Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim S

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240709

correspondent john harwood, both standing by. matt, there is some good in here, including revisions to prior months, but still undershot, the forecast. what happened? >> yeah, jim. at first glance, this did look like a big dud. just 210,000 jobs added in november, less than half of what the consensus was on wall street from economists. it's also the weakest number of the entire biden presidency. job growth was supposed to be up in leisure and hospitality, but it barely budged. the retail sector actually lost jobs. when you dig into the numbers, there are some positives, starting with the unemployment rate, which fell to 4.2%. that is the lowest of the pandemic. keep in mind, unemployment was nearly 15% in april of 2020. there's been enormous progress since then. also wages are up very sharply. they're not keeping up with inflation, but that does show really strong demand for workers. also, more americans are getting back into the workforce, the labor participation rate climbing to the highest level since march of 2020. that is very encouraging. women, a lot of women have also gone back into the workforce although there's still about 1.5 million women missing from the job market. they dropped out and haven't returned. one other positive we have to point out is that the prior two months were revised higher by 82,000. we've seen that happen time and again this year, where the government initially underestimates job growth and then as more information comes in, they revise those figures higher. we could very well see that happen again with today's number. jim, we have to remember, though, this is a backwards-looking number. going forward, the risk that omicron undoes some of the progress in the jobs market. we just don't know enough information yet about the variant to know whether or not that's going to happen. >> some of the worst prognostications so far have not born out but we're watching closely. john, the president about to speak on these numbers in minutes. what's his message? >> it's a huge challenge for him in trying to talk about the economy at this moment because it's such a mix of positive and negative indicators. obviously, we've had a tremendous amount of concern about inflation in recent months. on the other hand, the economy has been growing at a fairly rapid clip. we've been adding jobs month to month. however, as matt was outlining, we had this disappointing jobs number today, but we don't know how accurate it is. clearly, the government is having problems measuring job growth, which is why we consistently go back and add jobs to previous months. a lot of that is because businesses aren't responding as rapidly to the business survey, where those job numbers come from. as later data comes in, it gets revised up. the point is we don't know and don't know the course of what the pandemic will be. question marks, unpredictability, and that makes it very difficult for politicians and the president of the united states to describe a clear picture to americans of the economy. there are crosscutting elements to this situation in the american economy, no singular way to describe it. the one thing is getting a handle on the pandemic is going to be positive for the economy in 2022 if they can do that. omicron has raised fresh questions. >> we'll see how the president addresses. matt egan, john harwood, thanks very much. now to u.s. efforts to track the omicron variant. cases in five statses, something health officials anticipated would happen. they are ramping up programs to use genome sequencing to identify cases more quickly to track it. the biden administration has announced new measures to curb the virus' spread this winter including new testing requirements beginning on monday for all international travelers as well as a renewed focus on boosters. everybody agrees it's all happening. in south africa, there are concerns the country is entering a fourth wave as a result of all of this. the health minister says infections are up 300% in the last few days. the omicron variant's high transmissibility, something the w.h.o.'s chief scientist is repeating this morning. south africa's health minister continues to stress that infections are causing in most cases mild disease, especially, this is crucial for those who are vaccinated. researchers in south africa indicated there's a higher risk with 35,000 people with two suspected infections through the end of november. joining me to discuss, a researcher associate professor at rock feller university. good to have you on this morning. >> thanks for having me. >> so, folks at home understand, you and your colleagues have been able to produce mutant spike proteins in your lab that make the virus highly rabt to koint antibodies. you say omicron, which has been noted as a lot of mutations along the spike proteins, basically the way they lock onto your cells, has many of the same mutations. what does that teach us about the dangers of this? >> correct. first clarify we didn't do this in the context of the real virus because that would be dangerous. we used a safe virus. it behaves in terms of infection and neutralization properties like sars covid 2, but it's not sars covid 2. we are able to test how far we could fush mutation in the spike and how far we could push antibodies. you pointed out already, omicron has a lot of the same mutations, but even more than the synthetic resistance spike. that spike with about 22 mutations, the final version, and was resistant to almost all plasma samples from vaccinated and infected individuals. so, since the omicron has a lot more mutations and, as we said, a lot of them overlapping, either exactly the same or very similar or very close, then i think i can be quite confident in predicting it will be very resistant to neutralizing antibodies. >> okay. granted, it's early. everyone says we need more data over a couple weeks to see the real effect on existing vaccines, but it is notable that vaccine makers have seemed to say to this point they are concerned that the vaccines will be less likely to prevent infection in the face of omicron, but they still remain confident that it will be able to hold off severe disease, hospitalization. why is that? why that distinction? and do you agree? >> yes. i think that is a safe asummings to make so far, particularly in terms of transmission and the ability of vaccines to prevent infection. because prevention of infection is largely on these neutralizing antibodies. they're the first part of the immune system that stop it. the other response is later. they do also target it after the virus has entered your body. i think the prediction you might see an increase of infections in vaccinated people and previously infected people, exposed to the virus is relatively safe. now, we're hoping that the vaccines still hold very well against the symptoms, but we have to wait and see. >> the w.h.o., to your point, chief scientist said today that the over the counter appears very transmissible. should we therefore be expecting to see another wave like we saw with delta? you see this kind of consistent pattern here, kind of burns out a little bit, then a new variant, delta comes up, then it burns out and now you have omicron. is that the path of this that folks should be preparing for? >> i think so. again, i would be very cautious in making statements about how transmissible this new variant is. you need a lot of data to be able to make that statement confidently. it's a little too early to tell. yes, of course, there are various discussions about why we're seeing these variants come and go, but i think the major driver is our own immune system, in particular, our neutralizing antibodies. as we mount against them, the variants tend to escape them. as more people get exposed and get more antibodies, that is how we lower resistance. >> there's lot more that needs to be learned. far too early to make any gigantic conclusions. thanks for joining us. >> thank you. still to come, in a matter of hours we will learn if the parents of the suspected gunman behind the school shooting in michigan will face charges themselves, as the sheriff details why the teen should not have had access to that gun in the first place. next, alec baldwin breaking his silence. we'll talk to a movie weapons expert on how that gun not only could have gone off but had a live bullet in it even though baldwin says he never pulled the trigger. we're waiting for president biden to speak on the november jobs report. we'll bring you those comments as soon as they happen. with a full exam anand x-rays, with no obligation. if you don't have insurance, it's free. plus everyone saves 20% on their treatment plan with flexible payment solutions for every budget. we're here making smiles shine bright so you can start the new year feelin' alright. call 1-800-aspendental or book today at hey, it's ryan reynolds. as owner of mint mobile my goal is to save our money so we can save you money. so by using this $400 stock video as our holiday commercial this year we can afford toffer three months of free service on any plan, including unlimite i'm still not sure why somee made a stock video showing a snowman sitting on an explosive device that's about to blow. this doesn't seem very holiday but you know, worth it. for rob, it took years to find out why his constipation with belly pain just wouldn't go away. despite all he did to manage his symptoms... day after day. still came the belly pain, discomfort, and bloating, awful feelings he tried not showing. finally with the help of his doctor it came to be, that his symptoms were all signs of ibs-c. and that's why he said yess to adding linzess. linzess is not a laxative. it helps you have more frequent and complete bowel movements, and is proven to help relieve overall abdominal symptoms belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than two. it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain. especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. could your story also be about ibs-c? 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♪ your mother loved this park. ♪ she did. ♪ alec baldwin is speaking out about the chaos that followed the fatal shooting on his film "rust." he revealed he did not know until hours late they're cinematographer hutch-had died from a live round. listen. >> no one could understand it. did she have a heart attack? because, remember, the idea that someone put a live bull net the gun was not even in reality. >> did you go up to her? >> i went up to her and we were told to immediately get out of the bidding. >> you didn't know how serious it was. >> one of the police officers at the conclusion of my interview, i was there an hour and a half or so, she takes her phone and slides it across to me, sand that's what came out of her shoulder, a .45-caliber slug. she said, we regret to tell you she didn't make it. >> he spoke about the conversations he's had with halyna hutchins' husband and son. what did he say? >> that's right. we know hutchins and her young son, they flew down to santa fe immediately in the aftermath of the shooting. there was a private memorial service, alex baldwin was photographed with the pair. he talked about how deeply emotionally impacted he was from this experience, and he also talked about a moving conversation that he had with her husband. take a listen. >> her husband comes to town. her husband, matthew. and i met with him and their son. and he was as kind as you could be. he was as kind as you could be. >> what did you say to him? >> i didn't know what to say. he hugged me and he said, i suppose you and i are going to go through this together. i told him, i said, i don't know what to say. i don't know how to convey to you how sorry i am and how i'm willing to do anything i can to cooperate. >> baldwin also held back tears when speaking about how loved and admired halyna hutchins was by crew and everyone who knew her. he also said he would have killed himself if he believed it was his fault. in the interview, he also described the moments before the gun discharged, saying they were rehearsing, saying that ha lena told him to point the gun right below her armpit for an incidental shot, an angle that might not have ended up in the film. he began to cob the gun, let go of the hammer, but insisted he did not pull the trigger. some folks, one specific person, the attorney for the chief lighting technician, is disputing the allegation by alec baldwin that he did not pull the trigger, saying as producer of the film, baldwin is responsible. but baldwin said he wasn't involved in budget discussions. he added his production responsibilities on this specific film were strictly creative. he said the only question that needs to be resolved is how that live round ended up on set. >> a big question. lucy kavanagh, thanks so much. here with me now, prop master patrick story. he's worked on "homeland" and the latest "scream" film. patrick, i want to play some of interview where baldwin describings his account of what happened that day. and i want to get your reaction. have a listen. >> in the scene i would have cocked the gun. i said do you want to see that? and she said yes. i take the gun and start to cob the gun. i'm not going to pull the trigger. he said tilt it down a little bit like that. i cobbed the gun. can you see that? can you see that? i let go of the hammer of the gun and the gun goes off. i let go of the hammer of the gun and the gun goes off. that was the moment the gun went off. >> it wasn't in the script for the trigger to be pulled. >> well, the trigger wasn't pulled. i didn't pull the trigger. >> you never pulled the trigger? >> no, no, no. i would never point a gun at someone and pull the trigger. that's the training i had. you don't point a gun at somebody and pull the trigger. >> patrick, based on what you know about firearms in your experience, can you not pull the trigger, let the hammer go? what do you believe? >> well, i believe that you can do that if you verify exactly what is in the weapon. in this case, you could definitely do that if there were absolutely no rounds inside the magazine. you know, that's what i know from experience, even from last week on the show that i'm on now. we did that exact thing. >> are there any reasons to have live rounds on a set? are there any restrictions against having those? >> yeah, i mean, it's just an industry code. it's just not -- but also there's really not a lot of need for that now anyway with digital -- you know, digital augmentation. the technology is there. >> that's one of the sad facts of this is that so much is done in postproduction there's less need to have the blank rounds. there are reports that the live rounds could have come from a previous set. again, you know, there have to be ways of i imagine standards that you follow so that doesn't happen. >> well, inspection. inspection of every -- and double-check, triple check, show everyone, make sure that everyone is absolutely aware that, you know, this is something that cannot go wrong. we have to know. >> it is, i imagine, more than one person's responsibility on a set to check. do you have an armorer, it's not just one person who checks. you have others to present this from happening. >> true. you know it as well from the amount of times you've visited this topic. you know, it's something like i said before when i was on, i feel like a broken record. >> yeah. >> questions have been raised about the experience of the armorer for this production, hannah gutierrez. have a listen to alex baldwin's comments on this, and i want to get your reaction. >> do you think she was up to the job? >> i assume because she was there and she was hired she was -- she was up for the job. >> and nothing she did raised any red flags with you? >> no. she'd say things like, remember, this is a blank round. s she would say when you're done, point the gun down. when done, give it to me or halls. >> why halls and not hannah? some say only the armorer should handle it. >> that's inaccurate. in the protocols of the business, hand me the gun 99% of the time, whatever, the preponderance of the time. when we would say cut, if hannah was away from the set, i would hand halls the gun. >> it was notable to me in there he said "was hired." he was a producer on the film. who hires the armorer and makes sure they have sufficient experience to oversee weapons on a set like this? >> well, it's -- you know, there's a consensus and usually if an armorer is going to be hired it's spoken about throughout, you know, the producers that deal with hiring. and, you know, a lot of the time it's reputation. and that is a very important thing, a safe reputation that is accrued over years and years of experience, you know, makes it so that you're a trusted element. >> yeah. well, let's hop there are changes made so this kind of thing can never happen again. patrick storey, good to have you on the show. >> thanks. have a good day. we are standing by to listen to president biden speak about a jobs report out earlier this morning. not the fig chur the administration hoped for. there's another economic challenge ahead. why joe manchin says the build back better plan likely won't pass this year. some things are good to know. like where to find the cheapest gas in town, and which supermarket gives you the most bang for your buck. something else that's good to know? 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>> that's right. fighting biden's vaccine mandate has become a rallying cry in the gop. republicans secured a vote yesterday to defund the mandates. it failed. but they've promised to keep it front and center. listen to mike lee from utah had to say yesterday. >> i think it's difficult to understand why anyone would want to use the overpowering force of the federal government to tell someone if they don't cooperate with the ordained presidential medical orthodoxy, they will be fired. this isn't going away. it will come back up again. it will come back up in a future vote vote-orama. it will come back again every time we get the opportunity. >> reporter: i'm also told that members of the conservative house freedom l caucus huddled with kevin mccarthy this week to strategize about how they can push this issue forward. one idea is trying to use the national defense policy bill to further this debate on the vaccine mandates because republicans, they see this as good for their base. it plays well with their base back home. it's worth pointing out that vaccines are the most effective lifesaving tool we have available to fight this virus. so essentially republicans are undermining the biden administration's ability to curb this virus even as they criticize them for failing to get the pandemic under control, jim. >> yeah. ability to protect themselves and their family in the process. soslan z melanie zanona, thanks very much. joining me now glorg ya borger. they have money to run the government for a cup ouple mont. >> yeah. >> you have sinema and manchin again saying not so fast. what happens? >> democrats. >> yes. we don't know what happens. chuck schumer, the democratic leader, is saying, you know, we want to do this in mid-december. and i intend to do it. i think the big question here is what the president of the united states can do. and that means he's got to sort of figure out what is within the realm of the doable and whether he can cajole and coax these folks into doing something that right now they clearly don't want to do. >> yeah. >> and, you know, i would never predict what's going to happen in this situation. >> if it happens it will be, like, last minute or something like that. >> exactly. >> the bigger question for democrats -- by the way, the republicans have their own internal problems that have blown up this week. but they have a bigger issue, it seems, with voters. biden's approval way down. their agenda, while pieces of it are popular, people still associate build back better with just being a big blank check to the country. >> which republicans say is socialism. >> exactly. marxism. but it was interesting to hear this, and you read this prominent democratic pollster in virginia, did some focus groups. like, this is a bigger problem. one line in here stuck out to me. he said, people think we're more focused on social issue than the economy and the economy is the number-one issue right now. are democrats hearing that? >> they should. they should. that is an issue. when the democrats started talking about spending, people heard $3 billion. they only heard the price tag, not what's in it. when you poll people, and that's what this pollster was saying, they care about the economy, the economy. people have short memories. they don't remember the american rescue plan which helped an awful lot. so the infrastructure bill, easy to digest. this is going to help us pave roads, streets, rebuild bridges, et cetera, et cetera. people understand that. what is now facing people is this question of the price at the pump, inflation, the cost of groceries, for example. the president and the democrats have to start talking about what they are doing to help this. >> yeah. >> and get that through. if they were pass build back better, they could talk about that. they could say, perhaps family and medical leave will be in. we don't know. perhaps these are the one, two, three, four things we're going to do for you. we're going to help you with medicare, for example. we're going to help with your kids' education. on and on. they have not spoken about specifics as much as they should be. i think they're starting to do it more. so why should people understand what's in it? they just know it costs a lot of money. >> folks in certain bubbles, it will never penetrate. divisions within the republican party. nikki haley went down to kiss the ring in florida after publicly criticizing, holding president trump responsible for january 6th. is that actually a mending of fences there? >> i doubt it. i spoke with a source this week who has recently spoke within president trump, who said to me that the president was not really happy at all with nikki haley and with ron desantis. he sees them as potential rivals. nor of course was he happy with his former chief of staff mark meadows and the book he'd written. so, you know, i think that these politicians feel they have to go down there and kiss the ring. but i think donald trump's playing a game with them. i think he doesn't forget people who have crossed him. and he takes them off the list. he blows hot and cold, as we know, on folks, but if you're going to potentially run against him for president, he's never going to love you. >> why doesn't that lesson get learned? because i can't think of the exceptions to rule, that basically once you cross them, you're on the outs. the sessions and the pensions of the world. >> particularly if you're going to run against him. he can hate steve bannon at one moment and then start talking to him again, but steve bannon won't run against him for the presidency. i think they know, but i also think they have to show republican base voters that they have reached out to donald trump because donald trump is very important to republican base voters. so you don't want to be someone that donald trump is out there saying this person is terrible, because just in case donald trump doesn't run, you know, he's going to have to decide who he's for. >> and just before we go, i'm going to ask you to forecast here where's your gut? is donald trump running? >> i honestly -- guy back and forth on this, but the source i spoke with this week who spoke with the president said to me, 99.9% he's running. >> okay. there we go. gloria borger. >> until it changes. >> thanks so much. >> sure. coming up next, honoring a hero, a shockingly young hero. how a community wants to memorialize a teen who gave his life trying to stop a suspected school shooter. eated a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few yeaears old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. these are the faces of listerine. the face of millions of germs zapped in seconds. the face of clean. the face of whoa! some are of intensity, others joy. all are of... various: ahhh... listerine. feel the whoa! with clean, fresh ingredients, panera's new chicken sausage and pepperoni flatbread is a mouthwatering explosion of yes. craft? 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that way? >> reporter: well, certainly the issue with the gun, you know, investigators here have been telling us on the ground that they believe that the parents actually bought this gun for their son, so that is something they've been investigating and looking into, so it could change from anything from the fact they had failed to safe guard this weapon, that was something the prosecutor has mentioned, but it -- there could be more serious charges, involuntary maugts to something else. it's a big issue for prosecutors. when they looked at the information they had, they saw things that concerned them in terms of the purchase of this weapon. here's the sheriff talking about this morning. >> legally, that's not his. he cannot own or possess that weapon outside the house or, you know, any kind of process of transporting, carrying, or using without very few restrictions. you know, there are some places where it's possible an underage person can use a firearm at a ring or private property in a range fashion, things like that, within a home. they can hold and possess it but not outside the house, and they can't legally own it either. >> reporter: and, jim, the other thing that investigators and the prosecutor have been saying is that the family knew something, and they have been investigating that. and the fact that they believe that he brought the gun with him in his backpack on the day of the shooting perhaps there's some evidence that suggests that the parents knew this. they knew he had access, certainly, to this weapon. so that is something that has concerned investigators as well. and then also the school, jim. what did they know? we have information from the sheriff here that two teachers were concerned about behavior, so much so they called the parents in. the school never notified police of this behavior. the police are having some issues with the fact the school never did that. there were a lot of perhaps missed opportunities here to stop this. >> they met with the parents and the shooter that morning. remarkable. shimon prokupecz, thanks so much. one of the four students fatally shot in the oxford high school tragedy is now being call adhere row. 16-year-old tate myre was reportedly killed while trying to disarm the 15-year-old suspect. authorities say a deputy loaded him into the car after the shooting. he died, though, on the way to the hospital. a fellow student and friend of tate myre spoke about the loss. >> he was my closest friend. he was like a brother to me. justin was too. i played football two years since being on varsity, and i played with his older brother, too, and i can't even imagine what he's going through either, being an older brother, losing a younger brother to something so stupid like this. >> a petition to rename the school's football stadium after tate myre has collected more than 48,000 signatures. university of michigan football team will add a logo to their uniforms for saturday's big 10 championship game honoring those impacted by the shooting. that young man there gave his life to save others. we've just been given a two-minute warning that president biden will go to the podium at the white house to discuss this latest jobs report. as we wait, gloria borger, cnn political analyst, with me here. how does the president couch it, spin this? >> i think he probably says we have a long way to go, we are making progress, we're in the middle of a pandemic. there's always way to spin numbers. obviously, they are not the numbers they wanted, but they will always find the silver lining in some of these numbers, which is that there were 1.13 million new jobs created last month, and that's very important. and so, you know, the 210,000 number was not a number that they expected. it was expected to be much higher. >> this has been a consistent, you know, forecasting problem, right. for the last several months, the initial numbers coming in and they're forecast up, which, by the way, september and october were forecast upward and they were quite strong numbers. there is, though, a fundamental disconnect here that does not seem to be getting broken, and that is despite 4.2% joblessness rate -- >> which is so -- >> here comes the president. let's see what he says. >> before i start, i'd like to report that later today i'll be signing a bill funding the government operations for the next few months. funding the government isn't a great achievement. it's bare minimum of what we need to get done. but in these times of bipartisan cooperation that's worth recognition. i thank senator schumer and mcconnell and speaker pelosi for getting this done. i want to thank a substantial bipartisan vote in the senate for sending this to my desk today. i want to urge congress to use the time this bill provides to work toward a bipartisan agreement on a full-year funding bill that makes the needed investments in our economy and our people from public health, education, to national security. now for today's news. every year december brings the joys of the holiday season and gives us an opportunity to reflect on the year gone by and look ahead and begin to imagine the new year to come. this year, we can reflect on an extraordinary bit of progress. our economy is markedly stronger than it was a year ago, and today the incredible news that our unemployment rate has fallen to 4.2%. at this point in the year, we're looking at the sharpest one-year decline in unemployment ever. simply put, america is back to work. our jobs recovery is going for strong. today's historic drop in unemployment rate includes dramatic improvements for workers who have often seen higher wages and higher levels of unemployment -- excuse me, higher levels of unemployment, they are receiving higher wages. the rate of black and hispanic unemployment is also dropping sharply. but that's not just jobs that are up. wages are up, especially for hardworking americans often ignored in the past in past recoveries. workers in transportation and warehouses have seen their wages go up approximately 10% this year. workers at hotels and restaurants have seen their wages go up 13% this year. thanks to the american rescue plan, we've delivered significant tax cuts to families raising children. tax cuts and raising wages for middle-class families mean that americans on average have more in their pockets today than they did each month since we've been in office than they did last year after accounting for inflation. let me repeat that. even after accounting for rising prices, the typical american family has more money in their pockets than they did last year. in fact, the only leading economy in the world where household income and the economy as a whole are stronger than they were before the pandemic. applications for new small businesses are up 30% compared to before the pandemic. thanks to the american rescue plan, we're cutting child poverty in america by more than 40%, and millions of children who spent last christmas in poverty will not bear that burden this holiday season. today's news means unemployment has fallen by more than two percentage points since i took office. that's the fastest decline in a single year on record. it's about three times faster than any other president in their first year in office. the number of people on unemployment has fallen from 18 million when i took office to 2 million this week, another record drop. we've also learned today that in november 235,000 jobs were created in the private sector. and when they recalibrated the last two months, they found job growth over the prior two months, cement and october, actually cree yayed 82,000 more jobs than had previously been reported, which means that 400,000 new jobs a month over the last three months, a solid pace. all told, in the first ten full months of my administration, the economy has created 6 million jobs, a record for a new president. this is a significant improvement from when i took office in january, a sign that we're on the right track. because of the extraordinary strides we've made, we can look forward to a brighter, happier new year ahead, mind you. i also know despite this progress, families are anxious, anxious about covid, anxious about the cost of living, the economy more broadly. they're still uncertain. want you to know i hear you. it's not enough to know that we're making progress. you need to see it and feel it in your own lives around the kitchen table in your checkbooks. that's why every day my team and i are work on consistent b action to overcome the challenges we face. the chief among those challenges is covid-19. yesterday i laid out key actions we're going to take this winter to fight this virus to protect one another, to protect our economy and our economic recovery. they include, number one, expanding our nationwide booster campaign with more outreach, more appointments, and more hours. i was thrilled yesterday we had more vaccine shots administered than any day in the past six months. number two, we're launching hundreds of new family vaccination clinics to make it easier for children and parents, the whole family, to get vaccinated in one place and new policies to keep children in school instead of quarantining them at home when someone in the class comes down with covid, if they do. thirdly, making free at-home tests more available than ever before by having them covered by our private health insurance plans. the availability of community health centers and other sites for the uninsured will be the alternative as well. if you have insurance, it will cover these tests, and if you don't have insurance, we have facilities you can attend and get these tests. increasing our surge responses, our response teams, they're made up of doctors and nurses and medical staff who go into communities with rising cases and provide the needed staff for overrun hospitals, for their emergency rooms, their intensive care units, to get help to them as they need it. we're about tripling the number of those surge teams. we're accelerating our efforts to vaccinate the rest of the world and strengthening international travel rules for people coming into the united states. this is a plan all americans can rally behind, mind you. we're also addressing another concern for families -- prices. just about every country is grappling with high prices right now as they fight the pandemic. as the world economy economy continues to come back to life, the more price pressures will ease as things begin to move. but we're not sitting around waiting. in the meantime, i've used every tool available to address price increases. it's beginning to work. take gasoline and gas prices. last week announced the largest ever release from the united states strategic petroleum reserve to increase the supply of oil and help bring down prices. i brought together other countries -- india, japan, the republic of korea, the united kingdom -- who all agreed to join me in releasing additional oil from their reserves. china alejandro mayorkas well do more as well. they haven't done it yet. this worldwide effort we're leading won't solve the problem of high gas prices overnight, but over the last month likely due in part to the anticipation of this action, we've seen oil and gas prices out of the wells, oils a gas prices on the wholesale market come down significantly. since the end of october, the average weekly price of gasoline on the wholesale market, that's what you sell to the gas stations, has fallen around 10%. and that decline is picked up in recent days. that's a drop of about 25 cents per gallon. these savings are beginning to reach americans and should pick up in the weeks ahead. it can't happen fast enough. i've asked the federal trade commission to consider whether potentially illegal and anti-competitive behavior in the oil and gas industry is causing higher prices for consumers when they don't need to be that high because of the wholesale prices coming down so much. so we can assure the american people are paying a fair price for gas. at this time, v of the year, another concern facing american families is about being able to find what you need in the holidays, whether it's gichts or groceries. as i laid out earlier in the week, because of my actions, the actions my administration has taken, in partnership with -- excuse me -- private business and labor, retailers and grocery stores, freight movers and railroads, the shelves of our stores are going to be well stocked. we sped up operations at our ports. for example, at the port of los angeles and long beach, the two busiest ports in america, over the last month, the number of containers left sitting on the docks for over eight days is down by 40%. i've said that before and people say, what does that mean? so they're down 40%? well, it means that the product are no longer sitting on the docks. they're getting off the docks into trains, into trucks, into vehicles to get them to the store shelves. this is an incredible success story. on monday, i convened a group of ceos some of the largest retailers and grocery stores as well as leading companies that work with small businesses across the country, and they reported that their investments are up, shelves are well stocked, and they're ready to meet consumer demand for the holidays. i said that yesterday and then i saw a couple of your stations put on -- you found some empty shelves. they're old empty shelves, but it doesn't matter. go back and take a look at some of those shelves again, okay? but the point is that the vast majority of the shelves are filled and the ceos of not only the suppliers but the ceos of ums understand and fedex, on track to deliver more packages than ever, are saying the same thing. we're heading into a holiday season in strong shape. again, this is about a concerted, focused action. we averted this potential crisis by figuring out what needed to be fixed. we brought together the people that have the capacity to fix it, or at least alleviate it. now it's time to build on the success we had this year, on jobs, wages, more small businesses, fixing challenges in the economy. we need to cut costs further for families. that's whooo my build back better plan does still being considered in congress. lit lower the out-of-pocket cost for child care, eldercare, housing, college, health care, prescription drugs. in fact, a new independent analysis released this week showed that my plan will mean $7,400 in tax cuts in savings for the typical family of four with two children. 17 nobel prize winners in economics have written a letter to me affirming that this bill would reduce long-term inflationary pressures in the economy. two of the leading rating agencies, not, you know, liberal think tanks, two of the leading rating agencies on wall street confirmed this month that my plan will not add to inflationary pressures. what i've always proposed and am proposing now is lower some of the most difficult costs. and what are they? the difficult cost families pay every month. by asking corporations and the wealthiest americans including, for example, the 55 corporations that paid zero in federal income tax last year despite generating $40 billion in profits. i'm happy they're profitable. they have to pay their fair share. for example, just requiring corporations to pay a minimum 15% in taxes raises enough revenue to pay for lowering the cost of child care for 90% of families and provides universal preschool for all 3- and 4-year-olds in america. what's better for those corporations? is it better if them having child care so parents can come back to work today? and they have a better educated workforce in the future? not paying any tax. once again, no one, no one making less than $400,000 a year will pay a penny more in federal taxes. my build back better plan is fiscally responsible. the first piece of legislation in a decade that not only is fully paid for but will general mate more than $100 billion in deficit reduction this decade. it fully covers the cost of its investments by making the largest corporations and the richest americans pay a little more in taxes. i think that's a tradeoff worth making. by the way, those very businesses will do better having a better educated and more available workforce. having done well paying their fair share is the right thing to do. throughout our history, we've emerged from crisis by investing in ourselves, and so we're going to keep at this. we're going to keep making progress for our families and for our nation. i promise you that's what's going to happen. god bless you all and may god keep everyone safe. >> mr. president -- >> mr. president --

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Jobs Market , Forward , President , Variant , Prognostications , Economy , Challenge , Concern , Mix , Amount , Indicators , Message , Hand , Clip , Outlining , Problems , Businesses , Business Survey , Add , Haven T , Point , Data , Course , Unpredictability , Question Marks , Politicians , Situation , Picture , Elements , Way , Questions , Handle , Addresses , 2022 , Something , Cases , Health , Officials , Statses , Programs , Five , Virus , Administration , Testing Requirements , Genome Sequencing , Measures , Infections , Country , South Africa , Health Minister , Wave , Wall , Everybody , Concerns , Focus , Boosters , Happening , Result , 300 , Chief Scientist , Transmissibility , Disease , Researchers , People , Folks , Thanks , Rock Feller University , Researcher Associate Professor , 35000 , Mutations , Mutant Spike Proteins , Colleagues , Lab , Koint Antibodies , Context , Spike Proteins , Many , Cells , Dangers , Correct , Infection , Terms , Safe Virus , Properties , Neutralization , 2 , Antibodies , Spike , Fush Mutation , Resistance Spike , Vaccinated , Version , Plasma Samples , 22 , Individuals , Same , Them Overlapping , Everyone , Vaccines , Vaccine Makers , Effect , Face , Ability , Yes , Safe , Hospitalization , Asummings , Transmission , Distinction , Immune System , Part , Neutralizing Antibodies , Response , Prevention , Increase , Body , Prediction , Symptoms , Counter , Who , Kind , Bit , Path , Pattern , Burns , Delta , We Saw , Statements , Statement , Little , Discussions , Particular , Variants Come And Go , Driver , Variants , Resistance , Parents , School Shooting , Matter , Conclusions , Gunman , Sheriff , Place , Teen , Charges , Access , Weapons Expert , Michigan , Details , Silence , Movie , Next , Comments , Exam , Baldwin , X Rays , November Jobs Report , Plan , Insurance , Budget , Obligation , Treatment , Payment Solutions , Smiles , 20 , Money , Book , Goal , Stock Video , Owner , Mint Mobile , Aspendental Com , Ryan Reynolds , 00 , 1 , 800 , 400 , Service , Device , Holiday Commercial , Somee , Snowman , Video , Stock , Three , Rob , Go Away , Constipation , Linzess , Help , Doctor , Discomfort , Bloating , Yess , Belly Pain , Laxative , Signs , Feelings , Bowel Movements , Ibs C , Children , Symptoms Belly Pain , Bowel Blockage , Gas , Story , Side Effect , Side Effects , Stomach Pain , Pain , Diarrhea , Stools , Swelling , Area , Ibs C , Man , Experts , Abbvie , Safelite , Ironwood , Windshield , My Truck Is Livelihood , Medicine , Healthcare System , Hospitals , Minds , Girl , Singers , Mass General Brigham , Safelite Repair , Doctors , Care , Centers , Research , Harvard Medical School , Physicians , Ones , Boston , Biotech Innovates , Matrix , Brigham , Serena Williams , One Mass General , Stream , Adults , Best , Effects , Tv , Anxiety , Well Being , Directv , Sleep Number , Pressure Points , Special , Movements , Sleep , Bed , Temperature Balancing , 360 , Interest , Bases , Room , Plus , 0 , 000 , 1000 , 36 , Phone , Mother , Didn T , Park , Dad , Round , Shooting , Chaos , Idea , Reality , Heart Attack , Interview , Sand , Police Officers , Conclusion , Bidding , Conversations , Shoulder , Slug , 5 , Son , Husband , Memorial Service , Aftermath , Santa Fe , Experience , Listen , Town , Conversation , Pair , Matthew , Anything , Crew , Tears , Shot , Fault , Armpit , Rehearsing , Angle , Ha Lena , Person , Hammer , Cob The Gun , Lighting Technician , Attorney , Allegation , Let Go , Producer , Budget Discussions , Production Responsibilities , Question , Lucy Kavanagh , Big Question , Homeland , Prop Master Patrick Story , Reaction , Patrick Storey , Scream , Account , Scene , Baldwin Describings , Tilt It , It Wasn T , Script , Training , Firearms , Weapon , Case , Hammer Go , Magazine , Restrictions , Industry Code , Reasons , Need , Technology , Facts , Digital Augmentation , Postproduction , Inspection , Show Everyone , Double Check , Triple Check , Standards , Ways , Responsibility , Cannot Go Wrong , Armorer , Others , Times , Record , Topic , True , Job , Production , Hannah Gutierrez , Things , Flags , Nothing , Business , Halls , Gun 99 , Protocols , Say , Point The Gun Down , 99 , Hannah , Preponderance , Cut , Weapons , Reputation , Deal , Producers , Hiring , Element , Changes , Let S Hop , Fig Chur , Build , Joe Manchin , Medicare And Medicaid , Something Else , Supermarket , Buck , Bang , Plans , Healthcare Benefits , Screen , Agent , Humana Sales , Medicare Advantage Plan , Hospital , Humana , Prescription Drug Coverage , Healthcare Industry , 60 , Specialists , Vision , Dental , Benefits , Lots , Home , Items , Hearing Coverage , Wellness , Rides , Allowance , Purchasing , Food , Hospital Stay , Locations , Beverages , Meals , Medications , Opportunities , Everything , Products , Vitamins , Aid , More , Prescription Drugs , Humana Sales Agent , Dental Care , Eye Exams , Medicare , Glasses , Hearing Aids , Human Way , Options , Guide , Healthcare , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Shipping Manager , Candidates , Find Themself , Visit Indeed Com Hire The Xfinity , Savings , Event , Customers , Xfinity Mobile , Black Friday , Family , Network , 5g , Sales Event , Gifts , Act , Small Business , Store , Flexibility , Comcast Business Mobile , Click , Nationwide 5g , Line , Contract , Lines , Internet , Term , Match Data Options , Fees , Four , 30 , Comcast Business , Possibilities , House , Congress , Senate , Stopgap Bill , Government Shutdown , Capitol Hill , Agenda , Republicans , Members , Party , Melanie Zanona , Mid February , Vaccine Mandates , Vaccine Mandate , Battle , Fight , Rallying Cry , Vote , Mandates , Center , Utah , Mike Lee , Anyone , Orthodoxy , Force , Isn T , Reporter , Opportunity , Future Vote Orama , Conservative House Freedom L Caucus , Issue , Base , Vaccine , Defense Policy Bill , Debate , Kevin Mccarthy , Tool , Pointing , Process , Glorg , Ya Borger , Soslan Z , Democrats , Ouple Mont , Saying , Senator Schumer , Figure , In Mid December , Realm , Doable , Voters , Blank Check , Socialism , Pieces , Approval , Pollster , Problem , Focus Groups , Marxism , Virginia , Spending , Memories , Price Tag , Billion , 3 Billion , Rescue Plan , Infrastructure Bill , Streets , Roads , Et Cetera , Rebuild Bridges , Example , Cost , Price , Groceries , Pump , Pass Build , Leave , Education , On And , Specifics , Kids , Nikki Haley , Bubbles , Divisions , The Ring , Holding , Florida , Source , Mending , Fences , Trump , January 6th , 6 , Chief Of Staff , Rivals , Ron Desantis , Mark Meadows , Is Donald Trump , List , Game , Cold , Lesson , Rule , Exceptions , World , Steve Bannon , Outs , Pensions , Sessions , Won T Run , Base Voters , Doesn T Run , Running , Gut , He , Guy , 99 9 , Life , Gloria Borger , Community , It Changes , Hero , Honoring A Hero , Car , School Shooter , Yeaears , License Plate , Eated A Brand , Techno Wizardry , Spot , Offer , Carvana , Value , Whoa , Intensity , Faces , Millions , Germs , Joy , Listerine , Ahhh , Ingredients , Panera , Heartiness , Explosion , Pepperoni , Flatbread , Chicken Sausage , Craft , Delivery , , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Superpowers , Spider Bite , Gasps , Limu Emu , Doug , Pay , Theaters , Spider Man , December 17th , 17 , Grandpa , Retirement , Ski Lessons , Views , Sunny Vrbo , Vrbo , Ski Chalet , Snowcovered Peaks , Stove , Peaks , Cocoa , Ski Out , Lisa , Caregiver , Got Eggshells Around Me Don T Step On , Romance , Chest , Bongos , Microwave Beeps , Ring , Em , Don T Step On , Em Don T Step On , Realtor Com , Each Other , Oh Romeo , Collaboration Tools , Romeo , Favorites , Cause , Me Realtor Com , Prosecutors , Press Conference , Updates , Shooter , Rampage , Students , Oxford , Seven , Investigators , Shimon Prokupecz , Ground , Fact , Prosecutor , Gun , Into , Maugts , Purchase , Process Of Transporting , Places , Firearm , Carrying , Fashion , Evidence , Backpack , Behavior , The School , Teachers , Police , Issues , Oxford High School , Tragedy , Tate Myre , Remarkable , 16 , Student , Friend , Deputy , Suspect , Loss , Authorities , Brother , Justin , Varsity , Petition , University Of Michigan Football Team , Football Stadium , Signatures , Uniforms , Logo , Big 10 , 10 , 48000 , Jobs Report , Warning , Podium , Long Way To Go , Silver Lining , Middle , 1 13 Million , Consistent , Disconnect , Which , Forecasting Problem , Joblessness Rate , Bill Funding , Let , Minimum , Operations , Isn T A Great Achievement , Bill , Recognition , Cooperation , Done , Speaker , Desk , Mcconnell , News , Funding Bill , Investments , Public Health , Agreement , National Security , Holiday Season , Joys , Levels , Drop , Decline , Jobs Recovery , Improvements , Rate , Hardworking Americans , Recoveries , Restaurants , Transportation , Warehouses , Hotels , Families , Tax Cuts , Pockets , Average , 13 , Prices , Office , Accounting , Household Income , Applications , Whole , Child Poverty , Poverty , Last Christmas , 40 , Points , Record Drop , 2 Million , 18 Million , 235000 , Cement , Cree Yayed , Pace , Ten , 400000 , Sign , Track , Improvement , Strides , 6 Million , Broadly , The Cost Of Living , Checkbooks , Team , Lives , Kitchen Table , Action , Actions , Challenges , Work , Chief , B , Recovery , Another , Number One , Booster , Outreach , Campaign , Appointments , Family Vaccination , Vaccine Shots , Launching Hundreds , Six , Policies , Class , Quarantining , Thirdly , Tests , Health Insurance , Community Health Centers , Availability , Uninsured , Alternative , Sites , Surge Responses , Response Teams , Nurses , Facilities , Staff , Communities , Overrun Hospitals , Intensive Care Units , Surge Teams , Emergency Rooms , Rest , International Travel Rules , World Economy , Gas Prices , Gasoline , Price Pressures , Price Increases , Oil , India , Supply , Largest , Strategic Petroleum Reserve , Japan , Reserves , Effort , The Republic Of Korea , United Kingdom , Alejandro Mayorkas , China , Anticipation , Won T , Wells , Market , October , Gas Stations , Reach Americans , Federal Trade Commission , 25 , Consumers , Industry , Grocery Stores , Holidays , Retailers , Partnership , Labor , Ports , Stores , Shelves , Railroads , Freight Movers , Port Of Los Angeles , Long Beach , Docks , Containers , Product , Eight , Success Story , Store Shelves , Trains , Vehicles , Trucks , Ceos , Group , Companies , On Monday , Stations , Couple , Look , Consumer Demand , Doesn T Matter , Suppliers , Majority , Fedex , Ums , Concerted , Packages , Shape , Capacity , Potential Crisis , Success , Costs , Lit Lower , Child Care , Health Care , Housing , College , Analysis , Eldercare , 7400 , Pressures , Economics , Letter , Winners , Nobel Prize , Rating Agencies , Think Tanks , Liberal , Corporations , Wealthiest Americans Including , Tax , Share , Profits , 55 , Zero , 0 Billion , 40 Billion , Taxes , Preschool , Revenue , 3 , 90 , 4 , Piece , Penny , No One , Legislation , 00000 , Will , 00 Billion , 100 Billion , Tradeoff Worth Making , Crisis , History , Mr , God , Nation ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow And Jim Sciutto 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240709

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correspondent john harwood, both standing by. matt, there is some good in here, including revisions to prior months, but still undershot, the forecast. what happened? >> yeah, jim. at first glance, this did look like a big dud. just 210,000 jobs added in november, less than half of what the consensus was on wall street from economists. it's also the weakest number of the entire biden presidency. job growth was supposed to be up in leisure and hospitality, but it barely budged. the retail sector actually lost jobs. when you dig into the numbers, there are some positives, starting with the unemployment rate, which fell to 4.2%. that is the lowest of the pandemic. keep in mind, unemployment was nearly 15% in april of 2020. there's been enormous progress since then. also wages are up very sharply. they're not keeping up with inflation, but that does show really strong demand for workers. also, more americans are getting back into the workforce, the labor participation rate climbing to the highest level since march of 2020. that is very encouraging. women, a lot of women have also gone back into the workforce although there's still about 1.5 million women missing from the job market. they dropped out and haven't returned. one other positive we have to point out is that the prior two months were revised higher by 82,000. we've seen that happen time and again this year, where the government initially underestimates job growth and then as more information comes in, they revise those figures higher. we could very well see that happen again with today's number. jim, we have to remember, though, this is a backwards-looking number. going forward, the risk that omicron undoes some of the progress in the jobs market. we just don't know enough information yet about the variant to know whether or not that's going to happen. >> some of the worst prognostications so far have not born out but we're watching closely. john, the president about to speak on these numbers in minutes. what's his message? >> it's a huge challenge for him in trying to talk about the economy at this moment because it's such a mix of positive and negative indicators. obviously, we've had a tremendous amount of concern about inflation in recent months. on the other hand, the economy has been growing at a fairly rapid clip. we've been adding jobs month to month. however, as matt was outlining, we had this disappointing jobs number today, but we don't know how accurate it is. clearly, the government is having problems measuring job growth, which is why we consistently go back and add jobs to previous months. a lot of that is because businesses aren't responding as rapidly to the business survey, where those job numbers come from. as later data comes in, it gets revised up. the point is we don't know and don't know the course of what the pandemic will be. question marks, unpredictability, and that makes it very difficult for politicians and the president of the united states to describe a clear picture to americans of the economy. there are crosscutting elements to this situation in the american economy, no singular way to describe it. the one thing is getting a handle on the pandemic is going to be positive for the economy in 2022 if they can do that. omicron has raised fresh questions. >> we'll see how the president addresses. matt egan, john harwood, thanks very much. now to u.s. efforts to track the omicron variant. cases in five statses, something health officials anticipated would happen. they are ramping up programs to use genome sequencing to identify cases more quickly to track it. the biden administration has announced new measures to curb the virus' spread this winter including new testing requirements beginning on monday for all international travelers as well as a renewed focus on boosters. everybody agrees it's all happening. in south africa, there are concerns the country is entering a fourth wave as a result of all of this. the health minister says infections are up 300% in the last few days. the omicron variant's high transmissibility, something the w.h.o.'s chief scientist is repeating this morning. south africa's health minister continues to stress that infections are causing in most cases mild disease, especially, this is crucial for those who are vaccinated. researchers in south africa indicated there's a higher risk with 35,000 people with two suspected infections through the end of november. joining me to discuss, a researcher associate professor at rock feller university. good to have you on this morning. >> thanks for having me. >> so, folks at home understand, you and your colleagues have been able to produce mutant spike proteins in your lab that make the virus highly rabt to koint antibodies. you say omicron, which has been noted as a lot of mutations along the spike proteins, basically the way they lock onto your cells, has many of the same mutations. what does that teach us about the dangers of this? >> correct. first clarify we didn't do this in the context of the real virus because that would be dangerous. we used a safe virus. it behaves in terms of infection and neutralization properties like sars covid 2, but it's not sars covid 2. we are able to test how far we could fush mutation in the spike and how far we could push antibodies. you pointed out already, omicron has a lot of the same mutations, but even more than the synthetic resistance spike. that spike with about 22 mutations, the final version, and was resistant to almost all plasma samples from vaccinated and infected individuals. so, since the omicron has a lot more mutations and, as we said, a lot of them overlapping, either exactly the same or very similar or very close, then i think i can be quite confident in predicting it will be very resistant to neutralizing antibodies. >> okay. granted, it's early. everyone says we need more data over a couple weeks to see the real effect on existing vaccines, but it is notable that vaccine makers have seemed to say to this point they are concerned that the vaccines will be less likely to prevent infection in the face of omicron, but they still remain confident that it will be able to hold off severe disease, hospitalization. why is that? why that distinction? and do you agree? >> yes. i think that is a safe asummings to make so far, particularly in terms of transmission and the ability of vaccines to prevent infection. because prevention of infection is largely on these neutralizing antibodies. they're the first part of the immune system that stop it. the other response is later. they do also target it after the virus has entered your body. i think the prediction you might see an increase of infections in vaccinated people and previously infected people, exposed to the virus is relatively safe. now, we're hoping that the vaccines still hold very well against the symptoms, but we have to wait and see. >> the w.h.o., to your point, chief scientist said today that the over the counter appears very transmissible. should we therefore be expecting to see another wave like we saw with delta? you see this kind of consistent pattern here, kind of burns out a little bit, then a new variant, delta comes up, then it burns out and now you have omicron. is that the path of this that folks should be preparing for? >> i think so. again, i would be very cautious in making statements about how transmissible this new variant is. you need a lot of data to be able to make that statement confidently. it's a little too early to tell. yes, of course, there are various discussions about why we're seeing these variants come and go, but i think the major driver is our own immune system, in particular, our neutralizing antibodies. as we mount against them, the variants tend to escape them. as more people get exposed and get more antibodies, that is how we lower resistance. >> there's lot more that needs to be learned. far too early to make any gigantic conclusions. thanks for joining us. >> thank you. still to come, in a matter of hours we will learn if the parents of the suspected gunman behind the school shooting in michigan will face charges themselves, as the sheriff details why the teen should not have had access to that gun in the first place. next, alec baldwin breaking his silence. we'll talk to a movie weapons expert on how that gun not only could have gone off but had a live bullet in it even though baldwin says he never pulled the trigger. we're waiting for president biden to speak on the november jobs report. we'll bring you those comments as soon as they happen. with a full exam anand x-rays, with no obligation. if you don't have insurance, it's free. plus everyone saves 20% on their treatment plan with flexible payment solutions for every budget. we're here making smiles shine bright so you can start the new year feelin' alright. call 1-800-aspendental or book today at hey, it's ryan reynolds. as owner of mint mobile my goal is to save our money so we can save you money. so by using this $400 stock video as our holiday commercial this year we can afford toffer three months of free service on any plan, including unlimite i'm still not sure why somee made a stock video showing a snowman sitting on an explosive device that's about to blow. this doesn't seem very holiday but you know, worth it. for rob, it took years to find out why his constipation with belly pain just wouldn't go away. despite all he did to manage his symptoms... day after day. still came the belly pain, discomfort, and bloating, awful feelings he tried not showing. finally with the help of his doctor it came to be, that his symptoms were all signs of ibs-c. and that's why he said yess to adding linzess. linzess is not a laxative. it helps you have more frequent and complete bowel movements, and is proven to help relieve overall abdominal symptoms belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than two. it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain. especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. could your story also be about ibs-c? 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♪ your mother loved this park. ♪ she did. ♪ alec baldwin is speaking out about the chaos that followed the fatal shooting on his film "rust." he revealed he did not know until hours late they're cinematographer hutch-had died from a live round. listen. >> no one could understand it. did she have a heart attack? because, remember, the idea that someone put a live bull net the gun was not even in reality. >> did you go up to her? >> i went up to her and we were told to immediately get out of the bidding. >> you didn't know how serious it was. >> one of the police officers at the conclusion of my interview, i was there an hour and a half or so, she takes her phone and slides it across to me, sand that's what came out of her shoulder, a .45-caliber slug. she said, we regret to tell you she didn't make it. >> he spoke about the conversations he's had with halyna hutchins' husband and son. what did he say? >> that's right. we know hutchins and her young son, they flew down to santa fe immediately in the aftermath of the shooting. there was a private memorial service, alex baldwin was photographed with the pair. he talked about how deeply emotionally impacted he was from this experience, and he also talked about a moving conversation that he had with her husband. take a listen. >> her husband comes to town. her husband, matthew. and i met with him and their son. and he was as kind as you could be. he was as kind as you could be. >> what did you say to him? >> i didn't know what to say. he hugged me and he said, i suppose you and i are going to go through this together. i told him, i said, i don't know what to say. i don't know how to convey to you how sorry i am and how i'm willing to do anything i can to cooperate. >> baldwin also held back tears when speaking about how loved and admired halyna hutchins was by crew and everyone who knew her. he also said he would have killed himself if he believed it was his fault. in the interview, he also described the moments before the gun discharged, saying they were rehearsing, saying that ha lena told him to point the gun right below her armpit for an incidental shot, an angle that might not have ended up in the film. he began to cob the gun, let go of the hammer, but insisted he did not pull the trigger. some folks, one specific person, the attorney for the chief lighting technician, is disputing the allegation by alec baldwin that he did not pull the trigger, saying as producer of the film, baldwin is responsible. but baldwin said he wasn't involved in budget discussions. he added his production responsibilities on this specific film were strictly creative. he said the only question that needs to be resolved is how that live round ended up on set. >> a big question. lucy kavanagh, thanks so much. here with me now, prop master patrick story. he's worked on "homeland" and the latest "scream" film. patrick, i want to play some of interview where baldwin describings his account of what happened that day. and i want to get your reaction. have a listen. >> in the scene i would have cocked the gun. i said do you want to see that? and she said yes. i take the gun and start to cob the gun. i'm not going to pull the trigger. he said tilt it down a little bit like that. i cobbed the gun. can you see that? can you see that? i let go of the hammer of the gun and the gun goes off. i let go of the hammer of the gun and the gun goes off. that was the moment the gun went off. >> it wasn't in the script for the trigger to be pulled. >> well, the trigger wasn't pulled. i didn't pull the trigger. >> you never pulled the trigger? >> no, no, no. i would never point a gun at someone and pull the trigger. that's the training i had. you don't point a gun at somebody and pull the trigger. >> patrick, based on what you know about firearms in your experience, can you not pull the trigger, let the hammer go? what do you believe? >> well, i believe that you can do that if you verify exactly what is in the weapon. in this case, you could definitely do that if there were absolutely no rounds inside the magazine. you know, that's what i know from experience, even from last week on the show that i'm on now. we did that exact thing. >> are there any reasons to have live rounds on a set? are there any restrictions against having those? >> yeah, i mean, it's just an industry code. it's just not -- but also there's really not a lot of need for that now anyway with digital -- you know, digital augmentation. the technology is there. >> that's one of the sad facts of this is that so much is done in postproduction there's less need to have the blank rounds. there are reports that the live rounds could have come from a previous set. again, you know, there have to be ways of i imagine standards that you follow so that doesn't happen. >> well, inspection. inspection of every -- and double-check, triple check, show everyone, make sure that everyone is absolutely aware that, you know, this is something that cannot go wrong. we have to know. >> it is, i imagine, more than one person's responsibility on a set to check. do you have an armorer, it's not just one person who checks. you have others to present this from happening. >> true. you know it as well from the amount of times you've visited this topic. you know, it's something like i said before when i was on, i feel like a broken record. >> yeah. >> questions have been raised about the experience of the armorer for this production, hannah gutierrez. have a listen to alex baldwin's comments on this, and i want to get your reaction. >> do you think she was up to the job? >> i assume because she was there and she was hired she was -- she was up for the job. >> and nothing she did raised any red flags with you? >> no. she'd say things like, remember, this is a blank round. s she would say when you're done, point the gun down. when done, give it to me or halls. >> why halls and not hannah? some say only the armorer should handle it. >> that's inaccurate. in the protocols of the business, hand me the gun 99% of the time, whatever, the preponderance of the time. when we would say cut, if hannah was away from the set, i would hand halls the gun. >> it was notable to me in there he said "was hired." he was a producer on the film. who hires the armorer and makes sure they have sufficient experience to oversee weapons on a set like this? >> well, it's -- you know, there's a consensus and usually if an armorer is going to be hired it's spoken about throughout, you know, the producers that deal with hiring. and, you know, a lot of the time it's reputation. and that is a very important thing, a safe reputation that is accrued over years and years of experience, you know, makes it so that you're a trusted element. >> yeah. well, let's hop there are changes made so this kind of thing can never happen again. patrick storey, good to have you on the show. >> thanks. have a good day. we are standing by to listen to president biden speak about a jobs report out earlier this morning. not the fig chur the administration hoped for. there's another economic challenge ahead. why joe manchin says the build back better plan likely won't pass this year. some things are good to know. like where to find the cheapest gas in town, and which supermarket gives you the most bang for your buck. something else that's good to know? 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>> that's right. fighting biden's vaccine mandate has become a rallying cry in the gop. republicans secured a vote yesterday to defund the mandates. it failed. but they've promised to keep it front and center. listen to mike lee from utah had to say yesterday. >> i think it's difficult to understand why anyone would want to use the overpowering force of the federal government to tell someone if they don't cooperate with the ordained presidential medical orthodoxy, they will be fired. this isn't going away. it will come back up again. it will come back up in a future vote vote-orama. it will come back again every time we get the opportunity. >> reporter: i'm also told that members of the conservative house freedom l caucus huddled with kevin mccarthy this week to strategize about how they can push this issue forward. one idea is trying to use the national defense policy bill to further this debate on the vaccine mandates because republicans, they see this as good for their base. it plays well with their base back home. it's worth pointing out that vaccines are the most effective lifesaving tool we have available to fight this virus. so essentially republicans are undermining the biden administration's ability to curb this virus even as they criticize them for failing to get the pandemic under control, jim. >> yeah. ability to protect themselves and their family in the process. soslan z melanie zanona, thanks very much. joining me now glorg ya borger. they have money to run the government for a cup ouple mont. >> yeah. >> you have sinema and manchin again saying not so fast. what happens? >> democrats. >> yes. we don't know what happens. chuck schumer, the democratic leader, is saying, you know, we want to do this in mid-december. and i intend to do it. i think the big question here is what the president of the united states can do. and that means he's got to sort of figure out what is within the realm of the doable and whether he can cajole and coax these folks into doing something that right now they clearly don't want to do. >> yeah. >> and, you know, i would never predict what's going to happen in this situation. >> if it happens it will be, like, last minute or something like that. >> exactly. >> the bigger question for democrats -- by the way, the republicans have their own internal problems that have blown up this week. but they have a bigger issue, it seems, with voters. biden's approval way down. their agenda, while pieces of it are popular, people still associate build back better with just being a big blank check to the country. >> which republicans say is socialism. >> exactly. marxism. but it was interesting to hear this, and you read this prominent democratic pollster in virginia, did some focus groups. like, this is a bigger problem. one line in here stuck out to me. he said, people think we're more focused on social issue than the economy and the economy is the number-one issue right now. are democrats hearing that? >> they should. they should. that is an issue. when the democrats started talking about spending, people heard $3 billion. they only heard the price tag, not what's in it. when you poll people, and that's what this pollster was saying, they care about the economy, the economy. people have short memories. they don't remember the american rescue plan which helped an awful lot. so the infrastructure bill, easy to digest. this is going to help us pave roads, streets, rebuild bridges, et cetera, et cetera. people understand that. what is now facing people is this question of the price at the pump, inflation, the cost of groceries, for example. the president and the democrats have to start talking about what they are doing to help this. >> yeah. >> and get that through. if they were pass build back better, they could talk about that. they could say, perhaps family and medical leave will be in. we don't know. perhaps these are the one, two, three, four things we're going to do for you. we're going to help you with medicare, for example. we're going to help with your kids' education. on and on. they have not spoken about specifics as much as they should be. i think they're starting to do it more. so why should people understand what's in it? they just know it costs a lot of money. >> folks in certain bubbles, it will never penetrate. divisions within the republican party. nikki haley went down to kiss the ring in florida after publicly criticizing, holding president trump responsible for january 6th. is that actually a mending of fences there? >> i doubt it. i spoke with a source this week who has recently spoke within president trump, who said to me that the president was not really happy at all with nikki haley and with ron desantis. he sees them as potential rivals. nor of course was he happy with his former chief of staff mark meadows and the book he'd written. so, you know, i think that these politicians feel they have to go down there and kiss the ring. but i think donald trump's playing a game with them. i think he doesn't forget people who have crossed him. and he takes them off the list. he blows hot and cold, as we know, on folks, but if you're going to potentially run against him for president, he's never going to love you. >> why doesn't that lesson get learned? because i can't think of the exceptions to rule, that basically once you cross them, you're on the outs. the sessions and the pensions of the world. >> particularly if you're going to run against him. he can hate steve bannon at one moment and then start talking to him again, but steve bannon won't run against him for the presidency. i think they know, but i also think they have to show republican base voters that they have reached out to donald trump because donald trump is very important to republican base voters. so you don't want to be someone that donald trump is out there saying this person is terrible, because just in case donald trump doesn't run, you know, he's going to have to decide who he's for. >> and just before we go, i'm going to ask you to forecast here where's your gut? is donald trump running? >> i honestly -- guy back and forth on this, but the source i spoke with this week who spoke with the president said to me, 99.9% he's running. >> okay. there we go. gloria borger. >> until it changes. >> thanks so much. >> sure. coming up next, honoring a hero, a shockingly young hero. how a community wants to memorialize a teen who gave his life trying to stop a suspected school shooter. eated a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few yeaears old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. these are the faces of listerine. the face of millions of germs zapped in seconds. the face of clean. the face of whoa! some are of intensity, others joy. all are of... various: ahhh... listerine. feel the whoa! with clean, fresh ingredients, panera's new chicken sausage and pepperoni flatbread is a mouthwatering explosion of yes. craft? 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[microwave beeps] [ahh] ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm so defensive, i got bongos thumping in my chest ♪ ♪ and something tells me they don't beat for me ♪ ♪ i love romance, but i got eggshells around me ♪ ♪ don't step on 'em, don't step on 'em ♪ ♪ don't step on 'em, don't step on me ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ he'd better not take the ring from me ♪ -'s new collaboration tools made it easy for romeo and i to find the right home together. - 'cause we can see each other's favorites all in one place. - and go back and forth with comments. oh romeo, romeo, i love our new home. -, to each their home. prosecutors in michigan are expected to hold a press conference with updates on that deadly school shooting in oxford, michigan. we are also waiting to hear whether the parents of the suspected shooter might face charges for a rampage that has the left four students left so far, seven others injures. shimon prokupecz is live in oxford this morning. i'm curious. do we know what charges the parents would face if prosecutors choose to go that way? >> reporter: well, certainly the issue with the gun, you know, investigators here have been telling us on the ground that they believe that the parents actually bought this gun for their son, so that is something they've been investigating and looking into, so it could change from anything from the fact they had failed to safe guard this weapon, that was something the prosecutor has mentioned, but it -- there could be more serious charges, involuntary maugts to something else. it's a big issue for prosecutors. when they looked at the information they had, they saw things that concerned them in terms of the purchase of this weapon. here's the sheriff talking about this morning. >> legally, that's not his. he cannot own or possess that weapon outside the house or, you know, any kind of process of transporting, carrying, or using without very few restrictions. you know, there are some places where it's possible an underage person can use a firearm at a ring or private property in a range fashion, things like that, within a home. they can hold and possess it but not outside the house, and they can't legally own it either. >> reporter: and, jim, the other thing that investigators and the prosecutor have been saying is that the family knew something, and they have been investigating that. and the fact that they believe that he brought the gun with him in his backpack on the day of the shooting perhaps there's some evidence that suggests that the parents knew this. they knew he had access, certainly, to this weapon. so that is something that has concerned investigators as well. and then also the school, jim. what did they know? we have information from the sheriff here that two teachers were concerned about behavior, so much so they called the parents in. the school never notified police of this behavior. the police are having some issues with the fact the school never did that. there were a lot of perhaps missed opportunities here to stop this. >> they met with the parents and the shooter that morning. remarkable. shimon prokupecz, thanks so much. one of the four students fatally shot in the oxford high school tragedy is now being call adhere row. 16-year-old tate myre was reportedly killed while trying to disarm the 15-year-old suspect. authorities say a deputy loaded him into the car after the shooting. he died, though, on the way to the hospital. a fellow student and friend of tate myre spoke about the loss. >> he was my closest friend. he was like a brother to me. justin was too. i played football two years since being on varsity, and i played with his older brother, too, and i can't even imagine what he's going through either, being an older brother, losing a younger brother to something so stupid like this. >> a petition to rename the school's football stadium after tate myre has collected more than 48,000 signatures. university of michigan football team will add a logo to their uniforms for saturday's big 10 championship game honoring those impacted by the shooting. that young man there gave his life to save others. we've just been given a two-minute warning that president biden will go to the podium at the white house to discuss this latest jobs report. as we wait, gloria borger, cnn political analyst, with me here. how does the president couch it, spin this? >> i think he probably says we have a long way to go, we are making progress, we're in the middle of a pandemic. there's always way to spin numbers. obviously, they are not the numbers they wanted, but they will always find the silver lining in some of these numbers, which is that there were 1.13 million new jobs created last month, and that's very important. and so, you know, the 210,000 number was not a number that they expected. it was expected to be much higher. >> this has been a consistent, you know, forecasting problem, right. for the last several months, the initial numbers coming in and they're forecast up, which, by the way, september and october were forecast upward and they were quite strong numbers. there is, though, a fundamental disconnect here that does not seem to be getting broken, and that is despite 4.2% joblessness rate -- >> which is so -- >> here comes the president. let's see what he says. >> before i start, i'd like to report that later today i'll be signing a bill funding the government operations for the next few months. funding the government isn't a great achievement. it's bare minimum of what we need to get done. but in these times of bipartisan cooperation that's worth recognition. i thank senator schumer and mcconnell and speaker pelosi for getting this done. i want to thank a substantial bipartisan vote in the senate for sending this to my desk today. i want to urge congress to use the time this bill provides to work toward a bipartisan agreement on a full-year funding bill that makes the needed investments in our economy and our people from public health, education, to national security. now for today's news. every year december brings the joys of the holiday season and gives us an opportunity to reflect on the year gone by and look ahead and begin to imagine the new year to come. this year, we can reflect on an extraordinary bit of progress. our economy is markedly stronger than it was a year ago, and today the incredible news that our unemployment rate has fallen to 4.2%. at this point in the year, we're looking at the sharpest one-year decline in unemployment ever. simply put, america is back to work. our jobs recovery is going for strong. today's historic drop in unemployment rate includes dramatic improvements for workers who have often seen higher wages and higher levels of unemployment -- excuse me, higher levels of unemployment, they are receiving higher wages. the rate of black and hispanic unemployment is also dropping sharply. but that's not just jobs that are up. wages are up, especially for hardworking americans often ignored in the past in past recoveries. workers in transportation and warehouses have seen their wages go up approximately 10% this year. workers at hotels and restaurants have seen their wages go up 13% this year. thanks to the american rescue plan, we've delivered significant tax cuts to families raising children. tax cuts and raising wages for middle-class families mean that americans on average have more in their pockets today than they did each month since we've been in office than they did last year after accounting for inflation. let me repeat that. even after accounting for rising prices, the typical american family has more money in their pockets than they did last year. in fact, the only leading economy in the world where household income and the economy as a whole are stronger than they were before the pandemic. applications for new small businesses are up 30% compared to before the pandemic. thanks to the american rescue plan, we're cutting child poverty in america by more than 40%, and millions of children who spent last christmas in poverty will not bear that burden this holiday season. today's news means unemployment has fallen by more than two percentage points since i took office. that's the fastest decline in a single year on record. it's about three times faster than any other president in their first year in office. the number of people on unemployment has fallen from 18 million when i took office to 2 million this week, another record drop. we've also learned today that in november 235,000 jobs were created in the private sector. and when they recalibrated the last two months, they found job growth over the prior two months, cement and october, actually cree yayed 82,000 more jobs than had previously been reported, which means that 400,000 new jobs a month over the last three months, a solid pace. all told, in the first ten full months of my administration, the economy has created 6 million jobs, a record for a new president. this is a significant improvement from when i took office in january, a sign that we're on the right track. because of the extraordinary strides we've made, we can look forward to a brighter, happier new year ahead, mind you. i also know despite this progress, families are anxious, anxious about covid, anxious about the cost of living, the economy more broadly. they're still uncertain. want you to know i hear you. it's not enough to know that we're making progress. you need to see it and feel it in your own lives around the kitchen table in your checkbooks. that's why every day my team and i are work on consistent b action to overcome the challenges we face. the chief among those challenges is covid-19. yesterday i laid out key actions we're going to take this winter to fight this virus to protect one another, to protect our economy and our economic recovery. they include, number one, expanding our nationwide booster campaign with more outreach, more appointments, and more hours. i was thrilled yesterday we had more vaccine shots administered than any day in the past six months. number two, we're launching hundreds of new family vaccination clinics to make it easier for children and parents, the whole family, to get vaccinated in one place and new policies to keep children in school instead of quarantining them at home when someone in the class comes down with covid, if they do. thirdly, making free at-home tests more available than ever before by having them covered by our private health insurance plans. the availability of community health centers and other sites for the uninsured will be the alternative as well. if you have insurance, it will cover these tests, and if you don't have insurance, we have facilities you can attend and get these tests. increasing our surge responses, our response teams, they're made up of doctors and nurses and medical staff who go into communities with rising cases and provide the needed staff for overrun hospitals, for their emergency rooms, their intensive care units, to get help to them as they need it. we're about tripling the number of those surge teams. we're accelerating our efforts to vaccinate the rest of the world and strengthening international travel rules for people coming into the united states. this is a plan all americans can rally behind, mind you. we're also addressing another concern for families -- prices. just about every country is grappling with high prices right now as they fight the pandemic. as the world economy economy continues to come back to life, the more price pressures will ease as things begin to move. but we're not sitting around waiting. in the meantime, i've used every tool available to address price increases. it's beginning to work. take gasoline and gas prices. last week announced the largest ever release from the united states strategic petroleum reserve to increase the supply of oil and help bring down prices. i brought together other countries -- india, japan, the republic of korea, the united kingdom -- who all agreed to join me in releasing additional oil from their reserves. china alejandro mayorkas well do more as well. they haven't done it yet. this worldwide effort we're leading won't solve the problem of high gas prices overnight, but over the last month likely due in part to the anticipation of this action, we've seen oil and gas prices out of the wells, oils a gas prices on the wholesale market come down significantly. since the end of october, the average weekly price of gasoline on the wholesale market, that's what you sell to the gas stations, has fallen around 10%. and that decline is picked up in recent days. that's a drop of about 25 cents per gallon. these savings are beginning to reach americans and should pick up in the weeks ahead. it can't happen fast enough. i've asked the federal trade commission to consider whether potentially illegal and anti-competitive behavior in the oil and gas industry is causing higher prices for consumers when they don't need to be that high because of the wholesale prices coming down so much. so we can assure the american people are paying a fair price for gas. at this time, v of the year, another concern facing american families is about being able to find what you need in the holidays, whether it's gichts or groceries. as i laid out earlier in the week, because of my actions, the actions my administration has taken, in partnership with -- excuse me -- private business and labor, retailers and grocery stores, freight movers and railroads, the shelves of our stores are going to be well stocked. we sped up operations at our ports. for example, at the port of los angeles and long beach, the two busiest ports in america, over the last month, the number of containers left sitting on the docks for over eight days is down by 40%. i've said that before and people say, what does that mean? so they're down 40%? well, it means that the product are no longer sitting on the docks. they're getting off the docks into trains, into trucks, into vehicles to get them to the store shelves. this is an incredible success story. on monday, i convened a group of ceos some of the largest retailers and grocery stores as well as leading companies that work with small businesses across the country, and they reported that their investments are up, shelves are well stocked, and they're ready to meet consumer demand for the holidays. i said that yesterday and then i saw a couple of your stations put on -- you found some empty shelves. they're old empty shelves, but it doesn't matter. go back and take a look at some of those shelves again, okay? but the point is that the vast majority of the shelves are filled and the ceos of not only the suppliers but the ceos of ums understand and fedex, on track to deliver more packages than ever, are saying the same thing. we're heading into a holiday season in strong shape. again, this is about a concerted, focused action. we averted this potential crisis by figuring out what needed to be fixed. we brought together the people that have the capacity to fix it, or at least alleviate it. now it's time to build on the success we had this year, on jobs, wages, more small businesses, fixing challenges in the economy. we need to cut costs further for families. that's whooo my build back better plan does still being considered in congress. lit lower the out-of-pocket cost for child care, eldercare, housing, college, health care, prescription drugs. in fact, a new independent analysis released this week showed that my plan will mean $7,400 in tax cuts in savings for the typical family of four with two children. 17 nobel prize winners in economics have written a letter to me affirming that this bill would reduce long-term inflationary pressures in the economy. two of the leading rating agencies, not, you know, liberal think tanks, two of the leading rating agencies on wall street confirmed this month that my plan will not add to inflationary pressures. what i've always proposed and am proposing now is lower some of the most difficult costs. and what are they? the difficult cost families pay every month. by asking corporations and the wealthiest americans including, for example, the 55 corporations that paid zero in federal income tax last year despite generating $40 billion in profits. i'm happy they're profitable. they have to pay their fair share. for example, just requiring corporations to pay a minimum 15% in taxes raises enough revenue to pay for lowering the cost of child care for 90% of families and provides universal preschool for all 3- and 4-year-olds in america. what's better for those corporations? is it better if them having child care so parents can come back to work today? and they have a better educated workforce in the future? not paying any tax. once again, no one, no one making less than $400,000 a year will pay a penny more in federal taxes. my build back better plan is fiscally responsible. the first piece of legislation in a decade that not only is fully paid for but will general mate more than $100 billion in deficit reduction this decade. it fully covers the cost of its investments by making the largest corporations and the richest americans pay a little more in taxes. i think that's a tradeoff worth making. by the way, those very businesses will do better having a better educated and more available workforce. having done well paying their fair share is the right thing to do. throughout our history, we've emerged from crisis by investing in ourselves, and so we're going to keep at this. we're going to keep making progress for our families and for our nation. i promise you that's what's going to happen. god bless you all and may god keep everyone safe. >> mr. president -- >> mr. president --

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, No One , Legislation , 00000 , Will , 00 Billion , 100 Billion , Tradeoff Worth Making , Crisis , History , Mr , God , Nation ,

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