Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240708

the capital of kyiv. alexander dvornikov, also known as the butcher of syria, is notorious for inflicting atrocities on civilians. >> translator: we think this will be a new wave of this war. we don't know how much russian weaponry there will be. we understand there will be many times more than there is now. it all depends on how fast we will be helped by the united states. to be honest, whether we will be able to survive depends on this. >> new overnight, russian forces have sheltd another railway station in eastern ukraine. ukrainian rail officials are not providing a specific location here. we're told no one was injured but five locomotives, tracks and power lines were damaged. >> we have new satellite images from maxar technologies. you can see an eight-mile-long convoy of russian military vehicles making its way south. maxar says the convoy consists of armored vehicles and trucks with towed artillery and support equipment. this is just east of kharkiv, the second most populous city in ukraine. the convoy appears to be headed toward the donbas region. russia also launched several missile strikes in dnipro over the weekend. military officials confirm it hit the airport in that city, and in that city the airport has been destroyed. no word yet about possible casualties. let's begin with chief international correspondent clarissa ward. every minute that passes this ultimate conflict in the east appears to be growing closer. ukrainians saying in some ways it's already begun. >> reporter: right. that's exactly what we're hearing from one ukrainian official who says basically in effect it already has started. the offensive in the east, you're seeing that six-mile-long convoy of russian weaponry and troops bearing down south coming from the east of kharkiv, as you also are seeing russian troops redeploying after their failed offensive here to the north of kyiv. now, we know there has also been a lot of shelling overnight in the city of kharkiv right near essentially where that convoy is pushing down from, the governor saying 66 reports of shelling in about 24 hours, 11 civilians killed. among them a 7-year-old child. we're also hearing, as you mentioned, about this attack on a railway station in the east. this is significant because, although fortunately there were no casualties and the target appears to have been several locomotives as well as power lines and the tracks themselves, i think what this speaks to is the clearer, broader russian strategy here which is to try to attack ukraine's attempts at reply and logistics. this is going to be the big challenge for ukrainian forces as they face down this russian offensive in the east, is to sufficiently and adequately be able to resupply their troops on the front line. unlike kyiv, this is much further away and much more difficult to get to in terms of what will soon presumably be desperately needed weaponry. president zelenskyy says they are ready for this moment, but he has also warned a very bleak picture in terms of the lengths that russian forces are clearly willing to go to. he spoke to south korean parliament earlier today and said that he believes tens of thousands of people have been killed in the city of mariupol. that's in the southeast, the port city bombarded day in and day out for many weeks now, indiscriminately. residential buildings, shelters, a maternity hospital most infamously as you probably remember. there is a fear going forward. while, of course, we cannot confirm that number in terms of tens of thousands of people killed in that fighting, there is certainly a very real and palpable sense of concern that when this russian offensive develops or reaches a crescendo, that it is going to be very, very ugly indeed, john. >> clarissa ward, as always, thank you so much for your reporting. also here in ukraine, jake tapper with me now with breaking news he's reporting out. what is this? >> reporter: there are nine aid workers who have apparently been taken prisoner by russian troops according to this ngo. the ngo is called help people. it's an independent ukrainian charity that formed not long after the russian invasion. they provide assistance to individuals and aid and also try to evacuate them. i'm told by the head of the organization that they sent ten mini buses, not all at the same time,a in different times in march down to mariupol from zaporizhzhia, in any case down to mariupol. they were full of individuals and on the way back they were stopped by russian troops on different days. the russian troops tried to get all these mini buses to drive the individuals into russia. the drivers refused to do so, according to the head of the ngo, at which point the evacuees were let off in the town of neck less ka. all ten of the drivers were taken prisoner by the russians. alex veronin, the head of the ngo, said he lost contact with all but one of the drivers. according to the one driver, they've been interrogated with brute force. because of the fog of war, because of the difficulty of reporting under these circumstances, we can't verify the whereabouts. the ngo has been in touch with the ukrainian government. they don't even know who to talk to on the russian side to get these drivers freed, the nine drivers who have been detained. they're hoping by telling their story to cnn and pub lizing it more broadly, that will provide some type of protection so the russians know we're aware of the nine drivers they have taken prisoner and trying to keep tabs on them and trying to get them out. >> berman has a question for you. >> here is mariupol, where so many people are trying to evacuate. zaporizhzhia is a city where they're trying to get, and for weeks at this point the ukrainians have been hoping for these turn corridors to open up. every day there's a promise the russians will let the buses in. they don't let the buses in. this is a new twist. not only have the buses not been getting in, but the bus drivers are being taken captive. it seems doubly cruel, keep people from escaping the city but also persecute the people trying to help. >> i think it's one of the things for people watching this war from abroad who don't understand how can peep be stuck in mariupol, how come they can't leave. we heard zelenskyy say he thinks tens of thousands have been killed there. you can't get out. and when you have an ngo like help people sending mini buses in, not doing it in a convoy because they thought that would get too much attention, having them go one by one from zaporizhzhia into mariupol to try to get them, and have the drivers basically have the mini buses commandeered and then the drivers taken prisoner, you see how difficult it is to get the people out. that's one of the reasons presumably why mariupol is such a blood bass because the russians wouldn't let any of the innocent people leave. >> it's a gamble to stay and it's a gamble to go. that's why so many people are having a tough time making the decision. >> they're paralyzed. look what happened to the people trying to flee at chrome task forcing and the russians target it with a missile. >> jake, helpful reporting. you can catch jake at 4:00 p.m. east even on "the lead" and also tonight at 9:00 p.m. russia appointing a new general to lead its invasion of ukraine after russians face to take the capital of kyiv. why he's nicknamed the butcher of syria. i'll speak with the deputy prime minister of ukraine who says russian forces are shaving the heads of ukrainian prisoners. stand by. allergieies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily s stos your body from overreacting to allergens s al season long. psst! psst! flonase all good. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy saying his country is ready for an increase in full-scale combat actions in the east amid images of this eight-mile, long convoy headed south towards the donbas region. local officials have been urging communities there to evacuate, telling people they need to go, they need to get to safety. ukrainian deputy prime minister yurena vary chuck spoke with us. here is part of that conversation. >> deputy prime minister, thank you so much for being with us this morning. you are overseeing these humanitarian corridors. are people able to get out using the corridors that are in place? were they able to over the weekend? >> translator: no. the humanitarian corridors are not working. people are waiting for days. these are women, children, sick people, pregnant women. they are not able to use these corridors because the russian side are not abiding by the cease-fire commitments, they're not fulfilling these commitments. therefore, i would like -- they're not ceasing fire. therefore, i would like to use this opportunity to address to address the world community through the media and to call for russia to be made accountable for failing in their commitment to cease-fire. >> deputy prime minister, in the most recent prisoner swap, you were able to get the head of a village near cher nif released. can you tell us what she told you about being in russian captivity? tran hannah, that's her name, is a very courageous and strong woman. she has endured a lot. you will have seen her photo. that's evidence of how these inhuman people that call themselves the russian army have treated her. her head was shaven and there was lots that happen that i don't want to repeat here because i don't want people to think of us as victims. i want to address the world community to punish those who are making decisions to torture women, rape women. this is what we're talking about, to abuse children. these are the people making these decisions. i'm talking about putin. but not only putin. it's putin and his russia. they need to be stopped. i'm talking about russia because these are the russian people. russian people that are raping ukraine, that are supporting the decisions of their government. this must not be happening in the 21st century. i want the world community not to think of ukraine as victims, but to support ukraine in repelling these horrific assaults. >> you mentioned rape and it's something difficult to talk about but essential to talk about so people know what we're talking about. what are you hearing about reports of rape, and how widespread is this? >> translator: these incidents are very widespread. women are being raped. i need to say we need to stop this rape by the russian army, and the main rape is putin who is raping the world. he's raping us, raping europe, making the world tremble. he's poisoning people in great britain, interfering in elections in the united states. he's getting into every ukrainian house and looting it. these are his looters. they're forcibly deporting children, tens of thousands of children have been deported from ukraine and now being adopted in russia. and there will be some talk about motherly feelings there. we need to repel this mass rape of everything that's good. >> we saw prime minister boris johnson of the u.k. visiting ukraine over the weekend. does president biden need to? >> translator: when president biden visited poland, there was this symbolic 180 kilometers that he didn't cross over to ukraine, and it would have been a huge symbolic step to show that he's not afraid of the world's rapists, of the world's putin that has covered europe in the bodies of ukraine women, that is conducting mass atrocities live on air. this would have been a symbolic and historic step, but it didn't happen. it would have been a still bolic step to come to ukrainian and it would have been powerful, but it needs to go also hand in hand with the action to stop oil and gas, to stop this flow of dollars and euros to russia to fund their aggression and to stop this rape of europe. >> there are a number of american lawmakers who are in poland right now. do you want them to come to ukraine to visit with officials here? >> translator: every time we see people not across the screen but face-to-face, we can tell them, bring them information that is so important to make the right decision, and the right decision is to stop making these half steps and to make real steps of quickly, dynamically and effectively. that is what america is about, quick, dynamic, effective decisions. that's what america as the world leader needs to do. >> deputy prime minister, thank you for making the time to be with us this morning. we do appreciate it and we invite you to join us any time you can. deputy prime minister vereshchuk, thank you. >> thank you. breaking this morning, s&p saying russia defaulted on its debt. what it could mean for russia and the global economy. ukraine says russia's new assault on the east has already begun. what to watch for in this battle thatat may define this war. ♪ w walking on ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪ ♪ some ♪ ♪ may say ♪ ♪ i'm wishing my days away ♪ ♪ no way ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪ obviously, we got termites. well, first thing is, you gotta know what they're bitin' on. whoa, yeah! this aged birchwood is perfect for the big ones this time of year. ho-ho! they gobble it up like a candy bar. nice. woman: what's going on? 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>> this battle is going to look very different from what we saw around kyiv if everything goes according to the russian plan. this is open territory. if we take a look at what it looks like, these are the steps right around the donbas region, flat land, perfect for tank warfare. it just so happens this soldier is using a javelin right there. when you look at the map here, what we're seeing is the capability of the russians to go down this way. this is going to be tank country, unless, unless the russians are forced to divide their forces in different ways. then what could happen, we could have small unit actions similar to what we saw around kyiv. if that happens, the ukrainians have the advantage. if it doesn't happen, then the russians will have the advantage at least initially. it really depends on how far and how fast the russians can go and it all depends on how quickly the ukrainians can react to it. >> how quickly they react, does that involve the resupply? these are the t-72 tanks. the ukrainians want more of these. do they have enough to fight this bat lt against the russians? >> they really don't, john. this is what the key things that really needs to happen for them. the russians and ukrainians both have these tanks. the ukrainians, as you said, need more of them. the reason for this is these are tanks that are delivered to the ukrainians. they can work these without major training and ramp up very, very quickly. as a result of this, this is what they want, this is what they need. but they also have this, the javelin anti-tank guided missile system. that is something that can fight the tanks whether on the steps or in close quarters such as in urban combat. that's why these things are very important, these weapons are critical, both the tanks and the javelins and the british version. these are the things the ukrainians need and they need them extremely quickly. >> colonel leighton, thank you for being with us. >> you bet, john. they call him the butcher of syria, now in charge of leading the invasion of ukraine. new reports of a rift within the january 6th committee over whether to refer the former president donald trump for criminal charges. stay with us. may i? 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>> they're calling it a selective defect. paying the interest on its debt in rubles because sanctions have locked up its dollars. investors who are paid those rubles, they're going to have trouble converting those rubles into dollars. essentially it's not paying its interest. it's more of an historic economic isolation facing putin and the west trying to starve his war machine of the money it needs. s&p global also said we think sanctions on russia will likely be further increased hampering russia's willingness and technical abilities to honor the terms and conditions of its obligations to foreign debt holders. it's not a default of the entire debt. the kremlin down playing it, blaming the west for blocking payments and says russia has technically fulfilled obligations. bottom line, russia is cut off from the international borrowing market. it's flr a recession we know. standards of living for russian citizens rapidly declining here of putin-imposed economic crash happening. the world bank says for ukraine that economy could shrink by as much as 45% depending on how long this brutal conflict lasts. >> christine romans, thank you very much for that. brianna? this morning ukraine is bracing for more fighting in the east. with us is jane harmon, former ranking member on the house intel committee, also the president am mayor that of the non-partisan wilson center and the author of "insanity defense." thank you so much for being with us, congresswoman. as we or looking at this next phase of fighting, what are you worried about? >> well, i'm worried about whether u.s. leadership will be bold enough. i have to say that. i think if there ever was a time to utter that famous line "mr. gorbachev, tear down that wall," this is that time. russia is paying in rubles, but that's fake currency. now is the time for europe to stop buying gas from russia. that's a billion dollars a day for vladimir putin. now is the time for president biden not just to say the dollar amount of what we're sending over there, but to show the effects of what we're sending over there and to make absolutely certain that the leadership he's shown to be with partners and allies continues. and, obi the way, the rest of the world is still hedging its bets. i know he's going to talk to prime minister modi today. india is neutral. israel is neutral. much of africa, much of laltin america is neutral. why is that? because they're not sure our leadership will stay, and we will emerge again, which we have to do, as the leader of the free world which is under assault here. >> is that a failure of u.s. leadership that those countries are neutral? >> failure is a tough word, but let's remember the last president wasn't sure he supported article 5 of nato. he seemed to take russia's side against ukraine. remember the whole hunter biden episode, and withholding appropriated foreign aid for ukraine. by the way, someone is saying that putin might try to last until the 2024 election hoping that trump comes back. i have no idea if that's true. but my point is that we are at a point in the world right now where our president, it seems to me, has to have his harry truman moment, has to have his franklin roosevelt moment, even his ronald reagan moment -- that was the line about mr. gorbachev -- and make it absolutely clear that the u.s. is in this fight to help ukraine win. i think anything else will not yield a result that will save the liberal world order that we fought so hard and took the leadership role in setting up in 1945. >> right now there are a number of american lawmakers, democrats and republicans, who are in poland very close to the ukraine border. we just heard from one of them. democrat jason crow who says he wants to come to ukraine. he's asked the administration if he can come, but he's not coming. that certainly tells you something. we've also heard from leaders here like the deputy prime minister who said, yes, they would like to see lawmakers, that it's helpful. should the biden administration allow those lawmakers to come? >> i was just talking to susan collins who was on a prior trip. they asked, too, they were three miles from the border and were told no. i understand the impulse to protect the lawmakers. but i also think showing up is a huge part of sending the right message to ukraine. some people have asked whether biden should show up. my answer to that is he should show up with a bold message, not just a photo op. the good news about congress -- this is good news for a change after a kind of bleak season, is that congress on a bipartisan basis strongly supports helping ukraine, strongly, on a bipartisan basis. i know it's hard to even say that. let me just mention this, too. i was at a small dinner last week with the impressive ukrainian ambassador to the u.s. swurn asked her what do you need. she quietly said to win. i think we underestimated the will of ukrainians and the ability of ukrainians to fight back and the determination to fight even in the donbas, the region that's under attack now. i think from the beginning, if we had been, again, more forceful -- hindsight is always better. but if now we do everything we can through rhetoric and effort to help them win, we'll be better off. remember russia was part of the deal in 1994, along with the u.k. and the u.s. and the u.n. where is the u.n., that persuaded ukraine to give up its nukes. russia and the other countries were going to come to ukraine's defense if its sovereignty was invaded. who is invading its sovereignty? if russia thinks that agreement is worthless, why wouldn't it think the next agreement is ruthless. >> jane harman, we appreciate you being with us this morning. thank you very much. >> stay safe, brianna. stay safe. >> thank you. i certainly will. new satellite images out of ukraine showing an eight-mile-long russian convoy making its way toward the donbas region in the east. what president zelenskyy says his arm needs for battle next. they call him the butcher of syria. what the world can expect of russia's new commander in charge of leading the invasion in ukraine. we fit your style, with hundreds of design options. whwhen a normal day is anything but normal, we fit your schedule, with our unique tub over tub prorocess, installd in as little as a day. when high quality is the only quality that matters, we fit your standards, with a lifetime guarantee. bath fitter. it just fits. visit to book your free consultation. where do you find the perfect project manager? well, we found him in adelaide between his daily lunch delivery and an 8:15 meeting with his client in san francisco. ...but you can find him, and millions of other talented pr, right now on upwork. 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there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. obviously, we got termites. well, first thing is, you gotta know what they're bitin' on. hey! i told you to hire a pro. i did get a pro. an orkin pro! i got this. got termites? don't call any pro, call the orkin pro. orkin. the best in pests. with angi, you can connect with and see ratings and reviews. and when you book and pay throug you're covered by our happiness check out today. angi... and done. new this morning, republican congresswoman liz cheney is pushing back against reports that there's a dispute among members of the january 6th committee on whether to make a criminal referral to the department of justice on former president donald trump. listen. >> i wouldn't characterize there as being a dispute on the committee. i think it is the single-most collaborative committee on which i've ever served. i'm very proud of the bipartisan way in which we're operating, and i'm confident that we will work to come to agreement on all of the issues that we're facing. so i wouldn't say it's accurate right now to say there's a dispute on this issue. >> joining us, cnn chief national correspondent and "inside politics" anchor john king. great to have you here. good morning and happy baseball season. whether or not there's a dispute on the committee may not be the most important issue. what is important about the idea of a criminal referral, and also what do you think of the current path of the january 6th committee overall? >> i think congresswoman chain nay is correct about the cooperation and the spirit of cooperation among democrats and republicans on this committee. let's not call it a dispute. let's accept her language. there are different conversations or conversations that lead to different opinions on the committee about a criminal referral and about other issues which is all about how do we get to the finish line here. that's the key point and the question you asked. when are we going to get the public hearings that the commission promised a couple months ago. they thought they'd start in march. we're now into april. they're trying to build toward a final report. liz cheney -- there's a debate about whether, if you publicly refer criminal charges against donald trump to the justice department, does that put too much pressure on attorney general merrick garland? does it play into trump's hands. he'll call her a rino with another witch hunt. that's a conversation in the committee. would you get jared kushner and ivanka trump to voluntarily come in, as they did over the past week or so, if they thought there was going to be a criminal referral. they'll already have difficult conversations at mar-a-lago. the committee has done remarkable work, surprising to many of us, in pulling together all of this information. the question is when do they bring it to the public and can they bring it to the public in a way that changes minds? >> merrick garland could investigate without a criminal referral. he doesn't need a criminal referral to investigate any of the things that some in congress wanted to investigate. >> that's one of the conversations among committee members. the justice department, remember, we had reporting in the last ten days to two weeks that the justice department is moving past what happened to that day to look at the organizing and financing. there are a lot of people on the committee saying we're doing some of that fact gathering, too. maybe merrick garland will get there on his own. >> running out of time pretty quickly given now it's april and the clock may run out in november. john, speaking of november, the former president of the united states, donald trump, has made an endorsement in the pennsylvania republican primary for senate. he's backing dr. mehmet oz and not david mccormick who is a hedge fund operator, worked in the george w. bush white house, hope hicks and other trumpers worked for. >> i think the foerm president listened to the hannitys and he said it himself. if you've been on television 18 years, that's a poll. people must like you if you've been on television all that long. there were a lot of people you mentioned, the former trump staffers who worked for mccormick. a lot of people say he's a safer candidate, more discipline, fewer controversial positions. going back to the tape library and seeing what oz has said on television. will this be a race where a state like pennsylvania, the republican senator is retiring, democrats need to win that race. the math and the dynamics, the wins are all against the democrats at this moment. they need that race. is donald trump doing them a favor here? a long list of things to watch. that race is one of them. >> it's interesting, for mccormick, could you make an argument that if he wins, it makes him stronger, gives him something of the glenn youngkin argument in virginia, i did this without trump? >> that's a critical point. we have primary season first. this will be one of the races. congresswoman cheney, we were talking about her in the context of january 6th. trump endorsed cheney's opponent in the primary. does donald trump still have republican primary magic or is his influence waning? >> it will be fascinating to watch. john king, great to have you on this morning. thanks for being with us. >> you can watch john on "inside politics" at noon today and every day. new details on the death of pittsburgh steelers quarterback dwayne haskins, what he was doing when he was killed on a florida highway. plus, new cnn reporting, why the white house is bracing for a huge migrant surge at the b border. what do you want to leave behind? that's your why. it's your purpose, and we will work with h you every step of the way to achieve it. frank is a fan of fast. he's a fast talker. a fast walker. thanks, gary. and for unexpected 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the 2017 race. tragedy in the football field, pittsburgh steelers quarterback dwayne haskins killed after being struck by a dump truck while trying to cross the road. white house officials are concerned about a surge of migrants next month when president biden's title 42 takes effect. the world's top ranked golfer is now the masters champion. scottie scheffler won his first career major going wire to wire at augusta. tiger woods struggled in the final two rounds after making the cut. he finished 13 over par for the tournament. today president biden is set to announce new regulations to contain the use of untraceable firearms known as ghost guns. the president is expected to name his nominee to lead the federal agency known as the atf which is responsible for enforcing the nation's gun laws. those are the "5 things to know" for your new day. don't forget to download the 5 things podcast every morning. go to a mass shooting outside of los angeles on sunday leaving two people dead and five others injured. police say the motive is unknown and no arrests have been made. this at the end of a weekend of gun violence across the nation. cnn's shimon prokupecz here with more on that. >> tragedy, certainly. so many of these victims, these people out just celebrating a birthday. in another case, just celebrating a night out when they were all caught in the middle of gunfire, and also a very tragic incident in new york city in the bronx. a 17-year-old girl walking home from school on friday when she was caught in the middle of gunfire. tragedy from coast to coast as shootings rocked neighborhoods nationwide. in cedar rapids, iowa, shots fired early sunday morning at a nightclub leaving two dead and at least ten injured according to police. >> this is another mindless and senseless gun-related incident. >> reporter: police are still uncertain about the number of shooters. they believe the suspects may have slipped out as the crowd of up to 150 rushed for the exits after the shooting began. >> this is not who we are. this is not cedar rapids. today i challenge all of us to meet the need so clearly before us. we must be the change. >> reporter: a birthday party in indianapolis ended with gunshots early sunday morning. >> some type of fight or di disturbance broke out and then shots occurred. >> reporter: officers arrived at the scene and found one man dead and at least five others with gunshot wounds. and in georgia, the coroner arrived at a fatal armed robbery and discovered his father, mother and son were the victims. the local police chief shocked. >> right now i'm speechless. i have a hard time talking about this. we don't have stuff like that here. this is a quiet little town. >> reporter: tommy hawk, wife evelyn and 19-year-old grandson luke were killed at the family's shooting range. the atf is assisting in the investigation where police estimated at least 40 guns were stolen. in los angeles county police responding to a shooting in the willowbrook neighborhood that left two dead and five others wounded. >> there were at least two vehicles that approached the area. there were suspects within that vehicle that shot the victims. >> reporter: in washington, d.c., four people shot near nationals park at the conclusion of the game saturday night. two teens were among the injured. all injuries appear to be non-life-threatening police say. in new york shots rang out during what police say was a dispute between two individuals on friday in the south bronx, resulting in the death of a 16-year-old. two others were wounded. a 17-year-old was arrested the next day in connection with the shooting. a police source told cnn a so-called ghost gun has been recovered. senator chuck schumer of new york calling for a crackdown on the privately made firearms. >> these guns are too easy to build, too hard to trace and too dangerous to be on our streets. the number of ghost guns in new york city and on long island are skyrocketing. >> later today we're expected to hear from president joe biden at the white house where he's going to announce new regulations as they relate to ghost guns. all of this coming as there's mounting pressure from all across the country on the white house to do more to try and stem some of this gun violence, john. >> shimon prokupecz, thank you very much. i want to show you new images coming out of irpin outside kyiv. this is from our correspondent frederik pleitgen. look at this, just the cars, stacked on top of each other there. my goodness. this gives you a sense of the level of destruction left behind from the russian occupation, the temporary russian occupation of this suburb of kyiv really. ukrainians pushed the russians out, but this destruction is what they've left behind. obviously a mix of civilian. you also saw some military vehicles in there. again, there was heavy fighting in this town for weeks and weeks. give you a sense of where this is on the map, irpin, just outside of kyiv. again, all this area was under russian occupation. the ukrainians have managed to push them back, and now ukraine in total control, although that's the destruction the russians left behind. finally, julian lennon, son of beatles legend singing his nagter's song "imagine." he said he's been disturbed by the unimaginable tragedy and went on to condemn what he called russia's murderous violence. it was part of an event to raise money for refugees. ♪ imagine there's no countries ♪ ♪ it isn't hard to do ♪ insight i understand the incomprehensible death toll in a ukrainian city as russia launches a fresh offensive. good morning. i'm jim smoout sciutto. >> i'm bianna golodryga. a never-before-seen look at the destroyed theater in

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240708

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the capital of kyiv. alexander dvornikov, also known as the butcher of syria, is notorious for inflicting atrocities on civilians. >> translator: we think this will be a new wave of this war. we don't know how much russian weaponry there will be. we understand there will be many times more than there is now. it all depends on how fast we will be helped by the united states. to be honest, whether we will be able to survive depends on this. >> new overnight, russian forces have sheltd another railway station in eastern ukraine. ukrainian rail officials are not providing a specific location here. we're told no one was injured but five locomotives, tracks and power lines were damaged. >> we have new satellite images from maxar technologies. you can see an eight-mile-long convoy of russian military vehicles making its way south. maxar says the convoy consists of armored vehicles and trucks with towed artillery and support equipment. this is just east of kharkiv, the second most populous city in ukraine. the convoy appears to be headed toward the donbas region. russia also launched several missile strikes in dnipro over the weekend. military officials confirm it hit the airport in that city, and in that city the airport has been destroyed. no word yet about possible casualties. let's begin with chief international correspondent clarissa ward. every minute that passes this ultimate conflict in the east appears to be growing closer. ukrainians saying in some ways it's already begun. >> reporter: right. that's exactly what we're hearing from one ukrainian official who says basically in effect it already has started. the offensive in the east, you're seeing that six-mile-long convoy of russian weaponry and troops bearing down south coming from the east of kharkiv, as you also are seeing russian troops redeploying after their failed offensive here to the north of kyiv. now, we know there has also been a lot of shelling overnight in the city of kharkiv right near essentially where that convoy is pushing down from, the governor saying 66 reports of shelling in about 24 hours, 11 civilians killed. among them a 7-year-old child. we're also hearing, as you mentioned, about this attack on a railway station in the east. this is significant because, although fortunately there were no casualties and the target appears to have been several locomotives as well as power lines and the tracks themselves, i think what this speaks to is the clearer, broader russian strategy here which is to try to attack ukraine's attempts at reply and logistics. this is going to be the big challenge for ukrainian forces as they face down this russian offensive in the east, is to sufficiently and adequately be able to resupply their troops on the front line. unlike kyiv, this is much further away and much more difficult to get to in terms of what will soon presumably be desperately needed weaponry. president zelenskyy says they are ready for this moment, but he has also warned a very bleak picture in terms of the lengths that russian forces are clearly willing to go to. he spoke to south korean parliament earlier today and said that he believes tens of thousands of people have been killed in the city of mariupol. that's in the southeast, the port city bombarded day in and day out for many weeks now, indiscriminately. residential buildings, shelters, a maternity hospital most infamously as you probably remember. there is a fear going forward. while, of course, we cannot confirm that number in terms of tens of thousands of people killed in that fighting, there is certainly a very real and palpable sense of concern that when this russian offensive develops or reaches a crescendo, that it is going to be very, very ugly indeed, john. >> clarissa ward, as always, thank you so much for your reporting. also here in ukraine, jake tapper with me now with breaking news he's reporting out. what is this? >> reporter: there are nine aid workers who have apparently been taken prisoner by russian troops according to this ngo. the ngo is called help people. it's an independent ukrainian charity that formed not long after the russian invasion. they provide assistance to individuals and aid and also try to evacuate them. i'm told by the head of the organization that they sent ten mini buses, not all at the same time,a in different times in march down to mariupol from zaporizhzhia, in any case down to mariupol. they were full of individuals and on the way back they were stopped by russian troops on different days. the russian troops tried to get all these mini buses to drive the individuals into russia. the drivers refused to do so, according to the head of the ngo, at which point the evacuees were let off in the town of neck less ka. all ten of the drivers were taken prisoner by the russians. alex veronin, the head of the ngo, said he lost contact with all but one of the drivers. according to the one driver, they've been interrogated with brute force. because of the fog of war, because of the difficulty of reporting under these circumstances, we can't verify the whereabouts. the ngo has been in touch with the ukrainian government. they don't even know who to talk to on the russian side to get these drivers freed, the nine drivers who have been detained. they're hoping by telling their story to cnn and pub lizing it more broadly, that will provide some type of protection so the russians know we're aware of the nine drivers they have taken prisoner and trying to keep tabs on them and trying to get them out. >> berman has a question for you. >> here is mariupol, where so many people are trying to evacuate. zaporizhzhia is a city where they're trying to get, and for weeks at this point the ukrainians have been hoping for these turn corridors to open up. every day there's a promise the russians will let the buses in. they don't let the buses in. this is a new twist. not only have the buses not been getting in, but the bus drivers are being taken captive. it seems doubly cruel, keep people from escaping the city but also persecute the people trying to help. >> i think it's one of the things for people watching this war from abroad who don't understand how can peep be stuck in mariupol, how come they can't leave. we heard zelenskyy say he thinks tens of thousands have been killed there. you can't get out. and when you have an ngo like help people sending mini buses in, not doing it in a convoy because they thought that would get too much attention, having them go one by one from zaporizhzhia into mariupol to try to get them, and have the drivers basically have the mini buses commandeered and then the drivers taken prisoner, you see how difficult it is to get the people out. that's one of the reasons presumably why mariupol is such a blood bass because the russians wouldn't let any of the innocent people leave. >> it's a gamble to stay and it's a gamble to go. that's why so many people are having a tough time making the decision. >> they're paralyzed. look what happened to the people trying to flee at chrome task forcing and the russians target it with a missile. >> jake, helpful reporting. you can catch jake at 4:00 p.m. east even on "the lead" and also tonight at 9:00 p.m. russia appointing a new general to lead its invasion of ukraine after russians face to take the capital of kyiv. why he's nicknamed the butcher of syria. i'll speak with the deputy prime minister of ukraine who says russian forces are shaving the heads of ukrainian prisoners. stand by. allergieies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily s stos your body from overreacting to allergens s al season long. psst! psst! flonase all good. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy saying his country is ready for an increase in full-scale combat actions in the east amid images of this eight-mile, long convoy headed south towards the donbas region. local officials have been urging communities there to evacuate, telling people they need to go, they need to get to safety. ukrainian deputy prime minister yurena vary chuck spoke with us. here is part of that conversation. >> deputy prime minister, thank you so much for being with us this morning. you are overseeing these humanitarian corridors. are people able to get out using the corridors that are in place? were they able to over the weekend? >> translator: no. the humanitarian corridors are not working. people are waiting for days. these are women, children, sick people, pregnant women. they are not able to use these corridors because the russian side are not abiding by the cease-fire commitments, they're not fulfilling these commitments. therefore, i would like -- they're not ceasing fire. therefore, i would like to use this opportunity to address to address the world community through the media and to call for russia to be made accountable for failing in their commitment to cease-fire. >> deputy prime minister, in the most recent prisoner swap, you were able to get the head of a village near cher nif released. can you tell us what she told you about being in russian captivity? tran hannah, that's her name, is a very courageous and strong woman. she has endured a lot. you will have seen her photo. that's evidence of how these inhuman people that call themselves the russian army have treated her. her head was shaven and there was lots that happen that i don't want to repeat here because i don't want people to think of us as victims. i want to address the world community to punish those who are making decisions to torture women, rape women. this is what we're talking about, to abuse children. these are the people making these decisions. i'm talking about putin. but not only putin. it's putin and his russia. they need to be stopped. i'm talking about russia because these are the russian people. russian people that are raping ukraine, that are supporting the decisions of their government. this must not be happening in the 21st century. i want the world community not to think of ukraine as victims, but to support ukraine in repelling these horrific assaults. >> you mentioned rape and it's something difficult to talk about but essential to talk about so people know what we're talking about. what are you hearing about reports of rape, and how widespread is this? >> translator: these incidents are very widespread. women are being raped. i need to say we need to stop this rape by the russian army, and the main rape is putin who is raping the world. he's raping us, raping europe, making the world tremble. he's poisoning people in great britain, interfering in elections in the united states. he's getting into every ukrainian house and looting it. these are his looters. they're forcibly deporting children, tens of thousands of children have been deported from ukraine and now being adopted in russia. and there will be some talk about motherly feelings there. we need to repel this mass rape of everything that's good. >> we saw prime minister boris johnson of the u.k. visiting ukraine over the weekend. does president biden need to? >> translator: when president biden visited poland, there was this symbolic 180 kilometers that he didn't cross over to ukraine, and it would have been a huge symbolic step to show that he's not afraid of the world's rapists, of the world's putin that has covered europe in the bodies of ukraine women, that is conducting mass atrocities live on air. this would have been a symbolic and historic step, but it didn't happen. it would have been a still bolic step to come to ukrainian and it would have been powerful, but it needs to go also hand in hand with the action to stop oil and gas, to stop this flow of dollars and euros to russia to fund their aggression and to stop this rape of europe. >> there are a number of american lawmakers who are in poland right now. do you want them to come to ukraine to visit with officials here? >> translator: every time we see people not across the screen but face-to-face, we can tell them, bring them information that is so important to make the right decision, and the right decision is to stop making these half steps and to make real steps of quickly, dynamically and effectively. that is what america is about, quick, dynamic, effective decisions. that's what america as the world leader needs to do. >> deputy prime minister, thank you for making the time to be with us this morning. we do appreciate it and we invite you to join us any time you can. deputy prime minister vereshchuk, thank you. >> thank you. breaking this morning, s&p saying russia defaulted on its debt. what it could mean for russia and the global economy. ukraine says russia's new assault on the east has already begun. what to watch for in this battle thatat may define this war. ♪ w walking on ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪ ♪ some ♪ ♪ may say ♪ ♪ i'm wishing my days away ♪ ♪ no way ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪ obviously, we got termites. well, first thing is, you gotta know what they're bitin' on. whoa, yeah! this aged birchwood is perfect for the big ones this time of year. ho-ho! they gobble it up like a candy bar. nice. woman: what's going on? what? i told you to hire a pro. i did get a pro. an orkin pro! i got this. got termites? don't call any pro, call the orkin pro. with over 120 years of experience, nobody's better. orkin. the best in pests. you're still paying me for this. i know, just relax. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ voltaren. the joy of movement. that oddly satisfying feeling when you don't do it yourself. you're looking at video right here from maxar technology of what they say is a large, eight-mile-long russian military convoy moving toward the donbas region in the eastern part of ukraine. let me give you an example of that. the convoy moving basically in this direction. want to bring in cedric leighton, retired lieutenant colonel, our military analyst. give us a sense of what you think that convoy and where you think that convoy is headed. >> good morning again. this is the basic root of this convoy. we're talking east of kharkiv, the second largest city in ukraine going down here. i think it's going to go down this way or potentially closer to kharkiv in this way. if it does go the second route, it will go close to kramatorsk. this is the place where the train station was hit. i think the main goal is to go down this way toward the south, probably join up with forces from the south which is russian-occupied territory at the moment. or what they could do is move into kneanyplace pro which is a junction point where the airport was hit. this is one of the areas where the russians could be very active because of the strategic importance of this region. >> as we look at the donbas region, this is where we know the russians say they want to take this battle. what will that battle look like and how can the ukrainians counter it? >> this battle is going to look very different from what we saw around kyiv if everything goes according to the russian plan. this is open territory. if we take a look at what it looks like, these are the steps right around the donbas region, flat land, perfect for tank warfare. it just so happens this soldier is using a javelin right there. when you look at the map here, what we're seeing is the capability of the russians to go down this way. this is going to be tank country, unless, unless the russians are forced to divide their forces in different ways. then what could happen, we could have small unit actions similar to what we saw around kyiv. if that happens, the ukrainians have the advantage. if it doesn't happen, then the russians will have the advantage at least initially. it really depends on how far and how fast the russians can go and it all depends on how quickly the ukrainians can react to it. >> how quickly they react, does that involve the resupply? these are the t-72 tanks. the ukrainians want more of these. do they have enough to fight this bat lt against the russians? >> they really don't, john. this is what the key things that really needs to happen for them. the russians and ukrainians both have these tanks. the ukrainians, as you said, need more of them. the reason for this is these are tanks that are delivered to the ukrainians. they can work these without major training and ramp up very, very quickly. as a result of this, this is what they want, this is what they need. but they also have this, the javelin anti-tank guided missile system. that is something that can fight the tanks whether on the steps or in close quarters such as in urban combat. that's why these things are very important, these weapons are critical, both the tanks and the javelins and the british version. these are the things the ukrainians need and they need them extremely quickly. >> colonel leighton, thank you for being with us. >> you bet, john. they call him the butcher of syria, now in charge of leading the invasion of ukraine. new reports of a rift within the january 6th committee over whether to refer the former president donald trump for criminal charges. stay with us. may i? 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>> they're calling it a selective defect. paying the interest on its debt in rubles because sanctions have locked up its dollars. investors who are paid those rubles, they're going to have trouble converting those rubles into dollars. essentially it's not paying its interest. it's more of an historic economic isolation facing putin and the west trying to starve his war machine of the money it needs. s&p global also said we think sanctions on russia will likely be further increased hampering russia's willingness and technical abilities to honor the terms and conditions of its obligations to foreign debt holders. it's not a default of the entire debt. the kremlin down playing it, blaming the west for blocking payments and says russia has technically fulfilled obligations. bottom line, russia is cut off from the international borrowing market. it's flr a recession we know. standards of living for russian citizens rapidly declining here of putin-imposed economic crash happening. the world bank says for ukraine that economy could shrink by as much as 45% depending on how long this brutal conflict lasts. >> christine romans, thank you very much for that. brianna? this morning ukraine is bracing for more fighting in the east. with us is jane harmon, former ranking member on the house intel committee, also the president am mayor that of the non-partisan wilson center and the author of "insanity defense." thank you so much for being with us, congresswoman. as we or looking at this next phase of fighting, what are you worried about? >> well, i'm worried about whether u.s. leadership will be bold enough. i have to say that. i think if there ever was a time to utter that famous line "mr. gorbachev, tear down that wall," this is that time. russia is paying in rubles, but that's fake currency. now is the time for europe to stop buying gas from russia. that's a billion dollars a day for vladimir putin. now is the time for president biden not just to say the dollar amount of what we're sending over there, but to show the effects of what we're sending over there and to make absolutely certain that the leadership he's shown to be with partners and allies continues. and, obi the way, the rest of the world is still hedging its bets. i know he's going to talk to prime minister modi today. india is neutral. israel is neutral. much of africa, much of laltin america is neutral. why is that? because they're not sure our leadership will stay, and we will emerge again, which we have to do, as the leader of the free world which is under assault here. >> is that a failure of u.s. leadership that those countries are neutral? >> failure is a tough word, but let's remember the last president wasn't sure he supported article 5 of nato. he seemed to take russia's side against ukraine. remember the whole hunter biden episode, and withholding appropriated foreign aid for ukraine. by the way, someone is saying that putin might try to last until the 2024 election hoping that trump comes back. i have no idea if that's true. but my point is that we are at a point in the world right now where our president, it seems to me, has to have his harry truman moment, has to have his franklin roosevelt moment, even his ronald reagan moment -- that was the line about mr. gorbachev -- and make it absolutely clear that the u.s. is in this fight to help ukraine win. i think anything else will not yield a result that will save the liberal world order that we fought so hard and took the leadership role in setting up in 1945. >> right now there are a number of american lawmakers, democrats and republicans, who are in poland very close to the ukraine border. we just heard from one of them. democrat jason crow who says he wants to come to ukraine. he's asked the administration if he can come, but he's not coming. that certainly tells you something. we've also heard from leaders here like the deputy prime minister who said, yes, they would like to see lawmakers, that it's helpful. should the biden administration allow those lawmakers to come? >> i was just talking to susan collins who was on a prior trip. they asked, too, they were three miles from the border and were told no. i understand the impulse to protect the lawmakers. but i also think showing up is a huge part of sending the right message to ukraine. some people have asked whether biden should show up. my answer to that is he should show up with a bold message, not just a photo op. the good news about congress -- this is good news for a change after a kind of bleak season, is that congress on a bipartisan basis strongly supports helping ukraine, strongly, on a bipartisan basis. i know it's hard to even say that. let me just mention this, too. i was at a small dinner last week with the impressive ukrainian ambassador to the u.s. swurn asked her what do you need. she quietly said to win. i think we underestimated the will of ukrainians and the ability of ukrainians to fight back and the determination to fight even in the donbas, the region that's under attack now. i think from the beginning, if we had been, again, more forceful -- hindsight is always better. but if now we do everything we can through rhetoric and effort to help them win, we'll be better off. remember russia was part of the deal in 1994, along with the u.k. and the u.s. and the u.n. where is the u.n., that persuaded ukraine to give up its nukes. russia and the other countries were going to come to ukraine's defense if its sovereignty was invaded. who is invading its sovereignty? if russia thinks that agreement is worthless, why wouldn't it think the next agreement is ruthless. >> jane harman, we appreciate you being with us this morning. thank you very much. >> stay safe, brianna. stay safe. >> thank you. i certainly will. new satellite images out of ukraine showing an eight-mile-long russian convoy making its way toward the donbas region in the east. what president zelenskyy says his arm needs for battle next. they call him the butcher of syria. what the world can expect of russia's new commander in charge of leading the invasion in ukraine. we fit your style, with hundreds of design options. whwhen a normal day is anything but normal, we fit your schedule, with our unique tub over tub prorocess, installd in as little as a day. when high quality is the only quality that matters, we fit your standards, with a lifetime guarantee. bath fitter. it just fits. visit to book your free consultation. where do you find the perfect project manager? well, we found him in adelaide between his daily lunch delivery and an 8:15 meeting with his client in san francisco. ...but you can find him, and millions of other talented pr, right now on upwork. 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there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. obviously, we got termites. well, first thing is, you gotta know what they're bitin' on. hey! i told you to hire a pro. i did get a pro. an orkin pro! i got this. got termites? don't call any pro, call the orkin pro. orkin. the best in pests. with angi, you can connect with and see ratings and reviews. and when you book and pay throug you're covered by our happiness check out today. angi... and done. new this morning, republican congresswoman liz cheney is pushing back against reports that there's a dispute among members of the january 6th committee on whether to make a criminal referral to the department of justice on former president donald trump. listen. >> i wouldn't characterize there as being a dispute on the committee. i think it is the single-most collaborative committee on which i've ever served. i'm very proud of the bipartisan way in which we're operating, and i'm confident that we will work to come to agreement on all of the issues that we're facing. so i wouldn't say it's accurate right now to say there's a dispute on this issue. >> joining us, cnn chief national correspondent and "inside politics" anchor john king. great to have you here. good morning and happy baseball season. whether or not there's a dispute on the committee may not be the most important issue. what is important about the idea of a criminal referral, and also what do you think of the current path of the january 6th committee overall? >> i think congresswoman chain nay is correct about the cooperation and the spirit of cooperation among democrats and republicans on this committee. let's not call it a dispute. let's accept her language. there are different conversations or conversations that lead to different opinions on the committee about a criminal referral and about other issues which is all about how do we get to the finish line here. that's the key point and the question you asked. when are we going to get the public hearings that the commission promised a couple months ago. they thought they'd start in march. we're now into april. they're trying to build toward a final report. liz cheney -- there's a debate about whether, if you publicly refer criminal charges against donald trump to the justice department, does that put too much pressure on attorney general merrick garland? does it play into trump's hands. he'll call her a rino with another witch hunt. that's a conversation in the committee. would you get jared kushner and ivanka trump to voluntarily come in, as they did over the past week or so, if they thought there was going to be a criminal referral. they'll already have difficult conversations at mar-a-lago. the committee has done remarkable work, surprising to many of us, in pulling together all of this information. the question is when do they bring it to the public and can they bring it to the public in a way that changes minds? >> merrick garland could investigate without a criminal referral. he doesn't need a criminal referral to investigate any of the things that some in congress wanted to investigate. >> that's one of the conversations among committee members. the justice department, remember, we had reporting in the last ten days to two weeks that the justice department is moving past what happened to that day to look at the organizing and financing. there are a lot of people on the committee saying we're doing some of that fact gathering, too. maybe merrick garland will get there on his own. >> running out of time pretty quickly given now it's april and the clock may run out in november. john, speaking of november, the former president of the united states, donald trump, has made an endorsement in the pennsylvania republican primary for senate. he's backing dr. mehmet oz and not david mccormick who is a hedge fund operator, worked in the george w. bush white house, hope hicks and other trumpers worked for. >> i think the foerm president listened to the hannitys and he said it himself. if you've been on television 18 years, that's a poll. people must like you if you've been on television all that long. there were a lot of people you mentioned, the former trump staffers who worked for mccormick. a lot of people say he's a safer candidate, more discipline, fewer controversial positions. going back to the tape library and seeing what oz has said on television. will this be a race where a state like pennsylvania, the republican senator is retiring, democrats need to win that race. the math and the dynamics, the wins are all against the democrats at this moment. they need that race. is donald trump doing them a favor here? a long list of things to watch. that race is one of them. >> it's interesting, for mccormick, could you make an argument that if he wins, it makes him stronger, gives him something of the glenn youngkin argument in virginia, i did this without trump? >> that's a critical point. we have primary season first. this will be one of the races. congresswoman cheney, we were talking about her in the context of january 6th. trump endorsed cheney's opponent in the primary. does donald trump still have republican primary magic or is his influence waning? >> it will be fascinating to watch. john king, great to have you on this morning. thanks for being with us. >> you can watch john on "inside politics" at noon today and every day. new details on the death of pittsburgh steelers quarterback dwayne haskins, what he was doing when he was killed on a florida highway. plus, new cnn reporting, why the white house is bracing for a huge migrant surge at the b border. what do you want to leave behind? that's your why. it's your purpose, and we will work with h you every step of the way to achieve it. frank is a fan of fast. he's a fast talker. a fast walker. thanks, gary. and for unexpected 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the 2017 race. tragedy in the football field, pittsburgh steelers quarterback dwayne haskins killed after being struck by a dump truck while trying to cross the road. white house officials are concerned about a surge of migrants next month when president biden's title 42 takes effect. the world's top ranked golfer is now the masters champion. scottie scheffler won his first career major going wire to wire at augusta. tiger woods struggled in the final two rounds after making the cut. he finished 13 over par for the tournament. today president biden is set to announce new regulations to contain the use of untraceable firearms known as ghost guns. the president is expected to name his nominee to lead the federal agency known as the atf which is responsible for enforcing the nation's gun laws. those are the "5 things to know" for your new day. don't forget to download the 5 things podcast every morning. go to a mass shooting outside of los angeles on sunday leaving two people dead and five others injured. police say the motive is unknown and no arrests have been made. this at the end of a weekend of gun violence across the nation. cnn's shimon prokupecz here with more on that. >> tragedy, certainly. so many of these victims, these people out just celebrating a birthday. in another case, just celebrating a night out when they were all caught in the middle of gunfire, and also a very tragic incident in new york city in the bronx. a 17-year-old girl walking home from school on friday when she was caught in the middle of gunfire. tragedy from coast to coast as shootings rocked neighborhoods nationwide. in cedar rapids, iowa, shots fired early sunday morning at a nightclub leaving two dead and at least ten injured according to police. >> this is another mindless and senseless gun-related incident. >> reporter: police are still uncertain about the number of shooters. they believe the suspects may have slipped out as the crowd of up to 150 rushed for the exits after the shooting began. >> this is not who we are. this is not cedar rapids. today i challenge all of us to meet the need so clearly before us. we must be the change. >> reporter: a birthday party in indianapolis ended with gunshots early sunday morning. >> some type of fight or di disturbance broke out and then shots occurred. >> reporter: officers arrived at the scene and found one man dead and at least five others with gunshot wounds. and in georgia, the coroner arrived at a fatal armed robbery and discovered his father, mother and son were the victims. the local police chief shocked. >> right now i'm speechless. i have a hard time talking about this. we don't have stuff like that here. this is a quiet little town. >> reporter: tommy hawk, wife evelyn and 19-year-old grandson luke were killed at the family's shooting range. the atf is assisting in the investigation where police estimated at least 40 guns were stolen. in los angeles county police responding to a shooting in the willowbrook neighborhood that left two dead and five others wounded. >> there were at least two vehicles that approached the area. there were suspects within that vehicle that shot the victims. >> reporter: in washington, d.c., four people shot near nationals park at the conclusion of the game saturday night. two teens were among the injured. all injuries appear to be non-life-threatening police say. in new york shots rang out during what police say was a dispute between two individuals on friday in the south bronx, resulting in the death of a 16-year-old. two others were wounded. a 17-year-old was arrested the next day in connection with the shooting. a police source told cnn a so-called ghost gun has been recovered. senator chuck schumer of new york calling for a crackdown on the privately made firearms. >> these guns are too easy to build, too hard to trace and too dangerous to be on our streets. the number of ghost guns in new york city and on long island are skyrocketing. >> later today we're expected to hear from president joe biden at the white house where he's going to announce new regulations as they relate to ghost guns. all of this coming as there's mounting pressure from all across the country on the white house to do more to try and stem some of this gun violence, john. >> shimon prokupecz, thank you very much. i want to show you new images coming out of irpin outside kyiv. this is from our correspondent frederik pleitgen. look at this, just the cars, stacked on top of each other there. my goodness. this gives you a sense of the level of destruction left behind from the russian occupation, the temporary russian occupation of this suburb of kyiv really. ukrainians pushed the russians out, but this destruction is what they've left behind. obviously a mix of civilian. you also saw some military vehicles in there. again, there was heavy fighting in this town for weeks and weeks. give you a sense of where this is on the map, irpin, just outside of kyiv. again, all this area was under russian occupation. the ukrainians have managed to push them back, and now ukraine in total control, although that's the destruction the russians left behind. finally, julian lennon, son of beatles legend singing his nagter's song "imagine." he said he's been disturbed by the unimaginable tragedy and went on to condemn what he called russia's murderous violence. it was part of an event to raise money for refugees. ♪ imagine there's no countries ♪ ♪ it isn't hard to do ♪ insight i understand the incomprehensible death toll in a ukrainian city as russia launches a fresh offensive. good morning. i'm jim smoout sciutto. >> i'm bianna golodryga. a never-before-seen look at the destroyed theater in

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Johnson , Step , Poland , Rapists , The World , He Didn T Cross Over , 180 , Didn T , Air , Bodies , Hand In , Powerful , Action , Gas , Oil , Flow , Lawmakers , Aggression , Information , Face To , Screen , Steps , Dynamic , Quickly , Leader , Debt , Economy , Vereshchuk , Assault , Moon , Battle Thatat , Pro , Thing , Termites , Perfect , Birchwood , What S Going On , Ones , Candy Bar , Nice , Best , Pests , Orkin , Nobody , Experience , Call The Orkin , 120 , Movement , Joy , Voltaren , Feeling , Large , Russian Military Convoy , Video , Cedric Leighton , Direction , Example , Retired , Root , Talking East Of Kharkiv , Hit , Ukraine , Train Station , Route , Kramatorsk , South , Territory , Goal , Areas , Junction Point , Importance , Battle , Look , Flat Land , Tank Warfare , Map , Javelin , Soldier , Capability , Tank Country , Advantage , It Doesn T , Unit , Resupply , Tanks , Don T , Bat Lt , T 72 , 72 , More , Result , Reason , Training , Guided Missile System , Quarters , Urban Combat , Weapons , Colonel Leighton , Javelins , Version , Reports , Charge , Rift , January 6th Committee Over Whether , You Bet , January 6th , 6 , Donald Trump , Kind , Charges , Stay , Booking Stuff , Site , Booking Accommodation , Vacation , Booking Com , Ha , Literal , Planet Earth , Ow , Symptoms , Relief , Moderate , Dose , Stelara , Crohn S Disease , Ulcerative Colitis , Doctor , Infections , Infection , Vaccine , Cancer , Risk , Injections , Serious , Treatment , Skin Growths , Sores , Tb , Two , Reactions , Janssen , Pres , Remission , Brain Condition , Lung Inflammation , Cost Support Options , Mix , Is Scotts Turf Builder Rapid Grass , Lawn Season , Seed , Lawn , Speed , Fertilizer , Fast , Grass , Yard , App , Green Grass , My Lawn , Scotts , Lawn Plan , Statement , Standard Poor S , Rubles , Interest , Investors , Sanctions , Defaulting , Defect , Trouble , Christine Romans , Money , West , War Machine , Isolation , S P Global , Obligations , Abilities , Conditions , Willingness , Debt Holders , Default , Kremlin , Bottom Line , Payments , Borrowing Market , Recession , Standards Of Living , Happening , Citizens , Crash , World Bank , 45 , Jane Harmon , On The House Intel Committee , Insanity Defense , Author , Phase , Congresswoman , Wilson Center , Leadership , Line , Mr , Enough , Gorbachev , Buying Gas , Currency , A Billion Dollars , A Billion , Dollar Amount , Partners , Effects , Allies , Much , Modi , India , Obi , Bets , Laltin America , Israel , Africa , Failure , Article , Nato , Wasn T Sure , 5 , Someone , Election , Episode , 2024 , Trump , Idea , Harry Truman , Ronald Reagan , Franklin Roosevelt , Anything , World Order , Leadership Role , Ukraine Win , 1945 , Jason Crow , Border , Democrats , Republicans , Administration , Leaders , Yes , Susan Collins , Trip , Impulse , Three , News , Change , Message , Answer , Photo Op , Congress , Basis , Ambassador , Will , Dinner , Swurn , Ability , Hindsight , Determination , Beginning , Forceful , Effort , Rhetoric , Deal , U N , 1994 , Sovereignty , Defense , Nukes , Agreement , Wouldn T , Stay Safe , Jane Harman , Way , Russian Convoy , Arm Needs , Design Options , Hundreds , Style , Whwhen , Tub , Schedule , Installd , Tub Prorocess , Standards , Quality , Matters , Lifetime Guarantee , Bath Fitter , Project Manager , Delivery , Consultation , Client , Lunch , Meeting , San Francisco , Visit Bathfitter Com , Adelaide , 15 , 8 , Vo , Ultra , Offer , Verizon , 5g Phone , Miss , Millions , Pr , Mom , Dad , Delightful , Upwork , Music , Drum Roll , Lx 600 , Camera Shutters , 600 , Trelegy , Copd , Arena , Coughing , On By , High , Breeze Driftin , Stand , Power , Feelin Good , Copd Medicine , High Blood Pressure , Medicines , Heart Condition , Won T , Inhaler , Rescue Inhaler , Breathing Problems , Flare Ups , Lung Function , Vision Changes , Breathing , Pain , Chest Pain , Thrush , Osteoporosis , Pneumonia , Mouth , Tongue , Swelling , Problems Urinating , Eye , Trelegy Com , Technology , Innovator , Person , Business , Table , Pay , Happiness , Ratings , Reviews , Angi , Angi Com , Dispute , Congresswoman Cheney , Department Of Justice , Referral , January 6th Committee On Whether , Members , January 6th Committee , Issues , Issue , Chief National , John King , Whether , Inside Politics , Correspondent , Baseball , Cooperation , Path , Spirit , Language , Congresswoman Chain Nay , Conversations , Committee , Hearings , Commission , Opinions , Finish Line , Report , March , Merrick Garland , Pressure , Justice , Hands , Debate , Put , Ivanka Trump , Rino , Jared Kushner , Witch Hunt , Many , Public , Work , Mar A Lago , Committee Members , Any , Criminal Referral , Financing , Some , Organizing , Fact Gathering , Primary , President Of The United States , Clock , Endorsement , Pennsylvania , Senate , November , Running Out Of Time , David Mccormick , George W Bush White House , Trumpers , Hedge Fund Operator , Backing , Dr , Mehmet Oz , Hope Hicks , Television , Trump Staffers , Hannitys , Poll , Foerm , 18 , Candidate , Oz , Positions , Discipline , Tape Library , Race , Senator , Estate , Dynamics , Math , Wins , Glenn Youngkin Argument , Favor , List , Races , Context , Critical Point , Virginia , Magic , Opponent , Influence , Quarterback Dwayne Haskins , Thanks , Death , Details , Noon Today , Pittsburgh Steelers , Migrant Surge , Why , Purpose , B Border , Plus , Florida Highway , Frank , Fan , Heartburn , Talker , Nexium , Fast Walker , Pepcid , Gary , Prilosec Otc , Fans , Four , Allergies , Skin , Tremfya , Plaque Psoriasis , Emerge Tremfyant , Itching , Burning , Stinging , Medication , Majority , Psoriatic Arthritis , Adults , 16 , 90 , Starter Doses , Brain Performance , Indicators , Neuroscientist , Memory Supplements , Science , Neuriva Plus , Tv , Neuriva , Car Buying , Carvana S , 100 , Cars , Aren T Made Up , Numbers , Control , Payment , Budget , Browse , Downpayment , Car Vendinding Machines , Penny , Credit Score , Ride , Marine Le Pen , France , Emmanuel Macron , Tragedy , Rematch , Football Field , 2017 , Dump Truck , Surge , Migrants , Road , Tiger Woods , Golfer , Masters , Title , Champion , Cut , Rounds , Par , Scottie Scheffler , His First Career Major Going Wire To , Augusta , 13 , 42 , Regulations , Ghost Guns , Atf , Firearms , Nominee , Tournament , Use , Agency , Nation , Gun Laws , Gun Violence , Mass Shooting , Others , Motive , Los Angeles County Police , Arrests , Los Angeles , Gunfire , Middle , Birthday , Shimon Prokupecz , Incident , Coast To , School , Home , The Bronx , 17 , Shots , Shootings , Sunday Morning , Nightclub , Cedar Rapids , Neighborhoods , Iowa , Shooting , Suspects , Shooters , Crowd , Exits , 150 , Birthday Party , Need , Indianapolis , Gunshots , Officers , Di , Disturbance , Scene , Gunshot Wounds , Coroner , Police Chief , Mother , Armed Robbery , Father , Georgia , Son , Stuff , Shooting Range , Investigation , Family , Little Town , Grandson Luke , Wife Evelyn , Tommy Hawk , 19 , Guns , Neighborhood , 40 , Area , Vehicle , Saturday Night , Conclusion , Injured , Injuries , Nationals Park , Washington D C , Teens , Police , Say , South Bronx , Connection , Police Source , Crackdown , Ghost Gun , Chuck Schumer , Build , Trace , Streets , Long Island , Joe Biden , Skyrocketing , Frederik Pleitgen , Each Other , Top , Destruction , Occupation , There , Goodness , Level , Civilian , Suburb , Julian Lennon , Son Of Beatles Legend , Violence , Song , Event , Nagter , Isn T , Refugees , Insight , Death Toll , Theater , Jim Smoout Sciutto , Bianna Golodryga ,

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