Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and La

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240709

ukraine's border. president biden has warned of serious consequences should russia's vladimir putin move ahead with invasion. the kremlin sees nato support for ukraine as a growing threat on russia's western flank. >> that's right. blinken and lavrov's meeting, it's an effort to avoid having this clash of wills end in blood shed in ukraine, damage u.s. credibility, and, you know, unpredictable side effects like a potentially huge spike in energy prices. a lot at stake. covering the talks as only cnn can, cnn's fred lick plotkin is in geneva. nic robertson is in moscow for us. let's start with you, fretd. w fred. what message is the secretary of state bringing to the counterpart? >> reporter: they rolled past where i am a couple minutes ago. the secretary of state is going to have a strong message if russia decides to further invade ukraine, if there is an armed incursion into ukrainian territory, there will be a severe response not just from the united states, but from the u.s.'s allies as well in the form of massive sanctions, but also possibly other economic measures as well. and also the u.s. would then obviously bolster european defenses also. so a lot at stake at these talks here. you mentioned the russians for their part say they believe nato -- ukraine is the de facto already being integrated, as they put it, into nato structures. that is something the deputy foreign minister of russia told me two days ago. they say those concerns need to be addressed. now, the russians said that they wanted written answers to their concerns from the u.s., and they really would have wanted to have them right now. but the u.s. secretary of state said those answers are not going to be forthcoming at this meeting. the two sides do have possible things where they could make some headway. like, for instance, the strategic weapons in european territory, specifically in ukraine, and obviously the big topic, the possible enlargement of nato which is something the russians say is a complete red line for them. the talks are going to be extremely tough, but both sides said the talks are extremely important. the kremlin said they are of utmost importance, so really a lot at stake here and a lot of eyes on geneva on this day, guys. >> you can see the two shook hands. they're sitting down now. sergei lavrov and tony blinken. nic robertson, to you. what are you watching for? the president had to do a lot of clean-up on this entire situation trying to reaffirm the u.s. commitment to ukraine. >> reporter: well, both tony blinken and we heard a few minutes ago from the kremlin spokesman here, sort of saying that this meeting is to see how both sides have taken and digested the diplomatic meetings that happened last week. and russia's initial reaction had been negative, it was not clear there was any more point in talking. that, i think, is how do they come out of this and this talk about common ground. i think as you sort of frame the moods and attitudes going into this meeting, particularly from the russian side, the fact that they want this written response from the united states to their security proposals or demands as they're seen, the kremlin spokesman said, look, we know we're not going to get that in this meeting here, but we're still hoping for it in coming days. and i think that kind of language speaks to the diplomacy that's still in play here. yet russia's position remains very clear and very firm and very tough for nato to digest. not just what fred was explaining, but we heard from the foreign ministry issuing a statement in response to a question last week. and that was both bulgaria and romania that have nato forces and nato missile defense systems and the dutch have offered to fire aircraft to bulgaria to use in the coming months. the kremlin's position and the foreign ministry's position is that all nato, all foreign troops and military hardware should be removed from bulgaria and romania. and that's just been announced. so that tells you the tough line. going into this today, russia is deploying its defense missile systems, hundreds, to military exercises in belarus. again, officials the signalling of russia's very strong military posture around ukraine. so, you know, the atmosphere is as diplomacy at work, but it's really pro scscribed and contai by experts and military posturing. >> and so many layers, accusations by the u.s. that russians are recruiting officials to taken side, take over the government inside ukraine. so many different things to talk about here for that take stock meeting. nic and fred, thank you so much. >> thanks, guys. grammy award-winning singer meat loaf has died. according to his facebook page he passed away. ♪ that's a really good song. according to his facebook page he passed away with his wife debra at his side. in a career that spanned six decades, meat loaf sold more than 100 albums. he appeared in more than 65 movies. cnn paul vercammen looks back on his life and legacy. ♪ >> reporter: meat loaf performed sweet suburban mel difficulties with dramatic flare, unleashing lyrics. >> i'll go out on the stage as if it's the last thing i'll ever do. i said if i'm going out, i'm going out on a stage. >> reporter: meat loaf, where did that name come from? >> the real story is there is no story. the real story is kids -- i've been called meat loaf since i was 8. >> reporter: he was born in dallas, texas. but even texas was not big enough to corral his talents. meat loaf would go on to sell more than 80 million records worldwide. one of the top-selling musicians ever. his three bat out of hell album became a staple in college dorms. ♪ the first one selling 43 million copies. >> bat in hell, i was not ready for. i had a nervous break down. i went to psychologists and psychiatrists for two years. and i went with them to deal with the word waste management phoenix open star." >> reporter: meat got hold of his demons. he starred on stage and screen known for the rocky horror picture show. ♪ and bob paulson, bike club. >> the first rule is i'm not supposed to talk about it. and the second rule is i'm not supposed to talk about it. and the third rule -- >> reporter: off screen he married twice, became a father to two daughters. and meat loaf entered reality tv. donald trump's celebrity apprentice. in an infamous episode he blistered gary busey. >> look at my eyes. i am the last person in the [ bleep ] world you ever [ bleep ] want to [ bleep ] with. >> reporter: such yelling, a stark contrast to what launched meat loaf to international adoration, that operatic voice. ♪ >> reporter: what a huge talent, right? >> what a loss. >> our best to his family and friends there. >> absolutely. all right. 8 minutes past the hour. just in to cnn, president biden set to address america's critical shortage of semiconductors just hours from now. the center piece of his proposal, a brand-new $20 billion plant in ohio. jasmine wright has the latest from washington. what do we know about this plant, jasmine? we know why the president is so focused on semiconductors, right? this global snag in global semiconductors shows how it has left us out in the cold in terms of producing them here. >> reporter: that's right, christine. it comes down to supply chain for this administration because when there are problems, when there are those shortages, that is something that americans directly feel. so, of course, it makes sense that the white house focuses on this, especially as the president battles his lower poll numbers. so today and part of that rollout effort, we will see the president really call on congress to pass legislation that strengthens research and development and manufacturing for supply chains to address that global semiconductor shortage that you just talked about. and now this is by far not the first time that we have heard about semiconductors from this white house that has been the focus of the president and the vice president when she went to asia last year. of course, it is that essential trip that is used for production in smartphones, medical equipment, as well as kitchen appliances and of course cars. that is probably where americans feel it most, the high car prices. today we will see the president tout that $20 billion new plant in ohio as well as talk about other ways that this administration is looking to kind of expand that manufacturing in this country. now, of course, the policy, christine, is going to be really important here. but also the messaging. remember, the president promised he would kind of display a shift in messaging when it comes to talking about this administration's victory. so we will be looking out for both of those things at the white house. >> we know you'll be covering it for us. jasmine, thank you. laura? extreme weather bearing down on the southeast, up to half an inch forecast for virginia and the carolinas. cnn's meteorologist derek van dam joins me with the latest. derek, how bad is it going to get this weekend? >> best advice i can give, stay off the roads, but it will get worse later this afternoon and evening. how bad will it get? the well, the potential exists for the half inch of icing right along the coastal areas of south carolina. right through piedmont, north carolina, low country of south carolina. we focus on the ice storm warning in and around wilmington. that is where things will get dicey quickly. not a lot of precipitation on this radar at the moment. however, you can see temperatures there hovering just above freezing for this particular location. snowfall has come to an end near norfolk. heading a little further to the south you can see this is all rain from charlg stop to wilmington as well as the myrtle bay region. this precipitation will turn to freezing rain. temperatures crash on the snow front. a snowflake or two along the coast. up to half an inch of ice in the southern portions of the state into south carolina. laura and christine, back to you. >> derek, good time to stay home. thanks. >> indeed. new revelations on donald trump's attempts to overturn election results in georgia. plus covid concerns at the beijing olympics. the name us voices who will stay home instead. and the governor who wants his own armed election police force. stressed, dry and sandpaper. strypaper? 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[♪] if you have diabetes, it's important to have confidence in the nutritional drink you choose. try boost glucose control®. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. all right. the start of the beijing winter games now just two weeks away. the network teleadvising the olympics is not sending its announcers to china. steven culver live in beijing. what drove nbc to this decision, david? >> reporter: i think it's everything about the strict measures in place here. we've been reporting on this more than two years now, ever since i've been in wuhan and ever since. these are measures more like easing of them, tightening again and they are doing that ahead of the olympics. i want to give you an idea what those coming in are going to be part of the media, part of the personnel and the athletes, of course, are going to experience -- we have an animation i think walks you through and visualize a little bit easier what this bubble system will look like. they're calling it a closed loop system officially. we'll walk you through the animation. as they leave beijing airport, that's where everyone coming in who is part of the closed loop system, they're going to be traveling into the city. it's not one big bubble as it is multiple bubbles. all these bubbles are shuttle lines and rail lines. that's in, for example, the park area. then you have the mountain van yous. once again, these are the outskirts of beijing. to travel there they have built dedicated highway and highway lane. those will be part of the closed loob loop system. they'll be dividing the railcars and keep them apart from the sit sense. in the bubble they have a small percentage. they say 1.53% of arrivals, we don't know what that translates to in numbers that have tested positive, but they assure folks there are no positive cases and infection going about within the bubble as of yet. so they were able to catch them upon arrival, and that seems to be how they're dealing with it thus far. but it's a precarious situation. it's not an easy feat ahead of those coming in >> indeed, somebody, an athlete or spectator catches covid during the olympics, what's the protocol for that? >> reporter: oh, i think this is the worst case scenario. this is what they're so uneasy about. people are taking measures ahead of time. you have to test negative twice to get in. the presumption is if you're vaccinated, if you're not, you have to do 21 days of quarantine. if you test positive, christine, if it's asymptomatic, you can isolate in your room and be tested multiple times. if you are showing symptoms, they're going to put you had into a government medical facility. we don't know where exactly that is. there's no challenging them. we've dealt with that here. if they tell you you're going to go somewhere, you're going to comply. >> that's right. david culver, thank you for that. nice to see you. a tv reporter hit by a car live on the air. see the video and hear how she's doing now next. and democrats looking for a new path after republicans blocked them from shoring up voting rights. primary challenges could loom for two senators. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. amazing. jerry, you gotta to see this. seen it. trust me, after 15 walks... gets a little old. ugh ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. 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(excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. welcome back. fresh fallout on the capitol hill over the failure to pass new voting rights in the u.s. senate. democrats could be targeting two of their own in primaries now. cnn's daniela diaz is live on capitol hill this morning. daniela, good morning. what do you know? >> reporter: laura, i want to talk specifically about one potential primary challenger to senator kirstjen sinema. congressman ruben gallego told manu raju his phone has been ringing off the hook with democratic colleagues urging him to primary senator kirstjen sinema for her vote on voting rights legislation opposing that rules change to pass voting rights legislation by simple majority. you know, there's been a lot of tension with senator kirstjen sinema and senator joe manchin of west virginia for their votes against their own party, you know, first it was the build back better act. they did not support that $3.5 trillion price tag. they wanted to pare down that package. in the end snow joe manchin did not support the final $2 trillion package they were discussing. and now it is voting rights legislation that he did not support the rules change so they could pass voting rights by a simple majority, 51 votes instead of 60 votes needed to pass -- excuse me, to break a filibuster. and as a result, their more progressive colleagues are incredibly frustrated with them. they want to see them primaried and congressman ruben gallego, senate democrats urging him privately to primary kyrsten sinema in the 2024 election. he has not made a decision. i do want to emphasize senators kii kyrsten sinema and joe manchin have shrugged off. >> you'll stay on top of it. thank you. the first armed election police force. >> it's the latest in this list of eye-brow raising proposals desantis. everything from voting rights, roll backs to what's taught in public schools there. joining us now to dig a little deeper into the policies is cnn reporter steve cantorno. nice to have you this morning. tell us, how would the election security force work? are these police officers? >> reporter: yeah, this would be a dedicated sworn force of 20 police officers and another 32 individuals that would support them in investigating election laws in the country. and election experts say that this is unprecedented. no other state has a dedicated police force that is solely looking into election laws that is under the jurisdiction of a governor. it's an arrangement that alarms not only democrats in florida, but also voting rights groups, national voting experts, and election officials, local and supervisor elections that administer voting in florida. and, you know, the governor has said this is something that is needed to ensure the security and integrity of elections here. there has been obviously a lot of talk from republicans across the country following president trump's unfounded clanlims of voter fraud. this is a measure in response to that. no voting fraud has been found here on a massive scale obviously. >> president trump's own justice department found no widespread voter fraud, and many just pooh poohing this as a political move, a solution in search of a problem really, a fake solution in search of a problem. turning now to the desantis-backed bill to prohibit schools from making people feel discomfort or guilt based on their race, sex or national origin. what are teachers saying about this? >> reporter: teachers are concerned. they're worried that they are now going to be monitored for what they say and do in classrooms, that parents will use this as a way to complain about instruction over things like slavery or jim crow laws. republicans say that's not their intent. that this legislation is not intended to whitewash the dark days of u.s. history, but democrats have raised a lot of concerns that this, the very presence on the law books will stifle conversations about race and racism and the experience of minority americans, and keep us from moving forward systematic racism and our past. >> yeah, and we should note it's not just schools. it's workplaces. you can't even do sort of -- employee trainings we all go through here at cnn, that so many people go through trainings, that talk about diversity. those now in jeopardy. steve, thank you. >> nice to see you. local west virginia tv reporter is thanking everyone for their concern after being hit by a car while she was doing a live shot. in a tweet, she said, i'm flattered by the kindness and well wishes. i'm feeling fine. just a little sore. thank you so much. >> she was covering a water main break in dunbar on wednesday when she was accidentally hit by an suv. watch this. >> and now we're starting to experience unfortunately we see this water main breaks. >> reporter: oh, my god. i got hit by a car, but i'm okay. i just got hit by a car, but i'm okay, tim. i'm okay. we're all done. >> are you okay? >> reporter: i'm okay. that's live tv for you. it's all god. i actually got hit by a car in college just like that. i am so glad i'm okay, you're okay. you are okay, we're all good. this is -- you know what? we're good, tim. ma'am, you are so sweet and you are okay. it is all good. you know, oh, lord. you know it's my last week on the job and i think this would happen. >> were you bumped down low, tory or up high? i couldn't tell. >> reporter: i don't even -- do you know if i was bumped down low or up high, sir? i don't even know. i don't even know, tim. my life just flashed before my eyes. but this is live tv and i'm okay. i thought i was in a safe spot, but clearly we might need to move the camera over a bit. >> so glad she's okay. she later went to the hospital just to get checked out. you know, christine, a lot of people watching that were really disturbed by it. she's out there by herself doing a live shot, sort of the one-man band where she's setting up the camera. she doesn't have anyone out there with her. it's the middle of the night. you would think it's a big enough deal they need to send her out there she could send someone with her. >> a lot of people who are veterans about this talk about how this is why it's really -- you've got to have a cameraman, you have to have a backup. it's really hard -- >> she can't see what's coming behind her. >> absolutely. in a live shot like that you're focused on the person in your ear and telling the public what you need to know you're not aware of your own surroundings. that's why it's important to have a team. >> glad she's okay. >> me, too. tributes are pouring in for a rock legend. ♪ i've never had a girl looking any better than you did ♪ >> remembering meat loaf next. ♪ a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue. why does walgreens offer prescription copays as low as zero dollars? ♪ so you won't have a medicare in the world. ♪ fill your medicare prescriptions with 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it for free at ♪ ♪ tributes pouring in this morning for grammy award-winning singer meat loaf who died last night. chloe joins us with more. hi, chloe. >> good morning, chloe. >> good morning. such a sad story. we've lost another great artist. and 2022 has just begun. his real name was marvin lee aday. he was from texas, my hometown. he was most famous for "bat out of hell." he worked with so many artists. tributes are pouring in. no cause of death as of right now has been revealed. that's my favorite song, i'll do anything for love, right. he was only 74 years old. cher who worked with him in dead ringer for love had a really sweet tribute to him on twitter, saying how much she's going to miss him. andrew lloyd webber. he said that the bolts of heaven will be ringing with rock. that is definitely true. >> the songs of a generation. and, chloe, speaking of the songs of a generation, adele devastated, it looks like, because she's going to have to cancel her vegas residency. everyone's got covid. what happened? >> yeah, so, i'm scrolling through instagram last night trying to, you know, see if i've missed anything throughout the day. i'm like already in bed, put my kids to bet, i'm about to go to sleep and i see adele crying to her fans in this over a minute video saying her members have had covid. it's really impacted their ability to get ready for the las vegas residency. she was so upset, so apologetic. she told her fans that they will reschedule all of the dates. but they are not ready and she had been up 36 hours, you guys, trying to decide in they can get things together. look, she wants it to be perfect. a las vegas residency is a huge deal. so you can imagine she's clearly not taking this decision lightly. >> let's hear some of that. >> i can't give you -- right now. >> wow, she is just so talented. we have a sneak peek. what are we hearing about the super bowl and the entertainment there? >> you know what, let's just watch, guys. take a look at this. ♪ ♪ >> you know the west coast is back for all you suckas. >> hold up. ♪ >> i'm a '90s kid. way born in the '80s, just to be clear. i'm not that young. but this is my kind of music. everybody is going to be convening at the lofi stadium in los angeles for the super bowl in just a few weeks. and snoop dogg, mary j. blige, kendrick lamar, dr. dre. are going to be there. clearly this is one of the greatest super bowl halftime shows of all time maybe. >> and everything in-person, right, despite covid, everyone is going to be there in person. wow. chloe, we want to ask you. what's going on with britney spears? obviously she got out of that conservatorship. you covered that so much. now more allegations against the dad? >> so, there was an explosive court hearing earlier this week. cnn's paul vercammen, he was inside the courtroom. and the lawyers for jamie spears, her father, and for britney spears were battling out really contentiously because britney spears' father wants his daughter to pay his legal fees. and according to mathew rosengart who has represented britney and one of the main reasons she's out of this conservatorship, he said, hold on, britney has paid $30 million over the course of her 13-year conservatorship and you, sir, have allegedly made over $6 million off of your daughter's estate. and you also tried to pitch a cooking show in 2015 to the cooking channel called cruising in chaos with jamie spears. so all of that being said, a lot of things being said back and forth, the judge decided that britney does not have to put aside any money in a reserve for her family's legal fees as of right now. there are two upcoming court dates, but even though britney is out of the conservatorship, we knew all along she said the conservatorship was abusive. she wanted to charge her family, specifically her father with conservatorship abuse. he said he was going to see this through, he was going to depose and try to prosecute anybody who attempted to mismanage britney's life and funds. this is to be continued situation right now. >> chloe, nice to see you this morning. thank you. have a great weekend. >> thanks, chloe. >> let's check on cnn business. markets around the world mixed. europe is open lower. stock index futures ending the trading week super mixed. all three indices down. the nasdaq losing 1.3%. you know, it failed to reverse losses after slipping into a technical correction or a 10% drop from its high. after a few days you can blame rising bond yields here. the treasury yields 1.8%. those are pre-pandemic levels that will eventually lead to higher costs for autos, homes and other consumer debt. jobless claims climbed 286,000 last week. that's more than expected, the highest since october. layoffs are likely related to the omicron surge. jobless claims are still at pre-pandemic levels. all right. this pandemic winner, peloton. >> let's go, peloton. bring that thunder. >> bring that sunday, or maybe bring on some layoffs and a production reset. that's what the c.e.o. was saying after this bombshell cnbc report of a big drop in demand for the company's bikes. c.e.o. john foley acknowledging peloton is considering all options. he is denying rumors of a production halt -- production reset is what they're calling it. it sent shares plummeting 21%. the worst day in two months. the c.e.o. added the company plans legal action against a leaker of confidential company info. you know, you look at netflix, look at peloton. there were some pandemic winners that were pandemic trades. we were all at home buying the bike, buying the tread, signing up for streaming services. two years into it you're starting to see a little bit of consumer behavior that's changing a bit. that means some of that, those big gains aren't going to be so easy. >> people either going back to the gym or not working out at all. >> right. we're two weeks away from the winter olympics and already some covid-19 cases among the guests starting to crop up. coy wire has it covered in this morning's bleacher report. hi, coy. >> hi, laura. the beijing olympics says all american athletes are vaccinated and that's about 200 of those athletes. but they're trying, they're scrambling, the committee, to find ways to keep the covid out of this olympic bubble. now, 11,000 people are expected to arrive in beijing for the games. officials as i mentioned, straining to keep that bubble and those outside the bubble as safe as possible. the positivity rate among those arriving. no infections have been within the closed loop covering. everything from airport, olympic transport systems, the hotel, village, the sporting venues, of course. the entry into that closed loop system requires all athletes, officials and media to test negative before flying into beijing. as i mentioned, u.s. olympic committee says about 200 members of team usa have been fully vaccinated. opening ceremony, february 4. nc state had an epic fourth quarter against number 3 louisville in women's hoops. wolf pack trailing 13 after three quarters. but out scored the cardinals 31-8 in the final ten minutes. diamond johnson shined like one 14 of her 16 points coming in the fourth nc state stunning louisville's longest win streak at 15. taking sole possession of first place in the acc. finally, just one day away from the divisional round of nfl playoffs with some huge match ups on tap, like my buffalo wings. they don't stand a chance, followed by packers and niners. massive match up sunday with the bucs hosting the rams. the bills host the chiefs in kansas city. tom brady gearing up for a super bowl title. only three teams have more than that. 44 years old and brady is locked in and as ready as ever. >> this isn't the time for that, you know, trips to the movie theaters or the -- it's time to lock in on football. this is all we have, is three days left and we have to earn more. so you look at it like that, everything you can put off till the end of the year. we just certainly hope the end of the year isn't sunday night. you have to win it and move on. >> check out this bills fan. erik jones making an in skcredi sculpture of josh allen. he was out there despite 3 below. that is why i'm taking my team. >> the level of detail. talented. nice to see you, coy. thank you so much. >> and thanks for joining us, everybody. i'm christine romans. have a safe weekend. >> i'm laura jarrett. 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Everybody , Friday January 21st , 21 , Secretary Of State , Diplomacy , Thanks , U S , Tony Blinken , Laura Jarrett , High Stakes , Start , All Around The World , Viewers , Christine Romans , New York , 00 , 5 , Meeting , Place , Troops , Room , Sergei Lavrov , Russia , Picture , 100000 , Biden , Ukraine , Kremlin , Support , Nato , Consequences , Border , Invasion , Threat , Vladimir Putin , Western Flank , Presence , Side Effects , Talks , Stake , Cnn , Effort , Energy Prices , Clash , Credibility , Blood Shed , Spike , W Fred , Can , Lick Plotkin , Message , Counterpart , Nic Robertson , Geneva , Moscow , Fretd , Reporter , Territory , Armed Incursion , Response , Measures , Defenses , Form , Allies , Sanctions , European , Something , Part , Concerns , Foreign Minister , Structures , Deputy , De Facto , Two , Answers , Things , Sides , Enlargement Of Nato , Instance , Weapons , Headway , Topic , Russians , Lot , Red Line , Importance , Eyes , Hands , Clean Up , Guys , Situation , Spokesman , Commitment , Meetings , Reaction , Talk , Talking , Point , Side , Attitudes , Fact , Moods , Frame , Common Ground , It , Demands , Security Proposals , Kind , Position , Play , Language , Foreign Ministry , Bulgaria , Statement , Forces , Missile Defense Systems , Question , Romania , Dutch , Fire Aircraft , Military Hardware , Defense Missile Systems , Line , Hundreds , Military Exercises , Atmosphere , Officials , Work , Signalling , Military Posture , Belarus , Government , Stock Meeting , Experts , Recruiting Officials , Scscribed , Layers , Accusations , Contai , Military Posturing , Page , Meat Loaf , Singer , Nic , Facebook , Grammy Award , Wife , Career , Song , Albums , Six , 100 , 65 , Paul Vercammen , Life , Movies , Legacy , Stage , Thing , Difficulties , Flare , Lyrics , Sweet Suburban Mel , Story , Kids , Name , Texas , Talents , Dallas , 8 , One , Bat Out Of Hell , Musicians , Album , College Dorms , Staple , Three , 80 Million , Break , Bat , Hell , Psychologists , Psychiatrists , Copies , 43 Million , Screen , Waste Management Phoenix Open Star , Meat , Demons , Hold , Rocky Horror Picture Show , Bob Paulson , Bike Club , Father , Rule , Daughters , Donald Trump , Person , World , Reality Tv , Celebrity Apprentice , Episode , Bleep , Gary Busey , Yelling , Adoration , Family , Semiconductors , President , Shortage , Talent , Loss , Friends , Center Piece , Biden Set , Plant , Proposal , Snag , Jasmine Wright , Jasmine , Washington , Ohio , 0 Billion , 20 Billion , Christine , Administration , Problems , That S Right , Terms , Supply Chain , Shortages , Cold , Course , Voting Rights Legislation , White House , Poll Numbers , Research , Rollout Effort , Sense , Congress , Time , Development , Manufacturing , Semiconductor Shortage , Supply Chains , Medical Equipment , Vice President , Production , To Asia Last Year , Kitchen Appliances , Cars , Smartphones , Focus , Country , Ways , Car Prices , Tout , Messaging , Policy , Both , Victory , Shift , Display , Southeast , Bearing , Weather , Carolinas , Virginia , Meteorologist Derek Van Dam , Latest , Advice , Potential , Stay , Roads , Well , Icing , Precipitation , Quickly , Areas , South Carolina , Ice Storm Warning , North Carolina , Wilmington , Piedmont , Little , Temperatures , Rain , South , Location , Snowfall , Radar , Charlg Stop To Wilmington , Norfolk , Snow Front , Freezing Rain , Myrtle Bay Region , Estate , Home , Back To You , Snowflake , Coast , Ice , Portions , Election , Police Force , Governor , Election Results , Georgia , Beijing Olympics , Revelations , Armed , Attempts , Plus Covid , Ingredients , Preservatives , Biotrue Hydration Boost , Sandpaper , Eye Drops , Biotrue , Strypaper , Piano Music , Water , Grandkids , Hunch , Aag , Number , Reverse Mortgage Loan , Narrator , Idea , Expenses , Credit Card Bills , Interest , Mortgage Payments , Companies , Participant , Loan , Retirement Money , Reverse Mortgage Guide , 62 , 1 , Rhythm , The One , Don T Wait , Policies , Discount , Nutrients , Burke , Breaking Point , Best , Farmers , Emergen C , Blend , Man , More , Auto Insurance , Jet Skis , Hon , Honey , Boat , Forty Five , Dad , Bum , Discounts , Coverage , Sup , Garage , Kid , Farmers Policy Perks , Pa Dum , Seventeen , Pneumococcal Pneumonia , Prevnar 20 , Risk , Hospital , Chance Pneumococcal Pneumonia , 20 , Infections , Doctor , Dose , Adults , Pneumonia Vaccine , Strains , Bacteria , Vaccine , We Don T , Headache , Fatigue , Pain , Protection , Swelling , Immune Systems , Muscle Pain , Injection Site , Millions , Plans , Bloating , Pharmacist , Health , Discomfort , Quality Probiotic , Taking Align , Gas , Pros , Try Align , 24 7 , Gut , Users , Alignprobiotics Com , Dualbiotics , Grand Jury , Request , Efforts , Fulton County D A S Criminal Probe Into , Michael Zeldin , Series , Woes , Let S Unpack , 2020 , D A , Host , Zeldin Podcast , People , Subpoenas , Subpoena , Cover , Information , Laws , Anybody , Trump , Witness , Indictment , The Star , Secretary Of State Georgia , Committee , Judge , Record , Ivanka Trump , Brad Raffensperger , 6 , January 6 , Member , Phone Records , Erik Trump , Testimony , Requests , Insurrection , Stairs , Upstairs , Planning , Rally , Communications Director , Stop The Steal , Push , Ballots , Ivanka , Electors , Plan , Suite , Results , Set , Green Bay , Crime , States , Law , Certificate , Declaration , Michigan , Many , Attorney General , Same , Liability , Michigan Law , Guilt , Places , Florida , Fanny Rose , Mucinex , Way , Kim , Racism , Winner , Pandemic , Ia , 12 , 3 , Vo , Imbruvica , Cll , Prescription Medicine , Thanks To Imbruvica , 2 , Symptoms , Death , Confusion , Blood Thinners , Weakness , Therapy , Chills , Fevers , Infection , Heart Rhythm Problems , Cancers , High Blood Pressure , Blood Counts , Irregular Heartbeat , Heart Failure , Kidney Failure , Heart Disease , Decrease , Tumor Lysis , Seizure , Diarrhea , Heart Problems , Signs , Bleeding , Fluids , Body Wash , Skin , Skincare Super Ingredient Collagen , Body Wash Hydrates , Olay , Asthma , Anything , Nunormal , Add On Treatment , Nucala , Olay Body , Breathing , Reactions , Help , Breathing Problems , Injection Site Reactions , Back Pain , Face , Trouble , Tongue , Mouth , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Asthma Specialist , Psoriasis , Cosentyx , Fail , Try , Hope , Five , Ability , Crohn S Disease , Tuberculosis , Diabetes , Protein , Move , Glucose Control , Blood Sugar Levels , Confidence , Drink , Dermatologist , Muscle Health , Hunger , Beijing , Network Teleadvising The Olympics , Winter Games , Decision , Everything , Reporting , David Culver , Announcers , Steven Culver Live In Beijing , China , Nbc , Wuhan , Olympics , Media , Easing , Athletes , Loop System , Experience , Animation , Bubble System , Personnel , Everyone , Bubble , Bubbles , Shuttle Lines , Beijing Airport , City , Dedicated Highway And Lane , Rail Lines , Area , Example , Outskirts , Mountain Van Yous , Railcars , Loob Loop System , Numbers , Sit Sense , Arrivals , Percentage , What , 1 53 , Cases , Positive , Arrival , Folks , Feat , Covid , Somebody , Protocol , Athlete , Case Scenario , Spectator , Presumption , Quarantine , Asymptomatic , Times , Somewhere , Facility , Voting Rights , Car , Video , Republicans , Democrats , Senators , Tv Reporter Hit , Challenges , Air , Path , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Indicators , Science , Neuriva Plus , Neuriva , Yes , Amazing , Jerry , Walks , Old , Trust Me , 15 , Sugar , Electorlytes , Feel , Radio , Sfx , Powder Packs , Ugh Three Times , Pedialyte , Band Plays , Allstate , Back , Bit Wrong , Auto Rate , 4 , Thirty , Energy , Excited Yell , Sighs Wearily , Failure , U S Senate , Fallout , Capitol Hill , Kirstjen Sinema , Primaries , Challenger , Daniela Diaz , Ruben Gallego , Ringing , Colleagues , Senator , Phone , Hook , Manu Raju , Votes , Rules , Joe Manchin , Vote , Tension , Simple Majority , West Virginia , Package , Party , Snow , Build , Act , Price Tag , In The End , 5 Trillion , 3 5 Trillion , Result , Majority , Filibuster , 60 , 51 , Trillion , 2 Trillion , Kyrsten Sinema , Senators Kii , 2024 , Proposals , List , Shrugged Off , Desantis , Steve Cantorno , Schools , Election Security Force , Roll Backs , Police Officers , Election Laws , Force , Individuals , 32 , Jurisdiction , Elections , Voting Rights Groups , Voting Experts , Supervisor , Arrangement , Voting , Integrity , Security , Voter Fraud , Measure , Department , Voting Fraud , Scale , Justice , Unfounded Clanlims , Problem , Search , Solution , Bill , Race , Teachers , Sex Or National Origin , Intent , Instruction , Classrooms , Slavery , Parents , Jim Crow Laws , History , Conversations , Law Books , Sort , Workplaces , Minority , Diversity , Jeopardy , Trainings , Shot , Tv Reporter , Hit , Concern , Kindness , Tweet , Sore , Water Main Break , Water Main Breaks , Suv , Dunbar , Tv , Done , Tim , God , Good , Ma Am , College , Lord , Job , Sir , Spot , I Don T , Couldn T Tell , Bit , Camera , Deal , The One Man Band , Someone , Middle , Anyone , Veterans , Backup , Cameraman , Ear , Public , Team , Tributes , Surroundings , Rock Legend , Girl , Puffs , Nose , Need , Lotion Tissue , Prescriptions , Save , Medicare , Low , Prescription Copays , Walgreens , Zero , Zero Dollars , Congestion , Australia , Save It Slimeball , Reach , Waiting , Diner , Refill , Bus , Aisle , Routine , Pfizer , 7 , Lives , Pursuit , My Name , System , Glucose Numbers , Musician , Challenge , Scan , Fingersticks , Austin James , Libre 2 , A1c , Mystery , 8 2 , 6 7 , Last Night , Chloe , Artist , Hi , 2022 , Cause , Artists , Famous , My Hometown , Cher , Love , Andrew Lloyd Webber , Tribute , Ringer , Twitter , 74 , Generation , Songs , Adele , Rock , Bolts , Heaven , Residency , Vegas , Got Covid , Bed , Instagram Last Night , Fans , Members , Bet , Wall , You Guys , Las Vegas , 36 , Some , Super Bowl , Entertainment , Sneak Peek , Wow , Look , Watch , West Coast , You Suckas , 90 , 80 , Convening , My Kind Of Music , Lofi Stadium , Los Angeles , Dr , Halftime , Snoop Dogg , Kendrick Lamar , Mary J Blige , Dre , Britney Spears , Conservatorship , Court Hearing , What S Going On , Allegations , Jamie Spears , Courtroom , Lawyers , Daughter , Mathew Rosengart , Fees , Reasons , Hold On , 30 Million , 0 Million , Cooking Show , Chaos , Cruising , Cooking Channel , Million , 6 Million , 2015 , 13 , Reserve , Money , Being , Abuse , Weekend , Funds , Mismanage Britney , Nice , Indices , Lower , Stock Index Futures , Markets , Cnn Business , Let , Nasdaq , 1 3 , High , Treasury , Correction , Bond , Losses , 1 8 , 10 , Levels , Layoffs , Claims , Highest , Homes , Autos , Costs , Consumer Debt , Omicron Surge , 286000 , Production Reset , Ceo , Peloton , Pandemic Winner , Thunder , Let S Go , John Foley , Company , Report , Drop , Bikes , Demand , Options , Production Halt , Rumors , Bombshell Cnbc , Shares , Action , Leaker , Confidential Company Info , Netflix , Bike , Trades , Services , Consumer Behavior , Tread , Winners , Home Buying , Gym , Guests , Big Gains Aren T , Coy Wire , 19 , Morning , Bleacher Report , Coy , 200 , Games , Olympic Bubble , 11000 , Loop Covering , Straining , Positivity Rate , Safe , Olympic Transport Systems , Entry , Airport , Sporting Venues , Hotel , U S Olympic Committee , Village , Nc State , Epic Fourth , Team Usa , Opening Ceremony , February 4 , Quarters , Points , Louisville , Wolf Pack , Cardinals , Diamond Johnson , Women S Hoops , 16 , 31 , Ten , 14 , Win Streak , Possession , Playoffs , Match Ups , Round , Nc State Stunning Louisville , Acc , Nfl , Chiefs , Packers , Bills , Chance , Match , Tap , Niners , Bucs , Rams , Buffalo Wings , Teams , Trips , Title , Movie Theaters , Isn T , Tom Brady , Kansas City , 44 , Football , Lock , Erik Jones , Move On , Isn T Sunday Night , Skcredi Sculpture , Bills Fan , Level , Detail , Josh Allen , Talented , Customers , Magenta , Iphone 13 , T Mobile , Football Games , Parent , Contract Investigator , Monique , 41 , Cosmetic , Lines , Frown Line , Forehead , Feet , Crow , Fda , Eye Problems , Skin Infection , Effects , Speaking , Muscle Weakness , Injection , Sign , Condition , Difficulty Swallowing , Botulinum Toxins , Medications , Injection Site Pain , Muscle , Eyelid Swelling , Conditions , Nerve , Eyebrow , Eyelid Drooping , Bottom Line , Comcast Business Mobile , Data , Data Plans , Service , Network , Business Owner , Mind , Gig , Pay , Business , Comcast Business , Contracts , Internet , Line Activation Fees , Term , Powering Possibilities , 500 ,

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Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans And Laura Jarrett 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240709

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ukraine's border. president biden has warned of serious consequences should russia's vladimir putin move ahead with invasion. the kremlin sees nato support for ukraine as a growing threat on russia's western flank. >> that's right. blinken and lavrov's meeting, it's an effort to avoid having this clash of wills end in blood shed in ukraine, damage u.s. credibility, and, you know, unpredictable side effects like a potentially huge spike in energy prices. a lot at stake. covering the talks as only cnn can, cnn's fred lick plotkin is in geneva. nic robertson is in moscow for us. let's start with you, fretd. w fred. what message is the secretary of state bringing to the counterpart? >> reporter: they rolled past where i am a couple minutes ago. the secretary of state is going to have a strong message if russia decides to further invade ukraine, if there is an armed incursion into ukrainian territory, there will be a severe response not just from the united states, but from the u.s.'s allies as well in the form of massive sanctions, but also possibly other economic measures as well. and also the u.s. would then obviously bolster european defenses also. so a lot at stake at these talks here. you mentioned the russians for their part say they believe nato -- ukraine is the de facto already being integrated, as they put it, into nato structures. that is something the deputy foreign minister of russia told me two days ago. they say those concerns need to be addressed. now, the russians said that they wanted written answers to their concerns from the u.s., and they really would have wanted to have them right now. but the u.s. secretary of state said those answers are not going to be forthcoming at this meeting. the two sides do have possible things where they could make some headway. like, for instance, the strategic weapons in european territory, specifically in ukraine, and obviously the big topic, the possible enlargement of nato which is something the russians say is a complete red line for them. the talks are going to be extremely tough, but both sides said the talks are extremely important. the kremlin said they are of utmost importance, so really a lot at stake here and a lot of eyes on geneva on this day, guys. >> you can see the two shook hands. they're sitting down now. sergei lavrov and tony blinken. nic robertson, to you. what are you watching for? the president had to do a lot of clean-up on this entire situation trying to reaffirm the u.s. commitment to ukraine. >> reporter: well, both tony blinken and we heard a few minutes ago from the kremlin spokesman here, sort of saying that this meeting is to see how both sides have taken and digested the diplomatic meetings that happened last week. and russia's initial reaction had been negative, it was not clear there was any more point in talking. that, i think, is how do they come out of this and this talk about common ground. i think as you sort of frame the moods and attitudes going into this meeting, particularly from the russian side, the fact that they want this written response from the united states to their security proposals or demands as they're seen, the kremlin spokesman said, look, we know we're not going to get that in this meeting here, but we're still hoping for it in coming days. and i think that kind of language speaks to the diplomacy that's still in play here. yet russia's position remains very clear and very firm and very tough for nato to digest. not just what fred was explaining, but we heard from the foreign ministry issuing a statement in response to a question last week. and that was both bulgaria and romania that have nato forces and nato missile defense systems and the dutch have offered to fire aircraft to bulgaria to use in the coming months. the kremlin's position and the foreign ministry's position is that all nato, all foreign troops and military hardware should be removed from bulgaria and romania. and that's just been announced. so that tells you the tough line. going into this today, russia is deploying its defense missile systems, hundreds, to military exercises in belarus. again, officials the signalling of russia's very strong military posture around ukraine. so, you know, the atmosphere is as diplomacy at work, but it's really pro scscribed and contai by experts and military posturing. >> and so many layers, accusations by the u.s. that russians are recruiting officials to taken side, take over the government inside ukraine. so many different things to talk about here for that take stock meeting. nic and fred, thank you so much. >> thanks, guys. grammy award-winning singer meat loaf has died. according to his facebook page he passed away. ♪ that's a really good song. according to his facebook page he passed away with his wife debra at his side. in a career that spanned six decades, meat loaf sold more than 100 albums. he appeared in more than 65 movies. cnn paul vercammen looks back on his life and legacy. ♪ >> reporter: meat loaf performed sweet suburban mel difficulties with dramatic flare, unleashing lyrics. >> i'll go out on the stage as if it's the last thing i'll ever do. i said if i'm going out, i'm going out on a stage. >> reporter: meat loaf, where did that name come from? >> the real story is there is no story. the real story is kids -- i've been called meat loaf since i was 8. >> reporter: he was born in dallas, texas. but even texas was not big enough to corral his talents. meat loaf would go on to sell more than 80 million records worldwide. one of the top-selling musicians ever. his three bat out of hell album became a staple in college dorms. ♪ the first one selling 43 million copies. >> bat in hell, i was not ready for. i had a nervous break down. i went to psychologists and psychiatrists for two years. and i went with them to deal with the word waste management phoenix open star." >> reporter: meat got hold of his demons. he starred on stage and screen known for the rocky horror picture show. ♪ and bob paulson, bike club. >> the first rule is i'm not supposed to talk about it. and the second rule is i'm not supposed to talk about it. and the third rule -- >> reporter: off screen he married twice, became a father to two daughters. and meat loaf entered reality tv. donald trump's celebrity apprentice. in an infamous episode he blistered gary busey. >> look at my eyes. i am the last person in the [ bleep ] world you ever [ bleep ] want to [ bleep ] with. >> reporter: such yelling, a stark contrast to what launched meat loaf to international adoration, that operatic voice. ♪ >> reporter: what a huge talent, right? >> what a loss. >> our best to his family and friends there. >> absolutely. all right. 8 minutes past the hour. just in to cnn, president biden set to address america's critical shortage of semiconductors just hours from now. the center piece of his proposal, a brand-new $20 billion plant in ohio. jasmine wright has the latest from washington. what do we know about this plant, jasmine? we know why the president is so focused on semiconductors, right? this global snag in global semiconductors shows how it has left us out in the cold in terms of producing them here. >> reporter: that's right, christine. it comes down to supply chain for this administration because when there are problems, when there are those shortages, that is something that americans directly feel. so, of course, it makes sense that the white house focuses on this, especially as the president battles his lower poll numbers. so today and part of that rollout effort, we will see the president really call on congress to pass legislation that strengthens research and development and manufacturing for supply chains to address that global semiconductor shortage that you just talked about. and now this is by far not the first time that we have heard about semiconductors from this white house that has been the focus of the president and the vice president when she went to asia last year. of course, it is that essential trip that is used for production in smartphones, medical equipment, as well as kitchen appliances and of course cars. that is probably where americans feel it most, the high car prices. today we will see the president tout that $20 billion new plant in ohio as well as talk about other ways that this administration is looking to kind of expand that manufacturing in this country. now, of course, the policy, christine, is going to be really important here. but also the messaging. remember, the president promised he would kind of display a shift in messaging when it comes to talking about this administration's victory. so we will be looking out for both of those things at the white house. >> we know you'll be covering it for us. jasmine, thank you. laura? extreme weather bearing down on the southeast, up to half an inch forecast for virginia and the carolinas. cnn's meteorologist derek van dam joins me with the latest. derek, how bad is it going to get this weekend? >> best advice i can give, stay off the roads, but it will get worse later this afternoon and evening. how bad will it get? the well, the potential exists for the half inch of icing right along the coastal areas of south carolina. right through piedmont, north carolina, low country of south carolina. we focus on the ice storm warning in and around wilmington. that is where things will get dicey quickly. not a lot of precipitation on this radar at the moment. however, you can see temperatures there hovering just above freezing for this particular location. snowfall has come to an end near norfolk. heading a little further to the south you can see this is all rain from charlg stop to wilmington as well as the myrtle bay region. this precipitation will turn to freezing rain. temperatures crash on the snow front. a snowflake or two along the coast. up to half an inch of ice in the southern portions of the state into south carolina. laura and christine, back to you. >> derek, good time to stay home. thanks. >> indeed. new revelations on donald trump's attempts to overturn election results in georgia. plus covid concerns at the beijing olympics. the name us voices who will stay home instead. and the governor who wants his own armed election police force. stressed, dry and sandpaper. strypaper? 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[♪] if you have diabetes, it's important to have confidence in the nutritional drink you choose. try boost glucose control®. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. all right. the start of the beijing winter games now just two weeks away. the network teleadvising the olympics is not sending its announcers to china. steven culver live in beijing. what drove nbc to this decision, david? >> reporter: i think it's everything about the strict measures in place here. we've been reporting on this more than two years now, ever since i've been in wuhan and ever since. these are measures more like easing of them, tightening again and they are doing that ahead of the olympics. i want to give you an idea what those coming in are going to be part of the media, part of the personnel and the athletes, of course, are going to experience -- we have an animation i think walks you through and visualize a little bit easier what this bubble system will look like. they're calling it a closed loop system officially. we'll walk you through the animation. as they leave beijing airport, that's where everyone coming in who is part of the closed loop system, they're going to be traveling into the city. it's not one big bubble as it is multiple bubbles. all these bubbles are shuttle lines and rail lines. that's in, for example, the park area. then you have the mountain van yous. once again, these are the outskirts of beijing. to travel there they have built dedicated highway and highway lane. those will be part of the closed loob loop system. they'll be dividing the railcars and keep them apart from the sit sense. in the bubble they have a small percentage. they say 1.53% of arrivals, we don't know what that translates to in numbers that have tested positive, but they assure folks there are no positive cases and infection going about within the bubble as of yet. so they were able to catch them upon arrival, and that seems to be how they're dealing with it thus far. but it's a precarious situation. it's not an easy feat ahead of those coming in >> indeed, somebody, an athlete or spectator catches covid during the olympics, what's the protocol for that? >> reporter: oh, i think this is the worst case scenario. this is what they're so uneasy about. people are taking measures ahead of time. you have to test negative twice to get in. the presumption is if you're vaccinated, if you're not, you have to do 21 days of quarantine. if you test positive, christine, if it's asymptomatic, you can isolate in your room and be tested multiple times. if you are showing symptoms, they're going to put you had into a government medical facility. we don't know where exactly that is. there's no challenging them. we've dealt with that here. if they tell you you're going to go somewhere, you're going to comply. >> that's right. david culver, thank you for that. nice to see you. a tv reporter hit by a car live on the air. see the video and hear how she's doing now next. and democrats looking for a new path after republicans blocked them from shoring up voting rights. primary challenges could loom for two senators. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. amazing. jerry, you gotta to see this. seen it. trust me, after 15 walks... gets a little old. ugh ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. [sfx: radio being tuned] welcome to allstate. ♪ [band plays] ♪ a place where everyone lives life well-protected. ♪ and even when things go a bit wrong, we've got your back. here, things work the way you wish they would. and better protection costs a whole lot less. you're in good hands with allstate. click or call for a lower auto rate today. ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! (sighs wearily) here i'll take that! (excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. welcome back. fresh fallout on the capitol hill over the failure to pass new voting rights in the u.s. senate. democrats could be targeting two of their own in primaries now. cnn's daniela diaz is live on capitol hill this morning. daniela, good morning. what do you know? >> reporter: laura, i want to talk specifically about one potential primary challenger to senator kirstjen sinema. congressman ruben gallego told manu raju his phone has been ringing off the hook with democratic colleagues urging him to primary senator kirstjen sinema for her vote on voting rights legislation opposing that rules change to pass voting rights legislation by simple majority. you know, there's been a lot of tension with senator kirstjen sinema and senator joe manchin of west virginia for their votes against their own party, you know, first it was the build back better act. they did not support that $3.5 trillion price tag. they wanted to pare down that package. in the end snow joe manchin did not support the final $2 trillion package they were discussing. and now it is voting rights legislation that he did not support the rules change so they could pass voting rights by a simple majority, 51 votes instead of 60 votes needed to pass -- excuse me, to break a filibuster. and as a result, their more progressive colleagues are incredibly frustrated with them. they want to see them primaried and congressman ruben gallego, senate democrats urging him privately to primary kyrsten sinema in the 2024 election. he has not made a decision. i do want to emphasize senators kii kyrsten sinema and joe manchin have shrugged off. >> you'll stay on top of it. thank you. the first armed election police force. >> it's the latest in this list of eye-brow raising proposals desantis. everything from voting rights, roll backs to what's taught in public schools there. joining us now to dig a little deeper into the policies is cnn reporter steve cantorno. nice to have you this morning. tell us, how would the election security force work? are these police officers? >> reporter: yeah, this would be a dedicated sworn force of 20 police officers and another 32 individuals that would support them in investigating election laws in the country. and election experts say that this is unprecedented. no other state has a dedicated police force that is solely looking into election laws that is under the jurisdiction of a governor. it's an arrangement that alarms not only democrats in florida, but also voting rights groups, national voting experts, and election officials, local and supervisor elections that administer voting in florida. and, you know, the governor has said this is something that is needed to ensure the security and integrity of elections here. there has been obviously a lot of talk from republicans across the country following president trump's unfounded clanlims of voter fraud. this is a measure in response to that. no voting fraud has been found here on a massive scale obviously. >> president trump's own justice department found no widespread voter fraud, and many just pooh poohing this as a political move, a solution in search of a problem really, a fake solution in search of a problem. turning now to the desantis-backed bill to prohibit schools from making people feel discomfort or guilt based on their race, sex or national origin. what are teachers saying about this? >> reporter: teachers are concerned. they're worried that they are now going to be monitored for what they say and do in classrooms, that parents will use this as a way to complain about instruction over things like slavery or jim crow laws. republicans say that's not their intent. that this legislation is not intended to whitewash the dark days of u.s. history, but democrats have raised a lot of concerns that this, the very presence on the law books will stifle conversations about race and racism and the experience of minority americans, and keep us from moving forward systematic racism and our past. >> yeah, and we should note it's not just schools. it's workplaces. you can't even do sort of -- employee trainings we all go through here at cnn, that so many people go through trainings, that talk about diversity. those now in jeopardy. steve, thank you. >> nice to see you. local west virginia tv reporter is thanking everyone for their concern after being hit by a car while she was doing a live shot. in a tweet, she said, i'm flattered by the kindness and well wishes. i'm feeling fine. just a little sore. thank you so much. >> she was covering a water main break in dunbar on wednesday when she was accidentally hit by an suv. watch this. >> and now we're starting to experience unfortunately we see this water main breaks. >> reporter: oh, my god. i got hit by a car, but i'm okay. i just got hit by a car, but i'm okay, tim. i'm okay. we're all done. >> are you okay? >> reporter: i'm okay. that's live tv for you. it's all god. i actually got hit by a car in college just like that. i am so glad i'm okay, you're okay. you are okay, we're all good. this is -- you know what? we're good, tim. ma'am, you are so sweet and you are okay. it is all good. you know, oh, lord. you know it's my last week on the job and i think this would happen. >> were you bumped down low, tory or up high? i couldn't tell. >> reporter: i don't even -- do you know if i was bumped down low or up high, sir? i don't even know. i don't even know, tim. my life just flashed before my eyes. but this is live tv and i'm okay. i thought i was in a safe spot, but clearly we might need to move the camera over a bit. >> so glad she's okay. she later went to the hospital just to get checked out. you know, christine, a lot of people watching that were really disturbed by it. she's out there by herself doing a live shot, sort of the one-man band where she's setting up the camera. she doesn't have anyone out there with her. it's the middle of the night. you would think it's a big enough deal they need to send her out there she could send someone with her. >> a lot of people who are veterans about this talk about how this is why it's really -- you've got to have a cameraman, you have to have a backup. it's really hard -- >> she can't see what's coming behind her. >> absolutely. in a live shot like that you're focused on the person in your ear and telling the public what you need to know you're not aware of your own surroundings. that's why it's important to have a team. >> glad she's okay. >> me, too. tributes are pouring in for a rock legend. ♪ i've never had a girl looking any better than you did ♪ >> remembering meat loaf next. ♪ a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue. why does walgreens offer prescription copays as low as zero dollars? ♪ so you won't have a medicare in the world. ♪ fill your medicare prescriptions with walgreens and save. kim is now demonstrating her congestion. save it slimeball. i've upgraded to mucinex. we still have 12 hours to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so i'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. maybe it's another refill at your favorite diner... or waiting for the 7:12 bus... or sunday afternoon in the produce aisle. these moments may not seem remarkable. but at pfizer, protecting the regular routine, and everyday drives us to reach for exceptional. working to impact hundreds of millions of lives... young and old. it's what we call, the pursuit of normal. ♪ ♪ ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at ♪ ♪ tributes pouring in this morning for grammy award-winning singer meat loaf who died last night. chloe joins us with more. hi, chloe. >> good morning, chloe. >> good morning. such a sad story. we've lost another great artist. and 2022 has just begun. his real name was marvin lee aday. he was from texas, my hometown. he was most famous for "bat out of hell." he worked with so many artists. tributes are pouring in. no cause of death as of right now has been revealed. that's my favorite song, i'll do anything for love, right. he was only 74 years old. cher who worked with him in dead ringer for love had a really sweet tribute to him on twitter, saying how much she's going to miss him. andrew lloyd webber. he said that the bolts of heaven will be ringing with rock. that is definitely true. >> the songs of a generation. and, chloe, speaking of the songs of a generation, adele devastated, it looks like, because she's going to have to cancel her vegas residency. everyone's got covid. what happened? >> yeah, so, i'm scrolling through instagram last night trying to, you know, see if i've missed anything throughout the day. i'm like already in bed, put my kids to bet, i'm about to go to sleep and i see adele crying to her fans in this over a minute video saying her members have had covid. it's really impacted their ability to get ready for the las vegas residency. she was so upset, so apologetic. she told her fans that they will reschedule all of the dates. but they are not ready and she had been up 36 hours, you guys, trying to decide in they can get things together. look, she wants it to be perfect. a las vegas residency is a huge deal. so you can imagine she's clearly not taking this decision lightly. >> let's hear some of that. >> i can't give you -- right now. >> wow, she is just so talented. we have a sneak peek. what are we hearing about the super bowl and the entertainment there? >> you know what, let's just watch, guys. take a look at this. ♪ ♪ >> you know the west coast is back for all you suckas. >> hold up. ♪ >> i'm a '90s kid. way born in the '80s, just to be clear. i'm not that young. but this is my kind of music. everybody is going to be convening at the lofi stadium in los angeles for the super bowl in just a few weeks. and snoop dogg, mary j. blige, kendrick lamar, dr. dre. are going to be there. clearly this is one of the greatest super bowl halftime shows of all time maybe. >> and everything in-person, right, despite covid, everyone is going to be there in person. wow. chloe, we want to ask you. what's going on with britney spears? obviously she got out of that conservatorship. you covered that so much. now more allegations against the dad? >> so, there was an explosive court hearing earlier this week. cnn's paul vercammen, he was inside the courtroom. and the lawyers for jamie spears, her father, and for britney spears were battling out really contentiously because britney spears' father wants his daughter to pay his legal fees. and according to mathew rosengart who has represented britney and one of the main reasons she's out of this conservatorship, he said, hold on, britney has paid $30 million over the course of her 13-year conservatorship and you, sir, have allegedly made over $6 million off of your daughter's estate. and you also tried to pitch a cooking show in 2015 to the cooking channel called cruising in chaos with jamie spears. so all of that being said, a lot of things being said back and forth, the judge decided that britney does not have to put aside any money in a reserve for her family's legal fees as of right now. there are two upcoming court dates, but even though britney is out of the conservatorship, we knew all along she said the conservatorship was abusive. she wanted to charge her family, specifically her father with conservatorship abuse. he said he was going to see this through, he was going to depose and try to prosecute anybody who attempted to mismanage britney's life and funds. this is to be continued situation right now. >> chloe, nice to see you this morning. thank you. have a great weekend. >> thanks, chloe. >> let's check on cnn business. markets around the world mixed. europe is open lower. stock index futures ending the trading week super mixed. all three indices down. the nasdaq losing 1.3%. you know, it failed to reverse losses after slipping into a technical correction or a 10% drop from its high. after a few days you can blame rising bond yields here. the treasury yields 1.8%. those are pre-pandemic levels that will eventually lead to higher costs for autos, homes and other consumer debt. jobless claims climbed 286,000 last week. that's more than expected, the highest since october. layoffs are likely related to the omicron surge. jobless claims are still at pre-pandemic levels. all right. this pandemic winner, peloton. >> let's go, peloton. bring that thunder. >> bring that sunday, or maybe bring on some layoffs and a production reset. that's what the c.e.o. was saying after this bombshell cnbc report of a big drop in demand for the company's bikes. c.e.o. john foley acknowledging peloton is considering all options. he is denying rumors of a production halt -- production reset is what they're calling it. it sent shares plummeting 21%. the worst day in two months. the c.e.o. added the company plans legal action against a leaker of confidential company info. you know, you look at netflix, look at peloton. there were some pandemic winners that were pandemic trades. we were all at home buying the bike, buying the tread, signing up for streaming services. two years into it you're starting to see a little bit of consumer behavior that's changing a bit. that means some of that, those big gains aren't going to be so easy. >> people either going back to the gym or not working out at all. >> right. we're two weeks away from the winter olympics and already some covid-19 cases among the guests starting to crop up. coy wire has it covered in this morning's bleacher report. hi, coy. >> hi, laura. the beijing olympics says all american athletes are vaccinated and that's about 200 of those athletes. but they're trying, they're scrambling, the committee, to find ways to keep the covid out of this olympic bubble. now, 11,000 people are expected to arrive in beijing for the games. officials as i mentioned, straining to keep that bubble and those outside the bubble as safe as possible. the positivity rate among those arriving. no infections have been within the closed loop covering. everything from airport, olympic transport systems, the hotel, village, the sporting venues, of course. the entry into that closed loop system requires all athletes, officials and media to test negative before flying into beijing. as i mentioned, u.s. olympic committee says about 200 members of team usa have been fully vaccinated. opening ceremony, february 4. nc state had an epic fourth quarter against number 3 louisville in women's hoops. wolf pack trailing 13 after three quarters. but out scored the cardinals 31-8 in the final ten minutes. diamond johnson shined like one 14 of her 16 points coming in the fourth nc state stunning louisville's longest win streak at 15. taking sole possession of first place in the acc. finally, just one day away from the divisional round of nfl playoffs with some huge match ups on tap, like my buffalo wings. they don't stand a chance, followed by packers and niners. massive match up sunday with the bucs hosting the rams. the bills host the chiefs in kansas city. tom brady gearing up for a super bowl title. only three teams have more than that. 44 years old and brady is locked in and as ready as ever. >> this isn't the time for that, you know, trips to the movie theaters or the -- it's time to lock in on football. this is all we have, is three days left and we have to earn more. so you look at it like that, everything you can put off till the end of the year. we just certainly hope the end of the year isn't sunday night. you have to win it and move on. >> check out this bills fan. erik jones making an in skcredi sculpture of josh allen. he was out there despite 3 below. that is why i'm taking my team. >> the level of detail. talented. nice to see you, coy. thank you so much. >> and thanks for joining us, everybody. i'm christine romans. have a safe weekend. >> i'm laura jarrett. 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Everybody , Friday January 21st , 21 , Secretary Of State , Diplomacy , Thanks , U S , Tony Blinken , Laura Jarrett , High Stakes , Start , All Around The World , Viewers , Christine Romans , New York , 00 , 5 , Meeting , Place , Troops , Room , Sergei Lavrov , Russia , Picture , 100000 , Biden , Ukraine , Kremlin , Support , Nato , Consequences , Border , Invasion , Threat , Vladimir Putin , Western Flank , Presence , Side Effects , Talks , Stake , Cnn , Effort , Energy Prices , Clash , Credibility , Blood Shed , Spike , W Fred , Can , Lick Plotkin , Message , Counterpart , Nic Robertson , Geneva , Moscow , Fretd , Reporter , Territory , Armed Incursion , Response , Measures , Defenses , Form , Allies , Sanctions , European , Something , Part , Concerns , Foreign Minister , Structures , Deputy , De Facto , Two , Answers , Things , Sides , Enlargement Of Nato , Instance , Weapons , Headway , Topic , Russians , Lot , Red Line , Importance , Eyes , Hands , Clean Up , Guys , Situation , Spokesman , Commitment , Meetings , Reaction , Talk , Talking , Point , Side , Attitudes , Fact , Moods , Frame , Common Ground , It , Demands , Security Proposals , Kind , Position , Play , Language , Foreign Ministry , Bulgaria , Statement , Forces , Missile Defense Systems , Question , Romania , Dutch , Fire Aircraft , Military Hardware , Defense Missile Systems , Line , Hundreds , Military Exercises , Atmosphere , Officials , Work , Signalling , Military Posture , Belarus , Government , Stock Meeting , Experts , Recruiting Officials , Scscribed , Layers , Accusations , Contai , Military Posturing , Page , Meat Loaf , Singer , Nic , Facebook , Grammy Award , Wife , Career , Song , Albums , Six , 100 , 65 , Paul Vercammen , Life , Movies , Legacy , Stage , Thing , Difficulties , Flare , Lyrics , Sweet Suburban Mel , Story , Kids , Name , Texas , Talents , Dallas , 8 , One , Bat Out Of Hell , Musicians , Album , College Dorms , Staple , Three , 80 Million , Break , Bat , Hell , Psychologists , Psychiatrists , Copies , 43 Million , Screen , Waste Management Phoenix Open Star , Meat , Demons , Hold , Rocky Horror Picture Show , Bob Paulson , Bike Club , Father , Rule , Daughters , Donald Trump , Person , World , Reality Tv , Celebrity Apprentice , Episode , Bleep , Gary Busey , Yelling , Adoration , Family , Semiconductors , President , Shortage , Talent , Loss , Friends , Center Piece , Biden Set , Plant , Proposal , Snag , Jasmine Wright , Jasmine , Washington , Ohio , 0 Billion , 20 Billion , Christine , Administration , Problems , That S Right , Terms , Supply Chain , Shortages , Cold , Course , Voting Rights Legislation , White House , Poll Numbers , Research , Rollout Effort , Sense , Congress , Time , Development , Manufacturing , Semiconductor Shortage , Supply Chains , Medical Equipment , Vice President , Production , To Asia Last Year , Kitchen Appliances , Cars , Smartphones , Focus , Country , Ways , Car Prices , Tout , Messaging , Policy , Both , Victory , Shift , Display , Southeast , Bearing , Weather , Carolinas , Virginia , Meteorologist Derek Van Dam , Latest , Advice , Potential , Stay , Roads , Well , Icing , Precipitation , Quickly , Areas , South Carolina , Ice Storm Warning , North Carolina , Wilmington , Piedmont , Little , Temperatures , Rain , South , Location , Snowfall , Radar , Charlg Stop To Wilmington , Norfolk , Snow Front , Freezing Rain , Myrtle Bay Region , Estate , Home , Back To You , Snowflake , Coast , Ice , Portions , Election , Police Force , Governor , Election Results , Georgia , Beijing Olympics , Revelations , Armed , Attempts , Plus Covid , Ingredients , Preservatives , Biotrue Hydration Boost , Sandpaper , Eye Drops , Biotrue , Strypaper , Piano Music , Water , Grandkids , Hunch , Aag , Number , Reverse Mortgage Loan , Narrator , Idea , Expenses , Credit Card Bills , Interest , Mortgage Payments , Companies , Participant , Loan , Retirement Money , Reverse Mortgage Guide , 62 , 1 , Rhythm , The One , Don T Wait , Policies , Discount , Nutrients , Burke , Breaking Point , Best , Farmers , Emergen C , Blend , Man , More , Auto Insurance , Jet Skis , Hon , Honey , Boat , Forty Five , Dad , Bum , Discounts , Coverage , Sup , Garage , Kid , Farmers Policy Perks , Pa Dum , Seventeen , Pneumococcal Pneumonia , Prevnar 20 , Risk , Hospital , Chance Pneumococcal Pneumonia , 20 , Infections , Doctor , Dose , Adults , Pneumonia Vaccine , Strains , Bacteria , Vaccine , We Don T , Headache , Fatigue , Pain , Protection , Swelling , Immune Systems , Muscle Pain , Injection Site , Millions , Plans , Bloating , Pharmacist , Health , Discomfort , Quality Probiotic , Taking Align , Gas , Pros , Try Align , 24 7 , Gut , Users , Alignprobiotics Com , Dualbiotics , Grand Jury , Request , Efforts , Fulton County D A S Criminal Probe Into , Michael Zeldin , Series , Woes , Let S Unpack , 2020 , D A , Host , Zeldin Podcast , People , Subpoenas , Subpoena , Cover , Information , Laws , Anybody , Trump , Witness , Indictment , The Star , Secretary Of State Georgia , Committee , Judge , Record , Ivanka Trump , Brad Raffensperger , 6 , January 6 , Member , Phone Records , Erik Trump , Testimony , Requests , Insurrection , Stairs , Upstairs , Planning , Rally , Communications Director , Stop The Steal , Push , Ballots , Ivanka , Electors , Plan , Suite , Results , Set , Green Bay , Crime , States , Law , Certificate , Declaration , Michigan , Many , Attorney General , Same , Liability , Michigan Law , Guilt , Places , Florida , Fanny Rose , Mucinex , Way , Kim , Racism , Winner , Pandemic , Ia , 12 , 3 , Vo , Imbruvica , Cll , Prescription Medicine , Thanks To Imbruvica , 2 , Symptoms , Death , Confusion , Blood Thinners , Weakness , Therapy , Chills , Fevers , Infection , Heart Rhythm Problems , Cancers , High Blood Pressure , Blood Counts , Irregular Heartbeat , Heart Failure , Kidney Failure , Heart Disease , Decrease , Tumor Lysis , Seizure , Diarrhea , Heart Problems , Signs , Bleeding , Fluids , Body Wash , Skin , Skincare Super Ingredient Collagen , Body Wash Hydrates , Olay , Asthma , Anything , Nunormal , Add On Treatment , Nucala , Olay Body , Breathing , Reactions , Help , Breathing Problems , Injection Site Reactions , Back Pain , Face , Trouble , Tongue , Mouth , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Asthma Specialist , Psoriasis , Cosentyx , Fail , Try , Hope , Five , Ability , Crohn S Disease , Tuberculosis , Diabetes , Protein , Move , Glucose Control , Blood Sugar Levels , Confidence , Drink , Dermatologist , Muscle Health , Hunger , Beijing , Network Teleadvising The Olympics , Winter Games , Decision , Everything , Reporting , David Culver , Announcers , Steven Culver Live In Beijing , China , Nbc , Wuhan , Olympics , Media , Easing , Athletes , Loop System , Experience , Animation , Bubble System , Personnel , Everyone , Bubble , Bubbles , Shuttle Lines , Beijing Airport , City , Dedicated Highway And Lane , Rail Lines , Area , Example , Outskirts , Mountain Van Yous , Railcars , Loob Loop System , Numbers , Sit Sense , Arrivals , Percentage , What , 1 53 , Cases , Positive , Arrival , Folks , Feat , Covid , Somebody , Protocol , Athlete , Case Scenario , Spectator , Presumption , Quarantine , Asymptomatic , Times , Somewhere , Facility , Voting Rights , Car , Video , Republicans , Democrats , Senators , Tv Reporter Hit , Challenges , Air , Path , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Indicators , Science , Neuriva Plus , Neuriva , Yes , Amazing , Jerry , Walks , Old , Trust Me , 15 , Sugar , Electorlytes , Feel , Radio , Sfx , Powder Packs , Ugh Three Times , Pedialyte , Band Plays , Allstate , Back , Bit Wrong , Auto Rate , 4 , Thirty , Energy , Excited Yell , Sighs Wearily , Failure , U S Senate , Fallout , Capitol Hill , Kirstjen Sinema , Primaries , Challenger , Daniela Diaz , Ruben Gallego , Ringing , Colleagues , Senator , Phone , Hook , Manu Raju , Votes , Rules , Joe Manchin , Vote , Tension , Simple Majority , West Virginia , Package , Party , Snow , Build , Act , Price Tag , In The End , 5 Trillion , 3 5 Trillion , Result , Majority , Filibuster , 60 , 51 , Trillion , 2 Trillion , Kyrsten Sinema , Senators Kii , 2024 , Proposals , List , Shrugged Off , Desantis , Steve Cantorno , Schools , Election Security Force , Roll Backs , Police Officers , Election Laws , Force , Individuals , 32 , Jurisdiction , Elections , Voting Rights Groups , Voting Experts , Supervisor , Arrangement , Voting , Integrity , Security , Voter Fraud , Measure , Department , Voting Fraud , Scale , Justice , Unfounded Clanlims , Problem , Search , Solution , Bill , Race , Teachers , Sex Or National Origin , Intent , Instruction , Classrooms , Slavery , Parents , Jim Crow Laws , History , Conversations , Law Books , Sort , Workplaces , Minority , Diversity , Jeopardy , Trainings , Shot , Tv Reporter , Hit , Concern , Kindness , Tweet , Sore , Water Main Break , Water Main Breaks , Suv , Dunbar , Tv , Done , Tim , God , Good , Ma Am , College , Lord , Job , Sir , Spot , I Don T , Couldn T Tell , Bit , Camera , Deal , The One Man Band , Someone , Middle , Anyone , Veterans , Backup , Cameraman , Ear , Public , Team , Tributes , Surroundings , Rock Legend , Girl , Puffs , Nose , Need , Lotion Tissue , Prescriptions , Save , Medicare , Low , Prescription Copays , Walgreens , Zero , Zero Dollars , Congestion , Australia , Save It Slimeball , Reach , Waiting , Diner , Refill , Bus , Aisle , Routine , Pfizer , 7 , Lives , Pursuit , My Name , System , Glucose Numbers , Musician , Challenge , Scan , Fingersticks , Austin James , Libre 2 , A1c , Mystery , 8 2 , 6 7 , Last Night , Chloe , Artist , Hi , 2022 , Cause , Artists , Famous , My Hometown , Cher , Love , Andrew Lloyd Webber , Tribute , Ringer , Twitter , 74 , Generation , Songs , Adele , Rock , Bolts , Heaven , Residency , Vegas , Got Covid , Bed , Instagram Last Night , Fans , Members , Bet , Wall , You Guys , Las Vegas , 36 , Some , Super Bowl , Entertainment , Sneak Peek , Wow , Look , Watch , West Coast , You Suckas , 90 , 80 , Convening , My Kind Of Music , Lofi Stadium , Los Angeles , Dr , Halftime , Snoop Dogg , Kendrick Lamar , Mary J Blige , Dre , Britney Spears , Conservatorship , Court Hearing , What S Going On , Allegations , Jamie Spears , Courtroom , Lawyers , Daughter , Mathew Rosengart , Fees , Reasons , Hold On , 30 Million , 0 Million , Cooking Show , Chaos , Cruising , Cooking Channel , Million , 6 Million , 2015 , 13 , Reserve , Money , Being , Abuse , Weekend , Funds , Mismanage Britney , Nice , Indices , Lower , Stock Index Futures , Markets , Cnn Business , Let , Nasdaq , 1 3 , High , Treasury , Correction , Bond , Losses , 1 8 , 10 , Levels , Layoffs , Claims , Highest , Homes , Autos , Costs , Consumer Debt , Omicron Surge , 286000 , Production Reset , Ceo , Peloton , Pandemic Winner , Thunder , Let S Go , John Foley , Company , Report , Drop , Bikes , Demand , Options , Production Halt , Rumors , Bombshell Cnbc , Shares , Action , Leaker , Confidential Company Info , Netflix , Bike , Trades , Services , Consumer Behavior , Tread , Winners , Home Buying , Gym , Guests , Big Gains Aren T , Coy Wire , 19 , Morning , Bleacher Report , Coy , 200 , Games , Olympic Bubble , 11000 , Loop Covering , Straining , Positivity Rate , Safe , Olympic Transport Systems , Entry , Airport , Sporting Venues , Hotel , U S Olympic Committee , Village , Nc State , Epic Fourth , Team Usa , Opening Ceremony , February 4 , Quarters , Points , Louisville , Wolf Pack , Cardinals , Diamond Johnson , Women S Hoops , 16 , 31 , Ten , 14 , Win Streak , Possession , Playoffs , Match Ups , Round , Nc State Stunning Louisville , Acc , Nfl , Chiefs , Packers , Bills , Chance , Match , Tap , Niners , Bucs , Rams , Buffalo Wings , Teams , Trips , Title , Movie Theaters , Isn T , Tom Brady , Kansas City , 44 , Football , Lock , Erik Jones , Move On , Isn T Sunday Night , Skcredi Sculpture , Bills Fan , Level , Detail , Josh Allen , Talented , Customers , Magenta , Iphone 13 , T Mobile , Football Games , Parent , Contract Investigator , Monique , 41 , Cosmetic , Lines , Frown Line , Forehead , Feet , Crow , Fda , Eye Problems , Skin Infection , Effects , Speaking , Muscle Weakness , Injection , Sign , Condition , Difficulty Swallowing , Botulinum Toxins , Medications , Injection Site Pain , Muscle , Eyelid Swelling , Conditions , Nerve , Eyebrow , Eyelid Drooping , Bottom Line , Comcast Business Mobile , Data , Data Plans , Service , Network , Business Owner , Mind , Gig , Pay , Business , Comcast Business , Contracts , Internet , Line Activation Fees , Term , Powering Possibilities , 500 ,

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