Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240709 : comparemela

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240709

bottlenecks choking u.s. ports. and bali is back in business. the indonesian island open to tourists after 18 months of pandemic closures. >> announcer: live from london, this is "cnn newsroom." with isa soares. hello, everyone. it is thursday, october 14th. a pivotal day in the congressional investigation of the deadly january 6 insurrection. top aides to former president donald trump are supposed to appear before the house select committee today as well as friday. committee members are making it clear. criminal contempt is the next step if they don't show up. lawmakers want to know what was happening in the trump white house on the day the riots. president joe biden has formally rejected trump's request to shield requested documents through executive privilege. and, excuse me, a former justice department official who pushed the election fraud lie is being called to appear. ryan nobles puts it all into context for you. >> reporter: the january 6 select committee is making serious moves. >> we're not messing around. >> reporter: meeting with a key member of the trump-era justice department and taking steps to force another one to comply with their investigation. sources say former acting attorney general jeffrey rosen met wednesday with the committee behind closed doors. rosen served as a.g. leading up to january 6th and resisted the former president's efforts to use the power of the justice department to investigate false claims of election fraud. >> the cases are even made. if you look at the polls, it was a rigged election. you look at the different states. the election was totally rigged. >> reporter: meanwhile the committee is taking action to ensure another trump associate cooperates. issuing a subpoena to jeffrey clark, a high level member of the trump justice department who tried to help trump overturn the 2020 election. clark attempted to pressure d.o.j. leadership to investigate unfounded claims of election fraud. of the committee had been negotiating behind the scenes with clark to get him to work with the committee, but after weeks of resistance, they took the step of a subpoena. writing to clark, quote, the select committee's investigation has revealed credible evidence that you attempted to involve the department of justice in order to interrupt the peaceful transfer of power. the new work comes a day before a series of major deadlines. two trump allies, steve bannon and former defense department kash patel are scheduled to come before the committee thursday for private depositions. bannon has sent the committee a letter saying he doesn't plan to cooperate. if he doesn't show on thursday, they promise to take quick action to enforce the subpoena. >> if people don't show up, they don't provide documents they're compelled to, we will take up criminal contempt with the justice department and we expect it will be prosecuted. unlike the last administration, no one is above the law, and so we intend to move quickly. >> reporter: on friday, the committee has asked former white house officials mark meadows and dan scavino to appear. meadows is engaging with the committee, but scavino only received his subpoena last friday. >> i can assure you the committee is considering each of these cases individually on its merits and will move swiftly to get the information we need as part of this investigation. >> reporter: the committee is feeling a sense of urgency as trump continues to peddle his big lie about the election results and and is finding willing republican voters and leaders to agree with hitman. >> you always read in there, while there is no evidence to prove this, there is so much evidence, it's pouring out of our ears. >> and there is something complicating the former president donald trump's efforts legally to thereby and prevent the january 6 committee from talking to some of his former associates or getting information and documents from his white house. he's having a hard time finding high-profile lawyers to help build that case. cnn reaching out to a number of lawyers that have represented trump, his administration or his associates over the past couple of years, and many of them saying that they are not signing up for this task, including ty cobb, jay sekulow, william burke and others. trump says he'll have no problem finding good legal hope. at this time it is unclear who is leading his legal team as he heads into this crucial effort on his part to try and deny the select committee that information that they're looking for. ryan nobles, cnn on capitol hill. well, house select committee member adam schiff you just heard in ryan nobles' piece, said the central focus of the investigation is where trump fits onto the events on january 6. take a listen to this. >> i think really the big black box in all of this is what was the president's role. we know some of the things about what the president did, certainly propagating the big lie before that day, what he did at the rally that day. but what was going on at the white house? what did he know in advance of january 6th about who was coming to this rally, the presence of white nationalist groups, the propensity for violence? why didn't reinforcements come in to protect the capitol more quickly? that's the biggest unknown. what was the president doing or the people around him doing. >> well, for the former trump aides, the strategy may be to really just simply run out the clock on the congressional investigation. cnn analysts explain what could happen if they ignore the subpoenas. >> on the house side, what they will do is first vote to hold him in contempt. that should be pretty quick, pretty easy to do. then from there they have a couple of options. they could refer that contempt citation to the department of justice and ask the department to prosecute him criminally for contempt. they could decide to pursue it in civil court, federal court, in the same way that they went after trump and other trump associates during the prior administration to try to enforce subpoenas. or they could send the sergeant at arms out to grab mr. bannon and hold him in jail and on the hill, which is highly unlikely to happen. so, all of those things take a lot of time. that's what mr. bannon is gambling for right now. he knows he's not going to win legally, but he's gambling that he can probably outlast them. >> donald trump isn't the president any more. he doesn't get to decide because he sends a letter. we know the biden administration has been waiving executive privilege, letting witnesses testify, ordering documents to produce. bannon doesn't get to invent his own law. there's been a lot of focus on the coming contempt, likely criminal contempt against those who aren't cooperating. but there is much more cooperation that's happening. you have mr. donohue and mr. rosen, mr. clark's bosses who have gone in to testify. first to the senate, then to the house committee. you have the white house authorizing the disclosure of executive privilege documents. you have others cooperating. still confidential providing information. that information is pouring in. >> our legal context there on what we can see in the coming days. and staying in washington this hour, u.s. president joe biden's approval rating is up to 50% in new cnn poll. but democrats in congress are still struggling to gain traction on his legislative agenda. and really sell the specifics of his plans. now, progressives in the house could be fighting for their political lives in the 2022 midterms, while moderate democrats, joe manchin and kirsten sinema are standing in the way in the senate. take a listen. >> we're waiting for the two of them to agree with each other, and then to submit a counterproposal. and i'm not sure why it's taking so long, but obviously this is a moment where we're all in agreement. so if somebody else has a different proposal, they should put it on the table. but it doesn't make sense for us to continue to negotiate against ourselves. >> well, that new cnn poll just mentioned finds 75% of democrats prefer a bill that gtz further to expand the social safety net and fight climate change over one that costs less and enacts fewer of those very policies. now, with covid restrictions easing worldwide and the holidays really rapidly approaching, consumer everywhere are eager to go shopping again. but all of that pent-up demand has really exposed shocking weaknesses in the global supply chain. ports around the world are suddenly choked with thousands of shipping containers you can see there, really waiting offshore. the for the of los angeles is trying to clear the backlog. the white house says the supply chain problems underscore the need to overhaul the nation's infrastructure. take a listen. >> we cannot guarantee. what we can do is use every lever at the federal government disposal to reduce delays, to ensure that we are addressing bottlenecks in the system, including ports and the need for them to be open longer hours so that goods can arrive. >> we are relying on supply chains that were built generations ago. it's one of the reasons why this entire year we have been talking about and working on infrastructure and are eager to see congress act to get this infrastructure deal through. >> well, after meeting with key bus business leaders at the white house on wednesday, president biden announced a 90-day sprint to get products off the docks into the stores. he said it was vital for shippers to begin non-stop operations. take a listen. >> 24/7 system, what most of the leading countries in the world already operate on now except us, until now. this is the first key step toward moving our entire freight, transportation, and logistical supply chain nationwide to a 24/7 system. >> but being made in the usa is no guarantee of avoiding supply chain issues, especially if workers walk off the job. about 10,000 employees at john deere factories in the midwest went on strike after rejecting the latest contract. the company makes farm and construction equipment and demand has been strong. despite the supply chain challenges facing the u.s. auto industry, john deere has had healthy bottom line this year and its workers want that reflected in their new contract. here in the uk, cargo ships carrying holiday toys and electronics had to be diverted from the port because the docks were full. you're seeing it right there. british officials are downplaying the delays, adding the country should plan for holiday shopping as usual. the uk finance minister meeting in washington said the british government is doing what it can to get goods moving. >> we're doing everything we can to mitigate some of these challenges. they are global in nature, so we can't fix every single problem, but i feel confident there will be good provision of goods for everybody and we are working our way to remove blockages where we can. as you've seen with huv drivers where we provided short-term visas. we sped up the processing of tests and things like that. those are the types of practical actions we can do. well, earlier economist paul krug man spoke with cnn about the supply chain mess. he said bottlenecks are an unintended consequence of people being able to buy things during the pandemic. to put it in perspective, here's what he had to say. >> stuff like refrigerators, exercise machines, whatever. that's actually way up from before the pandemic. the problem is people want to buy so much stuff that the supply chain can't handle it. so this is -- a lot of this is because people were not able to do, still in many ways are not able to do what they were doing before, so they've turned to things to take the place. you can't go to the gym so you buy some exercise equipment. you can't eat out so you remodel your kitchen. and that is what's placed the strain on the system. it's not that we've fallen short of the deliveries we were achieving before. i just find it hard, sort of abstract level to believe a modern economy with all the resources ours has and all of the ingenuity that ours has is going to be unable to fix these, what are fundamentally short-term problems for that long. >> short-term problem seems to be going on for a while. meanwhile, the white house is touting tremendous progress in its coronavirus vaccine campaign, saying cases are down across the u.s.. and that vaccine mandates are a big part of the reason why. in the coming hours, president biden will address the country's covid response. also today, vaccine advisers to u.s. food and drug administration will start tackling the next round of questions about booster shots. at issue here, whether to recommend emergency use applications for moderna and johnson & johnson. and whether any of the shots should be mixed and matched. the vaccine advisers will take up a new study that found it is indeed safe for people to do just that, and that getting a different brand of booster shot still generates a robust immune response. the results of the study from the national institutes of health have not yet been peer reviewed. the latest data from the cdc shows the u.s. vaccination rate has fallen 18% from last week. the u.s. surgeon general says vaccine mandates are helping. >> recent shorts show that 20% bump in vaccination rates among organizations have put vaccine requirements in place. but most of all, they are an important public health tool that reflects that reality, that the decisions we make affect other people. that's really what should guide us. i worry when i see politics, p polarization, misinformation takes us away from sound public health guidance. we can't afford that to happen because lives are at stake. >> talk about vaccine confusion here. two parents say they and their children, young children, in fact, were given doses oft nightly newser biontech vaccine instead of flu shots. the mix up happened in indiana last week. joshua and alexandra price you can see there say the store contacted them later to admit the mistake. the couple's two children are 4 and 5 years old. the vaccine is not authorized for children under 12. the parents said the kids started feeling sick soon after the injections. one medical expert says the children should be okay despite the dose being triple tested in clinical trials. i want to take you to norway, a country on edge after a man armed with a bow and arrow went on attack in a town southwest of oslo. now, police say they have arrested and charged 37-year-old danish citizen after five people were killed and two others injured in the rampage on wednesday. so far police do not know his motive and have not ruled out a possible link to terrorism. they do believe he acted alone. cnn's melissa bell is following developments and joins us now from paris. good morning, melissa. what more are we learning this hour about this violent rampage and this man behind it? >> reporter: well, even now, isa, police chief is giving a live conference to give the latest details from the investigation. nothing so far in what he's had to say, either in the statement or to questions so far, isa, about the motives of the man. that is the big question facing norway this morning. exactly why this danish national went out on the rampage. it lasted just over half an hour last night, just after 6:00 p.m. what we have learned from the police chief in the last few moments, he says more about the victims. none of them have been formally identified, but he did say they were four women and one man who died all between their 50s and 70s. we know also, of course, that rampage lasted just over half an hour before police were able to apprehend the man who was carrying a bow and arrow and a quiver full of arrows. another of the questions will be whether there were other weapons involved in the rampage over the course of that half hour. as you say, an extremely shocking event since this is a country where gun violence is limited, where murder rates are fairly low, and where we really don't see the kind of terror attacks you've seen in other european countries. the last big one was in 2011, the far-right extremist who killed 77 people. everyone now wondering what this motive was, whether there was a motive, and what we understand so far, what the police have revealed over the course of the last evening or so, isa, is that he was -- is believed to have been acting alone. the big question now why he did what he did. >> as soon as you know more, melissa, do keep us posted. melissa bell in paris. thanks, melissa. security officials are seeing a disturbing trend at u.s. airports. a record number of guns confiscated from passengers. ahead the tsa chief explains what he believes is behind the surge. plus, star trek captain kirk makes history on his ten-minute flight to the edge of space. his emotional reaction back on planet earth. that's next. behind neuriva the sciee unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators 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where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. be there for you and them. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. learn how abbvie could help you save on humira. well, space prime minister pedro sanchez is asking residents of la palma for patience. they can't rebuild until the volcano stops erupting. it's been spewing lava almost a month now forcing thousands of people from their homes. al goodman has the latest for you. >> reporter: the volcano eruptions on la mapalma island show no signs of slowing down. right now it's the northern flow of lava causing the most problem. it's the most fluid and the hottest. that's what prompted the evacuation of 600 to 700 people. that brings it to 6700. the total number of evacuees since the eruptions gang a -- began a week ago. it caused a fire at a cement factory earlier this week which prommed a lockdown of 3,000 people who lived nearby. authorities are trying to stay a step ahead of the lava with the evacuation and lockdown on la palma, one of spain's smallest of the canary islands. they have approved $260 million in aid for la palma to rebuild homes, businesses and roads, but as the prime minister said, none of that can really get going in a big way until the eruptions stop and the lava stops flowing. al goodman, cnn, madrid. two companies in the canary islands are using drones to help dogs stranded by the volcanic lava. you can see it in this video released by the local government. they dropped care packages with food and water, the dogs can pry them open with their teeth as well as paws. the companies are working with veterinarians to decide what the dogs need. hot air and ash prevent helicopters from flying in to rescue those dogs. now, more than 1300 firefighters are now battling a wildfire near santa barbara, california. the alisal fire has burned more than 16,000 hectares. air quality watch is in effect. strong winds are spreading smoke and ash from that fire. evacuation orders have been issued and road closures along a major highway remain in place. we'll stay on top of that story for you. well, parts of the southern u.s. are bracing for flash floods as the remnants of hurricane pamela move into texas. cnn meteorologist pedram javaheri is tracking the system for you. pedram. >> good morning, isa. we are tracking portions of texas because tropical moisture from hurricane texas is pouring into oklahoma, arkansas and the state of missouri where as many as 10 plus million americans underneath the risk here. 3, maybe 4 inches before it's said and done come thursday afternoon. that's not the only area of interest in weather. portions of the northern plains upwards of 13 severe weather reports just in the past 24 hours, about seven of them related to tornadoes across this region and really has been an incredibly busy pattern over the past three days into the western united states where active weather has been in place. over 600 severe wind gusts reports to be had across the western u.s.. and, of course, when it comes to severe weather and tornadoes, almost 50 of them reported across the central and northern plains region of the u.s. this is the second season as it's known typically as we transition from the warm season of summer into the cool season of autumn. severe weather is prompted. the cold is hiding and with a vengeance. freeze alerts across the higher elevations of the western u.s. cooler air does eventually arrive across the eastern its. atlanta going in from the 80s down into the 60s by this weekend. look at the overnight temperatures. 68 on friday into 48 or so over a 24-hour span dropping off into saturday and sunday. certainly a much cooler trend in store across the southern united states. high temperatures only 50 degrees in denver. middle 80s in memphis, and about 76 degrees out of new york city. isa? >> thank you very much. now, police in portland, oregon, said protesters caused half a million dollars of damage in ten minutes. police say 100 anarchists broke windows and atms and set trash containers on fire. no suspects have been publicly identified. the gathering was meant to recall the detect of an activist killed two years ago. now, ahead of the u.s. transportation security administration said there is a huge gun problem at the nation's airport. security agents are confiscating more guns from passengers than ever before. and the really scary part, what the vast majority of them are loaded. cnn's pete muntean has the story for you. >> reporter: these are disturbing new numbers, and tsa administrator and i just spoke exclusively about this. he said this is a big problem, especially since we have already reached the record set back in 2019 with 11 weekends still left in this year. the tsa has recovered 4650 guns at airport checkpoints across the country since january 1st. 3900 of them have been loaded. the record in 2019, 4432 guns found at tsa checkpoints. you can face a $10,000 fine for a first offense of bringing a loaded gun to the airport. he said this is a serious issue and passengers need to take this more seriously. >> it's a huge problem. as a passenger, i don't want to have another passenger flying on a flight with me with a gun in their possession. >> reporter: why do you think the numbers are up? >> i think it reflects society. more people are carrying weapons just general across the country, and then we see whatever is happening in the country, we see ref reflected in our checkpoint operations. >> reporter: he underscores there is a time when there is an uptick in unruly passenger ennis departments, not only on board commercial flights, but also at tsa checkpoints. he said this just shows that the security system is working. remember, there are a patchwork of gun laws both state and local and the tsa would like some help with that. the u.s. attorney's office in the western district of pennsylvania is now telling local sheriffs to revoke the conceal carry permits of those who violate these rules at airports. pete muntean, cnn, washington. well, still ahead on "cnn newsroom," bali is hoping empty beaches will be filled as the island reopens for international tou tourists after an 18-month hiatus. more on that after a short break. you are watching "cnn newsroom." use a single hr software? nope. we use 11. eleven. why do an expense report from your phone when you can do it from a machine that jams? i just emailed my wife's social security number to the entire company instead of hr, so... please come back. how hard is your business software working for you? with paycom, employees enter and manage their own hr data in one easy-to-use software. visit for a free demo. hon? first off, we love each other... my plaque psoriasis... ...the itching ...the burning. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. my psoriatic arthritis, made 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isa soares f. you're just joining us, let me bring you up to date with our top stories this hour. u.s. lawmakers investigating the january 6 insurrection on capitol hill expect to hear from trump aides today. committee members said if they don't show up to deliver their depositions, they could possibly face jail time. in norway, authorities in charge of a 37-year-old man with a bow and arrow. the motive is unknown. we'll continue to follow that story for you. now, signs of progress in the global fight against covid, the world health organization says deaths dropped 10% last week, and the number of new cases fell 7%. much of the world as you can see there is now in the yellow and green, but new infections and fatalities are up in europe. as the global number of new covid infections continues to fall, one of the world's top tourist spots is trying to get up and running again. indonesia's resort island of bali had been off limits to international tourists about a year and a half. now the covid situation is improving. bali is officially reopening its doors to visitors from a select group of countries. let's bring in janice who joins us live from singapore. really tourism is their bread and butter here. the main source of income. this is an important step no doubt for them. >> reporter: that is right, yes, isa. in fact, one minister, the maritime affairs minister pointing out that 54% of bali's revenue comes from the tourism sector. that gives you an idea. so this is a celebratory moment really for those who live on bali whose income and livelihoods rely on all these tourists who come from all over the world. of course, it's a very famous destination. it's been featured in movies as well and in books. so it's something that everyone would have heard of bali as a destination. and here in southeast asia, it's something that many people can do in a short hop in three or four days. it's also very close to the australian coast. but let me tell you, singaporeans won't be going or the residents of singapore won't be going to bali or the australia yangz because there is a list of 19 countries from which bali is now prepared to accept visitors. on the list, though, china, india, japan, new zealand, france, these are some really important sources of revenue for the balinese. it is a big moment. why is it coming now? it was part of what you were saying earlier, falling rates of new cases of coronavirus across indonesia, which is really grappled with the crisis in the last few months. we do now know that across the country vaccination rates are running at about 20%, but the health ministry tells us that in bali, those who have had a double dose of the vaccination is running at around 90%, and over that for those who had a single dose. and that really is at the crux of what you'll need if you want to come to bali, isa. you will have to be double vaccinated. and also at your own expense, you will have to undergo a five-day quarantine in a hotel room that doesn't mean you can walk around the resort. it really does mean quarantine. on top of that, you would need to have covid-19 insurance worth $100,000. there is a lack of clarity, though, over some of these measures. that's one of the reasons why the airport hasn't been filling up with tourists. here's what one spokesperson had to say. >> translator: until today, bali international airport still hasn't received any international flights, whether a flight to or from bali. but instructions from the national covid-19 task force said that bali is now an entry point for international flights to indonesia. >> reporter: that was a spokesperson from the international airport there. even though it is a moment to celebrate, i would say it's baby steps for now. isa? >> very briefly, do you know whether the u.s. is part of that list? >> reporter: the u.s. is not currently on that list, and we can expect given some of the comments that we've been getting from the health ministry, this reopening will be reevaluated over the coming weeks. but for now, no, the u.s. is not on it. along with a number of very important countries so as far as tourism goes for bali. >> great to see you. thanks very much. now, canada and mexico welcoming the u.s. decision to open the land borders to the nation and give a boost to struggling businesses. fully vaccinated visitors will be able to enter the u.s. in november. a senior administration official said the increase in vaccine availability and high vaccination rates factored into the decision. paula newton is in toronto with the canadian reaction. >> reporter: u.s. lifting border restrictions was a great relief to canada. no one thought the border would stay closed 19 days, let alone 19 months when the pandemic started. at issue now is what will fully vaccinated mean in terms of going to the united states. here in canada, more than one in ten canadians has likely what they call a mixed dose. so they might have gotten astrazeneca, but then they may have gotten a pfizer or a moderna to follow that up. right now they are waiting to hear from the centers for disease control in the united states as to whether or not that constitutes being fully vaccinated. having said that, canadians now can finally cross the border in november again if they are fully vaccinated, and that was actually met with a great deal of relief in the united states as well. it has been those communities all along the border, from washington state to maine that have been saying, look, canada opened its land border in august. it is time for us to do the same. our communities are suffering. our businesses are suffering. many expect that there will be some wrinkles along the way in the coming weeks or months. the border is certainly going through some staffing issues. but again, this will usher in a new stage of this pandemic, something many people on both sides of the border have been waiting for. paula newton, cnn, toronto. and just ahead right here on "cnn newsroom," 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more than 50 years later, actor william shatner took a huge risk, traveling to the edge of space on the blue origin rocket. he called it a profound experience and tresed the need to protect the planet earth. cnn's kirsten fisher has the details for you. >> 2, 1. >> reporter: and with that, 90-year-old star trek icon william shatner became the oldest person ever to travel to space. shatner and three other passengers were propelled from the desert of west texas to the edge of outer space aboard a new shepherd spacecraft developed by jeff bezos's rocket company blue origin. it's the same craft that took bezos to space this summer. bezos, a lifelong star trek fan, brought shatner as a guest along with audrey powers and two paying customers. the out of this world adventure lasting just ten minutes from take off to landing leaving all four passengers including shatner mesmerized by the view. >> weightlessness. oh, jesus. no description. >> this is nuts! >> oh, god. >> reporter: shatner and his crew mates experienced three minutes of weightlessness before the capsule started its descent back to earth. >> there go the pair chutes. >> that was unlike anything to describe. >> reporter: after landing safely, a blue origin crew secured the capsule and bezos i am -- himself did the honors. [ applause ] >> reporter: cheers as each of the four passengers walked out of the capsule, including captain kirk himself. >> captain kirk himself, the great william shatner. >> reporter: shatner telling bezos, it all happened so quickly. >> unbelievable, unbelievable. i mean, the little things have weightlessness. but to see the blue color. now you're staring at blackness. >> reporter: shatner clearly taken aback by the gravity of the moment. >> i'm so filled with emotion about what just happened. it's extraordinary, extraordinary. i hope i never recover from this. >> reporter: william, you've had one of the most, perhaps one of the most interesting lives than any human could possibly have. where does this stack up on your list of life experiences? >> this is enormous. i'm overwhelmed, and it takes more than a little thing to overwhelm me. >> you said, everybody in the world needs to see it. why? what do we need to see? >> but it's not tourism. everybody in the world needs to have the philosophical understanding of what we're doing to earth and the -- and you hear this so often, the necessity of cleaning everything, stopping right now, the apocalypse that's coming our way. >> reporter: so william shatner walking away from this experience the world would be a better place if more people had a chance to go into space and see what he saw. but right now the cost of going up in one of blue origin's new shepard rockets or virgin galactic space ship 2, is expensive. blue origin won't say how much the two customers paid. i asked them directly. they wouldn't tell me what they spent. all they would say is whatever they paid blue origin they both felt that it was worth it. kristen fisher, cnn, launch site 1. >> well, william shatner's voyage and other recent missions are raising some challenging questions. who gets to go to space, and who controls its valuable resources? astrophysicist neal degrasse tyson has this view. >> they should not be the perch of the privileged few or the privileged billionaires. and i see over the coming years that right now we are bearing witness to the birth of an entire economy, an entire industry. i mean, imagine 100 years ago you're watching people fiddle over their arrow plains, trying to turn them into something that can carry more than just one passenger. i look forward to the day where the solar system basically becomes our collective backyard. and i'll tell you something else. you have many people who watch you who care about geopolitics. think about this. a big cause of geopolitical conflict beyond politics and religion has been limited access to restricted resources. yet space is -- has unlimited resources, unlimited energy, unlimited natural resources and minerals and asteroid, you think limited sources of water and comets. and so if the solar system becomes our backyard, i foresee a day where an entire category of armed conflict simply evaporates because no longer are any of these resources scarce. >> an incredible rescue caught on camera. see how police pulled a man from a burning car, most likely -- stay with us for that story. that's next. - [narrator] as you get ready for what's next, custom gear from custom ink can help make the most of these moments. we've developed new tools to make it easy for you. custom ink has hundreds of products to help you feel connected. upload your logo or start your design today at now, this just in to cnn. police in norway say the man suspected of killing five people in a bow and arrow attack, a story that we brought you about 30 minutes or so ago, we are being told now that he had recently converted to islam. authorities say they had previously spoken to the man expressing concerns about signs of his radicalization. the 37-year-old danish man is accused of killing four women and one man in the attack. all of them we have learned the last hour or so, between the ages of 50 and 70. police say they believe the suspect, who is in custody right now, did act alone. of course, we'll keep on top of that breaking news story as soon as there are more developments, we shall bring it to your attention. now, we have incredible video showing heroism in action. two police officers in garland, texas, pulling an unconscious man from a car engulfed in flames. take a look at this. >> buddy, come on. let's go. >> i can't get to him. i can't get him. >> where's he at? >> he's right here. >> come on. come on, man. come on. we have to get you out. come on. come on. come on, man. >> ah! >> come on, man. get out! come on! i got you. >> amazing work by those officers right there. this was the scene when police arrived captured by one officer's body camera. they saw one man on the ground, apparently ejected from the car, but he was unconscious and they pulled him away from the flames. moments later they realized the other man was inside that car. both of the rescued men are said to have non-life threatening injuries and no word on what caused the crash. now, i really want to bring you this story. patrick snell has more on this. sharpen your skates, hockey fans. the nhl -- here i go, season is finally here. patrick snell has that and more for you. >> isa, thanks: new nhl season up and running. wednesday night seeing opening games both the washington capitals and new york rangers went head to head in d.c. washington superstar alex ovechkin who scored twice, getting to 732 career goals and moving him past hockey hall of famer marcell deon. into sole possession in league career goals. drama a plenty. premier league night riders have their spot after a thrilling victory over the delhi capitals. after one draw, ceiling the triumph there. and in yuefa women's champions league, 2-1 win for chelsea, and italian power house. and men's barcelona star with a stunning strike for the united states in world cup qualifying against costa rica. that was the leveller. america win it 2-1. isa, with that, right back to you. >> thank you very much, patrick. now, the rolling stones have retired their classic hit "brown sugar." ♪ singer mick jagger says they phased out the '70s hit from concert lineups saying it could make a return. the song begins with reference to a woman being sold into slavery. critics have been railing against the song for years condemning the violent portrayal of black women. the band is currently on a tour in north america. adele fans can start their count down clocks. the british singer song writer has announced a new album titled "thirty" it will be released november 19. it is the first album in six years. adele took to social media to say she's learned a lot of blistering truths about herself along the way. she's never felt more peaceful in her life. the superstar has been teasing her first new single off the album the past week and we've shown you some of it. "easy on me" drops on friday. and finally, it turns out beer and bleu cheese have been enjoyed by europeans as far back as nearly 3,000 years. that finding now coming from from an unlikely source, ancient feces. scientists analyzed excrement found under salt mines in western australia. fungi used to produce bleu cheese, and beer, how sophisticated culinary practices were in the iron age. if you're just waking up to that, a very good morning. and that does it for me. thanks very much for joining us. i'm isa soares. early start with christine romans and laura jarrett is next. the top story into the january 6 capitol hill insurrection. have a wonderful day. i'll see you tomorrow. bye-bye. phlegmy cough. what about rob's dry cough? workrks on that too, and lasts 2 hours. 12 hours?! who studies that long?? mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs. every day, coventry helps people get cash for their life insurance policies they no longer need. i'm an anesthesiologist and a pain physician by specialty. i was trying to figure out what i could do with this term life insurance policy. i'm sorta stuck because i can't just go out and buy more insurance, because of my diagnosis. i called coventry direct and everything clicked. there actually were a lot more options that i thought there ever would be. coventry helped michael like we've helped thousands of people sell all or part of their life insurance policies for cash. even a term policy. there probably are a lot of people that are in a similar situation who don't know they have an option. i would definitely recommend talking to coventry about it. coventry made it very easy. i just couldn't have asked for a better experience. don't cancel or let your policy lapse without finding out what it's worth. visit to find out if your policy qualifies. or call the number on your screen. baaam. internet that doesn't miss a beat. that's cute, but my internet streams to my ride. adorable, but does yours block malware? nope. -it crushes it. pshh, mine's so fast, no one can catch me. big whoop! mine gives me a 4k streaming box. -for free! that's because you all have the same internet. xfinity xfi. so powerful, it keeps one-upping itself. can your internet do that? it is thursday, october 14th. 5:00 a.m. exactly here in new york. thanks for getting your early start with us. i'm christine romans. >> i'm laura jarrett. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. a lot of news to get to this morning. we begin with deadline day for the house select committee investigating the january 6 insurrection. the committee is not waiting around for witnesses. house investigators have served a former justice department official who pushed the election fraud lie with a fresh new subpoena, and cnn has learned the committee spent eight hours on wednesday interviewing the man who pushed back agains

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Southern U S , Viewers , Donald Trump , Law , Isa Soares , President , President Of The United States , Cnn Newsroom , Around The World , Isn T , Bannon Doesn T , Big Lie , Steve Bannon , White House , Capitol Hill , Department Kash Patel , Aides , Business Leaders , Deposition , Guard , Committee Targets , January 6 , 6 , Bali , Bottlenecks , Ports , Business , Pandemic Closures , Indonesian Island Open , 18 , Investigation , Everyone , Announcer , October 14th , London , Hello , 14 , Thursday October 14th , Insurrection , Criminal Contempt , Committee Members , Step , House Select Committee , Lawmakers , They Don T Show Up , Official , Justice Department , Joe Biden , Justice , Documents , Executive Privilege , Request , Riots , Reporter , The Select Committee , Member , Context , Meeting , Moves , Ryan Nobles , Election Fraud Lie , All In One , Jeffrey Rosen , Department , Behind Closed Doors , Sources , One , Claims , Election , Cases , Election Fraud , Power , Efforts , Polls , January 6th , Subpoena , Jeffrey Clark , Level , Action , States , Trump Associate , Negotiating , Resistance , Scenes , 2020 , Evidence , Order , Writing To Clark , Quote , Work , Series , Transfer , Deadlines , Depositions , Defense , Allies , Two , Letter , People Don T , He Doesn T Show On Thursday , No One , Administration , Mark Meadows , Part , Information , Dan Scavino , Merits , Meadows , Voters , Lie , Leaders , Election Results , Sense , Hitman , Urgency , Republican , Something , Committee , Ears , Number , Cnn , Associates , Lawyers , Case , Many , Others , Problem Finding , Task , Ty Cobb , Jay Sekulow , William Burke , Effort , Hope , Team , Trump , Focus , Events , Piece , Big Black Box , Adam Schiff , Things , Wall , Rally , Advance , Role , Presence , Groups , Capitol , Violence , Propensity , Unknown , Didn T Reinforcements , People , Analysts , Subpoenas , Strategy , Doing , Clock , House , Contempt , Couple , Side , Options , Vote , Contempt Citation , Way , It , Civil Court , Sergeant , Federal Court , Lot , Mr , The Hill , Gambling , Jail , Arms , Witnesses , Coming Contempt , Cooperation , Bosses , House Committee , Aren T Cooperating , Senate , Donohue , Executive Privilege Documents , Disclosure , Washington , Poll , Approval Rating , Staying , Traction , Agenda , Specifics , Democrats , Congress , 50 , Lives , Listen , Progressives , Plans , Midterms , Standing , Joe Manchin , Kirsten Sinema , 2022 , Each Other , Doesn T Make Sense , Proposal , Counterproposal , Somebody , Agreement , Table , Climate Change , Bill , Gtz , Safety Net , 75 , Covid 19 , Everywhere , Policies , Holidays , Consumer , Restrictions , Fewer , World , Supply Chain , Demand , Thousands , Shipping Containers , Weaknesses , Need , Nation , Infrastructure , Backlog , Supply Chain Problems , Los Angeles , System , Government , Delays , Lever , Disposal , Goods , Reasons , Supply Chains , Generations , Products , Stores , Docks , Infrastructure Deal , Bus Business Leaders , Congress Act , 90 , Most , Countries , Shippers , Operations , 24 7 , Made In The Usa , Supply Chain Issues , Guarantee , Transportation , Freight , Employees , Workers , Strike , Company , Contract , Construction Equipment , Supply Chain Challenges , Job , Farm , John Deere , U S Auto Industry , Midwest , 10000 , Bottom Line , Electronics , Port , Toys , Uk , Country , British Government , Officials , Finance Minister , Problem , Everybody , Everything , Some , Challenges , Provision , Nature , Paul Krug , Actions , Drivers , Tests , Types , Visas , Processing , Huv , Pandemic , Stuff , Perspective , Consequence , Refrigerators , Exercise Machines , Supply Chain Mess , Ways , Place , Exercise Equipment , Strain , Gym , Kitchen , Deliveries , Resources , Economy , Ingenuity , Progress , Problems , Vaccine Campaign , Vaccine , Questions , Issue , Vaccine Mandates , Reason , Booster Shots , Round , Covid Response , U S Food And Drug Administration , Study , Moderna , Vaccine Advisers , Shots , Emergency Use , Applications , Johnson , Results , Vaccination Rate , Booster , Response , Brand , Data , National Institutes Of Health , Peer , Cdc , Vaccination Rates , Surgeon General , Organizations , Vaccine Requirements , Bump , Shorts , 20 , Politics , Tool , Public Health , Misinformation , Decisions , Reality , P Polarization , Children , Fact , Parents , Health , Vaccine Confusion , Newser Biontech Vaccine , Guidance , Stake , Oft Nightly , Store , Flu Shots , Price , Mistake , Indiana , Alexandra , Joshua , 5 , 4 , Dose , Expert , Triple , Kids , Injections , Trials , 12 , Arrow , Bow , Rampage , Edge , Attack , Norway , Citizen , Police , Town Southwest Of Oslo , 37 , Five , Motive , Developments , Melissa Bell , Terrorism , Link , Paris , Man , Nothing , Details , Police Chief , Conference , Statement , Motives , Danish , Big Question , Women , None , Victims , 00 , 70 , Four , Course , Weapons , Another , Arrows , Quiver , Kind , Event , Murder Rates , Terror , Gun Violence , Extremist , Big One , European , 77 , 2011 , Thanks , In Paris , Do , Passengers , Guns , Airports , Star Trek , Tsa , Captain Kirk , Security Officials , Record Number , Chief , Trend , Surge , Plus , Ten , Space , Flight , Brain Performance , Reaction , Memory Supplements , Indicators , Planet Earth , Neuriva Plus , Sciee , Six , Neuriva , Yes , Anywhere , Sick , Viruses , Virus , Germs , Surfaces , Covid , Disinfectant Spray , 19 , Lysol , Symptoms , Crohn S Disease , Moderate , Ulcerative Colitis , Remission , Humira , Doctor , Biologic , 1 , Infections , Reactions , Ability , Areas , Nervous System Problems , Liver , Have , Tuberculosis , Lymphoma , Blood , Cancers , Heart Failure , Infection , Don T , Hepatitis B , Sores , Tb , Gastroenterologist , Prime Minister , Lava , Homes , Residents , Erupting , Latest , Al Goodman , Volcano , Patience , La Palma , Signs , Flow , La Mapalma Island , Volcano Eruptions , Evacuation , Eruptions , Evacuees , Hottest , 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Portland , Middle 80s , Denver , Memphis , 76 , Protesters , Activist , Set Trash Containers On Fire , Suspects , Damage , Anarchists , Gathering , Windows , Oregon , Atms , A Million , 100 , A Million Dollars , Airport , Gun Problem , Security Agents , Numbers , Administrator , Majority , Pete Muntean , Record Set Back , Airport Checkpoints , January 1st , 11 , 2019 , 4650 , Checkpoints , Gun , Record , Fine , Offense , 4432 , 0000 , 3900 , Passenger , Possession , Passenger Flying , Checkpoint Operations , Ref , Society , Flights , Security System , Uptick , Help , Ennis Departments , Gun Laws , Patchwork , Sheriffs , U S Attorney Office , Carry , Rules , Permits , Western District Of Pennsylvania , Tourists , More , Island , Break , Beaches , Hiatus , Tou , Hr Software , Expense , Report , Business Software Working , Social Security Number , Software , Machine , Hr Data , Jams , Phone , Wife , Hr , Eleven , Paycom , Demo , Visit Paycom Com , First Off , Hon , Plaque Psoriasis , Skin , Itching , Burning , Stinging , Tremfya , Psoriatic Arthritis , Adults , Joints , Emerge Tremfyanttm , Painful , 16 , Medication , Cost Support Options , Janssen , Deal , Network , It Woah , 30 Bucks , 30 , Internet , Cool , Wireless , 5g , Sweet , Bucks , Clam Aroonies , Stories , Soares F , Fight , Charge , World Health Organization , Covid Infections , Much , Deaths , Fatalities , Green , 7 , Tourist Spots , Half , Resort Island , Indonesia , Covid Situation , Tourism , Source , Visitors , Income , Bread , Group , Doors , Janice , Butter , Doubt , Singapore , Maritime Affairs Minister , Revenue , Idea , Tourism Sector , 54 , Livelihoods , All Over The World , Destination , Books , Movies , List , Singaporeans , Won T , Short Hop , Coast , Yangz , Western Australia , Southeast Asia , India , Balinese , New Zealand , France , Japan , China , Rates , Country Vaccination Rates , Crisis , Health Ministry , Vaccination , Crux , Quarantine , Doesn T , Resort , Hotel Room , Insurance Worth , Spokesperson , Clarity , Though , Translator , Airport Hasn T , Lack , Measures , 00000 , 100000 , Bali International Airport Still Hasn T , Entry Point , Instructions , Task Force , Steps , Comments , Reopening , Canada , Decision , Mexico , Land , Vaccine Availability , Increase , Boost , Border , Relief , Thought , Border Restrictions , Paula Newton , Toronto , Astrazeneca , Terms , Pfizer , Communities , Land Border In August , Washington State , Saying , Suffering , Same , Wrinkles , Staffing , Issues , Sides , Stage , Floating Weightless , Experience , William Shatner , Trip , Talks , Flu , Grab Mucinex , Friend , Boss , Book , Rhythm , Entertainment , Interests , Lifestyle , Authors , Text Listen10 , Thirty , 500500 , Space Dramas , Originals , Podcasts , News Podcasts , Thrillers , Classics , True Crime , Worlds , Great Escape , Aren T , Sandman , Friends , Anywhere Else , Content , Storytelling , Audio Entertainment , Text , Education , Ride , Beat , Malware , Miss A , Baaam , Adorable , Streaming Box , Pshh , 4k , Xfinity Xfi , Speech , 1960 , Possibilities , Potential , Advancement , Knowledge , Blue Origin , Actor , Rocket , Kirsten Fisher , 2 , Spacecraft , Outer Space , Person , Desert , Jeff Bezos , Craft , Customers , Summer , Guest , Audrey Powers , Brought Shatner , A Lifelong Star Trek Fan , Weightlessness , Out Of This World , Adventure , The View , Description , Crew Mates , Jesus , God , Capsule , Back To Earth , Crew , Pair Chutes , Anything , Cheers , Applause , Honors , Unbelievable , Aback , Color , Gravity , Emotion , Blackness , Life Experiences , Stack , Human , Thing , Apocalypse , Cleaning Everything , Understanding , Necessity , Cost , Chance , Shepard Rockets , Origin , They Wouldn T , Space Ship , Virgin Galactic , Tell Me , Felt , Voyage , Missions , Launch Site 1 , Neal Degrasse Tyson , View , Few , Billionaires , Perch , Arrow Plains , Industry , Witness , Birth , Backyard , Care , Solar System , Geopolitics , Cause , Who , Something Else , Natural Resources , Religion , Conflict , Minerals , Asteroid , Energy , Access , Longer , Armed Conflict , Comets , Category , Car , Likely , Stay , Rescue , Camera , Ink , Gear , Narrator , Tools , Design , Logo , Customink Com , Concerns , Radicalization , Islam , Suspect , Breaking News Story , Custody , Act , Ages , Police Officers , Attention , Video Showing Heroism , Garland , Come On , In Flames , Look , Buddy , Let S Go , I Got You , Officers , Officer , Ground , Scene , Body Camera , Men , Both , Flames , Crash , Word , Injuries , Skates , Hockey Fans , Patrick Snell , Here I Go , Nhl , Alex Ovechkin , Season Up , Games , Career Goals , Running , Head , Washington Capitals , New York Rangers , 732 , Night Riders , League Career Goals , Drama , Plenty , Premier League , Hockey Hall Of Famer , Marcell Deon , Ceiling , Capitals , Victory , Spot , Triumph , Draw , Yuefa Women S , Delhi , Star , Leveller , Power House , Win , Champions League , Italian , Chelsea , Barcelona , Costa Rica , World Cup , Brown Sugar , The Rolling Stones , Patrick , North America , Song , Mick Jagger , Concert Lineups , Woman , Reference , Return , Adele , Fans , Count , Tour , Band , Slavery , Railing , Critics , Violent Portrayal Of Black Women , Album , Song Writer , Social Media , Clocks , Truths , November 19 , Beer , Life , Single , Cheese , Bleu , Teasing , Excrement , Finding , Scientists , Salt Mines , Feces , Bleu Cheese , Morning , Fungi , Practices , Laura Jarrett , Christine Romans , Bye , Cough , Workrks On , Rob , Phlegmy Cough , Mucinex Dm , Coventry , Coughs , Term , Cash , Life Insurance Policy , Life Insurance , Specialty , Anesthesiologist , Pain Physician , Sorta , Insurance , Diagnosis , Policy , Life Insurance Policies , Option , Situation , Policy Lapse , Worth , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Finding Out , Screen , October 14th , News , Start , House Investigators , Eight ,

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bottlenecks choking u.s. ports. and bali is back in business. the indonesian island open to tourists after 18 months of pandemic closures. >> announcer: live from london, this is "cnn newsroom." with isa soares. hello, everyone. it is thursday, october 14th. a pivotal day in the congressional investigation of the deadly january 6 insurrection. top aides to former president donald trump are supposed to appear before the house select committee today as well as friday. committee members are making it clear. criminal contempt is the next step if they don't show up. lawmakers want to know what was happening in the trump white house on the day the riots. president joe biden has formally rejected trump's request to shield requested documents through executive privilege. and, excuse me, a former justice department official who pushed the election fraud lie is being called to appear. ryan nobles puts it all into context for you. >> reporter: the january 6 select committee is making serious moves. >> we're not messing around. >> reporter: meeting with a key member of the trump-era justice department and taking steps to force another one to comply with their investigation. sources say former acting attorney general jeffrey rosen met wednesday with the committee behind closed doors. rosen served as a.g. leading up to january 6th and resisted the former president's efforts to use the power of the justice department to investigate false claims of election fraud. >> the cases are even made. if you look at the polls, it was a rigged election. you look at the different states. the election was totally rigged. >> reporter: meanwhile the committee is taking action to ensure another trump associate cooperates. issuing a subpoena to jeffrey clark, a high level member of the trump justice department who tried to help trump overturn the 2020 election. clark attempted to pressure d.o.j. leadership to investigate unfounded claims of election fraud. of the committee had been negotiating behind the scenes with clark to get him to work with the committee, but after weeks of resistance, they took the step of a subpoena. writing to clark, quote, the select committee's investigation has revealed credible evidence that you attempted to involve the department of justice in order to interrupt the peaceful transfer of power. the new work comes a day before a series of major deadlines. two trump allies, steve bannon and former defense department kash patel are scheduled to come before the committee thursday for private depositions. bannon has sent the committee a letter saying he doesn't plan to cooperate. if he doesn't show on thursday, they promise to take quick action to enforce the subpoena. >> if people don't show up, they don't provide documents they're compelled to, we will take up criminal contempt with the justice department and we expect it will be prosecuted. unlike the last administration, no one is above the law, and so we intend to move quickly. >> reporter: on friday, the committee has asked former white house officials mark meadows and dan scavino to appear. meadows is engaging with the committee, but scavino only received his subpoena last friday. >> i can assure you the committee is considering each of these cases individually on its merits and will move swiftly to get the information we need as part of this investigation. >> reporter: the committee is feeling a sense of urgency as trump continues to peddle his big lie about the election results and and is finding willing republican voters and leaders to agree with hitman. >> you always read in there, while there is no evidence to prove this, there is so much evidence, it's pouring out of our ears. >> and there is something complicating the former president donald trump's efforts legally to thereby and prevent the january 6 committee from talking to some of his former associates or getting information and documents from his white house. he's having a hard time finding high-profile lawyers to help build that case. cnn reaching out to a number of lawyers that have represented trump, his administration or his associates over the past couple of years, and many of them saying that they are not signing up for this task, including ty cobb, jay sekulow, william burke and others. trump says he'll have no problem finding good legal hope. at this time it is unclear who is leading his legal team as he heads into this crucial effort on his part to try and deny the select committee that information that they're looking for. ryan nobles, cnn on capitol hill. well, house select committee member adam schiff you just heard in ryan nobles' piece, said the central focus of the investigation is where trump fits onto the events on january 6. take a listen to this. >> i think really the big black box in all of this is what was the president's role. we know some of the things about what the president did, certainly propagating the big lie before that day, what he did at the rally that day. but what was going on at the white house? what did he know in advance of january 6th about who was coming to this rally, the presence of white nationalist groups, the propensity for violence? why didn't reinforcements come in to protect the capitol more quickly? that's the biggest unknown. what was the president doing or the people around him doing. >> well, for the former trump aides, the strategy may be to really just simply run out the clock on the congressional investigation. cnn analysts explain what could happen if they ignore the subpoenas. >> on the house side, what they will do is first vote to hold him in contempt. that should be pretty quick, pretty easy to do. then from there they have a couple of options. they could refer that contempt citation to the department of justice and ask the department to prosecute him criminally for contempt. they could decide to pursue it in civil court, federal court, in the same way that they went after trump and other trump associates during the prior administration to try to enforce subpoenas. or they could send the sergeant at arms out to grab mr. bannon and hold him in jail and on the hill, which is highly unlikely to happen. so, all of those things take a lot of time. that's what mr. bannon is gambling for right now. he knows he's not going to win legally, but he's gambling that he can probably outlast them. >> donald trump isn't the president any more. he doesn't get to decide because he sends a letter. we know the biden administration has been waiving executive privilege, letting witnesses testify, ordering documents to produce. bannon doesn't get to invent his own law. there's been a lot of focus on the coming contempt, likely criminal contempt against those who aren't cooperating. but there is much more cooperation that's happening. you have mr. donohue and mr. rosen, mr. clark's bosses who have gone in to testify. first to the senate, then to the house committee. you have the white house authorizing the disclosure of executive privilege documents. you have others cooperating. still confidential providing information. that information is pouring in. >> our legal context there on what we can see in the coming days. and staying in washington this hour, u.s. president joe biden's approval rating is up to 50% in new cnn poll. but democrats in congress are still struggling to gain traction on his legislative agenda. and really sell the specifics of his plans. now, progressives in the house could be fighting for their political lives in the 2022 midterms, while moderate democrats, joe manchin and kirsten sinema are standing in the way in the senate. take a listen. >> we're waiting for the two of them to agree with each other, and then to submit a counterproposal. and i'm not sure why it's taking so long, but obviously this is a moment where we're all in agreement. so if somebody else has a different proposal, they should put it on the table. but it doesn't make sense for us to continue to negotiate against ourselves. >> well, that new cnn poll just mentioned finds 75% of democrats prefer a bill that gtz further to expand the social safety net and fight climate change over one that costs less and enacts fewer of those very policies. now, with covid restrictions easing worldwide and the holidays really rapidly approaching, consumer everywhere are eager to go shopping again. but all of that pent-up demand has really exposed shocking weaknesses in the global supply chain. ports around the world are suddenly choked with thousands of shipping containers you can see there, really waiting offshore. the for the of los angeles is trying to clear the backlog. the white house says the supply chain problems underscore the need to overhaul the nation's infrastructure. take a listen. >> we cannot guarantee. what we can do is use every lever at the federal government disposal to reduce delays, to ensure that we are addressing bottlenecks in the system, including ports and the need for them to be open longer hours so that goods can arrive. >> we are relying on supply chains that were built generations ago. it's one of the reasons why this entire year we have been talking about and working on infrastructure and are eager to see congress act to get this infrastructure deal through. >> well, after meeting with key bus business leaders at the white house on wednesday, president biden announced a 90-day sprint to get products off the docks into the stores. he said it was vital for shippers to begin non-stop operations. take a listen. >> 24/7 system, what most of the leading countries in the world already operate on now except us, until now. this is the first key step toward moving our entire freight, transportation, and logistical supply chain nationwide to a 24/7 system. >> but being made in the usa is no guarantee of avoiding supply chain issues, especially if workers walk off the job. about 10,000 employees at john deere factories in the midwest went on strike after rejecting the latest contract. the company makes farm and construction equipment and demand has been strong. despite the supply chain challenges facing the u.s. auto industry, john deere has had healthy bottom line this year and its workers want that reflected in their new contract. here in the uk, cargo ships carrying holiday toys and electronics had to be diverted from the port because the docks were full. you're seeing it right there. british officials are downplaying the delays, adding the country should plan for holiday shopping as usual. the uk finance minister meeting in washington said the british government is doing what it can to get goods moving. >> we're doing everything we can to mitigate some of these challenges. they are global in nature, so we can't fix every single problem, but i feel confident there will be good provision of goods for everybody and we are working our way to remove blockages where we can. as you've seen with huv drivers where we provided short-term visas. we sped up the processing of tests and things like that. those are the types of practical actions we can do. well, earlier economist paul krug man spoke with cnn about the supply chain mess. he said bottlenecks are an unintended consequence of people being able to buy things during the pandemic. to put it in perspective, here's what he had to say. >> stuff like refrigerators, exercise machines, whatever. that's actually way up from before the pandemic. the problem is people want to buy so much stuff that the supply chain can't handle it. so this is -- a lot of this is because people were not able to do, still in many ways are not able to do what they were doing before, so they've turned to things to take the place. you can't go to the gym so you buy some exercise equipment. you can't eat out so you remodel your kitchen. and that is what's placed the strain on the system. it's not that we've fallen short of the deliveries we were achieving before. i just find it hard, sort of abstract level to believe a modern economy with all the resources ours has and all of the ingenuity that ours has is going to be unable to fix these, what are fundamentally short-term problems for that long. >> short-term problem seems to be going on for a while. meanwhile, the white house is touting tremendous progress in its coronavirus vaccine campaign, saying cases are down across the u.s.. and that vaccine mandates are a big part of the reason why. in the coming hours, president biden will address the country's covid response. also today, vaccine advisers to u.s. food and drug administration will start tackling the next round of questions about booster shots. at issue here, whether to recommend emergency use applications for moderna and johnson & johnson. and whether any of the shots should be mixed and matched. the vaccine advisers will take up a new study that found it is indeed safe for people to do just that, and that getting a different brand of booster shot still generates a robust immune response. the results of the study from the national institutes of health have not yet been peer reviewed. the latest data from the cdc shows the u.s. vaccination rate has fallen 18% from last week. the u.s. surgeon general says vaccine mandates are helping. >> recent shorts show that 20% bump in vaccination rates among organizations have put vaccine requirements in place. but most of all, they are an important public health tool that reflects that reality, that the decisions we make affect other people. that's really what should guide us. i worry when i see politics, p polarization, misinformation takes us away from sound public health guidance. we can't afford that to happen because lives are at stake. >> talk about vaccine confusion here. two parents say they and their children, young children, in fact, were given doses oft nightly newser biontech vaccine instead of flu shots. the mix up happened in indiana last week. joshua and alexandra price you can see there say the store contacted them later to admit the mistake. the couple's two children are 4 and 5 years old. the vaccine is not authorized for children under 12. the parents said the kids started feeling sick soon after the injections. one medical expert says the children should be okay despite the dose being triple tested in clinical trials. i want to take you to norway, a country on edge after a man armed with a bow and arrow went on attack in a town southwest of oslo. now, police say they have arrested and charged 37-year-old danish citizen after five people were killed and two others injured in the rampage on wednesday. so far police do not know his motive and have not ruled out a possible link to terrorism. they do believe he acted alone. cnn's melissa bell is following developments and joins us now from paris. good morning, melissa. what more are we learning this hour about this violent rampage and this man behind it? >> reporter: well, even now, isa, police chief is giving a live conference to give the latest details from the investigation. nothing so far in what he's had to say, either in the statement or to questions so far, isa, about the motives of the man. that is the big question facing norway this morning. exactly why this danish national went out on the rampage. it lasted just over half an hour last night, just after 6:00 p.m. what we have learned from the police chief in the last few moments, he says more about the victims. none of them have been formally identified, but he did say they were four women and one man who died all between their 50s and 70s. we know also, of course, that rampage lasted just over half an hour before police were able to apprehend the man who was carrying a bow and arrow and a quiver full of arrows. another of the questions will be whether there were other weapons involved in the rampage over the course of that half hour. as you say, an extremely shocking event since this is a country where gun violence is limited, where murder rates are fairly low, and where we really don't see the kind of terror attacks you've seen in other european countries. the last big one was in 2011, the far-right extremist who killed 77 people. everyone now wondering what this motive was, whether there was a motive, and what we understand so far, what the police have revealed over the course of the last evening or so, isa, is that he was -- is believed to have been acting alone. the big question now why he did what he did. >> as soon as you know more, melissa, do keep us posted. melissa bell in paris. thanks, melissa. security officials are seeing a disturbing trend at u.s. airports. a record number of guns confiscated from passengers. ahead the tsa chief explains what he believes is behind the surge. plus, star trek captain kirk makes history on his ten-minute flight to the edge of space. his emotional reaction back on planet earth. that's next. behind neuriva the sciee unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators 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where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. be there for you and them. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. learn how abbvie could help you save on humira. well, space prime minister pedro sanchez is asking residents of la palma for patience. they can't rebuild until the volcano stops erupting. it's been spewing lava almost a month now forcing thousands of people from their homes. al goodman has the latest for you. >> reporter: the volcano eruptions on la mapalma island show no signs of slowing down. right now it's the northern flow of lava causing the most problem. it's the most fluid and the hottest. that's what prompted the evacuation of 600 to 700 people. that brings it to 6700. the total number of evacuees since the eruptions gang a -- began a week ago. it caused a fire at a cement factory earlier this week which prommed a lockdown of 3,000 people who lived nearby. authorities are trying to stay a step ahead of the lava with the evacuation and lockdown on la palma, one of spain's smallest of the canary islands. they have approved $260 million in aid for la palma to rebuild homes, businesses and roads, but as the prime minister said, none of that can really get going in a big way until the eruptions stop and the lava stops flowing. al goodman, cnn, madrid. two companies in the canary islands are using drones to help dogs stranded by the volcanic lava. you can see it in this video released by the local government. they dropped care packages with food and water, the dogs can pry them open with their teeth as well as paws. the companies are working with veterinarians to decide what the dogs need. hot air and ash prevent helicopters from flying in to rescue those dogs. now, more than 1300 firefighters are now battling a wildfire near santa barbara, california. the alisal fire has burned more than 16,000 hectares. air quality watch is in effect. strong winds are spreading smoke and ash from that fire. evacuation orders have been issued and road closures along a major highway remain in place. we'll stay on top of that story for you. well, parts of the southern u.s. are bracing for flash floods as the remnants of hurricane pamela move into texas. cnn meteorologist pedram javaheri is tracking the system for you. pedram. >> good morning, isa. we are tracking portions of texas because tropical moisture from hurricane texas is pouring into oklahoma, arkansas and the state of missouri where as many as 10 plus million americans underneath the risk here. 3, maybe 4 inches before it's said and done come thursday afternoon. that's not the only area of interest in weather. portions of the northern plains upwards of 13 severe weather reports just in the past 24 hours, about seven of them related to tornadoes across this region and really has been an incredibly busy pattern over the past three days into the western united states where active weather has been in place. over 600 severe wind gusts reports to be had across the western u.s.. and, of course, when it comes to severe weather and tornadoes, almost 50 of them reported across the central and northern plains region of the u.s. this is the second season as it's known typically as we transition from the warm season of summer into the cool season of autumn. severe weather is prompted. the cold is hiding and with a vengeance. freeze alerts across the higher elevations of the western u.s. cooler air does eventually arrive across the eastern its. atlanta going in from the 80s down into the 60s by this weekend. look at the overnight temperatures. 68 on friday into 48 or so over a 24-hour span dropping off into saturday and sunday. certainly a much cooler trend in store across the southern united states. high temperatures only 50 degrees in denver. middle 80s in memphis, and about 76 degrees out of new york city. isa? >> thank you very much. now, police in portland, oregon, said protesters caused half a million dollars of damage in ten minutes. police say 100 anarchists broke windows and atms and set trash containers on fire. no suspects have been publicly identified. the gathering was meant to recall the detect of an activist killed two years ago. now, ahead of the u.s. transportation security administration said there is a huge gun problem at the nation's airport. security agents are confiscating more guns from passengers than ever before. and the really scary part, what the vast majority of them are loaded. cnn's pete muntean has the story for you. >> reporter: these are disturbing new numbers, and tsa administrator and i just spoke exclusively about this. he said this is a big problem, especially since we have already reached the record set back in 2019 with 11 weekends still left in this year. the tsa has recovered 4650 guns at airport checkpoints across the country since january 1st. 3900 of them have been loaded. the record in 2019, 4432 guns found at tsa checkpoints. you can face a $10,000 fine for a first offense of bringing a loaded gun to the airport. he said this is a serious issue and passengers need to take this more seriously. >> it's a huge problem. as a passenger, i don't want to have another passenger flying on a flight with me with a gun in their possession. >> reporter: why do you think the numbers are up? >> i think it reflects society. more people are carrying weapons just general across the country, and then we see whatever is happening in the country, we see ref reflected in our checkpoint operations. >> reporter: he underscores there is a time when there is an uptick in unruly passenger ennis departments, not only on board commercial flights, but also at tsa checkpoints. he said this just shows that the security system is working. remember, there are a patchwork of gun laws both state and local and the tsa would like some help with that. the u.s. attorney's office in the western district of pennsylvania is now telling local sheriffs to revoke the conceal carry permits of those who violate these rules at airports. pete muntean, cnn, washington. well, still ahead on "cnn newsroom," bali is hoping empty beaches will be filled as the island reopens for international tou tourists after an 18-month hiatus. more on that after a short break. you are watching "cnn newsroom." use a single hr software? nope. we use 11. eleven. why do an expense report from your phone when you can do it from a machine that jams? i just emailed my wife's social security number to the entire company instead of hr, so... please come back. how hard is your business software working for you? with paycom, employees enter and manage their own hr data in one easy-to-use software. visit for a free demo. hon? first off, we love each other... my plaque psoriasis... ...the itching ...the burning. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. my psoriatic arthritis, made 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isa soares f. you're just joining us, let me bring you up to date with our top stories this hour. u.s. lawmakers investigating the january 6 insurrection on capitol hill expect to hear from trump aides today. committee members said if they don't show up to deliver their depositions, they could possibly face jail time. in norway, authorities in charge of a 37-year-old man with a bow and arrow. the motive is unknown. we'll continue to follow that story for you. now, signs of progress in the global fight against covid, the world health organization says deaths dropped 10% last week, and the number of new cases fell 7%. much of the world as you can see there is now in the yellow and green, but new infections and fatalities are up in europe. as the global number of new covid infections continues to fall, one of the world's top tourist spots is trying to get up and running again. indonesia's resort island of bali had been off limits to international tourists about a year and a half. now the covid situation is improving. bali is officially reopening its doors to visitors from a select group of countries. let's bring in janice who joins us live from singapore. really tourism is their bread and butter here. the main source of income. this is an important step no doubt for them. >> reporter: that is right, yes, isa. in fact, one minister, the maritime affairs minister pointing out that 54% of bali's revenue comes from the tourism sector. that gives you an idea. so this is a celebratory moment really for those who live on bali whose income and livelihoods rely on all these tourists who come from all over the world. of course, it's a very famous destination. it's been featured in movies as well and in books. so it's something that everyone would have heard of bali as a destination. and here in southeast asia, it's something that many people can do in a short hop in three or four days. it's also very close to the australian coast. but let me tell you, singaporeans won't be going or the residents of singapore won't be going to bali or the australia yangz because there is a list of 19 countries from which bali is now prepared to accept visitors. on the list, though, china, india, japan, new zealand, france, these are some really important sources of revenue for the balinese. it is a big moment. why is it coming now? it was part of what you were saying earlier, falling rates of new cases of coronavirus across indonesia, which is really grappled with the crisis in the last few months. we do now know that across the country vaccination rates are running at about 20%, but the health ministry tells us that in bali, those who have had a double dose of the vaccination is running at around 90%, and over that for those who had a single dose. and that really is at the crux of what you'll need if you want to come to bali, isa. you will have to be double vaccinated. and also at your own expense, you will have to undergo a five-day quarantine in a hotel room that doesn't mean you can walk around the resort. it really does mean quarantine. on top of that, you would need to have covid-19 insurance worth $100,000. there is a lack of clarity, though, over some of these measures. that's one of the reasons why the airport hasn't been filling up with tourists. here's what one spokesperson had to say. >> translator: until today, bali international airport still hasn't received any international flights, whether a flight to or from bali. but instructions from the national covid-19 task force said that bali is now an entry point for international flights to indonesia. >> reporter: that was a spokesperson from the international airport there. even though it is a moment to celebrate, i would say it's baby steps for now. isa? >> very briefly, do you know whether the u.s. is part of that list? >> reporter: the u.s. is not currently on that list, and we can expect given some of the comments that we've been getting from the health ministry, this reopening will be reevaluated over the coming weeks. but for now, no, the u.s. is not on it. along with a number of very important countries so as far as tourism goes for bali. >> great to see you. thanks very much. now, canada and mexico welcoming the u.s. decision to open the land borders to the nation and give a boost to struggling businesses. fully vaccinated visitors will be able to enter the u.s. in november. a senior administration official said the increase in vaccine availability and high vaccination rates factored into the decision. paula newton is in toronto with the canadian reaction. >> reporter: u.s. lifting border restrictions was a great relief to canada. no one thought the border would stay closed 19 days, let alone 19 months when the pandemic started. at issue now is what will fully vaccinated mean in terms of going to the united states. here in canada, more than one in ten canadians has likely what they call a mixed dose. so they might have gotten astrazeneca, but then they may have gotten a pfizer or a moderna to follow that up. right now they are waiting to hear from the centers for disease control in the united states as to whether or not that constitutes being fully vaccinated. having said that, canadians now can finally cross the border in november again if they are fully vaccinated, and that was actually met with a great deal of relief in the united states as well. it has been those communities all along the border, from washington state to maine that have been saying, look, canada opened its land border in august. it is time for us to do the same. our communities are suffering. our businesses are suffering. many expect that there will be some wrinkles along the way in the coming weeks or months. the border is certainly going through some staffing issues. but again, this will usher in a new stage of this pandemic, something many people on both sides of the border have been waiting for. paula newton, cnn, toronto. and just ahead right here on "cnn newsroom," a floating weightless, actor william shatner talks about his starry trip to the edge of space. >> what you've given me is the most profound experience. with mucinex all-in-one you've got unbeatable relief from your worst cold and flu symptoms. so when you need to show your cold who's boss, grab mucinex all-in-one... and get back to your rhythm. feel the power. beat the symptoms fast. so, i started listening to audible about two years ago. a friend of mine recommended a book to me, and i got hooked really fast. and then it kind of just became a lifestyle after that. i've found new authors. i've found new interests. i've found all of these wonderful things. audible has all the entertainment you love. text listen10 to 500500 to get thirty days free. i like thrillers, true crime podcasts, news podcasts... science fiction, space dramas... a lot of classics. i listen almost exclusively to the audible originals. i also think it's pretty special that they get audiobooks that aren't released 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more than 50 years later, actor william shatner took a huge risk, traveling to the edge of space on the blue origin rocket. he called it a profound experience and tresed the need to protect the planet earth. cnn's kirsten fisher has the details for you. >> 2, 1. >> reporter: and with that, 90-year-old star trek icon william shatner became the oldest person ever to travel to space. shatner and three other passengers were propelled from the desert of west texas to the edge of outer space aboard a new shepherd spacecraft developed by jeff bezos's rocket company blue origin. it's the same craft that took bezos to space this summer. bezos, a lifelong star trek fan, brought shatner as a guest along with audrey powers and two paying customers. the out of this world adventure lasting just ten minutes from take off to landing leaving all four passengers including shatner mesmerized by the view. >> weightlessness. oh, jesus. no description. >> this is nuts! >> oh, god. >> reporter: shatner and his crew mates experienced three minutes of weightlessness before the capsule started its descent back to earth. >> there go the pair chutes. >> that was unlike anything to describe. >> reporter: after landing safely, a blue origin crew secured the capsule and bezos i am -- himself did the honors. [ applause ] >> reporter: cheers as each of the four passengers walked out of the capsule, including captain kirk himself. >> captain kirk himself, the great william shatner. >> reporter: shatner telling bezos, it all happened so quickly. >> unbelievable, unbelievable. i mean, the little things have weightlessness. but to see the blue color. now you're staring at blackness. >> reporter: shatner clearly taken aback by the gravity of the moment. >> i'm so filled with emotion about what just happened. it's extraordinary, extraordinary. i hope i never recover from this. >> reporter: william, you've had one of the most, perhaps one of the most interesting lives than any human could possibly have. where does this stack up on your list of life experiences? >> this is enormous. i'm overwhelmed, and it takes more than a little thing to overwhelm me. >> you said, everybody in the world needs to see it. why? what do we need to see? >> but it's not tourism. everybody in the world needs to have the philosophical understanding of what we're doing to earth and the -- and you hear this so often, the necessity of cleaning everything, stopping right now, the apocalypse that's coming our way. >> reporter: so william shatner walking away from this experience the world would be a better place if more people had a chance to go into space and see what he saw. but right now the cost of going up in one of blue origin's new shepard rockets or virgin galactic space ship 2, is expensive. blue origin won't say how much the two customers paid. i asked them directly. they wouldn't tell me what they spent. all they would say is whatever they paid blue origin they both felt that it was worth it. kristen fisher, cnn, launch site 1. >> well, william shatner's voyage and other recent missions are raising some challenging questions. who gets to go to space, and who controls its valuable resources? astrophysicist neal degrasse tyson has this view. >> they should not be the perch of the privileged few or the privileged billionaires. and i see over the coming years that right now we are bearing witness to the birth of an entire economy, an entire industry. i mean, imagine 100 years ago you're watching people fiddle over their arrow plains, trying to turn them into something that can carry more than just one passenger. i look forward to the day where the solar system basically becomes our collective backyard. and i'll tell you something else. you have many people who watch you who care about geopolitics. think about this. a big cause of geopolitical conflict beyond politics and religion has been limited access to restricted resources. yet space is -- has unlimited resources, unlimited energy, unlimited natural resources and minerals and asteroid, you think limited sources of water and comets. and so if the solar system becomes our backyard, i foresee a day where an entire category of armed conflict simply evaporates because no longer are any of these resources scarce. >> an incredible rescue caught on camera. see how police pulled a man from a burning car, most likely -- stay with us for that story. that's next. - [narrator] as you get ready for what's next, custom gear from custom ink can help make the most of these moments. we've developed new tools to make it easy for you. custom ink has hundreds of products to help you feel connected. upload your logo or start your design today at now, this just in to cnn. police in norway say the man suspected of killing five people in a bow and arrow attack, a story that we brought you about 30 minutes or so ago, we are being told now that he had recently converted to islam. authorities say they had previously spoken to the man expressing concerns about signs of his radicalization. the 37-year-old danish man is accused of killing four women and one man in the attack. all of them we have learned the last hour or so, between the ages of 50 and 70. police say they believe the suspect, who is in custody right now, did act alone. of course, we'll keep on top of that breaking news story as soon as there are more developments, we shall bring it to your attention. now, we have incredible video showing heroism in action. two police officers in garland, texas, pulling an unconscious man from a car engulfed in flames. take a look at this. >> buddy, come on. let's go. >> i can't get to him. i can't get him. >> where's he at? >> he's right here. >> come on. come on, man. come on. we have to get you out. come on. come on. come on, man. >> ah! >> come on, man. get out! come on! i got you. >> amazing work by those officers right there. this was the scene when police arrived captured by one officer's body camera. they saw one man on the ground, apparently ejected from the car, but he was unconscious and they pulled him away from the flames. moments later they realized the other man was inside that car. both of the rescued men are said to have non-life threatening injuries and no word on what caused the crash. now, i really want to bring you this story. patrick snell has more on this. sharpen your skates, hockey fans. the nhl -- here i go, season is finally here. patrick snell has that and more for you. >> isa, thanks: new nhl season up and running. wednesday night seeing opening games both the washington capitals and new york rangers went head to head in d.c. washington superstar alex ovechkin who scored twice, getting to 732 career goals and moving him past hockey hall of famer marcell deon. into sole possession in league career goals. drama a plenty. premier league night riders have their spot after a thrilling victory over the delhi capitals. after one draw, ceiling the triumph there. and in yuefa women's champions league, 2-1 win for chelsea, and italian power house. and men's barcelona star with a stunning strike for the united states in world cup qualifying against costa rica. that was the leveller. america win it 2-1. isa, with that, right back to you. >> thank you very much, patrick. now, the rolling stones have retired their classic hit "brown sugar." ♪ singer mick jagger says they phased out the '70s hit from concert lineups saying it could make a return. the song begins with reference to a woman being sold into slavery. critics have been railing against the song for years condemning the violent portrayal of black women. the band is currently on a tour in north america. adele fans can start their count down clocks. the british singer song writer has announced a new album titled "thirty" it will be released november 19. it is the first album in six years. adele took to social media to say she's learned a lot of blistering truths about herself along the way. she's never felt more peaceful in her life. the superstar has been teasing her first new single off the album the past week and we've shown you some of it. "easy on me" drops on friday. and finally, it turns out beer and bleu cheese have been enjoyed by europeans as far back as nearly 3,000 years. that finding now coming from from an unlikely source, ancient feces. scientists analyzed excrement found under salt mines in western australia. fungi used to produce bleu cheese, and beer, how sophisticated culinary practices were in the iron age. if you're just waking up to that, a very good morning. and that does it for me. thanks very much for joining us. i'm isa soares. early start with christine romans and laura jarrett is next. the top story into the january 6 capitol hill insurrection. have a wonderful day. i'll see you tomorrow. bye-bye. phlegmy cough. what about rob's dry cough? workrks on that too, and lasts 2 hours. 12 hours?! who studies that long?? mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs. every day, coventry helps people get cash for their life insurance policies they no longer need. i'm an anesthesiologist and a pain physician by specialty. i was trying to figure out what i could do with this term life insurance policy. i'm sorta stuck because i can't just go out and buy more insurance, because of my diagnosis. i called coventry direct and everything clicked. there actually were a lot more options that i thought there ever would be. coventry helped michael like we've helped thousands of people sell all or part of their life insurance policies for cash. even a term policy. there probably are a lot of people that are in a similar situation who don't know they have an option. i would definitely recommend talking to coventry about it. coventry made it very easy. i just couldn't have asked for a better experience. don't cancel or let your policy lapse without finding out what it's worth. visit to find out if your policy qualifies. or call the number on your screen. baaam. internet that doesn't miss a beat. that's cute, but my internet streams to my ride. adorable, but does yours block malware? nope. -it crushes it. pshh, mine's so fast, no one can catch me. big whoop! mine gives me a 4k streaming box. -for free! that's because you all have the same internet. xfinity xfi. so powerful, it keeps one-upping itself. can your internet do that? it is thursday, october 14th. 5:00 a.m. exactly here in new york. thanks for getting your early start with us. i'm christine romans. >> i'm laura jarrett. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. a lot of news to get to this morning. we begin with deadline day for the house select committee investigating the january 6 insurrection. the committee is not waiting around for witnesses. house investigators have served a former justice department official who pushed the election fraud lie with a fresh new subpoena, and cnn has learned the committee spent eight hours on wednesday interviewing the man who pushed back agains

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January 6th , Subpoena , Jeffrey Clark , Level , Action , States , Trump Associate , Negotiating , Resistance , Scenes , 2020 , Evidence , Order , Writing To Clark , Quote , Work , Series , Transfer , Deadlines , Depositions , Defense , Allies , Two , Letter , People Don T , He Doesn T Show On Thursday , No One , Administration , Mark Meadows , Part , Information , Dan Scavino , Merits , Meadows , Voters , Lie , Leaders , Election Results , Sense , Hitman , Urgency , Republican , Something , Committee , Ears , Number , Cnn , Associates , Lawyers , Case , Many , Others , Problem Finding , Task , Ty Cobb , Jay Sekulow , William Burke , Effort , Hope , Team , Trump , Focus , Events , Piece , Big Black Box , Adam Schiff , Things , Wall , Rally , Advance , Role , Presence , Groups , Capitol , Violence , Propensity , Unknown , Didn T Reinforcements , People , Analysts , Subpoenas , Strategy , Doing , Clock , House , Contempt , Couple , Side , Options , Vote , Contempt Citation , Way , It , 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Leaders , Congress Act , 90 , Most , Countries , Shippers , Operations , 24 7 , Made In The Usa , Supply Chain Issues , Guarantee , Transportation , Freight , Employees , Workers , Strike , Company , Contract , Construction Equipment , Supply Chain Challenges , Job , Farm , John Deere , U S Auto Industry , Midwest , 10000 , Bottom Line , Electronics , Port , Toys , Uk , Country , British Government , Officials , Finance Minister , Problem , Everybody , Everything , Some , Challenges , Provision , Nature , Paul Krug , Actions , Drivers , Tests , Types , Visas , Processing , Huv , Pandemic , Stuff , Perspective , Consequence , Refrigerators , Exercise Machines , Supply Chain Mess , Ways , Place , Exercise Equipment , Strain , Gym , Kitchen , Deliveries , Resources , Economy , Ingenuity , Progress , Problems , Vaccine Campaign , Vaccine , Questions , Issue , Vaccine Mandates , Reason , Booster Shots , Round , Covid Response , U S Food And Drug Administration , Study , Moderna , Vaccine Advisers , Shots , Emergency Use , Applications , Johnson , Results , Vaccination Rate , Booster , Response , Brand , Data , National Institutes Of Health , Peer , Cdc , Vaccination Rates , Surgeon General , Organizations , Vaccine Requirements , Bump , Shorts , 20 , Politics , Tool , Public Health , Misinformation , Decisions , Reality , P Polarization , Children , Fact , Parents , Health , Vaccine Confusion , Newser Biontech Vaccine , Guidance , Stake , Oft Nightly , Store , Flu Shots , Price , Mistake , Indiana , Alexandra , Joshua , 5 , 4 , Dose , Expert , Triple , Kids , Injections , Trials , 12 , Arrow , Bow , Rampage , Edge , Attack , Norway , Citizen , Police , Town Southwest Of Oslo , 37 , Five , Motive , Developments , Melissa Bell , Terrorism , Link , Paris , Man , Nothing , Details , Police Chief , Conference , Statement , Motives , Danish , Big Question , Women , None , Victims , 00 , 70 , Four , Course , Weapons , Another , Arrows , Quiver , Kind , Event , Murder Rates , Terror , Gun Violence , Extremist , Big One , European , 77 , 2011 , Thanks , In Paris , Do , Passengers , Guns , Airports , Star Trek , Tsa , Captain Kirk , Security Officials , Record Number , Chief , Trend , Surge , Plus , Ten , Space , Flight , Brain Performance , Reaction , Memory Supplements , Indicators , Planet Earth , Neuriva Plus , Sciee , Six , Neuriva , Yes , Anywhere , Sick , Viruses , Virus , Germs , Surfaces , Covid , Disinfectant Spray , 19 , Lysol , Symptoms , Crohn S Disease , Moderate , Ulcerative Colitis , Remission , Humira , Doctor , Biologic , 1 , Infections , Reactions , Ability , Areas , Nervous System Problems , Liver , Have , Tuberculosis , Lymphoma , Blood , Cancers , Heart Failure , Infection , Don T , Hepatitis B , Sores , Tb , Gastroenterologist , Prime Minister , Lava , Homes , Residents , Erupting , Latest , Al Goodman , Volcano , Patience , La Palma , Signs , Flow , La Mapalma Island , Volcano Eruptions , Evacuation , Eruptions , Evacuees , Hottest , 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Portland , Middle 80s , Denver , Memphis , 76 , Protesters , Activist , Set Trash Containers On Fire , Suspects , Damage , Anarchists , Gathering , Windows , Oregon , Atms , A Million , 100 , A Million Dollars , Airport , Gun Problem , Security Agents , Numbers , Administrator , Majority , Pete Muntean , Record Set Back , Airport Checkpoints , January 1st , 11 , 2019 , 4650 , Checkpoints , Gun , Record , Fine , Offense , 4432 , 0000 , 3900 , Passenger , Possession , Passenger Flying , Checkpoint Operations , Ref , Society , Flights , Security System , Uptick , Help , Ennis Departments , Gun Laws , Patchwork , Sheriffs , U S Attorney Office , Carry , Rules , Permits , Western District Of Pennsylvania , Tourists , More , Island , Break , Beaches , Hiatus , Tou , Hr Software , Expense , Report , Business Software Working , Social Security Number , Software , Machine , Hr Data , Jams , Phone , Wife , Hr , Eleven , Paycom , Demo , Visit Paycom Com , First Off , Hon , Plaque Psoriasis , Skin , Itching , Burning , Stinging , Tremfya , Psoriatic Arthritis , Adults , Joints , Emerge Tremfyanttm , Painful , 16 , Medication , Cost Support Options , Janssen , Deal , Network , It Woah , 30 Bucks , 30 , Internet , Cool , Wireless , 5g , Sweet , Bucks , Clam Aroonies , Stories , Soares F , Fight , Charge , World Health Organization , Covid Infections , Much , Deaths , Fatalities , Green , 7 , Tourist Spots , Half , Resort Island , Indonesia , Covid Situation , Tourism , Source , Visitors , Income , Bread , Group , Doors , Janice , Butter , Doubt , Singapore , Maritime Affairs Minister , Revenue , Idea , Tourism Sector , 54 , Livelihoods , All Over The World , Destination , Books , Movies , List , Singaporeans , Won T , Short Hop , Coast , Yangz , Western Australia , Southeast Asia , India , Balinese , New Zealand , France , Japan , China , Rates , Country Vaccination Rates , Crisis , Health Ministry , Vaccination , Crux , Quarantine , Doesn T , Resort , Hotel Room , Insurance Worth , Spokesperson , Clarity , Though , Translator , Airport Hasn T , Lack , Measures , 00000 , 100000 , Bali International Airport Still Hasn T , Entry Point , Instructions , Task Force , Steps , Comments , Reopening , Canada , Decision , Mexico , Land , Vaccine Availability , Increase , Boost , Border , Relief , Thought , Border Restrictions , Paula Newton , Toronto , Astrazeneca , Terms , Pfizer , Communities , Land Border In August , Washington State , Saying , Suffering , Same , Wrinkles , Staffing , Issues , Sides , Stage , Floating Weightless , Experience , William Shatner , Trip , Talks , Flu , Grab Mucinex , Friend , Boss , Book , Rhythm , Entertainment , Interests , Lifestyle , Authors , Text Listen10 , Thirty , 500500 , Space Dramas , Originals , Podcasts , News Podcasts , Thrillers , Classics , True Crime , Worlds , Great Escape , Aren T , Sandman , Friends , Anywhere Else , Content , Storytelling , Audio Entertainment , Text , Education , Ride , Beat , Malware , Miss A , Baaam , Adorable , Streaming Box , Pshh , 4k , Xfinity Xfi , Speech , 1960 , Possibilities , Potential , Advancement , Knowledge , Blue Origin , Actor , Rocket , Kirsten Fisher , 2 , Spacecraft , Outer Space , Person , Desert , Jeff Bezos , Craft , Customers , Summer , Guest , Audrey Powers , Brought Shatner , A Lifelong Star Trek Fan , Weightlessness , Out Of This World , Adventure , The View , Description , Crew Mates , Jesus , God , Capsule , Back To Earth , Crew , Pair Chutes , Anything , Cheers , Applause , Honors , Unbelievable , Aback , Color , Gravity , Emotion , Blackness , Life Experiences , Stack , Human , Thing , Apocalypse , Cleaning Everything , Understanding , Necessity , Cost , Chance , Shepard Rockets , Origin , They Wouldn T , Space Ship , Virgin Galactic , Tell Me , Felt , Voyage , Missions , Launch Site 1 , Neal Degrasse Tyson , View , Few , Billionaires , Perch , Arrow Plains , Industry , Witness , Birth , Backyard , Care , Solar System , Geopolitics , Cause , Who , Something Else , Natural Resources , Religion , Conflict , Minerals , Asteroid , Energy , Access , Longer , Armed Conflict , Comets , Category , Car , Likely , Stay , Rescue , Camera , Ink , Gear , Narrator , Tools , Design , Logo , Customink Com , Concerns , Radicalization , Islam , Suspect , Breaking News Story , Custody , Act , Ages , Police Officers , Attention , Video Showing Heroism , Garland , Come On , In Flames , Look , Buddy , Let S Go , I Got You , Officers , Officer , Ground , Scene , Body Camera , Men , Both , Flames , Crash , Word , Injuries , Skates , Hockey Fans , Patrick Snell , Here I Go , Nhl , Alex Ovechkin , Season Up , Games , Career Goals , Running , Head , Washington Capitals , New York Rangers , 732 , Night Riders , League Career Goals , Drama , Plenty , Premier League , Hockey Hall Of Famer , Marcell Deon , Ceiling , Capitals , Victory , Spot , Triumph , Draw , Yuefa Women S , Delhi , Star , Leveller , Power House , Win , Champions League , Italian , Chelsea , Barcelona , Costa Rica , World Cup , Brown Sugar , The Rolling Stones , Patrick , North America , Song , Mick Jagger , Concert Lineups , Woman , Reference , Return , Adele , Fans , Count , Tour , Band , Slavery , Railing , Critics , Violent Portrayal Of Black Women , Album , Song Writer , Social Media , Clocks , Truths , November 19 , Beer , Life , Single , Cheese , Bleu , Teasing , Excrement , Finding , Scientists , Salt Mines , Feces , Bleu Cheese , Morning , Fungi , Practices , Laura Jarrett , Christine Romans , Bye , Cough , Workrks On , Rob , Phlegmy Cough , Mucinex Dm , Coventry , Coughs , Term , Cash , Life Insurance Policy , Life Insurance , Specialty , Anesthesiologist , Pain Physician , Sorta , Insurance , Diagnosis , Policy , Life Insurance Policies , Option , Situation , Policy Lapse , Worth , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Finding Out , Screen , October 14th , News , Start , House Investigators , Eight ,

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