Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim S

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240708

upon humanitarian corridor as the fate of the city rests on the heavily bombarded steel plant where ukrainian forces say they will not lay down their weapons. ukraine claims these intercepted communications involving a russian commander purportedly show exactly what russia was planning to do at that facility. >> will there be some kind of an explosion? >> they said to level everything to the ground. >> oh. >> they are being bombed and bombed. they are knocking them out. >> knocking them out. in the east, a significant escalation in fighting. officials in zaporizhzhia say russian forces there are attempting to push toward the city. and donbas, ukrainian forces have repelled numerous advances as u.s. advancements sees no major territorial gains for russia in that region since the start of this new offensive. all this as sources say the u.s. is set to announce another $800 million in military aid to ukraine. focussed this time on artillery and ammunition. we're covering every angle of this war across ukraine. let's begin with cnn correspondent matt rivers, he's reporting in western ukraine, from lviv. matt, what more are we learning from those intercepted communications involving a russian commander? >> reporter: yeah, this was some unique insight, i think, into what we're seeing on the ground from russian forces. this not first time that the ukraine security service has released what they call unencrypted communication between russian forces on the ground, but this is the first time we have heard from russian soldiers, russian forces about what's going on in mariupol. you played a little bit off the top there when the russian ground commander talked about how they're going to, quote, level everything. we can play you another bit of that conversation in which they talk about how they're going to do that. >> we are expecting surprises from russia here. >> what kind of surprises? >> three ton ones from the sky. >> reporter: so, of course, referencing bombs dropped from potentially russian warplanes. and what we have been seeing over the past few days is just a consistent shelling, a consistent bombardment of that steel complex, the azovstal steel complex, a massive complex that has really become the focal point of ukrainian resistance in that city. that is where ukrainian marines are, that's is where members of the azov battalion are, fighting units, and where hundreds of civilians have now been sheltering for weeks. it is really kind of a microcosm of what we're seeing across mariupol where you have fighting alongside, you know, ordinary civil glanz ians in mariupol tht get out. we're hearing of a humanitarian corridor that may or may not be open at this point. the mayor of mariupol is urging residents to use this humanitarian corridor so they can safely evacuate the city. he's urging people to do that in a public way, obviously because people in that city do not trust the russians to hold up their end of the humanitarian bargain. there is a lot of skepticism given russian actions all across this country, blatantly targeting civilians, why would these civilians in mariupol want to trust the russians when they say they're going to respect this humanitarian corridor. getting verifiable information out of that area for cnn is difficult. we can't have teams on the ground. there is very little infrastructure for communications. just tough to get in contact with people. that's going to be what we're watching through the afternoon here, bianna, is this humanitarian corridor, giving people the opportunity to leave. >> can those hundreds of civilians finally get away out of that besieged city. matt rivers, thank you. in donbas, u.s. officials say there has been no major territorial gain for russia so far since the start of this new push. but new video shows parts of towns severely damaged by recent strikes. we're told u.s. officials believe russia is probing attacks to test ukrainian defenses. cnn international correspondent phil black filed this report from kyiv. >> reporter: ukrainian government says that it believes russia's new offensive operations in the east of the country, the donbas region, that that operation is already under way. but the first attempted advances by russian forces appear to be probing, testing, they are characterized by western officials as limited, a prelude of much greater operations to come. but they have been repelled many times by ukrainian forces so far. the expectation is that at some point imminently russia will attempt to use vast numbers to overwhelm ukraine's defensive positions. it will apply and commit powerful force to a condensed area to drive through ukrainian lines, to expand, and control a greater area of the so-called donbas region. essentially the idea is they will not repeat the mistakes they have made in other parts of the country, notably the north, at earlier points in this war. you will not see overstretched russian lines that are vulnerable to attack, and ambush. instead, consolidated, dense force in specific areas. u.s. officials estimate that russia has now committed a total of 78 battalion tactical groups to that front in the east. each group has up to 1,000 troops. bianna? >> phil black, thank you. the u.s. military is keeping a close watch on russia's nuclear arsenal as this war progresses. officials tell cnn that u.s. defense secretary lloyd austin is being briefed regularly by top u.s. general who oversees u.s. nuclear weapons and defenses. this as a defense official now believes russia will target supply routes used for weapons shipments from the u.s. and its allies. cnn pentagon correspondent barbara starr and cnn white house reporter natasha bertrand are standing by. barbara, let's begin with you. how concerned is the u.s. about these supplies reaching their final destination at this point? >> well, bianna, let me start briefly on the nuclear point you made a moment ago. we do want to emphasize that pentagon officials tell us they see no evidence that russia is moving its nuclear weapons around, but vladimir putin always unpredictable, so, yes, indeed, a very sharp eye every day is kept on that russian nuclear arsenal, even though they don't believe it is moving at this time. now, as for the conventional u.s. weapons moving into ukraine, to support the ukrainian forces, another $800 million package is being worked, president biden saying yesterday that indeed more u.s. artillery will go into ukraine. right now the focus is in getting artillery, anti-armor weapons into eastern ukraine for that fight in the donbas. and the u.s. official telling us they are concerned that russia will start attacking the supply routes across ukraine as the weapons come in through the polish border and are taken east to donbas. the worry is the russians will attack those supply routes. the first question is why haven't they done it already as far as we know, and we're told, you know, the russians don't have the best intelligence on it and these are mobile targets, truck convoys, moving railcars, not something that the russians are very good at targeting. but with this vast amount of new weaponry moving in, and now the fight for the donbas on, there is concern that the russians will move to try and hit these supply convoys to make the ukrainians less successful in being able to challenge the russians. this is going to be an armor and artillery fight out in the east to a very large extent. bianna? >> and the russians warned as much by sending that official letter to the u.s. last week. telling them not to continue to sending such weaponry. another issue is the u.s. doesn't have an accurate way of tracking the weapons that it is sending across the border into ukraine, how big of a concern is this now for the administration as we expect yet another $800 million package? >> that's right, bianna, it is not that big of a concern to u.s. officials right now because they are fairly confident that the weapons that are being sent over the border into ukraine are ultimately making their way into the hands of ukrainian forces. of course, ukrainian officials go over to poland and pick up some of these weapons, and so they are overseeing kind of that transport over to ukraine and the u.s. officials are confident that they are getting where they need to go. but a big reason for that so far has also been that the russians as barbara had just discussed have not been actively attacking those weapons convoy, the shipments that have been crossing the border. u.s. officials have been a bit curious as to why that has been, the reason we have been given is primarily that, again, the russians don't have great intelligence, air superiority, so for now the u.s. officials are fairly confident that because the russians have not been successfully interfering with those convoys with those shipments that they are getting into the right hands here. but, of course, a u.s. official did tell cnn last night that that could change, that they're concerned that the russians could actually ramp up their attacks on these convoys as they try to impact the ukrainians' ability to fight off this new offensive in the donbas effectively. so what we're seeing now is u.s. officials are just monitoring this, they say that it is not science, tracking these weapons over the border, but they do realize that the risk here of not arming ukrainians properly is much higher than the risk of these weapons perhaps falling into the wrong happeneds. >> especially now as barbara mentioned we're entering this new phase of the war, tank on tank battle, scenes reminiscent from world war ii. thank you. i want to bring in our jim sciutto, live in lviv, in ukraine. you have new details on what exactly is in this aid package. >> that's right. two u.s. officials, senior u.s. officials with knowledge of the draft plan which is still being considered is that it will be focused on artillery. heavy weapons, in particular u.s. made 155 millimeter howitzers, and ammo, ammunition, for those howitzers, and to get the ukrainians what they need, i'm told the u.s. is calling upon many nato allies to see what they can contribute to this weapons shipment in that category, again, with that focus on artillery and the reason for this is because they are expecting heavy, heavy combat there, with the dependence on heavy weapons. they want to make sure the ukrainians can stand up to whatever the russians throw at them and we're already seeing some of that happen as well. i also speak with the mayor of irpin, who tells me just harrowing stories about what russian forces left behind as they left that suburb of kyiv, including, bianna, booby trapped toys, toys booby trapped to injure and kill children. it is a remarkable and harrowing account. that's coming up. >> more images and examples of war crimes committed and perpetrated at the hands of the russians. all right, also ahead, an american doctor heads to the front lines in ukraine, having served before during the war in syria. what he's seeing as the russians attack hospitals and other civilian targets. and we're following a developing story in florida, where republican lawmakers are now proposing two bills that would strip disney of its special status. this as the governor criticizes the company for being too, quote, woke. esh, and subway's refreshing everything! like their new premium angus roast beef. it goes great with oven roasted turkey and black forest ham on the new subway club now that's a perfect 1 10 thank you! stop trying to upstage the sandwich, simone biles. subway keeps refreshing and refre- your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit when you join ihop's new rewards program, the international bank of pancakes, and start stacking pancoins toward free food, you get a smile on 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forces in the east. and so far the u.s. has not observed big territorial gains by the russians. really any territorial gains, the battlefield remaining static as it has been described to me by one official, what the u.s. has observed, what may be probing attacks by russian forces on ukrainian defenses. but they are watching that battlefield very closely. the other headline is that we're get something details about what the focus of this latest u.s. weapons package to ukraine will be, remember, there was $800 million last week, a lot of heavy weapons, another $800 million planned this week, with a focus on artillery. that includes u.s. made artillery, particularly the 155 millimeter howitzers going in as well as ammunition, and the u.s., to get enough into those ukrainian forces is calling upon several nato allies in effect to say what do you got, so we can gather what we have, and send it in there to the battlefield as quickly as possible. there is great urgency here because of the scale of the russian force now mounted in the east and the kind of fighting that u.s. officials expect on that battlefield. heavy fighting, open battlefields, not forested terrain, a lot of artillery, a lot of tanks, a lot of things that will be reminiscent of world war ii battles. it will be bloody. there already has been a lot of blood witnessed in this war, and the president of the european council says that, quote, history will not forget russia's war crimes in ukraine. i recently spoke to the mayor of irpin, that is a suburb outside the capital kyiv, who told me that they are finding additional evidence of war crimes every day, some of them just alarming. have a listen. mayor, what is the situation in irpin now and have you found further evidence of russian war crimes there? >> translator: the situation in irpin is under control. at the moment, we have almost finished clearing the rubble. we are finishing mine clearing. unfortunately, just an hour ago, we had an unpleasant incident, a truck was coming in with supplies and it blew up on a mine. unfortunately the driver died. so we're having these unpleasant surprises that the russians have left behind. every day we find booby trapped children's toys, booby trapped bicycles. we just found a sand box that was booby trapped, children's things, a children's love. so a child would come and try to pick something up and would die. so i believe this is a war crime. >> do you have any teams there, ukrainian or foreign teams, that are able to clear any of these mines and boboby traps? >> yes, we are clearing these mines. it was unfortunate for the truck i mentioned earlier, it went off into an uncleared area. we're finding these things. we have our local team of mine clearers, but we're also helped by the military. they're giving us their mine clearing teams, and unfortunately we're finding these surprises all the time. in private areas, in private houses, on the roofs of buildings, in apartments, on children's playgrounds, but, yes, we are working on it. we are working on clearing it all. >> there is a lot of talk now about war crimes investigations, you have people in the international community even accusing vladimir putin of being a war criminal. do you have any confidence that the people behind these alleged crimes will face justice? >> translator: i absolutely believe that putin is a war criminal. and he must face justice in the hague. but also the people following orders, how can you follow such an order to kill children, to kill women? and they did kill children and women. we have evidence that a couple of women and children were trying to leave irpin, in their own vehicles, and two to four vehicles were shot. the people following these orders, they are war criminals. and they must face justice. >> russian forces have now withdrawn from the kyiv area, many of them moving to the east, do you fear they'll come back if they make gains in the east, that they'll come back and try to attack irpin, the kyiv region again? >> translator: we are always facing this threat, but there could be troops coming from belarus, from that direction, and we're prepared for it. now irpin is a city that held on and stopped the enemy from advancing on kyiv. we fought a battle, and as a result of this battle, the city is 50% destroyed. but we are building up our defenses. we were victorious over the second largest army in the world. we stopped their advance, and we will continue defending it. i'm sure with our military, on our land, we will be victorious. >> mayor, thank you very much for joining us. >> translator: thank you. you know, bianna, you see patterns in this war, right. you look to see if these allegations are isolated and they're not. across multiple cities here you hear accounts of one -- we see them, right, shelling residential houses, shooting civilians in the street, and you hear leaving mines and booby traps behind in toys, sometimes in corpses, right? there is a reason for that. that's to go after children and civilians. >> yeah. it is the hallmarks of the russian military throughout this war. we have seen president zelenskyy talk about boboby traps and mins all around mariupol. and you hear from the mayor as well around his city and targeting areas where they know that children will come play, right, around their toys, sand lots. it is unbelievable to hear these details. >> no question. still to come, disney world in orlando is one of the top tourist spots in the world. but it could soon lose out on special perks that first lured the theme park to florida half a century ago. we'll tell you why coming up. is possible ntn with a cfp® professional. a cfp® professional can help you build a complete financial p plan. visit to find your cfpfp® profession. ♪ pre-rinsing your dishes? you could be using the wrong detergent. and wasting up to 20 gallons of water. ip the rinse with finish quantum. its activelift tecology provides an unbeatable clean on 24 hour 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>> reporter: well, bianna, i think you described it pretty well. this is the latest fallout because remember governor ron desantis and disney, florida's largest employer, they have been at this in a public feud for quite a while now. democrats now questioning the motive behind the governor's latest move. let's break down what is at play here in this latest development. yesterday, the governor called on lawmakers to review those special districts that you mentioned, like the one that essentially allows walt disney world resort to operate as an independent government around its orlando area theme park. so now we have two bills at play here, that really essentially target disney. this state's largest private employer. one that could get rid of that unique status and the other that could subject disney to estate law that allows people to sue big tech companies for censorship by taking away an exemption that was in that law. mentioning this law, i should also mention that a federal judge has blocked it, but florida is making it very clear that they are appealing these. so these bills, they're expecting to pass and by the end of the week, democrats saying this is all about republicans retaliating against disney, which employs 75,000 people in florida, and republicans on the other hand, they're saying that's not the case. they are insisting this is not about retaliation, they say disney just poked the bear. listen. >>. >> i wouldn't look at it that way. we wouldn't have been look at special districts if disney had not behaved the way they did. by doing that, we looked at it and we realized there was a problem. that happens a lot in this process, there is some sort of dust up, people dig into the issue and go, oh, wow, this is a problem. >> and disney has not responded to our requests for comment. if this unique status is removed, which, again this bill is expected to pass, the special district would be dissolved june 1st of next year. bianna? >> disney, a huge player, though, in that state's economy, we'll continue to follow the story for us. leyla santiago, thank you. wikileaks founder julian assange is one step closer to being extradited to the united states to face espionage charges. this morning a london court sent a formal handover order to the british government for approval. assange can appeal this ruling. he is wanted in the u.s. on 18 criminal charges after wikileaks published thousands of classified files and diplomatic cables back in 2010. now if convicted, assange could be sentenced to up to 175 years in prison. prince harry is sharing new details about his surprise visit with his grandmother, queen elizabeth, last week, as well as insight into his new life in the u.s. cnn anchor max foster joins me now from london. max, this was harry's first trip back to the uk in a year. and his wife meghan's first time back in two years. they left their kids here in the u.s., what did he say about their visit with his grandmother? >> the reason he's here in europe is for the invictus games he set up for wounded veterans and the interstview that nbc di with him was at the netherlands event. quite wide ranging. talks about how he regards mark as home, he's been welcomed there, in california. he talks about how he really feels his mother's presence over the last couple of years, he said that, you know, he felt that she helped william set up his life here in the uk, now she was focusing on harry, so a very personal interview and obviously he was asked about that visit on the way to the netherlands, to windsor castle where he met the queen. we found out about that after the event. this is what he said in response to that, i'll explain afterwards why it is grabbing the headlines. >> it was great. it was nice it see her. she was on great form. she she has a great sense of humor with me and i'm making sure she's protected from -- >> a contentious remark at the end, making sure she's surrounded by the right people that would imply he doesn't think or he's concerned she might not be surrounded by the right people and in that, we would read close members of the family, and staff. so that's grabbing a few of their headlines at the moment. there is always something that comes out of these interviews, so that's what people are focusing on now. as i say, a wide ranging interview and very encouraging to hear that the queen's on good form, so not seeing much of her at the moment. >> he called himself his grandmother's protector, but also interesting to hear him say that for now, the u.s. is his home. no longer the uk where he is living here with his family. max foster, thank you. well, still ahead, more signs of desperation in ukraine. a marine commander pleading for international help to evacuate the region. citing a large number of wounded troops and limited medical supplies. hear his message to the world up next. it's still the eat fresh refresh, and subway's refreshing their italians. so, we're taking this to italy. fresh. because subway now has italian-ste capicola onhe new mozza meat and supreme meats. love the sme of italian food. subway keeps refreshing and refres- so, should all our it move to the cloud? 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>> it is plausible. difficulty is i don't know the russians are going to really honor this, what i would call humanitarian corridor in this effort on the part of ukrainians to evacuate the civilians. we have seen it in the past. we have seen ukrainians along those exit corridors engaged as targets. so my primary concern is when the russians say, yeah, this is what we're going to agree to -- to end the nato -- with the use of the supply efforts that has been in place have to be in a position to enforce that and ukrainians understand that. they're not going to listen to the russians and believe what they say. they have to be able to get the behavior that matches what their commitment is. >> and there have been new deadlines after deadlines imposed by the russians, guaranteeing that these troops, these injured troops and civilians, will be safe and their lives will be spared and they'll be taken care of if they meet the deadlines. thus far you're saying the troops say no, we'll continue to hold down the fort here. how much longer can this battle continue until russians gain hold of this city of mariupol? >> a couple of things to think about. the russians say they're going to honor this type of movement and this consideration, this humanitarian consideration. they, the russians don't even treat their own soldiers that have been killed in combat or have been wounded humanely. why should we begin to believe that they're going to do the same? in other words, the guard of the ukrainians must remain up, they must put in place those risk mitigation efforts so they can accomplish these various tasks that they're trying to accomplish. the pace to -- the second part of the question, the pace of operations in ukraine is not going to be sustained at this level beyond a couple of months. specifically in mariupol, the only thing that -- indiscriminate -- from the sea -- by are artillery fire an rockets by the russians. that can be sustained for a couple more days. when the russians make the determination they want to put boots on the ground in mariupol to a large number and declare success on this particular objective, they're going to have to engage a bunch of ukrainians who have this terrain, it is their home -- it is a home turf game for them, they understand it, they have the latest capabilities in happened. it will be a very, very difficult fight, but bear in mind, the cost to the ukrainians continues to creep up, based on the russian use of indiscriminate fire. >> can i just ask you a quick question, we're having some technical issues there, with your setup, but i just want to get you to respond to what president zelenskyy said yesterday by telling world leaders in frustration and understandably so this war would have been won on the part of ukraine had they received the weapons they needed sooner. much sooner, earlier in this war. do you think that's an accurate assessment or is he just, you know, understandably expressing a frustration of a president trying to defend his country? >> very much so the latter part of your question. of course he's frustrated. there are a lot of would have, could have, should haves in this particular engagement. if ukraine had been part of nato, putin probably never would have invaded. the fact that the united states and nato indicated they can be there for ukraine the best they can be, the supplies have been flowing in. i think this administration has done an incredible, admirable job to support this the best they can without getting into a direct fight with the russians. the united states and the soviets, the united states and the russians have never gotten involved in a direct gunfight. and, again, the discussion is, is this the time and place to do that? and, you know, i would say the discussion now is creeping up that that's the talk that needs to be -- that's the discussion we need to have right now. >> major general spider marks, great to have you on, thank you. >> thanks. doctor's oath to help others spans across country's war zones. up next, we'll follow his journey from texas to eastern ukraine and learn why this mission is so personal for him. lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. tastes great in our iced coffees too. which makes waking up at 5 a.m. to mililk the cows a little easasier. 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>> every time i go back i say this is maybe the last time i'll be going. when i decide to come, it is a lot of fear, and then in a minute i just remember my promise, and i see their children not seeing them. >> reporter: yazji, a syrian american, ran over 30 medical missions since 2011 to help his homeland during the catastrophic war there. as the conflict continues in syria, he finds himself in a similar situation in another country. >> what happened in ukraine, it happened in syria. and i feel myself that i am part of it. >> reporter: nearly two months of war and at have left the sux health -- ukranian health system in disarray, in desperate need of help. >> this is the hospital. we've been attacked by the russians. >> reporter: dr. yaji spends the next five days in a constant blur of action. is there not enough care to be given? >> there is trauma like we did a surgery for a person who lost their upper posterior and chest. >> reporter: performing more than half a dozen operations a day, what dr. yaji and others are doing is nothing short of miraculous. one thing he learned in syria is the need to perform skin grafts as soon as possible to reduce the risk of infection. >> this is the more challenging kind of surgery. the faster you cover the bone, you have a better chance of covering up infection. >> these are injuries we've been witnessing on television. they may have loose skin, they may have fractured bones, they may need amputations, so you're talking about making flaps to care for them, right? he doesn't provide surgery, he provides mental help as well. >> i see the doctors exhausted mentally, physically. that's why this all makes me come to ukraine and be with them. >> reporter: the morning after our call, he started for home, but leaving what they promise, that he will be back. bianna, dr. yaji started this work in syria back in 2001, and many may not realize it but that conflict continues today. so even though sometimes the shifts focus, this doesn't go away, and that's really the point dr. jaji wanted me to get across. also he went to medical school with bashir al-assad, the president of syria. he knows what's been going on there for a decade and he's now applied those skills to what's happening in ukraine. bianna? >> just incredible. he buys one-way tickets to war zones not knowing when and if he will come home. a true hero. our thanks to sanjay gupta for that. minutes from now, court resumes in johnny depp's $50 million defamation case. depp faces cross-examination this morning after he testified he, quote, has never struck a woman in his life. we'll have the latest, up next. that's the one with the amamazing camera? 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[baby spits out milk] i'll get my onesies®. ♪ “baby one more time” by britney spears ♪ e*trade now from morgan stanley. in just moments, actor johnny depp returns to a stand in a virginia courtroom for a second day of testimony in a $50 million defamation case against his wife, amber heard. he testified about his personal life and said he never hit her, despite her allegations of abuse. jean joins us now. what should we expect today? >> he talked about how his mother would throw ashtrays or high heels or phones, anything to hit him, and shae also physically and emotionally abused his father, and his father just took it. that was important because the defense attorney in this case says it is important because that's how he acted when amber would abuse him. he worked with disney on movies so it would be appropriate for all ages. that goes to the damages when you don't have a career anymore, which he says happened. here's the pivot of the moment. the crux of this defamation case that amber brought against j-- that johnny depp brought against amber heard. let's listen. >> there were arguments and things of that nature that never did i myself reach the point of striking ms. heard in any way, nor have i ever struck any woman in my life. >> today will be a pivotal day. he continues on the stand. it will be most likely specific instances because heard is alleging terrible abuse, pulling her by her hair, bashing her head, violence at the hands of johnny depp, and he just testified under oath that he never struck her. so what will come next and what is the truth? and that is the point of this. >> i know you'll be watching this for us, jean casarez. thank you. good morning, everyone, i'm bianna golodryga in new york. this morning a fresh assessment by the u.s. officials say russia has made no major territorial gains in ukraine's donbas region since the start of this new offensive. u.s. officials have observed probing attacks which are meant to test ukranian defenses. we're also

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow And Jim Sciutto 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240708

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upon humanitarian corridor as the fate of the city rests on the heavily bombarded steel plant where ukrainian forces say they will not lay down their weapons. ukraine claims these intercepted communications involving a russian commander purportedly show exactly what russia was planning to do at that facility. >> will there be some kind of an explosion? >> they said to level everything to the ground. >> oh. >> they are being bombed and bombed. they are knocking them out. >> knocking them out. in the east, a significant escalation in fighting. officials in zaporizhzhia say russian forces there are attempting to push toward the city. and donbas, ukrainian forces have repelled numerous advances as u.s. advancements sees no major territorial gains for russia in that region since the start of this new offensive. all this as sources say the u.s. is set to announce another $800 million in military aid to ukraine. focussed this time on artillery and ammunition. we're covering every angle of this war across ukraine. let's begin with cnn correspondent matt rivers, he's reporting in western ukraine, from lviv. matt, what more are we learning from those intercepted communications involving a russian commander? >> reporter: yeah, this was some unique insight, i think, into what we're seeing on the ground from russian forces. this not first time that the ukraine security service has released what they call unencrypted communication between russian forces on the ground, but this is the first time we have heard from russian soldiers, russian forces about what's going on in mariupol. you played a little bit off the top there when the russian ground commander talked about how they're going to, quote, level everything. we can play you another bit of that conversation in which they talk about how they're going to do that. >> we are expecting surprises from russia here. >> what kind of surprises? >> three ton ones from the sky. >> reporter: so, of course, referencing bombs dropped from potentially russian warplanes. and what we have been seeing over the past few days is just a consistent shelling, a consistent bombardment of that steel complex, the azovstal steel complex, a massive complex that has really become the focal point of ukrainian resistance in that city. that is where ukrainian marines are, that's is where members of the azov battalion are, fighting units, and where hundreds of civilians have now been sheltering for weeks. it is really kind of a microcosm of what we're seeing across mariupol where you have fighting alongside, you know, ordinary civil glanz ians in mariupol tht get out. we're hearing of a humanitarian corridor that may or may not be open at this point. the mayor of mariupol is urging residents to use this humanitarian corridor so they can safely evacuate the city. he's urging people to do that in a public way, obviously because people in that city do not trust the russians to hold up their end of the humanitarian bargain. there is a lot of skepticism given russian actions all across this country, blatantly targeting civilians, why would these civilians in mariupol want to trust the russians when they say they're going to respect this humanitarian corridor. getting verifiable information out of that area for cnn is difficult. we can't have teams on the ground. there is very little infrastructure for communications. just tough to get in contact with people. that's going to be what we're watching through the afternoon here, bianna, is this humanitarian corridor, giving people the opportunity to leave. >> can those hundreds of civilians finally get away out of that besieged city. matt rivers, thank you. in donbas, u.s. officials say there has been no major territorial gain for russia so far since the start of this new push. but new video shows parts of towns severely damaged by recent strikes. we're told u.s. officials believe russia is probing attacks to test ukrainian defenses. cnn international correspondent phil black filed this report from kyiv. >> reporter: ukrainian government says that it believes russia's new offensive operations in the east of the country, the donbas region, that that operation is already under way. but the first attempted advances by russian forces appear to be probing, testing, they are characterized by western officials as limited, a prelude of much greater operations to come. but they have been repelled many times by ukrainian forces so far. the expectation is that at some point imminently russia will attempt to use vast numbers to overwhelm ukraine's defensive positions. it will apply and commit powerful force to a condensed area to drive through ukrainian lines, to expand, and control a greater area of the so-called donbas region. essentially the idea is they will not repeat the mistakes they have made in other parts of the country, notably the north, at earlier points in this war. you will not see overstretched russian lines that are vulnerable to attack, and ambush. instead, consolidated, dense force in specific areas. u.s. officials estimate that russia has now committed a total of 78 battalion tactical groups to that front in the east. each group has up to 1,000 troops. bianna? >> phil black, thank you. the u.s. military is keeping a close watch on russia's nuclear arsenal as this war progresses. officials tell cnn that u.s. defense secretary lloyd austin is being briefed regularly by top u.s. general who oversees u.s. nuclear weapons and defenses. this as a defense official now believes russia will target supply routes used for weapons shipments from the u.s. and its allies. cnn pentagon correspondent barbara starr and cnn white house reporter natasha bertrand are standing by. barbara, let's begin with you. how concerned is the u.s. about these supplies reaching their final destination at this point? >> well, bianna, let me start briefly on the nuclear point you made a moment ago. we do want to emphasize that pentagon officials tell us they see no evidence that russia is moving its nuclear weapons around, but vladimir putin always unpredictable, so, yes, indeed, a very sharp eye every day is kept on that russian nuclear arsenal, even though they don't believe it is moving at this time. now, as for the conventional u.s. weapons moving into ukraine, to support the ukrainian forces, another $800 million package is being worked, president biden saying yesterday that indeed more u.s. artillery will go into ukraine. right now the focus is in getting artillery, anti-armor weapons into eastern ukraine for that fight in the donbas. and the u.s. official telling us they are concerned that russia will start attacking the supply routes across ukraine as the weapons come in through the polish border and are taken east to donbas. the worry is the russians will attack those supply routes. the first question is why haven't they done it already as far as we know, and we're told, you know, the russians don't have the best intelligence on it and these are mobile targets, truck convoys, moving railcars, not something that the russians are very good at targeting. but with this vast amount of new weaponry moving in, and now the fight for the donbas on, there is concern that the russians will move to try and hit these supply convoys to make the ukrainians less successful in being able to challenge the russians. this is going to be an armor and artillery fight out in the east to a very large extent. bianna? >> and the russians warned as much by sending that official letter to the u.s. last week. telling them not to continue to sending such weaponry. another issue is the u.s. doesn't have an accurate way of tracking the weapons that it is sending across the border into ukraine, how big of a concern is this now for the administration as we expect yet another $800 million package? >> that's right, bianna, it is not that big of a concern to u.s. officials right now because they are fairly confident that the weapons that are being sent over the border into ukraine are ultimately making their way into the hands of ukrainian forces. of course, ukrainian officials go over to poland and pick up some of these weapons, and so they are overseeing kind of that transport over to ukraine and the u.s. officials are confident that they are getting where they need to go. but a big reason for that so far has also been that the russians as barbara had just discussed have not been actively attacking those weapons convoy, the shipments that have been crossing the border. u.s. officials have been a bit curious as to why that has been, the reason we have been given is primarily that, again, the russians don't have great intelligence, air superiority, so for now the u.s. officials are fairly confident that because the russians have not been successfully interfering with those convoys with those shipments that they are getting into the right hands here. but, of course, a u.s. official did tell cnn last night that that could change, that they're concerned that the russians could actually ramp up their attacks on these convoys as they try to impact the ukrainians' ability to fight off this new offensive in the donbas effectively. so what we're seeing now is u.s. officials are just monitoring this, they say that it is not science, tracking these weapons over the border, but they do realize that the risk here of not arming ukrainians properly is much higher than the risk of these weapons perhaps falling into the wrong happeneds. >> especially now as barbara mentioned we're entering this new phase of the war, tank on tank battle, scenes reminiscent from world war ii. thank you. i want to bring in our jim sciutto, live in lviv, in ukraine. you have new details on what exactly is in this aid package. >> that's right. two u.s. officials, senior u.s. officials with knowledge of the draft plan which is still being considered is that it will be focused on artillery. heavy weapons, in particular u.s. made 155 millimeter howitzers, and ammo, ammunition, for those howitzers, and to get the ukrainians what they need, i'm told the u.s. is calling upon many nato allies to see what they can contribute to this weapons shipment in that category, again, with that focus on artillery and the reason for this is because they are expecting heavy, heavy combat there, with the dependence on heavy weapons. they want to make sure the ukrainians can stand up to whatever the russians throw at them and we're already seeing some of that happen as well. i also speak with the mayor of irpin, who tells me just harrowing stories about what russian forces left behind as they left that suburb of kyiv, including, bianna, booby trapped toys, toys booby trapped to injure and kill children. it is a remarkable and harrowing account. that's coming up. >> more images and examples of war crimes committed and perpetrated at the hands of the russians. all right, also ahead, an american doctor heads to the front lines in ukraine, having served before during the war in syria. what he's seeing as the russians attack hospitals and other civilian targets. and we're following a developing story in florida, where republican lawmakers are now proposing two bills that would strip disney of its special status. this as the governor criticizes the company for being too, quote, woke. esh, and subway's refreshing everything! like their new premium angus roast beef. it goes great with oven roasted turkey and black forest ham on the new subway club now that's a perfect 1 10 thank you! stop trying to upstage the sandwich, simone biles. subway keeps refreshing and refre- your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit when you join ihop's new rewards program, the international bank of pancakes, and start stacking pancoins toward free food, you get a smile on 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forces in the east. and so far the u.s. has not observed big territorial gains by the russians. really any territorial gains, the battlefield remaining static as it has been described to me by one official, what the u.s. has observed, what may be probing attacks by russian forces on ukrainian defenses. but they are watching that battlefield very closely. the other headline is that we're get something details about what the focus of this latest u.s. weapons package to ukraine will be, remember, there was $800 million last week, a lot of heavy weapons, another $800 million planned this week, with a focus on artillery. that includes u.s. made artillery, particularly the 155 millimeter howitzers going in as well as ammunition, and the u.s., to get enough into those ukrainian forces is calling upon several nato allies in effect to say what do you got, so we can gather what we have, and send it in there to the battlefield as quickly as possible. there is great urgency here because of the scale of the russian force now mounted in the east and the kind of fighting that u.s. officials expect on that battlefield. heavy fighting, open battlefields, not forested terrain, a lot of artillery, a lot of tanks, a lot of things that will be reminiscent of world war ii battles. it will be bloody. there already has been a lot of blood witnessed in this war, and the president of the european council says that, quote, history will not forget russia's war crimes in ukraine. i recently spoke to the mayor of irpin, that is a suburb outside the capital kyiv, who told me that they are finding additional evidence of war crimes every day, some of them just alarming. have a listen. mayor, what is the situation in irpin now and have you found further evidence of russian war crimes there? >> translator: the situation in irpin is under control. at the moment, we have almost finished clearing the rubble. we are finishing mine clearing. unfortunately, just an hour ago, we had an unpleasant incident, a truck was coming in with supplies and it blew up on a mine. unfortunately the driver died. so we're having these unpleasant surprises that the russians have left behind. every day we find booby trapped children's toys, booby trapped bicycles. we just found a sand box that was booby trapped, children's things, a children's love. so a child would come and try to pick something up and would die. so i believe this is a war crime. >> do you have any teams there, ukrainian or foreign teams, that are able to clear any of these mines and boboby traps? >> yes, we are clearing these mines. it was unfortunate for the truck i mentioned earlier, it went off into an uncleared area. we're finding these things. we have our local team of mine clearers, but we're also helped by the military. they're giving us their mine clearing teams, and unfortunately we're finding these surprises all the time. in private areas, in private houses, on the roofs of buildings, in apartments, on children's playgrounds, but, yes, we are working on it. we are working on clearing it all. >> there is a lot of talk now about war crimes investigations, you have people in the international community even accusing vladimir putin of being a war criminal. do you have any confidence that the people behind these alleged crimes will face justice? >> translator: i absolutely believe that putin is a war criminal. and he must face justice in the hague. but also the people following orders, how can you follow such an order to kill children, to kill women? and they did kill children and women. we have evidence that a couple of women and children were trying to leave irpin, in their own vehicles, and two to four vehicles were shot. the people following these orders, they are war criminals. and they must face justice. >> russian forces have now withdrawn from the kyiv area, many of them moving to the east, do you fear they'll come back if they make gains in the east, that they'll come back and try to attack irpin, the kyiv region again? >> translator: we are always facing this threat, but there could be troops coming from belarus, from that direction, and we're prepared for it. now irpin is a city that held on and stopped the enemy from advancing on kyiv. we fought a battle, and as a result of this battle, the city is 50% destroyed. but we are building up our defenses. we were victorious over the second largest army in the world. we stopped their advance, and we will continue defending it. i'm sure with our military, on our land, we will be victorious. >> mayor, thank you very much for joining us. >> translator: thank you. you know, bianna, you see patterns in this war, right. you look to see if these allegations are isolated and they're not. across multiple cities here you hear accounts of one -- we see them, right, shelling residential houses, shooting civilians in the street, and you hear leaving mines and booby traps behind in toys, sometimes in corpses, right? there is a reason for that. that's to go after children and civilians. >> yeah. it is the hallmarks of the russian military throughout this war. we have seen president zelenskyy talk about boboby traps and mins all around mariupol. and you hear from the mayor as well around his city and targeting areas where they know that children will come play, right, around their toys, sand lots. it is unbelievable to hear these details. >> no question. still to come, disney world in orlando is one of the top tourist spots in the world. but it could soon lose out on special perks that first lured the theme park to florida half a century ago. we'll tell you why coming up. is possible ntn with a cfp® professional. a cfp® professional can help you build a complete financial p plan. visit to find your cfpfp® profession. ♪ pre-rinsing your dishes? you could be using the wrong detergent. and wasting up to 20 gallons of water. ip the rinse with finish quantum. its activelift tecology provides an unbeatable clean on 24 hour 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[baby spits out milk] i'll get my onesies®. ♪ “baby one more time” by britney spears ♪ e*trade now from morgan stanley. you don't know how much pressure you put on your septic system. but rid-x does. in a 21 month study, scientists proved that rid- x reduces up to 20% of waste build up every month. take the pressure off with rid-x. this is xfinity rewards. our way of saying thanks, with rewards for the whole family! from epic trips... to the original jurassic park... on us. join over 3 million members and start enjoying rewards like these, and so much more in the xfinity app! and don't miss jurassic world: dominion in theaters june 10th. in florida, governor ron desantis is seeking to strip disney of its 55-year-old special status that allows the company to operate as an independent government around its orlando area theme park. it is just the latest fallout in the escalating feud that stems from what opponents call the don't say gay law, which bans florida schools from teaching children and kindergarten through third grade about sexual orientation or gender identity. cnn's leyla santiago joins me from miami. what more can you tell us about this latest threat? >> reporter: well, bianna, i think you described it pretty well. this is the latest fallout because remember governor ron desantis and disney, florida's largest employer, they have been at this in a public feud for quite a while now. democrats now questioning the motive behind the governor's latest move. let's break down what is at play here in this latest development. yesterday, the governor called on lawmakers to review those special districts that you mentioned, like the one that essentially allows walt disney world resort to operate as an independent government around its orlando area theme park. so now we have two bills at play here, that really essentially target disney. this state's largest private employer. one that could get rid of that unique status and the other that could subject disney to estate law that allows people to sue big tech companies for censorship by taking away an exemption that was in that law. mentioning this law, i should also mention that a federal judge has blocked it, but florida is making it very clear that they are appealing these. so these bills, they're expecting to pass and by the end of the week, democrats saying this is all about republicans retaliating against disney, which employs 75,000 people in florida, and republicans on the other hand, they're saying that's not the case. they are insisting this is not about retaliation, they say disney just poked the bear. listen. >>. >> i wouldn't look at it that way. we wouldn't have been look at special districts if disney had not behaved the way they did. by doing that, we looked at it and we realized there was a problem. that happens a lot in this process, there is some sort of dust up, people dig into the issue and go, oh, wow, this is a problem. >> and disney has not responded to our requests for comment. if this unique status is removed, which, again this bill is expected to pass, the special district would be dissolved june 1st of next year. bianna? >> disney, a huge player, though, in that state's economy, we'll continue to follow the story for us. leyla santiago, thank you. wikileaks founder julian assange is one step closer to being extradited to the united states to face espionage charges. this morning a london court sent a formal handover order to the british government for approval. assange can appeal this ruling. he is wanted in the u.s. on 18 criminal charges after wikileaks published thousands of classified files and diplomatic cables back in 2010. now if convicted, assange could be sentenced to up to 175 years in prison. prince harry is sharing new details about his surprise visit with his grandmother, queen elizabeth, last week, as well as insight into his new life in the u.s. cnn anchor max foster joins me now from london. max, this was harry's first trip back to the uk in a year. and his wife meghan's first time back in two years. they left their kids here in the u.s., what did he say about their visit with his grandmother? >> the reason he's here in europe is for the invictus games he set up for wounded veterans and the interstview that nbc di with him was at the netherlands event. quite wide ranging. talks about how he regards mark as home, he's been welcomed there, in california. he talks about how he really feels his mother's presence over the last couple of years, he said that, you know, he felt that she helped william set up his life here in the uk, now she was focusing on harry, so a very personal interview and obviously he was asked about that visit on the way to the netherlands, to windsor castle where he met the queen. we found out about that after the event. this is what he said in response to that, i'll explain afterwards why it is grabbing the headlines. >> it was great. it was nice it see her. she was on great form. she she has a great sense of humor with me and i'm making sure she's protected from -- >> a contentious remark at the end, making sure she's surrounded by the right people that would imply he doesn't think or he's concerned she might not be surrounded by the right people and in that, we would read close members of the family, and staff. so that's grabbing a few of their headlines at the moment. there is always something that comes out of these interviews, so that's what people are focusing on now. as i say, a wide ranging interview and very encouraging to hear that the queen's on good form, so not seeing much of her at the moment. >> he called himself his grandmother's protector, but also interesting to hear him say that for now, the u.s. is his home. no longer the uk where he is living here with his family. max foster, thank you. well, still ahead, more signs of desperation in ukraine. a marine commander pleading for international help to evacuate the region. citing a large number of wounded troops and limited medical supplies. hear his message to the world up next. it's still the eat fresh refresh, and subway's refreshing their italians. so, we're taking this to italy. fresh. because subway now has italian-ste capicola onhe new mozza meat and supreme meats. love the sme of italian food. subway keeps refreshing and refres- so, should all our it move to the cloud? 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>> it is plausible. difficulty is i don't know the russians are going to really honor this, what i would call humanitarian corridor in this effort on the part of ukrainians to evacuate the civilians. we have seen it in the past. we have seen ukrainians along those exit corridors engaged as targets. so my primary concern is when the russians say, yeah, this is what we're going to agree to -- to end the nato -- with the use of the supply efforts that has been in place have to be in a position to enforce that and ukrainians understand that. they're not going to listen to the russians and believe what they say. they have to be able to get the behavior that matches what their commitment is. >> and there have been new deadlines after deadlines imposed by the russians, guaranteeing that these troops, these injured troops and civilians, will be safe and their lives will be spared and they'll be taken care of if they meet the deadlines. thus far you're saying the troops say no, we'll continue to hold down the fort here. how much longer can this battle continue until russians gain hold of this city of mariupol? >> a couple of things to think about. the russians say they're going to honor this type of movement and this consideration, this humanitarian consideration. they, the russians don't even treat their own soldiers that have been killed in combat or have been wounded humanely. why should we begin to believe that they're going to do the same? in other words, the guard of the ukrainians must remain up, they must put in place those risk mitigation efforts so they can accomplish these various tasks that they're trying to accomplish. the pace to -- the second part of the question, the pace of operations in ukraine is not going to be sustained at this level beyond a couple of months. specifically in mariupol, the only thing that -- indiscriminate -- from the sea -- by are artillery fire an rockets by the russians. that can be sustained for a couple more days. when the russians make the determination they want to put boots on the ground in mariupol to a large number and declare success on this particular objective, they're going to have to engage a bunch of ukrainians who have this terrain, it is their home -- it is a home turf game for them, they understand it, they have the latest capabilities in happened. it will be a very, very difficult fight, but bear in mind, the cost to the ukrainians continues to creep up, based on the russian use of indiscriminate fire. >> can i just ask you a quick question, we're having some technical issues there, with your setup, but i just want to get you to respond to what president zelenskyy said yesterday by telling world leaders in frustration and understandably so this war would have been won on the part of ukraine had they received the weapons they needed sooner. much sooner, earlier in this war. do you think that's an accurate assessment or is he just, you know, understandably expressing a frustration of a president trying to defend his country? >> very much so the latter part of your question. of course he's frustrated. there are a lot of would have, could have, should haves in this particular engagement. if ukraine had been part of nato, putin probably never would have invaded. the fact that the united states and nato indicated they can be there for ukraine the best they can be, the supplies have been flowing in. i think this administration has done an incredible, admirable job to support this the best they can without getting into a direct fight with the russians. the united states and the soviets, the united states and the russians have never gotten involved in a direct gunfight. and, again, the discussion is, is this the time and place to do that? and, you know, i would say the discussion now is creeping up that that's the talk that needs to be -- that's the discussion we need to have right now. >> major general spider marks, great to have you on, thank you. >> thanks. doctor's oath to help others spans across country's war zones. up next, we'll follow his journey from texas to eastern ukraine and learn why this mission is so personal for him. lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. tastes great in our iced coffees too. which makes waking up at 5 a.m. to mililk the cows a little easasier. 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>> every time i go back i say this is maybe the last time i'll be going. when i decide to come, it is a lot of fear, and then in a minute i just remember my promise, and i see their children not seeing them. >> reporter: yazji, a syrian american, ran over 30 medical missions since 2011 to help his homeland during the catastrophic war there. as the conflict continues in syria, he finds himself in a similar situation in another country. >> what happened in ukraine, it happened in syria. and i feel myself that i am part of it. >> reporter: nearly two months of war and at have left the sux health -- ukranian health system in disarray, in desperate need of help. >> this is the hospital. we've been attacked by the russians. >> reporter: dr. yaji spends the next five days in a constant blur of action. is there not enough care to be given? >> there is trauma like we did a surgery for a person who lost their upper posterior and chest. >> reporter: performing more than half a dozen operations a day, what dr. yaji and others are doing is nothing short of miraculous. one thing he learned in syria is the need to perform skin grafts as soon as possible to reduce the risk of infection. >> this is the more challenging kind of surgery. the faster you cover the bone, you have a better chance of covering up infection. >> these are injuries we've been witnessing on television. they may have loose skin, they may have fractured bones, they may need amputations, so you're talking about making flaps to care for them, right? he doesn't provide surgery, he provides mental help as well. >> i see the doctors exhausted mentally, physically. that's why this all makes me come to ukraine and be with them. >> reporter: the morning after our call, he started for home, but leaving what they promise, that he will be back. bianna, dr. yaji started this work in syria back in 2001, and many may not realize it but that conflict continues today. so even though sometimes the shifts focus, this doesn't go away, and that's really the point dr. jaji wanted me to get across. also he went to medical school with bashir al-assad, the president of syria. he knows what's been going on there for a decade and he's now applied those skills to what's happening in ukraine. bianna? >> just incredible. he buys one-way tickets to war zones not knowing when and if he will come home. a true hero. our thanks to sanjay gupta for that. minutes from now, court resumes in johnny depp's $50 million defamation case. depp faces cross-examination this morning after he testified he, quote, has never struck a woman in his life. we'll have the latest, up next. that's the one with the amamazing camera? 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[baby spits out milk] i'll get my onesies®. ♪ “baby one more time” by britney spears ♪ e*trade now from morgan stanley. in just moments, actor johnny depp returns to a stand in a virginia courtroom for a second day of testimony in a $50 million defamation case against his wife, amber heard. he testified about his personal life and said he never hit her, despite her allegations of abuse. jean joins us now. what should we expect today? >> he talked about how his mother would throw ashtrays or high heels or phones, anything to hit him, and shae also physically and emotionally abused his father, and his father just took it. that was important because the defense attorney in this case says it is important because that's how he acted when amber would abuse him. he worked with disney on movies so it would be appropriate for all ages. that goes to the damages when you don't have a career anymore, which he says happened. here's the pivot of the moment. the crux of this defamation case that amber brought against j-- that johnny depp brought against amber heard. let's listen. >> there were arguments and things of that nature that never did i myself reach the point of striking ms. heard in any way, nor have i ever struck any woman in my life. >> today will be a pivotal day. he continues on the stand. it will be most likely specific instances because heard is alleging terrible abuse, pulling her by her hair, bashing her head, violence at the hands of johnny depp, and he just testified under oath that he never struck her. so what will come next and what is the truth? and that is the point of this. >> i know you'll be watching this for us, jean casarez. thank you. good morning, everyone, i'm bianna golodryga in new york. this morning a fresh assessment by the u.s. officials say russia has made no major territorial gains in ukraine's donbas region since the start of this new offensive. u.s. officials have observed probing attacks which are meant to test ukranian defenses. we're also

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Bombardment , Azovstal Steel Complex , Fighting Units , Civilians , Hundreds , Microcosm , Point , Mariupol Tht Get Out , Glanz Ians , People , Lot , Country , End , Actions , Bargain , Skepticism , Teams , Area , Information , Contact , Infrastructure , Opportunity , Parts , Gain , Push , Towns , Video , Defenses , Phil Black , Attacks , Government , Report , Capital Kyiv , Strikes , Operations , Operation , Testing , Times , Expectation , Prelude , Force , Lines , Numbers , Positions , Points , Attack , Idea , North , Mistakes , Donbas Region , Areas , Ambush , Consolidated , Groups , Total , Front , 78 , Military , Arsenal , Lloyd Austin , Group , War Progresses , Watch , 1000 , Nato , Supply Routes , General , Defense Official , Weapons Shipments , Nuclear Weapons , Cnn Pentagon Correspondent , Destination , Barbara Starr , White House , Natasha Bertrand , Let S Begin , Evidence , Vladimir Putin , Yes , Pentagon , Package , Fight , Focus , Biden , Official , Border , Worry , Russians , Something , Question , Targets , Intelligence , Truck Convoys , Haven T , Moving Railcars , Concern , Weaponry , Supply Convoys , Targeting , Amount , Donbas On , Not Arming Ukrainians , Armor , Extent , Letter , Last , Administration , Issue , Big , Doesn T , Hands , Ukraine , Poland , Reason , Some , Transport , Shipments , Weapons Convoy , Convoys , Air Superiority , Ability , Tell Cnn Last Night , Science , Tank , Jim Sciutto , Tank Battle , Phase , Scenes Reminiscent From World War Ii , Wrong Happeneds , Plan , Details , Aid Package , Senior , Draft , Knowledge , Two , Howitzers , Ammo , Made 155 Millimeter Howitzers , 155 , Combat , Weapons Shipment , Dependence , Category , Irpin , Stories , Children , Suburb , Account , Booby Trapped Toys , Toys Booby , War Crimes , Syria , Hospitals , Examples , Images , Right , Doctor Heads , Disney , Florida , Governor , Bills , Story , Status , Company , Lawmakers , Subway , Roast Beef , Republican , Esh , Subway Club , Turkey , Oven , Black Forest Ham , Refre , Sandwich , Simone Biles , 1 , 10 , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Job Description , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Rewards Program , Ihop , Xfinity , Psoriatic Arthritis , Smile , Program , Food , Plate , Pancoins , Pancakes , Bank , Joints , Help , Infections , Reactions , Symptoms , Tremfya , Emerge Tremfyant , Patients , Adults , Doctor , Infection , Vaccine , Headlines , Being , Side , Federation , Battlefield , Static , Concentration , Headline , One , Weapons Package , Focus On Artillery , Effect , Urgency , Open Battlefields , Scale , Things , President , Terrain , Tanks , World War Ii , Reminiscent , History , Blood , European Council , Listen , Translator , Supplies , Truck , Clearing , Rubble , Incident , Toys , Sand Box , Mine , Driver , Booby Trapped Bicycles , Child , War Crime , Love , Mines , Team , Traps , Boboby , Houses , Buildings , Mine Clearers , Apartments , Roofs , Mine Clearing Teams , Talk , Community , Playgrounds , War Crimes Investigations , Justice , Crimes , Confidence , Couple , Women , Order , Orders , Kill Children And Women , Hague , Vehicles , War Criminals , Four , Many , Attack Irpin , Kyiv Region , Battle , Threat , Enemy , Direction , Result , Belarus , World , Advance , Army , 50 , Patterns , Land , Allegations , Accounts , Cities , Shelling Residential Houses , The Street , About Boboby , Hallmarks , Booby Traps , Corpses , Play , Sand Lots , Disney World , Perks , Theme Park , Tourist , Orlando , Professional , Cfpfp , P Plan , Ntn , Cfp , Visit Letsmakeaplan Org , Water , Activelift Tecology Pskip , Detergent , Finishn , Dishes , Ip , Activelift Tecology , Finish Quantum , Driedn Stains , 24 , 20 , Skin , Tightness , Plaque Psoriasis , Majority , Moderate , Stinging , 5 , 16 , 90 , Sort , Lover , Invested , Each Other , Quarrel , Tools , Green Energy , Anything , Asthma , Nunormal , Add On Treatment , Breathing Problems , Steroids , Power , Swelling , Nucala , Trouble , Headache , Breathing , Injection Site Reactions , Back Pain , Asthma Specialist , Face , Mouth , Tongue , Shingles , Fatigue , Don T Stop Steroids , Advice , Milk , Baby , Suits , Memes , Onesies , Baby One More Time , Greg , E Trade , Britney Spears , Pressure , Study , Morgan Stanley , Scientists , Septic System , Waste , 21 , Thanks , Family , Rewards , Xfinity Rewards , Rid X , Don T , Jurassic World Dominion In Theaters June 10th , Trips , Jurassic Park , Epic , 3 Million , Feud , Fallout , Special Status , Strip Disney , Orlando Area Theme Park , Ron Desantis , 55 , June 10th , Don T Say Gay Law , Schools , Leyla Santiago , Kindergarten , Opponents , Sexual Orientation , Grade , Teaching , Gender Identity , Miami , Democrats , Employer , Motive , Districts , Move , The One , Development , Yesterday , Estate , Other , Law , Exemption , Big Tech Companies For Censorship , It , Estate Law , Judge , The End , Republicans Retaliating , 75000 , Case , Hand , Republicans , Retaliation , The Bear , Problem , Dust Up , Process , Wow , Comment , Bill , District , Player , Requests , Which , June 1st , Court , Julian Assange , Handover Order , Espionage Charges , Economy , Step , Wikileaks , London , Assange , Thousands , Approval , Charges , Ruling , Files , Cables , British , 2010 , 18 , Harry , Grandmother , Max Foster , Surprise , Prison , Queen Elizabeth , 175 , Visit , Meghan , Trip , Kids , Europe , Home , Event , Interstview , Talks , Mark , Veterans , Di , Netherlands , Invictus Games , Mother , Interview , Presence , William Set Up , California , Queen , Response , Windsor Castle , Form , Remark , Humor , Sense , Few , Staff , Interviews , Signs , Commander Pleading , Protector , Desperation , Number , Message , Refresh , Italians , Italy , Fresh , Italian , Cloud , It Move , Meats , Italian Food , Sme , Refres , Flexibility , Mozza Meat , Onhe , Hpe Greenlake , Platform , Data Silos , Wall , Caesar , Hail , Ringcentral , Pssst Julius , Sleep Number , Sleep , Smart Bed , Sale , Hi Caesar , 360 , Movement , Care , Temperature Balancing , Depression , In The Dark , Lows , Sleepnumber Com , 000 , Lyte , Relief , Caplyta , Bipolar , Pill , Medicines , Hope , Discover Caplyta , Bipolar Ii Depression , Side Effects , Risks , Weight Gain , Thoughts , Behaviors , Mood Changes , Trials , Restlessness , Antidepressants , Feelings , Fever , The Darkness Of Bipolar I And Ii Depression , Muscle Movements , Confusion , Muscles , Stroke , Dementia , Death , Aren T , Therapies , Burning , Itching , Tens Of Thousands , Evacuation , Elderly , Deputy Prime Minister , Evacuation Effort , Social Media Video Pleading , Encircums , Units , Statement , Air , Supremacy , Ten , James Spider Mark S Good , Leaders , Equipment , Retired Army , World Leaders , Others , Appeal , 30 , Effort , Difficulty , Part , Exit Corridors , Place , Use , Supply Efforts , Position , Deadlines , Commitment , Behavior , Matches , Guaranteeing , Fort , Lives , Consideration , Hold , Type , Risk Mitigation Efforts , Same , Guard , Words , Pace , Level , Tasks , Thing , Sea , Artillery Fire , Success , Bunch , Objective , Boots , Determination , Bear , Home Turf Game , Fire , Mind , Cost , Capabilities , Creep Up , Frustration , Issues , Setup , Assessment , Haves , Engagement , Best , Job , Fact , Incredible , Discussion , Gunfight , Soviets , War Zones , Oath , Spider Marks , Spans , Major General , Journey , Texas To Eastern Ukraine , Mission , Lactose , Coffees , Mililk , Lactaid , Little Easasier , Up Next , 100 , Man , Income Planning , Moo , Money , Buildnning , Momore , Cash Fw , Mabel , 15 , App , Line , Saving , Joy , Voltaren , Favorite Footlong , Code , First , Formula , Damage , Pilling , Wash , Fading , Clothing , Woolite , Eyes , Eyes , Allergy , Defense , Darks , Feel , Fabrics , Woolite Damage , Sanjay Gupta , Correspondent , Dr , Invasion , Chief , Healthcare Facilities , Tm , 136 , Collaboration , Doctor Who , Global Health Reporting Center , Syrian American , Monzer Yazji , One Way Ticket , Texas , Edinburgh , Person , Ethics , Duty , Feeling , Disaster , Physician , Felt , Yazji , Fear , Missions , Promise , Ran Over , Conflict , Homeland , 2011 , Hospital , Health System , Disarray , Need , Health , Action , Trauma , Yaji , Blur , Five , Surgery , Nothing , Doing , Posterior , Chest , Miraculous , Chance , Skin Grafts , Bone , Injuries , Bones , Television , Making , Amputations , Doctors , The Morning After , Work , Call , Shifts , Doesn T Go Away , Jaji , 2001 , Bashir Al Assad , Of Syria , Medical School , Skills , Tickets , Hero , Johnny Depp , Business , Defamation Case , Woman , Cross Examination , Camera , Latest , Amamazing , Yep , 50 Million , 0 Million , Aromatherapy Rugs , Business Customers , Appointment , Hi , At T , Staffing , Deals , Master , Size , Iphone , Actor , Testimony , Johnny Depp Returns To A Stand In Virginia Courtroom For Second Day , Amber Heard , Wife , Jean Casarez , Abuse , Ashtrays , Father , Phones , High Heels , Shae , Defense Attorney , Damages , Amber , Career , Ages , Pivot , Disney On Movies , Arguments , Crux , J , Nature , Ms , Stand , Instances , Head , Truth , Hair , Violence ,

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