Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim S

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240709

president biden is urging americans not to overreact. and in particular pleading with the unvaccinated to go get their shots now to protect themselves and their families. president has also doubled the government's order of pfizer's antiviral pill, which reduces hospitalizations and severe illness for those infected. the cdc is attempting today to clarify new guidance after receiving criticism for cutting the recommended isolation time after a positive covid test, from ten days to five days. we'll have more on that in a moment, so you can have all your questions answered. the other story, of course, we're following this morning, tomorrow marks one year since trump supporters rushed the capitol, violently disrupting the peaceful transfer of power, following the 2020 election. lawmakers investigating the riot are encouraging former vice president mike pence to cooperate while revealing how top fox news personality sean hannity was sounding the alarm behind the scenes while pushing lies in front of the camera. first, this morning, other news, classes canceled today in chicago, that's the third largest school district in this country after the teachers union voted last night to teach virtually rather than in the classroom, citing concerns over the fast spreading omicron variant. cnn correspondent omar jimenez has been following all of this. omar, i'm curious, first of all, how long have they voted to stay virtual? >> reporter: so the union indicated this yes vote doesn't just apply to today, but that members intend to refuse in person teaching until at least january 18th or until both the school district and the union can reach an agreement on what safe in person learning actually looks like. now, the chicago school district sent out a communication not long before midnight last night, notifying families that class would be canceled today and they described this as an unfortunate decision. they also said they are now worried about the well-being of students, they also went on to say that teachers won't be paid for this, as they consider this a work stoppage. but part of what the teachers union has been concerned about is they don't believe the current measures in place make in person learning a safe enough environment amid record numbers of covid-19 cases we have seen among students, staff and the city of chicago in recent weeks. and the ctu leadership, the teachers union leadership, said they saw this as their only option. take a listen. >> teachers and school staff decided the only thing we get to control is whether we go into the buildings. >> reporter: now, part of what the teachers union is asking for is they want more access to testing, they want a greater portion of the student population to be vaccinated. that number is right around a third right now. the rates for teachers are much higher. on the school district side, back in april of 2021, the district announced an investment of more than $200 million to ensure situations like this don't happen. investments in covid-19 protocols and to ensure in person learning happens during this school year, and the district says it is work. they maintain that being in the classroom is much safer than being in the community, based on the measures they have instituted, including universal masking, distancing and more. but, of course, the bottom line in all of this is until these two sides reach an agreement on what safety in the classroom looks like, kids are out of the classroom and class is canceled. >> we should note the surgeon general's guidance, mitigation, masking, ventilation, et cetera, keeps education in the classroom safe. omar jimenez, thank you for following. we'll continue to follow the story in chicago. there are questions over the cdc's updated covid isolation guidance after the agency did try to clarify yesterday. let's go to elizabeth cohen for more. elizabeth, first, you have the time frame issue here, cut from 10 to 5 days and a lot of folks welcome that right? particularly companies having trouble staffing up. now the question is about testing to get out of isolation. so tell us where we are landing. >> right. that ends up being, well, kind of mushy for want of a better word. let's take a look at the revised isolation guidance that the cdc came out with yesterday. what they say is if you have covid-19 and so many more people are going to have covid-19 because of omicron, stay home for at the least five days. and they say isolation can end if your symptoms are resolving. after that, after you leave isolation, wear a mask around other people for five more days. what's new is that they say around day five, if you have an antigen test, and if you want to use it, go ahead and use it. if you don't, don't. that's an unusual piece of public health guidance, usually it is a little more clear. this is if you want to, do, if you don't want to, don't. it is usually not -- we don't usually give people that option. and finally they say that if you're positive, if you take that test and you're positive, you should be isolating for five more days, so this is sort of like an optional kind of thing. now, let's take a look at why the cdc feels comfortable telling people that you can leave after five days without testing. because there is some real science behind this. so if you look at this graph what you're seeing on the left-hand side is when you are right at the beginning of having symptoms, that's when you're very, very contagious. you're very contagious and then as you go on and go on, it gets less contagious. starting around day five, the chances that you are going to transmit covid as long as your symptoms are resolving are very, very small. and that's why the cdc in many ways are between a rock and a hard place because, of course, they want people to isolate when they're sick, but if you're not transmissible, why should they be keeping you out of work, especially if you're an essential worker. you're not that transmissible after day five, so you can go out of isolation as long as you meet the criteria. jim? >> that graphic you showed is very revealing. it shows a steep drop in transmissibility days after that first positive test. elizabeth cohen, thanks so much for clarifying. let's dig deeper now, cnn medical analyst dr. leana wen joining us now. dr. wen, good to have you here. now, looking at that graph, perhaps we can put it up again, that shows how infectiousness drops quickly after the first day that people test positive. when you look at that, does that make this new guidance make sense to you to some degree, or do you think they could have done it better? >> well, i do think that shortening the isolation period in general is a very good idea. first of all, a lot of people are unable to really comply with ten days of isolation. so if you're able to increase compliance by shortening the isolation, that's a good thing from a public health perspective. also we're facing a collapse, potential collapse of our critical infrastructure. so getting workers back to work sooner is good. so i like this idea of five days and then once you are out in public, you're still supposed to be wearing your mask, a well fitting mask the entire five days after. i think that's right. what i don't like, though, is the cdc not recommending at least testing. i know we don't have enough tests, i wish the cdc would come out and say, we don't have enough tests, we should have enough tests and then you can test your way out of isolation, but in the meantime, because we don't have the tests. that's why we're not able to make an official recommendation. right now, their guidance says you can test after day five, but if you test positive, you have to keep isolating for a whole ten days, no one is going to do that. if you have enough tests, you're going to say, let me test at day six, day seven and maybe i can test out of isolation then. why make it even harder and in a sense discourage people from using testing. >> what is the better answer here? the fact is there aren't enough tests out there around, and it is going to be a couple of weeks before folks can get better access to this half a billion tests that the government is going to be providing. what is better? it sounds like what they're trying to do is get at least more people to test, right, at that five-day point, rather than none. but fact is, folks don't like confusion, they like stuff to be very clear. what would have been better? >> that's right. i'm having trouble right now explaining the cdc guidance to my patients. what i'm saying is the following. right now, because we don't have enough tests, people should know you should isolate for five days, and then after five days if you have to go back to work, if you have to be caring for your family, you should be wearing a well fitting mask for five days. do not have meals with your family, you're going to be maskless, don't go to restaurants or other settings in those five days, the second five-day period. you should keep on testing yourself and either you clear yourself from isolation at ten days or whenever you have two consecutive days of negative tests, whichever comes first. i think that kind of guidance is a lot clearer than what the cdc currently has. >> okay, big picture. the biggest thing folks have to deal with is how serious is this, right? it is clearly spreading more quickly. we have stories, folks watching have stories, family friends, perhaps themselves, testing positive it a greater degree than they did in the past. many folks who were even fully vaccinated and boosted, though the rates for the unvaccinated still much higher. how should folks be reacting here. new york city schools are staying open to their credit. the mayor said stay open. we need you in school, most school districts are. chicago is not. are those kinds of steps an overreaction? >> yes. and in fact they are not balancing the priorities in our society correctly. at this point, these kinds of surges that we're seeing with omicron and delta, this could be our new normal going forward. every year or every few months even we could be seeing these massive surges of cases. the key is for us to get people vaccinated and to make sure they have optimized immunity through boosters if necessary, so that we're able to protect people from having severe illness, protect our society from huge disruptions. we cannot shutter our schools. we cannot close our businesses. in particularly we cannot harm our children, especially the most disadvantaged, even more. if you are a vaccinated and boosted teacher, and you're wearing a high quality mask at school, your chance of contracting covid is very low. your chance of getting severely ill is even lower. there should be no reason why teachers unions are going on strike for themselves and when it comes to children, they have been harmed so much by schools being closed. we have to emphasize getting our kids back in school for learning, otherwise we're hurting once again a whole generation of young people. >> yeah, for learning and even for some for access to reliable meals, right? it has so many carry on consequences. dr. leana wen, thanks so much. we're a day away from a year from january 6 th. and the investigation of the insurrection continues. the january 6th committee now says it wants to speak with former vice president mike pence. >> i would hope that he would do the right thing and come forward and voluntarily talk to the committee. we have not formerly asked, but but if he offered, we would gladly accept. >> a spokesman for pence declined to comment on thompson's remarks and request. and he's not the only high profile name the committee is looking at. we learned the panel approached fox news host sean hannity to cooperate voluntarily, noting dozens of his text messages to then white house chief of staff mark meadows on the days leading up to onand surrounding the insur insurrection. what strikes me about these texts is how many people were aware of a plan to reject the votes of several swing states and overturn the election here. tell us how hannity fits into that. >> well, clearly he had an understanding this was an effort stemming from the white house, there was an effort here to try to get people to use whatever authority the white house thought they had to overturn the election and what hannity clearly realized was that the final plan, like the last ditch effort of january 6th to try to get former vice president mike pence to call it a wash and say the electoral votes don't count and send everybody back to the states was just nonsense. and so at a certain point, he was trying to warn the white house that this was just -- this was a path to nowhere and it made no logical sense. here is the text message from december 31st that highlights that. we can't lose the entire white house council's office. i do not see january 6th happening the way he is being told. pointing out what people know, which is that trump was being fed this creative legal lie, which was that former vice president mike pence had any authority to shut it down on january 6th. however, the white house perpetuated that lie and then we know how that ended with an attack on the capitol. further, here is a text message from january 6 5th. hannity saying he's worried about the next 48 hours. he was talking with key players within the white house, they are still trying to drill down on the details of what was going on in the white house, basically between really between the election and the inauguration, but for hannity's purposes, between december 31st and january 20th. they need to know what was the mindset and what was the planning out of trump's inner circle, they're collapsing in on the key person here, jim, which is trump himself. >> no question. by the way, trump himself continues to perpetuate that same lie. 364 days later. whitney wild, thank you very much. coming up next this hour, congressman mike quigley will join me live. he was one of the last house members evacuated on january 6th a year ago. we'll hear from some of the people that who have been charged from their actions that time. has the prospect of prison time changed their views? >> i don't feel like i did anything wrong. but knowing the consequences that came out of it will be the part that makes me question it. also ahead, the travel nightmare finally over for those who got stuck on the highway in the snowstorm in virginia. we're hearing new details from passengers who spent 30 hours on an amtrak train. before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? 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the u.s. capitol police chief met with top law enforcement and military officials including the fbi, secret service and national guard about the upcoming january 6th protest, as well as the january 20th inauguration. then chief steven sund later testified that at that meeting, no entity, including the fbi, provided intelligence there would be a coordinated attack on the capitol. that same day, an fbi field office in norfolk, virginia, issued a warning to its counterterrorism partners that extremists were preparing to travel to washington to commit violence and war. throughout the day, president trump tweeted heavily, the vice president has the power to reject fraudulently chosen electors and thousands of people pouring into d.c., they won't stand for a landslide election victory to be stolen. of course, those are lies. outside the white house, and freedom plaza, pro trump supporters held a precursor rally to january 6th. and perhaps the biggest red flag yet, outside the democratic and republican party headquarters, two pipe bombs were planted that night. they were discovered the next morning. there is cct video of the person who left the pipe bombs. mike quigley was in the gallery as rioters stormed the capitol, one of the last members of congress to be evacuated. during the attack, quigley was on the phone with his home district television station, wgntv. have a listen. >> we have a bunch of -- to hold the door, the main entransdce dr to the house floor. they're freaked out but staying pretty calm. a lot of them have been evacuated. there is a group of us that went up to the balcony, about a dozen of us and the capitol police just telling us to keep our heads down. >> congressman mike quigley joins me now. he also serves on the house intelligence committee. you know, one thing strikes me as i look at that congressman, quigley, democrats and republicans on that day were united in their fear. and their sense of alarm. democrats and republicans were evacuated. democrats and republicans sounded warnings about the violence that day and as we know many of the republican colleagues contacted the white house, trying to get the president it call them back. that unity is gone. it is gone. i wonder how disappointing that is, to you, having gone through that day. >> yeah, absolutely. as i was thinking back and trying to reflect on all this, and put it in perspective, the first thing we all have to say is without the capitol police and the district police i'm not sure we would be having this conversation. they certainly saved me and my colleagues and the staff and they probably saved the democracy from a coup because they are in succession, two, three and four, were within feet of the insurrectionists. and to your point, as i try to, again, put this in per spentive and the day of and the days after mcconnell, mccarthy, and as we're learning from the texts, family, friends, staff, media, all knew how severe this was. and they seem to forget that. they're like a perverse groundhog who finds their conscience once a year, but then they see their shadow and they go back into hibernation. that's a disappointment. >> one striking revelation, not just from the hannity text, but all these texts, is just how many people knew not just of the threat of violence, but of a plan to straight up overturn the election, reject the electoral votes on no basis from several swing states and therefore hand the election to the loser, donald trump. is the kind of country any safer today, set aside the acts of political violence, but any safer today from the ability to overthrow an election? >> in a way i, don't think we are. if you can forget and deny in the days after a violent attack on our capitol, on our democracy, a year later, so many republicans think so little of what took place, it is a fragile process, it is a fragile government. and we have to remind ourselves of that. and if there aren't people willing to defend the constitution over a single former president of the united states, we are indeed in trouble. >> what will the consequences be for former president trump for leading all this? a year later, he's still spreading the same lies. he may very well be the nominee for the republican party in 2024 and many republicans es either outright support him or say they cannot oppose him, has he faced any real consequences? >> it is a question that you and others ask me during the original impeachment investigation. that was part of that, as a member of the intel committee. a question you and others asked me during the second impeachment, when the president of the united states extorted a foreign government to benefit politically. and it was also, if people actually read the mueller report, the president was not exonerated. in fact, you know, he instructed that investigation and all of the others, he has never been held accountable for his actions. and if this committee isn't allowed to do its work, if it isn't allowed to enforce its subpoenas, if the courts don't back them up, we'll still be in that dangerous state. >> of course, it is not entirely on the committee, there is a justice department, there is an attorney general, and your fellow democratic colleague ruben gallego told me yesterday that to date the attorney general merrick garland has in gallego's words been extremely weak, feckless in his words, by not prosecuting the ring leaders. more than 700 of the participants in the attack on the capitol faced criminal charges, but none of the ring leaders, folks who encouraged them or planned an attempted coup here, do you agree that the attorney general has failed here? >> look, i'm going to let the press take its full course. i was a defense attorney for over a decade. i'm going to give the attorney general every opportunity. i know the fbi and the justice department have been working on this over a year. but he is right. the ring leaders of this have to face the consequences. it is already troubling enough that those who physically attacked and injured police officers, over 100 injuried, we lost a couple of officers in the day after the insurrection, if they're not held accountable, there is a danger and further greater danger could happen again. >> thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. coming up next, some good news. a key december jobs report blows economist predictions out of the water. what it all means for the economy and hiring. lots of jobs out there. we're moments away from the opening bell on wall street. stock futures down slightly this morning, this after the dow closed at yet another record high yesterday. they just keep coming. investors are -- investors are waiting today for the federal reserve to release minutes from its last latest meeting, where chair jerome powell announced plans to raise interest rates as well as tapering off the fed's bond buying program. we're keeping an eye on all of it. stay with us. sales are down from last quarter, but we're hoping things will pick up by q3. yeah...uhhh... doug? 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what is it telling us? >> well, it is telling us this red hot jobs market ended 2021 with a bang. 807,000 private sector jobs added in december, twice as much as economists had expected. this is also the second strongest growth of the year. and it is really just the latest evidence of a lot of strength in the jobs market. first time jobless claims are hovering near the lowest level in half a century. the unemployment rate is down to 4.2%. remember, back in the spring of 2020, when the economy shut down, the unemployment rate skyrocketed to nearly 15%. today, it is almost at 4%. not only is firing very low, but demand for workers is really, really strong. yesterday we learned that 4.5 million americans quit their jobs in november, likely for better jobs, with more generous benefits. that is the highest number of quits that we have seen in a single month, since records began in year 2000. workers clearly have all the leverage right now. and all this is fueling some optimism ahead of friday's much more watched jobs report. it is not always an indicator, but this blockbuster report is very encouraging. one caveat, of course, is covid, because the omicron wave really hit the united states towards the end of december. so it is not necessarily captured by this report. and there is a lot of questions about what omicron means for the jobs market, in early 2022. jim, the good news is that the economy and the jobs market specifically clearly entered this latest covid wave, with some serious momentum. >> yeah, for sure. there was the concern that delta would completely kill that, recovered from that in december. we'll see how omicron fares. matt egan, thank you very much. still ahead, what would happen if there were another insurrection at the capitol today? we'll look at how security has evolved, has it improved? i'm going to speak to the former capitol police chief to find out. at fidelity, your dedicated advisor will help you create a comprehensive wealth plan for your full financial picture. with the right balance of risk and reward. so you can enjoy more of...this. this is the planning effect. ♪ ♪ do your eyes bother you? because after all these emails, my eyes feel like a combo of stressed, dry and sandpaper. strypaper? why do we all put up with this? when there's biotrue hydration boost eye drops. biotrue uses naturally inspired ingredients like an electrolyte, antioxidant, even your tears' own moisturizer. and no preservatives. these ingredients are true to your eyes' biology. see? bio.true. i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? the three ps of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54, what's my price? 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have their views of this changed? >> it did and it didn't, jim. it is a range of reactions. at this point we have seen 70 people sentenced and some of them have actually expressed great remorse in court. there was one maryland man, robert rieder, he really told all to a judge when he was being sentenced. he said his participation in the capitol attack has up ended his life, that he feels great shame, but then on the flip side there is jena ryan, she flew in that private jet to the riot, she actually received a 60-day sentence even though she didn't commit any violence, the judge saying he wanted to make an example of her. and she has repeatedly said she believes that she is a scapegoat and was unfairly prosecuted. and then there is former proud boy josh pruett, i spoke to him at length, and he tells me he's actually conflicted. he's facing eight federal charges. he says he doesn't believe he did anything wrong that day, saying he was just protesting at the capitol, he does admit that this past year has been an emotional roller coaster for him. here's what he said. >> i don't feel like i did anything wrong, but knowing the consequences that came out of it would be the part that would make me question it. they would like me to come forward and say that it was planned. and i'm, like, no, it wasn't. >> so what josh pruett is talking about there, he tells me he's been talking to prosecutors. there is no plea deal on the table yet, but pruett says that prosecutors want him to say that the proud boys, which josh pruett was affiliated with at the time, that they planned to attack the capitol and pruett claims in his view it was completely spontaneous. because of that, because he says he's not giving prosecutors what they want, he expects this case will go to trial, and since he says he has nothing to offer prosecutors. he still wrongaly believes the election was stolen. i spoke to several on the phone, but they too say that they believe the election was rigged. so a year later, this false belief has not gone away, jim. it still exists with many of these rioters. >> jessica schneider, thanks so much. law enforcement and federal authorities in the washington area have stepped up security in anticipation of tomorrow's anniversary. homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas said said the department is not aware of any credible specific threats. it adds it is operating at a heightened level of vigilance due to the continuing threat overall from violent domestic extremists. this as the police chief says the force is stronger and better prepared to carry out the mission today than it was a year ago. >> the department began significant work immediately after the 6th to fix the failures that occurred. intelligence failures, operational planning failures, leadership failures. >> january 6th happened today, is the capitol strong enough to withstand? >> i believe it is, yes. >> joining me now to test out that statement, former u.s. capitol police chief terrance gainer. good to have you to on this morning. >> good morning, sir. >> so you heard the captain there saying stronger, better prepared than it was a year ago. is that true? >> jim, i think it is. it focused on some very critical areas and that is the intelligence gathering and sharing amongst leadership and the different agencies, but to make sure the officers and the people on the ground understand that. there has been additional training for the civil disturbance units, more equipment for them, there have been exercises. i think they're in a much better position where they continue to build the force back up to a full speed. >> let me ask you this more broadly about the threat from violent domestic extremist groups. one thing january 6th offered a vision into was that you do have folks in this country, many of them armed, many of them organized, that are willing to carry out political violence. where is that threat today? is it greater or lesser than it was a year ago. is the country less safe than it was a year ago from violent domestic extremism? >> i think because of all the scrutiny after january 6th, these organizations have gone more dark, which makes it a bit harder for all of us to follow what they're doing. and it also means as jessica reported, people do not believe they have a problem or they have done anything wrong, even when they have been caught. the capitol police and other agencies have to be on their game, day in and -- >> yeah. we lost the signal there from chief terrance gainer. thanks very much. if we can get him back, we'll get him back. apologies for the technical difficulties there. coming up next, amtrak passengers say they ran out of food and water while stuck on a train for 30 hours. we're going to have new details on their harrowing experience and why it all happened. that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. at fidelity, your dedicated advisor will work with you on a comprehensive wealth plan across your full financial picture. a plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. this is the planning effect. right now the chief of the u.s. capitol police is testifying in front of a senate committee on safety issues. before the break, i was speaking with the man who used to hold that post, terrence gaynor. technical problems are fixed. former d.c. police officer michael fanone raised this issue yesterday. he said there should have been leadership consequences, leadership among the u.s. capitol police ranks for failing to prepare sufficiently. i wonder if you agree with that. >> there was consequences. the chief was forced to resign as was the senate of arms. chief major who i know well says he would evaluate all the people that were there instead of just cutting heads off, see where their strengths are, where they ought to be and what the consequences are. i think they're aware of the strengths and weaknesses, and those are the things they tried to focus on and fix. >> have those issues been fixed in the leadership in your view? >> i think he has a lot of great people in the right position with strong direction from him and all the recommendations that we made through the general honorary report and the inspector general's report. everybody is performing to a different standard right now. >> we'll be watching closer tomorrow. terrence gainer, always good to have you on. >> thank you, sir. it was a commuting nightmare and it's finally ended for hundreds of travelers in virginia. i-95 reopened last night after a winter storm left people trapped on the interstate in their cars in the cold for as many as 36 hours, but it wasn't just drivers stranded by the weather. more than 100 people traveling on an am strack train through virginia were stuck for 30 hours after trees had fallen on the tracks. cnn correspondent pete muntean is by i-95 today in virginia where, thank god, we can see cars moving behind you. what are we hearing from the passengers on that amtrak train? >> at one point the backup on i-95 stretched to where we are, 22 miles away from that incident. 95 open in both directions after it became a snowy, icy mess. some travelers were stuck on i-95 for some 18 or 19 hours. the state doesn't have a full handle on exactly how many people were stranded on the highway. a really big issue here, because vdot is vowing a full review. it also says it simply could not possibly keep up with the amount of snow that fell in such a short period of time. 12 inches of snow in about six hours of time. the state says it will try to make sure this doesn't happen again, also apologizing to folks saying the number of people stuck that was unacceptable. the amtrak crescent line train got stuck near lynchburg, virginia. it was on its way from new orleans to new york. it got stuck there, amtrak says, because trees fell on the tracks. passengers said it quickly became an issue because they started to run low on food, theal toilets started backing up and there wasn't that much communication from amtrak and not much in the way of cell service. here is what they told us. >> i couldn't get in touch with my family on the phone, nothing. >> no food, no water on the trains. a big problem for the families. >> i didn't know where my mother was. she couldn't even tell me where the train was. she said it was north of lynch berg. is it accessible? will i be able to get my mother off? i had no clear understanding. that's my gripe with amtrak. >> reporter: one of these 120 passengers on board tells us this trip was supposed to last about ten hours. instead they were sturk ock on train for 30 hours. some trains that were supposed to depart yesterday are now departing today, some 11 1257bd hours late. >> pete muntean, thanks so much for covering. we're following other breaking news out of philadelphia where a source is confirming to cnn sadly that 13 people have been killed in a fire there. the news conference is moments away. we'll bring you details shortly after this break. move to sofi and feel what it''s like to get your money right. ♪ move your high-interest debt to a sofi personal loan. you could save with low rates and no fees. earn $10 just for viewing your rate and get your money right. ♪ new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. when you're born and raised in san francisco, you grow up wanting to make a difference. that's why, at recology, we're proud to be 100% employee owned with local workers as diverse as san francisco. we built the city's recycling system from the ground up, helping to make san francisco the greenest big city in america but we couldn't do it without you. thank you, san francisco. gracias, san francisco. -thank you. -[ speaks native language ] let's keep making a difference together. very good wednesday morning to you. i'm jim sciutto. there are several stories developing this hour. law enforcement and federal authorities are ramping up security in washington as the nation prepares to mark one year since the violent attack on the u.s. capitol. the january 6th committee is now asking former vice president mike pence to speak with the panel voluntarily about what he witnessed that day and conversations he had or was privy to in the days leading up to it including with the former president. the committee also revealed how top fox news host sean hannity was sounding the alarm behind the scenes in the days leading up to january 6th and after, of course, very different from what he was saying and has been saying in front of the camera to his viewers. a few hours from now attorney general merrick garland is expected to deliver remarks. he will update the department's efforts to hold those responsible for january 6 accountable. let's begin with the very latest on the january 6th investigation. cnn law enforcement correspond whitney wild. she's been following the story. there are a whole host of revelations from these texts. broadly what it shows is a number of people inside and outside the white house were aware of the effort to overturn the election and rejec

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Jessica Schneider , Didn T , Range , Reactions , 70 , Robert Rieder , Judge , Court , Participation , Capitol Attack , Life , Flip Side , Shame , Remorse , Maryland , Jena Ryan , Scapegoat , Sentence , Jet , Example , 60 , Josh Pruett , Length , Eight , Anything Wrong , Roller Coaster , Prosecutors , Wasn T , Plea Deal , Boys , Table , Pruett Claims , Nothing , Case , Trial , Belief , Alejandro Mayorkas , Authorities , Anticipation , Area , Anniversary , Homeland Security , Threats , Vigilance , Force , Mission , Failures , Intelligence Failures , Leadership Failures , Sir , Terrance Gainer , Statement , Captain , Agencies , Ground , Gathering , Areas , Sharing , Position , Training , Disturbance , Units , Equipment , Speed , Better , Exercises , Groups , Extremist , Extremism , Organizations , Scrutiny , Dark , Jessica , Bit , Problem , Signal , Game , Food , Apologies , Difficulties , Coming Up , Experience , Investing Strategies , Chief , Break , Senate , Safety Issues , Michael Fanone , Post , Former D C , Terrence Gaynor , Strengths , Chief Major , Arms , Weaknesses , Issues , Fix , View , Direction , Report , Recommendations , The General Honorary Report , The Inspector General , Standard , I 95 , Travelers , Cars , Interstate , Winter Storm , Commuting Nightmare , Hundreds , Cold , 36 , Trees , Tracks , Weather , Wasn T Just Drivers , Pete Muntean , I 95 Today In Virginia Where , God , Snowy , Directions , Icy Mess , 22 , Handle , Review , Vdot , Snow , Amount , 12 , Lynchburg , Crescent Line , New Orleans , Trains , Cell Service , Theal Toilets , Mother , She Couldn T , Understanding , Lynch Berg , Trip , Gripe , Sturk Ock , 120 , Breaking News , Covering , Source , Philadelphia , 11 , 13 , 1257 , Money , Feel , There , News Conference , Fire , Move , Debt , Personal Loan , Sofi , Fees , 0 , Job , Shortlist , Job Criteria , Project Managers , Projects , Difference , San Francisco , Employee , Recology , That S Why , Big City In America , Recycling System , Ground Up , Language , Gracias , Conversations , Attorney General , Viewers , Efforts , January 6th Investigation , Law Enforcement Correspond Whitney Wild , Revelations , Rejec ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow And Jim Sciutto 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240709

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president biden is urging americans not to overreact. and in particular pleading with the unvaccinated to go get their shots now to protect themselves and their families. president has also doubled the government's order of pfizer's antiviral pill, which reduces hospitalizations and severe illness for those infected. the cdc is attempting today to clarify new guidance after receiving criticism for cutting the recommended isolation time after a positive covid test, from ten days to five days. we'll have more on that in a moment, so you can have all your questions answered. the other story, of course, we're following this morning, tomorrow marks one year since trump supporters rushed the capitol, violently disrupting the peaceful transfer of power, following the 2020 election. lawmakers investigating the riot are encouraging former vice president mike pence to cooperate while revealing how top fox news personality sean hannity was sounding the alarm behind the scenes while pushing lies in front of the camera. first, this morning, other news, classes canceled today in chicago, that's the third largest school district in this country after the teachers union voted last night to teach virtually rather than in the classroom, citing concerns over the fast spreading omicron variant. cnn correspondent omar jimenez has been following all of this. omar, i'm curious, first of all, how long have they voted to stay virtual? >> reporter: so the union indicated this yes vote doesn't just apply to today, but that members intend to refuse in person teaching until at least january 18th or until both the school district and the union can reach an agreement on what safe in person learning actually looks like. now, the chicago school district sent out a communication not long before midnight last night, notifying families that class would be canceled today and they described this as an unfortunate decision. they also said they are now worried about the well-being of students, they also went on to say that teachers won't be paid for this, as they consider this a work stoppage. but part of what the teachers union has been concerned about is they don't believe the current measures in place make in person learning a safe enough environment amid record numbers of covid-19 cases we have seen among students, staff and the city of chicago in recent weeks. and the ctu leadership, the teachers union leadership, said they saw this as their only option. take a listen. >> teachers and school staff decided the only thing we get to control is whether we go into the buildings. >> reporter: now, part of what the teachers union is asking for is they want more access to testing, they want a greater portion of the student population to be vaccinated. that number is right around a third right now. the rates for teachers are much higher. on the school district side, back in april of 2021, the district announced an investment of more than $200 million to ensure situations like this don't happen. investments in covid-19 protocols and to ensure in person learning happens during this school year, and the district says it is work. they maintain that being in the classroom is much safer than being in the community, based on the measures they have instituted, including universal masking, distancing and more. but, of course, the bottom line in all of this is until these two sides reach an agreement on what safety in the classroom looks like, kids are out of the classroom and class is canceled. >> we should note the surgeon general's guidance, mitigation, masking, ventilation, et cetera, keeps education in the classroom safe. omar jimenez, thank you for following. we'll continue to follow the story in chicago. there are questions over the cdc's updated covid isolation guidance after the agency did try to clarify yesterday. let's go to elizabeth cohen for more. elizabeth, first, you have the time frame issue here, cut from 10 to 5 days and a lot of folks welcome that right? particularly companies having trouble staffing up. now the question is about testing to get out of isolation. so tell us where we are landing. >> right. that ends up being, well, kind of mushy for want of a better word. let's take a look at the revised isolation guidance that the cdc came out with yesterday. what they say is if you have covid-19 and so many more people are going to have covid-19 because of omicron, stay home for at the least five days. and they say isolation can end if your symptoms are resolving. after that, after you leave isolation, wear a mask around other people for five more days. what's new is that they say around day five, if you have an antigen test, and if you want to use it, go ahead and use it. if you don't, don't. that's an unusual piece of public health guidance, usually it is a little more clear. this is if you want to, do, if you don't want to, don't. it is usually not -- we don't usually give people that option. and finally they say that if you're positive, if you take that test and you're positive, you should be isolating for five more days, so this is sort of like an optional kind of thing. now, let's take a look at why the cdc feels comfortable telling people that you can leave after five days without testing. because there is some real science behind this. so if you look at this graph what you're seeing on the left-hand side is when you are right at the beginning of having symptoms, that's when you're very, very contagious. you're very contagious and then as you go on and go on, it gets less contagious. starting around day five, the chances that you are going to transmit covid as long as your symptoms are resolving are very, very small. and that's why the cdc in many ways are between a rock and a hard place because, of course, they want people to isolate when they're sick, but if you're not transmissible, why should they be keeping you out of work, especially if you're an essential worker. you're not that transmissible after day five, so you can go out of isolation as long as you meet the criteria. jim? >> that graphic you showed is very revealing. it shows a steep drop in transmissibility days after that first positive test. elizabeth cohen, thanks so much for clarifying. let's dig deeper now, cnn medical analyst dr. leana wen joining us now. dr. wen, good to have you here. now, looking at that graph, perhaps we can put it up again, that shows how infectiousness drops quickly after the first day that people test positive. when you look at that, does that make this new guidance make sense to you to some degree, or do you think they could have done it better? >> well, i do think that shortening the isolation period in general is a very good idea. first of all, a lot of people are unable to really comply with ten days of isolation. so if you're able to increase compliance by shortening the isolation, that's a good thing from a public health perspective. also we're facing a collapse, potential collapse of our critical infrastructure. so getting workers back to work sooner is good. so i like this idea of five days and then once you are out in public, you're still supposed to be wearing your mask, a well fitting mask the entire five days after. i think that's right. what i don't like, though, is the cdc not recommending at least testing. i know we don't have enough tests, i wish the cdc would come out and say, we don't have enough tests, we should have enough tests and then you can test your way out of isolation, but in the meantime, because we don't have the tests. that's why we're not able to make an official recommendation. right now, their guidance says you can test after day five, but if you test positive, you have to keep isolating for a whole ten days, no one is going to do that. if you have enough tests, you're going to say, let me test at day six, day seven and maybe i can test out of isolation then. why make it even harder and in a sense discourage people from using testing. >> what is the better answer here? the fact is there aren't enough tests out there around, and it is going to be a couple of weeks before folks can get better access to this half a billion tests that the government is going to be providing. what is better? it sounds like what they're trying to do is get at least more people to test, right, at that five-day point, rather than none. but fact is, folks don't like confusion, they like stuff to be very clear. what would have been better? >> that's right. i'm having trouble right now explaining the cdc guidance to my patients. what i'm saying is the following. right now, because we don't have enough tests, people should know you should isolate for five days, and then after five days if you have to go back to work, if you have to be caring for your family, you should be wearing a well fitting mask for five days. do not have meals with your family, you're going to be maskless, don't go to restaurants or other settings in those five days, the second five-day period. you should keep on testing yourself and either you clear yourself from isolation at ten days or whenever you have two consecutive days of negative tests, whichever comes first. i think that kind of guidance is a lot clearer than what the cdc currently has. >> okay, big picture. the biggest thing folks have to deal with is how serious is this, right? it is clearly spreading more quickly. we have stories, folks watching have stories, family friends, perhaps themselves, testing positive it a greater degree than they did in the past. many folks who were even fully vaccinated and boosted, though the rates for the unvaccinated still much higher. how should folks be reacting here. new york city schools are staying open to their credit. the mayor said stay open. we need you in school, most school districts are. chicago is not. are those kinds of steps an overreaction? >> yes. and in fact they are not balancing the priorities in our society correctly. at this point, these kinds of surges that we're seeing with omicron and delta, this could be our new normal going forward. every year or every few months even we could be seeing these massive surges of cases. the key is for us to get people vaccinated and to make sure they have optimized immunity through boosters if necessary, so that we're able to protect people from having severe illness, protect our society from huge disruptions. we cannot shutter our schools. we cannot close our businesses. in particularly we cannot harm our children, especially the most disadvantaged, even more. if you are a vaccinated and boosted teacher, and you're wearing a high quality mask at school, your chance of contracting covid is very low. your chance of getting severely ill is even lower. there should be no reason why teachers unions are going on strike for themselves and when it comes to children, they have been harmed so much by schools being closed. we have to emphasize getting our kids back in school for learning, otherwise we're hurting once again a whole generation of young people. >> yeah, for learning and even for some for access to reliable meals, right? it has so many carry on consequences. dr. leana wen, thanks so much. we're a day away from a year from january 6 th. and the investigation of the insurrection continues. the january 6th committee now says it wants to speak with former vice president mike pence. >> i would hope that he would do the right thing and come forward and voluntarily talk to the committee. we have not formerly asked, but but if he offered, we would gladly accept. >> a spokesman for pence declined to comment on thompson's remarks and request. and he's not the only high profile name the committee is looking at. we learned the panel approached fox news host sean hannity to cooperate voluntarily, noting dozens of his text messages to then white house chief of staff mark meadows on the days leading up to onand surrounding the insur insurrection. what strikes me about these texts is how many people were aware of a plan to reject the votes of several swing states and overturn the election here. tell us how hannity fits into that. >> well, clearly he had an understanding this was an effort stemming from the white house, there was an effort here to try to get people to use whatever authority the white house thought they had to overturn the election and what hannity clearly realized was that the final plan, like the last ditch effort of january 6th to try to get former vice president mike pence to call it a wash and say the electoral votes don't count and send everybody back to the states was just nonsense. and so at a certain point, he was trying to warn the white house that this was just -- this was a path to nowhere and it made no logical sense. here is the text message from december 31st that highlights that. we can't lose the entire white house council's office. i do not see january 6th happening the way he is being told. pointing out what people know, which is that trump was being fed this creative legal lie, which was that former vice president mike pence had any authority to shut it down on january 6th. however, the white house perpetuated that lie and then we know how that ended with an attack on the capitol. further, here is a text message from january 6 5th. hannity saying he's worried about the next 48 hours. he was talking with key players within the white house, they are still trying to drill down on the details of what was going on in the white house, basically between really between the election and the inauguration, but for hannity's purposes, between december 31st and january 20th. they need to know what was the mindset and what was the planning out of trump's inner circle, they're collapsing in on the key person here, jim, which is trump himself. >> no question. by the way, trump himself continues to perpetuate that same lie. 364 days later. whitney wild, thank you very much. coming up next this hour, congressman mike quigley will join me live. he was one of the last house members evacuated on january 6th a year ago. we'll hear from some of the people that who have been charged from their actions that time. has the prospect of prison time changed their views? >> i don't feel like i did anything wrong. but knowing the consequences that came out of it will be the part that makes me question it. also ahead, the travel nightmare finally over for those who got stuck on the highway in the snowstorm in virginia. we're hearing new details from passengers who spent 30 hours on an amtrak train. before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? 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the u.s. capitol police chief met with top law enforcement and military officials including the fbi, secret service and national guard about the upcoming january 6th protest, as well as the january 20th inauguration. then chief steven sund later testified that at that meeting, no entity, including the fbi, provided intelligence there would be a coordinated attack on the capitol. that same day, an fbi field office in norfolk, virginia, issued a warning to its counterterrorism partners that extremists were preparing to travel to washington to commit violence and war. throughout the day, president trump tweeted heavily, the vice president has the power to reject fraudulently chosen electors and thousands of people pouring into d.c., they won't stand for a landslide election victory to be stolen. of course, those are lies. outside the white house, and freedom plaza, pro trump supporters held a precursor rally to january 6th. and perhaps the biggest red flag yet, outside the democratic and republican party headquarters, two pipe bombs were planted that night. they were discovered the next morning. there is cct video of the person who left the pipe bombs. mike quigley was in the gallery as rioters stormed the capitol, one of the last members of congress to be evacuated. during the attack, quigley was on the phone with his home district television station, wgntv. have a listen. >> we have a bunch of -- to hold the door, the main entransdce dr to the house floor. they're freaked out but staying pretty calm. a lot of them have been evacuated. there is a group of us that went up to the balcony, about a dozen of us and the capitol police just telling us to keep our heads down. >> congressman mike quigley joins me now. he also serves on the house intelligence committee. you know, one thing strikes me as i look at that congressman, quigley, democrats and republicans on that day were united in their fear. and their sense of alarm. democrats and republicans were evacuated. democrats and republicans sounded warnings about the violence that day and as we know many of the republican colleagues contacted the white house, trying to get the president it call them back. that unity is gone. it is gone. i wonder how disappointing that is, to you, having gone through that day. >> yeah, absolutely. as i was thinking back and trying to reflect on all this, and put it in perspective, the first thing we all have to say is without the capitol police and the district police i'm not sure we would be having this conversation. they certainly saved me and my colleagues and the staff and they probably saved the democracy from a coup because they are in succession, two, three and four, were within feet of the insurrectionists. and to your point, as i try to, again, put this in per spentive and the day of and the days after mcconnell, mccarthy, and as we're learning from the texts, family, friends, staff, media, all knew how severe this was. and they seem to forget that. they're like a perverse groundhog who finds their conscience once a year, but then they see their shadow and they go back into hibernation. that's a disappointment. >> one striking revelation, not just from the hannity text, but all these texts, is just how many people knew not just of the threat of violence, but of a plan to straight up overturn the election, reject the electoral votes on no basis from several swing states and therefore hand the election to the loser, donald trump. is the kind of country any safer today, set aside the acts of political violence, but any safer today from the ability to overthrow an election? >> in a way i, don't think we are. if you can forget and deny in the days after a violent attack on our capitol, on our democracy, a year later, so many republicans think so little of what took place, it is a fragile process, it is a fragile government. and we have to remind ourselves of that. and if there aren't people willing to defend the constitution over a single former president of the united states, we are indeed in trouble. >> what will the consequences be for former president trump for leading all this? a year later, he's still spreading the same lies. he may very well be the nominee for the republican party in 2024 and many republicans es either outright support him or say they cannot oppose him, has he faced any real consequences? >> it is a question that you and others ask me during the original impeachment investigation. that was part of that, as a member of the intel committee. a question you and others asked me during the second impeachment, when the president of the united states extorted a foreign government to benefit politically. and it was also, if people actually read the mueller report, the president was not exonerated. in fact, you know, he instructed that investigation and all of the others, he has never been held accountable for his actions. and if this committee isn't allowed to do its work, if it isn't allowed to enforce its subpoenas, if the courts don't back them up, we'll still be in that dangerous state. >> of course, it is not entirely on the committee, there is a justice department, there is an attorney general, and your fellow democratic colleague ruben gallego told me yesterday that to date the attorney general merrick garland has in gallego's words been extremely weak, feckless in his words, by not prosecuting the ring leaders. more than 700 of the participants in the attack on the capitol faced criminal charges, but none of the ring leaders, folks who encouraged them or planned an attempted coup here, do you agree that the attorney general has failed here? >> look, i'm going to let the press take its full course. i was a defense attorney for over a decade. i'm going to give the attorney general every opportunity. i know the fbi and the justice department have been working on this over a year. but he is right. the ring leaders of this have to face the consequences. it is already troubling enough that those who physically attacked and injured police officers, over 100 injuried, we lost a couple of officers in the day after the insurrection, if they're not held accountable, there is a danger and further greater danger could happen again. >> thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. coming up next, some good news. a key december jobs report blows economist predictions out of the water. what it all means for the economy and hiring. lots of jobs out there. we're moments away from the opening bell on wall street. stock futures down slightly this morning, this after the dow closed at yet another record high yesterday. they just keep coming. investors are -- investors are waiting today for the federal reserve to release minutes from its last latest meeting, where chair jerome powell announced plans to raise interest rates as well as tapering off the fed's bond buying program. we're keeping an eye on all of it. stay with us. sales are down from last quarter, but we're hoping things will pick up by q3. yeah...uhhh... doug? 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what is it telling us? >> well, it is telling us this red hot jobs market ended 2021 with a bang. 807,000 private sector jobs added in december, twice as much as economists had expected. this is also the second strongest growth of the year. and it is really just the latest evidence of a lot of strength in the jobs market. first time jobless claims are hovering near the lowest level in half a century. the unemployment rate is down to 4.2%. remember, back in the spring of 2020, when the economy shut down, the unemployment rate skyrocketed to nearly 15%. today, it is almost at 4%. not only is firing very low, but demand for workers is really, really strong. yesterday we learned that 4.5 million americans quit their jobs in november, likely for better jobs, with more generous benefits. that is the highest number of quits that we have seen in a single month, since records began in year 2000. workers clearly have all the leverage right now. and all this is fueling some optimism ahead of friday's much more watched jobs report. it is not always an indicator, but this blockbuster report is very encouraging. one caveat, of course, is covid, because the omicron wave really hit the united states towards the end of december. so it is not necessarily captured by this report. and there is a lot of questions about what omicron means for the jobs market, in early 2022. jim, the good news is that the economy and the jobs market specifically clearly entered this latest covid wave, with some serious momentum. >> yeah, for sure. there was the concern that delta would completely kill that, recovered from that in december. we'll see how omicron fares. matt egan, thank you very much. still ahead, what would happen if there were another insurrection at the capitol today? we'll look at how security has evolved, has it improved? i'm going to speak to the former capitol police chief to find out. at fidelity, your dedicated advisor will help you create a comprehensive wealth plan for your full financial picture. with the right balance of risk and reward. so you can enjoy more of...this. this is the planning effect. ♪ ♪ do your eyes bother you? because after all these emails, my eyes feel like a combo of stressed, dry and sandpaper. strypaper? why do we all put up with this? when there's biotrue hydration boost eye drops. biotrue uses naturally inspired ingredients like an electrolyte, antioxidant, even your tears' own moisturizer. and no preservatives. these ingredients are true to your eyes' biology. see? bio.true. i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? the three ps of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54, what's my price? 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have their views of this changed? >> it did and it didn't, jim. it is a range of reactions. at this point we have seen 70 people sentenced and some of them have actually expressed great remorse in court. there was one maryland man, robert rieder, he really told all to a judge when he was being sentenced. he said his participation in the capitol attack has up ended his life, that he feels great shame, but then on the flip side there is jena ryan, she flew in that private jet to the riot, she actually received a 60-day sentence even though she didn't commit any violence, the judge saying he wanted to make an example of her. and she has repeatedly said she believes that she is a scapegoat and was unfairly prosecuted. and then there is former proud boy josh pruett, i spoke to him at length, and he tells me he's actually conflicted. he's facing eight federal charges. he says he doesn't believe he did anything wrong that day, saying he was just protesting at the capitol, he does admit that this past year has been an emotional roller coaster for him. here's what he said. >> i don't feel like i did anything wrong, but knowing the consequences that came out of it would be the part that would make me question it. they would like me to come forward and say that it was planned. and i'm, like, no, it wasn't. >> so what josh pruett is talking about there, he tells me he's been talking to prosecutors. there is no plea deal on the table yet, but pruett says that prosecutors want him to say that the proud boys, which josh pruett was affiliated with at the time, that they planned to attack the capitol and pruett claims in his view it was completely spontaneous. because of that, because he says he's not giving prosecutors what they want, he expects this case will go to trial, and since he says he has nothing to offer prosecutors. he still wrongaly believes the election was stolen. i spoke to several on the phone, but they too say that they believe the election was rigged. so a year later, this false belief has not gone away, jim. it still exists with many of these rioters. >> jessica schneider, thanks so much. law enforcement and federal authorities in the washington area have stepped up security in anticipation of tomorrow's anniversary. homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas said said the department is not aware of any credible specific threats. it adds it is operating at a heightened level of vigilance due to the continuing threat overall from violent domestic extremists. this as the police chief says the force is stronger and better prepared to carry out the mission today than it was a year ago. >> the department began significant work immediately after the 6th to fix the failures that occurred. intelligence failures, operational planning failures, leadership failures. >> january 6th happened today, is the capitol strong enough to withstand? >> i believe it is, yes. >> joining me now to test out that statement, former u.s. capitol police chief terrance gainer. good to have you to on this morning. >> good morning, sir. >> so you heard the captain there saying stronger, better prepared than it was a year ago. is that true? >> jim, i think it is. it focused on some very critical areas and that is the intelligence gathering and sharing amongst leadership and the different agencies, but to make sure the officers and the people on the ground understand that. there has been additional training for the civil disturbance units, more equipment for them, there have been exercises. i think they're in a much better position where they continue to build the force back up to a full speed. >> let me ask you this more broadly about the threat from violent domestic extremist groups. one thing january 6th offered a vision into was that you do have folks in this country, many of them armed, many of them organized, that are willing to carry out political violence. where is that threat today? is it greater or lesser than it was a year ago. is the country less safe than it was a year ago from violent domestic extremism? >> i think because of all the scrutiny after january 6th, these organizations have gone more dark, which makes it a bit harder for all of us to follow what they're doing. and it also means as jessica reported, people do not believe they have a problem or they have done anything wrong, even when they have been caught. the capitol police and other agencies have to be on their game, day in and -- >> yeah. we lost the signal there from chief terrance gainer. thanks very much. if we can get him back, we'll get him back. apologies for the technical difficulties there. coming up next, amtrak passengers say they ran out of food and water while stuck on a train for 30 hours. we're going to have new details on their harrowing experience and why it all happened. that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. at fidelity, your dedicated advisor will work with you on a comprehensive wealth plan across your full financial picture. a plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. this is the planning effect. right now the chief of the u.s. capitol police is testifying in front of a senate committee on safety issues. before the break, i was speaking with the man who used to hold that post, terrence gaynor. technical problems are fixed. former d.c. police officer michael fanone raised this issue yesterday. he said there should have been leadership consequences, leadership among the u.s. capitol police ranks for failing to prepare sufficiently. i wonder if you agree with that. >> there was consequences. the chief was forced to resign as was the senate of arms. chief major who i know well says he would evaluate all the people that were there instead of just cutting heads off, see where their strengths are, where they ought to be and what the consequences are. i think they're aware of the strengths and weaknesses, and those are the things they tried to focus on and fix. >> have those issues been fixed in the leadership in your view? >> i think he has a lot of great people in the right position with strong direction from him and all the recommendations that we made through the general honorary report and the inspector general's report. everybody is performing to a different standard right now. >> we'll be watching closer tomorrow. terrence gainer, always good to have you on. >> thank you, sir. it was a commuting nightmare and it's finally ended for hundreds of travelers in virginia. i-95 reopened last night after a winter storm left people trapped on the interstate in their cars in the cold for as many as 36 hours, but it wasn't just drivers stranded by the weather. more than 100 people traveling on an am strack train through virginia were stuck for 30 hours after trees had fallen on the tracks. cnn correspondent pete muntean is by i-95 today in virginia where, thank god, we can see cars moving behind you. what are we hearing from the passengers on that amtrak train? >> at one point the backup on i-95 stretched to where we are, 22 miles away from that incident. 95 open in both directions after it became a snowy, icy mess. some travelers were stuck on i-95 for some 18 or 19 hours. the state doesn't have a full handle on exactly how many people were stranded on the highway. a really big issue here, because vdot is vowing a full review. it also says it simply could not possibly keep up with the amount of snow that fell in such a short period of time. 12 inches of snow in about six hours of time. the state says it will try to make sure this doesn't happen again, also apologizing to folks saying the number of people stuck that was unacceptable. the amtrak crescent line train got stuck near lynchburg, virginia. it was on its way from new orleans to new york. it got stuck there, amtrak says, because trees fell on the tracks. passengers said it quickly became an issue because they started to run low on food, theal toilets started backing up and there wasn't that much communication from amtrak and not much in the way of cell service. here is what they told us. >> i couldn't get in touch with my family on the phone, nothing. >> no food, no water on the trains. a big problem for the families. >> i didn't know where my mother was. she couldn't even tell me where the train was. she said it was north of lynch berg. is it accessible? will i be able to get my mother off? i had no clear understanding. that's my gripe with amtrak. >> reporter: one of these 120 passengers on board tells us this trip was supposed to last about ten hours. instead they were sturk ock on train for 30 hours. some trains that were supposed to depart yesterday are now departing today, some 11 1257bd hours late. >> pete muntean, thanks so much for covering. we're following other breaking news out of philadelphia where a source is confirming to cnn sadly that 13 people have been killed in a fire there. the news conference is moments away. we'll bring you details shortly after this break. move to sofi and feel what it''s like to get your money right. ♪ move your high-interest debt to a sofi personal loan. you could save with low rates and no fees. earn $10 just for viewing your rate and get your money right. ♪ new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. when you're born and raised in san francisco, you grow up wanting to make a difference. that's why, at recology, we're proud to be 100% employee owned with local workers as diverse as san francisco. we built the city's recycling system from the ground up, helping to make san francisco the greenest big city in america but we couldn't do it without you. thank you, san francisco. gracias, san francisco. -thank you. -[ speaks native language ] let's keep making a difference together. very good wednesday morning to you. i'm jim sciutto. there are several stories developing this hour. law enforcement and federal authorities are ramping up security in washington as the nation prepares to mark one year since the violent attack on the u.s. capitol. the january 6th committee is now asking former vice president mike pence to speak with the panel voluntarily about what he witnessed that day and conversations he had or was privy to in the days leading up to it including with the former president. the committee also revealed how top fox news host sean hannity was sounding the alarm behind the scenes in the days leading up to january 6th and after, of course, very different from what he was saying and has been saying in front of the camera to his viewers. a few hours from now attorney general merrick garland is expected to deliver remarks. he will update the department's efforts to hold those responsible for january 6 accountable. let's begin with the very latest on the january 6th investigation. cnn law enforcement correspond whitney wild. she's been following the story. there are a whole host of revelations from these texts. broadly what it shows is a number of people inside and outside the white house were aware of the effort to overturn the election and rejec

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Charges , Participants , 700 , Press , Defense Attorney , Opportunity , Police Officers , 100 , Officers , Danger , Jobs , Water , Economy , Lots , December Jobs , Means , Economist Predictions , Hiring , Wall Street , Investors , Record , Stock Futures , Reserve , Dow , Plans , Eye , Interest Rates , Bond Buying Program , Stay , Tapering Off The Fed , Chair Jerome Powell , Sales , Yeah Uhhh , Doug , Umm What It S Uhh , Opportunities , Options , Tools , Itas Powerful , Ding , E Trade , Loud Exhale , 24 7 , Heart , Interest , Cooking , Hello , Prices , Idaho Potatoes , Futures Contract , Obsessed , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Seal , Smart , Grown In Idaho , Master S Degree , Forms , Flexpath , Capella University , 14000 , 14 , 4000 , Smarter , Vitamin C , Centrum , Immune System , Season , Defenses , D , Routine , Zinc , Support , Look , Ace , Staffing , Master , Size , Candidates , Indeed Instant Match , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Job Description , Labor Market , Bellwether , Adp Employment Report , Sector , Job Market , Double , Matt Egan , 807000 , Red Hot Jobs Market , Economists , Level , Unemployment Rate , Jobs Market , Growth , Strength , Evidence , Claims , Firing , Demand , Spring , Shut Down , 4 2 , 4 , 15 , Benefits , Quits , 4 5 Million , Optimism , Leverage , Jobs Report , 2000 , Blockbuster , Indicator , Caveat , Omicron Wave , Momentum , Covid Wave , 2022 , Security , Concern , Sure , Omicron Fares , Police Chief , Picture , Wealth , Reward , Balance , Planning Effect , Eyes , Sandpaper , Emails , Combo , Strypaper , Ingredients , Preservatives , Electrolyte , Antioxidant , Eye Drops , Tears , Moisturizer , Biology , Biotrue Hydration Boost , Bio True , Life Insurance , Budget , Program , Ps , Colonial Penn , 85 , 50 , Price , Increase , 54 , Medications , 80 , 95 , 65 , 9 95 , Rate , Information , Health Questions , Acceptance , Lifetime Rate Lock , Exam , Beneficiary Planner , Calling , Landscape , Asset , Gold , Potential , Returns , Correspondent Jessica Schneider , Didn T , Range , Reactions , 70 , Robert Rieder , Judge , Court , Participation , Capitol Attack , Life , Flip Side , Shame , Remorse , Maryland , Jena Ryan , Scapegoat , Sentence , Jet , Example , 60 , Josh Pruett , Length , Eight , Anything Wrong , Roller Coaster , Prosecutors , Wasn T , Plea Deal , Boys , Table , Pruett Claims , Nothing , Case , Trial , Belief , Alejandro Mayorkas , Authorities , Anticipation , Area , Anniversary , Homeland Security , Threats , Vigilance , Force , Mission , Failures , Intelligence Failures , Leadership Failures , Sir , Terrance Gainer , Statement , Captain , Agencies , Ground , Gathering , Areas , Sharing , Position , Training , Disturbance , Units , Equipment , Speed , Better , Exercises , Groups , Extremist , Extremism , Organizations , Scrutiny , Dark , Jessica , Bit , Problem , Signal , Game , Food , Apologies , Difficulties , Coming Up , Experience , Investing Strategies , Chief , Break , Senate , Safety Issues , Michael Fanone , Post , Former D C , Terrence Gaynor , Strengths , Chief Major , Arms , Weaknesses , Issues , Fix , View , Direction , Report , Recommendations , The General Honorary Report , The Inspector General , Standard , I 95 , Travelers , Cars , Interstate , Winter Storm , Commuting Nightmare , Hundreds , Cold , 36 , Trees , Tracks , Weather , Wasn T Just Drivers , Pete Muntean , I 95 Today In Virginia Where , God , Snowy , Directions , Icy Mess , 22 , Handle , Review , Vdot , Snow , Amount , 12 , Lynchburg , Crescent Line , New Orleans , Trains , Cell Service , Theal Toilets , Mother , She Couldn T , Understanding , Lynch Berg , Trip , Gripe , Sturk Ock , 120 , Breaking News , Covering , Source , Philadelphia , 11 , 13 , 1257 , Money , Feel , There , News Conference , Fire , Move , Debt , Personal Loan , Sofi , Fees , 0 , Job , Shortlist , Job Criteria , Project Managers , Projects , Difference , San Francisco , Employee , Recology , That S Why , Big City In America , Recycling System , Ground Up , Language , Gracias , Conversations , Attorney General , Viewers , Efforts , January 6th Investigation , Law Enforcement Correspond Whitney Wild , Revelations , Rejec ,

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