Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Vi

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240709

election was stolen. and in a recorded message to a king prayer breakfast president biden said it is not just enough to praise the civil rights leader but the nation must commit to his unfinished work. >> doctor king held a mirror up to america and forced us to answer the question, where do we stand, whose side are we on? we're in another moment right now where the mirror is being held up to america, being held up again. will we stand up for an american, where everyone is guaranteed the full protection and full promise of this nation, yes or no. i know where i stand. it is time for every elected official in america to make it clear where they stand. >> suzanne malveaux is sat another king day event. hello to you. we heard from king's son, we heard from speaker pelosi. what did they say? >> reporter: well, victor, in fact that event is still going on and really the focus here as martin luther king iii have told me time and time again leading up to the day and the events, no celebration until legislation. that this cannot be separated from his father's mission and his father's legacy, that his father in fact pushing for not only the civil rights act of '64 but the voting rights act of '65. there is a tremendous amount of pressure being put on the president as well as members of congress, the two democratic senators, senator sinema and manchin who oppose changing the filibuster rules or that 60-vote threshold to move forward with the voting rights legislation and we heard that over and over again. and so that is what the message is here today. make no mistake, they are calling out names and they are saying that tomorrow, tomorrow is when the senate takes up this debate over voting rights legislation, that each member of congress think about their vote very carefully, that it will be a historic one and this is one that they believe, they will hold accountable these senators if in fact they vote against it. take a listen. >> last week the president said he's tired of being quiet about voting rights. well, we're tired of being patient. the filibuster is sacred except for when it is not. in 2010 senator sinema supported the idea of using reconciliation to get around the filibuster and pass health care reform. just last month, they both supported an exception to the filibuster to raise the debt ceiling. but they draw the line at protecting the rights of millions of voters. history will not remember them kindly. >> we will not give up. we will not give out. we will not give in. whether this bill is passed tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year, and we already know what the end will be. because god always ends on all is well and until all is well, it is not then. >> so victor, if you listen closer to what she's saying, there is also by the king family an acknowledgment that very likely that we know that they don't have 60 votes for in fact the voting rights legislation to be passed and they don't have the support of those two democratic senators, those moderates who do not believe in changing the filibuster, making an exception for voting rights legislation. there is an acknowledgment of the reality and the time in which we are right now. and so they say despite that, that they will continue the fight, they will continue the pressure for voting rights legislation and you can hear however, the fact that this is an ongoing fight, that they are willing to take, they say it is part of the legacy of his father and it is something that they will continue to do. victor. >> suzanne malveaux in washington. thank you. we have live pictures now. this is denver, colorado. you could see here what is being called a mer aid, a march and a parade. it is speaking to what we've been discussing at the top of the show. the parade in honor of the icon of dr. king but the march still that there is work to do to continue that dream. again this is denver, colorado. mlk day mar-ade through the streets of denver. let's bring in attorney and commentator bakari sellers, you just wrote a children's book, "who are your people" and natasha brown, natasha, let me start with you and the reality that we heard from the kings, from susan in her report there that what happened tomorrow is not going to lead to reform of the filibuster. it is not going to move the ball on passing legislation to protect voting rights. so what now? >> well i do think that what we want is we want there to be a debate and a vote. because we want people to be on record of saying what side are they on. are you supporting voting rights at this moment or you're not supporting voting rights at this moment. so i think it is one thing for people to say and another thing for them to have to get on the floor and vote one way or another. the second thing is we've always seen where there has never been a right time for voting rights. i have to remind people in 1965 that everybody told dr. king to wait, including the president said it wasn't the right time. so we have to continue to put pressure on, but agree with mrs. king, whether it is tomorrow, whether it is on friday, but putting the pressure on, we're also calling out to the consciousness of the 16 republicans that actually voted for the reauthorization of the voting rights act. where are they now? we're asking and calling to you stand in this space right now. it is not over until it is over. >> bakari, from a politics perspective, should the white house, should the party do this every six month. and i'm not saying that to be dismissive. we heard from the national constitution center and then the speech and vote that doesn't lead to anything and the big speech in january and then that leads to nothing and do they try to continue to pass this or do you set up a failure every six months because you can't get it done? >> i don't think we need to do it every six months to be completely months. i think we need to do it every 30 days. when you're talking about doctor king, there are a lot of people who think dr. king graced this planet and said judge thee by the content of their character and we can't forget about his letting from birmingham jail when he talked about what we're dealing with today. in that letter he went about talking about the fact is that the white moderate stands in the way of progress in this country. it is not the white citizens council or the ku klux klan, it is the preserve of order over justice. an that is what you have in sinema and manchin. and now it is unfortunate that this is become such a partisan issue and it was done by none other than the chief justice of the united states of america john roberts who made this into a political football. but this should be an issue that white, black, democrat or republican, we shouldn't have to rehash this every time around. this should be an issue we all agree on. >> former secretary clinton tweeted a quote from dr. king about a day of progress, i'm paraphrasing here. natasha, on this bipartisan group of senators now discussing maybe some progress on the electoral count act. is that any consolation, is it any measure of a win for you? no, not at all. we don't consider that as win at all. that is not the same as voting rights. we're sighing that is a compromise to passify a group that is standing as obstructionist to voting rights. we need point black voting rights. this is accelerated by the liftup of the great lie that they're hiding behind. they have to come out and we have to smoke them out and it is not a substantive and it is not acceptable. >> and the electoral count speaks to what the vice president does and what happened on january 6. i think most analysts would say it is slop illy written or not clear as it could be. so that needs to be tightened up. i think many agree. bakari, you say this should happen every 30 days whax does the party now do this with energy? because it is not going to happen every 30 days we know. what does the wouse -- does the white house do, we hear the marching and the passion from la to bea. >> let's be honest. because we've had a lot of people in our party that want to preserve the status quo, saying why are you giving the president and the vice president so much hell and the reason being is because this issue matters that much. and then they ask, okay, he finally used his bully pulpit, he being the president of the united states, what more do you want him to do. i want to challenge the department of justice to do things that they are already doing and doing more. going to the states that are passing regressive laws and be a fence post, challenge those laws continuously. let's utilize this executive action and see what president can do along the lines of voting rights while we're fighting this battle in congress. and last but not least, my father told me this the other day, while we have all of this energy, we need to organize and we need to register voters. we need to make sure that we're registering hundreds of thousands if not millions of voters and not registering them in new york and massachusetts and colorado. i want to register them in little rock, arkansas, columbus and charlotte, north carolina and pass these regressive bills on their head. >> bakari, let me stay with you and listen to mitt romney and a lit of republicans that they want to discuss maybe making some progress on this. mitt romney's name would likely be on this list. here is what he said. >> the group of about 12 senators, republicans and democrats that are working on the electoral count act. he'll continue to work together. sadly, this election reform bill that the president has been pushing, i never got a call on that from the white house. there was no negotiation, bringing republicans or democrats together to try to come up with something that would meet bipartisan interest. sure, we could work together on almost every issue, where there is common ground. >> now i should preface this by saying phones work both ways. if he wanted to talk about voting rights, he could certainly call the white house. but i wonder if that is true, that they did not engage moderate republicans like mitt romney, is that a missed opportunity? >> no, i mean, let's have a conversation about what intellectual dishonesty is. the fact is mitt romney is on the record about where he stands on the john lewis voting rights bill and he's ben clear about that. but it should be nonpartisan. and i like when i hear republicans say this is a federal takeover of elections, because it shows their hands. because that is the same language used in opposition to the voting rights act in the first place. so if mitt romney wants to come on board with something as pure and democratic as voting rights we'll welcome him to have that conversation. i dare not ask the president and the vice president of the united states to waste their time with mitt romney or rand paul and others being intellectually dishonest at their core. >> thank you both. >> thank you. >> thank you. let's talk about this weather. a powerful and dangerous winter storm is prompting severe alerts up and down the east coast. millions of people are being impacted. hundreds of flights have been grounded. cnn has teams covering it from every angle. plus the fbi now calls the hostage standoff at a texas synagogue a terror incident that targeted the jewish community. what we're learning about the hostage-taker and his possible motive. so when my windshield broke... >> woman: what?! >> vo: ...i searched for someone who really knew my car. i found the experts at safelite autoglass. with their exclusive technology, they fixed my windshield... then recalibrated the camera attached to my glass so my safety systems still work. who knew that was a thing?! >> woman: safelite has service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. for people living with h-i-v, keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. i am here because they revolutionized immunotherapy. i am here because they saw how cancer adapts to different oxygen levels and starved it. i am here because they switched off egfr gene mutation and stopped the growth of tumor cells. there's a place that's making one advanced cancer discovery after another for 75 years. i am here... i am here.... because of dana-farber. what we do here changes lives everywhere. i am here. at university of phoenix, we have scholarships for everyone hard at work, no matter where you work. get up to a $3,000 scholarship, starting with your first course. explore your opportunities at lisa here, has had many jobs. and all that experience has led her to a job that feels like home. with home instead, you too can become a caregiver to older adults. apply today. at at&t everyone gets our best deals. aren't others doing that? 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>> well, it is still churning, believe it or not. victor, this is started two days ago, dropping a foot of ksnow i arkansas and nine inches in mississippi. and then the turn toward the northeast. incredible to see this many advisories and warnings into eastern tennessee, gatlinburg picking up a foot of snow. these are the higher totals overnight. eastern ohio and in fact toronto canada under a blizzard warning, could be an all-time record. cars are trapped all over the interstate. it is still winding up even on the tail end we could see an additional inch in some areas in tennessee and toward west virginia. mainly rain. but it was interesting to see thunderstorm activity after getting snow in baltimore, changing to rain. thunderstorm warning up and even into new york city. but it is still winding down. and it is going to take a while. with that, a little bit of accumulation. but i'm concerned about the winds. five states have power outages. nowhere near what we were expecting because the forecast for ice underachieved and that is a good thing. we don't want to see the ice really form. so got pretty lucky in some areas of the carolinas with the ice. overachieved with snow. but there are areas down in the south in georgia, those that didn't get an accumulation of snow could lose power. it is going to stay below freezing. here is the ohio valley and great lakes. this is a thursday and friday event. if an area of low pressure developed around mississippi and georgia, here is your friday snow accumulations and it is quite heavy in areas again of the southeast, pa part of the u.s. another wallop, hopefully it won't turn out, but it looks like it may be happen. >> the carolinas do not need another hit. >> no. >> we're hearing from the rabbi taken hostage after a synagogue for a first time. you'll hear him describe what happen and how they escaped. and the world's top ranked men's player is back in serbia after being deported from australia. this may be just the beginning of tournament trouble for novak djokovic. hey lexus, play my music. it's not just about getting ahead. or the constant grind. it's about knowing what you want... 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>> reporter: well, victor, as you said, the fbi is calling this terrorism related, an incident they say in which the jewish community was targeted. you could imagine the tense terrifying moments that not just this congregation had on saturday, but all of the surrounding neighbors. the houses here are quite close to the building. so there was a lot of fear here and unfortunately that threat is something that this congregation thought might be possible because they actually went through crisis training, active shooting training in the past that proved extremely helpful in this situation. i just want to point out some video that we took in the last hour or so of police still actively working the scenario. we saw folks from the fbi, investigators on the roof of the building, still taking -- surveying the site, processing evidence. they have a truck they've been loading yesterday from items within the building. so this is still active and ongoing. as you mentioned, this is a 44-year-old british national, the suspect who described as having arrived in the united states in late december, passing the vetting process, was not on a terror watch list. and hearing from the rabbi, who was one of the hostages inside for those nearly 11 hours on saturday, it seems the suspect had a manic demeanor, especially toward the end. here is the rabbi talking about how they safely resolved this. >> we were terrified. and when i saw an opportunity, where he wasn't in a good position, i asked -- made sure that the two gentleman who were still with me, that they were ready to go. the exit wasn't too far away. i told them to go. i threw a chair at the gunman and i headed for the door. >> reporter: the family of the suspect also released a statement saying they do not condone any of his actions, wholeheartedly apologized to the people here and mentioned that the suspect had mental health issues but would not elaborate on that. we also know that he spent a few nights here in a dallas homeless shelter before this incident. so investigators still working through a lot of this, victor. >> still a lot of questions to be answered. natasha chen in texas, thank you so much. brad is the senior national security adviser for the secure community network and a former fbi supervisory special agent. in reading up on the training that the rabbi had from your organization, it really is just a sad sign of the times that clergy, a rabbi, leadership of a synagogue, that they need training from the fbi, from dhs, from an organization like yours. >> victor, first of all, thank you for having me on. yes, it is a sad day when we have to conduct active vooter training at our houses of worship across the country. we in particular in the jewish community have felt that since pittsburgh, poway, jersey city and the attack in muncie where he lost members of our community to violent extremism. and we have really pushed a robust training program for the jewish community across the united states and we're very fortunate to have one of our colleagues in fort worth conducting that training on august 22nd, 2021, prior to the i incident on saturday. >> and the rabbi pointed to the training when you're in that moment do whatever you have to do to protect those who you are in charge of protecting. secretary mayorkas said that the administration is going to work with congress to get more resources to get upgraded security for houses of worship. what is needed? >> so we in the faith-based community, especially the jewish community, we rely on the federal government and the grant program from the nonsecurity grand program each year. each year it is moved up from 20 million to 50 million to $180 million last year to help target our facilities. we spend a lot of time in the jewish community going threat and vulnerability assessments and unfortunately we have to target harden our facilities to ensure that our community members are, our kong regular ants could go to services and feel as safe as possible. i know secretary mayorkas and other law enforcement officials we work with on a daily basis to make that happen. but we work with our leaders in the community to bring that awareness so we could increase that funding for our community. >> i know you're the security guy. and what we're talking about is funding for hardening targets for lack of a better term. but that is the back end of it. that is when said terrorist potential shooter is en route, and how do you protect the people inside. i know there is no line item to change hearts and minds. you could put on a budget. but what is the front end protection that needs to happen so that there are fewer incidents that needed -- that need protection against? >> a heightened awareness in our community. our community cannot afford to dismiss signs of hate, suspicious activity or anomalies that they see within their community. it is paramount that the jewish community report the signs of hate so could work with law enforcement to hopefully mitigate the next attack. and we do that on a daily basis. our organization, secure community network has a 24-hour a day, seven day a week intelligence center where our intelligence analysts are collecting information assessing and working with law enforcement at the highest levels and the fbi and state and local officials to mitigate those threats on a daily basis. >> and brad, i covered the tree of life shooting at the synagogue that you mentioned earlier. and what i did not know and i learned then, i believe it was 018, was that these are, what we're talking about now, these are the attacks that make news. but there is vandalism and graffiti and physical attacks on the street that happen far more often than i think most people can appreciate. >> we've seen an incredible rise in anti-semitism. we've seen an incredible rise of vandalism and attacks on our community. a physical attack on our community members. it happens routinely. we really encourage our community to get the training like the rabbi had and so when we talk about things we can do, it is that awareness training, it is a countering act of threat training that we have to prepare our community. and it is unfortunate we have to do that but we will continue to make preparedness our number one priority in our community. >> brad, thank you for the insight and thank you for your time. >> thank you very much. thank you for having me on. the 2022 winter olympics will now be an invite only event. the chinese government ditches previous plans to sell tickets to the general public because of the latest covid surge. we have a live update ahead. en! olay body wash hydrates to improve skin 3x better, from dry and dull to firm and radiant. with olay body, i feel fearless in my skin. look! oh my god... oh wow. i want my daughter riley to know about her ancestors and how important it is to know who you are and to know where you came from. doesn't that look like your papa? 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>> reporter: that is right, victor. because his deportation order was upheld by the court, the three year ban automatically applies. home affaired minnist her did say that hypothetically there may be some convincing reasons to overturn that ban in the future. but he might want to think about whether he gets vaccinated in the future because right now as it stands he would not be able to participate in the french open at roland garros and defend his title there because the french sports minister told cnn today there is no exception to the french vaccine pass law which requires people to show proof of vaccination to get into restaurants, bars, theaters and sporting venues as well and that is not just for the spectators, that is for the athletes as well. the french president had previously said his aim was to pis off the unvaccinated and he's likely succeeded in at least making one particular unvaccinated serb think hard about his decision making. today at the airport he got a heroed welcome, with banners and flags to try to catch a glimpse of djokovic and show their support. his treatment in australia has been almost universally condemned, from both the unvaccinated and the vaccinated and from the man on the street to the president of the country. listen. >> they think they have by this this mistreatment of ten days humiliated djokovic but they have humiliated themselves. co return to his country with his head held high and look everyone in the eye. >> now if you're paying attention to the core case, it seems like the australian government was trying to frame djokovic as this anti-vaxxer but if you ask people here, that is not how they see him in the slightest. djokovic has said very little on the topic and most ordinary serbs don't seem bothered other way. most people will tell you that when it comes to vaccination, even those who have been vaccinated and want others to get vaccinated, they say it is a personal choice. and quickly, victor, djokovic may also have some issue with his sponsors. la cost in particular has asked to speak with him as soon as they can about this whole australian debacle. >> it continues. scott mcclain for us in belgrade. thank you. just a couple of weeks now until the winter olympics in beijing and officials just announced they will not sell tickets to the general public. because of surge in covid cases. cnn international correspondent selina wang joins us live from tokyo. who will be there to watch the games? >> reporter: well victor, international fans have already been banned from the games and now residents in china cannot purchase tickets to the winter olympics either. instead, chinese authorities will be choosing who could go to the games. now at this point, we don't know who will be chosen, how they're choosing them or how many could come. but what we do know is that anyone attending games as a spectator have to follow strict covid rules before, during and after the games. that is part of the extraordinary restrictions covid-19 counter measures. i'll be traveling to beijing in a couple of weeks but i have to track my daily health stats in an olympic health app, once i enter this bubble in beijing, i'll be pcr tested daily along with the thousands of other participants and kept separate from the rest of the population during the entirety of the game. anyone showing up unvaccinated will have to quarentine for 21 days upon arrival. for the local chinese staff and volunteers at the games, they have to quarantine for 21 days in china before returning to their families and their homes in china, victor. >> wow. tell us about this first case of the omicron variant there that has been recorded in beijing? >> well, victor, in china even one covid case is one too many. officials in beijing on high alert after reporting over the weekend a case of a woman who was infected with omicron. immediately after this was reported, they locked down the office where she works in. they sealed off her residential compound, they figured out where she had been in great detail over the past 14 days and tested thousands of people with links to the places that she had been to. now, she hadn't traveled out of beijing recently. they didn't see any confirmed contact, and authorities are now safing that she might have gotten omicron from a package she had ordered internationally from canada. now it is extremely important to note here that china has repeatedly said several times throughout the pandemic that cases could have come into its borders through packages imported. this is part of the narrative that the virus is getting brought in from abroad. this is despite health experts from around the world saying that risk of transmission from surfaces is extremely low, victor. >> yeah. we've had medical analysts on for a year and a half now, haven't heard of a package bringing it in. selina wang, thank you so much. israel just announced results of a study on the effectiveness of a fourth vaccine dose against the omicron variant. we have details on that next. a pivoting metal head that defines every edge, and three comb lengths for added versatility. one tool that helps you choose, change, and master your style. king c. gillette real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? 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get relief finally, with magnilife® leg and back pain relief. and get living. available at your local retailer. . new data from an israeli study finds that while a fourth dose of a vaccine, it may not be enough to protect against the omicron variant. cnn's nick watt has more with the latest efforts to get it under control. >> the covid forecast is improving, looking better. the covid clouds are parting. >> reporter: in new york, average daily infections plummeted about 40% in just a week. >> the challenge is that the entire country is not moving at the same pace. the omicron wave started later in other parts of the country so we shouldn't expect a national peak in the next coming days. the next few weeks will be tough. >> reporter: after christmas nationwide we were averaging 200,000 new infections every day as omicron took hold. >> is that a number that you think could reach half a million soon? >> you know, it's possible, kaitlan, i don't think it will b you never can tell. >> reporter: saturday infections topped 800,000 for the for the. look at that graph, this is record territory. previous waves not even close. >> we're almost there. i really do think within the next say three, to four to five weeks you're going to see a dramatic decline in the incidents of this illness, and presumably next winter we'll see somewhat of a surge less than this surge. >> reporter: the cdc says the affected can end isolation if fever free just five days after a positive test, when a study of infections in the nba suggests more than a third are probably still infectious. ending isolation at day five should include a negative antigen test, why do all the work to identify infections if we are going to just let them go back to work while still potentially infectious. as so many schools struggle to stay open, virginia's new governor will ban school mask mandates. a few districts say they will defy him. >> we will use every resource within the governor's authority to explore what we can do and will do in order to make sure that parents' rights are protected. >> reporter: and we heard this morning that general mark milley, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff has tested positive for covid-19. he was fully vaccinated and boosted. we're told is suffering very minor symptoms and working remotely. now, he last met with president biden on wednesday, and milley crucially tested negative both before and after that meeting with the president. but one other joint chief has tested positive. the commandant of the marine corps, general david berger. victor. >> nick watt, thank you. italian police have arrested a nurse in polermo for allegedly pretending to give covid-19 shots to people who didn't want to be vaccinated. look at this video. investigators say this hidden camera shows the nurse loading a dose of vaccine, and then emptying the syringe in gauze before pretending to inject several people. and police say people who got these fake shots were able to then fraudulently get official covid passes and that allowed them to travel and go into public places where being vaccinated is mandatory. we don't do a lot of train burglary or train robbery stories because they don't happen often, but thieves in california looted trains there. up next, how your package order may be impacted. the lexus rx, built for a modern families. get $1,500 lease cash toward a 2022 rx 350. ♪ age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. 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Millions , Bill , History , End , God , Acknowledgment , Saying , Votes , Reality , Moderates , Support , Fight , Something , Colorado , Pictures , Denver , Suzanne Malveaux In Washington , Dr , Parade , Icon , Show , Top , Honor , A March And Parade , Mer Aid , Children , Streets , Bakari Sellers , Mlk Day , Dream , Attorney , Book , Kings , People , Natasha Brown , Susan , Record , Ball , Thing , Floor , One Way Or Another , To Wait , Everybody , Pressure On , Mrs , 1965 , Republicans , Consciousness , Reauthorization , Space , 16 , Party , Politics , White House , Perspective , National Constitution Center , Six , Speech , Doesn T , Lead , Failure , Nothing , Anything , Lot , Character , Content , Judge , Thee , Planet , 30 , Stands , Letting , Letter , Birmingham , Country , Progress , Order , Way , Preserve , White Citizens Council , Justice , Ku Klux Klan , Issue , Football , Chief Justice , None , John Roberts , We Shouldn T , Clinton , White , Black , Quote , Democrat , Group , Act , Count , Consolation , Win , Measure , Sighing , Compromise , Substantive , Hiding , Liftup , The Great Lie , Vice President , Analysts , Illy , January 6 , 6 , Energy , Many , Wouse , Marching , Passion , La To Bea , Status Quo , President , Reason , Much , Hell , Bully Pulpit , Things , More , Department Of Justice , Laws , Executive Action , Lines , Fence Post , See , Thousands , Battle In Congress , Hundreds , Bills , Charlotte , New York , Head , North Carolina , Arkansas , Massachusetts , Little Rock , Columbus , Name , Mitt Romney , List , Call , Reform Bill , 12 , Ground , Interest , Negotiation , Opportunity , Phones , Ways , Conversation , John Lewis , Voting Rights Bill , Dishonesty , Takeover , Opposition , Language , Elections , Voting Rights Act In The First , Hands , Place , Rand Paul , East Coast , Alerts , Winter Storm , Core , Others , Weather , Talk , Let , Jewish Community , Synagogue , Texas , Elite Fbi , Cnn , Flights , Terror Incident , Hostage Standoff , 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Warnings , Mississippi , Eastern Tennessee , Totals , Gatlinburg , Nine , Interstate , Blizzard Warning , Cars , Canada , Eastern Ohio , Areas , West Virginia , Thunderstorm Activity , Tail End , Thunderstorm Warning , Rain , Baltimore , Accumulation , Winds , Forecast , Bit , Nowhere , Ice Underachieved , Power , Didn T , South , Overachieved , Carolinas , Georgia , Snow Accumulations , Freezing , Ohio Valley , Great Lakes , Rabbi , Another , Southeast , Wallop , Hit , Turn Out , Pa , World , Men , Hostage , Player , Australia , Serbia , Beginning , Novak Djokovic , Tournament , Music , Car Sfx , Traffic , Trouble , Grind , Lexus , Beep , Safety System , Level , Park , Lexus Nx , Life Insurance , Insurance , Manager , Colonial Penn Life Insurance Company , Options , Information , 95 , 85 , 50 , 9 95 , Health , Policy , Health Questions , Rate , Don T , Life , Regret , Yes , Beneficiary Planner , Announcer , Protein , Nutrition , Strength , Vitamins , Minerals , Woo Hoo , 27 , Benefits , Activities , Medicare , Aetna , Aetna Medicare Advantage , Rewards , Schools , Pandemic , Students , District , San Francisco , Teaching , Classroom , Deficit , School Board , 25 Million , 125 Million , Leadership , Chance , Kids , Start , School Board Members Collins , LÓpez , February 15th , 15 , Weekend , Terror , Hostage Situation , Texas Synagogue , British National Malik Faisal Acram , 44 , Suspect , Building , Colleyville , U K , Team , Hostages , Standoff , Teenagers , Connection , Natasha Chen , Incident , Terrorism , Threat , Houses , Congregation , Neighbors , Fear , Training , Video , Crisis Training , Shooting , Police , Situation , Scenario , Evidence , Roof , Site , Truck , Items , British National , Hearing , Terror Watch List , Vetting Process , Demeanor , 11 , The End , He Wasn T , Gentleman , Position , Exit Wasn T , Statement , Chair , Door , Gunman , Mental Health , Actions , Dallas , Homeless Shelter , Community Network , Questions , National Security Adviser , Brad , Organization , Clergy , Sign Of The Times , Special Agent , Dhs , Community , Attack , Worship , Vooter Training , Jersey City , Muncie , Jewish Community Have Felt , Poway , Training Program , Extremism , Colleagues , I Incident On Saturday , August 22nd , Fort Worth , 22 , August 22nd 2021 , 2021 , Security , Administration , Secretary Mayorkas , Protecting , Resources , Government , Grant Program , Nonsecurity Grand , Facilities , 20 Million , 180 Million , 80 Million , Community Members , Services , Vulnerability , Assessments , Ants , Our Kong , Basis , Safe , Law Enforcement Officials , Leaders , Funding , Awareness , Lack , Back End , Hardening Targets , Security Guy , Term , Terrorist Potential Shooter , Hearts , Line Item , Minds , Budget , En Route , Signs , Activity , Hate , Anomalies , Incidents , Need Protection Against , Law Enforcement , Center , Intelligence , Levels , 24 , Seven , Threats , The Tree Of Life , Attacks , Vandalism , Rise , Street , Graffiti , 018 , Anti Semitism , Awareness Training , Priority , Insight , Preparedness , Covid Surge , Chinese , Tickets , Public , Winter Olympics , Update , 2022 , Skin , Body Wash Hydrates , Olay Body , Olay , Oh My God , Daughter , Grandfather , Ancestors , Papa , Whole , Growing Up , Some , Face , Mom , Memories , Cooking , Gift , Food , Most , Love , Kitchen , Meal , Version , Advisor , Planning , Northwestern Mutual , Car Vending Machines , Company , Carvana , 100 , Techno Wizardry , License Plate , Touch , Spot , Offer , Value , Pediatrician , Brand , Baby , First , My Name , Austin James , Pampers , 1 , Diabetes , A1c , Glucose Numbers , Musician , System , Scan , Fingersticks , Libre 2 , 2 , 8 2 , Mystery , Freestylelibre Us Don T Settle , 6 7 , Products , Try Crest Whitening Emulsions , Smile , Teeth , Peroxide Droplets , Faster , Shop Crestwhitesmile Com , Australian Open , Scott Mcclain , Title , Vaccination Status , Roller Coaster , Tennis Player , Battle , Court , Deportation Order , Belgrade , Ban , Reasons , Home Affaired Minnist , Three , French Open , Sports Minister , French , Vaccine , Vaccination , Spectators , Restaurants , Sporting , Aim , Venues , Bars , Theaters , Athletes , Proof , Unvaccinated , Unvaccinated Serb , Airport , Decision Making , Pis , Vaccinated , Banners , Glimpse Of Djokovic , Heroed Welcome , Mistreatment , Man On The Street , Co Return , Ten , Case , Eye , Attention , Slightest , Topic , Serbs , Couple , Cost , Debacle , Sponsors , In Belgrade , La , Surge , Cases , Selina Wang , Beijing , General Public , Tokyo , Games , Choosing , Point , Authorities , Purchase Tickets , Residents , Fans , China Cannot , Anyone , Spectator , Rules , Know , Stats , Counter Measures , Restrictions , App , Bubble , Olympic , Participants , Game , Rest , Pcr , Population , Entirety , Arrival , 21 , Omicron Variant , Volunteers , Families , Staff , Homes , Reporting , Office , Compound , Detail , Links , 14 , Package , She Hadn T , Contact , Times , Packages , Health Experts , Borders , Narrative , Risk , Haven T Heard , Surfaces , Transmission , Study , Pivoting Metal Head , Effectiveness , Vaccine Dose , Versatility , Details , Results , Comb Lengths , Edge , Next , Israel , Tool , Car Insurance , Turn , Hang On , Style , Change , Liberty Mutual , C Gillette , Tex , Ooo , Liberty , Pay , Mobile App , Simplicity , Chase , Vision , Dental , Eczema , Step , Dupixent , Anaphylaxis , Eye Problems , Infection , Vision Changes , Eye Pain , Reactions , Itch , Staffing , Man , Asthma Medicines , Indeed Instant Match , Master , Size , Candidates , Don T Change , Music Vo , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire Vo , Decompression Zone , Bilal , Superman , Story , Homelessness , Career , Superhero , Crime , Immigrant , Sector , Obama , Courage , Innovation , Leg , Living , Relief , Back Pain Relief , Pain Radiating , Retailer , Magnilife , Data , Dose , Nick Watt , Efforts , Covid Clouds , Covid Forecast , Infections , Parts , Peak , Pace , Omicron Wave , 40 , Hold , 200000 , A Million , Territory , Graph , Kaitlan , 800000 , Waves , Decline , Say , Illness , Four , Isolation , Test , Nba , Cdc , Antigen Test , Governor , Authority , Resource , Districts , School Mask Mandates , Mark Milley , Chiefs , Parents , Symptoms , Suffering , Biden On Wednesday , David Berger , Joint Chief , Meeting , Corps , Italian , Shots , Nurse , Polermo , Syringe , Nurse Loading A Dose , Didn T Want , Public Places , Passes , Gauze , Thieves , Trains , Train Robbery Stories , Package Order , Train Burglary , California , Up Next , Age , Lease Cash , Rx , Lexus Rx , 350 , 1500 , 500 , High Protein , Muscle Health , Nutrients , Immune Support , Boost , 20 , Electorlytes , Sugar , T Mobile , Feel , Powder Packs , Pedialyte , Phone , Employees , 5g Network , Business , Ground Running , Largest , Device , 5 , Facebook , 200 , Mental Health Meds , Movements , Body , Tardive Dyskinesia , Mind , Ingrezza , Td , Td Movements , Prescription Medicine , 80 , Ingredients , Sleepiness , Operate Heavy Machinery , Ingrezza May , Don T Drive , 10 , 7 , Heart Rhythm Problems , Zero Dollars , Zero , Blood Sugar , Carbsteady , Glucerna , Ups , Fedex , Amazon , Increase , Train Cars , L A D , Union Pacific , 160 , Harry , No One , Los Angeles County , Response , Theft , Trail Cars , Hurt , 17 , Duke , Police Protection , Decision , In Britain , Sussex , Will , Representative , Charles Mcgee , Sunday Morning , Last , Taxpayer , Tuskegee Airmen , 102 ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota And Victor Blackwell 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240709

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election was stolen. and in a recorded message to a king prayer breakfast president biden said it is not just enough to praise the civil rights leader but the nation must commit to his unfinished work. >> doctor king held a mirror up to america and forced us to answer the question, where do we stand, whose side are we on? we're in another moment right now where the mirror is being held up to america, being held up again. will we stand up for an american, where everyone is guaranteed the full protection and full promise of this nation, yes or no. i know where i stand. it is time for every elected official in america to make it clear where they stand. >> suzanne malveaux is sat another king day event. hello to you. we heard from king's son, we heard from speaker pelosi. what did they say? >> reporter: well, victor, in fact that event is still going on and really the focus here as martin luther king iii have told me time and time again leading up to the day and the events, no celebration until legislation. that this cannot be separated from his father's mission and his father's legacy, that his father in fact pushing for not only the civil rights act of '64 but the voting rights act of '65. there is a tremendous amount of pressure being put on the president as well as members of congress, the two democratic senators, senator sinema and manchin who oppose changing the filibuster rules or that 60-vote threshold to move forward with the voting rights legislation and we heard that over and over again. and so that is what the message is here today. make no mistake, they are calling out names and they are saying that tomorrow, tomorrow is when the senate takes up this debate over voting rights legislation, that each member of congress think about their vote very carefully, that it will be a historic one and this is one that they believe, they will hold accountable these senators if in fact they vote against it. take a listen. >> last week the president said he's tired of being quiet about voting rights. well, we're tired of being patient. the filibuster is sacred except for when it is not. in 2010 senator sinema supported the idea of using reconciliation to get around the filibuster and pass health care reform. just last month, they both supported an exception to the filibuster to raise the debt ceiling. but they draw the line at protecting the rights of millions of voters. history will not remember them kindly. >> we will not give up. we will not give out. we will not give in. whether this bill is passed tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year, and we already know what the end will be. because god always ends on all is well and until all is well, it is not then. >> so victor, if you listen closer to what she's saying, there is also by the king family an acknowledgment that very likely that we know that they don't have 60 votes for in fact the voting rights legislation to be passed and they don't have the support of those two democratic senators, those moderates who do not believe in changing the filibuster, making an exception for voting rights legislation. there is an acknowledgment of the reality and the time in which we are right now. and so they say despite that, that they will continue the fight, they will continue the pressure for voting rights legislation and you can hear however, the fact that this is an ongoing fight, that they are willing to take, they say it is part of the legacy of his father and it is something that they will continue to do. victor. >> suzanne malveaux in washington. thank you. we have live pictures now. this is denver, colorado. you could see here what is being called a mer aid, a march and a parade. it is speaking to what we've been discussing at the top of the show. the parade in honor of the icon of dr. king but the march still that there is work to do to continue that dream. again this is denver, colorado. mlk day mar-ade through the streets of denver. let's bring in attorney and commentator bakari sellers, you just wrote a children's book, "who are your people" and natasha brown, natasha, let me start with you and the reality that we heard from the kings, from susan in her report there that what happened tomorrow is not going to lead to reform of the filibuster. it is not going to move the ball on passing legislation to protect voting rights. so what now? >> well i do think that what we want is we want there to be a debate and a vote. because we want people to be on record of saying what side are they on. are you supporting voting rights at this moment or you're not supporting voting rights at this moment. so i think it is one thing for people to say and another thing for them to have to get on the floor and vote one way or another. the second thing is we've always seen where there has never been a right time for voting rights. i have to remind people in 1965 that everybody told dr. king to wait, including the president said it wasn't the right time. so we have to continue to put pressure on, but agree with mrs. king, whether it is tomorrow, whether it is on friday, but putting the pressure on, we're also calling out to the consciousness of the 16 republicans that actually voted for the reauthorization of the voting rights act. where are they now? we're asking and calling to you stand in this space right now. it is not over until it is over. >> bakari, from a politics perspective, should the white house, should the party do this every six month. and i'm not saying that to be dismissive. we heard from the national constitution center and then the speech and vote that doesn't lead to anything and the big speech in january and then that leads to nothing and do they try to continue to pass this or do you set up a failure every six months because you can't get it done? >> i don't think we need to do it every six months to be completely months. i think we need to do it every 30 days. when you're talking about doctor king, there are a lot of people who think dr. king graced this planet and said judge thee by the content of their character and we can't forget about his letting from birmingham jail when he talked about what we're dealing with today. in that letter he went about talking about the fact is that the white moderate stands in the way of progress in this country. it is not the white citizens council or the ku klux klan, it is the preserve of order over justice. an that is what you have in sinema and manchin. and now it is unfortunate that this is become such a partisan issue and it was done by none other than the chief justice of the united states of america john roberts who made this into a political football. but this should be an issue that white, black, democrat or republican, we shouldn't have to rehash this every time around. this should be an issue we all agree on. >> former secretary clinton tweeted a quote from dr. king about a day of progress, i'm paraphrasing here. natasha, on this bipartisan group of senators now discussing maybe some progress on the electoral count act. is that any consolation, is it any measure of a win for you? no, not at all. we don't consider that as win at all. that is not the same as voting rights. we're sighing that is a compromise to passify a group that is standing as obstructionist to voting rights. we need point black voting rights. this is accelerated by the liftup of the great lie that they're hiding behind. they have to come out and we have to smoke them out and it is not a substantive and it is not acceptable. >> and the electoral count speaks to what the vice president does and what happened on january 6. i think most analysts would say it is slop illy written or not clear as it could be. so that needs to be tightened up. i think many agree. bakari, you say this should happen every 30 days whax does the party now do this with energy? because it is not going to happen every 30 days we know. what does the wouse -- does the white house do, we hear the marching and the passion from la to bea. >> let's be honest. because we've had a lot of people in our party that want to preserve the status quo, saying why are you giving the president and the vice president so much hell and the reason being is because this issue matters that much. and then they ask, okay, he finally used his bully pulpit, he being the president of the united states, what more do you want him to do. i want to challenge the department of justice to do things that they are already doing and doing more. going to the states that are passing regressive laws and be a fence post, challenge those laws continuously. let's utilize this executive action and see what president can do along the lines of voting rights while we're fighting this battle in congress. and last but not least, my father told me this the other day, while we have all of this energy, we need to organize and we need to register voters. we need to make sure that we're registering hundreds of thousands if not millions of voters and not registering them in new york and massachusetts and colorado. i want to register them in little rock, arkansas, columbus and charlotte, north carolina and pass these regressive bills on their head. >> bakari, let me stay with you and listen to mitt romney and a lit of republicans that they want to discuss maybe making some progress on this. mitt romney's name would likely be on this list. here is what he said. >> the group of about 12 senators, republicans and democrats that are working on the electoral count act. he'll continue to work together. sadly, this election reform bill that the president has been pushing, i never got a call on that from the white house. there was no negotiation, bringing republicans or democrats together to try to come up with something that would meet bipartisan interest. sure, we could work together on almost every issue, where there is common ground. >> now i should preface this by saying phones work both ways. if he wanted to talk about voting rights, he could certainly call the white house. but i wonder if that is true, that they did not engage moderate republicans like mitt romney, is that a missed opportunity? >> no, i mean, let's have a conversation about what intellectual dishonesty is. the fact is mitt romney is on the record about where he stands on the john lewis voting rights bill and he's ben clear about that. but it should be nonpartisan. and i like when i hear republicans say this is a federal takeover of elections, because it shows their hands. because that is the same language used in opposition to the voting rights act in the first place. so if mitt romney wants to come on board with something as pure and democratic as voting rights we'll welcome him to have that conversation. i dare not ask the president and the vice president of the united states to waste their time with mitt romney or rand paul and others being intellectually dishonest at their core. >> thank you both. >> thank you. >> thank you. let's talk about this weather. a powerful and dangerous winter storm is prompting severe alerts up and down the east coast. millions of people are being impacted. hundreds of flights have been grounded. cnn has teams covering it from every angle. plus the fbi now calls the hostage standoff at a texas synagogue a terror incident that targeted the jewish community. what we're learning about the hostage-taker and his possible motive. so when my windshield broke... >> woman: what?! >> vo: ...i searched for someone who really knew my car. i found the experts at safelite autoglass. with their exclusive technology, they fixed my windshield... then recalibrated the camera attached to my glass so my safety systems still work. who knew that was a thing?! >> woman: safelite has service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. for people living with h-i-v, keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. i am here because they revolutionized immunotherapy. i am here because they saw how cancer adapts to different oxygen levels and starved it. i am here because they switched off egfr gene mutation and stopped the growth of tumor cells. there's a place that's making one advanced cancer discovery after another for 75 years. i am here... i am here.... because of dana-farber. what we do here changes lives everywhere. i am here. at university of phoenix, we have scholarships for everyone hard at work, no matter where you work. get up to a $3,000 scholarship, starting with your first course. explore your opportunities at lisa here, has had many jobs. and all that experience has led her to a job that feels like home. with home instead, you too can become a caregiver to older adults. apply today. at at&t everyone gets our best deals. aren't others doing that? 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>> well, it is still churning, believe it or not. victor, this is started two days ago, dropping a foot of ksnow i arkansas and nine inches in mississippi. and then the turn toward the northeast. incredible to see this many advisories and warnings into eastern tennessee, gatlinburg picking up a foot of snow. these are the higher totals overnight. eastern ohio and in fact toronto canada under a blizzard warning, could be an all-time record. cars are trapped all over the interstate. it is still winding up even on the tail end we could see an additional inch in some areas in tennessee and toward west virginia. mainly rain. but it was interesting to see thunderstorm activity after getting snow in baltimore, changing to rain. thunderstorm warning up and even into new york city. but it is still winding down. and it is going to take a while. with that, a little bit of accumulation. but i'm concerned about the winds. five states have power outages. nowhere near what we were expecting because the forecast for ice underachieved and that is a good thing. we don't want to see the ice really form. so got pretty lucky in some areas of the carolinas with the ice. overachieved with snow. but there are areas down in the south in georgia, those that didn't get an accumulation of snow could lose power. it is going to stay below freezing. here is the ohio valley and great lakes. this is a thursday and friday event. if an area of low pressure developed around mississippi and georgia, here is your friday snow accumulations and it is quite heavy in areas again of the southeast, pa part of the u.s. another wallop, hopefully it won't turn out, but it looks like it may be happen. >> the carolinas do not need another hit. >> no. >> we're hearing from the rabbi taken hostage after a synagogue for a first time. you'll hear him describe what happen and how they escaped. and the world's top ranked men's player is back in serbia after being deported from australia. this may be just the beginning of tournament trouble for novak djokovic. hey lexus, play my music. it's not just about getting ahead. or the constant grind. it's about knowing what you want... 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>> reporter: well, victor, as you said, the fbi is calling this terrorism related, an incident they say in which the jewish community was targeted. you could imagine the tense terrifying moments that not just this congregation had on saturday, but all of the surrounding neighbors. the houses here are quite close to the building. so there was a lot of fear here and unfortunately that threat is something that this congregation thought might be possible because they actually went through crisis training, active shooting training in the past that proved extremely helpful in this situation. i just want to point out some video that we took in the last hour or so of police still actively working the scenario. we saw folks from the fbi, investigators on the roof of the building, still taking -- surveying the site, processing evidence. they have a truck they've been loading yesterday from items within the building. so this is still active and ongoing. as you mentioned, this is a 44-year-old british national, the suspect who described as having arrived in the united states in late december, passing the vetting process, was not on a terror watch list. and hearing from the rabbi, who was one of the hostages inside for those nearly 11 hours on saturday, it seems the suspect had a manic demeanor, especially toward the end. here is the rabbi talking about how they safely resolved this. >> we were terrified. and when i saw an opportunity, where he wasn't in a good position, i asked -- made sure that the two gentleman who were still with me, that they were ready to go. the exit wasn't too far away. i told them to go. i threw a chair at the gunman and i headed for the door. >> reporter: the family of the suspect also released a statement saying they do not condone any of his actions, wholeheartedly apologized to the people here and mentioned that the suspect had mental health issues but would not elaborate on that. we also know that he spent a few nights here in a dallas homeless shelter before this incident. so investigators still working through a lot of this, victor. >> still a lot of questions to be answered. natasha chen in texas, thank you so much. brad is the senior national security adviser for the secure community network and a former fbi supervisory special agent. in reading up on the training that the rabbi had from your organization, it really is just a sad sign of the times that clergy, a rabbi, leadership of a synagogue, that they need training from the fbi, from dhs, from an organization like yours. >> victor, first of all, thank you for having me on. yes, it is a sad day when we have to conduct active vooter training at our houses of worship across the country. we in particular in the jewish community have felt that since pittsburgh, poway, jersey city and the attack in muncie where he lost members of our community to violent extremism. and we have really pushed a robust training program for the jewish community across the united states and we're very fortunate to have one of our colleagues in fort worth conducting that training on august 22nd, 2021, prior to the i incident on saturday. >> and the rabbi pointed to the training when you're in that moment do whatever you have to do to protect those who you are in charge of protecting. secretary mayorkas said that the administration is going to work with congress to get more resources to get upgraded security for houses of worship. what is needed? >> so we in the faith-based community, especially the jewish community, we rely on the federal government and the grant program from the nonsecurity grand program each year. each year it is moved up from 20 million to 50 million to $180 million last year to help target our facilities. we spend a lot of time in the jewish community going threat and vulnerability assessments and unfortunately we have to target harden our facilities to ensure that our community members are, our kong regular ants could go to services and feel as safe as possible. i know secretary mayorkas and other law enforcement officials we work with on a daily basis to make that happen. but we work with our leaders in the community to bring that awareness so we could increase that funding for our community. >> i know you're the security guy. and what we're talking about is funding for hardening targets for lack of a better term. but that is the back end of it. that is when said terrorist potential shooter is en route, and how do you protect the people inside. i know there is no line item to change hearts and minds. you could put on a budget. but what is the front end protection that needs to happen so that there are fewer incidents that needed -- that need protection against? >> a heightened awareness in our community. our community cannot afford to dismiss signs of hate, suspicious activity or anomalies that they see within their community. it is paramount that the jewish community report the signs of hate so could work with law enforcement to hopefully mitigate the next attack. and we do that on a daily basis. our organization, secure community network has a 24-hour a day, seven day a week intelligence center where our intelligence analysts are collecting information assessing and working with law enforcement at the highest levels and the fbi and state and local officials to mitigate those threats on a daily basis. >> and brad, i covered the tree of life shooting at the synagogue that you mentioned earlier. and what i did not know and i learned then, i believe it was 018, was that these are, what we're talking about now, these are the attacks that make news. but there is vandalism and graffiti and physical attacks on the street that happen far more often than i think most people can appreciate. >> we've seen an incredible rise in anti-semitism. we've seen an incredible rise of vandalism and attacks on our community. a physical attack on our community members. it happens routinely. we really encourage our community to get the training like the rabbi had and so when we talk about things we can do, it is that awareness training, it is a countering act of threat training that we have to prepare our community. and it is unfortunate we have to do that but we will continue to make preparedness our number one priority in our community. >> brad, thank you for the insight and thank you for your time. >> thank you very much. thank you for having me on. the 2022 winter olympics will now be an invite only event. the chinese government ditches previous plans to sell tickets to the general public because of the latest covid surge. we have a live update ahead. en! olay body wash hydrates to improve skin 3x better, from dry and dull to firm and radiant. with olay body, i feel fearless in my skin. look! oh my god... oh wow. i want my daughter riley to know about her ancestors and how important it is to know who you are and to know where you came from. doesn't that look like your papa? 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>> reporter: that is right, victor. because his deportation order was upheld by the court, the three year ban automatically applies. home affaired minnist her did say that hypothetically there may be some convincing reasons to overturn that ban in the future. but he might want to think about whether he gets vaccinated in the future because right now as it stands he would not be able to participate in the french open at roland garros and defend his title there because the french sports minister told cnn today there is no exception to the french vaccine pass law which requires people to show proof of vaccination to get into restaurants, bars, theaters and sporting venues as well and that is not just for the spectators, that is for the athletes as well. the french president had previously said his aim was to pis off the unvaccinated and he's likely succeeded in at least making one particular unvaccinated serb think hard about his decision making. today at the airport he got a heroed welcome, with banners and flags to try to catch a glimpse of djokovic and show their support. his treatment in australia has been almost universally condemned, from both the unvaccinated and the vaccinated and from the man on the street to the president of the country. listen. >> they think they have by this this mistreatment of ten days humiliated djokovic but they have humiliated themselves. co return to his country with his head held high and look everyone in the eye. >> now if you're paying attention to the core case, it seems like the australian government was trying to frame djokovic as this anti-vaxxer but if you ask people here, that is not how they see him in the slightest. djokovic has said very little on the topic and most ordinary serbs don't seem bothered other way. most people will tell you that when it comes to vaccination, even those who have been vaccinated and want others to get vaccinated, they say it is a personal choice. and quickly, victor, djokovic may also have some issue with his sponsors. la cost in particular has asked to speak with him as soon as they can about this whole australian debacle. >> it continues. scott mcclain for us in belgrade. thank you. just a couple of weeks now until the winter olympics in beijing and officials just announced they will not sell tickets to the general public. because of surge in covid cases. cnn international correspondent selina wang joins us live from tokyo. who will be there to watch the games? >> reporter: well victor, international fans have already been banned from the games and now residents in china cannot purchase tickets to the winter olympics either. instead, chinese authorities will be choosing who could go to the games. now at this point, we don't know who will be chosen, how they're choosing them or how many could come. but what we do know is that anyone attending games as a spectator have to follow strict covid rules before, during and after the games. that is part of the extraordinary restrictions covid-19 counter measures. i'll be traveling to beijing in a couple of weeks but i have to track my daily health stats in an olympic health app, once i enter this bubble in beijing, i'll be pcr tested daily along with the thousands of other participants and kept separate from the rest of the population during the entirety of the game. anyone showing up unvaccinated will have to quarentine for 21 days upon arrival. for the local chinese staff and volunteers at the games, they have to quarantine for 21 days in china before returning to their families and their homes in china, victor. >> wow. tell us about this first case of the omicron variant there that has been recorded in beijing? >> well, victor, in china even one covid case is one too many. officials in beijing on high alert after reporting over the weekend a case of a woman who was infected with omicron. immediately after this was reported, they locked down the office where she works in. they sealed off her residential compound, they figured out where she had been in great detail over the past 14 days and tested thousands of people with links to the places that she had been to. now, she hadn't traveled out of beijing recently. they didn't see any confirmed contact, and authorities are now safing that she might have gotten omicron from a package she had ordered internationally from canada. now it is extremely important to note here that china has repeatedly said several times throughout the pandemic that cases could have come into its borders through packages imported. this is part of the narrative that the virus is getting brought in from abroad. this is despite health experts from around the world saying that risk of transmission from surfaces is extremely low, victor. >> yeah. we've had medical analysts on for a year and a half now, haven't heard of a package bringing it in. selina wang, thank you so much. israel just announced results of a study on the effectiveness of a fourth vaccine dose against the omicron variant. we have details on that next. a pivoting metal head that defines every edge, and three comb lengths for added versatility. one tool that helps you choose, change, and master your style. king c. gillette real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? 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get relief finally, with magnilife® leg and back pain relief. and get living. available at your local retailer. . new data from an israeli study finds that while a fourth dose of a vaccine, it may not be enough to protect against the omicron variant. cnn's nick watt has more with the latest efforts to get it under control. >> the covid forecast is improving, looking better. the covid clouds are parting. >> reporter: in new york, average daily infections plummeted about 40% in just a week. >> the challenge is that the entire country is not moving at the same pace. the omicron wave started later in other parts of the country so we shouldn't expect a national peak in the next coming days. the next few weeks will be tough. >> reporter: after christmas nationwide we were averaging 200,000 new infections every day as omicron took hold. >> is that a number that you think could reach half a million soon? >> you know, it's possible, kaitlan, i don't think it will b you never can tell. >> reporter: saturday infections topped 800,000 for the for the. look at that graph, this is record territory. previous waves not even close. >> we're almost there. i really do think within the next say three, to four to five weeks you're going to see a dramatic decline in the incidents of this illness, and presumably next winter we'll see somewhat of a surge less than this surge. >> reporter: the cdc says the affected can end isolation if fever free just five days after a positive test, when a study of infections in the nba suggests more than a third are probably still infectious. ending isolation at day five should include a negative antigen test, why do all the work to identify infections if we are going to just let them go back to work while still potentially infectious. as so many schools struggle to stay open, virginia's new governor will ban school mask mandates. a few districts say they will defy him. >> we will use every resource within the governor's authority to explore what we can do and will do in order to make sure that parents' rights are protected. >> reporter: and we heard this morning that general mark milley, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff has tested positive for covid-19. he was fully vaccinated and boosted. we're told is suffering very minor symptoms and working remotely. now, he last met with president biden on wednesday, and milley crucially tested negative both before and after that meeting with the president. but one other joint chief has tested positive. the commandant of the marine corps, general david berger. victor. >> nick watt, thank you. italian police have arrested a nurse in polermo for allegedly pretending to give covid-19 shots to people who didn't want to be vaccinated. look at this video. investigators say this hidden camera shows the nurse loading a dose of vaccine, and then emptying the syringe in gauze before pretending to inject several people. and police say people who got these fake shots were able to then fraudulently get official covid passes and that allowed them to travel and go into public places where being vaccinated is mandatory. we don't do a lot of train burglary or train robbery stories because they don't happen often, but thieves in california looted trains there. up next, how your package order may be impacted. the lexus rx, built for a modern families. get $1,500 lease cash toward a 2022 rx 350. ♪ age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. 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Brad , Organization , Clergy , Sign Of The Times , Special Agent , Dhs , Community , Attack , Worship , Vooter Training , Jersey City , Muncie , Jewish Community Have Felt , Poway , Training Program , Extremism , Colleagues , I Incident On Saturday , August 22nd , Fort Worth , 22 , August 22nd 2021 , 2021 , Security , Administration , Secretary Mayorkas , Protecting , Resources , Government , Grant Program , Nonsecurity Grand , Facilities , 20 Million , 180 Million , 80 Million , Community Members , Services , Vulnerability , Assessments , Ants , Our Kong , Basis , Safe , Law Enforcement Officials , Leaders , Funding , Awareness , Lack , Back End , Hardening Targets , Security Guy , Term , Terrorist Potential Shooter , Hearts , Line Item , Minds , Budget , En Route , Signs , Activity , Hate , Anomalies , Incidents , Need Protection Against , Law Enforcement , Center , Intelligence , Levels , 24 , Seven , Threats , The Tree Of Life , Attacks , Vandalism , Rise , Street , Graffiti , 018 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Belgrade , Ban , Reasons , Home Affaired Minnist , Three , French Open , Sports Minister , French , Vaccine , Vaccination , Spectators , Restaurants , Sporting , Aim , Venues , Bars , Theaters , Athletes , Proof , Unvaccinated , Unvaccinated Serb , Airport , Decision Making , Pis , Vaccinated , Banners , Glimpse Of Djokovic , Heroed Welcome , Mistreatment , Man On The Street , Co Return , Ten , Case , Eye , Attention , Slightest , Topic , Serbs , Couple , Cost , Debacle , Sponsors , In Belgrade , La , Surge , Cases , Selina Wang , Beijing , General Public , Tokyo , Games , Choosing , Point , Authorities , Purchase Tickets , Residents , Fans , China Cannot , Anyone , Spectator , Rules , Know , Stats , Counter Measures , Restrictions , App , Bubble , Olympic , Participants , Game , Rest , Pcr , Population , Entirety , Arrival , 21 , Omicron Variant , Volunteers , Families , Staff , Homes , Reporting , Office , Compound , Detail , Links , 14 , Package , She Hadn T , Contact , Times , Packages , Health Experts , Borders , Narrative , Risk , Haven T Heard , Surfaces , Transmission , Study , Pivoting Metal Head , Effectiveness , Vaccine Dose , Versatility , Details , Results , Comb Lengths , Edge , Next , Israel , Tool , Car Insurance , Turn , Hang On , Style , Change , Liberty Mutual , C Gillette , Tex , Ooo , Liberty , Pay , Mobile App , Simplicity , Chase , Vision , Dental , Eczema , Step , Dupixent , Anaphylaxis , Eye Problems , Infection , Vision Changes , Eye Pain , Reactions , Itch , Staffing , Man , Asthma Medicines , Indeed Instant Match , Master , Size , Candidates , Don T Change , Music Vo , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire Vo , Decompression Zone , Bilal , Superman , Story , Homelessness , Career , Superhero , Crime , Immigrant , Sector , Obama , Courage , Innovation , Leg , Living , Relief , Back Pain Relief , Pain Radiating , Retailer , Magnilife , Data , Dose , Nick Watt , Efforts , Covid Clouds , Covid Forecast , Infections , Parts , Peak , Pace , Omicron Wave , 40 , Hold , 200000 , A Million , Territory , Graph , Kaitlan , 800000 , Waves , Decline , Say , Illness , Four , Isolation , Test , Nba , Cdc , Antigen Test , Governor , Authority , Resource , Districts , School Mask Mandates , Mark Milley , Chiefs , Parents , Symptoms , Suffering , Biden On Wednesday , David Berger , Joint Chief , Meeting , Corps , Italian , Shots , Nurse , Polermo , Syringe , Nurse Loading A Dose , Didn T Want , Public Places , Passes , Gauze , Thieves , Trains , Train Robbery Stories , Package Order , Train Burglary , California , Up Next , Age , Lease Cash , Rx , Lexus Rx , 350 , 1500 , 500 , High Protein , Muscle Health , Nutrients , Immune Support , Boost , 20 , Electorlytes , Sugar , T Mobile , Feel , Powder Packs , Pedialyte , Phone , Employees , 5g Network , Business , Ground Running , Largest , Device , 5 , Facebook , 200 , Mental Health Meds , Movements , Body , Tardive Dyskinesia , Mind , Ingrezza , Td , Td Movements , Prescription Medicine , 80 , Ingredients , Sleepiness , Operate Heavy Machinery , Ingrezza May , Don T Drive , 10 , 7 , Heart Rhythm Problems , Zero Dollars , Zero , Blood Sugar , Carbsteady , Glucerna , Ups , Fedex , Amazon , Increase , Train Cars , L A D , Union Pacific , 160 , Harry , No One , Los Angeles County , Response , Theft , Trail Cars , Hurt , 17 , Duke , Police Protection , Decision , In Britain , Sussex , Will , Representative , Charles Mcgee , Sunday Morning , Last , Taxpayer , Tuskegee Airmen , 102 ,

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