Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Vi

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240709

sf >> reporter: america, bracing for a tough winter that is beginning to look a lot like last winter. in the midst of a delta surge, the new omicron variant accounting for 3% of cases but spreading fast. >> this virus is extraordinary. it has a doubling time of anywhere from two to three days. it is going to take over. >> reporter: and with just over 60% of the country fully vaccinated, the white house warning of a season of severe illness for the unvaccinated. the u.s. now averaging 1200 deaths aday. and 130,000 new covid cases a day, up 10% from a week ago. hospitalizations nationwide up 35% over last month. intensive care unit beds 80% full. cases rising much faster in parts of the midwest, the south and the northeast. ohio's governor deploying over a thousand national guard members to over stretched hospitals there. in miami, a royal caribbean cruise ship docking over the weekend with 48 people testing positive for covid. new york setting a record for new cases for the third day in a row on sunday. new york city, an early epicenter of the pandemic, seeing a spike in cases officials say is being driven by omicron. >> we have to move faster. that is why we're focusing even more on vaccination and we do know that vaccination helps address omicron. >> reporter: the city set to decide this week whether to go forward with its famed new year's eve celebration in times square. testing lines hours long throughout the city as officials plan to begin to distribute half a million rapid tests as early as today. and also up ending the world of sports and education and tram in the recent days, forcing "saturday night live" to cancel and the rockettes to cancel the rest of the season. after multiple broadway shows from hamilton to harry potter cancel performances due to covid cases. the nba, nhl and nfl also postponing games. and the nfl now changing its testing protocols. no longer requiring testing of asymptomatic fully vaccinated players. covid striking maryland governor larry hogan and members of congress with massachusetts senator elizabeth warren, new jersey senator cory booker, and colorado congressman jason crow all testing positive for the virus. >> right now you need that third dose. i wish we could call it a booster. it is a three-dose vaccine. >> reporter: and with doctors reminding us that basic mitigation measures like masking could help stop the spread. washington, d.c. is reinstating a indoor mask order only lifted at the end of november. d.c. is experiencing the lieist case council since pandemic began. the new order will be if place starting tuesday, december 28th, lasting through the end of january. victor. >> athena jones, thank you so much. and let's bring in former health commissioner dr. leana wen. let's start with what we've learned from omicron. the surge is della but omicron is spreading here. we heard this morning from the zrr who said they're on the back end of their slope. that is a steep mountain but a very narrow one. what should we glean from what we're seeing in south africa? >> well, i would love for the u.s. to also have the experience of south africans, of the province where johannesberg and they were reporting from, it would be great to see a rapid spike by a rapid downward trajectory, but we don't know whether the experience from south africa would apply here. the population is younger than here in the u.s. also, it is expected that a lot more people in south africa were exposed during earlier waves and we have deep pockets within the u.s. of lots of unvaccinated individuals and so i think it is too soon to say what will happen an the most important thing that could be done now is for us to take precautions including for those people still waiting on the booster shot, what are you waiting for. please get that booster now. >> let's talk about the moderna booster, the company said this is not published or peer reviewed but they say that that booster shot, moderna shot increases significantly antibodies in the fight against omicron, is this the news that we've been waiting for or still too soon to know the effectiveness. >> i think it is the news that we're waiting for because we're seeing this consistently for pfizer as well. that we know it looks like two doses of the vaccine till protect you against severe disease. but the protection against symptomatic disease declines a lot. but that is restored with a third dose. i hope that we'll continue to see these results as well. but again, more information weighing in favor of getting a booster at this point. >> all right, as we're seeing the trajectory of numbers here, this is a time we try to get people answers to their specific questions. so i've asked people on twitter and instagram to send me the questions at victor blackwell and let's go through a few of them. i'm start with michael who said how long does it take for the full effect of a moderna booster to go through. let's start there, with that question. >> yeah, what we have said is if you are considered to be fully vaccinated, this is prior to the booster, that it is two weeks after your second shot. and it looks like for the booster dose, that that would be similar as well. so you do get a protective. even after a few days. but ideally you're considered to be fully boosted if you will two weeks after that booster dose. >> there is a second question from michael here. what do you recommend for gatherings with infants who cannot yet be vaccinated? i know you have two young children who are under five. >> that is right. and so i would say to use additional precautions. because we're dealing with something that is to contagious ought this point and the whole idea with herd immunity is you combine with others who are fully vaccinated. so everybody around you is fully vaccinated and boosted. also i would take additional precautions because this is an infant with very little immune protection and so i would have everybody who is going to be visiting the infant be tested right before the visit. in addition to being fully vaccinated. if there are unvaccinated people there, if you're not able to get rapid tests, i would not see the infant indoors, i would try to visit outdoors only and if you have to be indoors for some reason, everybody should be wearing a high quality respiratory k-95 mask around this infant. >> i know marcus. hey marcus. with more people getting at home covid tests how soon after exposure could a person test positive with the at-moment test. good question. >> it is a very good question. so the at home tests are not perfect. no test frankly is. but we should not let perfect be the enemy of the good if that what the at-home test does is it shows whether you are infectious, you are carrying enough virus to inspect other people at that point in time. there is to point in getting a test three days ago and when you should be getting a test right before you're seeing somebody or getting together with friends. as to when you would want to get that test, after exposure you usually get a positive result three days after exposure. so if you just got exposed to somebody who has covid, don't get tested right now. wait three days and nen that period of time quarantine yourself or if you're fully vaccinated, least make sure thaur -- that you're wearing a mask. >> the mayor de blasio said the city has not yet made a decision on if it will cancel the time square event for crowds to show up. right now you have to be vaccinated and if they hold it. but for people considering going there or to the peach drop in atlanta or any of the similar events across the country, what would your advice to them be? good or not good or if you are vaccinated your fine? what do you think. >> i do not that i that mayor de blasio should cancel the event because it is outdoors. the events that are safe should be kept and also the events that have fun for people, too. we can't be canceling everything. if we're going to be living with covid for the foreseeable future. would you say if you choose to go, make sure your vaccinated and boosted and wearing a mask, even though it is outdoors there are a lot of people packed around you, wearing a three-comply surgical mask and don't care a cloth mask, there is no place for them in light of omicron. so wear a high quality mask, a three comply surgical mask and if your visiting elderly relatives or immunocompromised people, wait three days and get tested and then see the vulnerable people. >> don't cancel everything fun. that is the headline i got there from you dr. wen. thank you so much for being with us. all right. to that point, the spike in cases is happening just as a lot of people are getting together for the holiday eecvents and pos shows that people are tired of mitigation measures. and this is bipartisan. 64% of republican, and 63% of democrats till tell monmouth university they're warn out by the changes to daily life. and a number of people are willing to social distance today, versus a year ago dropped by more than 30%. let's bring in brian stelter on this point. brian, i was out in harlem on saturday, and less than a block from one another there was a store front covid testing location, a mobile covid testing location, maybe 40 people in each line, but we also know there were long lines to see the new spider-man movie this weekend too. >> that is right. and that is our new reality. there are long lines and people crowding into movie theaters at at same time there are long lines for testing. this is the kind of confusing moment we're in with covid where different people are taking different choices, taking different steps. and i think i certainly have sometimes fallen victim to this, where you feel like everybody is taking more precautions than you is being overly careful and then everyone taking less is ignorant. i think we need to have some slack in this moment. because people are making different choice joyces about where they are seeing loved ones or if they've just gotten tested or gotten sick and recovered and we need to have this some grace and humility in this moment because different people are going to make different risk assess. s i want everyone to be boosted so they have a good chance of having a couple of bad days in bed and then getting over it. but aren't you seeing the same thing, where people are making very different risk choices because we know what covid is. it is no longer a mystery like in march of 2020 and that is why the movie theaters have reopened and people are able to get on with life while taking some precautions. >> the degree of risk that i may be willing to take as a single man that live as loan, should not match up to yours with two young children and a wife at hold and elderly parents. we do have to give each other some grace. >> that is what it is about. we could see what is going to happen in the next few weeks. there is a tremendous amount of case growth, it is clear in new york city, and other major cities. some we saw in the south is trending upwards. we'll see this in the next few weeks and we have to understand that people will make different cho choices. i love what dr. wen said about new year's, you can't cancel everything. do what is safer and that is the new formal that we've been wondering about for a while. i also think it is going to become less about case counts and more about hospitalizations. if it is the case, right now i have ten or 12 friends who have covid right now. that feels like new york city right now. positive cases are everywhere. and that is true in other major cities as well. so in that environment, in this dynamic, it is going to be different than it was a year ago with covid-19. >> the washington team reporting that the white house may be shifting toward counting severe cases not just new cases. >> exactly, yes. >> we'll see what we hear from the president as he makes a speech about omicron tomorrow. brian, good to see you. joe manchin is blaming white house staffers for the handling of the build back better negotiations after he delivered a potentially fatal blow to the democrats' spending bill. the white house is now responding. we'll have that for you. and also in minneapolis, the jury is deliberating in the trial of kim potter, the former police officer who mistook her gun for her taser and killed daunte wright, we'll talk about what lawyer on both sides of the case are doing to close this case. we have the highlights of closing arguments. ♪ ♪ hey, tam-tam! i was thinking maybe... your mom's car? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ merry christmas, dad. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash... and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose 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♪ ♪ ♪ no matter what you bring to the table, there's no place like wayfair. find a path forward today after senator joe manchin announced that he would vote no on the the build back better act. manchin's decision kills president acornerstone social safety net bill. the white house blasting manchin for his announcement, today he defended his decision. he said that he's been telling fellow democrats exactly what wr he stood all along. >> i was from the very beginning. >> gave schumer the philosophical believes an the amount of reason that i thought we would raise for everything. so they've had that from dayun. july 2020 -- of this year. he's had that and i never shared that with anybody. now they assume i never told anybody. everyone has known. i've spoken so many times on television, in telling people where i am. have a problem. >> cnn's phil mattingly is at the white house. so what is the plan from here? you're hearing optimistic notes have peeker pelosi an where does it go. >> the best encapsulation in the last 24 hours was from a democratic senator a short while ago would said take a breath. that is where democrats need to go from what transpired over the course of the last 24 hours. when you listen to what leaders like nancy pelosi have said, chuck schumer in a letter to his colleagues this morning, one thing is clear, nobody is giving up. whether it is the white house or democratic leaders. the big question now is particularly given the fireworks an the scathing comments going back and forth over the course of the last day, whether or not they could actually get things back on track. when you talk to democrats both here at the white house and on the other side of pennsylvania avenue in the capitol, they believe there is still not only going to be an effort but a potential pathway with senator manchin. there were areas that senator manchin was supportive of. they might need to change the length or what is in the bill, perhaps the duration of them, but there were potential areas of agreement. there is no question about that. i think the real question right now is, is senator manchin done completely and if they want to figure out a deal, they need to restart everything altogether or could negotiations continue after everybody breathes and enjoys some holidays. that is the open question right now. it is very interesting to see what jen psaki said when she started her briefing in 10 minutes since it is the first thing we've heard from the white house since the scathing 700 word statement yesterday. >> i wonder how much that statement, if there is something to bel is vajed hurt that effort that could start at the beginning of the year. thank you so much. let's bring in margaret, cnn political analyst for axyos and ron brownstein and senior edit for for the atlantic. welcome to you both. i want to play more of this radio interview that senator manchin did today in which he talks about some of the strategy that progressives and potentially the white house took to try to get him to come on board. listen. >> they just never realized that because they figure, surely to gott god we could move one person. surely we to badger and beat one person up and get enough protests to make that person uncomfortable enough. and guess what i'm from west virginia. i'm not from where they are from and they could beat the living crap out of people and think they'll be submissive. period. >> margaret, the strategy that we saw from progress ifrs was to try to pressure manchin. he said i've been in the same place since march. and with phil there, as i mentioned, how does this statement from jen psaki if that is what they have to negotiate with. >> victor, it is really complicating messaging, isn't it? senator manchin is right, he's not running for president. he doesn't hold a nationwide political office. he is a senator in the state that voted overwhelming for donald trump. so when progressives come after him and he pushes back, that helps them among his actual constituents where he'll have to stand for the re-election. i think the white house calculation is that they needed to push back with the same sort af -- of aggressiveness or force that they felt his message had been delivered. and that is for two reasons. number one, the white house is feeling, most democrats are feeling you don't accidently stumble into fox news to make a sunday interview that blows everything up a few days before christmas. that is a deliberate process. and the other that of course biden has to consider his audience and his audience is not just the national electorate but his base, his base was demanding an aggressive response in kind to manchin's move. >> ron, when you consider what we heard from senator manchin there, we know that leader schumer said there is going to be a vote on build back better and this is what we heard from senator sanders that he wants to see happen with, and i guess to or for senator manchin. let's play it. >> if he doesn't have the courage to do the right thing for the working families of west virginia and america, let him vote no in front of the whole world. >> okay. i mean, i don't know why that should be like some consequence or that progressives think that manchin would be embarrassed by this vote. he's been in the same place and said the same thing for months now. >> yeah, and i don't think a public vote really is the lever. but with all due respect to senator, his statement was absurd. it was ridiculous. the only thing that democrats have done is try to bully him is ludicrous. they allowed him to rewrite the bill, ins of the size and energy provisions and gone double and triple back flips to find a formula acceptable to him in the knowledge that he is one person with the party and that is a part of what makes this so remarkable, victor. if you did a census of every elected democrat from mayor to governor to house member to senate to the guy who got 81 million votes for president, they would all be in favor of passing something along the lines of what the house did and joe manchin is saying my view as part of this big collective should outweigh everybody else when she's in a state -- you talked about whether progressives could pressure him. west virginia is a state that ranks 44 new jersey child poverty. ranks 45th in extreme child poverty and 49th in the share of white kids who are in poverty. and the projections are that this bill would have cut child poverty in the state in half. so i mean, there is that pressure within the state, too. that reality, it is 50% above the national average in diabetes, big winner in the provisions limiting insulin costs that are in the bill. so he's making a very conscience choice to make a statement as he has done before of identifying himself as the rock in the road, blocking liberal democratic priorities but the losers on that are not just progressives in san francisco and new york, it is a lot of low income families in west virginia. >> yeah, go ahead. >> you know, i was going to say, i think if you take manchin at his word and many people won't at this point, but if you take his word, he's saying he's not opposed to a lot of the programs. although he has taken issue with some including the child tax credit and the way that that would be structured but he doesn't want the funding for two or three years and he wants to have a better understanding of who is able to take advantage of it so the middle class are not taking advantage of programs that should be just dedicated to poor people like his constituents. there is nuances, but no one is negotiating the details because right now this is all sort of road kill. >> ron, let me come back to you with this. immediately after we heard from manchin that he is a no on this, goldman sachs downgrading the gdp outlook for the first quarter. that it would go from, they believe from 3% growth to 2% growth, downgraded second and third quarter as well. politically, asize from the no that manchin, is consequences in a election year. >> the economic blow and the political blow are both enormous, right. i mean, if you're talking about the signature economic agenda item of a new president, they've often gone through tush lentz water as you know, there are a lot of near-death experiences on the bill big. but in the end reagan and bush passed their tax cut and obama passed his stimulus plan and trump passed the tax cut in the end usually the president gets their core economic program through in the first year and if minchin is willing to sink this, i think in the full knowledge that he will greatly increase both the economic and political risk for democrats in 2022. and don't forget, if he runs for re-election, it will be in a presidential year. so unless he is thinking about changing parties, which doesn't seem to be a real plausible option given his opposition to the trump tax cuts and support for convicting trump in the past, he is going to be on the ballot as part of a refer ends um on this administration so he's making a calculated choice with enormous risks for the country and his constituents and his party. >> margaret, for the white house, this blow on the agenda, the legislative agenda coincides with the timing of the new surge, delta is surging, omicron is spreading. the president was elected in large part to get the country on better footing in this fight against the pandemic. and there is a correlation between the numbers and the trends of those cases and hospitalizations and deaths and his approval numbers. >> it is 100% true for president biden and in a shorter term for the democratic party. the question is what are you running for re-election on. what are you running on. his hope was to say we got covid under control and omicron is putting a wrench in those plans for president biden. it is very complicated to argue well thank goodness i helped make the vaccine available to everybody, it would be so much worse if you didn't have the vaccine. that is a difficult argument to viscerally make to the public. and so with the supply chain problems, the inflation problems, you're the president, the buck stops with you. these are intractable problems and very difficult to turn around. but that is his lot in life. so he would like to be able to say both the infrastructure bill, which has already passed and some of the bbb provisions he would very much like to run on those, the longer the delays, the more out of reach that is for him. >> we'll see what the path is forward on omicron and the pandemic tomorrow. the president giving an important address on that. margaret, ron brown strstein, g to see you. >> thank you. the jury in the kim potter manslaughter trial is deliberating after several hours of closing arguments for attorneys. the prosecution called shooting death ever daunte wright a clol ossal screw up. >> but first a look at other events we're watching today. at at&t everyone gets our best deals. aren't others doing 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available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. a manslaughter trial of former minnesota police officer kim potter is now in the hands of the jury. potter shot and killed 20-year-old daunte wright in april and she claims she mistook her gun for her taser. adrianne broadous is in minneapolis. so adrianne, attorneys made closing arguments today. what did they say? >> reporter: victor, they said a lot and now this case is in the hands of the jury. let's tell you about the jury first. it is six men, six women. three out of 12 are people of color. almost reflective of hennepin county, the population here about 80% white. those jury members are now trying to decide whether or not kim potter is guilty of first-degree and second-degree manslaughter. the prosecution making its case arguing that daunte wright died at the hands of a highly trained officer. focusing on her years, decades of experience. she was certified to use the taser, she said she intended to pull back in 2002. listen in to some of what the prosecution said. >> this was a colossal screwup. a blunder of epic proportions. accidents can still be crimes. if they occur as the result of recklessness or culpable negligence. you're not going to find the word accident or mistake or error anywhere in your jury instructions. >> reporter: she told members of jury they will not see that it was a mistake or error anywhere in their jury instructions. by contrast, defense attorney earl gray told members of the jury this was a mistake and he challenged them, when their back deliberating to think about this question, he said, and i'm paraphrasing here, how could potter act recklessly if she doesn't know she had a gun in her hand. listen in. >> a second later she shot him. tragically. but she didn't know she had a gun either. and then he said, you shot me. and being alone, what does he do, does he say help me out and he takes off and you see the video, he goes like a jet. >> reporter: the defense arguing wright's actions led to his death. meanwhile, members of jury will deliberate until 6:00 p.m. tonight unless they reach a verdict before that time. they will also be sequestered and in the deliberation room they have a laptop, it does not have internet access but they could replay the body camera videos at will. also in the deliberating room with members of jury, the glock that killed daunte wright, it is not loaded. the ammunition was removed and they also have the taser potter intended to pull that day. this is an opportunity as their deliberating to look and feel the difference of the two weapons. victor. >> fascinating there. adrianne proudous in minneapolis for us. thank you. health experts warn a grim winter of coronavirus is in ahead, but that is not stopping millions of people already traveling for the holidays. we're live at one of the busiest airports in the country. ♪ you've got to try a little kindness ♪ ♪ yes, show a little kindness ♪ ♪ just shine your light for everyone to see ♪ ♪ and if you try a little kindness ♪ we've been waiting all year to come together. it worked! happy holidays from lexus. get 1.9% apr financing on the 2022 es 350. ♪ ♪ ♪ you are my fire ♪ ♪ the one desire ♪ ♪ you are, you are, ♪ ♪ don't wanna hear you say... ♪ ♪ ♪ i want it that way ♪ are you a christian author with a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! health experts are warning that the coronavirus case surge could lead to a grim beginning to 2022. as health officials try to get more americans to get vaccinated and boosted. the delta variant is still driving vast majority of cases but the more contagious omicron variant continues to spread. it is in at least 45 states now. new covid infections in the u.s. are up 10% from a week ago, nearly 80% of icu beds are full. and dr. fauci warns that omicron is just getting started. he said testing and vaccination are imperative. and this is just into cnn, the cdc has now added eight more destinations to his highest risk category for travel including spain. so let's head to the airport now. millions of americans are traveling, despite the rise in new covid infections. tsa screened more than 2 million people at u.s. airports for the fourth day in a row on sunday. cnn aviation constituent pete muntean is live at reagan national airport. talk us through the stats and how are things running? >> reporter: you know, vickor, so many people are facing the dreaded go or no go discussion and many people are going. 2.12 million people screened at airports across the country just yesterday. that is the fourth straight day of numbers higher than 2 million. not seeing a stretch like this since after thanksgiving. in fact, the friday number, the highest number since the monday after thanksgiving. clearly so many people feel confident about traveling right now. just look at the long lines at airports yesterday from atlanta to boston, to l.a. dr. fauci said really just to v to weigh the risks right now if your vblgd and boosted, this may be okay but you have to think about how quickly the omicron variant is spreading and also the delta variant is still out there. here is what he said. >> clearly when you travel, there is always a risk of increased infection. that gjut goes with respiratory illness, but if you want to travel for the obvious travel reasons for the holiday season, if you're vaccinated and you're boosted, and you take care when you go into congregate settings like airports to make sure you continually wear your mask, you should be okay. but we are going to see breakthrough infections, chuck. there is no doubt about that. >> reporter: aaa anticipated 190 million people will travel 50 miles or more between december 23rd and january 3rd. the tsa just updated its projection saying that 30 million people in total will fly between today and january 3rd. one of the busiest day is thursday. we'll see if the up in cases will cause the numbers to go down. airlines say as the omicron variant started to make headlines, cancellations did go up a little bit. but not all that much, victor. >> all right. pete muntean at reagan national, thank you. just into cnn, pentagon officials say they now have a plan to target extremism within the military. we have details of that plan next. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ deon, hand it over. now how does that make you feel? like a part of me is missing. gabrielle? this old spice fiji hand and body lotion has me smoother than ever. that's what it does. ♪ thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are 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days. and if they don't like it, they give 'em their money back. wait, they take the car back? that's crazy! what if it was driven by like a zookeeper? or a mud wrestler? or a guy who's on the outs with the missus and he just needs a place to sleep for seven days? yeah. (vo) buy your car online. love it or return it. with carvana. it's the most joyous time of year. especially at t-mobile! let's go to dianne. i got the awesome new iphone 13 pro and airpods, and t-mobile is paying for them both! and this is for new and existing customers. upgrade to the iphone 13 pro and airpods both on us. only at t-mobile. chinese tennis star said she did not accuse a communist party leader of sexually assaulting her. she disappeared from public view for several weeks after posting her initial allegations on social media in november. and her disappearance prompted fears for her safety and led the women's tennis association to pull out of upcoming tournaments in china. now pung insists it's all a misunderstanding. cnn's will ripley joins me now from hong kong. suddenly this was all a mistake. how are people reacting to this interview, it sounds like in line with some of the videos that have been released, people don't buy that this is authentic. >> yeah, former tennis great chris everett tweeted just, you know, it's unsettling to watch pung in this interview. it is shot with a phone. it's technically international media, her first interview since the explosive allegations that she was sexually assaulted by a retired communist leader who happened to be the former face of the beijing o 2022 olympics. the ioc has been trying to bolster the chinese government's narrative that everything is fine. and now even though they were widely perceived as staged. this reporter working for a newspaper that is about as close to chinese state media that you can get without being chinese media. they're allowed to be sold in the mainland, the only paper you can buy in the mainland and this reporter starts asking peng questions. she's not being monitored. she has been free all along, and talked about her waymo post that was deleted in minutes, and tried to convince the reporter even though she said she was sexually assaulted in the post, she's claiming that's not what she meant to write. >> i want to emphasize one thing, i have never written about someone sexually assaulting me. in terms of the post, it's my personal privacy. there possibly has been a lot of misunderstanding. >> the women's tennis association not convinced. let me read you a portion of the statement. these appearances do not alleviate or address the significant concerns about her well being and ability to communicate without censorship or coercion. we remain steadfast in our call for a full, transparent, without censorship, and her allegation of sexual assault which is the issue that gave rise to our initial concern. when people are detained in china, they are coerced, trained, coached, a lot of people wondering if that's what happened to peng shuai. covid is surging in parts of the country, an unfortunate scenario putting things like the new year's eve celebration in new york city in limbo. we'll talk about that ahead. [school bus passing by] [kids laughing] [bikes passing] [fire truck siren] [first responder] onstar, we see them. [onstar advisor] okay. mother and child in vehicle. mother is unable to exit the vehicle. injuries are unknown. [first responder] thank you, onstar. [driver] my son, is he okay? [first responder] your son's fine. [driver] thank you. there was something in the road... 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(gasps) ♪ did it work? only pay for what you need ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ spider-man no way home in theaters december 17th ♪“i got you babe” by etta james♪ ♪ get groceries, gifts, & more fast and easy. so last minute guests are the only thing you'll be waiting on. ♪ joy. fully. ♪ pentagon announced new guidance to help it identify and weed out extremism within the u.s. military. the new rules do not prohibit membership in an extremist organization but they make it harder to participate in them. cnn's barbara starr is following this from the pentagon. it doesn't prohibit membership, what's the plan here? >> well, victor, as we are just several days away from the one year marking of the january 6th riots at the capitol, the pentagon today taking that step it's been looking at for the last year, essentially, on how to get a handle on extremists. and they say they had about 100 cases this past year, so what are they doing? what they are saying is they're really trying to sharpen up the definitions, the rules, the regulation, the policy. what it means is service members still have some freedom of speech, but freedom of action is a different thing. it heavily restricts any active participation in extremist groups without naming extremist groups that they cannot join because that might be an inhibitor against their free speech and their freedom of action. here's how the pentagon press secretary explains some of it. >> not everybody who participates in extremist activities is a card carrying member of a group. some people get self-radicalized, and there's many different factors that lead to them taking part in prohibited extremist activities, so again, keeping it to a group dynamic would actually limit our ability to deal with the issue. and the last thing i would say is there's no federal list of extremist groups, and so we didn't think it was appropriate for the department of defense to establish one. >> so you can join

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Hello , Lot , Cases , Pandemic , Delta Variant , Cancellations , Victor Blackwell , Holiday Season , Restrictions , People Confusion , Allison , Two , 97 , Omicron Variant , Country , News , Dr , U S , Fauci , Variant , Data , Covid Boost Ser , Strain , Moderna , Cnn , Winter , Athena Jones , Covid Developments , Reporter , Virus , Midst , Omicron Variant Accounting , Delta Surge , Sf , 3 , Season , White House , Warning , Deaths , Illness , Anywhere , Unvaccinated , Aday , 60 , Three , 1200 , Hospitalizations , Intensive Care Unit , 10 , 35 , 130000 , 80 , People , Members , Governor , South , Parts , Hospitals , Northeast , Cruise Ship Docking , Midwest , Ohio , National Guard , Royal Caribbean , Miami , 48 , A Thousand , Spike , Positive , Officials , Row , Record , Epicenter , Third Day , New York , Vaccination , Celebration , Times Square , City Set , Tests , City , World , Tram , Education , Sports , A Million , Rest , Rockettes , Performances , Harry Potter , Saturday Night Live , Hamilton , Broadway , Testing , Nfl , Testing Protocols , Games , Players , Nba , Nhl , Larry Hogan , Maryland , Elizabeth Warren , Dose , Congress , Cory Booker , Congressman Jason Crow , Colorado , Massachusetts , New Jersey , Booster , Vaccine , Masking , Doctors , Spread , Washington D C , Place , Case Council , Mask Order , The End , The New Order , Lieist , December 28th , Tuesday December 28th , 28 , Surge , Health Commissioner , Leana Wen , One , Experience , Zrr , Back End , Mountain , South Africa , Slope , Reporting , Province , A Rapid Downward Trajectory , Johannesberg , Population , Waves , Lots , Pockets , Precautions , Thing , Booster Shot , Individuals , Moderna Booster , Talk , Fight , Antibodies , Peer , Company , Let , Doses , Effectiveness , Pfizer , Point , Protection , Information , Right , Disease , Favor , Results , Numbers , Questions , Trajectory , Instagram , Twitter , Few , Let S Go , Question , Effect , Booster Dose , Protective , Shot , Children , Infants , Gatherings , Michael , Five , Something , Others , Herd Immunity , Idea , Everybody , Infant , Visit , Addition , Reason , Test , Exposure , Marcus , 95 , Home , Enemy , Somebody , Friends , Result , Nen , Don T Get , Mask , Decision , De Blasio , Quarantine , Sure Thaur , Events , Event , Atlanta , Crowds , Any , Peach Drop , Fine , Advice , Safe , Everything , Vaccinated , Fun , Light , Cloth , Don T Care , People Don T , Headline , Relatives , Everything Fun , Mitigation Measures , Pos , Holiday Eecvents , Republican , 64 , 63 , Democrats , Number , Distance , Versus A , Changes To Daily Life , Brian Stelter , Monmouth University , 30 , Line , Front Covid Testing Location , Store , Block , Harlem On Saturday , 40 , Lines , Kind , Reality , Movie Theaters , Spider Man Movie , Choices , Victim , Steps , Everyone , Choice , Joyces , Slack , Ignorant , Loved Ones , Risk , Chance , Grace , Bed , Humility , Couple , Si , Mystery , Life , Aren T You , Risk Choices , 2020 , March Of 2020 , Degree , Man , Parents , Wife , Loan , Hold , Amount , Cities , Case Growth , We Saw , , Cho Choices , Case , Counts , Everywhere , Ten , 12 , President , Dynamic , Team Reporting , Environment , Yes , 19 , Senator Manchin , Negotiations , Speech , Build , Blow , Handling , Spending Bill , Staffers , Omicron Tomorrow , Kim Potter , Jury , Gun , Taser , Daunte Wright , Trial , In Minneapolis , Closing Arguments , Lawyer , Sides , Highlights , Tam , Car , Mom , Dad , Merry Christmas , Vacation , Panic Room , Basement Slash , Family Needs , App , Yoga Shanti Slash , The Living Room , Vrbo , Pampers Ray , No , Diabetes , Vacations , Libre 2 , 2 , It , Glucose Levels , A1c , Visit Freestylelibre Us , Times , Facilities , Bridge , Tools , Operations , Engineers , Story , Cisco , Plan , Insurance , Smiling , Smile , Patients , X Rays , Exam , Obligation , Treatment , Aspen Dental , 20 , Book , Smiles , Budget , Payment Solutions , 1 , 800 , Table , Matter , Wayfair , Path , Forward , Blasting Manchin , Act , Announcement , Acornerstone Social Safety Net Bill , Schumer , Wr , Philosophical , Anybody , July , Dayun , July 2020 , Problem , Television , Notes , Phil Mattingly , Peeker Pelosi , Senator , Course , Leaders , Breath , Encapsulation , 24 , Chuck Schumer , Fireworks , Big Question , Comments , Morning , Colleagues , Letter , Nobody , Nancy Pelosi , Things , Capitol , Areas , Effort , Side , Track , Potential Pathway , Pennsylvania Avenue , Bill , Length , Agreement , Holidays , Jen Psaki , Deal , Open Question , Statement , Vajed Hurt , Briefing , Bel , 700 , Radio Interview , Margaret , Edit , Atlantic , Axyos , Ron Brownstein , Strategy , Progressives , Person , West Virginia , Protests , God , Badger , Enough , Pressure Manchin , Progress Ifrs , Crap , Messaging , Isn T , State , Back , Office , Donald Trump , Re Election , Constituents , Sort , Reasons , Calculation , Message , Af , Force , Aggressiveness , Interview , Feeling , Other , Process , Accidently Stumble , Fox News , Number One , Base , Audience , Response , Electorate , Move , Leader , Vote , Senator Sanders , Consequence , Courage , Front , Working Families , Lever , Provisions , Respect , Double , Energy , Ins , Size , Part , Party , Knowledge , Formula , Mayor , Census , Guy , View , House , Member , Collective , Votes , 81 Million , Child , Poverty , Kids , Child Poverty , Share , 45 , 49 , 44 , Pressure , Projections , Half , Winner , Average , 50 , Road , Insulin Costs , Conscience , Rock , Losers , Priorities , Word , Families , Issue , Programs , Way , Child Tax Credit , Funding , Advantage , Class , Nuances , No One , Understanding , Details , Gdp Outlook , Road Kill , Goldman Sachs , Growth , Consequences , Quarter , Asize , Agenda , Election , Item , Tush Lentz , Tax Cut , Obama , Stimulus Plan , Experiences , In The End , Reagan , Bill Big , Bush , Program , End , Trump , Minchin , 2022 , Thinking , Doesn T , Parties , Option , Support , Tax Cuts , Opposition , Risks , Ballot , Administration , Delta , Timing , Biden , Approval Numbers , Correlation , Footing , Trends , 100 , Term , Control , Hope , Plans , Argument , Goodness , Public , Wrench , Infrastructure Bill , Problems , Inflation Problems , Supply Chain Problems , Some , Reach , More , Address , Delays , Kim Potter Manslaughter Trial , Ron Brown , Strstein , Prosecution , Clol Ossal Screw Up , Attorneys , Look , Deals , Lollipop , Aren T , Customers , At T , Both , Smartphones , Flavors , Dishes , Seat , 000 , 1000 , Bond , Pure , Lotion , Moisture , Nurse Mariyam Sabo , Skin , Hydration , Dyes , Parabens , Fragrances , Touch , Baby , Pediatrician , Pampers , Brand , First , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Chances , Bull Rider , I Don T , Someone , Turn , Tex , Hang On , Wooo , Woooooo , Yeaa , 665 Dollars , 665 , Pay , Liberty , Small Business , Flexibility , Service , Comcast Business Mobile , Contract , Internet , Business , Network , Match Data Options , Mix , Fees , Nationwide 5g , 5 , 0 , Four , Possibilities , Comcast Business , Hands , Manslaughter Trial , Minnesota , Attorneys Made Closing Arguments Today , Adrianne Broadous , Women , Men , Color , Hennepin County , Six , Jury Members , Manslaughter , First Degree , Officer , 2002 , Accidents , Screwup , Epic Proportions , Blunder , Crimes , Mistake , Accident , Negligence , Recklessness , Earl Gray , Error , Jury Instructions , Contrast , Hand , Potter Act Recklessly , Second , Death , Video , Defense , Jet , Actions Led , 00 , 6 , Laptop , Deliberation Room , Camera Videos , Verdict , Internet Access , Glock , Room , Ammunition , Taser Potter , Deliberating , Opportunity , Weapons , Difference , Adrianne Proudous , Airports , Health Experts , Millions , Kindness , Lexus , Apr Financing , Es 350 , 350 , 1 9 , Fire , Desire , Don T Wanna , Author , Christian , Publisher , Kit , Health Officials , Beginning , Covid Infections , Majority , Risk Category , Destinations , Cdc , Eight , Tsa , Infections , Rise , Airport , Head , Traveling , Spain , 2 Million , Stats , Reagan National Airport , Aviation Constituent , Pete Muntean , Vickor , Discussion , Stretch , 2 12 Million , Fact , To L A Dr , Boston , Vblgd , Infection , Gjut , Obvious Travel , Breakthrough Infections , Doubt , Settings , Projection , Aaa , December 23rd , January 3rd , 30 Million , 190 Million , 23 , Up , Headlines , Airlines , Extremism , Pentagon , Military , Bit , Daybed , Slash Classroom , Bedroom Slash Music Studio , Deon , Spice , Body Lotion , Gabrielle , Fiji , Taking Ibrance , Hr , Breast Cancer , Aromatase Inhibitor , Thousands , Ibrance Plus , Disease Progression , Inflammation , Hormonal , Therapy , Blood Cell , Lungs , Doctor , Chills , Breathing , Kidney Problems , Breastfeeding , Liver , Signs , Chest Pain , Cough , Trouble , Fever , Side Effects , Guy Maintenance , Wavy , Test Drive Works , Boy , Money , Carvana , Em , Wait , Seven , Love It , Zookeeper , Mud Wrestler , Outs , Missus , Vo , T Mobile , Airpods , Iphone 13 Pro , Dianne , 13 , Star , Tennis , Chinese , Allegations , Sexually , Social Media , Communist Party , Misunderstanding , Safety , Fears , Tournaments , Women S Tennis Association , Will Ripley , Disappearance , Videos , Chris Everett , Hong Kong , Media , Pung , Phone , A Retired Communist Leader , Ioc , Government , Face , Narrative , Beijing O 2022 Olympics , Newspaper , State Media , Mainland , Paper , Chinese Media , Waymo Post , Post , Terms , Portion , Privacy , Appearances , Ability , Censorship , Allegation , Concerns , Coercion , Sexual Assault , Call , Concern , Peng Shuai , Coached , Scenario , Limbo , Onstar , Mother , First Responder , Vehicle , Advisor , Fire Truck Siren , School Bus Passing By , Bikes Passing , Driver , Son , Injuries , Maggie Gronewald , Ointment , Weather , Restore Healthy , Visit Freestylelibre Us Limu Emu , Help , Superpowers , Spider Bite , Doug , Gasps , Theaters , Guests , Gifts , Groceries , Joy , Waiting On , Spider Man , Etta James , I Got You Babe , December 17th , 17 , Rules , Extremist , Membership , Guidance , Organization , Marking , It Doesn T Prohibit Membership , January 6th Riots , Barbara Starr , January 6th , Handle , Extremists , Saying , Freedom Of Action , Policy , Definitions , Regulation , Freedom Of Speech , Extremist Groups , Participation , Inhibitor , Press Secretary , Group , Activities , Card Carrying Member , Lead , Factors , List , Department Of Defense ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota And Victor Blackwell 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240709

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sf >> reporter: america, bracing for a tough winter that is beginning to look a lot like last winter. in the midst of a delta surge, the new omicron variant accounting for 3% of cases but spreading fast. >> this virus is extraordinary. it has a doubling time of anywhere from two to three days. it is going to take over. >> reporter: and with just over 60% of the country fully vaccinated, the white house warning of a season of severe illness for the unvaccinated. the u.s. now averaging 1200 deaths aday. and 130,000 new covid cases a day, up 10% from a week ago. hospitalizations nationwide up 35% over last month. intensive care unit beds 80% full. cases rising much faster in parts of the midwest, the south and the northeast. ohio's governor deploying over a thousand national guard members to over stretched hospitals there. in miami, a royal caribbean cruise ship docking over the weekend with 48 people testing positive for covid. new york setting a record for new cases for the third day in a row on sunday. new york city, an early epicenter of the pandemic, seeing a spike in cases officials say is being driven by omicron. >> we have to move faster. that is why we're focusing even more on vaccination and we do know that vaccination helps address omicron. >> reporter: the city set to decide this week whether to go forward with its famed new year's eve celebration in times square. testing lines hours long throughout the city as officials plan to begin to distribute half a million rapid tests as early as today. and also up ending the world of sports and education and tram in the recent days, forcing "saturday night live" to cancel and the rockettes to cancel the rest of the season. after multiple broadway shows from hamilton to harry potter cancel performances due to covid cases. the nba, nhl and nfl also postponing games. and the nfl now changing its testing protocols. no longer requiring testing of asymptomatic fully vaccinated players. covid striking maryland governor larry hogan and members of congress with massachusetts senator elizabeth warren, new jersey senator cory booker, and colorado congressman jason crow all testing positive for the virus. >> right now you need that third dose. i wish we could call it a booster. it is a three-dose vaccine. >> reporter: and with doctors reminding us that basic mitigation measures like masking could help stop the spread. washington, d.c. is reinstating a indoor mask order only lifted at the end of november. d.c. is experiencing the lieist case council since pandemic began. the new order will be if place starting tuesday, december 28th, lasting through the end of january. victor. >> athena jones, thank you so much. and let's bring in former health commissioner dr. leana wen. let's start with what we've learned from omicron. the surge is della but omicron is spreading here. we heard this morning from the zrr who said they're on the back end of their slope. that is a steep mountain but a very narrow one. what should we glean from what we're seeing in south africa? >> well, i would love for the u.s. to also have the experience of south africans, of the province where johannesberg and they were reporting from, it would be great to see a rapid spike by a rapid downward trajectory, but we don't know whether the experience from south africa would apply here. the population is younger than here in the u.s. also, it is expected that a lot more people in south africa were exposed during earlier waves and we have deep pockets within the u.s. of lots of unvaccinated individuals and so i think it is too soon to say what will happen an the most important thing that could be done now is for us to take precautions including for those people still waiting on the booster shot, what are you waiting for. please get that booster now. >> let's talk about the moderna booster, the company said this is not published or peer reviewed but they say that that booster shot, moderna shot increases significantly antibodies in the fight against omicron, is this the news that we've been waiting for or still too soon to know the effectiveness. >> i think it is the news that we're waiting for because we're seeing this consistently for pfizer as well. that we know it looks like two doses of the vaccine till protect you against severe disease. but the protection against symptomatic disease declines a lot. but that is restored with a third dose. i hope that we'll continue to see these results as well. but again, more information weighing in favor of getting a booster at this point. >> all right, as we're seeing the trajectory of numbers here, this is a time we try to get people answers to their specific questions. so i've asked people on twitter and instagram to send me the questions at victor blackwell and let's go through a few of them. i'm start with michael who said how long does it take for the full effect of a moderna booster to go through. let's start there, with that question. >> yeah, what we have said is if you are considered to be fully vaccinated, this is prior to the booster, that it is two weeks after your second shot. and it looks like for the booster dose, that that would be similar as well. so you do get a protective. even after a few days. but ideally you're considered to be fully boosted if you will two weeks after that booster dose. >> there is a second question from michael here. what do you recommend for gatherings with infants who cannot yet be vaccinated? i know you have two young children who are under five. >> that is right. and so i would say to use additional precautions. because we're dealing with something that is to contagious ought this point and the whole idea with herd immunity is you combine with others who are fully vaccinated. so everybody around you is fully vaccinated and boosted. also i would take additional precautions because this is an infant with very little immune protection and so i would have everybody who is going to be visiting the infant be tested right before the visit. in addition to being fully vaccinated. if there are unvaccinated people there, if you're not able to get rapid tests, i would not see the infant indoors, i would try to visit outdoors only and if you have to be indoors for some reason, everybody should be wearing a high quality respiratory k-95 mask around this infant. >> i know marcus. hey marcus. with more people getting at home covid tests how soon after exposure could a person test positive with the at-moment test. good question. >> it is a very good question. so the at home tests are not perfect. no test frankly is. but we should not let perfect be the enemy of the good if that what the at-home test does is it shows whether you are infectious, you are carrying enough virus to inspect other people at that point in time. there is to point in getting a test three days ago and when you should be getting a test right before you're seeing somebody or getting together with friends. as to when you would want to get that test, after exposure you usually get a positive result three days after exposure. so if you just got exposed to somebody who has covid, don't get tested right now. wait three days and nen that period of time quarantine yourself or if you're fully vaccinated, least make sure thaur -- that you're wearing a mask. >> the mayor de blasio said the city has not yet made a decision on if it will cancel the time square event for crowds to show up. right now you have to be vaccinated and if they hold it. but for people considering going there or to the peach drop in atlanta or any of the similar events across the country, what would your advice to them be? good or not good or if you are vaccinated your fine? what do you think. >> i do not that i that mayor de blasio should cancel the event because it is outdoors. the events that are safe should be kept and also the events that have fun for people, too. we can't be canceling everything. if we're going to be living with covid for the foreseeable future. would you say if you choose to go, make sure your vaccinated and boosted and wearing a mask, even though it is outdoors there are a lot of people packed around you, wearing a three-comply surgical mask and don't care a cloth mask, there is no place for them in light of omicron. so wear a high quality mask, a three comply surgical mask and if your visiting elderly relatives or immunocompromised people, wait three days and get tested and then see the vulnerable people. >> don't cancel everything fun. that is the headline i got there from you dr. wen. thank you so much for being with us. all right. to that point, the spike in cases is happening just as a lot of people are getting together for the holiday eecvents and pos shows that people are tired of mitigation measures. and this is bipartisan. 64% of republican, and 63% of democrats till tell monmouth university they're warn out by the changes to daily life. and a number of people are willing to social distance today, versus a year ago dropped by more than 30%. let's bring in brian stelter on this point. brian, i was out in harlem on saturday, and less than a block from one another there was a store front covid testing location, a mobile covid testing location, maybe 40 people in each line, but we also know there were long lines to see the new spider-man movie this weekend too. >> that is right. and that is our new reality. there are long lines and people crowding into movie theaters at at same time there are long lines for testing. this is the kind of confusing moment we're in with covid where different people are taking different choices, taking different steps. and i think i certainly have sometimes fallen victim to this, where you feel like everybody is taking more precautions than you is being overly careful and then everyone taking less is ignorant. i think we need to have some slack in this moment. because people are making different choice joyces about where they are seeing loved ones or if they've just gotten tested or gotten sick and recovered and we need to have this some grace and humility in this moment because different people are going to make different risk assess. s i want everyone to be boosted so they have a good chance of having a couple of bad days in bed and then getting over it. but aren't you seeing the same thing, where people are making very different risk choices because we know what covid is. it is no longer a mystery like in march of 2020 and that is why the movie theaters have reopened and people are able to get on with life while taking some precautions. >> the degree of risk that i may be willing to take as a single man that live as loan, should not match up to yours with two young children and a wife at hold and elderly parents. we do have to give each other some grace. >> that is what it is about. we could see what is going to happen in the next few weeks. there is a tremendous amount of case growth, it is clear in new york city, and other major cities. some we saw in the south is trending upwards. we'll see this in the next few weeks and we have to understand that people will make different cho choices. i love what dr. wen said about new year's, you can't cancel everything. do what is safer and that is the new formal that we've been wondering about for a while. i also think it is going to become less about case counts and more about hospitalizations. if it is the case, right now i have ten or 12 friends who have covid right now. that feels like new york city right now. positive cases are everywhere. and that is true in other major cities as well. so in that environment, in this dynamic, it is going to be different than it was a year ago with covid-19. >> the washington team reporting that the white house may be shifting toward counting severe cases not just new cases. >> exactly, yes. >> we'll see what we hear from the president as he makes a speech about omicron tomorrow. brian, good to see you. joe manchin is blaming white house staffers for the handling of the build back better negotiations after he delivered a potentially fatal blow to the democrats' spending bill. the white house is now responding. we'll have that for you. and also in minneapolis, the jury is deliberating in the trial of kim potter, the former police officer who mistook her gun for her taser and killed daunte wright, we'll talk about what lawyer on both sides of the case are doing to close this case. we have the highlights of closing arguments. ♪ ♪ hey, tam-tam! i was thinking maybe... your mom's car? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ merry christmas, dad. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash... and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose 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♪ ♪ ♪ no matter what you bring to the table, there's no place like wayfair. find a path forward today after senator joe manchin announced that he would vote no on the the build back better act. manchin's decision kills president acornerstone social safety net bill. the white house blasting manchin for his announcement, today he defended his decision. he said that he's been telling fellow democrats exactly what wr he stood all along. >> i was from the very beginning. >> gave schumer the philosophical believes an the amount of reason that i thought we would raise for everything. so they've had that from dayun. july 2020 -- of this year. he's had that and i never shared that with anybody. now they assume i never told anybody. everyone has known. i've spoken so many times on television, in telling people where i am. have a problem. >> cnn's phil mattingly is at the white house. so what is the plan from here? you're hearing optimistic notes have peeker pelosi an where does it go. >> the best encapsulation in the last 24 hours was from a democratic senator a short while ago would said take a breath. that is where democrats need to go from what transpired over the course of the last 24 hours. when you listen to what leaders like nancy pelosi have said, chuck schumer in a letter to his colleagues this morning, one thing is clear, nobody is giving up. whether it is the white house or democratic leaders. the big question now is particularly given the fireworks an the scathing comments going back and forth over the course of the last day, whether or not they could actually get things back on track. when you talk to democrats both here at the white house and on the other side of pennsylvania avenue in the capitol, they believe there is still not only going to be an effort but a potential pathway with senator manchin. there were areas that senator manchin was supportive of. they might need to change the length or what is in the bill, perhaps the duration of them, but there were potential areas of agreement. there is no question about that. i think the real question right now is, is senator manchin done completely and if they want to figure out a deal, they need to restart everything altogether or could negotiations continue after everybody breathes and enjoys some holidays. that is the open question right now. it is very interesting to see what jen psaki said when she started her briefing in 10 minutes since it is the first thing we've heard from the white house since the scathing 700 word statement yesterday. >> i wonder how much that statement, if there is something to bel is vajed hurt that effort that could start at the beginning of the year. thank you so much. let's bring in margaret, cnn political analyst for axyos and ron brownstein and senior edit for for the atlantic. welcome to you both. i want to play more of this radio interview that senator manchin did today in which he talks about some of the strategy that progressives and potentially the white house took to try to get him to come on board. listen. >> they just never realized that because they figure, surely to gott god we could move one person. surely we to badger and beat one person up and get enough protests to make that person uncomfortable enough. and guess what i'm from west virginia. i'm not from where they are from and they could beat the living crap out of people and think they'll be submissive. period. >> margaret, the strategy that we saw from progress ifrs was to try to pressure manchin. he said i've been in the same place since march. and with phil there, as i mentioned, how does this statement from jen psaki if that is what they have to negotiate with. >> victor, it is really complicating messaging, isn't it? senator manchin is right, he's not running for president. he doesn't hold a nationwide political office. he is a senator in the state that voted overwhelming for donald trump. so when progressives come after him and he pushes back, that helps them among his actual constituents where he'll have to stand for the re-election. i think the white house calculation is that they needed to push back with the same sort af -- of aggressiveness or force that they felt his message had been delivered. and that is for two reasons. number one, the white house is feeling, most democrats are feeling you don't accidently stumble into fox news to make a sunday interview that blows everything up a few days before christmas. that is a deliberate process. and the other that of course biden has to consider his audience and his audience is not just the national electorate but his base, his base was demanding an aggressive response in kind to manchin's move. >> ron, when you consider what we heard from senator manchin there, we know that leader schumer said there is going to be a vote on build back better and this is what we heard from senator sanders that he wants to see happen with, and i guess to or for senator manchin. let's play it. >> if he doesn't have the courage to do the right thing for the working families of west virginia and america, let him vote no in front of the whole world. >> okay. i mean, i don't know why that should be like some consequence or that progressives think that manchin would be embarrassed by this vote. he's been in the same place and said the same thing for months now. >> yeah, and i don't think a public vote really is the lever. but with all due respect to senator, his statement was absurd. it was ridiculous. the only thing that democrats have done is try to bully him is ludicrous. they allowed him to rewrite the bill, ins of the size and energy provisions and gone double and triple back flips to find a formula acceptable to him in the knowledge that he is one person with the party and that is a part of what makes this so remarkable, victor. if you did a census of every elected democrat from mayor to governor to house member to senate to the guy who got 81 million votes for president, they would all be in favor of passing something along the lines of what the house did and joe manchin is saying my view as part of this big collective should outweigh everybody else when she's in a state -- you talked about whether progressives could pressure him. west virginia is a state that ranks 44 new jersey child poverty. ranks 45th in extreme child poverty and 49th in the share of white kids who are in poverty. and the projections are that this bill would have cut child poverty in the state in half. so i mean, there is that pressure within the state, too. that reality, it is 50% above the national average in diabetes, big winner in the provisions limiting insulin costs that are in the bill. so he's making a very conscience choice to make a statement as he has done before of identifying himself as the rock in the road, blocking liberal democratic priorities but the losers on that are not just progressives in san francisco and new york, it is a lot of low income families in west virginia. >> yeah, go ahead. >> you know, i was going to say, i think if you take manchin at his word and many people won't at this point, but if you take his word, he's saying he's not opposed to a lot of the programs. although he has taken issue with some including the child tax credit and the way that that would be structured but he doesn't want the funding for two or three years and he wants to have a better understanding of who is able to take advantage of it so the middle class are not taking advantage of programs that should be just dedicated to poor people like his constituents. there is nuances, but no one is negotiating the details because right now this is all sort of road kill. >> ron, let me come back to you with this. immediately after we heard from manchin that he is a no on this, goldman sachs downgrading the gdp outlook for the first quarter. that it would go from, they believe from 3% growth to 2% growth, downgraded second and third quarter as well. politically, asize from the no that manchin, is consequences in a election year. >> the economic blow and the political blow are both enormous, right. i mean, if you're talking about the signature economic agenda item of a new president, they've often gone through tush lentz water as you know, there are a lot of near-death experiences on the bill big. but in the end reagan and bush passed their tax cut and obama passed his stimulus plan and trump passed the tax cut in the end usually the president gets their core economic program through in the first year and if minchin is willing to sink this, i think in the full knowledge that he will greatly increase both the economic and political risk for democrats in 2022. and don't forget, if he runs for re-election, it will be in a presidential year. so unless he is thinking about changing parties, which doesn't seem to be a real plausible option given his opposition to the trump tax cuts and support for convicting trump in the past, he is going to be on the ballot as part of a refer ends um on this administration so he's making a calculated choice with enormous risks for the country and his constituents and his party. >> margaret, for the white house, this blow on the agenda, the legislative agenda coincides with the timing of the new surge, delta is surging, omicron is spreading. the president was elected in large part to get the country on better footing in this fight against the pandemic. and there is a correlation between the numbers and the trends of those cases and hospitalizations and deaths and his approval numbers. >> it is 100% true for president biden and in a shorter term for the democratic party. the question is what are you running for re-election on. what are you running on. his hope was to say we got covid under control and omicron is putting a wrench in those plans for president biden. it is very complicated to argue well thank goodness i helped make the vaccine available to everybody, it would be so much worse if you didn't have the vaccine. that is a difficult argument to viscerally make to the public. and so with the supply chain problems, the inflation problems, you're the president, the buck stops with you. these are intractable problems and very difficult to turn around. but that is his lot in life. so he would like to be able to say both the infrastructure bill, which has already passed and some of the bbb provisions he would very much like to run on those, the longer the delays, the more out of reach that is for him. >> we'll see what the path is forward on omicron and the pandemic tomorrow. the president giving an important address on that. margaret, ron brown strstein, g to see you. >> thank you. the jury in the kim potter manslaughter trial is deliberating after several hours of closing arguments for attorneys. the prosecution called shooting death ever daunte wright a clol ossal screw up. >> but first a look at other events we're watching today. at at&t everyone gets our best deals. aren't others doing 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available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. a manslaughter trial of former minnesota police officer kim potter is now in the hands of the jury. potter shot and killed 20-year-old daunte wright in april and she claims she mistook her gun for her taser. adrianne broadous is in minneapolis. so adrianne, attorneys made closing arguments today. what did they say? >> reporter: victor, they said a lot and now this case is in the hands of the jury. let's tell you about the jury first. it is six men, six women. three out of 12 are people of color. almost reflective of hennepin county, the population here about 80% white. those jury members are now trying to decide whether or not kim potter is guilty of first-degree and second-degree manslaughter. the prosecution making its case arguing that daunte wright died at the hands of a highly trained officer. focusing on her years, decades of experience. she was certified to use the taser, she said she intended to pull back in 2002. listen in to some of what the prosecution said. >> this was a colossal screwup. a blunder of epic proportions. accidents can still be crimes. if they occur as the result of recklessness or culpable negligence. you're not going to find the word accident or mistake or error anywhere in your jury instructions. >> reporter: she told members of jury they will not see that it was a mistake or error anywhere in their jury instructions. by contrast, defense attorney earl gray told members of the jury this was a mistake and he challenged them, when their back deliberating to think about this question, he said, and i'm paraphrasing here, how could potter act recklessly if she doesn't know she had a gun in her hand. listen in. >> a second later she shot him. tragically. but she didn't know she had a gun either. and then he said, you shot me. and being alone, what does he do, does he say help me out and he takes off and you see the video, he goes like a jet. >> reporter: the defense arguing wright's actions led to his death. meanwhile, members of jury will deliberate until 6:00 p.m. tonight unless they reach a verdict before that time. they will also be sequestered and in the deliberation room they have a laptop, it does not have internet access but they could replay the body camera videos at will. also in the deliberating room with members of jury, the glock that killed daunte wright, it is not loaded. the ammunition was removed and they also have the taser potter intended to pull that day. this is an opportunity as their deliberating to look and feel the difference of the two weapons. victor. >> fascinating there. adrianne proudous in minneapolis for us. thank you. health experts warn a grim winter of coronavirus is in ahead, but that is not stopping millions of people already traveling for the holidays. we're live at one of the busiest airports in the country. ♪ you've got to try a little kindness ♪ ♪ yes, show a little kindness ♪ ♪ just shine your light for everyone to see ♪ ♪ and if you try a little kindness ♪ we've been waiting all year to come together. it worked! happy holidays from lexus. get 1.9% apr financing on the 2022 es 350. ♪ ♪ ♪ you are my fire ♪ ♪ the one desire ♪ ♪ you are, you are, ♪ ♪ don't wanna hear you say... ♪ ♪ ♪ i want it that way ♪ are you a christian author with a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! health experts are warning that the coronavirus case surge could lead to a grim beginning to 2022. as health officials try to get more americans to get vaccinated and boosted. the delta variant is still driving vast majority of cases but the more contagious omicron variant continues to spread. it is in at least 45 states now. new covid infections in the u.s. are up 10% from a week ago, nearly 80% of icu beds are full. and dr. fauci warns that omicron is just getting started. he said testing and vaccination are imperative. and this is just into cnn, the cdc has now added eight more destinations to his highest risk category for travel including spain. so let's head to the airport now. millions of americans are traveling, despite the rise in new covid infections. tsa screened more than 2 million people at u.s. airports for the fourth day in a row on sunday. cnn aviation constituent pete muntean is live at reagan national airport. talk us through the stats and how are things running? >> reporter: you know, vickor, so many people are facing the dreaded go or no go discussion and many people are going. 2.12 million people screened at airports across the country just yesterday. that is the fourth straight day of numbers higher than 2 million. not seeing a stretch like this since after thanksgiving. in fact, the friday number, the highest number since the monday after thanksgiving. clearly so many people feel confident about traveling right now. just look at the long lines at airports yesterday from atlanta to boston, to l.a. dr. fauci said really just to v to weigh the risks right now if your vblgd and boosted, this may be okay but you have to think about how quickly the omicron variant is spreading and also the delta variant is still out there. here is what he said. >> clearly when you travel, there is always a risk of increased infection. that gjut goes with respiratory illness, but if you want to travel for the obvious travel reasons for the holiday season, if you're vaccinated and you're boosted, and you take care when you go into congregate settings like airports to make sure you continually wear your mask, you should be okay. but we are going to see breakthrough infections, chuck. there is no doubt about that. >> reporter: aaa anticipated 190 million people will travel 50 miles or more between december 23rd and january 3rd. the tsa just updated its projection saying that 30 million people in total will fly between today and january 3rd. one of the busiest day is thursday. we'll see if the up in cases will cause the numbers to go down. airlines say as the omicron variant started to make headlines, cancellations did go up a little bit. but not all that much, victor. >> all right. pete muntean at reagan national, thank you. just into cnn, pentagon officials say they now have a plan to target extremism within the military. we have details of that plan next. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ deon, hand it over. now how does that make you feel? like a part of me is missing. gabrielle? this old spice fiji hand and body lotion has me smoother than ever. that's what it does. ♪ thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are 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(vo) buy your car online. love it or return it. with carvana. it's the most joyous time of year. especially at t-mobile! let's go to dianne. i got the awesome new iphone 13 pro and airpods, and t-mobile is paying for them both! and this is for new and existing customers. upgrade to the iphone 13 pro and airpods both on us. only at t-mobile. chinese tennis star said she did not accuse a communist party leader of sexually assaulting her. she disappeared from public view for several weeks after posting her initial allegations on social media in november. and her disappearance prompted fears for her safety and led the women's tennis association to pull out of upcoming tournaments in china. now pung insists it's all a misunderstanding. cnn's will ripley joins me now from hong kong. suddenly this was all a mistake. how are people reacting to this interview, it sounds like in line with some of the videos that have been released, people don't buy that this is authentic. >> yeah, former tennis great chris everett tweeted just, you know, it's unsettling to watch pung in this interview. it is shot with a phone. it's technically international media, her first interview since the explosive allegations that she was sexually assaulted by a retired communist leader who happened to be the former face of the beijing o 2022 olympics. the ioc has been trying to bolster the chinese government's narrative that everything is fine. and now even though they were widely perceived as staged. this reporter working for a newspaper that is about as close to chinese state media that you can get without being chinese media. they're allowed to be sold in the mainland, the only paper you can buy in the mainland and this reporter starts asking peng questions. she's not being monitored. she has been free all along, and talked about her waymo post that was deleted in minutes, and tried to convince the reporter even though she said she was sexually assaulted in the post, she's claiming that's not what she meant to write. >> i want to emphasize one thing, i have never written about someone sexually assaulting me. in terms of the post, it's my personal privacy. there possibly has been a lot of misunderstanding. >> the women's tennis association not convinced. let me read you a portion of the statement. these appearances do not alleviate or address the significant concerns about her well being and ability to communicate without censorship or coercion. we remain steadfast in our call for a full, transparent, without censorship, and her allegation of sexual assault which is the issue that gave rise to our initial concern. when people are detained in china, they are coerced, trained, coached, a lot of people wondering if that's what happened to peng shuai. covid is surging in parts of the country, an unfortunate scenario putting things like the new year's eve celebration in new york city in limbo. we'll talk about that ahead. 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(gasps) ♪ did it work? only pay for what you need ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ spider-man no way home in theaters december 17th ♪“i got you babe” by etta james♪ ♪ get groceries, gifts, & more fast and easy. so last minute guests are the only thing you'll be waiting on. ♪ joy. fully. ♪ pentagon announced new guidance to help it identify and weed out extremism within the u.s. military. the new rules do not prohibit membership in an extremist organization but they make it harder to participate in them. cnn's barbara starr is following this from the pentagon. it doesn't prohibit membership, what's the plan here? >> well, victor, as we are just several days away from the one year marking of the january 6th riots at the capitol, the pentagon today taking that step it's been looking at for the last year, essentially, on how to get a handle on extremists. and they say they had about 100 cases this past year, so what are they doing? what they are saying is they're really trying to sharpen up the definitions, the rules, the regulation, the policy. what it means is service members still have some freedom of speech, but freedom of action is a different thing. it heavily restricts any active participation in extremist groups without naming extremist groups that they cannot join because that might be an inhibitor against their free speech and their freedom of action. here's how the pentagon press secretary explains some of it. >> not everybody who participates in extremist activities is a card carrying member of a group. some people get self-radicalized, and there's many different factors that lead to them taking part in prohibited extremist activities, so again, keeping it to a group dynamic would actually limit our ability to deal with the issue. and the last thing i would say is there's no federal list of extremist groups, and so we didn't think it was appropriate for the department of defense to establish one. >> so you can join

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Accidently Stumble , Fox News , Number One , Base , Audience , Response , Electorate , Move , Leader , Vote , Senator Sanders , Consequence , Courage , Front , Working Families , Lever , Provisions , Respect , Double , Energy , Ins , Size , Part , Party , Knowledge , Formula , Mayor , Census , Guy , View , House , Member , Collective , Votes , 81 Million , Child , Poverty , Kids , Child Poverty , Share , 45 , 49 , 44 , Pressure , Projections , Half , Winner , Average , 50 , Road , Insulin Costs , Conscience , Rock , Losers , Priorities , Word , Families , Issue , Programs , Way , Child Tax Credit , Funding , Advantage , Class , Nuances , No One , Understanding , Details , Gdp Outlook , Road Kill , Goldman Sachs , Growth , Consequences , Quarter , Asize , Agenda , Election , Item , Tush Lentz , Tax Cut , Obama , Stimulus Plan , Experiences , In The End , Reagan , Bill Big , Bush , Program , End , Trump , Minchin , 2022 , Thinking , Doesn T , Parties , Option , Support , Tax Cuts , Opposition , Risks , Ballot , Administration , Delta , Timing , Biden , Approval Numbers , Correlation , Footing , Trends , 100 , Term , Control , Hope , Plans , Argument , Goodness , Public , Wrench , Infrastructure Bill , Problems , Inflation Problems , Supply Chain Problems , Some , Reach , More , Address , Delays , Kim Potter Manslaughter Trial , Ron Brown , Strstein , Prosecution , Clol Ossal Screw Up , Attorneys , Look , Deals , Lollipop , Aren T , Customers , At T , Both , Smartphones , Flavors , Dishes , Seat , 000 , 1000 , Bond , Pure , Lotion , Moisture , Nurse Mariyam Sabo , Skin , Hydration , Dyes , Parabens , Fragrances , Touch , Baby , Pediatrician , Pampers , Brand , First , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Chances , Bull Rider , I Don T , Someone , Turn , Tex , Hang On , Wooo , Woooooo , Yeaa , 665 Dollars , 665 , Pay , Liberty , Small Business , Flexibility , Service , Comcast Business Mobile , Contract , Internet , Business , Network , Match Data Options , Mix , Fees , Nationwide 5g , 5 , 0 , Four , Possibilities , Comcast Business , Hands , Manslaughter Trial , Minnesota , Attorneys Made Closing Arguments Today , Adrianne Broadous , Women , Men , Color , Hennepin County , Six , Jury Members , Manslaughter , First Degree , Officer , 2002 , Accidents , Screwup , Epic Proportions , Blunder , Crimes , Mistake , Accident , Negligence , Recklessness , Earl Gray , Error , Jury Instructions , Contrast , Hand , Potter Act Recklessly , Second , Death , Video , Defense , Jet , Actions Led , 00 , 6 , Laptop , Deliberation Room , Camera Videos , Verdict , Internet Access , Glock , Room , Ammunition , Taser Potter , Deliberating , Opportunity , Weapons , Difference , Adrianne Proudous , Airports , Health Experts , Millions , Kindness , Lexus , Apr Financing , Es 350 , 350 , 1 9 , Fire , Desire , Don T Wanna , Author , Christian , Publisher , Kit , Health Officials , Beginning , Covid Infections , Majority , Risk Category , Destinations , Cdc , Eight , Tsa , Infections , Rise , Airport , Head , Traveling , Spain , 2 Million , Stats , Reagan National Airport , Aviation Constituent , Pete Muntean , Vickor , Discussion , Stretch , 2 12 Million , Fact , To L A Dr , Boston , Vblgd , Infection , Gjut , Obvious Travel , Breakthrough Infections , Doubt , Settings , Projection , Aaa , December 23rd , January 3rd , 30 Million , 190 Million , 23 , Up , Headlines , Airlines , Extremism , Pentagon , Military , Bit , Daybed , Slash Classroom , Bedroom Slash Music Studio , Deon , Spice , Body Lotion , Gabrielle , Fiji , Taking Ibrance , Hr , Breast Cancer , Aromatase Inhibitor , Thousands , Ibrance Plus , Disease Progression , Inflammation , Hormonal , Therapy , Blood Cell , Lungs , Doctor , Chills , Breathing , Kidney Problems , Breastfeeding , Liver , Signs , Chest Pain , Cough , Trouble , Fever , Side Effects , Guy Maintenance , Wavy , Test Drive Works , Boy , Money , Carvana , Em , Wait , Seven , Love It , Zookeeper , Mud Wrestler , Outs , Missus , Vo , T Mobile , Airpods , Iphone 13 Pro , Dianne , 13 , Star , Tennis , Chinese , Allegations , Sexually , Social Media , Communist Party , Misunderstanding , Safety , Fears , Tournaments , Women S Tennis Association , Will Ripley , Disappearance , Videos , Chris Everett , Hong Kong , Media , Pung , Phone , A Retired Communist Leader , Ioc , Government , Face , Narrative , Beijing O 2022 Olympics , Newspaper , State Media , Mainland , Paper , Chinese Media , Waymo Post , Post , Terms , Portion , Privacy , Appearances , Ability , Censorship , Allegation , Concerns , Coercion , Sexual Assault , Call , Concern , Peng Shuai , Coached , Scenario , Limbo , Onstar , Mother , First Responder , Vehicle , Advisor , Fire Truck Siren , School Bus Passing By , Bikes Passing , Driver , Son , Injuries , Maggie Gronewald , Ointment , Weather , Restore Healthy , Visit Freestylelibre Us Limu Emu , Help , Superpowers , Spider Bite , Doug , Gasps , Theaters , Guests , Gifts , Groceries , Joy , Waiting On , Spider Man , Etta James , I Got You Babe , December 17th , 17 , Rules , Extremist , Membership , Guidance , Organization , Marking , It Doesn T Prohibit Membership , January 6th Riots , Barbara Starr , January 6th , Handle , Extremists , Saying , Freedom Of Action , Policy , Definitions , Regulation , Freedom Of Speech , Extremist Groups , Participation , Inhibitor , Press Secretary , Group , Activities , Card Carrying Member , Lead , Factors , List , Department Of Defense ,

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