell Lung Cancer , Alk , Spread , Adults , Egfr , Pd L1 , Yervoy , Immune System 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