Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

you're a seasoned political spouse, but how does it feel to be that messenger? >> you know it is an honor to be in this position. i think as jill and i are very similar, it is like we just raise our hand and do what's needed to help, not only our spouses. we love our spouses obviously, but it is to help the president, the vice president, this entire administration and by doing that, if we have to travel all over this country, to do that, we're going to do that. >> we want americans to know that the president and the vice president and doug and i care about them and their families. >> now, john, the reason i asked that question, people maybe does not know the first lady has been to 35 states, the second gentleman 31 states. for more than their spouses, pushing vaccines, the american rescue plan and being consolers in the country when grief and tragedy happens. so doing the behind the scenes work, often first ladies do, and now the second gentleman. so it has been part of their massive travel schedule yesterday to visit these victims in waukesha. >> i didn't know those numbers. that's an extensive schedule for a first year in office. >> absolutely. >> kate, thank you very much. >> thanks. "new day" continues right now. good morning to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. it is thursday, december 16th. i'm john berman with brianna keilar. and this morning, the dilemma facing colleges and really the country as coronavirus cases shoot up, and cases are rising a lot. cornell university encapsulates the situation. about a thousand new cases reported on campus. but, the university president reports they are seeing no severe cases among students. none. so what do you think the most important medical headline there is, a thousand new cases or no severe cases. and what is the right reaction to it? cornell, princeton, middlebury college all moving fall semester final exams online. nyu says it is strongly encouraging students to take their finals from home as well. is that necessary? with almost no severe cases? several schools have issued booster shot requirements in recent weeks. others say they are now thinking about it. >> this is both flu and covid-19 cases are on the rise, which has led growing -- led to growing concern that health systems may be overwhelmed this winter. coronavirus hospitalizations are up 43% from one month ago and the cdc is projecting that virus deaths will increase over the next four weeks. however, the number of fully vaccinated americans surpassed 200 million earlier this month, just over 60% of the population. and in the past week, the doses being administered jumped 35% from the week before. but there are still millions who have not received a single dose and many of them insist they never will. >> cnn's polo sandoval joins us now with what we're seeing. polo? >> reporter: good morning to you. that so-called considerable acceleration in covid cases first detected here at nyu, school officials stressing no cause for alarm, but certainly a reason to be cautious and certainly to take action and that brings us to where we are today, the university officials are encouraging faculty members to take a remote approach when it comes to finals. also, not a lot of nonessential events on campus, being canceled or recommending they be canceled and also suspending the use of common spaces like athletic facilities, meeting spaces and what have you. as you mentioned, the nyu is not alone. there is princeton and cornell. the silver lining is many of the campus counts on an extremely high vaccination rate among students. i checked princeton a little while ago, between 98 and 99%. that goes or explains why many of these breakthrough cases have not been severe. but, look, you are seeing multiple steps being taken throughout the northeast, here in new york over the last several days, even been some separate sporadic cancellations of popular broadway shows including hamilton, harry potter and the cursed child, tina and the list goes on here. these were sporadic and temporary cancellations because of breakthrough cases and because of that, of course, authorities are certainly making sure that people remain safe. at the end of the day, what we're seeing here throughout the northeast is you're seeing these tactics deployed that we have seen before in an effort to curb the spread of this virus as this winter surge continues to threaten. and many officials maintain that surge is already here. >> i don't think there is any question about it at this point, polo, you're seeing things like a thousand new cases at cornell, but, again if there are no -- not many breakthroughs, there are no severe cases at cornell according to the university president there, no severe cases, so i do think one of the questions that will be asked going forward is are the systems, are the right systems in place for the long-term because, you know, can schools like that just shut down indefinitely if they see rises in new cases. these are questions that the schools have to answer as they head into the winter months. polo sandoval, thank you for that. >> thanks, john. unprecedented weather is striking across the u.s. and it is bringing dangerous threats to those in its path. the record december heat is creating what the national weather service calls never before seen forecasts and this includes tornadoes, hurricane force winds, and, yes, even fires. lucy kafanov is joining us now. this isn't normally what you get in december. this isn't what you ever get in december, lucy. >> reporter: not at all, completely unusual and this line of storms moved incredibly fast, up to 100 miles an hour in some parts of the central united states. winds kicking up storms, fueling wildfires, knocking down power lines. nearly 450,000 can customers left without power. from the rockies to the midwest, an intense storm system pummeled the region, producing tornados and hurricane-force winds in nine states. the massive storm system resulted in the most hurricane force winds in a single day. in minnesota, the national weather service office in the twin cities confirming a tornado touched down in plain view. take shelter, the police tweeted out. this is the first tornado in the state in the month of december. clouds descend on to boulder, bringing with it strong gusts of wind. in el paso county, high winds were responsible for knocking over tractor trailers. >> they canceled our flight. i went to customer service an they didn't have any flights going out until friday. >> reporter: down in new mexico, intense winds flipped this small plane over at the santa fe airport. >> this is the first time that -- since i've been here that we have had this kind of extensive damage, especially to aircraft. >> reporter: over in the plains, winds are producing dust storm conditions. in western kansas, visibility on interstate 70 is virtually nonexistent. >> this is like a tornado. >> reporter: intense winds whipping up dust and sand, shutting down parts of the road for several hours. while over in garden city, kansas, all flights were canceled to and from the airport. the severe weather has left hundreds of thousands of people without power. and comes less than a week after tornadoes ripped through eight states in the midwest and the south. now, this region has been experiencing an unusually warm december. don't be fooled, 75 degrees here in davenport yesterday. that has given rise to the tornadoes. the bigger picture here this is what climate change looks like. the extreme weather is here. the question is what we collectively do to try to stop that trajectory. brianna, john? >> we all know what you wear to iowa in december, it is not what you're wearing yesterday for sure. lucy, thank you so much. so this morning, there is written textual evidence that some republicans including members of congress wanted to overrule or throw out the election results in 2020. you could reasonably say steal the election. we see it in the just released correspondence with former white house chief of staff mark meadows, here is a few of them. on november 4th, the day after the election, meadows received a text suggesting, quote, an aggressive strategy for republican-led state legislatures to just send their own electorate to congress and let the supreme court decide who won the election. on january 2nd, trump spoke with georgia secretary of state urging him to find votes during that call. need to end this call, i don't think this will be productive for much longer. on january 3rd, meadows isn't a message to an unknown member of congress recounting a conversation he had with trump regarding whether pence could overturn the electoral college results, he wrote, quote, he thinks the legislatures have the power, but that the vp has the power too. on january 5th, congressman jim jordan sent meadows a message that read in part, quote, on january 6th, 2021, vice president mike pence as president of the senate should call out all electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all. and the day after the insurrection, also the day the electoral college vote was officially read out loud, meadows received a message reading, quote, yesterday was a terrible day. we tried everything we could in our objections to the six states. i'm sorry nothing worked. i'm joined by cnn political analyst carl bernstein. carl, thank you so much for being here with us this morning. you've seen so much history. these revelations over the last five days and we have not seen these before. >> this is new. >> i wonder what you think is most important in them. >> what they add up to, which is a seditious conspiracy led by the president of the united states, his chief of staff and a gang of congressional members in the house and senate to undermine the very nature and basis of american democracy. there has never been anything like this in our history, you have to go back to the civil war to see such a seditious conspiracy by our leaders, but never by a president of the united states himself. this is unique in our history, it is a moment in which it is an ongoing conspiracy, heading toward the elections of 2024 because the same tactics and techniques have now been embraced by one of the two political parties. again, unique in our history. this is a moment in american history to say stop, let us in the media, let us in the political system, let us in our institutions in this country pause and see what is happening to our american democracy, it began with the seditious conspiracy, it is ongoing, and we need to take a look at where we are in this country because otherwise our democracy is overwhelmed by this ongoing seditious conspiracy. >> one of the things that is unusual and maybe unprecedented, look, and obviously you live through watergate, jim jordan has written one of these text messages. >> he's one of the conspirators. >> he's also a member of the jury. he's also a potential witness, he's -- and every part of this, so you have a congressman who may be, a, involved, but, b, somehow involved in being the jury here. >> let's look at history. let's go back and look at the other seditious conspiracy, which was the civil war, this was led by jefferson davis, a democrat, a member of the congress of the united states, we are seeing now in our modern history, in this period, an attempt so far successful in many regards to undermine the very basis of who we are as a nation, as a united states of america. and it is ongoing. there is a piece in the atlantic magazine this month about martin gelman that outlines what the strategy of the trumpist republican party is. the trump -- not a faction anymore. the trump element in this can country has gained control of a political party and is determined to undermine the whole notion of free elections in this country. >> what i found truly revealing about that article is the success they have already had re forr thoirically there. i want to talk about the committee, about that they discovered and what might still be there. if you could find, you know, the magic piece of evidence, what would you be looking for now? >> i'm not sure this is about a single smoking gun. this is about a matrix that has now been established and was becoming one of the great investigations. despite the opposition of the republican party, to make sure that this investigation doesn't happen. they are in -- uncovering with these documents that you have put up here on the screen and read this morning the nature, the specifics, and who theis cod their own words. we know the extent of the war room in the willard hotel, where the conspirators, not the president, the chief conspirator, but those in the willard hotel were in touch with the president of the united states in this conspiracy. but i think we also have to look at something that is really unusual. that is the hero fighting this conspiracy. some day maybe there will be statue in statuary hall of liz cheney. she is standing between the success continuation of our democracy and really the undermining of it in a way that we have never seen in our lifetimes. this is not about watergate, where the system worked. the system worked in watergate because courageous republicans came forward and said the president of the united states is a criminal president. he has tried to undermine our electoral system, which is what watergate was in large measure about, and we are not going to allow it, and that president had to leave office. that's not happened here. what happened here is that one of the two political parties has been captured by the forces of sedition. and we have an opportunity in media, we really should have one major agenda, up until the election of 2024, and that is to reveal every aspect of this ongoing conspiracy and who the conspirators are and they now include the leadership of the republican party, the leadership, including mitch mcconnell and kevin mccarthy, who are going along with this party of voter suppression. the republican party has become a party of voter suppression instead of endorsing and encouraging free elections. >> the discussion for another time is whether mitch mcconnell and kevin mccarthy should be in the same bucket there. >> they allowed it. their craven conduct. they're not co-conspirators in the active sense of jim jordan and mark meadows et cetera. they have enabled it. >> thank you very much for being with us this morning. louisiana judge on unpaid leave after a racist video surfaces, why she blamed a sedative. and san francisco's democratic mayor calling for more aggressive law enforcement to address what she calls the bs that has destroyed the city. cnn's don lemon, i'm told, is here to weigh in. and big bucks for the boss. what a massive acquisition overnight, we'll tell you what the entire bruce springsteen catalog is worth. ♪ ♪ to all the kisses... ...that led... this one. celebrate every kiss, with kay. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tooland a personalized plan for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. ♪ you pour your heart into everything you do, which is a lot. so take care of that heart with lipton. because sippin' on unsweetened lipton can help support a healthy heart. lipton. stop chuggin'. start sippin'. before nexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable night's sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. a louisiana judge is on unpaid leave after a video recorded at her home captured several people using a racist slur while watching home security footage of a foiled burglary outside of her house. city court judge michelle odinet first said i was given a sedative at the time of the video. i have zero recollection of the video and disturbing language used during it. her lawyer later said she feels humiliated, embarrassed and sorry for what she has done and the harm she has caused to the community. joining us now, don lemon, host of cnn's "don lemon tonight" and the author of "this is the fire: what i say to my friends about racism" and the apparent existence of this racist pill, don. >> she took that made her say racist things. it is -- it is sad. judge michelle odinet is now facing pressure to resign. again she said, you know, i don't remember it, she's also blamed -- she said this is evidence that my son who has an addiction, has been dealing with some issues, what have you, blaming it on her son. i think she's going to have to probably resign because now they're reviewing all of her cases. the attorneys are asking the officials there to take her cases and look them over again and to free whatever it is or get their clients off the hook because of her racist comments. you don't take pills that make you racist. you don't take things that make you say racist things. if it is not in you, you're not going to do it. i think this judge should face repercussions for that, even though it happened in her own home. she was -- there is no evidence that the person they talked about, you know, that he was violent, that it was, you know, held her up with a gun what have you. there is no evidence the person had a gun. what she was saying on the videotape, calling these people the n word, and then comparing them to cockroaches as well. so how can you sit in a courtroom with judge michelle odinet and think that you're going to receive a fair trial, fair treatment, when she uses that kind of language and she use views people as no better than cockroaches. >> at issue is how she makes decisions, does she see black people? and you mentioned the crime, look, no one is defending what -- >> not at all. >> what this guy allegedly did. it is a violation. but she also describes him as armed when he wasn't. >> yeah. >> i think that really speaks, don, to a pattern as well that we have seen people discussing when it comes to just the baseline perception of black men. >> well, it is true. black men, you know, have -- have always been seen historically as more violent, more aggressive, younger, you know, young people are seen as adults. it is a whole culture of the history of this country we don't really have to go over and litigate. we know it is true. even though people try to pretend it is not. and i think we're living in very perilous times now. you have a judge who, you know, who is responsible for whether someone is free or not, life or death situations who is blaming it on a pill and who is saying this isn't who i am, i don't recall that, that is -- that's a huge issue. when you have the kind of power that a judge has in our society, you cannot do that. judges should be beyond reproach. they have to set the example. they are the leaders. i don't think that she should be in a position of power when she is calling people the n word, even if it is in the privacy of her own home, and, look, think about it, how did that tape get out there, what kind of a responsible or irresponsible person is she to have that, first of all, have that kind of conversation in her home with her sons, and then also let that sort of thing get out. it is really irresponsible. >> so, san francisco mayor london breed, it sounded like an episode of don lemon tonight. right? >> you heard me say this. >> it did. i want to play what she said about progressive policies and the crime she's seeing in her city. >> okay. >> it is time that the reign of criminals who are destroying our city, it is time for it to come to an end. and it comes to an end when we take the steps to be more aggressive with law enforcement, more aggressive with the changes in our policies, and less tolerant of all the -- that destroyed our city. >> she said, by the way, the bs later said, crime is the bs, but still you get the point she's making. >> i do. i don't let people misconstrue that. i know what she was talking about when i read it. i didn't see the actual press conference live. she's absolutely right. it is what we have been saying, what we have been saying during the pandemic, about the rise in crime. it is what -- it is what i have always said about crime. it is what we are experiencing here in new york city with the election of the new mayor eric adams who has promised to be tough on crime, just now installed the first african american woman -- the first african american woman police commissioner. and, listen, side note, there is such high expectations for eric adams. i hope he lives up to it. everyone is saying, my gosh, new york city needs it. let's put that to the side. but it is what we're experiencing here. people or across the country, african americans want good police officers. they want police officers, trained police officer to show up when they call police. people in cities, in urban areas, want that. they don't want, you know, officers that is going to abuse them. they don't want to defund police. so i think what someone like london breed who is in a historically liberal city, i think what they're finally realizing is that the silent majority is not the young people who, you know, don't want people to, you know, want all this bail reform and all -- that's not what people want. that's not what quite frankly that's not what most liberal people in this country want. most people in this country are somewhere in the center. and they want police officers, they don't want police officers that is going to accusbuse themu ask people the single most important thing for them, they will say it is money and the economy, but for the most part, people want to feel safe when they're walking down the streets, they want to feel safe in their homes, when they leave their homes, they want to be safe, and if that can't happen, then you should not be in public service. if you can't make that happen as a leader, as a politician, as someone who is a head of a city, someone in charge of crime, then you're not doing your job. i think -- i think, it is not very popular, that people need to stop listening to the people who have gone all the way far left and saying, oh, well, we want to defund the police, we need this bail reform. people who are violent, people who commit crime should be in jail. they should be behind bars. >> i do -- i wonder, don, she is saying this isn't about liberal policies. what she is proposing is increasing police, let's -- that's the crux of what she's been proposing. with a specific eye to the tenderloin, if you've been to san francisco, you know this neighborhood, high crime and also a lot of drug use, a lot of untreated mental health issues and -- >> homelessness, a big issue, people who are out on the streets, and a lot of those people have been put out on the streets recently because of the pandemic. they had them in facilities and because of, remember, cutting costs, cutting money to facilities that house people like that, we have to think about all of those things, has to be a holistic approach. can't just be about putting a big hammer on crime. but it is -- we have to figure out how people got there, to where they are, and, you know, that's something that people don't like to think about politically, don't like to talk about politically because it is not easy, right. it is not -- it doesn't help them within their re-election bid. it doesn't help them if you're on, you know, some propaganda network and you're trying to use crime as a cudgel to talk about the difference between the liberal policies and conservative policies. so there needs to be a holistic approach to crime. how people got to where they are, why they are in those communities, why they have been let out of those facilities, what is happening with mental illness, and also putting more and better police officers who are responsible to the community on the streets and having people who are in positions of power, like london breed, like eric adams here in new york city, who are going to make sure that they accomplish those goals. >> don lemon, thank you. >> that's it? >> so much. >> i usually get 25 minutes. >> you have a show, the good thing is if you haven't had enough of don, you can see him tonight at 10:00, right? >> yes. >> and on new year's eve i'm told. >> you can. in new orleans. >> with? >> with -- >> what could possibly happen? >> with dulce sloan from the daily show and the other ac, alisyn camerota. can i tell everybody, be safe out there. i have started 24/7 i'm starting to wear the mask again. and omicron, it is going strong. the cases are, you know, milder cases we're seeing, but it is really -- i think the numbers are going to start really ticking up. >> be careful. we can all be careful. >> be extremely careful. we want to see our families for the holidays. >> nice to see you. >> good see you as well. bye, bk. >> bye, don. a string of violent threats forcing the entire school district in oxford to remain closed weeks after the deadly shooting there. the county sheriff joins us ahead. and ringo starr, weird al, fred armisen, among dozens of celebrities getting together for a music video. hear why. fine, no one leaves the table until your finished. fine, we'll sleep here. ♪ it's the easiest because it's t the cheesiest. kraft. for the win win. it's the e season of smiling. and at aspen dental, we make it easy to gift yourself the smile you deserve. new patients, start today with a full exam and x-rays, with no obligation. if you don't have insurance, it's free. plus everyone saves 20% on their treatment plan with flexible payment solutions for every budget. we're here making smiles shine bright so you can start the new year feelin' alright. call 1-800-aspendental or book today at ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. this is your home. this is your family room slash gym. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ weeks after the deadly shooting at the high school in oxford, michigan, the buildings have been cleared as safe for reopening. a string of violent threats forced the entire school district to remain closed for the rest of the week. joining us now to talk about these security struggles, oakland county sheriff michael bouchard. thank you for being with us. can you tell us about what the district is dealing with right now? >> well, unfortunately it is not just this district, it is districts all across the state and probably across the country. we have had over 135 threats against different school districts across our area. and oxford happens to be obviously one that is especially numb and especially raw from it. so i think they made the decision to close school until after the holiday break to give people a chance to calm their nerves and to make sure that people have a chance to process this unthinkable tragedy. we have checked out every one of these potential threats and deemed none of them to be imminent or credible. and we have arrested a lot of young people from making these threats. but that still doesn't calm a lot of the emotions for understandable reasons. >> you're saying it is mostly young people making the threats. can you tell us more about that? >> yes, ma'am. i know that already 17 have been criminally charged in oakland county. we have more investigations under way and, you know, the process is pretty clear. someone makes a threat, we investigate 100% of the threats that come to us, determine first if it is credible and intervene if it is. if it is not credible, we still continue the investigation and seek criminal prosecution because the mere threat is a crime. it is up to a 20-year crime in our state. and so that's what we have been doing with these people that are making these threats. they're not a joke. they're terrorizing people. and we're going to hold you accountable. >> i mean, eventually, kids have to go back to school. right. understandably they feel unsafe, especially when we're talking about oxford, the high school in oxford. what do you tell them? how do you make this assessment that things are safe and tell them this is safe. and provide them the resources they need? >> right. so what we tell them is if they actually see a threat or hear anything, they got to share it and then we have to do our job and check it out. and we check it out thoroughly. so, you know, prior to the decision that oxford made to close their schools, we actually had 24 canines sweeping every school building in the district to give them that assurance that the buildings had been thoroughly checked. and then we were going to have a substantial presence in and around the building so that they felt that presence and felt safe. but, again, having said that, obviously given what they have been recently through, they made a decision just to take this pause and let parents and students and teachers have an opportunity to process and have an opportunity to have the emotion and the fear come down through the holidays and have a fresh start after the first of the year. >> all right, well, look, we're keeping our eye on your community. we know you're going through a lot. we thank you for being with us, sheriff. >> thank you, ma'am. former first lady melania trump getting into crypto. what she just announced as her next endeavor. my guest guest says golden state warrior star and new record holder steph curry has ruined basketball. you heard that right. what's wrong with him? 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>> well, what's wrong with me is that i have an unorthodox view of the way the game should be played and i find that i have become a hero in the social security set with this column. i've got tremendous response and i'm sure the average age of the respondents was 65, maybe even 70. here's the issue. the three-point shot, people don't understand, was the gimmick of a promoter, abe saperstein in 1961 started a league called the american basketball league, he hoped to be competitive with the nba, and he brought in a three-point shot as a gimmick to stimulate interest among casual fans and to do -- to differentiate it from the nba. and then made its gradual progression after that league folded in a year and a half from the eastern league to the nba in -- the aba in 1966, the nba in 1979, and colleges in 1986 so that if you are 50 years old, you don't know anything else. that's the game of basketball that you have been -- those of us that remember it before the three-point infested the game, destroyed the rhythm of the game, eliminated a lot of the good passing sequences would like it see the three-point shot abolished. >> i will tell you, i have seen the warriors in person. i got to go to one of the finals games they played. this is a few years ago. not the current version. but i've never seen passing like they had around the court, around the key, and i'm watching and thinking, would you rather have bill laimbeer, you know, or would you rather have steph curry? >> the warriors do it right. nobody else does. those teams that won were a beautiful basketball teams that were on a par in terms of their concept of how to play with the vintage celtics and lakers of the '80s that were two tremendous passing teams. nobody else can do it that way. let's get the issue with curry. the issue was this, he is extraordinarily influential. one of the most influential people in the history of the game and affecting the way the game is played. young people are a -- adore him and this is -- they're not ever going to be steph curry. and too many people were trying to imitate him, will never be him and distorted the game at every level. problem is he's so likable. there is everything to like about him. he's a wonderful person. i admire him. i do root for him in the abstract. i like the way he goes to the basket as well as the way he shoots the threes. but he's so influential. and this very morning, john, i got an email from a local youth coach saying he's reading part of my column to his kids because all they see is kids, 8, 9, 10-year-olds cranking up threes and that's not the way to play basketball. >> you finished your column by saying get off my -- also. i prooappreciate it very much. thank you. >> i was there. i was there. >> i read your story. thanks so much for being with us, bob. >> all right. this just in, former first lady melania trump says she is launching an nft titled ma lawn why's melania's vision. her office says the nft is a water color that will cost $150 and include an audio recording of her. mrs. trump says it embodies her passion for the arts and will support her ongoing commitment to children through her be best initiative. and here's what else to watch today. coming up -- ♪ simply the best ♪ >> broadway truly is simply the best. why some shows are now closing, though, their doors, once again. find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. ♪ ♪ (man) still asleep. 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inflammation might be to blame. inflammation: time for ache and burn! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. inflammation: those'll probably pass by me! xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. inflammation: xiidra? no! it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is the only fda-approved non-steroid treatment specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. one drop in each eye, twice a day. don't use if you're allergic to xiidra. common side effects, include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. after using xiidra, wait fifteen minutes before reinserting contacts. talk to an eye doctor about xiidra. inflammation: i prefer you didn't. xiidra. not today, dry eye. how did olay top expensive creams? like this with hydration that beats the $100 cream in every jar of regenerist retinol24 collagen peptide new vitamin c and the iconic red jar can't top this skin shop now at time for the good stuff. for 14-year-old almayabi bilton getting off the bus was a miserable part of the day. until somebody who walked by and saw the struggle decided to knock on her family's door and offered to build her a ramp. >> i saw a need, i knew i could take care of it and went from there. >> by him doing that, that shows you right there, there are people in the world that do have hearts, that do care about other people. >> and when almay was surprised with the ramp, she -- her father said she was smiling from ear to ear. >> i love that. doing something because you see a need. >> it is beautiful. >> beloved poet, author, feminist bell hooks has died. hooks published more than 30 books over the course of her lifetime. she was 69 years old. on broadway -- ♪ simply the best ♪ ♪ better than all the rest ♪ >> there have been breakthrough coronavirus infections, so broadway has been seeing more consolu couldn't cancellations than ever before. ♪ i want to see you really want to be with you ♪ ♪ really want to see you ♪ got to love that, george harrison's "my sweet lord" getting a brand-new music video to celebrate the 50th anniversary of his album, all things must pass. i'm sure you noticed all of those famous faces, including ringo starr. ♪ born in the usa i was born in the usa ♪ so there is a reasonable and legitimate open debate about whether the music itself might be a bit overrated. but not the price tag. no. bruce springsteen is reportedly selling his entire music catalog to sony music in what could be the biggest single artist music catalog deal to date. the specific terms are unknown, but the value might exceed $500 million. >> tell us in two words how you feel about bruce springsteen, berman. >> he seems like a very nice man. a very nice man. maybe matters more than the quality of his music. congratulations to bruce. i'm glad he's finally getting the recognition he deserves. back in a moment. ♪ ♪ wow, we're crunching tons of polygons here! what's going on? 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People , Families , Reporter , Heal , Tragedy , Experience , Terms , Way , U S , Anything , Share , Resilience , Four , Family , Grannies , The High School Band , One , Something , States , Spouses , Administration , Messengers , Gears , Both , Surrogates , Position , Messenger , Spouse , Honor , Vice President , Country , Help , African Americans , Hand , Question , Reason , John Berman , Vaccines , Consolers , Grief , First Lady , Rescue Plan , The American , Behind The Scenes Work , 35 , 31 , Office , Part , Numbers , Thanks , Ladies , Victims , Gentleman , Schedule , Kate , Massive Travel Schedule , Waukesha , Colleges , Dilemma , Viewers , All Around The World , Brianna Keilar , December 16th , 16 , Thursday December 16th , Cases , Lot , Campus , Cornell University , Situation , A Thousand , Students , None , Reaction , University President , Headline , It , Nyu , Finals , Home , Exams , Middlebury College , Princeton , Led , Schools , Rise , Concern , Flu , Health Systems , Winter , Led Growing , Booster Shot Requirements , Others , 19 , Number , Virus Deaths , Cdc , Coronavirus Hospitalizations , 200 Million , 43 , Millions , Cnn , Many , Polo Sandoval , Population , Dose , Doses , 60 , School Officials , Acceleration , Alarm , Cause , Polo , Approach , University Officials , Events , Faculty Members , Action , Spaces , Meeting Spaces , Athletic Facilities , Use , Silver Lining , Breakthrough Cases , Campus Counts , Vaccination Rate , 98 , 99 , Cancellations , Northeast , Steps , Tina , List , Broadway Shows , New York , Harry Potter , Hamilton , Safe , Tactics , Course , Breakthrough , Authorities , Effort , Things , Officials , She S Making , Winter Surge , Surge , Virus , Spread , Questions , Chief Conspirator , Systems , University , Breakthroughs , Is , Place , Threats , Weather , Hurricane Force Winds , Record , Weather Service , Calls , Path , Forecasts , December , Isn T , Yes , Lucy Kafanov , Line , Power , Parts , Winds , Storms , Central United States , Customers , Power Lines , Wildfires , 450000 , 100 , Region , Storm System , Tornados , Rockies , Midwest , Nine , Police , Tornado , Take Shelter , National Weather Service , Plain View , Twin Cities , Minnesota , State , Clouds Descend , High Winds , Wind , El Paso County , Tractor Trailers , Gusts , To Boulder , Time , Flights , Plane , Customer Service , Flight , Santa Fe Airport , New Mexico , Kind , Visibility , Damage , Aircraft , Plains , Dust Storm Conditions , Interstate 70 , Western Kansas , 70 , Sand , Dust , Airport , Garden City , Road , Hundreds , Thousands , South , Eight , They Don T Want , Picture , Climate Change , Davenport , 75 , Evidence , Trajectory , Iowa , Election , Members , Chief Of Staff , Few , Congress Of The United States , Republicans , Election Results , Correspondence , Mark Meadows , White House , 2020 , Quote , State Legislatures , Strategy , Electorate , Text , Supreme Court , Republican , On November 4th , November 4th , 4 , Member , Votes , Call , Trump , Georgia Secretary Of State , Meadows Isn T A Message , On January 3rd , January 2nd , 3 , January 3rd , 2 , Jim Jordan , Conversation , Message , Meadows , Vp , Electoral College Results , Pence , Legislatures , Congress Recounting , On January 5th , 5 , January 5th , Senate , Mike Pence , On January 6th , January 6th 2021 , 2021 , 6 , Everything , Insurrection , Electoral College Vote , Message Reading , Objections , Nothing , Six , History , Revelations , Carl Bernstein , Political Analyst , Five , President , House , Seditious Conspiracy , Gang , Up To , Basis , Leaders , Nature , Civil War , American Democracy , Conspiracy , Elections , President Of The United States , 2024 , Parties , Media , Techniques , Stop , Two , System , Democracy , Country Pause , Institutions , Look , Watergate , Conspirators , Jury , Text Messages , B , Witness , Let S Go Back , Democrat , Jefferson Davis , Attempt , Regards , Piece , Nation , Outlines , Trumpist , Martin Gelman , Atlantic Magazine , Party , Control , Trump Element , Faction , Notion , Success , Article , Forr Thoirically , Committee , There , Magic Piece , Investigations , Investigation Doesn T , Matrix , Opposition , Smoking Gun , Who , Documents , Screen , Cod , Specifics , Theis , Words , Extent , War Room , Touch , Willard Hotel , Hero , Undermining , Statue , Success Continuation , Statuary Hall , Liz Cheney , Lifetimes , Courageous Republicans , Electoral System , Measure , Opportunity , Sedition , Forces , Agenda , Leadership , Aspect , Mitch Mcconnell , Kevin Mccarthy , Voter Suppression , Discussion , Bucket , Sense , Craven Conduct , Mark Meadows Et Cetera , City , Bs , Mayor , Law Enforcement , Judge , Sedative , Leave , Video Surfaces , San Francisco , Louisiana , Bruce Springsteen , Don Lemon , Bucks , Boss , Acquisition , Catalog Is Worth , Kiss , With Kay , Kisses , Plan , Owner , Tooland , Investor , Access , Advice , Vanguard , Heart , Care , On Unsweetened Lipton , Lipton , Sippin , Stop Chuggin , Reality , Heartburn , Anna , It Starts , Night , Sleep , Dream , Acid , Nexium 24hr , Start Sippin , Night Protection , 24 , Car , Car Vending Machines , Company , License Plate , Carvana , Value , Techno Wizardry , Spot , Offer , Louisiana Judge , Video , Michelle Odinet , Home Security Footage , Slur , Burglary , Language , Lawyer , Recollection , Harm , Zero , Community , Author , Fire , Friends , Existence , Racism , Don Lemon Tonight , Pressure , Wall , Issues , Son , Attorneys , Addiction , Comments , Pills , Whatever , Clients , Hook , Person , Repercussions , Gun , Cockroaches , Up , Videotape , Courtroom , The N Word , Issue , Treatment , Views , Trial , Decisions , Big Hammer On Crime , Violation , No One , Guy , Wasn T , Men , Have , Pattern , Perception , Adults , Culture , Someone , Times , Life , Death , Situations , Judges , Example , Society , Reproach , Tape , Sons , Privacy , Policies , Thing , London Breed , Sort , Episode , Criminals , End , Reign , Changes , Saying , Press Conference , Pandemic , Eric Adams , Everyone , Police Commissioner , Expectations , Listen , Side Note , Gosh , African American Woman , Police Officers , Side , Officers , Police Officer , Defund Police , Cities , Areas , Silent Majority , Bail , Reform , Center , Somewhere , Accusbuse Themu , Homes , Streets , Money , Economy , Politician , Job , Head , Public Service , Leader , Charge , Listening , Jail , Bars , Bail Reform , Eye , Proposing , Isn T About Liberal Policies , Crux , Let S , Mental Health , Homelessness , Drug Use , Tenderloin , Neighborhood , Facilities , Cutting Costs , Holistic Approach , Can T , It Doesn T , Crime , Difference , Re Election Bid , Cudgel , Propaganda Network , More , Communities , Mental Illness , Show , Positions , Goals , 25 , Haven T , On New Year S Eve , New Orleans , 10 , 00 , Everybody , Ac , Alisyn Camerota , 24 7 , Omicron , Mask , Oxford , String , Holidays , School District , Shooting , County Sheriff , Bk , Music Video , Ringo Starr , Dozens , Celebrities , Weird Al , Fred Armisen , Fine , Table , Season , Smiling , Smile , Exam , Win , Patients , Obligation , X Rays , The Cheesiest , Kraft , Aspen Dental , Insurance , Smiles , Budget , Payment Solutions , 20 , Book Today At Aspendental Com , 800 , 1 , Wish List Event , Sanctuary , Lincoln , Family Room Slash Gym , Daybed , Bedroom Slash Music Studio , Panic Room , Basement Slash , Vacation , Family Needs , Yoga Shanti Slash , The Living Room , Slash Classroom , App , Vrbo , High School , Buildings , Reopening , Michigan , Rest , District , Security Struggles , Oakland County Sheriff , Michael Bouchard , Districts , School Districts , Area , 135 , Decision , Chance , Holiday Break , School , Nerves , Reasons , Still Doesn T , Oakland County , Emotions , Ma Am , 17 , Threat , Process , Investigation , Prosecution , Joke , Kids , Back To School , Resources , Assessment , Canines , School Building , Assurance , Presence , Building , First , Fear , Pause , Emotion , Parents , Teachers , Right , Melania Trump , Golden State , Guest , Crypto , Endeavor , Warrior Superstar Steph Curry , Basketball , Star , Warrior , Doug , Limu Emu , World , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Superpowers , Spider Bite , Gasps , Spider Man , Pay , Theaters , Obsessed , Big Idaho Potato Truck , December 17th Hello , December 17th , Interest , Cooking , Seal , Grown In Idaho , Idaho Potatoes , Properties , Hotels , Resorts , Pool , 4pm Checkout , Why Go Back To Reality , 1200 , Lives , Next , Amex Platinum , Health Insurance , Preventive Care , Blood Pressure Checkups , Cholesterol , California , Baby , Coveredca Com , December 31st , Curry , Fan , Play , Three Pointers , House Arrest , A Scourge , Three , Lifetime , Basketball In My Entire Life , Sports Columnist , Boston Globe , Bob Ryan , Game , View , Respect , Majority , Social Security Set , Shot , Column , Gimmick , Respondents , Response , Age , Promoter , Abe Saperstein , 65 , American Basketball League , Nba , Fans , 1961 , Progression , Half , Eastern League , Aba , 1979 , 1986 , 1966 , Rhythm , Anything Else , 50 , Finals Games , Warriors , Passing Sequences , Version , Nobody , Thinking , Court , Key , Bill Laimbeer , Lakers , Basketball Teams , Concept , Teams , Par , Celtics , 80 , Problem , Level , Threes , Reading Part , Basket , Root , Youth Coach , Abstract , Email , 9 , 8 , Story , Bob , Water Color , Nft , Audio Recording , Ma Lawn Why S Melania Vision , 150 , Commitment , Children , Passion , Mrs , Arts , Initiative , Coming Up , Best , Shows , Doors , Breaking Point , Blend , Emergen C , Nutrients , Woman Vo , Vo , Greetings , Audi , Injectable Cabenuva , Hiv Treatment , Hiv , Injections , Me Undetectable , Side Effects , Medicines , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Healthcare Provider , Ingredients , Symptoms , Reactions , Liver Problems , Doctor , Breastfeeding , Mental Health Concerns , Depression , Pregnancy , Treatment Appointments , Some , Injection Site Reactions , Tiredness , Fever , Inflammation , Relief , Eye Drops , Burn , Ache , Eyes , Xiidra , Eye Disease , Approved Non Steroid Treatment , Signs , Dry Eye Disease , Fda , Eye Irritation , Container , Contacts , Vision , Eye Doctor , Taste Sensation , Discomfort , Surface , Dry Eye , Fifteen , Creams , Jar , Collagen Peptide , Skin Shop , Hydration , Cream , Olay , Vitamin C , Red Jar , Regenerist Retinol24 , Stuff , Almayabi Bilton , 14 , Somebody , Need , Ramp , Struggle , Door , Bus , Father , Ear , Hearts , Do Care , Almay , Beloved Poet , Hooks , Books , Bell Hooks , Feminist , 69 , 30 , Breakthrough Coronavirus Infections , Broadway , Consolu Couldn T , George Harrison , 50th Anniversary , Album , All Things Must Pass , My Sweet Lord , Faces , Born In The Usa , Music , Music Catalog , Debate , Bit , Price Tag , Music Catalog Deal , Artist , Sony Music , 500 Million , 00 Million , Congratulations , Recognition , Quality , Back , Berman , What S Going On , Polygons , Regina , Invesco Qqq , Crunching Tons , Wow , Ladonna , Fund , Worry , Innovations , Innovation , Agent , Cgi , Nasdaq 100 , Windshield , Experts , Man , Service , Safelite , Girl , My Truck Is Livelihood , Singers , Safelite Repair , Skating , Skater , Oakland , The Human Factor , Skateboard , Body , Fat Kid , 90 , 2000 , Information , Difficulty , Videos , Pads , Size , Fat Skateboarders , Folks , Alienating , Space , Fat , Skaters , Body Size , Fat Phobia , Event , Gear , Balance , Groups , Bunch , Weight Loss , Coverage , Stories , News , Claims , Erica Hill , Jim Sciutto , Inflation , Increase , Low , Pace , Reserve , Projections , Interest Rat , 18000 , 52 ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

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you're a seasoned political spouse, but how does it feel to be that messenger? >> you know it is an honor to be in this position. i think as jill and i are very similar, it is like we just raise our hand and do what's needed to help, not only our spouses. we love our spouses obviously, but it is to help the president, the vice president, this entire administration and by doing that, if we have to travel all over this country, to do that, we're going to do that. >> we want americans to know that the president and the vice president and doug and i care about them and their families. >> now, john, the reason i asked that question, people maybe does not know the first lady has been to 35 states, the second gentleman 31 states. for more than their spouses, pushing vaccines, the american rescue plan and being consolers in the country when grief and tragedy happens. so doing the behind the scenes work, often first ladies do, and now the second gentleman. so it has been part of their massive travel schedule yesterday to visit these victims in waukesha. >> i didn't know those numbers. that's an extensive schedule for a first year in office. >> absolutely. >> kate, thank you very much. >> thanks. "new day" continues right now. good morning to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. it is thursday, december 16th. i'm john berman with brianna keilar. and this morning, the dilemma facing colleges and really the country as coronavirus cases shoot up, and cases are rising a lot. cornell university encapsulates the situation. about a thousand new cases reported on campus. but, the university president reports they are seeing no severe cases among students. none. so what do you think the most important medical headline there is, a thousand new cases or no severe cases. and what is the right reaction to it? cornell, princeton, middlebury college all moving fall semester final exams online. nyu says it is strongly encouraging students to take their finals from home as well. is that necessary? with almost no severe cases? several schools have issued booster shot requirements in recent weeks. others say they are now thinking about it. >> this is both flu and covid-19 cases are on the rise, which has led growing -- led to growing concern that health systems may be overwhelmed this winter. coronavirus hospitalizations are up 43% from one month ago and the cdc is projecting that virus deaths will increase over the next four weeks. however, the number of fully vaccinated americans surpassed 200 million earlier this month, just over 60% of the population. and in the past week, the doses being administered jumped 35% from the week before. but there are still millions who have not received a single dose and many of them insist they never will. >> cnn's polo sandoval joins us now with what we're seeing. polo? >> reporter: good morning to you. that so-called considerable acceleration in covid cases first detected here at nyu, school officials stressing no cause for alarm, but certainly a reason to be cautious and certainly to take action and that brings us to where we are today, the university officials are encouraging faculty members to take a remote approach when it comes to finals. also, not a lot of nonessential events on campus, being canceled or recommending they be canceled and also suspending the use of common spaces like athletic facilities, meeting spaces and what have you. as you mentioned, the nyu is not alone. there is princeton and cornell. the silver lining is many of the campus counts on an extremely high vaccination rate among students. i checked princeton a little while ago, between 98 and 99%. that goes or explains why many of these breakthrough cases have not been severe. but, look, you are seeing multiple steps being taken throughout the northeast, here in new york over the last several days, even been some separate sporadic cancellations of popular broadway shows including hamilton, harry potter and the cursed child, tina and the list goes on here. these were sporadic and temporary cancellations because of breakthrough cases and because of that, of course, authorities are certainly making sure that people remain safe. at the end of the day, what we're seeing here throughout the northeast is you're seeing these tactics deployed that we have seen before in an effort to curb the spread of this virus as this winter surge continues to threaten. and many officials maintain that surge is already here. >> i don't think there is any question about it at this point, polo, you're seeing things like a thousand new cases at cornell, but, again if there are no -- not many breakthroughs, there are no severe cases at cornell according to the university president there, no severe cases, so i do think one of the questions that will be asked going forward is are the systems, are the right systems in place for the long-term because, you know, can schools like that just shut down indefinitely if they see rises in new cases. these are questions that the schools have to answer as they head into the winter months. polo sandoval, thank you for that. >> thanks, john. unprecedented weather is striking across the u.s. and it is bringing dangerous threats to those in its path. the record december heat is creating what the national weather service calls never before seen forecasts and this includes tornadoes, hurricane force winds, and, yes, even fires. lucy kafanov is joining us now. this isn't normally what you get in december. this isn't what you ever get in december, lucy. >> reporter: not at all, completely unusual and this line of storms moved incredibly fast, up to 100 miles an hour in some parts of the central united states. winds kicking up storms, fueling wildfires, knocking down power lines. nearly 450,000 can customers left without power. from the rockies to the midwest, an intense storm system pummeled the region, producing tornados and hurricane-force winds in nine states. the massive storm system resulted in the most hurricane force winds in a single day. in minnesota, the national weather service office in the twin cities confirming a tornado touched down in plain view. take shelter, the police tweeted out. this is the first tornado in the state in the month of december. clouds descend on to boulder, bringing with it strong gusts of wind. in el paso county, high winds were responsible for knocking over tractor trailers. >> they canceled our flight. i went to customer service an they didn't have any flights going out until friday. >> reporter: down in new mexico, intense winds flipped this small plane over at the santa fe airport. >> this is the first time that -- since i've been here that we have had this kind of extensive damage, especially to aircraft. >> reporter: over in the plains, winds are producing dust storm conditions. in western kansas, visibility on interstate 70 is virtually nonexistent. >> this is like a tornado. >> reporter: intense winds whipping up dust and sand, shutting down parts of the road for several hours. while over in garden city, kansas, all flights were canceled to and from the airport. the severe weather has left hundreds of thousands of people without power. and comes less than a week after tornadoes ripped through eight states in the midwest and the south. now, this region has been experiencing an unusually warm december. don't be fooled, 75 degrees here in davenport yesterday. that has given rise to the tornadoes. the bigger picture here this is what climate change looks like. the extreme weather is here. the question is what we collectively do to try to stop that trajectory. brianna, john? >> we all know what you wear to iowa in december, it is not what you're wearing yesterday for sure. lucy, thank you so much. so this morning, there is written textual evidence that some republicans including members of congress wanted to overrule or throw out the election results in 2020. you could reasonably say steal the election. we see it in the just released correspondence with former white house chief of staff mark meadows, here is a few of them. on november 4th, the day after the election, meadows received a text suggesting, quote, an aggressive strategy for republican-led state legislatures to just send their own electorate to congress and let the supreme court decide who won the election. on january 2nd, trump spoke with georgia secretary of state urging him to find votes during that call. need to end this call, i don't think this will be productive for much longer. on january 3rd, meadows isn't a message to an unknown member of congress recounting a conversation he had with trump regarding whether pence could overturn the electoral college results, he wrote, quote, he thinks the legislatures have the power, but that the vp has the power too. on january 5th, congressman jim jordan sent meadows a message that read in part, quote, on january 6th, 2021, vice president mike pence as president of the senate should call out all electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all. and the day after the insurrection, also the day the electoral college vote was officially read out loud, meadows received a message reading, quote, yesterday was a terrible day. we tried everything we could in our objections to the six states. i'm sorry nothing worked. i'm joined by cnn political analyst carl bernstein. carl, thank you so much for being here with us this morning. you've seen so much history. these revelations over the last five days and we have not seen these before. >> this is new. >> i wonder what you think is most important in them. >> what they add up to, which is a seditious conspiracy led by the president of the united states, his chief of staff and a gang of congressional members in the house and senate to undermine the very nature and basis of american democracy. there has never been anything like this in our history, you have to go back to the civil war to see such a seditious conspiracy by our leaders, but never by a president of the united states himself. this is unique in our history, it is a moment in which it is an ongoing conspiracy, heading toward the elections of 2024 because the same tactics and techniques have now been embraced by one of the two political parties. again, unique in our history. this is a moment in american history to say stop, let us in the media, let us in the political system, let us in our institutions in this country pause and see what is happening to our american democracy, it began with the seditious conspiracy, it is ongoing, and we need to take a look at where we are in this country because otherwise our democracy is overwhelmed by this ongoing seditious conspiracy. >> one of the things that is unusual and maybe unprecedented, look, and obviously you live through watergate, jim jordan has written one of these text messages. >> he's one of the conspirators. >> he's also a member of the jury. he's also a potential witness, he's -- and every part of this, so you have a congressman who may be, a, involved, but, b, somehow involved in being the jury here. >> let's look at history. let's go back and look at the other seditious conspiracy, which was the civil war, this was led by jefferson davis, a democrat, a member of the congress of the united states, we are seeing now in our modern history, in this period, an attempt so far successful in many regards to undermine the very basis of who we are as a nation, as a united states of america. and it is ongoing. there is a piece in the atlantic magazine this month about martin gelman that outlines what the strategy of the trumpist republican party is. the trump -- not a faction anymore. the trump element in this can country has gained control of a political party and is determined to undermine the whole notion of free elections in this country. >> what i found truly revealing about that article is the success they have already had re forr thoirically there. i want to talk about the committee, about that they discovered and what might still be there. if you could find, you know, the magic piece of evidence, what would you be looking for now? >> i'm not sure this is about a single smoking gun. this is about a matrix that has now been established and was becoming one of the great investigations. despite the opposition of the republican party, to make sure that this investigation doesn't happen. they are in -- uncovering with these documents that you have put up here on the screen and read this morning the nature, the specifics, and who theis cod their own words. we know the extent of the war room in the willard hotel, where the conspirators, not the president, the chief conspirator, but those in the willard hotel were in touch with the president of the united states in this conspiracy. but i think we also have to look at something that is really unusual. that is the hero fighting this conspiracy. some day maybe there will be statue in statuary hall of liz cheney. she is standing between the success continuation of our democracy and really the undermining of it in a way that we have never seen in our lifetimes. this is not about watergate, where the system worked. the system worked in watergate because courageous republicans came forward and said the president of the united states is a criminal president. he has tried to undermine our electoral system, which is what watergate was in large measure about, and we are not going to allow it, and that president had to leave office. that's not happened here. what happened here is that one of the two political parties has been captured by the forces of sedition. and we have an opportunity in media, we really should have one major agenda, up until the election of 2024, and that is to reveal every aspect of this ongoing conspiracy and who the conspirators are and they now include the leadership of the republican party, the leadership, including mitch mcconnell and kevin mccarthy, who are going along with this party of voter suppression. the republican party has become a party of voter suppression instead of endorsing and encouraging free elections. >> the discussion for another time is whether mitch mcconnell and kevin mccarthy should be in the same bucket there. >> they allowed it. their craven conduct. they're not co-conspirators in the active sense of jim jordan and mark meadows et cetera. they have enabled it. >> thank you very much for being with us this morning. louisiana judge on unpaid leave after a racist video surfaces, why she blamed a sedative. and san francisco's democratic mayor calling for more aggressive law enforcement to address what she calls the bs that has destroyed the city. cnn's don lemon, i'm told, is here to weigh in. and big bucks for the boss. what a massive acquisition overnight, we'll tell you what the entire bruce springsteen catalog is worth. ♪ ♪ to all the kisses... ...that led... this one. celebrate every kiss, with kay. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tooland a personalized plan for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. ♪ you pour your heart into everything you do, which is a lot. so take care of that heart with lipton. because sippin' on unsweetened lipton can help support a healthy heart. lipton. stop chuggin'. start sippin'. before nexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable night's sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. a louisiana judge is on unpaid leave after a video recorded at her home captured several people using a racist slur while watching home security footage of a foiled burglary outside of her house. city court judge michelle odinet first said i was given a sedative at the time of the video. i have zero recollection of the video and disturbing language used during it. her lawyer later said she feels humiliated, embarrassed and sorry for what she has done and the harm she has caused to the community. joining us now, don lemon, host of cnn's "don lemon tonight" and the author of "this is the fire: what i say to my friends about racism" and the apparent existence of this racist pill, don. >> she took that made her say racist things. it is -- it is sad. judge michelle odinet is now facing pressure to resign. again she said, you know, i don't remember it, she's also blamed -- she said this is evidence that my son who has an addiction, has been dealing with some issues, what have you, blaming it on her son. i think she's going to have to probably resign because now they're reviewing all of her cases. the attorneys are asking the officials there to take her cases and look them over again and to free whatever it is or get their clients off the hook because of her racist comments. you don't take pills that make you racist. you don't take things that make you say racist things. if it is not in you, you're not going to do it. i think this judge should face repercussions for that, even though it happened in her own home. she was -- there is no evidence that the person they talked about, you know, that he was violent, that it was, you know, held her up with a gun what have you. there is no evidence the person had a gun. what she was saying on the videotape, calling these people the n word, and then comparing them to cockroaches as well. so how can you sit in a courtroom with judge michelle odinet and think that you're going to receive a fair trial, fair treatment, when she uses that kind of language and she use views people as no better than cockroaches. >> at issue is how she makes decisions, does she see black people? and you mentioned the crime, look, no one is defending what -- >> not at all. >> what this guy allegedly did. it is a violation. but she also describes him as armed when he wasn't. >> yeah. >> i think that really speaks, don, to a pattern as well that we have seen people discussing when it comes to just the baseline perception of black men. >> well, it is true. black men, you know, have -- have always been seen historically as more violent, more aggressive, younger, you know, young people are seen as adults. it is a whole culture of the history of this country we don't really have to go over and litigate. we know it is true. even though people try to pretend it is not. and i think we're living in very perilous times now. you have a judge who, you know, who is responsible for whether someone is free or not, life or death situations who is blaming it on a pill and who is saying this isn't who i am, i don't recall that, that is -- that's a huge issue. when you have the kind of power that a judge has in our society, you cannot do that. judges should be beyond reproach. they have to set the example. they are the leaders. i don't think that she should be in a position of power when she is calling people the n word, even if it is in the privacy of her own home, and, look, think about it, how did that tape get out there, what kind of a responsible or irresponsible person is she to have that, first of all, have that kind of conversation in her home with her sons, and then also let that sort of thing get out. it is really irresponsible. >> so, san francisco mayor london breed, it sounded like an episode of don lemon tonight. right? >> you heard me say this. >> it did. i want to play what she said about progressive policies and the crime she's seeing in her city. >> okay. >> it is time that the reign of criminals who are destroying our city, it is time for it to come to an end. and it comes to an end when we take the steps to be more aggressive with law enforcement, more aggressive with the changes in our policies, and less tolerant of all the -- that destroyed our city. >> she said, by the way, the bs later said, crime is the bs, but still you get the point she's making. >> i do. i don't let people misconstrue that. i know what she was talking about when i read it. i didn't see the actual press conference live. she's absolutely right. it is what we have been saying, what we have been saying during the pandemic, about the rise in crime. it is what -- it is what i have always said about crime. it is what we are experiencing here in new york city with the election of the new mayor eric adams who has promised to be tough on crime, just now installed the first african american woman -- the first african american woman police commissioner. and, listen, side note, there is such high expectations for eric adams. i hope he lives up to it. everyone is saying, my gosh, new york city needs it. let's put that to the side. but it is what we're experiencing here. people or across the country, african americans want good police officers. they want police officers, trained police officer to show up when they call police. people in cities, in urban areas, want that. they don't want, you know, officers that is going to abuse them. they don't want to defund police. so i think what someone like london breed who is in a historically liberal city, i think what they're finally realizing is that the silent majority is not the young people who, you know, don't want people to, you know, want all this bail reform and all -- that's not what people want. that's not what quite frankly that's not what most liberal people in this country want. most people in this country are somewhere in the center. and they want police officers, they don't want police officers that is going to accusbuse themu ask people the single most important thing for them, they will say it is money and the economy, but for the most part, people want to feel safe when they're walking down the streets, they want to feel safe in their homes, when they leave their homes, they want to be safe, and if that can't happen, then you should not be in public service. if you can't make that happen as a leader, as a politician, as someone who is a head of a city, someone in charge of crime, then you're not doing your job. i think -- i think, it is not very popular, that people need to stop listening to the people who have gone all the way far left and saying, oh, well, we want to defund the police, we need this bail reform. people who are violent, people who commit crime should be in jail. they should be behind bars. >> i do -- i wonder, don, she is saying this isn't about liberal policies. what she is proposing is increasing police, let's -- that's the crux of what she's been proposing. with a specific eye to the tenderloin, if you've been to san francisco, you know this neighborhood, high crime and also a lot of drug use, a lot of untreated mental health issues and -- >> homelessness, a big issue, people who are out on the streets, and a lot of those people have been put out on the streets recently because of the pandemic. they had them in facilities and because of, remember, cutting costs, cutting money to facilities that house people like that, we have to think about all of those things, has to be a holistic approach. can't just be about putting a big hammer on crime. but it is -- we have to figure out how people got there, to where they are, and, you know, that's something that people don't like to think about politically, don't like to talk about politically because it is not easy, right. it is not -- it doesn't help them within their re-election bid. it doesn't help them if you're on, you know, some propaganda network and you're trying to use crime as a cudgel to talk about the difference between the liberal policies and conservative policies. so there needs to be a holistic approach to crime. how people got to where they are, why they are in those communities, why they have been let out of those facilities, what is happening with mental illness, and also putting more and better police officers who are responsible to the community on the streets and having people who are in positions of power, like london breed, like eric adams here in new york city, who are going to make sure that they accomplish those goals. >> don lemon, thank you. >> that's it? >> so much. >> i usually get 25 minutes. >> you have a show, the good thing is if you haven't had enough of don, you can see him tonight at 10:00, right? >> yes. >> and on new year's eve i'm told. >> you can. in new orleans. >> with? >> with -- >> what could possibly happen? >> with dulce sloan from the daily show and the other ac, alisyn camerota. can i tell everybody, be safe out there. i have started 24/7 i'm starting to wear the mask again. and omicron, it is going strong. the cases are, you know, milder cases we're seeing, but it is really -- i think the numbers are going to start really ticking up. >> be careful. we can all be careful. >> be extremely careful. we want to see our families for the holidays. >> nice to see you. >> good see you as well. bye, bk. >> bye, don. a string of violent threats forcing the entire school district in oxford to remain closed weeks after the deadly shooting there. the county sheriff joins us ahead. and ringo starr, weird al, fred armisen, among dozens of celebrities getting together for a music video. hear why. fine, no one leaves the table until your finished. fine, we'll sleep here. ♪ it's the easiest because it's t the cheesiest. kraft. for the win win. it's the e season of smiling. and at aspen dental, we make it easy to gift yourself the smile you deserve. new patients, start today with a full exam and x-rays, with no obligation. if you don't have insurance, it's free. plus everyone saves 20% on their treatment plan with flexible payment solutions for every budget. we're here making smiles shine bright so you can start the new year feelin' alright. call 1-800-aspendental or book today at ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. this is your home. this is your family room slash gym. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ weeks after the deadly shooting at the high school in oxford, michigan, the buildings have been cleared as safe for reopening. a string of violent threats forced the entire school district to remain closed for the rest of the week. joining us now to talk about these security struggles, oakland county sheriff michael bouchard. thank you for being with us. can you tell us about what the district is dealing with right now? >> well, unfortunately it is not just this district, it is districts all across the state and probably across the country. we have had over 135 threats against different school districts across our area. and oxford happens to be obviously one that is especially numb and especially raw from it. so i think they made the decision to close school until after the holiday break to give people a chance to calm their nerves and to make sure that people have a chance to process this unthinkable tragedy. we have checked out every one of these potential threats and deemed none of them to be imminent or credible. and we have arrested a lot of young people from making these threats. but that still doesn't calm a lot of the emotions for understandable reasons. >> you're saying it is mostly young people making the threats. can you tell us more about that? >> yes, ma'am. i know that already 17 have been criminally charged in oakland county. we have more investigations under way and, you know, the process is pretty clear. someone makes a threat, we investigate 100% of the threats that come to us, determine first if it is credible and intervene if it is. if it is not credible, we still continue the investigation and seek criminal prosecution because the mere threat is a crime. it is up to a 20-year crime in our state. and so that's what we have been doing with these people that are making these threats. they're not a joke. they're terrorizing people. and we're going to hold you accountable. >> i mean, eventually, kids have to go back to school. right. understandably they feel unsafe, especially when we're talking about oxford, the high school in oxford. what do you tell them? how do you make this assessment that things are safe and tell them this is safe. and provide them the resources they need? >> right. so what we tell them is if they actually see a threat or hear anything, they got to share it and then we have to do our job and check it out. and we check it out thoroughly. so, you know, prior to the decision that oxford made to close their schools, we actually had 24 canines sweeping every school building in the district to give them that assurance that the buildings had been thoroughly checked. and then we were going to have a substantial presence in and around the building so that they felt that presence and felt safe. but, again, having said that, obviously given what they have been recently through, they made a decision just to take this pause and let parents and students and teachers have an opportunity to process and have an opportunity to have the emotion and the fear come down through the holidays and have a fresh start after the first of the year. >> all right, well, look, we're keeping our eye on your community. we know you're going through a lot. we thank you for being with us, sheriff. >> thank you, ma'am. former first lady melania trump getting into crypto. what she just announced as her next endeavor. my guest guest says golden state warrior star and new record holder steph curry has ruined basketball. you heard that right. what's wrong with him? 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>> well, what's wrong with me is that i have an unorthodox view of the way the game should be played and i find that i have become a hero in the social security set with this column. i've got tremendous response and i'm sure the average age of the respondents was 65, maybe even 70. here's the issue. the three-point shot, people don't understand, was the gimmick of a promoter, abe saperstein in 1961 started a league called the american basketball league, he hoped to be competitive with the nba, and he brought in a three-point shot as a gimmick to stimulate interest among casual fans and to do -- to differentiate it from the nba. and then made its gradual progression after that league folded in a year and a half from the eastern league to the nba in -- the aba in 1966, the nba in 1979, and colleges in 1986 so that if you are 50 years old, you don't know anything else. that's the game of basketball that you have been -- those of us that remember it before the three-point infested the game, destroyed the rhythm of the game, eliminated a lot of the good passing sequences would like it see the three-point shot abolished. >> i will tell you, i have seen the warriors in person. i got to go to one of the finals games they played. this is a few years ago. not the current version. but i've never seen passing like they had around the court, around the key, and i'm watching and thinking, would you rather have bill laimbeer, you know, or would you rather have steph curry? >> the warriors do it right. nobody else does. those teams that won were a beautiful basketball teams that were on a par in terms of their concept of how to play with the vintage celtics and lakers of the '80s that were two tremendous passing teams. nobody else can do it that way. let's get the issue with curry. the issue was this, he is extraordinarily influential. one of the most influential people in the history of the game and affecting the way the game is played. young people are a -- adore him and this is -- they're not ever going to be steph curry. and too many people were trying to imitate him, will never be him and distorted the game at every level. problem is he's so likable. there is everything to like about him. he's a wonderful person. i admire him. i do root for him in the abstract. i like the way he goes to the basket as well as the way he shoots the threes. but he's so influential. and this very morning, john, i got an email from a local youth coach saying he's reading part of my column to his kids because all they see is kids, 8, 9, 10-year-olds cranking up threes and that's not the way to play basketball. >> you finished your column by saying get off my -- also. i prooappreciate it very much. thank you. >> i was there. i was there. >> i read your story. thanks so much for being with us, bob. >> all right. this just in, former first lady melania trump says she is launching an nft titled ma lawn why's melania's vision. her office says the nft is a water color that will cost $150 and include an audio recording of her. mrs. trump says it embodies her passion for the arts and will support her ongoing commitment to children through her be best initiative. and here's what else to watch today. coming up -- ♪ simply the best ♪ >> broadway truly is simply the best. why some shows are now closing, though, their doors, once again. find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. ♪ ♪ (man) still asleep. 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inflammation might be to blame. inflammation: time for ache and burn! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. inflammation: those'll probably pass by me! xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. inflammation: xiidra? no! it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is the only fda-approved non-steroid treatment specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. one drop in each eye, twice a day. don't use if you're allergic to xiidra. common side effects, include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. after using xiidra, wait fifteen minutes before reinserting contacts. talk to an eye doctor about xiidra. inflammation: i prefer you didn't. xiidra. not today, dry eye. how did olay top expensive creams? like this with hydration that beats the $100 cream in every jar of regenerist retinol24 collagen peptide new vitamin c and the iconic red jar can't top this skin shop now at time for the good stuff. for 14-year-old almayabi bilton getting off the bus was a miserable part of the day. until somebody who walked by and saw the struggle decided to knock on her family's door and offered to build her a ramp. >> i saw a need, i knew i could take care of it and went from there. >> by him doing that, that shows you right there, there are people in the world that do have hearts, that do care about other people. >> and when almay was surprised with the ramp, she -- her father said she was smiling from ear to ear. >> i love that. doing something because you see a need. >> it is beautiful. >> beloved poet, author, feminist bell hooks has died. hooks published more than 30 books over the course of her lifetime. she was 69 years old. on broadway -- ♪ simply the best ♪ ♪ better than all the rest ♪ >> there have been breakthrough coronavirus infections, so broadway has been seeing more consolu couldn't cancellations than ever before. ♪ i want to see you really want to be with you ♪ ♪ really want to see you ♪ got to love that, george harrison's "my sweet lord" getting a brand-new music video to celebrate the 50th anniversary of his album, all things must pass. i'm sure you noticed all of those famous faces, including ringo starr. ♪ born in the usa i was born in the usa ♪ so there is a reasonable and legitimate open debate about whether the music itself might be a bit overrated. but not the price tag. no. bruce springsteen is reportedly selling his entire music catalog to sony music in what could be the biggest single artist music catalog deal to date. the specific terms are unknown, but the value might exceed $500 million. >> tell us in two words how you feel about bruce springsteen, berman. >> he seems like a very nice man. a very nice man. maybe matters more than the quality of his music. congratulations to bruce. i'm glad he's finally getting the recognition he deserves. back in a moment. ♪ ♪ wow, we're crunching tons of polygons here! what's going on? where's regina? hi, i'm ladonna. i invest in invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to the nasdaq-100 innovations, like real time cgi. okay... yeah... oh. don't worry i got it! become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. from one moment to the next, our kids become the most important part of our lives. and even though the years pass, that never changes. we never stop worrying about them. that's why it's important to have health insurance. with covered california, we got a plan we could afford. it includes free preventive care, like cholesterol and blood-pressure checkups. because even though they grow up, they'll always be your baby. covered california. this way to health insurance. enroll by december 31st at a skater in oakland, california, is looking to inspire everyone to get rolling in today's "the human factor." >> i love skating. i just feel very free to be in my body and to be myself on a skateboard. when i was skating before, it was in the late '90s and early 2000s. i was a fat kid growing up. during the pandemic, i wanted to get back into skating. there was not really any information online for fat skateboarders. not only could i not find pads and gears in my size, i also had difficulty with just seeing any other folks like me, which felt alienating. we start putting our own videos up and we're immediately hit with fat phobia, comments about our body size, i want to create a space where we can all come together and not be judged. it started as a space for fat plus sized, chubby skaters, have a safe place to learn together and skate together. we have our monthly physical event, to help show people how to stand on the skateboard, how to gain their balance, how to ride. and what kind of information they may need for getting the right gear. >> being around a bunch of people who look similar to me really makes it feel more comfortable to learn. >> a lot of times when there is plus sized groups, they tend to be focused on weight loss, and the reality is that not everybody who is fat is actually looking to change that. >> i love that he's building that community. and cnn's coverage continues right now. good thursday morning. i'm erica hill. >> i'm jim sciutto. we're following several major stories this morning, new weekly jobless claims are out, there is some encouraging news, despite an 18,000 increase compared to the previous week, the numbers still extremely low, nearing a 52-year low. comes as the federal reserve is picking up the pace to fight inflation. new projections show multiple interest rat

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Winter , Led Growing , Booster Shot Requirements , Others , 19 , Number , Virus Deaths , Cdc , Coronavirus Hospitalizations , 200 Million , 43 , Millions , Cnn , Many , Polo Sandoval , Population , Dose , Doses , 60 , School Officials , Acceleration , Alarm , Cause , Polo , Approach , University Officials , Events , Faculty Members , Action , Spaces , Meeting Spaces , Athletic Facilities , Use , Silver Lining , Breakthrough Cases , Campus Counts , Vaccination Rate , 98 , 99 , Cancellations , Northeast , Steps , Tina , List , Broadway Shows , New York , Harry Potter , Hamilton , Safe , Tactics , Course , Breakthrough , Authorities , Effort , Things , Officials , She S Making , Winter Surge , Surge , Virus , Spread , Questions , Chief Conspirator , Systems , University , Breakthroughs , Is , Place , Threats , Weather , Hurricane Force Winds , Record , Weather Service , Calls , Path , Forecasts , December , Isn T , Yes , Lucy Kafanov , Line , Power , Parts , Winds , Storms , Central United States , Customers , Power Lines , Wildfires , 450000 , 100 , Region , Storm System , Tornados , Rockies , Midwest , Nine , Police , Tornado , Take Shelter , National Weather Service , Plain View , Twin Cities , Minnesota , State , Clouds Descend , High Winds , Wind , El Paso County , Tractor Trailers , Gusts , To Boulder , Time , Flights , Plane , Customer Service , Flight , Santa Fe Airport , New Mexico , Kind , Visibility , Damage , Aircraft , Plains , Dust Storm Conditions , Interstate 70 , Western Kansas , 70 , Sand , Dust , Airport , Garden City , Road , Hundreds , Thousands , South , Eight , They Don T Want , Picture , Climate Change , Davenport , 75 , Evidence , Trajectory , Iowa , Election , Members , Chief Of Staff , Few , Congress Of The United States , Republicans , Election Results , Correspondence , Mark Meadows , White House , 2020 , Quote , State Legislatures , Strategy , Electorate , Text , Supreme Court , Republican , On November 4th , November 4th , 4 , Member 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Atlantic Magazine , Party , Control , Trump Element , Faction , Notion , Success , Article , Forr Thoirically , Committee , There , Magic Piece , Investigations , Investigation Doesn T , Matrix , Opposition , Smoking Gun , Who , Documents , Screen , Cod , Specifics , Theis , Words , Extent , War Room , Touch , Willard Hotel , Hero , Undermining , Statue , Success Continuation , Statuary Hall , Liz Cheney , Lifetimes , Courageous Republicans , Electoral System , Measure , Opportunity , Sedition , Forces , Agenda , Leadership , Aspect , Mitch Mcconnell , Kevin Mccarthy , Voter Suppression , Discussion , Bucket , Sense , Craven Conduct , Mark Meadows Et Cetera , City , Bs , Mayor , Law Enforcement , Judge , Sedative , Leave , Video Surfaces , San Francisco , Louisiana , Bruce Springsteen , Don Lemon , Bucks , Boss , Acquisition , Catalog Is Worth , Kiss , With Kay , Kisses , Plan , Owner , Tooland , Investor , Access , Advice , Vanguard , Heart , Care , On Unsweetened Lipton , Lipton , Sippin , Stop Chuggin , Reality , Heartburn , Anna , It Starts , Night , Sleep , Dream , Acid , Nexium 24hr , Start Sippin , Night Protection , 24 , Car , Car Vending Machines , Company , License Plate , Carvana , Value , Techno Wizardry , Spot , Offer , Louisiana Judge , Video , Michelle Odinet , Home Security Footage , Slur , Burglary , Language , Lawyer , Recollection , Harm , Zero , Community , Author , Fire , Friends , Existence , Racism , Don Lemon Tonight , Pressure , Wall , Issues , Son , Attorneys , Addiction , Comments , Pills , Whatever , Clients , Hook , Person , Repercussions , Gun , Cockroaches , Up , Videotape , Courtroom , The N Word , Issue , Treatment , Views , Trial , Decisions , Big Hammer On Crime , Violation , No One , Guy , Wasn T , Men , Have , Pattern , Perception , Adults , Culture , Someone , Times , Life , Death , Situations , Judges , Example , Society , Reproach , Tape , Sons , Privacy , Policies , Thing , London Breed , Sort , Episode , Criminals , End , Reign , Changes , Saying , Press Conference , Pandemic , Eric Adams , Everyone , Police Commissioner , Expectations , Listen , Side Note , Gosh , African American Woman , Police Officers , Side , Officers , Police Officer , Defund Police , Cities , Areas , Silent Majority , Bail , Reform , Center , Somewhere , Accusbuse Themu , Homes , Streets , Money , Economy , Politician , Job , Head , Public Service , Leader , Charge , Listening , Jail , Bars , Bail Reform , Eye , Proposing , Isn T About Liberal Policies , Crux , Let S , Mental Health , Homelessness , Drug Use , Tenderloin , Neighborhood , Facilities , Cutting Costs , Holistic Approach , Can T , It Doesn T , Crime , Difference , Re Election Bid , Cudgel , Propaganda Network , More , Communities , Mental Illness , Show , Positions , Goals , 25 , Haven T , On New Year S Eve , New Orleans , 10 , 00 , Everybody , Ac , Alisyn Camerota , 24 7 , Omicron , Mask , Oxford , String , Holidays , School District , Shooting , County Sheriff , Bk , Music Video , Ringo Starr , Dozens , Celebrities , Weird Al , Fred Armisen , Fine , Table , Season , Smiling , Smile , Exam , Win , Patients , Obligation , X Rays , The Cheesiest , Kraft , Aspen Dental , Insurance , Smiles , Budget , Payment Solutions , 20 , Book Today At Aspendental Com , 800 , 1 , Wish List Event , Sanctuary , Lincoln , Family Room Slash Gym , Daybed , Bedroom Slash Music Studio , Panic Room , Basement Slash , Vacation , Family Needs , Yoga Shanti Slash , The Living Room , Slash Classroom , App , Vrbo , High School , Buildings , Reopening , Michigan , Rest , District , Security Struggles , Oakland County Sheriff , Michael Bouchard , Districts , School Districts , Area , 135 , Decision , Chance , Holiday Break , School , Nerves , Reasons , Still Doesn T , Oakland County , Emotions , Ma Am , 17 , Threat , Process , Investigation , Prosecution , Joke , Kids , Back To School , Resources , Assessment , Canines , School Building , Assurance , Presence , Building , First , Fear , Pause , Emotion , Parents , Teachers , Right , Melania Trump , Golden State , Guest , Crypto , Endeavor , Warrior Superstar Steph Curry , Basketball , Star , Warrior , Doug , Limu Emu , World , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Superpowers , Spider Bite , Gasps , Spider Man , Pay , Theaters , Obsessed , Big Idaho Potato Truck , December 17th Hello , December 17th , Interest , Cooking , Seal , Grown In Idaho , Idaho Potatoes , Properties , Hotels , Resorts , Pool , 4pm Checkout , Why Go Back To Reality , 1200 , Lives , Next , Amex Platinum , Health Insurance , Preventive Care , Blood Pressure Checkups , Cholesterol , California , Baby , Coveredca Com , December 31st , Curry , Fan , Play , Three Pointers , House Arrest , A Scourge , Three , Lifetime , Basketball In My Entire Life , Sports Columnist , Boston Globe , Bob Ryan , Game , View , Respect , Majority , Social Security Set , Shot , Column , Gimmick , Respondents , Response , Age , Promoter , Abe Saperstein , 65 , American Basketball League , Nba , Fans , 1961 , Progression , Half , Eastern League , Aba , 1979 , 1986 , 1966 , Rhythm , Anything Else , 50 , Finals Games , Warriors , Passing Sequences , Version , Nobody , Thinking , Court , Key , Bill Laimbeer , Lakers , Basketball Teams , Concept , Teams , Par , Celtics , 80 , Problem , Level , Threes , Reading Part , Basket , Root , Youth Coach , Abstract , Email , 9 , 8 , Story , Bob , Water Color , Nft , Audio Recording , Ma Lawn Why S Melania Vision , 150 , Commitment , Children , Passion , Mrs , Arts , Initiative , Coming Up , Best , Shows , Doors , Breaking Point , Blend , Emergen C , Nutrients , Woman Vo , Vo , Greetings , Audi , Injectable Cabenuva , Hiv Treatment , Hiv , Injections , Me Undetectable , Side Effects , Medicines , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Healthcare Provider , Ingredients , Symptoms , Reactions , Liver Problems , Doctor , Breastfeeding , Mental Health Concerns , Depression , Pregnancy , Treatment Appointments , Some , Injection Site Reactions , Tiredness , Fever , Inflammation , Relief , Eye Drops , Burn , Ache , Eyes , Xiidra , Eye Disease , Approved Non Steroid Treatment , Signs , Dry Eye Disease , Fda , Eye Irritation , Container , Contacts , Vision , Eye Doctor , Taste Sensation , Discomfort , Surface , Dry Eye , Fifteen , Creams , Jar , Collagen Peptide , Skin Shop , Hydration , Cream , Olay , Vitamin C , Red Jar , Regenerist Retinol24 , Stuff , Almayabi Bilton , 14 , Somebody , Need , Ramp , Struggle , Door , Bus , Father , Ear , Hearts , Do Care , Almay , Beloved Poet , Hooks , Books , Bell Hooks , Feminist , 69 , 30 , Breakthrough Coronavirus Infections , Broadway , Consolu Couldn T , George Harrison , 50th Anniversary , Album , All Things Must Pass , My Sweet Lord , Faces , Born In The Usa , Music , Music Catalog , Debate , Bit , Price Tag , Music Catalog Deal , Artist , Sony Music , 500 Million , 00 Million , Congratulations , Recognition , Quality , Back , Berman , What S Going On , Polygons , Regina , Invesco Qqq , Crunching Tons , Wow , Ladonna , Fund , Worry , Innovations , Innovation , Agent , Cgi , Nasdaq 100 , Windshield , Experts , Man , Service , Safelite , Girl , My Truck Is Livelihood , Singers , Safelite Repair , Skating , Skater , Oakland , The Human Factor , Skateboard , Body , Fat Kid , 90 , 2000 , Information , Difficulty , Videos , Pads , Size , Fat Skateboarders , Folks , Alienating , Space , Fat , Skaters , Body Size , Fat Phobia , Event , Gear , Balance , Groups , Bunch , Weight Loss , Coverage , Stories , News , Claims , Erica Hill , Jim Sciutto , Inflation , Increase , Low , Pace , Reserve , Projections , Interest Rat , 18000 , 52 ,

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