Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20240708

five children who were heading to school. we're following the latest out of ukraine. a new report from the osce is calling russia's actions in ukraine war crimes. calling out the targeted killing of innocent civilians and medical facilities. every day we learn more about the scope of the atrocities as more bodies are found, some tortured after russia's retreat in parts of ukraine. one mother's anguish needs no translation as her son's body is discovered in a manhole. president biden's declaration of genocide is not triggering any immediate u.s. policy change but could it in the future? the latest on the ground in ukraine. but first we begin here in new york and the hunt for the subway attacker. cnn's josh campbell is live in brooklyn. we just got new video appearing to discuss the desire to kill. what more are we learning? >> reporter: the suspect who opened fire in a car in brooklyn, a rail car, we are getting new insight into the mind of this shooter and a series of youtube videos posted online. the shooter talks about wanting to conduct violence, wanting to possibly attack people he believes harmed him in his own chilling words saying we need to see more mass shootings. watch. >> i've been through a lot of [ bleep ] where i can say i wanted to kill people. i wanted to watch people die right in front of my [ bleep ] face immediately. but i thought about the fact, hey, man, i don't want to go to [ bleep ] prison. we are going to see more mass shootings. more mass shootings. to make you understand you're going down. no, it's not about the shooter. it's about the environment in which he has to exist. >> reporter: obviously a very troubled person there, a very dangerous person, opening fire inside that subway car here in brooklyn. again, the man hunt continues. we're told there's a multiagency effort under way to try to find him, dana. >> that video, both videos, are so chilling, and it really is miraculous nobody was killed during this attack. what can you share about the victim's status right now? >> reporter: that's right, dana. if there's any good out of this, none of the injuries appear to be life threatening. that said some of the victims still remain in hospital. in total there were 29 people hospitalized including ten who suffered gunshot wounds. there were other victims who suffered smoke inhalation. we know the suspect had launched some type of smoke device inside that car. there were also victims treated with panic attacks. we heard earlier on cnn today from one of the victims talking about the chaotic moments inside the car. listen. >> i had my headphones on. i thought it was a regular smoke bomb and then the smoke kept blowing out. this pregnant lady, everybody was pushing. i'm thinking it's just a smoke bomb. i grab her from the back so she don't get shot in the back. she was pregnant. a lot of people kept rushing and that's when i got shot in the leg, when the shots kept going off. >> reporter: now just horrific details we've been continuing to hear from those who were witnesses to this attack. again, dana, the manhunt continues this hour. authorities say the person is now being elevated to a suspect. originally they called him a person of interest. cnn reporting just a short time ago authorities were able to find the firearm that he allegedly used inside that car, tracked it back to a point of sale. he is the registered owner of that weapon, that causing authorities to, in their minds, view him as the suspect who opened fire. again, that manhunt continues. >> that's a very interesting development in and of itself, a lot to unpack as they look at the gun and how he got in, why he got it given the apparent state that he is in. thank you so much, josh. appreciate it. with me now is the form earp nypd detective and law enforcement consultant. thank you so much for coming on. let's pick up where josh just left off about this person that they're now calling a suspect. he is still on the loose. how safe is the public here in new york city right now? >> good afternoon, dana, and thank you for having me on. so i think as of right now the public is pretty safe because the nypd now has extra patrols, extra personnel out there, particularly within the subway system, people have talked about the fact they see a noticeable uptick in uniform personnel. so that's a good sign. anytime something like this happens, that's an automatic reaction particularly by the nypd is they add additional personnel and extend towards, if necessary, to keep personnel around to make sure there is an overabundance of personnel available to thwart any potential threats that may be out there. >> we just got word the nypd will hold a press conference at the top of the hour at 2:00 p.m. eastern to give an update on the latest in their investigation. we do know, tom, police are now calling frank james a person of interest -- they were calling him a person of interest, i should say. now he's a suspect. can you talk about that change? >> correct. so, yes, when they were able to make their way to that truck that they were looking for and found it, between that as well as other evidence, video evidence and some other evidence -- there's a treasure-trove of evidence left by the shooter, right, all this evidence on the train including the weapon itself. so with all of that, regardless of the surveillance was not all that functional in the subway system, you start to put together a puzzle and the puzzle these days, especially with video evidence as well as passers by or people calling the tips line that you start to put the puzzle together pretty quickly, right, and through that there was enough evidence collected to make that change from calling him a person of interest to now a suspect. now clearly there's enough to connect him to the shooting itself where they definitely want to get this guy into custody. we would put it out to anyone watching to continue to give authorities as much information as they know, as irrelevant as they think it might be, anything that they saw, anything that they heard, particularly we know the person to be associated with person either the state of wisconsin or the city of philadelphia. so anyone in those two areas if they have to see him rolling around they would want to notify their local authorities immediately. >> and you talk about all the pieces of the puzzle and you mentioned several of them including that van or truck out of philadelphia. take us a little bit further into an investigation of this kind, how they get to the ultimate goal in the short term which is actually finding him. >> i think a lot of what was pieced together yesterday -- the big concern there was very little, if any, video footage from the subway cameras themselves. people tend to forget there's so much video footage nowadays just on the average person's house never mind in that area of brooklyn, for those not familiar with sunset park, is largely a residential area. you have homes and you have apartments and businesses with cameras all over the place. the new york city highway system has video cameras all over the place. so it takes a little while sometimes to connect the dots and go from a to z but one thing will lead to another. once it was put out there this particular vehicle might be connected with that -- this is kind of a noticeable vehicle, a u-haul rental type truck. so once you start looking, have the people looking for that type of vehicle, people start calling in. the public generally their help is very, very important and invaluable in cases like this and it helps investigators narrow down and go from a wide net to a narrow net very quickly. >> putting the word out is so important. what a difference technology has made not just the cameras the city has but everybody has on their phone. thank you so much, appreciate your insight. and we want to turn now to ukraine. video appears to support claims russia is using cluster munitions in civilian areas. on the right side of your screen you can see a smaller so-called bomblet landing a few feet away and then exploding. the u.n. april cuaccuses russia such attacks and say they may amount to war crimes. fred, this comes as russia is clearly repositioning its forces, preparing for a new offensive in the east. what is the latest on the ground? >> reporter: a higher intensity offensive because the russians really never stopped their attacks in the east of the country either. of course our teams on the ground have said they have seen increased shelling. those cluster munitions are extremely dangerous not just to ukrainian forces but to ukrainian civilians as well. we've actually also been with an explosive ordnance crew and they found the remnants which are very dangerous. what the russians seem to be doing in the east where they've positioned most of their forces almost none left here all the way up to belarus, they're trying to pincer move to encircle the ukrainian forces in the donbas region. some of the reports we're getting today strongly indicate they're leading up to a large offensive. the french believe it's something that could begin in the next couple of days. you can see it on your map. if you look at dnipro to izium, we've obviously seen some satellite images of large russian columns moving towards that area and foreign militaries believe that could begin very soon, the next couple of days, possibly the next week or ten days or so as the russians continue to reposition forces they had here towards the east of ukraine moving through western russia. the russian president, vladimir putin, came out and said negotiations are at a dead end, the russians would continue to prosecute their military offensive against ukraine so it doesn't bode well of this war they have unleashed. >> it doesn't but then the ukrainian government, we're still talking so a lot of it seems to be positioning and posturing which, of course, happens throughout something like this. fred, thank you so much for that report. there are new fears of escalation in ukraine today as russia issues another new threat. transporting weapons on ukrainian soil will be viewed as legitimate military targets. cnn's nic robertson is in brussels. nic, this feels like a very big deal and the kind of thing nato countries have been worried about, being pulled in militarily in a way they haven't so far. >> reporter: russia is saying they will target those that have attack capable in ukraine. they're not saying they would attack them in poland or another country or another nato country. they do point out, they draw a lot of attention to it but point out the fact that russia has not been good with targeting convoys on the move. like buildings, oil refineries but to get to try to target a column of tanks on the move not particularly easy for russia. partly because ukraine still has some air defense capability. russia's threat is a serious threat but it's not something that they've acted upon or have said it before. it certainly does escalate tensions in a time we're sort of shifting a little bit, shifting in the phase of war and ukraine asking for bigger ticket items. they're not so easy to hide if they have a column or are being transported by train. we have seen train stations increasingly attack. russia does seem intent on carrying this through. >> they're not saying they're going after weapons or tanks in the nato countries such as poland but the question is what happens if that -- if russia attacks as they are coming across the ukrainian border. a big decision to make. nic robertson, thank you for that report. coming up, a key inflation measure just hit a new record high but could the worst already be over? we'll discuss plus the kremlin kids. while russian leaders attack the u.s. and europe their children enjoy luxury apartments, upscale educations and much more here in the west. details ahead. prevents crab grass and feeds your lawn. all three,in just one bag. i like t that. scotts turf builder triple action. it's lawn season. let's get to the yard. pain hits fast. so get relief fast. only tylenol rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast r fast pain relief. and now get relief without a ll with tylenol dissolve packs. relief witho the water. ancestry made it really easy to learn about my family's history. finding military information, newspaper articles, how many people were living in the house and where it was, makes me curious and keeps pulling me in and the photos reminding me of what life must have been like for them. finding out new bits of information about the family has been a wonderful experience, it's an important part of understanding who we are. if you have this... and you get this... you could end up with this... unexpected out-of-pocket costs. which for those on medicare, or soon to be, is a good reason to take charge of your health care. so consider this. an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from unitedhealthcare. why? 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is it appropriate? >> well, we need to continue what we're doing with the weapons systems we're delivering, but this new phase we've been talking about for a few days maneuver warfare on terrain more suitable to tanks than we've seen in the past and the easiest system to use to kill a tank is another tank. and if we can provide sufficient numbers so that the ukrainian military can occupy favorable terrain for tank warfare and to execute a mobile defense system to take on the russian tanks. >> and, beth, as a former intelligence official, you see what is being publicly talked about from the administration, from the pentagon. and then i'm sure there is a lot going on quietly behind the scenes when it comes to the transfer of things even like tanks that they don't want to talk about understandably. do you have a sense that ukraine's military has certainly they need more but has more than we know about from the west? >> well, i think they probably have more than the russians know about, and that is good. the ukrainian ambassador was talking recently with u.s. defense contractors directly in saying they would prefer to surprise the russians with what they get, but they're not getting enough and zelenskyy today in his press conference went through literally pictures of weapons systems that they need. so hopefully today we can provide a lot more. >> and there is video from social media, beth, of apparent cluster munitions in a residential neighborhood and that is the neighborhood of kharkiv. would you consider this evidence of a war crime? >> well, i think that in most instances it would be considered a war crime. the osce, the organization for security and cooperation in europe, today issued a report and they indicated there were patterns of this and cluster bombs were certainly one of the things they were looking at. the horrible train station attack, there is video evidence that cluster bombs were present in that attack as well. >> and the realignment of the way that europe has been functioning for decades appears to be really continuing. if you look at what's happening with potential for finland, for sweden to want to join, apply to join nato, which they have been -- forgive me, but aggressively neutral for so long, what does that tell you? >> well, if ever there was a good idea, it is to join nato today. if you're the finns and share a long border with the former soviet union, currently russia, the swedes, similar situation, both of their armed forces are very, very good. they're well armed, they are good outfits, and they have a very good reason right now to present a credible reason as to the baltic states to join the finest alliance i have ever seen in my lifetime and probably all of us in the same boat. >> yeah. and, beth, i remember interviewing in the past couple of months the president of finland who was talking about -- i think there's an infamous vladimir putin quote that now he looks at finland and he sees a neighbor and if they join nato he looks at finland and sees an enemy. so as the general was saying there are a lot more pluses than minuses but that's a real consideration for countries like finland. >> this will be a major shift. finland and sweden are both eyes wide open about the fact because russia has been very clear that this, as you said, it will pose a threat. i think the period between when they join and when they apply or when they apply and when they join, they are going to feel a little bit more uncomfortable. i think we also have to prepare ourselves for what happens next and i think the russians have said they'll reorient their forces and i think that means we'll see a buildup, for example, in that enclave that lies between the baltic states and poland. and more dangers ahead. >> yeah, unfortunately that appears to be the obvious reality that we're all looking at. thank you so much to both of you for your time. and a key inflation measure just hit a new record high. is there any relief in sight? we're going to talk about that next. rurugged 33-inch tires, and front and rear electronic locking didifferentials. dude, this is awesome... but we should gett back to work. ♪ ♪ this good? perfect. if you're gonna work remote... work remote. find new workspaces. find new roads. chevrolet. we were alone when my husband had the heart attack. he's the most important thing in my life. i'm so lucky to get him back. your heart isn't just urs. protect it with bayer. be sure to talk to your docr before you begin bayer. an aspirin regimen. 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>> yes, this report was really ugly, dana, and sums up just about everything that's wrong with this economy. this measures prices that suppliers charge businesses. and for the fourth month in a row prices were up by double digits. as you can see that has never happened before in the history of this index which started in 2010. it's going basically straight up and that's because weak demand -- i'm sorry, weak supply due to covid and the war has collided with really, really strong demand and so prices have gone straight up. for consumers, that means they're going to feel it. businesses are passing on a chunk of these higher prices through everyday americans, that means higher prices for energy, gas, heating, housing, the cost to rent, the cost to buy has gone up, and food. we saw record price spikes on everything from chicken and salad dressing to baby food in the last 12 months. really sharp numbers. i asked jamie dimon, ceo of jpmorgan, if he's concerned about a downturn. he says he's not forecasting a recession, but it could absolutely happen. he's concerned about three key things. high inflation, which we've been talking about. the fed's efforts to cool off inflation and, of course, the war in ukraine. he said these are powerful forces. they will combine probably next year and no one really knows exactly how it's going to turn out. >> we have all of this, which doesn't really add up to great news for consumers. there is a silver lining? >> the silver lining would be the fact gas prices have cooled off, down 2 cents overnight, $4.08 a gallon. that is not cheap but it is moving in the right direction, down 8 cents in the last week, down a quarter from a month ago. that's because they take -- gas prices take their cues from the oil market. now this is when the war started. you see oil prices shot up, but they have cooled down because the u.s. and its allies have released unprecedented amounts of oil from emergency reserves. one key thing to launch is just the last few days oil prices tick back up and we need to keep an eye on that. the higher oil prices go, the higher gas prices will go and the worse inflation will go. >> why do we think that is? >> china has started to relax some of their covid lockdowns, and there's also more concern about russia's supply of energy as europe debates new sanctions. >> yeah, a big raging debate. thank you so much. it's so important to explain what this all means to people. >> thank you, dana. >> a lot of numbers. a manhunt is under way right now for the suspect of the new york city subway shooting, and the attack is raising new concerns about mass transit systems across the country and just how vulnerable they may be. we'll discuss that next. they release medicine fast for fast p pain relief. and now get relief without t a pill with tylenol dissolve packcks. relief without the water. ♪simply irresistible♪ ♪ ♪ ♪simply irresistible♪ applebee's irresist-a-bowls are back. now starting at $8.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. everyone remembers the moment they heard... “you have cancer.” how their world stopped and when they found a way to face it. for some, this is where their keytruda story begins. keytruda - a breakthrough immunotherapy that may treat certain cancers. one of those cancers is advanced nonsquamous, non-small cell lung cancer where keytruda is approved to be used with certain chemotherapies as your first treatment if you do not have an abnormal “egfr” or “alk” gene. keytruda helps your immune system fight cancer but can also cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body. this can happen during or after treatment and may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain or tenderness, severe nausea or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion or memory problems, muscle pain or weakness, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. these are not all the possible side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, or if you've had an organ transplant, had or plan to have a stem cell transplant, or have had radiation to your chest area or a nervous system condition. today, keytruda is fda-approved to treat 16 types of advanced cancer. and is being studied in hundreds of clinical trials exploring ways to treat even more types of cancer. it's tru. keytruda from merck. see the different types of cancer keytruda is approved to treat at, and ask your doctor if keytruda can be part of your story. this may sound strange, but you've been here before. you were here when this wrench was turned. and when this line was drawn. oh. and when this stitch was sewn. you inspired the lexus es to be, well more you. so thank you. we hope you like your work. ♪ ♪ get special offers on the 2022 es 350. u.s. marshals are now joining the urgent manhunt for the new york city subway attacker. and today mayor eric adams had this message for new yorkers. >> we're going to prosecute whoever is responsible for this crime. yes, it is a threat, and we're telling new yorkers we want you to be vigilant. if you see him, notify your authorities but be extremely vigilant as you move around. we want this person apprehended. >> 29 people were injured in the attack including ten who were shot. joining me now is democratic congressman from new york jamal bowman. thank you for coming in and talking with me. you were at the white house on monday when president biden announced the new nominee to head the atf and also to talk about new regulations for so-called ghost guns. so you have that. you, of course, have congress stalled, not the house but the senate, on a host of gun control measures. what more can you do given the realities of what's going on in washington? >> we need to continue to apply pressure on the senate to pass hr-8 and senate republicans holding up this piece of legislation, the house passed it over a year ago and it's been sitting in the senate not moving for over a year. this bill, hr-8, would dramatically help with gun trafficking. it would close loopholes in terms of online gun sales, in terms of gun shows. it would close loopholes and it would stop and close the iron pipeline. guns are coming into new york traveling from all over the country and are contributing to the crime increases we're seeing in our cities, so we have to pass hr-8. republicans need to move on this bill and them should be held accountable if we don't pass that piece of legislation. >> which is about broad discussion and it has to do with a lot of crime that goes on not just in the city of new york but across the country. there's no evidence the gunman who is still on the loose got a gun or got the gun that they've now found, through a gun show or that he didn't have a background check. it's obviously even more than what you're trying to do legislatively. the problem is so much deeper. >> mm-hmm. absolutely. there is evidence that the gun did come from out of state. obviously there's going to be more investigation into that. the question i always ask, why are people picking up guns in the first place? why are they making that decision? what's happening to our collective psychology, mental health and well-being that's leading to an increase in gun crime. >> how do you address that? you can't legislate that. >> the horrible attack that took place on a train yesterday, that person needs to be heldable and and then we need to move forward. it's not just him. these are kids being killed in places like the bronx and mount vernon and all over my district and the city and the country. there's a sense of hopelessness within our communities and that is where the gun trafficking is happening. it is coming into vulnerable communities. it's getting into the hands of vulnerable people. we have to deal with the vulnerability. we have to deal with the trauma, with the poverty, we have to deal with distress especially considering a post-covid country. people have been isolated, and they're dealing with so much over the past two years, so we have to deal with all of that as well. >> it's a lot. it's obviously a multifaceted problem. and you talked about the fact that this is not just obviously a one-off incident what happened in the subway yesterday. even last night in your district, which is not far from here, a 15-year-old girl was shot. after you were elected, you told me that you wanted to see a, quote, dramatic reduction in police especially in poor communities. with the volume of crime that we've seen, even since we had that conversation less than two years ago, do you think that's appropriate? >> police are one part of the solution. they are not the only part of the solution. police cannot work in silos and in isolation. they have to work with clergy, with mental health professionals as well. we have to do a better job of identifying young people who are at risk, people who are at risk whether it's in the education system or whether it's through mental health or whether it's people who have been arrested for minor crime. once we identify and assess the needs of vulnerable people, how are we providing intervention? so we have to do a lot more when it comes to intervention and prevention. police respond often after the fact, after a crime has been committed, but what are we doing on the front end not just to stop gun trafficking but to deal with the issues that lead to someone picking up the gun in the first place. i mentioned poverty, i mentioned trauma, i mentioned mental health. we still have an opioid epidemic happening in our country so substance abuse is an issue. it needs to be a holistic, systemic approach to what's happening in our community. >> so you don't think that police forces should be reduced anymore? you're saying they should be redirected? how would you describe your position at this point given where we are about police? >> so we often have police forces responding to mental health crises, right, and we often have police forces responding to things that are not violent crime. there are other approaches to respond to mental health crises so someone doesn't end up dead when they shouldn't end up dead. there are other ways to respond to the variety of issues that are happening in our community so, again, police are part of the problem. they are not the entire conversation or solution to what is happening. >> in the last segment, we talk every day about inflation and how it's affecting everyday people and in terms of the goods that they're trying to buy. based on what you're hearing from your constituents here in new york, what do you want president biden to do more of? >> so we have to hold large corporations accountable because price gouging is a major part of inflation. we're seeing record profits happening not just with fossil fuel companies but with tech companies. >> you want more investigations? >> we want more accountability. that's why we introduced a bill, ending corporate greed act to hold corporations accountable for the price gouging that's happening and we're about to introduce another bill tomorrow not just large corporations but wealthy individuals who continue to profit off of covid and what's happening with inflation. >> congressman jamaal bowman, thank you so much. nice to see you in person. >> good to see you. >> thank you. up next, private jets, posh, parisian apartments, designer fashion, the lifestyles of the kids of the kremlin. lifestyles that their parents claim to reject. a closer look next. ought to h newfound happiness and zero surprises. and all of us will stop at notothing to drive you happy. we'll drivive you happy at carvana. i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixedudget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? rethe three pshree ps. of life insurance on a fix budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54, what's my price? 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drew griffin takes a look. >> as putin's atrocities continue in ukraine, he falsely blames europe and the west for the war. >> the wests attempts to maintain its dominance. >> yet, his own adult daughters sanctioned be i the u.s. treasury. both have reportedly owned property in the west including this seaside mansion in a french coastal town. >> it's hypocritical to deride the west but still rely on the west. >> that hypocrisy, criticizing the west while living there is shared by putin's inner circle. >> russian military are not hitting civil targets. >> he spent his life in government jobs. official salary about $173,000 in 2020, yet has been spotted wearing a $600,000 watch according to an anti-corruption group. his socialite daughter went to a boarding school in france, interned at louis vuitton and posted pictures of an enviable life in paris filled with passion fashion and glamour. >> i consider myself a person of the world. i was born in turkey. lived in france. studied in russia and france. that is i don't have any favorite country. i love each place in its own way. >> so how does a family live like this on a russian government salary? liza once wrote a post saying she's the daughter of the main billionaire and thief of the country. the u.s. treasury all but used the same language when they sanctioned her and other family members saying they live luxurious lifestyles that are incongruence of the civil salary and are likely gotten on the ill gotten wealth. he called the sanctions a witch hunt, saying accusing family for enabling war is madness and she's proud to be russian. a georgetown professor says it boils down to russia's current governmental system. >> a cleptocracy is a government ruled business thieves and where the policies made are decisions on behalf of those thieves. >> sergey lavrov officially makes $142,000 a year, but the 27-year-old who's been described as his stepdaughter, has been living a lavish lifestyle. the anti-corruption foundation said she attended a british boarding school. like peskov's daughter, she's left a trail of exotic trip and high style across europe and reportedly owns a $4 million property where she's been sanctioned for those responsible for social aggression. though the accounts is almost impossible to trace, a russian investigator is convinced the apartments, the mansions, lifestyles are the real salaries being paid to putin's allies. >> the system works in a way that's in order to keep those people who are willing to be face of putin's regime like the ministers, they need to be incentivized. their salary is not enough. >> she says the people in putin's inner circle know it could all vanish in an instant. >> he can turn on his regime. your assets can be frozen. you can go to jail. your family can go to jail. so moving as much you can out of the country also just makes sense. >> as for a response to this from the kremlin, a spokesperson for the ministry of foreign affairs tells us that neither putin nor lavrov have accounts in britain or anywhere else abroad and as for the sanctions against putin's daughters, a spokesperson told us this. that russia will respond without fail and will do so as it sees fit. drew griffin, cnn, atlanta. and some major breaking news just in to cnn. police have just arrested a new york city shooter. cnn's shimon prokupecz is with us now. shimon is still doing reporting. forgive me. i'm going to go to tom who is with us, our law enforcement analyst. this is just coming in. we don't have a lot of details except for the fact that we are told that this suspect has been apprehended. what is your reaction? your thoughts as somebody who has done this kind of thing before. >> it's a big sigh of relief if it's the guy we're looking for. but certainly for the people of new york city, iparticularly those who ride the subway every day, to go about their daily lives. people want to have a sense of security that they can ride the subway with a sense of safety and not have some maniac looking to slaughter them on their way to work or school. >> again, we are still waiting for details on how this went down. actually, tom, stand by for one second. we're going to go to our report e reporter who has a lot of sources. shimon, if you can hear me, let me know what you're hearing. >> i can hear you. so this happened just a short time ago in manhattan in the st. marks area. we're told by sources he was taken into custody by patrol officers. officers just on regular patrol who saw him. a man fitting this description of frank james, and they took him into custody. he is now being held at the p presijt there. 1st avenue is the information i'm receiving. just police officers who are on regular patrol seeing this individual and they took him into custody. i'm told they took him into custody without incident. there were no concerns. so he's now in police custody off the streets and it is because of all of the information that has been out there that we in the media have been putting out there that has allowed the police and has assisted the police. i can tell you that this morning, there was a sighting of a man fitting this description. sorry, dana, there's an ambulance going by. but there was a man fitting the description of frank james that someone saw. took some photos of this individual not far from where police took him into custody. so it seems that frank james here was walking the streets freely. almost nonchalantly. maybe not realizing there was in man hunt for him. so very good police officers on routine patrol see him, took him into custody and now he's over at the 9th precinct. we're also waiting to hear from the police department. they were expected to have a 2:00 press conference and obviously now with this new information, this will likely get delayed, but obviously a huge sigh of relief for people here in new york city, for law enforcement, as they now believe they have the guy they've been looking for. i can also tell you that all through the night and into this morning, police officials from the u.s. martials, the fbi, other law enforcement officials were out scouring new york city. they went to several locations to try and find him. they didn't find him and he was just walking the streets like it was nothing and he was just taken into custody by these officers. >> fascinating. thank you so much for that important report. sigh of relief indeed. and tom, let me quickly get your reaction to what shimon just said. that wasn't necessarily somebody in the public who was looking for that man because they saw the photos. it was police officers. and what does it tell you about the investigation, but maybe even more importantly, the state of mind of this suspect? >> well, you know, first of all, kudos to the officers for having a sharp eye. clearly, this perpetrator's picture has been plastered all over the place and nypd has been on heightened alert since this happened yesterday. in a city like new york, where on any given day you have 8.5 million people that live here, you have another 2 to 3 million people that come in, that commute in for work as well as vacation here and they're here for business. so it's very easy to get lost in the mix of new york city. particularly in manhattan. you know, as shimon was mentioning, the area that we're talking about is kind of the lower east side of manhattan in the east village. that's a pretty populated area. a lot of people there on a regular basis. very easy to get lost in the mix. these officers were sharp with their eye. all the officers know at this point what he looks like, but quite frankly, to pick somebody out out of you know, a bunch of people wa lking is really keen eyesight to have. >> it sure is. tom, thank you so much. our breaking news is continue to continue right now with alisyn and victor. welcome to "cnn newsroom." >> as you've just heard, we have breaking news. new york city police have just

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20240708

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five children who were heading to school. we're following the latest out of ukraine. a new report from the osce is calling russia's actions in ukraine war crimes. calling out the targeted killing of innocent civilians and medical facilities. every day we learn more about the scope of the atrocities as more bodies are found, some tortured after russia's retreat in parts of ukraine. one mother's anguish needs no translation as her son's body is discovered in a manhole. president biden's declaration of genocide is not triggering any immediate u.s. policy change but could it in the future? the latest on the ground in ukraine. but first we begin here in new york and the hunt for the subway attacker. cnn's josh campbell is live in brooklyn. we just got new video appearing to discuss the desire to kill. what more are we learning? >> reporter: the suspect who opened fire in a car in brooklyn, a rail car, we are getting new insight into the mind of this shooter and a series of youtube videos posted online. the shooter talks about wanting to conduct violence, wanting to possibly attack people he believes harmed him in his own chilling words saying we need to see more mass shootings. watch. >> i've been through a lot of [ bleep ] where i can say i wanted to kill people. i wanted to watch people die right in front of my [ bleep ] face immediately. but i thought about the fact, hey, man, i don't want to go to [ bleep ] prison. we are going to see more mass shootings. more mass shootings. to make you understand you're going down. no, it's not about the shooter. it's about the environment in which he has to exist. >> reporter: obviously a very troubled person there, a very dangerous person, opening fire inside that subway car here in brooklyn. again, the man hunt continues. we're told there's a multiagency effort under way to try to find him, dana. >> that video, both videos, are so chilling, and it really is miraculous nobody was killed during this attack. what can you share about the victim's status right now? >> reporter: that's right, dana. if there's any good out of this, none of the injuries appear to be life threatening. that said some of the victims still remain in hospital. in total there were 29 people hospitalized including ten who suffered gunshot wounds. there were other victims who suffered smoke inhalation. we know the suspect had launched some type of smoke device inside that car. there were also victims treated with panic attacks. we heard earlier on cnn today from one of the victims talking about the chaotic moments inside the car. listen. >> i had my headphones on. i thought it was a regular smoke bomb and then the smoke kept blowing out. this pregnant lady, everybody was pushing. i'm thinking it's just a smoke bomb. i grab her from the back so she don't get shot in the back. she was pregnant. a lot of people kept rushing and that's when i got shot in the leg, when the shots kept going off. >> reporter: now just horrific details we've been continuing to hear from those who were witnesses to this attack. again, dana, the manhunt continues this hour. authorities say the person is now being elevated to a suspect. originally they called him a person of interest. cnn reporting just a short time ago authorities were able to find the firearm that he allegedly used inside that car, tracked it back to a point of sale. he is the registered owner of that weapon, that causing authorities to, in their minds, view him as the suspect who opened fire. again, that manhunt continues. >> that's a very interesting development in and of itself, a lot to unpack as they look at the gun and how he got in, why he got it given the apparent state that he is in. thank you so much, josh. appreciate it. with me now is the form earp nypd detective and law enforcement consultant. thank you so much for coming on. let's pick up where josh just left off about this person that they're now calling a suspect. he is still on the loose. how safe is the public here in new york city right now? >> good afternoon, dana, and thank you for having me on. so i think as of right now the public is pretty safe because the nypd now has extra patrols, extra personnel out there, particularly within the subway system, people have talked about the fact they see a noticeable uptick in uniform personnel. so that's a good sign. anytime something like this happens, that's an automatic reaction particularly by the nypd is they add additional personnel and extend towards, if necessary, to keep personnel around to make sure there is an overabundance of personnel available to thwart any potential threats that may be out there. >> we just got word the nypd will hold a press conference at the top of the hour at 2:00 p.m. eastern to give an update on the latest in their investigation. we do know, tom, police are now calling frank james a person of interest -- they were calling him a person of interest, i should say. now he's a suspect. can you talk about that change? >> correct. so, yes, when they were able to make their way to that truck that they were looking for and found it, between that as well as other evidence, video evidence and some other evidence -- there's a treasure-trove of evidence left by the shooter, right, all this evidence on the train including the weapon itself. so with all of that, regardless of the surveillance was not all that functional in the subway system, you start to put together a puzzle and the puzzle these days, especially with video evidence as well as passers by or people calling the tips line that you start to put the puzzle together pretty quickly, right, and through that there was enough evidence collected to make that change from calling him a person of interest to now a suspect. now clearly there's enough to connect him to the shooting itself where they definitely want to get this guy into custody. we would put it out to anyone watching to continue to give authorities as much information as they know, as irrelevant as they think it might be, anything that they saw, anything that they heard, particularly we know the person to be associated with person either the state of wisconsin or the city of philadelphia. so anyone in those two areas if they have to see him rolling around they would want to notify their local authorities immediately. >> and you talk about all the pieces of the puzzle and you mentioned several of them including that van or truck out of philadelphia. take us a little bit further into an investigation of this kind, how they get to the ultimate goal in the short term which is actually finding him. >> i think a lot of what was pieced together yesterday -- the big concern there was very little, if any, video footage from the subway cameras themselves. people tend to forget there's so much video footage nowadays just on the average person's house never mind in that area of brooklyn, for those not familiar with sunset park, is largely a residential area. you have homes and you have apartments and businesses with cameras all over the place. the new york city highway system has video cameras all over the place. so it takes a little while sometimes to connect the dots and go from a to z but one thing will lead to another. once it was put out there this particular vehicle might be connected with that -- this is kind of a noticeable vehicle, a u-haul rental type truck. so once you start looking, have the people looking for that type of vehicle, people start calling in. the public generally their help is very, very important and invaluable in cases like this and it helps investigators narrow down and go from a wide net to a narrow net very quickly. >> putting the word out is so important. what a difference technology has made not just the cameras the city has but everybody has on their phone. thank you so much, appreciate your insight. and we want to turn now to ukraine. video appears to support claims russia is using cluster munitions in civilian areas. on the right side of your screen you can see a smaller so-called bomblet landing a few feet away and then exploding. the u.n. april cuaccuses russia such attacks and say they may amount to war crimes. fred, this comes as russia is clearly repositioning its forces, preparing for a new offensive in the east. what is the latest on the ground? >> reporter: a higher intensity offensive because the russians really never stopped their attacks in the east of the country either. of course our teams on the ground have said they have seen increased shelling. those cluster munitions are extremely dangerous not just to ukrainian forces but to ukrainian civilians as well. we've actually also been with an explosive ordnance crew and they found the remnants which are very dangerous. what the russians seem to be doing in the east where they've positioned most of their forces almost none left here all the way up to belarus, they're trying to pincer move to encircle the ukrainian forces in the donbas region. some of the reports we're getting today strongly indicate they're leading up to a large offensive. the french believe it's something that could begin in the next couple of days. you can see it on your map. if you look at dnipro to izium, we've obviously seen some satellite images of large russian columns moving towards that area and foreign militaries believe that could begin very soon, the next couple of days, possibly the next week or ten days or so as the russians continue to reposition forces they had here towards the east of ukraine moving through western russia. the russian president, vladimir putin, came out and said negotiations are at a dead end, the russians would continue to prosecute their military offensive against ukraine so it doesn't bode well of this war they have unleashed. >> it doesn't but then the ukrainian government, we're still talking so a lot of it seems to be positioning and posturing which, of course, happens throughout something like this. fred, thank you so much for that report. there are new fears of escalation in ukraine today as russia issues another new threat. transporting weapons on ukrainian soil will be viewed as legitimate military targets. cnn's nic robertson is in brussels. nic, this feels like a very big deal and the kind of thing nato countries have been worried about, being pulled in militarily in a way they haven't so far. >> reporter: russia is saying they will target those that have attack capable in ukraine. they're not saying they would attack them in poland or another country or another nato country. they do point out, they draw a lot of attention to it but point out the fact that russia has not been good with targeting convoys on the move. like buildings, oil refineries but to get to try to target a column of tanks on the move not particularly easy for russia. partly because ukraine still has some air defense capability. russia's threat is a serious threat but it's not something that they've acted upon or have said it before. it certainly does escalate tensions in a time we're sort of shifting a little bit, shifting in the phase of war and ukraine asking for bigger ticket items. they're not so easy to hide if they have a column or are being transported by train. we have seen train stations increasingly attack. russia does seem intent on carrying this through. >> they're not saying they're going after weapons or tanks in the nato countries such as poland but the question is what happens if that -- if russia attacks as they are coming across the ukrainian border. a big decision to make. nic robertson, thank you for that report. coming up, a key inflation measure just hit a new record high but could the worst already be over? we'll discuss plus the kremlin kids. while russian leaders attack the u.s. and europe their children enjoy luxury apartments, upscale educations and much more here in the west. details ahead. prevents crab grass and feeds your lawn. all three,in just one bag. i like t that. scotts turf builder triple action. it's lawn season. let's get to the yard. pain hits fast. so get relief fast. only tylenol rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast r fast pain relief. and now get relief without a ll with tylenol dissolve packs. relief witho the water. ancestry made it really easy to learn about my family's history. finding military information, newspaper articles, how many people were living in the house and where it was, makes me curious and keeps pulling me in and the photos reminding me of what life must have been like for them. finding out new bits of information about the family has been a wonderful experience, it's an important part of understanding who we are. if you have this... and you get this... you could end up with this... unexpected out-of-pocket costs. which for those on medicare, or soon to be, is a good reason to take charge of your health care. so consider this. an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from unitedhealthcare. why? 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is it appropriate? >> well, we need to continue what we're doing with the weapons systems we're delivering, but this new phase we've been talking about for a few days maneuver warfare on terrain more suitable to tanks than we've seen in the past and the easiest system to use to kill a tank is another tank. and if we can provide sufficient numbers so that the ukrainian military can occupy favorable terrain for tank warfare and to execute a mobile defense system to take on the russian tanks. >> and, beth, as a former intelligence official, you see what is being publicly talked about from the administration, from the pentagon. and then i'm sure there is a lot going on quietly behind the scenes when it comes to the transfer of things even like tanks that they don't want to talk about understandably. do you have a sense that ukraine's military has certainly they need more but has more than we know about from the west? >> well, i think they probably have more than the russians know about, and that is good. the ukrainian ambassador was talking recently with u.s. defense contractors directly in saying they would prefer to surprise the russians with what they get, but they're not getting enough and zelenskyy today in his press conference went through literally pictures of weapons systems that they need. so hopefully today we can provide a lot more. >> and there is video from social media, beth, of apparent cluster munitions in a residential neighborhood and that is the neighborhood of kharkiv. would you consider this evidence of a war crime? >> well, i think that in most instances it would be considered a war crime. the osce, the organization for security and cooperation in europe, today issued a report and they indicated there were patterns of this and cluster bombs were certainly one of the things they were looking at. the horrible train station attack, there is video evidence that cluster bombs were present in that attack as well. >> and the realignment of the way that europe has been functioning for decades appears to be really continuing. if you look at what's happening with potential for finland, for sweden to want to join, apply to join nato, which they have been -- forgive me, but aggressively neutral for so long, what does that tell you? >> well, if ever there was a good idea, it is to join nato today. if you're the finns and share a long border with the former soviet union, currently russia, the swedes, similar situation, both of their armed forces are very, very good. they're well armed, they are good outfits, and they have a very good reason right now to present a credible reason as to the baltic states to join the finest alliance i have ever seen in my lifetime and probably all of us in the same boat. >> yeah. and, beth, i remember interviewing in the past couple of months the president of finland who was talking about -- i think there's an infamous vladimir putin quote that now he looks at finland and he sees a neighbor and if they join nato he looks at finland and sees an enemy. so as the general was saying there are a lot more pluses than minuses but that's a real consideration for countries like finland. >> this will be a major shift. finland and sweden are both eyes wide open about the fact because russia has been very clear that this, as you said, it will pose a threat. i think the period between when they join and when they apply or when they apply and when they join, they are going to feel a little bit more uncomfortable. i think we also have to prepare ourselves for what happens next and i think the russians have said they'll reorient their forces and i think that means we'll see a buildup, for example, in that enclave that lies between the baltic states and poland. and more dangers ahead. >> yeah, unfortunately that appears to be the obvious reality that we're all looking at. thank you so much to both of you for your time. and a key inflation measure just hit a new record high. is there any relief in sight? 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>> yes, this report was really ugly, dana, and sums up just about everything that's wrong with this economy. this measures prices that suppliers charge businesses. and for the fourth month in a row prices were up by double digits. as you can see that has never happened before in the history of this index which started in 2010. it's going basically straight up and that's because weak demand -- i'm sorry, weak supply due to covid and the war has collided with really, really strong demand and so prices have gone straight up. for consumers, that means they're going to feel it. businesses are passing on a chunk of these higher prices through everyday americans, that means higher prices for energy, gas, heating, housing, the cost to rent, the cost to buy has gone up, and food. we saw record price spikes on everything from chicken and salad dressing to baby food in the last 12 months. really sharp numbers. i asked jamie dimon, ceo of jpmorgan, if he's concerned about a downturn. he says he's not forecasting a recession, but it could absolutely happen. he's concerned about three key things. high inflation, which we've been talking about. the fed's efforts to cool off inflation and, of course, the war in ukraine. he said these are powerful forces. they will combine probably next year and no one really knows exactly how it's going to turn out. >> we have all of this, which doesn't really add up to great news for consumers. there is a silver lining? >> the silver lining would be the fact gas prices have cooled off, down 2 cents overnight, $4.08 a gallon. that is not cheap but it is moving in the right direction, down 8 cents in the last week, down a quarter from a month ago. that's because they take -- gas prices take their cues from the oil market. now this is when the war started. you see oil prices shot up, but they have cooled down because the u.s. and its allies have released unprecedented amounts of oil from emergency reserves. one key thing to launch is just the last few days oil prices tick back up and we need to keep an eye on that. the higher oil prices go, the higher gas prices will go and the worse inflation will go. >> why do we think that is? >> china has started to relax some of their covid lockdowns, and there's also more concern about russia's supply of energy as europe debates new sanctions. >> yeah, a big raging debate. thank you so much. it's so important to explain what this all means to people. >> thank you, dana. >> a lot of numbers. a manhunt is under way right now for the suspect of the new york city subway shooting, and the attack is raising new concerns about mass transit systems across the country and just how vulnerable they may be. we'll discuss that next. they release medicine fast for fast p pain relief. and now get relief without t a pill with tylenol dissolve packcks. relief without the water. ♪simply irresistible♪ ♪ ♪ ♪simply irresistible♪ applebee's irresist-a-bowls are back. now starting at $8.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. everyone remembers the moment they heard... “you have cancer.” how their world stopped and when they found a way to face it. for some, this is where their keytruda story begins. keytruda - a breakthrough immunotherapy that may treat certain cancers. one of those cancers is advanced nonsquamous, non-small cell lung cancer where keytruda is approved to be used with certain chemotherapies as your first treatment if you do not have an abnormal “egfr” or “alk” gene. keytruda helps your immune system fight cancer but can also cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body. this can happen during or after treatment and may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain or tenderness, severe nausea or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion or memory problems, muscle pain or weakness, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. these are not all the possible side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, or if you've had an organ transplant, had or plan to have a stem cell transplant, or have had radiation to your chest area or a nervous system condition. today, keytruda is fda-approved to treat 16 types of advanced cancer. and is being studied in hundreds of clinical trials exploring ways to treat even more types of cancer. it's tru. keytruda from merck. see the different types of cancer keytruda is approved to treat at, and ask your doctor if keytruda can be part of your story. this may sound strange, but you've been here before. you were here when this wrench was turned. and when this line was drawn. oh. and when this stitch was sewn. you inspired the lexus es to be, well more you. so thank you. we hope you like your work. ♪ ♪ get special offers on the 2022 es 350. u.s. marshals are now joining the urgent manhunt for the new york city subway attacker. and today mayor eric adams had this message for new yorkers. >> we're going to prosecute whoever is responsible for this crime. yes, it is a threat, and we're telling new yorkers we want you to be vigilant. if you see him, notify your authorities but be extremely vigilant as you move around. we want this person apprehended. >> 29 people were injured in the attack including ten who were shot. joining me now is democratic congressman from new york jamal bowman. thank you for coming in and talking with me. you were at the white house on monday when president biden announced the new nominee to head the atf and also to talk about new regulations for so-called ghost guns. so you have that. you, of course, have congress stalled, not the house but the senate, on a host of gun control measures. what more can you do given the realities of what's going on in washington? >> we need to continue to apply pressure on the senate to pass hr-8 and senate republicans holding up this piece of legislation, the house passed it over a year ago and it's been sitting in the senate not moving for over a year. this bill, hr-8, would dramatically help with gun trafficking. it would close loopholes in terms of online gun sales, in terms of gun shows. it would close loopholes and it would stop and close the iron pipeline. guns are coming into new york traveling from all over the country and are contributing to the crime increases we're seeing in our cities, so we have to pass hr-8. republicans need to move on this bill and them should be held accountable if we don't pass that piece of legislation. >> which is about broad discussion and it has to do with a lot of crime that goes on not just in the city of new york but across the country. there's no evidence the gunman who is still on the loose got a gun or got the gun that they've now found, through a gun show or that he didn't have a background check. it's obviously even more than what you're trying to do legislatively. the problem is so much deeper. >> mm-hmm. absolutely. there is evidence that the gun did come from out of state. obviously there's going to be more investigation into that. the question i always ask, why are people picking up guns in the first place? why are they making that decision? what's happening to our collective psychology, mental health and well-being that's leading to an increase in gun crime. >> how do you address that? you can't legislate that. >> the horrible attack that took place on a train yesterday, that person needs to be heldable and and then we need to move forward. it's not just him. these are kids being killed in places like the bronx and mount vernon and all over my district and the city and the country. there's a sense of hopelessness within our communities and that is where the gun trafficking is happening. it is coming into vulnerable communities. it's getting into the hands of vulnerable people. we have to deal with the vulnerability. we have to deal with the trauma, with the poverty, we have to deal with distress especially considering a post-covid country. people have been isolated, and they're dealing with so much over the past two years, so we have to deal with all of that as well. >> it's a lot. it's obviously a multifaceted problem. and you talked about the fact that this is not just obviously a one-off incident what happened in the subway yesterday. even last night in your district, which is not far from here, a 15-year-old girl was shot. after you were elected, you told me that you wanted to see a, quote, dramatic reduction in police especially in poor communities. with the volume of crime that we've seen, even since we had that conversation less than two years ago, do you think that's appropriate? >> police are one part of the solution. they are not the only part of the solution. police cannot work in silos and in isolation. they have to work with clergy, with mental health professionals as well. we have to do a better job of identifying young people who are at risk, people who are at risk whether it's in the education system or whether it's through mental health or whether it's people who have been arrested for minor crime. once we identify and assess the needs of vulnerable people, how are we providing intervention? so we have to do a lot more when it comes to intervention and prevention. police respond often after the fact, after a crime has been committed, but what are we doing on the front end not just to stop gun trafficking but to deal with the issues that lead to someone picking up the gun in the first place. i mentioned poverty, i mentioned trauma, i mentioned mental health. we still have an opioid epidemic happening in our country so substance abuse is an issue. it needs to be a holistic, systemic approach to what's happening in our community. >> so you don't think that police forces should be reduced anymore? you're saying they should be redirected? how would you describe your position at this point given where we are about police? >> so we often have police forces responding to mental health crises, right, and we often have police forces responding to things that are not violent crime. there are other approaches to respond to mental health crises so someone doesn't end up dead when they shouldn't end up dead. there are other ways to respond to the variety of issues that are happening in our community so, again, police are part of the problem. they are not the entire conversation or solution to what is happening. >> in the last segment, we talk every day about inflation and how it's affecting everyday people and in terms of the goods that they're trying to buy. based on what you're hearing from your constituents here in new york, what do you want president biden to do more of? >> so we have to hold large corporations accountable because price gouging is a major part of inflation. we're seeing record profits happening not just with fossil fuel companies but with tech companies. >> you want more investigations? >> we want more accountability. that's why we introduced a bill, ending corporate greed act to hold corporations accountable for the price gouging that's happening and we're about to introduce another bill tomorrow not just large corporations but wealthy individuals who continue to profit off of covid and what's happening with inflation. >> congressman jamaal bowman, thank you so much. nice to see you in person. >> good to see you. >> thank you. up next, private jets, posh, parisian apartments, designer fashion, the lifestyles of the kids of the kremlin. lifestyles that their parents claim to reject. a closer look next. ought to h newfound happiness and zero surprises. and all of us will stop at notothing to drive you happy. we'll drivive you happy at carvana. i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixedudget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? rethe three pshree ps. of life insurance on a fix budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54, what's my price? 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drew griffin takes a look. >> as putin's atrocities continue in ukraine, he falsely blames europe and the west for the war. >> the wests attempts to maintain its dominance. >> yet, his own adult daughters sanctioned be i the u.s. treasury. both have reportedly owned property in the west including this seaside mansion in a french coastal town. >> it's hypocritical to deride the west but still rely on the west. >> that hypocrisy, criticizing the west while living there is shared by putin's inner circle. >> russian military are not hitting civil targets. >> he spent his life in government jobs. official salary about $173,000 in 2020, yet has been spotted wearing a $600,000 watch according to an anti-corruption group. his socialite daughter went to a boarding school in france, interned at louis vuitton and posted pictures of an enviable life in paris filled with passion fashion and glamour. >> i consider myself a person of the world. i was born in turkey. lived in france. studied in russia and france. that is i don't have any favorite country. i love each place in its own way. >> so how does a family live like this on a russian government salary? liza once wrote a post saying she's the daughter of the main billionaire and thief of the country. the u.s. treasury all but used the same language when they sanctioned her and other family members saying they live luxurious lifestyles that are incongruence of the civil salary and are likely gotten on the ill gotten wealth. he called the sanctions a witch hunt, saying accusing family for enabling war is madness and she's proud to be russian. a georgetown professor says it boils down to russia's current governmental system. >> a cleptocracy is a government ruled business thieves and where the policies made are decisions on behalf of those thieves. >> sergey lavrov officially makes $142,000 a year, but the 27-year-old who's been described as his stepdaughter, has been living a lavish lifestyle. the anti-corruption foundation said she attended a british boarding school. like peskov's daughter, she's left a trail of exotic trip and high style across europe and reportedly owns a $4 million property where she's been sanctioned for those responsible for social aggression. though the accounts is almost impossible to trace, a russian investigator is convinced the apartments, the mansions, lifestyles are the real salaries being paid to putin's allies. >> the system works in a way that's in order to keep those people who are willing to be face of putin's regime like the ministers, they need to be incentivized. their salary is not enough. >> she says the people in putin's inner circle know it could all vanish in an instant. >> he can turn on his regime. your assets can be frozen. you can go to jail. your family can go to jail. so moving as much you can out of the country also just makes sense. >> as for a response to this from the kremlin, a spokesperson for the ministry of foreign affairs tells us that neither putin nor lavrov have accounts in britain or anywhere else abroad and as for the sanctions against putin's daughters, a spokesperson told us this. that russia will respond without fail and will do so as it sees fit. drew griffin, cnn, atlanta. and some major breaking news just in to cnn. police have just arrested a new york city shooter. cnn's shimon prokupecz is with us now. shimon is still doing reporting. forgive me. i'm going to go to tom who is with us, our law enforcement analyst. this is just coming in. we don't have a lot of details except for the fact that we are told that this suspect has been apprehended. what is your reaction? your thoughts as somebody who has done this kind of thing before. >> it's a big sigh of relief if it's the guy we're looking for. but certainly for the people of new york city, iparticularly those who ride the subway every day, to go about their daily lives. people want to have a sense of security that they can ride the subway with a sense of safety and not have some maniac looking to slaughter them on their way to work or school. >> again, we are still waiting for details on how this went down. actually, tom, stand by for one second. we're going to go to our report e reporter who has a lot of sources. shimon, if you can hear me, let me know what you're hearing. >> i can hear you. so this happened just a short time ago in manhattan in the st. marks area. we're told by sources he was taken into custody by patrol officers. officers just on regular patrol who saw him. a man fitting this description of frank james, and they took him into custody. he is now being held at the p presijt there. 1st avenue is the information i'm receiving. just police officers who are on regular patrol seeing this individual and they took him into custody. i'm told they took him into custody without incident. there were no concerns. so he's now in police custody off the streets and it is because of all of the information that has been out there that we in the media have been putting out there that has allowed the police and has assisted the police. i can tell you that this morning, there was a sighting of a man fitting this description. sorry, dana, there's an ambulance going by. but there was a man fitting the description of frank james that someone saw. took some photos of this individual not far from where police took him into custody. so it seems that frank james here was walking the streets freely. almost nonchalantly. maybe not realizing there was in man hunt for him. so very good police officers on routine patrol see him, took him into custody and now he's over at the 9th precinct. we're also waiting to hear from the police department. they were expected to have a 2:00 press conference and obviously now with this new information, this will likely get delayed, but obviously a huge sigh of relief for people here in new york city, for law enforcement, as they now believe they have the guy they've been looking for. i can also tell you that all through the night and into this morning, police officials from the u.s. martials, the fbi, other law enforcement officials were out scouring new york city. they went to several locations to try and find him. they didn't find him and he was just walking the streets like it was nothing and he was just taken into custody by these officers. >> fascinating. thank you so much for that important report. sigh of relief indeed. and tom, let me quickly get your reaction to what shimon just said. that wasn't necessarily somebody in the public who was looking for that man because they saw the photos. it was police officers. and what does it tell you about the investigation, but maybe even more importantly, the state of mind of this suspect? >> well, you know, first of all, kudos to the officers for having a sharp eye. clearly, this perpetrator's picture has been plastered all over the place and nypd has been on heightened alert since this happened yesterday. in a city like new york, where on any given day you have 8.5 million people that live here, you have another 2 to 3 million people that come in, that commute in for work as well as vacation here and they're here for business. so it's very easy to get lost in the mix of new york city. particularly in manhattan. you know, as shimon was mentioning, the area that we're talking about is kind of the lower east side of manhattan in the east village. that's a pretty populated area. a lot of people there on a regular basis. very easy to get lost in the mix. these officers were sharp with their eye. all the officers know at this point what he looks like, but quite frankly, to pick somebody out out of you know, a bunch of people wa lking is really keen eyesight to have. >> it sure is. tom, thank you so much. our breaking news is continue to continue right now with alisyn and victor. welcome to "cnn newsroom." >> as you've just heard, we have breaking news. new york city police have just

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, Injuries , Hospital , Gunshot Wounds , Type , Panic Attacks , Smoke Device , Smoke Inhalation , Everybody , Smoke Bomb , Smoke , Headphones , Lady , Back , Leg , Details , Reporting , A Person Of Interest , Authorities , Witnesses , Weapon , Firearm , Owner , Minds , Point Of Sale , Opened Fire , Gun , Estate , Development , Form , Loose , Law Enforcement Consultant , Detective , Public , Patrols , Safe , Something , Personnel , Subway System , Uniform Personnel , Uptick , Sign , Reaction , Overabundance , Press Conference , Tom , Investigation , Word , Threats , Update , 2 , 00 , Truck , Correct , Evidence , Video Evidence , It , Treasure Trove , Wall , Surveillance , Puzzle , Tips Line , Passers , Custody , Guy , Change , Information , Anyone , Anything , Areas , City Of Philadelphia , Wisconsin , Kind , Bit , Term , Goal , Pieces , Van , Concern , Video Footage , Area , Cameras , House , Sunset Park , Place , Highway System , Businesses , Apartments , Video Cameras , Homes , Thing , Another , Connect The Dots , A To Z , Vehicle , Rental Type Truck , Help , Investigators , Cases , City , Net , Technology , Cluster Munitions , Civilian Areas , Phone , Side , Bomblet Landing , Screen , Feet , April Cuaccuses , U N , Armed Forces , East , Attacks , Offensive , Fred , Country , Course , Intensity Offensive , Teams , Shelling , Russians , Forces , Remnants , Crew , Ordnance , Doing , Move , Some , French , Reports , Region , Belarus , Donbas , Map , Dnipro , To Izium , Columns , Satellite Images , Militaries , Vladimir Putin , War , Doesn T , Military Offensive , Negotiations , Dead End , It Doesn T , Government , Positioning , Posturing , Which , Threat , Weapons , Military Targets , Escalation , Fears , Ukrainian Soil , Nato , Countries , Nic Robertson , Deal , Haven T , Nic , Brussels , Poland , Point Out , Point , Attention , Targeting Convoys , Tanks , Column , Buildings , Oil Refineries , Air Defense , Capability , Phase , Ticket Items , Tensions , Intent , 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Aid , 00 Million , 700 Million , Paul Eaton , Industry Official , Defense , Industry , Ability , Meeting , Weapons Makers , General , Intelligence , Weapons Package , Deputy Director , Announcement , Weapons Systems , Warfare , System , Numbers , Tank , Terrain , Beth , Military , Mobile Defense System , Tank Warfare , Things , Intelligence Official , Transfer , Administration , Scenes , Sense , Ambassador , Defense Contractors , More , Social Media , Zelenskyy , Neighborhood , War Crime , Instances , Kharkiv , Train Station , Patterns , Cluster Bombs , Realignment , Finland , Potential , Sweden , Finns , Swedes , Idea , Situation , Soviet Union , Both , Outfits , President , Lifetime , Alliance , Baltic States , Boat , Neighbor , Pluses , Enemy , Consideration , Minuses , Shift , Eyes , Enclave , Buildup , Example , Dangers , Sight , Reality , Tires , Dude , Locking Didifferentials , Rurugged , Good , Husband , Heart Attack , Workspaces , Gonna Work Remote , Perfect , Find New Roads , 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, Cost , Housing , Gas , Food , Rent , Chunk , Heating , We Saw , Jamie Dimon , Of Jpmorgan , Baby Food , Salad Dressing , Chicken , Downturn , 12 , Inflation , Recession , Efforts , No One , Fed , Silver Lining , News , Fact Gas Prices , Gas Prices , Oil Prices , Cues , Direction , Oil Market , Gallon , 8 , 08 , 4 08 , Allies , Oil , Emergency Reserves , Amounts , Eye , Covid Lockdowns , China , Dana , Sanctions , Big Raging Debate , Concerns , Up Next , Mass Transit Systems , Fast P Pain Relief , Medicine Fast , Ta Pill With Tylenol Dissolve Packcks , Cancer , Everyone , Applebee S , Irresist A Bowls , Eatin , 8 99 , 99 , Cancer Keytruda , Cancers , Non Small Cell Lung Cancer , Breakthrough Immunotherapy , Story , Nonsquamous , Chemotherapies , Immune System , Treatment , Lead , Gene , Alk , Egfr , Fight , Death , Light Sensitivity , Muscle Pain , Constipation , Memory Problems , Eye Problems , Chest Pain , Stomach Pain , Irregular Heartbeat , Breath , Confusion , Headache , Dizziness , Tenderness , Nausea , Vomiting , Appetite , Urine , Thirst , Fainting , Diarrhea , Shortness , Cough , Extreme Tiredness , Chest Area , Immune System Problems , Organ Transplant , Stem Cell Transplant , Side Effects , Nervous System , Conditions , Fever , Itching , Weakness , Rash , Radiation , Flushing , Ways , Condition , Trials , Hundreds , Fda , Tru , Merck , 16 , Wrench , May Sound Strange , Work , Line , Stitch , Lexus Es , Eric Adams , Message , Marshals , Es 350 , 2022 , 350 , Crime , Person Apprehended , Congressman , Shot , Jamal Bowman , Nominee , Ghost Guns , Regulations , Atf , White House , Senate , Pressure , What S Going On In Washington , Host , Realities , Gun Control Measures , Congress , Bill , Piece , Republicans , Legislation , Hr 8 , Terms , Gun Trafficking , Guns , Loopholes , Gun Sales , Gun Shows , Pipeline , Cities , Gunman , Discussion , Problem , Legislatively , Gun Show , Background Check , Mental Health , Increase , Gun Crime , Well Being , Psychology , Kids , Communities , District , Places , Hopelessness , Mount Vernon , The Bronx , Trauma , Poverty , Distress , Hands , Vulnerability , Incident , Subway , Quote , Reduction , Old Girl , 15 , Solution , Volume , Mental Health Professionals , Job , Silos , Isolation , Clergy , Police Cannot , Risk , Education System , Intervention , End , Prevention , Someone , Issue , Opioid , Epidemic , Substance Abuse , Police Forces , Community , Position , Approach , Holistic , Mental Health Crises , Approaches , Issues , Crises , Variety , Goods , Segment , Price Gouging , Corporations , Constituents , Profits , Investigations , Accountability , Greed , Act , Fossil Fuel Companies , Tech Companies , Individuals , Covid , Congressman Jamaal Bowman , Lifestyles , Person , Parents , Jets , Parisian Apartments , Closer Look , Kremlin , Posh , Happiness , Notothing , Carvana , Zero , Life Insurance , Program , Fix Budget , Fixedudget , Colonial Penn , Rethe , Pshree Ps , 85 , 50 , Budget , 54 , Medications , 80 , 65 , 9 95 , 95 , Rate , Health Questions , Exam , Acceptance , 1 , Beneficiary Planner , Lifetime Rate Lock , Calling , Employees , Vacation Request Approvals , Vacation Request , Suite Special , Aloha , Room , Hr Data , Schedule A Demo Today , Single , Software , Paycom , Visit Paycom Com , Um , Salary , Lives , Glamour , Luxury , Servants , Glitz , Advisers , World Travel , Drew Griffin , Look , Millionaires , Wests , Property , Adult , Daughters , Attempts , Dominance , U S Treasury , Seaside Mansion , French Coastal Town , Hypocrisy , Targets , Government Jobs , Russian Military , Inner Circle , 2020 , 73000 , 173000 , Boarding School , Daughter , Group , Socialite , Pictures , Paris , Louis Vuitton , 600000 , 00000 , Passion Fashion , Turkey , Liza , Family Members , Billionaire , Thief , Post , Language , Wealth , Incongruence , Professor , Witch Hunt , Madness , Georgetown , Sergey Lavrov , Policies , Business Thieves , Thieves , Cleptocracy , Decisions , Behalf , 42000 , 142000 , Lifestyle , Stepdaughter , Foundation , British , 27 , Trip , Trail , Peskov , Million , 4 Million , Accounts , Salaries , Investigator , Mansions , Aggression , Regime , Ministers , Order , Incentivized , Jail , Assets , Instant , Spokesperson , Response , Ministry Of Foreign Affairs , Fail , Shimon Prokupecz , Breaking News , Atlanta , Somebody , Thoughts , Big Sigh , Security , Who Ride The Subway , Iparticularly , School , Safety , Maniac , Stand By For One Second , Report E Reporter , Hearing , Sources , Patrol , Officers , Patrol Officers , Who , Saw Him , Police Officers , Description , P Presijt , 1st Avenue , Individual , Streets , Police Custody , Media , Sighting , Someone Saw , Ambulance , Police Department , 9th Precinct , 9 , Officials , Sigh , Law Enforcement , Morning , U S Martials , Law Enforcement Officials , Locations , Nothing , Fbi , Wasn T , Fascinating , State Of Mind , Kudos , Picture , Perpetrator , Alert , Mix , Commute , Vacation , 8 5 Million , 3 Million , Mentioning , Manhattan , Lower East Side Of Manhattan , Basis , East Village , Eyesight , Bunch , People Wa Lking , Cnn Newsroom , Victor , Alisyn ,

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