Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240709 : com

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240709

detail. the committee is essentially broken up their investigative teams into different groups with specific areas of focus. one of those groups which they've labelled the green team, is specifically looking into the money trail. they want to know who funded some of these rallies that took place on january 6th and in the days leading up to january 6th to see if there's any coordination between the former president, the trump campaign and others to see if that played some role in contributing to the violence and chaos here on capitol hill on january 6th. the committee members telling us specifically that they want to know who paid to bring the travel for people to get here to washington for hotel rooms, bus trips, et cetera. they believe that there is something that they can learn about this money trail and how it contributed to what happened here on january 6th. >> also yesterday we saw a conspiracy theorist and republican congresswoman marjorie taylor greene, republican of georgia, approach and accost congresswoman liz cheney. tell us about that. >> jake, this is just an example of how things are very tense here on capitol hill. and this happened during the debate over the criminal contempt referral of steve bannon. and taylor-greene walked behind congresswoman liz cheney and congressman jamie raskin during that debate and basically accused them of making too much out of this and saying they were focused on the wrong things. it delved into a shouting match on some level between the three of them and liz cheney actually calling marjorie taylor greene a joke and bringing up the fact that she had talked about jewish space lasers at one point, a claim that greene very much denies. so this shows the acrimony on capitol hill. a lot of tension, especially when it comes to issues like what happened on january 6th. >> it is a fact that marjorie taylor greene posted on facebook a crazy accusation that a number of notable jewish americans -- this is all an insane anti-semitic conspiracy theory but jewish americans had control of some sort of laser and were causing forest fires to profit or something. that's just a fact. she did do that. >> yes. >> ryan nobles, thank you. attorney general merrick garland will have to make the ultimate decision about whether or not to prosecute steve bannon. jessica schneider joins us live. it is rare for the department of justice to prosecute somebody for not complying with the subpoena. how do you think this process will play out and should democrats be managing expectations here about what attorney general garland is going to do? >> i think they should be managing expectations. this could play out in one of three ways and it may not happen quickly. right now prosecutors are likely examining legal issues, also building out a legal case to determine one of three things that could happen. they could decline to bring charges against steve bannon. they could also bring a criminal complaint against bannon or bring it right to the grand jury which would determine whether or not to indict. the interesting thing is there's not a lot of precedent about this. the u.s. attorney back in 2015 declined to bring charges against lois lerner and in 1983, it did only take eight days from the time of referral to bring it to a grand jury. that was in a case involving an epa official. she was ultimately, though, acquitted. in this case, there's a lot more at play. this whole executive privilege issue which, of course, the former president has directed steve bannon and others not to comply with this subpoena. so that could potentially serve as a defense for steve bannon. but either way here, jake, the u.s. attorney here in d.c., merrick garland, neither of them tipping their hand. they continue to say in statements. we saw merrick garland testifying yesterday that they will follow the facts and law to make an independent decision as to what they ultimately do. >> jessica schneider, thank you. let's discuss this with congresswoman zoe lofgren. we just learned your committee is going to hear from jeffrey clark, the former trump justice department official. what do you want to hear from him? what is he going to testify about? >> well, our posture has been that we're not going to discuss publicly or with the press the witnesses, what we're going to ask and the like. but what we've said from the beginning that we want to find out what was planned, what was the intent, who paid for it, and i think mr. clark certainly has information about what was planned and what the intent was. so we will hopefully learn even more from his appearance and his discussion. we're very committed to getting to the bottom of everything about january 6th and leading up to it. not only to understand what happened but to make sure we take whatever steps we can to make sure that nothing like this happens again. >> congresswoman, you've said part of this referral about steve bannon is to send a message to bannon he violated the law but you're also trying to send a message to other individuals who may be thinking about defying your committee's subpoenas. so far dan scavino's lawyer says he's not ready to testify. how likely is it that there will be a vote for a criminal contempt referral for dan scavino as well? >> well, we can't get ahead of ourselves. there will be additional discussions. but let's just say this. the law is clear. there's no absolute immunity even for the lawyer for the white house. don mcgahn case made that clear. i asked the attorney general when he was before the judiciary committee yesterday whether in his view that was still good law. and he said it is. it's still good law. we don't have absolute immunity. if you have a privilege that you want to claim, you have to come into the committee and claim it. let's take it out of the executive privilege area and say that you have a fifth amendment right not to incriminate yourself. you have to go in and assert that claim for each question and for all you know, the congress may grant you immunity from prosecution. then you'd have to answer the question. you can't just say to the congress, no thank you. that's not what a subpoena is all about. >> you just heard our reporter note that it is extremely rare for a prosecution of somebody who defied a subpoena. what will you do if attorney general garland decides to take a pass on prosecuting bannon? >> i'll just say it's extremely rare for a violent mob of 10,000 people to attack the capitol and try and overturn the constitution and the counting of the votes of the electoral college. so i think the attorney general and the department of justice will take a look at the facts and the law, but the law is very clear. bannon doesn't have the right not to appear, not to respond to this subpoena, to blow off the congress and i'm not going to speculate what if doj doesn't take action. i'll wait and see what they do. >> we heard from congresswoman liz cheney on the floor of the house that congressman jim banks, the republican who originally had been named to the committee, the committee you're on, the january 6th committee, but then pelosi said she wasn't going to seat him because he's an election liar. and then even regardless of that, mccarthy withdrew his name. that he has been sending letters to government agencies, every agency that your committee has requested information from. and he's claiming that he's a ranking republican on the committee. he writes that in his signature. he's not, obviously. liz cheney is. vice chair of the committee. lying to the government usually does not go unpunished. i'm sure if i did this, i would get in trouble. what do you make of this? >> well, obviously, he lies not just about the election but about himself. that's -- it's a ridiculous thing that he's done and highly improper. whether the ethics committee will initiate an inquiry, i cannot know, but certainly his behavior has been highly improper, and i was glad that congresswoman cheney called him out on it. >> earlier this week, condoleezza rice said on "the view" that the january 6th assault on the capitol was an assault on law and order, but she also said this. >> what happened on january 6th was wrong. i also know that as a government and as a country, we have to be concerned about the things that are making life hard for americans and hard for american families. >> this is an argument we're hearing that the idea the january 6th committee is focused on something that isn't going to change the lives of americans one way or another. it doesn't help with day care, jobs, et cetera. what do you say to that? >> as you're aware, i think, jake, we are pursuing the build back better agenda and a whole variety of things, the infrastructure plan that will have a very important impact on the day-to-day lives of americans. but let's say this. if the plotters succeed, if our democratic republic is not preserved, i think that will matter a great deal to the american people and have a profound impact on the lives of every american. >> congresswoman zoe lofgren of california, thank you. good to see you. ready for a weekend boost? what you need to know before your third vaccine shot or second if you got the j&j. and what we need to still worry about in terms of the rest of the world. plus, the search is over, but the discovery of brian laundrie's remains is unearthing new questions. stay with us. and, it's temperature balancing to help you stay comfortable all night. it even tracks your circadian rhythm, so you know when you're at your best. in other words, it's the most energy-building, wellness-boosting, parent-powering, proven quality night's sleep we've ever made. don't miss our weekend special. save up to $1,000 on select sleep number 360 smart beds and adjustable bases. plus, free premium delivery when you add a base. ends monday. ♪darling, i, i can't get enough of your love babe♪ ♪girl, i don't know, i don't know,♪ ♪i don't know why i can't get enough of your love babe♪ ♪oh no, babe girl, if i could only make you see♪ ♪and make you understand♪ get a dozen double crunch shrimp for $1 with any steak entrée. only at applebee's. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. 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[sigh of relief.] slack. where the future works. in our health lead today, on your marks, get set, boost! the cdc director's final sign off for adults who got moderna or johnson & johnson means the booster shots can start going into your arms right now. and good news when it comes to vaccinating children, too. pfizer says its shot is safe and nearly 91% effective in preventing symptomatic covid in kids ages 5 to 11. joining us now, dr. ashish jha, the dean of the brown university school of public health. i want to get your opinion on what we heard from the cdc director dr. rochelle walensky earlier today. >> if you are eligible for a boost and you're pregnant, you should also get your boost during that period of time and i would say for nursing as well. >> would you also encourage pregnant women to get a booster? >> yeah, jaike. absolutely. pregnant women are at high risk of bad complications of covid. it's very dangerous in pregnancy. i agree with the cdc director. if you're pregnant and have been vaccinated, good time to get a boost if you're six months out from your second shot. >> pfizer has data showing its smaller dose vaccine, about one-third of the size of the vaccine, for kids is nearly 91% effective in preventing the kids from getting any sort of symptomatic covid infection. put that in perspective for us. how promising might this be for ending the pandemic? >> two things on this. first of all, it's phenomenal. a high level of efficacy. this is the kind of stuff we saw early days of pfizer before the delta variant and other variants of concern came into effect. that was pretty compelling. kids need to get vaccinated because it's going to be good for them and protect them. obviously it's going to add population immunity to our broader population and help bring infection numbers down. it will be one more important step toward getting to the end of this pandemic. >> dr. jay varkey said, quote, vaccines don't end pandemics, vaccinations do. countries mostly in the southern hemisphere of still 500 million doses short. this is a global virus that doesn't care about borders. the u.s. has shared more doses than any other country in the world. but does the u.s. need to focus more energy on vaccinations overseas before boosting at home? >> so the good news is we can do both. should we be doing more on global vaccinations? absolutely, we should be focusing more on increased production, sharing more. we still have too many doses expiring in our pharmacies and going to waste. we should be getting them out more efficiently and effectively. we have so many vaccine doses here that we can share them and vaccinate or boost the vulnerable americans who need that additional shot. so i don't see it as a tradeoff, but i agree we need to do more on global vaccinations. >> a study published on the cdc website shows people who got any covid vaccine were less likely to die from any cause, not just covid, compared to unvaccinated people. that tells us the vaccines are definitively safe. what else does it tell you about maybe just the kinds of people who decide to get the vaccine? >> yeah, so first of all, right. it's absolutely clear the vaccines are incredibly safe at this point. half of humanity has gotten at least one shot of a covid vaccine. 3.5 billion people. that's extraordinary. very safe. i think on the issue of what that overall mortality impact, some of it is maybe that the people are getting vaccinated tend to lead safer lives. some of it is i think that because when you get covid, it can trigger so many other health problems and complications. it's really having a profound effect in all sorts of different ways. >> the cdc director says they might need to update the definition of fully vaccinated gop you worry that updating the definition to include boosters might further discourage the 64 million eligible americans who haven't gotten their first dose? >> this is a really good question. we've seen evidence on polling that might happen. at the end of the day we've got to do what the scientific evidence says. there are other vaccines which are three-dose vaccines. if the evidence says this is a three-dose vaccine we should treat it that way and then work to help people get comfortable getting it. that's i think the right approach. we just have to let the evidence drive this . >> dr. ashish jha, thank you. what can democrats do to save joe biden's presidency. and the future she promises. when we made grand wagoneer, proudly assembled in america, we knew no object would ever rank with the best things in this country. but we believed we could make something worthy of their spirit. constipated? 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>> essentially the white house is viewing this through a realistic lens here because they know there's going to be -- there are going to be hard choices when it comes to what's actually going to be in the final framework of this. the way press secretary jen psaki described it. there's no alternative for a larger bill. the only alternative is that there's no bill at all. and that's why you're seeing president biden speak so candidly as he did last night during that town hall about realistically what's going to be in this bill and what's going to be cut from it, including one of his biggest priorities that he touted time and time again on the campaign trail which was two free years of community college. the president openly saying it's because senator manchin and senator sinema are opposed to it that it's not going to make it into this bill. it's not just that. of course also the paid family leave being slashed from 12 weeks to four weeks. the idea of not raising corporate taxes which is polling as one of the most popular aspects of this proposal. now seems unlikely to be the way the white house is going to pay for it as democrats are trying to figure out a new way to do so. the final hours are ticking on. the white house saying there's not a deadline even though democrats have the self-imposed deadline of today to make an announcement about a agreement for framework. the white house says they're not coming up with any deadlines. they'll just have the president continuing to speak to lawmakers throughout this weekend. >> manu, some progressives are telling you they are feeling exas exasperated. >> because of the concessions they've had to make. a lot of them feel powerless at this point in the talks because the talks are all revolving about whether senators sinema and manchin can be ultimately satisfied and sign onto a deal and making concessions on key priorities whether it's expansion of medicare to climate change to other issues such as the -- how far to extend the child tax credit. all those issues now coming to a head. and all this also tie to the other big issue. the bipartisan infrastructure bill that is awaiting action in the house. there's a reason there's a deadline of today of sorts, reach a larger agreement on the outline of that larger bill is because they want to try to eswaj progressives it's okay to vote yes on the bipartisan infrastructure bill the democratic leaders want to bring to the floor next week. in talking to progressives, some are warning they'll vote against that infrastructure bill if that larger bill is not approved by both chambers of congress. >> i think it will be dangerous and i don't want to do anything dangerous for the american people. >> senator manchin and senator sinema, come to my district and visit with my folks. come and talk to the people who actually live out what you're trying to overlook. you don't care, but we do. >> medicare expansion may not get in this. tuition-free community college may not get in this. are you disappointed? >> of course we're disappointed. we want all of it. >> so as sinema has been opposed to raising the corporate tax rate as well as the tax rate on the highest earners, there's discussion about a number of other tax provisions that could help finance this package that democratic leaders have been promising will be fully paid for. one of those is a billionaire's tax. some of the details now being circulated would affect about 700 individuals who have income of more than $100 million for three straight years, as well as assets of that much, as well as the $1 billion in assets here. so, jake, the question is, will that be enough to satisfy someone like senator sinema? i'm told she's optimistic a deal could be reached within days. >> kaitlan collins, manu raju, thank you. let's discuss with my panel. stead, nancy pelosi says she's hope tlfl could be a vote on infrastructure next week. that's not a commitment there will be a vote but she's made some commitments before that she had to take back. do you think there are any consequences if the democrats blow through the october 31st self-imposed deadline? >> we've heard a number of these deadlines. you can also blow straight through them. i think there's a risk of consequences, though. one, president biden has talked about that climate summit in glasgow as a reason to get this done quickly because so many folks in the international community are looking for the u.s. to have a real leadership in law and not just these executive actions. there's political consequences, too. when you have democrats talking consistently about what's not going in this bill, about what they are cutting down, about what they have -- what they are stripping away, i don't think that's the message they want to take into next year in the midterms. the hope of this, the promise of this was they'd be able to say this is what we've done and how president biden has expanded past. the fdr moment. what we're coming at now is not another new deal. and that is going to be a challenge for democrats to be able to go back and say, hey, because this is just the start of that agenda. there's still voting rights and police reform. this is showing the challenge president biden will have to face on that front if infrastructure is going like this. you know the rest of the agenda will be also an uphill climb. >> do you think sinema and manchin ultimately are going to go along with the deal? do you think there's a deal to be had? >> well, the president seemed to lay out really clear areas where he was going to have to move off of the things he wanted to see in this bill in order to get them on board. and the white house today spent a lot of time trying to explain what some of those things might be and how they would end up paying for the bill. kaitlan mentioned free community college. the president conceded last night that would not be in there and he'd have to come back later and get that. paid family leave is down to four weeks. but that could be more than four weeks. so there's still a lot of outstanding questions, jake, about what manchin and sinema would support and from there what the white house is willing to give up. >> astead raises an interesting point about how much of the conversation in the last week or so has been about what's not going to be in the bill. so how upset could that leave progressives ultimately if -- even if there is what would be empirically a significant achievement. it will be a legislative achievement. but if it doesn't have increased taxes on the top bracket, increase in corporate taxes, free community college, et cetera, how much will progressives be demoralized? >> that's a great question. right now members of congress are telling them to be demoralized. that's a terrible message. but that's a tactic, not a strategy. once they get it, you watch, they'll pivot and say this is the greatest thing that ever happened and they'll be right about that, too. politicians are very good about this. they're in this negotiating. but if they do get this kinds of things they're talking about, this could be huge and transformational. everything that the progressives want. one of the rules that i've learned in politics is you never oppose a bill because of what's not in it. lyndon johnson famously took the voting rights section out of its civil rights bill in 1964. that was the worst thing he could have done but he had to to get it passed. came back the next year and got it passed. the '64 civil rights act, he came back the next year. prifgs progressives will come back the next year and the next year trying to fulfill their agenda. >> what do you think of all of this? mitt romney was talking about, this is incredibly reckless, irresponsible amount of money being spent. >> first of all, i think it is too much money that was originally proposed. i also disagree with my friend paul on the question of this being, you know, a great social program like the great society. the great society programs went through after debate, after there were hearings. after there was consideration of what was in them. the civil rights act had enormous debate. and you were able during that process to win over the american people. part of the problem with this is that we heard joe biden as a candidate talking about being a dealmaker, talking about listening to the other side. and then at least as this, you know, originally came out, it was like trying to force down the throats of people, like me, who voted for him, like independents who voted for him, who were not going to buy into these. and certainly needed to be persuaded on it. and they've done very little persuading. >> you didn't realize the other side meant kyrsten sinema. you thought it meant mitch mcconnell. let's turn to something else president biden said during the town hall about visiting the u.s./mexico border. >> i've been there before. i know it well. i guess i should go down there but the whole point is i haven't had a whole legal ofhell of a l time to get down there. i have been looking at the damage done by hurricanes and floods and weather and traveling around the world. >> he did go down there before in 2008, which is a few years ago. but you -- somebody in texas or arizona, new mexico, california, they could be forgiven for thinking this is not a priority for this guy. >> he was pressed on -- not he, jen psaki was pressed on that today during the white house press briefing. especially the part where he said, i should go down. so i would expect that the white house will continue to get pressed on this. the question is whether it raises to the level like we saw with kamala harris where eventually she did go down to the border because there was so much political pressure on her to do that. once she did that, the issue mostly went away for her for quite a long time until some of the more recent issues. that's an outstanding question also. >> could i just say, the problem is not at the border. the problem is in washington. we could solve the problem at the border tomorrow if we pass sensible immigration reform. we have 10 million jobs going wanting in the united states. our population is not growing in the way it has in the past. we need an infusion of immigrants into the united states, and it ought to be legal, but you can't do that unless you change immigration laws and allow some of the people who are trying to come in as asylees to come in as people willing to come and work and do jobs americans aren't willing to take. >> we couldn't get comprehensive immigration reform when we had ted kennedy and john mccain and president george w. bush. no chance in the world you'll get it now. you work in the white house and you are choosing every day between the urgent and the important. this is important but it's not urgent. the infrastructure bill is urgent. health care is urgent. covid is urgent. the build back better plan is urgent. he's doing the right thing and focusing on that. the border is an issue to be managed. it is not legislation to be passed. >> astead, i want to bring up something else president biden said yesterday in terms of whether or not he'd be open to getting rid of the filibuster. at least just to pass some sort of voter protection or voting rights bill. one of the reasons we like interviewing joe biden is because sometimes he accidentally says what he actually thinks. take a listen. >> when it comes to voting rights -- >> voting rights particularly is consequential. >> when it comes to voting rights, you would entertain the notion of doing away with the filibuster on that one issue? is that correct? >> and maybe more. >> and maybe more. but he said he wasn't going to bring it up now. again, telling the truth. because the three democrats he needs to pass his build back better act. but that's the farthest he's done in getting rid of the filibuster not just for voting rights but for other legislation as well. >> that moment of openness is what a lot of folks have been looking for for a long time from president biden. particularly the progressive side who has been hoping that he would openly push for the end of the filibuster and also put pressure on the manchins and sinemas and others in the senate democratic caucus who aren't open there. this is a huge road ahead of him on this front. it's amazing the president was just openly willing to admit the reason he won't do it now is because he needs these votes but down the line he'll think about it. but this is a big concession from president biden. when he was on the trail saying he was popular in these home districts and popular in conservative areas and thinks they would come around to working with them. what i are in that answer is he's gotten a reality check of where washington is now versus where it was then and there may be some different structures he has to embrace. >> a gaffe is when a politician accidentally tells the truth. >> but he also brought up the debt ceiling when we're talking about how far away from this we could be. could be december before he could change his position on this if they do not have the votes to extend the debt ceiling beyond that. >> senator mcconnell, by giving no votes whatsoever to joe manchin's voting rights bill. joe manchin was secretary of state of west virginia. he was very progressive on voting rights. always has been. i've talked to him about this. he believes in this. he's not, you know, going to kill voting rights. he's sponsoring it with amy klobuchar now. mcconnell didn't give him a single vote, and i think that can start to push manchin into reforming the filibuster for voting rights. i think he's having those conversations. >> thank you to my panel. have a great weekend. did the laundrie family lawyer just reveal too much? 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(music quieter) ♪ (phone clicks) ♪ ♪ in 2016, i was working at the amazon warehouse when my brother passed away. and a couple of years later, my mother passed away. after taking care of them, i knew that i really wanted to become a nurse. amazon helped me with training and tuition. today, i'm a medical assistant and i'm studying to become a registered nurse. in filipino: you'll always be in my heart. this may look like a regular movie night. but if you're a kid with diabetes, it's more. it's the simple act of enjoying time with friends, knowing you understand your glucose levels. ♪ in our politics lead today we learned the u.s. supreme court will hear arguments on the controversial texas abortion law on november 1. in agreeing to hear the case under an expedited time frame, the court said it would focus on the unusual way the texas legislature crafted the law. the law, as you might recall, bans most abortion in the state after six weeks, before many women even know they're pregnant, and it turns private citizens into something like bounty hunters. but it will allow the law to remain in effect for now. nbc's arianna vogue joins us. what does this suggest to you? >> this law remains in effect, so roe is a dead letter right now in the state of the texas. but they have these hearings really, really quickly for them to be able to weigh in. that's maybe why you didn't see the liberal justices, kagan and breyer, dissent here. but they're going to look at how this law was structured. texas courts can't enforce it, private individuals can. opponents of the law say, you can't enforce it. this worries the justices. what happens if a liberal state decides to pass a very similar law, say, on gun rights? then you would see the conservatives racing to the supreme court. maybe that's why they're interested in taking up just that question and dealing with it as quickly as they can. >> justice sotomayor, one of the liberal justices, sharply criticized her colleagues for once again allowing the ban to remain in effect. she called the expedited schedule for arguments cold comfort for women in texas who might need an abortion for whatever reason. how should we interpret what she says? >> it shows you her role on this court. she's not like the other liberal justices. she is not trying to find compromise. she's coming out with a fiery dissent and saying, look at what the court's doing here, look at the impact of this law on poor women, on minors, about the fact that the law has no exception for rape or incest. she really wants to push those points. and of course it comes at such a fraught time with this court because they're trying to sort of publicly say that everything is civil and they're communicating well. but behind the scenes you've got those three conservative justices who want to move fast to the right. you've got barrett and kavanaugh, two of trump's nominees. we're not quite sure where they are. then you have the chief justice, he's trying to move more incrementally because of course he's worried about the institution of the court. and then the liberals are always in this perpetual dissent. so that's where things are now. it's a really fraught time. and they're in the spotlight. that's a place they hate to be. >> even if they get rid of the texas law, and who knows if they will or not, there's still the mississippi 15-week abortion ban that's coming their way regardless. ariane de vogue, thank you so much, appreciate it. file it under "oops." the aviation state messed up the launch of a new license plate and the jokes, well, they took off. buckle up. that's next. going on inside. it's true, with diabetic retinopathy, excess sugar can damage blood vessels, causing vision loss or even blindness. so remember this: now is the time to get your eyes checked. eye care is important to your long-term diabetes management. see a path forward with actions and treatments that may help your eyes— and protect against vision loss. visit and take control of your sight. constipated? 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Americans , Issues , Tension , Accusation , Facebook , Sort , Control , Conspiracy Theory , Laser , Forest Fires , Yes , Merrick Garland , Somebody , Decision , Whether , Process , Department Of Justice , Jessica Schneider , Attorney General , Expectations , Democrats , Prosecutors , Ways , Case , Complaint , Charges , Thing , Attorney , Grand Jury , Precedent , Lois Lerner , 1983 , 2015 , More , Official , Executive Privilege Issue , Play , Epa , Acquitted , Eight , Way , Course , Neither , Which , Defense , Hand , Law And Order , Facts , Statements , We Saw , Zoe Lofgren , Department Official , Justice , Press , Posture , Like , Witnesses , Beginning , Intent , Mr , Everything , Discussion , Appearance , Bottom , Message , Part , Nothing , Individuals , Lawyer , Thinking , Subpoenas , Dan Scavino , Vote , Immunity , Discussions , Criminal Contempt Referral , View , Don Mcgahn Case , Judiciary Committee Yesterday , Clear , Privilege , Executive Privilege Area , Fifth Amendment , Congress , Question , Prosecution , Reporter Note , Capitol , Counting , Constitution , Pass On Prosecuting Bannon , Mob , 10000 , Votes , Electoral College , Look , Bannon Doesn T , Doj Doesn T Take Action , House , Floor , Election Liar , Congressman Jim Banks , Mccarthy , Committee , Agency , Government Agencies , Letters , Name , Government , Signature , Vice Chair , Ethics Committee , Election , Trouble , Inquiry , Behavior , The View , Assault , January 6th Assault , Condoleezza Rice , Country , Families , Argument , Idea The January 6th Committee , Life , It Doesn T , Agenda , Lives , Build , Help , Jobs , Day Care , Isn T , One Way Or Another , Impact , Variety , Plotters , Deal , World , The Search Is Over , Rest , Weekend Boost , Terms , Vaccine Shot , California , Plus , J , Brian Laundrie , Stay , Questions , Remains , Discovery , Temperature Balancing , Best , Circadian Rhythm , I Don T , Miss , Sleep Number , Energy Building , Parent , Weekend Special , Sleep , Bases , 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Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240709

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detail. the committee is essentially broken up their investigative teams into different groups with specific areas of focus. one of those groups which they've labelled the green team, is specifically looking into the money trail. they want to know who funded some of these rallies that took place on january 6th and in the days leading up to january 6th to see if there's any coordination between the former president, the trump campaign and others to see if that played some role in contributing to the violence and chaos here on capitol hill on january 6th. the committee members telling us specifically that they want to know who paid to bring the travel for people to get here to washington for hotel rooms, bus trips, et cetera. they believe that there is something that they can learn about this money trail and how it contributed to what happened here on january 6th. >> also yesterday we saw a conspiracy theorist and republican congresswoman marjorie taylor greene, republican of georgia, approach and accost congresswoman liz cheney. tell us about that. >> jake, this is just an example of how things are very tense here on capitol hill. and this happened during the debate over the criminal contempt referral of steve bannon. and taylor-greene walked behind congresswoman liz cheney and congressman jamie raskin during that debate and basically accused them of making too much out of this and saying they were focused on the wrong things. it delved into a shouting match on some level between the three of them and liz cheney actually calling marjorie taylor greene a joke and bringing up the fact that she had talked about jewish space lasers at one point, a claim that greene very much denies. so this shows the acrimony on capitol hill. a lot of tension, especially when it comes to issues like what happened on january 6th. >> it is a fact that marjorie taylor greene posted on facebook a crazy accusation that a number of notable jewish americans -- this is all an insane anti-semitic conspiracy theory but jewish americans had control of some sort of laser and were causing forest fires to profit or something. that's just a fact. she did do that. >> yes. >> ryan nobles, thank you. attorney general merrick garland will have to make the ultimate decision about whether or not to prosecute steve bannon. jessica schneider joins us live. it is rare for the department of justice to prosecute somebody for not complying with the subpoena. how do you think this process will play out and should democrats be managing expectations here about what attorney general garland is going to do? >> i think they should be managing expectations. this could play out in one of three ways and it may not happen quickly. right now prosecutors are likely examining legal issues, also building out a legal case to determine one of three things that could happen. they could decline to bring charges against steve bannon. they could also bring a criminal complaint against bannon or bring it right to the grand jury which would determine whether or not to indict. the interesting thing is there's not a lot of precedent about this. the u.s. attorney back in 2015 declined to bring charges against lois lerner and in 1983, it did only take eight days from the time of referral to bring it to a grand jury. that was in a case involving an epa official. she was ultimately, though, acquitted. in this case, there's a lot more at play. this whole executive privilege issue which, of course, the former president has directed steve bannon and others not to comply with this subpoena. so that could potentially serve as a defense for steve bannon. but either way here, jake, the u.s. attorney here in d.c., merrick garland, neither of them tipping their hand. they continue to say in statements. we saw merrick garland testifying yesterday that they will follow the facts and law to make an independent decision as to what they ultimately do. >> jessica schneider, thank you. let's discuss this with congresswoman zoe lofgren. we just learned your committee is going to hear from jeffrey clark, the former trump justice department official. what do you want to hear from him? what is he going to testify about? >> well, our posture has been that we're not going to discuss publicly or with the press the witnesses, what we're going to ask and the like. but what we've said from the beginning that we want to find out what was planned, what was the intent, who paid for it, and i think mr. clark certainly has information about what was planned and what the intent was. so we will hopefully learn even more from his appearance and his discussion. we're very committed to getting to the bottom of everything about january 6th and leading up to it. not only to understand what happened but to make sure we take whatever steps we can to make sure that nothing like this happens again. >> congresswoman, you've said part of this referral about steve bannon is to send a message to bannon he violated the law but you're also trying to send a message to other individuals who may be thinking about defying your committee's subpoenas. so far dan scavino's lawyer says he's not ready to testify. how likely is it that there will be a vote for a criminal contempt referral for dan scavino as well? >> well, we can't get ahead of ourselves. there will be additional discussions. but let's just say this. the law is clear. there's no absolute immunity even for the lawyer for the white house. don mcgahn case made that clear. i asked the attorney general when he was before the judiciary committee yesterday whether in his view that was still good law. and he said it is. it's still good law. we don't have absolute immunity. if you have a privilege that you want to claim, you have to come into the committee and claim it. let's take it out of the executive privilege area and say that you have a fifth amendment right not to incriminate yourself. you have to go in and assert that claim for each question and for all you know, the congress may grant you immunity from prosecution. then you'd have to answer the question. you can't just say to the congress, no thank you. that's not what a subpoena is all about. >> you just heard our reporter note that it is extremely rare for a prosecution of somebody who defied a subpoena. what will you do if attorney general garland decides to take a pass on prosecuting bannon? >> i'll just say it's extremely rare for a violent mob of 10,000 people to attack the capitol and try and overturn the constitution and the counting of the votes of the electoral college. so i think the attorney general and the department of justice will take a look at the facts and the law, but the law is very clear. bannon doesn't have the right not to appear, not to respond to this subpoena, to blow off the congress and i'm not going to speculate what if doj doesn't take action. i'll wait and see what they do. >> we heard from congresswoman liz cheney on the floor of the house that congressman jim banks, the republican who originally had been named to the committee, the committee you're on, the january 6th committee, but then pelosi said she wasn't going to seat him because he's an election liar. and then even regardless of that, mccarthy withdrew his name. that he has been sending letters to government agencies, every agency that your committee has requested information from. and he's claiming that he's a ranking republican on the committee. he writes that in his signature. he's not, obviously. liz cheney is. vice chair of the committee. lying to the government usually does not go unpunished. i'm sure if i did this, i would get in trouble. what do you make of this? >> well, obviously, he lies not just about the election but about himself. that's -- it's a ridiculous thing that he's done and highly improper. whether the ethics committee will initiate an inquiry, i cannot know, but certainly his behavior has been highly improper, and i was glad that congresswoman cheney called him out on it. >> earlier this week, condoleezza rice said on "the view" that the january 6th assault on the capitol was an assault on law and order, but she also said this. >> what happened on january 6th was wrong. i also know that as a government and as a country, we have to be concerned about the things that are making life hard for americans and hard for american families. >> this is an argument we're hearing that the idea the january 6th committee is focused on something that isn't going to change the lives of americans one way or another. it doesn't help with day care, jobs, et cetera. what do you say to that? >> as you're aware, i think, jake, we are pursuing the build back better agenda and a whole variety of things, the infrastructure plan that will have a very important impact on the day-to-day lives of americans. but let's say this. if the plotters succeed, if our democratic republic is not preserved, i think that will matter a great deal to the american people and have a profound impact on the lives of every american. >> congresswoman zoe lofgren of california, thank you. good to see you. ready for a weekend boost? what you need to know before your third vaccine shot or second if you got the j&j. and what we need to still worry about in terms of the rest of the world. plus, the search is over, but the discovery of brian laundrie's remains is unearthing new questions. stay with us. and, it's temperature balancing to help you stay comfortable all night. it even tracks your circadian rhythm, so you know when you're at your best. in other words, it's the most energy-building, wellness-boosting, parent-powering, proven quality night's sleep we've ever made. don't miss our weekend special. save up to $1,000 on select sleep number 360 smart beds and adjustable bases. plus, free premium delivery when you add a base. ends monday. ♪darling, i, i can't get enough of your love babe♪ ♪girl, i don't know, i don't know,♪ ♪i don't know why i can't get enough of your love babe♪ ♪oh no, babe girl, if i could only make you see♪ ♪and make you understand♪ get a dozen double crunch shrimp for $1 with any steak entrée. only at applebee's. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. 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[sigh of relief.] slack. where the future works. in our health lead today, on your marks, get set, boost! the cdc director's final sign off for adults who got moderna or johnson & johnson means the booster shots can start going into your arms right now. and good news when it comes to vaccinating children, too. pfizer says its shot is safe and nearly 91% effective in preventing symptomatic covid in kids ages 5 to 11. joining us now, dr. ashish jha, the dean of the brown university school of public health. i want to get your opinion on what we heard from the cdc director dr. rochelle walensky earlier today. >> if you are eligible for a boost and you're pregnant, you should also get your boost during that period of time and i would say for nursing as well. >> would you also encourage pregnant women to get a booster? >> yeah, jaike. absolutely. pregnant women are at high risk of bad complications of covid. it's very dangerous in pregnancy. i agree with the cdc director. if you're pregnant and have been vaccinated, good time to get a boost if you're six months out from your second shot. >> pfizer has data showing its smaller dose vaccine, about one-third of the size of the vaccine, for kids is nearly 91% effective in preventing the kids from getting any sort of symptomatic covid infection. put that in perspective for us. how promising might this be for ending the pandemic? >> two things on this. first of all, it's phenomenal. a high level of efficacy. this is the kind of stuff we saw early days of pfizer before the delta variant and other variants of concern came into effect. that was pretty compelling. kids need to get vaccinated because it's going to be good for them and protect them. obviously it's going to add population immunity to our broader population and help bring infection numbers down. it will be one more important step toward getting to the end of this pandemic. >> dr. jay varkey said, quote, vaccines don't end pandemics, vaccinations do. countries mostly in the southern hemisphere of still 500 million doses short. this is a global virus that doesn't care about borders. the u.s. has shared more doses than any other country in the world. but does the u.s. need to focus more energy on vaccinations overseas before boosting at home? >> so the good news is we can do both. should we be doing more on global vaccinations? absolutely, we should be focusing more on increased production, sharing more. we still have too many doses expiring in our pharmacies and going to waste. we should be getting them out more efficiently and effectively. we have so many vaccine doses here that we can share them and vaccinate or boost the vulnerable americans who need that additional shot. so i don't see it as a tradeoff, but i agree we need to do more on global vaccinations. >> a study published on the cdc website shows people who got any covid vaccine were less likely to die from any cause, not just covid, compared to unvaccinated people. that tells us the vaccines are definitively safe. what else does it tell you about maybe just the kinds of people who decide to get the vaccine? >> yeah, so first of all, right. it's absolutely clear the vaccines are incredibly safe at this point. half of humanity has gotten at least one shot of a covid vaccine. 3.5 billion people. that's extraordinary. very safe. i think on the issue of what that overall mortality impact, some of it is maybe that the people are getting vaccinated tend to lead safer lives. some of it is i think that because when you get covid, it can trigger so many other health problems and complications. it's really having a profound effect in all sorts of different ways. >> the cdc director says they might need to update the definition of fully vaccinated gop you worry that updating the definition to include boosters might further discourage the 64 million eligible americans who haven't gotten their first dose? >> this is a really good question. we've seen evidence on polling that might happen. at the end of the day we've got to do what the scientific evidence says. there are other vaccines which are three-dose vaccines. if the evidence says this is a three-dose vaccine we should treat it that way and then work to help people get comfortable getting it. that's i think the right approach. we just have to let the evidence drive this . >> dr. ashish jha, thank you. what can democrats do to save joe biden's presidency. and the future she promises. when we made grand wagoneer, proudly assembled in america, we knew no object would ever rank with the best things in this country. but we believed we could make something worthy of their spirit. constipated? 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>> essentially the white house is viewing this through a realistic lens here because they know there's going to be -- there are going to be hard choices when it comes to what's actually going to be in the final framework of this. the way press secretary jen psaki described it. there's no alternative for a larger bill. the only alternative is that there's no bill at all. and that's why you're seeing president biden speak so candidly as he did last night during that town hall about realistically what's going to be in this bill and what's going to be cut from it, including one of his biggest priorities that he touted time and time again on the campaign trail which was two free years of community college. the president openly saying it's because senator manchin and senator sinema are opposed to it that it's not going to make it into this bill. it's not just that. of course also the paid family leave being slashed from 12 weeks to four weeks. the idea of not raising corporate taxes which is polling as one of the most popular aspects of this proposal. now seems unlikely to be the way the white house is going to pay for it as democrats are trying to figure out a new way to do so. the final hours are ticking on. the white house saying there's not a deadline even though democrats have the self-imposed deadline of today to make an announcement about a agreement for framework. the white house says they're not coming up with any deadlines. they'll just have the president continuing to speak to lawmakers throughout this weekend. >> manu, some progressives are telling you they are feeling exas exasperated. >> because of the concessions they've had to make. a lot of them feel powerless at this point in the talks because the talks are all revolving about whether senators sinema and manchin can be ultimately satisfied and sign onto a deal and making concessions on key priorities whether it's expansion of medicare to climate change to other issues such as the -- how far to extend the child tax credit. all those issues now coming to a head. and all this also tie to the other big issue. the bipartisan infrastructure bill that is awaiting action in the house. there's a reason there's a deadline of today of sorts, reach a larger agreement on the outline of that larger bill is because they want to try to eswaj progressives it's okay to vote yes on the bipartisan infrastructure bill the democratic leaders want to bring to the floor next week. in talking to progressives, some are warning they'll vote against that infrastructure bill if that larger bill is not approved by both chambers of congress. >> i think it will be dangerous and i don't want to do anything dangerous for the american people. >> senator manchin and senator sinema, come to my district and visit with my folks. come and talk to the people who actually live out what you're trying to overlook. you don't care, but we do. >> medicare expansion may not get in this. tuition-free community college may not get in this. are you disappointed? >> of course we're disappointed. we want all of it. >> so as sinema has been opposed to raising the corporate tax rate as well as the tax rate on the highest earners, there's discussion about a number of other tax provisions that could help finance this package that democratic leaders have been promising will be fully paid for. one of those is a billionaire's tax. some of the details now being circulated would affect about 700 individuals who have income of more than $100 million for three straight years, as well as assets of that much, as well as the $1 billion in assets here. so, jake, the question is, will that be enough to satisfy someone like senator sinema? i'm told she's optimistic a deal could be reached within days. >> kaitlan collins, manu raju, thank you. let's discuss with my panel. stead, nancy pelosi says she's hope tlfl could be a vote on infrastructure next week. that's not a commitment there will be a vote but she's made some commitments before that she had to take back. do you think there are any consequences if the democrats blow through the october 31st self-imposed deadline? >> we've heard a number of these deadlines. you can also blow straight through them. i think there's a risk of consequences, though. one, president biden has talked about that climate summit in glasgow as a reason to get this done quickly because so many folks in the international community are looking for the u.s. to have a real leadership in law and not just these executive actions. there's political consequences, too. when you have democrats talking consistently about what's not going in this bill, about what they are cutting down, about what they have -- what they are stripping away, i don't think that's the message they want to take into next year in the midterms. the hope of this, the promise of this was they'd be able to say this is what we've done and how president biden has expanded past. the fdr moment. what we're coming at now is not another new deal. and that is going to be a challenge for democrats to be able to go back and say, hey, because this is just the start of that agenda. there's still voting rights and police reform. this is showing the challenge president biden will have to face on that front if infrastructure is going like this. you know the rest of the agenda will be also an uphill climb. >> do you think sinema and manchin ultimately are going to go along with the deal? do you think there's a deal to be had? >> well, the president seemed to lay out really clear areas where he was going to have to move off of the things he wanted to see in this bill in order to get them on board. and the white house today spent a lot of time trying to explain what some of those things might be and how they would end up paying for the bill. kaitlan mentioned free community college. the president conceded last night that would not be in there and he'd have to come back later and get that. paid family leave is down to four weeks. but that could be more than four weeks. so there's still a lot of outstanding questions, jake, about what manchin and sinema would support and from there what the white house is willing to give up. >> astead raises an interesting point about how much of the conversation in the last week or so has been about what's not going to be in the bill. so how upset could that leave progressives ultimately if -- even if there is what would be empirically a significant achievement. it will be a legislative achievement. but if it doesn't have increased taxes on the top bracket, increase in corporate taxes, free community college, et cetera, how much will progressives be demoralized? >> that's a great question. right now members of congress are telling them to be demoralized. that's a terrible message. but that's a tactic, not a strategy. once they get it, you watch, they'll pivot and say this is the greatest thing that ever happened and they'll be right about that, too. politicians are very good about this. they're in this negotiating. but if they do get this kinds of things they're talking about, this could be huge and transformational. everything that the progressives want. one of the rules that i've learned in politics is you never oppose a bill because of what's not in it. lyndon johnson famously took the voting rights section out of its civil rights bill in 1964. that was the worst thing he could have done but he had to to get it passed. came back the next year and got it passed. the '64 civil rights act, he came back the next year. prifgs progressives will come back the next year and the next year trying to fulfill their agenda. >> what do you think of all of this? mitt romney was talking about, this is incredibly reckless, irresponsible amount of money being spent. >> first of all, i think it is too much money that was originally proposed. i also disagree with my friend paul on the question of this being, you know, a great social program like the great society. the great society programs went through after debate, after there were hearings. after there was consideration of what was in them. the civil rights act had enormous debate. and you were able during that process to win over the american people. part of the problem with this is that we heard joe biden as a candidate talking about being a dealmaker, talking about listening to the other side. and then at least as this, you know, originally came out, it was like trying to force down the throats of people, like me, who voted for him, like independents who voted for him, who were not going to buy into these. and certainly needed to be persuaded on it. and they've done very little persuading. >> you didn't realize the other side meant kyrsten sinema. you thought it meant mitch mcconnell. let's turn to something else president biden said during the town hall about visiting the u.s./mexico border. >> i've been there before. i know it well. i guess i should go down there but the whole point is i haven't had a whole legal ofhell of a l time to get down there. i have been looking at the damage done by hurricanes and floods and weather and traveling around the world. >> he did go down there before in 2008, which is a few years ago. but you -- somebody in texas or arizona, new mexico, california, they could be forgiven for thinking this is not a priority for this guy. >> he was pressed on -- not he, jen psaki was pressed on that today during the white house press briefing. especially the part where he said, i should go down. so i would expect that the white house will continue to get pressed on this. the question is whether it raises to the level like we saw with kamala harris where eventually she did go down to the border because there was so much political pressure on her to do that. once she did that, the issue mostly went away for her for quite a long time until some of the more recent issues. that's an outstanding question also. >> could i just say, the problem is not at the border. the problem is in washington. we could solve the problem at the border tomorrow if we pass sensible immigration reform. we have 10 million jobs going wanting in the united states. our population is not growing in the way it has in the past. we need an infusion of immigrants into the united states, and it ought to be legal, but you can't do that unless you change immigration laws and allow some of the people who are trying to come in as asylees to come in as people willing to come and work and do jobs americans aren't willing to take. >> we couldn't get comprehensive immigration reform when we had ted kennedy and john mccain and president george w. bush. no chance in the world you'll get it now. you work in the white house and you are choosing every day between the urgent and the important. this is important but it's not urgent. the infrastructure bill is urgent. health care is urgent. covid is urgent. the build back better plan is urgent. he's doing the right thing and focusing on that. the border is an issue to be managed. it is not legislation to be passed. >> astead, i want to bring up something else president biden said yesterday in terms of whether or not he'd be open to getting rid of the filibuster. at least just to pass some sort of voter protection or voting rights bill. one of the reasons we like interviewing joe biden is because sometimes he accidentally says what he actually thinks. take a listen. >> when it comes to voting rights -- >> voting rights particularly is consequential. >> when it comes to voting rights, you would entertain the notion of doing away with the filibuster on that one issue? is that correct? >> and maybe more. >> and maybe more. but he said he wasn't going to bring it up now. again, telling the truth. because the three democrats he needs to pass his build back better act. but that's the farthest he's done in getting rid of the filibuster not just for voting rights but for other legislation as well. >> that moment of openness is what a lot of folks have been looking for for a long time from president biden. particularly the progressive side who has been hoping that he would openly push for the end of the filibuster and also put pressure on the manchins and sinemas and others in the senate democratic caucus who aren't open there. this is a huge road ahead of him on this front. it's amazing the president was just openly willing to admit the reason he won't do it now is because he needs these votes but down the line he'll think about it. but this is a big concession from president biden. when he was on the trail saying he was popular in these home districts and popular in conservative areas and thinks they would come around to working with them. what i are in that answer is he's gotten a reality check of where washington is now versus where it was then and there may be some different structures he has to embrace. >> a gaffe is when a politician accidentally tells the truth. >> but he also brought up the debt ceiling when we're talking about how far away from this we could be. could be december before he could change his position on this if they do not have the votes to extend the debt ceiling beyond that. >> senator mcconnell, by giving no votes whatsoever to joe manchin's voting rights bill. joe manchin was secretary of state of west virginia. he was very progressive on voting rights. always has been. i've talked to him about this. he believes in this. he's not, you know, going to kill voting rights. he's sponsoring it with amy klobuchar now. mcconnell didn't give him a single vote, and i think that can start to push manchin into reforming the filibuster for voting rights. i think he's having those conversations. >> thank you to my panel. have a great weekend. did the laundrie family lawyer just reveal too much? 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>> this law remains in effect, so roe is a dead letter right now in the state of the texas. but they have these hearings really, really quickly for them to be able to weigh in. that's maybe why you didn't see the liberal justices, kagan and breyer, dissent here. but they're going to look at how this law was structured. texas courts can't enforce it, private individuals can. opponents of the law say, you can't enforce it. this worries the justices. what happens if a liberal state decides to pass a very similar law, say, on gun rights? then you would see the conservatives racing to the supreme court. maybe that's why they're interested in taking up just that question and dealing with it as quickly as they can. >> justice sotomayor, one of the liberal justices, sharply criticized her colleagues for once again allowing the ban to remain in effect. she called the expedited schedule for arguments cold comfort for women in texas who might need an abortion for whatever reason. how should we interpret what she says? >> it shows you her role on this court. she's not like the other liberal justices. she is not trying to find compromise. she's coming out with a fiery dissent and saying, look at what the court's doing here, look at the impact of this law on poor women, on minors, about the fact that the law has no exception for rape or incest. she really wants to push those points. and of course it comes at such a fraught time with this court because they're trying to sort of publicly say that everything is civil and they're communicating well. but behind the scenes you've got those three conservative justices who want to move fast to the right. you've got barrett and kavanaugh, two of trump's nominees. we're not quite sure where they are. then you have the chief justice, he's trying to move more incrementally because of course he's worried about the institution of the court. and then the liberals are always in this perpetual dissent. so that's where things are now. it's a really fraught time. and they're in the spotlight. that's a place they hate to be. >> even if they get rid of the texas law, and who knows if they will or not, there's still the mississippi 15-week abortion ban that's coming their way regardless. ariane de vogue, thank you so much, appreciate it. file it under "oops." the aviation state messed up the launch of a new license plate and the jokes, well, they took off. buckle up. that's next. going on inside. it's true, with diabetic retinopathy, excess sugar can damage blood vessels, causing vision loss or even blindness. so remember this: now is the time to get your eyes checked. eye care is important to your long-term diabetes management. see a path forward with actions and treatments that may help your eyes— and protect against vision loss. visit and take control of your sight. constipated? 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Aviation , Bike Shop , Record , Dayton , 2003 , Ohio Wasn T , Aircraft , Kill Devil Hills , Kitty Hawk , 1903 , Work , Bragging Rights , Version , House Speaker , Asa Hutchinson , Exclusive , Instagram , Arkansas , Tik Tiktok , On Twitter , 9 , Wolf Blitzer , Coverage , Podcasts , Show , Sunday Morning , Situation Room , Aketapper , Investigation , Breaking News , Testimony , January 6 , Claims , Election Fraud , Oath , Prospects , Plowing , Divisions , Performance ,

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