Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709 : comparemela

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709

here's the breaking news, the senate voting late tonight to extend the nation's debt limit through early, averting economic disaster after breaking a republican filibuster meant to skull the deal reached between democratic and gop leaders. also tonight, a lawyer for the former president telling four trump loyalists to ignore subpoenas from the january 6th elect committee, according to the "washington post." the deadline to comply with subpoenas, tonight. more breaking news in the search for brian laundrie. police in florida now saying he was under surveillance before he vanished more than three weeks ago. >> now what? kicking the can down the road? >> and with no prospect that there will be a better resolution on the horizon in december. the important point is what a radical escalation in political conflict and what a reckless escalation of political conflict it is for republicans to have filibustered the increase in the debt ceiling. yes, it is true that democrats have voted in the past against raising the debt ceiling when republicans held unified control of government. but they did not filibuster, they said it was the majority party's obligation to raise it, and they let them do it after casting basically their symbolic vote of opposition. today mcconnell struggled to find even ten republicans who were willing to kind of step aside and let democrat do this on their own, when behind door number 2 is potential catastrophe and the global economy. and this is just a reminder to joe manchin and kyrsten sinema, who are arguing the filibuster promotes compromise. if it is this difficult to get ten republicans to step out of the way and let democrat dozen this on their own, what are the odds of getting ten republicans to vote to do almost anything else that president biden and the democratic majority wants to do? reminder to comply with subpoenas from the january 6th committee. what sort of legal action can the committee take if any? is this on stbstruction of cong? >> this will come down to political will. and will the doj show backbone here? it's 11:00. the documents are due at midnight. i don't think mark meadows will walk the documents to the control. he told us two years ago, he was going to fight off the subpoenas. he has managed to get off them off. are they going to get in core? i mean, tomorrow to try to compel it to the judge? are they going to tend it over to the doj? and if they send it over to doj, what is garland going to do? it will be his decision. it will be a federal crime. and we are in unprecedented times. >> we learned trump directly asks justice contempt officials nine times to under mine the election results. the guy is relentless. does any of it add up to a crime? and what is going to stop it from ever happening again? >> i am on record and i will say it again. the president, trying to steal an election, broadly speaking, is a crime. fraud is a crime. conspiracy is a crime. i don't just mean the president. i mean jeffrey clark. you opened up the show talking about next time. what happens next time? if there is no real consequences, there will be a next time, and the consequences thus far for trying to overthrow an election, is a bunch of papers, findings, but that kind of consequence doesn't residence mate with trump and his most local followers. >> ron, republicans issuing a rebuttal report saying trump is issues a coup, saying a doj never took action. they are saying, yes, he tried but he didn't succeed. it really speaks volumes there is a gop rebuttal report, and the point of the coup is that it's no big deal because it failed. >> in some ways, it's as significant as the revolutions for the majority. it shows how deeply the republican party is normalized -- not only normalizing but intensifying and trying to advance trump's assault on democracy in the after math of the election. the fact that republicans are basically saying there was nothing wrong here is of a piece with republicans in red states using the big lie as justification for a wrath of voter suppression bills and legislation to increase control over accounting and make it easier to make aversion of results in 2024. all of this is happening. and it feels like every institution in society is having trouble grappling with the m magnitude of the threat that is developing with so many fronts, all screens from the same source of trump's willingness to under mine democracy, if that is what it takes. by the way, don, today, joe manchin who ultimately is the one who will have to decide whether to circumvent the fill bur -- filibuster, said the filibuster is the only thread we have in america to keep democracy alove and well. in a time when all of this is going on. that vright from the upside dow and it's a measure that institutions individuals are having trouble responding to the magnitude of the threat that is developing. >> listen, if they won't comply, does it have to be settled in court? in a court of law? >> yeah, look, i don't think there is any way this getting settled outside of court. the system relies on good faith actors. unless trump or zdan scavino says, yeah, they have to get a civil order from the judge and get the doj on the criminal side. >> thank you. i appreciate it. i want to bring in fiona hill for european and russian affairs at the national security council. the author of "there is nothing for you here, finding opportunity in the 21st century." f f fiona, thank you so much, and you talk about the dangers of democracy. i want your reaction on the trump comampaign to overturn th 2020 election. if it weren't for a couple people that stood their ground, where would the country be right now? >> we are already in a big trouble, this is a full blown constitutional crisis, and what is happening here, people can't quite believe it. the people who are not basically coming forward to answer the subpoenas are telling themselves, look there is nothing wrong, this is just politics, this is just a game. for them, it's not going to have the tire consequences. but it is. and you know, already from the outside, people are looking in the united states, recognizing all the hall marks of a country in deep trouble. and the idea that is a coup wasn't a coup attempt because it didn't succeed is preposterous. it was an attempt and we are still in the middle of it all. there are still attempts to avert the inquiry, as you with pointing out to completely and utterly remove congressional oversight to not follow through with the letter of the law, and we have been discussing, a great big lie a fat lie, that trump had won the 2020 election. so we're still in the midst of a crisis we have seen unfolding for now the best part of two years. >> raegan: you called trump a would be autocrat. we are learning they are telling not to corporate with the january 6th inquiry. >> it's quite a lot of evidence that the fact that the institutions are falling apart here. they are only as good as the people who live in them, and in other countries, the rule of law has never taking shape. it's never taking hold. but this is a country, a republic that was set up on the basis of a rule of law, where the constitutions with clear legislative businesses for the business of politics, and what we're seeing is people not just chipping away but taking huge chunks of it away. if congressionalo oversight no longer functions -- >> you said, it's made it more likely the next populous will succeed where trump failed. explain. >> well, look, we have seen it time and time again, historically and in contemporary politics elsewhere in the world. you know, russia for example, that i spend time seem making a comparison with in the book. boris yelsin who succeeded putin. he resolved it by firing on parliament to shell the army out. that way, he ran through the constitution. the thing was, he didn't take advantage of it, full advantage of it. the person who did who came along later who had a very different sensibility, he took full use of the constitution, and everyone talks and how competent trump was. but he is pushing through all the practices, all the procedures now, he is up ending all the legislative fail safes we have so the next person who comes along may be more competent and capable of putting it in action, and there we have, we have an autocrat. >> you said president biden's infrastructure plan is only a start. >> that's right. we have to do things at the top and at the bottom and in the middle as well. i just am hoping a lot more americans, ordinary people are waking up to what is happening here, if they don't stand up and speak the truth, it's going to be too late. at the top, what we're plissing is not the public policy approach. the infrastructure bill are filled with all the elements we need to close the opportunity gap in the united states. they're going to fix the way that our -- the politics and our economy are working. but it's the will that is missing, collective action. they have to look for it. state and local government, mayors, people who are community organizers. this is the time for people to stand up and say, look, we need to do something here. and we can't just wait for members of congress to get their act together. that is where the progress is. we had all the revelations from facebook recently about the algorithms missed up. we have the political algorithms messed up and we have to burst through it. >> really in a post truth era. we have to get back to the truth. thank you so much. i appreciate it. the book again is there is nothing for you here, finding opportunity in the 21st century. we have news on the gabby petito case. police say they were surveilling brian laundrie and why his father was out with police in the florida reserve today. cal h, my body was telling me you got to do something. and so i came to clearchoice. your mouth is the gateway to your body. joe's treatment plan was replacing the teeth with dental implants from 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what happened? >> they had every right -- >> stuart, stuart, stuart. >> don, it's interesting. for several years in my new york assignment to the new york field office to the fbi, i was a team leader with the special op ration division where we did surveillance division. the reality, coming to a quiet na neighborhood and setting up on a target is nearly impossible. you're an outsider, and neighborhoods see cars they don't see, and they see people sitting in them and they become nosey and interfere. you try to set up on choke points and when you set up on choke points that brian laundrie would anticipate to pass through some street and you hope to pick him up outside the neighborhood, and losing a suspect is part of si surveillance. the fact they missed him at some choke point is part of the game. the other side will say the rules of engagement, he is a person of interest, requires even that much more not to be in his face, so to speak. >> let's talk about that. because the north port police were saying thag were doing what they were legally allowed to do. there was no crime yet and there were limitations. were the police stymies at the time? >> no, they could have gone up to question him. he had every right not talk to them. but they had every right to inquire. and that would be far more valuable than simply surveilling something they thought was going to be leaving and they had one crime they could have brought charges for. why they didn't talk to him didn't make sense to me. >> authorities don't have in their position brian or gabby's cell phone they had with them on their trip. neither phone was found in the van. the phones could be any where. i mean, they could be incredibly valuable to investigators. >> yeah, and so from the fbi's perspective, clearly, they have gone back and tried to pick up on the last possible digital footprint. that being the pinging of the cell phones to the last tower. there after, the phoning were turned off or discarded. part of the efforts we have seen over the past couple weeks with respect to really trying to get into the carlton reserve with respect to at least inniitiatin divers in the water, is that the phones were maybe discarded in the swampy mess out there, and their attempt to retrieve them, see what value they have. and keep in mind, they through the grand jury process has been able to retrieve the phone records. so the phone records will tell a lot about the use of those phones. >> yeah, stuart, also today, brian laundrie's father, chris laundrie, was seen entering the carlton reserve. he was assisting in the search for his son. kbhi do you think brian laundrie's parents are suddenly corporating now three weeks into the search? >> clear indication, they are formally cooperating with law enforcement. clearly, they said there was an assumption that the parents assisted or hindered with the investigation. i think there is a big difference between law enforcement being able to prove it in a court of law. once the evidence was established they could charge the mom or dad together, they put the full court press on the mom and dad through their lawyer and they realize they need to cooperate fully. you have mom and dad trying to assist them in the apprehension of their son. >> mark, i want you to weigh in on this. the new cooperation from the laundries mean they have struck a deal? what could it entail? what do you see here? >> it does not suggest they have given information. the information that they arrive back at home in the van when he spoke to them. where he want what he did. did he get out of town money, opening up bank accounts and whatever call records, phone records they have. so there is more to cooperate than just going out and searching in the woods and suggesting you are looking for him. to me, there is a concern from the on set, they are not acting like someone who has a child who is dead or missing. that is at least from the outside. there is a concern to me they do have potential charges but this is something they are -- as they s suggest they do. but i'm not seeing value unless they turn over other things. >> what do you mean they are not acting like their child is missing or dead? >> as you know, we were involved in the casey anthony case, and i always thought the mother was there. if you lose a child, you are balled up in a fetal position gasping for your next breath. that is not what we have seen outwardly. that is not what we see. they don't believe he is dead and he is arguably in a safe place in. that is speculation. what we are all doing at this point. >> all right, thank you very much. we appreciate it. >> my pleasure. florida's board of education voting to sanction eight school districts that have mask mandates with no opt outs. what do the districts plan to do next? a superintendent from one of them joins me. and a follow up. and a “did you see my email?” text. orrrr... you could see her status in slack. and give lisa a break while you find someone online who can help. slack. where the future works. it's sleep number's fall sale on the sleep number 360 smart bed it helps keep you effortlessly comfortable by sensing your movements and automatically responding to both of you. and, it's temperature balancing to help you stay comfortable all night. it even tracks your circadian rhythm, so you know when you're at your best. in other words, it's the most energy-building, wellness-boosting, parent-powering, proven quality night's sleep we've ever made. and now, save up to $800 on sleep number 360 smart beds. plus, 0% interest for 36 months on all smart beds. only for a limited time. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ so, you're recalibrating and reconnecting to the environment. seeing yourself as an artist - legitimate and genuine - can be transformational. daddy! for the best audio entertainment and storytelling. audible. the florida state board of education voting to sanction eight school driblgts for instituting mask mandates without the ability to opt out. the board is saying they are directly violating governor ron desantis's rule. but they are arguing they were in compliance, citing raising case rates rising. it's been playing out for weeks and we have seen it in school boards all across the country. >> lord, stop, stop the left wing harmful, evil spirits that are taking over some of our board members. >> let ghoe back to what masks are. they are a sexual fetish for all of y'all that are in tune with pedophilia. that to what it's like. >> i'm in afghanistan right now, are they going to come and kill me. in the united states, we can carry a mask or we don't have to wear a mask. >> all of that's real. that is not a "snl" sketch. joining me now is carly simon, the superintendent of one of the school districts set to be sanctioned. good evening to you. wow, wow, wow. you say you're going defy the florida board of education and maintain the masking protocols. the board of ed members say they can be docked school pay. funding might be held back. i mean, that's a big risk. are you willing to take that? >> well, we actually, along with broward county, are already experiencing that. we have been having defunction ductions from the state now. i believe we are starting our third month. so this is kind of where we have been. the new addition to the sanctions is they are trying to deduct the additional funding we received when we got the project safe grant from the u.s. department of education to make us whole from the state deductions. it's interesting because we'll see how it plays out. we did find out that the u u.s. dod.o.e. did write to the board of education and this could be perhaps be violation of federal law. >> one of the districts say said ten employees died after the second week of school opening. and another, there were more than 3200 cases after schools opened. are you worried what can happen after you lift the mandates in your district? >> so we are seeing the improvement in our covid cases. and we are having the opportunity to not have to quarantine as many opportunities. we are still worried because 11 and under, the age group, they did not have access to the vaccine yet, and we don't want to risk it. we are almost in the end of this, as our doctors have pointed out. we're in the fourth quarter. this is not the time for us to quit. we have to finish the game. so we're pushing forward. our board members have added an additional four weeks to the masking for our children and middle school and elementary school, and we are allowing a parent option for high school students. so we are slowly transitioning out, but we don't want to finish. we want to make sure we have vaccine time so we can cover as many children as possible. >> carly, florida is pushing back for paying grants to your district for trying to off set the penalties, and the biden administration says withholding the funding causes more legal concerns. do you want the biden administration to fight this? >> well, we appreciate the biden administration and the support they can offer us. i think what we are looking for, we would like this level of support from our state. it's clear we are not getting that, and the commissioner corcoran, he finally applied four months delayed for federal funding that could help us with recovery from covid. it seems we are getting the support we need from the federal government, and we're hoping the state decides to stop the nonsense of fighting us and help us out. because we have a lot of work to do to recover from covid. >> all the masks, the fights over masks and vaccine mandates, all of it has to affect the kids who are seeing the battles play out in public. how is it impacting the learning? >> i think in the school buildings, the learning is happening, the students are happy and they are enjoying time with friends and family and students and teachers. they have having arguments with school board members, and some parents build their children, there is a level of watching adults really losing their cool and saying things that in many cases are inappropriate in public setting. it does have -- it dampens the type of relationship you want children to see with adults and it's unfortunate that adults are not always behaving well. >> thank you so much. best of luck, okay? >> thank you for having me. >> thank you. president biden defending his vaccine mandates as a country looks like it may be turning a corner. but what does it mean for the millions who are still refusing to get vaccinated? i've always dreamed of seeing the world. but i'm not chasing my dream anymore. i made a financial plan to live it every day. ♪ there was a dream ♪ ♪ and one day i could see it ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at ("this little light of mine") - [narrator] in the world's poorest places, they're shunned, outcast, living in pain. you can reach out and change the life of a suffering child right now. a surgery that takes as little as 45 minutes and your act of love can change a child's life forever. please call or visit now. thousands of children are waiting. 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>> first, the number of cases has dropped substantially. and that is great news. think of the surge as up a hill and down a hill and we're on the downhill side. if you live in a place like minnesota or north dakota or michigan or vermont or new hampshire or maine, right now, we're still seeing the main hit of the pandemic we were saying in the southern states. we have fewer population here so you don't hear about the larger numbers. but in general, over the course of the next three to five weeks, you're going to see the case numbers drop. that is now. there will be more surges. they will return. new york and l.a. were not hit with the most recent surge. they are still due, and on top of it all, we have 65 million americans who have not yet been vaccinated who would be right now. . >> i want to you listen to what the president said today about vaccine mandates. >> i know that vaccination requirements a tough mad sin, unpopular with some. politics for others. but they are life saving. they are game changing for our country. >> is he right? the hospitalizations and cases are down now. >> it's clear they are surly contribute. but we have to be honest and say this virus and this surges that it causes actually have been occurring since the beginning of the pandemic where they go up for any where from 6 to 8 weeks. you will see increased cases in the areas where the surges are, and then they drop. they did it once before in a big way last summer long before we had vaccines. a year fay go last summer. so vaccines are sur surely playing an important role. we don't understand why it goes up and down as it does. >> pfizer has asked the fda to authorize the vaccine for children ages 5 to 11. but polling shows a lot of parents are hesitant about that. do you have a message for them? >> there are 28 million kids right now who are vulnerable to the virus and it's really the only tool we have to help protect them. and as a grandfather of four of the kids who fit in that category, i can't wait for the vaccines to arrive. but i understand why parents might be hesitant, and this is where we have to do a lot of work, education. why it's so important to va vaccinate the kids and turn a vaccine in a vaccination. so a pfizer approval, is very important. but again, we've got to work hard to get vaccines in the vaccinations. >> there is a lot of debate about boosters and whether the data justifies widespread shots to prevent break through invex and slow the spread. do you think they're necessary? >> i do think they're necessary. what we're seeing right now is a snapshot in time of people who are vaccinated six to eight months ago, and now they're seeing the waning immunity. as we get further and further out, or more and more people who had two doses of the mrna vaccine, and the j and j, we will see more break throughs and we will see it in a number of places where younger people who are -- who had two vaccines are now becoming seriously will. so i think this particular approach to the vaccines was something that probably should have thought about as a three dose all along or a two dose for the j and j, and not just, this is an initial vaccine and now we're given a boost. so i think it's very important and i think time will bear that it. >> i want to talk about the new surveys, the national foundation of infectious budisease, only 4 of people plan to get a flu shot. are you worried? >> we don't know. we saw last winter, very little activity of flu after it was predicted there would be a twin demic. and we watched the southern h hemisphere, no flu pandemic. and you should still get your flu shot because you don't want to play catch up should we have a big outbreak, but we have to be careful. >> listen, i usually get the flu or something close to it. and because of the social distancing, the hand washing, the sanitizing, and the masks, nothing the past two years. so, there you go. >> that's good. that's good. >> yeah, good news. thank you, we will see you soon. >> thank you very much, dan. >> we'll be right back. 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set yourself free with fleet. gentle constipation relief in minutes. little fleet. big relief. try it. feel it. feel that fleet feeling. fashion idol, trailblazing activist, outspoken. princess diana attracted an unprecedented media spack techle wherever she went. but did the world understand who she was? the all-new cnn series seeks to answer that question. here's a preview. >> diana's own mother, in a very unhappy marriage, left for very good reasons and was shunned in society. >> diana's grandmother, who was a terrible snob, was appalled that her daughter should have left her earl and as a result, she gave evidence in the custody proceedings against her own daughter. she called her a bad mother. custody did go to johnny. so francis, having planned to keep all four of her children and to remove them from this abusive household, had lost them. >> because of what happened to diana at such a young age and watching her own mother lose her children, this fear of losing children would have played on d diana until her death. >> let's talk to royal commentator bonnie greer. bonnie, so glad you can join me to talk about this. there's still so much we don't know about diana. what's the most surprising thing they will learn when they watch this series? >> i think -- great to be on your show again, thank you. i think it's to see how candid she is. i mean, i was really surprised about that, and that's not an easy thing to do, because of the class she came from. english up they don't doe that. so, the fact that she did it and she said what she felt and she said what she was thinking makes her really, really, really fascinating. i have to tell you one thing really quickly, don, she really touched me when i -- i lost a lot of friends to aids, i lived in new york in the '80s and a lot of my friends died and when she shook hands with the man in the aids clinic in london, that really brought me to her side. that was an amazing gesture and i think that was a big turnaround for her in the public, as well. >> yeah. the first episode looks at -- back at diana's childhood, how it influenced her early relationship with prince charles and the entry into the royal family. what do you know about that? what can you share? >> well, you know, it's important for american audiences to know that her family is they were much more english than the royal family. and she was born on one of the royal estates, the one the queen goes to in the winter and her grandmother was a courtier, her father was. they were around the royal family for hundreds of years. so, she knew them very much and they knew her and so to realize suddenly that she didn't actually know these people as she thought she did, as we thought she did, brings kind of the drama begins in her life, because actually, who is she in relation to them, who are they? and the second part of it is, you know, don, we're watching somebody grow up in public. most people grow up in private and we're watching a human being become who she is and that's always a really fascinating thing to watch. >> yeah. well, i can't wait to see it. bonnie, we're so grateful to have your perspective. thank you for joining us. >> pleasure. >> and be sure to tune in, the all-new cnn original series premieres sunday, 9:00 p.m., only on cnn. and thank you for watching, everyone. our coverage continues. ♪i'm a ganiac, ganiac, check my drawers♪ ♪and my clothes smell so much fresher than before♪ switch to gain flings. one sniff and you'll be a ganiac too! i'll shoot you an estimate as soon as i get back to the office. hey, i can help you do that right now. high thryv! thryv? yep. i'm the all-in-one management software built for small business. high thryv! help me with scheduling? sure thing. up top. high thryv! payments? high thryv! promotions? high thryv! email marketing? almost there, hold on. wait for it. high thryv! manage my customer list? can do. will do. high thryv! post on social media? hash-tag high thryv my friend! get a free demo at good evening. tonight, we've learned that the former president is making new efforts to subvert justice and stymie the investigation into his attempt to stay in office by subverting democracy. he's reportedly doing it by invoking executive privilege in the house investigation of the attack on the capitol which he incited. we'll talk to former white house counsel john dean if he can actually do that. meantime, his allies are also still trying to undermine democracy and lay the groundwork for overturning the next election. that's the news tonight, which comes after a day that began with the senate judiciary committee publishing its report on the former president's attempts to overturn the 2020 election. the title is "subverting justice." >> we were a half step away from a constitutional crisis, a full-blown constitutional crisis. >> that's committee chairman dick durbin and he's understating it. the report is the most comprehensive account we have so far of what if we were talking about it happening anyplace but here would be described as a coup attempt. a coup attempt as seen through the eyes of some of the people in the room, in the oval office even

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Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709

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here's the breaking news, the senate voting late tonight to extend the nation's debt limit through early, averting economic disaster after breaking a republican filibuster meant to skull the deal reached between democratic and gop leaders. also tonight, a lawyer for the former president telling four trump loyalists to ignore subpoenas from the january 6th elect committee, according to the "washington post." the deadline to comply with subpoenas, tonight. more breaking news in the search for brian laundrie. police in florida now saying he was under surveillance before he vanished more than three weeks ago. >> now what? kicking the can down the road? >> and with no prospect that there will be a better resolution on the horizon in december. the important point is what a radical escalation in political conflict and what a reckless escalation of political conflict it is for republicans to have filibustered the increase in the debt ceiling. yes, it is true that democrats have voted in the past against raising the debt ceiling when republicans held unified control of government. but they did not filibuster, they said it was the majority party's obligation to raise it, and they let them do it after casting basically their symbolic vote of opposition. today mcconnell struggled to find even ten republicans who were willing to kind of step aside and let democrat do this on their own, when behind door number 2 is potential catastrophe and the global economy. and this is just a reminder to joe manchin and kyrsten sinema, who are arguing the filibuster promotes compromise. if it is this difficult to get ten republicans to step out of the way and let democrat dozen this on their own, what are the odds of getting ten republicans to vote to do almost anything else that president biden and the democratic majority wants to do? reminder to comply with subpoenas from the january 6th committee. what sort of legal action can the committee take if any? is this on stbstruction of cong? >> this will come down to political will. and will the doj show backbone here? it's 11:00. the documents are due at midnight. i don't think mark meadows will walk the documents to the control. he told us two years ago, he was going to fight off the subpoenas. he has managed to get off them off. are they going to get in core? i mean, tomorrow to try to compel it to the judge? are they going to tend it over to the doj? and if they send it over to doj, what is garland going to do? it will be his decision. it will be a federal crime. and we are in unprecedented times. >> we learned trump directly asks justice contempt officials nine times to under mine the election results. the guy is relentless. does any of it add up to a crime? and what is going to stop it from ever happening again? >> i am on record and i will say it again. the president, trying to steal an election, broadly speaking, is a crime. fraud is a crime. conspiracy is a crime. i don't just mean the president. i mean jeffrey clark. you opened up the show talking about next time. what happens next time? if there is no real consequences, there will be a next time, and the consequences thus far for trying to overthrow an election, is a bunch of papers, findings, but that kind of consequence doesn't residence mate with trump and his most local followers. >> ron, republicans issuing a rebuttal report saying trump is issues a coup, saying a doj never took action. they are saying, yes, he tried but he didn't succeed. it really speaks volumes there is a gop rebuttal report, and the point of the coup is that it's no big deal because it failed. >> in some ways, it's as significant as the revolutions for the majority. it shows how deeply the republican party is normalized -- not only normalizing but intensifying and trying to advance trump's assault on democracy in the after math of the election. the fact that republicans are basically saying there was nothing wrong here is of a piece with republicans in red states using the big lie as justification for a wrath of voter suppression bills and legislation to increase control over accounting and make it easier to make aversion of results in 2024. all of this is happening. and it feels like every institution in society is having trouble grappling with the m magnitude of the threat that is developing with so many fronts, all screens from the same source of trump's willingness to under mine democracy, if that is what it takes. by the way, don, today, joe manchin who ultimately is the one who will have to decide whether to circumvent the fill bur -- filibuster, said the filibuster is the only thread we have in america to keep democracy alove and well. in a time when all of this is going on. that vright from the upside dow and it's a measure that institutions individuals are having trouble responding to the magnitude of the threat that is developing. >> listen, if they won't comply, does it have to be settled in court? in a court of law? >> yeah, look, i don't think there is any way this getting settled outside of court. the system relies on good faith actors. unless trump or zdan scavino says, yeah, they have to get a civil order from the judge and get the doj on the criminal side. >> thank you. i appreciate it. i want to bring in fiona hill for european and russian affairs at the national security council. the author of "there is nothing for you here, finding opportunity in the 21st century." f f fiona, thank you so much, and you talk about the dangers of democracy. i want your reaction on the trump comampaign to overturn th 2020 election. if it weren't for a couple people that stood their ground, where would the country be right now? >> we are already in a big trouble, this is a full blown constitutional crisis, and what is happening here, people can't quite believe it. the people who are not basically coming forward to answer the subpoenas are telling themselves, look there is nothing wrong, this is just politics, this is just a game. for them, it's not going to have the tire consequences. but it is. and you know, already from the outside, people are looking in the united states, recognizing all the hall marks of a country in deep trouble. and the idea that is a coup wasn't a coup attempt because it didn't succeed is preposterous. it was an attempt and we are still in the middle of it all. there are still attempts to avert the inquiry, as you with pointing out to completely and utterly remove congressional oversight to not follow through with the letter of the law, and we have been discussing, a great big lie a fat lie, that trump had won the 2020 election. so we're still in the midst of a crisis we have seen unfolding for now the best part of two years. >> raegan: you called trump a would be autocrat. we are learning they are telling not to corporate with the january 6th inquiry. >> it's quite a lot of evidence that the fact that the institutions are falling apart here. they are only as good as the people who live in them, and in other countries, the rule of law has never taking shape. it's never taking hold. but this is a country, a republic that was set up on the basis of a rule of law, where the constitutions with clear legislative businesses for the business of politics, and what we're seeing is people not just chipping away but taking huge chunks of it away. if congressionalo oversight no longer functions -- >> you said, it's made it more likely the next populous will succeed where trump failed. explain. >> well, look, we have seen it time and time again, historically and in contemporary politics elsewhere in the world. you know, russia for example, that i spend time seem making a comparison with in the book. boris yelsin who succeeded putin. he resolved it by firing on parliament to shell the army out. that way, he ran through the constitution. the thing was, he didn't take advantage of it, full advantage of it. the person who did who came along later who had a very different sensibility, he took full use of the constitution, and everyone talks and how competent trump was. but he is pushing through all the practices, all the procedures now, he is up ending all the legislative fail safes we have so the next person who comes along may be more competent and capable of putting it in action, and there we have, we have an autocrat. >> you said president biden's infrastructure plan is only a start. >> that's right. we have to do things at the top and at the bottom and in the middle as well. i just am hoping a lot more americans, ordinary people are waking up to what is happening here, if they don't stand up and speak the truth, it's going to be too late. at the top, what we're plissing is not the public policy approach. the infrastructure bill are filled with all the elements we need to close the opportunity gap in the united states. they're going to fix the way that our -- the politics and our economy are working. but it's the will that is missing, collective action. they have to look for it. state and local government, mayors, people who are community organizers. this is the time for people to stand up and say, look, we need to do something here. and we can't just wait for members of congress to get their act together. that is where the progress is. we had all the revelations from facebook recently about the algorithms missed up. we have the political algorithms messed up and we have to burst through it. >> really in a post truth era. we have to get back to the truth. thank you so much. i appreciate it. the book again is there is nothing for you here, finding opportunity in the 21st century. we have news on the gabby petito case. police say they were surveilling brian laundrie and why his father was out with police in the florida reserve today. cal h, my body was telling me you got to do something. and so i came to clearchoice. your mouth is the gateway to your body. joe's treatment plan was replacing the teeth with dental implants from 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what happened? >> they had every right -- >> stuart, stuart, stuart. >> don, it's interesting. for several years in my new york assignment to the new york field office to the fbi, i was a team leader with the special op ration division where we did surveillance division. the reality, coming to a quiet na neighborhood and setting up on a target is nearly impossible. you're an outsider, and neighborhoods see cars they don't see, and they see people sitting in them and they become nosey and interfere. you try to set up on choke points and when you set up on choke points that brian laundrie would anticipate to pass through some street and you hope to pick him up outside the neighborhood, and losing a suspect is part of si surveillance. the fact they missed him at some choke point is part of the game. the other side will say the rules of engagement, he is a person of interest, requires even that much more not to be in his face, so to speak. >> let's talk about that. because the north port police were saying thag were doing what they were legally allowed to do. there was no crime yet and there were limitations. were the police stymies at the time? >> no, they could have gone up to question him. he had every right not talk to them. but they had every right to inquire. and that would be far more valuable than simply surveilling something they thought was going to be leaving and they had one crime they could have brought charges for. why they didn't talk to him didn't make sense to me. >> authorities don't have in their position brian or gabby's cell phone they had with them on their trip. neither phone was found in the van. the phones could be any where. i mean, they could be incredibly valuable to investigators. >> yeah, and so from the fbi's perspective, clearly, they have gone back and tried to pick up on the last possible digital footprint. that being the pinging of the cell phones to the last tower. there after, the phoning were turned off or discarded. part of the efforts we have seen over the past couple weeks with respect to really trying to get into the carlton reserve with respect to at least inniitiatin divers in the water, is that the phones were maybe discarded in the swampy mess out there, and their attempt to retrieve them, see what value they have. and keep in mind, they through the grand jury process has been able to retrieve the phone records. so the phone records will tell a lot about the use of those phones. >> yeah, stuart, also today, brian laundrie's father, chris laundrie, was seen entering the carlton reserve. he was assisting in the search for his son. kbhi do you think brian laundrie's parents are suddenly corporating now three weeks into the search? >> clear indication, they are formally cooperating with law enforcement. clearly, they said there was an assumption that the parents assisted or hindered with the investigation. i think there is a big difference between law enforcement being able to prove it in a court of law. once the evidence was established they could charge the mom or dad together, they put the full court press on the mom and dad through their lawyer and they realize they need to cooperate fully. you have mom and dad trying to assist them in the apprehension of their son. >> mark, i want you to weigh in on this. the new cooperation from the laundries mean they have struck a deal? what could it entail? what do you see here? >> it does not suggest they have given information. the information that they arrive back at home in the van when he spoke to them. where he want what he did. did he get out of town money, opening up bank accounts and whatever call records, phone records they have. so there is more to cooperate than just going out and searching in the woods and suggesting you are looking for him. to me, there is a concern from the on set, they are not acting like someone who has a child who is dead or missing. that is at least from the outside. there is a concern to me they do have potential charges but this is something they are -- as they s suggest they do. but i'm not seeing value unless they turn over other things. >> what do you mean they are not acting like their child is missing or dead? >> as you know, we were involved in the casey anthony case, and i always thought the mother was there. if you lose a child, you are balled up in a fetal position gasping for your next breath. that is not what we have seen outwardly. that is not what we see. they don't believe he is dead and he is arguably in a safe place in. that is speculation. what we are all doing at this point. >> all right, thank you very much. we appreciate it. >> my pleasure. florida's board of education voting to sanction eight school districts that have mask mandates with no opt outs. what do the districts plan to do next? a superintendent from one of them joins me. and a follow up. and a “did you see my email?” text. orrrr... you could see her status in slack. and give lisa a break while you find someone online who can help. slack. where the future works. it's sleep number's fall sale on the sleep number 360 smart bed it helps keep you effortlessly comfortable by sensing your movements and automatically responding to both of you. and, it's temperature balancing to help you stay comfortable all night. it even tracks your circadian rhythm, so you know when you're at your best. in other words, it's the most energy-building, wellness-boosting, parent-powering, proven quality night's sleep we've ever made. and now, save up to $800 on sleep number 360 smart beds. plus, 0% interest for 36 months on all smart beds. only for a limited time. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ so, you're recalibrating and reconnecting to the environment. seeing yourself as an artist - legitimate and genuine - can be transformational. daddy! for the best audio entertainment and storytelling. audible. the florida state board of education voting to sanction eight school driblgts for instituting mask mandates without the ability to opt out. the board is saying they are directly violating governor ron desantis's rule. but they are arguing they were in compliance, citing raising case rates rising. it's been playing out for weeks and we have seen it in school boards all across the country. >> lord, stop, stop the left wing harmful, evil spirits that are taking over some of our board members. >> let ghoe back to what masks are. they are a sexual fetish for all of y'all that are in tune with pedophilia. that to what it's like. >> i'm in afghanistan right now, are they going to come and kill me. in the united states, we can carry a mask or we don't have to wear a mask. >> all of that's real. that is not a "snl" sketch. joining me now is carly simon, the superintendent of one of the school districts set to be sanctioned. good evening to you. wow, wow, wow. you say you're going defy the florida board of education and maintain the masking protocols. the board of ed members say they can be docked school pay. funding might be held back. i mean, that's a big risk. are you willing to take that? >> well, we actually, along with broward county, are already experiencing that. we have been having defunction ductions from the state now. i believe we are starting our third month. so this is kind of where we have been. the new addition to the sanctions is they are trying to deduct the additional funding we received when we got the project safe grant from the u.s. department of education to make us whole from the state deductions. it's interesting because we'll see how it plays out. we did find out that the u u.s. dod.o.e. did write to the board of education and this could be perhaps be violation of federal law. >> one of the districts say said ten employees died after the second week of school opening. and another, there were more than 3200 cases after schools opened. are you worried what can happen after you lift the mandates in your district? >> so we are seeing the improvement in our covid cases. and we are having the opportunity to not have to quarantine as many opportunities. we are still worried because 11 and under, the age group, they did not have access to the vaccine yet, and we don't want to risk it. we are almost in the end of this, as our doctors have pointed out. we're in the fourth quarter. this is not the time for us to quit. we have to finish the game. so we're pushing forward. our board members have added an additional four weeks to the masking for our children and middle school and elementary school, and we are allowing a parent option for high school students. so we are slowly transitioning out, but we don't want to finish. we want to make sure we have vaccine time so we can cover as many children as possible. >> carly, florida is pushing back for paying grants to your district for trying to off set the penalties, and the biden administration says withholding the funding causes more legal concerns. do you want the biden administration to fight this? >> well, we appreciate the biden administration and the support they can offer us. i think what we are looking for, we would like this level of support from our state. it's clear we are not getting that, and the commissioner corcoran, he finally applied four months delayed for federal funding that could help us with recovery from covid. it seems we are getting the support we need from the federal government, and we're hoping the state decides to stop the nonsense of fighting us and help us out. because we have a lot of work to do to recover from covid. >> all the masks, the fights over masks and vaccine mandates, all of it has to affect the kids who are seeing the battles play out in public. how is it impacting the learning? >> i think in the school buildings, the learning is happening, the students are happy and they are enjoying time with friends and family and students and teachers. they have having arguments with school board members, and some parents build their children, there is a level of watching adults really losing their cool and saying things that in many cases are inappropriate in public setting. it does have -- it dampens the type of relationship you want children to see with adults and it's unfortunate that adults are not always behaving well. >> thank you so much. best of luck, okay? >> thank you for having me. >> thank you. president biden defending his vaccine mandates as a country looks like it may be turning a corner. but what does it mean for the millions who are still refusing to get vaccinated? i've always dreamed of seeing the world. but i'm not chasing my dream anymore. i made a financial plan to live it every day. ♪ there was a dream ♪ ♪ and one day i could see it ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at ("this little light of mine") - [narrator] in the world's poorest places, they're shunned, outcast, living in pain. you can reach out and change the life of a suffering child right now. a surgery that takes as little as 45 minutes and your act of love can change a child's life forever. please call or visit now. thousands of children are waiting. 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>> first, the number of cases has dropped substantially. and that is great news. think of the surge as up a hill and down a hill and we're on the downhill side. if you live in a place like minnesota or north dakota or michigan or vermont or new hampshire or maine, right now, we're still seeing the main hit of the pandemic we were saying in the southern states. we have fewer population here so you don't hear about the larger numbers. but in general, over the course of the next three to five weeks, you're going to see the case numbers drop. that is now. there will be more surges. they will return. new york and l.a. were not hit with the most recent surge. they are still due, and on top of it all, we have 65 million americans who have not yet been vaccinated who would be right now. . >> i want to you listen to what the president said today about vaccine mandates. >> i know that vaccination requirements a tough mad sin, unpopular with some. politics for others. but they are life saving. they are game changing for our country. >> is he right? the hospitalizations and cases are down now. >> it's clear they are surly contribute. but we have to be honest and say this virus and this surges that it causes actually have been occurring since the beginning of the pandemic where they go up for any where from 6 to 8 weeks. you will see increased cases in the areas where the surges are, and then they drop. they did it once before in a big way last summer long before we had vaccines. a year fay go last summer. so vaccines are sur surely playing an important role. we don't understand why it goes up and down as it does. >> pfizer has asked the fda to authorize the vaccine for children ages 5 to 11. but polling shows a lot of parents are hesitant about that. do you have a message for them? >> there are 28 million kids right now who are vulnerable to the virus and it's really the only tool we have to help protect them. and as a grandfather of four of the kids who fit in that category, i can't wait for the vaccines to arrive. but i understand why parents might be hesitant, and this is where we have to do a lot of work, education. why it's so important to va vaccinate the kids and turn a vaccine in a vaccination. so a pfizer approval, is very important. but again, we've got to work hard to get vaccines in the vaccinations. >> there is a lot of debate about boosters and whether the data justifies widespread shots to prevent break through invex and slow the spread. do you think they're necessary? >> i do think they're necessary. what we're seeing right now is a snapshot in time of people who are vaccinated six to eight months ago, and now they're seeing the waning immunity. as we get further and further out, or more and more people who had two doses of the mrna vaccine, and the j and j, we will see more break throughs and we will see it in a number of places where younger people who are -- who had two vaccines are now becoming seriously will. so i think this particular approach to the vaccines was something that probably should have thought about as a three dose all along or a two dose for the j and j, and not just, this is an initial vaccine and now we're given a boost. so i think it's very important and i think time will bear that it. >> i want to talk about the new surveys, the national foundation of infectious budisease, only 4 of people plan to get a flu shot. are you worried? >> we don't know. we saw last winter, very little activity of flu after it was predicted there would be a twin demic. and we watched the southern h hemisphere, no flu pandemic. and you should still get your flu shot because you don't want to play catch up should we have a big outbreak, but we have to be careful. >> listen, i usually get the flu or something close to it. and because of the social distancing, the hand washing, the sanitizing, and the masks, nothing the past two years. so, there you go. >> that's good. that's good. >> yeah, good news. thank you, we will see you soon. >> thank you very much, dan. >> we'll be right back. 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set yourself free with fleet. gentle constipation relief in minutes. little fleet. big relief. try it. feel it. feel that fleet feeling. fashion idol, trailblazing activist, outspoken. princess diana attracted an unprecedented media spack techle wherever she went. but did the world understand who she was? the all-new cnn series seeks to answer that question. here's a preview. >> diana's own mother, in a very unhappy marriage, left for very good reasons and was shunned in society. >> diana's grandmother, who was a terrible snob, was appalled that her daughter should have left her earl and as a result, she gave evidence in the custody proceedings against her own daughter. she called her a bad mother. custody did go to johnny. so francis, having planned to keep all four of her children and to remove them from this abusive household, had lost them. >> because of what happened to diana at such a young age and watching her own mother lose her children, this fear of losing children would have played on d diana until her death. >> let's talk to royal commentator bonnie greer. bonnie, so glad you can join me to talk about this. there's still so much we don't know about diana. what's the most surprising thing they will learn when they watch this series? >> i think -- great to be on your show again, thank you. i think it's to see how candid she is. i mean, i was really surprised about that, and that's not an easy thing to do, because of the class she came from. english up they don't doe that. so, the fact that she did it and she said what she felt and she said what she was thinking makes her really, really, really fascinating. i have to tell you one thing really quickly, don, she really touched me when i -- i lost a lot of friends to aids, i lived in new york in the '80s and a lot of my friends died and when she shook hands with the man in the aids clinic in london, that really brought me to her side. that was an amazing gesture and i think that was a big turnaround for her in the public, as well. >> yeah. the first episode looks at -- back at diana's childhood, how it influenced her early relationship with prince charles and the entry into the royal family. what do you know about that? what can you share? >> well, you know, it's important for american audiences to know that her family is they were much more english than the royal family. and she was born on one of the royal estates, the one the queen goes to in the winter and her grandmother was a courtier, her father was. they were around the royal family for hundreds of years. so, she knew them very much and they knew her and so to realize suddenly that she didn't actually know these people as she thought she did, as we thought she did, brings kind of the drama begins in her life, because actually, who is she in relation to them, who are they? and the second part of it is, you know, don, we're watching somebody grow up in public. most people grow up in private and we're watching a human being become who she is and that's always a really fascinating thing to watch. >> yeah. well, i can't wait to see it. bonnie, we're so grateful to have your perspective. thank you for joining us. >> pleasure. >> and be sure to tune in, the all-new cnn original series premieres sunday, 9:00 p.m., only on cnn. and thank you for watching, everyone. our coverage continues. ♪i'm a ganiac, ganiac, check my drawers♪ ♪and my clothes smell so much fresher than before♪ switch to gain flings. one sniff and you'll be a ganiac too! i'll shoot you an estimate as soon as i get back to the office. hey, i can help you do that right now. high thryv! thryv? yep. i'm the all-in-one management software built for small business. high thryv! help me with scheduling? sure thing. up top. high thryv! payments? high thryv! promotions? high thryv! email marketing? almost there, hold on. wait for it. high thryv! manage my customer list? can do. will do. high thryv! post on social media? hash-tag high thryv my friend! get a free demo at good evening. tonight, we've learned that the former president is making new efforts to subvert justice and stymie the investigation into his attempt to stay in office by subverting democracy. he's reportedly doing it by invoking executive privilege in the house investigation of the attack on the capitol which he incited. we'll talk to former white house counsel john dean if he can actually do that. meantime, his allies are also still trying to undermine democracy and lay the groundwork for overturning the next election. that's the news tonight, which comes after a day that began with the senate judiciary committee publishing its report on the former president's attempts to overturn the 2020 election. the title is "subverting justice." >> we were a half step away from a constitutional crisis, a full-blown constitutional crisis. >> that's committee chairman dick durbin and he's understating it. the report is the most comprehensive account we have so far of what if we were talking about it happening anyplace but here would be described as a coup attempt. a coup attempt as seen through the eyes of some of the people in the room, in the oval office even

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