Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With John King 20240708

Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With John King 20240708

ukrainians are, quote, not thinking about comfort, they're thinking about mere survival. his city fell back in early march. so far u.s. defense officials watching the battlefield see no major russian territorial gains in the donbas region to ukraine's east. we are, though, seeing destruction like this in major cities as russia steps up shelling across the east. and ukrainian soldiers are fortifying luhansk, the military governor there tells cnn 80% of his region's territory is under the control of russian forces and he says they're not stopping. >> the whole of luhansk territory is being shelled. there is no safe town. we understand that the russian government is going to push ahead and going to destroy everything on its path. >> let's get the latest now on the ground from cnn's matt rivers who is live for us in lviv. what's the latest? >> reporter: they say they will destroy everything in their path but that's whatever ukrainian forces, i guess, allow them to do based on their own ability to fight back. what we are hearing from the latest report from british intelligence, for example, is the russians have not managed to break through in any substantive way, a lot of different probing attacks across the frontline in the east, perhaps not yet russia throwing the full weight of its military into this fight, that is something we're expecting in the coming days and weeks, of course, but for now it does appear ukraine's front lines in the east are holding. this is an offensive the ukrainians have been expecting for some time now. they're definitely dug in as the russians continue to try and push west taking over more that have donbas region. we're also keeping our eye on the south in the besieged port city of mariupol. we know there are tens of thousands of civilians that still need to be evacuated from the city that has been surrounded and basically cut off from the rest of ukraine by russian forces for weeks now. a slight glim earp of hope today, john, in the sense there was a humanitarian corridor that apparently was opened around 2:00 p.m. reuters reporting they have talked to witnesses who have seen small convoys out of mariupol. cnn cannot independently verify that information and it's so hard to get information out of mariupol because so much of the communications infrastructure there has been destroyed during fighting over the last few weeks. anybody getting out of mariupol at this point would be some sort of a miracle given what we've seen there and given how dire the situation is especially in and around the steel plant complex where the bulk of ukrainian resistance forces have hunkered down as they continue to fight with the russians and we know inside that steel plant complex hundreds of civilians right alongside there with the fighters, the people inside that steel plant complex, john, hoping to be evacuated, calling on a third party country like the united states or maybe turkey to help facilitate that process. a state department official telling cnn earlier today if that were to happen it's likely that a nato ally would be involved but noting that these kinds of attempts in the past, in the recent past, have failed. >> and, matt, as we watch this play out, watching a russian troop buildup, a tank buildup, artillery buildup, a ground war in the east. but russia today also testing an icbm, an intercontinental ballistic missile, sort of bragging about it. >> reporter: yeah. this is their icbm, a system vladimir putin has been bragging about going back several years now. the missile system itself is not new and the idea russia has icbms is not new. this is a concept going back decades. what is notable is this conspicuous timing of all of this. vladimir putin knows if he does a test like this in the middle of a war it might play well at home in state media propaganda and also sends a message to the west and to ukraine. maybe not more of a message than his ground war and the invasion he is conducting in ukraine has sent, of course, but this is clearly a message trying to be sent by the kremlin, look at our new hardware, look at our ability to strike you wherever you are. that's the message they're trying to send. >> matt, grateful for the live reporting. the biden administration here in washington preparing another $800 million in military aid for ukraine. one senior administration official telling cnn this new package could be approved within days. let's get to cnn's barbara starr live for us at the pentagon. barbara, what's in it? >> reporter: clearly trying to move everything as fast as they can. what we are told is to expect to see more artillery n. fact, president biden said that himself yesterday. ammunition, which the ukrainians continue to desperately need, the weapons that they will need for that long-range fight in eastern ukraine. how is all of this shaping up? the battleground looks like this. right now the russians have 78 battalion tactical groups inside the east and south of ukraine. rough math, maybe up to 1,000 troops, in each one of those 78,000 russian troops in the east. and their strategy appears to be to encircle the ukrainian forces that are there. so that means the artillery, the ammunition, the rockets, everything for that long-range fight to keep the russians at bay is going to be urgent. it's going to come in as it has been through nato's eastern flank. the ukrainians will take it clear across the country from the west to the east, and the concern now is that the russians may try to attack those convoys and rail cars that are expected to be carrying this equipment. so the urgency to get it right to the front lines is growing more dire as what matt rivers just laid out is happening there. they need to get it there, and they need to get it there fast. john? >> barbara starr live at the pentagon for us. thank you. let's get important insights from retired major general cnn military analyst dana pattard, hunting the caliphate. grateful for your time today. let's start with what barbara star was talking about in terms of the battlefield right now. this is what russia wants. russia wants donetsk, luhansk, the entire don bass region. it has troops coming in this way, troops here, the russian border is here n. terms of the military aid, you heard barbara starr talk about, general, how -- is there any other way -- is there any other way than bringing it all the way across the country like that? should the united states and nato allies be looking for other but they would be provocative delivery options. >> good afternoon, john. yes. i mean, logistics is always tough and the best way is what you just drew from poland through the middle of western ukraine, but to ensure that is protected, as we've talked about before, the u.s. and nato need to immediately declare western ukraine as a humanitarian assistance zone from kyiv in the north to odesa in the south and west to the polish border. and that way they can protect supply lines. they can ensure that air defense systems are in place so that when russia tries to shoot missiles or that can be stopped. trying to get the weapons and munitions to the place where they're needed in the east. >> you heard a military commander, i want to come in closer on mariupol, ukrainian marine commander, saying he thinks this could be final hours, maybe final weeks or days if they are lucky. appealing for third-party help. a senior administration official saying there have been conversations with the russians. trying to get in and rescue people this is mariupol, the steel factor here as you see it. it's right along the port. i just want people to see the devastation but now i want to show it here in mariupol. is there any way -- is there any way if you come out to the broader map, for some nato country in the middle of a war to go in here and have a rescue mission? >> i think it's highly unlikely in the circumstances that the ukrainians find themselves in right now. brave, courageous, defense of mariupol. it is tying up so many russian forces. in fact, when the russians, and i do think they will finally take mariupol at some point, what do they have? they have a destroyed city they can do very little with. they deserve to be evacuated. it's unlikely they can be evacuated by a third party at this point. >> as you put this all together, general, help me understand, we're in day three or so of what they believe is this new russian offensive in the east. the pentagon would say no major territorial gains. they would also say russia is deliberately more methodical, is learning from some of the mistakes it made over here. as you discuss this new $800 million package already being delivered, another $800 million package being considered, as the russian troops try to do this and they have forces down here as well, what? what is most important for the united states, other nato countries trying to help ukraine with heavy offensive weaponry, what systems do you think are most critical at this moment? >> i think what's most critical right now the artillery systems and munitions, of course, but tanks, and tanks weren't a part of the package. they need tanks to be able to quickly maneuver as a quick reaction force along with other forces the ukrainians have as the russians try to envelop them. and then, of course, aircraft. release the migs, the mig aircraft from poland, romania and others. they could use that right now. the russians have nearly 80,000 troops in that area, but it still may not be enough this is the same area the russians have tried to take now for eight years. the ukrainians are dug in. it's trench warfare in some places. they're trying to outmaneuver the ukrainians by enveloping them. what the ukraines appear to have, they can parry each of those blows as they happen. >> general pittard, so grateful for your insights. thank you so much. >> thank you, john. up next for us, mask confusion at the highest levels of government. the 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mandate for public transportation. two days later now, white house lawyers are still debating whether to appeal and the president says you should use your best judgment when deciding whether to mask up. with me to share their reporting and insights, cnn's abby philip, jackie kisinich of "the daily beast." this has been a major issue, they knew it was challenged in the court. ask the president, he says, i don't know. >> mr. president, should people continue to wear masks on planes? >> that's up to them. >> are you going to appeal the ruling the judge made striking down the mandate? >> i haven't spoken to the cdc yet. >> that's about 24 hours after. we're now almost 48 hours after this ruling, 40 plus anyway. it just seems like they are deliberately, like, let's take some time here, which is different than if we roll back the tape a couple months ago. >> the white house, i think, views this moment as fundamental did if different from a year ago or two years ago. we have vaccines, a lot more protections for people and a better understanding of how the virus works. from their perspective, i think they view the role of mandates as waning, both their efficacy when in place and also just in general the feeling that americans want to move forward. they want to move on. even if it's popular right now, which some of the polling suggests that it is, transportation mask mandate, that over time more and more americans want to move toward nor normalcy. >> that's why polling can be both interesting and somewhat deceptive. this is from an ap poll conducted just a couple weeks ago, a week or so ago. favor, 56%. neutral 2078s. opposed 24%. you can look at that and say this is majority plus, 56% popular. but -- but -- the energy, and we're in a mid-term election year, the energy is on those who don't like this mask mandate. >> and it was going to expire in fairly short order. i think one of the things they're grappling with, an administration official said yesterday inside different people feel different things about how to go forward with this which i think encapsulates where we're at. they don't want cdc mandates to be undermined by this in the future. at the same time what's the risk/reward politically and from a public health perspective of fighting this, of trying to get it reimplemented when it was something that for all intents and purposes was being phased out going into the summer months. it does seem like they're between a rock and a hard place with this. >> right. i think part of the issue here is the political imperatives and the legal imperatives are in conflict here and the public health imperative. they want to leave this to the cdc. that's what the mantra has been for a long time, the white house, we're going to follow the science, let the science determine what we do. and if they do determine this is no longer needed or we are at a phase where a mandate of this kind is not necessary, that's one thing. if we have another spike, they're the ones who are going to get the blame for that and you have the very important future looking issue of if they go ahead and challenge this and they lose, then what happens the next time there is a flare-up and you actually can't count on the legality of having a mandate in place when you need one. so there's a lot of cross currents that are not easily -- they don't blend together easily. they don't end up with a pat answer of the kind the white house would like to be able to give. >> and that's a critical point in the sense any administration would want to defend its authority to do things in a major public health crisis. you would think even if it's about to expire and you're dead right about that, we need to protect the cdc's authority. the question is, is this the case to push that with? this is from our cnn reporting on this at the 11th circuit which oversees appellate challenges from florida, it would be a precedent for all the other federal courts in that circuit which covers the southeast. a supreme court ruling obviously would put the cdc's authority nationwide. think about the region, the 11th circuit covers. those are most of the states that have been challenging the biden administration on covid policy anyway. the question is, ultimately they may have to pick this fight, but is this where to pick it? >> sometimes the way to maintain the authority that they want is to not push this forward into a higher court where you could end up with a precedent that they can't fight down the road. there's some awareness of that because this is -- this is one pandemic. this is covid-19. it's probably not going to be the last pandemic. it may not even be the last significant wave of this pandemic. and so not just from a legal perspective but also from just a persuasion perspective. they have to maintain their ability to say to americans, please do this for your safety and for the safety of others. and if they can't do that any longer, that's why the mask mandate was probably going to go away anyway, they need to roll those things back so that when they need to roll them forward when it matters they still have the authority to do that. >> and if that's the case shouldn't they have just said we're going to let this one go? it was going to expire anyway? as opposed to if the cdc wants us to appeal, we'll think about it. we're 48 hours in now. seems to be adding to the confusion. we will see what the ultimate decision is. when we come back, fantastic political story, desantis versus disney. what this fight tells us about the politics in florida and the ambitions of its republican governor. before i went to aspen dental, i had a lot of infection going on and i was having extractions done on a traditional, regular basis. when terry first came in, he wanted a long term sotion, and that's someing we were able to offer him. their care, their consideration, their empathy, a of that. i can't say enough about. absolutely hands down, aspen dental changed my life. at aspen dental, our team of denture experts will do anything to make you smile. schedule your complimentary denture consultation today. there's a special legislative session in florida this week and the governor is trying to make the most of it. lawmakers are voting on a new congressional map, one drawn by governor ron desantis. it is very generous to republicans. very generous to say the least. and the lawmakers today are discussing steps to possibly punish disney. that after the company took issues with florida's so-called don't say gay law. live right there in tallahassee, diane, what is happening today? >> reporter: john, just in the past couple of minutes here the florida state senate did pass that bill that would eliminate what's called the redding creek improvement district, the se self-governing special district set up for disney. this was a bill only added to the special session docket yesterday. many of the members, even the ranking member didn't even know about it until it was announced. democrats view this as retribution, as almost a revenge decision from the governor after disney executives spoke out once that bill was signed into law that prevents schools and teachers from discussing gender identity and sexual orientation with young children. now disney at that point pulled some of their fund-raising -- donations saying they weren't going to do political donations in florida. they said they hoped the bill would be overturned. desantis back then in march said he thought that was a bridge too far from disney and had sort of foreshadowed this might happen. the man who brought that bill up in the house told me this wasn't revenge. he didn't feel like it was retribution. but when disney spoke out, they kicked the bear, that they poke the bear, they kicked a nest of hornets and started looking into disney. that's when they noticed this special district. i did want to point out, john, this was only special districts that had not updated themselves after 1968. so it's disney and i believe four other districts affected. but ron desantis sent out a fund-raising note this morning essentially saying disney spoke out and they see what they get. >> the governor trying to raise money, get political points for that one, dianne. that's an aggressive tactic. so, too, is his congressional map. what's the status of that? >> reporter: so the state senate also passing that congressional map this morning. now i do want to be very clear about the fact the house still has to do all of this as well. we're expecting most of that to take place tomorrow. but that map will likely eliminate two of the black members of congress that florida has, their districts. there are only five, four democrats and two of those districts under this map would disappear. they would be divided up. obviously democrats are speaking out against it. they don't have the power to do anything about this. what makes this most interesting and most unique here in florida, though, the legislature is controlled by republicans, john. they passed their own version of maps during the regular session, and the governor vetoed those maps instead offering this version and essentially saying you've got to do this. and so they did it. they did not make any sort of changes. and yesterday they even brought in one of his legislative aides telling him, this is what we did. there was no real debate from republicans on this whatsoever. >> dianne gallagher on the ground. i want to get into some of the particulars. let's just start with the governor who, yes, wants to be re-elected governor, but he has some other plans. >> disney wasn't the only major corporation that he threatened recently. he threatened twitter for keeping elon musk from buying it and saying that, you know, somehow they should be punished in florida somehow. he's also going to nevada to campaign with a senate candidate there. it just seems like a lot of this you have to view it through the context of what his broader ambitions may be perhaps on a national stage. perhaps in 2024. but these very trumpian way of doing things in terms of punishing anyone who speaks out against him is something that's really earning him points on the right. because these are companies that are seen as pushing back on some of the more conservative moves. >> and by trying to draw attention by taking it as dianne notes, a map drawn and saying not bad but i can do even better, meaning i can punish the democrats even more. if you look at the new map florida is gaining a seat, 16 republicans now. those who look at the desantis map thinks that's where it will end up, 20, even 21, and the democrats would lose four and would go to seven or eight. that's fairly aggressive. it gets you a lot of attention in your state and more. >> two elements. one, that is a pretty significant gain for republicans not just in that state but in the overall context of redistricting in the country where democrats had actually come out that have process doing okay because a lot of the congressional maps were struck down by courts, they were able to get maps they viewed as more fair this would basically wipe that out completely according to a lot of experts. he's doing it by eliminating a lot of districts that are represented by black lawmakers and so part of the explicit part of this is for desantis to say he's calling some of these districts gerrymander, race neutral, eliminating a lot of districts represented by plurality of black voters. that's participate of the culture war, too. >> right. part of the culture war. let's look at some of the headlines. florida rejects 41% of new math textbooks. desantis moves against disney. desantis proposes new florida congressional map. desantis signs the 15-week abortion ban into law. ron desantis is trying to raise his national profile and his state profile, but this is a reflection, we talk about his trump influence growing or waning. forget trump for a second. this is a changing republican party heading into 2022 emphasizing a lot of the cultural issues. >> it is very trumpian tack when it comes to disney punishing your opponents, your detractors, the headlines he's putting out there are clearly what he's after in some regard. they are sort of all on the theme of going after woke culture, going after progressive values, abortion rights, this whole discussion about critical race theory. we heard some of the themes come up and it's no coincidence a lot of issues are going to drive the mid-term message for republicans that are then going to feed into the presidential election cycle and they are, republicans believe, where voters are going to be in terms of the people they need to appeal to both among very hard core conservatives but also when they try to reach beyond that into more sort of suburban, independent territory. some of these issues are what they think are going to give them an edge to instill fear in people, that there is a change under way in this country that they don't want to see and the republicans are the ones who will push back against it and that's, i think, what he's teeing off and what a lot of republicans are teeing up for this year and beyond. >> as you mentioned the suburbs. florida will be one of the many test cases. can republicans come back in the suburbs after the last couple of cycles or punished. we'll watch that one. back to ukraine and a critical meeting as president zelenskyy welcomes a top eu official. what they discussed next. he knows he's covered with zero overdraft fees when he overdraws his account by fifty bucks or less. overdraft assist from chase. make more of what's yoyours. with hepatitis c i felt i couldn't be at my best for my family. in only 8 weeks with mavyret i was cured. i faced reminders of my hep c every day. i worried about my hep c. but in only 8 weeks with mavyret i was cured. mavyret is the only 8-week cure for all types of hep c. before starting mavyret your doctor will test if 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mariupol. still, mariupol's mayor urging residents to evacuate today saying one boarding location is near a steel factory under assault. that steel factory sheltering the last ukrainian troops. and civilians. this is day three. so far no major territorial gains according to a new u.s. assessment. pentagon officials, though, believe russia is moving slowly, metho methodically, on purpose trying to learn from lessons made at the beginning of the war. in kharkiv, two people were found dead. they stayed back to care for animals amid heavy russian shelling there of the city and of the zoo. those workers had been missing since last month. back to barbara starr at the pentagon with new reporting what the pentagon sees in the new russian icbm test. >> reporter: john, by definition an icbm, intercontinental ballistic missile could hit the u.s., it would have that capability. this test is not a threat and is not of particular concern to them. they knew it was coming. why are they saying this? russia properly notified the test through international authorities, the u.s., other countries, have obligations to notify these kinds of ballistic missile tests, and the russians lived up to those obligations. the u.s. knew the test window was open. they knew when the missile launched and when it was going out into far eastern russia from its launch point. how did they know this? u.s. satellite, u.s. intelligence assets are able to track the signature, if you will, the heat given off by these kinds of missile launches, and are able to track them all the way to their target. so the u.s. knew this was not something aimed at the u.s. they knew it was a test this is a program the russians have been working on for some time. it's a program they say will become operational in the coming months after they finish the test phase and it will replace a soviet-era icbm they have obviously had for some time. doesn't mean that the u.s. isn't watching this carefully. they've tracked putin's statements. he is using a lot of inflammatory and escalatory language these days, but it's a question of intentions versus capabilities, they do not believe that this missile has any intention of striking in an adversarial way at this point but it does demonstrate that the russians are modernizing that very capability. john? >> critical reporting and context, barbara starr at the pentagon, thank you so much. european council president charles michelle the latest foreign leader to visit ukraine standing alongside president zelenskyy today said russia must pay for the devastation it has caused in ukraine. >> there are no words to explain what i feel as president of the european council, as father of human beings, these are war crimes. it must be punished. >> cnn international diplomatic editor nic robertson standing by live for us in brussels. nic, the symbolism of visiting kyiv is important, anything else, any substance to come of this? >> reporter: michel promising a donor conference the 5th of may, the world bank involved, sweden and poland along with the eu. he said they would be putting it together. so important financial assistance he said that would continue to flow to ukraine for humanitarian, the military component continuing to flow. he said it's important ukraine can continue to pay its government services, government employees in the days and weeks ahead but also committed to helping rebuild ukraine. zelenskyy, interestingly, said nothing on the horizon at the moment in terms of any peace negotiations with russia. he said there were 120,000 civilians still trapped in mariupol, a much bigger number than we've heard, but the ukrainian president putting that out there saying essentially they're in danger at the moment from russian forces. and another interesting point from zelenskyy, very interesting in the context most leaders that come to visit him or he talks to virtually, he berates them over not providing enough weapons or dragging their feet on sanctions or whatever it is. today he said he felt a warming from western nations over the weapons supplies to ukraine and even said he's getting some aircraft. he said he wasn't going to go into any specifics on the aircraft and precisely what he's receiving but it does seem like the ukrainian president is feeling a little better about the military hardware he's getting. but, still, standing there side by side with the european union leader wanting more on the sanctions and saying the oil needs to be high on the agenda of things to be embargoed from russia. >> nic robertson, grateful for that important reporting. up next, the russian billionaire says putin's war is, quote, insane, but don't bet, just don't bet, the russian president will listen. ♪i got bongos thumping in my chest♪ ♪and somemething tells me they don't beat me♪ ♪ ♪ ♪he'd bebetter not take the rig from me.♪ if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose 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reason vladimir putin has long sought to steal. ukraine's east, as you see on the map there and putin is hardly the first russian or soviet leader for that matter to claim this area belongs to russia. steve, grateful for your time. literally 100 years old, propaganda post they're shows the heart beating coming out of this region of ukraine, describes it as the heart of russia. vladimir putin likes to fancy himself as this big, major historical figure. why is the donbas so important? >> to hit on your last point first, most people in the west when you talk about what is a president's legacy, they talk about maybe some legislative reforms. he wants to be the new czar. the parts of russia still out there, he sees himself as an emperor and ukraine has been critically important to the soviet empire for metal works or that sort of thing but it's the breadbasket, used to be the breadbasket of the soviet union. it's important in economic terms as well as imperial philosophical terms. >> one of the questions, day 56 of the fighting in ukraine, will he listen to anybody? i think i know your answer. one of the oligarchs on instagram, i don't see a single beneficiary of this insane war. they realize they have a not so good army as i will paraphrase there. the civil servants are in shock not only against the children, don't want to go to the mediterranean this summer. 90% of russians are against this war. these are the wealthy people who have benefited, stolen state assets during his governing. is he listening now or in the blinders? >> the oligarchs are in an interesting position because they became rich early on so they're in a real interesting position economically. in terms of who putin will listen to, the more pressure that comes his way the better. you never know what he will make his decisions on or who he will listen to. the innermost circle he will listen to pieces of not necessarily follow their counsel but will listen to them. what he will really hear is when his own interests, and that is putinism, when his own interests are put at risk. the more his inner circle begins to tell putin, look, the stuff you are really interested in, your legacy, your continued well-being as a leader, leadership role, as those things come into more and more question on the part of putin and his inner circle, those realities is what he will listen to. >> do you see any evidence in the context of part of your old job to break through the bluster and propaganda and if there are any shifts in his language, his actions? today they have the icbm test and he does the chest pounding, anybody who is against russia should take deep thought. any indication this is getting to him? >> so not yet. any signs that this is getting through to him. the one that you just mentioned is clear, the saber rattling they continue to do. it's hard to tell what he bases his decisions on. >> grateful for your insights as we continue this important piece of the story. the unbelievable true story of the man who took on putin and lived to expose the important truth. "navalny" airs sunday only here on cnn. coming up, michelle obama's brother is suing a private school in wisconsin. we'll tell you why next. [singiging] oven roasted cooold cuts cooold cuts my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...the itching... the burning. the stinging. my sn was no longer mine. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®... ...most people saw 90% earer skin at 16 weeks. the majority of people saw 90% clearer skin even at 5 years. tremfya® is the first medication of its kind also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis. and, it's six doses a year, after two starter doses. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®. ask your doctor about tremfya® today. 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(gentle music) your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit topping our political radar the president, joe biden and the first lady, jill biden, will attend the correspondents dinner. covid shut it down so this will be the first time a sitting president will attend since barack obama was in office. former president trump always skipped it. trump also facing a new political blow as the tennessee republican party voted to boot a candidate with his endorsement off the balance lot. that decision came after state party officials agreed to challenges to three that raised questions. ortega said she is, quote, disappointed. michelle obama's brother and his wife are suing a private school in wisconsin. they raised concerns about racial bias at the university school of milwaukee and their two sons, they say, were kicked out of school as a result. the school is defending the move saying the students were rejected of how the parents communicated, alleging they violated school policy. south carolina congressman tim scott laying out his vision mentioning trump only once. he did criticize public schools. >> teaching kids some are oppressors are just as bad as teaching other kids they're always going to be victims. >> scott is the only black republican snenator. he says he is passionate about becoming the party of parents. thanks for your time. ana cabrera picks up our coverage right now. hello. i'm ana cabrera. thank you for being with us. we begin this hour with an unsettling escalation in the messaging and muscle flexing fro from vladimir putin. a test launch of its new intercontinental ballistic missile and ominously putin had this to say. quote, this truly unique weapon will s

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Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With John King 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With John King 20240708

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ukrainians are, quote, not thinking about comfort, they're thinking about mere survival. his city fell back in early march. so far u.s. defense officials watching the battlefield see no major russian territorial gains in the donbas region to ukraine's east. we are, though, seeing destruction like this in major cities as russia steps up shelling across the east. and ukrainian soldiers are fortifying luhansk, the military governor there tells cnn 80% of his region's territory is under the control of russian forces and he says they're not stopping. >> the whole of luhansk territory is being shelled. there is no safe town. we understand that the russian government is going to push ahead and going to destroy everything on its path. >> let's get the latest now on the ground from cnn's matt rivers who is live for us in lviv. what's the latest? >> reporter: they say they will destroy everything in their path but that's whatever ukrainian forces, i guess, allow them to do based on their own ability to fight back. what we are hearing from the latest report from british intelligence, for example, is the russians have not managed to break through in any substantive way, a lot of different probing attacks across the frontline in the east, perhaps not yet russia throwing the full weight of its military into this fight, that is something we're expecting in the coming days and weeks, of course, but for now it does appear ukraine's front lines in the east are holding. this is an offensive the ukrainians have been expecting for some time now. they're definitely dug in as the russians continue to try and push west taking over more that have donbas region. we're also keeping our eye on the south in the besieged port city of mariupol. we know there are tens of thousands of civilians that still need to be evacuated from the city that has been surrounded and basically cut off from the rest of ukraine by russian forces for weeks now. a slight glim earp of hope today, john, in the sense there was a humanitarian corridor that apparently was opened around 2:00 p.m. reuters reporting they have talked to witnesses who have seen small convoys out of mariupol. cnn cannot independently verify that information and it's so hard to get information out of mariupol because so much of the communications infrastructure there has been destroyed during fighting over the last few weeks. anybody getting out of mariupol at this point would be some sort of a miracle given what we've seen there and given how dire the situation is especially in and around the steel plant complex where the bulk of ukrainian resistance forces have hunkered down as they continue to fight with the russians and we know inside that steel plant complex hundreds of civilians right alongside there with the fighters, the people inside that steel plant complex, john, hoping to be evacuated, calling on a third party country like the united states or maybe turkey to help facilitate that process. a state department official telling cnn earlier today if that were to happen it's likely that a nato ally would be involved but noting that these kinds of attempts in the past, in the recent past, have failed. >> and, matt, as we watch this play out, watching a russian troop buildup, a tank buildup, artillery buildup, a ground war in the east. but russia today also testing an icbm, an intercontinental ballistic missile, sort of bragging about it. >> reporter: yeah. this is their icbm, a system vladimir putin has been bragging about going back several years now. the missile system itself is not new and the idea russia has icbms is not new. this is a concept going back decades. what is notable is this conspicuous timing of all of this. vladimir putin knows if he does a test like this in the middle of a war it might play well at home in state media propaganda and also sends a message to the west and to ukraine. maybe not more of a message than his ground war and the invasion he is conducting in ukraine has sent, of course, but this is clearly a message trying to be sent by the kremlin, look at our new hardware, look at our ability to strike you wherever you are. that's the message they're trying to send. >> matt, grateful for the live reporting. the biden administration here in washington preparing another $800 million in military aid for ukraine. one senior administration official telling cnn this new package could be approved within days. let's get to cnn's barbara starr live for us at the pentagon. barbara, what's in it? >> reporter: clearly trying to move everything as fast as they can. what we are told is to expect to see more artillery n. fact, president biden said that himself yesterday. ammunition, which the ukrainians continue to desperately need, the weapons that they will need for that long-range fight in eastern ukraine. how is all of this shaping up? the battleground looks like this. right now the russians have 78 battalion tactical groups inside the east and south of ukraine. rough math, maybe up to 1,000 troops, in each one of those 78,000 russian troops in the east. and their strategy appears to be to encircle the ukrainian forces that are there. so that means the artillery, the ammunition, the rockets, everything for that long-range fight to keep the russians at bay is going to be urgent. it's going to come in as it has been through nato's eastern flank. the ukrainians will take it clear across the country from the west to the east, and the concern now is that the russians may try to attack those convoys and rail cars that are expected to be carrying this equipment. so the urgency to get it right to the front lines is growing more dire as what matt rivers just laid out is happening there. they need to get it there, and they need to get it there fast. john? >> barbara starr live at the pentagon for us. thank you. let's get important insights from retired major general cnn military analyst dana pattard, hunting the caliphate. grateful for your time today. let's start with what barbara star was talking about in terms of the battlefield right now. this is what russia wants. russia wants donetsk, luhansk, the entire don bass region. it has troops coming in this way, troops here, the russian border is here n. terms of the military aid, you heard barbara starr talk about, general, how -- is there any other way -- is there any other way than bringing it all the way across the country like that? should the united states and nato allies be looking for other but they would be provocative delivery options. >> good afternoon, john. yes. i mean, logistics is always tough and the best way is what you just drew from poland through the middle of western ukraine, but to ensure that is protected, as we've talked about before, the u.s. and nato need to immediately declare western ukraine as a humanitarian assistance zone from kyiv in the north to odesa in the south and west to the polish border. and that way they can protect supply lines. they can ensure that air defense systems are in place so that when russia tries to shoot missiles or that can be stopped. trying to get the weapons and munitions to the place where they're needed in the east. >> you heard a military commander, i want to come in closer on mariupol, ukrainian marine commander, saying he thinks this could be final hours, maybe final weeks or days if they are lucky. appealing for third-party help. a senior administration official saying there have been conversations with the russians. trying to get in and rescue people this is mariupol, the steel factor here as you see it. it's right along the port. i just want people to see the devastation but now i want to show it here in mariupol. is there any way -- is there any way if you come out to the broader map, for some nato country in the middle of a war to go in here and have a rescue mission? >> i think it's highly unlikely in the circumstances that the ukrainians find themselves in right now. brave, courageous, defense of mariupol. it is tying up so many russian forces. in fact, when the russians, and i do think they will finally take mariupol at some point, what do they have? they have a destroyed city they can do very little with. they deserve to be evacuated. it's unlikely they can be evacuated by a third party at this point. >> as you put this all together, general, help me understand, we're in day three or so of what they believe is this new russian offensive in the east. the pentagon would say no major territorial gains. they would also say russia is deliberately more methodical, is learning from some of the mistakes it made over here. as you discuss this new $800 million package already being delivered, another $800 million package being considered, as the russian troops try to do this and they have forces down here as well, what? what is most important for the united states, other nato countries trying to help ukraine with heavy offensive weaponry, what systems do you think are most critical at this moment? >> i think what's most critical right now the artillery systems and munitions, of course, but tanks, and tanks weren't a part of the package. they need tanks to be able to quickly maneuver as a quick reaction force along with other forces the ukrainians have as the russians try to envelop them. and then, of course, aircraft. release the migs, the mig aircraft from poland, romania and others. they could use that right now. the russians have nearly 80,000 troops in that area, but it still may not be enough this is the same area the russians have tried to take now for eight years. the ukrainians are dug in. it's trench warfare in some places. they're trying to outmaneuver the ukrainians by enveloping them. what the ukraines appear to have, they can parry each of those blows as they happen. >> general pittard, so grateful for your insights. thank you so much. >> thank you, john. up next for us, mask confusion at the highest levels of government. the question whether it will appeal a ruling that tosses out its public transportation mask mandate. cloudy glasses? when detergent alone isn't enough..... ...add finish jet dry 3 in 1. to dry, prevevent spots, and protect glasses against cloudineness. ththe dishes aren't done without finish jet dry 3 in 1. before i got aura, twenty-four of my online accounts were hacked! he uses the same password for everything. i didn't want to deal with it. but aura digital security just dealt with it. what were we worried about again? shopping on public wifi is sketchy. but with aura digital security, my devices are protected in like 3 minutes. it's time to protect your life online with aura's all-in-one digital security. try for free today at what was that password anyway? ew. you don't know how much pressure you put on your septic system. but rid-x does. in a 21 month study, scientists proved that rid- x reduces up to 20% of waste build up every month. take the pressure off with rid-x. cal: our 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mandate for public transportation. two days later now, white house lawyers are still debating whether to appeal and the president says you should use your best judgment when deciding whether to mask up. with me to share their reporting and insights, cnn's abby philip, jackie kisinich of "the daily beast." this has been a major issue, they knew it was challenged in the court. ask the president, he says, i don't know. >> mr. president, should people continue to wear masks on planes? >> that's up to them. >> are you going to appeal the ruling the judge made striking down the mandate? >> i haven't spoken to the cdc yet. >> that's about 24 hours after. we're now almost 48 hours after this ruling, 40 plus anyway. it just seems like they are deliberately, like, let's take some time here, which is different than if we roll back the tape a couple months ago. >> the white house, i think, views this moment as fundamental did if different from a year ago or two years ago. we have vaccines, a lot more protections for people and a better understanding of how the virus works. from their perspective, i think they view the role of mandates as waning, both their efficacy when in place and also just in general the feeling that americans want to move forward. they want to move on. even if it's popular right now, which some of the polling suggests that it is, transportation mask mandate, that over time more and more americans want to move toward nor normalcy. >> that's why polling can be both interesting and somewhat deceptive. this is from an ap poll conducted just a couple weeks ago, a week or so ago. favor, 56%. neutral 2078s. opposed 24%. you can look at that and say this is majority plus, 56% popular. but -- but -- the energy, and we're in a mid-term election year, the energy is on those who don't like this mask mandate. >> and it was going to expire in fairly short order. i think one of the things they're grappling with, an administration official said yesterday inside different people feel different things about how to go forward with this which i think encapsulates where we're at. they don't want cdc mandates to be undermined by this in the future. at the same time what's the risk/reward politically and from a public health perspective of fighting this, of trying to get it reimplemented when it was something that for all intents and purposes was being phased out going into the summer months. it does seem like they're between a rock and a hard place with this. >> right. i think part of the issue here is the political imperatives and the legal imperatives are in conflict here and the public health imperative. they want to leave this to the cdc. that's what the mantra has been for a long time, the white house, we're going to follow the science, let the science determine what we do. and if they do determine this is no longer needed or we are at a phase where a mandate of this kind is not necessary, that's one thing. if we have another spike, they're the ones who are going to get the blame for that and you have the very important future looking issue of if they go ahead and challenge this and they lose, then what happens the next time there is a flare-up and you actually can't count on the legality of having a mandate in place when you need one. so there's a lot of cross currents that are not easily -- they don't blend together easily. they don't end up with a pat answer of the kind the white house would like to be able to give. >> and that's a critical point in the sense any administration would want to defend its authority to do things in a major public health crisis. you would think even if it's about to expire and you're dead right about that, we need to protect the cdc's authority. the question is, is this the case to push that with? this is from our cnn reporting on this at the 11th circuit which oversees appellate challenges from florida, it would be a precedent for all the other federal courts in that circuit which covers the southeast. a supreme court ruling obviously would put the cdc's authority nationwide. think about the region, the 11th circuit covers. those are most of the states that have been challenging the biden administration on covid policy anyway. the question is, ultimately they may have to pick this fight, but is this where to pick it? >> sometimes the way to maintain the authority that they want is to not push this forward into a higher court where you could end up with a precedent that they can't fight down the road. there's some awareness of that because this is -- this is one pandemic. this is covid-19. it's probably not going to be the last pandemic. it may not even be the last significant wave of this pandemic. and so not just from a legal perspective but also from just a persuasion perspective. they have to maintain their ability to say to americans, please do this for your safety and for the safety of others. and if they can't do that any longer, that's why the mask mandate was probably going to go away anyway, they need to roll those things back so that when they need to roll them forward when it matters they still have the authority to do that. >> and if that's the case shouldn't they have just said we're going to let this one go? it was going to expire anyway? as opposed to if the cdc wants us to appeal, we'll think about it. we're 48 hours in now. seems to be adding to the confusion. we will see what the ultimate decision is. when we come back, fantastic political story, desantis versus disney. what this fight tells us about the politics in florida and the ambitions of its republican governor. before i went to aspen dental, i had a lot of infection going on and i was having extractions done on a traditional, regular basis. when terry first came in, he wanted a long term sotion, and that's someing we were able to offer him. their care, their consideration, their empathy, a of that. i can't say enough about. absolutely hands down, aspen dental changed my life. at aspen dental, our team of denture experts will do anything to make you smile. schedule your complimentary denture consultation today. there's a special legislative session in florida this week and the governor is trying to make the most of it. lawmakers are voting on a new congressional map, one drawn by governor ron desantis. it is very generous to republicans. very generous to say the least. and the lawmakers today are discussing steps to possibly punish disney. that after the company took issues with florida's so-called don't say gay law. live right there in tallahassee, diane, what is happening today? >> reporter: john, just in the past couple of minutes here the florida state senate did pass that bill that would eliminate what's called the redding creek improvement district, the se self-governing special district set up for disney. this was a bill only added to the special session docket yesterday. many of the members, even the ranking member didn't even know about it until it was announced. democrats view this as retribution, as almost a revenge decision from the governor after disney executives spoke out once that bill was signed into law that prevents schools and teachers from discussing gender identity and sexual orientation with young children. now disney at that point pulled some of their fund-raising -- donations saying they weren't going to do political donations in florida. they said they hoped the bill would be overturned. desantis back then in march said he thought that was a bridge too far from disney and had sort of foreshadowed this might happen. the man who brought that bill up in the house told me this wasn't revenge. he didn't feel like it was retribution. but when disney spoke out, they kicked the bear, that they poke the bear, they kicked a nest of hornets and started looking into disney. that's when they noticed this special district. i did want to point out, john, this was only special districts that had not updated themselves after 1968. so it's disney and i believe four other districts affected. but ron desantis sent out a fund-raising note this morning essentially saying disney spoke out and they see what they get. >> the governor trying to raise money, get political points for that one, dianne. that's an aggressive tactic. so, too, is his congressional map. what's the status of that? >> reporter: so the state senate also passing that congressional map this morning. now i do want to be very clear about the fact the house still has to do all of this as well. we're expecting most of that to take place tomorrow. but that map will likely eliminate two of the black members of congress that florida has, their districts. there are only five, four democrats and two of those districts under this map would disappear. they would be divided up. obviously democrats are speaking out against it. they don't have the power to do anything about this. what makes this most interesting and most unique here in florida, though, the legislature is controlled by republicans, john. they passed their own version of maps during the regular session, and the governor vetoed those maps instead offering this version and essentially saying you've got to do this. and so they did it. they did not make any sort of changes. and yesterday they even brought in one of his legislative aides telling him, this is what we did. there was no real debate from republicans on this whatsoever. >> dianne gallagher on the ground. i want to get into some of the particulars. let's just start with the governor who, yes, wants to be re-elected governor, but he has some other plans. >> disney wasn't the only major corporation that he threatened recently. he threatened twitter for keeping elon musk from buying it and saying that, you know, somehow they should be punished in florida somehow. he's also going to nevada to campaign with a senate candidate there. it just seems like a lot of this you have to view it through the context of what his broader ambitions may be perhaps on a national stage. perhaps in 2024. but these very trumpian way of doing things in terms of punishing anyone who speaks out against him is something that's really earning him points on the right. because these are companies that are seen as pushing back on some of the more conservative moves. >> and by trying to draw attention by taking it as dianne notes, a map drawn and saying not bad but i can do even better, meaning i can punish the democrats even more. if you look at the new map florida is gaining a seat, 16 republicans now. those who look at the desantis map thinks that's where it will end up, 20, even 21, and the democrats would lose four and would go to seven or eight. that's fairly aggressive. it gets you a lot of attention in your state and more. >> two elements. one, that is a pretty significant gain for republicans not just in that state but in the overall context of redistricting in the country where democrats had actually come out that have process doing okay because a lot of the congressional maps were struck down by courts, they were able to get maps they viewed as more fair this would basically wipe that out completely according to a lot of experts. he's doing it by eliminating a lot of districts that are represented by black lawmakers and so part of the explicit part of this is for desantis to say he's calling some of these districts gerrymander, race neutral, eliminating a lot of districts represented by plurality of black voters. that's participate of the culture war, too. >> right. part of the culture war. let's look at some of the headlines. florida rejects 41% of new math textbooks. desantis moves against disney. desantis proposes new florida congressional map. desantis signs the 15-week abortion ban into law. ron desantis is trying to raise his national profile and his state profile, but this is a reflection, we talk about his trump influence growing or waning. forget trump for a second. this is a changing republican party heading into 2022 emphasizing a lot of the cultural issues. >> it is very trumpian tack when it comes to disney punishing your opponents, your detractors, the headlines he's putting out there are clearly what he's after in some regard. they are sort of all on the theme of going after woke culture, going after progressive values, abortion rights, this whole discussion about critical race theory. we heard some of the themes come up and it's no coincidence a lot of issues are going to drive the mid-term message for republicans that are then going to feed into the presidential election cycle and they are, republicans believe, where voters are going to be in terms of the people they need to appeal to both among very hard core conservatives but also when they try to reach beyond that into more sort of suburban, independent territory. some of these issues are what they think are going to give them an edge to instill fear in people, that there is a change under way in this country that they don't want to see and the republicans are the ones who will push back against it and that's, i think, what he's teeing off and what a lot of republicans are teeing up for this year and beyond. >> as you mentioned the suburbs. florida will be one of the many test cases. can republicans come back in the suburbs after the last couple of cycles or punished. we'll watch that one. back to ukraine and a critical meeting as president zelenskyy welcomes a top eu official. what they discussed next. he knows he's covered with zero overdraft fees when he overdraws his account by fifty bucks or less. overdraft assist from chase. make more of what's yoyours. with hepatitis c i felt i couldn't be at my best for my family. in only 8 weeks with mavyret i was cured. i faced reminders of my hep c every day. i worried about my hep c. but in only 8 weeks with mavyret i was cured. mavyret is the only 8-week cure for all types of hep c. before starting mavyret your doctor will test if 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mariupol. still, mariupol's mayor urging residents to evacuate today saying one boarding location is near a steel factory under assault. that steel factory sheltering the last ukrainian troops. and civilians. this is day three. so far no major territorial gains according to a new u.s. assessment. pentagon officials, though, believe russia is moving slowly, metho methodically, on purpose trying to learn from lessons made at the beginning of the war. in kharkiv, two people were found dead. they stayed back to care for animals amid heavy russian shelling there of the city and of the zoo. those workers had been missing since last month. back to barbara starr at the pentagon with new reporting what the pentagon sees in the new russian icbm test. >> reporter: john, by definition an icbm, intercontinental ballistic missile could hit the u.s., it would have that capability. this test is not a threat and is not of particular concern to them. they knew it was coming. why are they saying this? russia properly notified the test through international authorities, the u.s., other countries, have obligations to notify these kinds of ballistic missile tests, and the russians lived up to those obligations. the u.s. knew the test window was open. they knew when the missile launched and when it was going out into far eastern russia from its launch point. how did they know this? u.s. satellite, u.s. intelligence assets are able to track the signature, if you will, the heat given off by these kinds of missile launches, and are able to track them all the way to their target. so the u.s. knew this was not something aimed at the u.s. they knew it was a test this is a program the russians have been working on for some time. it's a program they say will become operational in the coming months after they finish the test phase and it will replace a soviet-era icbm they have obviously had for some time. doesn't mean that the u.s. isn't watching this carefully. they've tracked putin's statements. he is using a lot of inflammatory and escalatory language these days, but it's a question of intentions versus capabilities, they do not believe that this missile has any intention of striking in an adversarial way at this point but it does demonstrate that the russians are modernizing that very capability. john? >> critical reporting and context, barbara starr at the pentagon, thank you so much. european council president charles michelle the latest foreign leader to visit ukraine standing alongside president zelenskyy today said russia must pay for the devastation it has caused in ukraine. >> there are no words to explain what i feel as president of the european council, as father of human beings, these are war crimes. it must be punished. >> cnn international diplomatic editor nic robertson standing by live for us in brussels. nic, the symbolism of visiting kyiv is important, anything else, any substance to come of this? >> reporter: michel promising a donor conference the 5th of may, the world bank involved, sweden and poland along with the eu. he said they would be putting it together. so important financial assistance he said that would continue to flow to ukraine for humanitarian, the military component continuing to flow. he said it's important ukraine can continue to pay its government services, government employees in the days and weeks ahead but also committed to helping rebuild ukraine. zelenskyy, interestingly, said nothing on the horizon at the moment in terms of any peace negotiations with russia. he said there were 120,000 civilians still trapped in mariupol, a much bigger number than we've heard, but the ukrainian president putting that out there saying essentially they're in danger at the moment from russian forces. and another interesting point from zelenskyy, very interesting in the context most leaders that come to visit him or he talks to virtually, he berates them over not providing enough weapons or dragging their feet on sanctions or whatever it is. today he said he felt a warming from western nations over the weapons supplies to ukraine and even said he's getting some aircraft. he said he wasn't going to go into any specifics on the aircraft and precisely what he's receiving but it does seem like the ukrainian president is feeling a little better about the military hardware he's getting. but, still, standing there side by side with the european union leader wanting more on the sanctions and saying the oil needs to be high on the agenda of things to be embargoed from russia. >> nic robertson, grateful for that important reporting. up next, the russian billionaire says putin's war is, quote, insane, but don't bet, just don't bet, the russian president will listen. ♪i got bongos thumping in my chest♪ ♪and somemething tells me they don't beat me♪ ♪ ♪ ♪he'd bebetter not take the rig from me.♪ if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose 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reason vladimir putin has long sought to steal. ukraine's east, as you see on the map there and putin is hardly the first russian or soviet leader for that matter to claim this area belongs to russia. steve, grateful for your time. literally 100 years old, propaganda post they're shows the heart beating coming out of this region of ukraine, describes it as the heart of russia. vladimir putin likes to fancy himself as this big, major historical figure. why is the donbas so important? >> to hit on your last point first, most people in the west when you talk about what is a president's legacy, they talk about maybe some legislative reforms. he wants to be the new czar. the parts of russia still out there, he sees himself as an emperor and ukraine has been critically important to the soviet empire for metal works or that sort of thing but it's the breadbasket, used to be the breadbasket of the soviet union. it's important in economic terms as well as imperial philosophical terms. >> one of the questions, day 56 of the fighting in ukraine, will he listen to anybody? i think i know your answer. one of the oligarchs on instagram, i don't see a single beneficiary of this insane war. they realize they have a not so good army as i will paraphrase there. the civil servants are in shock not only against the children, don't want to go to the mediterranean this summer. 90% of russians are against this war. these are the wealthy people who have benefited, stolen state assets during his governing. is he listening now or in the blinders? >> the oligarchs are in an interesting position because they became rich early on so they're in a real interesting position economically. in terms of who putin will listen to, the more pressure that comes his way the better. you never know what he will make his decisions on or who he will listen to. the innermost circle he will listen to pieces of not necessarily follow their counsel but will listen to them. what he will really hear is when his own interests, and that is putinism, when his own interests are put at risk. the more his inner circle begins to tell putin, look, the stuff you are really interested in, your legacy, your continued well-being as a leader, leadership role, as those things come into more and more question on the part of putin and his inner circle, those realities is what he will listen to. >> do you see any evidence in the context of part of your old job to break through the bluster and propaganda and if there are any shifts in his language, his actions? today they have the icbm test and he does the chest pounding, anybody who is against russia should take deep thought. any indication this is getting to him? >> so not yet. any signs that this is getting through to him. the one that you just mentioned is clear, the saber rattling they continue to do. it's hard to tell what he bases his decisions on. >> grateful for your insights as we continue this important piece of the story. the unbelievable true story of the man who took on putin and lived to expose the important truth. "navalny" airs sunday only here on cnn. coming up, michelle obama's brother is suing a private school in wisconsin. we'll tell you why next. [singiging] oven roasted cooold cuts cooold cuts my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...the itching... the burning. the stinging. my sn was no longer mine. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®... ...most people saw 90% earer skin at 16 weeks. the majority of people saw 90% clearer skin even at 5 years. tremfya® is the first medication of its kind also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis. and, it's six doses a year, after two starter doses. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®. ask your doctor about tremfya® today. 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(gentle music) your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit topping our political radar the president, joe biden and the first lady, jill biden, will attend the correspondents dinner. covid shut it down so this will be the first time a sitting president will attend since barack obama was in office. former president trump always skipped it. trump also facing a new political blow as the tennessee republican party voted to boot a candidate with his endorsement off the balance lot. that decision came after state party officials agreed to challenges to three that raised questions. ortega said she is, quote, disappointed. michelle obama's brother and his wife are suing a private school in wisconsin. they raised concerns about racial bias at the university school of milwaukee and their two sons, they say, were kicked out of school as a result. the school is defending the move saying the students were rejected of how the parents communicated, alleging they violated school policy. south carolina congressman tim scott laying out his vision mentioning trump only once. he did criticize public schools. >> teaching kids some are oppressors are just as bad as teaching other kids they're always going to be victims. >> scott is the only black republican snenator. he says he is passionate about becoming the party of parents. thanks for your time. ana cabrera picks up our coverage right now. hello. i'm ana cabrera. thank you for being with us. we begin this hour with an unsettling escalation in the messaging and muscle flexing fro from vladimir putin. a test launch of its new intercontinental ballistic missile and ominously putin had this to say. quote, this truly unique weapon will s

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Experts , Neutral , Districts Gerrymander , Voters , Headlines , Culture War , Plurality , Math Textbooks , 41 , Trump , State Profile , Reflection , Influence , Congressional Map , Abortion Ban , Profile , 15 , Second , 2022 , Detractors , Theme , Culture , Opponents , Regard , Themes , Abortion Rights , Values , Discussion , Race Theory , Suburban , Conservatives , Both , Cycle , Core , Change , Fear , Edge , Suburbs , Couple , Test Cases , Cycles , Beyond , Zelenskyy , Eu , Account , Meeting , Overdraft Fees , Overdraft Assist , Chase , Yoyours , Zero , Fifty , Fifty Bucks , Felt I Couldn T , Reminders , Family , Hep C , My Hep C , Hepatitis Ci , 8 , Doctor , Treatment , Liver Problems , Hepatitis B , Liver , Types , Mavyret , Cause , Signs , Skin , Conditions , Medicines , Have , Chance , Rifampin , Atazanavir , Yellowing , Don T Take Mavyret , Symptoms , Headache , Side Effects , Abdominal Pain , Liver Disease , Bruising , Swelling , Bleeding , Tiredness , Me , Program , Smile , Omelette , Cheese , Bacon , Plate , Pancoins , Omelette Purchase , Ihop , Internet , Business Internet , Fiber Solutions , Network , Needs , Technology , Choices , Largest , Gigs , Speeds , Lots , 10 , Business Solutions , Choice , Deal , Businesses , Price , Provider , Voice , Price Guarantee , 9 99 , 49 99 , Test Launch , Thought , Images , Video , Of Zaporizhzhia , Stop , Evacuation Corridor , Location , Assault , Assessment , Purpose , Lessons , Beginning , Metho Methodically , Kharkiv , Animals , Workers , Shelling , Zoo , Capability , Intercontinental Ballistic Missile , Threat , Icbm Test , Definition , Obligations , Ballistic Missile Tests , Authorities , Launch Point , Test Window , Satellite , Heat , Missile Launches , Assets , Signature , Target , Test Phase , Doesn T Mean , Language , Statements , Intentions , Isn , Inflammatory , Soviet , Intention , Capabilities , Leader , Charles Michelle , European Council , President , Words , Human Beings , Father , War Crimes , Anything Else , Symbolism , Nic Robertson Standing , Nic , Brussels , World Bank , Donor Conference , Sweden , 5th Of May , 5 , Ukraine , Government Services , Rebuild , Government Employees , Military Component Continuing , Nothing , Horizon , Peace Negotiations , Number , 120000 , Danger , Sanctions , Warming , Weapons Supplies , Nations , Feet , Better , Specifics , Military Hardware , Agenda , Oil , Side By , Nic Robertson , Don T Bet , Somemething , Chest , Bongos , Russian Billionaire , Insane , Just Don T Bet , Up Next , Moderate , Rig , Crohn S Disease , Ulcerative Colitis , Tracks , Stelara , Infections , Cancer , Move , Relief Afr , Serious , Injections , Tb , Reactions , Vaccine , Pres , Remission , Brain Condition , Lung Inflammation , Sores , Skin Growths , Cost Support Options , Janssen , Narrator , Health Problems , Breath , Dry Mouth , Smiles , Gums , Therabreath Formulas , Dr Katz , Mouths , Mouthwash , The World , Therabreath , Sighs Contentedly , Reason , Matter , Heart Beating , Heart , Big , Steve , 100 , Historical Figure , Legacy , Reforms , Parts , Czar , Emperor , Breadbasket , Soviet Empire For Metal Works , Questions , I Don T , On Instagram , Answer , Army , Servants , Beneficiary , Shock , Governing , Blinders , Stolen State Assets , 90 , Oligarchs , Position , Decisions , Pieces , Counsel , Circle , Interests , Putinism , Inner Circle , Stuff , Realities , Leadership Role , Well Being , Propaganda , Actions , Job , Evidence , Bluster , Shifts , Indication , Chest Pounding , The One , Saber Rattling , On Putin , Story , True Story , Piece , Truth , Navalny , Michelle Obama , Private School , Brother , Coming Up , Wisconsin , Cooold , Singiging , Tremfya , Plaque Psoriasis , Sn , Emerge Tremfyant , Itching , Burning , Stinging , Earer , Medication , Majority , Starter Doses , Psoriatic Arthritis , Adults , Six , 5g , Cto , Ceo , Vo , Tezspiretm , Asthma , Inflammation , Out Of Nowhere , Asthma Attacks , Type , Triggers , Add On Treatment , Asthma Symptoms , Breathe Better , 12 , Eye Allergy , Rescue Medication , Asthma Specialist , Sore Throat , Back Pain , Child , Condition , Surgery , Operation Smile , Healing , Supporter , Need , Millions , Cleft , Operationsmile Org , Call , Candidates , Shipping Manager , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Find Themself , Gentle Music , Radar , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Jill Biden , Dinner , Time , Office , Correspondents , Barack Obama , State Party , Endorsement , Balance , Blow , Tennessee , Ortega , Concerns , Wife , Bias , University School Of Milwaukee , Disappointed , Parents , School , School Policy , Students , Result , Sons , Tim Scott , Kids , Teaching , Vision , Oppressors , South Carolina , Party , Snenator , Victims , Thanks , Ana Cabrera , Coverage , Escalation , Messaging , Muscle , Flexing , Fro ,

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