Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709 : comparemela

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709

this is don lemon tonight. thank you so much for joining us. a web of legal trouble and tangled all up in it tonight are the disgraced former president, rudy giuliani and ivanka trump. and what we're learning tonight reveals more than we ever knew before about the coordinated big lie strategy, the coup attempt and how deep it all went. first the former president and a huge development in georgia. a special grand jury to investigate how the then-president tried to pressure election officials. fulton county da fanny willis saying her office has information that the election in her state was, and i quote here, subject to possible criminal disruptions. criminal disruptions. this is big. and it's not just the former president. the da wants to look at rudy giuliani, lindsey graham and others. and remember the then president himself on tape telling georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger exactly how many votes he wants him to in his words find, 11,780. >> so, look, all i want to do is this. i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state. >> not like putting it right out there, just saying it out loud. who knows what would have happened if it hadn't been for election officials like raffensperger standing their ground. >> the people of georgia are angry. the people of the country are angry, and there's nothing wrong with saying that, you know, that you've recalculated because the 2,236 in absentee ballots, i mean they're all exact numbers that were done by accounting firms, law firms, et cetera. and even if you cut them in half, cut them in half, cut them in half again it's more votes than we do need. >> mr. president, the challenge you have is that the data you have is wrong. >> can you believe we lived through that? that was during the quarantine, remember. that as we're learning tonight trump campaign officials led by as you guessed it rudy giuliani plotted to put forward fake electors in seven states the former president lost fair and square -- pennsylvania, georgia, michigan, arizona, wisconsin, nevada and new mexico. and sources are telling cnn that giuliani and his allies coordinated the nuts and bolts of the scheme on a state by state level with multiple calls between trump campaign officials and gop state operatives. giuliani and on at least one of those calls, i should say. one source says the campaign lined up trump supporters to fill the elector slot, secured meeting rooms and statehouses for them to meet and circulated drafts of the fake certificates that were ultimately sent to the national archives. one of the fake electors from sean maddic, cochair of the michigan republican party. you see her signature actually boasting at a recent local republican event the trump campaign directed the entire operation. >> we've fought for investigations into every part of the election we could. we fought for a team of people to come and testify in front of the committee. we fought for investigations into every part of the election we could. >> again, no shame. they just say it right out in the open. and whatever happens under a lot of scrutiny, well that's for sure. a former trump campaign staffer saying, quote, it was rudy and these misfit characters who started calling the shots. the campaign was throwing enough s-h-i-t at the wall to see what would stick. and then there's the january 6th committee for the first time asking a member of the former president's family to talk to them voluntarily. they believe that ivanka trump is a first-hand witness to her father's efforts to pressure mike pence to refuse to certify the election. and they have testimony from keith kellog, pence's national security advisor, that the white house staff thought ivanka could be the only one to convince her father to act as the riot at the capitol raged. quote, did you think that she could help get him to a place where he would make a statement to try to stop this? yes. so you thought that ivanka could get her father to do something about it, to take a course of action? he didn't say yes to mark meadows or cayly mcenany or keith kellog but might say yes to his daughter. exactly right. they want to ask about the video filmed in the road garden and why it took multiple takes to get him to tell the rioters to leave the capitol. >> go home. we love you, you're very special. you've seen what happens. you see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil. i know how you feel. >> they knew it was all a lie. they knew how dangerous it was. they saw what happened at the capitol. but they publicly pretended to believe the big lie. and listen to this text exchange between an outside individual and a white house aide as the riot was raging and millions of americans were watching it on tv live. quote, is someone getting to potus? someone is going to get killed. the aide replying, i've been trying for the last 30 minutes, literally stormed in outer oval to get him to put outlet the first one. it's completely insane. ivanka's spokesperson telling cnn tonight, quote, as the committee already knows ivanka did not speak to the january 6th rally. the violence must stop immediately. please be peaceful. she didn't speak at the rally, but we know who did. her father. so did her brothers don, jr. and eric. interesting distinction for a lawyer, for a trump to make. as for the rest of that statement, remember a tweet, the one she quickly deleted? they left out the beginning of that, the part where she called them american patriots. like i said a web of legal trouble, and it tells us more than ever before about the big lie strategy and the coup attempt and how close they came to succeeding. and more will come. trust me. i want to bring in now cnn political correspondent sara murray with more on this grand jury investigation in georgia. sarah, good evening to you. thank you so much for joining. let's focus now on this major development out of georgia where a district attorney is requesting a special grand jury to investigate trump's election interference. that is a big deal. what do you know about that? >> it is a big deal. and it's a big deal because we know she's already been looking into donald trump and his allies for roughly a year. so this signals, you know, pretty clearly she is not giving this up. she's clearly moving towards looking at whether there are real criminal charges she could bring against either donald trump or those who were in his inner circle and helped push this amcampaign in georgia. here's what she writes in her letter. she says we have made efforts to interview multiple witnesses and gather evidence, and a significant number of witnesses and perspective witnesses have refused to cooperate with the investigation. by way of example georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger, an essential witness to this investigation, has indicated he will not participate in an interview or otherwise offer evidence until he's presented with a subpoena by my office. we know the georgia secretary of state's office has given her documents, given her recordings like the one you played earlier of the call with raffensperger. we know that office has already spoken to lower level staffers. this means what he really wants is to hear from the witnesses, the key people directly in front of a grand jury. >> who else could end up getting subpoenaed? >> we know obviously there's people like brad raffensperger, maybe brian kemp. but it also means people like rudy giuliani, also people like mark meadows. these were key players in donald trump's inner circle who were also working any in they could in georgia to try to undercut the election results there, try to find donald trump the votes he needed. of course the question is going to be does anything rise to being an actual criminal offense? buzz this is going to be up uncomfortable not just for the president but those working with him. the january 6th committee reaching deeper into trump's inner circle than ever, asking his number one daughter to talk to them. they say they have first-hand testimony about what ivanka trump did on january 6th. an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from unitedhealthcare. medicare supplement plans help by paying some of what medicare doesn't... and let you see any doctor. any specialist. anywhere in the u.s. who accepts medicare patients. so if you have this... consider adding this. call unitedhealthcare today for your free decision guide. ♪ nurse mariyam sabo knows a moment this pure... ...demands a lotion this pure. new gold bond pure moisture lotion. 24-hour hydration. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. gold bond. champion your skin. at at&t everyone gets our best deals. aren't others doing that? 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>> well, clearly this is an effort to get to his state of mind. and nobody knows that better than his daughter who apparently was sent on multiple missions to try to persuade him to do what was right, when everything was falling apart around the city. so they're going right at the heart of the issue here. and that is what was his intention shown by both his action and reactions to what his daughter was saying. so this is important testimony if they can get it. >> they also say, john, that trump's attacks on pence riled up that mob. they want to know what was going on inside the white house when he tweeted that mike pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to overturn the election. what doubts are they looking to connect here, do you think? >> well, i think they're looking to connect how hard the president pressed trump or pressed his vice president. we know we have from other sources that it was a pretty hard press. and they'd like to hear from ivanka what she thought of all that. it was very unseemly. how unconstitutional did she know it was? i think that was implicit in the letter also they have a lot of information on what was discussed in the office, the issue of whether the white house counsel had told the president this was unconstitutional activity and he better cease and desist. so she's -- as i say if she would talk she is a very important witness. but i am not holding my breath. >> andrew, they have testimony from general keith that ivanka was in the room when her father was pressuring pence. what's clear about this letter they already have key information from trump's inner circle and others at the white house, no? >> absolutely they do, don. it's very clear. so keith, kayleigh mcenany, of course you have your media lume nares weighing in the form of sean hannity. there are other references of this letter i find totally fascinating where they say they drop little bread crumbs as it were saying things like, you know, it's been reported or the committee has information that. so they are drawing on the information that's been provided to them from multiple sources. that's perfectly clear from this letter. >> and john, what did you think when you saw in this letter there are multiple outtakes of that rose garden video where trump initially failed to ask the rioters to leave the capitol. the committee wants those outtakes for the national archives. will they have a problem getting them now that the supreme court says the national archives can hand things over? >> unless they've been destroyed they shouldn't, and there's no indication from the archival response in the litigation there's anything amiss with this material than is available. they haven't reported it's not in the inventory as requested. i think this will be forthcoming. i think these will be very telling to see what he had to say that he couldn't sell to even his staff. >> i find it interesting, andrew, because wouldn't that be something the folks around you, the handlers, the press people would write for you and the first thing you would say is leave the capitol. but apparently, i guess, he was ad-libbing and, you know -- >> i mean, don, how often have we ever seen this president take advice from lawyers, from staff members, from anyone else. it doesn't surprise me they were just like, oh, gosh, hit record and let's see what happens. i'm sure there were a number of stumbling outtakes there. it's important to point out the committee knows their chances of getting ivanka to come and testify voluntarily are slim to none. what they're doing with this letter is laying out an absolute iron clad case why she should come in. so if shoo she doesn't come in, you can bet this will be a point in their final report indicating she say a direct fact witness, she had access to all this information and she refused to come in and provide it. >> that was my next question to you do you think it will actually happen. but since you answered that i'll ask you another one. trump campaign officials led by rudy giuliani they oversaw efforts in 2020 to put forward fake electors from seven states trump lost. january 6th committee chairman benny thompson told reporters he's looking into whether there was a broader conspiracy or involvement from the trump white house. what do you think it will mean if this leads back to top officials or even to trump? >> well, i think it's been clear for a while that the committee is taking a very broad look at this thing. originally it was like they're going to look at january 6th. and then it was like, well, they're going to look at the ellipse and speeches on the ellipse and leading up to it. and to the extent that ropes in rudy giuliani, sydney powell or any of these other so-called advisers or high level people from the administration, i think the committee probably sees all of that as fair game for the work they're doing right now. so it'll be interesting to see where it lands. >> john dean, the trump campaign even lined up supporters to fill elector spots, secure meeting rooms for the fake electors to meet and to culminate it with fake certificates being sent to the national archives. is it possible laws were broken here? >> that's not only possible it's very likely. a number of the states have already declared it appears their state laws have been violated. and there's no question that that happens that the federal laws have been violated. so i think this is a massive conspiracy. it -- >> what are the consequences of that? what are the consequences? >> well, it could be very serious. we're talking serious felonies here. i've heard as many as six or seven different statutes involved in this activity. so it could be very serious felony crime we're looking at, and i think it's going to grow. this reminds me of watergate where it really started getting serious. we're in the very serious stage now, don. >> thank you. i appreciate it. did president biden really mean to imply the mid-term elections might not be, quote, legit? i'm going to ask a top advisor. that's next. as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ (♪) if enjoyment isn't part of the process... don't trust the process. 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>> well, what he was doing was highlighting the fact that 2020 was something we should celebrate. more people voted than in the history of this country, and it was a safe, it was a fair and accurate election. however, if republicans are able to pass these laws that they're doing in states and donald trump was able to call and say find me 11,000 votes, that there's a threat there. and we need to highlight the fact that there's a threat to our democracy. so i think that's what the president was doing, was saying that if donald trump is able to do those things, then we wouldn't have a legitimate election. but do we believe in america's ability to have fair elections? absolutely. >> you understand that there would be a comparison considering what the former president -- how he questioned elections and placed doubt on people going to the polls and voting? >> and we were not doing that, don. >> i want to play something biden said in his news conference about black voters specifically. watch this. >> well, i think, if in fact, no matter how hard they make it for minorities to vote i think you're going to see them willing to stand in line and defy the attempt to keep them from being able to vote. i think you're going to see people they're trying to keep from being able to show up, showing up and make the sacrifice in order to change the law back to what it should be. >> is the president asking black voters to carry the burden of leaders in washington not passing laws to protect their right to vote? >> absolutely not, don. we're going to continue to fight for the right to vote. you saw us double the size of the civil rights division at the department of justice. they've sued texas. they've sued georgia over their unconstitutional laws. and we're going -- we're going to continue to push in terms of pushing for legislation in congress. we'll continue to fight in the courts. and we're going to continue to fight on the street corner. i think what the president was saying was that african-americans will not look kindly on people who try to take their right to vote. and i think that's what he was highlighting. and i think that to some extent that's exactly right. we're not going to let you take the right to vote from us. and people have never looked kindly on those who try to do that. >> i think he said, you know, people waited in line for hours in african-american precincts, that did happen. but african-americans shouldn't have to stand in line for hours. there should not be differences between how african-americans vote in this country or people of color and the larger population as well. so do you understand what i'm saying here? that burden should not be on african americans, that african americans should not have a heavier burden than other americans to vote. >> you're absolutely right. and that's why the department of justice sued the state of georgia, sued the state of texas because they believe the laws as enacted would place a higher burden on african americans to vote than other people. minorities -- make it harder for minorities to vote than their white counterparts. so that's why we're in the courts, and that's why we're fighting. and that's why we're pushing for the john lewis voting rights advancement act because we know how important it is and we need to stop those laws before they're enacted. preclearance is very important, and we'll continue to fight for it. >> the president seems to be taking on a new tone. republicans are frequently -- he's asking what they are for. that's what he's saying about republicans. he's also saying they were not as obstructive i should say back in the obama era. mitch mcconnell responding to that tonight. listen. >> the reason we've not been speaking recently this year is because he adopted the bernie sanders prescription for america. if the president wants to reinvent himself and come back to the middle, we have things to talk about that we can work on together. >> what do you think of that? >> i think that's mitch mcconnell doing what mitch mcconnell does. he obstructed during the obama administration, and he's trying to obstruct during this administration. look, the president has offered many times to meet them in the middle and do the things that are necessary for the american people. we had to pass the american rescue plan so that we could get vaccines into arms so that we could help businesses that are shutdown, so we can open up schools again. when we took office 350% of the schools in this country were closed. now 96% of them are open. businesses are open instead of shutdown. we added 6.4 million jobs. we are working, but the republican talking points will always be, one, fiction or flat out false. but we are -- we're really working to meet the needs of the people. and if the republicans want to join us, that's great and we look forward to it. they just had a chance to join us in term of protecting our democracy and the right to vote and not one of them did. >> there was -- the president said a number of times in his press conference yesterday he was surprised by how obstructionist the republicans are and the push back he's getting, but it is of no surprise to people especially the people around during the obama era when they said they happened to make him a one-term president. and allies of the former president trump said in the beginning they wanted to kill the biden presidency in the crib. how -- what took him so long to figure that out? >> well, don, i'll tell you, one, we were able to do a big bipartisan thing and that was the infrastructure bill. but i think that what the president was alluding to was the fact in private so many republicans will say we agree with you, we want to help, but if we do this donald trump will primary us and we may lose our job. and so the lack of displayed courage to stand up and follow convictions is something that is very surprising. >> let's talk about the electoral count act, an effort to reform the electoral count act is picking up steam on capitol hill. lawmakers want to clarify the process of counting votes after trump tried to undermine the election. it looks like there is some support from republicans. the president is supportive of this as well. will that decrease the chances of an attempted coup like we saw on january 6th from happening again, cedric? >> we think we need the freedom to vote act, the john lewis voting recognizes bill and the electoral account act. we think we need all three of them. we don't think the independent will protect by itself will adequately protect the right to vote and stop these partisan bills from affecting minorities right to vote, so we want all three of them. >> the vice president -- vice president harris has said that executive actions might be the way forward on voting rights. is there anything being drafted in the white house right now as far as an executive action? >> i think it's something that we're looking at, and we continue to look at executive action where congress will not act. we're working on an executive order right now on policing because congress could not come together and pass the george floyd justice and policing act. so when republican obstruction stops us from advancing and meeting the needs of the people, we will go at it alone. so we will always look for ways that are constitutional but within the president's power to advance voting rights or police reform. and remember, we already did one executive order on voting early in the administration. that was to encourage all agencies to -- well, mandate that all agencies assist in making it easier to register to vote and easy to vote. so we'll continue to do that. >> i want to talk about other elements of the president's agenda. he proposed breaking up the hallmark build back better bill into smaller chunks that are more likely to pass. there's a lot in that bill, cedric, as you know like early childhood education, housing, clean energy. what does the president want to see happen first? >> the president wants his bill in the framework that he laid out around the $1.75 trillion number. remember that bill started off well over $3 trillion, so it's been broken up into a smaller piece of legislation. and i think what's very clear is whatever we don't get now we're going to continue to fight for it through the remainder of the presidency. but if you start talking about the clean energy stuff, the child tax credit, 3 and 4-year-olds going to school, the things in there for equity, community violence intervention, hbcu funding, all those things are important, things the president put in the bill in the first place. and so we're going to continue to fight for them. >> i've got to ask you, the president said, listen, yesterday that he's been in washington. this came up when he was talking about voting rights. and he said i've been in d.c. i've been out with the people in a long time and i had to do that. in this environment with covid obviously there are some obstacles when it comes to that. when does he start doing that, and how does that happen? what does that look like, cedric? >> well, i think it's exactly what he said. it's him out in -- outside of the white house, outside of d.c. interacting with people. we all know one thing that president biden and vice president harris are our best messengers. and to the extent we've done phenomenal things in the first year, they're the best ones to amplify the things we did. and i think that getting outside of d.c. will help us do that, so we can explain to people we've cut child poverty in half by 50% in this country. reduced black poverty by 30%, aapi poverty by 22%. and so those are the things that getting outside of the d.c. circle will help us, one, show people that government can work for them, showing people that when we took office 2 million people were vaccinated, now over 200 million people are vaccinated and that 20 million people almost were unemployed. and now it's less than 2 million people. we created 6.4 million jobs. all of those things are great things, great significant accomplishments. but people need to hear it. people need to see it, and our two principals, the president and vice president, are the best people to articulate that and hit the road to do it. >> we like hearing directly from the administration, so cedric, appreciate you coming on. come back often, please. thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. 128 passengers on a flight had their travel plans ruined, family events, business, meetings, much needed breaks all because one person wouldn't follow the rules and wear a mask. stay with us. esponse from steve, who will sign back in at 9 am tomorrow morning. orrrr... you could find the answer right now in slack. and give steve a break. slack. where the future works. we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. 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right? how angry would you be if your entire flight was turned around because of one person's stubborn refusal to wear theirs? well, this animation from flight aware shows what happened last night. here it is. so this plane is going an american airlines flight leaving miami bound for london, turns around over the atlantic ocean. it'll do it in a second. there you go. when a disruptive passenger would not wear a mask, which is a federal requirement. so back in miami the flight was canceled. so all those other passengers, 128 of them, 128 people may have missed family reunions, may have missed vacations, business meetings or connecting flights, who knows what. let's discuss now with cnn political commentator ana navarro. your favorite subject, ana. how are you? good to see you. i can't believe this story. actually, i can believe this story in this environment, you know, because doesn't this just epitomize how some people during this pandemic feel so entitled that the rules just don't apply to them? i don't have to wear a mask, i can do my own research, i don't have to get vaccinated? they do all this at the expense of everyone else. >> first of all today i'm thinking how many more crazy stories are going to come out of florida? we've got election police, we're banning the teaching of history to not make people feel uncomfortable, and now we've got crazy people on a plane. i don't know and i go through mia, miami international airport, at least twice a week. i don't know if people are having too much cuban coffee. i don't know if people have forgotten how to interact with other humans during the pandemic. i don't know if these folks were raised by wolves, but something is happening. i see people having major melt downs that would embarrass any kindergartner at mia. and i just -- i think to myself, don, every time you check in to go into a plane you check in on the computer and it makes you check off this thing that says you will comply with wearing a mask, which is a federal law. and if you don't, it could result in penalties. so you know what you're going to have to do when you go on a plane. you know you have to wear the mask at the airport because it's a federal facility. what is wrong with you? if you don't want to do that, then stay home and instead of going to london watch netflix, watch the crown, watch downtown abbey, but don't screw everybody else's life. >> watch don lemon tonight. i mean, that's what i do. that's what you do. >> i'm sorry, i love you, but maybe you're a little bit closer to bridgerton, you don't fill the british -- >> entry. >> no. >> listen, you said you've got to check off the box when you check in either on the computer or if you do it at the kiosk. and also, ana, for 21 years now we've all been removing our shoes while going through airport security due to richard reid, remember, known as the shoe bomber. people follow the rules for everyone's safety. what's happening now about masks that people think they can just refuse to do that? >> it's become political. people want to make a political statement. whether it's -- whether it's in congress or whether in the supreme court or whether it's on a plane. 21 years we've been taking off our shoes. we have abided by not smoking in laboratories because it's against federal law. listen, what the faa needs to do and the airlines need to do is put these people on a no fly list so if they want to go to england, they have to swim there. and they have to enforce those federal penalties. and frankly, they should arrest them if they're being unruly and if they are assaulting flight attendants. the things i see on a weekly basis that the poor flight attendants have to deal with -- of course they're all overworked right now because there's so many missing due to covid. they should all be declared saints of the sky because people are behaving like rabid animals on airplanes. >> yeah. let me just give you some of the stats here. you touched on this just a little bit, but there have already been 151 unruly passenger reports logged this year alone. and remember we're just -- we're just 20 days into the new year, ana. 92 were mask related incidents. a fine is already challenging enough. the airline flight employees as you've said have taken a huge hit from covid. people are lashing out an planes and lashing out at flight attendants and each other. do you think it's being cooped up so long or i don't know bad behavior coming out. i have no idea what it is, i really don't. >> you know, i think people think it's okay to be angry and to be angry in public and to take it out on other people who have -- who have no faults. this is -- you know, the flight attendants aren't the ones that are making these laws and these regulations. the flight attendant's job is to enforce them. and imagine you've got, you know, deal with passengers who are trying to stuff carry-on bags the size of an elephant into an overhead compartment. you have to deal with passengers who want to drink more than they should drink. you have to deal with passengers fighting with each other. and now you've got to deal with passengers who don't want to put on the mask or wear the mask on an 8-hour flight from miami to london. you have every right in the world not to have to put on the mask. you just don't have the right to do it on a plane. so if you don't want to comply, don't fly. it made me think, don, you remember that scene from "airplane," the movie where the woman was -- >> slapping everybody. >> the entire plane lined up. would you want to do that if you were one of the 130 peoples life got ruined and plans got ruined and canceled because of one selfish human being who can't act like a responsible adult and comply with what they said they would comply? >> the biggest disappointment for me and others used to be someone had a peanut allergy and they were like i'm not going to get my peanuts but this is a whole other thing. thank you, ana nuvara, i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> so you've got to see this. this is an affiliate reporter. she's reporting live when this happens. look at this. >> and now we're starting to experience, unfortunately, we see this water main breaks. >> oh, my gosh, i just got hit by a car but i'm okay. i just got hit by a car. >> and she keeps on reporting. we're going to show you the full thing after this. 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Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709

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this is don lemon tonight. thank you so much for joining us. a web of legal trouble and tangled all up in it tonight are the disgraced former president, rudy giuliani and ivanka trump. and what we're learning tonight reveals more than we ever knew before about the coordinated big lie strategy, the coup attempt and how deep it all went. first the former president and a huge development in georgia. a special grand jury to investigate how the then-president tried to pressure election officials. fulton county da fanny willis saying her office has information that the election in her state was, and i quote here, subject to possible criminal disruptions. criminal disruptions. this is big. and it's not just the former president. the da wants to look at rudy giuliani, lindsey graham and others. and remember the then president himself on tape telling georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger exactly how many votes he wants him to in his words find, 11,780. >> so, look, all i want to do is this. i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state. >> not like putting it right out there, just saying it out loud. who knows what would have happened if it hadn't been for election officials like raffensperger standing their ground. >> the people of georgia are angry. the people of the country are angry, and there's nothing wrong with saying that, you know, that you've recalculated because the 2,236 in absentee ballots, i mean they're all exact numbers that were done by accounting firms, law firms, et cetera. and even if you cut them in half, cut them in half, cut them in half again it's more votes than we do need. >> mr. president, the challenge you have is that the data you have is wrong. >> can you believe we lived through that? that was during the quarantine, remember. that as we're learning tonight trump campaign officials led by as you guessed it rudy giuliani plotted to put forward fake electors in seven states the former president lost fair and square -- pennsylvania, georgia, michigan, arizona, wisconsin, nevada and new mexico. and sources are telling cnn that giuliani and his allies coordinated the nuts and bolts of the scheme on a state by state level with multiple calls between trump campaign officials and gop state operatives. giuliani and on at least one of those calls, i should say. one source says the campaign lined up trump supporters to fill the elector slot, secured meeting rooms and statehouses for them to meet and circulated drafts of the fake certificates that were ultimately sent to the national archives. one of the fake electors from sean maddic, cochair of the michigan republican party. you see her signature actually boasting at a recent local republican event the trump campaign directed the entire operation. >> we've fought for investigations into every part of the election we could. we fought for a team of people to come and testify in front of the committee. we fought for investigations into every part of the election we could. >> again, no shame. they just say it right out in the open. and whatever happens under a lot of scrutiny, well that's for sure. a former trump campaign staffer saying, quote, it was rudy and these misfit characters who started calling the shots. the campaign was throwing enough s-h-i-t at the wall to see what would stick. and then there's the january 6th committee for the first time asking a member of the former president's family to talk to them voluntarily. they believe that ivanka trump is a first-hand witness to her father's efforts to pressure mike pence to refuse to certify the election. and they have testimony from keith kellog, pence's national security advisor, that the white house staff thought ivanka could be the only one to convince her father to act as the riot at the capitol raged. quote, did you think that she could help get him to a place where he would make a statement to try to stop this? yes. so you thought that ivanka could get her father to do something about it, to take a course of action? he didn't say yes to mark meadows or cayly mcenany or keith kellog but might say yes to his daughter. exactly right. they want to ask about the video filmed in the road garden and why it took multiple takes to get him to tell the rioters to leave the capitol. >> go home. we love you, you're very special. you've seen what happens. you see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil. i know how you feel. >> they knew it was all a lie. they knew how dangerous it was. they saw what happened at the capitol. but they publicly pretended to believe the big lie. and listen to this text exchange between an outside individual and a white house aide as the riot was raging and millions of americans were watching it on tv live. quote, is someone getting to potus? someone is going to get killed. the aide replying, i've been trying for the last 30 minutes, literally stormed in outer oval to get him to put outlet the first one. it's completely insane. ivanka's spokesperson telling cnn tonight, quote, as the committee already knows ivanka did not speak to the january 6th rally. the violence must stop immediately. please be peaceful. she didn't speak at the rally, but we know who did. her father. so did her brothers don, jr. and eric. interesting distinction for a lawyer, for a trump to make. as for the rest of that statement, remember a tweet, the one she quickly deleted? they left out the beginning of that, the part where she called them american patriots. like i said a web of legal trouble, and it tells us more than ever before about the big lie strategy and the coup attempt and how close they came to succeeding. and more will come. trust me. i want to bring in now cnn political correspondent sara murray with more on this grand jury investigation in georgia. sarah, good evening to you. thank you so much for joining. let's focus now on this major development out of georgia where a district attorney is requesting a special grand jury to investigate trump's election interference. that is a big deal. what do you know about that? >> it is a big deal. and it's a big deal because we know she's already been looking into donald trump and his allies for roughly a year. so this signals, you know, pretty clearly she is not giving this up. she's clearly moving towards looking at whether there are real criminal charges she could bring against either donald trump or those who were in his inner circle and helped push this amcampaign in georgia. here's what she writes in her letter. she says we have made efforts to interview multiple witnesses and gather evidence, and a significant number of witnesses and perspective witnesses have refused to cooperate with the investigation. by way of example georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger, an essential witness to this investigation, has indicated he will not participate in an interview or otherwise offer evidence until he's presented with a subpoena by my office. we know the georgia secretary of state's office has given her documents, given her recordings like the one you played earlier of the call with raffensperger. we know that office has already spoken to lower level staffers. this means what he really wants is to hear from the witnesses, the key people directly in front of a grand jury. >> who else could end up getting subpoenaed? >> we know obviously there's people like brad raffensperger, maybe brian kemp. but it also means people like rudy giuliani, also people like mark meadows. these were key players in donald trump's inner circle who were also working any in they could in georgia to try to undercut the election results there, try to find donald trump the votes he needed. of course the question is going to be does anything rise to being an actual criminal offense? buzz this is going to be up uncomfortable not just for the president but those working with him. the january 6th committee reaching deeper into trump's inner circle than ever, asking his number one daughter to talk to them. they say they have first-hand testimony about what ivanka trump did on january 6th. an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from unitedhealthcare. medicare supplement plans help by paying some of what medicare doesn't... and let you see any doctor. any specialist. anywhere in the u.s. who accepts medicare patients. so if you have this... consider adding this. call unitedhealthcare today for your free decision guide. ♪ nurse mariyam sabo knows a moment this pure... ...demands a lotion this pure. new gold bond pure moisture lotion. 24-hour hydration. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. gold bond. champion your skin. at at&t everyone gets our best deals. aren't others doing that? others say that, but not everyone gets the best deal. like what if i give you a lollipop... then i give you our best lollipop. that's not fair. at at&t we think it's only fair that all customers get our best deals... ...and you get a choice of plans. she said everyone? it's not complicated. only at&t gives both new & existing customers our same best deals, like up to $800 off our most popular smartphones. new vicks vapostick. strong soothing vapors... help comfort your loved ones. for chest, neck, and back. it goes on clear. no mess just soothing comfort. try new vicks vapostick. new vicks convenience pack. dayquil severe for you... and daily vicks super c for me. vicks super c is a daily supplement with vitamin c and b vitamins to help energize and replenish. dayquil severe is a max strength daytime, coughing, power through your day, medicine. new from vicks. the january 6th committee wants ivanka trump to testify, sending a letter to the former president's daughter who was a senior white house advisor asking her to voluntarily cooperate with the committee's investigation. tonight a spokesperson for ivanka trump not saying if she'll agree to testify. i want to discuss now with andrew mccabe, former fbi deputy director, john dean, former nixon white house counsel. john, i'm going to start with you. the january 6th committee wants to speak to ivanka trump. the committee says they have first-hand testimony that she went in at least twice to ask her father to stop the violence. and the letter also says this and i quote, apparently certain white house staff believe that a live unscripted press appearance by the president in the midst of the capitol hill violence could have made the situation worse. now, the idea that having the president speak could make things worse, how much of that is this figuring out his state of mind on that day? >> well, clearly this is an effort to get to his state of mind. and nobody knows that better than his daughter who apparently was sent on multiple missions to try to persuade him to do what was right, when everything was falling apart around the city. so they're going right at the heart of the issue here. and that is what was his intention shown by both his action and reactions to what his daughter was saying. so this is important testimony if they can get it. >> they also say, john, that trump's attacks on pence riled up that mob. they want to know what was going on inside the white house when he tweeted that mike pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to overturn the election. what doubts are they looking to connect here, do you think? >> well, i think they're looking to connect how hard the president pressed trump or pressed his vice president. we know we have from other sources that it was a pretty hard press. and they'd like to hear from ivanka what she thought of all that. it was very unseemly. how unconstitutional did she know it was? i think that was implicit in the letter also they have a lot of information on what was discussed in the office, the issue of whether the white house counsel had told the president this was unconstitutional activity and he better cease and desist. so she's -- as i say if she would talk she is a very important witness. but i am not holding my breath. >> andrew, they have testimony from general keith that ivanka was in the room when her father was pressuring pence. what's clear about this letter they already have key information from trump's inner circle and others at the white house, no? >> absolutely they do, don. it's very clear. so keith, kayleigh mcenany, of course you have your media lume nares weighing in the form of sean hannity. there are other references of this letter i find totally fascinating where they say they drop little bread crumbs as it were saying things like, you know, it's been reported or the committee has information that. so they are drawing on the information that's been provided to them from multiple sources. that's perfectly clear from this letter. >> and john, what did you think when you saw in this letter there are multiple outtakes of that rose garden video where trump initially failed to ask the rioters to leave the capitol. the committee wants those outtakes for the national archives. will they have a problem getting them now that the supreme court says the national archives can hand things over? >> unless they've been destroyed they shouldn't, and there's no indication from the archival response in the litigation there's anything amiss with this material than is available. they haven't reported it's not in the inventory as requested. i think this will be forthcoming. i think these will be very telling to see what he had to say that he couldn't sell to even his staff. >> i find it interesting, andrew, because wouldn't that be something the folks around you, the handlers, the press people would write for you and the first thing you would say is leave the capitol. but apparently, i guess, he was ad-libbing and, you know -- >> i mean, don, how often have we ever seen this president take advice from lawyers, from staff members, from anyone else. it doesn't surprise me they were just like, oh, gosh, hit record and let's see what happens. i'm sure there were a number of stumbling outtakes there. it's important to point out the committee knows their chances of getting ivanka to come and testify voluntarily are slim to none. what they're doing with this letter is laying out an absolute iron clad case why she should come in. so if shoo she doesn't come in, you can bet this will be a point in their final report indicating she say a direct fact witness, she had access to all this information and she refused to come in and provide it. >> that was my next question to you do you think it will actually happen. but since you answered that i'll ask you another one. trump campaign officials led by rudy giuliani they oversaw efforts in 2020 to put forward fake electors from seven states trump lost. january 6th committee chairman benny thompson told reporters he's looking into whether there was a broader conspiracy or involvement from the trump white house. what do you think it will mean if this leads back to top officials or even to trump? >> well, i think it's been clear for a while that the committee is taking a very broad look at this thing. originally it was like they're going to look at january 6th. and then it was like, well, they're going to look at the ellipse and speeches on the ellipse and leading up to it. and to the extent that ropes in rudy giuliani, sydney powell or any of these other so-called advisers or high level people from the administration, i think the committee probably sees all of that as fair game for the work they're doing right now. so it'll be interesting to see where it lands. >> john dean, the trump campaign even lined up supporters to fill elector spots, secure meeting rooms for the fake electors to meet and to culminate it with fake certificates being sent to the national archives. is it possible laws were broken here? >> that's not only possible it's very likely. a number of the states have already declared it appears their state laws have been violated. and there's no question that that happens that the federal laws have been violated. so i think this is a massive conspiracy. it -- >> what are the consequences of that? what are the consequences? >> well, it could be very serious. we're talking serious felonies here. i've heard as many as six or seven different statutes involved in this activity. so it could be very serious felony crime we're looking at, and i think it's going to grow. this reminds me of watergate where it really started getting serious. we're in the very serious stage now, don. >> thank you. i appreciate it. did president biden really mean to imply the mid-term elections might not be, quote, legit? i'm going to ask a top advisor. that's next. as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ (♪) if enjoyment isn't part of the process... don't trust the process. 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>> well, what he was doing was highlighting the fact that 2020 was something we should celebrate. more people voted than in the history of this country, and it was a safe, it was a fair and accurate election. however, if republicans are able to pass these laws that they're doing in states and donald trump was able to call and say find me 11,000 votes, that there's a threat there. and we need to highlight the fact that there's a threat to our democracy. so i think that's what the president was doing, was saying that if donald trump is able to do those things, then we wouldn't have a legitimate election. but do we believe in america's ability to have fair elections? absolutely. >> you understand that there would be a comparison considering what the former president -- how he questioned elections and placed doubt on people going to the polls and voting? >> and we were not doing that, don. >> i want to play something biden said in his news conference about black voters specifically. watch this. >> well, i think, if in fact, no matter how hard they make it for minorities to vote i think you're going to see them willing to stand in line and defy the attempt to keep them from being able to vote. i think you're going to see people they're trying to keep from being able to show up, showing up and make the sacrifice in order to change the law back to what it should be. >> is the president asking black voters to carry the burden of leaders in washington not passing laws to protect their right to vote? >> absolutely not, don. we're going to continue to fight for the right to vote. you saw us double the size of the civil rights division at the department of justice. they've sued texas. they've sued georgia over their unconstitutional laws. and we're going -- we're going to continue to push in terms of pushing for legislation in congress. we'll continue to fight in the courts. and we're going to continue to fight on the street corner. i think what the president was saying was that african-americans will not look kindly on people who try to take their right to vote. and i think that's what he was highlighting. and i think that to some extent that's exactly right. we're not going to let you take the right to vote from us. and people have never looked kindly on those who try to do that. >> i think he said, you know, people waited in line for hours in african-american precincts, that did happen. but african-americans shouldn't have to stand in line for hours. there should not be differences between how african-americans vote in this country or people of color and the larger population as well. so do you understand what i'm saying here? that burden should not be on african americans, that african americans should not have a heavier burden than other americans to vote. >> you're absolutely right. and that's why the department of justice sued the state of georgia, sued the state of texas because they believe the laws as enacted would place a higher burden on african americans to vote than other people. minorities -- make it harder for minorities to vote than their white counterparts. so that's why we're in the courts, and that's why we're fighting. and that's why we're pushing for the john lewis voting rights advancement act because we know how important it is and we need to stop those laws before they're enacted. preclearance is very important, and we'll continue to fight for it. >> the president seems to be taking on a new tone. republicans are frequently -- he's asking what they are for. that's what he's saying about republicans. he's also saying they were not as obstructive i should say back in the obama era. mitch mcconnell responding to that tonight. listen. >> the reason we've not been speaking recently this year is because he adopted the bernie sanders prescription for america. if the president wants to reinvent himself and come back to the middle, we have things to talk about that we can work on together. >> what do you think of that? >> i think that's mitch mcconnell doing what mitch mcconnell does. he obstructed during the obama administration, and he's trying to obstruct during this administration. look, the president has offered many times to meet them in the middle and do the things that are necessary for the american people. we had to pass the american rescue plan so that we could get vaccines into arms so that we could help businesses that are shutdown, so we can open up schools again. when we took office 350% of the schools in this country were closed. now 96% of them are open. businesses are open instead of shutdown. we added 6.4 million jobs. we are working, but the republican talking points will always be, one, fiction or flat out false. but we are -- we're really working to meet the needs of the people. and if the republicans want to join us, that's great and we look forward to it. they just had a chance to join us in term of protecting our democracy and the right to vote and not one of them did. >> there was -- the president said a number of times in his press conference yesterday he was surprised by how obstructionist the republicans are and the push back he's getting, but it is of no surprise to people especially the people around during the obama era when they said they happened to make him a one-term president. and allies of the former president trump said in the beginning they wanted to kill the biden presidency in the crib. how -- what took him so long to figure that out? >> well, don, i'll tell you, one, we were able to do a big bipartisan thing and that was the infrastructure bill. but i think that what the president was alluding to was the fact in private so many republicans will say we agree with you, we want to help, but if we do this donald trump will primary us and we may lose our job. and so the lack of displayed courage to stand up and follow convictions is something that is very surprising. >> let's talk about the electoral count act, an effort to reform the electoral count act is picking up steam on capitol hill. lawmakers want to clarify the process of counting votes after trump tried to undermine the election. it looks like there is some support from republicans. the president is supportive of this as well. will that decrease the chances of an attempted coup like we saw on january 6th from happening again, cedric? >> we think we need the freedom to vote act, the john lewis voting recognizes bill and the electoral account act. we think we need all three of them. we don't think the independent will protect by itself will adequately protect the right to vote and stop these partisan bills from affecting minorities right to vote, so we want all three of them. >> the vice president -- vice president harris has said that executive actions might be the way forward on voting rights. is there anything being drafted in the white house right now as far as an executive action? >> i think it's something that we're looking at, and we continue to look at executive action where congress will not act. we're working on an executive order right now on policing because congress could not come together and pass the george floyd justice and policing act. so when republican obstruction stops us from advancing and meeting the needs of the people, we will go at it alone. so we will always look for ways that are constitutional but within the president's power to advance voting rights or police reform. and remember, we already did one executive order on voting early in the administration. that was to encourage all agencies to -- well, mandate that all agencies assist in making it easier to register to vote and easy to vote. so we'll continue to do that. >> i want to talk about other elements of the president's agenda. he proposed breaking up the hallmark build back better bill into smaller chunks that are more likely to pass. there's a lot in that bill, cedric, as you know like early childhood education, housing, clean energy. what does the president want to see happen first? >> the president wants his bill in the framework that he laid out around the $1.75 trillion number. remember that bill started off well over $3 trillion, so it's been broken up into a smaller piece of legislation. and i think what's very clear is whatever we don't get now we're going to continue to fight for it through the remainder of the presidency. but if you start talking about the clean energy stuff, the child tax credit, 3 and 4-year-olds going to school, the things in there for equity, community violence intervention, hbcu funding, all those things are important, things the president put in the bill in the first place. and so we're going to continue to fight for them. >> i've got to ask you, the president said, listen, yesterday that he's been in washington. this came up when he was talking about voting rights. and he said i've been in d.c. i've been out with the people in a long time and i had to do that. in this environment with covid obviously there are some obstacles when it comes to that. when does he start doing that, and how does that happen? what does that look like, cedric? >> well, i think it's exactly what he said. it's him out in -- outside of the white house, outside of d.c. interacting with people. we all know one thing that president biden and vice president harris are our best messengers. and to the extent we've done phenomenal things in the first year, they're the best ones to amplify the things we did. and i think that getting outside of d.c. will help us do that, so we can explain to people we've cut child poverty in half by 50% in this country. reduced black poverty by 30%, aapi poverty by 22%. and so those are the things that getting outside of the d.c. circle will help us, one, show people that government can work for them, showing people that when we took office 2 million people were vaccinated, now over 200 million people are vaccinated and that 20 million people almost were unemployed. and now it's less than 2 million people. we created 6.4 million jobs. all of those things are great things, great significant accomplishments. but people need to hear it. people need to see it, and our two principals, the president and vice president, are the best people to articulate that and hit the road to do it. >> we like hearing directly from the administration, so cedric, appreciate you coming on. come back often, please. thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. 128 passengers on a flight had their travel plans ruined, family events, business, meetings, much needed breaks all because one person wouldn't follow the rules and wear a mask. stay with us. esponse from steve, who will sign back in at 9 am tomorrow morning. orrrr... you could find the answer right now in slack. and give steve a break. slack. where the future works. we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. 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right? how angry would you be if your entire flight was turned around because of one person's stubborn refusal to wear theirs? well, this animation from flight aware shows what happened last night. here it is. so this plane is going an american airlines flight leaving miami bound for london, turns around over the atlantic ocean. it'll do it in a second. there you go. when a disruptive passenger would not wear a mask, which is a federal requirement. so back in miami the flight was canceled. so all those other passengers, 128 of them, 128 people may have missed family reunions, may have missed vacations, business meetings or connecting flights, who knows what. let's discuss now with cnn political commentator ana navarro. your favorite subject, ana. how are you? good to see you. i can't believe this story. actually, i can believe this story in this environment, you know, because doesn't this just epitomize how some people during this pandemic feel so entitled that the rules just don't apply to them? i don't have to wear a mask, i can do my own research, i don't have to get vaccinated? they do all this at the expense of everyone else. >> first of all today i'm thinking how many more crazy stories are going to come out of florida? we've got election police, we're banning the teaching of history to not make people feel uncomfortable, and now we've got crazy people on a plane. i don't know and i go through mia, miami international airport, at least twice a week. i don't know if people are having too much cuban coffee. i don't know if people have forgotten how to interact with other humans during the pandemic. i don't know if these folks were raised by wolves, but something is happening. i see people having major melt downs that would embarrass any kindergartner at mia. and i just -- i think to myself, don, every time you check in to go into a plane you check in on the computer and it makes you check off this thing that says you will comply with wearing a mask, which is a federal law. and if you don't, it could result in penalties. so you know what you're going to have to do when you go on a plane. you know you have to wear the mask at the airport because it's a federal facility. what is wrong with you? if you don't want to do that, then stay home and instead of going to london watch netflix, watch the crown, watch downtown abbey, but don't screw everybody else's life. >> watch don lemon tonight. i mean, that's what i do. that's what you do. >> i'm sorry, i love you, but maybe you're a little bit closer to bridgerton, you don't fill the british -- >> entry. >> no. >> listen, you said you've got to check off the box when you check in either on the computer or if you do it at the kiosk. and also, ana, for 21 years now we've all been removing our shoes while going through airport security due to richard reid, remember, known as the shoe bomber. people follow the rules for everyone's safety. what's happening now about masks that people think they can just refuse to do that? >> it's become political. people want to make a political statement. whether it's -- whether it's in congress or whether in the supreme court or whether it's on a plane. 21 years we've been taking off our shoes. we have abided by not smoking in laboratories because it's against federal law. listen, what the faa needs to do and the airlines need to do is put these people on a no fly list so if they want to go to england, they have to swim there. and they have to enforce those federal penalties. and frankly, they should arrest them if they're being unruly and if they are assaulting flight attendants. the things i see on a weekly basis that the poor flight attendants have to deal with -- of course they're all overworked right now because there's so many missing due to covid. they should all be declared saints of the sky because people are behaving like rabid animals on airplanes. >> yeah. let me just give you some of the stats here. you touched on this just a little bit, but there have already been 151 unruly passenger reports logged this year alone. and remember we're just -- we're just 20 days into the new year, ana. 92 were mask related incidents. a fine is already challenging enough. the airline flight employees as you've said have taken a huge hit from covid. people are lashing out an planes and lashing out at flight attendants and each other. do you think it's being cooped up so long or i don't know bad behavior coming out. i have no idea what it is, i really don't. >> you know, i think people think it's okay to be angry and to be angry in public and to take it out on other people who have -- who have no faults. this is -- you know, the flight attendants aren't the ones that are making these laws and these regulations. the flight attendant's job is to enforce them. and imagine you've got, you know, deal with passengers who are trying to stuff carry-on bags the size of an elephant into an overhead compartment. you have to deal with passengers who want to drink more than they should drink. you have to deal with passengers fighting with each other. and now you've got to deal with passengers who don't want to put on the mask or wear the mask on an 8-hour flight from miami to london. you have every right in the world not to have to put on the mask. you just don't have the right to do it on a plane. so if you don't want to comply, don't fly. it made me think, don, you remember that scene from "airplane," the movie where the woman was -- >> slapping everybody. >> the entire plane lined up. would you want to do that if you were one of the 130 peoples life got ruined and plans got ruined and canceled because of one selfish human being who can't act like a responsible adult and comply with what they said they would comply? >> the biggest disappointment for me and others used to be someone had a peanut allergy and they were like i'm not going to get my peanuts but this is a whole other thing. thank you, ana nuvara, i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> so you've got to see this. this is an affiliate reporter. she's reporting live when this happens. look at this. >> and now we're starting to experience, unfortunately, we see this water main breaks. >> oh, my gosh, i just got hit by a car but i'm okay. i just got hit by a car. >> and she keeps on reporting. we're going to show you the full thing after this. 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Cnn , Wisconsin , New Mexico , Arizona , Nevada , Pennsylvania , Supporters , Calls , Campaign Officials , Source , Level , State Operatives , Gop , Certificates , Drafts , Elector , Statehouses , Meeting Rooms , Slot , The National Archives , Sean Maddic , Cochair , Investigations , Part , Event , Operation , Signature , Committee Investigating January 6th , Front , Team , No Shame , Trump , Lot , Whatever , Campaign Staffer Saying , Scrutiny , The Open , Sure , Misfit Characters , January 6th Committee For The First Time , Member , Shots , Wall , January 6th , 6 , Thought Ivanka , Father , Efforts , Testimony , Pressure , White House , Keith Kellog , Witness , Mike Pence , Capitol , Quote , Statement , Riot , Place , Yes , Something , He Didn T , Course , Mark Meadows , Action , Cayly Mcenany , Daughter , Video , Rioters , Road Garden , Go Home , Way , We Love You , Lie , Big Lie , Text Exchange , Someone , Aide , African Americans , Tv , Individual , Potus , Millions , Outlet , Spokesperson , 30 , Violence , Brothers Don , Rally , Cnn Tonight , January 6th Rally , Jr , The One , Beginning , Lawyer , Distinction , Rest , Tweet , Strategy , Patriots , Investigation , Sara Murray , More , District Attorney , Let , Grand Jury , Sarah , Deal , Election Interference , Signals , Inner Circle , Up , Push , Charges , Amcampaign , Number , Letter , Witnesses , Evidence , Perspective , Example , Interview , Recordings , Subpoena , Documents , Level Staffers , Call , Players , Who , Brian Kemp , Question , Anything , Election Results , January 6th Committee , Offense , Doctor , Some , Help , What Medicare Doesn T , Specialist , Aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan , Medicare Supplement , Unitedhealthcare , Patients , Anywhere , Decision Guide , Medicare , Call Unitedhealthcare , Bond , Pure , Lotion , Moisture , Hydration , Dyes , Parabens , Fragrances , Skin , Nurse Mariyam Sabo , 24 , Everyone , At T , Deals , Lollipop , Customers , Aren T , Plans , Choice , Smartphones , Both , 00 , 800 , Loved Ones , Vicks Vapostick , Vapors , Mess , Comfort , Neck , Chest , Medicine , Daily Vicks , Power , Supplement , Vitamin C , B Vitamins , Strength , Super C , Pack , Coughing , Dayquil , Senior , Andrew Mccabe , John Dean , White House Counsel , Deputy Director , Former , Fbi , Idea , Staff , Midst , Situation , Capitol Hill , Press Appearance , Effort , State Of Mind , Speak , Big City In America , Issue , Everything , Heart , Missions , Nobody , Pence , Intention , Reactions , Mob , Attacks , Mike Pence Didn T , Doubts , Harris , Press , Counsel , Implicit , Activity , Breath , Room , General , And Desist , I Don T , References , Form , Media , Kayleigh Mcenany , Sean Hannity , Lume , Bread Crumbs , Drawing , Outtakes , Rose Garden , Supreme Court , Archives , Problem , Shouldn T , Response , Indication , Material , Litigation , Haven T , Folks , Wouldn T , Inventory , He Couldn T , Handlers , Thing , It Doesn T , Hit Record , Staff Members , Gosh , Lawyers , Libbing , Anyone Else , Chances , None , Absolute Iron Clad , Fact , Report , Point , Shoo She Doesn T Come In , Access , 2020 , Reporters , Conspiracy , Whether , Involvement , Trump Lost , January 6th Committee Chairman Benny Thompson , Look , Extent , Ellipse , Any , Powell , Speeches , Ropes , Sydney , Advisers , Work , Fair Game , Laws , Spots , States , State Laws , Consequences , Felonies , Statutes , Felony Crime , Stage , Six , Advisor , Elections , Car Insurance , Liberty Mutual , Bull Rider , Record , Turn , Tex , Hang On , Woooooo , Wooo , Yeaa , 665 Dollars , 665 , Pay , Liberty , Enjoyment Isn T Part Of The Process , Don T Trust The Process , Plan , Investing Strategies , Wealth , Picture , Planning Effect , Ways , Covid 19 , 19 , Cue , Home Test , Test Results , Cue Health , Speed , Accuracy , Nba , 20 , Go Cue , Difference , Workers , Employee , Recology , That S Why , 100 , Recycling System , Ground Up , Gracias , Language , Cedric Richmond , Voting Rights , Agenda , Biden , Senior Advisor , Components , Don T Screw Everybody Else , Listen , Concern , Program , Doing , History , Safe , Threat , Democracy , There , 11000 , Ability , Voting , Comparison , Doubt , News Conference , Polls , Line , Voters , Minorities , Matter , Law , Burden , Order , Leaders , Sacrifice , Size , Double , Right , Legislation , Department Of Justice , Terms , Texas , Civil Rights Division , Courts , Congress , Saying , Street Corner , Precincts , Color , Population , Counterparts , Voting Rights Advancement Act , John Lewis , Preclearance , Tone , Mitch Mcconnell , Obstructive , Reason , Prescription , Middle , Bernie Sanders , Times , Rescue Plan , Schools , Businesses , Shutdown , Vaccines , Arms , 350 , 96 , Jobs , Needs , Talking Points , Fiction , 6 4 Million , Chance , Press Conference , Term , Back , Surprise , Presidency , Crib , Infrastructure Bill , Job , Convictions , Lack , Act , Count , Support , Counting , Process , Talk , Steam , Lawmakers , Decrease , Freedom To Vote Act , Bill , Three , Vote , Bills , Account , Executive Action , Actions , Executive Order , Policing , Obstruction , George Floyd Justice And Policing Act , Police , Reform , Agencies , Mandate , Elements , Energy , Chunks , Housing , Childhood , Hallmark Build , Education , Framework , 1 75 Trillion , 75 Trillion , Piece , Trillion , 3 Trillion , School , Remainder , Child Tax Credit , Stuff , Equity , Community Violence Intervention , 4 , 3 , Funding , Hbcu , Environment , Obstacles , Cedric , Interacting , Ones , Child Poverty , Messengers , 50 , Poverty , Government , Aapi , 22 , 2 Million , 200 Million , 20 Million , Vice President , Accomplishments , Principals , Road , Hearing , Mask , Passengers , Flight , Rules , Person , , Meetings , Family Events , Travel , Stay , Business , Steve , Esponse , 9 , 128 , Car , Company , Car Vending Machines , Slack , Answer , Works , Break , Carvana , Orrrr , Spot , Questions , Techno Wizardry , License Plate , Offer , Value , Subaru , Love Event , Charities , Retailers , And , Charity , Jeff , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Car Company , Bonnie , Robert , Diabetes , System , Musician , Fingersticks , Austin James , My Name , Libre 2 , 2 , A1c , Glucose Numbers , Mystery , Scan , 8 2 , 6 7 , Healthcare System , Minds , Hospitals , Freestylelibre Us Mass General Brigham , Five , Research , Doctors , Centers , Harvard Medical School , Physicians , Biotech Innovates , Boston , Mom , Memories , Cooking , Kitchen , Care , Brigham , One Mass General , Northwestern Mutual , Internet , Recording , Elodia , 10 , 10 Million , 1 , Students , Recording Artist , Comcast , Tools , Projectup , Billion , 1 Billion , Pandemic , Teachers , Possibilities , Parent , Best , Kids , Remote Learning , Classroom , School Board Members , School Board , 18 , Start , Sake , Plane , Didn T You , Shows , Animation , Refusal , American Airlines , Last Night , Passenger , Miami , Requirement , Second , London , Atlantic Ocean , Ana Navarro , Flights , Business Meetings , Family Reunions , Vacations , Feel , Stories , Everyone Else , Expense , Election Police , Teaching , Miami International Airport , Mia , Florida , Coffee , Humans , Wolves , Computer , Melt Downs , Kindergartner , Penalties , Airport , Crown , Facility , Home , Downtown Abbey , Life , I Love You , Either , Entry , Box , Bridgerton , British , Kiosk , Shoes , Safety , Airport Security Due , Richard Reid , 21 , It S , Laboratories , No Fly List , Airlines , Faa , England , Flight Attendants , Basis , Airplanes , Animals , Saints , Sky , Just A Little Bit , Stats , 151 , Fine , Lashing , Planes , Hit , Enough , Airline Flight Employees , Incidents , Ana , 92 , Each Other , Behavior , Regulations , Faults , Flight Attendant , Overhead Compartment , Elephant , Bags , Don T , 8 , World , Don T Fly , Everybody , Airplane , Human Being , Woman , Movie , Slapping , Adult , Scene , 130 , Disappointment , Peanuts , Peanut Allergy , Ana Nuvara , Reporting , Affiliate Reporter , Water Main Breaks , Experience , Music , Card , Fee , Omc , How Bizarre , Secret , Heal , Gums , Teeth , Gumline , Crest Advanced , Gum Restore , Detoxifies , 7 , Crest , Brand , Psoriasis , Cosentyx , Fail , Try , Hope , Infection , Symptoms , Reaction , Vaccine , Tuberculosis , Risk , Crohn S Disease , Move , Dermatologist , O , Th , Beat , Breaks , Journalist , Breeze , Water Main , West Virginia , Wxaz , Good , Tim , College , Man , Lord , Eyes , Bit , Camera , Shock , Wouldn T Be , Reminder , Adrenaline , Wishes , Water Main Break , Journalists , Weather , Hundreds And Thousands , Community , Editing , Writing , Conditions , Tori , Next , Discomfort , Nerve Aches , Weakness , Onstar , Mother , Vehicle , First Responder , Child , Bikes Passing , Nervivenerve Relief , Fire Truck Siren , School Bus Passing By , Driver , Son , Injuries , Limu Emu Squawks , Limu Emu , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Doug , Personal Record , Limu , Thirty Four , Version , Planning ,

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