Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240709

>> which us a of them. >> >> i heard there were positive variedoris on 12 sgrl. >> they quarantine them. he. >> where did you guys get this stuff? >> curacao and covid of covid -- >> lucy kavanagh has more on where. as celebrated another christmas during a pandemic sol holiday joy turk to frustration are open. crop driesies iis nation. airlines cite being star is shortages and passengers being left in limbo. >> oh, my. >> we. >> from coast to coast on christmas morning, those did plan to see loved ones taking no chances. >> my girlfriend tested positive earlier this week and, you know, it's christmas morning just trying to go see my family and, know, they are real did, test and. >> for those luck you to get a gift. >> i tested%tive issor is -- i was devastate that had i would have to miss the angst. >> very literally devastating and heartbreaking that we're in the situation that we're in now. >> hospitals in the twin sideways with overwlemd in be able to boost our cities. >> to boofrm the bourque force and they would like to slash -- i am hopeful that the data coming out of the ef-throwing somewhat these patients are much more lowsly to be iced and little more faith that 2022 will be had a more meaningful year. >> had a. >> and it today major u.s. airlines with cancelling more flights as they deal with staff shortages. we've are -- especially nins neps a sunday today. what does it lock like injuries? >> reporter: add to the fact that many people have to get back to work on monday. people are now frantically trying to get back, a much different scene than what it was like here yesterday. they were in that spice craft. they are very happy that the flights cannot cancelled for those who did the neighboring and people are egy to get tack to the 9:00 to 5:00 grind. she's trying to gretch -- she was so frustrated she didn't want to talk about it on camera but hearing about stories like hers and other people and checking my phone, seeing all those cancellations, almost 900 flights cancelled today. you add that up today. it's 6,000 or so throughout the whole holiday weekend. he sauce he was relieved to get on his flight. take a listen. >> i guess i'm one of the lucky few. manip. >> yeah, it miking lag -- what do i do now. >> reporter: it all worked for for me. well -- clem is -- he wasn't vaccinated or boosted owe so hent as worried about covid or the omicron variant. tsa telling us today that they are screening 700,000 fewer people than they did the same. that's because of the variant and that's also due to many so of the cancellations. again, the people who are flying happy to do so, but they are so stressed out today about flying again. jessica? certainly thinking about that. nadia romero, thanks for that update. for more on all of this i would like to bring in elizabeth clay burn at the university level. we heard from nadia. people are at the airports, folk. can you supreme court to us who hospitalizations will be like in the next couple of weeks or two getting into january. >> as you heard, there's a significant amount of travel going on and it's coinciding with the peak from the thanksgiving day travel which is why we're seeing so many covid cases in addition to the fact that omicron has been shown to be significantly more contagious than the previous environment so that you will of that goes talk to -- going into jer and -- that's where always expected there to be a huge inflex kobe siding with much travel taking place. given the fact that so many of our hospitals are stretched thin and real worn out, it's disconcerting for someone like me working in the emergency department already very worried about my ability to take care of the number of people who are showing up to our doors on a daily basis. >> not to mention that you guys have been at this now for nearly two years, you know, really just pushed to the extreme. an analysis by the united king doll's health security agency found that the risk of being admitted to the hospital for covid-19 due to this omicron variant does appear to be lower than delta. does that give you any hope, and if it's more contagious, does that mean that you're still going to have more cases. kind of work all of that a out for us. >> i think some of the variant showing only screen little less severe meaning we're not seeing people get sick. patients are doll well with this number and that number and even though that's less severe it still hats potential to overrun the hospitals and basically exceed the resources that we have and what i'll remind people is that not just covid is a concern but any illness or emergency that you have might put you in a position where you don't get the care you need you might have a car accident or stroke or a child that becomes ill and because the hospitals are overone and the hotels them devil. maybe it's because we're overwhelming our melt care system. >> it's horrible for you to have to live through and work through. you guys have been working day >> day out know and the -- and now also have have. even if you're double vaxxed and boochtd we know people israel stilling rp -- fortunately it'slishly to be a hot place toys to what's you just mentioned saying they won't be able to throat things like a heart attack on aug, the doctors and nurses and support support. great kwu, -- you know whenever muir interassings twhrks. be patient with them because many of us us flowers. i was pregnant on the front lines when we didn't even have a vaccine and my knabe girl is just 18 months old which is now crazy for mow to think about, and what gets me is no i have to go to work and several are double vaccinated and boosted i'm once again putting her life in danger and my other child in danger because they are too young to be vaccinated and there are quite a few people who are in that situation where they continue to risk themselves and their families to be out there and to serve of others, so it is definitely, definitely something that is tiring, you know. that current wave has been devastating to take place over the hole days, and i would remind everyone that they need to do what they should to say diligent and well so they don't asked -- so we can, hopefully, know, our mental well-being in check. >> you guys are and we can't repay what we owe all of you. i also want to talk to you about the ships that have returned now with covid outbreaks. everybody on board is being evacuated. is it true -- should sh be something that we're learning to deal with? >> i crithe new number is -- the coronavirus is going to be endemic which msnbc it's always going to be around. at such a time that we're dealing with such a contagious variant, people should reconsider what they are doing, especially if they have not safeguarded themselves against being vaccinated and other measures that can keep them as healthy as possible. the risk that you take by being injected does not necessarily impact you. it impacts everyone around you, my children which i just talked to or someone who is immuno -- you're like that's obl i'll be fine, and a community we need to take into conversation when we are traveling what are we doing to again our are -- for the next couple of keeks i would think were if they are in with. i do think we're getting there. the fact there is a more live been the globally paying ail nothing rpg. we need to stay diligent and stay safe. >> we're all connected. >> doctor, thank you so much. really appreciate it. take care of yourself. >> thank you. coming up, desmond tutu, nobel peace prize anti-apartheid leader has died at the age of 90. we'll take a look at his life and legacy. 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sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. archbishop desmond tut, has died. the nobel prize winning anglican cleric was 90 years old. he fought alongside nelson mandela against apartheid and the policies of segregation. he said his contributions against injustices locally and globally are matched only about the death of his thinking of the making of futures for human societies. cnn's david mckenzie joins me now from soar. david, give us a sense of just what archbishop tutu meant to that country. >> well, jessica, archbishop tutu was, a true struggle icop. perhaps one of the last icons left of that era, and he and time and time again you would hear people saying today that he was a moral compass for this country, for the rest world. the president joe biden and the first lady saying they are heartbroken that they met him several that he was an icon of south africa's struggle against apartheid, and he certainly kept that moral voice going well after the end of apartheid. you must remember that nelson mandela and many of the anc leadership were in prison when this short archbishop hugely brave was leading protest and using his moral vase as a man of politics and stop -- just a short time ago the president ramaphosa gave a nationwide address. have a listen. >> reporter: archbishop desmond tutu was one of are our nation's finest patriots. he was a man of unwavering courage, of principled conviction and whose life was spent in the service of others. he in many ways embodied the essence of our humanity. >> and you can see by all the people who are rushing in to pay tribute to the man, how much he touched poem eats lives around the world sghr almost like the end of an era with him. it that the thing you experienced as well. . >> he was in many ways a unique character because he was deeply in politics. he was single-minded of ending apartheid and when was deal with the ruling anc, he noted to take pore lan -- that was his uneverything cole to do what he without was i remember the first time. he had this infection laughch. you would always tell a stroke, have a chuckle or make a personal anecdote with someone and then get down to business and his voice was fierce, and his voice was that of humanity and certainly his thoroughly. jessica? >> what a life, what a gift he gave to the world. david mckenzie for news south africa. thanks so much. tributes to tutu are nourg for ford vervliedor sleerds. archbishop tusu was a goal bridge across the worlds. former president below -- a statement was released sawing his words offer us a spiritual matter and protestantsor prancics office their heartfelt condolences to the loss of reverend tutu. finally, queen elizabeth, who recalled quote, i am joined by the whole royal family in many deeply saddened by the news of the death of archbishop desmond tut. i'll remember my fondness for him and his great how manior. >> up next, a look at what's next for the january 6th insurrection as we yore the one-year antersry of the carp toll lobby. is a vacation home slash vacation home. i when it comes to autism, finding the right words can be tough. finding understanding doesn't have to be. together, we can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. ♪ ♪ you are my fire ♪ ♪ the one desire ♪ ♪ you are, you are, ♪ ♪ don't wanna hear you say... ♪ ♪ ♪ i want it that way ♪ how not to be a hero: because that's the last thing they need you to be. you don't have to save the day. you just have to navigate the world so that a foster child isn't doing it solo. you just have to stand up for a kid who isn't fluent in bureaucracy, or maybe not in their own emotions. so show up, however you can, for the foster kids who need it most— at as we approach the one-year anniversary of the capitol riot, we're following a number of new developments in the investigation into the insurrection. in recent days the department of justice released the longest footage yet of the capitol insurrection. several hours of graphic video that you see there in a capitol tunnel. we're also learning trump spokesperson taylor was closed in on a lawsuit on a lawsuit for his financial records prompting him to sue in an effort for the committee from obtaining the records. a former federal prosecutor and host of the podcast "onning to in"joins us. thanks for being with us on this sunday. this video is several hours long as investigators are trying to piece together exactly how things unfolded on january 6th. >> yeah. well, i think one thing, of course, you can see here is i think it gives us a look at the coordination that was involved. i do think that investigators are going to be looking at video like this to determine how the different people who were involved related to each other in order to prove something like conspiracy or to prove coordination between individuals. a video is worth more than a thousand words. they always say a picture is worth a thousand words. as a prosecutor you know, when i was prosecuting folks, it was always difficult for defendants to argue with video footage. >> if it's just right there in front of you. it also appears that the committee is following the money because we now know they have demanded these financial records from the trump spokes person. what does that development tell you about the direction of their investigation? >> i think they are trying to go beyond the people who we see storming the capitol, right? obviously these people that we're capturing on video are committing a crime. what the committee wants to look at now is who coordinated this. who planned it. who aided them, so you're guilty of a crime if you knew that a crime was going to be committed and aided it in some way. for you took some step to move it forward, and people, you know, who, for example, who funded the folks who are going to the capitol, may have some criminal culpability depending on what they knew was going to happen. >> it's very interesting to see this kind of unfold, and we also know that the chairman of the january 6th committee, bennie thompson, told "the washington post" that he's considering possible criminal charges against the former president or at least that could potentially be on the table for trump's delayed response to the insurrection, and you wrote about this in politico this week. is inaction enough to bring criminal charges? i talked to other experts like yourself. it's a very fine line when you're talking about inaction versus action, right? >> that's exactly right. it's -- it is a challenging thing. typically criminal laws are punishing people who are actively engaging in criminal activity. it's a rare instance when somebody, know, is criminally punished as opposed to being sued or something, but actually criminally punished, you know, found guilty of a felony for not doing something. you could imagine maybe a bank security guard who just decided to -- who was working with the bad guys and ignored them as they let him in the bank but you have to come up with a pretty specific set of circumstances, so i think for the former president to be guilty of a crime merely for inaction, and i'm not saying that's all he did. we clearly don't have all of the evidence in front of us, but if that was the case you would really need to make sure that you had evidence that that was part of a plan of some kind. >> right, right. and former president trump also asking the supreme court to help him keep his white house documents out of the hands of the select committee. the house panel has asked the supreme court to speed up the consideration of this request because we've seen president trump use the delay tactic through the courts before and that committee, of course, is up against a time deadline. the 2022 mid terms are going to turn over against a timeline. do you think that -- how do you think the supreme court will handle this and do you think they will give trump a case for presidential privilege when the lower courts have rejected it? >> yeah. i'd be very surprised if this case goes anywhere. i think there's a very good chance it won't even be taken up by the supreme court. i would be very surprised. on its face it is seems very unlikely to succeed, and more likely it's -- it's being initiated by former president trump in order to just delay the process. >> and so when the supreme court is making a decision about whether to take up a case like this or not, what are they fact oregon into that? how are they cape of be looking at that, through what lens you? know, it is inherently political in a way. >> yeah. that's interesting. you know, i will say the supreme court does not take most of the cases that are brought before them, so, in other words, there are thousands and thousands of cases for which people want the supreme court to take a look at them and in which they could say yes but they take a small fraction of those, and some of the cases that they are focused on are things which are called a circuit split which is actually a split amongst the courts of the country and they need to resolve that split on a particular issue. in other words, if you're in alabama, the federal courts are saying one thing whereas if you're in tennessee they say something else. like that, would be a problem, so they will -- they resolve those questions, you know, and they are more likely to resolve those and usually matters of very significant concern. for example, like if the court has held that a federal statute is invalid. this is the sort of thing that would be a matter of public concern, but i have to say there isn't much to trump's argument here. i'd be very surprised if a court actually gave him relief that he's seeking here and into reason i think the supreme court might side step an issue that would be potentially divisive. >> all right. and at that point those documents are going to go to the committee, right, if that's what happens. >> exactly. it's a way for them to essentially go along with what the lower court has decided without saying anything about it. >> got it. renato, thanks for helping us sift through this as always. appreciate it. >> thank you. as for the debate as how america's history is taught across the country, a group of librarians are pushing back on lawmakers trying to control access to certain books and topics. evan mcmorris santoro has that story. >> reporter: this is a school librarian in texas. >> why are you afraid to show your face? >> because there is a day not too long ago when i had to stop and think when they come in with handcuffs and they come in with a warrant for my arrest for pledging that i've provided obscene material, who am i going call first. >> reporter: across texas protesters at school board meetings are accuse educators of forcing pornography or obscene content on children. >> this is not a political vain. this is not a witch hunt. this is a genuine concern for children. it's grooming behavior and it's predatory. >> reporter: the anger is largely aimed at school libraries and many texas politicians are on board. in october republican state legislator matt kraus requested every school district in the state scour their libraries for a list of 850 books. >> the pattern seems to be books that are representative of lbtgia subjects and characters and topics, books that may contain depictions or narratives of sexual violence, survivor stories, some books that are about racism. >> the list includes "new kid," a graphic novel about a black kid's struggle about fitting in a white majority. the will thor "q," queer writer notes" and "the cider house rules" about abortions. governor abbott has taken this further ordering an investigation after complaints about two lbgtq books that he said had pornographic. >> i've never experienced like that before where a government agency or any kind of government entity was interested in specifically what kinds of books were in the library. >> the texas library association is traditionally a pretty sleepy advocacy group, but the heated rhetoric is forcing that to change. last week the group set up an noun mouse hotline for librarians afraid of job consequences. >> school librarians don't go into this business to harm kids. they are working really, really hard to select books that represent everyone on their campus. >> reporter: this is happening aural over the country. lbgtq and racial-themed books written for children and young adults are facing powerful resistance. educators are being put on notice. >> this is pornography, plain and simple, and it does not belong in our schools! >> reporter: just since the start of the school year the american library association has tracked more than 230 book challenges nationwide. the ala says there's been a dramatic uptick in challenges to books featuring lbgtq and racial themes. >> lbgtyia and students like me are not being harassed in gender roles and how they should express themselves. >> here we go. there it is. >> reporter: librarians are starting to fight back. in a very librarian way. >> this week we're sharing books that were gifts in people's lives and so i'm going to kick this off by sending the first -- my first tweet from our freedom friday account. >> reporter: carolyn foote is a retired librarian and one of the founders of the group freedom fighters. in just a month it's become the grass roots way librarians under threat find and help each other. >> it's amazing how widespread these book challenges are. people are contacting us like privately from aural over the country saying can you help me? >> scared, nervous, unsure. >> worried they might lose their job. >> i've heard of that, too, or i'm hearing this from my district or i've heard this. what do we do? >> they are facing external pressure, like what if i'm called out at a board meeting or someone is in front of my house, so really it's a time when people need a lot of support. >> librarians helping librarians, so librarians can get back to helping kids. >> i grew up reading "trumpest of the swan" and "little house on the prairie" and, i mean, there were no hispanic girls. that's a disservice to kids and so we work really hard as lysz wrans to make sure that kids have books that they can see themselves in, but we also want to offer books where kids can learn about other kids' lives. >> and who knows that that's something that would get you demonized. >> reporter: governor greg abbott's office didn't respond when we asked for comment on what librarians in texas are telling us. we also reached out to matt kraus and stopped by his office. >> hello. >> do you think you're going win this or lose this? >> it's not about whether i will win or lose this. i think it's a point in our culture an society where we have to ask ourselves what do we stand to lose if we don't correct course and action now. we can't be forced to believe anything else. >> thanks so much for this. still ahead this afternoon, as the omicron variant continues to spread across the world, countries rim posing new restrictions aheads of new year's celebrations. we'll have the latest headlines from around the globe. that's next. and how important it is to know who you are and to know where you came from. ♪ we're discovering together... it's been an amazing gift. ♪ a must in your medicine cabinet! less sick days! cold coming on? zicam is the #1 cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! i like that my plan is built just for me. arugula, you get an extra... with the 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london. while many countries in mainland europe are piling on new covid restrictions in response to the surging omicron variant, the uk is getting to regard high cases with relative a shrug. in england latest estimates show that last weekend 1 in 35 people had the virus with 1 in 20 estimated to be infected in london. the uk has not seen a spike in hospitalizations or deaths likely thanks to omicron causing less severe illness and a lightning fast rollout of the booster swhot well over half of the eligible population having now had it. >> i'm will ripley in hong kong this. are growing questions right now about the viability of china's zero covid strategy as the nation takes increasingly extreme mesh tours stomp out relatively small clusters of covid-19 infection. in the central chinese city of xian, 13 million people, the city's entire population on a level two lock dourng the whole city considered a controlled area meaning school and public transportation are closed. all but essentialler advices are stopped. that means in every household just one designated person can go out and get groceries and otherwise follows there's a medical information you have to stay there. state media say 30,000 of close contacts are in government quash teen right now and china is weeks away from the opening ceremonies of the winter olympics in beijing and they are trying to stop the spread just before the lunar new year travel rush. >> our thanks to our correspondents. after the break from tom brady winning a seventh super bowl to athletes campaigning for mental health awareness, it's been a busy year in the world of sports. we'll take a look at the top sports stories of 2021 next. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're 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moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a back country skier in colorado's rocky mountains has died after being fully buried in an avalanche in cameron pass on christmas eve. the victim's partner was able to find him and extricate him from the snow, but he did not survive. that avalanche was about 150 feet wide and occurred on the southeast end of south diamond peak. the pandemic brought some sports to a grinding halt in 2020, but 2021 saw athletes back on the field and courts and fans back into the stadiums and arenas, and as always 2021 was a year in which sports stars made some headlines on and off the field. cnn's andy scholles shares his top ten sports stories of 2021. ♪ >> number ten, in 2021 age proved to be just a number. 50-year-old phil mickelson becoming the oldest golfer ever to win the second pga championship 16 years after his first. this was phil's sixth major title, his first since 2013. >> it's very possible that this is the last tournament i ever win and there's no reason that i or anybody else can't do it at a later age. just takes more work. >> number nine. >> tom brady meanwhile looked like he may never age. 43-year-old tom brady wins an historic seventh title in his first season with a new team. >> reporter: brady leading the buck nears with a win or the chiefs. the bucs the first team ever to win a super bowl in their home stadium. brady and the team celebrating with a boat parade that saw him completing yet another pass out on the water. >> oh, wow. >> in 2021, it was the year of the bucks, milwaukee also claiming their first title since 1971. giannis antetokounmpo becoming the final's mvp after a great finals. >> major league baseball is moving its all-star game out of georgia because of the state's new law that critics say suppresses voting. >> in april major league baseball pulled all-star game from atlanta. in october atlanta hosted the world series and pulled off one of the most unpecksed runs in history beating the astros, the team's unlikely championship coming in the same year that the world last legend hank aaron who passed away at 86 years old. number seven. >> ncaa march madness, the biggest tournament in college basketball for women. this is our weight room. let me show you the men's weight room. the ncaa admitting failing the women in providing facilities for the ncaa tournament last march and vowed to do better after being cancelled in 2020. march madness was back in 2021, but it wasn't the same with limited fans. the men's tournament taking place solely in indiana and the women in texas. >> am i racist? i can't tell you how sick i am. >> breaking overnight. jon gruden stepping down as healed coach of the nfl's las vegas raiders hours after they reported on homophobic, misogynistic e-mails he reported on over the course of seven years. >> after resigning gruden filed a lawsuit against the nfl accusing the leaving selectively leaking his e-mails to ruin his reputation. number five. vaccinations in sports were a polarizing topic. >> yeah. i'm immunized. >> superstar quarterback aaron rodgers defending his controversial comments after raising doubts after testing positive for covid and addressed when he lied and was immunized. >> i misled some people about my status which i take full responsibility of. >> reporter: rodgers missed one game for the >> golf legend tiger woods hospitalized right now after a very serious rollover car carb. >> golf legend tiger woods is in the car carash right now after having to be cut out of his vehicle. >> i'm lucky to be alive but also still have a limb. those are two crucial things. >> nearly ten months after the crash woods hosted his golf tournament in the bahamas and says he continues to make progress after his recovery. and he competed with his 12-year-old son charlie. number three, despite the pandemic and calls to cancel the games, the tokyo 2020 olympics taking place without spectators in most venues. >> the most decorated u.s. track and field olympian ever allyson felix secured that title at the tokyo summer games. it's an historic moment for team usa. suni lee wins gold. number two, a big theme in 2021 was athletes continuing to campaign for mental health awareness. >> no, you're super good. [ crying ] >> okay. i think we're just going to take a quick break. just we'll be back in one moment. >> naomi osaka revealing that press conferences give her anxiety, and she had dealt with depression since winning her first u.s. open title in 2018. the four-time grand slam winner pulling out of both wimbledon and the u.s. open to work on her mental health. and number one, major breaking news out of the olympics. we just learned that simone biles has pulled out of the team competition. >> at the end of the day we're not just entertainment, we're humans, and there are things going on behind the scenes that we're also trying to juggle with as well. >> the way biles put a spotlight on mental health, showing the world that even if you're superwoman, it's okay to not feel okay. she's going to go down as one of the greatest olympians ever. >> she took the bronze medal on the balance beam. ♪ >> still to come, the incredibly heartwarming story of a texas teenager that created an app to help his nonverbal sister communicate, and how it's now helping people all across the world. and on saturday night, new year's eve, be sure to join anderson cooper and andy cohen for cnn new year's eve live. it starts right here on cnn live at 8:00 p.m. d a personalized pln that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. with directv stream i can get live tv and on demand anywhere. look, serena williams... matrix... serena... matrix... serena... matrix... ♪ ♪ ♪ get your tv together with the best of live and on demand. introducing directv stream. so, who's it going to be? tom? danny? guess it's on maggie. plan today. feel comfortable about tomorrow. massmutual. mom, hurry! our show's gonna start soon! i promised i wouldn't miss the show and mommy always keeps her promises. oh, no! seriously? hmm! it's not the same if she's not here. oh. -what the. oh my goodness! i don't suppose you can sing, can you? ♪ the snow's comin' down ♪ -mommy? ♪ i'm watching it fall ♪ watch the full story at people often take the ability to speak for granted. but for some that is not a given. now one teenager in texas is determined to give everyone a voice through an innovative app he created for someone close to his heart. >> you were telling me how you wanted a scooter from santa, how you wanted a scooter for christmas. is that true? this is della, the 14-year-old was born with a rare genetic condition that impacts her ability to speak. >> we didn't really realize that there was an issue until she was about 1 and she wasn't meeting her milestones. difficulty sitting up, crawling. we also noticed there was no speech. she's completely nonverbal. >> want to go ride the train? >> della's brother archer has been developing a web application to help his sister communicate. >> she wants to communicate like everybody else. and just how hard it would be if you couldn't communicate by talking to people. >> the website lets users program buttons with images of their choice that represent words. "i like you." "nuggets." >> nuggets, okay. >> train. >> in the past, when we had to run errands, we just took her. she was never really consulted, and, i mean, now today outings start with us just asking, hey, do you want to go do this, do you want to go do that? yes, i want to go do that. choo choo? do you want to go fast? "i want to go faster." >> you want to go faster? whenever i first made the application, i spent like an hour or two coding the tile path for her and making sure it has all of her favorite buttons and stuff. i put it on her ipad and she opened it up. like, all this had amounted to this small interaction, but it was a big deal for me, seeing her communicate with my application. i want everyone to have a moment like that with their nonverbal sibling or friend. so i have a nonverbal sibling. that being said, a lot of apps on the app store are made for people who can't talk, or are extremely, extremely expensive. >> that's why archer made his app free for anyone to use. >> when i had first made my first video, i only expected it to receive a few hundred views. when it received a million views i got a lot of comments congratulating me. and originally because i was such a junior developer and i knew it, i kind of felt this sense of, like, imposter syndrome. the good part about it, i got a lot of eyeballs on the project and i got a lot of contributors who wanted to contribute their code. >> archer made his software open source, which means other coders can add new features to the app. >> today i'm going to show us how we can control free speech with just our eyes on the ipad. i will look up the word "hello." >> while the app is still a work in progress and is still only accessible through a website, it's already helping people across america and the world find their own voices. >> the fact that he's motivated to help other people, he takes in the comments that they have, he takes in the suggestions. this is what any parent wants for their son. they want their child to grow up to be empathetic. and now here he is in a very tangible way helping other people. people. "wolf blitzer, cnn, washington." -- captions by vitac -- hi, everyone, and thanks so much for joining me this afternoon. i'm jessica dean in washington. and we begin this hour with concern growing about the rapid spread of the coronavirus, the omicron variant fueling a new surge, the u.s. now seeing daily cases not seen since january. and as cases spread, so does the demand for tests. americans now facing a shortage of at-home kits. in miami, like so many other parts of the country, people are spending this day after christmas waiting in long lines to get tested. and this morning two cruise ships returned to florida after several passengers and crew members tested positive for covid despite all adults being fully vaccinated. some passengers say they were encouraged by how well their cruise was handled during its eight-day journey. others say the cruise should've been more transparent. >> the only reason

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Tsa , 700000 , Many , Surging Omicron Variant , Thanks , Wall , Update , Nadia Romero , Elizabeth Clay Burn , Supreme Court , Who Hospitalizations , Airports , University Level , Folk , Cases , Amount , Peak , Thanksgiving Day Travel , Addition , Two , Talk , Environment , Inflex , Siding , Much Travel Taking , Number , Someone , Guys , Place , Care , Ability , Disconcerting , Emergency Department , Basis , Doors , Risk , Doll , Hospital , Analysis , Extreme , Health Security Agency , King , United , 19 , Work , Kind , Delta , Hope , Meaning , Showing , Hats , Resources , Concern , Child , Illness , Stroke , Position , Emergency , Car Accident , Devil , Hotels , Melt Care System , Double Vaxxed , Boochtd , Israel Stilling Rp , Things , Toys , Support , Doctors , Heart Attack , Aug , Nurses , Muir Interassings Twhrks , Great Kwu , Knabe Girl , Lines , Patient , Vaccine , Flowers , Life , Danger , Several , Vaccinated , Mow , 18 , Something , Others , Families , Wave , Everyone , Hole , All Of You , Well Being , Check , Ships , Everybody , Sh , Outbreaks , Learning , Doing , Msnbc , Children , Measures , Immuno , Community , Traveling , Conversation , Obl , Fine , Are , Couple , Keeks , More , Desmond Tutu , Doctor , Safe , Stay , Coming Up , Rpg , Take Care Of Yourself , Look , Man , Age , Discount , Leader , Legacy , Wife , Jet Skis , Home , Burke , Boat , Nobel Peace Prize , Hon , Honey , 90 , Graphic Novel About A Black Kid , Lot , Discounts , Sup , Dad , Garage , Coverage , Farmers Policy Perks , Forty Five , Seventeen , T Mobile , Pa Dum , Bum , Let S Go , Customers , Both , Airpods , Iphone 13 Pro , Dianne , 13 , Screening , Colon Cancer , Workouts , Coaching , American Cancer Society , Yep , 45 , 50 , Adults , Cancer , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Results , Stages , 92 , Way , Car Carash , Car Vending Machines , Carvana , Company , Provider , 100 , Questions , Spot , Techno Wizardry , License Plate , Offer , Value , Desmond Tut , Ending Apartheid , Nelson Mandela , Nobel Prize , Cleric , Death , Thinking , Policies , Contributions , Human Societies , Futures , Injustices , Segregation , Making , Country , Cnn , Sense , David Mckenzie , Icons , Soar , True Struggle Icop , World , Joe Biden , Compass , First Lady , Voice , Struggle , Icon , South Africa , Anc , Archbishop , Leadership , Protest , Vase , Prison , Politics , Stop , Ramaphosa , Nation , Address , Courage , Service , Patriots , Principled Conviction , Humanity , Ways , Essence , Thing , Tribute , Poem Eats , Sghr , Character , Deal , Pore Lan , Uneverything Cole , Time , Infection Laughch , Business , Chuckle , Anecdote , News , Tributes , Nourg , Worlds , Goal Bridge , Tusu , Ford , Vervliedor Sleerds , Words , President , Matter , Statement , Protestantsor Prancics , Queen Elizabeth , Royal Family , Condolences , Loss , How Manior , January 6th Insurrection , Fondness , Up Next , 6 , January 6th , Vacation , Antersry , Carp Toll Lobby , Kinder , Autism , Finding Understanding Doesn T , Autism Spectrum , Millions , Fire , Desire , Don T Wanna , Foster Child Isn T , Hero , Emotions , Foster Kids , Isn T Fluent In Bureaucracy , Investigation , Insurrection , Capitol , Developments , Footage , Department Of Justice , Lawsuit , Records , Learning Trump Spokesperson Taylor , Graphic Video , Capitol Tunnel , January 6th Committee , Prosecutor , Onning To In , Effort , Host , Video , Course , Investigators , Coordination , Each Other , Order , Conspiracy , Individuals , Folks , Picture , Video Footage , Defendants , A Thousand , Front , Direction , Development , Money , Trump Spokes Person , Crime , Step , Who , Example , Culpability , Trump , The Washington Post , Charges , Chairman , Table , Bennie Thompson , Response , Inaction , Politico , Line , Experts , Action , Somebody , Criminal Activity , Laws , Instance , Bank Security Guard , Felony , Circumstances , Bank , Set , Case , Documents , Evidence , Committee , Part , Hands , White House , Courts , House , Consideration , Delay Tactic , Request , Timeline , Terms , Privilege , Anywhere , Chance , It S , Decision , Process , Most , Lens , Thousands , Some , Fraction , Issue , Split , Circuit Split , Problem , Something Else , Tennessee , Alabama , Lower Court , Statute , Sort , Public , Relief , Reason , Argument , Him , Anything , Point , Group , History , Sift , Debate , Renato , Librarians , Books , Story , Topics , Texas , School Librarian , Lawmakers , Access , Mcmorris Santoro , Handcuffs , Arrest , Warrant , Face , Pornography , Educators , Content , Vain , Protesters , Material , School Board , Witch Hunt , School Libraries , Grooming Behavior , Anger , State , List , School District , Matt Kraus , Libraries , Politicians , October Republican , 850 , Characters , Pattern , Sexual Violence , Survivor , Depictions , Subjects , Narratives , Representative , Lbtgia , Majority , Racism , Fitting , Governor , Abortions , The Cider House Rules , Queer Writer Notes , Q , Complaints , Ordering , Pornographic , Government Entity , Government Agency , Library , Advocacy Group , Kinds , Rhetoric , Texas Library Association , Kids , School Librarians Don T Go , Job Consequences , Noun Mouse Hotline , Campus , Resistance , Lbgtq , Schools , Start , Notice , Simple , The School , Ala , American Library Association , 230 , Lbgtyia , Challenges , Themes , Uptick , Gender Roles , Students , Librarian , Lives , Sharing Books , First , Freedom , Account , Tweet , Founders , Threat , Carolyn Foote , Freedom Fighters , Grass Roots , Book Challenges , Saying , Unsure , Scared , Pressure , Job , Board Meeting , District , My House , Girls , Reading , Disservice , Trumpest Of The Swan , Little House On The Prairie , Hispanic , Lysz Wrans , Office Didn T , Win , Greg Abbott , Comment , Office , Society , Culture , Restrictions , Afternoon , Aheads , Rim , Anything Else , Headlines , Celebrations , Globe , Cold , Cold Shortening Brand , It Shortens Colds , Love Zicam , Must , Medicine Cabinet , Zifans , Unique Zinc Formula , 1 , Lifestyle , Extra , Program , Assessment , Goals , Diet Food , Arugula , Ww Personalpoints , Foods , Points , Cheese , Wine , Vegetables , Ww Personalpoints Program , Ww Com , Offer Ends December 27th , Hurry , December 27th , 26 , 27 , Maggie Gronewald , Bond , Skin , Ointment , Feeling , Restore Healthy , Weather , Planning Effect , Advisor , Investing Strategies , Wealth , Network Solutions , Guests , Security , Devices , Cyberthreat , Comcast Business , Power , Sd Wan , 1200 , Big Day , Network , Activecore Platform , Network Management , Powering Possibilities , 4 , 3 , Water , Medicine Fast , Laser , Packs , Pill , Gels , Pain Relief , Pain Hits , Drilled Holes , Tylenol Rapid , Push , Correspondents , Plans , Government Leaders , Crop , In London , Scott Mclean , Uk , Countries , Europe , Shrug , Virus , Spike , Estimates , England , 20 , 35 , Population , Hospitalizations , Deaths , Lightning Fast Rollout , Booster Swhot , Half , Will Ripley In Hong Kong , Infection , Stomp Out , Viability , Clusters , Strategy , China , Zero Covid , City Of Xian , 13 Million , Zero , City , Dourng , School , Household , Person , Area , Transportation , Essentialler Advices , Information , Groceries , State Media , 30000 , Government , Contacts , Teen , Ceremonies , Winter Olympics , Beijing , Lunar New Year Travel Rush , Sports , Break , Athletes , Mental Health Awareness , Sports Stories , Tom Brady Winning A Seventh Super Bowl , 2021 , Women , Breast Cancer , Men , Taking Ibrance , Ibrance Plus , Hr , Hormonal , Aromatase Inhibitor , Therapy , Breathing , Disease Progression , Infections , Chest Pain , Inflammation , Blood Cell , Lungs , Cough , Trouble , Chills , Liver , Breastfeeding , Kidney Problems , Side Effects , Signs , Fever , Back Country Skier , Colorado , Rocky Mountains , Avalanche , Victim , Snow , End , South Diamond Peak , Partner , Cameron Pass On Christmas Eve , 150 , Fans , Pandemic , Field , Stadiums , Arenas , Grinding Halt , 2020 , Andy Scholles , The Field , Ten , Phil Mickelson , Golfer , Pga Championship , 16 , Tournament , Title , Anybody , 2013 , Team , Tom Brady , Season , 43 , Nine , Bucs , Pass , Super Bowl , Saw , Chiefs , Boat Parade , Buck , Home Stadium , Bucks , Final , Mvp , Giannis Antetokounmpo , Milwaukee , 1971 , 1971 Giannis , Major League Baseball , All Star Game , Finals , Voting , Law , All Star Game From Atlanta , October Atlanta , Georgia , Critics , Championship , World Series , Runs , Unpecksed , Astros , Ncaa March Madness , Weight Room , Ncaa , World Last Legend , Hank Aaron , College Basketball , 86 , Seven , It Wasn T , Facilities , Last March , Indiana , Jon Gruden , Nfl , Coach , Las Vegas , E Mails , Misogynistic , Aaron Rodgers , Topic , Reputation , Accusing , Immunized , Superstar Quarterback , Vaccinations , Five , Comments , Status , Game , Testing Positive , Responsibility , Doubts , Tiger Woods , Golf Legend , Rollover Car Carb , Golf Tournament , Limb , Vehicle , Crash Woods , Progress , Games , Recovery , Calls , Bahamas , Son Charlie , Tokyo 2020 Olympics , Three , Spectators , Venues , Summer Games , Tokyo , Allyson Felix , Track And Field Olympian , Team Usa , Theme , Suni Lee Wins , Campaign , Naomi Osaka , Winner , Depression , Press Conferences , U S Open , Grand Slam , Wimbledon , Four , 2018 , Mental Health , Olympics , Team Competition , Breaking News , Number One , Entertainment , Simone Biles , Olympians , Humans , Spotlight , Scenes , Medal , Balance Beam , App , Teenager , Sister , New Year S Eve , Saturday Night , Andy Cohen , Anderson Cooper , Future , Owner , Vanguard , 8 , Demand , Matrix , Stream , Tv , Serena Williams , Directv , Best , Plan Today , Tom , Danny , Massmutual , Show , Gonna , Promises , Mom , Mommy , Oh My Goodness , Given , Heart , Condition , Scooter For Christmas , Scooter , Santa , 14 , Speech , Milestones , Crawling , She Wasn T Meeting , Brother Archer , Train , Website , Della , Web Application , Ride , Users , Everybody Else , Images , Buttons , Nuggets , Choice , I Like You , Outings , Choo , Errands , Application , Coding , Tile Path , Interaction , Sibling , App Store , Friend , Apps , Views , Anyone , A Million , Contributors , Junior Developer , Open Source , Code , Felt , Eyeballs , Project , Software , Imposter Syndrome , Word , Hello , Coders , Features , Eyes , Ipad , Voices , Suggestions , Son , Parent , Washington , Wolf Blitzer , Captions , Vitac , Www Vitac Com Hi , Tests , Surge , Cruise Ships , Shortage , Parts , Miami , Florida , Cruise , Journey , Eight ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240709

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>> which us a of them. >> >> i heard there were positive variedoris on 12 sgrl. >> they quarantine them. he. >> where did you guys get this stuff? >> curacao and covid of covid -- >> lucy kavanagh has more on where. as celebrated another christmas during a pandemic sol holiday joy turk to frustration are open. crop driesies iis nation. airlines cite being star is shortages and passengers being left in limbo. >> oh, my. >> we. >> from coast to coast on christmas morning, those did plan to see loved ones taking no chances. >> my girlfriend tested positive earlier this week and, you know, it's christmas morning just trying to go see my family and, know, they are real did, test and. >> for those luck you to get a gift. >> i tested%tive issor is -- i was devastate that had i would have to miss the angst. >> very literally devastating and heartbreaking that we're in the situation that we're in now. >> hospitals in the twin sideways with overwlemd in be able to boost our cities. >> to boofrm the bourque force and they would like to slash -- i am hopeful that the data coming out of the ef-throwing somewhat these patients are much more lowsly to be iced and little more faith that 2022 will be had a more meaningful year. >> had a. >> and it today major u.s. airlines with cancelling more flights as they deal with staff shortages. we've are -- especially nins neps a sunday today. what does it lock like injuries? >> reporter: add to the fact that many people have to get back to work on monday. people are now frantically trying to get back, a much different scene than what it was like here yesterday. they were in that spice craft. they are very happy that the flights cannot cancelled for those who did the neighboring and people are egy to get tack to the 9:00 to 5:00 grind. she's trying to gretch -- she was so frustrated she didn't want to talk about it on camera but hearing about stories like hers and other people and checking my phone, seeing all those cancellations, almost 900 flights cancelled today. you add that up today. it's 6,000 or so throughout the whole holiday weekend. he sauce he was relieved to get on his flight. take a listen. >> i guess i'm one of the lucky few. manip. >> yeah, it miking lag -- what do i do now. >> reporter: it all worked for for me. well -- clem is -- he wasn't vaccinated or boosted owe so hent as worried about covid or the omicron variant. tsa telling us today that they are screening 700,000 fewer people than they did the same. that's because of the variant and that's also due to many so of the cancellations. again, the people who are flying happy to do so, but they are so stressed out today about flying again. jessica? certainly thinking about that. nadia romero, thanks for that update. for more on all of this i would like to bring in elizabeth clay burn at the university level. we heard from nadia. people are at the airports, folk. can you supreme court to us who hospitalizations will be like in the next couple of weeks or two getting into january. >> as you heard, there's a significant amount of travel going on and it's coinciding with the peak from the thanksgiving day travel which is why we're seeing so many covid cases in addition to the fact that omicron has been shown to be significantly more contagious than the previous environment so that you will of that goes talk to -- going into jer and -- that's where always expected there to be a huge inflex kobe siding with much travel taking place. given the fact that so many of our hospitals are stretched thin and real worn out, it's disconcerting for someone like me working in the emergency department already very worried about my ability to take care of the number of people who are showing up to our doors on a daily basis. >> not to mention that you guys have been at this now for nearly two years, you know, really just pushed to the extreme. an analysis by the united king doll's health security agency found that the risk of being admitted to the hospital for covid-19 due to this omicron variant does appear to be lower than delta. does that give you any hope, and if it's more contagious, does that mean that you're still going to have more cases. kind of work all of that a out for us. >> i think some of the variant showing only screen little less severe meaning we're not seeing people get sick. patients are doll well with this number and that number and even though that's less severe it still hats potential to overrun the hospitals and basically exceed the resources that we have and what i'll remind people is that not just covid is a concern but any illness or emergency that you have might put you in a position where you don't get the care you need you might have a car accident or stroke or a child that becomes ill and because the hospitals are overone and the hotels them devil. maybe it's because we're overwhelming our melt care system. >> it's horrible for you to have to live through and work through. you guys have been working day >> day out know and the -- and now also have have. even if you're double vaxxed and boochtd we know people israel stilling rp -- fortunately it'slishly to be a hot place toys to what's you just mentioned saying they won't be able to throat things like a heart attack on aug, the doctors and nurses and support support. great kwu, -- you know whenever muir interassings twhrks. be patient with them because many of us us flowers. i was pregnant on the front lines when we didn't even have a vaccine and my knabe girl is just 18 months old which is now crazy for mow to think about, and what gets me is no i have to go to work and several are double vaccinated and boosted i'm once again putting her life in danger and my other child in danger because they are too young to be vaccinated and there are quite a few people who are in that situation where they continue to risk themselves and their families to be out there and to serve of others, so it is definitely, definitely something that is tiring, you know. that current wave has been devastating to take place over the hole days, and i would remind everyone that they need to do what they should to say diligent and well so they don't asked -- so we can, hopefully, know, our mental well-being in check. >> you guys are and we can't repay what we owe all of you. i also want to talk to you about the ships that have returned now with covid outbreaks. everybody on board is being evacuated. is it true -- should sh be something that we're learning to deal with? >> i crithe new number is -- the coronavirus is going to be endemic which msnbc it's always going to be around. at such a time that we're dealing with such a contagious variant, people should reconsider what they are doing, especially if they have not safeguarded themselves against being vaccinated and other measures that can keep them as healthy as possible. the risk that you take by being injected does not necessarily impact you. it impacts everyone around you, my children which i just talked to or someone who is immuno -- you're like that's obl i'll be fine, and a community we need to take into conversation when we are traveling what are we doing to again our are -- for the next couple of keeks i would think were if they are in with. i do think we're getting there. the fact there is a more live been the globally paying ail nothing rpg. we need to stay diligent and stay safe. >> we're all connected. >> doctor, thank you so much. really appreciate it. take care of yourself. >> thank you. coming up, desmond tutu, nobel peace prize anti-apartheid leader has died at the age of 90. we'll take a look at his life and legacy. 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and time again you would hear people saying today that he was a moral compass for this country, for the rest world. the president joe biden and the first lady saying they are heartbroken that they met him several that he was an icon of south africa's struggle against apartheid, and he certainly kept that moral voice going well after the end of apartheid. you must remember that nelson mandela and many of the anc leadership were in prison when this short archbishop hugely brave was leading protest and using his moral vase as a man of politics and stop -- just a short time ago the president ramaphosa gave a nationwide address. have a listen. >> reporter: archbishop desmond tutu was one of are our nation's finest patriots. he was a man of unwavering courage, of principled conviction and whose life was spent in the service of others. he in many ways embodied the essence of our humanity. >> and you can see by all the people who are rushing in to pay tribute to the man, how much he touched poem eats lives around the world sghr almost like the end of an era with him. it that the thing you experienced as well. . >> he was in many ways a unique character because he was deeply in politics. he was single-minded of ending apartheid and when was deal with the ruling anc, he noted to take pore lan -- that was his uneverything cole to do what he without was i remember the first time. he had this infection laughch. you would always tell a stroke, have a chuckle or make a personal anecdote with someone and then get down to business and his voice was fierce, and his voice was that of humanity and certainly his thoroughly. jessica? >> what a life, what a gift he gave to the world. david mckenzie for news south africa. thanks so much. tributes to tutu are nourg for ford vervliedor sleerds. archbishop tusu was a goal bridge across the worlds. former president below -- a statement was released sawing his words offer us a spiritual matter and protestantsor prancics office their heartfelt condolences to the loss of reverend tutu. finally, queen elizabeth, who recalled quote, i am joined by the whole royal family in many deeply saddened by the news of the death of archbishop desmond tut. i'll remember my fondness for him and his great how manior. >> up next, a look at what's next for the january 6th insurrection as we yore the one-year antersry of the carp toll lobby. is a vacation home slash vacation home. i when it comes to autism, finding the right words can be tough. finding understanding doesn't have to be. together, we can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. ♪ ♪ you are my fire ♪ ♪ the one desire ♪ ♪ you are, you are, ♪ ♪ don't wanna hear you say... ♪ ♪ ♪ i want it that way ♪ how not to be a hero: because that's the last thing they need you to be. you don't have to save the day. you just have to navigate the world so that a foster child isn't doing it solo. you just have to stand up for a kid who isn't fluent in bureaucracy, or maybe not in their own emotions. so show up, however you can, for the foster kids who need it most— at as we approach the one-year anniversary of the capitol riot, we're following a number of new developments in the investigation into the insurrection. in recent days the department of justice released the longest footage yet of the capitol insurrection. several hours of graphic video that you see there in a capitol tunnel. we're also learning trump spokesperson taylor was closed in on a lawsuit on a lawsuit for his financial records prompting him to sue in an effort for the committee from obtaining the records. a former federal prosecutor and host of the podcast "onning to in"joins us. thanks for being with us on this sunday. this video is several hours long as investigators are trying to piece together exactly how things unfolded on january 6th. >> yeah. well, i think one thing, of course, you can see here is i think it gives us a look at the coordination that was involved. i do think that investigators are going to be looking at video like this to determine how the different people who were involved related to each other in order to prove something like conspiracy or to prove coordination between individuals. a video is worth more than a thousand words. they always say a picture is worth a thousand words. as a prosecutor you know, when i was prosecuting folks, it was always difficult for defendants to argue with video footage. >> if it's just right there in front of you. it also appears that the committee is following the money because we now know they have demanded these financial records from the trump spokes person. what does that development tell you about the direction of their investigation? >> i think they are trying to go beyond the people who we see storming the capitol, right? obviously these people that we're capturing on video are committing a crime. what the committee wants to look at now is who coordinated this. who planned it. who aided them, so you're guilty of a crime if you knew that a crime was going to be committed and aided it in some way. for you took some step to move it forward, and people, you know, who, for example, who funded the folks who are going to the capitol, may have some criminal culpability depending on what they knew was going to happen. >> it's very interesting to see this kind of unfold, and we also know that the chairman of the january 6th committee, bennie thompson, told "the washington post" that he's considering possible criminal charges against the former president or at least that could potentially be on the table for trump's delayed response to the insurrection, and you wrote about this in politico this week. is inaction enough to bring criminal charges? i talked to other experts like yourself. it's a very fine line when you're talking about inaction versus action, right? >> that's exactly right. it's -- it is a challenging thing. typically criminal laws are punishing people who are actively engaging in criminal activity. it's a rare instance when somebody, know, is criminally punished as opposed to being sued or something, but actually criminally punished, you know, found guilty of a felony for not doing something. you could imagine maybe a bank security guard who just decided to -- who was working with the bad guys and ignored them as they let him in the bank but you have to come up with a pretty specific set of circumstances, so i think for the former president to be guilty of a crime merely for inaction, and i'm not saying that's all he did. we clearly don't have all of the evidence in front of us, but if that was the case you would really need to make sure that you had evidence that that was part of a plan of some kind. >> right, right. and former president trump also asking the supreme court to help him keep his white house documents out of the hands of the select committee. the house panel has asked the supreme court to speed up the consideration of this request because we've seen president trump use the delay tactic through the courts before and that committee, of course, is up against a time deadline. the 2022 mid terms are going to turn over against a timeline. do you think that -- how do you think the supreme court will handle this and do you think they will give trump a case for presidential privilege when the lower courts have rejected it? >> yeah. i'd be very surprised if this case goes anywhere. i think there's a very good chance it won't even be taken up by the supreme court. i would be very surprised. on its face it is seems very unlikely to succeed, and more likely it's -- it's being initiated by former president trump in order to just delay the process. >> and so when the supreme court is making a decision about whether to take up a case like this or not, what are they fact oregon into that? how are they cape of be looking at that, through what lens you? know, it is inherently political in a way. >> yeah. that's interesting. you know, i will say the supreme court does not take most of the cases that are brought before them, so, in other words, there are thousands and thousands of cases for which people want the supreme court to take a look at them and in which they could say yes but they take a small fraction of those, and some of the cases that they are focused on are things which are called a circuit split which is actually a split amongst the courts of the country and they need to resolve that split on a particular issue. in other words, if you're in alabama, the federal courts are saying one thing whereas if you're in tennessee they say something else. like that, would be a problem, so they will -- they resolve those questions, you know, and they are more likely to resolve those and usually matters of very significant concern. for example, like if the court has held that a federal statute is invalid. this is the sort of thing that would be a matter of public concern, but i have to say there isn't much to trump's argument here. i'd be very surprised if a court actually gave him relief that he's seeking here and into reason i think the supreme court might side step an issue that would be potentially divisive. >> all right. and at that point those documents are going to go to the committee, right, if that's what happens. >> exactly. it's a way for them to essentially go along with what the lower court has decided without saying anything about it. >> got it. renato, thanks for helping us sift through this as always. appreciate it. >> thank you. as for the debate as how america's history is taught across the country, a group of librarians are pushing back on lawmakers trying to control access to certain books and topics. evan mcmorris santoro has that story. >> reporter: this is a school librarian in texas. >> why are you afraid to show your face? >> because there is a day not too long ago when i had to stop and think when they come in with handcuffs and they come in with a warrant for my arrest for pledging that i've provided obscene material, who am i going call first. >> reporter: across texas protesters at school board meetings are accuse educators of forcing pornography or obscene content on children. >> this is not a political vain. this is not a witch hunt. this is a genuine concern for children. it's grooming behavior and it's predatory. >> reporter: the anger is largely aimed at school libraries and many texas politicians are on board. in october republican state legislator matt kraus requested every school district in the state scour their libraries for a list of 850 books. >> the pattern seems to be books that are representative of lbtgia subjects and characters and topics, books that may contain depictions or narratives of sexual violence, survivor stories, some books that are about racism. >> the list includes "new kid," a graphic novel about a black kid's struggle about fitting in a white majority. the will thor "q," queer writer notes" and "the cider house rules" about abortions. governor abbott has taken this further ordering an investigation after complaints about two lbgtq books that he said had pornographic. >> i've never experienced like that before where a government agency or any kind of government entity was interested in specifically what kinds of books were in the library. >> the texas library association is traditionally a pretty sleepy advocacy group, but the heated rhetoric is forcing that to change. last week the group set up an noun mouse hotline for librarians afraid of job consequences. >> school librarians don't go into this business to harm kids. they are working really, really hard to select books that represent everyone on their campus. >> reporter: this is happening aural over the country. lbgtq and racial-themed books written for children and young adults are facing powerful resistance. educators are being put on notice. >> this is pornography, plain and simple, and it does not belong in our schools! >> reporter: just since the start of the school year the american library association has tracked more than 230 book challenges nationwide. the ala says there's been a dramatic uptick in challenges to books featuring lbgtq and racial themes. >> lbgtyia and students like me are not being harassed in gender roles and how they should express themselves. >> here we go. there it is. >> reporter: librarians are starting to fight back. in a very librarian way. >> this week we're sharing books that were gifts in people's lives and so i'm going to kick this off by sending the first -- my first tweet from our freedom friday account. >> reporter: carolyn foote is a retired librarian and one of the founders of the group freedom fighters. in just a month it's become the grass roots way librarians under threat find and help each other. >> it's amazing how widespread these book challenges are. people are contacting us like privately from aural over the country saying can you help me? >> scared, nervous, unsure. >> worried they might lose their job. >> i've heard of that, too, or i'm hearing this from my district or i've heard this. what do we do? >> they are facing external pressure, like what if i'm called out at a board meeting or someone is in front of my house, so really it's a time when people need a lot of support. >> librarians helping librarians, so librarians can get back to helping kids. >> i grew up reading "trumpest of the swan" and "little house on the prairie" and, i mean, there were no hispanic girls. that's a disservice to kids and so we work really hard as lysz wrans to make sure that kids have books that they can see themselves in, but we also want to offer books where kids can learn about other kids' lives. >> and who knows that that's something that would get you demonized. >> reporter: governor greg abbott's office didn't respond when we asked for comment on what librarians in texas are telling us. we also reached out to matt kraus and stopped by his office. >> hello. >> do you think you're going win this or lose this? >> it's not about whether i will win or lose this. i think it's a point in our culture an society where we have to ask ourselves what do we stand to lose if we don't correct course and action now. we can't be forced to believe anything else. >> thanks so much for this. still ahead this afternoon, as the omicron variant continues to spread across the world, countries rim posing new restrictions aheads of new year's celebrations. we'll have the latest headlines from around the globe. that's next. and how important it is to know who you are and to know where you came from. ♪ we're discovering together... it's been an amazing gift. ♪ a must in your medicine cabinet! less sick days! cold coming on? zicam is the #1 cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! i like that my plan is built just for me. arugula, you get an extra... with the 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london. while many countries in mainland europe are piling on new covid restrictions in response to the surging omicron variant, the uk is getting to regard high cases with relative a shrug. in england latest estimates show that last weekend 1 in 35 people had the virus with 1 in 20 estimated to be infected in london. the uk has not seen a spike in hospitalizations or deaths likely thanks to omicron causing less severe illness and a lightning fast rollout of the booster swhot well over half of the eligible population having now had it. >> i'm will ripley in hong kong this. are growing questions right now about the viability of china's zero covid strategy as the nation takes increasingly extreme mesh tours stomp out relatively small clusters of covid-19 infection. in the central chinese city of xian, 13 million people, the city's entire population on a level two lock dourng the whole city considered a controlled area meaning school and public transportation are closed. all but essentialler advices are stopped. that means in every household just one designated person can go out and get groceries and otherwise follows there's a medical information you have to stay there. state media say 30,000 of close contacts are in government quash teen right now and china is weeks away from the opening ceremonies of the winter olympics in beijing and they are trying to stop the spread just before the lunar new year travel rush. >> our thanks to our correspondents. after the break from tom brady winning a seventh super bowl to athletes campaigning for mental health awareness, it's been a busy year in the world of sports. we'll take a look at the top sports stories of 2021 next. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're 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moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a back country skier in colorado's rocky mountains has died after being fully buried in an avalanche in cameron pass on christmas eve. the victim's partner was able to find him and extricate him from the snow, but he did not survive. that avalanche was about 150 feet wide and occurred on the southeast end of south diamond peak. the pandemic brought some sports to a grinding halt in 2020, but 2021 saw athletes back on the field and courts and fans back into the stadiums and arenas, and as always 2021 was a year in which sports stars made some headlines on and off the field. cnn's andy scholles shares his top ten sports stories of 2021. ♪ >> number ten, in 2021 age proved to be just a number. 50-year-old phil mickelson becoming the oldest golfer ever to win the second pga championship 16 years after his first. this was phil's sixth major title, his first since 2013. >> it's very possible that this is the last tournament i ever win and there's no reason that i or anybody else can't do it at a later age. just takes more work. >> number nine. >> tom brady meanwhile looked like he may never age. 43-year-old tom brady wins an historic seventh title in his first season with a new team. >> reporter: brady leading the buck nears with a win or the chiefs. the bucs the first team ever to win a super bowl in their home stadium. brady and the team celebrating with a boat parade that saw him completing yet another pass out on the water. >> oh, wow. >> in 2021, it was the year of the bucks, milwaukee also claiming their first title since 1971. giannis antetokounmpo becoming the final's mvp after a great finals. >> major league baseball is moving its all-star game out of georgia because of the state's new law that critics say suppresses voting. >> in april major league baseball pulled all-star game from atlanta. in october atlanta hosted the world series and pulled off one of the most unpecksed runs in history beating the astros, the team's unlikely championship coming in the same year that the world last legend hank aaron who passed away at 86 years old. number seven. >> ncaa march madness, the biggest tournament in college basketball for women. this is our weight room. let me show you the men's weight room. the ncaa admitting failing the women in providing facilities for the ncaa tournament last march and vowed to do better after being cancelled in 2020. march madness was back in 2021, but it wasn't the same with limited fans. the men's tournament taking place solely in indiana and the women in texas. >> am i racist? i can't tell you how sick i am. >> breaking overnight. jon gruden stepping down as healed coach of the nfl's las vegas raiders hours after they reported on homophobic, misogynistic e-mails he reported on over the course of seven years. >> after resigning gruden filed a lawsuit against the nfl accusing the leaving selectively leaking his e-mails to ruin his reputation. number five. vaccinations in sports were a polarizing topic. >> yeah. i'm immunized. >> superstar quarterback aaron rodgers defending his controversial comments after raising doubts after testing positive for covid and addressed when he lied and was immunized. >> i misled some people about my status which i take full responsibility of. >> reporter: rodgers missed one game for the >> golf legend tiger woods hospitalized right now after a very serious rollover car carb. >> golf legend tiger woods is in the car carash right now after having to be cut out of his vehicle. >> i'm lucky to be alive but also still have a limb. those are two crucial things. >> nearly ten months after the crash woods hosted his golf tournament in the bahamas and says he continues to make progress after his recovery. and he competed with his 12-year-old son charlie. number three, despite the pandemic and calls to cancel the games, the tokyo 2020 olympics taking place without spectators in most venues. >> the most decorated u.s. track and field olympian ever allyson felix secured that title at the tokyo summer games. it's an historic moment for team usa. suni lee wins gold. number two, a big theme in 2021 was athletes continuing to campaign for mental health awareness. >> no, you're super good. [ crying ] >> okay. i think we're just going to take a quick break. just we'll be back in one moment. >> naomi osaka revealing that press conferences give her anxiety, and she had dealt with depression since winning her first u.s. open title in 2018. the four-time grand slam winner pulling out of both wimbledon and the u.s. open to work on her mental health. and number one, major breaking news out of the olympics. we just learned that simone biles has pulled out of the team competition. >> at the end of the day we're not just entertainment, we're humans, and there are things going on behind the scenes that we're also trying to juggle with as well. >> the way biles put a spotlight on mental health, showing the world that even if you're superwoman, it's okay to not feel okay. she's going to go down as one of the greatest olympians ever. >> she took the bronze medal on the balance beam. ♪ >> still to come, the incredibly heartwarming story of a texas teenager that created an app to help his nonverbal sister communicate, and how it's now helping people all across the world. and on saturday night, new year's eve, be sure to join anderson cooper and andy cohen for cnn new year's eve live. it starts right here on cnn live at 8:00 p.m. d a personalized pln that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. with directv stream i can get live tv and on demand anywhere. look, serena williams... matrix... serena... matrix... serena... matrix... ♪ ♪ ♪ get your tv together with the best of live and on demand. introducing directv stream. so, who's it going to be? tom? danny? guess it's on maggie. plan today. feel comfortable about tomorrow. massmutual. mom, hurry! our show's gonna start soon! i promised i wouldn't miss the show and mommy always keeps her promises. oh, no! seriously? hmm! it's not the same if she's not here. oh. -what the. oh my goodness! i don't suppose you can sing, can you? ♪ the snow's comin' down ♪ -mommy? ♪ i'm watching it fall ♪ watch the full story at people often take the ability to speak for granted. but for some that is not a given. now one teenager in texas is determined to give everyone a voice through an innovative app he created for someone close to his heart. >> you were telling me how you wanted a scooter from santa, how you wanted a scooter for christmas. is that true? this is della, the 14-year-old was born with a rare genetic condition that impacts her ability to speak. >> we didn't really realize that there was an issue until she was about 1 and she wasn't meeting her milestones. difficulty sitting up, crawling. we also noticed there was no speech. she's completely nonverbal. >> want to go ride the train? >> della's brother archer has been developing a web application to help his sister communicate. >> she wants to communicate like everybody else. and just how hard it would be if you couldn't communicate by talking to people. >> the website lets users program buttons with images of their choice that represent words. "i like you." "nuggets." >> nuggets, okay. >> train. >> in the past, when we had to run errands, we just took her. she was never really consulted, and, i mean, now today outings start with us just asking, hey, do you want to go do this, do you want to go do that? yes, i want to go do that. choo choo? do you want to go fast? "i want to go faster." >> you want to go faster? whenever i first made the application, i spent like an hour or two coding the tile path for her and making sure it has all of her favorite buttons and stuff. i put it on her ipad and she opened it up. like, all this had amounted to this small interaction, but it was a big deal for me, seeing her communicate with my application. i want everyone to have a moment like that with their nonverbal sibling or friend. so i have a nonverbal sibling. that being said, a lot of apps on the app store are made for people who can't talk, or are extremely, extremely expensive. >> that's why archer made his app free for anyone to use. >> when i had first made my first video, i only expected it to receive a few hundred views. when it received a million views i got a lot of comments congratulating me. and originally because i was such a junior developer and i knew it, i kind of felt this sense of, like, imposter syndrome. the good part about it, i got a lot of eyeballs on the project and i got a lot of contributors who wanted to contribute their code. >> archer made his software open source, which means other coders can add new features to the app. >> today i'm going to show us how we can control free speech with just our eyes on the ipad. i will look up the word "hello." >> while the app is still a work in progress and is still only accessible through a website, it's already helping people across america and the world find their own voices. >> the fact that he's motivated to help other people, he takes in the comments that they have, he takes in the suggestions. this is what any parent wants for their son. they want their child to grow up to be empathetic. and now here he is in a very tangible way helping other people. people. "wolf blitzer, cnn, washington." -- captions by vitac -- hi, everyone, and thanks so much for joining me this afternoon. i'm jessica dean in washington. and we begin this hour with concern growing about the rapid spread of the coronavirus, the omicron variant fueling a new surge, the u.s. now seeing daily cases not seen since january. and as cases spread, so does the demand for tests. americans now facing a shortage of at-home kits. in miami, like so many other parts of the country, people are spending this day after christmas waiting in long lines to get tested. and this morning two cruise ships returned to florida after several passengers and crew members tested positive for covid despite all adults being fully vaccinated. some passengers say they were encouraged by how well their cruise was handled during its eight-day journey. others say the cruise should've been more transparent. >> the only reason

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Understanding Doesn T , Autism Spectrum , Millions , Fire , Desire , Don T Wanna , Foster Child Isn T , Hero , Emotions , Foster Kids , Isn T Fluent In Bureaucracy , Investigation , Insurrection , Capitol , Developments , Footage , Department Of Justice , Lawsuit , Records , Learning Trump Spokesperson Taylor , Graphic Video , Capitol Tunnel , January 6th Committee , Prosecutor , Onning To In , Effort , Host , Video , Course , Investigators , Coordination , Each Other , Order , Conspiracy , Individuals , Folks , Picture , Video Footage , Defendants , A Thousand , Front , Direction , Development , Money , Trump Spokes Person , Crime , Step , Who , Example , Culpability , Trump , The Washington Post , Charges , Chairman , Table , Bennie Thompson , Response , Inaction , Politico , Line , Experts , Action , Somebody , Criminal Activity , Laws , Instance , Bank Security Guard , Felony , Circumstances , Bank , Set , Case , Documents , Evidence , Committee , Part , Hands , White House , Courts , House , Consideration , Delay Tactic , Request , Timeline , Terms , Privilege , Anywhere , Chance , It S , Decision , Process , Most , Lens , Thousands , Some , Fraction , Issue , Split , Circuit Split , Problem , Something Else , Tennessee , Alabama , Lower Court , Statute , Sort , Public , Relief , Reason , Argument , Him , Anything , Point , Group , History , Sift , Debate , Renato , Librarians , Books , Story , Topics , Texas , School Librarian , Lawmakers , Access , Mcmorris Santoro , Handcuffs , Arrest , Warrant , Face , Pornography , Educators , Content , Vain , Protesters , Material , School Board , Witch Hunt , School Libraries , Grooming Behavior , Anger , State , List , School District , Matt Kraus , Libraries , Politicians , October Republican , 850 , Characters , Pattern , Sexual Violence , Survivor , Depictions , Subjects , Narratives , Representative , Lbtgia , Majority , Racism , Fitting , Governor , Abortions , The Cider House Rules , Queer Writer Notes , Q , Complaints , Ordering , Pornographic , Government Entity , Government Agency , Library , Advocacy Group , Kinds , Rhetoric , Texas Library Association , Kids , School Librarians Don T Go , Job Consequences , Noun Mouse Hotline , Campus , Resistance , Lbgtq , Schools , Start , Notice , Simple , The School , Ala , American Library Association , 230 , Lbgtyia , Challenges , Themes , Uptick , Gender Roles , Students , Librarian , Lives , Sharing Books , First , Freedom , Account , Tweet , Founders , Threat , Carolyn Foote , Freedom Fighters , Grass Roots , Book Challenges , Saying , Unsure , Scared , Pressure , Job , Board Meeting , District , My House , Girls , Reading , Disservice , Trumpest Of The Swan , Little House On The Prairie , Hispanic , Lysz Wrans , Office Didn T , Win , Greg Abbott , Comment , Office , Society , Culture , Restrictions , Afternoon , Aheads , Rim , Anything Else , Headlines , Celebrations , Globe , Cold , Cold Shortening Brand , It Shortens Colds , Love Zicam , Must , Medicine Cabinet , Zifans , Unique Zinc Formula , 1 , Lifestyle , Extra , Program , Assessment , Goals , Diet Food , Arugula , Ww Personalpoints , Foods , Points , Cheese , Wine , Vegetables , Ww Personalpoints Program , Ww Com , Offer Ends December 27th , Hurry , December 27th , 26 , 27 , Maggie Gronewald , Bond , Skin , Ointment , Feeling , Restore Healthy , Weather , Planning Effect , Advisor , Investing Strategies , Wealth , Network Solutions , Guests , Security , Devices , Cyberthreat , Comcast Business , Power , Sd Wan , 1200 , Big Day , Network , Activecore Platform , Network Management , Powering Possibilities , 4 , 3 , Water , Medicine Fast , Laser , Packs , Pill , Gels , Pain Relief , Pain Hits , Drilled Holes , Tylenol Rapid , Push , Correspondents , Plans , Government Leaders , Crop , In London , Scott Mclean , Uk , Countries , Europe , Shrug , Virus , Spike , Estimates , England , 20 , 35 , Population , Hospitalizations , Deaths , Lightning Fast Rollout , Booster Swhot , Half , Will Ripley In Hong Kong , Infection , Stomp Out , Viability , Clusters , Strategy , China , Zero Covid , City Of Xian , 13 Million , Zero , City , Dourng , School , Household , Person , Area , Transportation , Essentialler Advices , Information , Groceries , State Media , 30000 , Government , Contacts , Teen , Ceremonies , Winter Olympics , Beijing , Lunar New Year Travel Rush , Sports , Break , Athletes , Mental Health Awareness , Sports Stories , Tom Brady Winning A Seventh Super Bowl , 2021 , Women , Breast Cancer , Men , Taking Ibrance , Ibrance Plus , Hr , Hormonal , Aromatase Inhibitor , Therapy , Breathing , Disease Progression , Infections , Chest Pain , Inflammation , Blood Cell , Lungs , Cough , Trouble , Chills , Liver , Breastfeeding , Kidney Problems , Side Effects , Signs , Fever , Back Country Skier , Colorado , Rocky Mountains , Avalanche , Victim , Snow , End , South Diamond Peak , Partner , Cameron Pass On Christmas Eve , 150 , Fans , Pandemic , Field , Stadiums , Arenas , Grinding Halt , 2020 , Andy Scholles , The Field , Ten , Phil Mickelson , Golfer , Pga Championship , 16 , Tournament , Title , Anybody , 2013 , Team , Tom Brady , Season , 43 , Nine , Bucs , Pass , Super Bowl , Saw , Chiefs , Boat Parade , Buck , Home Stadium , Bucks , Final , Mvp , Giannis Antetokounmpo , Milwaukee , 1971 , 1971 Giannis , Major League Baseball , All Star Game , Finals , Voting , Law , All Star Game From Atlanta , October Atlanta , Georgia , Critics , Championship , World Series , Runs , Unpecksed , Astros , Ncaa March Madness , Weight Room , Ncaa , World Last Legend , Hank Aaron , College Basketball , 86 , Seven , It Wasn T , Facilities , Last March , Indiana , Jon Gruden , Nfl , Coach , Las Vegas , E Mails , Misogynistic , Aaron Rodgers , Topic , Reputation , Accusing , Immunized , Superstar Quarterback , Vaccinations , Five , Comments , Status , Game , Testing Positive , Responsibility , Doubts , Tiger Woods , Golf Legend , Rollover Car Carb , Golf Tournament , Limb , Vehicle , Crash Woods , Progress , Games , Recovery , Calls , Bahamas , Son Charlie , Tokyo 2020 Olympics , Three , Spectators , Venues , Summer Games , Tokyo , Allyson Felix , Track And Field Olympian , Team Usa , Theme , Suni Lee Wins , Campaign , Naomi Osaka , Winner , Depression , Press Conferences , U S Open , Grand Slam , Wimbledon , Four , 2018 , Mental Health , Olympics , Team Competition , Breaking News , Number One , Entertainment , Simone Biles , Olympians , Humans , Spotlight , Scenes , Medal , Balance Beam , App , Teenager , Sister , New Year S Eve , Saturday Night , Andy Cohen , Anderson Cooper , Future , Owner , Vanguard , 8 , Demand , Matrix , Stream , Tv , Serena Williams , Directv , Best , Plan Today , Tom , Danny , Massmutual , Show , Gonna , Promises , Mom , Mommy , Oh My Goodness , Given , Heart , Condition , Scooter For Christmas , Scooter , Santa , 14 , Speech , Milestones , Crawling , She Wasn T Meeting , Brother Archer , Train , Website , Della , Web Application , Ride , Users , Everybody Else , Images , Buttons , Nuggets , Choice , I Like You , Outings , Choo , Errands , Application , Coding , Tile Path , Interaction , Sibling , App Store , Friend , Apps , Views , Anyone , A Million , Contributors , Junior Developer , Open Source , Code , Felt , Eyeballs , Project , Software , Imposter Syndrome , Word , Hello , Coders , Features , Eyes , Ipad , Voices , Suggestions , Son , Parent , Washington , Wolf Blitzer , Captions , Vitac , Www Vitac Com Hi , Tests , Surge , Cruise Ships , Shortage , Parts , Miami , Florida , Cruise , Journey , Eight ,

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