Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

said as much, but that was by the police who were firing at the vehicle as it was going toward the parade route. so that's it. that's pretty much all that we know at this point, but i think it's just important to get out that information, to put it out that there's no connection to anything else here. obviously a very tragic situation, a very sad situation and law enforcement now still trying to get everything out there and make sure that they have all the accurate information before they officially determine the motive here, and the cause. >> very interesting and notable data points. number one, investigators telling cnn they believe the suspect or person of interest was fleeing another alleged crime. number two, they don't see any connection to terrorism and number three, because of that, again, they don't see any indication as of now that this was planned in any way. shimon prokupecz, very important data points, thank you for that reporting. please keep us posted if you hear more. in the meantime, natasha chen is live on the scene and natasha, as i said, again, all that information about this person of interest doesn't mitigate the level of the tragedy for those who lost loved ones or injured who lived through this horrible, horrible moment. >> reporter: john, you're right. it may help people understand that the threat is no longer there, but that does not change the fact that there are families of more than 40 people who were injured, at least five people dead, who i'm not sure how many people slept in this town last night, frankly. this is a tight-knit community. we are long the parade route where we can see clothes and belongings strewn across the street, left behind in a hurry. we're going to show you some video of what happened in that moment but just a warning to our viewers that can be very disturbing to watch. a christmas pa reed in waukesha, wisconsin, turned deadly after an suv plowed into the crowd sunday afternoon. ♪♪ >> there's a car going westbound portion of pat raid route, a redford escape. >> reporter: the red vehicle speeds down the street barely missing a child wearing a pink coat. >> there were screams, we thought it was santa but a red suv and it hit a lot of people. >> reporter: this disturbing video shows the incident from above and the chaos after the car sped into the parade route, mowing down performers and onlookers. >> i saw, i mean, maybe three people right in front of me get hit. i saw people right away run, the people that were hit and start doing cpr and i saw people on the ground, there's blood and -- it was really bad. >> reporter: angela o'boyle just started watching the parade when she filmed this video from her apartment balcony. >> the next thing i heard were screamed, saw the car plow into the band just past my balcony at that point, it hit at least two people, rolled over both of them and then continued down the road. >> reporter: in the city's livestream you can see a marching band playing. the red suv then barrels down the street, moments later, the video shows a police officer chasing after the vehicle. >> we have multiple casualties. 15 people down in the street! >> reporter: according to the city of waukesha, at least five people are dead and over 40 injured. >> the vehicle struck more than 20 individuals. some individuals were children and some fatalitiyies as a resu of this incident. >> reporter: at least 28 hurt were treated at local area hospitals. >> we do not have any specifics on the injuries at this time. all of the patients were transported. >> reporter: authorities are investigating the event this morning. >> we're no longer looking for a suspect vehicle. we do have a person of interest in custody at the moment but this is still a very fluid investigation. >> reporter: the fbi is aware of the incident and president joe biden has been briefed on the situation. meanwhile, in waukesha, the community is stunned and shaken by how the celebration turned into a tragedy. >> i'm deeply saddened to know so many in our community went to a parade, but ended up dealing with injury and heartache. >> reporter: the wisconsin governor has ordered flags at half staff, school here in waukesha is canceled today. there are a number of children affected by this, not just the kids who were injured in the hospital right now but you can only imagine the number of their classmates who have just a lot of questions that we don't have easy answers to at the moment. john? >> no, i can't imagine what it must have been like to be one of those kids marching in the parade, seeing that car speeding by, to have your friends hurt or worse. natasha chen, thank you for being there on the ground for us. please keep us posted. >> thanks. joining me is kayly storell, business intern at the "milwaukee journal sentinel" and she was there. i know you've been talking to people you saw, all night, but please, lay it out for us, what happened? >> this is the waukesha christmas parade. there were a lot of people there, a lot of families with young children. just in the spot where i was sitting, almost every family had children with blankets and candy bags and people were there to enjoy the holiday season. the parade started at 4:00 and around 4:30/5:00 you hear a bunch of people start to scream and your first thought is maybe it's santa claus. santa comes at the end of the parade and maybe people are excited but the next thing you see is a red suv barrelling down the middle of the street going 30 miles per hour, and you see it hit people and it doesn't stop and keeps going down the street. >> you saw the car, you saw this suv going down the street driving into people? >> reporter: yes. you can't really describe it, you know, you never expect something like this to happen, and it all happened so quickly. it was pure chaos and pure terror, i think. >> what did you think was happening? >> reporter: it's hard to even make sense of what's happening, right? your first thought is, is this part of the parade? it becomes very clear very quickly that it's not. you see people running around, and screaming and crying and running into the storefronts, and you realize that like this is real. this is yearserious and people hurt because of it. >> in terms of the victims that you saw, who were the people that you saw get hit? >> you know, so i can tell you for sure that i saw four people on the ground, when the streets kind of cleared a little bit. i can't tell you for sure whether or not they were in the parade or if they were watching the parade. what i can tell you is the group that had just passed was the waukesha extreme dance and it was a group of teenaged girls, two little girls, and again, i don't know who was actually hit or not, but there were four people on the ground in front of me. >> little girls? part of a dance troup sne ? >> i don't know. that was the group that passed in front of us. >> the people in the parade included kids, seniors, exactly who you think would be in a christmas parade, there to enjoy the holiday spirit. >> yes. you know, people -- it was probably the first parade that people have been to because of the pandemic, and you could tell people were very excited, and so i just, i can't imagine -- like there were so many little kids there. so to show that as an adult, as a college student, it's scary but to see that as a little kid, i can't imagine what that puts in your mind for the rest of your life. >> what was the scene like afterwards in the minutes after, what was going on? >> sure, so you have people that are fleeing into the stores, going to their cars, getting out of there. you also have some people that were watching the parade run out into the street to help those that were on the ground. a couple minutes later, two police kind of were running down the street, talking on the radios, updating the other police in the area what was going on. you hear them say at least 30 people down, shots fired. again, i can't confirm for you what exactly what happened. that's just what the police said. but when they said that, you know, that causes even more fear and more panic. i think a lot of people just booked it at that point as did i. >> are you doing okay this morning? >> yes. i think still in shock, still processing and my heart just goes out -- as we receive more information about, you know, what happened, i just hope that everyone takes some time to just heal and process what happened. >> kay leigh, interning at a newspaper, this is not the kind of report i'm sure you want to be involved with at all. thank you. it's very important to explain to the world what you saw and what happened there. we appreciate it. >> of course, thank you. so for the first time since a jury acquitted kyle rittenhouse on all charges, the mother of jacob blake whose shooting by a kenosha police officer initially sparked the violent protest is speaking out. her exclusive interview is next. and we could get a verdict as soon as today in the case against the white nationalists behind the 2017 unite the right rally. we'll go live to charlottesville. the bloody altercation on the court ending with lebron james being ejected from the game. >> wow, they can't control isaiah stewart. he wants a piece of lebron. >> he's going to get suspended for this. >> oh, wow. never seen this before. >> we'll show you what lebron james did that set that pistons player off. because the tempur-breeze° transfers heat away from your body... you feel cool, night after nighght. save up to $500 on select adjustable mattress sets during the tempur-pedic black friday event. hi. so you're the scientist here. does my aveeno® daily moisturizer really make my dry skin healthier in one day? 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>> reporter: yes, well, the defendants are self-described propagandaists. chris willis is saying he's winning and the star of the show but privately they're a bit more reflective. several members said the planning organizer jason kessler revealed at trial are pretty damning. he even suggested releasing misinformation that richard spencer was at a bar so anti fascists would come up to them and confront them. a lot of them are making dark jokes, one joked about having ruined his life, another wondered what it would be like to owe $30 million when he only had $200 in his bank account. >> uh, making jokes about something like this, when there was someone who died and so many people hurt. the jury deliberating. can you explain some of the factors that might lead to a longer deliberation for that jury? >> reporter: so the jury has to decide what role each defendant played, and what responsibility they bear, if any. then decide what each plaintiff is owed, if anything. one juror was dismissed for being exposed to covid. a defense lawyer told me that he thought that juror had been one of the most favorable to their side. beyond that, we just have the juror questions to go on, because two defendants failed to participate in the discovery process, they didn't turn over their documents. the judge has ruled that it is fact, or it could be assumed as fact they conspired to commit racially motivated violence. so the jurists have asked does that mean they have to assume that they conspired and/or damages or just that they can? and finally, once you're asked, one juror said could she keep her notes? the judge said sure. she might want to write a book. >> you have some interesting reporting that would open people's eyes to what goes on with some of the groups, how the leadership in these groups say one thing, hoping that others do something. what do you mean there? >> reporter: well, a pretty dramatic moment in trial, chris cantwell, a racist podcaster was forced to sit there and listen to his own words. one of the conversations played, him talking to another guest about dylan roof who murdered nine people at a black church in charleston, they were talking about how dylan roof was a loser, so just the type of person that you would want to commit mass murder. and that's when chris cantwell said "yeah, some people have to be cannon fodder for the race war." these are groups that consider more middle class, aspirational, want more working class groups to do the violence in the streets. >> wow, heck of a quote. "some people have to be cannon fodder for the race car." ellie, doing terrific reporting since the beginning. please keep us posted over the coming hours or days. now to the kyle rittenhouse verdict, demonstrations throughout the country over the weekend after rittenhouse was acquitted on all charges related to the fatal shooting of two men and the wounding of a third during protests over the police shooting of jacob blake. jacob blake was paralyzed from the waist down after he was shot mull tip times by kenosha police august 23rd of 2020. joining me is his mom, julia jackson as well as julia's pastor, jacob blake's pastor, james ward, jr., with us, the founder of insight church, also the author of "zero victim: overcoming injustice with a new attitude." julia, just first to you, how did you receive this news? what did you think about kyle rittenhouse being found not guilty? >> you know, i wasn't really surprised, but it didn't affect me either way. i just stand on my principles and my faith. that's all up to god. >> i think a lot of people would be fascinated to hear how you see this, how you see the shooting of your son, how you see this verdict. it does seem like you see a lot of this through the prism of your faith. can you explain that to us? >> well, yes, in respect for everybody who has been affected, who has lost loved ones, my heart goes out to everybody involved. nobody wins in these situations. but i see it on the spiritual level and not just on a human level. i see a world that is fallen. i see a world that has forgotten about god. i see a world that has forgotten about humanity, and that puts human rights on constitutional rights above human life, and morals. it's just not right to take someone's life because you have the right to. and although i don't hate anyone at all, i pray often for the police officer that shot my son and his family, as well as i do for kyle and his family. hatred and violence is not what we need. we need to go back to the basic principles of our faith. our country was founded on our faith. has it been perfect? no. will it ever be perfect? no. if we could just go back to the basic fundamentals of love thy neighbor, right, you know, and having considerations for each other's feelings and learning to agree to disagree, and not letting our feelings control our actions. >> julia, how does jacob, how does he see the verdict? >> jacob is on the same level as i am. i will let him, when his time comes, speak for himself, but i know for a fact that he agrees with the things that i'm saying as well, and also with pastor james. >> pastor, what do you think? how are you seeing this >> you know, brianna, thanks for having us. this conversation about love and forgiveness is nothing new for us. as a church, we've been practicing these things for many years, long before the jacob blake shooting, teaching that there are three kinds of law that govern society, spiritual law, moral law and civil law and civil law cannot solve our problems. even with the rittenhouse wish wish jacob didn't get shot. with the rittenhouse case civil law is not intended to teach us what is right and wrong. civil law decides what is legal and what is illegal and many situations, things can be legal in a civil law perspective, from a civil law perspective but be wrong morally and spiritually. we have to reintroduce the conversation about faith and law. overcoming new justice with a new attitude. we believe the book is the new textbook and curriculum how to deal with social justice issues, how to bring our nation together, an alternative perspective to critical race theory a faith and kin dom perspective how to deal with challenging issues during our time. >> pastor, i want to make sure how you're seeing what happened here. so when you think of what kyle rittenhouse did, you think of something that is perhaps legal but is immoral? >> i think in many situations that's true for us each one of us every day in life. just because we do it and it seems to be right for us, or it's legal or something that is acceptable, everything that's acceptable is not necessarily moral, morally right. we've got to bring the foundation and the conferrings of spiritual and moral law back to america and for us, faith does that. it's the mindset of jesus christ himself, the only innocent man that ever lived, suffered the greatest injustice that the world has ever known, and he prayed for forgiveness, he prayed for love. that does not dismiss unrighteousness but it does give us a new framework for dealing with it in a way that is acceptable and a way that we can move forward as a nation. >> julia, i want to ask you about some of the concerns of many people who looked at this verdict. they worry that it encourages people to arm themselves, like kyle rittenhouse did and to put themselves in situations that could then turn violent. do you worry about that? >> no, i don't worry about that, but i can see how people would think that. and for me, i don't get involved with the protesting and the marching. i'm not saying it's not a good thing. for me, i do my battles on my knees in prayer, which obviously it keeps me out of that group, where i'm potentially in danger. i do not run into a dangerous situation. i'm not a police officer. that's not my job. i'm a woman of faith and i am a health care work sore i don't have to put myself in that place. i don't worry about what other people are going to do. i just pray for the protection for us all, for us all to hopefully one day at the minimum be able to live in harmony. >> julia and pastor james ward, i want to thank you both for coming on and our best to your son. i know jacob is on a long road to recovery. we wish him the very best as he goes through that. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you, brianna. masked shoplifters pouring into a louis i haveton store, taking off with more than $100,000 in merchandise. why investigators suspect this could be part of a larger operation. and fresh off a razor thin re-election victory, new jersey governor phil murphy will join us on what democrats need to do to hold onto power. let's break down subway's new baja chicken & bacon. look at that coverage by that pepper jack cheese on that new rotisserie style chicken then boom! here comes the new baja chipotle sauce up the gut, and... great, now i can't even see what i'm calling! save big. order through the app. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? 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>> i got mine coming in a couple of days, can't wait for it. elizabeth cohen, thank you so much. >> there you go, great. new jersey governor nil murphy made history when he became the first democrat to win re-election in the state since 1977 but it was a lot closer than some folks thought it might be in a blue state that joe biden won handily in 2020. so what does this is a about how things look for democrats next year? joining us now is the president and future governor of new jersey, phil murphy. governor, thank you so much for being with us this morning. look, your margin in new jersey was bigger than glenn youngkin's in new jersey, which got a whole lot of attention. that's the glass half full interpretation. the glass half empty, joe biden won the state by 16 points just one year ago. so what's the lesson you take from this? >> good to be with you, john. my overwhelming lesson is thank god we put the policies in place that we did and we built the coalition that we built, otherwise we would have gotten washed away by the same red wave. it's quite clear there are, there's a whole lot of hurt out there, there are a lot of kitchen tables that we need to get into to make sure they no he that government is there for them that we are putting policies in place to help them and a force for good. >> what do you think is fueling that red wave you just mentioned? >> i think it's a combination of things, john. i don't think it's one thing only. there's a lot of hurt out there. you lost your job. you lost a loved one. your small business went down, you're sick and tired of wearing a mask or mandates. you're frustrated as heck. i understand all that. we were the first ones up to bat, but it's our job to make sure, again, that folks know that we are there for them. >> if national democrats are going to take a lesson from what you were talking about happened in new jersey, how should they be addressing that hurt that you're describing? >> i think putting the policies in place as fast as possible. we've done a lot of -- we stand for a stronger and fairer new jersey. we put a lot of pieces of that puzzle in place. i think the infrastructure bill that the president signed last week is going to make a big difference. i think this build back better, please, god, that gets done, that will make a huge difference. i think folks need to see not just words but action and the extent to which they see that action connect into their lives, they'll say i understand it. these folks are on our side and helping us. >> why don't you think they're seeing that right now? >> i think it's an incomplete picture. we've made a lot of progress but still have more work to do quite clearly, particularly on the national level. this build back better piece, if you talk about expanding child care, expanding pre-k, making housing more affordable, making college more ain orderable, whatever it might be, most of which or all of which we're doing in new jersey, you show folks that you can actually put that in place. it will change folks' opinion. >> inflation. people can feel gas prices and milk prices rising. >> no question about it, gas is up, cost of most goods sup, labor, huge dislocations in the labor market. the supply chain, this stuff is real. and again, folks are looking to leadership, whether it's in your state or in the country, to say you know, we've got a plan in place to deal with it. >> former congressman beto o'rourke running for governor in texas told dana bash over the weekend basically he doesn't want president biden to go down to texas to campaign for him. how much of that do you think we'll see in the next year? >> i hope not much. the president bakes up every day doing the best job he can, facing enormous headwinds. when you add up the american rescue plan, the infrastructure plan, if this build back better package gets done, those are three historic steps in the direction of strengthening the middle class in our country. i tell you, the president is welcome here any time. >> governor phil murphy, congratulations on your election win. thank you for joining us this morning. >> thanks for having me, john. we do have breaking news this morning, we're getting disturbing, new details on the suv that plowed through a christmas parade in waukesha, wisconsin. at least five people are dead this morning. that number could rise. we're getting new information about where the suspect was coming from, and police are on the search for a man whose gun discharged at airport security in atlanta. plus, new polls show that more americans are choosing not to have children. what is behind the trend and why does it have experts so worried? 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the airport spokesperson said on a quarterly basis we're doing everything we can to try to keep people safe, adding more than 300 cameras back in january but this is an issue all over the country the tsa says they're seeing a record number of guns tried to be brought in through the security checkpoints at airports across the country. brianna? >> interesting, a record number. nadia, thank you so much for that report. time for the five things to know for your "new day." five people were killed and more than 40 injured when an suv plowed into a christmas parade in waukesha, wisconsin. investigators believe the driver was fleeing another incident when he drove into the crowded parade road. closing arguments in moments in brunswick, georgia, three white men are charged with murder in the fatal shooting of black jogger ahmaud arbery. in haiti, two have been released. a haitian gang is still holding 15 others including several young children and demanding a ransom of $1 million per hostage. here at home a series of highly organized brazen robberies at malls across the country, just take a look at this one, this was at a l louis vuitton story. nordstrom two employees were assaulted, one pepper sprayed. a new pew research study may explain why more adults who do not already have children say they're unlikely to have them. more than 40% of those surveyed mentioned medical issues or financial concerns as factors in their decision. and those are 5 things to know for your new day. kids are expensive, pretty pricey. some people might be dissuaded. you can know more on the stories all day on cnn and don't forget of course to download the 5 things podcast every morning. >> christine romans refers to kids as cost centers. >> i love that and i'm stealing it. yes, they are. and also vectors, i will say. i will call them that. lebron james, this is just wild. he was ejected from a game after a bloody altercation on the court, this move sparked this reaction from a pistons player. new twists and turns surrounding chinese tennis star peng shuai, why her appearance in this video this weekend is raising even more questions. what does it feel like to sell your car to carvana? 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"i don't really care about the business. we'll suffer repercussions. we just want to know she's okay." >> thisis a question if this is state protected sexual misconduct. china is trying to silence this. glad to have you on today to talk about this, this lebron james brawl involving isaiah stewart, what happened here? >> some people saying malice in the palace part two because they were in detroit. if you look carefully, isaiah stewart was called for the force, he was trying to box out lebron and clearly hit him in his elbow. lebron getting the rebound may have been a little -- he's not a dirty player, we know lebron james is not a dirty playber but he was a little loose with it, at the end of the day i felt stewart's ego got more involved in the process. would have been able to play but escalated he kept trying to come after lebron. no one was going to let that happen. we've seen this after the malice in the palace the original, there will never be another brawl in the nba where you're going to attack. it's huffing and puffing and host me back and here i come, here i come. at the end of the day, you did get to lebron, that would not have helped your career ultimately. are' not thinking of that in the moment and vice versa. lebron wasn't trying to be a dirty player. obviously he turned around and we didn't hear this, he goes "my bad" after he realizes my bad doesn't suffice when you have a cracked eye. he goes, my bad. that wasn't the intention of all. >> it did not suffice clearly for isaiah stewart. that just got out of hand. kerry, great to see you, thank you. >> you, too, thank you, brianna, have a good one. >> you, too. here's what else to watch today. at least five killed bozs nor injured when a car plowed through a christmas parade in wisconsin. we'll have the latest on the suspect ahead. but, whatever work becomes, the world works with servicenow. are you ready to meet the new class of subway's eat fresh refresh™? the new baja steak & jack, new all-american club™, the new italian b.m.t.®, new turkey cali fresh... and new...trevor lawrence? man, you're not a sandwich! order in the app now to save big. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance so they only pay for what they need. 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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

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said as much, but that was by the police who were firing at the vehicle as it was going toward the parade route. so that's it. that's pretty much all that we know at this point, but i think it's just important to get out that information, to put it out that there's no connection to anything else here. obviously a very tragic situation, a very sad situation and law enforcement now still trying to get everything out there and make sure that they have all the accurate information before they officially determine the motive here, and the cause. >> very interesting and notable data points. number one, investigators telling cnn they believe the suspect or person of interest was fleeing another alleged crime. number two, they don't see any connection to terrorism and number three, because of that, again, they don't see any indication as of now that this was planned in any way. shimon prokupecz, very important data points, thank you for that reporting. please keep us posted if you hear more. in the meantime, natasha chen is live on the scene and natasha, as i said, again, all that information about this person of interest doesn't mitigate the level of the tragedy for those who lost loved ones or injured who lived through this horrible, horrible moment. >> reporter: john, you're right. it may help people understand that the threat is no longer there, but that does not change the fact that there are families of more than 40 people who were injured, at least five people dead, who i'm not sure how many people slept in this town last night, frankly. this is a tight-knit community. we are long the parade route where we can see clothes and belongings strewn across the street, left behind in a hurry. we're going to show you some video of what happened in that moment but just a warning to our viewers that can be very disturbing to watch. a christmas pa reed in waukesha, wisconsin, turned deadly after an suv plowed into the crowd sunday afternoon. ♪♪ >> there's a car going westbound portion of pat raid route, a redford escape. >> reporter: the red vehicle speeds down the street barely missing a child wearing a pink coat. >> there were screams, we thought it was santa but a red suv and it hit a lot of people. >> reporter: this disturbing video shows the incident from above and the chaos after the car sped into the parade route, mowing down performers and onlookers. >> i saw, i mean, maybe three people right in front of me get hit. i saw people right away run, the people that were hit and start doing cpr and i saw people on the ground, there's blood and -- it was really bad. >> reporter: angela o'boyle just started watching the parade when she filmed this video from her apartment balcony. >> the next thing i heard were screamed, saw the car plow into the band just past my balcony at that point, it hit at least two people, rolled over both of them and then continued down the road. >> reporter: in the city's livestream you can see a marching band playing. the red suv then barrels down the street, moments later, the video shows a police officer chasing after the vehicle. >> we have multiple casualties. 15 people down in the street! >> reporter: according to the city of waukesha, at least five people are dead and over 40 injured. >> the vehicle struck more than 20 individuals. some individuals were children and some fatalitiyies as a resu of this incident. >> reporter: at least 28 hurt were treated at local area hospitals. >> we do not have any specifics on the injuries at this time. all of the patients were transported. >> reporter: authorities are investigating the event this morning. >> we're no longer looking for a suspect vehicle. we do have a person of interest in custody at the moment but this is still a very fluid investigation. >> reporter: the fbi is aware of the incident and president joe biden has been briefed on the situation. meanwhile, in waukesha, the community is stunned and shaken by how the celebration turned into a tragedy. >> i'm deeply saddened to know so many in our community went to a parade, but ended up dealing with injury and heartache. >> reporter: the wisconsin governor has ordered flags at half staff, school here in waukesha is canceled today. there are a number of children affected by this, not just the kids who were injured in the hospital right now but you can only imagine the number of their classmates who have just a lot of questions that we don't have easy answers to at the moment. john? >> no, i can't imagine what it must have been like to be one of those kids marching in the parade, seeing that car speeding by, to have your friends hurt or worse. natasha chen, thank you for being there on the ground for us. please keep us posted. >> thanks. joining me is kayly storell, business intern at the "milwaukee journal sentinel" and she was there. i know you've been talking to people you saw, all night, but please, lay it out for us, what happened? >> this is the waukesha christmas parade. there were a lot of people there, a lot of families with young children. just in the spot where i was sitting, almost every family had children with blankets and candy bags and people were there to enjoy the holiday season. the parade started at 4:00 and around 4:30/5:00 you hear a bunch of people start to scream and your first thought is maybe it's santa claus. santa comes at the end of the parade and maybe people are excited but the next thing you see is a red suv barrelling down the middle of the street going 30 miles per hour, and you see it hit people and it doesn't stop and keeps going down the street. >> you saw the car, you saw this suv going down the street driving into people? >> reporter: yes. you can't really describe it, you know, you never expect something like this to happen, and it all happened so quickly. it was pure chaos and pure terror, i think. >> what did you think was happening? >> reporter: it's hard to even make sense of what's happening, right? your first thought is, is this part of the parade? it becomes very clear very quickly that it's not. you see people running around, and screaming and crying and running into the storefronts, and you realize that like this is real. this is yearserious and people hurt because of it. >> in terms of the victims that you saw, who were the people that you saw get hit? >> you know, so i can tell you for sure that i saw four people on the ground, when the streets kind of cleared a little bit. i can't tell you for sure whether or not they were in the parade or if they were watching the parade. what i can tell you is the group that had just passed was the waukesha extreme dance and it was a group of teenaged girls, two little girls, and again, i don't know who was actually hit or not, but there were four people on the ground in front of me. >> little girls? part of a dance troup sne ? >> i don't know. that was the group that passed in front of us. >> the people in the parade included kids, seniors, exactly who you think would be in a christmas parade, there to enjoy the holiday spirit. >> yes. you know, people -- it was probably the first parade that people have been to because of the pandemic, and you could tell people were very excited, and so i just, i can't imagine -- like there were so many little kids there. so to show that as an adult, as a college student, it's scary but to see that as a little kid, i can't imagine what that puts in your mind for the rest of your life. >> what was the scene like afterwards in the minutes after, what was going on? >> sure, so you have people that are fleeing into the stores, going to their cars, getting out of there. you also have some people that were watching the parade run out into the street to help those that were on the ground. a couple minutes later, two police kind of were running down the street, talking on the radios, updating the other police in the area what was going on. you hear them say at least 30 people down, shots fired. again, i can't confirm for you what exactly what happened. that's just what the police said. but when they said that, you know, that causes even more fear and more panic. i think a lot of people just booked it at that point as did i. >> are you doing okay this morning? >> yes. i think still in shock, still processing and my heart just goes out -- as we receive more information about, you know, what happened, i just hope that everyone takes some time to just heal and process what happened. >> kay leigh, interning at a newspaper, this is not the kind of report i'm sure you want to be involved with at all. thank you. it's very important to explain to the world what you saw and what happened there. we appreciate it. >> of course, thank you. so for the first time since a jury acquitted kyle rittenhouse on all charges, the mother of jacob blake whose shooting by a kenosha police officer initially sparked the violent protest is speaking out. her exclusive interview is next. and we could get a verdict as soon as today in the case against the white nationalists behind the 2017 unite the right rally. we'll go live to charlottesville. the bloody altercation on the court ending with lebron james being ejected from the game. >> wow, they can't control isaiah stewart. he wants a piece of lebron. >> he's going to get suspended for this. >> oh, wow. never seen this before. >> we'll show you what lebron james did that set that pistons player off. because the tempur-breeze° transfers heat away from your body... you feel cool, night after nighght. save up to $500 on select adjustable mattress sets during the tempur-pedic black friday event. hi. so you're the scientist here. does my aveeno® daily moisturizer really make my dry skin healthier in one day? 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>> reporter: yes, well, the defendants are self-described propagandaists. chris willis is saying he's winning and the star of the show but privately they're a bit more reflective. several members said the planning organizer jason kessler revealed at trial are pretty damning. he even suggested releasing misinformation that richard spencer was at a bar so anti fascists would come up to them and confront them. a lot of them are making dark jokes, one joked about having ruined his life, another wondered what it would be like to owe $30 million when he only had $200 in his bank account. >> uh, making jokes about something like this, when there was someone who died and so many people hurt. the jury deliberating. can you explain some of the factors that might lead to a longer deliberation for that jury? >> reporter: so the jury has to decide what role each defendant played, and what responsibility they bear, if any. then decide what each plaintiff is owed, if anything. one juror was dismissed for being exposed to covid. a defense lawyer told me that he thought that juror had been one of the most favorable to their side. beyond that, we just have the juror questions to go on, because two defendants failed to participate in the discovery process, they didn't turn over their documents. the judge has ruled that it is fact, or it could be assumed as fact they conspired to commit racially motivated violence. so the jurists have asked does that mean they have to assume that they conspired and/or damages or just that they can? and finally, once you're asked, one juror said could she keep her notes? the judge said sure. she might want to write a book. >> you have some interesting reporting that would open people's eyes to what goes on with some of the groups, how the leadership in these groups say one thing, hoping that others do something. what do you mean there? >> reporter: well, a pretty dramatic moment in trial, chris cantwell, a racist podcaster was forced to sit there and listen to his own words. one of the conversations played, him talking to another guest about dylan roof who murdered nine people at a black church in charleston, they were talking about how dylan roof was a loser, so just the type of person that you would want to commit mass murder. and that's when chris cantwell said "yeah, some people have to be cannon fodder for the race war." these are groups that consider more middle class, aspirational, want more working class groups to do the violence in the streets. >> wow, heck of a quote. "some people have to be cannon fodder for the race car." ellie, doing terrific reporting since the beginning. please keep us posted over the coming hours or days. now to the kyle rittenhouse verdict, demonstrations throughout the country over the weekend after rittenhouse was acquitted on all charges related to the fatal shooting of two men and the wounding of a third during protests over the police shooting of jacob blake. jacob blake was paralyzed from the waist down after he was shot mull tip times by kenosha police august 23rd of 2020. joining me is his mom, julia jackson as well as julia's pastor, jacob blake's pastor, james ward, jr., with us, the founder of insight church, also the author of "zero victim: overcoming injustice with a new attitude." julia, just first to you, how did you receive this news? what did you think about kyle rittenhouse being found not guilty? >> you know, i wasn't really surprised, but it didn't affect me either way. i just stand on my principles and my faith. that's all up to god. >> i think a lot of people would be fascinated to hear how you see this, how you see the shooting of your son, how you see this verdict. it does seem like you see a lot of this through the prism of your faith. can you explain that to us? >> well, yes, in respect for everybody who has been affected, who has lost loved ones, my heart goes out to everybody involved. nobody wins in these situations. but i see it on the spiritual level and not just on a human level. i see a world that is fallen. i see a world that has forgotten about god. i see a world that has forgotten about humanity, and that puts human rights on constitutional rights above human life, and morals. it's just not right to take someone's life because you have the right to. and although i don't hate anyone at all, i pray often for the police officer that shot my son and his family, as well as i do for kyle and his family. hatred and violence is not what we need. we need to go back to the basic principles of our faith. our country was founded on our faith. has it been perfect? no. will it ever be perfect? no. if we could just go back to the basic fundamentals of love thy neighbor, right, you know, and having considerations for each other's feelings and learning to agree to disagree, and not letting our feelings control our actions. >> julia, how does jacob, how does he see the verdict? >> jacob is on the same level as i am. i will let him, when his time comes, speak for himself, but i know for a fact that he agrees with the things that i'm saying as well, and also with pastor james. >> pastor, what do you think? how are you seeing this >> you know, brianna, thanks for having us. this conversation about love and forgiveness is nothing new for us. as a church, we've been practicing these things for many years, long before the jacob blake shooting, teaching that there are three kinds of law that govern society, spiritual law, moral law and civil law and civil law cannot solve our problems. even with the rittenhouse wish wish jacob didn't get shot. with the rittenhouse case civil law is not intended to teach us what is right and wrong. civil law decides what is legal and what is illegal and many situations, things can be legal in a civil law perspective, from a civil law perspective but be wrong morally and spiritually. we have to reintroduce the conversation about faith and law. overcoming new justice with a new attitude. we believe the book is the new textbook and curriculum how to deal with social justice issues, how to bring our nation together, an alternative perspective to critical race theory a faith and kin dom perspective how to deal with challenging issues during our time. >> pastor, i want to make sure how you're seeing what happened here. so when you think of what kyle rittenhouse did, you think of something that is perhaps legal but is immoral? >> i think in many situations that's true for us each one of us every day in life. just because we do it and it seems to be right for us, or it's legal or something that is acceptable, everything that's acceptable is not necessarily moral, morally right. we've got to bring the foundation and the conferrings of spiritual and moral law back to america and for us, faith does that. it's the mindset of jesus christ himself, the only innocent man that ever lived, suffered the greatest injustice that the world has ever known, and he prayed for forgiveness, he prayed for love. that does not dismiss unrighteousness but it does give us a new framework for dealing with it in a way that is acceptable and a way that we can move forward as a nation. >> julia, i want to ask you about some of the concerns of many people who looked at this verdict. they worry that it encourages people to arm themselves, like kyle rittenhouse did and to put themselves in situations that could then turn violent. do you worry about that? >> no, i don't worry about that, but i can see how people would think that. and for me, i don't get involved with the protesting and the marching. i'm not saying it's not a good thing. for me, i do my battles on my knees in prayer, which obviously it keeps me out of that group, where i'm potentially in danger. i do not run into a dangerous situation. i'm not a police officer. that's not my job. i'm a woman of faith and i am a health care work sore i don't have to put myself in that place. i don't worry about what other people are going to do. i just pray for the protection for us all, for us all to hopefully one day at the minimum be able to live in harmony. >> julia and pastor james ward, i want to thank you both for coming on and our best to your son. i know jacob is on a long road to recovery. we wish him the very best as he goes through that. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you, brianna. masked shoplifters pouring into a louis i haveton store, taking off with more than $100,000 in merchandise. why investigators suspect this could be part of a larger operation. and fresh off a razor thin re-election victory, new jersey governor phil murphy will join us on what democrats need to do to hold onto power. let's break down subway's new baja chicken & bacon. look at that coverage by that pepper jack cheese on that new rotisserie style chicken then boom! here comes the new baja chipotle sauce up the gut, and... great, now i can't even see what i'm calling! save big. order through the app. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? 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>> i got mine coming in a couple of days, can't wait for it. elizabeth cohen, thank you so much. >> there you go, great. new jersey governor nil murphy made history when he became the first democrat to win re-election in the state since 1977 but it was a lot closer than some folks thought it might be in a blue state that joe biden won handily in 2020. so what does this is a about how things look for democrats next year? joining us now is the president and future governor of new jersey, phil murphy. governor, thank you so much for being with us this morning. look, your margin in new jersey was bigger than glenn youngkin's in new jersey, which got a whole lot of attention. that's the glass half full interpretation. the glass half empty, joe biden won the state by 16 points just one year ago. so what's the lesson you take from this? >> good to be with you, john. my overwhelming lesson is thank god we put the policies in place that we did and we built the coalition that we built, otherwise we would have gotten washed away by the same red wave. it's quite clear there are, there's a whole lot of hurt out there, there are a lot of kitchen tables that we need to get into to make sure they no he that government is there for them that we are putting policies in place to help them and a force for good. >> what do you think is fueling that red wave you just mentioned? >> i think it's a combination of things, john. i don't think it's one thing only. there's a lot of hurt out there. you lost your job. you lost a loved one. your small business went down, you're sick and tired of wearing a mask or mandates. you're frustrated as heck. i understand all that. we were the first ones up to bat, but it's our job to make sure, again, that folks know that we are there for them. >> if national democrats are going to take a lesson from what you were talking about happened in new jersey, how should they be addressing that hurt that you're describing? >> i think putting the policies in place as fast as possible. we've done a lot of -- we stand for a stronger and fairer new jersey. we put a lot of pieces of that puzzle in place. i think the infrastructure bill that the president signed last week is going to make a big difference. i think this build back better, please, god, that gets done, that will make a huge difference. i think folks need to see not just words but action and the extent to which they see that action connect into their lives, they'll say i understand it. these folks are on our side and helping us. >> why don't you think they're seeing that right now? >> i think it's an incomplete picture. we've made a lot of progress but still have more work to do quite clearly, particularly on the national level. this build back better piece, if you talk about expanding child care, expanding pre-k, making housing more affordable, making college more ain orderable, whatever it might be, most of which or all of which we're doing in new jersey, you show folks that you can actually put that in place. it will change folks' opinion. >> inflation. people can feel gas prices and milk prices rising. >> no question about it, gas is up, cost of most goods sup, labor, huge dislocations in the labor market. the supply chain, this stuff is real. and again, folks are looking to leadership, whether it's in your state or in the country, to say you know, we've got a plan in place to deal with it. >> former congressman beto o'rourke running for governor in texas told dana bash over the weekend basically he doesn't want president biden to go down to texas to campaign for him. how much of that do you think we'll see in the next year? >> i hope not much. the president bakes up every day doing the best job he can, facing enormous headwinds. when you add up the american rescue plan, the infrastructure plan, if this build back better package gets done, those are three historic steps in the direction of strengthening the middle class in our country. i tell you, the president is welcome here any time. >> governor phil murphy, congratulations on your election win. thank you for joining us this morning. >> thanks for having me, john. we do have breaking news this morning, we're getting disturbing, new details on the suv that plowed through a christmas parade in waukesha, wisconsin. at least five people are dead this morning. that number could rise. we're getting new information about where the suspect was coming from, and police are on the search for a man whose gun discharged at airport security in atlanta. plus, new polls show that more americans are choosing not to have children. what is behind the trend and why does it have experts so worried? 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the airport spokesperson said on a quarterly basis we're doing everything we can to try to keep people safe, adding more than 300 cameras back in january but this is an issue all over the country the tsa says they're seeing a record number of guns tried to be brought in through the security checkpoints at airports across the country. brianna? >> interesting, a record number. nadia, thank you so much for that report. time for the five things to know for your "new day." five people were killed and more than 40 injured when an suv plowed into a christmas parade in waukesha, wisconsin. investigators believe the driver was fleeing another incident when he drove into the crowded parade road. closing arguments in moments in brunswick, georgia, three white men are charged with murder in the fatal shooting of black jogger ahmaud arbery. in haiti, two have been released. a haitian gang is still holding 15 others including several young children and demanding a ransom of $1 million per hostage. here at home a series of highly organized brazen robberies at malls across the country, just take a look at this one, this was at a l louis vuitton story. nordstrom two employees were assaulted, one pepper sprayed. a new pew research study may explain why more adults who do not already have children say they're unlikely to have them. more than 40% of those surveyed mentioned medical issues or financial concerns as factors in their decision. and those are 5 things to know for your new day. kids are expensive, pretty pricey. some people might be dissuaded. you can know more on the stories all day on cnn and don't forget of course to download the 5 things podcast every morning. >> christine romans refers to kids as cost centers. >> i love that and i'm stealing it. yes, they are. and also vectors, i will say. i will call them that. lebron james, this is just wild. he was ejected from a game after a bloody altercation on the court, this move sparked this reaction from a pistons player. new twists and turns surrounding chinese tennis star peng shuai, why her appearance in this video this weekend is raising even more questions. what does it feel like to sell your car to carvana? 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"i don't really care about the business. we'll suffer repercussions. we just want to know she's okay." >> thisis a question if this is state protected sexual misconduct. china is trying to silence this. glad to have you on today to talk about this, this lebron james brawl involving isaiah stewart, what happened here? >> some people saying malice in the palace part two because they were in detroit. if you look carefully, isaiah stewart was called for the force, he was trying to box out lebron and clearly hit him in his elbow. lebron getting the rebound may have been a little -- he's not a dirty player, we know lebron james is not a dirty playber but he was a little loose with it, at the end of the day i felt stewart's ego got more involved in the process. would have been able to play but escalated he kept trying to come after lebron. no one was going to let that happen. we've seen this after the malice in the palace the original, there will never be another brawl in the nba where you're going to attack. it's huffing and puffing and host me back and here i come, here i come. at the end of the day, you did get to lebron, that would not have helped your career ultimately. are' not thinking of that in the moment and vice versa. lebron wasn't trying to be a dirty player. obviously he turned around and we didn't hear this, he goes "my bad" after he realizes my bad doesn't suffice when you have a cracked eye. he goes, my bad. that wasn't the intention of all. >> it did not suffice clearly for isaiah stewart. that just got out of hand. kerry, great to see you, thank you. >> you, too, thank you, brianna, have a good one. >> you, too. here's what else to watch today. at least five killed bozs nor injured when a car plowed through a christmas parade in wisconsin. we'll have the latest on the suspect ahead. but, whatever work becomes, the world works with servicenow. are you ready to meet the new class of subway's eat fresh refresh™? the new baja steak & jack, new all-american club™, the new italian b.m.t.®, new turkey cali fresh... and new...trevor lawrence? man, you're not a sandwich! order in the app now to save big. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance so they only pay for what they need. 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Christmas Parade , John , Something , Information , Us , Crime , Kind , Crime Scene , Nature , Fight , Law Enforcement , Police , State Police , Connection , Local , Statement Saying , Lead , Fbi , Course , Issues , Verdict , Terrorism , Shots , Planning , Point , Vehicle , Firing , Parade Route , Situation , Everything , Anything , Motive , Investigators , Data Points , Suspect , Cause , Person Of Interest , Cnn , Number One , One , Two , Number , Reporting , Way , Indication , Shimon Prokupecz , Three , Scene , Tragedy , Level , Natasha Chen , Person Of Interest Doesn T , Natasha , People , Loved Ones , Injured , Threat , Fact , Community , Families , Clothes , Town , Last Night , 40 , Five , Video , In Waukesha , Warning , The Street , Belongings , Hurry , Viewers , Pa Reed , Left Behind , Car , Suv , Wisconsin , Crowd , Portion , Pat Raid Route , Sunday Afternoon , Redford Escape , Lot , It , Down The Street , Chaos , Incident , Hit , Coat , Child , Screams , Red , Front , Performers , Mowing , Onlookers , Cpr , Thing , Ground , Angela O Boyle , Blood , Apartment Balcony , Road , Livestream , Both , Balcony , Band , Marching Band Playing , Car Plow , In The City , Police Officer , 15 , Children , Individuals , Area Hospitals , City , Fatalitiyies , Specifics , Resu , 20 , 28 , Black Friday , A Person Of Interest , Wall , Injuries , Custody , Patients , Authorities , Joe Biden , Investigation , Celebration , Governor , Injury , Heartache , School , Dealing , Half Staff , Flags , Seniors , Questions , Classmates , Hospital , Answers , Car Speeding By , Friends , Thanks , Kayly Storell , Saw , Business Intern , Milwaukee Journal Sentinel , Spot , Waukesha Christmas Parade , Family , Sitting , Holiday Season , Blankets , Candy Bags , 00 , 4 , Thought , Middle , Suv Barrelling , Bunch , Santa , Santa Claus , 30 5 , Doesn T Stop , 30 , Terror , Part , Sense , Storefronts , Happening , Terms , Yearserious , Victims , Four , Group , Streets , Bit , I Don T Know , Girls , Teenaged Girls , Two Little Girls , Waukesha Extreme Dance , Sne , Yes , Parade , Pandemic , Adult , College Student , Kid , Life , Rest , Mind , Stores , Cars , There , Area , Radios , Fear , Heart , Panic , Shock , Process , Everyone , Interning , Kay Leigh , World , Report , Time , Newspaper , Jury , Kyle Rittenhouse , Shooting , Charges , Interview , Case , Protest , Whose , Mother , Kenosha , Lebron James Brawl , Court , Game , Altercation , Charlottesville , Nationalists , Rally , Ending , Unite The Right , Wow , 2017 , Lebron , Isaiah Stewart , Piece , Pistons Player Off , Mattress , Tempur Pedic , Body , Scientist , Nighght , Tempur , 500 , Skin , Moisturizer , Daily , Prebiotic Oat Formula , Aveeno , Daily Moisture , Face , True Jen , Nature Tm , Things , Help , Medicare Supplement , Difference , Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan , At Humana , Seven , Plan , Call , Obligation , Agent Producer , Screen , Some , Humana , Money , Plans , Expenses , Medicare , 80 , Ones , Emergency Care , Medicare Doesn T , Doctor Visits , Doctors , Copayments , Hospital Stays , Trust , Deductibles , Country , Service , Care , Premium , Healthcare Partner , Anywhere , Healthcare , Referrals , Range , Needs , Budget , Call Humana , Save You , Guide , Ways , Making Healthcare Simpler , Work , Company , Medicare Supplement Plan , Answer , Won T , Costs , Carvana , Last , Servicenow , Car Vending Machines , Techno Wizardry , License Plate , 100 , Business , Journey , Offer , Value , Advisor , Challenges , Tech Solutions , Technologies , Customers , Nothing , Ride , Dell , Trial , Virginia , Violence , Groups , Death , Deliberations , Supremacist , United , Ten , 14 , Defendants , Story , Ellie Reeve , Sources , Show , Chris Willis , The Star , Propagandaists , Misinformation , Bar , Members , Planning Organizer Jason Kessler , Richard Spencer , Another , Jokes , Fascists , Bank Account , 200 , 30 Million , 0 Million , Someone , Factors , Deliberation , Uh , Juror , Defendant , Responsibility , Plaintiff , Role , Defense Lawyer , Side , Discovery Process , Covid , Judge , Jurists , Documents , Book , Damages , Notes , Eyes , Leadership , Others , Words , Racist , Podcaster , Conversations , Guest , Chris Cantwell , Dylan Roof , Person , Mass Murder , Type , Loser , Charleston , Black Church , Nine , Heck Of A Quote , Working Class Groups , Middle Class , Race War , Cannon Fodder , Race Car , Demonstrations , Doing Terrific Reporting , Beginning , Weekend , Men , Police Shooting , Protests , Rittenhouse , Wounding , Waist , Jacob Blake S Pastor , Julia Jackson , Kenosha Police August 23rd , James Ward , Mull Tip , Jr , August 23rd Of 2020 , 23 , 2020 , Attitude , Injustice , News , Victim , Insight Church , Zero , Principles , Didn T , Faith , Son , God , Everybody , Respect , Prism , Situations , Human Level , Nobody , Humanity , Morals , Anyone , Human Rights On Constitutional Above Life , Hatred , Actions , Feelings , Learning , Fundamentals , Considerations , Love Thy Neighbor , Brianna , Conversation , Love , Forgiveness , Well , Church , Law , Jacob Blake Shooting , Problems , Civil Law , Kinds , Society , Wrong , Case Civil Law , Wish Jacob Didn T Get , Civil Law Perspective , Overcoming New , Perspective , Nation , Textbook , Curriculum , Race Theory A Faith And Kin Dom , One Of Us , Jesus Christ , Conferrings , Mindset , Foundation , Concerns , Framework , My Battles On Knees , Marching , Danger , Prayer , Place , Job , Protection , Health Care Work Sore , Woman , Harmony , Recovery , Merchandise , Shoplifters , Louis I Haveton Store , 100000 , 00000 , New Jersey , Victory , Operation , Razor , Power , Democrats , Phil Murphy , Subway , Coverage , Pepper Jack Cheese , Bacon , Rotisserie , Baja Chicken , App , Order , Superpowers , Spider Bite , Gut , Limu Emu , Doug , Save Big , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Gasps , Spider Man , Pay , Theaters , December 17th , 17 , Feet , Beat , Sleep Number , Event , Pressure Points , Bed , Movements , Temperature Balancing , 360 , Sleep , Base , Delivery , Smart Bed , Ends Monday , 50 , Xfinity , Rewards , Recipes , Experiences , Top Chef Cheftestants , Tickets , Chance , Movie Night Specials , Andy Cohen , Xfinity Mobile Benefits , Bravo , More , Pro , Battle , Cases , Hospitalizations , Average , Indicator , Rise , Uptick , Holidays , Numbers , Elizabeth Cohen , Airplanes , Sore , Reasons , Buses , Trains , Covid Transmission , State , Increase , October 21st , 21 , States , Rising , Direction , Map , Deaths , Take A Look , 92000 , 1100 , Booster , Precautions , You Haven T , Adults , Shot , Couple , Six , Re Election , Nil Murphy , Folks , 1977 , Margin , Glenn Youngkin , Lesson , Glass , Points , Interpretation , Attention , 16 , Policies , Red Wave , Coalition , Government , Kitchen Tables , Hurt , Force , Loved One , Good , Combination , Small Business , Mask , Mandates , Heck , Bat , Pieces , Infrastructure Bill , Puzzle , Lives , Build , Action , Extent , I Don T , Picture , Progress , Child Care , Most , Housing , College , Pre K , Ain Orderable , Opinion , Inflation , Question , Cost , Gas , Gas Prices , Prices , Labor , Milk , Dislocations , Labor Market , Goods Sup , Stuff , Beto O Rourke , Supply Chain , President , Texas , Doesn T Want , Dana Bash , Rescue Plan , Headwinds , Class , Congratulations , Package , Election Win , Steps , Breaking News , Details , Gun , Atlanta , Airport Security , Search , Polls , Experts , Trend , Fee , Diabetes , Card , Outside , Inside , Diabetic Retinopathy , Vision Loss , Eye Care , Path , Blindness , Sugar , Blood Vessels , Diabetes Management , Treatments , Vo , Season , Control , Sight , Greetings , Visit Noweyesee Com , Manhunt , Passenger , Hartsfield Jackson Airport , Audi , Airport , Nadia Romero , Travelers , Screening , Gunfire , Latest , Confusion , Ground Stop , Reporter , Old Kenny Wells , Holiday , Tsa , Security Checkpoint , Let , Rerun , 42 , Firearm , Shooter , Bag , X Ray Machine , Social Media , Spread , Idea , Rumor , Truth , Discharge , Midst , Everyone Else , Airport Spokesperson , Ran , Arrest Warrants , Felon , Possession , Domino Effect , Conduct , Basis , Put Spotlight On Security Measures At Atlanta , Issue , Record Number , Cameras , Security Checkpoints , Guns , Safe , 300 , Driver , Arguments , Crowded Parade Road , Brunswick , Georgia , Murder , Gang , Black Jogger Ahmaud Arbery , Haiti , Look , Hostage , Ransom , Series , Robberies , Al , 1 Million , Million , Pepper , Employees , Pew Research Study , Louis Vuitton , Nordstrom , Decision , 5 , Stories , Kids , Cost Centers , Vectors , Christine Romans , Player , Move , Reaction , Twists , Chinese Tennis Star , Peng Shuai , Appearance , Cheering , Big , Feeling , Automatically , Snoring , Pillow , Hiding , Couch , Ergo Smart , Fire , Desire , Don T Wanna , Video Call , Of The International Olympic Committee , Tennis , Home , Chinese , Beijing , Videos , Tennis Officials , Association , Women , Contact , Olympic Governoring Body , Wta , Concern , Coercion , Ability , Censorship , Well Being , The Naked With Kerry Champion , Espn , Host , Premier , Advice , Champion , Kerry , Sexual Assault , Anchor , Hard Line , 2 , November 2nd , Steve Simon , Nba , Ioc , Response , Business Interests , Hundreds , Essence , Aspect , Millions , Dollars , Players , Guy , Tournament , Billie Jean King , Sexual Misconduct , Repercussions , Palace , Malice , Lebron Wasn T , Elbow , Rebound , Little , Detroit , Playber , Ego , Loose , Stewart S , No One , Brawl , Original , Puffing , Huffing , Thinking , Career , Vice Versa , My Bad Doesn T , Intention , Wasn T , Eye , Hand , Bozs , Eat , All American Clubtm , Baja Steak Jack , Sandwich , Italian , Bmt , Turkey Cali Fresh , New , Trevor Lawrence , Gift , Zales , Dvt , Store , Risk , Stop Taking Xarelto , Blood Clots , Pe , Blood Clot , 98 , Doctor , Paralysis , Fatal Bleeding , Bruise , Injection , Bleeding , Medicines , Procedures , Bruising , Kidney , Artificial Heart Valve , Don T Take Xarelto , Liver Problems , 13 , 1 888 Xarelto , 888 , 1 , Abraham , Wish , Blood Disorder , Jackson , A Wish Funation , Mississippi , Bone Marrow Transplant , Doing , Roots , Announcer , Murder Trial , Prison , Killing , Monday Morning , Erica Hill , Jim Sciutto ,

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