Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

good morning to our viewers here in the u.s. and around the world. it is friday, october 29th. i'm brianna keilar with john berman here. and chris cuomo is standing by in rome, where president biden is meeting with pope francis. they are discussing a range of issues, including poverty and the climate crisis. >> the climate crisis is at the heart of the biden agenda. it's where the biggest chunk of money is actually allocated now. there's no question the president and the white house still focused on getting that plan passed away a whirlwind and probably somewhat unfulfilling locations. that still hangs in the balance. that's not where the president is right now. he's in with the pope in this historic meeting. let's get right to chris cuomo outside st. peter's square. chris. >> even though, john, we don't know exactly what's happening, i have to believe the pope is not going to give advice to president biden to change the name of his spending bill. we are with cnn chief national correspondent jim sciutto. i have father dwyer with me to help us understand this situation. it already happened, right? we saw this huge footprint of the american president. delia gallagher was saying nobody shows force the way the united states leaders do. it is thing second catholic u.s. president to meet with a sitting pope. first one, as father dwyer told me earlier, since diplomatic relations were created in 1984 established between the u.s. and vatican. why do you think he wanted to meet with the pontiff first when arriving for the g20? >> it is deeply personal to him, his faith, catholicism. their personal relationship is deep. it has history. he met him a number of times as vice president, in 2015. you and i both covered that. and pope francis consoled biden and his family after the loss of his son beau. he described a special rapport. he said this pope is electric, the feeling that he had about pope francis and his leadership in the church. they both have similar messages, you might say. they're in institutions where they have liberal leanings. and on that as well they see a lot of overlap. it's a relationship about his faith but also about a relationship between two men. >> broader g20. economic crises abound all over the place. that's why the g20 was created in 1999, because of dissatisfaction with the g7 in solving these problems. what boxes does biden have to check here? >> they have some work to do. this is an issue that may come up with the pope. vaccine distribution. there was a target to have 40% vaccinated by the end of this year. that it's not going to happen. you might hear the pope press joe biden on that. there is a hope they make a plan to get this outside the developed country. the global supply chain. it is a real issue and affecting all the countries. and then climate. do they come out of the g20 with some sort of climate pledge they could then bring to scotland for the u.n. climate summit. by the way, of course one thing biden does not have is an agreement on the climate provisions in the infrastructure plan. there's a lot of money in the framework and budget plan, but he doesn't yet have that in writing >> while we are waiting for readouts of what happened here. he told us that footage of the pontiff meeting with president moon of south korea just came out. so there is a couple hour lag. maybe they will make it faster for the u.s. president. we'll see >> that would be great. >> but what does that look and sound lookic for pope francis to want to talk climate with an american president. . >> it is clear they want want to talk climate with a lot of these leaders. he is meeting through of them. president moon is the second catholic president. tomorrow he is meeting with prime minister modi of india. all of them will be going on to the climate summit after this. pope francis, there was original talk that he would go. largely because of his sciatica that bothers him, he will stay here. he wants to plant his message that he sent to us along to scotland. >> father dwyer is obviously of busted halo. that's his thing, not mine you can hear him on sirius xm. he has a whole thing on sirius xm. you've been writing a lot about this and why. how does it stack up between other meetings between president and pontiff? . >> it is a very significant meeting. the pope is very concerned about global warming. frankly, i think the vatican will be disappointed that the president has not been able to get the fullbacking of the congress on his climate change agenda and therefore weaken the president for the cop 26 meeting in scotland. the pope feels strongly about this and has written on the environmental crisis and global warming. and this is at the top of the agenda. my guess is that most of the time in the meeting was speaking about this. >> father reese, appreciate you very much. look, we're going to know soon. we will start to get some readouts from this. father reese, father dave dwyer and jimmy sciutto who will be covering this in your own show. we will get the implications. free anna, i'll tell you something. you know joe biden as a man and as a leader. he is very emotional and tied to his faith. it is something, if pope francis drops the hammer on him, are you going to be able to show up and really be an advocate for this, it will be interesting what that means to biden when he goes back to his constituents in the democratic party if he has a different accepts of urgency of getting something done if the pope shames him a little bit about it >> yeah. maybe the congress should visit the vatican. . >> they would all light on fire when they entered through there. . >> we will see. chris, thank you so much for that. we will continue our coverage as well on this very important day from rome. back here at home, potentially his legacy. they are in a state of limbo. house democrats delayed a vote on the infrastructure bill. lauren fox is on capitol hill with the latest. the latest, what is it? >> reporter: well, the latest is this whole negotiation is going to continue for another week, potentially another month, brianna. yesterday very significant. the house of representatives voting on a short-term transportation pill tobill to g this 'em to december 3rd. that gives more time to have discussions. that sets up the next big date, the next big deadline, the next big showdown maybe between moderates and progressives. that was the fight yesterday on kweul. progressives in one place, moderates in the other. progressives arguing they cannot trust their democratic colleagues in the senate. namely, john mann chin and kyrsten sinema arguing they needed clearer assurances that those two senators were going to be behind the $1.75 trillion framework the president laid out yesterday morning to the house democratic caucus. obviously this has major repercussions for the president's agenda. and the president said so himself yesterday in the private meeting with democrats. he said, quote, i don't think it's hyperbole to say that the house and senate majorities in my presence will be determined by what happens in the next weeks. and i think that that statement really speaks for the fact that the president knew what was on the line yesterday. moderates knew what was on the line yesterday. progressives knew. democratic leadership knew. yet they were still unable to find a consensus. now, briannbrianna, what change the next couple of weeks? progressives did support the framework that the president laid out. that is significant. that is progress. however, they also are still arguing they want to have votes on both that bigger social safety net bill and infrastructure bill in tandem. that is their key sticking point. so far they are arguing they are not coming off of that and nothing is changing yet on capitol hill. brianna. >> yeah. the mistrust between democrats is -- i haven't seen it to this degree before, lauren. we will see how that is going to play into the evolution of this process. lauren fox live for us on the hill. thank you. what is senator joe biden thinking here, and can progressives trust that they are going to have his vote. we will ask one of his former aides. for the first time since the fatal shooting on the film of "rust", we are hearing from the film's armorer. we are live in rome where the president and the pope are discussing a whole range of issues. we're expecting some readout from inside that meeting shortly. we will bring you the details as they come in. 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[ marcia ] clearchoice dental implants gave me the ability to take on the world. i feel so much better, and i think that that is the key. for people living with h-i-v, keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ ♪ your new pharmacy is here. to make sure you don't run out of meds here. and with amazon prime, get refills and free two-day shipping. who knew it could be this easy? 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>> well, the big thing in the glass, this is definitely a good news, bad news situation, john. the good news is that they got a framework. that's a really big deal. the progressive caucus has agreed in principle to the larger bill. that was the big hangup. a deal is in place. it's not a matter of if, it's just a matter of when. the bad news is they didn't get a vote last night, which he wanted to have a "w" and wanted to have a feather in his cap as he went to scotland on climate change and bring elements of the bill that he could proclaim in scotland. but the good news again is ultimately it looks like the bill is going to get done now. there are details to be worked out. but it will get done. and the democrats had huge expectations on what would be in the pill and the timing. >> so, jonathan, it seemed like progressives were practically begging, just tell us you black t -- back this framework. joe manchin would. the statement he put out said president biden's framework is a product of months of negotiations and wherein put from all members of the democratic party who share a common goal to deliver for the american people. as we work through the text of the legislation, i would hope all of us would continue to deal in good faith and do what's right for the future of the american people. why couldn't he just say yes? >> because i think he needs to see the detail. he has worked in good faith. he has worked with the president. he will tell you he came up $2 trillion. he's compromised. not as much as pwarpbldz from 10 million to 2 trillion. but manchin needs to see the details. before he sees the bill, he's not going agree to something. they have been negotiating. they both have. i think it's time the progressives took a win that 98% of the party supports. pass the infrastructure bill. that's get that bill in motion, working for the american people and continue to work on a bigger bill that everybody wants to get done and everybody is working towards getting done. i don't see why he should be expected to vote for a bill that he hasn't seen the final details of. that to me seems like a bad move. >> so, mark, the biden team, this iteration of the biden team, said we have been patient about everything. we worked during the primary, the pandemic, after the election. it all paid off for joe biden ultimately. they say this will all blow over. this will get done. and people won't remember the sausage making. how true? >> listen, they are veteran hands. they know you need to tune out the noise and stay focused on the signal. and also tune out the bed wetters. i think they are waking up and saying the bed is awful wet actually. at a certain point, veterans say if we do good policy the politics will take care of itself. but it overwhelms getting the policy done. i think that's what we are seeing now. . >> what do you think, jonathan. part of me wondered all long how manchin wants the build back better plan. what is he most excited for? what do you think he will get out there and trumpet as part of this? . >> i think he will trumpet stuff that helps west virginia. that's all he cared about from the start. he started this back in march working on an infrastructure bill. he went through what was needed. he sat down and looked at what was in the reconciliation bill. he supports taking care of children, the elderly. he is talking about ways we can help the climate. but he wants to do it in a more targeted approach so, again, after we pass a massive $2 trillion spending bill, we know where all the money is going. we know exactly the people that are getting it. those are the people that need it most. i'm sure when the bill is done, we will go back to west virginia, talk to people, explain the good things that he liked in the bill and things he didn't want in the bill. as part of negotiations, you have to accept. he's just looking for ways we can move on. we're coming it of a huge recession, the pandemic hopefully. the biden administration is doing a great job of getting shots in arms. he is looking to make sure that the next 5, 10 years this benefits the one that needs most >> or there several elections tuesday, just days from now. the most contested is in virginia for the governors mansion. terry mcauliffe, what is his thought bubble? >> i think it is kind of burst, john. if he's looking at reality, it is clear he is facing enormous headwinds. youngkin is on fire. they are done a good job keeping trump out of the race. very localized race about schools, parents, what parents should be able to do in terms of interacting with their schools and the curriculum. it's really going to be -- i think youngkin is going to win, john. i think it will be a playbook for republicans for 2022. mcauliffe had hoped this bill would pass and he could use that to help him. but i'm not sure that would even help at this point. >> thank you both for being with us. president obama is about to return to the world stage. what he is expected to tell the u.n. climate summit the differences between a biden presidency and trump presidency. and the jurors in the derek chauvin murder trial will take us inside the jury room next. find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? 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and that does this motivate in the american president. father thomas reese at the religion news service. it's good to have you, father. the mother tongue here. the question is, hey -- what's going on in there? how are they talking to each other? . >> i think it is significant how long the meeting is taking place. you know, for the pope to spend over an hour with a head of state, president, is very unusual. usually these meetings are shorter than that. they are getting into issues that are of concern to the president and the pope. >> now, when we say that, uniformity of interest, with a side dish of what can you do for me? not to cheapen it, but this pope is very pushing for action, right? so now biden comes here. the democrats are all over the place. he has a lot that will be possible when delivered within these really historic spending programs. but not yet. now, does that play into it, in your estimation? do you think pope francis has the political acumen to talk about whether or not president biden will get this done and what that means going into the climate summit next week? >> yeah. i think you're absolutely right, chris. i would not be surprised if there were a couple of people in the white house who would love to have the pope give joe manchin a phone call and give him a lesson in global warming. of course that's not going to happen. the pope doesn't lobby members of congress. but the pope is very concerned about strengthening the position of the president as he goes to the cop 26 climate meeting. because it's very important that the president be able to speak strongly against global warming. but if he comes in limping because congress isn't supporting him, i think the cat van is going to be very disappointed. >> you know, very often what is pre-tom nating the conversation about catholicism does not echo the concerns of the church around the world. that's a given. however, one of the things that probably does matter sprbgts my question to you is how is this going to resonate in this meeting, is that this pope has problems with his clergy in the united states of america in terms of being lock step, respecting where he is on things, even when it comes to this president. the pope was very clear in saying, love, mercy. focus that h. don't get caught up in the focus. the bishops did not echo that. . >> well, i think that the pope is going to be very sympathetic with president biden's problems with congress. because the pope himself can't always get the bishops to go along with his program either. i think there's some sympathy between the two men on that. clearly the pope has indicated that he has never denied communion to then. this issue is not going to come up in the meeting. this is not the meeting between joe catholic and his pastor. this is a meeting between the president of the united states and a world leader who can impact public opinion all over the world. so they're going to be talking about global warming, talking about getting shots into the arms of people in africa. they might even talk about haiti and lebanon. these are the kinds of issues that the vatican wants to talk to the president about. >> what is your one big question that you are wondering about the answer to at the end of this meeting? . >> well, i think the -- i would love to be a fly on the wall in the room when the two men are by themselves talking. i think it's going to be a warm exchange, courteous exchange. both men respect each other very much. i'm a little embarrassed because i was telling all my reporter friends to watch pore the photo-op when the president and the pope come out. because i think they will be smiling quite a bit. as opposed to when the pope and president trump came out of their meeting, and the pope was kind of frowning. i think, you know, a picture tells a good story. and i think that if we do get a picture out of this meeting, we're going to see two men that are relating to one another very warmly and on substantive issues. >> i'm sure from the pope's perspective they may have been both been presidents but the current and former president are very, very different lens looking through the lens of what they see in hip. thank you. brianna, this is going to be from me. if president biden comes out of this meeting with some kind of boost of a sense of purpose, we'll see. >> yeah. is he getting a papal pep talk? . >> nothing like it. . >> nothing like it i'm sure. chris, stick around. so much more ahead with you. former presidents, don't issuely show up at world leaders events. but that's exactly where barack obama will be at the u.n. climate conference next week in gl glasgow. he will try to win back faith after four years of donald trump. edward isaac douvere joins us now. >> reporter: we usually see presidents pull back from public life entirely and certainly international affairs. this is a major conference on climate. the big one that comes every year. he will noticeably wait until a week after joe biden is there to let biden have the space for it. they are going for more of a tag-team situation rer than batman and robin. obama has a lot of credibility back crediblity and wants to go back and say the u.s., yes, moved us away from the paris climate accordance and away from looking at climate. look at what we are committed to. look at what was happening with players and governors at the local level. >> tag-team. like the von erics. old school reference there. the vast majority of americans are actually eligible for a covid booster shot. how do you tell if you're in that category ahead? as we speak, president biden is sitting down with the pope at the vatican for a conversation that is going rather long, a good sign. and what are they talking about? is anything off the table? we're live in rome. 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-easy? switch your xfinity services to your new address online in about a minute. that was easy. i know, right? and even save with special offers just for movers. really? yep! so while you handle that, you can keep your internet and all those shows you love, and save money while you're at it with special offers just for movers at the fda authorized boosters for all vaccines. the vast majority of people qualify for the extra jab. cnn's senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen joins us now to explain. i think people might be surprised by this. so tell us about it. >> reporter: that's right, brianna. polling has shown people are pretty confused about whether or not they're eligible for a booster. it seems like some people think you have to be very old or very sick to felt a booster. when you look at the details, actually it's really the vast majority of vaccinated adults are eligible for a booster once of course they pass the appropriate amount of time. so we asked the folks at the comp additional epidemiology lab at children's hospital to do a data analysis for us. let's look at sort of what they found and what some of the back ground is here. everyone who got zone son and johnson qualifies for a booster as long as they are two months past their shot. pfizer and moderna, if you are six months past your shot, 65 plus, front line worker, underlying medical condition such as being overweight, depression, anxiety, heart disease or a whole host of things, that makes you eligible to get a booster. it adds up to at least 89% of vaccine recipients. it's really way more than people think. so if you are more than six months past your pfizer or moderna shot, chances are you are eligible for a booster. >> 89%. 9 out of 10 people. what is the factor driving that high percentage? >> the factor is overweight. it used to be -- people thought you had to be obese. actually, you just have to be overweight. let's take a look at what that means. about 75% of u.s. adults are overweight. for example, if you're 5'4", 145 pounds or more, you're overweight. if you're 5'10" and you weigh 174 pounds or more, you are overweight. it is relatively easy to be overweight. and that is sort of the basis for that 89%. you add in people who have anxiety, depression, people who have diabetes, asthma, et cetera, you get up to that 89%. . >> yeah. and so many of those exacerbated by the pandemic for sure, those conditions as well. elizabeth, thank you so much for explaining that to us. >> reporter: thanks. for the very first time since finding derek chauvin guilty of murdering george floyd, five jurors and two alternates sat down with cnn's don lemon, taking us inside the jury room and reflecting on an experience that several say still haunts them. >> minneapolis police department has a model. and if i'm understanding it correctly, their model is in our custody, in our care. george floyd was in their custody. he was never in their care. and that for me just -- it just hit hard. i don't feel like they ever cared for him. >> i brought up the fact that this is not what he did but more or less what he didn't do. >> all the light bulbs went on for those people i think that were undecided or on the not guilty side. oh, my gosh, you're totally right. there is intent. where -- to not provide life-saving measures. when he knew three times there was no pulse. >> if derek chauvin had testified, do you think that would have made any difference? >> no. for me, no, not at all. the evidence was the evidence. >> still trying to understand 9 minutes and 29 seconds why. and i don't think that derek chauvin could explain that to me ever. >> i think we got here because of systemic racism within the system, right, because of what's been going on. that's how we got to a courtroom in the first place. it came down to all three verdicts, it was based on the evidence and the facts 100%. >> this was about, you know, obviously the death of a man. but i'm sure you knew the whole racial aspect of it. you are very diverse. and nobody was afraid to share their feelings on that? . >> not at all. race wasn't even ever mentioned in the three and a half weeks that we were in that courtroom. and it was never mentioned during deliberations, i don't believe. >> how much of a role did the videotape -- because the videotape was on all the time, right? you say the 9 minutes 29 seconds. >> yes. >> that's how it got to be such a big story worldwide is because of that videotape. how much of a role did it play, sh sheree? >> it played a huge role. the camera doesn't lie. and it was in slow motion at times while we were sitting there in court. so we could see every aspect of it. we saw different angles from different cameras. there was cameras on that s street, you know, monitoring traffic and crime and things like that. so it was hard. it played a huge role, though. it truly did. >> i didn't see its entirety until i was in court. seeing it day after day after day did wear on me. so much so sometimes i went home and just went in my room, shut the door and went to bed the rest of the day. it was exhausting. . >> why is that? talk to me about that. . >> it was just emotional. and to see somebody go through what mr. floyd went through when it could have been prevented. i just still can't wrap my mind around how a $20 counterfeit bill ended up in george floyd's death. i mean, how is that even possible? it's surreal to me. >> how could somebody do that to someone else? and it was a slow death. it wasn't just a gunshot and they're dead. >> in the back of my head i'm going, oh, my god, just breathe, just breathe. and then i think george floyd kaofpbt breathe. i'm telling myself to breathe so i don't pass out watching this. . >> i didn't want to watch it. i had to force myself to keep looking. you want to turn away. you want to look anywhere else really. even when you look away, you still hear him crying and moaning. and it's just -- it's like an ongoing might they're. you keep seeing the video. i'm just tired of seeing it. i don't want to see this video ever again. >> i had a big gasp. i have never experienced anything like that before. i don't think any of us have. it was very, very traumatic. and it just hurt. it just hurt my whole soul, my whole body. and i felt pain for his family. it was very hard. >> after that first week, i did go down to 38th and chicago and i did pay my respects. and for me that was a closure, or at least i thought it was going to be a closure. seeing everything. you know, we saw everything cordoned on videos. but actually being there and seeing it felt really, really, really real to me. it helped me kind of close the door a bit. but i think it will be with me forever. >> such human reactions. very important to hear from them. that was a very interesting interview by don there. >> just into cnn, the first statement from the armorer on alec baldwin's film "rust" saying she's not responsible for the deadly shooting. and the climate crisis is at the heart of the biden economic agenda. the plan unveiled yesterday representing the biggest clean energy investment in u.s. history. $550 plus billion. will it be enough? 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yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. so, should all our it move to the cloud? the cloud would give us more flexibility, but we lose control. ♪ ♪ ♪ should i stay or should i go? ♪ and we need insights across our data silos, but how? ♪ if i go there will be trouble ♪ ♪ ♪ wait, we can stay and go. hpe greenlake is the platform that brings the cloud to us. ♪ should i stay or should i go now? ♪ ♪ ♪ just in to cnn, we're hearing for first time from the armorer on the set of alec baldwin film's "rust" after the deadly shooting on that set. attorneys for hannah gutierrez writing, safety is hannah's number one priority on set. ultimately this set would never have been compromised if live ammo were not introduced. hannah was -- has no idea where the live rounds came from, the whole production set became unsafe due to various factors including lack of safety meetings, not the fault of hannah. >> so this comes amid allegations that gutierrez had mishandled weapons on a previous project, something that this statement also appears to deny. let's talk about it with stu brumbaugh, serving as a key grip on a number of films. he's worked with hannah gutierrez and the assistant director on the "rust" film, david halls. stu, thank you so much for being with us. first, you worked with both of these people. tell us what you can about them, their experience, and their work ethic, the positives and the negatives, in your experience. >> you know, first i'll start with, you know, dave. i worked with him on two seasons on a tv show. he seemed like a consummate professional. i didn't have -- see anything i thought was, you know, where he was doing his job incorrectly. was he pushing schedules? yeah, but all ads do. i don't think he did anything that was unsafe or requested anything to be done unsafe. so i really don't have a whole lot to say about dave. you know, i also worked with hannah. i found her to be a great individual. she was very warm. you know, i witnessed some things on set that i thought were unsafe in my personal opinion, you know. the way she was handling firearms, we had a couple of firearm discharges that were unannounced on set, you know, there are protocols on set that need to happen for everybody's safety. why those didn't happen, i couldn't tell you. i have no idea. i'm not here to vilify anybody, from the onset of this. i've never been wanting to vilify anybody. the reason i've come forward is because there is other issues that are going on in our industry that have led to incidents like this. >> yeah, look, we're going to talk about that in a moment. i want to follow up on something you said. you said there were accidental discharges on the set that you were on with hannah gutierrez. in the statement from her lawyer, it says hannah still to this day has never had an accidental discharge. so in your opinion that claim is incorrect? >> look, you know, whether it was accidental or not, you know, whether it was accidental or not, that i can't answer. i know they were discharges on set, they were unannounced and they were protocols on set. were they test fires? i don't know. all i know is that there was no announcement about hot guns being on set. i know there were several times, excuse me two times that there were discharges on set. you know, it is not just me that saw this, it was the entire crew. it was our star and our film that had actually yelled out about the unannounced discharge. so, you know, i'm sure hannah's dealing with a lot and, look, i really feel for her. and like i said i'm not here to vilify her. i know right now everybody wants a villain. everybody wants a villain in all of this. but the root of the issue is that, you know, these films, these films get, you know, done on these shoestring budgets and, you know, why are we paying actors, you know, three, five, $10 million on these movies, but yet we can't pay for an armorer to have an extra set of hands. and that's really what's going on is that, you know, there is this -- there is hamstringing of every department in this industry, and that's really why i'm coming forward. it really -- this happening on a set at which it involves somebody that i worked with before was just the catalyst for me coming forward to say, hey, look, there needs to be some changes in this industry. there needs to be some more safety protocols. and i understand there is a checks and balances with the firearms. but in my personal opinion, a lot of those are futile. an armorer who has been around guns their entire lives, who worked with prop guns, with real guns and with blank firing weapons can walk on to a set and show it to an assistant director on set, show them the barrel is clear, or that the gun is clear, you know, they may have never met that assistant director prior to that day. they have no idea what that ads background is. that ad may have never seen a gun in their entire life. he or she is looking at a weapon, they don't know what they're looking at. but yet that gun is being passed from the armorer to an actor and that actor is also expected to look into a gun and realize it is empty or not filled with a blank and that actor may have never worked around a firearm in their lives. these protocols are lip service. >> there are a number of things in this statement from hannah guti gutierrez's lawyer that speak to what you're speaking to, which is cutting of corners. okay. and even some of these are maybe what you wouldn't have expected in earlier pictures. the lawyer says she was hired on two positions on this film which made it extremely difficult to focus on her job as an armorer. we also heard that there were safety meetings, but now her lawyer here says that the production set became unsafe due to various factors including lack of safety meetings. it says that she fought for training, days to maintain weapons and proper time to prepare for gunfire, but ultimately was overruled by production and her department. you can see how this stretches people thin. you can see how this creates room for error. what has to be done? >> look, you know, i have been in hannah's shoes. and i totally understand what she's going through and i agree with her. you can't operate two departments. that's why there is two departments because you need two department heads to run those departments. and, look, you know, i wasn't on the movie "rust." i can't speculate of what happened. but i do believe what hannah is saying to be true on that film, that she was overwhelmed with everything going on and that, look, you know, these producers found somebody who would come in and work for less money than say a hollywood veteran because a hollywood veteran is going to push back on production and say i need more manpower, i need more time, and i need, you know, we need to do our job safely and efficiently, where maybe a young person who is, you know, getting started in this business, they don't want to push back on production as hard because they're afraid that they're not going to work again or get the next job and they're trying to make a career for themselves. look, we were all 24 years old at one point. we were all trying to establish ourselves in whatever industry it is, or even figure out what industry we want to be in. and hannah's in that same situation. she is just, you know, tunnel vision, and wants to come in and do a good job. but she's being hamstrung in this industry and doesn't realize it because she doesn't have the experience in this industry to really know how to push back and have those arguments and fight those good fights so that your department is run efficiently and safely. and that's really what this is all about. i'm coming forward because these types of things shouldn't be ha happening. these departments should be run by veterans or at least people who have been around long enough to fight those good fights and understand what is going on in our industry and what is motivating our industry and what is really motivating our industry is

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

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good morning to our viewers here in the u.s. and around the world. it is friday, october 29th. i'm brianna keilar with john berman here. and chris cuomo is standing by in rome, where president biden is meeting with pope francis. they are discussing a range of issues, including poverty and the climate crisis. >> the climate crisis is at the heart of the biden agenda. it's where the biggest chunk of money is actually allocated now. there's no question the president and the white house still focused on getting that plan passed away a whirlwind and probably somewhat unfulfilling locations. that still hangs in the balance. that's not where the president is right now. he's in with the pope in this historic meeting. let's get right to chris cuomo outside st. peter's square. chris. >> even though, john, we don't know exactly what's happening, i have to believe the pope is not going to give advice to president biden to change the name of his spending bill. we are with cnn chief national correspondent jim sciutto. i have father dwyer with me to help us understand this situation. it already happened, right? we saw this huge footprint of the american president. delia gallagher was saying nobody shows force the way the united states leaders do. it is thing second catholic u.s. president to meet with a sitting pope. first one, as father dwyer told me earlier, since diplomatic relations were created in 1984 established between the u.s. and vatican. why do you think he wanted to meet with the pontiff first when arriving for the g20? >> it is deeply personal to him, his faith, catholicism. their personal relationship is deep. it has history. he met him a number of times as vice president, in 2015. you and i both covered that. and pope francis consoled biden and his family after the loss of his son beau. he described a special rapport. he said this pope is electric, the feeling that he had about pope francis and his leadership in the church. they both have similar messages, you might say. they're in institutions where they have liberal leanings. and on that as well they see a lot of overlap. it's a relationship about his faith but also about a relationship between two men. >> broader g20. economic crises abound all over the place. that's why the g20 was created in 1999, because of dissatisfaction with the g7 in solving these problems. what boxes does biden have to check here? >> they have some work to do. this is an issue that may come up with the pope. vaccine distribution. there was a target to have 40% vaccinated by the end of this year. that it's not going to happen. you might hear the pope press joe biden on that. there is a hope they make a plan to get this outside the developed country. the global supply chain. it is a real issue and affecting all the countries. and then climate. do they come out of the g20 with some sort of climate pledge they could then bring to scotland for the u.n. climate summit. by the way, of course one thing biden does not have is an agreement on the climate provisions in the infrastructure plan. there's a lot of money in the framework and budget plan, but he doesn't yet have that in writing >> while we are waiting for readouts of what happened here. he told us that footage of the pontiff meeting with president moon of south korea just came out. so there is a couple hour lag. maybe they will make it faster for the u.s. president. we'll see >> that would be great. >> but what does that look and sound lookic for pope francis to want to talk climate with an american president. . >> it is clear they want want to talk climate with a lot of these leaders. he is meeting through of them. president moon is the second catholic president. tomorrow he is meeting with prime minister modi of india. all of them will be going on to the climate summit after this. pope francis, there was original talk that he would go. largely because of his sciatica that bothers him, he will stay here. he wants to plant his message that he sent to us along to scotland. >> father dwyer is obviously of busted halo. that's his thing, not mine you can hear him on sirius xm. he has a whole thing on sirius xm. you've been writing a lot about this and why. how does it stack up between other meetings between president and pontiff? . >> it is a very significant meeting. the pope is very concerned about global warming. frankly, i think the vatican will be disappointed that the president has not been able to get the fullbacking of the congress on his climate change agenda and therefore weaken the president for the cop 26 meeting in scotland. the pope feels strongly about this and has written on the environmental crisis and global warming. and this is at the top of the agenda. my guess is that most of the time in the meeting was speaking about this. >> father reese, appreciate you very much. look, we're going to know soon. we will start to get some readouts from this. father reese, father dave dwyer and jimmy sciutto who will be covering this in your own show. we will get the implications. free anna, i'll tell you something. you know joe biden as a man and as a leader. he is very emotional and tied to his faith. it is something, if pope francis drops the hammer on him, are you going to be able to show up and really be an advocate for this, it will be interesting what that means to biden when he goes back to his constituents in the democratic party if he has a different accepts of urgency of getting something done if the pope shames him a little bit about it >> yeah. maybe the congress should visit the vatican. . >> they would all light on fire when they entered through there. . >> we will see. chris, thank you so much for that. we will continue our coverage as well on this very important day from rome. back here at home, potentially his legacy. they are in a state of limbo. house democrats delayed a vote on the infrastructure bill. lauren fox is on capitol hill with the latest. the latest, what is it? >> reporter: well, the latest is this whole negotiation is going to continue for another week, potentially another month, brianna. yesterday very significant. the house of representatives voting on a short-term transportation pill tobill to g this 'em to december 3rd. that gives more time to have discussions. that sets up the next big date, the next big deadline, the next big showdown maybe between moderates and progressives. that was the fight yesterday on kweul. progressives in one place, moderates in the other. progressives arguing they cannot trust their democratic colleagues in the senate. namely, john mann chin and kyrsten sinema arguing they needed clearer assurances that those two senators were going to be behind the $1.75 trillion framework the president laid out yesterday morning to the house democratic caucus. obviously this has major repercussions for the president's agenda. and the president said so himself yesterday in the private meeting with democrats. he said, quote, i don't think it's hyperbole to say that the house and senate majorities in my presence will be determined by what happens in the next weeks. and i think that that statement really speaks for the fact that the president knew what was on the line yesterday. moderates knew what was on the line yesterday. progressives knew. democratic leadership knew. yet they were still unable to find a consensus. now, briannbrianna, what change the next couple of weeks? progressives did support the framework that the president laid out. that is significant. that is progress. however, they also are still arguing they want to have votes on both that bigger social safety net bill and infrastructure bill in tandem. that is their key sticking point. so far they are arguing they are not coming off of that and nothing is changing yet on capitol hill. brianna. >> yeah. the mistrust between democrats is -- i haven't seen it to this degree before, lauren. we will see how that is going to play into the evolution of this process. lauren fox live for us on the hill. thank you. what is senator joe biden thinking here, and can progressives trust that they are going to have his vote. we will ask one of his former aides. for the first time since the fatal shooting on the film of "rust", we are hearing from the film's armorer. we are live in rome where the president and the pope are discussing a whole range of issues. we're expecting some readout from inside that meeting shortly. we will bring you the details as they come in. 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>> well, the big thing in the glass, this is definitely a good news, bad news situation, john. the good news is that they got a framework. that's a really big deal. the progressive caucus has agreed in principle to the larger bill. that was the big hangup. a deal is in place. it's not a matter of if, it's just a matter of when. the bad news is they didn't get a vote last night, which he wanted to have a "w" and wanted to have a feather in his cap as he went to scotland on climate change and bring elements of the bill that he could proclaim in scotland. but the good news again is ultimately it looks like the bill is going to get done now. there are details to be worked out. but it will get done. and the democrats had huge expectations on what would be in the pill and the timing. >> so, jonathan, it seemed like progressives were practically begging, just tell us you black t -- back this framework. joe manchin would. the statement he put out said president biden's framework is a product of months of negotiations and wherein put from all members of the democratic party who share a common goal to deliver for the american people. as we work through the text of the legislation, i would hope all of us would continue to deal in good faith and do what's right for the future of the american people. why couldn't he just say yes? >> because i think he needs to see the detail. he has worked in good faith. he has worked with the president. he will tell you he came up $2 trillion. he's compromised. not as much as pwarpbldz from 10 million to 2 trillion. but manchin needs to see the details. before he sees the bill, he's not going agree to something. they have been negotiating. they both have. i think it's time the progressives took a win that 98% of the party supports. pass the infrastructure bill. that's get that bill in motion, working for the american people and continue to work on a bigger bill that everybody wants to get done and everybody is working towards getting done. i don't see why he should be expected to vote for a bill that he hasn't seen the final details of. that to me seems like a bad move. >> so, mark, the biden team, this iteration of the biden team, said we have been patient about everything. we worked during the primary, the pandemic, after the election. it all paid off for joe biden ultimately. they say this will all blow over. this will get done. and people won't remember the sausage making. how true? >> listen, they are veteran hands. they know you need to tune out the noise and stay focused on the signal. and also tune out the bed wetters. i think they are waking up and saying the bed is awful wet actually. at a certain point, veterans say if we do good policy the politics will take care of itself. but it overwhelms getting the policy done. i think that's what we are seeing now. . >> what do you think, jonathan. part of me wondered all long how manchin wants the build back better plan. what is he most excited for? what do you think he will get out there and trumpet as part of this? . >> i think he will trumpet stuff that helps west virginia. that's all he cared about from the start. he started this back in march working on an infrastructure bill. he went through what was needed. he sat down and looked at what was in the reconciliation bill. he supports taking care of children, the elderly. he is talking about ways we can help the climate. but he wants to do it in a more targeted approach so, again, after we pass a massive $2 trillion spending bill, we know where all the money is going. we know exactly the people that are getting it. those are the people that need it most. i'm sure when the bill is done, we will go back to west virginia, talk to people, explain the good things that he liked in the bill and things he didn't want in the bill. as part of negotiations, you have to accept. he's just looking for ways we can move on. we're coming it of a huge recession, the pandemic hopefully. the biden administration is doing a great job of getting shots in arms. he is looking to make sure that the next 5, 10 years this benefits the one that needs most >> or there several elections tuesday, just days from now. the most contested is in virginia for the governors mansion. terry mcauliffe, what is his thought bubble? >> i think it is kind of burst, john. if he's looking at reality, it is clear he is facing enormous headwinds. youngkin is on fire. they are done a good job keeping trump out of the race. very localized race about schools, parents, what parents should be able to do in terms of interacting with their schools and the curriculum. it's really going to be -- i think youngkin is going to win, john. i think it will be a playbook for republicans for 2022. mcauliffe had hoped this bill would pass and he could use that to help him. but i'm not sure that would even help at this point. >> thank you both for being with us. president obama is about to return to the world stage. what he is expected to tell the u.n. climate summit the differences between a biden presidency and trump presidency. and the jurors in the derek chauvin murder trial will take us inside the jury room next. find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? 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and that does this motivate in the american president. father thomas reese at the religion news service. it's good to have you, father. the mother tongue here. the question is, hey -- what's going on in there? how are they talking to each other? . >> i think it is significant how long the meeting is taking place. you know, for the pope to spend over an hour with a head of state, president, is very unusual. usually these meetings are shorter than that. they are getting into issues that are of concern to the president and the pope. >> now, when we say that, uniformity of interest, with a side dish of what can you do for me? not to cheapen it, but this pope is very pushing for action, right? so now biden comes here. the democrats are all over the place. he has a lot that will be possible when delivered within these really historic spending programs. but not yet. now, does that play into it, in your estimation? do you think pope francis has the political acumen to talk about whether or not president biden will get this done and what that means going into the climate summit next week? >> yeah. i think you're absolutely right, chris. i would not be surprised if there were a couple of people in the white house who would love to have the pope give joe manchin a phone call and give him a lesson in global warming. of course that's not going to happen. the pope doesn't lobby members of congress. but the pope is very concerned about strengthening the position of the president as he goes to the cop 26 climate meeting. because it's very important that the president be able to speak strongly against global warming. but if he comes in limping because congress isn't supporting him, i think the cat van is going to be very disappointed. >> you know, very often what is pre-tom nating the conversation about catholicism does not echo the concerns of the church around the world. that's a given. however, one of the things that probably does matter sprbgts my question to you is how is this going to resonate in this meeting, is that this pope has problems with his clergy in the united states of america in terms of being lock step, respecting where he is on things, even when it comes to this president. the pope was very clear in saying, love, mercy. focus that h. don't get caught up in the focus. the bishops did not echo that. . >> well, i think that the pope is going to be very sympathetic with president biden's problems with congress. because the pope himself can't always get the bishops to go along with his program either. i think there's some sympathy between the two men on that. clearly the pope has indicated that he has never denied communion to then. this issue is not going to come up in the meeting. this is not the meeting between joe catholic and his pastor. this is a meeting between the president of the united states and a world leader who can impact public opinion all over the world. so they're going to be talking about global warming, talking about getting shots into the arms of people in africa. they might even talk about haiti and lebanon. these are the kinds of issues that the vatican wants to talk to the president about. >> what is your one big question that you are wondering about the answer to at the end of this meeting? . >> well, i think the -- i would love to be a fly on the wall in the room when the two men are by themselves talking. i think it's going to be a warm exchange, courteous exchange. both men respect each other very much. i'm a little embarrassed because i was telling all my reporter friends to watch pore the photo-op when the president and the pope come out. because i think they will be smiling quite a bit. as opposed to when the pope and president trump came out of their meeting, and the pope was kind of frowning. i think, you know, a picture tells a good story. and i think that if we do get a picture out of this meeting, we're going to see two men that are relating to one another very warmly and on substantive issues. >> i'm sure from the pope's perspective they may have been both been presidents but the current and former president are very, very different lens looking through the lens of what they see in hip. thank you. brianna, this is going to be from me. if president biden comes out of this meeting with some kind of boost of a sense of purpose, we'll see. >> yeah. is he getting a papal pep talk? . >> nothing like it. . >> nothing like it i'm sure. chris, stick around. so much more ahead with you. former presidents, don't issuely show up at world leaders events. but that's exactly where barack obama will be at the u.n. climate conference next week in gl glasgow. he will try to win back faith after four years of donald trump. edward isaac douvere joins us now. >> reporter: we usually see presidents pull back from public life entirely and certainly international affairs. this is a major conference on climate. the big one that comes every year. he will noticeably wait until a week after joe biden is there to let biden have the space for it. they are going for more of a tag-team situation rer than batman and robin. obama has a lot of credibility back crediblity and wants to go back and say the u.s., yes, moved us away from the paris climate accordance and away from looking at climate. look at what we are committed to. look at what was happening with players and governors at the local level. >> tag-team. like the von erics. old school reference there. the vast majority of americans are actually eligible for a covid booster shot. how do you tell if you're in that category ahead? as we speak, president biden is sitting down with the pope at the vatican for a conversation that is going rather long, a good sign. and what are they talking about? is anything off the table? we're live in rome. 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-easy? switch your xfinity services to your new address online in about a minute. that was easy. i know, right? and even save with special offers just for movers. really? yep! so while you handle that, you can keep your internet and all those shows you love, and save money while you're at it with special offers just for movers at the fda authorized boosters for all vaccines. the vast majority of people qualify for the extra jab. cnn's senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen joins us now to explain. i think people might be surprised by this. so tell us about it. >> reporter: that's right, brianna. polling has shown people are pretty confused about whether or not they're eligible for a booster. it seems like some people think you have to be very old or very sick to felt a booster. when you look at the details, actually it's really the vast majority of vaccinated adults are eligible for a booster once of course they pass the appropriate amount of time. so we asked the folks at the comp additional epidemiology lab at children's hospital to do a data analysis for us. let's look at sort of what they found and what some of the back ground is here. everyone who got zone son and johnson qualifies for a booster as long as they are two months past their shot. pfizer and moderna, if you are six months past your shot, 65 plus, front line worker, underlying medical condition such as being overweight, depression, anxiety, heart disease or a whole host of things, that makes you eligible to get a booster. it adds up to at least 89% of vaccine recipients. it's really way more than people think. so if you are more than six months past your pfizer or moderna shot, chances are you are eligible for a booster. >> 89%. 9 out of 10 people. what is the factor driving that high percentage? >> the factor is overweight. it used to be -- people thought you had to be obese. actually, you just have to be overweight. let's take a look at what that means. about 75% of u.s. adults are overweight. for example, if you're 5'4", 145 pounds or more, you're overweight. if you're 5'10" and you weigh 174 pounds or more, you are overweight. it is relatively easy to be overweight. and that is sort of the basis for that 89%. you add in people who have anxiety, depression, people who have diabetes, asthma, et cetera, you get up to that 89%. . >> yeah. and so many of those exacerbated by the pandemic for sure, those conditions as well. elizabeth, thank you so much for explaining that to us. >> reporter: thanks. for the very first time since finding derek chauvin guilty of murdering george floyd, five jurors and two alternates sat down with cnn's don lemon, taking us inside the jury room and reflecting on an experience that several say still haunts them. >> minneapolis police department has a model. and if i'm understanding it correctly, their model is in our custody, in our care. george floyd was in their custody. he was never in their care. and that for me just -- it just hit hard. i don't feel like they ever cared for him. >> i brought up the fact that this is not what he did but more or less what he didn't do. >> all the light bulbs went on for those people i think that were undecided or on the not guilty side. oh, my gosh, you're totally right. there is intent. where -- to not provide life-saving measures. when he knew three times there was no pulse. >> if derek chauvin had testified, do you think that would have made any difference? >> no. for me, no, not at all. the evidence was the evidence. >> still trying to understand 9 minutes and 29 seconds why. and i don't think that derek chauvin could explain that to me ever. >> i think we got here because of systemic racism within the system, right, because of what's been going on. that's how we got to a courtroom in the first place. it came down to all three verdicts, it was based on the evidence and the facts 100%. >> this was about, you know, obviously the death of a man. but i'm sure you knew the whole racial aspect of it. you are very diverse. and nobody was afraid to share their feelings on that? . >> not at all. race wasn't even ever mentioned in the three and a half weeks that we were in that courtroom. and it was never mentioned during deliberations, i don't believe. >> how much of a role did the videotape -- because the videotape was on all the time, right? you say the 9 minutes 29 seconds. >> yes. >> that's how it got to be such a big story worldwide is because of that videotape. how much of a role did it play, sh sheree? >> it played a huge role. the camera doesn't lie. and it was in slow motion at times while we were sitting there in court. so we could see every aspect of it. we saw different angles from different cameras. there was cameras on that s street, you know, monitoring traffic and crime and things like that. so it was hard. it played a huge role, though. it truly did. >> i didn't see its entirety until i was in court. seeing it day after day after day did wear on me. so much so sometimes i went home and just went in my room, shut the door and went to bed the rest of the day. it was exhausting. . >> why is that? talk to me about that. . >> it was just emotional. and to see somebody go through what mr. floyd went through when it could have been prevented. i just still can't wrap my mind around how a $20 counterfeit bill ended up in george floyd's death. i mean, how is that even possible? it's surreal to me. >> how could somebody do that to someone else? and it was a slow death. it wasn't just a gunshot and they're dead. >> in the back of my head i'm going, oh, my god, just breathe, just breathe. and then i think george floyd kaofpbt breathe. i'm telling myself to breathe so i don't pass out watching this. . >> i didn't want to watch it. i had to force myself to keep looking. you want to turn away. you want to look anywhere else really. even when you look away, you still hear him crying and moaning. and it's just -- it's like an ongoing might they're. you keep seeing the video. i'm just tired of seeing it. i don't want to see this video ever again. >> i had a big gasp. i have never experienced anything like that before. i don't think any of us have. it was very, very traumatic. and it just hurt. it just hurt my whole soul, my whole body. and i felt pain for his family. it was very hard. >> after that first week, i did go down to 38th and chicago and i did pay my respects. and for me that was a closure, or at least i thought it was going to be a closure. seeing everything. you know, we saw everything cordoned on videos. but actually being there and seeing it felt really, really, really real to me. it helped me kind of close the door a bit. but i think it will be with me forever. >> such human reactions. very important to hear from them. that was a very interesting interview by don there. >> just into cnn, the first statement from the armorer on alec baldwin's film "rust" saying she's not responsible for the deadly shooting. and the climate crisis is at the heart of the biden economic agenda. the plan unveiled yesterday representing the biggest clean energy investment in u.s. history. $550 plus billion. will it be enough? 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yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. so, should all our it move to the cloud? the cloud would give us more flexibility, but we lose control. ♪ ♪ ♪ should i stay or should i go? ♪ and we need insights across our data silos, but how? ♪ if i go there will be trouble ♪ ♪ ♪ wait, we can stay and go. hpe greenlake is the platform that brings the cloud to us. ♪ should i stay or should i go now? ♪ ♪ ♪ just in to cnn, we're hearing for first time from the armorer on the set of alec baldwin film's "rust" after the deadly shooting on that set. attorneys for hannah gutierrez writing, safety is hannah's number one priority on set. ultimately this set would never have been compromised if live ammo were not introduced. hannah was -- has no idea where the live rounds came from, the whole production set became unsafe due to various factors including lack of safety meetings, not the fault of hannah. >> so this comes amid allegations that gutierrez had mishandled weapons on a previous project, something that this statement also appears to deny. let's talk about it with stu brumbaugh, serving as a key grip on a number of films. he's worked with hannah gutierrez and the assistant director on the "rust" film, david halls. stu, thank you so much for being with us. first, you worked with both of these people. tell us what you can about them, their experience, and their work ethic, the positives and the negatives, in your experience. >> you know, first i'll start with, you know, dave. i worked with him on two seasons on a tv show. he seemed like a consummate professional. i didn't have -- see anything i thought was, you know, where he was doing his job incorrectly. was he pushing schedules? yeah, but all ads do. i don't think he did anything that was unsafe or requested anything to be done unsafe. so i really don't have a whole lot to say about dave. you know, i also worked with hannah. i found her to be a great individual. she was very warm. you know, i witnessed some things on set that i thought were unsafe in my personal opinion, you know. the way she was handling firearms, we had a couple of firearm discharges that were unannounced on set, you know, there are protocols on set that need to happen for everybody's safety. why those didn't happen, i couldn't tell you. i have no idea. i'm not here to vilify anybody, from the onset of this. i've never been wanting to vilify anybody. the reason i've come forward is because there is other issues that are going on in our industry that have led to incidents like this. >> yeah, look, we're going to talk about that in a moment. i want to follow up on something you said. you said there were accidental discharges on the set that you were on with hannah gutierrez. in the statement from her lawyer, it says hannah still to this day has never had an accidental discharge. so in your opinion that claim is incorrect? >> look, you know, whether it was accidental or not, you know, whether it was accidental or not, that i can't answer. i know they were discharges on set, they were unannounced and they were protocols on set. were they test fires? i don't know. all i know is that there was no announcement about hot guns being on set. i know there were several times, excuse me two times that there were discharges on set. you know, it is not just me that saw this, it was the entire crew. it was our star and our film that had actually yelled out about the unannounced discharge. so, you know, i'm sure hannah's dealing with a lot and, look, i really feel for her. and like i said i'm not here to vilify her. i know right now everybody wants a villain. everybody wants a villain in all of this. but the root of the issue is that, you know, these films, these films get, you know, done on these shoestring budgets and, you know, why are we paying actors, you know, three, five, $10 million on these movies, but yet we can't pay for an armorer to have an extra set of hands. and that's really what's going on is that, you know, there is this -- there is hamstringing of every department in this industry, and that's really why i'm coming forward. it really -- this happening on a set at which it involves somebody that i worked with before was just the catalyst for me coming forward to say, hey, look, there needs to be some changes in this industry. there needs to be some more safety protocols. and i understand there is a checks and balances with the firearms. but in my personal opinion, a lot of those are futile. an armorer who has been around guns their entire lives, who worked with prop guns, with real guns and with blank firing weapons can walk on to a set and show it to an assistant director on set, show them the barrel is clear, or that the gun is clear, you know, they may have never met that assistant director prior to that day. they have no idea what that ads background is. that ad may have never seen a gun in their entire life. he or she is looking at a weapon, they don't know what they're looking at. but yet that gun is being passed from the armorer to an actor and that actor is also expected to look into a gun and realize it is empty or not filled with a blank and that actor may have never worked around a firearm in their lives. these protocols are lip service. >> there are a number of things in this statement from hannah guti gutierrez's lawyer that speak to what you're speaking to, which is cutting of corners. okay. and even some of these are maybe what you wouldn't have expected in earlier pictures. the lawyer says she was hired on two positions on this film which made it extremely difficult to focus on her job as an armorer. we also heard that there were safety meetings, but now her lawyer here says that the production set became unsafe due to various factors including lack of safety meetings. it says that she fought for training, days to maintain weapons and proper time to prepare for gunfire, but ultimately was overruled by production and her department. you can see how this stretches people thin. you can see how this creates room for error. what has to be done? >> look, you know, i have been in hannah's shoes. and i totally understand what she's going through and i agree with her. you can't operate two departments. that's why there is two departments because you need two department heads to run those departments. and, look, you know, i wasn't on the movie "rust." i can't speculate of what happened. but i do believe what hannah is saying to be true on that film, that she was overwhelmed with everything going on and that, look, you know, these producers found somebody who would come in and work for less money than say a hollywood veteran because a hollywood veteran is going to push back on production and say i need more manpower, i need more time, and i need, you know, we need to do our job safely and efficiently, where maybe a young person who is, you know, getting started in this business, they don't want to push back on production as hard because they're afraid that they're not going to work again or get the next job and they're trying to make a career for themselves. look, we were all 24 years old at one point. we were all trying to establish ourselves in whatever industry it is, or even figure out what industry we want to be in. and hannah's in that same situation. she is just, you know, tunnel vision, and wants to come in and do a good job. but she's being hamstrung in this industry and doesn't realize it because she doesn't have the experience in this industry to really know how to push back and have those arguments and fight those good fights so that your department is run efficiently and safely. and that's really what this is all about. i'm coming forward because these types of things shouldn't be ha happening. these departments should be run by veterans or at least people who have been around long enough to fight those good fights and understand what is going on in our industry and what is motivating our industry and what is really motivating our industry is

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2015 , Leadership , Feeling , Special Rapport , Church , Messages , Men , Institutions , Crises , Overlap , Leanings , Issue , Place , Problems , Work , Dissatisfaction , G7 , Boxes , 1999 , It , Joe Biden , Press , Hope , Vaccine Distribution , Target , The End , 40 , Climate , Sort , Country , Countries , Supply Chain , Climate Pledge , Course , Scotland , Infrastructure Plan , Climate Provisions , Agreement , U N Climate Summit , Framework , Readouts , Writing , Pontiff Meeting , Budget Plan , Footage , Look , Lag , Moon , Sound Lookic , South Korea , Second Catholic , Wall , Prime Minister , Sciatica , Talk , India , Message , Sirius Xm , Busted Halo , Meetings , Fullbacking , Global Warming , Frankly , Meeting , Congress , Crisis , Cop 26 , 26 , Agenda , Father Reese , Guess , Top , Most , Father , Jimmy Sciutto , Implications , Show , Anna , Something , Man , Leader , Advocate , Hammer , Bit , Democratic Party , Constituents , Urgency , Rome , Light , Coverage , Fire , Home , Infrastructure Bill , Latest , Vote , Legacy , State , Limbo , Capitol Hill , Lauren Fox , Reporter , Negotiation , House Of Representatives , Progressives , Moderates , Discussions , Showdown , Em To December 3rd , 3 , December 3rd , Other , Colleagues , Senate , Assurances , Kyrsten Sinema , Kweul , John Mann Chin , Senators , House Democratic Caucus , 1 75 Trillion , 75 Trillion , Majorities , House , Repercussions , Hyperbole , Statement , Line , Presence , Fact , Progress , Consensus , Briannbrianna , Bill , Infrastructure , Social Safety Net Bill , Sticking Point , Votes , Nothing , Haven T , Lauren , Mistrust , Degree , Evolution , Film , Shooting , Time , Process , Aides , The Hill , Details , Armorer , Rust , Readout , Hearing , Health , Marcia , Dental Implants , Periodontal Disease , Solution , Teeth , Clearchoice , Forde , H I V , World , Key , Ability , Biktarvy , Doctor , Treatment , Amount , Adults , Pill , Cure , Virus , Side Effects , Kidney Problems , Lab Test , Sex , Can , Kidney Failure , Research , Liver Problems , Breastfeeding , Kidney , Hepatitis , Buildup , Medicines , Lactic Acid , Rifampin , Hepatitis B , Dofetilide , Headache , Nausea , Diarrhea , Experience , Ideas , Dark , Pharmacy , Flexibility , Cloud , It Move , Refills , Prime , Meds , Shipping , Amazon , Trouble , Data Silos , Hpe Greenlake , Platform , Anything , Guests , 1200 , Network Solutions , Security , Network , Activecore Platform , Devices , Cyberthreat , Anywhere , Comcast Business , Power , Sd Wan , Big Day , Network Management , Business Powering Possibilities , Stalemate , Deal , Trip , Thinking Sinema , Plans , Victory , Lawmakers , Glass , Joe Manchin , Legislation , Social Bill , Josh Cot , Mark Mckinnon , Co Host Of The Circus On Show Time , News , Morning , Matter , Principle , If , Progressive Caucus , Big Hangup , Last Night , Cap , W , Feather , Elements , Democrats , Expectations , Timing , You Black T , Negotiations , Members , Product , All Of Us , Detail , Text , Couldn T He , Trillion , 10 Million , 2 Trillion , Negotiating , Everybody , Motion , It S Time , Party , Win , 98 , He Hasn T , Team , Move , Everything , Pandemic , Primary , Election , Iteration , Blow , Patient , Hands , Signal , Noise , Bed Wetters , Sausage Making , Listen , Care , Point , Policy , Bed , Veterans , Politics , Part , Build , Back , Trumpet Stuff , Trumpet , Start , West Virginia , Children , Ways , Reconciliation Bill , Elderly , Approach , Recession , Job , Shots , Arms , Administration , Elections , 5 , 10 , Kind , Terry Mcauliffe , Contested , Thought Bubble , Reality , Governors Mansion , Burst , Parents , Race , Schools , On Fire , Headwinds , Job Keeping Trump , Youngkin , Terms , Interacting , Playbook , Curriculum , Republicans , 2022 Mcauliffe , 2022 , President Obama , The World Stage , Jurors , Presidency , Rhythm , Jury Room , Differences , Derek Chauvin Murder Trial , Nutrients , Chip , Breaking Point , Blend , Best , Trust Safelite , Windshield , Emergen C , Emergen C Tech , Couple , Tech , Service , Insurance , Safelite , Cost , Woman , Singers , Farmers Market , Safelite Repair , Town , Pizza , Candidates , Job Description , Indeed Instant Match , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Customer Support , In Business , Mission Critical , Example , Carl , Grammarly Business , Bottom Line Superheros , Superpower , Tone , Spot On Customer Support , Take Carl , Frontline Reps , Relationships , Customers , Customer Satisfaction , Grammarly Com Business , 17 , Case , Worth , Car Accident , Firm , Call , Result , Barnes , Atat T Bararnefirmrm , Insurance Wasn T Fair , Car Hit My Motorcycle , R , Inry , Attneysys Wk Hahard , Firm Injury Attorneys , You U , Mit Bebe Sprisised , Eight Hundred , Eight Million , Pictures , Europe , 9 , 0 , Chris Cuomo , Let S Go , Second Catholic U S President , Catholic , Ic Relatio , Stop , City , Tons , Roep , Buff , Religion News Service , Question , Head Of State , Mother Tongue , Concern , Interest , Action , Uniformity , Side Dish , Spending Programs , Whether , Estimation , Acumen , Phone Call , Lesson , Position , Doesn T Lobby Members Of Congress , Congress Isn T , Cat , Conversation , Concerns , Given , Pre Tom Nating , Being Lock Step , Clergy , Bishops , Love , Saying , H Don T Get , Mercy , Program , Sympathy , World Leader , Communion , Pastor , Joe Catholic , Opinion , Kinds , Africa , Lebanon , Haiti , Room , Answer , Fly On The Wall , Exchange , Pore , Reporter Friends , Trump , Photo Op , Frowning , Picture , Story , Presidents , Perspective , Lens , Hip , Boost , Pep , Don T Issuely , Sense Of Purpose , Stick Around , Gl Glasgow , U N Climate Conference , World Leaders Events , Back Faith , Donald Trump , Edward Isaac , Douvere , Four , Life , The Big One , Conference , Affairs , Space , More , Yes , Situation Rer , Credibility , Crediblity , Batman And Robin , Players , Governors , Level , Paris , Majority , There , Booster Shot , Tag Team , Reference , Old School , Von Erics , Covid , Sign , Category , Table , Sky , Mind , Humming , Mine Woah , Woah No Ceiling , Movers , Offers , Handful , Moving , Services , Kidding , Address , Xfinity , Internet , Save , Yep , Boosters , Vaccines , Jab , Fda , That S Right , Polling , Elizabeth Cohen , Booster , Data Analysis , Epidemiology Lab , Folks , Children S Hospital , Some , Everyone , Pfizer , Shot , Moderna , Back Ground , Johnson , Zone Son , Six , 65 , Depression , Anxiety , Worker , Condition , Overweight , Heart Disease , Host , Front Line , 89 , Chances , Vaccine Recipients , Factor , Take A Look , 75 , 145 , 4 , 174 , Asthma , Basis , Many , Diabetes , Et Cetera , George Floyd , Conditions , Sure , Thanks , Derek Chauvin , Five , Model , Minneapolis Police Department , Jury , Say , Alternates , Don Lemon , Custody , Side , Bulbs , Gosh , Pulse , Measures , Three , Evidence , Difference , Courtroom , System , Racism , Verdicts , Death , Aspect , Feelings , Facts , Nobody , 100 , Role , Race Wasn T , Deliberations , Videotape , It Play , Court , Sheree , Angles , Camera Doesn T Lie , Cameras , Crime , That S Street , Traffic , Door , Rest , Somebody Go , Mr , Somebody , Counterfeit Bill , Someone Else , 20 , Head , Gunshot , It Wasn T , Just Breathe , Floyd Kaofpbt Breathe , George , God , Moaning , Video , Ongoing , Big Gasp , Pain , Have , Body , Soul , Closure , Respects , Chicago , 38 , Videos , Interview , Don There , Human Reactions , Energy , Investment , Alec Baldwin , Cookoking , Seal , Obsessed , Heart Healthy , Grown In Idaho , Idaho Potatoes , Big Idaho Potato Truck , 50 , 550 , Music , Battle Sounds From Phone , Phone , Battle Sounds Stop , Dragon Roar , Protein , Sugar , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Company , Spreadsheets , Abbot Sonic , Visit Indeed Com Hire My Nunormal , Kayak , Ocean , Eosinophils , Breathing Problems , Reactions , Add On Injection , Nucala , Asthma Attacks , Infections , Nunormal , Breathing , Help , Injection Site Reactions , Tongue , Back Pain , Infection , Swelling , Face , Mouth , Shingles , Fatigue , Don T Stop Steroids , Brain Performance , Someone , Memory Supplements , Neuroscientist , Indicators , Science , Neuriva Plus , Neuriva , Tv , Set , Safety , Priority , Attorneys , Ammo , Hannah Gutierrez Writing , Hannah Guti Gutierrez , Safety Meetings , Production Set , Idea , Factors , Lack , Rounds , Allegations , Fault , Weapons , Films , Let , Stu Brumbaugh , Project , Key Grip , Assistant Director , Both , David Halls , Dave , Tv Show , Positives , Work Ethic , Negatives , Seasons , Ads , Professional , Schedules , Individual , Unsafe , Firearm , Firearms , Didn T , Protocols , Anybody , Onset , Industry , Reason , Led , Incidents , Lawyer , Discharge , Discharges , Claim , Fires , Guns , Announcement , Saw , Dealing , Star , Crew , Villain , Root , Movies , Shoestring Budgets , Actors , Films Get , 0 Million , Department , What S Going On , Hamstringing , Safety Protocols , Changes , Checks , Balances , Catalyst , Lives , Prop Guns , Firing Weapons , Gun , Ads Background , Barrel , Ad , Actor , Weapon , Lip Service , Blank , Corners , Positions , Production , Gunfire , Training , Shoes , Error , Departments , Believe , Movie , Department Heads , Producers , Veteran , Manpower , Hollywood , Say A Hollywood , Person , Situation , Career , Tunnel Vision , 24 , Doesn T , Fights , Shouldn T Be Ha , Types , Arguments ,

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