Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim S

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240709

the u.s. senate to, quote, protect the heart and soul of the nation by changing filibuster rules to pass new voting rights legislation. >> i've been having these quiet conversations with members of congress for the last two months. i'm tired of being quiet! and a frightening scene when a man storms the cockpit of an american airlines flight and tries jumping out of the window, just moments before takeoff. it is all caught on video right there. first, let's get right to our top breaking story and bring in cnn chief business correspondent christine romans, and, christine, the white house was more or less expecting a high number, but i guess the question is will it moderate in the coming months as some have predicted. have we reached peak inflation? >> yeah, and that is the biggest question out there, right. these are numbers that are not news to the american families who are paying more for just about everything. let's walk through these numbers. 7% this headline year over year inflation number for consumer prices. that is a big number. and that second number to the right, 0.5%. sorry that didn't get updated. 0.5% from november to december. that is also a big one-month move. when you strip out volatile food and energy, the so-called core rate, that was 5.5% from december 2020 to 2021 and from november to december, 0.6%. you can see these numbers are still running way too hot. this is the hottest inflation in decades. i look inside these numbers, just from november, december, used vehicle prices up 3.5%. anybody trying to buy a used car knows these numbers are running really, really fast here. apparel prices up. household furnishings, new vehicle prices up 1%. those are big numbers for just a november to december -- just for one month gain. we're still in the teeth here of an inflation problem. the inflation fighter is the federal reserve, the federal reserve has said they are on the case, and will start raising interest rates this year to try to keep this from becoming an entrenched problem. >> we'll see how quickly this year the fed begins raising rates. mortgage rates, credit card rates, et cetera. christine romans, great to have you on. we'll talk with you more about this, later this hour. we'll get reaction to this inflation report from one of president biden's top economic adv advisers, see that interview coming up in moments. pandemic politics coming to a head in the state of florida. the florida department of health is deviating from the cdc when it comes to guidance on covid testing. >> the cdc recommends that people should get tested if they have had any of the following. close contact with someone with covid-19, have covid-19 symptoms or if they are not vaccinated. but florida health officials now recommend that only those with symptoms and risk factors for severe illness get tested. health experts in the state say the changes could be a recipe for disaster. >> cnn correspondent leyla santiago joins us now from miami and governor ron desantis is giving himself accolades now for his handling of the pandemic. what do the numbers in the state of florida show us? >> reporter: well, let's look at south florida, for example, jim and bianna. you talk to the mayor of miami-dade and she will point out the seven-day positivity rate here is 35%. that's pretty high when you look at the rest of the pandemic and where that rate has stood. i spoke it a doctor from florida atlantic university who told me it is too soon to sort of throw in the towel or in any way applaud or think that this pandemic is over. mostly because of community transmission, especially at a time when not all children are eligible for vaccination and then when we talk about the strained hospital system. right now, bed capacity not a huge issue right now in florida. but you know what is? you talk to the health systems, they'll tell you staff shortages. right now they are dealing with that as a major challenge because of burnout, because staff is getting sick, and yet that was not at the center of the address from governor ron desantis yesterday. he was focused on criticizing the federal government and its response to the crisis. listen. >> we have protected the right of our citizens to earn a living, provided our businesses with the ability to prosper, fought back against unconstitutional federal mandates, and ensured our kids have the opportunity to thrive. florida has become the escape hatch for those chafing under authoritarian arbitrary and seemingly never-ending mandates and restrictions. >> reporter: i spoke to an epidemiologist as well, this week, who pointed out, you know, right now i'm at a testing site, one of the largest ones in south florida and she says we should be focused on testing, we should also be focused on vaccinations because if we want to get back to that normal living with covid approach, it will take getting the community vaccinated. jim, bianna. >> thank you so much. jim, there seems to be a disconnect what we heard from the government and what we're hearing from healthcare officials and hospitals around the country. meantime, the biden administration is now announcing new initiatives this morning, aimed at keeping schools open as covid cases surge. the administration plans to distribute 10 million covid tests each month to schools as part of the department of health and human services expanded testing program. those only cover a fraction of the tens of millions of students enrolled in k through 12 public schools across the country. >> cnn medical analyst, former baltimore health commissioner dr. leana wen joins us now. dr. wen, i want to ask you a big picture question here. when you hear from public health officials such as dr. anthony fauci saying the reality is most of us will get omicron, it is so highly transmissible, is there an argument to test only when you're symptomatic or have health conditions that make you particularly vulnerable to severe illness, is there an argument for that rather than testing everyone regardless of symptoms or health conditions? >> it depends on the -- what the goal is here, jim. if the goal is to actually try to contain covid-19, then we should be testing people who are asymptomatic, we know you are maximally infectious one to two days before you develop symptoms and half of the transmission is from people who have no symptoms. so if the goal is to try to reduce the level of covid, then you should be testing asymptomatic people. but on the other hand, if your goal is to say, hey, omicron is going to spread no matter what we do, let's let it spread, then i could see why you would be testing the vulnerable individuals because you want to provide those individuals with early treatment. however, i and probably most other public health experts do not think that is a sound approach, especially when so many of our hospitals are getting overwhelmed at this point. remember, at the beginning of the pandemic we talked about flattening the curve, the entire idea was that even if a lot of people are going to get infected anyway, let's try to spread out the infections over time, so that we're not straining very limited healthcare resources. well, we're at that point now, we may all get omicron, but the later that we can postpone some people getting omicron, the better it is that we can preserve the functioning of our hospitals. >> and to that point, you have a piece out this morning talking about just that. given how transmissible omicron is, there are conversations being had where people are asking, should i get it now and get it over with and you're pointing to the data you just mentioned, that these hospitals are inundated and that should not be the protocol even though people may just think, hey, we're going to get it, might as well do it now, right? >> right. i think there are a lot of people including a lot of previously cautious individuals saying, well, if i'm going to get additional immunity from omicron and vaccinated and boosted, so i won't get that sick, why not get it over with and i can do whatever i want to for a brief period of time. while i understand the rational behind that argument and the wariness, that's driving people asking this question, i think there is a societal argument of preserving hospitals and also individual argument as well as in nobody really wants to get sick, nobody wants to be out of work and unable to care for their kids, nobody wants to inadvertently affect other people around them. the other issue is right now treatments are really limited and so if you end up getting severely ill and may need monoclonal antibodies, there aren't that many treatments available for you now but there will be in a couple of weeks or months. >> it is never pretty. it hasn't been pretty throughout the pandemic. is there some silver lining here, and by the way, i'm not downplaying what we're seeing in many hospitals around the country, but schools are largely staying open now, right? even in the midst of this tremendous surge, do you think some things are happening right in terms of the way we're responding overall to this latest challenge? >> yes, i do think that schools remaining open is really important. we saw that we can do this, even with the delta wave that was so overwhelming and that was before pediatric vaccinations came on line, 99% of schools were able to be in person and i think there is growing recognition for the simple truth that other can countries have been able to adopt, which is that schools should be the last to close and the first to open. and i really want to commend our school administrators, teachers and parents for doing this. vaccination, masking and testing when possible, that's what it takes to keep our schools open. >> as you mentioned before, we have more tools this year than we did last year during previous surges. dr. leana wen, thank you. british prime minister boris johnson is apologizing today for attending a party during government lockdown. johnson's apology comes after emails surfaced yesterday that one of his leading officials invited staff to the socially distanced event in may 2020 in the back garden of ten downing street. he says he thought he was at a work event at the time. >> i want to apologize. i know the rage they feel with me, and with the government i lead, when they think that in downing street itself the rules are not being properly followed by the people who make the rules. and though i cannot anticipate the conclusions of the current inquiry, i have learned enough to know that there were things we simply did not get right. >> the leader of the opposition party called johnson's excuse offensive and asked johnson to resign. back here in the u.s., the january 6th committee has now issued a new round of subpoenas. this time targeting a speechwriter who wrote trump's january 6th rally speech and two advisers in communication with donald trump jr. and kimberly guilfoyle. the committee wants both testimony and records from all three. more subpoenas could be on the way including one for the president's former personal attorney rudy giuliani. bennie thompson told cnn giuliani is an integral part of the ongoing investigation. they will seek information from him. thompson says, at some point. former president donald trump's stranglehold on the republican party appears to have at least one weak spot. that is mitch mcconnell. >> that's right. aides and allies say trump is coming to realize that he can't oust mcconnell despite recent calls to do that. republicans simply aren't willing to turn their back on the senate minority leader to appease trump. still, trump is continuing to unload on mcconnell. >> why is it that you think that the vast majority of your allies in the united states senate are not standing behind you? we did have that statement by mike rounds. >> because mitch mcconnell is a loser and frankly, mitch mcconnell, if he were on the other side and if schumer were put in his position, he would have been fighting this like you've never seen before. he would have been fighting this. >> well, let's go to cnn reporter gabby orr for more. we should note that later on in that interview the president hung up on steve inskeep. back to the point he was making, is trump going to back off from criticizing mcconnell or is this what he's going to continue to do going forward? >> bianna, i think the posture we have seen from former president trump toward mcconnell so far is here to stay. he has been increasingly hostile toward the senate minority leader and calling on republican candidates who are running for the senate to declare that they would not vote to re-elect mitch mcconnell as majority or minority leader if they made it to the u.s. senate in november. of course, what we have seen play out is that very few republican candidates have actually made such a declaration. even as they continue to seek donald trump's endorsement in their different primaries. take ohio, for example, you have at least four candidates who are running, who are all trying to get that coveted trump endorsement and yet not one of them has come out and said that they would definitively vote against re-electing mcconnell as a top republican leader in the senate. and yet they're trying to get trump's endorsement. what we're seeing for one of the first times in the post presidency of donald trump is a check on his ability to influence republican candidates and influence republicans in the senate. >> gabby orr, thanks so much. coming up next, president biden is shaming republican senators over voting rights, challenging them to be in his words on the right side of history. does he have a path forward to get a bill passed? we'll get an update on capitol hill. plus, tennis star novak djokovic admits to doing an inperson interview after he knew he had covid-19. and new details about the documents he used to get into australia ahead of a major tournament. and later, how did this man get inside the cockpit of an american airlines plane? what we know about this scary incident. that's coming up. wow, we're crunching tons of polygons here! what's going on? where's regina? hi, i'm ladonna. i invest in invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to the nasdaq-100 innovations, like real time cgi. okay... yeah... oh. don't worry i got it! become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq the reality of living with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease... means you might be dealing with a lot of symptoms... which can change your plans at any time gut-focused entyvio is made for you. entyvio is the only medicine just for uc and cd that is gut-focused. entyvio has helped many patients achieve long-term relief and remission. it may help you, too. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen... during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection which can be serious. although unlikely, a risk of pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. liver problems can occur with entyvio. if other treatments haven't worked well enough, ask your doctor about entyvio. find out if entyvioconnect can help... with the cost of treatment, whether you are insured or not. entyvio, made for the gut, made for remission, made for you. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit tennis star novak djokovic is still waiting on a decision about his visa from the australian immigration minister. in the meantime, however, he's still practicing, like he will get to play in the australian open. new details are emerging about inconsistencies in his entry documents as well as his movements after he tested positive for covid-19. >> raising only more questions. so let's go to cnn's paula hancocks in melbourne. what has djokovic been saying about all of these new information that is coming out? >> reporter: well, bianna and jim, we had a lot of new developments. so let me go through them one by one. we heard from novak djokovic himself. he's given a statement on social media. he's talked about when he tested positive for covid-19, pointing out that on december 14th he was at a basketball match in the serbian capital of belgrade. he said many people tested positive after that. on december 16th, he decided to take a pcr test. december 17th he then took a rapid antigen test as well, which was negative. and he had a number of public events which we saw him at maskless and in some occasion surrounded by many young people. he said it was after those events he discovered he was positive. december 18th, he still went ahead with a media interview and photo shoot saying he didn't want to let the journalist down. he has pointed out that on reflection, this was an error of judgment. now, also, when it comes to that travel declaration, he has admitted there is an error on that front as well. he pointed out that with this declaration he didn't fill it out himself, it was his support team that did it. when they asked whether he was traveling or had intention to travel in the 14 days before coming here to australia, the no box was ticked and in actual fact it is understood he was in spain and serbia during those two weeks. but he did point out it wasn't him that did it, saying, quote, it was human error and certainly not deliberate. what we do know, though, from a source close to the investigation is that the australia border force is expanding its investigation, looking at possible inconsistencies in documents related to the pcr results. back to you. >> this growing scandal is continuing to threaten the tournament itself as it approaches. paula hancocks, thank you so much. ahead, a medical helicopter crashes on the way to a philadelphia hospital with a 2-month-old baby on board. what we know about the crash and the survivors coming up. and we're moments away from the opening bell on wall street. futures actually pointing higher this morning after a key inflation report this morning showed consumer prices continuing to rise, up 7% over the past year. we will speak coming up to a white house economic adviser on what the biden administration plans to do in response to these numbers. that's coming up. power e*trade gives you an award-winning mobile app with powerful, easy-to-use tools, and interactive charts to give you an edge, 24/7 support when you need it the most. plus, zero-dollar commissions for online u.s. listed stocks. 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>> reporter: well, jim, some pretty big questions here about how he got into the cockpit. you know, this all took place during boarding, american airlines says. it was on the ramp in honduras, going from honduras to miami. and american says this all happened as the passenger came down the jet way, then stormed the cockpit. the door was open during that time, and we have heard from american airlines that this passenger did damage some equipment inside the flight deck. more on that in a second. you see in the video here. from a passenger, in the terminal, of this man hanging out of the flight deck window. you can slide that open in a 737, it can be used in an emergency, used to ventilate the cockpit, pilots can get down using a rope, it is a long way down and this passenger did not jump, but he was arrested. though because that plane was damaged, american had to fly another airplane in, and that flight ultimately landed in miami about eight hours late. pretty frustrating for the 121 people on board. this has been an issue for months now, jim and bianna, but covering it for a long time. the issue here is that there are so many of these unruly passengers, over and over again. 5981 incidents reported by flight crews to the faa this year alone. in 2021 alone. many of them had to do with masks. though in this instance, we did not know the motivation behind all of this. we're waiting to hear that. >> this incident taking it to the next level, going into the cockpit and breaking that window, just horrifying watching that video. and another story that we have seen in video, pretty incredible, the ntsb investigating a medical helicopter crash that went down while carrying a pediatric patient outside of philadelphia yesterday. there you see the images. what more are we learning? >> reporter: well, this is really incredible, bianna, because four people were on board including a 2-month-old baby, all survived, we're learning from local media the pilot's condition has been upgraded and that pilot being heralded as a hero because the helicopter came crashing down essentially right in front of a church. and the drexel hill neighborhood in philadelphia. that patient, that 2-month-old baby was being transferred from chambersburg, pennsylvania, to the children's hospital of philadelphia. still not totally clear exactly what precipitated this incident. helicopters are pretty hard to fly. very hard to fly when there is any sort of mechanical incident. we know the weather was pretty good at the time. all things that the ntsb will be looking at here, though pretty skillful job by the pilot and real testament to this design of this helicopter, stayed in one piece pretty much, when it comes to the passenger cabin, everybody okay. >> wow. >> you would know, you're a pilot yourself, folks may not know that. thank you very much. >> thank you, pete. well, this morning, ambassadors from nato countries met with russian officials in belgium, attempting to de-escalate the crisis at the border with ukraine. just moments ago, secretary-general john stoltenberg spoke about what happened inside. >> we are clear eyed about the prospects for progress in these talks. they express serious concern about the russian military buildup in and around ukraine, and called on russia to immediately de-escalate the situation. >> the ambassador joins me now live, he's the president of the chicago council on global affairs and the former u.s. ambassador to nato. welcome to the program. russia's deputy foreign minister described the talks as a, quote, moment of truth in our relations with the alliance. what is your takeaway from what we heard from this morning's meeting? >> well, it is all pretty discouraging. the russians came to nato basically asking them for unilateral surrender for nato to abandon its own commitment in this original treaty to allow countries to be part of nato. and for nato to withdraw all of the military equipment it has put forward in the eastern and central european countries that have joined nato since 1997. nato is not going to accept that. it is not going to rewrite history in the way that vladimir putin wants to. the problem is that the russians aren't willing to talk about anything else. there are ways to de-escalate. there are ways to address their security concerns through arms control and other means, but the russians are coming here with a gun pointed at the ukrainian heads and at the same time trying to get nato to frankly surrender unilaterally. it ain't going to happen. >> and that having been said, given that the nonstarters that russia presented, you know the situation in dealing with russia all too well. they are very hostile and have been with nato, even morisot than with u.s. officials. what is the likelihood they will meet some sort of agreement given the one person that decides all of this is vladimir putin and he's not there. these representatives may not even know what he's planning to do. >> no, that's right. it is all in vladimir putin's head and he's the one who is going to make a decision. and he'll have to make a calculation. clearly putin, who, are remember, was a kgb officer in east germany when the wall came down 30 plus years ago has resented the fact that the soviet union lost the cold war and resented the fact that the soviet union collapsed. he's trying to now find a way to retake what the soviet union lost at that time. that's really what's driving him, and so the question he's facing, how much does he want to risk in order to get there. the reality is even if he takes military action against ukraine, he may be able to take part and occupy part of ukraine as he did in 2014 when he invaded and annexed crimea. as a result, the ukrainians will become more anti-russian, more likely to be wanting to have ties to the west, and nato will spend more time providing reassurance and military capabilities and equipment in eastern europe in order to make sure the countries can be defended. so the reality is what he's threatening is likely to bring about the very thing he's hoping would go a way. >> what he's arguably obsessed with, the past, and nato's relationship with russia in the former soviet union, nato is now looking forward, and i'm curious to get your thoughts on perhaps what could come of an invasion and that is the real possibility, the nonnato members like finland and sweden, may be willing to join. so do you think that that, if anything else, would be a deterrent for putin and do you think they should be welcome if, in fact, they do want to join? >> well, if finland and sweden want to join nato, there is little doubt that nato -- the instrument he's chosen to try to get what he wants, a threat of a military invasion in europe is likely to strengthen nato, to make it more likely that nato is -- gets closer to the borders, has more military equipment there and bring in more members, finland and sweden, and perhaps break the debt log even on the question of whether ukraine at some point should be a member of nato, which at the moment nato is divided on, but if russia acts in the way that it is threatening to act, even that question comes on the table. so the very thing he's trying to avoid may come about by the action he's taking and i hope he thinks about those consequences before deciding to take military action against ukraine. >> except i would say this a dark way at least what he's gaining is the attention of the world, and a time when at least the united states had been hoping to move to other areas, particularly to china. ambassador, thank you for your expertise. we appreciate it. >> my pleasure. sobering read there. coming up, president biden changing his posture on voting rights, calling out congress for not getting it done. can he get the ball moving? 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we know chuck schumer plans to move forward with these pieces of legislation. the white house says this is a fight worth having, even if they don't see a path to a compromise. cedric richmond said he believes this is a fight they need to have. >> and meantime, lauren, the president is calling out republicans, but is he any closer to getting all 50 democrats on board? he did mention he's been talking to a lot of them, just behind closed doors. >> reporter: well, these efforts have been ongoing for several months now, bianna, but so far there is no indication like jeremy said that manchin or sinema changed their minds about gutting the filibuster. this is all going to happen in two steps. we expect the majority leader chuck schumer will make an announcement at some point today, about when they will vote on the freedom to vote act, or the john lewis voting rights act in the next couple of hours. once that announcement is made, and those votes take place, you can expect that they will go down because there won't be ten republican senators to support them. at that point, there will be another vote on changing the filibuster or the 60-vote threshold for this piece of legislation, a kind of carveout for voting rights. but, again, this has been the critical question, and the critical issue so far manchin and sinema say they want to preserve the filibuster as it stands for legislation. because they argue that right now democrats control the senate, but soon republicans could control the senate and this could go back and forth several times in the next couple of years. their fear, including something that sinema made very clear over the last several months is that you would careen then from one extreme to another on legislation. so it is a path that so far they have made very clear they do in the want to go down. does that change with all of these meetings? so far i'm not getting any indication it will, but, gagain that is the effort schumer is making. >> we are where we have been for some time. thank you. as we reported earlier, the u.s. is seeing the highest inflation rate since 1982. what is the plan to turn it around? i'll speak with one of president biden's top economice eadvisers. that interview is coming up next. be able to take just anything for pain. that's why doctors recommend tylenol®. it won't raise blood pressure the way that advil® aleve® or motrin® sometimes can. for trusted relief, trust tylenol®. at capella university, we know the world is pretty smart. wicked smart. so we made flexpath smart enough that you can finish the bachelor's degree in business you've started in 18 months for $18,000. that's smart. capella university. don't just learn. learn smarter. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? once-weekly ozempic® can help. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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>> it is an important problem, and so let me underscore that we know what is a challenge this is for the middle-class families to make the budget. we are working rerelentlessly, and this is what we are trying to do to alleviate the pressure. at the ports, and the trucks, we are trying to have some success, because the dwell time is down 4% and shipping costs down 25%, and making sure that the competition is robust, and the cost savings are passed down to the consumers. we are dealing with the energy price increases, and the release of strategic reserves helped in that regard. and fourth, and this is really important, is that one of the key factors is the really big bump in the price of used cars which relates to the semico semiconductors, and a constraint, and bill that passed by 68 votes in the senate, and what get passed by 68 votes? it is the chips act, and it is something that congress needs to get to as quickly as possible according to the president, and something that he said this morning in a statement. >> despite the optimistic statement, the fed is preparing the country for a sustained effort to combat inflation, and talking about the multiple interest rate hikes and tapering off the bond buying, and do you, does the white house support the federal reserve's plan to both end the bond buying stimulus program and to suspend interest rates multiple times? >> we don't get into their level of knitting to the precision that your question suggests. but i will say the following, that when it comes to full employment, and stable es prices that is the task of the federal reserve, and we have great faith in particularly the members that we have recently nominated for repeat terms. so that is one part. secondly, one of things that i do on my job here as the council of economic advisory is that i track every forecast that we have. and even with the fed rate hikes penciled in, it is going to decline, and we should be back to full employment by the end of the year. so under this scenario, we should have a tight market, and we are not sitting idly by, but we are doing everything to ensure that it is going to happen. >> and so i want to understand your sense of to build back better, because senators manchin and sinema are concerned about the passage of bbd. >> yes, i believe that first of all, the building back better, is going to even the krin creasing ability to labor force and boost the supply and bbc is part of supply, and lowering the cost of prescription costs, and elder care, and this is going to reduce the costs of helping the families to pay those budgets, and thirdly -- >> sorry to interrupt, but the time is limited, and the point that you made, i get why reducing the prescription drug prices would help people with prices, but -- >> right. >> but another piece, and the major piece of the bbd is putting the money in the people's pockets and the child tax credit, and the new york times had a piece earlier about how public support is falling for even the child tax credit and explain to americans how putting more money into the economy helps inflation. >> glad that you made the point that i wanted to make for the fourth point and giving me the stage. the amount of money that the government is putting into the 2022 economy including the build back better is much less than we saw last year, because the amount of money that the government is stimulating the economy last xwroo is build back better is spending out 10 years and far more gradual, and the inpact on inflation is going to be negligible in '22 and much longer term program on that, and net out of the fact in the rescue plan in '22 and so when you take the net impulse when you take the fiscal policy net it should be coming down in '22. >> jared bernstein, we will be watching the numbers closely as you will. >> great questions, and good to talk. thank you. >> delicate balance, jim, by keeping the economy hot, and the inflation low, right? >> yes, and we don't have to tell the folks at home that they feel it, and they feel it in prices for a whole host of things. >> yes, that is true, and what they feel is record unvaccinated americans crowding into the emergency rooms across the country, and the stark warning from the acting fda commissioner is just ahead. what if you could have the perspective to see more? at morgan stanley, a global collective of thought leaders offers investors a broader view. ♪ we see companies protecting the bottom line by putting people first. we see a bright future, still hungry for the ingenuity of those ready for the next challenge. today, we are translating decades of experience into strategies for the road ahead. we are morgan stanley. narrator: on a faraway beach, the generation called "our greatest" saved the world from tyranny. in an office we know as "oval," a new-generation president faced down an imminent threat of nuclear war. on a bridge in selma, alabama, the preacher of his time marched us straight to passing voting rights for every american. at a gate in west berlin, a late-generation american president demanded an enemy superpower tear down a wall and liberate a continent. american generations answering the call of their time with american ideals. freedom. liberty. justice. for today's generation of leaders, the call has come again to protect our freedom to vote, to fortify our democracy by passing the freedom to vote act and the john lewis voting rights act because america - john lewis: we are not going back, we are going forward. ♪ i want to be myself ♪ >> she had a lot of strength for her vulnerabilities. >> marilyn monroe had a lot of ideas about women' when you have xfinity, you have entertainment built in. which is kind of nice. ah, what is happening. binge-watching is in the bag, when you find all your apps, all in one place. find live sports faster just by using your voice... sports on now. touchdown irish! 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Beep , Phone Clicks , Blood , Gum Damage , Sign , Floss , Help , Gum , Gum Line , Gum Repair , Gum Repair Toothpaste , Plaque Bacteria , Parodontax , Advantage , Unitedhealthcare Medicare Advantage , Visits , Lab Tests , Prescription Drugs , Uh Huh , Copays On Tier 1 , 0 , , Premium , Name , Aarp , Investors , Landscape , Punch , Gold , Asset , Potential , Returns , Silversneakers , Classes , Thousands , Seniors , Locations , Internet Connection , Dot Com , Visiting Getsilversneakers , Congress On Voting Rights , Lawmakers , Ballot , Jeremy , Jeremy Diamond , Lauren Fox , Votes , Pieces , Joe Manchin , Whether , Legislation , Opposition , Democrats , Kyrsten Sinema , Fight , Filibuster , Fighting , Voting Rights Legislation And Making Changes There , Passing The Freedom To Vote Act , Democracy , Voting Rights Bills , Debate Them , Minimum , Option , Senate Rules , Chuck Schumer , Cedric Richmond , Compromise , Fight Worth , Efforts , Behind Closed Doors , 50 , Announcement , Indication , Minds , Steps , Voting Rights Act , John Lewis , Freedom To Vote Act , Won T , Kind , Threshold , Carveout , 60 , Fear , Gagain , Meetings , Effort Schumer , It Will , Plan , Inflation Rate , Economice Eadvisers , Trust Tylenol , Blood Pressure , Doctors , Pain , Tylenol , Wicked Smart , Anything , Aleve , Motrin , Capella University , Smart , Business , Bachelor S Degree , Flexpath , 18000 , 8000 , Oh Ozempic , Type 2 Diabetes , Smarter , Adults , A1c , Oh , Weight , Type 1 Diabetes , Isn T , Heart Disease , Stroke , Heart Attack , Death , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Don T Take Ozempic , Family , Lump , Needles , Stomach Pain , Stop Ozempic , Reuse , Share , Pens , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Swelling , Neck , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Insulin , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Nausea , Dehydration , Provider , Prescription , Kidney Problems , Record Label , Health Care Provider , Taking Off , 3 , 25 , Sound Engineer , Visit Indeed Com Hire , 4 , Inflation Measure , Jared Bernstein , Pace , Council , Wasn T , Root , Jay Powell , Sense , Inflation Reports , Change , November To December , Hood , Reason , Recovery , Components , Regard , Supply Chains , Chair Powell , Labor Market , Sync , Pressures , Problems , Price Pressure , Confidence , Working Rerelentlessly , Pressure , Ports , Budget , Competition , Shipping , Savings , Trucks , Success , Release , Factors , Consumers , Reserves , Bump , Fourth , Energy Price Increases , Price , Constraint , Cars , Semico Semiconductors , 68 , Chips , Effort , Bond Buying , Interest Rate Hikes , Tapering , White House Support The Federal Reserve , Employment , Bond Buying Stimulus Program , Precision , Knitting , Faith , Repeat Terms , Task , Advisory , Decline , Forecast , Hikes , Scenario , Market , The End , Passage , Building , Senators Manchin , Bbd , Supply , Labor Force , Bbc , Krin Creasing , Care , Costs , Prescription Costs , Budgets , Money , Child Tax Credit , Prescription Drug Prices , Pockets , Economy , Support , New York Times , Amount , Build , Stage , 2022 , Xwroo , Term , Inpact , Rescue , 22 , Impulse , Policy , Yes , Balance , Inflation Low , Acting , Host , Emergency Rooms , Warning , Fda Commissioner , Perspective , Leaders , Morgan Stanley , Companies , Thought , View , Bright Future , Generation , Experience , Strategies , Ingenuity , Road , Beach , Narrator , Office , Greatest , Tyranny , Oval , Bridge , Nuclear War , Alabama , Selma , Generations , Preacher , Gate , Enemy Superpower Tear , Continent , West Berlin , Freedom , Call , Ideals , Justice , The Call , Liberty , Strength , Vulnerabilities , Marilyn Monroe , Ideas , Entertainment , Women , Xfinity , Sports , Binge Watching , Voice , Apps , Bag , Touchdown , Nice , The Hits Won T Quit , Peacock Premium , Irish , Cheering , Captions , Vitac , Www Vitac Com , Motion , Judge , Beian Na Golodryga , Woman , Andrew , Sexual Assault Lawsuit , Suit , Sex , Jeffrey Epstein ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow And Jim Sciutto 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240709

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the u.s. senate to, quote, protect the heart and soul of the nation by changing filibuster rules to pass new voting rights legislation. >> i've been having these quiet conversations with members of congress for the last two months. i'm tired of being quiet! and a frightening scene when a man storms the cockpit of an american airlines flight and tries jumping out of the window, just moments before takeoff. it is all caught on video right there. first, let's get right to our top breaking story and bring in cnn chief business correspondent christine romans, and, christine, the white house was more or less expecting a high number, but i guess the question is will it moderate in the coming months as some have predicted. have we reached peak inflation? >> yeah, and that is the biggest question out there, right. these are numbers that are not news to the american families who are paying more for just about everything. let's walk through these numbers. 7% this headline year over year inflation number for consumer prices. that is a big number. and that second number to the right, 0.5%. sorry that didn't get updated. 0.5% from november to december. that is also a big one-month move. when you strip out volatile food and energy, the so-called core rate, that was 5.5% from december 2020 to 2021 and from november to december, 0.6%. you can see these numbers are still running way too hot. this is the hottest inflation in decades. i look inside these numbers, just from november, december, used vehicle prices up 3.5%. anybody trying to buy a used car knows these numbers are running really, really fast here. apparel prices up. household furnishings, new vehicle prices up 1%. those are big numbers for just a november to december -- just for one month gain. we're still in the teeth here of an inflation problem. the inflation fighter is the federal reserve, the federal reserve has said they are on the case, and will start raising interest rates this year to try to keep this from becoming an entrenched problem. >> we'll see how quickly this year the fed begins raising rates. mortgage rates, credit card rates, et cetera. christine romans, great to have you on. we'll talk with you more about this, later this hour. we'll get reaction to this inflation report from one of president biden's top economic adv advisers, see that interview coming up in moments. pandemic politics coming to a head in the state of florida. the florida department of health is deviating from the cdc when it comes to guidance on covid testing. >> the cdc recommends that people should get tested if they have had any of the following. close contact with someone with covid-19, have covid-19 symptoms or if they are not vaccinated. but florida health officials now recommend that only those with symptoms and risk factors for severe illness get tested. health experts in the state say the changes could be a recipe for disaster. >> cnn correspondent leyla santiago joins us now from miami and governor ron desantis is giving himself accolades now for his handling of the pandemic. what do the numbers in the state of florida show us? >> reporter: well, let's look at south florida, for example, jim and bianna. you talk to the mayor of miami-dade and she will point out the seven-day positivity rate here is 35%. that's pretty high when you look at the rest of the pandemic and where that rate has stood. i spoke it a doctor from florida atlantic university who told me it is too soon to sort of throw in the towel or in any way applaud or think that this pandemic is over. mostly because of community transmission, especially at a time when not all children are eligible for vaccination and then when we talk about the strained hospital system. right now, bed capacity not a huge issue right now in florida. but you know what is? you talk to the health systems, they'll tell you staff shortages. right now they are dealing with that as a major challenge because of burnout, because staff is getting sick, and yet that was not at the center of the address from governor ron desantis yesterday. he was focused on criticizing the federal government and its response to the crisis. listen. >> we have protected the right of our citizens to earn a living, provided our businesses with the ability to prosper, fought back against unconstitutional federal mandates, and ensured our kids have the opportunity to thrive. florida has become the escape hatch for those chafing under authoritarian arbitrary and seemingly never-ending mandates and restrictions. >> reporter: i spoke to an epidemiologist as well, this week, who pointed out, you know, right now i'm at a testing site, one of the largest ones in south florida and she says we should be focused on testing, we should also be focused on vaccinations because if we want to get back to that normal living with covid approach, it will take getting the community vaccinated. jim, bianna. >> thank you so much. jim, there seems to be a disconnect what we heard from the government and what we're hearing from healthcare officials and hospitals around the country. meantime, the biden administration is now announcing new initiatives this morning, aimed at keeping schools open as covid cases surge. the administration plans to distribute 10 million covid tests each month to schools as part of the department of health and human services expanded testing program. those only cover a fraction of the tens of millions of students enrolled in k through 12 public schools across the country. >> cnn medical analyst, former baltimore health commissioner dr. leana wen joins us now. dr. wen, i want to ask you a big picture question here. when you hear from public health officials such as dr. anthony fauci saying the reality is most of us will get omicron, it is so highly transmissible, is there an argument to test only when you're symptomatic or have health conditions that make you particularly vulnerable to severe illness, is there an argument for that rather than testing everyone regardless of symptoms or health conditions? >> it depends on the -- what the goal is here, jim. if the goal is to actually try to contain covid-19, then we should be testing people who are asymptomatic, we know you are maximally infectious one to two days before you develop symptoms and half of the transmission is from people who have no symptoms. so if the goal is to try to reduce the level of covid, then you should be testing asymptomatic people. but on the other hand, if your goal is to say, hey, omicron is going to spread no matter what we do, let's let it spread, then i could see why you would be testing the vulnerable individuals because you want to provide those individuals with early treatment. however, i and probably most other public health experts do not think that is a sound approach, especially when so many of our hospitals are getting overwhelmed at this point. remember, at the beginning of the pandemic we talked about flattening the curve, the entire idea was that even if a lot of people are going to get infected anyway, let's try to spread out the infections over time, so that we're not straining very limited healthcare resources. well, we're at that point now, we may all get omicron, but the later that we can postpone some people getting omicron, the better it is that we can preserve the functioning of our hospitals. >> and to that point, you have a piece out this morning talking about just that. given how transmissible omicron is, there are conversations being had where people are asking, should i get it now and get it over with and you're pointing to the data you just mentioned, that these hospitals are inundated and that should not be the protocol even though people may just think, hey, we're going to get it, might as well do it now, right? >> right. i think there are a lot of people including a lot of previously cautious individuals saying, well, if i'm going to get additional immunity from omicron and vaccinated and boosted, so i won't get that sick, why not get it over with and i can do whatever i want to for a brief period of time. while i understand the rational behind that argument and the wariness, that's driving people asking this question, i think there is a societal argument of preserving hospitals and also individual argument as well as in nobody really wants to get sick, nobody wants to be out of work and unable to care for their kids, nobody wants to inadvertently affect other people around them. the other issue is right now treatments are really limited and so if you end up getting severely ill and may need monoclonal antibodies, there aren't that many treatments available for you now but there will be in a couple of weeks or months. >> it is never pretty. it hasn't been pretty throughout the pandemic. is there some silver lining here, and by the way, i'm not downplaying what we're seeing in many hospitals around the country, but schools are largely staying open now, right? even in the midst of this tremendous surge, do you think some things are happening right in terms of the way we're responding overall to this latest challenge? >> yes, i do think that schools remaining open is really important. we saw that we can do this, even with the delta wave that was so overwhelming and that was before pediatric vaccinations came on line, 99% of schools were able to be in person and i think there is growing recognition for the simple truth that other can countries have been able to adopt, which is that schools should be the last to close and the first to open. and i really want to commend our school administrators, teachers and parents for doing this. vaccination, masking and testing when possible, that's what it takes to keep our schools open. >> as you mentioned before, we have more tools this year than we did last year during previous surges. dr. leana wen, thank you. british prime minister boris johnson is apologizing today for attending a party during government lockdown. johnson's apology comes after emails surfaced yesterday that one of his leading officials invited staff to the socially distanced event in may 2020 in the back garden of ten downing street. he says he thought he was at a work event at the time. >> i want to apologize. i know the rage they feel with me, and with the government i lead, when they think that in downing street itself the rules are not being properly followed by the people who make the rules. and though i cannot anticipate the conclusions of the current inquiry, i have learned enough to know that there were things we simply did not get right. >> the leader of the opposition party called johnson's excuse offensive and asked johnson to resign. back here in the u.s., the january 6th committee has now issued a new round of subpoenas. this time targeting a speechwriter who wrote trump's january 6th rally speech and two advisers in communication with donald trump jr. and kimberly guilfoyle. the committee wants both testimony and records from all three. more subpoenas could be on the way including one for the president's former personal attorney rudy giuliani. bennie thompson told cnn giuliani is an integral part of the ongoing investigation. they will seek information from him. thompson says, at some point. former president donald trump's stranglehold on the republican party appears to have at least one weak spot. that is mitch mcconnell. >> that's right. aides and allies say trump is coming to realize that he can't oust mcconnell despite recent calls to do that. republicans simply aren't willing to turn their back on the senate minority leader to appease trump. still, trump is continuing to unload on mcconnell. >> why is it that you think that the vast majority of your allies in the united states senate are not standing behind you? we did have that statement by mike rounds. >> because mitch mcconnell is a loser and frankly, mitch mcconnell, if he were on the other side and if schumer were put in his position, he would have been fighting this like you've never seen before. he would have been fighting this. >> well, let's go to cnn reporter gabby orr for more. we should note that later on in that interview the president hung up on steve inskeep. back to the point he was making, is trump going to back off from criticizing mcconnell or is this what he's going to continue to do going forward? >> bianna, i think the posture we have seen from former president trump toward mcconnell so far is here to stay. he has been increasingly hostile toward the senate minority leader and calling on republican candidates who are running for the senate to declare that they would not vote to re-elect mitch mcconnell as majority or minority leader if they made it to the u.s. senate in november. of course, what we have seen play out is that very few republican candidates have actually made such a declaration. even as they continue to seek donald trump's endorsement in their different primaries. take ohio, for example, you have at least four candidates who are running, who are all trying to get that coveted trump endorsement and yet not one of them has come out and said that they would definitively vote against re-electing mcconnell as a top republican leader in the senate. and yet they're trying to get trump's endorsement. what we're seeing for one of the first times in the post presidency of donald trump is a check on his ability to influence republican candidates and influence republicans in the senate. >> gabby orr, thanks so much. coming up next, president biden is shaming republican senators over voting rights, challenging them to be in his words on the right side of history. does he have a path forward to get a bill passed? we'll get an update on capitol hill. plus, tennis star novak djokovic admits to doing an inperson interview after he knew he had covid-19. and new details about the documents he used to get into australia ahead of a major tournament. and later, how did this man get inside the cockpit of an american airlines plane? what we know about this scary incident. that's coming up. wow, we're crunching tons of polygons here! what's going on? where's regina? hi, i'm ladonna. i invest in invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to the nasdaq-100 innovations, like real time cgi. okay... yeah... oh. don't worry i got it! become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq the reality of living with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease... means you might be dealing with a lot of symptoms... which can change your plans at any time gut-focused entyvio is made for you. entyvio is the only medicine just for uc and cd that is gut-focused. entyvio has helped many patients achieve long-term relief and remission. it may help you, too. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen... during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection which can be serious. although unlikely, a risk of pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. liver problems can occur with entyvio. if other treatments haven't worked well enough, ask your doctor about entyvio. find out if entyvioconnect can help... with the cost of treatment, whether you are insured or not. entyvio, made for the gut, made for remission, made for you. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit tennis star novak djokovic is still waiting on a decision about his visa from the australian immigration minister. in the meantime, however, he's still practicing, like he will get to play in the australian open. new details are emerging about inconsistencies in his entry documents as well as his movements after he tested positive for covid-19. >> raising only more questions. so let's go to cnn's paula hancocks in melbourne. what has djokovic been saying about all of these new information that is coming out? >> reporter: well, bianna and jim, we had a lot of new developments. so let me go through them one by one. we heard from novak djokovic himself. he's given a statement on social media. he's talked about when he tested positive for covid-19, pointing out that on december 14th he was at a basketball match in the serbian capital of belgrade. he said many people tested positive after that. on december 16th, he decided to take a pcr test. december 17th he then took a rapid antigen test as well, which was negative. and he had a number of public events which we saw him at maskless and in some occasion surrounded by many young people. he said it was after those events he discovered he was positive. december 18th, he still went ahead with a media interview and photo shoot saying he didn't want to let the journalist down. he has pointed out that on reflection, this was an error of judgment. now, also, when it comes to that travel declaration, he has admitted there is an error on that front as well. he pointed out that with this declaration he didn't fill it out himself, it was his support team that did it. when they asked whether he was traveling or had intention to travel in the 14 days before coming here to australia, the no box was ticked and in actual fact it is understood he was in spain and serbia during those two weeks. but he did point out it wasn't him that did it, saying, quote, it was human error and certainly not deliberate. what we do know, though, from a source close to the investigation is that the australia border force is expanding its investigation, looking at possible inconsistencies in documents related to the pcr results. back to you. >> this growing scandal is continuing to threaten the tournament itself as it approaches. paula hancocks, thank you so much. ahead, a medical helicopter crashes on the way to a philadelphia hospital with a 2-month-old baby on board. what we know about the crash and the survivors coming up. and we're moments away from the opening bell on wall street. futures actually pointing higher this morning after a key inflation report this morning showed consumer prices continuing to rise, up 7% over the past year. we will speak coming up to a white house economic adviser on what the biden administration plans to do in response to these numbers. that's coming up. power e*trade gives you an award-winning mobile app with powerful, easy-to-use tools, and interactive charts to give you an edge, 24/7 support when you need it the most. plus, zero-dollar commissions for online u.s. listed stocks. 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>> reporter: well, jim, some pretty big questions here about how he got into the cockpit. you know, this all took place during boarding, american airlines says. it was on the ramp in honduras, going from honduras to miami. and american says this all happened as the passenger came down the jet way, then stormed the cockpit. the door was open during that time, and we have heard from american airlines that this passenger did damage some equipment inside the flight deck. more on that in a second. you see in the video here. from a passenger, in the terminal, of this man hanging out of the flight deck window. you can slide that open in a 737, it can be used in an emergency, used to ventilate the cockpit, pilots can get down using a rope, it is a long way down and this passenger did not jump, but he was arrested. though because that plane was damaged, american had to fly another airplane in, and that flight ultimately landed in miami about eight hours late. pretty frustrating for the 121 people on board. this has been an issue for months now, jim and bianna, but covering it for a long time. the issue here is that there are so many of these unruly passengers, over and over again. 5981 incidents reported by flight crews to the faa this year alone. in 2021 alone. many of them had to do with masks. though in this instance, we did not know the motivation behind all of this. we're waiting to hear that. >> this incident taking it to the next level, going into the cockpit and breaking that window, just horrifying watching that video. and another story that we have seen in video, pretty incredible, the ntsb investigating a medical helicopter crash that went down while carrying a pediatric patient outside of philadelphia yesterday. there you see the images. what more are we learning? >> reporter: well, this is really incredible, bianna, because four people were on board including a 2-month-old baby, all survived, we're learning from local media the pilot's condition has been upgraded and that pilot being heralded as a hero because the helicopter came crashing down essentially right in front of a church. and the drexel hill neighborhood in philadelphia. that patient, that 2-month-old baby was being transferred from chambersburg, pennsylvania, to the children's hospital of philadelphia. still not totally clear exactly what precipitated this incident. helicopters are pretty hard to fly. very hard to fly when there is any sort of mechanical incident. we know the weather was pretty good at the time. all things that the ntsb will be looking at here, though pretty skillful job by the pilot and real testament to this design of this helicopter, stayed in one piece pretty much, when it comes to the passenger cabin, everybody okay. >> wow. >> you would know, you're a pilot yourself, folks may not know that. thank you very much. >> thank you, pete. well, this morning, ambassadors from nato countries met with russian officials in belgium, attempting to de-escalate the crisis at the border with ukraine. just moments ago, secretary-general john stoltenberg spoke about what happened inside. >> we are clear eyed about the prospects for progress in these talks. they express serious concern about the russian military buildup in and around ukraine, and called on russia to immediately de-escalate the situation. >> the ambassador joins me now live, he's the president of the chicago council on global affairs and the former u.s. ambassador to nato. welcome to the program. russia's deputy foreign minister described the talks as a, quote, moment of truth in our relations with the alliance. what is your takeaway from what we heard from this morning's meeting? >> well, it is all pretty discouraging. the russians came to nato basically asking them for unilateral surrender for nato to abandon its own commitment in this original treaty to allow countries to be part of nato. and for nato to withdraw all of the military equipment it has put forward in the eastern and central european countries that have joined nato since 1997. nato is not going to accept that. it is not going to rewrite history in the way that vladimir putin wants to. the problem is that the russians aren't willing to talk about anything else. there are ways to de-escalate. there are ways to address their security concerns through arms control and other means, but the russians are coming here with a gun pointed at the ukrainian heads and at the same time trying to get nato to frankly surrender unilaterally. it ain't going to happen. >> and that having been said, given that the nonstarters that russia presented, you know the situation in dealing with russia all too well. they are very hostile and have been with nato, even morisot than with u.s. officials. what is the likelihood they will meet some sort of agreement given the one person that decides all of this is vladimir putin and he's not there. these representatives may not even know what he's planning to do. >> no, that's right. it is all in vladimir putin's head and he's the one who is going to make a decision. and he'll have to make a calculation. clearly putin, who, are remember, was a kgb officer in east germany when the wall came down 30 plus years ago has resented the fact that the soviet union lost the cold war and resented the fact that the soviet union collapsed. he's trying to now find a way to retake what the soviet union lost at that time. that's really what's driving him, and so the question he's facing, how much does he want to risk in order to get there. the reality is even if he takes military action against ukraine, he may be able to take part and occupy part of ukraine as he did in 2014 when he invaded and annexed crimea. as a result, the ukrainians will become more anti-russian, more likely to be wanting to have ties to the west, and nato will spend more time providing reassurance and military capabilities and equipment in eastern europe in order to make sure the countries can be defended. so the reality is what he's threatening is likely to bring about the very thing he's hoping would go a way. >> what he's arguably obsessed with, the past, and nato's relationship with russia in the former soviet union, nato is now looking forward, and i'm curious to get your thoughts on perhaps what could come of an invasion and that is the real possibility, the nonnato members like finland and sweden, may be willing to join. so do you think that that, if anything else, would be a deterrent for putin and do you think they should be welcome if, in fact, they do want to join? >> well, if finland and sweden want to join nato, there is little doubt that nato -- the instrument he's chosen to try to get what he wants, a threat of a military invasion in europe is likely to strengthen nato, to make it more likely that nato is -- gets closer to the borders, has more military equipment there and bring in more members, finland and sweden, and perhaps break the debt log even on the question of whether ukraine at some point should be a member of nato, which at the moment nato is divided on, but if russia acts in the way that it is threatening to act, even that question comes on the table. so the very thing he's trying to avoid may come about by the action he's taking and i hope he thinks about those consequences before deciding to take military action against ukraine. >> except i would say this a dark way at least what he's gaining is the attention of the world, and a time when at least the united states had been hoping to move to other areas, particularly to china. ambassador, thank you for your expertise. we appreciate it. >> my pleasure. sobering read there. coming up, president biden changing his posture on voting rights, calling out congress for not getting it done. can he get the ball moving? 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we know chuck schumer plans to move forward with these pieces of legislation. the white house says this is a fight worth having, even if they don't see a path to a compromise. cedric richmond said he believes this is a fight they need to have. >> and meantime, lauren, the president is calling out republicans, but is he any closer to getting all 50 democrats on board? he did mention he's been talking to a lot of them, just behind closed doors. >> reporter: well, these efforts have been ongoing for several months now, bianna, but so far there is no indication like jeremy said that manchin or sinema changed their minds about gutting the filibuster. this is all going to happen in two steps. we expect the majority leader chuck schumer will make an announcement at some point today, about when they will vote on the freedom to vote act, or the john lewis voting rights act in the next couple of hours. once that announcement is made, and those votes take place, you can expect that they will go down because there won't be ten republican senators to support them. at that point, there will be another vote on changing the filibuster or the 60-vote threshold for this piece of legislation, a kind of carveout for voting rights. but, again, this has been the critical question, and the critical issue so far manchin and sinema say they want to preserve the filibuster as it stands for legislation. because they argue that right now democrats control the senate, but soon republicans could control the senate and this could go back and forth several times in the next couple of years. their fear, including something that sinema made very clear over the last several months is that you would careen then from one extreme to another on legislation. so it is a path that so far they have made very clear they do in the want to go down. does that change with all of these meetings? so far i'm not getting any indication it will, but, gagain that is the effort schumer is making. >> we are where we have been for some time. thank you. as we reported earlier, the u.s. is seeing the highest inflation rate since 1982. what is the plan to turn it around? i'll speak with one of president biden's top economice eadvisers. that interview is coming up next. be able to take just anything for pain. that's why doctors recommend tylenol®. it won't raise blood pressure the way that advil® aleve® or motrin® sometimes can. for trusted relief, trust tylenol®. at capella university, we know the world is pretty smart. wicked smart. so we made flexpath smart enough that you can finish the bachelor's degree in business you've started in 18 months for $18,000. that's smart. capella university. don't just learn. learn smarter. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? once-weekly ozempic® can help. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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>> it is an important problem, and so let me underscore that we know what is a challenge this is for the middle-class families to make the budget. we are working rerelentlessly, and this is what we are trying to do to alleviate the pressure. at the ports, and the trucks, we are trying to have some success, because the dwell time is down 4% and shipping costs down 25%, and making sure that the competition is robust, and the cost savings are passed down to the consumers. we are dealing with the energy price increases, and the release of strategic reserves helped in that regard. and fourth, and this is really important, is that one of the key factors is the really big bump in the price of used cars which relates to the semico semiconductors, and a constraint, and bill that passed by 68 votes in the senate, and what get passed by 68 votes? it is the chips act, and it is something that congress needs to get to as quickly as possible according to the president, and something that he said this morning in a statement. >> despite the optimistic statement, the fed is preparing the country for a sustained effort to combat inflation, and talking about the multiple interest rate hikes and tapering off the bond buying, and do you, does the white house support the federal reserve's plan to both end the bond buying stimulus program and to suspend interest rates multiple times? >> we don't get into their level of knitting to the precision that your question suggests. but i will say the following, that when it comes to full employment, and stable es prices that is the task of the federal reserve, and we have great faith in particularly the members that we have recently nominated for repeat terms. so that is one part. secondly, one of things that i do on my job here as the council of economic advisory is that i track every forecast that we have. and even with the fed rate hikes penciled in, it is going to decline, and we should be back to full employment by the end of the year. so under this scenario, we should have a tight market, and we are not sitting idly by, but we are doing everything to ensure that it is going to happen. >> and so i want to understand your sense of to build back better, because senators manchin and sinema are concerned about the passage of bbd. >> yes, i believe that first of all, the building back better, is going to even the krin creasing ability to labor force and boost the supply and bbc is part of supply, and lowering the cost of prescription costs, and elder care, and this is going to reduce the costs of helping the families to pay those budgets, and thirdly -- >> sorry to interrupt, but the time is limited, and the point that you made, i get why reducing the prescription drug prices would help people with prices, but -- >> right. >> but another piece, and the major piece of the bbd is putting the money in the people's pockets and the child tax credit, and the new york times had a piece earlier about how public support is falling for even the child tax credit and explain to americans how putting more money into the economy helps inflation. >> glad that you made the point that i wanted to make for the fourth point and giving me the stage. the amount of money that the government is putting into the 2022 economy including the build back better is much less than we saw last year, because the amount of money that the government is stimulating the economy last xwroo is build back better is spending out 10 years and far more gradual, and the inpact on inflation is going to be negligible in '22 and much longer term program on that, and net out of the fact in the rescue plan in '22 and so when you take the net impulse when you take the fiscal policy net it should be coming down in '22. >> jared bernstein, we will be watching the numbers closely as you will. >> great questions, and good to talk. thank you. >> delicate balance, jim, by keeping the economy hot, and the inflation low, right? >> yes, and we don't have to tell the folks at home that they feel it, and they feel it in prices for a whole host of things. >> yes, that is true, and what they feel is record unvaccinated americans crowding into the emergency rooms across the country, and the stark warning from the acting fda commissioner is just ahead. what if you could have the perspective to see more? at morgan stanley, a global collective of thought leaders offers investors a broader view. ♪ we see companies protecting the bottom line by putting people first. we see a bright future, still hungry for the ingenuity of those ready for the next challenge. today, we are translating decades of experience into strategies for the road ahead. we are morgan stanley. narrator: on a faraway beach, the generation called "our greatest" saved the world from tyranny. in an office we know as "oval," a new-generation president faced down an imminent threat of nuclear war. on a bridge in selma, alabama, the preacher of his time marched us straight to passing voting rights for every american. at a gate in west berlin, a late-generation american president demanded an enemy superpower tear down a wall and liberate a continent. american generations answering the call of their time with american ideals. freedom. liberty. justice. for today's generation of leaders, the call has come again to protect our freedom to vote, to fortify our democracy by passing the freedom to vote act and the john lewis voting rights act because america - john lewis: we are not going back, we are going forward. ♪ i want to be myself ♪ >> she had a lot of strength for her vulnerabilities. >> marilyn monroe had a lot of ideas about women' when you have xfinity, you have entertainment built in. which is kind of nice. ah, what is happening. binge-watching is in the bag, when you find all your apps, all in one place. find live sports faster just by using your voice... sports on now. touchdown irish! 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On Global Affairs , Russians , Foreign Minister , Morning , Takeaway , Alliance , Relations , Meeting , Moment Of Truth , Military Equipment , Commitment , Treaty , Surrender , Vladimir Putin , Ways , Countries , Aren T , Anything Else , Central European , 1997 , Arms Control , Security Concerns , Means , Gun , Ukrainian Heads , It Ain T , Dealing , Nonstarters , Planning , Likelihood , Agreement , Representatives , Officer , Calculation , East Germany , Kgb , Who , Soviet Union , Cold War , 30 , Action , Order , Facing , Anti Russian , Result , Ties , Ukrainians , West , Annexed Crimea , 2014 , Thing , Capabilities , Reassurance , Eastern Europe , Thoughts , Relationship , Possibility , Invasion , Finland , Sweden , Nonnato , Putin , Deterrent , Doubt , Threat , Instrument , Military Invasion , Member , Borders , Debt , Russia Acts , Act , Military Action , Consequences , Table , World , Attention , Areas , China , There , Expertise , Ball , Pleasure , Music , Birds Chirping , Phone Beep , Phone Clicks , Blood , Gum Damage , Sign , Floss , Help , Gum , Gum Line , Gum Repair , Gum Repair Toothpaste , Plaque Bacteria , Parodontax , Advantage , Unitedhealthcare Medicare Advantage , Visits , Lab Tests , Prescription Drugs , Uh Huh , Copays On Tier 1 , 0 , , Premium , Name , Aarp , Investors , Landscape , Punch , Gold , Asset , Potential , Returns , Silversneakers , Classes , Thousands , Seniors , Locations , Internet Connection , Dot Com , Visiting Getsilversneakers , Congress On Voting Rights , Lawmakers , Ballot , Jeremy , Jeremy Diamond , Lauren Fox , Votes , Pieces , Joe Manchin , Whether , Legislation , Opposition , Democrats , Kyrsten Sinema , Fight , Filibuster , Fighting , Voting Rights Legislation And Making Changes There , Passing The Freedom To Vote Act , Democracy , Voting Rights Bills , Debate Them , Minimum , Option , Senate Rules , Chuck Schumer , Cedric Richmond , Compromise , Fight Worth , Efforts , Behind Closed Doors , 50 , Announcement , Indication 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Money , Child Tax Credit , Prescription Drug Prices , Pockets , Economy , Support , New York Times , Amount , Build , Stage , 2022 , Xwroo , Term , Inpact , Rescue , 22 , Impulse , Policy , Yes , Balance , Inflation Low , Acting , Host , Emergency Rooms , Warning , Fda Commissioner , Perspective , Leaders , Morgan Stanley , Companies , Thought , View , Bright Future , Generation , Experience , Strategies , Ingenuity , Road , Beach , Narrator , Office , Greatest , Tyranny , Oval , Bridge , Nuclear War , Alabama , Selma , Generations , Preacher , Gate , Enemy Superpower Tear , Continent , West Berlin , Freedom , Call , Ideals , Justice , The Call , Liberty , Strength , Vulnerabilities , Marilyn Monroe , Ideas , Entertainment , Women , Xfinity , Sports , Binge Watching , Voice , Apps , Bag , Touchdown , Nice , The Hits Won T Quit , Peacock Premium , Irish , Cheering , Captions , Vitac , Www Vitac Com , Motion , Judge , Beian Na Golodryga , Woman , Andrew , Sexual Assault Lawsuit , Suit , Sex , Jeffrey Epstein ,

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