Transcripts For CNN Erin Burnett OutFront 20240709 : compare

Transcripts For CNN Erin Burnett OutFront 20240709

blessing and was behind the sham arizona audit, is now suddenly calling it quits. and upending the traditional five day work week. one tech company now is going all in four days. why? ceo of that company is my guest. let's go out front. and good evening, i'm erin burnett. out front tonight, the standoff. 340,000 kids not in school today in chicago. waiting, again, to find out if they will get any sort of instruction in the nation's third largest school district after negotiating all day, dhik chick and the city's powerful teacher's union are still at a standstill. the mayor wants kids back at their desks, in person, in school. the union does not. and now, the white house is involved. the administration saying it's in touch with the governor of illinois and the mayor of chicago. but there is an answer that was actually put out there today. it's from one of the nation's most prominent children's hospitals. okay? this is it. this is it. this is guideent from the children's hospital of philadelphia. the doctor from the hospital telling cnn the recommendations are provocative. here is the bottom line. helt me read it to you here right off the top. with evidence that covid-19 is becoming a milder nekds in most children, and at a time when all adults and youth in k-to-12 settings have been offered vaccination, the children's hospital of philadelphia supports in-person education. a and now, look at this. even in times of significant community transmission. this -- this is a pretty incredible thing, right? this is one of the most preeminent children's hospitals on the planet. okay. so how are they going to accomplish that? well, they suggest discontinuing required weekly testing of asymptomatic students, teachers, and school staff. okay. well, that would get things running again. but think about it. at a time when in chicago the union's demanding more testing, this children's hospital, one of the top on the planet, is saying discontinue weekly testing of asymptomatic kids and teachers. and they continue, allow covid-exposed but asymptomatic staff and students to continue attending school in person. now, you may wait a minute. asim attic exposed people, let me tell you new york city schools were open today and that rule started here. it's resulted in more kids being in school. now it's working. now, as we mentioned before, children's hospital of philadelphia is not alone when it comes to their bottom line, which is kids need to be in school in punish right now. we have been hearing it again and again from top medical experts. >> our updated recommendation for isolation and quarantine and our prior publications and continued assessment of test to stay protocols in schools provide the tools necessary to get these schools re-open for in-person learning, and to keep them open for the rest of the school year. >> it's safe enough to get those k kids back to school balanced against the deleterious effects of keeping them out. >> that teacher's union is wrong and all the teachers unions that are saying we have to delay kids going back to school are wrong. we know what it takes to keep children safe in schools. we need to get our children back at all costs. >> we need our children to be in school. most importantly, you know, the socialization. social development. the kids so sorely missed last year is absent. >> and it's the same thinking from the mayor who oversees the nation's largest school district. today, nearly 30 new york lawmakers urged the city's mayor, eric adams, to provide a remote option for all schools. know what adams said? he said no. holding the line. making it clear that schools need to be open. be it, in the face of a highly-contagious covid variant or snow storm like what hit the city today. schools schools were open. adams telling reporters quote children need to be in school. dwoent have any more days to waste and the long-term impact of leaving our children home is going to impact us for years to come. and here is the mayor just yesterday. >> you made it clear you want them in school. >> yes. the safest place for a child is in school. >> oakland's mayor and california also stanlding firnl, insisting they are doing what it takes to keep schools open, even as teachers there staged a mass sick-out. >> i believe our schools should be open unless it is absolutely medically necessary to shut them down. i believe the district is doing what it can to make sure that that is happening. >> mayor schaaf and adams, both democrats, are right to do all they can to keep schools open because remote learning has hurt kids. former mayor of new york michael bloomberg wrote in an editorial some pretty stunning numbers. he noted in chicago before the pandemic, 30 to 40% of kids failed to meet basic standards in reading and math. that is awful. it is awful for this entire country. but today, that number is 80%. number is 80%. that is a tragedy. so when mayor adams says we'll see the results for years to come, he is right. he is right and it's going to be bad. adrienne broaddus is out front in chicago tonight. and adrienne, you have been following this fight between the union and the city. i know that it's -- it's literally ongoing, as you are reporting right now. what is the latest that you understand? >> reporter: you know what, erin, everything keeps changing. at this hour, negotiations continue. but still, no deal. and in the middle of this, because there is no deal, we are talking about 340,000 students -- students who missed school three days in a row. and if there is no deal today or if the city and the union doesn't come to an agreement over the weekend, on monday, school could be cancelled, again. members of the union here speaking out just moments ago reiterateling that they want more testing. one teacher said testing, testing, testing. that is what we need. we do know the state's governor has been in touch, as you mentioned, with the biden administration to get some extra help. we also spoke with a parent. she has a 2nd grader. she made it clear she supports teachers and appreciates their concerns. she also said she cannot wait until class resumes. listen in. >> i would have sent him back five days a week with the mask on in september of 2020. i will send him back as soon as he can go back in, he's back in. my son's fully vaccinated. we have him tested regularly. and you wear a mask and you send your kid to school. i feel like i have very little say in -- in what happens. and i am a pretty -- i am a pretty, um, involved parent in my son's school. um, but i feel like i'm completely at the mercy of what the union wants to do. >> reporter: and that is the perspective of one parent. many of the teachers we have heard from represent schools on the city's south and west side. and for those of you who aren't familiar, those are predominantly black and brown communities, and these are schools in low-income neighborhoods. these teachers are saying their schools are not safe, and they need that extra layer of support. erin. >> adri kren, thank you very much. you know, all these questions about testing as adrienne said. the union saying testing, testing, testing. but again, to reiterate from the children's hospital of philadelphia, discontinue required weekly testing of asymptomatic students, testifiers, and school staff. and i will note, the chicago teachers union reports that -- that their teachers are 91% vax nation rate. out front now, jeffly schwab, he is a lawyer for a group of seven chicago public school parents suing the teachers union. so, jeffrey, tell me why you are suing the union? >> we are seeing the union because they have engaged in an illegal strike. >> so have you heard from any tea teachers about your lawsuit? >> i haven't heard from teachers but i have heard from plenty of parents supportive of the lawsuit. they are tired of the union unilaterally deciding whether kids get to go to school or not. and taking i way their say in what their kids' education is. >> so there is two issues here and one we have sort of been heror referring to, right, which is a population that has full eligibility for vaccinations. you know, what the science says. there is also right now with the rules with all of the testing, if someone comes up with a positive, even if they have no symptoms at all, right, they have to sit out. and in chicago, i know that's resulted in they say 855 new cases, in students 647 among adults. and this has repercussions in terms of, well, fur forced to stay home then because you have to quarantine, who is going to fill in for you. mike smith is a public high school history teacher and representative for the chicago teachers union and he talked to me about why these absences are mattering. here's what he said. >> when you drop your kid off, a parent is expecting to have a teacher there that they know to go into a building that they trust, where everything is working. but today, we drop kids off at some schools. some schools don't have heat. there is rodents in places. the teachers aren't there. they are being taught or a stranger is in front of them, sometimes security guard. people who weren't qualified to teach kids. >> putting aside the heating issue and the rodent issue because, obviously, has nothing to do with covid. what about the point that he is making that kids could be going to school and there's -- there's -- it might be a security guard teaching them who is not qualified, um, to be a teacher? that -- that if that is what your kid's being offered in person, that -- that's not okay. >> well, i think the point of our lawsuit is that the union has engaged in illegal strike and, therefore, they have been -- they get to be the sole decider of whether kids go to school or not, rather than a -- an engaged community and parents getting their say. and -- and principals and teachers. if -- obviously, if there is a situation where a classroom or a school, it isn't safe for them to go, i don't think parents want them to go. but what the union has done in this case is they have unilaterally shut down the entire district. 340,000 kids can't go to school because they -- they have engaged in a strike that violates the law. >> i appreciate your time, jeffrey. and again, i will just make the point that if -- the point mayor bloomberg made, right, if you got 80% of the kids in a district falling short of basic state standards, that is a crisis. that is the crisis of -- ever greatest concern. um, thank you very much, jeffrey. appreciate your time i want to go to dr. david reuben, director of the policy lab at children's hospital of philadelphia. and obviously, everyone, you heard me go through these recommendations. so, doctor, i -- i know that -- that you know, you're -- you all took a lot of time with this. published the new guidance, which is -- i will read it again -- supportive of keeping schools open even in times of significant community transmission. um you, with your medical expertise, go farther than the cdc. you would allow exposed but asymptomatic children and staff to continue no school. you put a lot of thought into this, right? you didn't do this lightrly. >> yeah, it's not just me. i think thrs a consensus statement from the headership at children's hospital of philadelphia. our centers, as well as clinical teams have been following the emergence of the omicron variant and covid-19 situation now for two years and we know there is a lot of anxiety out there as we have a swift-moving parentor slarnt moving across. and let's face it, everyone is exposed right now. it is very hard to distinguish who is exposed and unexposed. fortunately, though, we are at a point in this pandemic where we have been offered vaccination, particularly adults and most po children. and we are fortunate enough to have a milder variant not making most children ill. i think most fam lis this past week had firsthand experience seeing most individuals who get this do not get that sick. it's just that we are all getting it at so it's still sort of taxing our healthcare systems, particularly our adult systems and we are also seeing more kids in the hospital. but when we reviewed data on kids in our hospital, we are actually seeing fewer kids in our intensive care unit. we are seeing types of seasonal illness we take care of every year and you know i have a lot of empathy for folks who teach throughout these districts and i understand the anxiety people have but we really felt the neeld to kind of reset perceptions about where we are right now to help people start to think about this more like they do other seasonal viruses. >> right. right. for which, you know, as chicago public schools have said, right you know, you dojt shut schools down for the flu but if someone's symptom at achic or sick, they need to stay home. there's become this ob session about testing and i sort of wondered to myself, testing for what purpose, right? if you find out you are positive for something but you are fully vaccinated and asymptomatic, taking yourself out of society and isolation, not going to work. that can be really tough. so, i noticed in here that you said, specifically, that you would recommend discontinuing weekly testing of asymptomatic students, teachers, and school staff. obviously, chicago teacher's union, they want constant tenting to stay in the cl classroom. so, can you lay out why you think this discontinuing in this situation makes sense? >> bell first of all, i don't say that lightly because we have run one of the large ent -- inschool testing programs in the country that's informed a lot of cdc efforts throughout the pandemic in testing in children and what we discovered is most schools, you know, it was very hard for them to initiate in-school testing and when wraeched the stage of the pandemic where we have such high rates of children who have either been exposed or staff sl been exposed or kids getting kick with viral symptoms, it is nearly impossible to do and we are starting to create a system of the haves and have-nots and w we are sofrtor sort of chasing milder disease in most individuals. we do, however, provide sort of a middle dproemz. we don't think people with milder disease, nor you know, individuals who are asymptomatic necessarily need a test to decide to go home when they are sick. we understand there are people who have family members who have chronic conditions. we understand there is some students who may have chronic health issues. if they need to still take the weekly test, we can offer that but we don't have to do this as a matter of requirement anymore and we need to recognize that we are all exposed. and so, therefore, fur if you are asymptomatic, you should go to school, wear your mask until the worst is over and if you are sick, stay home a few days. >> all right. well, i really appreciate your time, doctor. i hope everyone will -- will down load this and read it because it is just so clear. as a parent, i care deeply but everyone in this country should care deeply, right? it's about kids and the most critical resource we have, which is their -- their education. thievg thank you so much. i appreciate your time. >> sure. and next, covid confusion. there is growing frustration tonight by messaging from the cdc with criticism now coming from actually inside white house. plus, the controversial company that was behind arizona's sham audit completely shutting down. why now? and tennis star novak djokovic breaks his silence after being told to leave australia because he is not vaccinated. you will hear what he had to say. hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ do your eyes bother you? because after all these emails, my eyes feel like a combo of stressed, dry and sandpaper. strypaper? why do we all put up with this? when there's biotrue hydration boost eye drops. biotrue uses naturally inspired ingredients like an electrolyte, antioxidant, even your tears' own moisturizer. and no preservatives. these ingredients are true to your eyes' biology. see? bio.true. 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i guess maybe if you are out sick because you have covid and are unvaccinated, a company doesn't -- they don't have to pay you. i do not know how all that gets fed through but what do you make of what he is saying? >> so, what the justice ston astopishingly seems not to realize is this is not simply about individual risk. if you are look locked in a room forever, yes you can take a risk and not get vaccinate but this is a public-health issue. i mean, would he say, gee, if you want to take the risk and drive 140 miles an hour up i-95, well take the risk. well, it's not just your risk. it is everyone else on the road. and -- and that's what the supreme court is failing -- is failing to really appreciate. the supreme court in 1905 dealt be this issue in jacobson versus massachusetts and they did rule that individual liberty could be constrained in the interest of public health. now, i am not a lawyer. i don't freepretend to be one o television but they tackled this before and made the right decision and seems like they are going to make the wrong decision here. >> we shall see. doctor, thank you so much. >> my pleasure. and next, the cyber ninjas just completely closing shop. why the company behind the arizona sham audit is now done. all of its employees, suddenly, let go. plus, one company tonight shrinking its work week. they are going from 40 hours to 32. that is, four days. why? 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>> that's right. does not begin to describe this company or audit. as you point out, they have faced criticism for months over the shoddy prak its of the so-called audit, of its partisan roots and thijs have gotten even worse for the country this week. as you pointed out, maricopa county officials put out a report where they essentially refute the big report that came from the cyber ninjas, point by point. there was also a judge who said this company is being held in c contempt ever court and being sanctioned to $50,000 a day in fines for refusing to turn over documents relate toed to this review. $2 million in debts in the arizona audit and endless legal and character attacks on the company by those who opposed the audit make it untenable moving forward. so there you have it, erin. they say they are in debt. they say there is too much bad press, perhaps not -- not a surprise after what we have seen over the last year from this company. >> yeah. all right. well, sara, thank you very much. and of course, should be lost on no one despite all the false allegations they made, their final count increased the margin by which biden won the state according to their sham audit. for more on this, i want to bring in republican chairman of maricopa county board of super viedsers, bill gates. and, bill, of course, you were with me just last night as we were talking about your report. refuting the cyber ninjas' work. um, the report says, quote, we determined that nearly every finding included faulty analysis, inaccurate claims, misleading conclusions, and a lack of understanding and federal and state election laws. pretty basic and comprehensive stuff. and i mean, two days after you put out that report, lookcyber ninjas completely folds, shuts down, lets everybody go. what is your reaction to that? >> so, erin, thanks for having me. my reaction to that is that it's very troubling. this is the organization that was put out there by the state senate as supposedly being experts, would be able to handle this inquiry. obviously, they bungled it completely. and now this that folks are trying to find out information, basically what was behind their conclusions and what were the communications that they were having with elected officials here in arizona, now all the sudden, they're disappearing. and it's sure seems like they are trying to avall of us findig out the fact of what exactly it was they were doing. >> so, you know, they -- they are shutting down, right, after they pushed these baseless fraud claims that raised doubts to voters about your elections. and now, see, bill, here is the thing. the damage that was done. now, you have got two republicans who pushed the big lie about the election now running to be governor for arizona and secretary of state. obviously, crucial position, oversight of elections, as part of their responsibility. here is what they have said. >> this was a shady, shoddy, corrupt election. i will be damned if when i am governor, we're going to have another election run this way. >> maricopa county 2020 election was so full of discrepancies and crimes, that it cannot be considered reliable by removing the fraud, donald trump won. >> these are -- they are running for secretary of state, governor, in your state. trump's endorsed both of them. how concerned are you that they could be running your elections? >> i'm concerned about it. and that's why i hope -- i mean now that we have brought this all to an end, we've debunked all of this. that now, my fellow republicans here in maricopa county in arizona will speak out about against this garbage and say this was an effective, safe, and secure election in 2020. and by the way, i do find it ironic that people who say thatby can't run safe elections -- safe and secure elections in arizona want to run for office in arizona. so, that is -- that is a little ironic to me. but i am very concerned, and that's why i think we need to have responsible, serious conservatives running and winning in these races in 2022 here in arizona. >> so, the cyber ninjas allege that more than 23,000 mail-in ballots in maricopa county were cast illegally by people who moved just before election day or before. and tgot to this conclusion looking at last name, first initial type of thing. so, in your rebuttal report you explain that in a county with more than 4 million people, um, this is clearly not sufficient. in one case, they identified twins as the same voter and then crucially, of the 23,000 mail nf ballots, you found exactly zero instances, zero, of a voter submitting more than one ballot. and yet, the allegations persist. >> yeah, you are absolutely right. so they looked at three items like you said. first name, last name, and year of -- year of birth. we looked at seven items. by went down into great detail and like you said, bee bunked it. zero. and in fact, erin, the cyber ninjas claimed that there were 53,000 questionable ballots from the november 2020 election. we've determined that there were less than 100. less than 100 out of 2.1 million ballots. this should, once and for all, end this discussion and we can all move on to the 2022 election. >> bill, appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you. and next, one tech company now embracing a shorter work week. is a four-day workweek within the nation's grasp for real? plus, tennis champ novak djokovic speaking out as he waits for an australian court to rule on whether or not he can compete in the staustralian ope without being vaccinated. tennis hall of famer pam shriverer south front. the guestm slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like: try hypnosis... or... quit cold turkey. kidding me?! instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... with rybelsus®. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to the possibility of lower a1c with rybelsus®. you may pay as little as $10 for up to a 3-month prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at (burke) this is why you want farmers claim forgiveness... 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[echoing] get a quote today. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ tonight, tennis star novak djokovic speaking out for the first time since being detained in australia saying quote thank you to to people around the world for your continuous support. i can feel it, and it is greatly appreciated. the 20-time grand slam winner is thought to be hold up in a melbourne hotel. awaiting a court ruling on whether he can compete in the australian open without being vaccinated. those are the rules, of course, for playing tennis. they gave him an exemption but his visa, which australia fwrfw granted him, is very clear, you have to be vaccinated to enter the count riff australia. there are no exceptions. tennis hall of famer pam shriver joins me now. she is seven time australian open doubles champion. played for 19 years. pam, it is an honor to have you. thank you so much. you know a lot about australia, obviously. um, should djokovic be allowed to play in the australian open or not? >> well, he never should have been granted the waiver from the victorian health panel that gave him what he thought was the green light to fly down under. it's been very, very clear that the country of australia -- they have fought covid hard. they have mandated vaccines. all the other players that are there, minus one or two that had a health exemption that was deemed as legitimate, they ever all been double vaxed. and i think it really would have set a bad example for all of australians who have suffered through more lockdowns than virtually any other country. so the federal government and the state government of victoria really got signals across and it's put then tennis and australiian open and novak djokovic in a mess. >> you have got american john isner showing support for djokovic. cure yoes tweeting, at the end of the day, he is human. do better. john isner tweeting he followed the rules, was allowed to sbrer stalia, and now he is being detain fancy against his own with. that, of course, these are not government officials. now, that contradicts what rafael nadal said yesterday. obviously. and look, i am aware djokovic isn't exactly a beloved player among peers but tonight he is getting support from big rivals. cur ios has called him very strange and a tool. i am literally quoting, called him a tool. so do you find the support for djokovic surprising at all? >> well, what i think the support is for social media to treat one of tennis's greatest ever champions with respect and a very difficult time for everybody. i mean, you can be critical of somebody for being anti-vax and showing up in a country that made it really clear you need to be double vaxed but in the end of the day, i think we all want people in our sport to be treated with respect. >> yeah. >> with empathy. and um, i think that's been done for the most part. obviously, monday is a big day. see what the judicial system does but the federal government, border patrol people have said his exemption did not warrant entry in the country. >> right. and flk, came in on a visa, which did not allow any kpechlkdss, right? i maeean that was the actual vi he had. and australia has never messed around with that sort of thing. djokovic, the context here is he has had a history of saying controversial things that are anti-ziens. he said positive energy can purify food and water. here he is. >> i have seen people and i know some people that through that energetical transformation, through power of prayer, through power of gratitude, they managed to turn the month toxics food or maybe most polluted water into the most healing water. >> i mean, pam, now that there is a hard line being taken, right, he is realizing repercussions to his decisions, do you think anything will change? >> well, i hope so, erin. i think that the best result for everybody would be is if novak can find some is trusted scientists, medical professionals probably in his home country of serbia who can really explain to him that this vaccine that's now a year in -- in people's arms and with great results, helping fight this pandemic. and you can not be a global athlete, entering other people's countries, putting other people at risk if you are not vaccined to the maximum. and that's what the other tennis players are following. all the fans, the employees. um, they have to be double vaxed, as well. so i just hope novak can find the right people to help get him vaccinated. otherwise, we might have tennis history written in a different way because of this pandemic and that would be too bad. >> well, it would be and i want to ask one other thing, pam, because i know you spent a lot of time thinking about this. just made me think about peng shuai, right, the chai these tennis sar who accused a senior kbhunist leader of rape. and then, she wasn't seen for weeks. and then, when we did see her, it was sort of orchestrated videos and then she retracted the laegsz allegation. all in an effort to make the story go away. so you have got incredible outcry for and against djokovic around the world. um, but look what china's done to peng shuai. nowhere near the same international outrage or -- or people speaking out even amongst players. why do you think that is? >> well, i think the ranking beside knovak djokovic, number one in the world. peng shuai hasn't played a tournament now in almost two years but the wta tour will not let this be forgotten and, erin, you have been great to keep this story in your show the last six, seven weeks. um, steve simon's been very brave pulling fortune tournaments from china. and when the winter olympics hit in a month, the story is going to come up again and of course, once that novak djokovic story dies down, i think peng shuai's question marks will be return. >> thank you very much and certainly, second your thoughts there on steve simon and -- and speaking out. not easy to do. and -- and he put all the money behind it. thank you so much, pam. thanks. >> thank you, erin. and next, one company moving to a four-day workweek. are they on to something? well, the ceo will make the case. and we remember the life of hollywood's first black-leading man, legendary actor sydney portier. t of the window... that no one knows i'm secretly terrified inside. inner voice (sneaker shop owner): i'm using hand gestures and pointing... no one can tell i'm unsure about my business finances. inner voice (furniture maker): i'm constantly nodding... ...because i know everything about furniture... ...but with the business side... ...i'm feeling a little lost. quickbooks can help. an easy way to get paid, pay your staff and know where your business stands. new business? 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>> well, lot of our employees come up to me and say hey, this is a generous thing for the company to do. my response is this is a selfish thing that we're doing because our hypothesis was that not only would employees be more engaged and healthier but they had bae more productive at work and that's what we found. we found that the four days that they're here, they're overwhelmingly more productive than your traditional five days a week. >> so, you are not -- and -- and i mean, in some cases, perhaps they are working few hours. but in many, many cases they are probably not. right? i mean, they are doing more on the days they are in, they're working longer. i know that people can do things on friday, right? it's not as if they can't. but, you no he, i know during the trial, what is it, close to 90% of your employees said they were more efficient but here is my question for you. if they knew they were in a trial to get four days a week, you know, i can see why they would say they're more efficient. do you have any concerns you could see a drop in productivity as time goes on? >> i don't because we measure what's important in the company. so, we don't measure the amount of time you spend at work, how you work, where you work from. we measure the impact that you deliver to the company. so, we keep it very simple for employees. what impact are you delivering? and so, in a loft other companies, we see this work theater which is a lot of people working to show that they are wor working rather than delivering impact. so mere, we are like how far you impacted the company? we don't care if you worked ten hours or 40 hours or 60 hours. what impact have you brought? >> so, it's -- so it's on frm approximate performance, right? and not so much face time. so, president biden you know you heard him. he said people are quitting their jobs, more americans are quitting their jobs than ever before, that's the fact but he says because they are moving on to jobs with better benefits. how much did that play into your -- your business? now, look, i know, you're -- you are a tech company. it's financial services. but did -- did you feel that this was something required to attract the talent you wanted? >> so at bolt, just to give some context, we do one click check out for the internet and we spend a ton of time on company culture. we have launches showing other companies how to work consciously. so we have always been on the bleeding edge and four-day workweek only had one objective, which was to improve the culture inside our company. because we know that when we do, our recruiting goes up, retention goes up, our employee happiness goes up and that's why we did it. >> all right. ryan, i appreciate your time. it's fascinating and i think a lot of people are going to be watching it really closely. thanks, again. and out front next. remembering sydney poitier. when you switch to mint now, you'll get three months of premium wireless free, on any plan, even unlimited. yes, you can't resist savings. this... is the planning effect. this is how it feels to have a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. this is what it's like to have a comprehensive wealth plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. and set aside more for things like healthcare, or whatever comes down the road. this is "the planning effect" from fidelity. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? 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"ac 360" begins now. good evening. we begin tonight with what might seem like a contradiction even as covid cases are climbing to levels not seen before and more than 1,300 people are day are still dying, there is talk in and around the biden administration about planning for a time when covid is no longer a pandemic but still a fact of life. listen to the president when asked today whether americans should prepare to live with covid forever. >> no, i don't think covid is here to stay. but having covid in the environment here and in the world is probably here to stay. but covid, as we are dealing with it now, is not here to stay. the new normal doesn't

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Business , Point By , Name , Debt , Maricopa County , Doejzs , 6 Million , Million , Election , Sara , Doubts , Detail , Report Debunking , Sara Murray , 93 , Republicans , Its , Roots , Thijs , Prak , Report , Court , Judge , Fines , C Contempt , 50000 , 0000 , Character Attacks , Debts , Review , Documents , Moving , 2 Million , Course , Allegations , Press , Surprise , Count , Bill , Chairman , Margin , Republican , Maricopa County Board , Super Viedsers , Bill Gates , Work , Quote , Conclusions , Laws , Finding , Claims , Lack , Analysis , Refuting The Cyber Ninjas , Lookcyber Ninjas , Stuff , Everybody Go , Inquiry , Senate , Communications , Sudden , Disappearing , Findig , Avall , Fact , Fraud , Down , Secretary Of State , Elections , Damage , Responsibility , Voters , Oversight , Big Lie , Corrupt Election , Discrepancies , Shoddy , Shady , Crimes , Donald Trump , Both , End , Garbage , Office , Thatby Can T Run Safe , Conservatives , Races , 2022 , Ballots , Election Day , Conclusion , Cast , Tgot , 23000 , Voter , County , Type , Rebuttal , Twins , Mail Nf Ballots , 4 Million , Items , Ballot , Last Name , Instances , Birth , Bee Bunked , Discussion , 2 1 Million , 53000 , November 2020 , Workweek , Tennis , Move , Champ , Grasp , Whether , Ope , Guestm Slash Music Studio , Tennis Hall Of Famer Pam Shriverer South Front , Staustralian , Daybed , Panic Room , Basement Slash , Yoga Shanti Slash , Slash Classroom , The Living Room , Vacation , Family Needs , Smoking , Vrbo , Cold Turkey , Nicorette , Stop Rybelsus , Everywhere , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Majority , Don T Take Rybelsus , 7 , Vision Problems , Changes , Provider , Possibility , Mom , Some , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , Memories , Cooking , Kitchen , 10 , 0 , Advisor , Farmers , Northwestern Mutual , Forgiveness , Forgiveness Ness , Woman , Quote Today , Bum , Pa Dum , Farmers Policy Perks , Time , World , Winner , Court Ruling , Australian Open , Melbourne Hotel , Grand Slam , Visa , Exemption , Riff , Pam Shriver , Exceptions , Tennis Hall Of Famer , Which Australia Fwrfw , Djokovic , Doubles , Honor , Waiver , Light , Health Panel , Down Under , Covid Hard , Players , Vaxed , Health Exemption , Government , Lockdowns , State Government Of Victoria , Signals , John Isner , Mess , Showing Support For Djokovic , Cure Yoes Tweeting , Tweeting , Sbrer Stalia , Rafael Nadal , Djokovic Isn T Exactly A Beloved Player , Rivals , Peers , Cur Ios , Respect , Tool , Social Media , Champions , Everybody , In The End , Somebody , Sport , Big Day , Entry , Border Patrol , Context , History , Flk , Kpechlkdss , Vi , Water , Food , Energy , Pam , Healing , Prayer , Toxics , Gratitude , Energetical Transformation , Result , Decisions , Novak , Anything , Home Country , Professionals , Arms , Serbia , Countries , Double Vaxed , Athlete , Maximum , Fans , She Wasn T , Tennis Sar , Peng Shuai , Chai , Kbhunist Leader , Rape , Videos , Story , Around The World , Allegation , Effort , Nowhere , Outrage , Outcry , China , Laegsz , Knovak Djokovic , Ranking , Number One , Wta Tour , Show , Hasn T , Steve Simon , Pulling Fortune Tournaments , Tournament , Six , Thoughts , Question Marks , Winter Olympics , Novak Djokovic Story Dies Down , Erin , Money , Window , Hand Gestures , T , Owner , Business Finances , Legendary Actor Sydney Portier , Inner Voice , Sneaker , Life Of Hollywood S First Black Leading Man , Side , Business Stands , Intuit Quickbooks , Furniture , Lost , Furniture Maker , Success Starts , Biktarvy , H I V , Pill , Cure , Amount , Lab Test , Virus , Can , Sex , Research , Liver Problems , Breastfeeding , Kidney Failure , Buildup , Lactic Acid , Rifampin , Dofetilide , Headache , Kidney , Hepatitis , Hepatitis B , Matrix , Stream , Demand , Tv , Anywhere , Directv , Serena Williams , Best , Psoriasis , Otezla , Psoriatic Arthritis , Injection , Choices , Choice , Splash , Cream , Joint Swelling , Plaques , Redness , Scaliness , Tenderness , Thickness , 75 , Depression , Feelings , Prescribing Information , Routine Lab Monitoring , Planning , Weight Loss , Weight , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Version , Records , Unemployment Rate , Economy , Jobs , Economists , Pointing , Low , 2021 , 199000 , 6 4 Million , 3 9 , Recovery , Gain , Hemos , Jobs Lost , 1939 , Companies , Workers , Benefits , Pay , Step Up , Founder , Tech Company Bolt , Ryan Breslow , Workplace , Hesitation , Conversation , March Of 2020 , Friday , Response , Hypothesis , Bae , Trial , Question , Drop , Productivity , Work Theater , Loft , It S On Frm Approximate Performance , 60 , Play , Services , Bolt , Talent , Ton , Objective , Company Culture , Bleeding Edge , Employee Happiness , Recruiting , Retention , Culture , Mint , Remembering Sydney Poitier , Savings , Planning Effect , Fidelity , Whatever , More , Healthcare , Investing Strategies , Picture , Wealth , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Road , Superpowers , Spider Bite , Limu Emu , Doug , Gasps , Theaters , Spider Man , December 17th Vo , December 17th , Technology , Car , Windshield , Music Vo , Decompression Zone , Safelite Autoglass , 17 , Service , Singers , Safelite Repair , Small Business , Flexibility , Comcast Business Mobile , Contract , Lines , Network , Match Data Options , Term , Mix , Fees , Customers , Nationwide 5g , 5 , Foster Kid Need , Manicure , Show Up , Wrong , First Day Of School , Address , Foster Kids , Helpfosterchildren Com , Oscar , Height , Black Man , Best Actor , 1964 , Movement , Decency , Human Being , Actor , Force , Grace , Civil Rights Movement , With Love , Guess Who , Condolences , Performances , Dinner , Films , Raisin In The Sun , Lilies Of The Field , Sympathies , Contradiction , Climbing , Ac 360 , 360 , Talk , Levels , 1300 , Think Covid , Environment , Covid Forever , The New Normal Doesn T ,

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Transcripts For CNN Erin Burnett OutFront 20240709

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blessing and was behind the sham arizona audit, is now suddenly calling it quits. and upending the traditional five day work week. one tech company now is going all in four days. why? ceo of that company is my guest. let's go out front. and good evening, i'm erin burnett. out front tonight, the standoff. 340,000 kids not in school today in chicago. waiting, again, to find out if they will get any sort of instruction in the nation's third largest school district after negotiating all day, dhik chick and the city's powerful teacher's union are still at a standstill. the mayor wants kids back at their desks, in person, in school. the union does not. and now, the white house is involved. the administration saying it's in touch with the governor of illinois and the mayor of chicago. but there is an answer that was actually put out there today. it's from one of the nation's most prominent children's hospitals. okay? this is it. this is it. this is guideent from the children's hospital of philadelphia. the doctor from the hospital telling cnn the recommendations are provocative. here is the bottom line. helt me read it to you here right off the top. with evidence that covid-19 is becoming a milder nekds in most children, and at a time when all adults and youth in k-to-12 settings have been offered vaccination, the children's hospital of philadelphia supports in-person education. a and now, look at this. even in times of significant community transmission. this -- this is a pretty incredible thing, right? this is one of the most preeminent children's hospitals on the planet. okay. so how are they going to accomplish that? well, they suggest discontinuing required weekly testing of asymptomatic students, teachers, and school staff. okay. well, that would get things running again. but think about it. at a time when in chicago the union's demanding more testing, this children's hospital, one of the top on the planet, is saying discontinue weekly testing of asymptomatic kids and teachers. and they continue, allow covid-exposed but asymptomatic staff and students to continue attending school in person. now, you may wait a minute. asim attic exposed people, let me tell you new york city schools were open today and that rule started here. it's resulted in more kids being in school. now it's working. now, as we mentioned before, children's hospital of philadelphia is not alone when it comes to their bottom line, which is kids need to be in school in punish right now. we have been hearing it again and again from top medical experts. >> our updated recommendation for isolation and quarantine and our prior publications and continued assessment of test to stay protocols in schools provide the tools necessary to get these schools re-open for in-person learning, and to keep them open for the rest of the school year. >> it's safe enough to get those k kids back to school balanced against the deleterious effects of keeping them out. >> that teacher's union is wrong and all the teachers unions that are saying we have to delay kids going back to school are wrong. we know what it takes to keep children safe in schools. we need to get our children back at all costs. >> we need our children to be in school. most importantly, you know, the socialization. social development. the kids so sorely missed last year is absent. >> and it's the same thinking from the mayor who oversees the nation's largest school district. today, nearly 30 new york lawmakers urged the city's mayor, eric adams, to provide a remote option for all schools. know what adams said? he said no. holding the line. making it clear that schools need to be open. be it, in the face of a highly-contagious covid variant or snow storm like what hit the city today. schools schools were open. adams telling reporters quote children need to be in school. dwoent have any more days to waste and the long-term impact of leaving our children home is going to impact us for years to come. and here is the mayor just yesterday. >> you made it clear you want them in school. >> yes. the safest place for a child is in school. >> oakland's mayor and california also stanlding firnl, insisting they are doing what it takes to keep schools open, even as teachers there staged a mass sick-out. >> i believe our schools should be open unless it is absolutely medically necessary to shut them down. i believe the district is doing what it can to make sure that that is happening. >> mayor schaaf and adams, both democrats, are right to do all they can to keep schools open because remote learning has hurt kids. former mayor of new york michael bloomberg wrote in an editorial some pretty stunning numbers. he noted in chicago before the pandemic, 30 to 40% of kids failed to meet basic standards in reading and math. that is awful. it is awful for this entire country. but today, that number is 80%. number is 80%. that is a tragedy. so when mayor adams says we'll see the results for years to come, he is right. he is right and it's going to be bad. adrienne broaddus is out front in chicago tonight. and adrienne, you have been following this fight between the union and the city. i know that it's -- it's literally ongoing, as you are reporting right now. what is the latest that you understand? >> reporter: you know what, erin, everything keeps changing. at this hour, negotiations continue. but still, no deal. and in the middle of this, because there is no deal, we are talking about 340,000 students -- students who missed school three days in a row. and if there is no deal today or if the city and the union doesn't come to an agreement over the weekend, on monday, school could be cancelled, again. members of the union here speaking out just moments ago reiterateling that they want more testing. one teacher said testing, testing, testing. that is what we need. we do know the state's governor has been in touch, as you mentioned, with the biden administration to get some extra help. we also spoke with a parent. she has a 2nd grader. she made it clear she supports teachers and appreciates their concerns. she also said she cannot wait until class resumes. listen in. >> i would have sent him back five days a week with the mask on in september of 2020. i will send him back as soon as he can go back in, he's back in. my son's fully vaccinated. we have him tested regularly. and you wear a mask and you send your kid to school. i feel like i have very little say in -- in what happens. and i am a pretty -- i am a pretty, um, involved parent in my son's school. um, but i feel like i'm completely at the mercy of what the union wants to do. >> reporter: and that is the perspective of one parent. many of the teachers we have heard from represent schools on the city's south and west side. and for those of you who aren't familiar, those are predominantly black and brown communities, and these are schools in low-income neighborhoods. these teachers are saying their schools are not safe, and they need that extra layer of support. erin. >> adri kren, thank you very much. you know, all these questions about testing as adrienne said. the union saying testing, testing, testing. but again, to reiterate from the children's hospital of philadelphia, discontinue required weekly testing of asymptomatic students, testifiers, and school staff. and i will note, the chicago teachers union reports that -- that their teachers are 91% vax nation rate. out front now, jeffly schwab, he is a lawyer for a group of seven chicago public school parents suing the teachers union. so, jeffrey, tell me why you are suing the union? >> we are seeing the union because they have engaged in an illegal strike. >> so have you heard from any tea teachers about your lawsuit? >> i haven't heard from teachers but i have heard from plenty of parents supportive of the lawsuit. they are tired of the union unilaterally deciding whether kids get to go to school or not. and taking i way their say in what their kids' education is. >> so there is two issues here and one we have sort of been heror referring to, right, which is a population that has full eligibility for vaccinations. you know, what the science says. there is also right now with the rules with all of the testing, if someone comes up with a positive, even if they have no symptoms at all, right, they have to sit out. and in chicago, i know that's resulted in they say 855 new cases, in students 647 among adults. and this has repercussions in terms of, well, fur forced to stay home then because you have to quarantine, who is going to fill in for you. mike smith is a public high school history teacher and representative for the chicago teachers union and he talked to me about why these absences are mattering. here's what he said. >> when you drop your kid off, a parent is expecting to have a teacher there that they know to go into a building that they trust, where everything is working. but today, we drop kids off at some schools. some schools don't have heat. there is rodents in places. the teachers aren't there. they are being taught or a stranger is in front of them, sometimes security guard. people who weren't qualified to teach kids. >> putting aside the heating issue and the rodent issue because, obviously, has nothing to do with covid. what about the point that he is making that kids could be going to school and there's -- there's -- it might be a security guard teaching them who is not qualified, um, to be a teacher? that -- that if that is what your kid's being offered in person, that -- that's not okay. >> well, i think the point of our lawsuit is that the union has engaged in illegal strike and, therefore, they have been -- they get to be the sole decider of whether kids go to school or not, rather than a -- an engaged community and parents getting their say. and -- and principals and teachers. if -- obviously, if there is a situation where a classroom or a school, it isn't safe for them to go, i don't think parents want them to go. but what the union has done in this case is they have unilaterally shut down the entire district. 340,000 kids can't go to school because they -- they have engaged in a strike that violates the law. >> i appreciate your time, jeffrey. and again, i will just make the point that if -- the point mayor bloomberg made, right, if you got 80% of the kids in a district falling short of basic state standards, that is a crisis. that is the crisis of -- ever greatest concern. um, thank you very much, jeffrey. appreciate your time i want to go to dr. david reuben, director of the policy lab at children's hospital of philadelphia. and obviously, everyone, you heard me go through these recommendations. so, doctor, i -- i know that -- that you know, you're -- you all took a lot of time with this. published the new guidance, which is -- i will read it again -- supportive of keeping schools open even in times of significant community transmission. um you, with your medical expertise, go farther than the cdc. you would allow exposed but asymptomatic children and staff to continue no school. you put a lot of thought into this, right? you didn't do this lightrly. >> yeah, it's not just me. i think thrs a consensus statement from the headership at children's hospital of philadelphia. our centers, as well as clinical teams have been following the emergence of the omicron variant and covid-19 situation now for two years and we know there is a lot of anxiety out there as we have a swift-moving parentor slarnt moving across. and let's face it, everyone is exposed right now. it is very hard to distinguish who is exposed and unexposed. fortunately, though, we are at a point in this pandemic where we have been offered vaccination, particularly adults and most po children. and we are fortunate enough to have a milder variant not making most children ill. i think most fam lis this past week had firsthand experience seeing most individuals who get this do not get that sick. it's just that we are all getting it at so it's still sort of taxing our healthcare systems, particularly our adult systems and we are also seeing more kids in the hospital. but when we reviewed data on kids in our hospital, we are actually seeing fewer kids in our intensive care unit. we are seeing types of seasonal illness we take care of every year and you know i have a lot of empathy for folks who teach throughout these districts and i understand the anxiety people have but we really felt the neeld to kind of reset perceptions about where we are right now to help people start to think about this more like they do other seasonal viruses. >> right. right. for which, you know, as chicago public schools have said, right you know, you dojt shut schools down for the flu but if someone's symptom at achic or sick, they need to stay home. there's become this ob session about testing and i sort of wondered to myself, testing for what purpose, right? if you find out you are positive for something but you are fully vaccinated and asymptomatic, taking yourself out of society and isolation, not going to work. that can be really tough. so, i noticed in here that you said, specifically, that you would recommend discontinuing weekly testing of asymptomatic students, teachers, and school staff. obviously, chicago teacher's union, they want constant tenting to stay in the cl classroom. so, can you lay out why you think this discontinuing in this situation makes sense? >> bell first of all, i don't say that lightly because we have run one of the large ent -- inschool testing programs in the country that's informed a lot of cdc efforts throughout the pandemic in testing in children and what we discovered is most schools, you know, it was very hard for them to initiate in-school testing and when wraeched the stage of the pandemic where we have such high rates of children who have either been exposed or staff sl been exposed or kids getting kick with viral symptoms, it is nearly impossible to do and we are starting to create a system of the haves and have-nots and w we are sofrtor sort of chasing milder disease in most individuals. we do, however, provide sort of a middle dproemz. we don't think people with milder disease, nor you know, individuals who are asymptomatic necessarily need a test to decide to go home when they are sick. we understand there are people who have family members who have chronic conditions. we understand there is some students who may have chronic health issues. if they need to still take the weekly test, we can offer that but we don't have to do this as a matter of requirement anymore and we need to recognize that we are all exposed. and so, therefore, fur if you are asymptomatic, you should go to school, wear your mask until the worst is over and if you are sick, stay home a few days. >> all right. well, i really appreciate your time, doctor. i hope everyone will -- will down load this and read it because it is just so clear. as a parent, i care deeply but everyone in this country should care deeply, right? it's about kids and the most critical resource we have, which is their -- their education. thievg thank you so much. i appreciate your time. >> sure. and next, covid confusion. there is growing frustration tonight by messaging from the cdc with criticism now coming from actually inside white house. plus, the controversial company that was behind arizona's sham audit completely shutting down. why now? and tennis star novak djokovic breaks his silence after being told to leave australia because he is not vaccinated. you will hear what he had to say. hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ do your eyes bother you? because after all these emails, my eyes feel like a combo of stressed, dry and sandpaper. strypaper? why do we all put up with this? when there's biotrue hydration boost eye drops. biotrue uses naturally inspired ingredients like an electrolyte, antioxidant, even your tears' own moisturizer. and no preservatives. these ingredients are true to your eyes' biology. see? bio.true. 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i guess maybe if you are out sick because you have covid and are unvaccinated, a company doesn't -- they don't have to pay you. i do not know how all that gets fed through but what do you make of what he is saying? >> so, what the justice ston astopishingly seems not to realize is this is not simply about individual risk. if you are look locked in a room forever, yes you can take a risk and not get vaccinate but this is a public-health issue. i mean, would he say, gee, if you want to take the risk and drive 140 miles an hour up i-95, well take the risk. well, it's not just your risk. it is everyone else on the road. and -- and that's what the supreme court is failing -- is failing to really appreciate. the supreme court in 1905 dealt be this issue in jacobson versus massachusetts and they did rule that individual liberty could be constrained in the interest of public health. now, i am not a lawyer. i don't freepretend to be one o television but they tackled this before and made the right decision and seems like they are going to make the wrong decision here. >> we shall see. doctor, thank you so much. >> my pleasure. and next, the cyber ninjas just completely closing shop. why the company behind the arizona sham audit is now done. all of its employees, suddenly, let go. plus, one company tonight shrinking its work week. they are going from 40 hours to 32. that is, four days. why? 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>> that's right. does not begin to describe this company or audit. as you point out, they have faced criticism for months over the shoddy prak its of the so-called audit, of its partisan roots and thijs have gotten even worse for the country this week. as you pointed out, maricopa county officials put out a report where they essentially refute the big report that came from the cyber ninjas, point by point. there was also a judge who said this company is being held in c contempt ever court and being sanctioned to $50,000 a day in fines for refusing to turn over documents relate toed to this review. $2 million in debts in the arizona audit and endless legal and character attacks on the company by those who opposed the audit make it untenable moving forward. so there you have it, erin. they say they are in debt. they say there is too much bad press, perhaps not -- not a surprise after what we have seen over the last year from this company. >> yeah. all right. well, sara, thank you very much. and of course, should be lost on no one despite all the false allegations they made, their final count increased the margin by which biden won the state according to their sham audit. for more on this, i want to bring in republican chairman of maricopa county board of super viedsers, bill gates. and, bill, of course, you were with me just last night as we were talking about your report. refuting the cyber ninjas' work. um, the report says, quote, we determined that nearly every finding included faulty analysis, inaccurate claims, misleading conclusions, and a lack of understanding and federal and state election laws. pretty basic and comprehensive stuff. and i mean, two days after you put out that report, lookcyber ninjas completely folds, shuts down, lets everybody go. what is your reaction to that? >> so, erin, thanks for having me. my reaction to that is that it's very troubling. this is the organization that was put out there by the state senate as supposedly being experts, would be able to handle this inquiry. obviously, they bungled it completely. and now this that folks are trying to find out information, basically what was behind their conclusions and what were the communications that they were having with elected officials here in arizona, now all the sudden, they're disappearing. and it's sure seems like they are trying to avall of us findig out the fact of what exactly it was they were doing. >> so, you know, they -- they are shutting down, right, after they pushed these baseless fraud claims that raised doubts to voters about your elections. and now, see, bill, here is the thing. the damage that was done. now, you have got two republicans who pushed the big lie about the election now running to be governor for arizona and secretary of state. obviously, crucial position, oversight of elections, as part of their responsibility. here is what they have said. >> this was a shady, shoddy, corrupt election. i will be damned if when i am governor, we're going to have another election run this way. >> maricopa county 2020 election was so full of discrepancies and crimes, that it cannot be considered reliable by removing the fraud, donald trump won. >> these are -- they are running for secretary of state, governor, in your state. trump's endorsed both of them. how concerned are you that they could be running your elections? >> i'm concerned about it. and that's why i hope -- i mean now that we have brought this all to an end, we've debunked all of this. that now, my fellow republicans here in maricopa county in arizona will speak out about against this garbage and say this was an effective, safe, and secure election in 2020. and by the way, i do find it ironic that people who say thatby can't run safe elections -- safe and secure elections in arizona want to run for office in arizona. so, that is -- that is a little ironic to me. but i am very concerned, and that's why i think we need to have responsible, serious conservatives running and winning in these races in 2022 here in arizona. >> so, the cyber ninjas allege that more than 23,000 mail-in ballots in maricopa county were cast illegally by people who moved just before election day or before. and tgot to this conclusion looking at last name, first initial type of thing. so, in your rebuttal report you explain that in a county with more than 4 million people, um, this is clearly not sufficient. in one case, they identified twins as the same voter and then crucially, of the 23,000 mail nf ballots, you found exactly zero instances, zero, of a voter submitting more than one ballot. and yet, the allegations persist. >> yeah, you are absolutely right. so they looked at three items like you said. first name, last name, and year of -- year of birth. we looked at seven items. by went down into great detail and like you said, bee bunked it. zero. and in fact, erin, the cyber ninjas claimed that there were 53,000 questionable ballots from the november 2020 election. we've determined that there were less than 100. less than 100 out of 2.1 million ballots. this should, once and for all, end this discussion and we can all move on to the 2022 election. >> bill, appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you. and next, one tech company now embracing a shorter work week. is a four-day workweek within the nation's grasp for real? plus, tennis champ novak djokovic speaking out as he waits for an australian court to rule on whether or not he can compete in the staustralian ope without being vaccinated. tennis hall of famer pam shriverer south front. the guestm slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like: try hypnosis... or... quit cold turkey. kidding me?! instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... with rybelsus®. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to the possibility of lower a1c with rybelsus®. you may pay as little as $10 for up to a 3-month prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at (burke) this is why you want farmers claim forgiveness... 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[echoing] get a quote today. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ tonight, tennis star novak djokovic speaking out for the first time since being detained in australia saying quote thank you to to people around the world for your continuous support. i can feel it, and it is greatly appreciated. the 20-time grand slam winner is thought to be hold up in a melbourne hotel. awaiting a court ruling on whether he can compete in the australian open without being vaccinated. those are the rules, of course, for playing tennis. they gave him an exemption but his visa, which australia fwrfw granted him, is very clear, you have to be vaccinated to enter the count riff australia. there are no exceptions. tennis hall of famer pam shriver joins me now. she is seven time australian open doubles champion. played for 19 years. pam, it is an honor to have you. thank you so much. you know a lot about australia, obviously. um, should djokovic be allowed to play in the australian open or not? >> well, he never should have been granted the waiver from the victorian health panel that gave him what he thought was the green light to fly down under. it's been very, very clear that the country of australia -- they have fought covid hard. they have mandated vaccines. all the other players that are there, minus one or two that had a health exemption that was deemed as legitimate, they ever all been double vaxed. and i think it really would have set a bad example for all of australians who have suffered through more lockdowns than virtually any other country. so the federal government and the state government of victoria really got signals across and it's put then tennis and australiian open and novak djokovic in a mess. >> you have got american john isner showing support for djokovic. cure yoes tweeting, at the end of the day, he is human. do better. john isner tweeting he followed the rules, was allowed to sbrer stalia, and now he is being detain fancy against his own with. that, of course, these are not government officials. now, that contradicts what rafael nadal said yesterday. obviously. and look, i am aware djokovic isn't exactly a beloved player among peers but tonight he is getting support from big rivals. cur ios has called him very strange and a tool. i am literally quoting, called him a tool. so do you find the support for djokovic surprising at all? >> well, what i think the support is for social media to treat one of tennis's greatest ever champions with respect and a very difficult time for everybody. i mean, you can be critical of somebody for being anti-vax and showing up in a country that made it really clear you need to be double vaxed but in the end of the day, i think we all want people in our sport to be treated with respect. >> yeah. >> with empathy. and um, i think that's been done for the most part. obviously, monday is a big day. see what the judicial system does but the federal government, border patrol people have said his exemption did not warrant entry in the country. >> right. and flk, came in on a visa, which did not allow any kpechlkdss, right? i maeean that was the actual vi he had. and australia has never messed around with that sort of thing. djokovic, the context here is he has had a history of saying controversial things that are anti-ziens. he said positive energy can purify food and water. here he is. >> i have seen people and i know some people that through that energetical transformation, through power of prayer, through power of gratitude, they managed to turn the month toxics food or maybe most polluted water into the most healing water. >> i mean, pam, now that there is a hard line being taken, right, he is realizing repercussions to his decisions, do you think anything will change? >> well, i hope so, erin. i think that the best result for everybody would be is if novak can find some is trusted scientists, medical professionals probably in his home country of serbia who can really explain to him that this vaccine that's now a year in -- in people's arms and with great results, helping fight this pandemic. and you can not be a global athlete, entering other people's countries, putting other people at risk if you are not vaccined to the maximum. and that's what the other tennis players are following. all the fans, the employees. um, they have to be double vaxed, as well. so i just hope novak can find the right people to help get him vaccinated. otherwise, we might have tennis history written in a different way because of this pandemic and that would be too bad. >> well, it would be and i want to ask one other thing, pam, because i know you spent a lot of time thinking about this. just made me think about peng shuai, right, the chai these tennis sar who accused a senior kbhunist leader of rape. and then, she wasn't seen for weeks. and then, when we did see her, it was sort of orchestrated videos and then she retracted the laegsz allegation. all in an effort to make the story go away. so you have got incredible outcry for and against djokovic around the world. um, but look what china's done to peng shuai. nowhere near the same international outrage or -- or people speaking out even amongst players. why do you think that is? >> well, i think the ranking beside knovak djokovic, number one in the world. peng shuai hasn't played a tournament now in almost two years but the wta tour will not let this be forgotten and, erin, you have been great to keep this story in your show the last six, seven weeks. um, steve simon's been very brave pulling fortune tournaments from china. and when the winter olympics hit in a month, the story is going to come up again and of course, once that novak djokovic story dies down, i think peng shuai's question marks will be return. >> thank you very much and certainly, second your thoughts there on steve simon and -- and speaking out. not easy to do. and -- and he put all the money behind it. thank you so much, pam. thanks. >> thank you, erin. and next, one company moving to a four-day workweek. are they on to something? well, the ceo will make the case. and we remember the life of hollywood's first black-leading man, legendary actor sydney portier. t of the window... that no one knows i'm secretly terrified inside. inner voice (sneaker shop owner): i'm using hand gestures and pointing... no one can tell i'm unsure about my business finances. inner voice (furniture maker): i'm constantly nodding... ...because i know everything about furniture... ...but with the business side... ...i'm feeling a little lost. quickbooks can help. an easy way to get paid, pay your staff and know where your business stands. new business? 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>> well, lot of our employees come up to me and say hey, this is a generous thing for the company to do. my response is this is a selfish thing that we're doing because our hypothesis was that not only would employees be more engaged and healthier but they had bae more productive at work and that's what we found. we found that the four days that they're here, they're overwhelmingly more productive than your traditional five days a week. >> so, you are not -- and -- and i mean, in some cases, perhaps they are working few hours. but in many, many cases they are probably not. right? i mean, they are doing more on the days they are in, they're working longer. i know that people can do things on friday, right? it's not as if they can't. but, you no he, i know during the trial, what is it, close to 90% of your employees said they were more efficient but here is my question for you. if they knew they were in a trial to get four days a week, you know, i can see why they would say they're more efficient. do you have any concerns you could see a drop in productivity as time goes on? >> i don't because we measure what's important in the company. so, we don't measure the amount of time you spend at work, how you work, where you work from. we measure the impact that you deliver to the company. so, we keep it very simple for employees. what impact are you delivering? and so, in a loft other companies, we see this work theater which is a lot of people working to show that they are wor working rather than delivering impact. so mere, we are like how far you impacted the company? we don't care if you worked ten hours or 40 hours or 60 hours. what impact have you brought? >> so, it's -- so it's on frm approximate performance, right? and not so much face time. so, president biden you know you heard him. he said people are quitting their jobs, more americans are quitting their jobs than ever before, that's the fact but he says because they are moving on to jobs with better benefits. how much did that play into your -- your business? now, look, i know, you're -- you are a tech company. it's financial services. but did -- did you feel that this was something required to attract the talent you wanted? >> so at bolt, just to give some context, we do one click check out for the internet and we spend a ton of time on company culture. we have launches showing other companies how to work consciously. so we have always been on the bleeding edge and four-day workweek only had one objective, which was to improve the culture inside our company. because we know that when we do, our recruiting goes up, retention goes up, our employee happiness goes up and that's why we did it. >> all right. ryan, i appreciate your time. it's fascinating and i think a lot of people are going to be watching it really closely. thanks, again. and out front next. remembering sydney poitier. when you switch to mint now, you'll get three months of premium wireless free, on any plan, even unlimited. yes, you can't resist savings. this... is the planning effect. this is how it feels to have a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. this is what it's like to have a comprehensive wealth plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. and set aside more for things like healthcare, or whatever comes down the road. this is "the planning effect" from fidelity. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? 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"ac 360" begins now. good evening. we begin tonight with what might seem like a contradiction even as covid cases are climbing to levels not seen before and more than 1,300 people are day are still dying, there is talk in and around the biden administration about planning for a time when covid is no longer a pandemic but still a fact of life. listen to the president when asked today whether americans should prepare to live with covid forever. >> no, i don't think covid is here to stay. but having covid in the environment here and in the world is probably here to stay. but covid, as we are dealing with it now, is not here to stay. the new normal doesn't

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Business , Point By , Name , Debt , Maricopa County , Doejzs , 6 Million , Million , Election , Sara , Doubts , Detail , Report Debunking , Sara Murray , 93 , Republicans , Its , Roots , Thijs , Prak , Report , Court , Judge , Fines , C Contempt , 50000 , 0000 , Character Attacks , Debts , Review , Documents , Moving , 2 Million , Course , Allegations , Press , Surprise , Count , Bill , Chairman , Margin , Republican , Maricopa County Board , Super Viedsers , Bill Gates , Work , Quote , Conclusions , Laws , Finding , Claims , Lack , Analysis , Refuting The Cyber Ninjas , Lookcyber Ninjas , Stuff , Everybody Go , Inquiry , Senate , Communications , Sudden , Disappearing , Findig , Avall , Fact , Fraud , Down , Secretary Of State , Elections , Damage , Responsibility , Voters , Oversight , Big Lie , Corrupt Election , Discrepancies , Shoddy , Shady , Crimes , Donald Trump , Both , End , Garbage , Office , Thatby Can T Run Safe , Conservatives , Races , 2022 , Ballots , Election Day , Conclusion , Cast , Tgot , 23000 , Voter , County , Type , Rebuttal , Twins , Mail Nf Ballots , 4 Million , Items , Ballot , Last Name , Instances , Birth , Bee Bunked , Discussion , 2 1 Million , 53000 , November 2020 , Workweek , Tennis , Move , Champ , Grasp , Whether , Ope , Guestm Slash Music Studio , Tennis Hall Of Famer Pam Shriverer South Front , Staustralian , Daybed , Panic Room , Basement Slash , Yoga Shanti Slash , Slash Classroom , The Living Room , Vacation , Family Needs , Smoking , Vrbo , Cold Turkey , Nicorette , Stop Rybelsus , Everywhere , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Majority , Don T Take Rybelsus , 7 , Vision Problems , Changes , Provider , Possibility , Mom , Some , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , Memories , Cooking , Kitchen , 10 , 0 , Advisor , Farmers , Northwestern Mutual , Forgiveness , Forgiveness Ness , Woman , Quote Today , Bum , Pa Dum , Farmers Policy Perks , Time , World , Winner , Court Ruling , Australian Open , Melbourne Hotel , Grand Slam , Visa , Exemption , Riff , Pam Shriver , Exceptions , Tennis Hall Of Famer , Which Australia Fwrfw , Djokovic , Doubles , Honor , Waiver , Light , Health Panel , Down Under , Covid Hard , Players , Vaxed , Health Exemption , Government , Lockdowns , State Government Of Victoria , Signals , John Isner , Mess , Showing Support For Djokovic , Cure Yoes Tweeting , Tweeting , Sbrer Stalia , Rafael Nadal , Djokovic Isn T Exactly A Beloved Player , Rivals , Peers , Cur Ios , Respect , Tool , Social Media , Champions , Everybody , In The End , Somebody , Sport , Big Day , Entry , Border Patrol , Context , History , Flk , Kpechlkdss , Vi , Water , Food , Energy , Pam , Healing , Prayer , Toxics , Gratitude , Energetical Transformation , Result , Decisions , Novak , Anything , Home Country , Professionals , Arms , Serbia , Countries , Double Vaxed , Athlete , Maximum , Fans , She Wasn T , Tennis Sar , Peng Shuai , Chai , Kbhunist Leader , Rape , Videos , Story , Around The World , Allegation , Effort , Nowhere , Outrage , Outcry , China , Laegsz , Knovak Djokovic , Ranking , Number One , Wta Tour , Show , Hasn T , Steve Simon , Pulling Fortune Tournaments , Tournament , Six , Thoughts , Question Marks , Winter Olympics , Novak Djokovic Story Dies Down , Erin , Money , Window , Hand Gestures , T , Owner , Business Finances , Legendary Actor Sydney Portier , Inner Voice , Sneaker , Life Of Hollywood S First Black Leading Man , Side , Business Stands , Intuit Quickbooks , Furniture , Lost , Furniture Maker , Success Starts , Biktarvy , H I V , Pill , Cure , Amount , Lab Test , Virus , Can , Sex , Research , Liver Problems , Breastfeeding , Kidney Failure , Buildup , Lactic Acid , Rifampin , Dofetilide , Headache , Kidney , Hepatitis , Hepatitis B , Matrix , Stream , Demand , Tv , Anywhere , Directv , Serena Williams , Best , Psoriasis , Otezla , Psoriatic Arthritis , Injection , Choices , Choice , Splash , Cream , Joint Swelling , Plaques , Redness , Scaliness , Tenderness , Thickness , 75 , Depression , Feelings , Prescribing Information , Routine Lab Monitoring , Planning , Weight Loss , Weight , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Version , Records , Unemployment Rate , Economy , Jobs , Economists , Pointing , Low , 2021 , 199000 , 6 4 Million , 3 9 , Recovery , Gain , Hemos , Jobs Lost , 1939 , Companies , Workers , Benefits , Pay , Step Up , Founder , Tech Company Bolt , Ryan Breslow , Workplace , Hesitation , Conversation , March Of 2020 , Friday , Response , Hypothesis , Bae , Trial , Question , Drop , Productivity , Work Theater , Loft , It S On Frm Approximate Performance , 60 , Play , Services , Bolt , Talent , Ton , Objective , Company Culture , Bleeding Edge , Employee Happiness , Recruiting , Retention , Culture , Mint , Remembering Sydney Poitier , Savings , Planning Effect , Fidelity , Whatever , More , Healthcare , Investing Strategies , Picture , Wealth , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Road , Superpowers , Spider Bite , Limu Emu , Doug , Gasps , Theaters , Spider Man , December 17th Vo , December 17th , Technology , Car , Windshield , Music Vo , Decompression Zone , Safelite Autoglass , 17 , Service , Singers , Safelite Repair , Small Business , Flexibility , Comcast Business Mobile , Contract , Lines , Network , Match Data Options , Term , Mix , Fees , Customers , Nationwide 5g , 5 , Foster Kid Need , Manicure , Show Up , Wrong , First Day Of School , Address , Foster Kids , Helpfosterchildren Com , Oscar , Height , Black Man , Best Actor , 1964 , Movement , Decency , Human Being , Actor , Force , Grace , Civil Rights Movement , With Love , Guess Who , Condolences , Performances , Dinner , Films , Raisin In The Sun , Lilies Of The Field , Sympathies , Contradiction , Climbing , Ac 360 , 360 , Talk , Levels , 1300 , Think Covid , Environment , Covid Forever , The New Normal Doesn T ,

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