Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Vi

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240708

are out looking and almost immediately based on the information i've been receiving, they realized it was him . >> our team is digging through the documents from the u.s. attorney's office. the count held on one count of violating, prohibiting terrorism and other violent acts against mass transit. we'll see if there's some tear nexus they believe is involved or other violent acts on mass transit covers what we saw. >> we do have the complaint here. it soucnds like that's the statute. in one of the youtube videos he put out the day before the shooting, he described he was heading back from milwaukee, heading back east to philadelphia which he said is very triggering for him because he had ptsd from all that had gone on there. now we know that for years, decades, on the east coast, he had been in trouble with law enforcement. who knows what he was referring to. the amount of information that they now have to sift through, all of these detectives. they have probably been up for 30 years trying to catch him. now the real work begins. >> you're right. tlp a there are some cases and this is one of them, the detectives sleep in their cars if they need a break. they sleep in the office on the floor but they keep going. get a couple of hours and they got to get back to it. this is one of those cases. from the detectives to the patrol officers, who even with the tip, if he wasn't at the mcdonald's, what did they do? they kept looking for him. they weren't lazy. they didn't get on and say we don't see him. they kept can advancing. this is police work that we're seeing. they're doing the work. even though he is in custody, there's still a lot of work that they have to sift through because that federal prosecutor needs to go into court and hit a grand slam . do you know if they are looking for anyone else involved, who supported, who helped over the last 30 hours? >> no. there's no one else they are looking for. they think he is solely responsible for this. they have been talking to anyone who knows him. kind of going through his life. the youtube video was posted three weeks ago. some of that information certainly is something as we have been reporting they are going through but they also want to know if he talked to anyone about how he was feeling. was he seeking any kind of help anywhere. was there anything going on in his life that could have indicated that this was going to happen and perhaps could have prevented it. we don't know when he started planning this but clearly there was some planning that went into this. you think about he purchased the gas mask, we're told on ebay. he had the fireworks that he purchased ten months ago. did he start planning this then when he purchased fireworks or was this something more recent like in the last few weeks. we don't know. part of it is because the subways are a sense tsieve location for new york city. it's the lifeline of this city. so many people, every one that lives in here relies on the subways. to have an attack like this on the subway scares the heck out of people. that is something that is very concerning to the city. they need to figure out what happened here. was anything amiss. was there anything they could have done better to try to prevent this from happening fp issue with cameras. was there anything else that could have been done to prevent this. the mayor has a lot to figure out. new york, this is kind of a punch to this city. new yorkers are resilient. we have seen them back on the surways this morning. people have to go to work. people vm to go to school. they rely on this subway. this is something that the city needs to figure out. they need to make the subways safe. they need to make people feel comfortable that they can ride the subways. that is something they're going to have to do. that will be all part of the investigation. >> i'm so glad you're brinking that up. i've been debating do i go on the subway and show a strength that we're not going to let this kind of crime and terror stop us or am i afraid of copy cat crimes that happen after horrific atrocities. people get other ideas and do things. i'm sure you heard the mta chief say we need more visibility of cop on the platforms and in subway cars like we used in decades gone by. it's true that when i ride the subway, which i do every week, i don't see cops in the subway cars. i don't know if that's by design or lack of manpower but is there talk of some of that shift? the visibility of uniform cops being a more show of force now. >> there is some. tlp i there is some talk of that. the subway system is just too big. you can't put cops in every subway station. you can't put officers on every subway car. something has to be figured out. what do they do? this is something the nypd will need to figure out. the mayor campaigned on this, making the city safer. crime is a problem. violent crime is. crime in the subway is a problem. every one talking about it. we have co-workers who are afraid to ride subway, friend, family member who is don't want to go on the subway even before this. the city needs to figure this out. they have brought in state police to assist in some cases. do they move some of the officers that are out on patrol in the street s and move them into the subway system? that is something they may consider. you can't just do this in the days after something like this happens to make people safe. it's something concerning to a lot of poem. t -- people. this is national news, international news. this is resonating everywhere across the world. that is something the mayor and city officials consider. >> i took the train home yesterday from brooklyn to harlem and the car was packed. >> did you see more police around? >> i did see a couple of officers. we know the ceo of the nta said he asked for the officers that you mentioned that mayor adams says he wants them. this is what he says. thank you both. the last hour, the kwhwhite house released new details about $800 million of additional aid to ukraine. president biden unveiled the news to president zelenskyy in a call today. it includes artillery systems, armored hum vees. the u.s. has given ukraine more than $3 billion in security assistance. >> some of them are reenforcing capabilities that we have already been providing ukraine and some of them are new capabilities that we have not provided to ukraine. all of them are designed to help ukraine as we talked about. help ukraine in fight they are in right now and the fight they will be in in coming days and weeks in the eastern part of the country. >> video appears to show a cluster bomb, which is banned. it's seen going off in kharkiv. one explosion is immediately followed by a series of blasts. cnn's team has observed stepped up shelling in the residential part. the mayor there believes as many as 180,000 people may be trapped and unable to escape the russian bombardments. jake, it's great to have you on the ground. president biden said russia's atrocities constitute a genocide. does that lead to any u.s. policy change? >> not apparently. he said he thagt the russians were committing war crimes. again, his opinion but no apparent legal ramification. the reaction, obviously here in ukraine as you might imagine has been very positive. president zelenskyy issuing a statement for speaking truth. in europe it's been different. the president of france suggested that language was perhaps not helpful to any sort of peace process. if you look at the definition of the word genocide, it does describe what russia seems to be doing in ukraine. he was going to say what he thought regardless of what any international lawyers have come to that conclusion. >> what do we know about the prisoner swap? >> so far it does seem like the prisoner swaps are really the only good thing to come out of the diplomatic negotiations tw between the russians and ukrainians. there's been three prisoner swaps so far. this oligarch is a pro-putin politician here in ukraine. before the war he had been put under house arrest because of suspicions and allegations of treason. he then escaped house arrest. he was then captured the day ago or maybe before. now they are talk about maybe some sort of prisoner swap but we haven't heard yet from the russians as to whether or not they will take him up on the offer. it's remarkable to see how many ukrainians are in the resistance whether it's fighting or vol teerg -- volunteering. he is a construction engineer. he tries to arrange transport of wounded ukrainians to hospitals that are farther away from the action. he provided a lot of the videos we saw last week and we wanted to hear from him from his own eyes what he saw. >> i saw a lot of people that do not have their own vehicles. it was the last wave of evacuation. >> so, he was in the middle of going from hospital to hospital there. we caught up with him and did that interview as he was driving around you crane and just another note, we were at a train station not far from where i am right now where about nine kids that were severely wounded in that attack were taken to here in lviv for treatment. here in ukraine people are still very much dealing with what happened on that horrible, horrible day. >> yeah, we heard from the first lady of ukraine. she said do not get used to our grief. she told that to christiana amanpour. more from that interview with the first lady. she warned no one in her country is safe from russian forces. she said she's not seen her husband since the war broke out and that helpi ing others keeps her strong. >> it's like waking a tight rope. if you start thinking how do you do it, you lose time and blaens. to hold on, you just must go ahead and do what you do. all ukrainians are holding on. many of those who escaped from the battlefields alone who saw the death say that the main cure after the experience is to act to do something, to be helpful to somebody. i am personally supported by the fact that i try to protect and support others. responsibility discipline. >> joining us now from western ukraine is parliament member. sir, thaingnk you for being wit me. i want to get back to that interview if we have time. i want to start with this new characterization from president biden that the russian offenses in your country are genocide. what we heard from the french president is he's careful, too careful to use that word. he says that russians and ukrainians are brothers. he rejects that term. what's your reaction to what you hear from president macron? >> i think that president biden also reacted not only to the massacres but two articles that we noticed in the russian media. one from the former president of russia and another one was from close political adviser to kremlin. they both openly advocated genocide. they used terms such as -- they actually in the article, the kremlin used the term mass murder. it was a clear message from kremlin that the massacres that that they did in bucha was deliberate. we characterize them as genocide because of the intent and nature of the crime. i do not think it's a threshold that it starts as general side. >> what we haeeard from preside biden was a personal opinion to him, that it looks like genocide. that has not changed the view of the u.s. government. is it enough for the president to classify this personally as genocide and no change from the u.s. government? >> well, i don't think it matters much because it classified. i've been traveling two days ago through the most impacted town where we have seen mass graves. i can tell you as a witness, this is definitely genocide. they have clearly stated their intentions to really reeducate and to kill the most of the resistance fighters. this is a genocide. they are not hiding it. they are stating it point-blank. >> do you support this proposed prisoner swap to get some ukrainians who are held back that you crane would give russia this politician and oligarch, victor. do you support that? >> we do not care about any russians we hold in our captivity. for them, they are nothing. i would be willing to exchange any russians we have for any ukrainians that russians, unfortunately, have captured. our lives of our people matter the most. unlike the russians who do not only not recognize we have prisoners, they do not care about taking care of the bodies of their fallen in ukraine. >> we know that finland and sweden are getting closer to applying to membership to nato. an aspiration for nato membership is part of the ukrainian constitution but we heard from president zelenskyy and he said the alliance is weak and no longer interested in their diplomacy. is the ukrainian dissatisfaction with the support or protection from nato so strong that you think the country should abandon its aspiration to join nato? >> i think ukraine has been a motive for different countries to make different decisions and policy changes. after what happened to ukraine, i believe that sweden and finland will change and they have right to do so. also ukraine has applied for eu membership and follow in that suit. this will change russian attack on ukraine will change the world in a more positive sense. nato will become more unified. it's ukraine who is bearing the pain of this whohorrific attack that changes the lives of other countries for the better but we suffer all the consequences currently. >> do you think ukraine should continue to try to join that alliance? >> of course. we had a promise from russia that it will not be invaded. it's clear to us we now have to get other securities. i think the world owes us that much. >> all right. thank you, sir. new report found clear patterns of human rights violations by russian forces in ukraine. it details credible evidence that could constitute war crimes. the report highlights the scope of atrocities, including targeted killings, torture and rape. joining us now is the under secretary of state for political affairs. she was the u.s. am basbassador nato under president george w. bush. thank you so much for being here. as you know president biden is callin ing what russia is doing genocide. let me read the u.n.'s definition of genocide. it's acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group. does that classification change the u.s. policy now? >> thank you for the chance to be with you. as you know president biden spoke from his heart when he called what we are seeing in ukraine genocide by the russian federation and its forces. in order to make a formal u.s. government policy decision with regard to genocide, we have a process of collecting evidence over time and we are continuing to do that. i am going to predict that what president biden called it is what we will ultimately likely find when we are able to gather all of this evidence because what is happening on the ground is not an accident. it is an intentional decision by russian, by its forces, to destroy youukraine and its civi yancivilian population. >> it sure looks like it. will that change the u.s. policy and approach in that case? >> again, there's certain legal obligations that come with a formal determination of genocide. i would say that we and our allies are already doing a huge amount to put pressure on russia, to isolate the country, to pile on the sanctions, to ensure that they are enormous financial, political reputational costs to what they are doing. we need to continue to do that because you crane is the front line of freedom for all of us. >> why do you think those sanctions have not deterredmir ? >> he doesn't care about his people or country. he only cares about his own ambition. he doesn't see what he is doing is not om turning ukraine into rubble, it's turning russia into prison and he's -- he is ensuring his own people don't have the future that they deserve. he is sacrificing their future for his ambition and russia will pay the cost. not as much as ukraine but they will and they are. >> what will get his attention? what could change the course? this violent course that he's on? >> first of all, week on week the sanctions are having more and more effect. they are having effect on the elites around him who are increasingly coming out against the war. they are having an effect on his ability to resupply and get the weapons that needs. there are already systems that the russian military makes that depend on the kinds of western technology that we are denying them. he is also having trouble getting resources to his people. not only his soldiers on the ground but folks around the world. he is spending a huge amount of russia's wealth propping up the ruble artificially. this is hurting russia week on week. what's most important is the ukrainians ability to resist and defend which is why we and our allies are supporting them so strongly with security support including a new announcement of an additional $800 million of security support for the united states. >> i want to ask you about kwhas what's going on with the german president. i guess he had a friendly wip with president putin. hasn't all that changed. why wouldn't president zelenskyy embrace the german president's overture? >> i can't speak to who he wants to have to come to kyiv. i can say german chancellor has had regular contact with president zelenskyy and the germans are providing unprecedented support to ukraine including exporting weapons which has been very important for the support of ukraine. >> undersecretary, thank you very much for all of the information. great to have you on. >> thank you. ahead, more on our breaking news out of new york. police have arrested a suspect in the subway shooting. we have new details. stay with us. you're probably thinking that these two are in some sort of lover's quarrel. no, no, no. they're both invested... in green energy. and alsoach other. digil tools so impressive, you just can't stop. whatould you like the power to do? well, would ya look at that! it was an accident. i was— speaking of accidents, we accidentally left you off the insurance policy during enrollment, and you're not covered. not even a little bit? mm-mmm. no insurance. no. when employees can't enter and manage their own benefits enrollment information, it can be a real pain. not even— nope! with paycom, employees enter and manage their own hr data in a single, easy-to-use software. visit and schedule a demo today. 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(vo) your family is safer in a three-row subaru ascent. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. police have arrested 62-year-old frank james. >> minutes ago, thankfully, nypd perhaps officers from the 9th precinct responded to st. marks and first avenue where they apprehended him without incident. this case was quickly solved using technology, video canvassing and getting that information out to the public. >> we hope this arrest brings some solace to the victims and the people of the city of new york. >> we used every resource at our disposal to gather and process significant evidence that directly links mr. james to the shooting. we were able to shrink his world quickly. there was nowhere left for him to run. >> authorities say james put on a gas mask yesterday morning, deploy add smoke canister and began shooting fellow passengers. ten people were hit. 20 were injured. five of the victims were kids heading to school. the suspect is being charged with violating laws that prohibit terrorism and other violent acts against mass transit systems. he will be arraigned in federal court and if convicted he faces life in prison. >> cnn miguel is outside the police station where this suspect is being held. tell us what's happening there. >> reporter: with another rush shower coming up, this news will come as great relief to new yorkers and to the police department. i want to show you what's happening outside the 9th precinct here. what is absolutely stunning is that this suspected shooter was picked up about three blocks from this precinct. there was no drama when they picked him up. just put into cuffs and a squad car. it's possible we will see him make some appearance at some point. i want to show you the amount of press. we had one of the people who called crimestopper and gave police a tip talking to media a moment ago. he was in with police and came out. he was extremely proud of the fact that he had played a part in this and was pumping his fist into the air but there's enormous relief among the police department as well. the number of police officer who is have came here on the #th precinct, shaking hands, hugging, fist bumping. a great sense of relief. every new yorker woke up looking for one headline that this alleged shooter had been arrested. finally they get that peace of mind. back to you guys. >> i don't blame that tipster for being very excited. it does feel victorious to have that capture. thank you. congressman, thaenks so much fo being here. now that everybody can heave a sigh of relief because this guy has been captured, what do you think needs to change so this doesn't happen again? >> first of all, let me congratulate the nypd, those patrol officer, the tipster, the fbi, the entire law enforcement community and new yorkers who continue to demonstrate the strength and resilience that's so characteristic of brooklyn and the big apple as we have navigated our way through this horrific circumstance that occurred last -- yesterday. i think we want to make sure that frank robert james is prosecuted to the full extent of the law. i'm confident that u.s. attorney and his team will do that. then there are a set of policy questions that we'll need to answer, including what do we do comprehensively to deal with the proliferation of guns on our streets and the fact they continue to find themselves in the hands of individuals intent on creating mayhem and carnage as was the case with the brooklyn subway shooter. >> let's talk about his access to guns. i'm interested in that. this guy had nine prior arrests from 1992 to 1998. in other words, he's been a problem for law enforcement for three decades. he had criminal sex acts charge, criminal tampering, trespassing, larceny, three arrests in new jersey, a host of other states as well. he was able to buy his gun in ohio, a .9 millimeter glock. in 2022, would he be able to buy a gun with that criminal background history? >> apparently that's the case. one of the things we are en endevouring to work on is criminal background checks to pry to prevent individual who is are clearly intent on doing harm to the american people while having a troubling history prevent those individuals from being able to lawfully access guns. that's just a piece of the puzzle. we have to take a close look at the law as it currently exists. had this particular individual been convicted of a felony, then he would not have been able to purchase that weapon lawfully. however, as you've documented, he's got a deeply troubling record of criminal entanglement in multiple states and if you look at the totality of it, i don't think any reasonable american can conclude that this is the type of individual who should be able to lawfully purchase a weapon. >> one other thing we heard that might change or has been a suggestion comes out of this tragedy, this is from the head of the mta. the person who runs the mass transit here in new york. thinks it's time for a stronger and more visible police presence on the subway system. let me play this for you. >> i was asking for long time to get the cops on the platforms and on the trains like the old days when you and i were growing up in new york, jim. that is what riders want. it's where they feel vulnerable. it's where bad stuff happen, generally. the mayor said to his police department that he wants cops on trains like he used to do when he was transit cop. he wants cops on platforms. that's what we need. >> what do you think about that? is it time for cops on the sexu subway cars? >> i think it's a reasonable suggestion that needs to be explored. i'm confident in the leadership of mayor eric adams who, himself, was a transit officer during the '80s and '90s, when crime was really out of control in the city of new york. we have come a long way since then. still have a ways to go. we have a seen a retrenchment over the last few years given the rise of the pandemic and shootings and homicides and other instances of crime and violence on the uptick. months ago, mayor adams indicated he was going to lean into this issue of making the subways safer. i don't think we can be in any better hands and we should explore the partnerships at the federal level and the state level to do that. >> thank you very much for your time. >> thank you. >> let's bring in cnn law enforcement analyst. also cnn national security analyst homeland security j. let's start where they left off. how many times have we talked about hardening soft targets. these attacks that happen on trains. they have happened in schools with armed guards. they have happened in stores with guards. they happen at public events with lots of police. is it realistic to put officers in these places and would it stop some of these attacks? >> no. i think we have to be really honest about the risk calculation that we're making in the society. i'm not saying it's wrong. you live -- the two of doyou li in new york to have the mobility, the transit system to get you from point a to point b super fast, pretty reliable and to put more security measures whether it's some kind of checks or more law enforcement which would be budget wise, quite a drain on the nypd. it's asking a lot because the system does relatively work. the idea we could have a mass transit system in an urban environment that is safe is a bad way to think about it. you want to make it safer. one way to make it safer is go do means that's harming people. guns and other weapons but guns and then you go to the response capability. after something bad happens, i'm not excusing it but we can measure success in the fact that there was a quick response. no one died. both luck and planning benefitted new york yesterday. i know i sound sort of hardened and realistic but i do think it's important we realize the benefit we're getting from making that risk calculation. >> i think you make a great point. you can't -- it can't be perfect and only after something like this are we reactive and rethink every one. >> yeah, every one has the answer today. >> right. for years, this hasn't happened. this transit system moves millions of people a day. it is a success story. on day like this, when people are wondering, if there's anything that should be changed. what do you think? is there anything that with be tweaked around the edges? >> well, i think we're tuouchin on it. we have to work from going from reactive in these situations to being proactive. how we do that is highlighting the good work the officer vs done and building on that. let me further that statement by saying police power is increased by the proper partnerships with the community. we saw that play out in this situation. the goal now is for us to move from a 30-hour delta where we caught this suspect 30 hours later to catching this suspect almost in realtime and being proactive in setting up the apparatus and mechanisms appropriate to do that. look at places like dekalb county in georgia where the marshal's office is having proactive interactions with cit citizens. the citizens are rating the interactions with the officer, rebuilding trust. they already have the relationships in place. >> how are people at home to interpret this federal charge on which he's being held violating prohibition of trough of mass transit in. >> the nypd did a great job. the public did a great job. the crime stopper did a great job. i thought the explanation of what they were charging him with was quite confusing. let me make it clear. the patriot act extended terrorism and other violent acts to include those that targeted mass transit. it was an expansion of the law. when an nypd came out today saying terrorism. every news alert, they knew that, every news alert was going to focus on the terrorism. 20 minutes later, someone clarifies and says, no, no. we don't have that motivation. we're allowed to charge him with other violent acts. i think it's just very important for public officials lowering o the temperature. the we can handle this. i think it's very important the mayor who came out saying we got limb him, i think it's really important in this day and age where we do have a lot of that public officials use the opportunity to say this is a horrible incident. we don't know what we have yet. if you lead with terrorism, they knew how the public would respond. i would to put it in perspective. they do not have a terror intent yet. they made that clear by the end of the press conference. >> appreciate the clarity. when we heard it, we thought this is the eastern district. >> of course. i was googling. >> yes. all right. thank you both. ahead, i'll speak to humanitarian group inside a trauma center in ukraine as the world health organization says that health facilities across the country are under attack. stressed, dry and sandpaper. strypaper? 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>> it is tough. many of them showed up at the hospital the minute the war started. a couple of them arrived two hours late and they were apologizing. they slept in the hospital. they left their families and everybody they own and they were in the hospital and they were there 24/7. they're traumatized. they've seen things humans shouldn't see in terms of injuries, in terms of suffering, amputations, women, children, and they're coping with it. they're resilient. you could tell they're going through emotional distress. their mental health is not the same. they're doing their best and they're committed to staying as long as it takes to look after everybody that comes to the hospital. >> i read your report about your time in the kyiv region. and it starts with you landing in krakow, heading to the border. you met an elderly woman there who was heading in the opposite direction of the millions of people trying to get out of the country. share with us that story. it is something our viewers need the hear. >> it was an amazing story. she was in her 80s and she was walking using a cane and somebody was helping her with her bag and we asked if we could help her with her bag, and of course, we did. and i was wondering, why is she going back to ukraine when people are fleeing? when i asked the lady that was with her said, she didn't want to die in a foreign land. and besides, she has her son. and she wants to be with her son. she does not want to leave her son. and that shows the heart of the mother, that no matter where you are, no matter where you go, it is still the same. they still are caring, they still want to look after their children and her son is at least my age. it didn't matter. she wanted to go back and be with her son. >> and the commitment to her country. rabih torbay. thank you for the work you're doing and for spending a if you minutes with us. >> thank you. >> happening now, police in michigan are releasing video of a shooting at a traffic stop in grand rapids. that's next. ththis is vuity™, the first and only fda approved eye-drop that improves age-related blurry near vision. wait, what? itounded like you just said an eye drop that may help you see close. i did. it's an innovative way to... ye! vuity™ helps you see up close. so, i can see up close with just my eyes? 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"the lead" with jake tapper starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- i'm standing out on a roof top in lviv on day 49 of the brutal russian invasion of ukraine. we're live. an interpreter held in capitalivity for nine days, beaten, starved and subjected to a mock execution. a mother raped multiple time by a drunken russian soldier in the presence of her small child. an elderly couple, shot dead by russian soldiers while trying to

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota And Victor Blackwell 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240708

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are out looking and almost immediately based on the information i've been receiving, they realized it was him . >> our team is digging through the documents from the u.s. attorney's office. the count held on one count of violating, prohibiting terrorism and other violent acts against mass transit. we'll see if there's some tear nexus they believe is involved or other violent acts on mass transit covers what we saw. >> we do have the complaint here. it soucnds like that's the statute. in one of the youtube videos he put out the day before the shooting, he described he was heading back from milwaukee, heading back east to philadelphia which he said is very triggering for him because he had ptsd from all that had gone on there. now we know that for years, decades, on the east coast, he had been in trouble with law enforcement. who knows what he was referring to. the amount of information that they now have to sift through, all of these detectives. they have probably been up for 30 years trying to catch him. now the real work begins. >> you're right. tlp a there are some cases and this is one of them, the detectives sleep in their cars if they need a break. they sleep in the office on the floor but they keep going. get a couple of hours and they got to get back to it. this is one of those cases. from the detectives to the patrol officers, who even with the tip, if he wasn't at the mcdonald's, what did they do? they kept looking for him. they weren't lazy. they didn't get on and say we don't see him. they kept can advancing. this is police work that we're seeing. they're doing the work. even though he is in custody, there's still a lot of work that they have to sift through because that federal prosecutor needs to go into court and hit a grand slam . do you know if they are looking for anyone else involved, who supported, who helped over the last 30 hours? >> no. there's no one else they are looking for. they think he is solely responsible for this. they have been talking to anyone who knows him. kind of going through his life. the youtube video was posted three weeks ago. some of that information certainly is something as we have been reporting they are going through but they also want to know if he talked to anyone about how he was feeling. was he seeking any kind of help anywhere. was there anything going on in his life that could have indicated that this was going to happen and perhaps could have prevented it. we don't know when he started planning this but clearly there was some planning that went into this. you think about he purchased the gas mask, we're told on ebay. he had the fireworks that he purchased ten months ago. did he start planning this then when he purchased fireworks or was this something more recent like in the last few weeks. we don't know. part of it is because the subways are a sense tsieve location for new york city. it's the lifeline of this city. so many people, every one that lives in here relies on the subways. to have an attack like this on the subway scares the heck out of people. that is something that is very concerning to the city. they need to figure out what happened here. was anything amiss. was there anything they could have done better to try to prevent this from happening fp issue with cameras. was there anything else that could have been done to prevent this. the mayor has a lot to figure out. new york, this is kind of a punch to this city. new yorkers are resilient. we have seen them back on the surways this morning. people have to go to work. people vm to go to school. they rely on this subway. this is something that the city needs to figure out. they need to make the subways safe. they need to make people feel comfortable that they can ride the subways. that is something they're going to have to do. that will be all part of the investigation. >> i'm so glad you're brinking that up. i've been debating do i go on the subway and show a strength that we're not going to let this kind of crime and terror stop us or am i afraid of copy cat crimes that happen after horrific atrocities. people get other ideas and do things. i'm sure you heard the mta chief say we need more visibility of cop on the platforms and in subway cars like we used in decades gone by. it's true that when i ride the subway, which i do every week, i don't see cops in the subway cars. i don't know if that's by design or lack of manpower but is there talk of some of that shift? the visibility of uniform cops being a more show of force now. >> there is some. tlp i there is some talk of that. the subway system is just too big. you can't put cops in every subway station. you can't put officers on every subway car. something has to be figured out. what do they do? this is something the nypd will need to figure out. the mayor campaigned on this, making the city safer. crime is a problem. violent crime is. crime in the subway is a problem. every one talking about it. we have co-workers who are afraid to ride subway, friend, family member who is don't want to go on the subway even before this. the city needs to figure this out. they have brought in state police to assist in some cases. do they move some of the officers that are out on patrol in the street s and move them into the subway system? that is something they may consider. you can't just do this in the days after something like this happens to make people safe. it's something concerning to a lot of poem. t -- people. this is national news, international news. this is resonating everywhere across the world. that is something the mayor and city officials consider. >> i took the train home yesterday from brooklyn to harlem and the car was packed. >> did you see more police around? >> i did see a couple of officers. we know the ceo of the nta said he asked for the officers that you mentioned that mayor adams says he wants them. this is what he says. thank you both. the last hour, the kwhwhite house released new details about $800 million of additional aid to ukraine. president biden unveiled the news to president zelenskyy in a call today. it includes artillery systems, armored hum vees. the u.s. has given ukraine more than $3 billion in security assistance. >> some of them are reenforcing capabilities that we have already been providing ukraine and some of them are new capabilities that we have not provided to ukraine. all of them are designed to help ukraine as we talked about. help ukraine in fight they are in right now and the fight they will be in in coming days and weeks in the eastern part of the country. >> video appears to show a cluster bomb, which is banned. it's seen going off in kharkiv. one explosion is immediately followed by a series of blasts. cnn's team has observed stepped up shelling in the residential part. the mayor there believes as many as 180,000 people may be trapped and unable to escape the russian bombardments. jake, it's great to have you on the ground. president biden said russia's atrocities constitute a genocide. does that lead to any u.s. policy change? >> not apparently. he said he thagt the russians were committing war crimes. again, his opinion but no apparent legal ramification. the reaction, obviously here in ukraine as you might imagine has been very positive. president zelenskyy issuing a statement for speaking truth. in europe it's been different. the president of france suggested that language was perhaps not helpful to any sort of peace process. if you look at the definition of the word genocide, it does describe what russia seems to be doing in ukraine. he was going to say what he thought regardless of what any international lawyers have come to that conclusion. >> what do we know about the prisoner swap? >> so far it does seem like the prisoner swaps are really the only good thing to come out of the diplomatic negotiations tw between the russians and ukrainians. there's been three prisoner swaps so far. this oligarch is a pro-putin politician here in ukraine. before the war he had been put under house arrest because of suspicions and allegations of treason. he then escaped house arrest. he was then captured the day ago or maybe before. now they are talk about maybe some sort of prisoner swap but we haven't heard yet from the russians as to whether or not they will take him up on the offer. it's remarkable to see how many ukrainians are in the resistance whether it's fighting or vol teerg -- volunteering. he is a construction engineer. he tries to arrange transport of wounded ukrainians to hospitals that are farther away from the action. he provided a lot of the videos we saw last week and we wanted to hear from him from his own eyes what he saw. >> i saw a lot of people that do not have their own vehicles. it was the last wave of evacuation. >> so, he was in the middle of going from hospital to hospital there. we caught up with him and did that interview as he was driving around you crane and just another note, we were at a train station not far from where i am right now where about nine kids that were severely wounded in that attack were taken to here in lviv for treatment. here in ukraine people are still very much dealing with what happened on that horrible, horrible day. >> yeah, we heard from the first lady of ukraine. she said do not get used to our grief. she told that to christiana amanpour. more from that interview with the first lady. she warned no one in her country is safe from russian forces. she said she's not seen her husband since the war broke out and that helpi ing others keeps her strong. >> it's like waking a tight rope. if you start thinking how do you do it, you lose time and blaens. to hold on, you just must go ahead and do what you do. all ukrainians are holding on. many of those who escaped from the battlefields alone who saw the death say that the main cure after the experience is to act to do something, to be helpful to somebody. i am personally supported by the fact that i try to protect and support others. responsibility discipline. >> joining us now from western ukraine is parliament member. sir, thaingnk you for being wit me. i want to get back to that interview if we have time. i want to start with this new characterization from president biden that the russian offenses in your country are genocide. what we heard from the french president is he's careful, too careful to use that word. he says that russians and ukrainians are brothers. he rejects that term. what's your reaction to what you hear from president macron? >> i think that president biden also reacted not only to the massacres but two articles that we noticed in the russian media. one from the former president of russia and another one was from close political adviser to kremlin. they both openly advocated genocide. they used terms such as -- they actually in the article, the kremlin used the term mass murder. it was a clear message from kremlin that the massacres that that they did in bucha was deliberate. we characterize them as genocide because of the intent and nature of the crime. i do not think it's a threshold that it starts as general side. >> what we haeeard from preside biden was a personal opinion to him, that it looks like genocide. that has not changed the view of the u.s. government. is it enough for the president to classify this personally as genocide and no change from the u.s. government? >> well, i don't think it matters much because it classified. i've been traveling two days ago through the most impacted town where we have seen mass graves. i can tell you as a witness, this is definitely genocide. they have clearly stated their intentions to really reeducate and to kill the most of the resistance fighters. this is a genocide. they are not hiding it. they are stating it point-blank. >> do you support this proposed prisoner swap to get some ukrainians who are held back that you crane would give russia this politician and oligarch, victor. do you support that? >> we do not care about any russians we hold in our captivity. for them, they are nothing. i would be willing to exchange any russians we have for any ukrainians that russians, unfortunately, have captured. our lives of our people matter the most. unlike the russians who do not only not recognize we have prisoners, they do not care about taking care of the bodies of their fallen in ukraine. >> we know that finland and sweden are getting closer to applying to membership to nato. an aspiration for nato membership is part of the ukrainian constitution but we heard from president zelenskyy and he said the alliance is weak and no longer interested in their diplomacy. is the ukrainian dissatisfaction with the support or protection from nato so strong that you think the country should abandon its aspiration to join nato? >> i think ukraine has been a motive for different countries to make different decisions and policy changes. after what happened to ukraine, i believe that sweden and finland will change and they have right to do so. also ukraine has applied for eu membership and follow in that suit. this will change russian attack on ukraine will change the world in a more positive sense. nato will become more unified. it's ukraine who is bearing the pain of this whohorrific attack that changes the lives of other countries for the better but we suffer all the consequences currently. >> do you think ukraine should continue to try to join that alliance? >> of course. we had a promise from russia that it will not be invaded. it's clear to us we now have to get other securities. i think the world owes us that much. >> all right. thank you, sir. new report found clear patterns of human rights violations by russian forces in ukraine. it details credible evidence that could constitute war crimes. the report highlights the scope of atrocities, including targeted killings, torture and rape. joining us now is the under secretary of state for political affairs. she was the u.s. am basbassador nato under president george w. bush. thank you so much for being here. as you know president biden is callin ing what russia is doing genocide. let me read the u.n.'s definition of genocide. it's acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group. does that classification change the u.s. policy now? >> thank you for the chance to be with you. as you know president biden spoke from his heart when he called what we are seeing in ukraine genocide by the russian federation and its forces. in order to make a formal u.s. government policy decision with regard to genocide, we have a process of collecting evidence over time and we are continuing to do that. i am going to predict that what president biden called it is what we will ultimately likely find when we are able to gather all of this evidence because what is happening on the ground is not an accident. it is an intentional decision by russian, by its forces, to destroy youukraine and its civi yancivilian population. >> it sure looks like it. will that change the u.s. policy and approach in that case? >> again, there's certain legal obligations that come with a formal determination of genocide. i would say that we and our allies are already doing a huge amount to put pressure on russia, to isolate the country, to pile on the sanctions, to ensure that they are enormous financial, political reputational costs to what they are doing. we need to continue to do that because you crane is the front line of freedom for all of us. >> why do you think those sanctions have not deterredmir ? >> he doesn't care about his people or country. he only cares about his own ambition. he doesn't see what he is doing is not om turning ukraine into rubble, it's turning russia into prison and he's -- he is ensuring his own people don't have the future that they deserve. he is sacrificing their future for his ambition and russia will pay the cost. not as much as ukraine but they will and they are. >> what will get his attention? what could change the course? this violent course that he's on? >> first of all, week on week the sanctions are having more and more effect. they are having effect on the elites around him who are increasingly coming out against the war. they are having an effect on his ability to resupply and get the weapons that needs. there are already systems that the russian military makes that depend on the kinds of western technology that we are denying them. he is also having trouble getting resources to his people. not only his soldiers on the ground but folks around the world. he is spending a huge amount of russia's wealth propping up the ruble artificially. this is hurting russia week on week. what's most important is the ukrainians ability to resist and defend which is why we and our allies are supporting them so strongly with security support including a new announcement of an additional $800 million of security support for the united states. >> i want to ask you about kwhas what's going on with the german president. i guess he had a friendly wip with president putin. hasn't all that changed. why wouldn't president zelenskyy embrace the german president's overture? >> i can't speak to who he wants to have to come to kyiv. i can say german chancellor has had regular contact with president zelenskyy and the germans are providing unprecedented support to ukraine including exporting weapons which has been very important for the support of ukraine. >> undersecretary, thank you very much for all of the information. great to have you on. >> thank you. ahead, more on our breaking news out of new york. police have arrested a suspect in the subway shooting. we have new details. stay with us. you're probably thinking that these two are in some sort of lover's quarrel. no, no, no. they're both invested... in green energy. and alsoach other. digil tools so impressive, you just can't stop. whatould you like the power to do? well, would ya look at that! it was an accident. i was— speaking of accidents, we accidentally left you off the insurance policy during enrollment, and you're not covered. not even a little bit? mm-mmm. no insurance. no. when employees can't enter and manage their own benefits enrollment information, it can be a real pain. not even— nope! with paycom, employees enter and manage their own hr data in a single, easy-to-use software. visit and schedule a demo today. 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(vo) your family is safer in a three-row subaru ascent. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. police have arrested 62-year-old frank james. >> minutes ago, thankfully, nypd perhaps officers from the 9th precinct responded to st. marks and first avenue where they apprehended him without incident. this case was quickly solved using technology, video canvassing and getting that information out to the public. >> we hope this arrest brings some solace to the victims and the people of the city of new york. >> we used every resource at our disposal to gather and process significant evidence that directly links mr. james to the shooting. we were able to shrink his world quickly. there was nowhere left for him to run. >> authorities say james put on a gas mask yesterday morning, deploy add smoke canister and began shooting fellow passengers. ten people were hit. 20 were injured. five of the victims were kids heading to school. the suspect is being charged with violating laws that prohibit terrorism and other violent acts against mass transit systems. he will be arraigned in federal court and if convicted he faces life in prison. >> cnn miguel is outside the police station where this suspect is being held. tell us what's happening there. >> reporter: with another rush shower coming up, this news will come as great relief to new yorkers and to the police department. i want to show you what's happening outside the 9th precinct here. what is absolutely stunning is that this suspected shooter was picked up about three blocks from this precinct. there was no drama when they picked him up. just put into cuffs and a squad car. it's possible we will see him make some appearance at some point. i want to show you the amount of press. we had one of the people who called crimestopper and gave police a tip talking to media a moment ago. he was in with police and came out. he was extremely proud of the fact that he had played a part in this and was pumping his fist into the air but there's enormous relief among the police department as well. the number of police officer who is have came here on the #th precinct, shaking hands, hugging, fist bumping. a great sense of relief. every new yorker woke up looking for one headline that this alleged shooter had been arrested. finally they get that peace of mind. back to you guys. >> i don't blame that tipster for being very excited. it does feel victorious to have that capture. thank you. congressman, thaenks so much fo being here. now that everybody can heave a sigh of relief because this guy has been captured, what do you think needs to change so this doesn't happen again? >> first of all, let me congratulate the nypd, those patrol officer, the tipster, the fbi, the entire law enforcement community and new yorkers who continue to demonstrate the strength and resilience that's so characteristic of brooklyn and the big apple as we have navigated our way through this horrific circumstance that occurred last -- yesterday. i think we want to make sure that frank robert james is prosecuted to the full extent of the law. i'm confident that u.s. attorney and his team will do that. then there are a set of policy questions that we'll need to answer, including what do we do comprehensively to deal with the proliferation of guns on our streets and the fact they continue to find themselves in the hands of individuals intent on creating mayhem and carnage as was the case with the brooklyn subway shooter. >> let's talk about his access to guns. i'm interested in that. this guy had nine prior arrests from 1992 to 1998. in other words, he's been a problem for law enforcement for three decades. he had criminal sex acts charge, criminal tampering, trespassing, larceny, three arrests in new jersey, a host of other states as well. he was able to buy his gun in ohio, a .9 millimeter glock. in 2022, would he be able to buy a gun with that criminal background history? >> apparently that's the case. one of the things we are en endevouring to work on is criminal background checks to pry to prevent individual who is are clearly intent on doing harm to the american people while having a troubling history prevent those individuals from being able to lawfully access guns. that's just a piece of the puzzle. we have to take a close look at the law as it currently exists. had this particular individual been convicted of a felony, then he would not have been able to purchase that weapon lawfully. however, as you've documented, he's got a deeply troubling record of criminal entanglement in multiple states and if you look at the totality of it, i don't think any reasonable american can conclude that this is the type of individual who should be able to lawfully purchase a weapon. >> one other thing we heard that might change or has been a suggestion comes out of this tragedy, this is from the head of the mta. the person who runs the mass transit here in new york. thinks it's time for a stronger and more visible police presence on the subway system. let me play this for you. >> i was asking for long time to get the cops on the platforms and on the trains like the old days when you and i were growing up in new york, jim. that is what riders want. it's where they feel vulnerable. it's where bad stuff happen, generally. the mayor said to his police department that he wants cops on trains like he used to do when he was transit cop. he wants cops on platforms. that's what we need. >> what do you think about that? is it time for cops on the sexu subway cars? >> i think it's a reasonable suggestion that needs to be explored. i'm confident in the leadership of mayor eric adams who, himself, was a transit officer during the '80s and '90s, when crime was really out of control in the city of new york. we have come a long way since then. still have a ways to go. we have a seen a retrenchment over the last few years given the rise of the pandemic and shootings and homicides and other instances of crime and violence on the uptick. months ago, mayor adams indicated he was going to lean into this issue of making the subways safer. i don't think we can be in any better hands and we should explore the partnerships at the federal level and the state level to do that. >> thank you very much for your time. >> thank you. >> let's bring in cnn law enforcement analyst. also cnn national security analyst homeland security j. let's start where they left off. how many times have we talked about hardening soft targets. these attacks that happen on trains. they have happened in schools with armed guards. they have happened in stores with guards. they happen at public events with lots of police. is it realistic to put officers in these places and would it stop some of these attacks? >> no. i think we have to be really honest about the risk calculation that we're making in the society. i'm not saying it's wrong. you live -- the two of doyou li in new york to have the mobility, the transit system to get you from point a to point b super fast, pretty reliable and to put more security measures whether it's some kind of checks or more law enforcement which would be budget wise, quite a drain on the nypd. it's asking a lot because the system does relatively work. the idea we could have a mass transit system in an urban environment that is safe is a bad way to think about it. you want to make it safer. one way to make it safer is go do means that's harming people. guns and other weapons but guns and then you go to the response capability. after something bad happens, i'm not excusing it but we can measure success in the fact that there was a quick response. no one died. both luck and planning benefitted new york yesterday. i know i sound sort of hardened and realistic but i do think it's important we realize the benefit we're getting from making that risk calculation. >> i think you make a great point. you can't -- it can't be perfect and only after something like this are we reactive and rethink every one. >> yeah, every one has the answer today. >> right. for years, this hasn't happened. this transit system moves millions of people a day. it is a success story. on day like this, when people are wondering, if there's anything that should be changed. what do you think? is there anything that with be tweaked around the edges? >> well, i think we're tuouchin on it. we have to work from going from reactive in these situations to being proactive. how we do that is highlighting the good work the officer vs done and building on that. let me further that statement by saying police power is increased by the proper partnerships with the community. we saw that play out in this situation. the goal now is for us to move from a 30-hour delta where we caught this suspect 30 hours later to catching this suspect almost in realtime and being proactive in setting up the apparatus and mechanisms appropriate to do that. look at places like dekalb county in georgia where the marshal's office is having proactive interactions with cit citizens. the citizens are rating the interactions with the officer, rebuilding trust. they already have the relationships in place. >> how are people at home to interpret this federal charge on which he's being held violating prohibition of trough of mass transit in. >> the nypd did a great job. the public did a great job. the crime stopper did a great job. i thought the explanation of what they were charging him with was quite confusing. let me make it clear. the patriot act extended terrorism and other violent acts to include those that targeted mass transit. it was an expansion of the law. when an nypd came out today saying terrorism. every news alert, they knew that, every news alert was going to focus on the terrorism. 20 minutes later, someone clarifies and says, no, no. we don't have that motivation. we're allowed to charge him with other violent acts. i think it's just very important for public officials lowering o the temperature. the we can handle this. i think it's very important the mayor who came out saying we got limb him, i think it's really important in this day and age where we do have a lot of that public officials use the opportunity to say this is a horrible incident. we don't know what we have yet. if you lead with terrorism, they knew how the public would respond. i would to put it in perspective. they do not have a terror intent yet. they made that clear by the end of the press conference. >> appreciate the clarity. when we heard it, we thought this is the eastern district. >> of course. i was googling. >> yes. all right. thank you both. ahead, i'll speak to humanitarian group inside a trauma center in ukraine as the world health organization says that health facilities across the country are under attack. stressed, dry and sandpaper. strypaper? 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>> it is tough. many of them showed up at the hospital the minute the war started. a couple of them arrived two hours late and they were apologizing. they slept in the hospital. they left their families and everybody they own and they were in the hospital and they were there 24/7. they're traumatized. they've seen things humans shouldn't see in terms of injuries, in terms of suffering, amputations, women, children, and they're coping with it. they're resilient. you could tell they're going through emotional distress. their mental health is not the same. they're doing their best and they're committed to staying as long as it takes to look after everybody that comes to the hospital. >> i read your report about your time in the kyiv region. and it starts with you landing in krakow, heading to the border. you met an elderly woman there who was heading in the opposite direction of the millions of people trying to get out of the country. share with us that story. it is something our viewers need the hear. >> it was an amazing story. she was in her 80s and she was walking using a cane and somebody was helping her with her bag and we asked if we could help her with her bag, and of course, we did. and i was wondering, why is she going back to ukraine when people are fleeing? when i asked the lady that was with her said, she didn't want to die in a foreign land. and besides, she has her son. and she wants to be with her son. she does not want to leave her son. and that shows the heart of the mother, that no matter where you are, no matter where you go, it is still the same. they still are caring, they still want to look after their children and her son is at least my age. it didn't matter. she wanted to go back and be with her son. >> and the commitment to her country. rabih torbay. thank you for the work you're doing and for spending a if you minutes with us. >> thank you. >> happening now, police in michigan are releasing video of a shooting at a traffic stop in grand rapids. that's next. ththis is vuity™, the first and only fda approved eye-drop that improves age-related blurry near vision. wait, what? itounded like you just said an eye drop that may help you see close. i did. it's an innovative way to... ye! vuity™ helps you see up close. so, i can see up close with just my eyes? 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"the lead" with jake tapper starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- i'm standing out on a roof top in lviv on day 49 of the brutal russian invasion of ukraine. we're live. an interpreter held in capitalivity for nine days, beaten, starved and subjected to a mock execution. a mother raped multiple time by a drunken russian soldier in the presence of her small child. an elderly couple, shot dead by russian soldiers while trying to

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Court , Police Department , Reporter , Relief , Police Station , Rush Shower , Shooter , Squad Car , Precinct , Blocks , Drama , Cuffs , Point , Crimestopper , Press , Tip Talking , Appearance , Number , Police Officer , Fist , Air , Th Precinct , Shaking Hands , Headline , New Yorker , Guys , Peace Of Mind , Tipster , Capture , Guy , Everybody , Sigh , Thaenks , Congressman , Patrol Officer , Resilience , Law Enforcement Community , Fbi , Way , Circumstance , Extent , Robert James , Law , Attorney , Set , Policy Questions , Guns , Individuals , Hands , Streets , Carnage , Mayhem , Proliferation , Homeland Security J Let , Arrests , Words , Access , 1998 , 1992 , States , Gun , Sex Acts Charge , Trespassing , Tampering , Host , Larceny , New Jersey , Background , A 9 Millimeter Glock , Ohio , 2022 , , Individual , Harm , Endevouring , Look , History , Piece , Puzzle , Weapon , Felony , American , Type , Totality , Criminal Entanglement , Record , Suggestion , Person , Transit , Head , Tragedy , Trains , Presence , Stronger , Stuff , Riders , Jim , Transit Cop , Sexu , Transit Officer , Leadership , Control , 80s And 90s , 80 , 90 , Ways , Retrenchment , Shootings , Instances , Violence , Pandemic , Uptick , Homicides , Rise , Issue , Partnerships , Level , Estate , Law Enforcement Analyst , Cnn National Security , Times , Targets , Guards , Schools , Places , Stores , Events , Lots , Attacks , Transit System , Risk Calculation , Society , Mobility , Point A To B , Doyou Li , Budget Wise , Checks , Security Measures , Idea , Environment , System , Mass Transit System , Response Capability , Response , Success , Luck , Benefit , Millions , Success Story , Answer , Situations , Edges , Officer , Building , Community , Police Power , Play , Situation , Goal , Proactive , Realtime , Interactions , Dekalb County , Apparatus , Mechanisms , Marshal , In Georgia , Home , Citizens , Place , Relationships , Cit , Rebuilding Trust , Job , Trough , Prohibition , Explanation , Patriot Act , Someone , Expansion , News Alert , Officials , Motivation , O , Temperature , Opportunity , Terror Intent , Perspective , Press Conference , Clarity , Googling , Eastern District , The End , Yes , Trauma Center , Health Facilities , World Health Organization , Ingredients , Eye Drops , Sandpaper , Strypaper , Thehere , Biotrue Hydration Boost , Preservatives , Tears , Electrolyte , Antioxidant , Moisturizer , Biology , Bio True , Shippg Manager , Find Themself , Job Description , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Neighborhood , At Xfinity , Hundreds , Wifi , Generation , Gig , Devices , Bandwidth , Supersonic Wifi , Wifi Needs , Growing , Invasion , Beginning , Health Needs , Peace , Sake , Hum Humanity , Tmplgts , 100 , Health Workers , Heroes , Thousands , Nonprofit Group , Health System , Miraculous Work , Ambulances , Red Crosses , Thanks , Pictures , Me , Project Lhope , Civilians , Bullet Wounds , Patients , Land Mines , Sifl , 98 , 97 , 95 , Amputations , Infections , Doctors , Nurses , Dedication , 24 7 , Staff , Families , Behind , Bile , Apologizing , Children , Humans , Women , Injuries , Suffering , Same , Mental Health , Distress , Kyiv Region , Direction , Border , Woman , Krakow , Story , Bag , Viewers , Cane , Share , Walking , Son , Lady , Land , Matter , Mother , Caring , Age , Commitment , It Didn T Matter , Rabih Torbay , Spending A , Traffic Stop , Michigan , Grand Rapids , Eye Drop , Vuitytm , Vision , First , Wait , Ththis , Fda , Eye , Drop , Ye , Uh Huh , Itounded , Prescription Eye Drop , Focus , Yep , Doctor , Side Effects , Headache , Activities , Caution , Machinery , Eye Redness , Vision Loss , Vuity , Weight , Cancer , Workout , Tonal , Cancer Keytruda , Cancers , Non Small Cell Lung Cancer , Breakthrough Immunotherapy , Nonsquamous , Immune System , Parts , Body , Gene , Alk , Egfr , Chemotherapies , Eye Problems , Memory Problems , Stomach Pain , Muscle Pain , Chest Pain , Breath , Constipation , Light Sensitivity , Irregular Heartbeat , Confusion , Appetite , Nausea , Diarrhea , Thirst , Shortness , Fainting , Tenderness , Vomiting , Dizziness , Urine , Cough , Extreme Tiredness , Organ Transplant , Stem Cell Transplant , Immune System Problems , Conditions , Itching , Rash , Fever , Weakness , Radiation , Flushing , Types , Nervous System , Condition , Chest Area , Trials , Tru , Merck , 16 , Life Insurance Policy , Cash Payment , Policy Lapse , Life Insurance , Don T , Worth , Retirement , Income , Finding Out , Visit Coventrydirect Com , 100000 , 00000 , Screen , Coventry , Update , Black Man , Grand Rammeds Police Department , 26 , Traffic , Description , Discrepancy , Patrick Lyoyaa , Struggle , That S Right , Vantage Points , April 4th , 8 , Four , 4 , 00 , Vehicle , Camera Video , Camera , Passenger , Caddie Corner , Shots , Cell Phone , Filming , Lyoya , Cell Phone Video , Driver , Vantage Point , Plates , Bit , Front , Hood , Thank Struggling , Back , Neighbor , Shot , Police Vehicle , Mavs , Body Cam Video , Chief , Taser , Let Go , Reporting , Captions , Jake Tapper , Interpreter , Www Vitac Com , Roof Top , Vitac , Capitalivity , 49 , Soldier , Child , Mock Execution , Beaten ,

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