Transcripts For CNN State of the Union with Jake Tapper and

Transcripts For CNN State of the Union with Jake Tapper and Dana Bash 20240709

joins my exclusively in moments. needing a booth. splat americans rush to get another shot as the gap grows. in a state where less than 50% are vaccinated. what, if anything, will convince them. governor asa hutchinson is next. hello. i'm jake tapper in washington, where the state of the union is want been to be a fly on the wall president biden is hosting joe manchin and chuck schumer in delaware today. democrats have just seven days until october 31st. that's the date that speaker pelosi set to advance the agenda. this week, president biden secretsed confidence his party would deliver, but now it's clear that the social policy bill will be far less than the original $3.5 trillion. it's not clear what will make it into the final package. democrats have to make touch choices about which big-ticket items to prioritize joining us now, speaker of the house, nancy pelosi who is here in studio. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> how close to a deal are you in this package of elder care, daycare, child care, family leave, that stuff, whatever you want to call. the social safety net bill we call it. >> first, thank you for the opportunity to talk about that this morning. i'm glad you talked about covid in your opening here, because that's how we start all of our meetings. what are we doing to protect the american people to stop the spread of covid. i want to commend president biden for have been a completely different approach than his predecessor on this. we have to correct a lot of what went on then. we're on a good path. the good news about children being safely able to be vaccinated is something to help stop the spread. so thank you for focusing on t that. >> we talk about it all day every day. >> we just have some of last decisions to be made. it is less than was projected to begin with, but still bigger than anything we have ever done in terms of addressing the needs of america's working families. it is all that you said about care, but it's also about the climate piece, which is a health issue, a jobs issue, a security issue, and a values issue for us. we will have something that will meet the president's goals. i feel very confidence about that, even though it will be different from what we originally proposed. >> by the time he leaves for europe, do you think? >> i think we're pretty much there now. >> you have a deal now? >> we're almost there. it's just the language of it, but it will not offend, shall we say, the concern that senator bhanching i ing -- manchin had, the goal is to reach the emissions control, because we were prepared with our select committee headed by kathy castor. we had other options to reach the goal. >> as a side issue, because there's a lot of people eager for the bipartisan infrastructure bill to be voted on, and progressives have said they won't vote for that unless there's a deal. you said the house must part the infrastructure plan by october 31st, which is a week from today. moderates are frustrated, two deadlines have been missed. >> wait a minute. there was no deadline that was missed because of the progressives. the deadline was missed because they changed from 3.5 to one half of that, and we've had to go in and everything is good in the bill. what do you cut? so in terms of this date, this date is fraught with meaning, because on october 31st is the day that the highway trust fund authorization expires. if that expires, we have to get billions of dollars someplace to continue that. the best way to do that is to pass the bill. having nothing to do with all the other, shall we say, deliberations that are going on you are o. chair of the committee, peter defazio is a master of the transportation infrastructure committee says we must pass it by october 31st. >> i'm not blaming anything on them, but they have said that they will not vote for the b.i.f., bipartisan infrastructure plan, unless this is agreed to. >> are you saying the framework will be agreed to? >> let's call it an agreement. >> there will be an agreement on that, and you will also vote for the bipartisan infrastructure bill, both of those things will happen in the next week? >> that's the plan. right now, as you indicated, the two -- leader schumer, senator manchin, and the president are having the meeting on some of the particulars that need to be finalized. i'm opt mystic we can do that. again, when one basket washington climate, which is a jobs bill, a bill for the children, for the future, is the healthcare piece of it, strengthening affordable care act, expanding medicaid, and expanding medicare. >> let's get into it, because they're important. >> then the third basket is we're getting into it -- just so we have the third bucket -- is the care. >> elder care, child care. >> child care and universal pre-k go together. when we say home health care, that's for elder or children, or siblings who are disabled, something like that. >> so is family leave going to make it into the final bill? family level? >> that's what we're fighting for senator sinema has said she will not support raising the corporate tax rate, raising the tax on high-wage earners, and president biden has acknowledged that might mean you can't pay for the rest of the bill using those sources of revenue. do you have an alternate way? >> we do. we were ready to pay for $3.5, so we certainly can pay for half of that. >> what is it a billionaires tax? >> that has an appeal, but doesn't produce that much money. because the bill is not written yet, and we hope it to be written today and introduced tomorrow, only then can the joint tax committee evaluate what it brings in. we ants pay $250 billion, but we need closer to $2 trillion. so we have other things? >> such as? >> we have enforcement. that's several hundred billion, the overseas -- that's a few hundred billion. we have an array -- we have an array. i'm not going to say what they are. >> corporate minimum tax? elizabeth warren was talking on "the lead" the other day in amazon makes hundreds of billions and pays zero, this is legislation requires them to pay something. >> the president during these campaign had a market rate -- excuse me, a book rate proposal. that is being evaluated as well, as to how much that brings in, but that's another way to tax the increase in wealth in corporate america. but the thing is that, whether we use increasing the corporate tax rate, increases the tax on some of the other aspects of it. >> wealth tax, billionaires tax? >> no, some other aspect. >> okay. >> we probably will have a wealth tax, but it's only 10% of what we need, and the other things are more like $800 billion versus $200 billion, but we can use them another time. they don't go away as a source of revenue to pay for how we go forward. >> you said you probably will have a wealth tax. >> well, we'll see. we haven't seen the bill. >> you said it's being written right now and you're going to send it to -- >> this is a senate proposal. they supposedly are writing it today, and then tax the joint stacks committee is the one that says this is how much you get from that. but, again, on our side, we have been totally ready with alternatives in terms of house and senate and the white house. >> was your spojs to progressive that is democrats are in danger of breaking the promise to roll back the trump tax cuts. >> we'll probably more than pay for the bill. one bill does not make -- look -- >> might as well take another crack at -- >> 1.9 trillion, and the infrastructure bill ar $3 trillion, and this around $2 trillion. nobody has done anything that remarkable. while it isn't everything put out originally, it takes us down a path where we can continue investments in these. now, this piece, the care piece, with the climate health, the care piece is the -- is all three of them make it terrorism atiff, americtransformative. >> one of questions is paid family leave, and the expansion in medicare to enjoy -- to include, rather, dental, vision and hearing coverage. is that going to be in the bill? >> well, that's part of the negotiation. dental is very expensive, so hearing and visual, and dental, but dental will take a little long tore implement. that's part of the negotiation right now. >> you're saying dent at might not make it. >> it will be on a path. what they told us, and i don't quite understand why, but we've been told by people who know about these things, it will take five, six years in order to implement the dental. so how do we, say, fill in the blank there? bernie has some suggestions about how to do that. >> bernie sanders, the independent from vermont. you talk about how you're almost there, except for 10% of the bill. you also talk about how the house is there, you're ready, you're going to pass it, and it's really the two senate holdouts. are you frustrated with them? >> i'm respectful of everybody's point of view. i do not want the trump tax cuts perpetuated, but i don't want anybody to think if we don't address those right now, that they're off the take. we will use them for something at some point. you can't use the wealth tax and tax the billionaires, which is what we should be doing and let corporate american off the hook. corporate american will be paying because of the overseas tax and some of the other provisions that are very technical to go into right now. we'll know more tomorrow to see what makes the cut, and then worth the time to go into it. >> there is also the issue of the debt ceiling. >> that's a separate issue. >> but in terms of how you get it through the congress to president biden's desk may be separate, maybe not. congress acted to raise the debt league through december 3rd. after that minority leader mcconnell says you're on your own. a default would be devastating for the american economy, for the world economy. are you willing to attach raising the debt ceiling to the social safety net package? or if not, to use reconciliation which means only 51 votes needed? >> that's one path. we've hoping you have to bipartisanship. we didn't participate in giving a tax cam to the top 1% part of this debt is about 3%, the former president when he was in office we had to do three times -- even talking about it is not a good idea. it did lower the credit rating of the country it seems they'ring on with it when there's a republican president. six to 7 million jobs could be lost. consequences that could last for decades. >> why not get rid of the debt ceiling? >> we have had a plan to do that as well. there's a number of plans to do that, but would the republicans agree to that before we, again -- >> so your mind is open in terms of whether or not you use reconciliation or whether or not you attach it? >> we would still rather have bipart bipartisanship. >> and it's very, very important. >> absolutely. the house voted to hold steve bannon in contempt for failing to comply with a subpoena. do you think they should go to jail? >> i do. first of all, people say this hasn't happened before. we haven't had an insurrection incited by the president of the united states and one of the his toadies having advanced knowledge of that happened. so it's important for us to find the truth about what happened on january 6th but it's also important to, in terms of the separation of power and checks and balances of the constitution, which is the genius of the constitution. >> absolutely. >> for this to happen in this way. if the committee decides, you're willing to have that happen, too? >> i don't get involved in the decision of the committee, but they have everything on the table. i want you to listen to a key moment in which president biden was talking about voting rights in the cnn town hall with anderson cooper the other time. take a listen. >> when it comes to voting rights, would you entertain the notion of doing away with the filibuster on that one issue? >> and maybe more. >> that's president biden saying he is willing to entertain the notion of getting rid of the fill bust for the voting rights act, and maybe for other things as well. do you agree with him on that one issue, that at the end of the day, having a voting rights bill is more importance than -- the most important vote right now in the congress of the united states is the vote to respect the sanctity of the vote, the fundamental basis of our democracy, that one vote that the filibuster could enable to go forward. that would be the vote. we're talking about stopping the suppression of the vote and the nullification of the elections. we're talking about redistricting, a way that's fair, may not benefit ds, but might open up some of these republican seats. it talks about stopping the big, dark, crush up special-interest money and empowers the grassroots. then, in addition for that, the voting rights act, john lewis wrote the first 300 pages of the first bill. mr. manchin has weighed in, the compromise that they vote odd last week is perfectly good, but we didn't get any republican votes. >> so it's worth it to you -- >> it's fundamental to our democracy. mind you, just to remind what's his name was president was -- and the republicans were in power. >> donald trump? >> mitch mcconnell pulled back the filibuster to enable, with simple majorities, three justice to see go to the supreme court for life. you would think that they could pull it back for the american people to have the vote in a way -- >> so you're on board with that -- >> i'm not on board, it's the most the important vote. >> you're leading the way. are you going to run for reelection? >> you think i'm going to make an announcement here and now? >> yeah. why not? you're going to run for reelection, though, yes? >> why would i tell you that now? >> it's not just me, it's the american people, the world. >> i probably would have that conversation with nigh family first, if you don't mind. >> thank you so much. best of luck with the legislation. i know it's a heavy lift. >> thank you. high gas prices, and a backed-up supply chain, what is the biden administration doing to fix it. and millions of americans eligible for booster. is the divide between the vaccinated and the anti-vaccine crowd wide innocence? 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( abbot sonic ) >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ welcome back to "state of union." covid cases and deaths are on the decline, but it's clear the effects will play ute for months, even years. as americans look ahead to the holiday season we're worried about rising inflation, a backed-up supply chain delaying orders and painfully high prices at the gas pump. joining us to discuss is secretary yellen. good to see you. thanks so much for joining us. we have a lot to get to, but you just heard speaker pelosi. she floated new ways to pay for this bill such as a wealth tax, because it does appears that raising the tax rates for corporations and top wage earners are out. can you still guarantee this bill will be paid for? >> as the speaker noted, we have a variety of different ways to raise revenue. all in all, it should be relatively straightforward to raised revenue necessary to pay for this bill. the final package, exactly what's in and out, hasn't been decided. that's being negotiated now. >> do you think that a wealth tax will be part of it? can you explain what that would look like? >> well, you think what's under consideration is a proposal that senator wyden and the senate finance committee have been looking at that would impose a tax on unrealized capital gains, on liquid assets held by extremely wealthy individuals, billionaires. i wouldn't call that a wealth tax, but it will get at capital gains which are an extraordinarily large part of the incoming of the wealthiest individuals, and right now escape taxation until they're realized. often they're unrealized in the death benefit from the so-called step up of basis. it's a tax on unrealized capital gains of exceptionally wealthy individuals. >> the biden administration is trying to reach this deal to spend about another $2 trillion, makes a total of an extraordinary $5 trillion in spending this year. inflation is growing at its fastest pace in 30 years. if the economy is already overheating, is spending even more money essential pouring gas on the inflation fire? >> well, the additional spending in the infrastructure package, and in the build back better package, both of those are spending over ten years, not in a single year. the rescue package did involve substantial spending this year. let's remember that a benefit of that package is that unemployment is declined to 4.8%, that americans tell us that they feel confident they can find jobs now, the size of the labor force that is declined. it's not moved back to pre-pandemic levels, in part because of covid, because of health concerns, because of child care concerns, school concerns i. and so many firms are experiencing a shortage of labor s the covid shocked to the economy has caused disruptions we'll be working through over the next year, and, of course, americans have not seen inflation like we have experienced recently in a long time. as we get back to norm at, expect that to end. already on a monthly basis, the inflation numbers are way down below their peaks. you know, the covid crisis markedly diminished spending on services, and caused a reallocation of spending towards goods. the supply of goods to americans has increased substantially, but there's still pressure there, and there are shutdowns and covid impacts in asia where we import many goods from. so we are experiencing a lot of supply bottlenecks -- >> right. >> there's a shortage of semiconductors. that's pushed up the prices of used cars and caused a reduction in production of new cars. this is temporary pains that result from a covid economy. >> right, so -- let me ask about that. while it's heart impacting everything from gas price to say groceries, when do you expect the inflation to get back to the 2% range, which is considered normal? 2022? 2023? when? >> well, i expect that to happen next year. monthly rates of inflation have already fallen substantially from the very high rates that we saw in the spring and early summer. >> by the end of -- by the middle to end of next year -- >> send half of 2022. larry summers has been sounding alarm bells for months. take a listen to what he calls very disturbing inflationary numbers last week. >> now we see inflation becoming more widespreads spreading to the housing and labor markets he says we're more in danger of losing kropf -- control of inflation. >> i think he's wrong. it's something that's obviously a concern as we make further progress on the pandemic, i expect these bottlenecks to subside, americans will return to the labor force, as conditions improve. remember, the spending we did that partially has caused this high demand for goods, it's been very important in making sure that the pandemic hasn't had a scarring effect on american workers. it's given them enough income and support to get through this while still being able to put food on their tables, keep roofs over their heads. >> right. >> when you don't hear people talking about, i'm worried about being ability to get a job, remember that's a very good impact that the rescue packages had. what we're talking about with infrastructure and build back better, this is a relatively small amount of spending over a decade. we need this spending to make our economy productive, to make sure that families have the support, take care of that children, and to work -- >> so -- >> -- it will support -- there's a record-breaking 4.3 million americans who left their jobs just in august. it's a phenomenon that some are calling the great resignation. this comes as almost 11 million jobs are currently opened, waiting to be filled. why are americans not taking these jobs? and what are you and the white house doing to get people back to work? >> well, right now we have a very tight labor market. when the labor market is tight and americans feel good about their ability to get another job, they're more likely to quit a job, they're getting outside job offers, taking them. that shows up in those statistics, so we have a good, tight labor market. firms are obviously having trouble hiring workers, but labor supply is depressed by the pandemic. that's because of the health concerns, because of child care, and as we get beyond the pandemic, i expect labor supply to increase, and it's good, i think, to see wages begin to rise, especially for those americans who had the most insecure jobs, and the lowest wages, and to see some improvement there is something we should be pleased with. you projected the u.s. will run out of the money to pay its bills on december 3rd unless congress once again acts. senator mcconnell says the democrats have to do it alone. we spoke it speaker pelosi on whether they will do it on req sill yapgs. how concerned are you that a default may actually happen this time? >> well, i consider it utterly sev essential that the debt be raised. it's inconceivable that the u.s. says it's unwilling to pay the bills it's agreed to spend. it is about paying the bills that result from past decisions of congress about spending and taxation. it would be utterly catastrophic, something that has not ever happened in the history of america. our assets, our treasuries are regard as the safest assets on the planet, because america can be counted on, always has, to pay its bills. i personally believe this is as responsibility that republicans and democrats should share, that it's something that both parties should do together. it's a housekeeping matter, doing what's necessary to pay our bills. i have confidence it will get done, but i will leave it to the speaker and to leader schumer to figure out what the best way is forward on that. >> lastly, madam secretary, i asked senator elizabeth warren a few days ago about why she opposed renominating fed chair jerome powell. she calls him a dangerous man. take a listen. if he reappoints powell, will you fight it? will you stop it? >> i will oppose it and use the tools i've got. i don't want to make another five-year bet on someone whose entire attitude is that he's not going to work to rein in the giant financial institutions. >> bloomberg reports that you privately support renominating fed chair powell for another term. is that true? do you support the renomination of chair powell? >> well, i'm not going to talk about the advice that i'm giving to the president. it's up to him to decide what is best. i would say that during his term and during my term and bernanke's term, regulation of financial institutions has been markedly strengthened. it's important to note that, when the pandemic struck, although there were huge stresses in financial markets, that the core of our financial system did very well because of the improvements in capital liquidity, risk management, stress testing and those improvements have stayed in place during the powell regime. >> secretary yellen, thank you so much for your time today. we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. governors may have some power to ease supply chain issues. i'll ask one governor. and a horrible tragedy on a film set in new mexico this week. what happened next? 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>> well, the greatest concern americans have right now is the rising cost of fuel, gasoline, and groceries. whenever you hear speaker pelosi talk about the trillion dollar package, it hasn't been written, it can't be explained. you did a great job asking her questions about it, but it was as clear as mud. what that tells the american people is, we've got inflationary pressures that impact them, it's the cruelist tax and now all we see is more government spending, a trillion dollar plan out there, and it can't be explained. it's worrisome as a governor to hear what's planned. we do need the bipartisan infrastructure bill that's critical for roads, for broadband, it's for water infrastructure, but this social engineering plan that they have, this trillions, will simply add to inflationary pressures that is already costing the average american a great deal. let's turn to covid if we can. only 47% of your state is fully vaccinated. it places arkansas in the bottom ten for vaccinations. you're vaccinated. ive very clearly encouraging arkansans to get vaccinated. why are so many still refusing? >> first of all, we're making progress. those that have been vaccinated are now lining up to get their booster shots. we do see it as the way out. the resistance is hard in some areas. part of it is simply because of the controversy because of mandates. it deepens the resistance. that's something we have to overcome, but i don't see that controversy going away anytime seen. with osha issuing mandates for businesses to require vaccinate of employees, that's going to intensify the controversy. we can make progress step by step in terms of increasing vaccination, but the side c circus, in terms of that controversy, there will be lawsuits filed. that will continue for some time. we're going to continue to push for vaccine adoption. whenever you see what's happened in the uk with an increase in cases, we know that covid can throw us more curves coming down the road. we want to be prepared with increased vaccinations. >> last week you admittinged that businesses imposing their own mandates are effective. you also said you're a, quote, a emp defender of an employer's right to impose mandates. but wouldn't you be saving lives if you imposed a vaccine mandate on state employees who ultimately work for you? >> well, it would probably increase vaccination rates, but it also would increase the resistance of some. some would lose their jobs. it would hurt their families, and it would, in the broader population, also create that controversy and resistance. so it's a bualance there. that's why private businesses should have the opportunity, if they want to require vaccination in their sensitive workplace, they ought to be able to do that. government doesn't need to tell them to do that. i'm for reducing mandates across the board in regards to the vaccinations. people will make the right decision over time when he get the right information. so, sure, tyson's requires vaccination, their rate goes up. others are urging it to happen in their workplace. it goes up there as well. i think it's a balance, but what works in arkansas is not the mandate side of it, but it's the education side and businesses have been the prerogative to make their own decisions without the government telling them what to do. >> arkansas requires children entering schools to be vaccinated for diphtheria, tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis-b, hepatitis ha, chickenpox. would it save lives if you added the covid list for mandatory vaccines for children? >> well, let's look at that more deeply. first of all, those are state by state vaccine requirements. first of all, the federal government has never mandated -- >> no, i'm asking you. i'm just talking about what arkansas mandates. >> absolutely. so, there may be a time in the future you would want to mandate that in the schools, but that time is not now. we need to have more experience with that. we need to have more public acceptance of it, of the vaccine. so it could happen down the road. it also depends on the severity of the covid outbreak and whether cases skyrocket again or not. right now they're at a very low level in arkansas. it can happen, it may happen, but now is not the right time to do that. we need more information and to be able to build public confidence to a greater point, but it is a state decision. >> you've said, quote, relitigating 2020 is a recipe for disaster in 2022. as president trump is constituent out there pushing the big lie, attacking your fellow republicans for sticking to the facts, going after individual lawmakers who maintained the rule of law, law secretary raft raffensperger in georgia. how worried are you as we approach the mid terms next year? >> i'm optimistic. you look at our competition, and the democratic party is divided. they have their extremes that they're concerned about. secondly, when we're talking about keeping the line on taxes, reducingen flation, that's where america is, and we have great candidates. glen in virginia is doing a great job there, has the potential to win that race this year. that's an example of what we need to see, verse the past in 2020, let's move on >> one thing i would like to say about that, he has not embraced it the way we like to see people do it. do you think that's one of the reasons why this race is competitive? >> i think glenn has balance and handled it very well talking about the future. he hasn't -- his race has not depended upon donald trump, nor should it. >> governor asa hutchinson, thank you very much. appreciate your time. this week on the set of a film in new mexico, actor alec baldwin fired a prop gun that killed the cinematographer and wounded the director joel souza, horrific and tragic incident. we will ultimately learn what went so wrong and accountability, of course, is essential. but before we can even get to that, there is the tragedy of this moment. halyna hutchins was 42 from ukraine, a rising star in her field. the wife of matthew hutchins, the mother of a boy an dru chris hutchins. heartbreak for normal people. but there's something about our politics right now that is driving people away from our shared humanity. republican congresswoman lauren boebert of colorado apparently spent time and did some digging about baldwin's hands up, don't shoot movement. baldwin, is, of course, not only progressive but very aggressive and outspoken about liberal issue, including gun control. the colorado congresswoman thought it was funny to exploit hands up, don't shoot, to make a joke at the expense of baldwin but really more importantly to make a joke at the expense of halyna hutchins and her husband matthew and their son. most disappointing, perhaps, was a tweet from the former marine and law grad and for a time cnn contributor, hired because of his perceived insight and empathy. vance is a conservative for whom a lot of folks once had great hope, would rise to become a real leader but he's running in a senate primary in ohio that seems to have become the fear factor for american politics, with contestants positioned against one another, as to who can conformtively appeal to the best at the lowest, common denominator. vance joke egg asked for twitter to remove its ban on donald trump, because, quote, we need alec baldwin tweets. in other words, vance appears to be saying we need to see donald trump attack baldwin hours after this tragedy at this moment to exploit this horror in which an innocent woman, mother, wife, artist was killed. vance seems to want trump to attack and mock for a global audience alec baldwin for killing a woman in what almost certainly was a tragic accident, regardless of the pain of matthew hutchins or andros hutchins. and really this impacts baldwin, how might such an incident impact you? he did this, j.d. vance, why? presumably because he thinks it will help him win supporters. he did it to win votes. in other words, the cruelty is a feature of his candidacy, not a bug. vance is seemingly following the playbook of donald trump, whose response to the death of secretary colin powell a few days ago was to issue a statement attacking powell. following similar attacks that he made against the late john mccain and the late john dingell, after they had died. violations of basic decency, ones we see repeatedly with the republican party's embrace of individuals such as congresswoman marjorie taylor greene from georgia, her reaction in 2018 to a deadly fire in the western united states was to go on facebook and speculate that wealthy jewish americans might be using lasers to cause the fires to make money somehow. a deranged anti-semitic conspiracy theory. nuts. one that was brought up by congresswoman liz cheney when marjorie taylor greene started berating cheney on the house floor this week. now, cheney has been ostracized by her party for standing against trump lies and for wanting to get to the bottom of the deadly insurrection on january 6th. green, well, she was described by one democratic congressman as seeming rather gleeful on that day, january 6th. though green denies it. either way ask yourself, which of these congresswoman is more likely to be given a speaking slot at the 2024 republican convention? a longtime republican official texted me after j.d. vance's tweet, quote, being a horrible person, he wrote, is now actually a job requirement in this party, unquote. i hope to god that that republican official is wrong. thanks for spending your sunday morning with us. many "gps with fareed zakaria" is next. ♪ say it's all right ♪ ♪ say it's all right, it's all right ♪ ♪ have a good time 'cause it's all right ♪ ♪ now listen to the beat ♪ ♪ kinda pat your feet ♪ ♪ it's all right ♪ ♪ have a good time 'cause it's all right ♪ ♪ oh, it's all right ♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! ( sighs wearily ) here, i'll take that! ( excited yell ) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one-gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health! ( abbot sonic ) discomfort back there? instead of using aloe, or baby wipes, or powders, try the cooling, soothing relief or preparation h. because your derriere deserves expert care. preparation h. get comfortable with it. (upbeat music) - [announcer] getting your favorite restaurants delivered to your door just got better. introducing the grubhub guarantee. it's our promise to deliver the food you love on time and give you the lowest price... ...or you'll get $5 off your next order. experience your food just like the restaurant intended. that's the grubhub guarantee. >> are you ready to start a great career? >> safelite is now hiring. >> you will love your job. >> there's room to grow... >> ...and lots of opportunities. >> so, what are you waiting for? >> apply now... >> ...and make a difference. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> man, i love that song! public square. welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world. i'm fareed zakaria coming to you live from new york. today on the program, the question being asked in capitals around the globe, how to handle china? biden's nominee to the ambassador called the people's republic the greatest threat to the security of the democratic be world. we'll look at china's intentions and we'll examine the ever-increasing military might that might back up those intentns

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Control , Emissions , Kathy Castor , Infrastructure Bill , Progressives , Side Issue , Options , Infrastructure Plan , House , Deadlines , Moderates , Two , Half , Everything , Deadline , One , 3 5 , Billions , Dollars , Meaning , Highway Trust Fund Authorization , Way , Deliberations , Other , Chair , Nothing , Peter Defazio , Transportation Infrastructure Committee , Master , Framework , Bif , Things , Plan , Both , Leader Schumer , Particulars , Jobs Bill , Meeting , Mystic , Healthcare Piece , Basket , Medicare , Affordable Care Act , Expanding Medicaid , Home Health Care , Go , Pre K , Bucket , Bill , , Family Level , Siblings , Tax , Tax Rate , Earners , Sinema Has , Billionaires , Revenue , Rest , Sources , 5 , Money , Appeal , Doesn T , Joint Tax Committee , Overseas , Enforcement , 50 Billion , Trillion , 2 Trillion , 250 Billion , Lead , Elizabeth Warren , Array , Minimum , Book Rate Proposal , Legislation , Amazon , Market Rate , Campaign , Hundreds , Zero , Thing , Increase , Wealth , Well , Wealth Tax , Aspects , Aspect , 10 , Source , 800 Billion , 00 Billion , 200 Billion , Proposal , Senate , We Haven T , It Today , Side , Stacks , Alternatives , Promise , Spojs , Danger , Progressive , White House , Tax Cuts , Pay , Crack , Look , 1 9 Trillion , Nobody , Down A , Isn T Everything Put Out , 3 Trillion , Care Piece , Piece , Climate Health , Three , Investments , Terrorism Atiff , Questions , Expansion , Americtransformative , Dental , Part , Negotiation , Hearing , Vision , Hearing Coverage , Dent , Little , Order , Five , Six , Blank , Suggestions , Bernie Sanders , Vermont , The Independent , Everybody , Holdouts , Point Of View , Point , Anybody , Take , Provisions , American , Corporate American , Hook , Debt Ceiling , Cut , Congress Of The United States , League Through December 3rd , Senator Mcconnell , Desk , December 3rd , 3 , The World Economy , Default , Reconciliation , Votes , 51 , Bipartisanship , Tax Cam , 1 , Times , Idea , Office , Credit Rating , Jobs , Consequences , Country , Republican , 7 Million , Republicans , Plans , Number , Mind , Whether , Bipart Bipartisanship , Contempt , Subpoena , Steve Bannon , Wall , Hasn T , Toadies , Knowledge , Insurrection Incited , Power , Truth , To , Separation , Checks , January 6th , 6 , Constitution , Genius , Balances , Voting Rights , Decision , Table , Gun Control , Listen , Filibuster , Notion , Cnn , Town Hall , Anderson Cooper , Fill Bust , Voting Rights Act , Vote , Importance , Sanctity , Basis , Democracy , Suppression , Big , Elections , Nullification , Fair , Redistricting , Ds , Seats , Crush Up Special Interest Money , Dark , Compromise , Grassroots , Addition , Pages , Mr , John Lewis , 300 , Name , Donald Trump , Life , Go To The Supreme Court , Justice , Majorities , Most , Reelection , Announcement , Here And Now , Yes , Family , Gas Prices , World , Conversation , Luck , Lift , You Don T Mind , Administration , Supply Chain , Booster , Divide , Millions , Crowd , Vaccinated , Innocence , Stay , Mission Control , Launch , Rocket , Counting , Copy , Sound , T Minus , Um , Girl Burps , Thinking , Business , T Mobile , Food , Leader , Partner , Customer Support , Counts , Lab , 5g , Scene , Biology , Teaching , 5 , Trade Offs , Protein , Energy , Thirty , Health , Abbot Sonic , Sugar , Nutrients , Excited Yell , Sighs Wearily , Couple , Chip , Windshield , Trust Safelite , Farmers Market , Woman , Singers , Cost , Tech , Safelite , Safelite Repair , Insurance , Service , Cases , Deaths , Effects , Decline , Ute , Secretary Yellen , Prices , Supply Chain Delaying Orders , Holiday Season , Gas Pump , Ways , Thanks , Tax Rates , Speaker , Corporations , Wage Earners , Variety , In And Out , Consideration , Capital Gains , Wyden , Individuals , On Liquid Assets , Taxation , Death , Step Up , Total , 30 , 5 Trillion , Spending , Infrastructure Package , Overheating , Money Essential Pouring Gas , Inflation Fire , Build , Rescue Package , Ten , Size , Benefit , Unemployment , 4 8 , Labor Force , Health Concerns , Child Care Concerns , Levels , School , Shortage , Firms , Labor , Disruptions , Course , Inflation Numbers , Peaks , Crisis , Goods , Supply , Services , Reallocation , Shutdowns , Supply Bottlenecks , Covid Impacts In Asia , Result , Cars , Pains , Reduction , Semiconductors , Production , Groceries , Gas Price , Range , Heart Impacting Everything , 2 , Rates , 2022 , 2023 , Spring , Larry Summers , The End , Middle , Alarm Bells , Housing , Labor Markets , Numbers , Widespreads , Kropf , Pandemic , Bottlenecks , Conditions , Demand , Support , Workers , Scarring Effect , Income , Job , Ability , Roofs , Rescue Packages , Impact , Tables , Heads , Infrastructure , Amount , Families , Work , Economy , Resignation , Phenomenon , 11 Million , 4 3 Million , Labor Market , Labor Supply , Statistics , Trouble Hiring Workers , Good , Job Offers , Wages , Bills , Improvement , December 3rd Unless Congress , Req Sill Yapgs , Sev Essential , Assets , Planet , Treasuries , History , Regard , Parties , Responsibility , Housekeeping Matter , Doing What , Madam Secretary , Lastly , Jerome Powell , Man , Renominating Fed Chair , He Reappoints Powell , Someone , Attitude , Tools , Bet , Term , Institutions , Renomination , Bloomberg , Advice , Chair Powell , Regulation , Bernanke , Improvements , Markets , System , Capital Liquidity , Stresses , Core , Risk Management , Governors , Stress Testing , Place , Powell Regime , Governor , New Mexico , Supply Chain Issues , Tragedy , Film Set , Teeth , Quality , Patients , Repair , Sensodyne , Chris Hutchins , Brother , 2016 , Nurse , Registered Nurse , Training , Tuition , Assistant , Rinvoq , Mission , Heart , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Pill , On , Filipino , Pain , Joints , Ra , Immune System , Symptoms , Swelling , Stiffness , Fatigue , Rinvoq Relief , Infections , Intestines , Attack , Have , Tuberculosis , Blood Clots , Stomach , Tears , Cancers , Lymphoma , Doctor , Lab Results , Bloodwork , Changes , Rheumatologist , Electorlytes , Powder Packs , Feel , Pedialyte , Cdc , Government , Vaccines , Boosters , States , Pace , Possibility , 11 , Plotsist , Citizens , Reaction , Gasoline , Fuel , It Hasn T , Dollar Package , Mud , Pressures , Government Spending , Dollar Plan , Cruelist , Water Infrastructure , Roads , Social Engineering , Broadband , Trillions , Let , 47 , Vaccinations , Arkansas , Ive , Resistance , Progress , Booster Shots , Arkansans , Controversy , Mandates , Areas , Businesses , Issuing , Employees , Progress Step By , Vaccinate , Osha , Vaccination , Lawsuits , Vaccine Adoption , Side C Circus , Uk , Road , Curves , Quote , Employer , Wouldn T , Defender , State Employees , Vaccination Rates , Vaccine Mandate , Population , Workplace , There , Bualance , Information , Rate , Tyson S , Board , Regards , Balance , Others , Mandate Side , Education Side , Schools , Measles , Diphtheria , Mumps , Tetanus , Prerogative , Covid List , Lives , Chickenpox , Hepatitis B , Rubella , Hepatitis Ha , State Vaccine Requirements , Experience , Vaccine , Public , Severity , Outbreak , Acceptance , State Decision , Level , Constituent , Recipe , Disaster , Relitigating 2020 , Big Lie , 2020 , Lawmakers , Raft Raffensperger , Facts , Rule Of Law , Extremes , Competition , Georgia , Glen , Candidates , Taxes , Line , Virginia , Reducingen Flation , Race , Example , Verse , Potential , Let S Move , He Hasn T , Glenn , Reasons , Alec Baldwin , Prop Gun , Set , Film , Cinematographer , Incident , Joel Souza , Accountability , Halyna Hutchins , Wife , Heartbreak , Field , Boy , Matthew Hutchins , Rising Star , Ukraine , 42 , Lauren Boebert , Politics , Humanity , Colorado , Don T Shoot Movement , Baldwin , Digging , Hands Up , Expense , Joke , Don T Shoot , Tweet , Law , Disappointing , Husband , Son , Grad , Vance , Contributor , Running , Conservative , Empathy , Insight , Primary , Folks , Hope , Ohio , Contestants , Another , Best , Fear Factor , Lowest , Conformtively , American Politics , Words , Joke Egg , Tweets , Denominator , Ban , Twitter , Horror , Trump , Artist , Mock , Audience , Accident , Andros Hutchins , Impacts Baldwin , Supporters , Cruelty , J D , Attacking Powell , Colin Powell , Response , Feature , Candidacy , Bug , Playbook , Attacks , Basic Decency , Violations , Ones , John Mccain , John Dingell , Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene , Fire , Western United States , Embrace , Facebook , 2018 , Fires , Lasers , Conspiracy Theory , Jewish , Liz Cheney , Bottom , Berating Cheney On The House , Nuts , Floor , Congressman , Insurrection , Green , Official , Convention , Speaking Slot , 2024 , Job Requirement , Sunday Morning , Person , God , Gps , Fareed Zakaria , Time , Beat , Feet , Discomfort , Aloe , Cooling , Relief , Expert Care , Powders , Baby Wipes , Derriere , Music , Preparation H , Soothing , Guarantee , Door , Restaurants , Announcer , Price , Grubhub , Career , Restaurant , Opportunities , Room , Song , Lots , Difference , Program , Capitals , Question , Globe , Around The World , Public Square , New York , Military , Intentions , Security , Threat , Nominee , Ambassador , People S Republic , Democratic Be World , Intentns , China ,

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Transcripts For CNN State Of The Union With Jake Tapper And Dana Bash 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN State of the Union with Jake Tapper and Dana Bash 20240709

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joins my exclusively in moments. needing a booth. splat americans rush to get another shot as the gap grows. in a state where less than 50% are vaccinated. what, if anything, will convince them. governor asa hutchinson is next. hello. i'm jake tapper in washington, where the state of the union is want been to be a fly on the wall president biden is hosting joe manchin and chuck schumer in delaware today. democrats have just seven days until october 31st. that's the date that speaker pelosi set to advance the agenda. this week, president biden secretsed confidence his party would deliver, but now it's clear that the social policy bill will be far less than the original $3.5 trillion. it's not clear what will make it into the final package. democrats have to make touch choices about which big-ticket items to prioritize joining us now, speaker of the house, nancy pelosi who is here in studio. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> how close to a deal are you in this package of elder care, daycare, child care, family leave, that stuff, whatever you want to call. the social safety net bill we call it. >> first, thank you for the opportunity to talk about that this morning. i'm glad you talked about covid in your opening here, because that's how we start all of our meetings. what are we doing to protect the american people to stop the spread of covid. i want to commend president biden for have been a completely different approach than his predecessor on this. we have to correct a lot of what went on then. we're on a good path. the good news about children being safely able to be vaccinated is something to help stop the spread. so thank you for focusing on t that. >> we talk about it all day every day. >> we just have some of last decisions to be made. it is less than was projected to begin with, but still bigger than anything we have ever done in terms of addressing the needs of america's working families. it is all that you said about care, but it's also about the climate piece, which is a health issue, a jobs issue, a security issue, and a values issue for us. we will have something that will meet the president's goals. i feel very confidence about that, even though it will be different from what we originally proposed. >> by the time he leaves for europe, do you think? >> i think we're pretty much there now. >> you have a deal now? >> we're almost there. it's just the language of it, but it will not offend, shall we say, the concern that senator bhanching i ing -- manchin had, the goal is to reach the emissions control, because we were prepared with our select committee headed by kathy castor. we had other options to reach the goal. >> as a side issue, because there's a lot of people eager for the bipartisan infrastructure bill to be voted on, and progressives have said they won't vote for that unless there's a deal. you said the house must part the infrastructure plan by october 31st, which is a week from today. moderates are frustrated, two deadlines have been missed. >> wait a minute. there was no deadline that was missed because of the progressives. the deadline was missed because they changed from 3.5 to one half of that, and we've had to go in and everything is good in the bill. what do you cut? so in terms of this date, this date is fraught with meaning, because on october 31st is the day that the highway trust fund authorization expires. if that expires, we have to get billions of dollars someplace to continue that. the best way to do that is to pass the bill. having nothing to do with all the other, shall we say, deliberations that are going on you are o. chair of the committee, peter defazio is a master of the transportation infrastructure committee says we must pass it by october 31st. >> i'm not blaming anything on them, but they have said that they will not vote for the b.i.f., bipartisan infrastructure plan, unless this is agreed to. >> are you saying the framework will be agreed to? >> let's call it an agreement. >> there will be an agreement on that, and you will also vote for the bipartisan infrastructure bill, both of those things will happen in the next week? >> that's the plan. right now, as you indicated, the two -- leader schumer, senator manchin, and the president are having the meeting on some of the particulars that need to be finalized. i'm opt mystic we can do that. again, when one basket washington climate, which is a jobs bill, a bill for the children, for the future, is the healthcare piece of it, strengthening affordable care act, expanding medicaid, and expanding medicare. >> let's get into it, because they're important. >> then the third basket is we're getting into it -- just so we have the third bucket -- is the care. >> elder care, child care. >> child care and universal pre-k go together. when we say home health care, that's for elder or children, or siblings who are disabled, something like that. >> so is family leave going to make it into the final bill? family level? >> that's what we're fighting for senator sinema has said she will not support raising the corporate tax rate, raising the tax on high-wage earners, and president biden has acknowledged that might mean you can't pay for the rest of the bill using those sources of revenue. do you have an alternate way? >> we do. we were ready to pay for $3.5, so we certainly can pay for half of that. >> what is it a billionaires tax? >> that has an appeal, but doesn't produce that much money. because the bill is not written yet, and we hope it to be written today and introduced tomorrow, only then can the joint tax committee evaluate what it brings in. we ants pay $250 billion, but we need closer to $2 trillion. so we have other things? >> such as? >> we have enforcement. that's several hundred billion, the overseas -- that's a few hundred billion. we have an array -- we have an array. i'm not going to say what they are. >> corporate minimum tax? elizabeth warren was talking on "the lead" the other day in amazon makes hundreds of billions and pays zero, this is legislation requires them to pay something. >> the president during these campaign had a market rate -- excuse me, a book rate proposal. that is being evaluated as well, as to how much that brings in, but that's another way to tax the increase in wealth in corporate america. but the thing is that, whether we use increasing the corporate tax rate, increases the tax on some of the other aspects of it. >> wealth tax, billionaires tax? >> no, some other aspect. >> okay. >> we probably will have a wealth tax, but it's only 10% of what we need, and the other things are more like $800 billion versus $200 billion, but we can use them another time. they don't go away as a source of revenue to pay for how we go forward. >> you said you probably will have a wealth tax. >> well, we'll see. we haven't seen the bill. >> you said it's being written right now and you're going to send it to -- >> this is a senate proposal. they supposedly are writing it today, and then tax the joint stacks committee is the one that says this is how much you get from that. but, again, on our side, we have been totally ready with alternatives in terms of house and senate and the white house. >> was your spojs to progressive that is democrats are in danger of breaking the promise to roll back the trump tax cuts. >> we'll probably more than pay for the bill. one bill does not make -- look -- >> might as well take another crack at -- >> 1.9 trillion, and the infrastructure bill ar $3 trillion, and this around $2 trillion. nobody has done anything that remarkable. while it isn't everything put out originally, it takes us down a path where we can continue investments in these. now, this piece, the care piece, with the climate health, the care piece is the -- is all three of them make it terrorism atiff, americtransformative. >> one of questions is paid family leave, and the expansion in medicare to enjoy -- to include, rather, dental, vision and hearing coverage. is that going to be in the bill? >> well, that's part of the negotiation. dental is very expensive, so hearing and visual, and dental, but dental will take a little long tore implement. that's part of the negotiation right now. >> you're saying dent at might not make it. >> it will be on a path. what they told us, and i don't quite understand why, but we've been told by people who know about these things, it will take five, six years in order to implement the dental. so how do we, say, fill in the blank there? bernie has some suggestions about how to do that. >> bernie sanders, the independent from vermont. you talk about how you're almost there, except for 10% of the bill. you also talk about how the house is there, you're ready, you're going to pass it, and it's really the two senate holdouts. are you frustrated with them? >> i'm respectful of everybody's point of view. i do not want the trump tax cuts perpetuated, but i don't want anybody to think if we don't address those right now, that they're off the take. we will use them for something at some point. you can't use the wealth tax and tax the billionaires, which is what we should be doing and let corporate american off the hook. corporate american will be paying because of the overseas tax and some of the other provisions that are very technical to go into right now. we'll know more tomorrow to see what makes the cut, and then worth the time to go into it. >> there is also the issue of the debt ceiling. >> that's a separate issue. >> but in terms of how you get it through the congress to president biden's desk may be separate, maybe not. congress acted to raise the debt league through december 3rd. after that minority leader mcconnell says you're on your own. a default would be devastating for the american economy, for the world economy. are you willing to attach raising the debt ceiling to the social safety net package? or if not, to use reconciliation which means only 51 votes needed? >> that's one path. we've hoping you have to bipartisanship. we didn't participate in giving a tax cam to the top 1% part of this debt is about 3%, the former president when he was in office we had to do three times -- even talking about it is not a good idea. it did lower the credit rating of the country it seems they'ring on with it when there's a republican president. six to 7 million jobs could be lost. consequences that could last for decades. >> why not get rid of the debt ceiling? >> we have had a plan to do that as well. there's a number of plans to do that, but would the republicans agree to that before we, again -- >> so your mind is open in terms of whether or not you use reconciliation or whether or not you attach it? >> we would still rather have bipart bipartisanship. >> and it's very, very important. >> absolutely. the house voted to hold steve bannon in contempt for failing to comply with a subpoena. do you think they should go to jail? >> i do. first of all, people say this hasn't happened before. we haven't had an insurrection incited by the president of the united states and one of the his toadies having advanced knowledge of that happened. so it's important for us to find the truth about what happened on january 6th but it's also important to, in terms of the separation of power and checks and balances of the constitution, which is the genius of the constitution. >> absolutely. >> for this to happen in this way. if the committee decides, you're willing to have that happen, too? >> i don't get involved in the decision of the committee, but they have everything on the table. i want you to listen to a key moment in which president biden was talking about voting rights in the cnn town hall with anderson cooper the other time. take a listen. >> when it comes to voting rights, would you entertain the notion of doing away with the filibuster on that one issue? >> and maybe more. >> that's president biden saying he is willing to entertain the notion of getting rid of the fill bust for the voting rights act, and maybe for other things as well. do you agree with him on that one issue, that at the end of the day, having a voting rights bill is more importance than -- the most important vote right now in the congress of the united states is the vote to respect the sanctity of the vote, the fundamental basis of our democracy, that one vote that the filibuster could enable to go forward. that would be the vote. we're talking about stopping the suppression of the vote and the nullification of the elections. we're talking about redistricting, a way that's fair, may not benefit ds, but might open up some of these republican seats. it talks about stopping the big, dark, crush up special-interest money and empowers the grassroots. then, in addition for that, the voting rights act, john lewis wrote the first 300 pages of the first bill. mr. manchin has weighed in, the compromise that they vote odd last week is perfectly good, but we didn't get any republican votes. >> so it's worth it to you -- >> it's fundamental to our democracy. mind you, just to remind what's his name was president was -- and the republicans were in power. >> donald trump? >> mitch mcconnell pulled back the filibuster to enable, with simple majorities, three justice to see go to the supreme court for life. you would think that they could pull it back for the american people to have the vote in a way -- >> so you're on board with that -- >> i'm not on board, it's the most the important vote. >> you're leading the way. are you going to run for reelection? >> you think i'm going to make an announcement here and now? >> yeah. why not? you're going to run for reelection, though, yes? >> why would i tell you that now? >> it's not just me, it's the american people, the world. >> i probably would have that conversation with nigh family first, if you don't mind. >> thank you so much. best of luck with the legislation. i know it's a heavy lift. >> thank you. high gas prices, and a backed-up supply chain, what is the biden administration doing to fix it. and millions of americans eligible for booster. is the divide between the vaccinated and the anti-vaccine crowd wide innocence? stay with us. mission control, we are go for launch. ♪ t-minus two minutes and counting. ♪ um, she's eating the rocket. -copy that, she's eating the rocket. i assume we needed that? [chomping sound] ♪ lunchables! built to be eaten. she has eaten the rocket. [girl burps] over. at t-mobile for business, unconventional thinking means we see things differently, so you can focus on what matters most. whether it's ensuring food arrives as fresh as when it departs... being first on the scene when every second counts... or teaching biology without a lab. we are the leader in 5g and a partner who delivers exceptional customer support and 5g included in every plan. so, you get it all, without trade-offs. unconventional thinking, it's better for business. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! ( sighs wearily ) here, i'll take that! ( excited yell ) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one-gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health! ( abbot sonic ) >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ welcome back to "state of union." covid cases and deaths are on the decline, but it's clear the effects will play ute for months, even years. as americans look ahead to the holiday season we're worried about rising inflation, a backed-up supply chain delaying orders and painfully high prices at the gas pump. joining us to discuss is secretary yellen. good to see you. thanks so much for joining us. we have a lot to get to, but you just heard speaker pelosi. she floated new ways to pay for this bill such as a wealth tax, because it does appears that raising the tax rates for corporations and top wage earners are out. can you still guarantee this bill will be paid for? >> as the speaker noted, we have a variety of different ways to raise revenue. all in all, it should be relatively straightforward to raised revenue necessary to pay for this bill. the final package, exactly what's in and out, hasn't been decided. that's being negotiated now. >> do you think that a wealth tax will be part of it? can you explain what that would look like? >> well, you think what's under consideration is a proposal that senator wyden and the senate finance committee have been looking at that would impose a tax on unrealized capital gains, on liquid assets held by extremely wealthy individuals, billionaires. i wouldn't call that a wealth tax, but it will get at capital gains which are an extraordinarily large part of the incoming of the wealthiest individuals, and right now escape taxation until they're realized. often they're unrealized in the death benefit from the so-called step up of basis. it's a tax on unrealized capital gains of exceptionally wealthy individuals. >> the biden administration is trying to reach this deal to spend about another $2 trillion, makes a total of an extraordinary $5 trillion in spending this year. inflation is growing at its fastest pace in 30 years. if the economy is already overheating, is spending even more money essential pouring gas on the inflation fire? >> well, the additional spending in the infrastructure package, and in the build back better package, both of those are spending over ten years, not in a single year. the rescue package did involve substantial spending this year. let's remember that a benefit of that package is that unemployment is declined to 4.8%, that americans tell us that they feel confident they can find jobs now, the size of the labor force that is declined. it's not moved back to pre-pandemic levels, in part because of covid, because of health concerns, because of child care concerns, school concerns i. and so many firms are experiencing a shortage of labor s the covid shocked to the economy has caused disruptions we'll be working through over the next year, and, of course, americans have not seen inflation like we have experienced recently in a long time. as we get back to norm at, expect that to end. already on a monthly basis, the inflation numbers are way down below their peaks. you know, the covid crisis markedly diminished spending on services, and caused a reallocation of spending towards goods. the supply of goods to americans has increased substantially, but there's still pressure there, and there are shutdowns and covid impacts in asia where we import many goods from. so we are experiencing a lot of supply bottlenecks -- >> right. >> there's a shortage of semiconductors. that's pushed up the prices of used cars and caused a reduction in production of new cars. this is temporary pains that result from a covid economy. >> right, so -- let me ask about that. while it's heart impacting everything from gas price to say groceries, when do you expect the inflation to get back to the 2% range, which is considered normal? 2022? 2023? when? >> well, i expect that to happen next year. monthly rates of inflation have already fallen substantially from the very high rates that we saw in the spring and early summer. >> by the end of -- by the middle to end of next year -- >> send half of 2022. larry summers has been sounding alarm bells for months. take a listen to what he calls very disturbing inflationary numbers last week. >> now we see inflation becoming more widespreads spreading to the housing and labor markets he says we're more in danger of losing kropf -- control of inflation. >> i think he's wrong. it's something that's obviously a concern as we make further progress on the pandemic, i expect these bottlenecks to subside, americans will return to the labor force, as conditions improve. remember, the spending we did that partially has caused this high demand for goods, it's been very important in making sure that the pandemic hasn't had a scarring effect on american workers. it's given them enough income and support to get through this while still being able to put food on their tables, keep roofs over their heads. >> right. >> when you don't hear people talking about, i'm worried about being ability to get a job, remember that's a very good impact that the rescue packages had. what we're talking about with infrastructure and build back better, this is a relatively small amount of spending over a decade. we need this spending to make our economy productive, to make sure that families have the support, take care of that children, and to work -- >> so -- >> -- it will support -- there's a record-breaking 4.3 million americans who left their jobs just in august. it's a phenomenon that some are calling the great resignation. this comes as almost 11 million jobs are currently opened, waiting to be filled. why are americans not taking these jobs? and what are you and the white house doing to get people back to work? >> well, right now we have a very tight labor market. when the labor market is tight and americans feel good about their ability to get another job, they're more likely to quit a job, they're getting outside job offers, taking them. that shows up in those statistics, so we have a good, tight labor market. firms are obviously having trouble hiring workers, but labor supply is depressed by the pandemic. that's because of the health concerns, because of child care, and as we get beyond the pandemic, i expect labor supply to increase, and it's good, i think, to see wages begin to rise, especially for those americans who had the most insecure jobs, and the lowest wages, and to see some improvement there is something we should be pleased with. you projected the u.s. will run out of the money to pay its bills on december 3rd unless congress once again acts. senator mcconnell says the democrats have to do it alone. we spoke it speaker pelosi on whether they will do it on req sill yapgs. how concerned are you that a default may actually happen this time? >> well, i consider it utterly sev essential that the debt be raised. it's inconceivable that the u.s. says it's unwilling to pay the bills it's agreed to spend. it is about paying the bills that result from past decisions of congress about spending and taxation. it would be utterly catastrophic, something that has not ever happened in the history of america. our assets, our treasuries are regard as the safest assets on the planet, because america can be counted on, always has, to pay its bills. i personally believe this is as responsibility that republicans and democrats should share, that it's something that both parties should do together. it's a housekeeping matter, doing what's necessary to pay our bills. i have confidence it will get done, but i will leave it to the speaker and to leader schumer to figure out what the best way is forward on that. >> lastly, madam secretary, i asked senator elizabeth warren a few days ago about why she opposed renominating fed chair jerome powell. she calls him a dangerous man. take a listen. if he reappoints powell, will you fight it? will you stop it? >> i will oppose it and use the tools i've got. i don't want to make another five-year bet on someone whose entire attitude is that he's not going to work to rein in the giant financial institutions. >> bloomberg reports that you privately support renominating fed chair powell for another term. is that true? do you support the renomination of chair powell? >> well, i'm not going to talk about the advice that i'm giving to the president. it's up to him to decide what is best. i would say that during his term and during my term and bernanke's term, regulation of financial institutions has been markedly strengthened. it's important to note that, when the pandemic struck, although there were huge stresses in financial markets, that the core of our financial system did very well because of the improvements in capital liquidity, risk management, stress testing and those improvements have stayed in place during the powell regime. >> secretary yellen, thank you so much for your time today. we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. governors may have some power to ease supply chain issues. i'll ask one governor. and a horrible tragedy on a film set in new mexico this week. what happened next? that was also pretty awful. stay with us. in to help repair sensitive teeth. my patients are able to have that quality of life back. i recommend sensodyne repair and protect with deep repair. in 2016, i was working at the amazon warehouse when my brother passed away. and a couple of years later, my mother passed away. after taking care of them, i knew that i really wanted to become a nurse. amazon helped me with training and tuition. today, i'm a medical assistant and i'm studying to become a registered nurse. in filipino: you'll always be in my heart. your mission: stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and take. it. on... with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill can dramatically improve symptoms... rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. and for some, rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. that's rinvoq relief. with ra, your overactive immune system attacks your joints. rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious infections and blood clots, sometimes fatal, have occurred as have certain cancers, including lymphoma, and tears in the stomach or intestines, and changes in lab results. your doctor should monitor your bloodwork. tell your doctor about any infections... and if you are or may become pregnant while taking rinvoq. take on ra. talk to your rheumatologist about rinvoq relief. rinvoq. make it your mission. learn how abbvie could help you save on rinvoq. ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. some americans are getting another covid shot after the cdc approved boosters, but as the pace of boosters rise and the federal government prepares for the possibility the vaccines for 5 to 11-year-oldsless approved in the coming weeks, some states are still struggling to get their citizens vaccinated at all. joining us to discuss, governor asa hutchinson. you hear speaker plotsist with her plans, talking about inflation. you're a governor in the middle of the country. what is your reaction? >> well, the greatest concern americans have right now is the rising cost of fuel, gasoline, and groceries. whenever you hear speaker pelosi talk about the trillion dollar package, it hasn't been written, it can't be explained. you did a great job asking her questions about it, but it was as clear as mud. what that tells the american people is, we've got inflationary pressures that impact them, it's the cruelist tax and now all we see is more government spending, a trillion dollar plan out there, and it can't be explained. it's worrisome as a governor to hear what's planned. we do need the bipartisan infrastructure bill that's critical for roads, for broadband, it's for water infrastructure, but this social engineering plan that they have, this trillions, will simply add to inflationary pressures that is already costing the average american a great deal. let's turn to covid if we can. only 47% of your state is fully vaccinated. it places arkansas in the bottom ten for vaccinations. you're vaccinated. ive very clearly encouraging arkansans to get vaccinated. why are so many still refusing? >> first of all, we're making progress. those that have been vaccinated are now lining up to get their booster shots. we do see it as the way out. the resistance is hard in some areas. part of it is simply because of the controversy because of mandates. it deepens the resistance. that's something we have to overcome, but i don't see that controversy going away anytime seen. with osha issuing mandates for businesses to require vaccinate of employees, that's going to intensify the controversy. we can make progress step by step in terms of increasing vaccination, but the side c circus, in terms of that controversy, there will be lawsuits filed. that will continue for some time. we're going to continue to push for vaccine adoption. whenever you see what's happened in the uk with an increase in cases, we know that covid can throw us more curves coming down the road. we want to be prepared with increased vaccinations. >> last week you admittinged that businesses imposing their own mandates are effective. you also said you're a, quote, a emp defender of an employer's right to impose mandates. but wouldn't you be saving lives if you imposed a vaccine mandate on state employees who ultimately work for you? >> well, it would probably increase vaccination rates, but it also would increase the resistance of some. some would lose their jobs. it would hurt their families, and it would, in the broader population, also create that controversy and resistance. so it's a bualance there. that's why private businesses should have the opportunity, if they want to require vaccination in their sensitive workplace, they ought to be able to do that. government doesn't need to tell them to do that. i'm for reducing mandates across the board in regards to the vaccinations. people will make the right decision over time when he get the right information. so, sure, tyson's requires vaccination, their rate goes up. others are urging it to happen in their workplace. it goes up there as well. i think it's a balance, but what works in arkansas is not the mandate side of it, but it's the education side and businesses have been the prerogative to make their own decisions without the government telling them what to do. >> arkansas requires children entering schools to be vaccinated for diphtheria, tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis-b, hepatitis ha, chickenpox. would it save lives if you added the covid list for mandatory vaccines for children? >> well, let's look at that more deeply. first of all, those are state by state vaccine requirements. first of all, the federal government has never mandated -- >> no, i'm asking you. i'm just talking about what arkansas mandates. >> absolutely. so, there may be a time in the future you would want to mandate that in the schools, but that time is not now. we need to have more experience with that. we need to have more public acceptance of it, of the vaccine. so it could happen down the road. it also depends on the severity of the covid outbreak and whether cases skyrocket again or not. right now they're at a very low level in arkansas. it can happen, it may happen, but now is not the right time to do that. we need more information and to be able to build public confidence to a greater point, but it is a state decision. >> you've said, quote, relitigating 2020 is a recipe for disaster in 2022. as president trump is constituent out there pushing the big lie, attacking your fellow republicans for sticking to the facts, going after individual lawmakers who maintained the rule of law, law secretary raft raffensperger in georgia. how worried are you as we approach the mid terms next year? >> i'm optimistic. you look at our competition, and the democratic party is divided. they have their extremes that they're concerned about. secondly, when we're talking about keeping the line on taxes, reducingen flation, that's where america is, and we have great candidates. glen in virginia is doing a great job there, has the potential to win that race this year. that's an example of what we need to see, verse the past in 2020, let's move on >> one thing i would like to say about that, he has not embraced it the way we like to see people do it. do you think that's one of the reasons why this race is competitive? >> i think glenn has balance and handled it very well talking about the future. he hasn't -- his race has not depended upon donald trump, nor should it. >> governor asa hutchinson, thank you very much. appreciate your time. this week on the set of a film in new mexico, actor alec baldwin fired a prop gun that killed the cinematographer and wounded the director joel souza, horrific and tragic incident. we will ultimately learn what went so wrong and accountability, of course, is essential. but before we can even get to that, there is the tragedy of this moment. halyna hutchins was 42 from ukraine, a rising star in her field. the wife of matthew hutchins, the mother of a boy an dru chris hutchins. heartbreak for normal people. but there's something about our politics right now that is driving people away from our shared humanity. republican congresswoman lauren boebert of colorado apparently spent time and did some digging about baldwin's hands up, don't shoot movement. baldwin, is, of course, not only progressive but very aggressive and outspoken about liberal issue, including gun control. the colorado congresswoman thought it was funny to exploit hands up, don't shoot, to make a joke at the expense of baldwin but really more importantly to make a joke at the expense of halyna hutchins and her husband matthew and their son. most disappointing, perhaps, was a tweet from the former marine and law grad and for a time cnn contributor, hired because of his perceived insight and empathy. vance is a conservative for whom a lot of folks once had great hope, would rise to become a real leader but he's running in a senate primary in ohio that seems to have become the fear factor for american politics, with contestants positioned against one another, as to who can conformtively appeal to the best at the lowest, common denominator. vance joke egg asked for twitter to remove its ban on donald trump, because, quote, we need alec baldwin tweets. in other words, vance appears to be saying we need to see donald trump attack baldwin hours after this tragedy at this moment to exploit this horror in which an innocent woman, mother, wife, artist was killed. vance seems to want trump to attack and mock for a global audience alec baldwin for killing a woman in what almost certainly was a tragic accident, regardless of the pain of matthew hutchins or andros hutchins. and really this impacts baldwin, how might such an incident impact you? he did this, j.d. vance, why? presumably because he thinks it will help him win supporters. he did it to win votes. in other words, the cruelty is a feature of his candidacy, not a bug. vance is seemingly following the playbook of donald trump, whose response to the death of secretary colin powell a few days ago was to issue a statement attacking powell. following similar attacks that he made against the late john mccain and the late john dingell, after they had died. violations of basic decency, ones we see repeatedly with the republican party's embrace of individuals such as congresswoman marjorie taylor greene from georgia, her reaction in 2018 to a deadly fire in the western united states was to go on facebook and speculate that wealthy jewish americans might be using lasers to cause the fires to make money somehow. a deranged anti-semitic conspiracy theory. nuts. one that was brought up by congresswoman liz cheney when marjorie taylor greene started berating cheney on the house floor this week. now, cheney has been ostracized by her party for standing against trump lies and for wanting to get to the bottom of the deadly insurrection on january 6th. green, well, she was described by one democratic congressman as seeming rather gleeful on that day, january 6th. though green denies it. either way ask yourself, which of these congresswoman is more likely to be given a speaking slot at the 2024 republican convention? a longtime republican official texted me after j.d. vance's tweet, quote, being a horrible person, he wrote, is now actually a job requirement in this party, unquote. i hope to god that that republican official is wrong. thanks for spending your sunday morning with us. many "gps with fareed zakaria" is next. ♪ say it's all right ♪ ♪ say it's all right, it's all right ♪ ♪ have a good time 'cause it's all right ♪ ♪ now listen to the beat ♪ ♪ kinda pat your feet ♪ ♪ it's all right ♪ ♪ have a good time 'cause it's all right ♪ ♪ oh, it's all right ♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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Millions , Crowd , Vaccinated , Innocence , Stay , Mission Control , Launch , Rocket , Counting , Copy , Sound , T Minus , Um , Girl Burps , Thinking , Business , T Mobile , Food , Leader , Partner , Customer Support , Counts , Lab , 5g , Scene , Biology , Teaching , 5 , Trade Offs , Protein , Energy , Thirty , Health , Abbot Sonic , Sugar , Nutrients , Excited Yell , Sighs Wearily , Couple , Chip , Windshield , Trust Safelite , Farmers Market , Woman , Singers , Cost , Tech , Safelite , Safelite Repair , Insurance , Service , Cases , Deaths , Effects , Decline , Ute , Secretary Yellen , Prices , Supply Chain Delaying Orders , Holiday Season , Gas Pump , Ways , Thanks , Tax Rates , Speaker , Corporations , Wage Earners , Variety , In And Out , Consideration , Capital Gains , Wyden , Individuals , On Liquid Assets , Taxation , Death , Step Up , Total , 30 , 5 Trillion , Spending , Infrastructure Package , Overheating , Money Essential Pouring Gas , Inflation Fire , Build , Rescue Package , Ten , Size , Benefit , Unemployment , 4 8 , Labor Force , Health Concerns , Child Care Concerns , Levels , School , Shortage , Firms , Labor , Disruptions , Course , Inflation Numbers , Peaks , Crisis , Goods , Supply , Services , Reallocation , Shutdowns , Supply Bottlenecks , Covid Impacts In Asia , Result , Cars , Pains , Reduction , Semiconductors , Production , Groceries , Gas Price , Range , Heart Impacting Everything , 2 , Rates , 2022 , 2023 , Spring , Larry Summers , The End , Middle , Alarm Bells , Housing , Labor Markets , Numbers , Widespreads , Kropf , Pandemic , Bottlenecks , Conditions , Demand , Support , Workers , Scarring Effect , Income , Job , Ability , Roofs , Rescue Packages , Impact , Tables , Heads , Infrastructure , Amount , Families , Work , Economy , Resignation , Phenomenon , 11 Million , 4 3 Million , Labor Market , Labor Supply , Statistics , Trouble Hiring Workers , Good , Job Offers , Wages , Bills , Improvement , December 3rd Unless Congress , Req Sill Yapgs , Sev Essential , Assets , Planet , Treasuries , History , Regard , Parties , Responsibility , Housekeeping Matter , Doing What , Madam Secretary , Lastly , Jerome Powell , Man , Renominating Fed Chair , He Reappoints Powell , Someone , Attitude , Tools , Bet , Term , Institutions , Renomination , Bloomberg , Advice , Chair Powell , Regulation , Bernanke , Improvements , Markets , System , Capital Liquidity , Stresses , Core , Risk Management , Governors , Stress Testing , Place , Powell Regime , Governor , New Mexico , Supply Chain Issues , Tragedy , Film Set , Teeth , Quality , Patients , Repair , Sensodyne , Chris Hutchins , Brother , 2016 , Nurse , Registered Nurse , Training , Tuition , Assistant , Rinvoq , Mission , Heart , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Pill , On , Filipino , Pain , Joints , Ra , Immune System , Symptoms , Swelling , Stiffness , Fatigue , Rinvoq Relief , Infections , Intestines , Attack , Have , Tuberculosis , Blood Clots , Stomach , Tears , Cancers , Lymphoma , Doctor , Lab Results , Bloodwork , Changes , Rheumatologist , Electorlytes , Powder Packs , Feel , Pedialyte , Cdc , Government , Vaccines , Boosters , States , Pace , Possibility , 11 , Plotsist , Citizens , Reaction , Gasoline , Fuel , It Hasn T , Dollar Package , Mud , Pressures , Government Spending , Dollar Plan , Cruelist , Water Infrastructure , Roads , Social Engineering , Broadband , Trillions , Let , 47 , Vaccinations , Arkansas , Ive , Resistance , Progress , Booster Shots , Arkansans , Controversy , Mandates , Areas , Businesses , Issuing , Employees , Progress Step By , Vaccinate , Osha , Vaccination , Lawsuits , Vaccine Adoption , Side C Circus , Uk , Road , Curves , Quote , Employer , Wouldn T , Defender , State Employees , Vaccination Rates , Vaccine Mandate , Population , Workplace , There , Bualance , Information , Rate , Tyson S , Board , Regards , Balance , Others , Mandate Side , Education Side , Schools , Measles , Diphtheria , Mumps , Tetanus , Prerogative , Covid List , Lives , Chickenpox , Hepatitis B , Rubella , Hepatitis Ha , State Vaccine Requirements , Experience , Vaccine , Public , Severity , Outbreak , Acceptance , State Decision , Level , Constituent , Recipe , Disaster , Relitigating 2020 , Big Lie , 2020 , Lawmakers , Raft Raffensperger , Facts , Rule Of Law , Extremes , Competition , Georgia , Glen , Candidates , Taxes , Line , Virginia , Reducingen Flation , Race , Example , Verse , Potential , Let S Move , He Hasn T , Glenn , Reasons , Alec Baldwin , Prop Gun , Set , Film , Cinematographer , Incident , Joel Souza , Accountability , Halyna Hutchins , Wife , Heartbreak , Field , Boy , Matthew Hutchins , Rising Star , Ukraine , 42 , Lauren Boebert , Politics , Humanity , Colorado , Don T Shoot Movement , Baldwin , Digging , Hands Up , Expense , Joke , Don T Shoot , Tweet , Law , Disappointing , Husband , Son , Grad , Vance , Contributor , Running , Conservative , Empathy , Insight , Primary , Folks , Hope , Ohio , Contestants , Another , Best , Fear Factor , Lowest , Conformtively , American Politics , Words , Joke Egg , Tweets , Denominator , Ban , Twitter , Horror , Trump , Artist , Mock , Audience , Accident , Andros Hutchins , Impacts Baldwin , Supporters , Cruelty , J D , Attacking Powell , Colin Powell , Response , Feature , Candidacy , Bug , Playbook , Attacks , Basic Decency , Violations , Ones , John Mccain , John Dingell , Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene , Fire , Western United States , Embrace , Facebook , 2018 , Fires , Lasers , Conspiracy Theory , Jewish , Liz Cheney , Bottom , Berating Cheney On The House , Nuts , Floor , Congressman , Insurrection , Green , Official , Convention , Speaking Slot , 2024 , Job Requirement , Sunday Morning , Person , God , Gps , Fareed Zakaria , Time , Beat , Feet , Discomfort , Aloe , Cooling , Relief , Expert Care , Powders , Baby Wipes , Derriere , Music , Preparation H , Soothing , Guarantee , Door , Restaurants , Announcer , Price , Grubhub , Career , Restaurant , Opportunities , Room , Song , Lots , Difference , Program , Capitals , Question , Globe , Around The World , Public Square , New York , Military , Intentions , Security , Threat , Nominee , Ambassador , People S Republic , Democratic Be World , Intentns , China ,

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