Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240709 : compareme

Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240709

things around to the extent that he can, if he can on inflation, on his legislative priorities and his handling of international crises that. is where all eyes are tonight on ukraine with russian troops on the border and europe on the brink. we'll talk with our correspondent there in a moment. tomorrow, one last chance for diplomacy to send a clear message to the kremlin. secretary of state blinken meets in geneva with his russian counterpart. the need for unambiguous communication may be even more so by the president's remarks last evening. >> i think what you're going to see is that russia will be held accountable if it invades. and it depends on what it does. it's one thing if it's a minor incursion and we have to fight about what to do and not do, et cetera. but if they do what they're capable of doing with the force amassed on the border, it is going to be a disaster for russia if they further invade ukraine, and that our allies and partners are ready to impose severe costs and significant harm on russia. >> today, ukraine's president tweeted, we want to remind the great powers there are no minor incursions and small nations. joe biden said this by way of clarification. >> i've been absolutely clear with president putputin, if any assembled russian units move across the ukrainian border, that is an invasion. and it will be met with severe and coordinated economic response that i have discussed in detail with our allies, as well as laid out very clearly for president putin. >> cnn's chief international correspondent clarissa ward is in kiev for us tonight. so what is the mood for lack of a better word right now like in ukraine and about what joe biden said? >> reporter: there's still a lot of consternation here about what was said, despite the attempts of the white house to row it back and provide more clarity. one ukrainian official said if biden wants to stop an invasion, he needs to do more. what does doing more look like in the opinion of this ukrainian official? doing more means providing more weaponry, sophisticated, heavy weaponry, things of that nature. this official said he would like to see the u.s. impose those sanctions right now, opposed to waiting for that russian aggression to happen. now, there is no sense or feeling that the u.s. is going to go ahead and do that. but i think it speaks to the level of anxiety here that you really saw again president zalenski putting out that tweet, say thing's no such thing as a minor incursion. i can't say how unusual it is for any ukrainian president for the last decade to publicly rebuke or speak out of turns with the sitting u.s. president. so there's definitely a mood here that things are looking increasingly grim, and a lot of anxiety about what the u.s. and nato's position will be regardless of whether it's a minor incursion or a full-scale invasion. >> as vladamir putin said anything about joe biden's comments? >> reporter: we haven't heard much from president vladamir putin today. you know, we did hear that russia has announced a new raft of huge, sort of naval exercises to take place in the coming months. and there's a sense that he's continuing to ratchet up the pressure, to increase the drumbeat. he wants to see some tangible, written statement from the u.s. as a response to the request or demands that russia has made. we also heard today from his spokesperson, who was asked whether there should be a possible meeting, a second meeting between biden and putin after the summit in geneva. he said such a meeting would be welcome, but only after russia has had a chance to review this written statement or response from the u.s. and we have already heard from secretary of state antony blinken, who will be meeting with his russian counterpart tomorrow, that there will not be any written statement. what does that mean exactly? we just don't know. >> and the talks tomorrow in geneva, what are the prospects there? >> i think there's a sort of broad consensus that this almost has to be a last-ditch effort to really give diplomacy a chance, and there are a lot of people who do believe that there is a chance. but the question is, what is it that putin can extract or lavrov can extract from his counterpart? what kind of a guarantee would suffice in order to deescalate the situation? and what does an off ramp look like for president putin at this stage? he has essentially painted himself into a corner with more than 100,000 troops surrounding, you know, the northeast and parts of the south of this country. it's very difficult for him to now simply pull back and change the subject without some meaningful extraction from the u.s. side. and at this stage, i think it's anyone's guess as to what that could be, because nothing gives an indication at this stage of being sort of optimistic point of potential consen tus sus bet the two sides. >> clarissa, thank you. here at home, the man who tried to shake down ukraine's president for help to defeat joe biden finds himself in deeper trouble for trying to shake down georgia's secretary of state. today, we're learning that the atlanta district attorney has asked that a special grand jury be convened. the centers, as you know, in the president's attempts to flip the results in georgia by leading on the secretary of state. part of the effort came in a phone call just four days before the riots. during that conversation, the former president made a spring of false allegations of election related crimes, then a series of threats about legal exposure to he doesn't do what he's asking and then states his bottom line. >> and you're going to find that they are -- which is totally illegal. it's more illegal for you than it is for them, because you know what they did, and you're not reporting it. that's the thing. that's a criminal -- that's a criminal offense. and you can't let that happen. that's a big risk to you and to ryan, your lawyer. you can't let it happen and you are letting it happen. i'm notifying that you're letting it happen. so, look, all i want to do is this, i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won the state. >> well, he didn't. separately, we also learned today that the house select committee requested a meeting with ivanka trump. the letter to her stating the committee has firsthand testimony that she was in the oval office on the morning of january 6th, as her father spoke by phone with vice president pence, pressuring him to play his part in overturning the election that day. that's something the vice president refused to do. for more on all this, we're joined by jim acosta, and jeffrey toobin. jeff, let's start with the story out of georgia. how significant is this about a grand jury? >> this is not the criminal investigation in the manhattan d.a.'s office or the criminal investigation in washington of january 6th. this is another criminal investigation entirely for georgia state law. and georgia has a law that says it is a crime if you solicit requests, command, or otherwise attempt to get someone else to commit election fraud. and that phone call is certainly part of this investigation. and what we learned today is that this investigation is going to be broader. it is not going to be just about the phone call, that the d.a. is trying to get other witnesses, other documents. and that's why she needs the grand jury to issue subpoenas. it doesn't mean the president is going to be prosecuted. but he is closer to being prosecuted today than he was yesterday. >> what specific charges could potentially -- just that -- >> you know, it's election fraud. it is causing someone to commit election fraud. what is significant about, this and it reflects the january 6th situation, is what is the line between the president's right to free speech to say, you know, i think this election was unfair. i think there was fraud involved, and coercing someone, attempting to get someone to commit fraud. that's the line that is involved in this case. i don't know on what line -- side of the line the president's behavior falls. but that's what this investigation is about. >> jim, the former president is facing potential legal challenges on a number of fronts. how concerned is he about that and those in his orbit, how concerned are they? >> you know, you saw the statement that president trump put out earlier today. you know, he says that the call with the georgia secretary of state was perfect. you know, putting those lies to the side, i talked to a trump adviser earlier this evening, and i asked, you know, do you think trump is worried about this grand jury investigation in georgia? and this adviser replied "very much." so trump may be crazy, but he's not stupid. getting back to what jeffrey toobin was saying, setting aside everything that took place on january 6th and all the things that trump did on january 6th, the leadup to january 6th was just as awful. trump's call with the georgia secretary of state, to me, is an election robbery caught on tape. i they is why so many of the people around the president, the then president at that time, were worried about his mental state. i remember talking to advisers who were saying, he's lost it and so on. he was trying to do everything under the sun to hang on to power. and this episode that was caught on tape may be his undoing. >> jeff, let's turn to ivanka trump. the january 6th committee asking her for her testimony. this is a first. obviously they could try to subpoena her if she refuses. do you see any world which she would voluntarily come to testify sh >> ivanka trump is, like all the trumps, about herself. she wants to preserve her position in the world. and there is a possibility, her lawyer today issued a statement that did not say yes or say no. but she's -- you can tell from this letter that the committee wrote that they're focused on two things. as jim said, there's the pre january 6th, a lot of the intersection between the president and vice president pence. was there coercion to commit some sort of offense there? and then there are the three hours between the beginning of the riot and when the president finally said we love you, but please stop. those three hours, ivanka trump is with the president as far as we know. and they certainly want to hear from her about what went on. >> jim, the committee's letter cites testimony from general keith kellogg, saying that white house staffers were trying to convince the president to try to stop the violence, but he was "being stubborn." and kellogg thought ivanka trump would be one of the only people to convince her father to do something. that's extraordinary to hear that detail. >> oh, it's incredible. and it goes beyond that, anderson. i will tell you, i talked to a former white house official who was there that day, who testified before the january 6th committee, who says ivanka trump was heavily involved in trying to get trump to call off the mob that day. and it took several attempts. according to the letter from the january 6th committee to ivanka trump, it says that the committee has information suggesting that the trump white house counsel's office had concluded that trump's pressure campaign on the vice president violated the constitution. and they want to know whether or not ivanka trump knew about that. apparently, they want to get their hands on these outtakes of that video trump recorded that day when he finally told people to go home. there were outtakes and they are in the possession of the national archives. the supreme court decision for the records to be turned over from the national archives over the congress, over the january 6th committee now is very, very important in that regard. of course, the letter goes on to talk about these texts from the sean hannity to kailee m mcennenney where hannity was saying, keep the crazies away from trump. ivanka was one of the lone people inside that building capable of talking trump off of that ledge. >> so you believe that there are multiple recordings of that message or that they did multiple tapings of it, and that those recordings are at the national archives? do we know that for sure? >> according -- according to the letter from the january 6th committee to ivanka trump, it says that the committee understands that those outtakes may be at the national archives, and that they are -- it says in the letter that right now trump has this case pending before the supreme court about the national archives. that, of course, has been adjudicated and reached its conclusion. and according to the letter, they want to know what ivanka trump knows about those outtakes. she may not know anything. when i talked to this former white house official that was there that day, this official was saying there were a limited number of people around trump dealing with this video. that appears to be very important. when that video comes out, that has the potential to be very explosive. if the public gets to see trump stumbling over whether or not to call off the mob and so on, i think that could really shape public opinion very negatively for the former president, even more so. >> if i could make one quick point about ivanka's possible testimony. many people know there is the marital privilege. there is no father/daughter, parent/child privilege. she can't say i'm not going to testify because he's my father. she may cite executive privilege because she was a white house adviser. however, the supreme court decision is a shot across the bow at that argument. and i think any judge is going to have a harder time sustaining that if the committee decides to press forward with the subpoena and contempt proceedings. >> i didn't realize handing stuff over the national archives is voluntary. there's no one from the national archives who shows up to get everything before the team leaves. >> right. they are not the police. >> jim acosta, jeff toobin, appreciate it. new reports how the white house is planning to move forwar forward after a difficult year. and fake presidential lectors in seven states that the former president lost. alka seltzer plus cold relief. dissolves quickly. instantly ready to start working. so you can bounce back fast with alka-seltzer plus. now available for fast sinus relief. with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .05% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkles results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. feel stuck with credit card debt? 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is there a specific plan to get some positive momentum? are they worried? >> on the latter question, is yes. i don't think that they're overwhelmed at this point in time when you talk to white house officials. they made clear that the building blocks are there for a positive second year. they feel like there were accomplishments in the first year. but while much of this day, anderson, was spent trying to clarify or explain some of the president's comments in his press conference last night, officials have been talking to also pointed to that press conference for some indications how they will be shifting course over the coming days and weeks. whether it's in messaging, the president making clear he doesn't want to be stuck in legislative negotiations or talking about what they want to accomplish, but focus on what they have done. focus on the american rescue plan, on the infrastructure bill, focus on their efforts related to v ed to vaccinations. not just talk about the things they're trying to do. and draw a contrast. that is something you're going see in the days and weeks ahead in a more i think determined fashion, when the president speaks. but one element here that was most interesting the president said last night is that the american public wants a president, not just a president senator. that wasn't an off handed remark, that's something that they have been seeing, that they felt like the president was almost being led around by events, viewed as a senator because he was stuck inside these negotiations and didn't have time to get outside and act like he was above it, act like he was leading, opposed to listening to what senators manchin or sinema or the progressives in his pardy were doing. they made it clear that the president will be stepping back when it comes to negotiations, letting his legislative team handle that, instead going out in the country talking about what they are doing and what they have done. it will be a shift. >> phil, thank you. joining us now is david axelrod, correspondent abby phillip, and sky jennings. does that make sense to you, the difference between being a president and a senator/president? >> it does make sense. joe biden is the person who pines for his time in the senate. he wants to be in there. he thinks of himself as a deal maker, and when things don't go well, he gets blamed for it. people say things like president manchin is the one really making decisions here. i don't think that's a good optician for the white house, and they're trying to, you know, take that back a little bit. i think they realize that biden needs to go back to the bide than he ran on in terms of people felt like he was a decent guy. a guy who understood them. a guy who was empathized with their lives. and he's been spending very little time in that place and more time in this horrible morass of nothingness in washington that is not good for the democrats. >> it's so interesting how the job is actually, you know, i mean, there's a reason it's a really tough job. and you can come into it, think you're going to do one thing and you end up in morass of nothi nothingness. >> and he built up expectations that he could turn it into something -- >> because of his experience. >> exactly. and he did. i can see sitting over at the white house saying my god, we passed this infrastructure bill, this is historic. other presidents would have loved to have had it. we passed this rescue act. it had a big impact. we have 200 million people vaccinated. we just have to sell that. if 28% of the country feel you're on the right track, going out there and saying we're doing great is not going to land well. you're right, his great strength is his empathy. but i was surprised yesterday when he said i just need to get out there and sell better. no, they've got to go out there and listen better and give people a sense of we're going through this national trial together. and he is connected to them in this. >> every president thinks they need to go out and sell better when sometimes the problem is what's happening or not happening. >> what we learned with president obama during the great recession is, even as we were making progress, if we went out there and touted it in the wrong way, people resented it, because they didn't feel it in their lives. right now, we're locked in this pandemic. we're facing this inflation problem that people see in their lives. they don't want to be told about all the progress we're making and how well -- they'll feel the progress, you know. so don't try and sell them what they won't believe. >> i wrote a sppiece that you jt wrote say thing is what joe biden does. >> i never imagined how quickly this would unfold. the person they sold on the campaign, a nice old moderate grandpa is not what we got over the last year. he has no mandate to do much of anything. it's amazing he got a couple of things done, when the mandate was clear. 50-50 senate, a 50-50 house, and a close presidential election. the mandate was replace donald trump and don't do anything stupid. and everything about this agenda is extremely drastic. he's been angrier, he's been more divisive and partisan. you look at the issues. we had five years of coverage out of trump out of russia, covid and democracy. we've got more deaths under biden than trump, and now we have the president and 1r50i79 and leading democrats questioning the legitimacy of20. are we any better off? i think he has a lot of political problems. a poll came out this morning, only 28% of americans want him to run for president. >> are they able to do a reset about, you know, bill clinton was able to tack after a loss. >> listen, i think they do have to -- they do have to make some changes. they need to acknowledge where they are. scott, he gave you a good summation of what the republican argument is going to be in november, and he's good at that. but the reality is, so much of this is being governed by events beyond his control. you know, you can't overestimate the impact of these waves of this virus. we think we're through it, and then we're back in it again. and it's just dispiriting to the country. there are all kinds of economic implications to that. one of the changes that they can make is one i just mentioned. i don't think it's the sort of, he's too liberal. that's what gets the energy going on the republican side. but i think there's just a sense of, things are out of control, and he's not in command. >> he does seem -- i mean, a lot of times now lately when he's been speaking, he seems to be shouting, which is more than just a communications issue when his whole thing was empathy. >> well, yes. i mean, it's probably never a good thing when a president is shouting, let's be honest about that. i do think that biden needs to -- the biden white house on a whole, needs to take a step back and refocus on what matters to people. what matters to people's homes, their personal economies, their sense of what the future is going to hold for them and their children. and he does have an opportunity to take the temperature down on the bickering, and within the democratic party. even on the fighting among republicans, and say, here's what we're going to do. he did that at the press conference last night. he said, we're going to break this stuff up. they should have decided to do that in december. break these things up into pieces that can pass, and put some things on the table that will allow the american people to see progress and not just see more of the same in terms of negativity, and the fact that he ran on this idea of returning normalcy to washington, he has to sew what that looks like. ises this idea of breaking up the bill, i saw nancy pelosi say the legislative process, because of the reconciliation issue, doesn't allow for that in the way people are describing. so i'm not sure what the real path here is. >> it's really more just picking the parts of it that can -- congresswoman jayapal just today said -- she basically said whatever joe manchin will say yes to, we will be okay with. and that's significant. >> problem with reconciliation, they're big things waiting to be shot down. no one knows what is inside of them. all of this stuff about radical left agenda, i think the democrats would welcome a debate about, you know, family leave or pre-k for every kid in america and so on. these things land bet weter wit the american people than they do with you. but it's very hard to do when they're wrapped up in a huge omnibus bill. and that's been a problem from the beginning. >> i think you might be right about the debate, but i think the key issues are fairly clear -- inflation. spending more and more money, people concluded that's not going to help. and then there are other issues that the president seems to be just not all that interested in. schools, crime, quality of life kind of stuff. i hear what you're saying about the individual parts of the bill, but it's all government spending and all wrapped up in the idea that if we just print more money and spend it, thing also get better when folks are seeing massive price increases. >> quality of life for americans is a really important thing the democrats haven't figured out a message on. they think they can just ignore it because, sure, the president is not the superintendent of schools for most people's kids. and sure, he's not the mayor of most people's towns. but americans expect the president to set the tone for how to address those problems, and democrats haven't done that. >> thank you all. up next, details on the role that rudy giuliani played in the fake electorate plot in seven states following the 2020 election. so you won't have a medicare in the world. ♪ ♪ plus, 90-day refills and same day delivery. larry? 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[ indiscernible ] >> i mean, again, i find this incredible. it's like a clown car on fire. did vice president mike pence know about this? because he used very specific language when he did his job. >> i was thinking about the clown car on fire. so here's the deal. i was told by a source close to pence and his team they were very concerned about this scenario playing out. they knew there were a lot of se t -- shenanigans going on. so when you recall, mike pence released that statement before january 6th saying -- laying out the process and saying i can only accept certificates of lectors that were certified by the state, by a state authority. that was intentional. and that was intentional because they were worried about this exact scenario. they wanted to make sure they laid out their case that this is what we have to follow, this is what we have to do. >> yeah. and more details are going to come out about this. a lot of people were involved in this it sounds like. rooms were being booked, phony certificates were being sent out. >> lectors were bragging about it. >> what was the trump campaign's justification for this? >> clearly, there was this trump was leading the way wanting to overturn the election results. i spoke to one source who argued that part of their thinking was, hey, we have all these lawsuits in these states. we should just go ahead and have these lectors and move forward as though trump won the state, just in case we win these lawsuits. that was fantasy thinking, because at that point, they had lost so many cases, that their lawsuits didn't have any merit at all. but that is what they are saying. clearly, though, the overarching reason was they were trying to do everything they could. and now we're get thing clear picture to overturn a valid election. >> incredible. it's just stunning. pamela brown, thank you so much. coming up, more on the growing worry about a potential russian invasion of ukraine. thomas friedman joins me to look at the biden administration's response and sar where he thinks vladamir putin's head is at after the annexation of crimea, that's next. only from discover. it■s hard eating healthy. unless you happen to be a dog. i may be close to retirement, but i'm as busy as ever. and thanks to voya, i'm confident about my future. voya provides guidance for the right investments. they make me feel like i've got it all under control. voya. be confident to and through retirement. shhh... you think she's still awake? don't worry. the lexus rx, built for a modern families. get $1,500 lease cash toward a 2022 rx 350. ♪ returning to one of our top stories, the world watching vladamir putin, ukraine and joe biden. an official telling cnn that bind must do more, including stopping the gas pipeline from opening. they add, we want patriots, meaning patriot missiles. he said without them, we don't stand a chance. this afternoon, joe biden reacted with contempt when a reporter challenged the president's approach. [ inaudible ] >> in his latest column in "the new york times," they argue that putin's threat can be summed up in a few words, marry me or i'll kill you. thomas friedman joins me now. so tom, you hear the white house trying to clean up sort of the president's remarks today. do you think he did damage with what he said or does it complicate the situation? >> you know, honestly, anderson, i think it was a one-day story, because this always comes down to what is in vladamir putin's head right now? and frankly, none of us know. i think the most important story today, anderson, is the fact that the u.s. signaled the three baltic countries that they can transfer javelin anti-tank missiles and stinger, you know, ground-to-air missiles to ukraine. i guarantee you, putin paid a r lot more attention to that than this statement the president said, which they cleaned up. putin has to be sitting there thinking, i have 100,000, 140,000 troops around this country. it's a country of 44 million people, and they don't want to be part of russia. this could get very bloody, very fast. if you think with the stories we covered, think of saddam's invasion of kuwait. at the time, there was the issue, did we encourage him? and then saddam went in. and low and behold, america got its act together, you know what i mean? we can be slow and messy and knuckleheaded. until we're not, and in this case putin would be very vulnerable. it would be his afghanistan, and we would be on the outside watching, sending weapons in. if he gets body bags going back to moscow, that parade music on moscow radio may not play so well back home. >> do you think it could potentially be an afghanistan for russia? i mean, is ukraine -- afghanistan was obviously, you know, very unique for a whole bunch of reasons. is ukraine -- do you think it can be a long lasting insurgency or, you know -- >> it already is -- >> a population that is against russia, obviously. >> yeah. you think of the trouble they've had in the eastern part of the country. they haven't been welcomed there, the russians. there's a front there already. and you go into these big, populated urban areas in western ukraine, which is the heart of ukrainian culture there, geez, i don't think this would be a smooth thing at all. i can't see the ukrainians just laying down their arms saying great, we want to be part of russia again. the other thing that could really happen, a finland and sweden have stayed out of nato, and that's been very important for russia. you could see a very quick move where finland and sweden say, and they have threatened this, you the this, and we're going to join nato. so this is one of these stories where i say it about the middle east, what's really important what happens the morning after, the morning after he goes in, you know, they all celebrate. everyone says biden is an idiot. the morning after the morgning after, he could have some real problem there is. this is the center of europe. >> sweden and finland is watching this, china is also watching, as is taiwan. >> no question, they're watching how we respond to this. look, i appreciate it, the american people, we have threat fatigue. we're just exhausted. i've been watching your show, and i am worried about american democracy right now. then you have to worry about taiwan and ukraine. there's only so much. but at the same time, you know, these countries, they're not welcome. taiwan does not want to be part of china. ukraine does not want tosh be t of russia. it wants to be part of the european union. i don't see this as a cake walk for putin at all. he's not going to get killed by social media, tiktok or whatever. he could be in a situation, putin, where when he wants to travel the world outside of russia, if he is occupying and snuffing out democracy of a country in the heart of europe, he could get some really vicious blowback. so i think it's high risk exercise on his part. he's a man who is always looking for dignity in all the wrong places. >> tom friedman, we'll leave it at that. thank you very much, tom. up next, why the fbi raided the home and office of democratic congressman henry c clayars, next. i've always been running. to meetings. errands. now i'm running for me. i've always dreamed of seeing the world. but i'm not chasing my dream anymore. i made a financial plan to live it every day. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at knowing where you came from, it gives you a sense of “this is who i am”. oh my goodness... wow, look at all those! you get hungry for more and then you're just like, “wow, i'm learning about my family.” yeah, yep. which one, what'd you find? 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>> reporter: well, the fbi says it cannot comment on ongoing investigation, but we are starting to a get a few morer clues on the nature of the investigation. they handle cases dealing with elected officials, corruption, campaign finance. and we also know as you mentioned in addition to raiding cuellar's home they raided his office. he hadn't been there all week and his office put out a statement saying he's fully cooperating with the probe, but they didn't offer any other details what this investigation is holding. certainly it looks bad because the feds would not have obtained a search warrant unless they had probable cause. >> and this is about six weeks before the texas primary. he's facing a stiff challenger. >> right. he could be in political trouble in addition to all the legal trouble he's potentially in. he's a centrist. this is the second time he'll be facing a progressive challenger. he barely beat her in 2020. she's an immigration lawyer and has powerful endorsements in her corner including senator warren, elizabeth warren from massachusetts -- >> emily's list. >> emily's list, the list goes on and on. this could be a big issue, a last minute issue for him in his campaign. he's been in congress for a very long time so this is going to be a race to watch. >> melanie, appreciate it. a reminder don't miss full circle our digital news show that gives us a chance to have in-depth conversations and check it streaming live at 6:00 p.m. eastern on monday, wednesdays and fridays and watch it any time on demand. up next as the biden administration works to overcome major blows, could there be staff changes? 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over 200 million, right? that's what keeps me going, that i can feel the change. restaurants have opened their doors, shops and businesses are buzzing again all over the country. more jobs were created in 2021 than in any year in the last 80 years. we are stronger than we were a year ago today. we're bringing on new drivers...we're expanding. the fear that was there - it's gone away. business is booming. it's exciting times for the auto industry. rebuilding our bridges, our roads, our transit systems. and the jobs...that's what this administration has been doing. from our toughest times, america has always built a brighter future. yes — we are brave. brave enough to see the light. and be the light we need to rebuild this country. we are strong. we are courageous. we are resilient. we are america, land of the brave. i've long said it's never been a good bet to bet against america. and that's more true today than ever. i've never been more optimistic about america's future. there is nothing beyond our capacity if we do it together. . and good evening from washington. as the biden administration tries to hit reset after a significant but bruising year heading into what could be a punishing mid-term election. last night's senate defeat of voting rights legislation underscores the position president biden finds himself in a year into office, on the delta and omicron surges which left americans unsure of the future, short on consumer goods, angry at school officials and sour on the president and his party. starting off this hour "the new york times" opinion columnist brett stevens. i appreciate you joining us. i really enjoyed your article. just in general how do you perceive president biden's next year in office based on what you've heard from him just in the past 36 hours? do you think he gets what's gone wrong in the first year? >> well, my hope is that the press conference, anderson, was a piece of bravado so as not to appear weak but he get

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, Don T Worry , Lexus Rx , Shhh , 1500 , 350 , 2022 , Stories , Bind , Opening , Gas Pipeline , Add , Approach , Patriot Missiles , Patriots , The New York Times , Inaudible , Threat , Column , Words , Damage , None , Countries , Missiles , Stinger , Attention , Saddam , 44 Million , 140000 , Issue , Weapons , Afghanistan , Body Bags , Knuckleheaded , That Parade Music On Moscow Radio May , Moscow , Insurgency , Population , Reasons , Bunch , Haven T , Front , Areas , Big , Ukrainians , Heart , Finland , There , Arms , Ukrainian Culture , Have , Sweden , Sweden Say , Everyone , Idiot , The Morning After , Middle East , Center , After , Taiwan , China , Show , Threat Fatigue , American Democracy , Social Media , T , Cake Walk , European Union , Blowback , Snuffing Out Democracy , Fbi , Places , Exercise , Dignity , Henry C Clayars , Meetings , Running , Dream , Errands , Northwestern Mutual , Advisor , Version , Nm Com Knowing , This Is Who I Am , County Of Macomb , Wow , Oh My Goodness 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, Brett Stevens , Biden S , Article , Press Conference , Hope , Piece , Bravado , 36 ,

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Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240709

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things around to the extent that he can, if he can on inflation, on his legislative priorities and his handling of international crises that. is where all eyes are tonight on ukraine with russian troops on the border and europe on the brink. we'll talk with our correspondent there in a moment. tomorrow, one last chance for diplomacy to send a clear message to the kremlin. secretary of state blinken meets in geneva with his russian counterpart. the need for unambiguous communication may be even more so by the president's remarks last evening. >> i think what you're going to see is that russia will be held accountable if it invades. and it depends on what it does. it's one thing if it's a minor incursion and we have to fight about what to do and not do, et cetera. but if they do what they're capable of doing with the force amassed on the border, it is going to be a disaster for russia if they further invade ukraine, and that our allies and partners are ready to impose severe costs and significant harm on russia. >> today, ukraine's president tweeted, we want to remind the great powers there are no minor incursions and small nations. joe biden said this by way of clarification. >> i've been absolutely clear with president putputin, if any assembled russian units move across the ukrainian border, that is an invasion. and it will be met with severe and coordinated economic response that i have discussed in detail with our allies, as well as laid out very clearly for president putin. >> cnn's chief international correspondent clarissa ward is in kiev for us tonight. so what is the mood for lack of a better word right now like in ukraine and about what joe biden said? >> reporter: there's still a lot of consternation here about what was said, despite the attempts of the white house to row it back and provide more clarity. one ukrainian official said if biden wants to stop an invasion, he needs to do more. what does doing more look like in the opinion of this ukrainian official? doing more means providing more weaponry, sophisticated, heavy weaponry, things of that nature. this official said he would like to see the u.s. impose those sanctions right now, opposed to waiting for that russian aggression to happen. now, there is no sense or feeling that the u.s. is going to go ahead and do that. but i think it speaks to the level of anxiety here that you really saw again president zalenski putting out that tweet, say thing's no such thing as a minor incursion. i can't say how unusual it is for any ukrainian president for the last decade to publicly rebuke or speak out of turns with the sitting u.s. president. so there's definitely a mood here that things are looking increasingly grim, and a lot of anxiety about what the u.s. and nato's position will be regardless of whether it's a minor incursion or a full-scale invasion. >> as vladamir putin said anything about joe biden's comments? >> reporter: we haven't heard much from president vladamir putin today. you know, we did hear that russia has announced a new raft of huge, sort of naval exercises to take place in the coming months. and there's a sense that he's continuing to ratchet up the pressure, to increase the drumbeat. he wants to see some tangible, written statement from the u.s. as a response to the request or demands that russia has made. we also heard today from his spokesperson, who was asked whether there should be a possible meeting, a second meeting between biden and putin after the summit in geneva. he said such a meeting would be welcome, but only after russia has had a chance to review this written statement or response from the u.s. and we have already heard from secretary of state antony blinken, who will be meeting with his russian counterpart tomorrow, that there will not be any written statement. what does that mean exactly? we just don't know. >> and the talks tomorrow in geneva, what are the prospects there? >> i think there's a sort of broad consensus that this almost has to be a last-ditch effort to really give diplomacy a chance, and there are a lot of people who do believe that there is a chance. but the question is, what is it that putin can extract or lavrov can extract from his counterpart? what kind of a guarantee would suffice in order to deescalate the situation? and what does an off ramp look like for president putin at this stage? he has essentially painted himself into a corner with more than 100,000 troops surrounding, you know, the northeast and parts of the south of this country. it's very difficult for him to now simply pull back and change the subject without some meaningful extraction from the u.s. side. and at this stage, i think it's anyone's guess as to what that could be, because nothing gives an indication at this stage of being sort of optimistic point of potential consen tus sus bet the two sides. >> clarissa, thank you. here at home, the man who tried to shake down ukraine's president for help to defeat joe biden finds himself in deeper trouble for trying to shake down georgia's secretary of state. today, we're learning that the atlanta district attorney has asked that a special grand jury be convened. the centers, as you know, in the president's attempts to flip the results in georgia by leading on the secretary of state. part of the effort came in a phone call just four days before the riots. during that conversation, the former president made a spring of false allegations of election related crimes, then a series of threats about legal exposure to he doesn't do what he's asking and then states his bottom line. >> and you're going to find that they are -- which is totally illegal. it's more illegal for you than it is for them, because you know what they did, and you're not reporting it. that's the thing. that's a criminal -- that's a criminal offense. and you can't let that happen. that's a big risk to you and to ryan, your lawyer. you can't let it happen and you are letting it happen. i'm notifying that you're letting it happen. so, look, all i want to do is this, i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won the state. >> well, he didn't. separately, we also learned today that the house select committee requested a meeting with ivanka trump. the letter to her stating the committee has firsthand testimony that she was in the oval office on the morning of january 6th, as her father spoke by phone with vice president pence, pressuring him to play his part in overturning the election that day. that's something the vice president refused to do. for more on all this, we're joined by jim acosta, and jeffrey toobin. jeff, let's start with the story out of georgia. how significant is this about a grand jury? >> this is not the criminal investigation in the manhattan d.a.'s office or the criminal investigation in washington of january 6th. this is another criminal investigation entirely for georgia state law. and georgia has a law that says it is a crime if you solicit requests, command, or otherwise attempt to get someone else to commit election fraud. and that phone call is certainly part of this investigation. and what we learned today is that this investigation is going to be broader. it is not going to be just about the phone call, that the d.a. is trying to get other witnesses, other documents. and that's why she needs the grand jury to issue subpoenas. it doesn't mean the president is going to be prosecuted. but he is closer to being prosecuted today than he was yesterday. >> what specific charges could potentially -- just that -- >> you know, it's election fraud. it is causing someone to commit election fraud. what is significant about, this and it reflects the january 6th situation, is what is the line between the president's right to free speech to say, you know, i think this election was unfair. i think there was fraud involved, and coercing someone, attempting to get someone to commit fraud. that's the line that is involved in this case. i don't know on what line -- side of the line the president's behavior falls. but that's what this investigation is about. >> jim, the former president is facing potential legal challenges on a number of fronts. how concerned is he about that and those in his orbit, how concerned are they? >> you know, you saw the statement that president trump put out earlier today. you know, he says that the call with the georgia secretary of state was perfect. you know, putting those lies to the side, i talked to a trump adviser earlier this evening, and i asked, you know, do you think trump is worried about this grand jury investigation in georgia? and this adviser replied "very much." so trump may be crazy, but he's not stupid. getting back to what jeffrey toobin was saying, setting aside everything that took place on january 6th and all the things that trump did on january 6th, the leadup to january 6th was just as awful. trump's call with the georgia secretary of state, to me, is an election robbery caught on tape. i they is why so many of the people around the president, the then president at that time, were worried about his mental state. i remember talking to advisers who were saying, he's lost it and so on. he was trying to do everything under the sun to hang on to power. and this episode that was caught on tape may be his undoing. >> jeff, let's turn to ivanka trump. the january 6th committee asking her for her testimony. this is a first. obviously they could try to subpoena her if she refuses. do you see any world which she would voluntarily come to testify sh >> ivanka trump is, like all the trumps, about herself. she wants to preserve her position in the world. and there is a possibility, her lawyer today issued a statement that did not say yes or say no. but she's -- you can tell from this letter that the committee wrote that they're focused on two things. as jim said, there's the pre january 6th, a lot of the intersection between the president and vice president pence. was there coercion to commit some sort of offense there? and then there are the three hours between the beginning of the riot and when the president finally said we love you, but please stop. those three hours, ivanka trump is with the president as far as we know. and they certainly want to hear from her about what went on. >> jim, the committee's letter cites testimony from general keith kellogg, saying that white house staffers were trying to convince the president to try to stop the violence, but he was "being stubborn." and kellogg thought ivanka trump would be one of the only people to convince her father to do something. that's extraordinary to hear that detail. >> oh, it's incredible. and it goes beyond that, anderson. i will tell you, i talked to a former white house official who was there that day, who testified before the january 6th committee, who says ivanka trump was heavily involved in trying to get trump to call off the mob that day. and it took several attempts. according to the letter from the january 6th committee to ivanka trump, it says that the committee has information suggesting that the trump white house counsel's office had concluded that trump's pressure campaign on the vice president violated the constitution. and they want to know whether or not ivanka trump knew about that. apparently, they want to get their hands on these outtakes of that video trump recorded that day when he finally told people to go home. there were outtakes and they are in the possession of the national archives. the supreme court decision for the records to be turned over from the national archives over the congress, over the january 6th committee now is very, very important in that regard. of course, the letter goes on to talk about these texts from the sean hannity to kailee m mcennenney where hannity was saying, keep the crazies away from trump. ivanka was one of the lone people inside that building capable of talking trump off of that ledge. >> so you believe that there are multiple recordings of that message or that they did multiple tapings of it, and that those recordings are at the national archives? do we know that for sure? >> according -- according to the letter from the january 6th committee to ivanka trump, it says that the committee understands that those outtakes may be at the national archives, and that they are -- it says in the letter that right now trump has this case pending before the supreme court about the national archives. that, of course, has been adjudicated and reached its conclusion. and according to the letter, they want to know what ivanka trump knows about those outtakes. she may not know anything. when i talked to this former white house official that was there that day, this official was saying there were a limited number of people around trump dealing with this video. that appears to be very important. when that video comes out, that has the potential to be very explosive. if the public gets to see trump stumbling over whether or not to call off the mob and so on, i think that could really shape public opinion very negatively for the former president, even more so. >> if i could make one quick point about ivanka's possible testimony. many people know there is the marital privilege. there is no father/daughter, parent/child privilege. she can't say i'm not going to testify because he's my father. she may cite executive privilege because she was a white house adviser. however, the supreme court decision is a shot across the bow at that argument. and i think any judge is going to have a harder time sustaining that if the committee decides to press forward with the subpoena and contempt proceedings. >> i didn't realize handing stuff over the national archives is voluntary. there's no one from the national archives who shows up to get everything before the team leaves. >> right. they are not the police. >> jim acosta, jeff toobin, appreciate it. new reports how the white house is planning to move forwar forward after a difficult year. and fake presidential lectors in seven states that the former president lost. alka seltzer plus cold relief. dissolves quickly. instantly ready to start working. so you can bounce back fast with alka-seltzer plus. now available for fast sinus relief. with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .05% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkles results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. feel stuck with credit card debt? 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is there a specific plan to get some positive momentum? are they worried? >> on the latter question, is yes. i don't think that they're overwhelmed at this point in time when you talk to white house officials. they made clear that the building blocks are there for a positive second year. they feel like there were accomplishments in the first year. but while much of this day, anderson, was spent trying to clarify or explain some of the president's comments in his press conference last night, officials have been talking to also pointed to that press conference for some indications how they will be shifting course over the coming days and weeks. whether it's in messaging, the president making clear he doesn't want to be stuck in legislative negotiations or talking about what they want to accomplish, but focus on what they have done. focus on the american rescue plan, on the infrastructure bill, focus on their efforts related to v ed to vaccinations. not just talk about the things they're trying to do. and draw a contrast. that is something you're going see in the days and weeks ahead in a more i think determined fashion, when the president speaks. but one element here that was most interesting the president said last night is that the american public wants a president, not just a president senator. that wasn't an off handed remark, that's something that they have been seeing, that they felt like the president was almost being led around by events, viewed as a senator because he was stuck inside these negotiations and didn't have time to get outside and act like he was above it, act like he was leading, opposed to listening to what senators manchin or sinema or the progressives in his pardy were doing. they made it clear that the president will be stepping back when it comes to negotiations, letting his legislative team handle that, instead going out in the country talking about what they are doing and what they have done. it will be a shift. >> phil, thank you. joining us now is david axelrod, correspondent abby phillip, and sky jennings. does that make sense to you, the difference between being a president and a senator/president? >> it does make sense. joe biden is the person who pines for his time in the senate. he wants to be in there. he thinks of himself as a deal maker, and when things don't go well, he gets blamed for it. people say things like president manchin is the one really making decisions here. i don't think that's a good optician for the white house, and they're trying to, you know, take that back a little bit. i think they realize that biden needs to go back to the bide than he ran on in terms of people felt like he was a decent guy. a guy who understood them. a guy who was empathized with their lives. and he's been spending very little time in that place and more time in this horrible morass of nothingness in washington that is not good for the democrats. >> it's so interesting how the job is actually, you know, i mean, there's a reason it's a really tough job. and you can come into it, think you're going to do one thing and you end up in morass of nothi nothingness. >> and he built up expectations that he could turn it into something -- >> because of his experience. >> exactly. and he did. i can see sitting over at the white house saying my god, we passed this infrastructure bill, this is historic. other presidents would have loved to have had it. we passed this rescue act. it had a big impact. we have 200 million people vaccinated. we just have to sell that. if 28% of the country feel you're on the right track, going out there and saying we're doing great is not going to land well. you're right, his great strength is his empathy. but i was surprised yesterday when he said i just need to get out there and sell better. no, they've got to go out there and listen better and give people a sense of we're going through this national trial together. and he is connected to them in this. >> every president thinks they need to go out and sell better when sometimes the problem is what's happening or not happening. >> what we learned with president obama during the great recession is, even as we were making progress, if we went out there and touted it in the wrong way, people resented it, because they didn't feel it in their lives. right now, we're locked in this pandemic. we're facing this inflation problem that people see in their lives. they don't want to be told about all the progress we're making and how well -- they'll feel the progress, you know. so don't try and sell them what they won't believe. >> i wrote a sppiece that you jt wrote say thing is what joe biden does. >> i never imagined how quickly this would unfold. the person they sold on the campaign, a nice old moderate grandpa is not what we got over the last year. he has no mandate to do much of anything. it's amazing he got a couple of things done, when the mandate was clear. 50-50 senate, a 50-50 house, and a close presidential election. the mandate was replace donald trump and don't do anything stupid. and everything about this agenda is extremely drastic. he's been angrier, he's been more divisive and partisan. you look at the issues. we had five years of coverage out of trump out of russia, covid and democracy. we've got more deaths under biden than trump, and now we have the president and 1r50i79 and leading democrats questioning the legitimacy of20. are we any better off? i think he has a lot of political problems. a poll came out this morning, only 28% of americans want him to run for president. >> are they able to do a reset about, you know, bill clinton was able to tack after a loss. >> listen, i think they do have to -- they do have to make some changes. they need to acknowledge where they are. scott, he gave you a good summation of what the republican argument is going to be in november, and he's good at that. but the reality is, so much of this is being governed by events beyond his control. you know, you can't overestimate the impact of these waves of this virus. we think we're through it, and then we're back in it again. and it's just dispiriting to the country. there are all kinds of economic implications to that. one of the changes that they can make is one i just mentioned. i don't think it's the sort of, he's too liberal. that's what gets the energy going on the republican side. but i think there's just a sense of, things are out of control, and he's not in command. >> he does seem -- i mean, a lot of times now lately when he's been speaking, he seems to be shouting, which is more than just a communications issue when his whole thing was empathy. >> well, yes. i mean, it's probably never a good thing when a president is shouting, let's be honest about that. i do think that biden needs to -- the biden white house on a whole, needs to take a step back and refocus on what matters to people. what matters to people's homes, their personal economies, their sense of what the future is going to hold for them and their children. and he does have an opportunity to take the temperature down on the bickering, and within the democratic party. even on the fighting among republicans, and say, here's what we're going to do. he did that at the press conference last night. he said, we're going to break this stuff up. they should have decided to do that in december. break these things up into pieces that can pass, and put some things on the table that will allow the american people to see progress and not just see more of the same in terms of negativity, and the fact that he ran on this idea of returning normalcy to washington, he has to sew what that looks like. ises this idea of breaking up the bill, i saw nancy pelosi say the legislative process, because of the reconciliation issue, doesn't allow for that in the way people are describing. so i'm not sure what the real path here is. >> it's really more just picking the parts of it that can -- congresswoman jayapal just today said -- she basically said whatever joe manchin will say yes to, we will be okay with. and that's significant. >> problem with reconciliation, they're big things waiting to be shot down. no one knows what is inside of them. all of this stuff about radical left agenda, i think the democrats would welcome a debate about, you know, family leave or pre-k for every kid in america and so on. these things land bet weter wit the american people than they do with you. but it's very hard to do when they're wrapped up in a huge omnibus bill. and that's been a problem from the beginning. >> i think you might be right about the debate, but i think the key issues are fairly clear -- inflation. spending more and more money, people concluded that's not going to help. and then there are other issues that the president seems to be just not all that interested in. schools, crime, quality of life kind of stuff. i hear what you're saying about the individual parts of the bill, but it's all government spending and all wrapped up in the idea that if we just print more money and spend it, thing also get better when folks are seeing massive price increases. >> quality of life for americans is a really important thing the democrats haven't figured out a message on. they think they can just ignore it because, sure, the president is not the superintendent of schools for most people's kids. and sure, he's not the mayor of most people's towns. but americans expect the president to set the tone for how to address those problems, and democrats haven't done that. >> thank you all. up next, details on the role that rudy giuliani played in the fake electorate plot in seven states following the 2020 election. so you won't have a medicare in the world. ♪ ♪ plus, 90-day refills and same day delivery. larry? 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[ indiscernible ] >> i mean, again, i find this incredible. it's like a clown car on fire. did vice president mike pence know about this? because he used very specific language when he did his job. >> i was thinking about the clown car on fire. so here's the deal. i was told by a source close to pence and his team they were very concerned about this scenario playing out. they knew there were a lot of se t -- shenanigans going on. so when you recall, mike pence released that statement before january 6th saying -- laying out the process and saying i can only accept certificates of lectors that were certified by the state, by a state authority. that was intentional. and that was intentional because they were worried about this exact scenario. they wanted to make sure they laid out their case that this is what we have to follow, this is what we have to do. >> yeah. and more details are going to come out about this. a lot of people were involved in this it sounds like. rooms were being booked, phony certificates were being sent out. >> lectors were bragging about it. >> what was the trump campaign's justification for this? >> clearly, there was this trump was leading the way wanting to overturn the election results. i spoke to one source who argued that part of their thinking was, hey, we have all these lawsuits in these states. we should just go ahead and have these lectors and move forward as though trump won the state, just in case we win these lawsuits. that was fantasy thinking, because at that point, they had lost so many cases, that their lawsuits didn't have any merit at all. but that is what they are saying. clearly, though, the overarching reason was they were trying to do everything they could. and now we're get thing clear picture to overturn a valid election. >> incredible. it's just stunning. pamela brown, thank you so much. coming up, more on the growing worry about a potential russian invasion of ukraine. thomas friedman joins me to look at the biden administration's response and sar where he thinks vladamir putin's head is at after the annexation of crimea, that's next. only from discover. it■s hard eating healthy. unless you happen to be a dog. i may be close to retirement, but i'm as busy as ever. and thanks to voya, i'm confident about my future. voya provides guidance for the right investments. they make me feel like i've got it all under control. voya. be confident to and through retirement. shhh... you think she's still awake? don't worry. the lexus rx, built for a modern families. get $1,500 lease cash toward a 2022 rx 350. ♪ returning to one of our top stories, the world watching vladamir putin, ukraine and joe biden. an official telling cnn that bind must do more, including stopping the gas pipeline from opening. they add, we want patriots, meaning patriot missiles. he said without them, we don't stand a chance. this afternoon, joe biden reacted with contempt when a reporter challenged the president's approach. [ inaudible ] >> in his latest column in "the new york times," they argue that putin's threat can be summed up in a few words, marry me or i'll kill you. thomas friedman joins me now. so tom, you hear the white house trying to clean up sort of the president's remarks today. do you think he did damage with what he said or does it complicate the situation? >> you know, honestly, anderson, i think it was a one-day story, because this always comes down to what is in vladamir putin's head right now? and frankly, none of us know. i think the most important story today, anderson, is the fact that the u.s. signaled the three baltic countries that they can transfer javelin anti-tank missiles and stinger, you know, ground-to-air missiles to ukraine. i guarantee you, putin paid a r lot more attention to that than this statement the president said, which they cleaned up. putin has to be sitting there thinking, i have 100,000, 140,000 troops around this country. it's a country of 44 million people, and they don't want to be part of russia. this could get very bloody, very fast. if you think with the stories we covered, think of saddam's invasion of kuwait. at the time, there was the issue, did we encourage him? and then saddam went in. and low and behold, america got its act together, you know what i mean? we can be slow and messy and knuckleheaded. until we're not, and in this case putin would be very vulnerable. it would be his afghanistan, and we would be on the outside watching, sending weapons in. if he gets body bags going back to moscow, that parade music on moscow radio may not play so well back home. >> do you think it could potentially be an afghanistan for russia? i mean, is ukraine -- afghanistan was obviously, you know, very unique for a whole bunch of reasons. is ukraine -- do you think it can be a long lasting insurgency or, you know -- >> it already is -- >> a population that is against russia, obviously. >> yeah. you think of the trouble they've had in the eastern part of the country. they haven't been welcomed there, the russians. there's a front there already. and you go into these big, populated urban areas in western ukraine, which is the heart of ukrainian culture there, geez, i don't think this would be a smooth thing at all. i can't see the ukrainians just laying down their arms saying great, we want to be part of russia again. the other thing that could really happen, a finland and sweden have stayed out of nato, and that's been very important for russia. you could see a very quick move where finland and sweden say, and they have threatened this, you the this, and we're going to join nato. so this is one of these stories where i say it about the middle east, what's really important what happens the morning after, the morning after he goes in, you know, they all celebrate. everyone says biden is an idiot. the morning after the morgning after, he could have some real problem there is. this is the center of europe. >> sweden and finland is watching this, china is also watching, as is taiwan. >> no question, they're watching how we respond to this. look, i appreciate it, the american people, we have threat fatigue. we're just exhausted. i've been watching your show, and i am worried about american democracy right now. then you have to worry about taiwan and ukraine. there's only so much. but at the same time, you know, these countries, they're not welcome. taiwan does not want to be part of china. ukraine does not want tosh be t of russia. it wants to be part of the european union. i don't see this as a cake walk for putin at all. he's not going to get killed by social media, tiktok or whatever. he could be in a situation, putin, where when he wants to travel the world outside of russia, if he is occupying and snuffing out democracy of a country in the heart of europe, he could get some really vicious blowback. so i think it's high risk exercise on his part. he's a man who is always looking for dignity in all the wrong places. >> tom friedman, we'll leave it at that. thank you very much, tom. up next, why the fbi raided the home and office of democratic congressman henry c clayars, next. i've always been running. to meetings. errands. now i'm running for me. i've always dreamed of seeing the world. but i'm not chasing my dream anymore. i made a financial plan to live it every day. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at knowing where you came from, it gives you a sense of “this is who i am”. oh my goodness... wow, look at all those! you get hungry for more and then you're just like, “wow, i'm learning about my family.” yeah, yep. which one, what'd you find? 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>> reporter: well, the fbi says it cannot comment on ongoing investigation, but we are starting to a get a few morer clues on the nature of the investigation. they handle cases dealing with elected officials, corruption, campaign finance. and we also know as you mentioned in addition to raiding cuellar's home they raided his office. he hadn't been there all week and his office put out a statement saying he's fully cooperating with the probe, but they didn't offer any other details what this investigation is holding. certainly it looks bad because the feds would not have obtained a search warrant unless they had probable cause. >> and this is about six weeks before the texas primary. he's facing a stiff challenger. >> right. he could be in political trouble in addition to all the legal trouble he's potentially in. he's a centrist. this is the second time he'll be facing a progressive challenger. he barely beat her in 2020. she's an immigration lawyer and has powerful endorsements in her corner including senator warren, elizabeth warren from massachusetts -- >> emily's list. >> emily's list, the list goes on and on. this could be a big issue, a last minute issue for him in his campaign. he's been in congress for a very long time so this is going to be a race to watch. >> melanie, appreciate it. a reminder don't miss full circle our digital news show that gives us a chance to have in-depth conversations and check it streaming live at 6:00 p.m. eastern on monday, wednesdays and fridays and watch it any time on demand. up next as the biden administration works to overcome major blows, could there be staff changes? 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over 200 million, right? that's what keeps me going, that i can feel the change. restaurants have opened their doors, shops and businesses are buzzing again all over the country. more jobs were created in 2021 than in any year in the last 80 years. we are stronger than we were a year ago today. we're bringing on new drivers...we're expanding. the fear that was there - it's gone away. business is booming. it's exciting times for the auto industry. rebuilding our bridges, our roads, our transit systems. and the jobs...that's what this administration has been doing. from our toughest times, america has always built a brighter future. yes — we are brave. brave enough to see the light. and be the light we need to rebuild this country. we are strong. we are courageous. we are resilient. we are america, land of the brave. i've long said it's never been a good bet to bet against america. and that's more true today than ever. i've never been more optimistic about america's future. there is nothing beyond our capacity if we do it together. . and good evening from washington. as the biden administration tries to hit reset after a significant but bruising year heading into what could be a punishing mid-term election. last night's senate defeat of voting rights legislation underscores the position president biden finds himself in a year into office, on the delta and omicron surges which left americans unsure of the future, short on consumer goods, angry at school officials and sour on the president and his party. starting off this hour "the new york times" opinion columnist brett stevens. i appreciate you joining us. i really enjoyed your article. just in general how do you perceive president biden's next year in office based on what you've heard from him just in the past 36 hours? do you think he gets what's gone wrong in the first year? >> well, my hope is that the press conference, anderson, was a piece of bravado so as not to appear weak but he get

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, Brett Stevens , Biden S , Article , Press Conference , Hope , Piece , Bravado , 36 ,

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