Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim S

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240709

pronounced dead at the hospital. >> the film's director joel souza was also injured. you're looking at pictures here of the movie's star, alec baldwin, also a producer. stephanie elam joining us now. there are a lot of questions about what happened. how many answers do we have this morning, stephanie? >> reporter: there is probably more questions than there are answers at this point, erica and jim. what we do know, according to the santa fe county sheriff's office, is that they received a call shortly before 2:00 p.m. local time yesterday, a 911 call that came in saying there had been a shooting on the set. they responded to this movie set, which is on the bonanza creek ranch. and that's when they gofr disco that two people had been shot. the way they worded it was a prop firearm was discharged by alec baldwin. that's how they worded it. they went on to say they continued to investigate. they're talking to people who were witnesses who saw what happened. no charges have been filed yet in this. we have a statement from the company that is behind "rust" about this incident and it says in part the entire cast and crew has been absolutely devastated by today's tragedy. and we send our deepest condolences to halyna's family and loved ones. they say production has been halted for an undetermined period of time and that they're fully cooperating with the santa fe sheriff's department with the investigation and they're going to provide counseling for everyone connect with the film. this movie being a western set in the 1880s, according to amdb, the set irony here, it is about a 13-year-old boy who goes on the run with his estranged grandfather after he's accused of accidentally murdering somebody. so just a very sad turn of events here. we still don't have all of the answers. but obviously the sadness here is that this woman, this 42-year-old woman, halyna hutchins, lost her life. the director, we're waiting to see what his condition is since this event, but, still so many questions how this could have happened and how these two people were shot. >> just devastating story. stephanie elam, thanks so much. our next guest this morning is a filmmaker and contributor to american cinematographer magazine, jim hemphill, thank you for joining us this morning under just extremely sad circumstances. but you wrote a profile of halyna in 2019 as part of a feature on rising cinematographers, you had a chance to speak with her at the time. what can you share about her this morning? >> well, you know, she was a woman who was just in love with movies and movie-making. she grew up on a soviet military base where there wasn't much to do but watch movies. so she fell in love with movies at a young age, came over here, was really making a name for herself as a cinematographer of genre movies. known for action films and horror films. and, you know, it is just a devastating loss, i think, to everybody in the cinematography community. >> certainly so tough and she was young, right? i think 42. you talk about the impact she was having. she was starting to see some real accolades for her work. >> yeah, absolutely. she came from a documentary background. she studied journalism and then fell into filmmaking when she was working on documentaries in the uk. that led her to come over here to the u.s. to work in a film industry where she kind of brought that eye that she had from documentaries and nonfiction film-making to, again, action movies and horror movies. they had this sort of immediacy and realism as well as this eye for beauty she had and it was a really unique look that was, you know, was really announcing her as somebody to watch. >> can you describe the shock in the industry right now to something like this? >> you know, i think -- yeah, shock is the only word to describe it. everyone that i've talked to and corresponded with on email, no one can really believe it. i don't think it really sunk in for people yet. >> hasn't really sunk in. i would imagine that's two fold, right, the personal for anybody who had a connection with halyna and then it is also on the professional as to how this happened on a set. and those are a lot of the questions we also don't have answers to this morning. how much is that a part of the discussion? >> well, that's certainly a large part of it, i mean, this is obviously every filmmaker's worst fear, this happening on a set. and it is a thing, you know, we all know this happened with brandon lee on the set of "the crow" going back 30 years and we all thought that maybe after that, there would be changes made. and this kind of thing wouldn't be able to happen and so it is just -- it is stunning, yeah. i think everybody is just trying to find out what happened and how it happened and make sure it never changes again. >> what kind of changes are you talking about there, following for instance the lead you talked about three decades ago. what kind of changes were discussed and perhaps haven't been made? >> i'll be honest with you, i don't know necessarily if they were implemented. i think just -- whenever something like that happens, there is talk about safety protocols and really what can be done to avoid it in the future? and to be honest with you, don't remember actually what was implemented after the brandon lee accident. and i'm not sure given we don't know the details yet, i'm not sure what caused this accident and what could be done to prevent something like this from happening in the future. >> appreciate you joining us this morning and giving us a look to -- into halyna hutchins, who died yesterday. thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. president biden on stage at cnn's town hall. democratic senators joe manchin and kyrsten sinema, though, also sharing that spotlight. the president laying out in the most specific terms yet just what senators manchin and sinema have pushed out of his sweeping social safety net package. and what holdups still remain. also, where he's willing to compromise. >> there was a lot of news last night, one major moment from the town hall, the president opened the door at least to big changes down the road, to the senate filibuster, which has been a major question. particularly regarding voting rights. have a listen. >> if, in fact, i get myself into at this moment the debate on the filibuster, i lose at least three votes right now to get what i have to get done on the economic side of the equation, foreign policy side of the equation. >> had it comes to voting rights, is i'm clear, though, you would entertain the notion of doing away with the filibuster on that one issue, is that correct? >> and maybe more. >> and maybe other issues? >> that is quite a significant opening there. we're covering all the angles from the town hall, like only cnn can. let's begin at the white house where jeremy diamond is here. the president laid out a sequence there, saying, listen, i can't raise the idea of a carve out in the filibuster for voting rights until i get through this economic plan. he knows sinema, manchin oppose that. did he deliberately open the door to a next step that would involve a carveout for voting rights? >> reporter: well it was a shift in the president's previous position over the filibuster. the president signaling in the most clear terms yet that he is open to, quote, fundamentally altering the filibuster, not just for voting rights, perhaps also this issue of the debt limit, but also maybe more is what the president said there. certainly opening up pandora's box, but making very clear that that process is not something that he wants to, nor can he afford to engage in right now as he tries to get senators manchin and sinema on board with this reconciliation package. and that is where the president's focus is right now. and clearly it is a priority for the president over this issue of voting rights. that is just a matter of fact here. we do know that the president kind of took us behind the curtains of the negotiations with those senators and with the differing factions of the democratic party, making very clear some of the provisions that are in and also some of those that are out, for example, paid family leave provision brought down from 12 weeks to four weeks. this issue of hearing medical -- hearing, dental, expansion of medicare coverage, saying that that is probably not going to happen, looking instead at an $800 voucher and several other provisions here. the most detail we heard from the president so far and he repeatedly made clear it was because of opposition from senators manchin and sinema that the president was needing to make those hard choices. here is how he talked about some of the conversations with senator sinema. listen. >> first of all, she's smart as the devil, number one. number two, she's very supportive of the environmental agenda in my legislation. very supportive. she's supportive of almost all the things i mentioned relating to everything from a family care to all those issues. where she's not supportive is she says she will not raise a single penny in taxes on the corporate side, and/or on wealthy people. period. and so that's where it sort of breaks down. >> reporter: and a white house official later clarified the president was only referring to sinema's opposition to a corporate tax increase, but even with just that opposition, it is hard to see how the president maintains his promise to not raise taxes on people making over 400,000 and also make sure that this plan is paid for. that is indeed the challenge in the week ahead. >> certainly is, jeremy diamond, from the white house for us this morning. excuse me. thank you. how are things playing out on capitol hill? president biden optimistic that a deal will get done. there are still key sticking points. jessica dean joining us now from capitol hill. so this morning, jessica, where do things stand in terms of even just this real framework we have been waiting on? >> reporter: well, erica and jim, there had been hope by democratic leaders that props we could have a framework around this massive economic package by today. it does not look like that's going to happen. but certainly people are keeping their foot on the gas, they want to these negotiations to continue and what was really striking about that town hall last night was to hear from president biden himself a lot more than we heard from senator kyrsten sinema ourselves here on the hill. she does not talk much publicly at all about where she stands on this and said she's negotiating directly with the white house, with president biden, so we did get -- it was more illuminated what was going on, and he did highlight some of the key sticking points that remain, which includes some of the topics jeremy just went through, the climate provisions, how to expand and if to expand medicare, to cover dental and vision and hearing, paid leave, prescription drug price reform and taxes. i want to zero in on the last two right there. those are biggies, the taxes probably being the biggest of all. those are how they're intending to pay for this massive package. senator sinema has expressed clearly to the president that she does not support raising taxes on corporations or individuals and when president biden was running for president, that was something we heard on the stump all the time. that's how he was going to pay for this. that's how the democratic leaders had intended to pay for this. so the question now is how will they get that done? that's a big one. and, remember, they had, you know, that had wide democratic support across the spectrum and the democratic party. so keep an eye on that, jim and erica, and, again, prescription drug reform, another one that enjoys wide support from the public, and also from democrats across this spectrum, that had been one they thought could help pay for this. it is now up in the air how that will work. those are the things we're watching as we go into next week and as they continue to negotiate over the weekend, we think that pelosi and schumer could be meeting with president biden later today. we'll keep an eye out for that. >> one word we should banish from the discussions is deadline, givend n the deadlines been broken. jessica dean, good to have you on the hill, thank you. there was a big moment at the cnn town hall. president biden said the u.s. is committed to coming to taiwan's defense if china were to launch an invasion. this follows china sending dozens of warplanes near taiwan's self-declared air space, read as many as a genuine threat. >> will ripley is in taiwan this morning. the president's stance seems to be in opposition to america's stated policy of strategic ambiguity. how is all of this playing out today? >> reporter: well, certainly there have been a couple of moments now where the president has talked about taiwan and there has been a bit of confusion in this part of the world. when president biden was asked about a conversation he had with president xi jinping, he said, we're going to abide by the taiwan agreement. but there really is no taiwan agreement. and the foreign ministry here in taipei called washington to clarify. and then the white house had to back track and say, talking about the joint communiques, these joint statements that were released around 40 years ago when the u.s. normalized ties with beijing and therefore no longer had an official diplomatic relationship with taipei. which even though it has its own government, beijing considers this whole island kind of a renegade province that could be taken back at any time. so part of the agreement with beijing is that the u.s. can sell weapons to taiwan, the u.s. can have a friendship with taiwan, but it can't have a formal alliance with taiwan and can't say, i guess, can't say whether or not it would come to taiwan's military defense if beijing were it try to take back this island, the strategic ambiguity has helped to create decades of sustainable, peaceful co-existence between taiwan and the mainland, things have been ratcheting up lately. here is the sound where president biden spoke about taiwan that raised a little bit of confusion. >> that's why you hear people saying, biden wants to start a new cold war with china. i don't want a cold war with china. i want to make china understand that we are not going to step back, we're not going to change any of our views. >> are you saying that the united states would come to taiwan's defense if china attacked it? >> yes, we have a commitment to do that. >> so that's why the white house is once again walking back and saying, okay, president biden not saying that the u.s. would necessarily step in and defend taiwan, with u.s. troops. but perhaps maybe he was referring to the fact that the u.s. has been selling billions of dollars in weapons to taiwan. the government here, the foreign ministry here, wanted to say thank you to washington for the comments by president biden that are supportive of taiwan. in beijing, they put out a statement, and they said that basically china's urging the u.s. to strictly abide by these agreements. the joint communiques and the others that have helped create this sustainable relationship. maybe a slip of the tongue or an off the cuff remark, but certainly did raise some questions in this part of the world. >> part of the ambiguity is leaving that question open, as to what the u.s. would do, part of the deterrence against a possible chinese invasion. so that's part of the big picture here. will ripley, good to have you on the ground in taiwan. still ahead, the fbi confirms the remains found at a florida reserve are those of brian laundrie. what we're learning about where the investigation will go from here. plus, the leader of the gang that kidnapped 17 missionaries in haiti now threatening to kill them if he doesn't get his ransom. now the state department is weighing in. and later, what you need to know about a covid vaccine booster and the flu shot. do you need to space the doses out? we'll ask a doctor. 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>> well, look, i mine, first of all we need to say the president has zero power to change the filibuster rules. biden moving his goal post on the filibuster is a very big deal potentially. and what he's doing by saying voting rights and the debt limit could be areas where the filibuster needs to be removed is saying that when there are issues of existential basic point to our democracy, full faith and credit of the united states, the ability for our democracy to function, that maybe those areas should be separated from the general filibuster rules. that could lead to a rapid escalation, telling whether that would appeal to senators like sinema and manchin. but it is a significant movement on issues of core importance to the united states. >> let me ask you this though, john, i wonder if there is some risk here because by raising this before he's got, you know, signatures on his infrastructure bill and the budget deal, where he needs a senator like manchin and sinema on board for those, but they oppose changes to the filibuster, but by tipping his hand here to say maybe next this is something i pursue, does he risk their support for these budget and infrastructure deals? >> there is always a risk. remember, one of the reasons that mcconnell actually got republicans to back off their threats a few weeks ago is concern that action, the filibuster on the debt ceiling was pushing manchin and sinema to back away from their commitment to enforce the filibuster. it could be a part of an ornate negotiation on the part of biden. but there is always risks. i don't think at this point either of those senators would scuttle the budget over the filibuster or discussions of it. >> speaking of manchin and sinema, they figure prominently for weeks now as we know in nearly every single conversation which involves this bill. that being said, the amount of air time that they have last night in terms of comments coming from president biden, how much of that do you think was a signal? >> look, as biden said, you have a 50/50 senate, every senator can act like president. and manchin and sinema have been playing a very hard game, really dragging out negotiations. we found out from biden, not sinema, that her bottom line issue is no increase in the individual and corporate tax rate, which makes it very difficult to pay for these proposals that she allegedly supports and the rest of the agenda, which is typically something that centrists care about. i think biden last night, his best format has always been the town hall, going back to the campaign. he was able to explain measures of the bill, with a degree of compassion and command a policy detail we haven't always seen from him when he's behind the podium. that shifts the debate somewhat. >> very quickly, john, the deadline should be shot to the moon now, but there is some hard time tacks coming up. how much more time do they have to make a deal here? >> look, terry mcauliffe running for governor of virginia would like it to be yesterday. the democrats had a self-determined halloween deadline. i wouldn't hang your hat on that. they need to get something done this calendar year. the election cycle for the midterms is already looming. >> i'm thinking of the princess bride, right, you know, that word doesn't mean what you think it means. john avlon, thanks very much. >> always a good time for princess bride reference. >> anytime you can bring it up, i'm here for you. >> i'll keep at it. still ahead, authorities have identified the remains of brian laundrie and there are new details emerging about the last time his parents saw him alive. plus, what the family's attorney is saying about his fiancee gabby petito. love is a roller coaster. to each their own love. the vera wang love collection. designed for zales the diamond store. alberto and i don't fit into those other family plans. that's why we love visible. they do things differently. yeah, it's wireless with unlimited data and if you join a group it's as low as $25/mo. all powered by verizon. 5g included. woo! just get together and save! we look goooood! what's everyone's handle? 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>> reporter: yeah, good morning, erica. at this point we're only hearing from them through their family attorney, they have not released any public statements regarding the disappearance and death of gabby petito or the disappearance and death of their son, which is now been confirmed. now that brian laundrie is confirmed dead, much of the public's interest and suspicions zeroed in on the laundrie parents. that's something that steve bertolino, the family attorney, addressed in an interview earlier this morning. >> did brian tell the laundries anything about what happened to gabby before he disappeared? >> george, that's not something i can comment on right now. and i'd like to leave it at that. >> if you can't comment, that means you know something about it. >> i think everybody out there knows that, you know, whether the family or myself have some information to share, but, you know, there is not much we can say at this point in time. and, you know, i'm going to leave it at no comment. >> reporter: bertolino went on to say that when it comes to gabby's death and disappearance, the laundries have nothing to say to the fbi. and when it comes to brian laundrie, their son, that they have allegedly cooperated with the fbi since day one. those words are unlikely to be of any solace to gabby's parents who have indicated they believe the laundries know more than they are letting on. they have not released a public comment since their interview to "60 minutes" over the weekend, but the attorney released a statement on their behalf saying in part, gabby's family is not doing any interview oz or making a statement at this time. they're grieving the loss of their beautiful daughter, gabby's family will make a statement at the appropriate time and when they're emotionally ready. back at the entrance of the carlton reserve, there is no police activity. much different than what we saw yesterday. still so many unanswered questions. the cause of death of brian laundrie as well as anything that is in that notebook, what if anything is in that notebook that could potentially bring more closure to this case. jim, erica? >> nick valencia, appreciate your reporting as always, thank you. turning now to haiti, where the leader of the gang that kidnapped 17 american and canadian missionaries is now threatening to kill them if he doesn't get the ransom money. >> the gang leader wilson joseph has demanded $1 million for each of the hostages which we should remember includes children. a state department official say they believe the video threat is legitimate. joining us live from haiti, joe johns. the kidnappers provided proof of life for the hostages. where does this stand? are there negotiations under way? are there considerations for paying some sort of ransom? >> anybody's guess, but i can tell you there are concerns about actually paying ransom, simply because it could cause problems for other americans who might be kidnapped down the line. i have to tell you, this group is not known to be as sadistic as it were as some of the other gangs, but at the same time, across this country, since last year there have been hundreds and hundreds of these kidnappings, which create a very worrying situation for the united states, simply because this is the country a few hundred miles off the shores of the united states. the white house deputy press secretary was asked about it just yesterday. here's what she said about the problem. >> we have been working closely with the haitian national police to try to build their capacity as well as help put in place programs that can effectively deal with the gangs. but it is a very challenging and long-term process. we're focused on it. but it is absolutely essential that this security dynamic change if haiti is going to make real progress. so we're doing everything that we can as i mentioned, the fbi, the state department staff is on the ground. i don't have anything else to report. i think jen said this a couple of days ago, for privacy and security reasons, we can't say more. >> reporter: typically the gangs will make enormous demands for ransom, which has already happened, and then it gets negotiated downward over time. that's the hope in this case here. but the authorities are triing to maintain some kind of silence as they try to figure it out. back to you. >> joe johns, appreciate it. thanks. new details on president biden's infrastructure plan. or things related to it. the secretary of agriculture joining us with an announcement. how could it impact access to broadband? 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move to sofi and feel what it's like to get your money right. ♪ move your high-interest debt to a sofi personal loan. you could save with low rates and no fees. earn $10 just for viewing your rate and get your money right. ♪ as democrats scramble to finalize a deal on president biden's big back better plan, the biden administration is announcing a new step toward closing the digital divide. an expansion of access to high speed internet, healthcare and educational services for rural america. they're doing that through more than a billion dollars in loans and grants. it is part of an effort to encourage the private sector to bring broadband to rural communities. joining me now to discuss, agriculture secretary tom vilsack, also the former governor of iowa and former president and ceo of the u.s. dairy export council. good to have you with us this morning. these are loans and grants to encourage more expansion into rural areas, to bring that much needed broadband access, those speeds to rural areas. but how quickly could we see the impact? how quickly could that happen for folks? >> well, this is a program that is really designed to provide immediate relief. and what we hope we would see activity in 2022 to expand access this will give communities the opportunity for distance learning, for telemedicine, small businesses, to develop their markets, for farmers to have access to real time information. it is critically important that rural america have the same upload and download speeds that are currently available in urban and suburban areas. right now we have this dithgita divide, roughly 30 million americans are without adequate access and this is a step forward. with the passage of the build back better agenda and the infrastructure bill we'll see a -- a jump start to expand access, but in the meantime, we're going to put the resources to work immediately. >> speaking of those two bills, we know what a push -- the push happening now, of course, to hammer out the framework for the economic package. but also to get that done so that there can be a vote on infrastructure. are you confident those two things are going to happen fairly quickly? >> i think i am. and the reason i am is because i think people understand the imperative to rebuild the physical infrastructure of this country and also to make sure we're investing in american families to strengthen them. the combination of the two puts us in a position where we can be more competitive in a very difficult global economy. this is key for broadband. we can provide these resources today, but at the end of the day, what we need is really -- we need the $65 billion in the infrastructure bill to really finish the job. we can't let 30 million americans rural and remote areas not have access to this 21st century infrastructure. >> there are a number of folks in urban areas, which, you know, maybe it is not falling into what we're talking about today in terms of that announcement of thesegrants for rural areas, but we know this impacts schoolchildren and families across the board. i'm interested when we look at the infrastructure bill, we look at where the country is right now, you spoke with my colleague victor blackwell a couple of days ago about the impacts on the supply chain and what we're seeing, which is something that every american can relate to. and you said, you told him you would be happy too when it comes to climate change, and when we're talking about climate change and what's in this economic package, you would be happy to talk to senator manchin about why you feel some of these measures are so important, why they need to be in there. i'm curious have you had that conversation with senator manchin? >> actually ironically within five minutes after that cnn interview, senator manchin called me. we had a good conversation about agriculture and the important role that agriculture can play in the country's efforts to mitigate and adapt to a changing climate. i think there are a lot of early wins in agriculture and that's why i'm pleased to see a commitment in the reconciliation bill, the infrastructure bill, that is really committed and focused on the important role of agriculture and forestry in climate change. >> do you think he better understands why it is so important to you? >> i think he does, i think he probably did. it was a good conversation, i think he is very interested in making sure that the folks in his state in west virginia and people in rural america are connected. that they have the opportunity to contribute. there is tremendous opportunity here for carbon sequestration in our agricultural land. we need the resources to be able to help farmers do what they are currently doing, but just to magnify it and amplify what they're doing because the results can be phenomenal and there is so much new innovation out there with a little bit of assistance and help, american agriculture can lead the way. not just for us, but for the rest of the world as well. >> when you talk about leading the way, i'm hearing that as you believe american agriculture can lead the way in terms of continuing to do what they do, but doing it in a much more climate friendly way. correct? >> to do it to reach the president's vision, which is a net zero agriculture for the u.s. by the year 2050 and make significant strides by 2030. no question that can be done. there are aspects of agriculture today on the cusp of getting to net zero. we need to give them a push and that can come from the reconciliation of the build back better effort in the congress. >> we'll see if your push for senator joe manchin holds some sway too. secretary vilsack, thank you for being with us today. >> thank you. still ahead this hour, there are now three cdc approved booster shots available here in the u.s. how should you decide which one to get, if any, and when? we just got an answer from dr. fauci. 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>> so thank you, jim. so what's happening essentially is that official policy is now lining up with what we were already seeing happening in practice, so if you got vaccinated six months ago with the mrna vaccines, moderna or pfizer, you can get your booster depending on your age, your risk, and your medical condition, so, perfect. the you got vaccinated with the johnson & johnson vaccine, you can now get -- more than two months ago, you can get your booster. thanks to the mix-and-match permission, you can get that booster with an mrna vaccine. that's a discussion that people who got their j&j vaccine should have with their clinician. >> they should have discussion, but is there an advantage to mixing and matching? >> yes, there is, especially for those who got the -- who initially got the j&j vaccine. there's an increased level of antibodies in them and in other countries such as canada and europe, they actually use one dose of the analogous vaccine, the astrazeneca vaccine, and they follow it up with the pfizer -- with the mrna vaccine. >> it's cnn's reporting that soon there will be a recommendation moving down the age at which it's recommended you get a booster, moving it down to 40, we don't know when, but is that the direction we're h heading that over time perhaps all people it will be recommended you get a booster? >> potentially, and that's going to depend on how we see the drop-off. so the good news is, and why those who have already been vaccinated to consider themselves fully vaccinated, is the vaccines are really good against things that matter. so dying, severe illness and hospitalization, it's the getting clinically, getting sick is where we see a drop-off. the boosters prevent you from getting sick. >> it's so important. really quickly, before we let you go, one of the thing that stood out to me, do you need to separate if you're getting a booster, separate that from a flu shot? sounds like we're learning you may not need to. >> correct, erica. you can get both at the same time. if we have one second, the reminder is those who are vaccinated can get the boosters. the bigger issue remains those 66 million who are unvaccinated who are driving the pandemic. >> a pandemic of the unvaccinated. let's hope they listen. dr. ali keshan, thank you. >> masks on and get vaccinated, america. >> there we go. follow his example. >> thanks, doctor. new questions about the health of queen elizabeth after buckingham palace confirmed the 95-year-old spent a night in a hospital this past week. royal officials were forced to confirm she was hospitalized on wednesday after a newspaper broke the story. the palace saying she was in for some, quote, preliminary investigations after she abruptly canceled a trip to northern ireland earlier this week upon advice from her doctors. a spokesperson says this is not covid related and that the queen is expected to attend the cop-26 summit in scotland later this month. still ahead, tragedy on set. actor alec baldwin firing a prop gun during a scene that somehow killed a cinematographer, injured another. how could this happen? 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>> yeah. there's a lot of holes at this point, no doubt about it, jim and erica, when you look at what's happened here. we know that the sheriff's office says they got a 911 call about a shooting on the set at the bonanza creek ranch, this movie set filming this western. they said when they got there, there had been two people shot. we know who they are. we also know that they are talking to all the witnesses, the people who were there on the set, that they are interviewing everyone, that no one has been charged, but the investigation remains open. as far as the company, the production

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow And Jim Sciutto 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240709

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pronounced dead at the hospital. >> the film's director joel souza was also injured. you're looking at pictures here of the movie's star, alec baldwin, also a producer. stephanie elam joining us now. there are a lot of questions about what happened. how many answers do we have this morning, stephanie? >> reporter: there is probably more questions than there are answers at this point, erica and jim. what we do know, according to the santa fe county sheriff's office, is that they received a call shortly before 2:00 p.m. local time yesterday, a 911 call that came in saying there had been a shooting on the set. they responded to this movie set, which is on the bonanza creek ranch. and that's when they gofr disco that two people had been shot. the way they worded it was a prop firearm was discharged by alec baldwin. that's how they worded it. they went on to say they continued to investigate. they're talking to people who were witnesses who saw what happened. no charges have been filed yet in this. we have a statement from the company that is behind "rust" about this incident and it says in part the entire cast and crew has been absolutely devastated by today's tragedy. and we send our deepest condolences to halyna's family and loved ones. they say production has been halted for an undetermined period of time and that they're fully cooperating with the santa fe sheriff's department with the investigation and they're going to provide counseling for everyone connect with the film. this movie being a western set in the 1880s, according to amdb, the set irony here, it is about a 13-year-old boy who goes on the run with his estranged grandfather after he's accused of accidentally murdering somebody. so just a very sad turn of events here. we still don't have all of the answers. but obviously the sadness here is that this woman, this 42-year-old woman, halyna hutchins, lost her life. the director, we're waiting to see what his condition is since this event, but, still so many questions how this could have happened and how these two people were shot. >> just devastating story. stephanie elam, thanks so much. our next guest this morning is a filmmaker and contributor to american cinematographer magazine, jim hemphill, thank you for joining us this morning under just extremely sad circumstances. but you wrote a profile of halyna in 2019 as part of a feature on rising cinematographers, you had a chance to speak with her at the time. what can you share about her this morning? >> well, you know, she was a woman who was just in love with movies and movie-making. she grew up on a soviet military base where there wasn't much to do but watch movies. so she fell in love with movies at a young age, came over here, was really making a name for herself as a cinematographer of genre movies. known for action films and horror films. and, you know, it is just a devastating loss, i think, to everybody in the cinematography community. >> certainly so tough and she was young, right? i think 42. you talk about the impact she was having. she was starting to see some real accolades for her work. >> yeah, absolutely. she came from a documentary background. she studied journalism and then fell into filmmaking when she was working on documentaries in the uk. that led her to come over here to the u.s. to work in a film industry where she kind of brought that eye that she had from documentaries and nonfiction film-making to, again, action movies and horror movies. they had this sort of immediacy and realism as well as this eye for beauty she had and it was a really unique look that was, you know, was really announcing her as somebody to watch. >> can you describe the shock in the industry right now to something like this? >> you know, i think -- yeah, shock is the only word to describe it. everyone that i've talked to and corresponded with on email, no one can really believe it. i don't think it really sunk in for people yet. >> hasn't really sunk in. i would imagine that's two fold, right, the personal for anybody who had a connection with halyna and then it is also on the professional as to how this happened on a set. and those are a lot of the questions we also don't have answers to this morning. how much is that a part of the discussion? >> well, that's certainly a large part of it, i mean, this is obviously every filmmaker's worst fear, this happening on a set. and it is a thing, you know, we all know this happened with brandon lee on the set of "the crow" going back 30 years and we all thought that maybe after that, there would be changes made. and this kind of thing wouldn't be able to happen and so it is just -- it is stunning, yeah. i think everybody is just trying to find out what happened and how it happened and make sure it never changes again. >> what kind of changes are you talking about there, following for instance the lead you talked about three decades ago. what kind of changes were discussed and perhaps haven't been made? >> i'll be honest with you, i don't know necessarily if they were implemented. i think just -- whenever something like that happens, there is talk about safety protocols and really what can be done to avoid it in the future? and to be honest with you, don't remember actually what was implemented after the brandon lee accident. and i'm not sure given we don't know the details yet, i'm not sure what caused this accident and what could be done to prevent something like this from happening in the future. >> appreciate you joining us this morning and giving us a look to -- into halyna hutchins, who died yesterday. thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. president biden on stage at cnn's town hall. democratic senators joe manchin and kyrsten sinema, though, also sharing that spotlight. the president laying out in the most specific terms yet just what senators manchin and sinema have pushed out of his sweeping social safety net package. and what holdups still remain. also, where he's willing to compromise. >> there was a lot of news last night, one major moment from the town hall, the president opened the door at least to big changes down the road, to the senate filibuster, which has been a major question. particularly regarding voting rights. have a listen. >> if, in fact, i get myself into at this moment the debate on the filibuster, i lose at least three votes right now to get what i have to get done on the economic side of the equation, foreign policy side of the equation. >> had it comes to voting rights, is i'm clear, though, you would entertain the notion of doing away with the filibuster on that one issue, is that correct? >> and maybe more. >> and maybe other issues? >> that is quite a significant opening there. we're covering all the angles from the town hall, like only cnn can. let's begin at the white house where jeremy diamond is here. the president laid out a sequence there, saying, listen, i can't raise the idea of a carve out in the filibuster for voting rights until i get through this economic plan. he knows sinema, manchin oppose that. did he deliberately open the door to a next step that would involve a carveout for voting rights? >> reporter: well it was a shift in the president's previous position over the filibuster. the president signaling in the most clear terms yet that he is open to, quote, fundamentally altering the filibuster, not just for voting rights, perhaps also this issue of the debt limit, but also maybe more is what the president said there. certainly opening up pandora's box, but making very clear that that process is not something that he wants to, nor can he afford to engage in right now as he tries to get senators manchin and sinema on board with this reconciliation package. and that is where the president's focus is right now. and clearly it is a priority for the president over this issue of voting rights. that is just a matter of fact here. we do know that the president kind of took us behind the curtains of the negotiations with those senators and with the differing factions of the democratic party, making very clear some of the provisions that are in and also some of those that are out, for example, paid family leave provision brought down from 12 weeks to four weeks. this issue of hearing medical -- hearing, dental, expansion of medicare coverage, saying that that is probably not going to happen, looking instead at an $800 voucher and several other provisions here. the most detail we heard from the president so far and he repeatedly made clear it was because of opposition from senators manchin and sinema that the president was needing to make those hard choices. here is how he talked about some of the conversations with senator sinema. listen. >> first of all, she's smart as the devil, number one. number two, she's very supportive of the environmental agenda in my legislation. very supportive. she's supportive of almost all the things i mentioned relating to everything from a family care to all those issues. where she's not supportive is she says she will not raise a single penny in taxes on the corporate side, and/or on wealthy people. period. and so that's where it sort of breaks down. >> reporter: and a white house official later clarified the president was only referring to sinema's opposition to a corporate tax increase, but even with just that opposition, it is hard to see how the president maintains his promise to not raise taxes on people making over 400,000 and also make sure that this plan is paid for. that is indeed the challenge in the week ahead. >> certainly is, jeremy diamond, from the white house for us this morning. excuse me. thank you. how are things playing out on capitol hill? president biden optimistic that a deal will get done. there are still key sticking points. jessica dean joining us now from capitol hill. so this morning, jessica, where do things stand in terms of even just this real framework we have been waiting on? >> reporter: well, erica and jim, there had been hope by democratic leaders that props we could have a framework around this massive economic package by today. it does not look like that's going to happen. but certainly people are keeping their foot on the gas, they want to these negotiations to continue and what was really striking about that town hall last night was to hear from president biden himself a lot more than we heard from senator kyrsten sinema ourselves here on the hill. she does not talk much publicly at all about where she stands on this and said she's negotiating directly with the white house, with president biden, so we did get -- it was more illuminated what was going on, and he did highlight some of the key sticking points that remain, which includes some of the topics jeremy just went through, the climate provisions, how to expand and if to expand medicare, to cover dental and vision and hearing, paid leave, prescription drug price reform and taxes. i want to zero in on the last two right there. those are biggies, the taxes probably being the biggest of all. those are how they're intending to pay for this massive package. senator sinema has expressed clearly to the president that she does not support raising taxes on corporations or individuals and when president biden was running for president, that was something we heard on the stump all the time. that's how he was going to pay for this. that's how the democratic leaders had intended to pay for this. so the question now is how will they get that done? that's a big one. and, remember, they had, you know, that had wide democratic support across the spectrum and the democratic party. so keep an eye on that, jim and erica, and, again, prescription drug reform, another one that enjoys wide support from the public, and also from democrats across this spectrum, that had been one they thought could help pay for this. it is now up in the air how that will work. those are the things we're watching as we go into next week and as they continue to negotiate over the weekend, we think that pelosi and schumer could be meeting with president biden later today. we'll keep an eye out for that. >> one word we should banish from the discussions is deadline, givend n the deadlines been broken. jessica dean, good to have you on the hill, thank you. there was a big moment at the cnn town hall. president biden said the u.s. is committed to coming to taiwan's defense if china were to launch an invasion. this follows china sending dozens of warplanes near taiwan's self-declared air space, read as many as a genuine threat. >> will ripley is in taiwan this morning. the president's stance seems to be in opposition to america's stated policy of strategic ambiguity. how is all of this playing out today? >> reporter: well, certainly there have been a couple of moments now where the president has talked about taiwan and there has been a bit of confusion in this part of the world. when president biden was asked about a conversation he had with president xi jinping, he said, we're going to abide by the taiwan agreement. but there really is no taiwan agreement. and the foreign ministry here in taipei called washington to clarify. and then the white house had to back track and say, talking about the joint communiques, these joint statements that were released around 40 years ago when the u.s. normalized ties with beijing and therefore no longer had an official diplomatic relationship with taipei. which even though it has its own government, beijing considers this whole island kind of a renegade province that could be taken back at any time. so part of the agreement with beijing is that the u.s. can sell weapons to taiwan, the u.s. can have a friendship with taiwan, but it can't have a formal alliance with taiwan and can't say, i guess, can't say whether or not it would come to taiwan's military defense if beijing were it try to take back this island, the strategic ambiguity has helped to create decades of sustainable, peaceful co-existence between taiwan and the mainland, things have been ratcheting up lately. here is the sound where president biden spoke about taiwan that raised a little bit of confusion. >> that's why you hear people saying, biden wants to start a new cold war with china. i don't want a cold war with china. i want to make china understand that we are not going to step back, we're not going to change any of our views. >> are you saying that the united states would come to taiwan's defense if china attacked it? >> yes, we have a commitment to do that. >> so that's why the white house is once again walking back and saying, okay, president biden not saying that the u.s. would necessarily step in and defend taiwan, with u.s. troops. but perhaps maybe he was referring to the fact that the u.s. has been selling billions of dollars in weapons to taiwan. the government here, the foreign ministry here, wanted to say thank you to washington for the comments by president biden that are supportive of taiwan. in beijing, they put out a statement, and they said that basically china's urging the u.s. to strictly abide by these agreements. the joint communiques and the others that have helped create this sustainable relationship. maybe a slip of the tongue or an off the cuff remark, but certainly did raise some questions in this part of the world. >> part of the ambiguity is leaving that question open, as to what the u.s. would do, part of the deterrence against a possible chinese invasion. so that's part of the big picture here. will ripley, good to have you on the ground in taiwan. still ahead, the fbi confirms the remains found at a florida reserve are those of brian laundrie. what we're learning about where the investigation will go from here. plus, the leader of the gang that kidnapped 17 missionaries in haiti now threatening to kill them if he doesn't get his ransom. now the state department is weighing in. and later, what you need to know about a covid vaccine booster and the flu shot. do you need to space the doses out? we'll ask a doctor. 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>> well, look, i mine, first of all we need to say the president has zero power to change the filibuster rules. biden moving his goal post on the filibuster is a very big deal potentially. and what he's doing by saying voting rights and the debt limit could be areas where the filibuster needs to be removed is saying that when there are issues of existential basic point to our democracy, full faith and credit of the united states, the ability for our democracy to function, that maybe those areas should be separated from the general filibuster rules. that could lead to a rapid escalation, telling whether that would appeal to senators like sinema and manchin. but it is a significant movement on issues of core importance to the united states. >> let me ask you this though, john, i wonder if there is some risk here because by raising this before he's got, you know, signatures on his infrastructure bill and the budget deal, where he needs a senator like manchin and sinema on board for those, but they oppose changes to the filibuster, but by tipping his hand here to say maybe next this is something i pursue, does he risk their support for these budget and infrastructure deals? >> there is always a risk. remember, one of the reasons that mcconnell actually got republicans to back off their threats a few weeks ago is concern that action, the filibuster on the debt ceiling was pushing manchin and sinema to back away from their commitment to enforce the filibuster. it could be a part of an ornate negotiation on the part of biden. but there is always risks. i don't think at this point either of those senators would scuttle the budget over the filibuster or discussions of it. >> speaking of manchin and sinema, they figure prominently for weeks now as we know in nearly every single conversation which involves this bill. that being said, the amount of air time that they have last night in terms of comments coming from president biden, how much of that do you think was a signal? >> look, as biden said, you have a 50/50 senate, every senator can act like president. and manchin and sinema have been playing a very hard game, really dragging out negotiations. we found out from biden, not sinema, that her bottom line issue is no increase in the individual and corporate tax rate, which makes it very difficult to pay for these proposals that she allegedly supports and the rest of the agenda, which is typically something that centrists care about. i think biden last night, his best format has always been the town hall, going back to the campaign. he was able to explain measures of the bill, with a degree of compassion and command a policy detail we haven't always seen from him when he's behind the podium. that shifts the debate somewhat. >> very quickly, john, the deadline should be shot to the moon now, but there is some hard time tacks coming up. how much more time do they have to make a deal here? >> look, terry mcauliffe running for governor of virginia would like it to be yesterday. the democrats had a self-determined halloween deadline. i wouldn't hang your hat on that. they need to get something done this calendar year. the election cycle for the midterms is already looming. >> i'm thinking of the princess bride, right, you know, that word doesn't mean what you think it means. john avlon, thanks very much. >> always a good time for princess bride reference. >> anytime you can bring it up, i'm here for you. >> i'll keep at it. still ahead, authorities have identified the remains of brian laundrie and there are new details emerging about the last time his parents saw him alive. plus, what the family's attorney is saying about his fiancee gabby petito. love is a roller coaster. to each their own love. the vera wang love collection. designed for zales the diamond store. alberto and i don't fit into those other family plans. that's why we love visible. they do things differently. yeah, it's wireless with unlimited data and if you join a group it's as low as $25/mo. all powered by verizon. 5g included. woo! just get together and save! we look goooood! what's everyone's handle? 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>> reporter: yeah, good morning, erica. at this point we're only hearing from them through their family attorney, they have not released any public statements regarding the disappearance and death of gabby petito or the disappearance and death of their son, which is now been confirmed. now that brian laundrie is confirmed dead, much of the public's interest and suspicions zeroed in on the laundrie parents. that's something that steve bertolino, the family attorney, addressed in an interview earlier this morning. >> did brian tell the laundries anything about what happened to gabby before he disappeared? >> george, that's not something i can comment on right now. and i'd like to leave it at that. >> if you can't comment, that means you know something about it. >> i think everybody out there knows that, you know, whether the family or myself have some information to share, but, you know, there is not much we can say at this point in time. and, you know, i'm going to leave it at no comment. >> reporter: bertolino went on to say that when it comes to gabby's death and disappearance, the laundries have nothing to say to the fbi. and when it comes to brian laundrie, their son, that they have allegedly cooperated with the fbi since day one. those words are unlikely to be of any solace to gabby's parents who have indicated they believe the laundries know more than they are letting on. they have not released a public comment since their interview to "60 minutes" over the weekend, but the attorney released a statement on their behalf saying in part, gabby's family is not doing any interview oz or making a statement at this time. they're grieving the loss of their beautiful daughter, gabby's family will make a statement at the appropriate time and when they're emotionally ready. back at the entrance of the carlton reserve, there is no police activity. much different than what we saw yesterday. still so many unanswered questions. the cause of death of brian laundrie as well as anything that is in that notebook, what if anything is in that notebook that could potentially bring more closure to this case. jim, erica? >> nick valencia, appreciate your reporting as always, thank you. turning now to haiti, where the leader of the gang that kidnapped 17 american and canadian missionaries is now threatening to kill them if he doesn't get the ransom money. >> the gang leader wilson joseph has demanded $1 million for each of the hostages which we should remember includes children. a state department official say they believe the video threat is legitimate. joining us live from haiti, joe johns. the kidnappers provided proof of life for the hostages. where does this stand? are there negotiations under way? are there considerations for paying some sort of ransom? >> anybody's guess, but i can tell you there are concerns about actually paying ransom, simply because it could cause problems for other americans who might be kidnapped down the line. i have to tell you, this group is not known to be as sadistic as it were as some of the other gangs, but at the same time, across this country, since last year there have been hundreds and hundreds of these kidnappings, which create a very worrying situation for the united states, simply because this is the country a few hundred miles off the shores of the united states. the white house deputy press secretary was asked about it just yesterday. here's what she said about the problem. >> we have been working closely with the haitian national police to try to build their capacity as well as help put in place programs that can effectively deal with the gangs. but it is a very challenging and long-term process. we're focused on it. but it is absolutely essential that this security dynamic change if haiti is going to make real progress. so we're doing everything that we can as i mentioned, the fbi, the state department staff is on the ground. i don't have anything else to report. i think jen said this a couple of days ago, for privacy and security reasons, we can't say more. >> reporter: typically the gangs will make enormous demands for ransom, which has already happened, and then it gets negotiated downward over time. that's the hope in this case here. but the authorities are triing to maintain some kind of silence as they try to figure it out. back to you. >> joe johns, appreciate it. thanks. new details on president biden's infrastructure plan. or things related to it. the secretary of agriculture joining us with an announcement. how could it impact access to broadband? secretary tom vilsack is with us live next. america! after the past year-ish, everyone deserves something new! so at&t is giving everyone our best deals on every iphone - including the iphone 13 pro with its amazing camera. like everyone that worked from home. or welcomed a new family member. they were all out of dogs. our deals are for everyone! it's not complicated. at&t is giving new and existing customers our best deals on every iphone, including up to $800 off the epic iphone 13 and iphone 13 pro. when you're driving a lincoln, stress seems to evaporate into thin air. which leaves us to wonder, where does it go? does it get tangled up in knots? or fall victim to gravity? or maybe it winds up somewhere over the bermuda triangle. perhaps you'll come up with your own theory of where the stress goes. behind the wheel of a lincoln is a mighty fine place to start. 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move to sofi and feel what it's like to get your money right. ♪ move your high-interest debt to a sofi personal loan. you could save with low rates and no fees. earn $10 just for viewing your rate and get your money right. ♪ as democrats scramble to finalize a deal on president biden's big back better plan, the biden administration is announcing a new step toward closing the digital divide. an expansion of access to high speed internet, healthcare and educational services for rural america. they're doing that through more than a billion dollars in loans and grants. it is part of an effort to encourage the private sector to bring broadband to rural communities. joining me now to discuss, agriculture secretary tom vilsack, also the former governor of iowa and former president and ceo of the u.s. dairy export council. good to have you with us this morning. these are loans and grants to encourage more expansion into rural areas, to bring that much needed broadband access, those speeds to rural areas. but how quickly could we see the impact? how quickly could that happen for folks? >> well, this is a program that is really designed to provide immediate relief. and what we hope we would see activity in 2022 to expand access this will give communities the opportunity for distance learning, for telemedicine, small businesses, to develop their markets, for farmers to have access to real time information. it is critically important that rural america have the same upload and download speeds that are currently available in urban and suburban areas. right now we have this dithgita divide, roughly 30 million americans are without adequate access and this is a step forward. with the passage of the build back better agenda and the infrastructure bill we'll see a -- a jump start to expand access, but in the meantime, we're going to put the resources to work immediately. >> speaking of those two bills, we know what a push -- the push happening now, of course, to hammer out the framework for the economic package. but also to get that done so that there can be a vote on infrastructure. are you confident those two things are going to happen fairly quickly? >> i think i am. and the reason i am is because i think people understand the imperative to rebuild the physical infrastructure of this country and also to make sure we're investing in american families to strengthen them. the combination of the two puts us in a position where we can be more competitive in a very difficult global economy. this is key for broadband. we can provide these resources today, but at the end of the day, what we need is really -- we need the $65 billion in the infrastructure bill to really finish the job. we can't let 30 million americans rural and remote areas not have access to this 21st century infrastructure. >> there are a number of folks in urban areas, which, you know, maybe it is not falling into what we're talking about today in terms of that announcement of thesegrants for rural areas, but we know this impacts schoolchildren and families across the board. i'm interested when we look at the infrastructure bill, we look at where the country is right now, you spoke with my colleague victor blackwell a couple of days ago about the impacts on the supply chain and what we're seeing, which is something that every american can relate to. and you said, you told him you would be happy too when it comes to climate change, and when we're talking about climate change and what's in this economic package, you would be happy to talk to senator manchin about why you feel some of these measures are so important, why they need to be in there. i'm curious have you had that conversation with senator manchin? >> actually ironically within five minutes after that cnn interview, senator manchin called me. we had a good conversation about agriculture and the important role that agriculture can play in the country's efforts to mitigate and adapt to a changing climate. i think there are a lot of early wins in agriculture and that's why i'm pleased to see a commitment in the reconciliation bill, the infrastructure bill, that is really committed and focused on the important role of agriculture and forestry in climate change. >> do you think he better understands why it is so important to you? >> i think he does, i think he probably did. it was a good conversation, i think he is very interested in making sure that the folks in his state in west virginia and people in rural america are connected. that they have the opportunity to contribute. there is tremendous opportunity here for carbon sequestration in our agricultural land. we need the resources to be able to help farmers do what they are currently doing, but just to magnify it and amplify what they're doing because the results can be phenomenal and there is so much new innovation out there with a little bit of assistance and help, american agriculture can lead the way. not just for us, but for the rest of the world as well. >> when you talk about leading the way, i'm hearing that as you believe american agriculture can lead the way in terms of continuing to do what they do, but doing it in a much more climate friendly way. correct? >> to do it to reach the president's vision, which is a net zero agriculture for the u.s. by the year 2050 and make significant strides by 2030. no question that can be done. there are aspects of agriculture today on the cusp of getting to net zero. we need to give them a push and that can come from the reconciliation of the build back better effort in the congress. >> we'll see if your push for senator joe manchin holds some sway too. secretary vilsack, thank you for being with us today. >> thank you. still ahead this hour, there are now three cdc approved booster shots available here in the u.s. how should you decide which one to get, if any, and when? we just got an answer from dr. fauci. 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>> so thank you, jim. so what's happening essentially is that official policy is now lining up with what we were already seeing happening in practice, so if you got vaccinated six months ago with the mrna vaccines, moderna or pfizer, you can get your booster depending on your age, your risk, and your medical condition, so, perfect. the you got vaccinated with the johnson & johnson vaccine, you can now get -- more than two months ago, you can get your booster. thanks to the mix-and-match permission, you can get that booster with an mrna vaccine. that's a discussion that people who got their j&j vaccine should have with their clinician. >> they should have discussion, but is there an advantage to mixing and matching? >> yes, there is, especially for those who got the -- who initially got the j&j vaccine. there's an increased level of antibodies in them and in other countries such as canada and europe, they actually use one dose of the analogous vaccine, the astrazeneca vaccine, and they follow it up with the pfizer -- with the mrna vaccine. >> it's cnn's reporting that soon there will be a recommendation moving down the age at which it's recommended you get a booster, moving it down to 40, we don't know when, but is that the direction we're h heading that over time perhaps all people it will be recommended you get a booster? >> potentially, and that's going to depend on how we see the drop-off. so the good news is, and why those who have already been vaccinated to consider themselves fully vaccinated, is the vaccines are really good against things that matter. so dying, severe illness and hospitalization, it's the getting clinically, getting sick is where we see a drop-off. the boosters prevent you from getting sick. >> it's so important. really quickly, before we let you go, one of the thing that stood out to me, do you need to separate if you're getting a booster, separate that from a flu shot? sounds like we're learning you may not need to. >> correct, erica. you can get both at the same time. if we have one second, the reminder is those who are vaccinated can get the boosters. the bigger issue remains those 66 million who are unvaccinated who are driving the pandemic. >> a pandemic of the unvaccinated. let's hope they listen. dr. ali keshan, thank you. >> masks on and get vaccinated, america. >> there we go. follow his example. >> thanks, doctor. new questions about the health of queen elizabeth after buckingham palace confirmed the 95-year-old spent a night in a hospital this past week. royal officials were forced to confirm she was hospitalized on wednesday after a newspaper broke the story. the palace saying she was in for some, quote, preliminary investigations after she abruptly canceled a trip to northern ireland earlier this week upon advice from her doctors. a spokesperson says this is not covid related and that the queen is expected to attend the cop-26 summit in scotland later this month. still ahead, tragedy on set. actor alec baldwin firing a prop gun during a scene that somehow killed a cinematographer, injured another. how could this happen? 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>> yeah. there's a lot of holes at this point, no doubt about it, jim and erica, when you look at what's happened here. we know that the sheriff's office says they got a 911 call about a shooting on the set at the bonanza creek ranch, this movie set filming this western. they said when they got there, there had been two people shot. we know who they are. we also know that they are talking to all the witnesses, the people who were there on the set, that they are interviewing everyone, that no one has been charged, but the investigation remains open. as far as the company, the production

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