Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Pamela Brown 20240709

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Pamela Brown 20240709

received this statement from the white house 68-year-old secretary of defense lloyd austin did test positive for the virus this morning. he received his test after exhibiting symptoms, got tested and found out he was in fact infected but he says his symptoms are mild. he's following his physician's directions and will quarantine for five days at home. key to note, he will remain -- retain all duties over the coming days and he says that he will attend meetings virtually in the interim as he recovers. also key in the statement, my last hmeeting with president biden occurred tuesday, december 21st a week before i began to experience symptoms. i tested negative that very morning. i have not been in the pentagon since thursday where i met briefly and only with a few members of my staff. but secretary austin did have the vaccine and the booster imploring everyone in the military to continue to get that vaccine and booster describing it as a readiness issue. breaking news this evening, we have learned that the secretary of defense, a member of the president's cabinet has in fact tested positive for covid. pam? >> eva, thanks so much. that surge in covid cases is causing disruptions around the country. sick airline personnel combined with winter weather have led to more than 2600 flight cancellations so far today. a nightmare for people scrambling to get home. it's now the seventh day in a row of at least 1,000 flights cancelled. the u.s. is in the grip of a record shattering spike of new covid infections. a seven-day average of cases has soared. experts warn it will only get worse, but there is some good news here and that is hospitalizations are well below their previous peak. so that context is important. the vast majority of the country seen in dark red here is struggling with the surge of 50% or more of new infections. the white house is urging people not to take the omicron variant lightly. >> so it's kind of like a very interesting somewhat complicated issue where you have a virus that might actually be less severe in its pathogen but so many people are getting infected that the net amount, the total amount of people that will require hospitalization might be up. so we can't be complacent in the reports, which are likely accurate that it is ultimately in the big picture less severe, we're still going to get a lot of hospitalizations. >> some school districts facing a spike of child covid cases have announced at least a partial transition to online learning. cnn is in new york and seen a record number of new cases, how prepared are schools to return? >> it's a new semester and a new variant that school officials have to prepare for and make sure students and staff are safe as they begin the spring semester and some are taking more of an aggressive approach. for example, there are a couple atlanta metro area schools that announced they want to get the semester started by doing remote learning. in washington, staff and students will need to have a negative covid test before they head back to class and let's take the nation's largest school district in new york city they announced they won't implement the same policies before that would require an entire class to basically head home if a covid case is confirmed. instead, as you can see here, schools will be distributing at home tests to students and staff who have symptoms or have been exposed to somebody that's been tested covid positive. kids who are either asymptomatic or test negative can continue with in person teaching but kids with symptoms may not attend school until they take two negative tests 24 hours apart and kids who test positive have to isolate for at least ten days. the whole goal of new york city school officials here is to try to limit the disruptions and we heard this morning from dr. godly, the former fda commissioner who is really urging schools to continue with in person learning as long as those right tools and those right steps are taken, godly offering insight on when we as a nation may finally turn a corner when it comes to this current variant outbreak. >> i think certainly the february time frame is appropriate in terms of when we're going to pass through this omicron wave across the quunite states. this is a big country. this will affect different parts of the country at different times. london is peaking. south africa is any guide, this is a two-month epidemic wave from start to finish. parts of the country that were affected earlier like new york will probably start to peak in the next two weeks and other parts within the next four weeks. certainly by the end of february, we'll be through this and businesses need a guide when prevalence will decline. >> certainly a much needed boost of optimism for the nation now coming from the former fda commissioner but ultimately, for now, parents we've talked about this before, pamela, are really just having to renew those concerns right now about sending their kids back to school, is it safe and are the right steps being taken? >> i'm one of those parents. thank you so much. >> thanks, pam. the nation's education secretary says the nation must learn to live with the om kicro variant including school children. he says a return to the classroom is essential. >> we recognize there may be bumps in the road this upcoming week when superintendents are working hard are getting calls saying that some schools may have five to 10% of the staff not available. so any decisions on very short term or emergency closures are most likely based off of a staffing issue and ultimately, those are safety issues when you don't have adequate staff. the goal is full-time in person learning for our students. they have suffered enough. >> i want to bring in the woman in charge of the largest teachers' union in the country. becky brprin gle. nice to see you again. so do you agree with secretary cardona's goal, all schools should be open for in person learning full-time now? >> it's good to be with you again, pamela. you know, even as we were sidelined by yet another variant with omicron, my -- what i've been saying from the very beginning has not changed. my message is the same. that is to follow the science, listen to the infectious disease experts, work together with educators and parents and communities to make good decisions so that we can keep our students and educators safe and we can be in person, we know that is the best way for our students to learn and then third, let me just say, our third goal, pamela, is to make sure that we are prepared to continue our learning regardless of who those disruptions are, because we don't have enough staff or the infection rate gets too high, we're ready to continue learning for all of our students. >> so administration stance is that omicron is simply something we'll have to live with. the chief of disaster medicine at george washington university hospital seems to agree with that. let's listen to what he said. >> there is absolutely no way to keep omicron out of the schools. these antigen tests at home are not sensitive enough to keep omicron out of our schools. >> what is your reabction to that, that there is basically no way to keep it out? >> the data we've gotten so far is that omicron is very infectious. we know that. we already know that the rate of illness for adults and students is not as great as with delta. we know that. mostly what we know, pamela, this is after two years is that if we put in place all of the mitigation strategies beginning with vaccinations and boosters, now we know enough and our students can get vaccinations and they're preparing for boosters for them. we know that wearing masks work. we know distancing when possible works. we know that hand washing and ventilation, all of those things work and what we have to continue to do is stress that we must do all of these things combined with testing so that we don't spread this omicron variant more than it needs to be spread. we can keep our students safe and we can keep them in person together in learning. >> so the biden administration, though, one of those techniques you mentioned is of course, testing. it is proposed the test to stay in school strategy are schools equipped right now with the testing to do that? >> we know that we have more that must be done. that's why the biden administration indicated before the holiday break because we all expect a surge after the holiday break that they were committed to increasing the number of tests that are available. we know that schools have already used the american rescue plan money to purr cchase tests. so many schools are giving out tests to students before they even come back after the holiday break but we have to be vigilant. we cannot give up in our quest to keep our students and educators, our schools and our communities safe. >> dr. fauci said to expect the cdc to potentially make adjustments to its decision to shorten isolation periods to five days. he said that this morning. but i'm wondering, are teachers okay with that change, the change to the five days? >> the other thing i've been saying throughout these two years, pamela, is that when we were together, we've seen this be proven to be true. when we work together, when we communicate with each other, when we use the information that we have at that moment and it keeps changing, right, as we have another variant and learn more information about that and we'll have more information, i would bet in about two weeks, but when we are in constant communication with our parents and our communities, with educators and we're working together to come up with the strategies that will keep our students and our schools and our educators safe, then we are making the best decisions that we can at that moment and we will keep the majority of our students and our educators safe and those places where they are not communicating strategies, not working with our teachers and their unions, that becomes a problem and they are rightfully fearful if they're not involved in making those decisions so it takes the entire community, entire community -- >> before i let you go, becky, go ahead -- >> to listen to the experts, follow the science, and work together to keep our students safe. >> before i let you go, should schools be going virtual this week? we know several school districts have chosen that route. >> many school districts have chosen to start virtually. some have not. many have chosen to do testing before the students come back. what i've been saying all along is work together to make the best decision for your community. but we know that many of our schools have worked so hard, pamela, to ensure that they have in place the tools and the supports if for whatever reason that i have to go back to virtual. that's important to make sure our students stay safe and continue to learn. >> becky prin gle, thanks so much. covid outbreaks are inevitable, when cases are detected they test to prevent further spread. one boston teacher had an outbreak in her classroom but she says was she wasn't eligible for a test. that temper erteacher joins me. thanks for making time. why weren't you able to take a covid test? >> thanks for having me, pamela. it was a shock for me. it was the week before the winter break and we had two positive cases in our classroom and the person who comes around and does the rapid testing came to our classroom and tested our students and i was expecting to get tested next and i was absolutely shocked when she refused to test me. it was a hmajor red flag for me given what we know about omicron, i just couldn't believe it and it feels for me that here in massachusetts governor baker and his administration aren't keeping up with the science. >> so what happened? so you thought you were expecting to get tested and then she said no, you're not going to get tested. why? >> i found out in the moment like many families and educators, we didn't know that the policy that was the policy. it hadn't been the policy in previous weeks but i was told that the new policy was that educators could not be tested. >> right. because also you were vaccinated, right? >> i was told because i was masked and vaccinated i wasn't eligible. for me, i think all of us whether vaccinated or not vaccinated, we should all be tested because families want to make sure that we're keeping everybody safe in schools. >> so what is the school saying about this? >> the school is following the state protocol currently and i posted about it on facebook because i wondered if family -- other families in boston and teachers were aware of the policy and most families were not aware of the policy. >> so do you feel safe in your classroom without easy access to testing? >> you know, i love being a third grade teacher and for many of us, not being able to get tested, it feels like a big distraction. many of us feel anxious. we want to see that negative test so that we can get back to the job at hand and teach the students in front of us. >> have you thought about and i know this may not even be feasible but taking it upon yourself to try to get tests so even though it won't be provided through the school, you could do it privately? i know they're hard to come by right now. they are expensive, and that's not always an option. >> absolutely. you know, i'm a parent myself. and like many of our families and schools, i live with two children who are not eligible for vaccination yet and i also live with my older parents. so yes, you know, worried about the health of everybody in my household and so my husband and i did find a site where we could go get tested -- we left on our lunch break. he's also a teacher and we got tested so that we could make sure that we were safe to be in schools with our students and safe to come back home to our children and my parents. >> so how are you feeling right now? a lot of kids are going back to school this week. we're right in the middle of this omicron wave. what does it feel like right now for you? >> i feel really frustrated. you know, we -- the scientists had been anticipating there may be a surge. here we are and it feels like the state officials have kind of counted on wishful thinking. and i wish that there was a plan in place to keep families and kids safe. i really hope that there can be a policy change and that we can get all the teachers tested. >> annie, thank you so much for sharing your story with us. i know it's been so hard already for teachers this past couple of years and we really appreciate you making time for us. >> pamela, thanks so much for having me. you are in the cnn newsroom. when we come back, what was then president donald trump doing what his supporters were storming the capitol nearly a year ago? liz cheney says the january 6th committee found out thanks to firsthand testimony and says trump is guilty of dereliction of duty. plus, colorado's governor says police are trying to find out if someone set the fire that destroyed hundreds of homes. we'll take you to the scene. we. you downloaded the td ameritrade mobile app? yeah, actually i'm taking one last look at my dashboard before we board... and you have thinkorswim mobile- -so i can finish analyzing the risk on this position. you two are all set. choose the app that fits your investing style. ♪ with ww, i lost 30 pounds and i feel incredible. i love the new program because the app does all the work for you. it's never too late to start. download the ww app today for a 14-day free trial. 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>> i think there are two separate issues here. one is if trump is elected in a fair election, what might he do to his enemies? might that mean for our democratic processes going forward? that is a real risk. my concern is different. it's not a lesser concern but a different concern, which is if donald trump is a candidate, will those who support him manipulate the rules so if he doesn't win election, he'll be declared the winner either through actions of election officials or elected officials or potentially a republican congress that would accept an alternative slate of effect tors and install him if he loses. that's a risk i never thought we'd have to worry about in the united states or worry about the counting of the votes. we need to take action to hold a fair election in 2024. >> what does that look like, though, taking action? >> so i think you need to divide this also into multiple parts and the reason you have to do that is because this is a multi prong problem. one thing we need to do is we need to fix our laws. there are laws for example that regulate how congress certifies the electoral college vote. we know that donald trump tried to manipulate those by having his the vice president mike pence declare trump the winner ordeal l delay things or try to things to the house of representatives. so one set of changes are legal changes and those definitely need to happen. for example in the united states in about 12% of voters don't vote on voting machines that produce a piece of paper. we vunlshouldn't have another presidential election with a piece of paper to be examined by a court. the other change we need to make is political change. we need to organize democrats, republicans and dependents, business groups, unions, civic groups. we need to come together as a mass movement to ensure that we follow the rule of law, that it's important that whoever gets the most votes is the person who is elected and that our system has the kind of checks and balances. so we need kind of public organizing of public pressure now so that in a few years from now, we'll be well positioned to stop any attempt to try to ignore the rules and even the new laws we might put in place. >> i want to talk about this poll, this new poll from "the washington post" and the university of maryland finding 34% of americans think violent action against the government is sometimes justified. what does that say to you? >> well, it says that we're in a sorry state because that number has been going up and there is also a partisan balance to that. we're seeing more republicans than democrats and independents saying violence could be justified. i think it really is the logical c combination of what we saw from donald trump. he attacked the institutions that help keep our democracy going, the press, the opposition party, the judiciary, the fbi and when you kind of undermine people's confidence in the institutions you need to have a functioning democracy, it's not surprising that they think those institutions are corrupt and that the only way to deal with the corrupt government is to have a revolution against that government. that's the story of the american revolution but the problem here is that of course, our government is not corrupt, things are going fairly but donald trump ginned up enough controversy so that there is this feeling now among many of his supporters that violence may be the only way out if he's not as successful as the winner of the next election if he runs so we need to have not just a moment of calming down but we need to have the military government officials prepared for additional kinds of actions like what we saw on january 6th coming from trump supporters. >> wow. i think it's just worth reminding everyone look, it's an experiment, right? we're living in a democratic experiment here in america and you shouldn't take that for granted. richard haassen, thank you very much. >> thank you. hundreds of homes in colorado reduced to ash in a matter of hours. now, investigators want to know if it was arson. a live report is next. feel stuck with credit card debt? ♪ move your high-interest debt to a sofi personal loan. earn $10 just for viewing your rate — and get your money right. ♪ age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. small businesses like yours make gift-giving possible. now, comcast business has an exclusive gift for you. introducing the gift of savings sale. for a limited time, ask how to get a great deal for your business. and get up to a $500 prepaid card with select bundles when you switch to the network that can deliver gig speeds to the most businesses. or get started with internet and voice for $64.99 per month with a 2-year price guarantee. give your business the gift of savings today. comcast business. powering possibilities. at least two people missing in the colorado fire zone after a fast-moving wildfire tore through boulder county. one person missing has now been accounted for but the cause of the fire is still being investigated. >> the sheriff's department is involved with the active investigation if there was any form of deliberate or accidental arson i fully expect any of those responsible will be held fully responsible under the law for the utter devastation that was caused. at this point, there is no information that's being made available about that. >> a heavy rocky mountain snowfall helped put out the fire but entire subdivisions were wiped out. about 1,000 homes gone since thursday. let's go to natasha chin, the sheriff said some of the search efforts could become recovery efforts. what's the latest? >> pamela, that would be very unfortunate but sit a possibility and he did talk about the search for those two missing people being a difficult task through the burn zone if you can imagine the extensive damage and debris, houses reduced to ashes, meanwhile, the snow has fallen and so another eight inches of snow is piled on to that debris. it's a very difficult task searching through that area. at the same time, investigators are working with experts and partners including the fbi looking how this fire may have started as you mentioned. it was a day with extremely dry conditions, a red flag notice because of those high winds and those high winds are what residents continue to tell us about that really shocked them because that's what carried the flames so quickly and these winds we're told were so strong they could knock a person over. here is alisha thompson, one of the superior residents we talked to. her house is okay but her experience in leaving and evacuating in just minutes was shared by so many. here is what she said. >> we lost my dad a year ago so there was memory stuff we were trying to figure out what to take. they always ask you the question like what three things would you take in a fire? and none of that is kind of what i expected to have to pack. so yeah, it was hard to make decisions about what was necessary and what you couldn't live without. >> i talked to another family who lost their home in louisville. everything they owned and they just had minutes to take their cell phones, dogs, medication and they plan on rebuilding some day in the same spot because this area is a community where generations lived there. they're very tight knit with their neighbors. a long term look what will happen here. this is a very tight housing market. you've got thousands of people who suddenly left and are displaced so where are they going to go and rent? and then we're talking about restoration of electric, power, natural gas to the people beyond the burn zone. we're expected by tonight to see power restored for all the customers outside the burn zone, natural gas will take some more time for restoration, pamela. >> natasha chin, thanks for bringing us the latest. when we come back a rail collapses as philadelphia eagles quarterback jalen hurts leaves the field sending fans tumbling to the ground. also ahead, james taylor carol king, two of the greatest singer songwriters. the director of tonight's cnn film joins me live to share the behind the scenes story. like we would treat our own moms, with care and respect. to us, the little things are the big things. which is why we do everything in our power to make buying a car an unforgettable experience. happy birthday. thank you. we treat every customer like we would treat our own moms. because that's what they deserve. i lost 26 pounds and i feel incredible. with the new personalpoints program, i answer questions about my goals and the foods i love. i like that the ww personalpoints plan is built just for me. start the new year with three months free. join today at hurry, offer ends january 3rd. ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at nfl news tonight, wide receiver antonio brown is right now out of a job. this afternoon brown just left the field in the middle of the game between tampa bay and the new york jets. the sports casters calling the game said brown appeared to be upset on the sidelines then he pulled off his jersey and pads and ran into the locker room. the tampa bay head coach talked to reporters after the game and he is not happy. >> he is no longer a buc, all right? that's the end of the story. let's talk about the guys that went out there and won the game. >> i think everybody should find, you know, hopefully do what they can to help him in ways that he really needs it and, you know, we all love him and care about him deeply. you know, we want to see him be at his best and unfortunately, it won't be with our team. i think the most important thing about football is the relationships with your friends and teammates and they go beyond the field and, you know, i think everyone should be very compassionate and empathetic toward some very difficult things that are happening. >> tom brady with a few more words on the subject than his coach. it's still not clear why antonio brown decided to leave the game. the philadelphia eagles saw some unexpected action after their win over the washington football team today. watch the left side of the screen. quarterback jalen hurts walking off the field when a railing gives way and several fans fall to the ground. fortunately, nobody was hurt. jalen hurts says it shows how fired up philadelphia fans can get. >> i'm just happy everybody is safe from it. happy everybody is safe from it. that's crazy. that's crazy stuff there. that was a real dangerous situation. i'm so happy everybody bounced back from it. it seemed like it passionate eagles fans. i love it. >> well, you are in the "cnn news room." james taylor carole king are music icons on their own now. the new cnn film "carole king and james taylor just call out my name" takes us behind the scenes of their first tour together. >> a challenge was to figure out how to do an intimate show and a really large arena. >> we wish everybody could be close in. one way to do that is perform. >> what we came up with is the idea we would basically have a club in an arena, also rotating slowly, stage rotates. we've designed the show to be as close and intimate as possible and to play to everyone in the room. ♪ ♪ whenever i see your smiling face, i have to smile myself because i love you ♪ >> joining me now, director frank marshall. hi, frank. thanks for joining us tonight. >> hello, pamela. hi, hi, my pleasure. happy new year. >> happy new year to you. there is so much anticipation for this. we really appreciate the preview you're going to give us. so let's talk about it here. these two musicians have been friends. they have been writing and performing music together for half a century. did they just click from the beginning or did this partnership evolve over time? >> no, they talk about it in the film. it actually happened right away. the minute they sat down together, it was like they had known each other forever and i think carole describes it as they kind of just feed each other and james describes it as having the same musical dna. so they have been genuine and augthentic friends for years an shows in the concert. >> what's the most surprising thing you learned about games and carol mak roll making this ? >> they did things together and went on separate paths and never been back together until 2007 and then they had so much fun with the original band, by the way, that they then decided to go on this tour in 2010. >> james and carole are credited with influencing so many artists over the years. where do you see their biggest impact? >> well, i think their biggest impact is on their song writing. they are genuine authentic incredible songwriters and i think their impact is non-generational. people love their music no matter what age they are and i think that's been their biggest impact. >> before we let you go, what is your favorite carole king james taylor song? you know i was going to ask that. >> of course, of course. well, for carole i love "it's too late." it really tells a story about emotional things we've all been through. she's telling it from the heart. for james, i really like "sweet baby james." again, a story that's meaningful and means something to him and just great, great melody and great words. so those are my two favorite. >> frank marshall, thanks so much. tune in the new cnn film "carole king and james taylor just call out my name" premieres here at 9:00 eastern. you're in the cnn newsroom. up tonight, the angry tesla owner that took matters into his own hands, instead of blowing money on repairs, he did this. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ some people have joint pain, plus have high blood pressure. they may not be able to take just anything for pain. that's why doctors recommend tylenol®. it won't raise blood pressure the way that advil® aleve® or motrin® sometimes can. for trusted relief, trust tylenol®. deon, hand it over. now how does that make you feel? like a part of me is missing. gabrielle? this old spice fiji hand and body lotion has me smoother than ever. that's what it does. watch out elon musk, this customer isn't too happy. sparks flew when a tesla driver was hit with a huge repair bill so he decided to go out with a bang. here is jeanne moos. >> reporter: ever get so mad at repair bills you wanted to blow up your car? me, neither. this finish guy was beyond finished with his 2013 tesla model s after he says he got an estimate of over $22,000 to replace his battery. tomas was asked which would be better a working tesla or 66 pounds of dynamite exploding? [speaking foreign language]. >> toma went to the bomb dudes and finished a youtube channel known for blowing things up. tomas didn't have to pay, the bomb dudes used volunteers to rig the car with dynamite. tomas bought the 2013 tesla used a year and a half ago and even chopper in a dummy meant to resemble elon musk. to take that final ride tomas got to push the button. the explosion that a former quary was captured from every angle. the video exploded on the internet with one poster asking elon musk could you get him a new one, please? cnn asked tesla for comment but got no response. this isn't the first tesla to be blasted, spacex launched a rocket which released there is still orbiting the sun made on earth by humans while this tesla was exploded on earth by humans. jeanne moos, cnn, new york. s . >> i mean, must be nice to say i don't like this repair bill. i'll blow up my car. you're in the cnn newsroom and when we come back a hockey fan is credited of saving the life of an opposing team's equipment manager. how and how he thanked her when we come back. with ww, i lost 30 pounds and i feel incredible. i love the new program because the app does all the work for you. it's never too late to start. start the new year with three months free. join today at hurry, offer ends january 3rd. trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ (coughing) ♪ breeze driftin' on by ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ copd may have gotten you here, but you decide what's next. start a new day with trelegy. ♪ ...feelin' good ♪ no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. and save at how not to be a hero: because that's the last thing they need you to be. you don't have to save the day. you just have to navigate the world so that a foster child isn't doing it solo. you just have to stand up for a kid who isn't fluent in bureaucracy, or maybe not in their own emotions. so show up, however you can, for the foster kids who need it most— at every day in business brings something new. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just $30 per line per month when you get four lines or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. two days into the new year and there is already a heart warming story of 2022. i love this story. this is vancouver manager brian hamilton meeting the woman who saved his life. back in october, a seattle fan held up her phone towards s hamilton with the mole on the back of your neck is cancer. after checking with doctors, hamilton learned he had stage two skin cancer and maybe only had five years to live. thanks to social media, hamilton tracked her down and met his guardian angel 22-year-old nadya. >> she needs to know, she's the story. she's the person that did this. she saved the life. she doesn't know, like, does she -- she needs to know her efforts were valid and i'm happy that story is there but not for me but for her because the world needs to know that she's like this woman exists. she's a hero and, you know, we need to celebrate her and people like her that take the time to do things like this and save lives. >> she clearly has a bright future. the team rewarded the soon to be med student with a $10,000 scholarship. before we go tonight, a sweet new year's moment shared by between former president jimmy carter and his wife roselyn. as the peanut dropped in georgia, he leaned in for a kiss with his wife of 75 years. 75 years. the moment was captured by their long-time friend jill stucky who said in a facebook message, well, for the 75th new year's together, president and mrs. carter couldn't wait to kiss. the peanut dropped at 6:00 so happy new year. at 97 carter is the oldest living former president in m history and i'd love to know their secret to 75 years of marriage. thank you for joining me this evening, this new year 2022. i'll be back next weekend and starting now, the unforgettable concert films, "carole king and james taylor just call out my name." enjoy.

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Amount , Issue , Hospitalization , Pathogen , Complacent , Lot , School Districts , Reports , Child , The Big Picture , Semester , Number , Transition , New York , Students , Some , School Officials , Variant , Area , Example , Spring Semester , Approach , Covid Test , Nation , School District , Policies , Covid Case , Class , School , Kids , Teaching , Somebody , Negative , Two , 24 , Goal , Commissioner , Dr , Fda , Godly , Steps , Person Learning , Tools , Variant Outbreak , Corner , Parts , States , Terms , Times , Quunite , Peaking , Omicron Wave , Big Country , London , South Africa , Guide , Epidemic Wave , Four , Parents , Businesses , Boost , Optimism , Prevalence , Thanks , Concerns , Education Secretary , Classroom , Return , Superintendents , Bumps , Road , Calls , Om Kicro Variant Including School Children , Term , Decisions , Emergency , Closures , Safety , Staffing Issue , 10 , Teachers , Brian Hamilton , Union , Becky Brprin Gle , Charge , Secretary Cardona , Pamela , Person Learning Full Time , Educators , Message , Science , Same , Infectious Disease Experts , My , Person , Way , Communities , Infection Rate , Administration , Something , Disaster Medicine , Stance , Chief , George Washington University Hospital , Antigen Tests , Reabction , Rate , Data , Place , Mitigation Strategies , Adults , Illness , Delta , Boosters , Vaccinations , Hand Washing , Works , Masks , Things , Stress , Ventilation , Testing , Course , School Strategy , Techniques , Holiday Break , Tests , Rescue Plan Money , Cchase , Safe , Fauci , Quest , Thing , Change , Decision , Cdc , Adjustments , Information , Each Other , Changing , Communication , Kids Safe , Strategies , Problem , Unions , Places , Community , Go , Many , Route , Is , Reason , Supports , Becky Prin Gle , Teacher , Outbreak , Spread , Outbreaks , Boston , Wasn T Eligible , Weren T , Shock , Temper Erteacher , Winter Break , Red Flag , Hmajor , Baker , Aren T , Massachusetts , Policy , Families , It Hadn T , Everybody , State , Protocol , Family , Access , Grade , Hand , Feel , Job , Distraction , Front , Option , Children , Parent , Vaccination , Site , Lunch Break , Household , Health , Husband , Scientists , Middle , Officials , Wishful Thinking , Plan , Story , Policy Change , Annie , Donald Trump , Supporters , Capitol , Liz Cheney , Testimony , Trump , January 6th Committee , 6 , January 6th , Fire , Homes , Td Ameritrade , Police , Governor , Someone , Thinkorswim , Scene , Hundreds , Dashboard , One Last Look , Colorado , Mobile , App , Risk , Set , Position , Investing Style , Work , Program , Ww , 30 , Trial , 14 , Music , Hair , What A Wonderful World , Pantene Daily Moisture Renewal Conditioner , Nutrients , Styling , Hydration , Try Pantene , 72 , Richard Haassen , Threats , Warnings , Votes , Counting , Office , Assault , Television , Police Officers , Lines , End , Democracy , Hillary Clinton , Given Everything , Fear , Cross , President , Part , House Committee On Which Cheney , Trials , Bottom , Piece , Article , Trump S Coup , Atlantic , Election , Irvine Law , Risk American Democracy , Democratic , 2024 , Action , Words , Speech , Author , Politics , Hype Hyperbole , Disinformation , Switch , Alarmist , Concern , Processes , Issues , Enemies , Actions , Winner , Rules , Candidate , Republican , Slate , Effect Tors , Laws , Prong Problem , Electoral College Vote , Changes , Mike Pence , Ordeal , Delay , House Of Representatives , Paper , Voting Machines , Voters , 12 , Court , Business Groups , Dependents , Movement , Civic Groups , Rule Of Law , It , System , Public Pressure , Checks , Balances , Public , Organizing , Attempt , Poll , Washington Post , University Of Maryland , 34 , Government , Balance , Say , Independents , Institutions , Violence , C Combination , Functioning Democracy , Help , The Press , Confidence , Judiciary , Opposition Party , Fbi , The American Revolution , Feeling , Controversy , Ginned , Kinds , Experiment , Matter , 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Power , Natural Gas , Thousands , Electric , Restoration , Rent , Customers , James Taylor , Fans , Philadelphia Eagles , Ground , Quarterback , Field , Rail , Carol King , Film , Director , Moms , Behind The Scenes Story , Singer Songwriters , Respect , Care , Car , Customer , Birthday , Goals , Personalpoints Program , Questions , Foods , Ww Personalpoints Plan , 26 , Ww Com , Offer Ends January 3rd , Hurry , January 3rd , 3 , Challenge , Diabetes , My Name , Musician , Austin James , Scan , Fingersticks , Libre 2 , A1c , Glucose Numbers , Mystery , 6 7 , 8 2 , Freestylelibre Us Nfl , Game , Antonio Brown , News Tonight , Sports Casters , Afternoon Brown , Tampa Bay , Wide Receiver , New York Jets , Coach , Reporters , Buc , Locker Room , Sidelines , Jersey , Pads , Upset , Ways , Guys , Love , Let , Team , Friends , Teammates , Relationships , Football , The Field , Tom Brady , Subject , Railing , Side , Win , Screen , Football Team , Nobody , Jalen , Philadelphia , Stuff , Situation , Cnn News Room , Show , Arena , Tour , Idea , Club , Stage Rotates , Room , Smiling Face , Frank Marshall , Hi , Hello , My Pleasure , Musicians , Anticipation , Preview , Beginning , Writing , Partnership , Forever , Other , Dna , Concert , Games , Shows , Augthentic Friends , Mak Roll , Paths , Band , Fun , 2010 , 2007 , Impact , Artists , Song Writing , Songwriters , It S Too Late , Song , Heart , Sweet Baby James , Melody , Favorite , Tune , 9 , Up Tonight , Tesla , Hands , Repairs , Owner , Blowing Money , High Blood Pressure , Doctors , Pain , Blood Pressure , Joint Pain , Tylenol , Anything , Aleve , Motrin , Spice , Body Lotion , Deon , Gabrielle , Fiji , Elon Musk , Repair Bill , Driver , With A Bang , Customer Isn T , Hit , Sparks , Neither , Finish Guy , Jeanne Moos , 2013 , Tomas Didn T , Dynamite Exploding , Battery , Over , Tesla Model S , Estimate , 66 , 22000 , 2000 , Dudes , Bomb , Toma , Language , Youtube Channel , Dynamite , Volunteers , Half , Ride Tomas , Chopper , Dummy , Push The Button , Quary , Poster , Explosion , Angle , Video , Rocket , Comment , Response , Isn T The First Tesla , Spacex , Humans , Earth , Sun , Life , Hockey Fan , Newsroom , Equipment Manager , Trelegy , Copd , Birds Flyin , Driftin , What S Next , Coughing , Medicines , Lung Function , Inhaler , Rescue Inhaler , Won T , Flare Ups , Copd Medicine , Doctor , Breathing , Breathing Problems , Chest Pain , Heart Condition , Pneumonia , Thrush , Osteoporosis , Mouth , Tongue , Swelling , Save , Vision Changes , Stand , Trelegy Com , Problems Urinating , Eye , Hero , Foster Child Isn T , World , Kid , Isn T Fluent In Bureaucracy , Flexibility , Emotions , Foster Kids , Small Business , Line , Match Data Options , Service , Mix , Comcast Business Mobile , Nationwide 5g , 5 , Contract , Fees , Back , Phone , Heart Warming Story , Meeting , Fan , Vancouver , Seattle , 2022 , Cancer , Hamilton , Skin Cancer , Neck , Mole , Nadya , Social Media , Guardian Angel , 22 , She Doesn T Know , Efforts , Scholarship , Student , Sweet New Year , Lives , Med , Bright Future , 0000 , 10000 , Jimmy Carter , Roselyn , Peanut , Kiss , Georgia , 75 , Jill Stucky , Mrs , Facebook , Carter Couldn T Wait To Kiss , 97 , Concert Films , Marriage , Name ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Pamela Brown 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Pamela Brown 20240709

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received this statement from the white house 68-year-old secretary of defense lloyd austin did test positive for the virus this morning. he received his test after exhibiting symptoms, got tested and found out he was in fact infected but he says his symptoms are mild. he's following his physician's directions and will quarantine for five days at home. key to note, he will remain -- retain all duties over the coming days and he says that he will attend meetings virtually in the interim as he recovers. also key in the statement, my last hmeeting with president biden occurred tuesday, december 21st a week before i began to experience symptoms. i tested negative that very morning. i have not been in the pentagon since thursday where i met briefly and only with a few members of my staff. but secretary austin did have the vaccine and the booster imploring everyone in the military to continue to get that vaccine and booster describing it as a readiness issue. breaking news this evening, we have learned that the secretary of defense, a member of the president's cabinet has in fact tested positive for covid. pam? >> eva, thanks so much. that surge in covid cases is causing disruptions around the country. sick airline personnel combined with winter weather have led to more than 2600 flight cancellations so far today. a nightmare for people scrambling to get home. it's now the seventh day in a row of at least 1,000 flights cancelled. the u.s. is in the grip of a record shattering spike of new covid infections. a seven-day average of cases has soared. experts warn it will only get worse, but there is some good news here and that is hospitalizations are well below their previous peak. so that context is important. the vast majority of the country seen in dark red here is struggling with the surge of 50% or more of new infections. the white house is urging people not to take the omicron variant lightly. >> so it's kind of like a very interesting somewhat complicated issue where you have a virus that might actually be less severe in its pathogen but so many people are getting infected that the net amount, the total amount of people that will require hospitalization might be up. so we can't be complacent in the reports, which are likely accurate that it is ultimately in the big picture less severe, we're still going to get a lot of hospitalizations. >> some school districts facing a spike of child covid cases have announced at least a partial transition to online learning. cnn is in new york and seen a record number of new cases, how prepared are schools to return? >> it's a new semester and a new variant that school officials have to prepare for and make sure students and staff are safe as they begin the spring semester and some are taking more of an aggressive approach. for example, there are a couple atlanta metro area schools that announced they want to get the semester started by doing remote learning. in washington, staff and students will need to have a negative covid test before they head back to class and let's take the nation's largest school district in new york city they announced they won't implement the same policies before that would require an entire class to basically head home if a covid case is confirmed. instead, as you can see here, schools will be distributing at home tests to students and staff who have symptoms or have been exposed to somebody that's been tested covid positive. kids who are either asymptomatic or test negative can continue with in person teaching but kids with symptoms may not attend school until they take two negative tests 24 hours apart and kids who test positive have to isolate for at least ten days. the whole goal of new york city school officials here is to try to limit the disruptions and we heard this morning from dr. godly, the former fda commissioner who is really urging schools to continue with in person learning as long as those right tools and those right steps are taken, godly offering insight on when we as a nation may finally turn a corner when it comes to this current variant outbreak. >> i think certainly the february time frame is appropriate in terms of when we're going to pass through this omicron wave across the quunite states. this is a big country. this will affect different parts of the country at different times. london is peaking. south africa is any guide, this is a two-month epidemic wave from start to finish. parts of the country that were affected earlier like new york will probably start to peak in the next two weeks and other parts within the next four weeks. certainly by the end of february, we'll be through this and businesses need a guide when prevalence will decline. >> certainly a much needed boost of optimism for the nation now coming from the former fda commissioner but ultimately, for now, parents we've talked about this before, pamela, are really just having to renew those concerns right now about sending their kids back to school, is it safe and are the right steps being taken? >> i'm one of those parents. thank you so much. >> thanks, pam. the nation's education secretary says the nation must learn to live with the om kicro variant including school children. he says a return to the classroom is essential. >> we recognize there may be bumps in the road this upcoming week when superintendents are working hard are getting calls saying that some schools may have five to 10% of the staff not available. so any decisions on very short term or emergency closures are most likely based off of a staffing issue and ultimately, those are safety issues when you don't have adequate staff. the goal is full-time in person learning for our students. they have suffered enough. >> i want to bring in the woman in charge of the largest teachers' union in the country. becky brprin gle. nice to see you again. so do you agree with secretary cardona's goal, all schools should be open for in person learning full-time now? >> it's good to be with you again, pamela. you know, even as we were sidelined by yet another variant with omicron, my -- what i've been saying from the very beginning has not changed. my message is the same. that is to follow the science, listen to the infectious disease experts, work together with educators and parents and communities to make good decisions so that we can keep our students and educators safe and we can be in person, we know that is the best way for our students to learn and then third, let me just say, our third goal, pamela, is to make sure that we are prepared to continue our learning regardless of who those disruptions are, because we don't have enough staff or the infection rate gets too high, we're ready to continue learning for all of our students. >> so administration stance is that omicron is simply something we'll have to live with. the chief of disaster medicine at george washington university hospital seems to agree with that. let's listen to what he said. >> there is absolutely no way to keep omicron out of the schools. these antigen tests at home are not sensitive enough to keep omicron out of our schools. >> what is your reabction to that, that there is basically no way to keep it out? >> the data we've gotten so far is that omicron is very infectious. we know that. we already know that the rate of illness for adults and students is not as great as with delta. we know that. mostly what we know, pamela, this is after two years is that if we put in place all of the mitigation strategies beginning with vaccinations and boosters, now we know enough and our students can get vaccinations and they're preparing for boosters for them. we know that wearing masks work. we know distancing when possible works. we know that hand washing and ventilation, all of those things work and what we have to continue to do is stress that we must do all of these things combined with testing so that we don't spread this omicron variant more than it needs to be spread. we can keep our students safe and we can keep them in person together in learning. >> so the biden administration, though, one of those techniques you mentioned is of course, testing. it is proposed the test to stay in school strategy are schools equipped right now with the testing to do that? >> we know that we have more that must be done. that's why the biden administration indicated before the holiday break because we all expect a surge after the holiday break that they were committed to increasing the number of tests that are available. we know that schools have already used the american rescue plan money to purr cchase tests. so many schools are giving out tests to students before they even come back after the holiday break but we have to be vigilant. we cannot give up in our quest to keep our students and educators, our schools and our communities safe. >> dr. fauci said to expect the cdc to potentially make adjustments to its decision to shorten isolation periods to five days. he said that this morning. but i'm wondering, are teachers okay with that change, the change to the five days? >> the other thing i've been saying throughout these two years, pamela, is that when we were together, we've seen this be proven to be true. when we work together, when we communicate with each other, when we use the information that we have at that moment and it keeps changing, right, as we have another variant and learn more information about that and we'll have more information, i would bet in about two weeks, but when we are in constant communication with our parents and our communities, with educators and we're working together to come up with the strategies that will keep our students and our schools and our educators safe, then we are making the best decisions that we can at that moment and we will keep the majority of our students and our educators safe and those places where they are not communicating strategies, not working with our teachers and their unions, that becomes a problem and they are rightfully fearful if they're not involved in making those decisions so it takes the entire community, entire community -- >> before i let you go, becky, go ahead -- >> to listen to the experts, follow the science, and work together to keep our students safe. >> before i let you go, should schools be going virtual this week? we know several school districts have chosen that route. >> many school districts have chosen to start virtually. some have not. many have chosen to do testing before the students come back. what i've been saying all along is work together to make the best decision for your community. but we know that many of our schools have worked so hard, pamela, to ensure that they have in place the tools and the supports if for whatever reason that i have to go back to virtual. that's important to make sure our students stay safe and continue to learn. >> becky prin gle, thanks so much. covid outbreaks are inevitable, when cases are detected they test to prevent further spread. one boston teacher had an outbreak in her classroom but she says was she wasn't eligible for a test. that temper erteacher joins me. thanks for making time. why weren't you able to take a covid test? >> thanks for having me, pamela. it was a shock for me. it was the week before the winter break and we had two positive cases in our classroom and the person who comes around and does the rapid testing came to our classroom and tested our students and i was expecting to get tested next and i was absolutely shocked when she refused to test me. it was a hmajor red flag for me given what we know about omicron, i just couldn't believe it and it feels for me that here in massachusetts governor baker and his administration aren't keeping up with the science. >> so what happened? so you thought you were expecting to get tested and then she said no, you're not going to get tested. why? >> i found out in the moment like many families and educators, we didn't know that the policy that was the policy. it hadn't been the policy in previous weeks but i was told that the new policy was that educators could not be tested. >> right. because also you were vaccinated, right? >> i was told because i was masked and vaccinated i wasn't eligible. for me, i think all of us whether vaccinated or not vaccinated, we should all be tested because families want to make sure that we're keeping everybody safe in schools. >> so what is the school saying about this? >> the school is following the state protocol currently and i posted about it on facebook because i wondered if family -- other families in boston and teachers were aware of the policy and most families were not aware of the policy. >> so do you feel safe in your classroom without easy access to testing? >> you know, i love being a third grade teacher and for many of us, not being able to get tested, it feels like a big distraction. many of us feel anxious. we want to see that negative test so that we can get back to the job at hand and teach the students in front of us. >> have you thought about and i know this may not even be feasible but taking it upon yourself to try to get tests so even though it won't be provided through the school, you could do it privately? i know they're hard to come by right now. they are expensive, and that's not always an option. >> absolutely. you know, i'm a parent myself. and like many of our families and schools, i live with two children who are not eligible for vaccination yet and i also live with my older parents. so yes, you know, worried about the health of everybody in my household and so my husband and i did find a site where we could go get tested -- we left on our lunch break. he's also a teacher and we got tested so that we could make sure that we were safe to be in schools with our students and safe to come back home to our children and my parents. >> so how are you feeling right now? a lot of kids are going back to school this week. we're right in the middle of this omicron wave. what does it feel like right now for you? >> i feel really frustrated. you know, we -- the scientists had been anticipating there may be a surge. here we are and it feels like the state officials have kind of counted on wishful thinking. and i wish that there was a plan in place to keep families and kids safe. i really hope that there can be a policy change and that we can get all the teachers tested. >> annie, thank you so much for sharing your story with us. i know it's been so hard already for teachers this past couple of years and we really appreciate you making time for us. >> pamela, thanks so much for having me. you are in the cnn newsroom. when we come back, what was then president donald trump doing what his supporters were storming the capitol nearly a year ago? liz cheney says the january 6th committee found out thanks to firsthand testimony and says trump is guilty of dereliction of duty. plus, colorado's governor says police are trying to find out if someone set the fire that destroyed hundreds of homes. we'll take you to the scene. we. you downloaded the td ameritrade mobile app? yeah, actually i'm taking one last look at my dashboard before we board... and you have thinkorswim mobile- -so i can finish analyzing the risk on this position. you two are all set. choose the app that fits your investing style. ♪ with ww, i lost 30 pounds and i feel incredible. i love the new program because the app does all the work for you. it's never too late to start. download the ww app today for a 14-day free trial. 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>> i think there are two separate issues here. one is if trump is elected in a fair election, what might he do to his enemies? might that mean for our democratic processes going forward? that is a real risk. my concern is different. it's not a lesser concern but a different concern, which is if donald trump is a candidate, will those who support him manipulate the rules so if he doesn't win election, he'll be declared the winner either through actions of election officials or elected officials or potentially a republican congress that would accept an alternative slate of effect tors and install him if he loses. that's a risk i never thought we'd have to worry about in the united states or worry about the counting of the votes. we need to take action to hold a fair election in 2024. >> what does that look like, though, taking action? >> so i think you need to divide this also into multiple parts and the reason you have to do that is because this is a multi prong problem. one thing we need to do is we need to fix our laws. there are laws for example that regulate how congress certifies the electoral college vote. we know that donald trump tried to manipulate those by having his the vice president mike pence declare trump the winner ordeal l delay things or try to things to the house of representatives. so one set of changes are legal changes and those definitely need to happen. for example in the united states in about 12% of voters don't vote on voting machines that produce a piece of paper. we vunlshouldn't have another presidential election with a piece of paper to be examined by a court. the other change we need to make is political change. we need to organize democrats, republicans and dependents, business groups, unions, civic groups. we need to come together as a mass movement to ensure that we follow the rule of law, that it's important that whoever gets the most votes is the person who is elected and that our system has the kind of checks and balances. so we need kind of public organizing of public pressure now so that in a few years from now, we'll be well positioned to stop any attempt to try to ignore the rules and even the new laws we might put in place. >> i want to talk about this poll, this new poll from "the washington post" and the university of maryland finding 34% of americans think violent action against the government is sometimes justified. what does that say to you? >> well, it says that we're in a sorry state because that number has been going up and there is also a partisan balance to that. we're seeing more republicans than democrats and independents saying violence could be justified. i think it really is the logical c combination of what we saw from donald trump. he attacked the institutions that help keep our democracy going, the press, the opposition party, the judiciary, the fbi and when you kind of undermine people's confidence in the institutions you need to have a functioning democracy, it's not surprising that they think those institutions are corrupt and that the only way to deal with the corrupt government is to have a revolution against that government. that's the story of the american revolution but the problem here is that of course, our government is not corrupt, things are going fairly but donald trump ginned up enough controversy so that there is this feeling now among many of his supporters that violence may be the only way out if he's not as successful as the winner of the next election if he runs so we need to have not just a moment of calming down but we need to have the military government officials prepared for additional kinds of actions like what we saw on january 6th coming from trump supporters. >> wow. i think it's just worth reminding everyone look, it's an experiment, right? we're living in a democratic experiment here in america and you shouldn't take that for granted. richard haassen, thank you very much. >> thank you. hundreds of homes in colorado reduced to ash in a matter of hours. now, investigators want to know if it was arson. a live report is next. feel stuck with credit card debt? ♪ move your high-interest debt to a sofi personal loan. earn $10 just for viewing your rate — and get your money right. ♪ age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. small businesses like yours make gift-giving possible. now, comcast business has an exclusive gift for you. introducing the gift of savings sale. for a limited time, ask how to get a great deal for your business. and get up to a $500 prepaid card with select bundles when you switch to the network that can deliver gig speeds to the most businesses. or get started with internet and voice for $64.99 per month with a 2-year price guarantee. give your business the gift of savings today. comcast business. powering possibilities. at least two people missing in the colorado fire zone after a fast-moving wildfire tore through boulder county. one person missing has now been accounted for but the cause of the fire is still being investigated. >> the sheriff's department is involved with the active investigation if there was any form of deliberate or accidental arson i fully expect any of those responsible will be held fully responsible under the law for the utter devastation that was caused. at this point, there is no information that's being made available about that. >> a heavy rocky mountain snowfall helped put out the fire but entire subdivisions were wiped out. about 1,000 homes gone since thursday. let's go to natasha chin, the sheriff said some of the search efforts could become recovery efforts. what's the latest? >> pamela, that would be very unfortunate but sit a possibility and he did talk about the search for those two missing people being a difficult task through the burn zone if you can imagine the extensive damage and debris, houses reduced to ashes, meanwhile, the snow has fallen and so another eight inches of snow is piled on to that debris. it's a very difficult task searching through that area. at the same time, investigators are working with experts and partners including the fbi looking how this fire may have started as you mentioned. it was a day with extremely dry conditions, a red flag notice because of those high winds and those high winds are what residents continue to tell us about that really shocked them because that's what carried the flames so quickly and these winds we're told were so strong they could knock a person over. here is alisha thompson, one of the superior residents we talked to. her house is okay but her experience in leaving and evacuating in just minutes was shared by so many. here is what she said. >> we lost my dad a year ago so there was memory stuff we were trying to figure out what to take. they always ask you the question like what three things would you take in a fire? and none of that is kind of what i expected to have to pack. so yeah, it was hard to make decisions about what was necessary and what you couldn't live without. >> i talked to another family who lost their home in louisville. everything they owned and they just had minutes to take their cell phones, dogs, medication and they plan on rebuilding some day in the same spot because this area is a community where generations lived there. they're very tight knit with their neighbors. a long term look what will happen here. this is a very tight housing market. you've got thousands of people who suddenly left and are displaced so where are they going to go and rent? and then we're talking about restoration of electric, power, natural gas to the people beyond the burn zone. we're expected by tonight to see power restored for all the customers outside the burn zone, natural gas will take some more time for restoration, pamela. >> natasha chin, thanks for bringing us the latest. when we come back a rail collapses as philadelphia eagles quarterback jalen hurts leaves the field sending fans tumbling to the ground. also ahead, james taylor carol king, two of the greatest singer songwriters. the director of tonight's cnn film joins me live to share the behind the scenes story. like we would treat our own moms, with care and respect. to us, the little things are the big things. which is why we do everything in our power to make buying a car an unforgettable experience. happy birthday. thank you. we treat every customer like we would treat our own moms. because that's what they deserve. i lost 26 pounds and i feel incredible. with the new personalpoints program, i answer questions about my goals and the foods i love. i like that the ww personalpoints plan is built just for me. start the new year with three months free. join today at hurry, offer ends january 3rd. ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at nfl news tonight, wide receiver antonio brown is right now out of a job. this afternoon brown just left the field in the middle of the game between tampa bay and the new york jets. the sports casters calling the game said brown appeared to be upset on the sidelines then he pulled off his jersey and pads and ran into the locker room. the tampa bay head coach talked to reporters after the game and he is not happy. >> he is no longer a buc, all right? that's the end of the story. let's talk about the guys that went out there and won the game. >> i think everybody should find, you know, hopefully do what they can to help him in ways that he really needs it and, you know, we all love him and care about him deeply. you know, we want to see him be at his best and unfortunately, it won't be with our team. i think the most important thing about football is the relationships with your friends and teammates and they go beyond the field and, you know, i think everyone should be very compassionate and empathetic toward some very difficult things that are happening. >> tom brady with a few more words on the subject than his coach. it's still not clear why antonio brown decided to leave the game. the philadelphia eagles saw some unexpected action after their win over the washington football team today. watch the left side of the screen. quarterback jalen hurts walking off the field when a railing gives way and several fans fall to the ground. fortunately, nobody was hurt. jalen hurts says it shows how fired up philadelphia fans can get. >> i'm just happy everybody is safe from it. happy everybody is safe from it. that's crazy. that's crazy stuff there. that was a real dangerous situation. i'm so happy everybody bounced back from it. it seemed like it passionate eagles fans. i love it. >> well, you are in the "cnn news room." james taylor carole king are music icons on their own now. the new cnn film "carole king and james taylor just call out my name" takes us behind the scenes of their first tour together. >> a challenge was to figure out how to do an intimate show and a really large arena. >> we wish everybody could be close in. one way to do that is perform. >> what we came up with is the idea we would basically have a club in an arena, also rotating slowly, stage rotates. we've designed the show to be as close and intimate as possible and to play to everyone in the room. ♪ ♪ whenever i see your smiling face, i have to smile myself because i love you ♪ >> joining me now, director frank marshall. hi, frank. thanks for joining us tonight. >> hello, pamela. hi, hi, my pleasure. happy new year. >> happy new year to you. there is so much anticipation for this. we really appreciate the preview you're going to give us. so let's talk about it here. these two musicians have been friends. they have been writing and performing music together for half a century. did they just click from the beginning or did this partnership evolve over time? >> no, they talk about it in the film. it actually happened right away. the minute they sat down together, it was like they had known each other forever and i think carole describes it as they kind of just feed each other and james describes it as having the same musical dna. so they have been genuine and augthentic friends for years an shows in the concert. >> what's the most surprising thing you learned about games and carol mak roll making this ? >> they did things together and went on separate paths and never been back together until 2007 and then they had so much fun with the original band, by the way, that they then decided to go on this tour in 2010. >> james and carole are credited with influencing so many artists over the years. where do you see their biggest impact? >> well, i think their biggest impact is on their song writing. they are genuine authentic incredible songwriters and i think their impact is non-generational. people love their music no matter what age they are and i think that's been their biggest impact. >> before we let you go, what is your favorite carole king james taylor song? you know i was going to ask that. >> of course, of course. well, for carole i love "it's too late." it really tells a story about emotional things we've all been through. she's telling it from the heart. for james, i really like "sweet baby james." again, a story that's meaningful and means something to him and just great, great melody and great words. so those are my two favorite. >> frank marshall, thanks so much. tune in the new cnn film "carole king and james taylor just call out my name" premieres here at 9:00 eastern. you're in the cnn newsroom. up tonight, the angry tesla owner that took matters into his own hands, instead of blowing money on repairs, he did this. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ some people have joint pain, plus have high blood pressure. they may not be able to take just anything for pain. that's why doctors recommend tylenol®. it won't raise blood pressure the way that advil® aleve® or motrin® sometimes can. for trusted relief, trust tylenol®. deon, hand it over. now how does that make you feel? like a part of me is missing. gabrielle? this old spice fiji hand and body lotion has me smoother than ever. that's what it does. watch out elon musk, this customer isn't too happy. sparks flew when a tesla driver was hit with a huge repair bill so he decided to go out with a bang. here is jeanne moos. >> reporter: ever get so mad at repair bills you wanted to blow up your car? me, neither. this finish guy was beyond finished with his 2013 tesla model s after he says he got an estimate of over $22,000 to replace his battery. tomas was asked which would be better a working tesla or 66 pounds of dynamite exploding? [speaking foreign language]. >> toma went to the bomb dudes and finished a youtube channel known for blowing things up. tomas didn't have to pay, the bomb dudes used volunteers to rig the car with dynamite. tomas bought the 2013 tesla used a year and a half ago and even chopper in a dummy meant to resemble elon musk. to take that final ride tomas got to push the button. the explosion that a former quary was captured from every angle. the video exploded on the internet with one poster asking elon musk could you get him a new one, please? cnn asked tesla for comment but got no response. this isn't the first tesla to be blasted, spacex launched a rocket which released there is still orbiting the sun made on earth by humans while this tesla was exploded on earth by humans. jeanne moos, cnn, new york. s . >> i mean, must be nice to say i don't like this repair bill. i'll blow up my car. you're in the cnn newsroom and when we come back a hockey fan is credited of saving the life of an opposing team's equipment manager. how and how he thanked her when we come back. with ww, i lost 30 pounds and i feel incredible. i love the new program because the app does all the work for you. it's never too late to start. start the new year with three months free. join today at hurry, offer ends january 3rd. trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ (coughing) ♪ breeze driftin' on by ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ copd may have gotten you here, but you decide what's next. start a new day with trelegy. ♪ ...feelin' good ♪ no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. and save at how not to be a hero: because that's the last thing they need you to be. you don't have to save the day. you just have to navigate the world so that a foster child isn't doing it solo. you just have to stand up for a kid who isn't fluent in bureaucracy, or maybe not in their own emotions. so show up, however you can, for the foster kids who need it most— at every day in business brings something new. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just $30 per line per month when you get four lines or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. two days into the new year and there is already a heart warming story of 2022. i love this story. this is vancouver manager brian hamilton meeting the woman who saved his life. back in october, a seattle fan held up her phone towards s hamilton with the mole on the back of your neck is cancer. after checking with doctors, hamilton learned he had stage two skin cancer and maybe only had five years to live. thanks to social media, hamilton tracked her down and met his guardian angel 22-year-old nadya. >> she needs to know, she's the story. she's the person that did this. she saved the life. she doesn't know, like, does she -- she needs to know her efforts were valid and i'm happy that story is there but not for me but for her because the world needs to know that she's like this woman exists. she's a hero and, you know, we need to celebrate her and people like her that take the time to do things like this and save lives. >> she clearly has a bright future. the team rewarded the soon to be med student with a $10,000 scholarship. before we go tonight, a sweet new year's moment shared by between former president jimmy carter and his wife roselyn. as the peanut dropped in georgia, he leaned in for a kiss with his wife of 75 years. 75 years. the moment was captured by their long-time friend jill stucky who said in a facebook message, well, for the 75th new year's together, president and mrs. carter couldn't wait to kiss. the peanut dropped at 6:00 so happy new year. at 97 carter is the oldest living former president in m history and i'd love to know their secret to 75 years of marriage. thank you for joining me this evening, this new year 2022. i'll be back next weekend and starting now, the unforgettable concert films, "carole king and james taylor just call out my name." enjoy.

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T , Everybody , State , Protocol , Family , Access , Grade , Hand , Feel , Job , Distraction , Front , Option , Children , Parent , Vaccination , Site , Lunch Break , Household , Health , Husband , Scientists , Middle , Officials , Wishful Thinking , Plan , Story , Policy Change , Annie , Donald Trump , Supporters , Capitol , Liz Cheney , Testimony , Trump , January 6th Committee , 6 , January 6th , Fire , Homes , Td Ameritrade , Police , Governor , Someone , Thinkorswim , Scene , Hundreds , Dashboard , One Last Look , Colorado , Mobile , App , Risk , Set , Position , Investing Style , Work , Program , Ww , 30 , Trial , 14 , Music , Hair , What A Wonderful World , Pantene Daily Moisture Renewal Conditioner , Nutrients , Styling , Hydration , Try Pantene , 72 , Richard Haassen , Threats , Warnings , Votes , Counting , Office , Assault , Television , Police Officers , Lines , End , Democracy , Hillary Clinton , Given Everything , Fear , Cross , President , Part , House Committee On Which Cheney , Trials , Bottom , Piece , Article , Trump S Coup , Atlantic , Election , Irvine Law , Risk American Democracy , Democratic , 2024 , Action , Words , Speech , Author , Politics , Hype Hyperbole , Disinformation , Switch , Alarmist , Concern , Processes , Issues , Enemies , Actions , Winner , Rules , Candidate , Republican , Slate , Effect Tors , Laws , Prong Problem , Electoral College Vote , Changes , Mike Pence , Ordeal , Delay , House Of Representatives , Paper , Voting Machines , Voters , 12 , Court , Business Groups , Dependents , Movement , Civic Groups , Rule Of Law , It , System , Public Pressure , Checks , Balances , Public , Organizing , Attempt , Poll , Washington Post , University Of Maryland , 34 , Government , Balance , Say , Independents , Institutions , Violence , C Combination , Functioning Democracy , Help , The Press , Confidence , Judiciary , Opposition Party , Fbi , The American Revolution , Feeling , Controversy , Ginned , Kinds , Experiment , Matter , Arson , Investigators , Report , Credit Card Debt , Ash , Money , Debt , Sofi , Personal Loan , 0 , Protein , Age , Muscle Health , 20 , High Protein , Immune Support , 16 , Gift , Comcast Business , Network , Internet , Business , Deal , Prepaid Card , Gig Speeds , Savings Sale , Bundles , Voice , 64 99 , 00 , 500 , 4 99 , Possibilities , Price Guarantee , Savings , 2 , Colorado Fire Zone , Sheriff , Boulder County , Wildfire , Department , Cause , Law , Investigation , Form , Devastation , Snowfall , Point , Subdivisions , Rocky Mountain , Talk , Latest , Search Efforts , Recovery Efforts , Possibility , Let S Go To Natasha Chin , Burn Zone , Debris , Snow , Search , Task , Damage , Ashes , Partners , Task Searching , Eight , Residents , Winds , Conditions , Flames , Notice , Experience , House , Alisha Thompson , Memory Stuff , Dad , Question , None , Three , Everything , Cell Phones , Medication , Louisville , Dogs , Housing Market , Look , Generations , Spot , Neighbors , Knit , Power , Natural Gas , Thousands , Electric , Restoration , Rent , Customers , James Taylor , Fans , Philadelphia Eagles , Ground , Quarterback , Field , Rail , Carol King , Film , Director , Moms , Behind The Scenes Story , Singer Songwriters , Respect , Care , Car , Customer , Birthday , Goals , Personalpoints Program , Questions , Foods , Ww Personalpoints Plan , 26 , Ww Com , Offer Ends January 3rd , Hurry , January 3rd , 3 , Challenge , Diabetes , My Name , Musician , Austin James , Scan , Fingersticks , Libre 2 , A1c , Glucose Numbers , Mystery , 6 7 , 8 2 , Freestylelibre Us Nfl , Game , Antonio Brown , News Tonight , Sports Casters , Afternoon Brown , Tampa Bay , Wide Receiver , New York Jets , Coach , Reporters , Buc , Locker Room , Sidelines , Jersey , Pads , Upset , Ways , Guys , Love , Let , Team , Friends , Teammates , Relationships , Football , The Field , Tom Brady , Subject , Railing , Side , Win , Screen , Football Team , Nobody , Jalen , Philadelphia , Stuff , Situation , Cnn News Room , Show , Arena , Tour , Idea , Club , Stage Rotates , Room , Smiling Face , Frank Marshall , Hi , Hello , My Pleasure , Musicians , Anticipation , Preview , Beginning , Writing , Partnership , Forever , Other , Dna , Concert , Games , Shows , Augthentic Friends , Mak Roll , Paths , Band , Fun , 2010 , 2007 , Impact , Artists , Song Writing , Songwriters , It S Too Late , Song , Heart , Sweet Baby James , Melody , Favorite , Tune , 9 , Up Tonight , Tesla , Hands , Repairs , Owner , Blowing Money , High Blood Pressure , Doctors , Pain , Blood Pressure , Joint Pain , Tylenol , Anything , Aleve , Motrin , Spice , Body Lotion , Deon , Gabrielle , Fiji , Elon Musk , Repair Bill , Driver , With A Bang , Customer Isn T , Hit , Sparks , Neither , Finish Guy , Jeanne Moos , 2013 , Tomas Didn T , Dynamite Exploding , Battery , Over , Tesla Model S , Estimate , 66 , 22000 , 2000 , Dudes , Bomb , Toma , Language , Youtube Channel , Dynamite , Volunteers , Half , Ride Tomas , Chopper , Dummy , Push The Button , Quary , Poster , Explosion , Angle , Video , Rocket , Comment , Response , Isn T The First Tesla , Spacex , Humans , Earth , Sun , Life , Hockey Fan , Newsroom , Equipment Manager , Trelegy , Copd , Birds Flyin , Driftin , What S Next , Coughing , Medicines , Lung Function , Inhaler , Rescue Inhaler , Won T , Flare Ups , Copd Medicine , Doctor , Breathing , Breathing Problems , Chest Pain , Heart Condition , Pneumonia , Thrush , Osteoporosis , Mouth , Tongue , Swelling , Save , Vision Changes , Stand , Trelegy Com , Problems Urinating , Eye , Hero , Foster Child Isn T , World , Kid , Isn T Fluent In Bureaucracy , Flexibility , Emotions , Foster Kids , Small Business , Line , Match Data Options , Service , Mix , Comcast Business Mobile , Nationwide 5g , 5 , Contract , Fees , Back , Phone , Heart Warming Story , Meeting , Fan , Vancouver , Seattle , 2022 , Cancer , Hamilton , Skin Cancer , Neck , Mole , Nadya , Social Media , Guardian Angel , 22 , She Doesn T Know , Efforts , Scholarship , Student , Sweet New Year , Lives , Med , Bright Future , 0000 , 10000 , Jimmy Carter , Roselyn , Peanut , Kiss , Georgia , 75 , Jill Stucky , Mrs , Facebook , Carter Couldn T Wait To Kiss , 97 , Concert Films , Marriage , Name ,

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