Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Bo

Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240709

responding. if you details on how important it is to fight against the coronavirus. hospitals are warning they are overwhelmed with patients. that's forcing them to put them somewhere else. >> legal problems building for donald trump we have several investigations, looking into the election, insurrection and his family businesses. >> a ransom ware attack on if you mexico'smexico's largest ci. welcome to saturday, january 22nd. >> times we need a deep breath. we are grateful you are joining us this morning. we begin with some tragic news to share out of new york. one police officer is dead. another in critical condition after a shooting in harlem. >> this is a shooting that happened after a woman called 911 last night reporting she was having a dispute with one of her sons. this was inside her apartment. the officer are the latest to be shot in the line of duty. officials say three others have been shot this month. still in his first month in office, eric adams described the attack against the city. >> this is our city that gets the killers. it is our city against the killers. this is not just an attack on three brave officers. this was an attack on the city of new york. >> let's get to cnn's pauolo sad viet sandeval. what happened when they showed up? >> reporter: he went minute by minute breaking down what happened during this awful situation here. it is clear things took a horrifying and tragic turn really one second to another. you see an officer, jason rivera, that entered the apartment answering a call with a mother having a dispute with her son. this young man here and another officer walked down a narrow hallway when a door swung old. that's when police say sean mcneil opened fear with a flock pistol. take a look at the weapon used lasted night. that's a high capacity magazine attached according to investigators. this was a photo released by the nypd. you see that magazine there. it is clear these officer were clearly ambushed. he was critically injured. the third officer opened fire wounding mcneil. it is clear in the voice of eric adams who has responded already to separate police officer shootings, all of them life-threatening until last night. non-life-threatening, i should say. >> our department is hurting, our city is hurting. it is beyond comprehension. i am not sure what word, if any, will carry the weight of this moment and ba we are feeling. we have four times this month rushed to the scene of nypd officers shot by violent criminals in possession of deadly, illegal guns. >> reporter: to clarify, the earlier shootings non-threatening until last night. this will put additional pressure on eric adams to his promise to restore peace to certain parts of the city. >> we hate waking up to this kind of news, thank you so much. we appreciate you. we have good news to bring you in the fight against covid-19. some states are starting to see infection numbers and hospitalizations drop. of course, that is not the case everywhere. >> take a look at what's happening out west, covid-19 hospitalizations up 15% this past week. it increased about 6% in the south. a lot of hospitals are stretched to thin right now from the surge and patients and ongoing staff shortages as well. we have the latest and why your covid-19 booster shot, they have decided it's so important now. >> reporter: a tremeio of cdc documents released. the new data raised the question of whether people with just two vaccine doses should still be considered fully vaccinated? the cdc director stopped friday endorsing such a change. >> what we are working to do is to pivot the language that everybody is as up to date with their covid-19 vaccines as they personally should be based on when they got their last vaccine. importantly, we're pivoting our language. we want to make sure people are up to date. >> reporter: meanwhile, those fighting covid out on the front lean are being stretched beyond their limit. six atlanta metropolitan hospitals are filling up beyond capacity. >> we are running about 110% capacity. we had to deploy planss over the past several weeks because the huge number of patients coming in. that is a good impact on the rest of the city. it's wall-to-wall stretchers. we have no capacity left at the hospital. >> reporter: the message from healthcare experts to get vacc'ed and boosted comes with a new push to limit the virus and to alleviate long lines at testing sites around the country. you can order free home tests online or using a hot line. >> people need to test immediately. we continue to encourage them to use one of the many testing openings out there in addition to the website. 20,000 community-based testing sooilt sites nationwide. >> nadia, thank you for that report. here with us to discuss all things covid is a doctor. dr. swanni nathan. let's take a look at the numbers on booster shots. this is what nadia was highlighting in that piece. this is for folks that have taken the boosters. they're 90% effective at preventing hospitalizations from the omicron variant, two shots 57% effective. that is a marked difference. further at preventing er visits, they were 82% effective and 38% for two shops. only 40% of eligible americans have gotten one. what do you think that is? >> i this i the messaging here has been a uphill confusing. we are starting to clarify that more as this data comes out. i don't think we knew the extent of the benefit these boosters give across the board. now we are giving if fgs that me information that means as we learn more, this is the best way to protect yourself. it's not about symptomatic covid, getting covid, which the boosters do reduce. it's about that end point hospitalization which is so important as cases are surging and cases are markedly overwhelmed. we have to get out doing that messaging, hoping people understand a lot of vaccines take five doses to fully protect the individual. we are learning more with this particular vaccine it might be a three-dose regimen to get to that higher level. we still den know durability but this is giving us more information to push towards that. >> do you get the sense we might wiped up with a fourth dose of a covid vaccine? have you seen evidence to support that, given the durability question? >> i don't think we actually have that evidence. the best evidence out of israel says the fourth dose doesn't increase anti-body levels and doesn't increase protection against the omicron variant i don't think we have enough information to say this is a fourth dose vaccine. we will have to see how this pans out over the next year or so this will be a yearly booster like the flu shot. will it be specific to the variant that's circulating. we just don't know quite yet. >> doctor, i want to ask you about definitions. because president biden this week was asked whether the cdc should change fully vaccinated to only people who received the booster shot. the cdc has been reluctant. i am wondering why? why does it benefit the administration? >> i think part of the reason is that data came out in the last 48 hours telling us how effective and useful these boosters are. we want to see more of that to really understand how the booster is helping and whether this is actually a three-dose regimen. i think that's a big part of the push. we have to make sure we aren't taking focus off getting primary vaccine series, how much protection that is as well. we can lose sight of that with the third dose. we also have to make sure we are focused on getting people their primary vaccine series if and, doctor, quickly, fda approval for kids under 5 according to dr. fauci pay come in the next month. would you have any hesitation about recommending the vaccine to parents of young kids? >> if it is approved, i would have no hesitation at this point. we have ample evidence the safety for kids in ages 5 to 11 is extremely high and it would give us a marked level for protection, for the teachers, the parents and automatic people they are in touch with. this will be a critical move to protect young kids and help those families feel a uphill bit safer. >> no question, it will probably help with the child care situation and getting parents potentially back in the work force as well. dr. nathan, as always, thank you for sharing your expertise with us. so last night, take a look at this, that shipment there of nearly 200,000 pounds of lethal aid from the u.s. made it to you crepe. what will it take to find a diplomatic end to this crisis in we are live in misco-in a moment. plus the january 6th committee asking ivanka trump, a former volunteer adviser to speak with them. is there any chance she'd take them up? what is in it for her or her husband. we are back with a conversation on it. stay with us. zplmplts -sight, migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere, migraine strikes. without worrying if it's too late or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy and learn how abbvie can help you save. ♪ music ♪ there's software. and then there's industrial grade software. capable of optimizing your flight by turning data into your co-pilot. meet honeywell forge. analytical software that helps assembly lines build walls against cyber threats. and makes sure you're ready for game day every day. that's honeywell forge. industrial grade software ♪ music ♪ (vo) subaru and our retailers volunteer and support charities all year long. and...through the subaru share the love event, we are proud to have donated over two hundred and twenty five million dollars to charity. you can get a car from any company, but none will make a difference like subaru. 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what has happened since then? you see nato give a troop buildup in response to what you have done. you are getting the exact opposite reaction what you want to achieve. russia wants nato to go back and their actions are making nato come forward. when we talk about a deescalation, it is desired for russia to pull back the reaction and respond, which is to supply the equipment. we know lithuania are going to send in surface-to-air missiles, counteraircraft missiles, the state missile p. estonia will send in more javelin armour piercing as well to front-lean forc -- front-line forces in ukraine. what is being sent to ukraine can in no way be considered efficient in anyway to stop a potential russian invasion, maybe slow it, slightly. >> nic robertson, thank you so much for that report. and it's been a bit of a rough week for donald trump. there have been many forward investigations involving the former president now. >> yeah, trump and his family members are under heightened scrute think, both for the former president's role to overturn the 2020 insurrection as well as alleged fraudulent business dealings. cnn's jessica snider is taking a look. >> reporter: the january 6th committee is getting all documents from the white house. it voefs call logs, visitor logs, written memos from mark meadows and draft speeches. it's been a disastrous week for donald trump. not only did the supreme court vote against his efforts to keep his white house efforts secret and they jumped up the probe on the tax filings and the district attorney in fulton county, georgia, asked for a special jury for a criminal investigation. >> i just want to find 11,780 votes which is one more that we have. >> reporter: that phone call from trump to secretary of state brad raffensperger is part of the evidence the da is sifting through. willis is seeking suspense and compel the production of documents. she says many witnesss have so far refused to cooperate. meanwhile, new york attorney general james for the first time outlining specific accusations against the trump company. >> they engaged in fraudulent or misleading practices. >> reporter: now the attorney general wants to compel the testimony of trump and two of his children, donald trump, jr. and ivanka trump. trump denied wrongdoing and a spokesperson says the allegations are baseless. this as ivanka trump has become the first family member the january 6th committee is asking to talk to. they sent an eight-page letter saying she is one of the few who can reflect on trump's state of mind and why it took so long to take a video message, instructing rioters to leave the capitol. they want her to divulge what she said she heard vp mike pence said january 6th. they want to talk about why they are urging trump to stop the stolen election talk after january 6th. >> ivanka trump is a critical figure. she was there in the morning. we believe she was there when trump was still trying to twist mike pence's arm. >> reporter: the committee chair benny thompson telling cnn the panel is looking into trump's possible involvement in the creation or commission of fake electors. our team reported company officials oversaw efforts in december 2020 to put illegitimate electors together from seven states trump lost to try to overturn the real election results. jessica schneider, cnn, washington. >> jessica, thank you. let's dive deeper into the january 6th committee's work with defense attorney and federal prosecutor shan wu, let's start with the supreme court's decision earlier this week allowing the committee access to hundreds of documents that the former president tried to block. he tried to use executive privilege to block them the court did allow for other possible uses of that defense even while striking trump down. what ultimately does this mean for other witnesses trying to claim executive privilege? >> i think ultimately it's a green light for the committee. they've indicated now relying heavily on that court of appeals opinion, which was very well done. i get the sense that opinion said even if trump had been or now was the incumbent, they still didn't think there could be a valid search of executive prif legal under these circumstances. so with that, i don't think other witnesses will have much leg to stand on in light of that. the court didn't completely foreclose the possibility. but for now i think that's a 14 light. >> and how about ivanka trump. the committee askeder to voluntarily cooperate in the investigation. it's not clear whether she intends to do so. you've argued she might have a better case for executive privilege than someone like steve bannon. why? >> oh, that's because she was actually working on the payroll at that time for the government serving as an ad advisor to the president. so at least she fits that category, which is completely out in left field. there are again given that most recent rebuke by the supreme court, the rejection of trump's arguments, i ultimately tone think that would prevail. i think there is an outside chance that, going out on a limb here, she might choose to actually accept that invitation. she might have enough confidence in herself as a down into indicator she thinks maybe she can do her dad some good. that would be a mistake in my opinion as a defense attorney. that's kind of humorous that often gets witnesses into trouble. >> we'll talk a potential bet on whether she cooperates off camera. let's talk rudy guiliani, cnn reported this week he led campaign official efforts to put together fake electors in several states that trump lost. we know the committee is interesting in a plot to overturn the 2020 election. they've suspend guiliani, he is resisting that. what does that mean for the investigation more broadly? >> i think that is an extremely significant detail. it's outrageous they were engaged in that i think from a criminal exposure standpoint, i think guiliani's really got a lot tore worried about at this point. apparently some of the states they had some sort of caveat language in there that these fake documents were only to be used in case there was an actual overturning of the states, results and others. in any state where there was not some kind of caveat that way, that's a real problem. that will run afoul of state's walls in terms of election interference, forging documents as well as federal laws. really the justice department needs to move on. that that's really a blatant type of attempted fraud. >> lastly, the committee is still pouring through the 700-plus pages of documents. it contains things like memos by the chief of staff. call logs, visitor's records, pages from the press secretary's briefing book. help us understand the significance of obtaining these documents and whether they can be a turning point in this probe? >> oh, yes, that's a treasure trove of documents. it's giving insight to the committee into the real time thoughts of people, memorialized, issues, scheduling notes. it really gives all of the evidence about what people were thinking at the time and that thinking is what is so important. because that's what determines intent. as to whether they are simply reacting to an emergency or whether it was a part of a planned crisis. if the inner circle wanted to have this disruption, then they're all being drawn that that web of the seditious conspiracy. >> it is a lot to walk through. we appreciate you doing it with us this morning. thank you so much. >> good to see you. >> thank you. a new year and a apparently a new approach, coming up, how president biden is planning to shift his strategy headed into mid-terms. >> > . it's a good choice all around, like screening for colon cancer... when caught in early stages it's more treatable. i'm cologuard. i'm noninvasive... and i detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers... even in early stages. early stages. yep. it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. we're in. these are the faces of listerine. the face of millions of germs zapped in seconds. the face of clean. the face of whoa! some are of intensity, others joy. all are of... various: ahhh... listerine. feel the whoa! this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. year in office president biden is laying out the vision for his next chapter of presidency. he is signaling he is ready to shift his approach as several of his key agenda items are still stalled and the mid-term elections are a month away. let's go straight to the white house, jasmine, what is this new strategy the president and his team have outlined in white house memos? >> reporter: well, a big part of the plan is to get the president out of d.c., boris, christi, to get him traveling the country, bringing his message directly to america to tout the achievements that his administration has made. that is even if that means less time as president/senior, a term he used in his press conference. white house officials says that he will be leaving more on his legislative team as he takes his message across the country. white house pretty secretary jen psaki laid out more details on friday. >> he's going to spend more of his time engaging with, talking with the american people and talking about how far we've come and where we need to go from here. as you look at the time he's going to spend over the next couple months, it will not be hours and hours behind closed doors in the oval office from so we heard from psaki there, she said we can expect him to bring more law makers on board to use the power of the presidency. this really reflects the state of biden's presidency right now as he faces multiple head winds from record high inflation to the ongoing pandemic to the ongoing crisis in ukraine to of course those low poll numbers and stalled agenda. now, while this plan, this new shift in strategy, it may let more voters know exactly what this white house is doing, something that officials have told me and my colleagues is one of the white house weaknesses, what is not clear is whether or not this new shift in strategy is going to have the effect of pulling in those holdout democratic senators like joe manchin and senator sinema have blocked the president's agenda going forward in congress. boris, christi. >> jasmine wright, we appreciate it very much. thank you, ma'am. here to discuss, congressional correspond ents for the "new york times". good morning to you. president biden says he is shifting things differently in the next year and first of all he is talking to the public more, seeking advice from outside experts and helping fund raise and campaign for democrats in mid-term elections. do you think this strategy they've crafted is enough at this point to turn things around? >> well, that remains to be seen. it's very clear democrats are in a big hole right now. i mean, they're on track to lose probably 30 seats in the house or so based on what polls are showing right now, projections are meaning right now. that means obviously the house is going to go into republican hands and that would basically put the end to any legislative priorities that the president has going forward. so, they're very cog my vzant o that -- cognizant. the more he comes to the hill, the worse he looks. he has the rug pulled out from him like lucie and the football. he came down recently for voting rights and before he arrives, senator sinema makes a speech. he has come down and had long meetings with house democrats, only to have progressives emerge saying there will be no deal some despite his more than 30 years in the senate. he does love the senate, he's realized he needs to have a different approach and a different strategy. >> so, let's talk about the approval rating. because if he is talking about going out and speaking to the people, you wonder if that will help him, if he is there in states as opposed to on the hill as you mentioned, legacy polls shows his approval 41%, disapproval at 54%. michael smerconish you see on this very episode on cnn in a couple of hours, he had something to say about the diminishing approval numbers now particularly compared to the 2020 election. look at this. >> is the lack of a split screen because when he was elected, c'mon, it was a a referendum on donald trump that's why i think primarily he was elected. that side-by side comparison is missing. when a pollster calls and asks you, what do you make of the job the president is doing? you are no longer putting him in comparison to trump. instead, you are evaluating joe biden on the merits. think that's a worst position for him to be in. what we're saying is his numbers will probably rise when there is a split screen comparison if we ever get to that point. >> look, some of the issues for the president have in his control. some are out. this is covid. i am wondering if you agree with that analysis first of all and what does president biden have to do at the end of the day to solidly build some confidence prior to 2020, in 2024 i should say. >> yeah, i completely agree. when there is a side-by-side comparison with former president trump, president biden looks a lot let e better. he didn't amass a crowd to storm the capitol to overturn the results of an election. if you put him against trump, joe biden will look a lot better. his administration started to lose support around the time of the afghanistan pullout. how poorly that went. i think there is images of people hanging on the side of planes and falling to their deaths, the country being overrun so quickly cause a lot of americans to view the administration as not being well run. that said, what democrats are trying to do now is change the narrative. in the past week, the white house emphasized to congressional democrats they need to change how they talk about what the administration is doing, so-called gloat and promote and talk about all the millions of jobs that have been added. how the unemployment rate's gone down, how two major bills have passed, including the infrastructure bill and promoting those contexts in their communities and they need to stop emphasizing so much the dysfunction that's happened on capitol hill. you know there is a quote from the 1930s that he doesn't want to be a part of any organized party, that itself why he's a democrat. and that's still the case today. there is lots of people fighting all the time. they want less to talk about what they didn't get done and more talk about what they have gotten done. >> great information. i didn't even get to the january 6th question i wanted to ask you about. he's got a great article, though, on the "new york times", thank you so much. appreciate it. >> thank you. so new mexico's largest school district was forced to shut down recently, not because of covid or bad weather but a cyber attack. an eye opening story after a quick break. stay with cnn. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom for me and you ♪ (music) ♪ so i think to myself ♪ ♪ oh what a wonderful world ♪ my mental health was much better. my mind was in a good place. but my body was telling a different story. i felt all people saw were my uncontrolled movements. some mental health meds can cause tardive dyskinesia, or td, and it's unlikely to improve without treatment. ingrezza is a prescription medicine to treat adults with td movements in the face and body. it's the only treatment for td that's one pill, once-daily, with or without food. ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people. people taking ingrezza can stay on their current dose of most mental health meds. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to any of its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including sleepiness. don't drive, operate heavy machinery, or do other dangerous activities until you know how ingrezza affects you. other serious side effects include potential heart rhythm problems and abnormal movements. it's nice people focus more on me. ask your doctor about ingrezza, #1 prescribed for td. learn how you could pay as little as zero dollars at my family's been devastated by covid-19. and we're not alone. we've all had to find new ways to keep going. and cue has made that easier. with cue, you get lab-quality covid-19 test results in just 20 minutes. speed and accuracy. it's just for the nba; it's for you too. cue health. the official covid-19 home test of the nba. go cue. go you. hi, i'm steve and i live in austin, texas. i work as a personal assistant to the owner of a large manufacturing firm. i've got anywhere from 10 to 50 projects going at any given time. i absolutely have to be sharp. let me tell ya, i was struggling with my memory. it was going downhill. my friend recommended that i try prevagen and over time, it made a very significant difference in my memory and in my cognitive ability. i started to feel a much better sense of well-being. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. can dove stop 98% of daily hair damage? 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it's been a long two years with the pandemic. to have this on top of it. we have a lot of other things, the nature of school. this was a pupch in the gut. >> reporter: days earlier, it brought service home to albuquerque to a halt. we had cyber criminals basically break into the county's computer system. it impacted the juvenile and adult detention centers. we had people coming in looking for a marriage license. we had to refer them to another county. we have vendors hoping they would still get paid. >> reporter: those trying to buy or file homes, filing mortgages or deeds suddenly impossible. >> i have been in real estate 25 years. it's never happened. we have been hacked. you know, it's, i don't know, it's kind of violating. >> reporter: services are slowly coming back online. but albuquerque residents are still in shock. >> i think we're all familiar with ransomware but not how familiar close to home it could hit. >> reporter: the fbi tells cnn it does not appear the albuquerque school system are related. but the threat is nationwide. >> i mean year on year 2021 was the far we've seen. it's not going away soon. it will probably get worse first. >> reporter: they say the attack surge as more people started working remotely, slowly returning back to normal. but the cyber security threat remains. >> do i have confidence it won't happen again? i wish i did, but i don't. >> reporter: it's not clear who might be behind the incidents. the threat isn't over. county and school officials say they are still fielding attacks, the fbi is assisting with both investigations. cnn, albuquerque. >> lucie, thank you so much. listen, you know her name, a face, hollywood icon marlin monroe was so much more than. learn all about her life in the cnn series reframed marlin monroe it airs tomorrow at 9:00 here on cnn. we'll be right back. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. 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yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. i was injured in a car crash. i had no idea how much my case was worth. i called the barnes firm. when a truck hit my son, i had so many questions about his case. i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could've made. your case is often worth more than insuran call the barnes firm to find out i could've made. what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ the barnes firm, injury attorneys ♪ call one eight hundred,est resul eight million ♪ heading towards the 7:00 hour with you here. unvaccinated nfl players won't have to get tested daily for the rest of the season. >> let's bring in cnn's coy wire. do we know how many players this will ultimately impact? >> reporter: yes, a spokesperson tells us about a dozen players still in the playoffs, this will act them. the biggest name's packer's star aaron rogers, no more daily testing, according to that memo sent out by the league yesterday, just weekly like those who are vaccinated. the leak says it conforms to current public health in healthcare. anyone who shows symptoms, though, will be tested immediately and if posty, they have to isolate five days before getting cleared by a doctor to potentially rejoin their team. 18 vying for the four sports in the conference championships, it's going to be cincinnati and tennessee teams kicking things off. featuring the return of the king the titans getting back their titan of a pack. derek henry, reigning offensive player of the year. officially activated yesterday. this is less than three months after a foot injury that may start with a season injury. incredibly, they ran the ball more percentage wise without him. now he is fresh. we will go ahead and play for bengals defenders, would you? >> we appreciate his game a lot more. it went from a teammate to camar camaraderie, going to work every day and playoffs and each and every week, definitely more standard. i'm happy to be back. i'm appreciative of everybody that helped me to get, to come back and contribute during the playoffs. i'm just happy being back playing football. >> tonight green bay's aaron rogers gets another chance to rewrite history. the three time mvp front-run zero and 3 against the 49ers in the playoffs, including in the 2020 nfc championship in california. the 9ers are the ones that have to travel across country to the frozen tundra, game time expected in the t'teens. advantage packers, big time, considering 9ers quarterback jimmy garoppolo never played in a playoffs when it was sub-40 degrees. it's the only official emotional support animals in the nfl, zoe has been with the 9ers. rookie is the newby, i'm more of a cat guy. i can get aligned with this. >> are you a cat guy? >> absolutely, through and through, i'll take the frenchy. >> we have to support for a cat on your lap doing sports. >> reporter: great. >> oh my goodness. >> and i can have a dog next to me. >> i'll take a golden retriever, too. cnn we'll be right back. thanks, coy. adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. feel stuck with student loan debt? 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Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul And Boris Sanchez 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240709

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responding. if you details on how important it is to fight against the coronavirus. hospitals are warning they are overwhelmed with patients. that's forcing them to put them somewhere else. >> legal problems building for donald trump we have several investigations, looking into the election, insurrection and his family businesses. >> a ransom ware attack on if you mexico'smexico's largest ci. welcome to saturday, january 22nd. >> times we need a deep breath. we are grateful you are joining us this morning. we begin with some tragic news to share out of new york. one police officer is dead. another in critical condition after a shooting in harlem. >> this is a shooting that happened after a woman called 911 last night reporting she was having a dispute with one of her sons. this was inside her apartment. the officer are the latest to be shot in the line of duty. officials say three others have been shot this month. still in his first month in office, eric adams described the attack against the city. >> this is our city that gets the killers. it is our city against the killers. this is not just an attack on three brave officers. this was an attack on the city of new york. >> let's get to cnn's pauolo sad viet sandeval. what happened when they showed up? >> reporter: he went minute by minute breaking down what happened during this awful situation here. it is clear things took a horrifying and tragic turn really one second to another. you see an officer, jason rivera, that entered the apartment answering a call with a mother having a dispute with her son. this young man here and another officer walked down a narrow hallway when a door swung old. that's when police say sean mcneil opened fear with a flock pistol. take a look at the weapon used lasted night. that's a high capacity magazine attached according to investigators. this was a photo released by the nypd. you see that magazine there. it is clear these officer were clearly ambushed. he was critically injured. the third officer opened fire wounding mcneil. it is clear in the voice of eric adams who has responded already to separate police officer shootings, all of them life-threatening until last night. non-life-threatening, i should say. >> our department is hurting, our city is hurting. it is beyond comprehension. i am not sure what word, if any, will carry the weight of this moment and ba we are feeling. we have four times this month rushed to the scene of nypd officers shot by violent criminals in possession of deadly, illegal guns. >> reporter: to clarify, the earlier shootings non-threatening until last night. this will put additional pressure on eric adams to his promise to restore peace to certain parts of the city. >> we hate waking up to this kind of news, thank you so much. we appreciate you. we have good news to bring you in the fight against covid-19. some states are starting to see infection numbers and hospitalizations drop. of course, that is not the case everywhere. >> take a look at what's happening out west, covid-19 hospitalizations up 15% this past week. it increased about 6% in the south. a lot of hospitals are stretched to thin right now from the surge and patients and ongoing staff shortages as well. we have the latest and why your covid-19 booster shot, they have decided it's so important now. >> reporter: a tremeio of cdc documents released. the new data raised the question of whether people with just two vaccine doses should still be considered fully vaccinated? the cdc director stopped friday endorsing such a change. >> what we are working to do is to pivot the language that everybody is as up to date with their covid-19 vaccines as they personally should be based on when they got their last vaccine. importantly, we're pivoting our language. we want to make sure people are up to date. >> reporter: meanwhile, those fighting covid out on the front lean are being stretched beyond their limit. six atlanta metropolitan hospitals are filling up beyond capacity. >> we are running about 110% capacity. we had to deploy planss over the past several weeks because the huge number of patients coming in. that is a good impact on the rest of the city. it's wall-to-wall stretchers. we have no capacity left at the hospital. >> reporter: the message from healthcare experts to get vacc'ed and boosted comes with a new push to limit the virus and to alleviate long lines at testing sites around the country. you can order free home tests online or using a hot line. >> people need to test immediately. we continue to encourage them to use one of the many testing openings out there in addition to the website. 20,000 community-based testing sooilt sites nationwide. >> nadia, thank you for that report. here with us to discuss all things covid is a doctor. dr. swanni nathan. let's take a look at the numbers on booster shots. this is what nadia was highlighting in that piece. this is for folks that have taken the boosters. they're 90% effective at preventing hospitalizations from the omicron variant, two shots 57% effective. that is a marked difference. further at preventing er visits, they were 82% effective and 38% for two shops. only 40% of eligible americans have gotten one. what do you think that is? >> i this i the messaging here has been a uphill confusing. we are starting to clarify that more as this data comes out. i don't think we knew the extent of the benefit these boosters give across the board. now we are giving if fgs that me information that means as we learn more, this is the best way to protect yourself. it's not about symptomatic covid, getting covid, which the boosters do reduce. it's about that end point hospitalization which is so important as cases are surging and cases are markedly overwhelmed. we have to get out doing that messaging, hoping people understand a lot of vaccines take five doses to fully protect the individual. we are learning more with this particular vaccine it might be a three-dose regimen to get to that higher level. we still den know durability but this is giving us more information to push towards that. >> do you get the sense we might wiped up with a fourth dose of a covid vaccine? have you seen evidence to support that, given the durability question? >> i don't think we actually have that evidence. the best evidence out of israel says the fourth dose doesn't increase anti-body levels and doesn't increase protection against the omicron variant i don't think we have enough information to say this is a fourth dose vaccine. we will have to see how this pans out over the next year or so this will be a yearly booster like the flu shot. will it be specific to the variant that's circulating. we just don't know quite yet. >> doctor, i want to ask you about definitions. because president biden this week was asked whether the cdc should change fully vaccinated to only people who received the booster shot. the cdc has been reluctant. i am wondering why? why does it benefit the administration? >> i think part of the reason is that data came out in the last 48 hours telling us how effective and useful these boosters are. we want to see more of that to really understand how the booster is helping and whether this is actually a three-dose regimen. i think that's a big part of the push. we have to make sure we aren't taking focus off getting primary vaccine series, how much protection that is as well. we can lose sight of that with the third dose. we also have to make sure we are focused on getting people their primary vaccine series if and, doctor, quickly, fda approval for kids under 5 according to dr. fauci pay come in the next month. would you have any hesitation about recommending the vaccine to parents of young kids? >> if it is approved, i would have no hesitation at this point. we have ample evidence the safety for kids in ages 5 to 11 is extremely high and it would give us a marked level for protection, for the teachers, the parents and automatic people they are in touch with. this will be a critical move to protect young kids and help those families feel a uphill bit safer. >> no question, it will probably help with the child care situation and getting parents potentially back in the work force as well. dr. nathan, as always, thank you for sharing your expertise with us. so last night, take a look at this, that shipment there of nearly 200,000 pounds of lethal aid from the u.s. made it to you crepe. what will it take to find a diplomatic end to this crisis in we are live in misco-in a moment. plus the january 6th committee asking ivanka trump, a former volunteer adviser to speak with them. is there any chance she'd take them up? what is in it for her or her husband. we are back with a conversation on it. stay with us. zplmplts -sight, migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere, migraine strikes. without worrying if it's too late or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy and learn how abbvie can help you save. ♪ music ♪ there's software. and then there's industrial grade software. capable of optimizing your flight by turning data into your co-pilot. meet honeywell forge. analytical software that helps assembly lines build walls against cyber threats. and makes sure you're ready for game day every day. that's honeywell forge. industrial grade software ♪ music ♪ (vo) subaru and our retailers volunteer and support charities all year long. and...through the subaru share the love event, we are proud to have donated over two hundred and twenty five million dollars to charity. you can get a car from any company, but none will make a difference like subaru. 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what has happened since then? you see nato give a troop buildup in response to what you have done. you are getting the exact opposite reaction what you want to achieve. russia wants nato to go back and their actions are making nato come forward. when we talk about a deescalation, it is desired for russia to pull back the reaction and respond, which is to supply the equipment. we know lithuania are going to send in surface-to-air missiles, counteraircraft missiles, the state missile p. estonia will send in more javelin armour piercing as well to front-lean forc -- front-line forces in ukraine. what is being sent to ukraine can in no way be considered efficient in anyway to stop a potential russian invasion, maybe slow it, slightly. >> nic robertson, thank you so much for that report. and it's been a bit of a rough week for donald trump. there have been many forward investigations involving the former president now. >> yeah, trump and his family members are under heightened scrute think, both for the former president's role to overturn the 2020 insurrection as well as alleged fraudulent business dealings. cnn's jessica snider is taking a look. >> reporter: the january 6th committee is getting all documents from the white house. it voefs call logs, visitor logs, written memos from mark meadows and draft speeches. it's been a disastrous week for donald trump. not only did the supreme court vote against his efforts to keep his white house efforts secret and they jumped up the probe on the tax filings and the district attorney in fulton county, georgia, asked for a special jury for a criminal investigation. >> i just want to find 11,780 votes which is one more that we have. >> reporter: that phone call from trump to secretary of state brad raffensperger is part of the evidence the da is sifting through. willis is seeking suspense and compel the production of documents. she says many witnesss have so far refused to cooperate. meanwhile, new york attorney general james for the first time outlining specific accusations against the trump company. >> they engaged in fraudulent or misleading practices. >> reporter: now the attorney general wants to compel the testimony of trump and two of his children, donald trump, jr. and ivanka trump. trump denied wrongdoing and a spokesperson says the allegations are baseless. this as ivanka trump has become the first family member the january 6th committee is asking to talk to. they sent an eight-page letter saying she is one of the few who can reflect on trump's state of mind and why it took so long to take a video message, instructing rioters to leave the capitol. they want her to divulge what she said she heard vp mike pence said january 6th. they want to talk about why they are urging trump to stop the stolen election talk after january 6th. >> ivanka trump is a critical figure. she was there in the morning. we believe she was there when trump was still trying to twist mike pence's arm. >> reporter: the committee chair benny thompson telling cnn the panel is looking into trump's possible involvement in the creation or commission of fake electors. our team reported company officials oversaw efforts in december 2020 to put illegitimate electors together from seven states trump lost to try to overturn the real election results. jessica schneider, cnn, washington. >> jessica, thank you. let's dive deeper into the january 6th committee's work with defense attorney and federal prosecutor shan wu, let's start with the supreme court's decision earlier this week allowing the committee access to hundreds of documents that the former president tried to block. he tried to use executive privilege to block them the court did allow for other possible uses of that defense even while striking trump down. what ultimately does this mean for other witnesses trying to claim executive privilege? >> i think ultimately it's a green light for the committee. they've indicated now relying heavily on that court of appeals opinion, which was very well done. i get the sense that opinion said even if trump had been or now was the incumbent, they still didn't think there could be a valid search of executive prif legal under these circumstances. so with that, i don't think other witnesses will have much leg to stand on in light of that. the court didn't completely foreclose the possibility. but for now i think that's a 14 light. >> and how about ivanka trump. the committee askeder to voluntarily cooperate in the investigation. it's not clear whether she intends to do so. you've argued she might have a better case for executive privilege than someone like steve bannon. why? >> oh, that's because she was actually working on the payroll at that time for the government serving as an ad advisor to the president. so at least she fits that category, which is completely out in left field. there are again given that most recent rebuke by the supreme court, the rejection of trump's arguments, i ultimately tone think that would prevail. i think there is an outside chance that, going out on a limb here, she might choose to actually accept that invitation. she might have enough confidence in herself as a down into indicator she thinks maybe she can do her dad some good. that would be a mistake in my opinion as a defense attorney. that's kind of humorous that often gets witnesses into trouble. >> we'll talk a potential bet on whether she cooperates off camera. let's talk rudy guiliani, cnn reported this week he led campaign official efforts to put together fake electors in several states that trump lost. we know the committee is interesting in a plot to overturn the 2020 election. they've suspend guiliani, he is resisting that. what does that mean for the investigation more broadly? >> i think that is an extremely significant detail. it's outrageous they were engaged in that i think from a criminal exposure standpoint, i think guiliani's really got a lot tore worried about at this point. apparently some of the states they had some sort of caveat language in there that these fake documents were only to be used in case there was an actual overturning of the states, results and others. in any state where there was not some kind of caveat that way, that's a real problem. that will run afoul of state's walls in terms of election interference, forging documents as well as federal laws. really the justice department needs to move on. that that's really a blatant type of attempted fraud. >> lastly, the committee is still pouring through the 700-plus pages of documents. it contains things like memos by the chief of staff. call logs, visitor's records, pages from the press secretary's briefing book. help us understand the significance of obtaining these documents and whether they can be a turning point in this probe? >> oh, yes, that's a treasure trove of documents. it's giving insight to the committee into the real time thoughts of people, memorialized, issues, scheduling notes. it really gives all of the evidence about what people were thinking at the time and that thinking is what is so important. because that's what determines intent. as to whether they are simply reacting to an emergency or whether it was a part of a planned crisis. if the inner circle wanted to have this disruption, then they're all being drawn that that web of the seditious conspiracy. >> it is a lot to walk through. we appreciate you doing it with us this morning. thank you so much. >> good to see you. >> thank you. a new year and a apparently a new approach, coming up, how president biden is planning to shift his strategy headed into mid-terms. >> > . it's a good choice all around, like screening for colon cancer... when caught in early stages it's more treatable. i'm cologuard. i'm noninvasive... and i detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers... even in early stages. early stages. yep. it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. we're in. these are the faces of listerine. the face of millions of germs zapped in seconds. the face of clean. the face of whoa! some are of intensity, others joy. all are of... various: ahhh... listerine. feel the whoa! this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. year in office president biden is laying out the vision for his next chapter of presidency. he is signaling he is ready to shift his approach as several of his key agenda items are still stalled and the mid-term elections are a month away. let's go straight to the white house, jasmine, what is this new strategy the president and his team have outlined in white house memos? >> reporter: well, a big part of the plan is to get the president out of d.c., boris, christi, to get him traveling the country, bringing his message directly to america to tout the achievements that his administration has made. that is even if that means less time as president/senior, a term he used in his press conference. white house officials says that he will be leaving more on his legislative team as he takes his message across the country. white house pretty secretary jen psaki laid out more details on friday. >> he's going to spend more of his time engaging with, talking with the american people and talking about how far we've come and where we need to go from here. as you look at the time he's going to spend over the next couple months, it will not be hours and hours behind closed doors in the oval office from so we heard from psaki there, she said we can expect him to bring more law makers on board to use the power of the presidency. this really reflects the state of biden's presidency right now as he faces multiple head winds from record high inflation to the ongoing pandemic to the ongoing crisis in ukraine to of course those low poll numbers and stalled agenda. now, while this plan, this new shift in strategy, it may let more voters know exactly what this white house is doing, something that officials have told me and my colleagues is one of the white house weaknesses, what is not clear is whether or not this new shift in strategy is going to have the effect of pulling in those holdout democratic senators like joe manchin and senator sinema have blocked the president's agenda going forward in congress. boris, christi. >> jasmine wright, we appreciate it very much. thank you, ma'am. here to discuss, congressional correspond ents for the "new york times". good morning to you. president biden says he is shifting things differently in the next year and first of all he is talking to the public more, seeking advice from outside experts and helping fund raise and campaign for democrats in mid-term elections. do you think this strategy they've crafted is enough at this point to turn things around? >> well, that remains to be seen. it's very clear democrats are in a big hole right now. i mean, they're on track to lose probably 30 seats in the house or so based on what polls are showing right now, projections are meaning right now. that means obviously the house is going to go into republican hands and that would basically put the end to any legislative priorities that the president has going forward. so, they're very cog my vzant o that -- cognizant. the more he comes to the hill, the worse he looks. he has the rug pulled out from him like lucie and the football. he came down recently for voting rights and before he arrives, senator sinema makes a speech. he has come down and had long meetings with house democrats, only to have progressives emerge saying there will be no deal some despite his more than 30 years in the senate. he does love the senate, he's realized he needs to have a different approach and a different strategy. >> so, let's talk about the approval rating. because if he is talking about going out and speaking to the people, you wonder if that will help him, if he is there in states as opposed to on the hill as you mentioned, legacy polls shows his approval 41%, disapproval at 54%. michael smerconish you see on this very episode on cnn in a couple of hours, he had something to say about the diminishing approval numbers now particularly compared to the 2020 election. look at this. >> is the lack of a split screen because when he was elected, c'mon, it was a a referendum on donald trump that's why i think primarily he was elected. that side-by side comparison is missing. when a pollster calls and asks you, what do you make of the job the president is doing? you are no longer putting him in comparison to trump. instead, you are evaluating joe biden on the merits. think that's a worst position for him to be in. what we're saying is his numbers will probably rise when there is a split screen comparison if we ever get to that point. >> look, some of the issues for the president have in his control. some are out. this is covid. i am wondering if you agree with that analysis first of all and what does president biden have to do at the end of the day to solidly build some confidence prior to 2020, in 2024 i should say. >> yeah, i completely agree. when there is a side-by-side comparison with former president trump, president biden looks a lot let e better. he didn't amass a crowd to storm the capitol to overturn the results of an election. if you put him against trump, joe biden will look a lot better. his administration started to lose support around the time of the afghanistan pullout. how poorly that went. i think there is images of people hanging on the side of planes and falling to their deaths, the country being overrun so quickly cause a lot of americans to view the administration as not being well run. that said, what democrats are trying to do now is change the narrative. in the past week, the white house emphasized to congressional democrats they need to change how they talk about what the administration is doing, so-called gloat and promote and talk about all the millions of jobs that have been added. how the unemployment rate's gone down, how two major bills have passed, including the infrastructure bill and promoting those contexts in their communities and they need to stop emphasizing so much the dysfunction that's happened on capitol hill. you know there is a quote from the 1930s that he doesn't want to be a part of any organized party, that itself why he's a democrat. and that's still the case today. there is lots of people fighting all the time. they want less to talk about what they didn't get done and more talk about what they have gotten done. >> great information. i didn't even get to the january 6th question i wanted to ask you about. he's got a great article, though, on the "new york times", thank you so much. appreciate it. >> thank you. so new mexico's largest school district was forced to shut down recently, not because of covid or bad weather but a cyber attack. an eye opening story after a quick break. stay with cnn. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom for me and you ♪ (music) ♪ so i think to myself ♪ ♪ oh what a wonderful world ♪ my mental health was much better. my mind was in a good place. but my body was telling a different story. i felt all people saw were my uncontrolled movements. some mental health meds can cause tardive dyskinesia, or td, and it's unlikely to improve without treatment. ingrezza is a prescription medicine to treat adults with td movements in the face and body. it's the only treatment for td that's one pill, once-daily, with or without food. ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people. people taking ingrezza can stay on their current dose of most mental health meds. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to any of its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including sleepiness. don't drive, operate heavy machinery, or do other dangerous activities until you know how ingrezza affects you. other serious side effects include potential heart rhythm problems and abnormal movements. it's nice people focus more on me. ask your doctor about ingrezza, #1 prescribed for td. learn how you could pay as little as zero dollars at my family's been devastated by covid-19. and we're not alone. we've all had to find new ways to keep going. and cue has made that easier. with cue, you get lab-quality covid-19 test results in just 20 minutes. speed and accuracy. it's just for the nba; it's for you too. cue health. the official covid-19 home test of the nba. go cue. go you. hi, i'm steve and i live in austin, texas. i work as a personal assistant to the owner of a large manufacturing firm. i've got anywhere from 10 to 50 projects going at any given time. i absolutely have to be sharp. let me tell ya, i was struggling with my memory. it was going downhill. my friend recommended that i try prevagen and over time, it made a very significant difference in my memory and in my cognitive ability. i started to feel a much better sense of well-being. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. can dove stop 98% of daily hair damage? 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it's been a long two years with the pandemic. to have this on top of it. we have a lot of other things, the nature of school. this was a pupch in the gut. >> reporter: days earlier, it brought service home to albuquerque to a halt. we had cyber criminals basically break into the county's computer system. it impacted the juvenile and adult detention centers. we had people coming in looking for a marriage license. we had to refer them to another county. we have vendors hoping they would still get paid. >> reporter: those trying to buy or file homes, filing mortgages or deeds suddenly impossible. >> i have been in real estate 25 years. it's never happened. we have been hacked. you know, it's, i don't know, it's kind of violating. >> reporter: services are slowly coming back online. but albuquerque residents are still in shock. >> i think we're all familiar with ransomware but not how familiar close to home it could hit. >> reporter: the fbi tells cnn it does not appear the albuquerque school system are related. but the threat is nationwide. >> i mean year on year 2021 was the far we've seen. it's not going away soon. it will probably get worse first. >> reporter: they say the attack surge as more people started working remotely, slowly returning back to normal. but the cyber security threat remains. >> do i have confidence it won't happen again? i wish i did, but i don't. >> reporter: it's not clear who might be behind the incidents. the threat isn't over. county and school officials say they are still fielding attacks, the fbi is assisting with both investigations. cnn, albuquerque. >> lucie, thank you so much. listen, you know her name, a face, hollywood icon marlin monroe was so much more than. learn all about her life in the cnn series reframed marlin monroe it airs tomorrow at 9:00 here on cnn. we'll be right back. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. 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Presence , Arrival , Military Options , Embassy , Sources , In Kiev , Eastern Europe , Nic Robertson , Essential Staff , Troops , Moss Dough , 100000 , Missiles , Weapons , Border , Aide , Pictures , Deescalation , Military , Sound , Diplomacy , Sergei Lavrov , Gathering , Fact , Exercises , Track Isn T A Cover , Secretary Of State , Meeting , Official , Read , Foreign Minister , Blinken Yesterday , Geneva , Blinkr Blinken , Nato , Troop Buildup , Anexd Crimea , 2014 , Reaction , Actions , Estate , Equipment , Surface To Air Missiles , Counteraircraft Missiles , Missile P Estonia , Forces , Forc , Armour Piercing , It , Bit , Family Members , Scrute Think , Role , 2020 , White House , Jessica Snider , Business Dealings , Fraudulent , Efforts , Written Memos From Mark Meadows , Supreme Court , Visitor Logs , Draft Speeches , Vote , It Voefs , Investigation , Probe , District Attorney , Tax Filings , Fulton County , Special Jury , Georgia , Trump , Votes , Phone Call , Sifting , Da , Brad Raffensperger , 11780 , Attorney General , Willis , Witnesss , Accusations , Production , Suspense , James For The First Time , Testimony , Children , Practices , Family , Spokesperson , Wrongdoing , Member , Allegations , Baseless , Jr , Few , Instructing Rioters , Letter , Video Message , State Of Mind , Eight , Talk , Mike Pence , Capitol , Arm , Figure , Committee Chair Benny Thompson , Team , Electors , Commission , Fake Electors , Involvement , Creation , The Panel , December 2020 , Defense Attorney , Election Results , Work , Jessica Schneider , Washington , Seven , Committee , Executive Privilege , Shan Wu , Decision , Access , Hundreds , Let , Witnesses , Court , Defense , Uses , Mean , Light , Opinion , Court Of Appeals Opinion , Circumstances , Court Didn T , Executive Prif , Search , Incumbent , Leg , Committee Askeder , Possibility , 14 , Someone , Ad Advisor , Serving , Government , Payroll , Steve Bannon , Think , Category , Field , Rebuke , Arguments , Rejection , Confidence , Dad , Down , Out On A Limb , Indicator , Invitation , Good , Mistake , Trouble , Humorous , Potential Bet , Rudy Guiliani , Campaign , Camera , Plot , Let S Talk , Lost , Detail , Caveat , Some , Lot , Standpoint , Exposure , Sort , Results , Problem , Overturning , Election Interference , Terms , Afoul Of State , Laws , Justice , Fraud , Type , Pages , Memos , Visitor , Records , Call Logs , Chief Of Staff , Lastly , 700 , Yes , Press Secretary , Significance , Briefing Book , Treasure Trove , Insight , Turning Point , Thinking , Issues , Scheduling Notes , Thoughts , Memorialized , Emergency , Web , Disruption , Inner Circle , Seditious Conspiracy , Approach , Coming Up , Strategy , Planning , Mid Terms , Colon Cancer , Screening , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Choice , Around , Dna , Stool , Noninvasive , 92 , Stages , Provider , Yep , 45 , Face , Whoa , Millions , Intensity , Faces , Germs , Joy , Listerine , Ahhh , Students , Recording Artist , Recording , Internet , Elodia , 10 , 10 Million , Tools , Comcast , Projectup , 1 Billion , Billion , Presidency , Vision , Several , Chapter , Elections , Agenda Items , Let S Go , Jasmine , Plan , Achievements , Out Of D C , Christi , Press Conference , Term , Jen Psaki , Details , Doors , Oval Office , Pandemic , Head , Power , Inflation , Winds , Law Makers , Doing , Something , Shift , Agenda , Poll Numbers , Colleagues , Voters , Senator , Democratic , Senators , Effect , Weaknesses , Sinema Have , Joe Manchin , Ma Am , Congress , Jasmine Wright , Congressional Correspond Ents , Experts , Advice , Fund , New York Times , Raise , Track , Big Hole , House , Projections , Polls , Seats , Hands , Republican , 30 , Priorities , Cog , The Hill , Vzant O That , Football , Lucie , Voting Rights , Rug , Progressives , Meetings , Speech , Senate , House Democrats , Approval Rating , Legacy Polls , Disapproval , Episode , Michael Smerconish , 41 , 54 , Lack , Approval Numbers , Split Screen , Couple , Referendum , Calls , Pollster , Side Comparison , Comparison , Split Screen Comparison , Merits , Position , Saying , Control , Analysis , 2024 , Crowd , Overrun , Side , Planes , Images , Pullout , Deaths , Afghanistan , Narrative , Bills , Jobs , Unemployment Rate , Dysfunction , Communities , Contexts , Quote , Infrastructure Bill , Capitol Hill , 1930 , Party , Lots , Article , Break , Weather , Story , New Mexico , School District , Eye Opening , Me And You , Trees , Green Red , Body , Mental Health , Mind , Place , What A Wonderful World , Treatment , Ingrezza , Mental Health Meds , Td , Movements , Tardive Dyskinesia , Prescription Medicine , Td Movements , Don T , Food , 80 , 7 , Ingredients , Heart Rhythm Problems , Activities , Sleepiness , Ingrezza May , Operate Heavy Machinery , Don T Drive , Zero Dollars , Zero , Cue , Test Results , Ways , Speed , Accuracy , Nba , Firm , Cue Health , Home Test , Personal Assistant , Owner , Manufacturing , Go Cue , Texas , Austin , 50 , Memory , Friend , Better , Well Being , Healthier Brain , Prevagen , Hair , Hair Damage , Areas , Dove , Lock , Sandra , 98 , Animals , Kisses , Damage , Signs , Repair , Heart , Kiss , With Kay , Brains , Soul , Ears , Led , Mouth , County , Ransomware Attack , Fbi , Attacks , Chaos , Populous , Pair , School , 70000 , Schools , Incident , Inialbaquerque , Martin Luther King Holiday , Cyber Security , Time , System , Contacts , Extortion , Superintendent , Gosh , Top , Pupch , Gut , Karptd , Adult , Service , Computer System , Halt , Detention Centers , File Homes , Vendors , Marriage License , Filing Mortgages , Deeds , Real Estate , Services , Shock , Residents , I Don T Know , 25 , Threat , Albuquerque School System , Close To Home , 2021 , Isn T Over , School Officials , Incidents , Remains , Name , Icon , Marlin Monroe , Albuquerque , Hollywood , Listen , Emergen C , 9 , Best , Nutrients , Blend , Discount , Burke , Auto Insurance , Policies , Farmers , Wife , Jet Skis , Honey , Hon , Boat , Discounts , Sup , Coverage , Farmers Policy Perks , Kid , Forty Five , Anyone , Bum , Milk , Lactose , Isn T Real Milk , Garage , Dairy , Bum Lactaid , Pa Dum , 100 , Seventeen , Isn T A Real Cow , Mabel , Insurance Policy , Accident , Enrollment , Accidents , Employees , Hr Data , Benefits , Pain , Paycom , Go On , Software , Single , Schedule A Demo Today , Visit Paycom Com , 4 , 05 , Older Medicines Ubrelvy , Brain Performance , Neuroscientist , Memory Supplements , Indicators , Science , Neuriva Plus , Tv , Neuriva , Questions , Worth , Car Crash , Idea , Truck Hit , Barnes , Injury Attorneys , Result , Est Resul , Eight Million , Eight Hundred , Players , Nfl , Unvaccinated , Playoffs , Season , Coy Wire , Leak , Daily Testing , Public Health , League , Memo , Biggest Name S Packer Star Aaron Rogers , Healthcare , Posty , Titans , Teams , Sports , Championships , Titan , Tennessee , The Return Of King , 18 , Injury , Pack , Season Injury , Reigning Offensive Player Of The Year , Derek Henry , Teammate , Bengals Defenders , Game , Percentage , Wise , Ball , Him , Standard , Camar Camaraderie , History , 49ers , Green Bay , 49 , 3 , Ones , 9ers , Championship , Tundra , California , Nfc , Big Time , Jimmy Garoppolo , Advantage Packers , T Teens , Cat , Rookie , Guy , Newby , Frenchy , Zoe , Retriever , Lap Doing Sports , Dog , Oh My Goodness , Plaque Psoriasis , Thanks , Skin , Coy , 16 , Feel , Student Loan Debt , Money , Warrior , Sofi , 000 , 1000 , You Tm , Head Nurse , Leaks , Thing , Command , Sleeve , Night Shift , Depend , Technologies , Lives , Everyone , Banking , Phones , Wonder , Bank Of America , Photographer , Girlfriend , Ring Fund , Bouquet , Zen , Yoga Studio , Stop Banking , Father Of The Bride , Electorlytes , Sugar , Powder Packs , Pedialyte ,

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