Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240709

Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240709

regardless of nationality, regardless of vaccination status. also developing this morning, the mayor of new york city just announced the city's implementing a first in the nation vaccine requirement to include all private sector employees. the city will also expand its vaccination requirement for indoor dining and entertainment to include kids as young as five now. these changes come amid continued uncertainty over the new omicron variant which has now been defetected in at least7 states. but the delta variant is the major problem still in america. and is what is driving another surge it appears. the u.s. is averaging more than 120,000 new cases every day, highest level since early october. but its hospitalizations that really tell the story. up 27% in the last month with around 60,000 people every day sick enough with covid to need hospital care right now. let's start with pete muntean live at dulles airport in virginia with more on the new testing requirement going into effect for travel. what are you seeing there? >> reporter: we'll have to see how smooth this really goes. all of this means that flights in the air right now are among the first that will have to follow these new rules. passengers coming into the united states will now have to get tested for coronavirus one day before their departure, they have to show proof of that negative coronavirus test to the airline. and the cdc says if your flight is on monday, you have to get tested on sunday. not a 24 hour rule, a one day rule. you also need to make sure that the airline sees it and that this is a thing that applies to foreign nationals and u.s. citizens, this also applies regardless of your vaccination status. airlines say that they are going to comply with this, but they pushed back a little bit on the efficacy of all of this. this is what united ceo scott kirby told me. >> the reality is that omicron is already out of south africa, it has escaped, it is on every continent. covid is unique, it is endemic, we need to learn to live with it, but we won't learn to live with it by locking down and shutting borders. the right answer is to get everyone vaccinated. >> reporter: another big change here when it comes to the federal transportation mask mandate, was set to expire on january 18th, now it has been expanded by two months, new expiration march 18, 2022. that applies to all forms of transportation all because of the concerns over the new omicron variant. >> good to see you, pete, thank you so much. and another big pandemic move, new york city taking a big step to try to stop the spread of coronavirus. mayor de blasio announced this morning all private sector employees will soon have to be vaccinated. that is on top of the vaccine mandate that is already in place for all public sector employees in the city. polo sandoval is live in new york city with more on this. what are the details of the new requirements? >> the mayor making that announcement just in the last hour calling this a preemptive strike in the face of the threat of the new variant as part of this expansion of new york city's vaccination mandate, it started on december 27th, that just in three weeks, this basically is now going to include that mandate will now include all private sector employees. remember, the city had previously applied this mandate to the public employees and the mayor estimating that that should affect roughly 184,000 businesses across the board here in the city of new york. but wait, that is not all. this is really kind of a three-pronged expansion to the existing mandate because you will also expect to provide proof really soon of vaccination to include children ages 5 to 11 years old for indoor dining, indoor entertainment venues and high risk activities. and finally the third prong here, the city will be moving to the next phase when it comes to the requirement for those ages 12 and up now to include proof of two vaccinations. that does not include those that recently received the single dose johnson & johnson vaccine. want you to hear from the mayor as he explains why the city is taking this step. >> vaccination is the central weapon in this war against covid. it is the one thing that has worked every single time across the board on a strategic level, it is the reason that new york city is back in so many ways and it is the reason that we can avoid shutdowns and restrictions is more use of vaccinations. so that is why we are taking aggressive action today. we are not going back to what happened in 2020. >> reporter: and already some business leaders are expressing some concern, some saying that they were caught by surprise here, and left with questions about the enforcement of that. the mayor saying that they do plan to roll out more details on what they will do to enforce the mandate, those details expected in the next week. and will there be any legal challenges. don't be surprised if something similar happens here. >> thanks so much. joining me now for more is chief science officer at e-med a health care company that provides at-home covid testing and also former professor of ende epidemiology at harvard. what is your reaction to mayor de blasio adding private sector employees to the vaccine mandate in the city? >> i think that it might be a challenge, but it is a smart public health move. i think that we should set the right expectations about what the purpose of these vaccine mandates are. and that is to limit the number of people who are really getting sick and who are going into the hospital. and vaccines are doing an incredible job with that. they won't be the silver bullet to stop transmission throughout the city. and i think that these two do have to be separated. people have to be aware even if transmission is occurring if you have been vaccinated, boosted, you're very unlikely to get seriously ill with this virus despite transmission. >> but that distinction is important because it does seem to still be misunderstood by so many people, that vaccine isn't necessarily going to ensome you are that you don't get infected. it will help to ensure that you don't go to the hospital or die. >> that is right. and there was a lot of misunderstanding and unfortunate mixed messaging earlier on when the vaccines were first unrolled, there was a lot of belief that they would do a much better job at limiting spread and we've recognized had they just haven't done quite as good a job as much as we wanted. and especially now with new variants, that is going to likely be damaged everyone more. b everyone more. but they are keeping people out of the hospital. >> and that also gets us to testing. what do you think of the new travel requirements for anyone entering the united states with this test one day before departure? >> it is something that i've been saying that we should be doing for the last two years. testing as soon as possible before you get on to a flight is always the best use of a test rather than testing three days prior. and it will doesn't just go with flights. this is also gatherings, going to work or school. sooner before an event yincludig a flight, the better that test represents that you actually are negative when you is it enon to that plane. i think that this is a smart move by the administration and i welcome this personally. >> because another part actually of the biden strategy that they have been rolling out to try to combat a winter surge is expanding and also access to rapid at-home tests by requiring private insurance to reimburse the cost of those tests. you have been a long and vocal advocate for at-home testing to fight covid. what do you think of this move in particular by the biden administration? >> i'm a little bit on the fence. i've also been a major advocate that these tools, these tests when used at home on your own, these are public health tools. they are helping to prevent you from potentially infecting other people around you. and i do think that there is a question of whether private insurance should be on the hook for that. but nevertheless, i think as long as we are increasing people's access to these tools and we're making them useful especially as we see the oral antivirals get authorized from merck and pfizer and a number of others that might come down the line later, these will be increasingly more important both for public health and medicine. so i welcome any action frankly by the administration to improve individuals' access to these types of tools. >> help people understand why and at home orapid test, why ths being widely available, why you think that is the game changer versus how we've been using tests all along. >> so one of the major reasons we use tests is to stop transmission. the problem with this virus is that you transmit so much in a very short window of time. usually only a matter of three days is when the majority of somebody's transmission occurs. so if you have a test that takes multiple days to get a result like a pcr test, that is not going to help you to prevent yourself from transmitting if you are already infectious when you get the swab taken. so having ready access to a test at home and ideally if that test can give you a prescription for an anti viral very quickly, it will improve your ability to identify yourself as infectious early before you infect other people and as the antivirals come on, giving you the ability to start it early while it is still going to be effective. >> doctor, thanks so much. coming up for us, the biden administration is expected to make a big announcement about the beijing olympics s week to protest china's record of human rights abuses. what it could mean for the games, next. ♪ so light 'em up, up, up light 'em up, up, up ♪ ♪ light 'em up, up, up ♪ ♪ i'm on fire ♪ ♪ so light 'em up, up, up light 'em... ♪ >> man: what's my safelite story? 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joining me now is christine brennan, sports analyst and columnist for "usa today," and david culver is live in shanghai for us. christine, how big of a deal is this? >> it is a very big deal because it hasn't happened certainly in any memory of all of us including those of us like me who have covered the olympics for a long time. it is a symbolic statement, it doesn't involve the athletes and that is a key point. the athletes would compete. but what it says to china especially in the wake of everything that is going on including the peng shuai debacle that china is still immersed in, it says that the u.s. government won't participate. in 2008, george w. bush led the delegation to beijing, he went to the swimming venue, he met michael phelps. it is mostly ceremonial, you cheer for the team and you go home. but it is a symbol. and it is a symbol that the biden administration obviously wants to change and send a very different message this time around. >> and david, obviously leaders in china are not happy about this. is this move likely to force china to change behavior, stop violating human rights in committing what is described as genocide against its own people? >> reporter: one would hope, but if recent history is any indication, what we have seen is that every time they are confronted publicly, they double down. and they stand by their actions and they essentially say this is internal business, domestic matters, keep out of our business. and they push away constantly. and they are saying that this is political maneuvering on the part of the u.s., that the u.s. has not even been invited from its official diplomatic perspective, so why assume that you will get that invite and sensationalizing things as they put it. but going forward, this is something that they are continuing to face and we've seen this wolf warrior diplomacy approach where they come out with really strong rhetoric and they have expect t expect this weeks, but it plays well to the domestic office and they will continue to push that propaganda to show thatexpect this had for weeks, but it plays well to the domestic office and they will continue to push that propaganda to show that china won't back down. interesting to note if you searched earlier today u.s. boycott olympics on china social media, it was not there. >> and the u.s. state department is backing and applauding the move, so taken all together, what do you think the real impact is? >> reporter: and christine brought up peng shuai is still an issue here. it is a massive headache for leadership. they are trying to figure out how to navigate this one in addition to a multitude of other issues. yeah, you've got the accusations of widespread human rights abuses against weaker muslims, you have pro democracy protests in hong kong, questions over covid origins and early mishandlings. you have a lot facing china as they are looking to host the world and put on a show with performance. and this could pose to be even a bigger issue than say no u.s. officials attending, is what will the athletes say. because athletes according to diplomatic sources are telling me that they are being educated on what is going on here and they could very well use this as an opportunity to speak out when they are here on the mainland. and that is even more damaging to china. it is very uneasy for them to think that they can't control the narrative when it is something happening within their borders. >> that is really interesting. and there is history, right some because all of this also shines a bright spotlight on the international olympic committee. and they seem to be at odds with the wta over the situation with peng shuai. i'm looking at this and wondering how they can be so far apart from the u.s. and wta and what you think it means as we go toward the games. >> the ioc is in business with the chinese obviously, they are business partners with the olympics coming up in less than two months. but this is be careful what you wish for if you are china. you want the olympic games, you want the world's attention and now you are getting it. and as david mentioned, athletes, a figure skater who could medal in ice dancing, i asked him and he said that he was very concerned. so i think that you are right, it is happening now around the country and around the world potentially with athletes and once they get to china, i don't think that they will be quiet. and again, this is what china deserves and the ioc deserves when you give the olympics to a country with these awful human rights abuses. this is no surprise. the io krc did it in hanoi and y are doing it again. >> thank you both so much. still ahead, the michigan school shooter and his parents are under suicide watch in the same jail. and we're learning more about the man police say helped those parents hide from authorities. oe dry weather... ...and dry, cracked skin. new gold bond advanced healing ointment. restore healthy skin, with no sticky feeling. gold bond. champion your skin. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ with chase security features, guidance and convenience, banking feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. it's another day. and anything could happen. it could be the day you welcome 1,200 guests and all their devices. or it could be the day there's a cyberthreat. only comcast business' secure network solutions give you the power of sd-wan and advanced security integrated on our activecore platform so you can control your network from anywhere, anytime. it's network management redefined. every day in business is a big day. we'll keep you ready for what's next. comcast business powering possibilities. . an entire family behind bars, the parents of the accused michigan school shooter are now on suicide watch as well as they sit in jail. james and jennifer crumbley were arrested after the hours-long manhunt over the weekend. this is the exclusive cnn video of their apprehension found in a warehouse space in detroit. they face involuntary manslaughter charges after four teenagers were shot and killed at oxford high school. and now a man investigators call a person of interest is speaking out through his attorney after allegedly helping the crumbleys hide from police. athena jones is in oxford, michigan for us. what are you learning there this morning? >> reporter: well, about this man who helped -- who police say helped the crumbleys enter that warehouse where they were found saturday morning, he has retained a lawyer and his lawyer says he knew the crumbleys, he did not know that they had warrants out for their arrest. so he is cooperating with authorities. we know that there might be charges brought against him, but we have to wait for an announcement on that. but we're also hearing again from the oakland county prosecutors once again explaining why she is taking the rare step of charging the parents in a high school shooting case. she believes that they are criminally th criminally negligent and if they had taken action it could have saved the lives of the four teenagers. take a listen. >> in this case, you can't possibly look at their actions and say that they didn't have reason to believe that there was real concern about a violent act. all of this could have been prevented if he hhe hadn't had access or if just one of those parents had said i'm concerned about what i'm seeing and i want you to know we just bought him a gun for christmas. and that didn't happen. and, you know, i just can't let that go without holding somebody -- without holding them accountable. >> reporter: so the crumbleys each facing four charges of involuntary manslaughter. kate. >> thank you for that. joining me now for more is senior legal analyst and former federal prosecutor elie honig. this entire family is now behind bars. as a prosecutor, i'm wondering how do you handle a case against an entire family here? >> you just have to go where the facts take you. you don't hesitate to charge people just because it would take an entire family sort of out at once. this is an aggressive charge against the parents. it is a fairly novel charge. we very rarely if ever see parents charged with involuntary manslaughter in this kind of scenario. but i also think that it is a well grounded charge. and it is important to know prosecutors don't have to just prove there was something that the parents could or should have done. they have to prove a gross level of negligence. but i think when you look at the facts about the purchase of the firm arm, how they encouraged him to look for ammo, and ignoring the warnings from the school, i think when you add it up, that amounts to involuntary manslaughter. >> and one reason for the charges according to the prosecutor is that their son had free access to the gun. if the gun had been locked and secured as the defense attorney said in court, if he wasn't supposed to have a key and somehow got it, would that change the case against the parents do you think? >> that is absolutely a relevant fact here. if in fact this gun was left unguarded and the son got it, that is going to be damning for the parents. but if it was locked up, that will help the parents' case. doesn't mean that they will beat the case. but one thing that the prosecutor said this morning that i found a little unsettling is she was asked was this gun secured, was it locked or not and the prosecutor said we don't exactly now, but he had access to it. you have to know that. was it locked, was it not locked, did he have a key? prosecutors need to figure that out quickly. >> and the school system is now asking for an independent third party to be brought into investigate the shooting at the school. and mcdonald was also asked if anyone at the school could face charges. i want to spplay what she said "good morning america." >> that has not been presented to our office. that is an investigative process that i'll leave to law enforcement. i can tell you that there is outrage in the community. i can tell you that we all should be looking at the events that led up to that horrific event. and as a community, as a school, as a nation, talk about what could have been -- what we could have done different so that didn't happen. >> how do you interpret that? >> so it is absolutely necessary that the school, that law enforcement, that prosecutors, police, all take a very careful look at what the school did and did not do. that said, the way i understand what the prosecutor is saying here is i think that it is very unlikely that we see criminal charges against the school because if the school missed signs here or there, that is not necessarily enough to charge somebody. and remember, you can't charge the school. you have to charge an individual if you are going to charge involuntary manslaughter. so they will need to point to an individual and say that person didn't just miss signs, that person like the parents did contributed to a situation where it was readily foreseeable that this person would go and kill somebody or cause great bodily harm. that is a high burden. i don't see it being made against the school. >> great to see you, elie, appreciate it. so across the state of michigan and beyond, there has been an outpouring of support for the families of the four young victims. on saturday, family and friends of tate myre were honored on the forward before the big ten championship. he was a celebrated football player whose coach said was trying to save others when he was shot and killed. the wolverines also wore a patch during the game of oxford's logo with the number 42, the number myre wore for his high school team. michigan won that game putting up 42 points. the detroit lions also paid tribute, with his name and number. and the lions won their first win of the season. after that win, the new head coach had this to say. >> this game ball goes to the whole oxford community, all those who were affected. and that being said, man, i just -- you know, i just -- i want us to not forget these names, madisyn baldwin, hannah saint crut. juliana, nathan shi tate myre. and the names of those who were hurt. for all those, you know, they will never be forgotten and they are in our hearts and prayers and all the families. not to mention all those who were affected by all of this. >> from michigan and far beyond. we'll be right back. ♪ feel stuck with credit card debt? 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>> reporter: well, the biden administration is weighing which sanctions would be most impactful to help deter russia from invading ukraine. and sources have told cnn that there are a number of options on the table including sanctions against top members of president putin's inner circle as well as russian energy producers and russian banks. one of those options would likely target top russian oligarchs likely cutting off or limiting their ability to travel and also cutting off their access to american banks and credit systems. officials say that no final decision has been made at this moment, but president biden hinted that he was looking at taking some type of actions against russia just on friday when he told reporters that he was assembling a comprehensive an meaningful set of initiatives to deter russia from in-vain-varied i invading ukraine. and officials are also speaking with european partners with the goal of trying to have united and coordinated effort as they are addressing these issues with russia. now, president biden, this all comes as president biden is set to hold a secure video call with russian president vladimir putin on tuesday where officials say that the president plans to specifically address the concerns the u.s. has with russia's military activity along the ukraine border. so the president considering some of these sanctions as well as that video call to give a message direct throw president putin as the u.s. grows more concerned about their activities. >> thank you so much. joining me now for more on this is former u.s. ambassador to ukraine william taylor. ambassador, i want to ask you about this video call that president biden will be having with putin tomorrow. this is i believe their first call since july. how important is this call? >> i think that it is very important. very important for president putin to hear again from president biden about ukraine and we will recall that earlier back in april, president biden had to call president putin as well as president putin put together a large force on ukraine's borders at that time. and president biden called him up, first called president zelensky and then called president putin directly and said back off of ukraine. and it turns out president putin did that, he did back off. didn't remove all his equipment or troops, but he did deescalate to some degree. so this is an important conference call that is coming up on tuesday for president biden to lay out again just as arlette said what the consequences would be if president putin decides to invade ukraine. >> what are the consequences for ukraine from what we're seeing from u.s. intelligence? this new estimate that russia could begin a military offensive in ukraine in a matter of months with up to 175,000 troops. what can putin do with that? >> president putin can lose a lot of russians with that. that is -- the last time he invaded ukraine, back in 2014/2015, ukraine was not prepared for that invasion. ukraine is much better equipped now. its military is stronger, it has better weapons, it is better led, morale is higher, training is much higher. president putin if he sends his troops against ukranian troops will lose a lot, this gets to be very wobloody on both sides certainly. but president putin will have to contend with many casualties, many russian casualties. >> do you think putin underestimates ukraine? >> i think he does. i think he does. i don't know president putin, i don't know what is in his mind. but all the indications are that he does not understand the new ukraine. he understands what ukraine used to be in soviet times. this is what must be in his mind. he sent out a message in the summer describing ukraine as only sovereign under russian control. that is not ukraine today. ukraine since 2014, since the russians invaded, has unified against russia and i don't think that president putin understands that. >> so we know that biden is considering a new round of sanctions. not going into detail exactly who or what will be the target. we know the range now. but what do you think biden's options are here? >> i think president biden wants to make it clear to president putin that the costs would be very high, the cost to the russian military, to the russian economy, the cost to oligarchs that are close to president putin. the cost to the economy from these enhanced sanctions that will hit the russian economy very hard, harder as president biden has said, harder than secretary clinton said, harder than in the past. so mr. putin has to understand from president biden what these costs are. and if he is making a rational decision, he'll think about that. it might be an emotional decision that president putin does this. it would be a horrible mistake. >> you wrote an op-ed in august about how you thought -- your suggestion for how biden should handle ukraine and one move that you support that i read again this morning with interest is you said that biden should go there and visit ukraine. you say no american president set foot on ukranian soil since george w. bush in 2008. why do you think biden should do that? >> because ukraine is important to the united states. and the best way for that message, the importance of ukraine, ukraine's independence, all the things that we say, the best way to convey that is to show up. i was there in 2008 when president bush was there. and that was the last president who was there. president biden has been there as vice president, many times, he knows the place. ukranians know him. that visit, president biden's visit there which probably has been discussed with president zelensky when he was in the oval office, that would send a very strong message and it could resonate -- could be a message for president putin. >> interesting. thank you, ambassador. >> thank you. coming up for us, georgia, the state of georgia, georgia's governor's race just got a lot more interesting. brian kemp facing a republican challenger and let's just say it could get ugly. 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>> it means that georgia republicans should prepare for a knockout drag down fight in this gubernatorial primary and it will focus on whales, the 2020 election. you heard perdue reference kemp and basically blame him for losses in 2020 and 2021678 the kemp campaign is responding in kind with a statement saying perdue is the man who lost republicans the united states senate so they are fighting about this. a kemp ally is willing to make david perdue's life a living hell thoef hell over there and our colleague gabby orr is being told trump will endorse perdue sometime soon. all of this is happening. democrats in georgia, stacey abrams who just announced her candidacy last week, they are all smiling at this. the chaos can only help them, they think. it's going to be a race to watch, kate. >> even more so as of this morning. thanks so much, michael. good to see you. now to this. the trifle former "empire" actor jussie smollett just resumed in chicago a short time ago. the defense team started calling witnesses and the big question, of course, is smollett take the stand in his own defense? he's accused of staging a fake hate crime in an attempt to get media attention, if you'll remember. omar jimenez is in chicago and has been tracking this from the very beginning. omar, what's the very latest there today? >> yeah, kate, we're watching to see if jussie smollett will take the stand and right now the defense called its fourth witness on the fifth day of try. they are currently cross-examining a man who worked security at a nearby hotel and significantly he said that he saw two men running away from the scene around the time when this alleged attack would have happened and shown a flashlight in one of their faces and said that one of those men was white. at least that's what he says he saw. now, that's significant because, of course, that comes in contrast to what we've heard over the course of this trial, specifically when two brothers who have worked on the show "empire" testified that jussie smollett recruited them for this alleged scheme because he didn't believe the show "empire" which he was formerly a star of was taking an alleged hate letter that he had received seriously enough. at least one of them who had been friends with smollett prior to this said that jussi was the mastermind behind this and that they did a dry run in the days leading up to when this was supposed to happen and the other brother testified said he wouldn't have been involved at all if he had known the police would be involved. now, smollett has maintained his innocence throughout all of this. he's facing six disorderly conduct charges for allegedly making false police reports saying that he was victim of an alleged hate crime in january 2019. this is likely the last full day of testimony as we'll see as the judge wants it to be in the jury's hands by at least tomorrow. kate? >> wow. moving quickly. it's good to see you, omar. thank you very much. more updates to come from chicago on this. thanks for being with us today. i'm kate balduan. "inside politics" with john king picks up right after this. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? nurse mariyam sabo knows a moment this pure... ...demands a lotion this pure. new gold bond pure moisture lotion. 24-hour hydration. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. gold bond. champion your skin. ♪ ♪ ♪ (sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ are the stars out tonight? (sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ ♪ alexa, play our favorite song again. ok. ♪ i only have eyes for you ♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! (sighs wearily) here i'll take that! 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Citizens , Sunday , 24 , Reality , Airlines , Scott Kirby , Omicron , Bit , Efficacy , United , South Africa , It , Borders , Continent , Answer , Big Change , Transportation Mask Mandate , January 18th , March 18 2022 , Two , 18 , 2022 , Concerns , Transportation , Pandemic Move , Because , Forms , Spread , Vaccine Mandate , Place , In The City , De Blasio , Part , Details , Announcement , Expansion , Vaccination Mandate , Variant , Face , Threat , Strike , Polo Sandoval , Mandate , December 27th , Three , Businesses , Estimating , Wait , 184000 , Vaccination , Activities , Entertainment Venues , Children , Prong , 5 , 11 , Vaccinations , Vaccine , Requirement , Single , Phase , Johnson , 12 , Weapon , War , Reason , Use , Restrictions , Ways , Shutdowns , Action , Surprise , Concern , Business Leaders , Questions , Enforcement , 2020 , Plan , Something , Don T , More , Health Care Company , Chief Science Officer , Challenges , Professor , Home Covid Testing , Reaction , Ende 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Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240709

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regardless of nationality, regardless of vaccination status. also developing this morning, the mayor of new york city just announced the city's implementing a first in the nation vaccine requirement to include all private sector employees. the city will also expand its vaccination requirement for indoor dining and entertainment to include kids as young as five now. these changes come amid continued uncertainty over the new omicron variant which has now been defetected in at least7 states. but the delta variant is the major problem still in america. and is what is driving another surge it appears. the u.s. is averaging more than 120,000 new cases every day, highest level since early october. but its hospitalizations that really tell the story. up 27% in the last month with around 60,000 people every day sick enough with covid to need hospital care right now. let's start with pete muntean live at dulles airport in virginia with more on the new testing requirement going into effect for travel. what are you seeing there? >> reporter: we'll have to see how smooth this really goes. all of this means that flights in the air right now are among the first that will have to follow these new rules. passengers coming into the united states will now have to get tested for coronavirus one day before their departure, they have to show proof of that negative coronavirus test to the airline. and the cdc says if your flight is on monday, you have to get tested on sunday. not a 24 hour rule, a one day rule. you also need to make sure that the airline sees it and that this is a thing that applies to foreign nationals and u.s. citizens, this also applies regardless of your vaccination status. airlines say that they are going to comply with this, but they pushed back a little bit on the efficacy of all of this. this is what united ceo scott kirby told me. >> the reality is that omicron is already out of south africa, it has escaped, it is on every continent. covid is unique, it is endemic, we need to learn to live with it, but we won't learn to live with it by locking down and shutting borders. the right answer is to get everyone vaccinated. >> reporter: another big change here when it comes to the federal transportation mask mandate, was set to expire on january 18th, now it has been expanded by two months, new expiration march 18, 2022. that applies to all forms of transportation all because of the concerns over the new omicron variant. >> good to see you, pete, thank you so much. and another big pandemic move, new york city taking a big step to try to stop the spread of coronavirus. mayor de blasio announced this morning all private sector employees will soon have to be vaccinated. that is on top of the vaccine mandate that is already in place for all public sector employees in the city. polo sandoval is live in new york city with more on this. what are the details of the new requirements? >> the mayor making that announcement just in the last hour calling this a preemptive strike in the face of the threat of the new variant as part of this expansion of new york city's vaccination mandate, it started on december 27th, that just in three weeks, this basically is now going to include that mandate will now include all private sector employees. remember, the city had previously applied this mandate to the public employees and the mayor estimating that that should affect roughly 184,000 businesses across the board here in the city of new york. but wait, that is not all. this is really kind of a three-pronged expansion to the existing mandate because you will also expect to provide proof really soon of vaccination to include children ages 5 to 11 years old for indoor dining, indoor entertainment venues and high risk activities. and finally the third prong here, the city will be moving to the next phase when it comes to the requirement for those ages 12 and up now to include proof of two vaccinations. that does not include those that recently received the single dose johnson & johnson vaccine. want you to hear from the mayor as he explains why the city is taking this step. >> vaccination is the central weapon in this war against covid. it is the one thing that has worked every single time across the board on a strategic level, it is the reason that new york city is back in so many ways and it is the reason that we can avoid shutdowns and restrictions is more use of vaccinations. so that is why we are taking aggressive action today. we are not going back to what happened in 2020. >> reporter: and already some business leaders are expressing some concern, some saying that they were caught by surprise here, and left with questions about the enforcement of that. the mayor saying that they do plan to roll out more details on what they will do to enforce the mandate, those details expected in the next week. and will there be any legal challenges. don't be surprised if something similar happens here. >> thanks so much. joining me now for more is chief science officer at e-med a health care company that provides at-home covid testing and also former professor of ende epidemiology at harvard. what is your reaction to mayor de blasio adding private sector employees to the vaccine mandate in the city? >> i think that it might be a challenge, but it is a smart public health move. i think that we should set the right expectations about what the purpose of these vaccine mandates are. and that is to limit the number of people who are really getting sick and who are going into the hospital. and vaccines are doing an incredible job with that. they won't be the silver bullet to stop transmission throughout the city. and i think that these two do have to be separated. people have to be aware even if transmission is occurring if you have been vaccinated, boosted, you're very unlikely to get seriously ill with this virus despite transmission. >> but that distinction is important because it does seem to still be misunderstood by so many people, that vaccine isn't necessarily going to ensome you are that you don't get infected. it will help to ensure that you don't go to the hospital or die. >> that is right. and there was a lot of misunderstanding and unfortunate mixed messaging earlier on when the vaccines were first unrolled, there was a lot of belief that they would do a much better job at limiting spread and we've recognized had they just haven't done quite as good a job as much as we wanted. and especially now with new variants, that is going to likely be damaged everyone more. b everyone more. but they are keeping people out of the hospital. >> and that also gets us to testing. what do you think of the new travel requirements for anyone entering the united states with this test one day before departure? >> it is something that i've been saying that we should be doing for the last two years. testing as soon as possible before you get on to a flight is always the best use of a test rather than testing three days prior. and it will doesn't just go with flights. this is also gatherings, going to work or school. sooner before an event yincludig a flight, the better that test represents that you actually are negative when you is it enon to that plane. i think that this is a smart move by the administration and i welcome this personally. >> because another part actually of the biden strategy that they have been rolling out to try to combat a winter surge is expanding and also access to rapid at-home tests by requiring private insurance to reimburse the cost of those tests. you have been a long and vocal advocate for at-home testing to fight covid. what do you think of this move in particular by the biden administration? >> i'm a little bit on the fence. i've also been a major advocate that these tools, these tests when used at home on your own, these are public health tools. they are helping to prevent you from potentially infecting other people around you. and i do think that there is a question of whether private insurance should be on the hook for that. but nevertheless, i think as long as we are increasing people's access to these tools and we're making them useful especially as we see the oral antivirals get authorized from merck and pfizer and a number of others that might come down the line later, these will be increasingly more important both for public health and medicine. so i welcome any action frankly by the administration to improve individuals' access to these types of tools. >> help people understand why and at home orapid test, why ths being widely available, why you think that is the game changer versus how we've been using tests all along. >> so one of the major reasons we use tests is to stop transmission. the problem with this virus is that you transmit so much in a very short window of time. usually only a matter of three days is when the majority of somebody's transmission occurs. so if you have a test that takes multiple days to get a result like a pcr test, that is not going to help you to prevent yourself from transmitting if you are already infectious when you get the swab taken. so having ready access to a test at home and ideally if that test can give you a prescription for an anti viral very quickly, it will improve your ability to identify yourself as infectious early before you infect other people and as the antivirals come on, giving you the ability to start it early while it is still going to be effective. >> doctor, thanks so much. coming up for us, the biden administration is expected to make a big announcement about the beijing olympics s week to protest china's record of human rights abuses. what it could mean for the games, next. ♪ so light 'em up, up, up light 'em up, up, up ♪ ♪ light 'em up, up, up ♪ ♪ i'm on fire ♪ ♪ so light 'em up, up, up light 'em... ♪ >> man: what's my safelite story? 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joining me now is christine brennan, sports analyst and columnist for "usa today," and david culver is live in shanghai for us. christine, how big of a deal is this? >> it is a very big deal because it hasn't happened certainly in any memory of all of us including those of us like me who have covered the olympics for a long time. it is a symbolic statement, it doesn't involve the athletes and that is a key point. the athletes would compete. but what it says to china especially in the wake of everything that is going on including the peng shuai debacle that china is still immersed in, it says that the u.s. government won't participate. in 2008, george w. bush led the delegation to beijing, he went to the swimming venue, he met michael phelps. it is mostly ceremonial, you cheer for the team and you go home. but it is a symbol. and it is a symbol that the biden administration obviously wants to change and send a very different message this time around. >> and david, obviously leaders in china are not happy about this. is this move likely to force china to change behavior, stop violating human rights in committing what is described as genocide against its own people? >> reporter: one would hope, but if recent history is any indication, what we have seen is that every time they are confronted publicly, they double down. and they stand by their actions and they essentially say this is internal business, domestic matters, keep out of our business. and they push away constantly. and they are saying that this is political maneuvering on the part of the u.s., that the u.s. has not even been invited from its official diplomatic perspective, so why assume that you will get that invite and sensationalizing things as they put it. but going forward, this is something that they are continuing to face and we've seen this wolf warrior diplomacy approach where they come out with really strong rhetoric and they have expect t expect this weeks, but it plays well to the domestic office and they will continue to push that propaganda to show thatexpect this had for weeks, but it plays well to the domestic office and they will continue to push that propaganda to show that china won't back down. interesting to note if you searched earlier today u.s. boycott olympics on china social media, it was not there. >> and the u.s. state department is backing and applauding the move, so taken all together, what do you think the real impact is? >> reporter: and christine brought up peng shuai is still an issue here. it is a massive headache for leadership. they are trying to figure out how to navigate this one in addition to a multitude of other issues. yeah, you've got the accusations of widespread human rights abuses against weaker muslims, you have pro democracy protests in hong kong, questions over covid origins and early mishandlings. you have a lot facing china as they are looking to host the world and put on a show with performance. and this could pose to be even a bigger issue than say no u.s. officials attending, is what will the athletes say. because athletes according to diplomatic sources are telling me that they are being educated on what is going on here and they could very well use this as an opportunity to speak out when they are here on the mainland. and that is even more damaging to china. it is very uneasy for them to think that they can't control the narrative when it is something happening within their borders. >> that is really interesting. and there is history, right some because all of this also shines a bright spotlight on the international olympic committee. and they seem to be at odds with the wta over the situation with peng shuai. i'm looking at this and wondering how they can be so far apart from the u.s. and wta and what you think it means as we go toward the games. >> the ioc is in business with the chinese obviously, they are business partners with the olympics coming up in less than two months. but this is be careful what you wish for if you are china. you want the olympic games, you want the world's attention and now you are getting it. and as david mentioned, athletes, a figure skater who could medal in ice dancing, i asked him and he said that he was very concerned. so i think that you are right, it is happening now around the country and around the world potentially with athletes and once they get to china, i don't think that they will be quiet. and again, this is what china deserves and the ioc deserves when you give the olympics to a country with these awful human rights abuses. this is no surprise. the io krc did it in hanoi and y are doing it again. >> thank you both so much. still ahead, the michigan school shooter and his parents are under suicide watch in the same jail. and we're learning more about the man police say helped those parents hide from authorities. oe dry weather... ...and dry, cracked skin. new gold bond advanced healing ointment. restore healthy skin, with no sticky feeling. gold bond. champion your skin. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ with chase security features, guidance and convenience, banking feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. it's another day. and anything could happen. it could be the day you welcome 1,200 guests and all their devices. or it could be the day there's a cyberthreat. only comcast business' secure network solutions give you the power of sd-wan and advanced security integrated on our activecore platform so you can control your network from anywhere, anytime. it's network management redefined. every day in business is a big day. we'll keep you ready for what's next. comcast business powering possibilities. . an entire family behind bars, the parents of the accused michigan school shooter are now on suicide watch as well as they sit in jail. james and jennifer crumbley were arrested after the hours-long manhunt over the weekend. this is the exclusive cnn video of their apprehension found in a warehouse space in detroit. they face involuntary manslaughter charges after four teenagers were shot and killed at oxford high school. and now a man investigators call a person of interest is speaking out through his attorney after allegedly helping the crumbleys hide from police. athena jones is in oxford, michigan for us. what are you learning there this morning? >> reporter: well, about this man who helped -- who police say helped the crumbleys enter that warehouse where they were found saturday morning, he has retained a lawyer and his lawyer says he knew the crumbleys, he did not know that they had warrants out for their arrest. so he is cooperating with authorities. we know that there might be charges brought against him, but we have to wait for an announcement on that. but we're also hearing again from the oakland county prosecutors once again explaining why she is taking the rare step of charging the parents in a high school shooting case. she believes that they are criminally th criminally negligent and if they had taken action it could have saved the lives of the four teenagers. take a listen. >> in this case, you can't possibly look at their actions and say that they didn't have reason to believe that there was real concern about a violent act. all of this could have been prevented if he hhe hadn't had access or if just one of those parents had said i'm concerned about what i'm seeing and i want you to know we just bought him a gun for christmas. and that didn't happen. and, you know, i just can't let that go without holding somebody -- without holding them accountable. >> reporter: so the crumbleys each facing four charges of involuntary manslaughter. kate. >> thank you for that. joining me now for more is senior legal analyst and former federal prosecutor elie honig. this entire family is now behind bars. as a prosecutor, i'm wondering how do you handle a case against an entire family here? >> you just have to go where the facts take you. you don't hesitate to charge people just because it would take an entire family sort of out at once. this is an aggressive charge against the parents. it is a fairly novel charge. we very rarely if ever see parents charged with involuntary manslaughter in this kind of scenario. but i also think that it is a well grounded charge. and it is important to know prosecutors don't have to just prove there was something that the parents could or should have done. they have to prove a gross level of negligence. but i think when you look at the facts about the purchase of the firm arm, how they encouraged him to look for ammo, and ignoring the warnings from the school, i think when you add it up, that amounts to involuntary manslaughter. >> and one reason for the charges according to the prosecutor is that their son had free access to the gun. if the gun had been locked and secured as the defense attorney said in court, if he wasn't supposed to have a key and somehow got it, would that change the case against the parents do you think? >> that is absolutely a relevant fact here. if in fact this gun was left unguarded and the son got it, that is going to be damning for the parents. but if it was locked up, that will help the parents' case. doesn't mean that they will beat the case. but one thing that the prosecutor said this morning that i found a little unsettling is she was asked was this gun secured, was it locked or not and the prosecutor said we don't exactly now, but he had access to it. you have to know that. was it locked, was it not locked, did he have a key? prosecutors need to figure that out quickly. >> and the school system is now asking for an independent third party to be brought into investigate the shooting at the school. and mcdonald was also asked if anyone at the school could face charges. i want to spplay what she said "good morning america." >> that has not been presented to our office. that is an investigative process that i'll leave to law enforcement. i can tell you that there is outrage in the community. i can tell you that we all should be looking at the events that led up to that horrific event. and as a community, as a school, as a nation, talk about what could have been -- what we could have done different so that didn't happen. >> how do you interpret that? >> so it is absolutely necessary that the school, that law enforcement, that prosecutors, police, all take a very careful look at what the school did and did not do. that said, the way i understand what the prosecutor is saying here is i think that it is very unlikely that we see criminal charges against the school because if the school missed signs here or there, that is not necessarily enough to charge somebody. and remember, you can't charge the school. you have to charge an individual if you are going to charge involuntary manslaughter. so they will need to point to an individual and say that person didn't just miss signs, that person like the parents did contributed to a situation where it was readily foreseeable that this person would go and kill somebody or cause great bodily harm. that is a high burden. i don't see it being made against the school. >> great to see you, elie, appreciate it. so across the state of michigan and beyond, there has been an outpouring of support for the families of the four young victims. on saturday, family and friends of tate myre were honored on the forward before the big ten championship. he was a celebrated football player whose coach said was trying to save others when he was shot and killed. the wolverines also wore a patch during the game of oxford's logo with the number 42, the number myre wore for his high school team. michigan won that game putting up 42 points. the detroit lions also paid tribute, with his name and number. and the lions won their first win of the season. after that win, the new head coach had this to say. >> this game ball goes to the whole oxford community, all those who were affected. and that being said, man, i just -- you know, i just -- i want us to not forget these names, madisyn baldwin, hannah saint crut. juliana, nathan shi tate myre. and the names of those who were hurt. for all those, you know, they will never be forgotten and they are in our hearts and prayers and all the families. not to mention all those who were affected by all of this. >> from michigan and far beyond. we'll be right back. ♪ feel stuck with credit card debt? 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>> reporter: well, the biden administration is weighing which sanctions would be most impactful to help deter russia from invading ukraine. and sources have told cnn that there are a number of options on the table including sanctions against top members of president putin's inner circle as well as russian energy producers and russian banks. one of those options would likely target top russian oligarchs likely cutting off or limiting their ability to travel and also cutting off their access to american banks and credit systems. officials say that no final decision has been made at this moment, but president biden hinted that he was looking at taking some type of actions against russia just on friday when he told reporters that he was assembling a comprehensive an meaningful set of initiatives to deter russia from in-vain-varied i invading ukraine. and officials are also speaking with european partners with the goal of trying to have united and coordinated effort as they are addressing these issues with russia. now, president biden, this all comes as president biden is set to hold a secure video call with russian president vladimir putin on tuesday where officials say that the president plans to specifically address the concerns the u.s. has with russia's military activity along the ukraine border. so the president considering some of these sanctions as well as that video call to give a message direct throw president putin as the u.s. grows more concerned about their activities. >> thank you so much. joining me now for more on this is former u.s. ambassador to ukraine william taylor. ambassador, i want to ask you about this video call that president biden will be having with putin tomorrow. this is i believe their first call since july. how important is this call? >> i think that it is very important. very important for president putin to hear again from president biden about ukraine and we will recall that earlier back in april, president biden had to call president putin as well as president putin put together a large force on ukraine's borders at that time. and president biden called him up, first called president zelensky and then called president putin directly and said back off of ukraine. and it turns out president putin did that, he did back off. didn't remove all his equipment or troops, but he did deescalate to some degree. so this is an important conference call that is coming up on tuesday for president biden to lay out again just as arlette said what the consequences would be if president putin decides to invade ukraine. >> what are the consequences for ukraine from what we're seeing from u.s. intelligence? this new estimate that russia could begin a military offensive in ukraine in a matter of months with up to 175,000 troops. what can putin do with that? >> president putin can lose a lot of russians with that. that is -- the last time he invaded ukraine, back in 2014/2015, ukraine was not prepared for that invasion. ukraine is much better equipped now. its military is stronger, it has better weapons, it is better led, morale is higher, training is much higher. president putin if he sends his troops against ukranian troops will lose a lot, this gets to be very wobloody on both sides certainly. but president putin will have to contend with many casualties, many russian casualties. >> do you think putin underestimates ukraine? >> i think he does. i think he does. i don't know president putin, i don't know what is in his mind. but all the indications are that he does not understand the new ukraine. he understands what ukraine used to be in soviet times. this is what must be in his mind. he sent out a message in the summer describing ukraine as only sovereign under russian control. that is not ukraine today. ukraine since 2014, since the russians invaded, has unified against russia and i don't think that president putin understands that. >> so we know that biden is considering a new round of sanctions. not going into detail exactly who or what will be the target. we know the range now. but what do you think biden's options are here? >> i think president biden wants to make it clear to president putin that the costs would be very high, the cost to the russian military, to the russian economy, the cost to oligarchs that are close to president putin. the cost to the economy from these enhanced sanctions that will hit the russian economy very hard, harder as president biden has said, harder than secretary clinton said, harder than in the past. so mr. putin has to understand from president biden what these costs are. and if he is making a rational decision, he'll think about that. it might be an emotional decision that president putin does this. it would be a horrible mistake. >> you wrote an op-ed in august about how you thought -- your suggestion for how biden should handle ukraine and one move that you support that i read again this morning with interest is you said that biden should go there and visit ukraine. you say no american president set foot on ukranian soil since george w. bush in 2008. why do you think biden should do that? >> because ukraine is important to the united states. and the best way for that message, the importance of ukraine, ukraine's independence, all the things that we say, the best way to convey that is to show up. i was there in 2008 when president bush was there. and that was the last president who was there. president biden has been there as vice president, many times, he knows the place. ukranians know him. that visit, president biden's visit there which probably has been discussed with president zelensky when he was in the oval office, that would send a very strong message and it could resonate -- could be a message for president putin. >> interesting. thank you, ambassador. >> thank you. coming up for us, georgia, the state of georgia, georgia's governor's race just got a lot more interesting. brian kemp facing a republican challenger and let's just say it could get ugly. 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>> it means that georgia republicans should prepare for a knockout drag down fight in this gubernatorial primary and it will focus on whales, the 2020 election. you heard perdue reference kemp and basically blame him for losses in 2020 and 2021678 the kemp campaign is responding in kind with a statement saying perdue is the man who lost republicans the united states senate so they are fighting about this. a kemp ally is willing to make david perdue's life a living hell thoef hell over there and our colleague gabby orr is being told trump will endorse perdue sometime soon. all of this is happening. democrats in georgia, stacey abrams who just announced her candidacy last week, they are all smiling at this. the chaos can only help them, they think. it's going to be a race to watch, kate. >> even more so as of this morning. thanks so much, michael. good to see you. now to this. the trifle former "empire" actor jussie smollett just resumed in chicago a short time ago. the defense team started calling witnesses and the big question, of course, is smollett take the stand in his own defense? he's accused of staging a fake hate crime in an attempt to get media attention, if you'll remember. omar jimenez is in chicago and has been tracking this from the very beginning. omar, what's the very latest there today? >> yeah, kate, we're watching to see if jussie smollett will take the stand and right now the defense called its fourth witness on the fifth day of try. they are currently cross-examining a man who worked security at a nearby hotel and significantly he said that he saw two men running away from the scene around the time when this alleged attack would have happened and shown a flashlight in one of their faces and said that one of those men was white. at least that's what he says he saw. now, that's significant because, of course, that comes in contrast to what we've heard over the course of this trial, specifically when two brothers who have worked on the show "empire" testified that jussie smollett recruited them for this alleged scheme because he didn't believe the show "empire" which he was formerly a star of was taking an alleged hate letter that he had received seriously enough. at least one of them who had been friends with smollett prior to this said that jussi was the mastermind behind this and that they did a dry run in the days leading up to when this was supposed to happen and the other brother testified said he wouldn't have been involved at all if he had known the police would be involved. now, smollett has maintained his innocence throughout all of this. he's facing six disorderly conduct charges for allegedly making false police reports saying that he was victim of an alleged hate crime in january 2019. this is likely the last full day of testimony as we'll see as the judge wants it to be in the jury's hands by at least tomorrow. kate? >> wow. moving quickly. it's good to see you, omar. thank you very much. more updates to come from chicago on this. thanks for being with us today. i'm kate balduan. 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Citizens , Sunday , 24 , Reality , Airlines , Scott Kirby , Omicron , Bit , Efficacy , United , South Africa , It , Borders , Continent , Answer , Big Change , Transportation Mask Mandate , January 18th , March 18 2022 , Two , 18 , 2022 , Concerns , Transportation , Pandemic Move , Because , Forms , Spread , Vaccine Mandate , Place , In The City , De Blasio , Part , Details , Announcement , Expansion , Vaccination Mandate , Variant , Face , Threat , Strike , Polo Sandoval , Mandate , December 27th , Three , Businesses , Estimating , Wait , 184000 , Vaccination , Activities , Entertainment Venues , Children , Prong , 5 , 11 , Vaccinations , Vaccine , Requirement , Single , Phase , Johnson , 12 , Weapon , War , Reason , Use , Restrictions , Ways , Shutdowns , Action , Surprise , Concern , Business Leaders , Questions , Enforcement , 2020 , Plan , Something , Don T , More , Health Care Company , Chief Science Officer , Challenges , Professor , Home Covid Testing , Reaction , Ende Epidemiology , Harvard , Number , Public Health Move , Vaccine Mandates , Challenge , Expectations , Purpose , Vaccines , Transmission , Hospital , Job , Silver Bullet , Do , Virus , Distinction , Lot , Vaccine Isn T , Die , Misunderstanding , Better , Messaging , Haven T , Belief , Variants , To Testing , Test , Anyone , Testing , Travel Requirements , Doesn T , School , Gatherings , Move , Event , Plane , Strategy , Yincludig , Cost , Tests , Advocate , Insurance , Winter Surge , At Home Testing , Health , Home , Tools , Fence , Question , Hook , Whether , Access , Oral Antivirals , Others , Line , Merck , Pfizer , Help , Medicine , Public Health , Types , Individuals , Both , Game Changer , Reasons , Home Orapid Test , Ths , Somebody , Matter , Pcr Test , Majority , Result , Window , Transmitting , Swab , Prescription , Come On , Ability , Doctor , Coming Up , Man , Games , Em Up , Record , Up , Up Light , Safelite , I M On Fire So Light , Experts , Windshield , Singers , Service , Girl , My Truck Is Livelihood , Safelite Repair , Project Managers , Projects , Candidates , Shortlist , Job Criteria , Bull Rider , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Liberty Mutual , I Don T , Chances , Car Insurance , Wooo , Woooooo , Yeaa , 665 , 665 Dollars , Someone , Turn , Liberty , Tex , Pay , Hang On , Circle , Healthcare , Therapies , Science , Medicines , Mental Illness , Social Workers , Professionals , Researchers , Lives , Peer Counselors , Mental Illness To Wellness , Anything , Readiness , Fitbit , Eyes , Sugar , Vision Loss , Diabetes , Outside , Stuff , Blindness , Blood Vessels , Inside , Diabetic Retinopathy , Actions , Control , Diabetes Management , Treatments , Path , Sight , Eye Care , Visit Noweyesee Com , Brain Performance , Indicators , Neuroscientist , Memory Supplements , Yes , Neuriva Plus , Neuriva , Tv , Six , Cnn , Sources , Developi Ing , Won T , Human Rights , Athletes , Officials , Winter Games , Beijing , Christine Brennan , Quote , Resolute Countermeasures , David Culver , Deal , Big , Hasn T , Memory , Usa Today , Columnist , Shanghai , Olympics , Statement , Wake , Everything , Point , George W Bush , Peng Shuai , Debacle , Delegation , 2008 , Message , Symbol , Team , Swimming Venue , Michael Phelps , Genocide , Leaders , Behavior , Business , History , Indication , Matters , Perspective , Maneuvering , Things , Forward , Wolf Warrior Diplomacy Approach , Office , Propaganda , Rhetoric , Social Media , Backing , Impact , U S State Department , Issue , Issues , Headache , Abuses , Leadership , Addition , Multitude , Accusations , Muslims , World , Show , Protests , Democracy , Mishandlings , Covid Origins , Hong Kong , Performance , Narrative , Opportunity , Mainland , Situation , Spotlight , Odds , International Olympic Committee , Wta , Chinese , Attention , Business Partners , Olympic Games , Figure Skater , Country , Medal , Ice Dancing , Io Krc , Hanoi , Police , School Shooter , Jail , Suicide Watch , Bond , Skin , Oe , Feeling , Restore Healthy , Ointment , Chase Security Features , Banking , Convenience , Chase , Security , Network Solutions , Guests , Power , Devices , Cyberthreat , Comcast Business , Sd Wan , 1200 , Network , Big Day , Network Management , Activecore Platform , Anywhere , Possibilities , Family , Bars , Video , Weekend , Accused , Manhunt , Jennifer Crumbley , James , Person Of Interest , Manslaughter Charges , Teenagers , Oxford High School , Man Investigators , Apprehension , Attorney , Warehouse Space , Detroit , Four , Police Say , Crumbleys , Oxford , Athena Jones Is , Lawyer , Warehouse , Warrants , Arrest , Charges , Prosecutors , High School Shooting Case , Oakland County , Case , Listen , Th Criminally Negligent , Hhe Hadn T , Act , Gun , Didn T , Go , Manslaughter , Kate Balduan , Analyst , Elie Honig , Charge , Facts , Kind , Scenario , Negligence , Arm , Amounts , Purchase , Ammo , Son , He Wasn T , Court , Defense Attorney , Fact , Unsettling , School System , Key , Third Party , Shooting , Investigate , Mcdonald , Process , Community , Law Enforcement , Outrage , Good Morning America , Events , Led , Way , Look , Individual , Signs , Person , Person Didn T , State , Burden , Support , Bodily Harm , Outpouring , Beyond , Elie , Families , Tate Myre , Football Player , Friends , Championship , Victims , Coach , On Saturday , Big Ten , Ten , Game , High School Team , Points , Wolverines , Patch , Logo , 42 , Win , Lions , Name , Head Coach , Season , Tribute , Detroit Lions , Game Ball , Being , Oxford Community , Names , Saint , Madisyn Baldwin , Crut , Nathan , Juliana , Hearts , Prayers , Hurt , Credit Card Debt , Debt , Personal Loan , Sofi , Feel , Money , Rate , 0 , 10 , Time , Beat , Feet , Exciting Medicare Advantage , Coverage , Doctor Office Visits , Premiums , Original Medicare , Prescription Drugs , Deductible , Each , 20 , Prescription Drug Coverage , Deductibles , Medicare Supplement Plan , Co Insurance , Course , Plans , Take A Look At Humana S Medicare Advantage , Hospital Stays , Members , Prescription Costs , Prescription Drug , Average , 8400 , 400 , Vision , Hearing , Fitness Program , Dental , Silversneakers , Humana , Telehealth Coverage , Low , Areas , Copay , , Decision Guide , Obligation , Prescriptions , Screen , Family Room Slash Gym , Daybed , Bedroom Slash Music Studio , Human Way , Panic Room , Basement Slash , Family Needs , Yoga Shanti Slash , The Living Room , Slash Classroom , Vacation , App , Vrbo , Ukraine , President Putin , Sanctions , Set , Russia , Video Call , Troops , Military Offensive , Intelligence , Border , Buildup , Arlette Saenz , 175000 , Clarity , Impactful , White House , Options , Banks , Table , Inner Circle , Russian Energy Producers , Decision , Oligarchs , Credit Systems , Type , Reporters , Initiatives , Partners , Effort , Goal , European , Activity , Some , Ukraine Border , Call , William Taylor , Putin , July , President , Back , Zelensky , Force , Conference Call , Equipment , Deescalate , Degree , Consequences , Russians , Estimate , Invasion , 2014 2015 , Military , Weapons , Sides , Training , Morale , Casualties , Mind , Indications , Soviet Times , I Don T Know , Summer , 2014 , Detail , Round , Target , Range , Costs , Economy , Mr , Clinton , Mistake , Op Ed , Interest , Suggestion , Set Foot On Ukranian Soil , Independence , Importance , Visit , Vice President , Times , Ukranians , Oval Office , Him , Ambassador , Georgia , The State Of Georgia , Race , Stacey Abrams , Challenger , Republican , Brian Kemp , Body , Mess , Gateway , Mouth , Pain , Clearchoice , Teeth , Joe , Life , Joe S Treatment Plan , Dental Implants , Don T Take Ozempic , A1c , Type 2 Diabetes , Oh , Zone , 2 , Weight , Cv Risk , 7 , Risk , Adults , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Heart Attack , Heart Disease , Stroke , Death , Type 1 Diabetes , Isn T , Needles , Share , Pens , Reuse , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , 1 , Side Effects , Blood Sugar Risk , Vision Problems , Insulin , Lump , Stomach Pain , Stop Ozempic , Swelling , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Vomiting , Nausea , Provider , Kidney Problems , Health Care Provider , Dehydration , Diarrhea , 3 , 25 , Shipping Manager , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Find Themself , Stop Taking Xarelto , Dvt , Another , Blood Clot , Blood Clots , Pe , Injection , 98 , Bleeding , Fatal Bleeding , Paralysis , Bruise , Liver Problems , Bruising , Procedures , Kidney , Artificial Heart Valve , Don T Take Xarelto , David Perdue , Hat , 1 888 Xarelto , 888 , Rast Pittsburgher , All Of Us , Elections , Isn T Personal , Cannot , Trump , Abrams First Instead Of Fighting Trump , Sneets , United States Senate , Frayne , Election Fraud , Fight , Michael Warren , Knockout Drag , Kemp , Campaign , Election , Losses , Whales , Reference , 2021678 , Ally , David Perdue S Life A Living Hell Thoef , Democrats , Gabby Orr , Chaos , Candidacy , Smiling , Jussie Smollett , Empire , Trifle , Kate , Chicago , Defense , Hate Crime , Defense Team , Media Attention , Stand , Attempt , Calling Witnesses , Big Question , Staging , Omar Jimenez , Witness , Try , Men , Faces , Scene , Attack , Flashlight , Hotel , Brothers , Least , Contrast , Trial , Hate , Letter , Scheme , Star Of , Smollett , Brother , Mastermind , Run , Jussi , Victim , Innocence , Testimony , Updates , Jury , Hands , Judge , January 2019 , 2019 , Nexium 24hr , John King , Heartburn , Acid , Inside Politics , Night Protection , Nurse Mariyam Sabo , Pure , Lotion , Parabens , Moisture , Hydration , Dyes , Fragrances , Stars , Sha Bop , Alexa , I Only Have Eyes For You , Song , Protein , Energy , Thirty , Nutrients , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Sanctuary , Lincoln , Angie , Phone , Wish List Event , Mom , Bill , Lou , Internet , 5g , Xfinity , Yep , Mobile , Smart Kid , 00 , Store , Switch Squad , Savings , Go , Moon Christmas Special , Gotta , Politics , Sector , Holiday Season , Workers , In Washington , Covid Travel Rules Kick , Congressman , Michigan School A , Massacre , Covid Winter Spike ,

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