Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240709

did see images of him really breaking down, and his attorney said that he told his lawyer thank you but that he was still taking it all in. here's the short clip from the trailer showing a little bit of his thoughts after the fact. >> the jury reached the correct verdict. self-defense is not illegal. and i believe they came to the correct verdict and i'm glad that everything went well, and it's been a rough journey, but we made it through it. >> reporter: his attorney told us that he was wanting to get on with his life, and that he would likely move away from this area. now, as far as the reaction from the community, right now there's a small group actually gathered outside of the courthouse at the bottom of the steps there, not really doing any marching per se, but we did hear them sort of shouting and calling for police accountability. the family of jacob blake was also out here before the verdict was read. jacob blake was the black man that kenosha police shot, and he is now paralyzed from the waist down. that incident is what spurred these protests where rittenhouse clashed with protesters to begin with. and the family of jacob blake called the whole verdict very emotional and disheartening. of course they're also calling for blake's case to be reopened. so a lot here. it's still very tense in the community, a lot of local leaders, including the president himself asked for people to express their views in a peaceful way, and at least in the kenosha community, they definitely followed that, and it's been pretty quiet since yesterday. >> natasha chen, thank you so much in kenosha. a lot to talk about here. we're joined by larry sidelin, a former florida circuit court judge who presided over the anna n nicole smith case. good to see you again. let's reevaluate. not guilty on all counts but it took days for the jurors to come to that conclusion. what do you think most influenced their decision. >> the testimony of the witnesses and the testimony of the defendant was very powerful. they prepared him. the defense attorney had two mock juries, saying with one that he's going to testify and with another mock jury that he's not going to testify. they spent a fortune on his defense, they spent over $2 million they raised for him or maybe more. they had the best lawyers and money makes a difference when you're in a trial. you get great litigation with the right amount of bucks. you get a bang for your bucks. >> so you see, i mean, you're underscoring how you believe the defense had a great advantage in this case. how unusual or is this typical to have these kind of mock jury jury trial so you can best examine, so you have a legal team that can best examine the jurors, what they might be thinking from their backgrounds, how this might influence even the outcome. >> it's rare. nort most people can't come out with 5,000, $10,000. they spent unlimited money. this was like the federal government, when the u.s. attorney presents a case, they have unlimited funds. here, the defense had unplilimi funds, which gives them tremendous support. the state attorney had limited funds, and the state attorney did not try this case. he picked an assistant state attorney because he knew the facts were very difficult to prove, and he had to find the prosecutor that would fall on his own sword for the good of the office. he found a prosecutor that would try the case for him. >> you see that as the detriment to the prosecution's case? >> yes, the prosecutor had a very small chance of getting a conviction. this case had all these political overtones. you had a kid 17 years old, going to a place where there's looting, there's rioting, there's arson, and he's running around with a rifle. and the prosecutors were under enormous pressure to file charges against rittenhouse. and then as the case unfolded, the case kept getting weaker and weaker. when you're a prosecutor, i used to be a prosecutor, you take a case that's strong. the cases that are weak, you try to plea bargain those. the strong cases you go to trial so you look like a hero. so you get a winning record. this case, the defense wasn't going to take any lesser included charges, and he just couldn't do it, this prosecutor. he had weak facts. >> so let's talk about the jury instructions and what was stated too, all of those points were fantastic that you made. i wonder here with among the instructions, the definite may intentionally use force which is intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm only if the defendant reasonably believed that the force used was necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself. you already stated that you believe the defendant's testimony kyle rittenhouse's testimony was pivotal here. is it the case that his defrs re -- defense really cemented instructions for the jury. >> his defense was potent, powerful, and the prosecutor had the burden, had the threshold to have to prove that self-defense wasn't self-defense beyond a reasonable doubt. the prosecutor had to disprove the theory for the defense attorney, had to show that it wasn't self-defense and that he provoked this violence, that rittenhouse was walking around with a rifle, pointing it and he had to disprove it, then you had a terrible witness, the guy that got shot in the arm saying that he pointed a gun at rittenhouse, and the one other guy that was killed by rittenhouse has mental disorders. he was very aggressive. very mentally ill, and he wasn't helpful either on that video. and the third person that was -- the third individual that ultimately died he also had certain mental disorders. here you have looting, rioting, arson, taking place after a number of days. who's walking the streets at that point, you're not going to have those people at your thanksgiving dinner, the ones walking the streets. you're not going to have rittenhouse at your thanksgiving dinner. you want him sitting at your dinner with a rifle in his arm? >> i wonder when you reflect here, the judge's decision not to sequester the jury, how do you believe that impacted deliberations, do you feel like the jurors are likely very disciplined that they're not reading, listening to analysts or do you feel that they are able to take it all in and it could influence how they make their decisions. >> you make a great point. the jury should have been sequestered. should be secluded from the world around them. because family members, friends, the tvs, the newspapers, they're going to somehow leak into the jury. they should be sequestered, but the problem is the court administrator in that area is going to say, we don't have the funds to put him in a hotel. we don't have the funds to get them food. and in a case like this that has such significance in america, the jury should have been sequestered, yes, should have been kept together with no outside influences taking place, even though you're telling the jury, hey, don't be reading anything, don't with watching anything. 12 of those jurors, maybe one violated that rule. >> judge larry side lin, alwaysa pleasure having you. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> and happy thanksgiving. all right. still ahead, president biden celebra celebrating his birthday with a big victory. a key part of his agenda cleared the u.s. house and is on its way to the u.s. senate. we're live at the white house next. later the cdc approves covid booster shots for all americans, the impact of that decision on a potential winter surge in cases. 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>> well, fred, the president is hoping to build off the momentum of that bill passing in the house, but it is not a done deal, and will be a heavy lift to get past in the senate. now, while the house version contains some major campaign promises like universal pre-k and billions of dollars for climate funding, it also includes some other proposals that may eventually be stripped out in order to get all 50 senators on board. that includes paid family leave, which is a top white house priority. but take a listen to president biden yesterday who acknowledged the long road ahead, and also said he is ready to sign whatever bill the senate sends its way. >> now that it passed the house, when do you expect it to land on your desk. >> it will take a while to get through the senate. probably after thanksgiving. >> and if doesn't contain paid family leave. >> i will sign it. >> reporter: as the bill makes it to the senate, there are various concerns within the democratic party that need to be addressed. moderates like kyrsten sinema and joe manchin, there's also on the other hand bernie sanders who has concerns about the state and local tax deductions. the white house has insisted president biden will remain engaged with each of the lawmakers throughout the process. there have been conversations with senior white house officials and those senators and their teams as they are hoping to get in bill across the finish line and make those campaign promises that president biden made in 2020, turn them into reality. >> daniela on excapitol hill, what's next? >> reporter: now that the house has passed the bill, this is the first step of the long process that is passing the second part of joe biden's domestic agenda. now it goes to the senate where they are likely going to pare back this bill because of what ark what joe manchin, a moderate democratic senator wanting to bring the price tag down. the house version of the bill included a paid leave, a provision that senator joe manchin says he does not support. and he's critical of climate provisions in this bill, $500 billion in the house version toward combatting climate change. remember, joe manchin is from a coal state. it's up to senate majority leader chuck schumer to unite all democrats including joe manchin, also kyrsten sinema a wild card moderate democrat in the senate to get behind the bill because they want to pass the bill using a process called budget reconciliation, which means they need 51 votes instead of the usual 60 to pass the bill, so every single democratic senator needs to get behind this legislation. democrats need senator joe manchin to support this. but as arlett was saying, the goal is to pass the bill before christmas. that's what senate majority leader chuck schumer has been saying again, and again, of course it's going to have to go back to the house for a final vote, and progressives are not happy with the fact that some of these provisions are going to get stripped during senate negotiations. so the bottom line is really unclear how this proceeds the next couple of weeks but i can guarantee it's going to be very very busy here. fred. >> it's going to be a tenuous time. daniela diaz, arlette saenz, thank you so much, we're all in the same wave length because of our color choices. no folks at home, we did not plan this. let's see what tomorrow brings. thank you so much. coming up, new covid cases are increasing to levels not seen in more than a month. what does that mean for families traveling with children this holiday season. we'll talk to a pediatrician next. built for small business. high thryv! ow. get a free demo at kevin! kevin? 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>> so my advice is it's not too late to get the first shot in. over 2.6 million children from the ages of 5 to 11 have already gotten their first shot, so they're well on their way to being protected. if you want to travel safely, the best thing to do is to be fully vaccinated. if you're not fully vaccinated, it might be worthwhile to test one to three days prior to seeing your loved ones over the holidays. >> all right. at 2.6 million, that's impressive, but there are like 28 million who are eligible, you know, in the kids category acrosse across the country. a long way to go. let's look how in the future, how these booster shots, perhaps for all the adults who are now eligible, how it might help. >> so the booster shots are definitely helping, and i think the 12 to 17-year-old age group has stepped up also. over 15 million of them have gotten at least one dose of the vaccine. and so in the united states, about 70% of people have at least one dose of vaccine. and worldwide, almost 7.7 billion doses have been given, so i think people can feel comfortable that the vaccine is very safe and effective. >> germany has a higher vaccination rate than the u.s. but they're going through a record spike right now. how worried are you about that happening here in the u.s.? >> i'm definitely concerned. this month i've seen more children with covid or exposed to covid than i have since the beginning of the delta variant back in july. mostly these are in unvaccinated children. these families have been so strong up until now. i just encourage them to hang in there, keep doing the things like masking. don't go to school or work or day care if you're sick. that kind of thing, use your common sense. we cane take away the layers of protection yet, especially since the young ones aren't fully vaccinated yet. >> we're not finished with this year, but a lot of folks getting their booster shots, and kids getting their second shots, et cetera. what do you think we should anticipate for next year? are we talking about, you know, getting a covid vaccine annually? or do you think the, you know, rules of engagement are going to change next year? >> it's quite possible that everyone will need an annual shot just like we do with the flu. my hope is that once the little babies, six months and up can also get vaccinated that might be a game changer. so it really remains to be seen. so i think for now, the important thing is if you're eligible, go ahead and get vaccinated asap. >> all right. doctor, always good to see you. happy thanksgiving holiday. >> thank you, you too. still ahead, the parents of a 19-year-old killed by police while suffering a mental health crisis are calling for an independent investigation into the events that led to his death. ♪ ♪ ♪ i jump up on the stage ♪ ♪ and do my money dance ♪ ♪ i throw some money up ♪ ♪ and watch the money land ♪ ♪ i do my, i do my i do my money dance ♪ move your student loan debt to sofi - you could save with low rates and no fees. earn a $500 bonus when you refi... and get your money right. ♪ i do my money dance ♪ is struggling to manage your type 2 diabetes knocking you out of your zone? 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>> christian hall's parents maintain that this video that they obtained recently after a subpoena was issued further demonstrates that their 19-year-old son's hands were up in the air at the time of that shooting on december 30th. police maintain as you clearly see that he had what appeared to be a weapon in one of those hands. and that is why his parents are asking for state investigators and federal investigators to look into the issue. we want to walk viewers through the video, somewhat of a clear picture, so what happened nearly eleven months ago. pennsylvania state troopers were responding to a call of what was described as a distraught and suicidal man on a bridge. we found out mr. hall was experiencing a mental health emergency. you can see troopers negotiating with hall. it lasted almost two hours. initially he complies with the officers, puts the weapon down, but then becomes uncooperative, and that's when another angle picks up here. you see him ignoring those orders, those repeated orders to drop that weapon, which we later pound found out was a pellet gun, manufactured to look like a weapon. and that's when police opened fire, shooting and killing the 19-year-old. at one point he points that firearm towards the officers. now, we should mention it's not very clear, even in the unblurred version whether or not he points to the officers but his parents maintain he did not. three months after the shooting, the district attorney released their findings and a blurred version of that video, and basically saying because of hall's continued possession of that firearm and his continued advancement towards officers, then that the officers were left with no choice but to open fire. again, his parnents maintain moe could have been done to bring this to a peaceful end. they are calling on the fbi, the department of justice to launch a zicivil rights investigation, and calling on the attorney general to look into the matter to provide an objective view of the investigation, and finally they're calling on more training. when it comes to the monroe county district attorney's office, they have not commented after this most recently development and as for law enforcement mainly pennsylvania state highway patrol, they did say that they cannot comment further until this is out of active litigation, but they did assure cnn that they do have ongoing training for their officers with respect to various mental health topics, fred. >> sad situation. polo sandoval, thank you so much. >> thank you. coming up, kyle rittenhouse's attorney said he did not approve the fox news crew that was embedded with the defense team, and filming a documentary about the trial. yep. i'm the all-in-one management software built for small business. high thryv! ow. get a free demo at for people who could use a lift new neutrogena® rapid firming. a triple-lift serum with pure collagen. 92% saw visibly firmer skin in just 4 weeks. neutrogena® for people with skin. football, is a game of inches. but it's also a game, of information. because the nfl is connected. and at any moment, the fate of the season can come down to this. billions of secure connections, per second. when the game is on the line and the game is always on the line touchdown! the nfl relies on cisco. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. one of the biggest surprises of the kyle rittenhouse trial perhaps came after the verdict when it was revealed a tucker carlson crew was embedded with the defense team and filming a documentary the entire time. here's rittenhouse himself reacting to the verdict in part of that footage. >> the jury reached the correct verdict. self-defense is not illegal. and i believe that i will came to the correct verdict, and i'm glad everything went well. it's been a rough journey but we made it through it. >> rittenhouse's attorney said he didn't like the tucker carlson crew being there but was basically powerless to stop it. >> i did not approve of that. i threw them out of the room several times. they were -- and i'm not suggesting that fox or some other network, i don't think a film crew is appropriate. for something like this, but the people who were raising money to pay for the experts and pay for the attorneys were trying to raise money and that was part of it. >> so cnn chief media correspondent and anchor of reliable sources, brian stelter with me now. the attorney mark richards didn't like the idea but those who are raising money, i guess, gave the okay, the green light for this crew to be there. so do you know a little bit more about how this came to be? fox is not commenting about the circumstances around this. i'm told no money actually changed hands between fox and the rittenhouse defense team. this is a very curious situation. very rare to see a film crew is embedded during the trial. you see in the movie trailer for the so-called documentary, they have footage of rittenhouse falling asleep on the couch. you have him as a young person in the middle of a media circus, a tragic after math, and you see him living his life, and i presume this documentary in september will be a sympathetic look at this individual. it is very rare to see it has gone down this way, and now fox is promoting both an interview with rittenhouse on monday and then a documentary next month. you know, you hear the attorney there telling chris cuomo this is not the way he wanted it to be, but the funders wanted it, that indicates because this defense was crowd sourced that now they want to have a documentary to show what happened. you know, almost like a -- giving the donors some sort of reward or response for their don donations. >> so there still are questions around a real conflict for fox news since tucker carlson works for fox news, and it's tucker carlson's name that is being applied to the crew, so who or what entity gets to the bottom of whether there's a real conflict here as it pertains to fox news? >> right, and that's a good point. it's a tucker program, not fox's newsroom, it wasn't like a fox journalist assigned to go to kenosha who was work on this. it was tucker carlson who accommodation with incendiary opinion and commentary, and is really operating on his own within the fox universe. they are trial to build up a streaming service, and this is u ultimately about trying to get people to sign up far documentary and pay money on a streaming service. you think about some of the commercial interests in effect here. commercial interests apparently from these donors who want to see what happened with their money and commercial interests for fox news, and what we see more broadly, fred, as you have been talking about is this valorization of kyle rittenhouse, not that he is innocent but he's being valorized and promoted and celebrated by many in right wing media, and what you see with the documentary promoted for next month is this is going to go on for a while, that this trial is over, but rittenhouse is not going away, and as i said, no comment yet from fox. the official word is no money changed hands. i have a lot of questions and i think others do too, about the circumstances around this. >> among those questions about, you know, how knowing that there was this attention or documentary effort around kyle rittenhouse, i mean, that's not typical for any defendant, and i wonder how that also played into the posture of the defendant during the trial knowing that there was this interest, there was this pursuit of a documentary even well before there was a verdict. >> right. that's right. that's very interesting. it's sort of, we have only seen now on the surface, and i guess in the days and weeks to come, we'll see the rest of it. >> all right. thank you so much, brian stelter, fascinating stuff, appreciate it. we'll be watching you tomorrow as well. >> thanks. coming up, the first day of the thanksgiving travel period is already breaking pandemic records, but inclement weather could impact travel plans during holiday. but first, is there life on a another planet? humanity is closer to getting that answer than ever before. the new cnn film, the hunt for planet b follows the team of female-led scientists who are leading the quest to find another earth. anyone wants to know why there's life out there i guess because we're kind of a lonely species. >> when we started, we didn't even know if there were any planets beyond our solar system. and our own milky way galaxy we have hundreds of billions of stars. another earth is undoubtedly out there. this is the huge eye in the sky. >> it's going to seep deeper into space than any other telescope in history. >> we have enough sensitivity to detect a child's night light on the moon. part of the point of looking out there for life is to realize just how valuable the life is that we have here. >> we're betting on the fact that life can originate and evolve anywhere. >> what do we expect to see? >> we have a lot more searching to do. >> the quest for another earth begins. >> i think there's life out there. can we find them in my lifetime, god, i hope so. >> "the hunt for planet b" premieres tonight at 9:00. th ch. i'm gonna cashback on a gingerbread house! oooh, it's got little people inside! and a snowglobe. oh, i wished i lived in there. you know i can't believe you lost another kevin. it's a holiday tradition! that it is! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? 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yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. to make progress, we must keep taking steps forward. we believe the future of energy is lower carbon. and to get there, the world needs to reduce global emissions. at chevron, we're taking action. tying our executives' pay to lowering the carbon emissions intensity of our operations. it's tempting to see how far we've come. but it's only human... to know how far we have to go. people, with quickbooks live someone else will do your books for you. they'll even pair you with an expert bookkeeper like me, who knows your business. knows... your... business! expert bookkeepers who understand your business. intuit quickbooks live bookkeeping. this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. american owned facility. we're co-founders of the distillery. this bourbon is unique because it's one of the few that you can really mix in a cocktail. when you look at the bottle, you see louisville, kentucky's history and heritage come to life. representations of horse racing, wildlife, basketball, boxing. you want to share it with family, friends and loved ones, which is what our brand is about, is bringing everyone together. making a stranger your friend. >> kentucky is the bourbon capital of the world, 95% of the world's bourbon is produced in kentucky. being from louisville, we wanted to bring economic investment into the depressed areas and located our distillery right in the heart of west end to give economic opportunities to the community around us. >> we want our communities to be proud of the work we're doing. we're in 30 states, internat international in the uk. we hope our business will bring people of all races and creeds together, fellowship and enjoy a drink. >> cheers. the tsa says more than 2.2 million people were screened at airports nationwide yesterday, the first official day of the thanksgiving travel period. that's the highest volume since travel came to a trickle at the beginning of the pandemic. unfortunately for some, the weather may not cooperate for their holiday travel. allison chinchar is in the cnn weather center. what's going on out there? >> not everybody has flexibility when it comes to travel, but if you did, today was probably going to be the nicest day of the next five days, really, when you talk about widespread locations for the u.s. today the travel spots are going to be limited across south florida with some showers and thunderstorms and snow showers across the west. otherwise, benign conditions across the u.s. that changes tomorrow. we get a new system that's going to start across areas of the midwest and continue to slide off to the northeast and even impacting cities like atlanta, dc, new york, very late sunday and transferring into early on monday. that is going to likely lead to not only some airline delays, but also some traffic backups on the roadways. here's a look at monday. we talked about the big cities on the east coast likely having some delays early in the morning. that system finally pushes out late monday, but by tuesday we're starting to watch the second system that's going to be pushing through. by the time we get to wednesday, now it's really starting to take hold across the midwest. then it continues to make its way right around thanksgiving day stretching from michigan all the way back towards texas. we're not just talking rain and snow. wind is going to be a really big factor with some of these storms. here's a look at tuesday. the secondary system we talked about, watch as it slides to the east. those winds really start to ramp back up, and that's a concern for when you're driving, but especially in terms of flying. air traffic likely to see big delays wednesday and thursday. chicago, st. louis, milwaukee, stretching down towards dallas, so do keep that in mind because the winds will continue to spread as we go later into the day wednesday and thursday. places like detroit, cleveland, cincinnati, and this is going to be kind of a multi-day thing. if you've got some flexibility, pay very close attention to the forecast and maybe pack some patience along with your bags. >> very potentially rocky journeys. thank you so much. allison chinchar in the cnn weather center. on to detroit now and this week the city celebrated the 100th birthday of retired lieutenant colonel alexander jefferson, a member of the tuskegee airmen. the city announced it is creating a plaza and statue on the field where jefferson flew model airplanes as a child. jefferson was also given a key to the city. as a young airman, jefferson flew with the red tails, which escorted bombers as they flew missions across europe. after leaving the armed forces, he later became a teacher and vice principal in detroit public schools, a leader throughout his lifetime. the tuskegee airmen were a group of primarily african-american aviators, the first in the armed forces. there are very few others who have reached that milestone, only a small number of the tuskegee airmen remain and we salute you, lieutenant alexander jefferson. also, tonight, is there life on another planet? humanity is closer than ever before to getting that answer. tonight at 9:00 p.m., the cnn film "the hunt for planet b" follows the team of female-led scientists who are leading the quest to find perhaps another earth. >> anyone wants to know why there's life out there. i guess because we're kind of a lony species. >> when we started, we didn't know if there were any planets beyond our solar system. >> our own milky way galaxy, we have hundreds of billions of stars. another earth is undoubtedly out there. >> this is the huge eye in the sky. >> it's going to see deeper into space than any other telescope in history. >> we have the sensitivity to detect a child's night light on the moon. >> part of the point of looking out there for life is to realize just how valuable the life is that we have here. >> we're bethting on the fact that life can originate and evolve anywhere. >> we have a lot more searching to do. >> the quest for another earth begins. >> i think there's life out there. can we find them in my lifetime? god, i hope so. >> "the hunt for planet b" premieres tonight at 9:00. hello, again, everyone. thank you so much for joining me this saturday. i'm fredricka whitfield. we start with the verdict in the kyle rittenhouse trial. strong reactions pouring in from across the country. a friday a jury acquitting the teenager on all charges for killing two people and shooting another during protests in kenosha, wisconsin, last year. relief for rittenhouse there, but outrage from many others. this morning the father of one of the men rittenhouse killed had this to say about the verdict. >> i'm just -- we're still in shock here, you know. that guy gets to run free and he's now -- he's now a hero, and this is my son right here. this is anthony, you know. we lost our son and there's no justice right now for our family and there's no closure. and there wasn't going to be justice in that kenosha court with that judge. >> a cnn shimon prokupecz is in kenosha, wisconsin. some pretty strong words there, understandably, from anthony huber's father. we're also hearing from kyle rittenhouse for the first time since the verdict. what more is he saying? >> reporter: yeah, cameras were following him throughout this trial and apparently with him throughout each day of this trial, and as they prepared for this trial. obviously feeling a lot of relief. you see him happy in this video, feeling relieved, saying that he believes that self-defense was right here and that the jury followed the law. here is more of what

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240709

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did see images of him really breaking down, and his attorney said that he told his lawyer thank you but that he was still taking it all in. here's the short clip from the trailer showing a little bit of his thoughts after the fact. >> the jury reached the correct verdict. self-defense is not illegal. and i believe they came to the correct verdict and i'm glad that everything went well, and it's been a rough journey, but we made it through it. >> reporter: his attorney told us that he was wanting to get on with his life, and that he would likely move away from this area. now, as far as the reaction from the community, right now there's a small group actually gathered outside of the courthouse at the bottom of the steps there, not really doing any marching per se, but we did hear them sort of shouting and calling for police accountability. the family of jacob blake was also out here before the verdict was read. jacob blake was the black man that kenosha police shot, and he is now paralyzed from the waist down. that incident is what spurred these protests where rittenhouse clashed with protesters to begin with. and the family of jacob blake called the whole verdict very emotional and disheartening. of course they're also calling for blake's case to be reopened. so a lot here. it's still very tense in the community, a lot of local leaders, including the president himself asked for people to express their views in a peaceful way, and at least in the kenosha community, they definitely followed that, and it's been pretty quiet since yesterday. >> natasha chen, thank you so much in kenosha. a lot to talk about here. we're joined by larry sidelin, a former florida circuit court judge who presided over the anna n nicole smith case. good to see you again. let's reevaluate. not guilty on all counts but it took days for the jurors to come to that conclusion. what do you think most influenced their decision. >> the testimony of the witnesses and the testimony of the defendant was very powerful. they prepared him. the defense attorney had two mock juries, saying with one that he's going to testify and with another mock jury that he's not going to testify. they spent a fortune on his defense, they spent over $2 million they raised for him or maybe more. they had the best lawyers and money makes a difference when you're in a trial. you get great litigation with the right amount of bucks. you get a bang for your bucks. >> so you see, i mean, you're underscoring how you believe the defense had a great advantage in this case. how unusual or is this typical to have these kind of mock jury jury trial so you can best examine, so you have a legal team that can best examine the jurors, what they might be thinking from their backgrounds, how this might influence even the outcome. >> it's rare. nort most people can't come out with 5,000, $10,000. they spent unlimited money. this was like the federal government, when the u.s. attorney presents a case, they have unlimited funds. here, the defense had unplilimi funds, which gives them tremendous support. the state attorney had limited funds, and the state attorney did not try this case. he picked an assistant state attorney because he knew the facts were very difficult to prove, and he had to find the prosecutor that would fall on his own sword for the good of the office. he found a prosecutor that would try the case for him. >> you see that as the detriment to the prosecution's case? >> yes, the prosecutor had a very small chance of getting a conviction. this case had all these political overtones. you had a kid 17 years old, going to a place where there's looting, there's rioting, there's arson, and he's running around with a rifle. and the prosecutors were under enormous pressure to file charges against rittenhouse. and then as the case unfolded, the case kept getting weaker and weaker. when you're a prosecutor, i used to be a prosecutor, you take a case that's strong. the cases that are weak, you try to plea bargain those. the strong cases you go to trial so you look like a hero. so you get a winning record. this case, the defense wasn't going to take any lesser included charges, and he just couldn't do it, this prosecutor. he had weak facts. >> so let's talk about the jury instructions and what was stated too, all of those points were fantastic that you made. i wonder here with among the instructions, the definite may intentionally use force which is intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm only if the defendant reasonably believed that the force used was necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself. you already stated that you believe the defendant's testimony kyle rittenhouse's testimony was pivotal here. is it the case that his defrs re -- defense really cemented instructions for the jury. >> his defense was potent, powerful, and the prosecutor had the burden, had the threshold to have to prove that self-defense wasn't self-defense beyond a reasonable doubt. the prosecutor had to disprove the theory for the defense attorney, had to show that it wasn't self-defense and that he provoked this violence, that rittenhouse was walking around with a rifle, pointing it and he had to disprove it, then you had a terrible witness, the guy that got shot in the arm saying that he pointed a gun at rittenhouse, and the one other guy that was killed by rittenhouse has mental disorders. he was very aggressive. very mentally ill, and he wasn't helpful either on that video. and the third person that was -- the third individual that ultimately died he also had certain mental disorders. here you have looting, rioting, arson, taking place after a number of days. who's walking the streets at that point, you're not going to have those people at your thanksgiving dinner, the ones walking the streets. you're not going to have rittenhouse at your thanksgiving dinner. you want him sitting at your dinner with a rifle in his arm? >> i wonder when you reflect here, the judge's decision not to sequester the jury, how do you believe that impacted deliberations, do you feel like the jurors are likely very disciplined that they're not reading, listening to analysts or do you feel that they are able to take it all in and it could influence how they make their decisions. >> you make a great point. the jury should have been sequestered. should be secluded from the world around them. because family members, friends, the tvs, the newspapers, they're going to somehow leak into the jury. they should be sequestered, but the problem is the court administrator in that area is going to say, we don't have the funds to put him in a hotel. we don't have the funds to get them food. and in a case like this that has such significance in america, the jury should have been sequestered, yes, should have been kept together with no outside influences taking place, even though you're telling the jury, hey, don't be reading anything, don't with watching anything. 12 of those jurors, maybe one violated that rule. >> judge larry side lin, alwaysa pleasure having you. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> and happy thanksgiving. all right. still ahead, president biden celebra celebrating his birthday with a big victory. a key part of his agenda cleared the u.s. house and is on its way to the u.s. senate. we're live at the white house next. later the cdc approves covid booster shots for all americans, the impact of that decision on a potential winter surge in cases. 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>> well, fred, the president is hoping to build off the momentum of that bill passing in the house, but it is not a done deal, and will be a heavy lift to get past in the senate. now, while the house version contains some major campaign promises like universal pre-k and billions of dollars for climate funding, it also includes some other proposals that may eventually be stripped out in order to get all 50 senators on board. that includes paid family leave, which is a top white house priority. but take a listen to president biden yesterday who acknowledged the long road ahead, and also said he is ready to sign whatever bill the senate sends its way. >> now that it passed the house, when do you expect it to land on your desk. >> it will take a while to get through the senate. probably after thanksgiving. >> and if doesn't contain paid family leave. >> i will sign it. >> reporter: as the bill makes it to the senate, there are various concerns within the democratic party that need to be addressed. moderates like kyrsten sinema and joe manchin, there's also on the other hand bernie sanders who has concerns about the state and local tax deductions. the white house has insisted president biden will remain engaged with each of the lawmakers throughout the process. there have been conversations with senior white house officials and those senators and their teams as they are hoping to get in bill across the finish line and make those campaign promises that president biden made in 2020, turn them into reality. >> daniela on excapitol hill, what's next? >> reporter: now that the house has passed the bill, this is the first step of the long process that is passing the second part of joe biden's domestic agenda. now it goes to the senate where they are likely going to pare back this bill because of what ark what joe manchin, a moderate democratic senator wanting to bring the price tag down. the house version of the bill included a paid leave, a provision that senator joe manchin says he does not support. and he's critical of climate provisions in this bill, $500 billion in the house version toward combatting climate change. remember, joe manchin is from a coal state. it's up to senate majority leader chuck schumer to unite all democrats including joe manchin, also kyrsten sinema a wild card moderate democrat in the senate to get behind the bill because they want to pass the bill using a process called budget reconciliation, which means they need 51 votes instead of the usual 60 to pass the bill, so every single democratic senator needs to get behind this legislation. democrats need senator joe manchin to support this. but as arlett was saying, the goal is to pass the bill before christmas. that's what senate majority leader chuck schumer has been saying again, and again, of course it's going to have to go back to the house for a final vote, and progressives are not happy with the fact that some of these provisions are going to get stripped during senate negotiations. so the bottom line is really unclear how this proceeds the next couple of weeks but i can guarantee it's going to be very very busy here. fred. >> it's going to be a tenuous time. daniela diaz, arlette saenz, thank you so much, we're all in the same wave length because of our color choices. no folks at home, we did not plan this. let's see what tomorrow brings. thank you so much. coming up, new covid cases are increasing to levels not seen in more than a month. what does that mean for families traveling with children this holiday season. we'll talk to a pediatrician next. built for small business. high thryv! ow. get a free demo at kevin! kevin? 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>> so my advice is it's not too late to get the first shot in. over 2.6 million children from the ages of 5 to 11 have already gotten their first shot, so they're well on their way to being protected. if you want to travel safely, the best thing to do is to be fully vaccinated. if you're not fully vaccinated, it might be worthwhile to test one to three days prior to seeing your loved ones over the holidays. >> all right. at 2.6 million, that's impressive, but there are like 28 million who are eligible, you know, in the kids category acrosse across the country. a long way to go. let's look how in the future, how these booster shots, perhaps for all the adults who are now eligible, how it might help. >> so the booster shots are definitely helping, and i think the 12 to 17-year-old age group has stepped up also. over 15 million of them have gotten at least one dose of the vaccine. and so in the united states, about 70% of people have at least one dose of vaccine. and worldwide, almost 7.7 billion doses have been given, so i think people can feel comfortable that the vaccine is very safe and effective. >> germany has a higher vaccination rate than the u.s. but they're going through a record spike right now. how worried are you about that happening here in the u.s.? >> i'm definitely concerned. this month i've seen more children with covid or exposed to covid than i have since the beginning of the delta variant back in july. mostly these are in unvaccinated children. these families have been so strong up until now. i just encourage them to hang in there, keep doing the things like masking. don't go to school or work or day care if you're sick. that kind of thing, use your common sense. we cane take away the layers of protection yet, especially since the young ones aren't fully vaccinated yet. >> we're not finished with this year, but a lot of folks getting their booster shots, and kids getting their second shots, et cetera. what do you think we should anticipate for next year? are we talking about, you know, getting a covid vaccine annually? or do you think the, you know, rules of engagement are going to change next year? >> it's quite possible that everyone will need an annual shot just like we do with the flu. my hope is that once the little babies, six months and up can also get vaccinated that might be a game changer. so it really remains to be seen. so i think for now, the important thing is if you're eligible, go ahead and get vaccinated asap. >> all right. doctor, always good to see you. happy thanksgiving holiday. >> thank you, you too. still ahead, the parents of a 19-year-old killed by police while suffering a mental health crisis are calling for an independent investigation into the events that led to his death. ♪ ♪ ♪ i jump up on the stage ♪ ♪ and do my money dance ♪ ♪ i throw some money up ♪ ♪ and watch the money land ♪ ♪ i do my, i do my i do my money dance ♪ move your student loan debt to sofi - you could save with low rates and no fees. earn a $500 bonus when you refi... and get your money right. ♪ i do my money dance ♪ is struggling to manage your type 2 diabetes knocking you out of your zone? 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>> christian hall's parents maintain that this video that they obtained recently after a subpoena was issued further demonstrates that their 19-year-old son's hands were up in the air at the time of that shooting on december 30th. police maintain as you clearly see that he had what appeared to be a weapon in one of those hands. and that is why his parents are asking for state investigators and federal investigators to look into the issue. we want to walk viewers through the video, somewhat of a clear picture, so what happened nearly eleven months ago. pennsylvania state troopers were responding to a call of what was described as a distraught and suicidal man on a bridge. we found out mr. hall was experiencing a mental health emergency. you can see troopers negotiating with hall. it lasted almost two hours. initially he complies with the officers, puts the weapon down, but then becomes uncooperative, and that's when another angle picks up here. you see him ignoring those orders, those repeated orders to drop that weapon, which we later pound found out was a pellet gun, manufactured to look like a weapon. and that's when police opened fire, shooting and killing the 19-year-old. at one point he points that firearm towards the officers. now, we should mention it's not very clear, even in the unblurred version whether or not he points to the officers but his parents maintain he did not. three months after the shooting, the district attorney released their findings and a blurred version of that video, and basically saying because of hall's continued possession of that firearm and his continued advancement towards officers, then that the officers were left with no choice but to open fire. again, his parnents maintain moe could have been done to bring this to a peaceful end. they are calling on the fbi, the department of justice to launch a zicivil rights investigation, and calling on the attorney general to look into the matter to provide an objective view of the investigation, and finally they're calling on more training. when it comes to the monroe county district attorney's office, they have not commented after this most recently development and as for law enforcement mainly pennsylvania state highway patrol, they did say that they cannot comment further until this is out of active litigation, but they did assure cnn that they do have ongoing training for their officers with respect to various mental health topics, fred. >> sad situation. polo sandoval, thank you so much. >> thank you. coming up, kyle rittenhouse's attorney said he did not approve the fox news crew that was embedded with the defense team, and filming a documentary about the trial. yep. i'm the all-in-one management software built for small business. high thryv! ow. get a free demo at for people who could use a lift new neutrogena® rapid firming. a triple-lift serum with pure collagen. 92% saw visibly firmer skin in just 4 weeks. neutrogena® for people with skin. football, is a game of inches. but it's also a game, of information. because the nfl is connected. and at any moment, the fate of the season can come down to this. billions of secure connections, per second. when the game is on the line and the game is always on the line touchdown! the nfl relies on cisco. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. one of the biggest surprises of the kyle rittenhouse trial perhaps came after the verdict when it was revealed a tucker carlson crew was embedded with the defense team and filming a documentary the entire time. here's rittenhouse himself reacting to the verdict in part of that footage. >> the jury reached the correct verdict. self-defense is not illegal. and i believe that i will came to the correct verdict, and i'm glad everything went well. it's been a rough journey but we made it through it. >> rittenhouse's attorney said he didn't like the tucker carlson crew being there but was basically powerless to stop it. >> i did not approve of that. i threw them out of the room several times. they were -- and i'm not suggesting that fox or some other network, i don't think a film crew is appropriate. for something like this, but the people who were raising money to pay for the experts and pay for the attorneys were trying to raise money and that was part of it. >> so cnn chief media correspondent and anchor of reliable sources, brian stelter with me now. the attorney mark richards didn't like the idea but those who are raising money, i guess, gave the okay, the green light for this crew to be there. so do you know a little bit more about how this came to be? fox is not commenting about the circumstances around this. i'm told no money actually changed hands between fox and the rittenhouse defense team. this is a very curious situation. very rare to see a film crew is embedded during the trial. you see in the movie trailer for the so-called documentary, they have footage of rittenhouse falling asleep on the couch. you have him as a young person in the middle of a media circus, a tragic after math, and you see him living his life, and i presume this documentary in september will be a sympathetic look at this individual. it is very rare to see it has gone down this way, and now fox is promoting both an interview with rittenhouse on monday and then a documentary next month. you know, you hear the attorney there telling chris cuomo this is not the way he wanted it to be, but the funders wanted it, that indicates because this defense was crowd sourced that now they want to have a documentary to show what happened. you know, almost like a -- giving the donors some sort of reward or response for their don donations. >> so there still are questions around a real conflict for fox news since tucker carlson works for fox news, and it's tucker carlson's name that is being applied to the crew, so who or what entity gets to the bottom of whether there's a real conflict here as it pertains to fox news? >> right, and that's a good point. it's a tucker program, not fox's newsroom, it wasn't like a fox journalist assigned to go to kenosha who was work on this. it was tucker carlson who accommodation with incendiary opinion and commentary, and is really operating on his own within the fox universe. they are trial to build up a streaming service, and this is u ultimately about trying to get people to sign up far documentary and pay money on a streaming service. you think about some of the commercial interests in effect here. commercial interests apparently from these donors who want to see what happened with their money and commercial interests for fox news, and what we see more broadly, fred, as you have been talking about is this valorization of kyle rittenhouse, not that he is innocent but he's being valorized and promoted and celebrated by many in right wing media, and what you see with the documentary promoted for next month is this is going to go on for a while, that this trial is over, but rittenhouse is not going away, and as i said, no comment yet from fox. the official word is no money changed hands. i have a lot of questions and i think others do too, about the circumstances around this. >> among those questions about, you know, how knowing that there was this attention or documentary effort around kyle rittenhouse, i mean, that's not typical for any defendant, and i wonder how that also played into the posture of the defendant during the trial knowing that there was this interest, there was this pursuit of a documentary even well before there was a verdict. >> right. that's right. that's very interesting. it's sort of, we have only seen now on the surface, and i guess in the days and weeks to come, we'll see the rest of it. >> all right. thank you so much, brian stelter, fascinating stuff, appreciate it. we'll be watching you tomorrow as well. >> thanks. coming up, the first day of the thanksgiving travel period is already breaking pandemic records, but inclement weather could impact travel plans during holiday. but first, is there life on a another planet? humanity is closer to getting that answer than ever before. the new cnn film, the hunt for planet b follows the team of female-led scientists who are leading the quest to find another earth. anyone wants to know why there's life out there i guess because we're kind of a lonely species. >> when we started, we didn't even know if there were any planets beyond our solar system. and our own milky way galaxy we have hundreds of billions of stars. another earth is undoubtedly out there. this is the huge eye in the sky. >> it's going to seep deeper into space than any other telescope in history. >> we have enough sensitivity to detect a child's night light on the moon. part of the point of looking out there for life is to realize just how valuable the life is that we have here. >> we're betting on the fact that life can originate and evolve anywhere. >> what do we expect to see? >> we have a lot more searching to do. >> the quest for another earth begins. >> i think there's life out there. can we find them in my lifetime, god, i hope so. >> "the hunt for planet b" premieres tonight at 9:00. th ch. i'm gonna cashback on a gingerbread house! oooh, it's got little people inside! and a snowglobe. oh, i wished i lived in there. you know i can't believe you lost another kevin. it's a holiday tradition! that it is! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? 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>> not everybody has flexibility when it comes to travel, but if you did, today was probably going to be the nicest day of the next five days, really, when you talk about widespread locations for the u.s. today the travel spots are going to be limited across south florida with some showers and thunderstorms and snow showers across the west. otherwise, benign conditions across the u.s. that changes tomorrow. we get a new system that's going to start across areas of the midwest and continue to slide off to the northeast and even impacting cities like atlanta, dc, new york, very late sunday and transferring into early on monday. that is going to likely lead to not only some airline delays, but also some traffic backups on the roadways. here's a look at monday. we talked about the big cities on the east coast likely having some delays early in the morning. that system finally pushes out late monday, but by tuesday we're starting to watch the second system that's going to be pushing through. by the time we get to wednesday, now it's really starting to take hold across the midwest. then it continues to make its way right around thanksgiving day stretching from michigan all the way back towards texas. we're not just talking rain and snow. wind is going to be a really big factor with some of these storms. here's a look at tuesday. the secondary system we talked about, watch as it slides to the east. those winds really start to ramp back up, and that's a concern for when you're driving, but especially in terms of flying. air traffic likely to see big delays wednesday and thursday. chicago, st. louis, milwaukee, stretching down towards dallas, so do keep that in mind because the winds will continue to spread as we go later into the day wednesday and thursday. places like detroit, cleveland, cincinnati, and this is going to be kind of a multi-day thing. if you've got some flexibility, pay very close attention to the forecast and maybe pack some patience along with your bags. >> very potentially rocky journeys. thank you so much. allison chinchar in the cnn weather center. on to detroit now and this week the city celebrated the 100th birthday of retired lieutenant colonel alexander jefferson, a member of the tuskegee airmen. the city announced it is creating a plaza and statue on the field where jefferson flew model airplanes as a child. jefferson was also given a key to the city. as a young airman, jefferson flew with the red tails, which escorted bombers as they flew missions across europe. after leaving the armed forces, he later became a teacher and vice principal in detroit public schools, a leader throughout his lifetime. the tuskegee airmen were a group of primarily african-american aviators, the first in the armed forces. there are very few others who have reached that milestone, only a small number of the tuskegee airmen remain and we salute you, lieutenant alexander jefferson. also, tonight, is there life on another planet? humanity is closer than ever before to getting that answer. tonight at 9:00 p.m., the cnn film "the hunt for planet b" follows the team of female-led scientists who are leading the quest to find perhaps another earth. >> anyone wants to know why there's life out there. i guess because we're kind of a lony species. >> when we started, we didn't know if there were any planets beyond our solar system. >> our own milky way galaxy, we have hundreds of billions of stars. another earth is undoubtedly out there. >> this is the huge eye in the sky. >> it's going to see deeper into space than any other telescope in history. >> we have the sensitivity to detect a child's night light on the moon. >> part of the point of looking out there for life is to realize just how valuable the life is that we have here. >> we're bethting on the fact that life can originate and evolve anywhere. >> we have a lot more searching to do. >> the quest for another earth begins. >> i think there's life out there. can we find them in my lifetime? god, i hope so. >> "the hunt for planet b" premieres tonight at 9:00. hello, again, everyone. thank you so much for joining me this saturday. i'm fredricka whitfield. we start with the verdict in the kyle rittenhouse trial. strong reactions pouring in from across the country. a friday a jury acquitting the teenager on all charges for killing two people and shooting another during protests in kenosha, wisconsin, last year. relief for rittenhouse there, but outrage from many others. this morning the father of one of the men rittenhouse killed had this to say about the verdict. >> i'm just -- we're still in shock here, you know. that guy gets to run free and he's now -- he's now a hero, and this is my son right here. this is anthony, you know. we lost our son and there's no justice right now for our family and there's no closure. and there wasn't going to be justice in that kenosha court with that judge. >> a cnn shimon prokupecz is in kenosha, wisconsin. some pretty strong words there, understandably, from anthony huber's father. we're also hearing from kyle rittenhouse for the first time since the verdict. what more is he saying? >> reporter: yeah, cameras were following him throughout this trial and apparently with him throughout each day of this trial, and as they prepared for this trial. obviously feeling a lot of relief. you see him happy in this video, feeling relieved, saying that he believes that self-defense was right here and that the jury followed the law. here is more of what

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, 70 , 15 Million , Doses , Vaccination Rate , Given , Germany , 7 Billion , Record Spike , Day Care , Masking , Delta Variant , Don T Go , Protection , Common Sense , Layers , Shots , Rules Of Engagement , Et Cetera , Hope , Everyone , Flu , Babies , Game Changer , Parents , Investigation , Events , Money Dance , Mental Health Crisis , Land , Stage , Rates , Fees , Student Loan Debt , 500 , 00 , Type 2 Diabetes , Zone , Game , Don T Take Ozempic , Weight , Oh , Cv Risk , Heart Disease , 7 , Risk , Type 1 Diabetes , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Isn T , Heart Attack , Stroke , Pens , Reuse , Share , Needles , 1 , Swelling , Lump , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Stomach Pain , Stop Ozempic , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Help , Pancreatitis , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Provider , Sulfonylurea , Insulin , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Nausea , Dehydration , Prescription , Health Care Provider , 3 , 25 , Infections , Shock , Tuberculosis , Psoriasis , Cosentyx , Four , 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Zicivil Rights Investigation , End , Moe , Fbi , Matter , Attorney General , View , Say , Development , Law Enforcement , Monroe County , Pennsylvania State Highway Patrol , Respect , Mental Health Topics , Sad Situation , Documentary , Crew , Defense Team , Fox News , All In One , Management Software , Skin , Saw , Serum , Neutrogena , Rapid Firming , Pure Collagen , 92 , Football , Fate , Nfl , Information , 4 , Season , Connections , Line Touchdown , Tools , Access , Cisco , Kyle Rittenhouse Trial , Surprises , Footage , Film Crew , Times , Room , Network , Attorneys , Something , Sources , Anchor , Chief Media Correspondent , Idea , Brian Stelter , Light , Okay , Didn T , Mark Richards , Circumstances , Situation , Movie Trailer , Couch , Look , Math , Middle , Media Circus , Funders , Chris Cuomo , Interview , Rittenhouse On Monday , Donors , A , Crowd , Questions , Conflict , Response , Sort , Reward , Don Donations , Name , Program , Wasn T Like A Fox Journalist , Entity , Not Fox S Newsroom , Service , Commentary , Accommodation , Opinion , Fox Universe , Interests , Effect , Valorization , Comment , Word , Media , Wing , Others , Posture , Interest , Pursuit , Rest , Surface , Stuff , Weather , Records , Travel Plans , Quest , Humanity , Female Led Scientists , Answer , Planet , The Hunt For Planet B , Cnn Film , Earth , Planets , Solar System , Milky Way Galaxy , Species , Hundreds , Stars , History , Night Light , Sensitivity , Telescope , Space , Eye In The Sky , Anywhere , Moon , Life , Lifetime , Searching , God , Th Ch , 9 , Car , Car Vending Machines , Company , Carvana , 100 , Spot , Techno Wizardry , License Plate , Offer , Value , Carbon , Energy , Make Progress , Carbon Emissions Intensity , Action , Emissions , Executives , Operations , Pay , Chevron , Human , Business , Expert Bookkeeper , Expert Bookkeepers , Recording Artist , Internet , Recording , Elodia , 10 Million , Students , Comcast , Millions , Possibilities , Projectup , 1 Billion , Billion , Facility , Co Founders , Bourbon , Distillery , Few , Bottle , History And Heritage Come To Life , Cocktail , Representations , Louisville , Kentucky , Friend , Brand , Wildlife , Stranger , Horse Racing , Boxing , Basketball , Areas , Investment , Heart , Being , Bourbon Capital Of The World , World S Bourbon , West End , 95 , Communities , Work , Internat International , Opportunities , Uk , Drink , Races , Fellowship , Creeds , Everybody , Volume , Trickle , Holiday Travel , Allison Chinchar , Weather Center , Travel , Nicest , Locations , South Florida , Five , System , Snow Showers , West , Showers , Conditions , Thunderstorms , Roadways , Airline Delays , Traffic Backups , Dc , New York , East Coast , Delays , Hold , Midwest , Factor , Wind , Storms , Texas , Rain And Snow , Back Up , Concern , East , Flying , Terms , Air Traffic , Louis , Chicago , Detroit , Milwaukee , Mind , Winds , Places , Stretching Down Towards Dallas , Cleveland , Cincinnati , Journeys , Patience , Forecast , Bags , Flexibility , Alexander Jefferson , 100th Birthday , City , On To Detroit , Retired , Tuskegee Airmen , Jefferson , Plaza , Bombers , Statue , Airman , Missions , Field , Key To The City , Red Tails , Leader , Armed Forces , Teacher , Vice Principal , African American , Europe , Detroit Public Schools , Aviators , Milestone , Film , Lony , Hello , Jury Acquitting , Teenager , Relief , Father , Outrage , Men , Guy , Justice , Closure , Anthony Huber , Judge , Words , Kenosha Court , Shimon Prokupecz , Law , What ,

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