Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera : compare

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera

coronavirus. and there is plenty to herald on that front. the cdc now hayes 107 million vaccine doses have been administered. and today, dr. anthony fauci said it is possible that three feet of social distancing instead of six would suffice to reopen schools. and he teased that new guidance should be coming from the cdc soon. also today we are closely following developments surrounding new york governor andrew cuomo. house speaker nancy pelosi saying cuomo needs the look inside his heart but ultimately stopped short of calling their his resignation as multiple women now accuse of him sexual harassment. we will go live to albany new york in i don't want. first to south florida where spring break is in full spring despite health officials' advice. cnn is in miami beach. what does spring brack look like? is the feeling there that the pandemic is over? >> certainly people have told us they are here partly because they are escaping more restrictive conditions wherever they came from. ples have had a bit of a hard time, as you mentioned earlier, on friday night, at an intersection just a few blocks from where we are, they had the try break up a large crowd. video that we can show you here, cell phone video acquired by one of our affiliates shows what happened. the miami beach police tweeted that the crowd became unruly, they surrounded the officers, they used pepper spray to disperse the crowd. two officers were hurt in those events and were sent to the hospital. the general overall feeling is that there are a lot more officers out assisting miami beach police than ever before. the city tells me over the whole weekend they have seen about 100 arrests. things like seizing weapons, seizing drugs, issues they typically deal with already during spring break. but because we are in a pandemic it is twice as hard. as i mentioned some spring break tourists told me they are trying to escape not just colder weather where they are from, but also more restrictive conditions. here are some people who came down here for two weeks from massachusetts. >> no one cares around here it seems like. not like thou one cares. but everyone is more relaxed. we are here to do that. >> i am trying to do my part just to help stop the spread or stop the spike. everyone else around me, not too worried.again, i am vaccinated. >> reporter: notice he said he has been vaccinated. he was one of the only people wearing a mask in that moment. his friend next to him said he had already gotten covid. so there was a little less concern from him. but generally speaking, folks i have talked to say they are not concerned with the crowds that they are spending time with had the evenings here on miami beach. ana? >> should they be? we will ask a doctor in just a moment. dr. gounder joins us now. vaccinations are accelerating, covid cases are dropping. covid-related deaths are slowing down as well. is the country in a better says to weather spring break activities like seeing and hearing about compared to some of the past holidays that were followed by big covid surges. >> ana, we have recovered to a extra extent from the winter holiday surge. but i think it is important the point out that cases and infection deaths are not continuing to drop. we have really plateaued now for a while at about 60,000 new infection as day. 1500 deaths per day. on top of that, people are going on spring break and letting down their guard as some of these new, more infectious variants are spreading across the country. you have one out of the uk as well as a newer one that's been detected here in new york city, which also seems to be more infectious. based on our previous experience in this country and in other countries, when you see a plateau, it predicts another surge. and we have these new variants that are also very much potentially fuelling a more severe surge. >> thrng mo dr. fauci signalled a potential change in the near future to the six foot social distancing rule that we have been living with now for more than a year. listen. >> the cdc is very well aware that data are accumulating making it look like three feet are okay under certain circumstances. they are analyzing that. and i can assure you within a reasonable period of time, quite reasonable, they will be giving guidelines according to the data that they have. it won't be very long, i promise you. >> dr. gounder, what do you think about three feet as opposed to six feet as more people are wearing masks and schools are trying the reopen and space issan issue? >> some of the data is were schools where students may not have been six feet apart. they may have been three feet apart. but when wearing mask, opened windows and had decent ventilation didn't see huge amounts of transmission, much transmission at all, in schools. i think what we have learned over the past year, how is this virus transmitted, through droplets, the more visible droplets that might fly out of our mouth when you cough in or is it the tiny aerosols that are more invisible when you are talking or sneezing or coughing? it may be that the aerosols are more important it really does seem like airborne spread is what matters here. that's why the masks and ventilation seem to be so critical, really to keeping people safe. >> speaking of masks, a new model is projecting mask use in the u.s. will plunge in june. if this happens and the virus is not completely under control, how do you see things playing out? >> it really depends on what people are doing. if people are outdoors and not wearing masks, inthat's a very different situation from if they are indoors not wearing masks. so i hope that, you know, people find other ways to reduce the risk. perhaps just really moving as much outside as possible when the weather is great in order to reduce transmission in the community at that time. >> in a lot of ways it does feel like we are rounding the corner. you hear about may 1st me all have eligibility pour the vaccine. july 4th could be an amazing opportunity to get together with people and feel some sort of naturalsy. however, the gut check here is, we are still looking at more than 1,700 american test that were just reported yesterday. why is the death toll still this high? when would you expect it to drop significantly? >> well, i think we sort of plateaued in our death toll and our cases for a couple of different reasons. one is people have been letting down their guard. they are not masking as much. they are not, you know, socializing perhaps outdoors. they are doing more indoors, in restaurants and bars. we have seen more indoor dining open up. that's one of the highest risk things you could be doing. and then do you have the spread of these more infectious variants. the uk variant is predicted to be the dominant strain. we are definitely on path for this to happen by the end of this month. this is the strain that resulted in a surge in cases in the uk as well as elsewhere in europe. and we have our own homegrown variant here in new york city which also seems to be more infectious and may be contributing to some this as well. you know, we are not out of the boots yet. only about 10% of americans have been fully vaccinated. so we have a bit of a ways more to go before we can really be lifting these public health measures safely shoo let's look at italy. they are going into another lockdown. and just let that be our visual and tangible warning of what would company if we are not more careful. thank you dr. gounder, as always. new today, the most powerful woman in congress, house speaker nancy pelosi, topping short of calling for new york governor andrew quemo to rean amid growing sexual harassment allegations. i want to bring in aknowna jones. what did pelosi have to say? >> ana, well, speaker pelosi is not among those calling on the governor to resign. here's what she had to say about that in an interview this morning. >> i do think that the women deserve to hear the results of these investigations, as does the governor. >> can he be an effective leader now? >> again -- no tolerance. no tolerance. this is a subject very near and dear the my heart. no tolerance for sexual harassment. let the world know that. >> but you are not calling on him to resign right now? >> i think we should see the results. he may decide. hopefully the result will be soon. when i am saying is the governor should look inside his heart. he loves new york. to see if he can govern effectively. >> so there you hear the house speaker saying the governor should look inside his heart figure out if he can continue the lead. what she said somewhat echos one of the allies we have heard of the governor, a new york state majority leader crystal people stokes said this is about the governor himself, this is about fairness and due process. she is also talking about letting the investigation play out. those two are in the minority when it comes to people being vocal about where they stan. the majority of new york's congressional delegation is calling on the governor to resign as are the two senators from new york, chuck shum skperp kiersten gillibrand. they joined together friday afternoon in a statement about that. senator jill grand spoke more sunday. here's what she had to say. >> overcoming the covid crisis requires focused steady sure leadership. i dmend the brave actions of the individual that have come forward to speak of serious allegations of misconduct and abuse. and because of the mutt pell credible sexual harassment and misconduct allegations, it's clear that governor cuomo has lost the confidence of his governing partners as well as the people of new york. that's why i believe that the governor has to resign. >> so, there you hear from senator gillibrand saying it is time for governor to step down for the good of the state of new york. and that you need focus tor. this is a question put to the governor, can you lead amidst the distractions, the investigations, the scandals that are unfolding? he argues that yes, he can, he can walk and chew gum at the same time. he was able to negotiate the state budget last year during the height of the pandemic in new york. he can do so again. he said there have been investigation this is the past that lasted for years. that that's how government works. you keep going even with things like this going on. that is what the governor is saying. we will see what plays out over the next week. >> aknowna jones, seems like every day there is a new development. appreciate you staying on top of it. coming up, new developments in the breonna taylor case. what her former boyfriend is doing now the seek justice. plus a high school sports announcer blames his racist remarks on diabetes. that's next. 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>> absolutely. the lawyers probably have a pretty substantial claim. the warrant that was used to enter breonna taylor's apartment had to be based on probable cause. probable cause means some credible evidence had to be presented to a magistrate judge to make him believe that her an was location of a crime or that crime had been conducted at her apartment. what we are learning is that there was a detective that submitted this information to this magistrate judge and in his own words he has omitted that he included false and fabricated information in this warrant. apparently he provided information that he contacted a postal inspector to confirm that drugs were being delivered to breonna taylor's apartment. he recanted that statement saying that was a false statement, that he never contacted any postal inspector to confirm that drugs were being, you know, delivered to that apartment. so if that evidence is presented during this lawsuit, which there is every reason to believe that it will be, that means that this fourth amendment violation case that has been filed by mr. walker's attorneys probably has a substantial chance of mr. walker prevailing in his case in separately, joey, could another grand jury be asked to consider additional charges specific to breonna taylor's kill which apparently didn't happen in the last grand jury? >> indeed they could. the bottom line, the case was present asked there was a lot of blowback with respect to what the grand jury was asked to do. a grand jury is not deciding guilt or innocence. they make two determination. number one, is there reason cause to believe a crime was committed? number two, did the subjects of the investigation commit the crime? when you don't present charge force the grand jury to consider with regard to accountability for breonna taylor, that's a problem. and then to the extent that it was never put before the jand jury with regard to conduct that put breonna taylor in dinger in fact killing her, i think you could see that occur. that's a political issue. frankly, it depends upon the will of the people and how much pressure willing going to put on the governor and the attorney to look at this anew and get accountability for the killing. >> let's get to the trial of former minneapolis police officer derek chauvin charged in the killing of george floyd. he is facing multiple charges including the new third-degree murder charge that a judge reinstate. he pleaded not guilty to all of the charges. how significant is the reinstated charge? >> very significant, anna. because it gives the prosecution another pathway in terms of getting a conviction in this case. we have to remember that betting a police officer first of all tried and ultimately convicted for killing a citizen while they are involved in the regular course of their duty is very, very difficult even when cases are like in the case of george floyd caught on videotape. we only need to go back to the rodney king case -- there are many examples where officers have been involved in violent encounters with citizens where the citizen have died but the officer haven't been convicted this. third degree charge gives prosecutors another tune to get a conviction. we know recently there was -- [ no audio ] >> we lost areva. let me turn to joey and ask about the jurors. jury selection continues rate now. right now, seven jurors have been seated for this trial including a white male in his 20s, a mixed race william woman in her 20s, a black male in his 30s, a hispanic male in his 20s and a white woman in her 50s. 14 jurors are needed, total, including two alternates. joey, based on when we know of the jurors, what are your thoughts is this are they representative? >> i would caution -- at this point -- it's premature to have a wholesale view of the jury selection process based on what we have here. but i the think when you have jurors like this, you saw there an hispanic male, an african-american male, you have a mixed race woman. you have -- so you have that. and then of course you have a number of white males who were there. remember, anna, people are very complex. as a result of that you can't pigeon hole them, white male will believe x, black male will believe y, and hispanic male will believe z. you only hope as attorneys that you ask two questions, number one, can you be fair and have an open mind. that's question number one when you are evaluating the evidence. number two, can you evaluate the evidence based on what's in the courtroom and thog else. i should add remember, these jurors had a questionnaire, that questionnaire sent to them in december had a number of things that they had to answer. what are your views on defunding the police? what are your views on black lives matter? did you participate in any protests? therefore, attorneys on both sides belief they are representative and can make the decision as relates to the charges. >> it is interesting that a lot of them fall within the 20s to 30s range. i don't know what impact that would have, if any. reeva, the goal is to pick jurors that are impartial and that don't come into the court with bias in the case. almost everyone though now has seen that shocking video of chauvin kneeling on george floyd's neck. >> it makes it very difficult, to be honest. our jury system is imperfect chkt we have to acknowledge we are asking people to come into a trial where there has been a ton of media attention. they watched the horrific video played over and over again. we are asking them to walk into the courtroom and be able to put aside what they have seen, what they have heard and to listen and make their decision about guilt or innocence based only on the information that's presented during that trial. we would like to believe, those of us that work this our legal system, that jurors are able to do that. we must acknowledge that's going to be really difficult. gentlemeny brought up the questionnaire. that's -- joey brought up the questionnaire. it is used so you can kind of screen out those individuals who have biases and many will tell you they can't set them aside. we should note in this case the judge dismissed a lot of jurors who said i have seen that videotape, i can't get it out of my mind. i don't believe i could be an impartial juror this this case? so they have to continue to go through more and more people. seven people selected so far. joey and arriva, good to see both of you. thank you for taking the time and sharing your expertise with us. >> thank you anna. lip to this, a high school basketball announcer in oklahoma is blaming his diabetes and spike in blood should go for the racist comments he made during the live stream of a basketball tournament. i thought we had some sound there. let me tell you what happen. the norman high school girl's basketball team were about to take on midwest city on thursday. the norman players started kneeling during the national anthem. that's when the announcer, matt rowen hurled horrifying racist insults at the norman team that were caught on mic is that we will right back here live after the national anthem, ladies and gentlemen. ♪ >> they are green and and black. >> oh, [ bleep ]. they are kneeling. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. norman deserves [ bleep ]. >> rowen later apologized saying in part, and i quote, i suffer type one diabetes and during the game my sugar was spiking. while not excusing my remarks it is not unusual when my sugar spikes that i become disoriented and often say thing that are not appropriate as well as hurtful. he goes on the say while the comments i made would certainly seem to indicate that i am racist, imnot. i have never considered myself to be racist and in short cannot explain why i made those comments. rowen was part of a crew under contract to broadcast this tournament that contract has now been terminated by the school district. couple up, as president biden hits the road to sell americans on the stimulus deal we will talk to red state voters to see what they think of the bill and the idea that not a single republican in congress supported it. t-mobile is the leader in 5g. we also believe in putting people first by treating them right. so we're upping the benefits without upping the price. introducing magenta max. now with unlimited premium data that can't slow down based on how much smartphone data you use. plus get netflix on us, and taxes and fees included! you won't find this with the other guys. in fact, you'll pay more and get less. right now, pay zero costs to switch! and bring your phone -- we'll pay it off! only at t-mobile. did you know the source of odor in your home... ...could be all your soft surfaces? 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pelosi was removed from the house chamber during the insurrection. she highlights brooks's speech at the trump rally shortly before the violence broke out and gosar's ties to -- she has since said it was in this moment that she closed her eyes and began to pray. congress -- the congress woman joins us now. what are your expectations of these investigations? >> well, i believe, anna, that we have a standard that we have to uphold in congress. if people do not uphold that ethical standard, then it reflects badly on all of us. equally important, i think that there has been no accountability for some of these members who clearly did and said things that were absolutely unacceptable, like tweeting speaker pelosiese location in real time, or organizing, you know -- one of the lead organizers called one of these members of congress his spirit animal for the rally, and the organization of the rally. i think that this is incredibly important for us to have accountability around, to have a complete investigation. i mean, i am asking for both the office of congressional ethics and the house ethics committee to investigate this because i think they can also find other thing that were not in the public record. i believe there are quite a few of those things. so i am looking forward to the conclusion the investigation and the results of that. >> what do you mean, other things that weren't in the public record and that you have an idea what have that would be? >> well, they are allowed to investigate any number of things related to other connections that these individuals may have had with sucinsurrectionists wi organizers of the stop the steal rally, thing that were perhaps not tweeted out but are still there. they have the ability to investigate all of those. so whattive i have asked for is full investigation. i listed many of the things that were this the public record but they can go beyond that and look for other evidence that these individuals did not uphold the standards that are expected of members of congress. and they can also refer, as you might see at the last paragraph of my letter, i say that these things can also be referred to the department of justice for further investigation according to federal statutes. into take a listen to what senator ron johnson said just this week about the capitol attack. >> i knew those were people that loved this country, that truly respect law enforcement, would never anything to break a law. so i wasn't concerned. had the tables been turned -- joe, this could get me in trouble. had the tables been turn asked president trump won the election and those were tens of thoses of black lives matter and antifa protesters i might have been a little concerned. >> i was stunned when i heard that. what's your reaction? >> i was stunned as well. these were things that perhaps if people thought them they knew well enough to not say them out loud. but this is what the republican party has become, a clear embrace of white supremacist domestic terror groups. and that is what the republican party apparently is today. you know, i questioned bill barr last summer on a -- as you know, about the difference between how black lives matter protesters were treated versus the people who stormed -- the white supremacists who stormed the -- state capitol with guns and swastikas. that's exact low what you are hearing in what ron johnson is saying. thing a u.s. senator would say or think these things. again, this is where the republican has gone. they are clearly embracing racist ideologies, white supremacist groups, and not afraid, completely emboldened to say that out loud this, public, and you know, have people realize that that's who they are. >> do you think ron johnson is racist? >> well, certainly from that statement it appears to be. and i think that he has to really examine what he's using his u.s. senate platform to do. not only this statement, but you know, a continued embrace of these insurrectionists as good people. a continued peddling of conspiracy theories and falsehoods from the u.s. senate, one of the highest platforms in the land. i think it is truly stunning. and scary for the republican party. scary for our country. >> 17 house republicans are asking speaker pelosi when the security fence around the capitol is coming down. listen to senate minority leader mitch mcconnell. >> i am extremely uncomfortable with the fact that my constituents can't come to the capitol, with all this razor wire around the complex. it reminds me of my last visit to kabul. >> what's your response to republican colleagues who say this is overkill? >> i say i don't like the razor wire either. but i also like being alive. i like to have the idea that i am going to wake up in the morning, go to work and be safe. what we have seen is that we have a lot of work to do to make sure that all of us can go to the capitol and be safe. so, you know, if mitch mcconnell was so concerned about this, he should have voted to impeach the president. that would have sent a very strong signal to white supremacist groups across the country. but he didn't do that. republicans didn't do that. we still have a lot of groups out there, ana, who believe they are patriots somehow for assaulting the capitol in the worst assault since -- you know, almost a century, more than a century. so i don't have a lot of sympathy for mitch mcconnell. that said, i hope senator mcconnell will embrace the recommendations of general hon hoare around the money we need to speak up to really update the security in the capitol so that we can all go to work safe and allow our constituents to come to the capitol and have public access. sltly that is very important and we want to ge to that place very quickly. >> honore has been projecting retractable barriers. really quickly, have you been receiving threats since january 6th? >> i have. i can tell you that i asked general honore whether we were safe now. he said we were, but i just think, ana that we are all struggling with what we went through, what we experienced as the closest witnesses to that assault, trapped in the gallery, u.n. many of us. trapped on the floor. is he we have work to do quickly to implement those security measures. >> what kind of threats have you been getting? >> you know, there is a variety. and this isn't the first time, ana. unfortunately, those threats have really increased against lawmakers over the last kefrl years that donald trump was in office. about there are email, a whole bunch of different places that we get threats, you be fortunately. >> thank you for speaking out and for being part of our show. thank you for coming on. >> thank you, ana. >> we'll be right back. most reliable network.s we designed our 5g to make the things you do every day better. with 5g nationwide, millions of people can now work, listen, and stream in verizon 5g quality. and in parts of many cities where people can use massive capacity, we have ultra wideband, the fastest 5g in the world. this is the 5g that's built for you. this is 5g built right. only from verizon. ♪ and a little bit of chicken fried ♪ ♪ cold beer on a friday night ♪ ♪ a pair of jeans that fit just right ♪ ♪ and the radio up ♪ get 5 boneless wings for $1 with any handcrafted burger. only at applebee's. something great from mr. clean. stop struggling to clean tough messes with sprays. try clean freak! it has three times the cleaning power of the leading spray to dissolve kitchen grease on contact. and it's great for bathrooms! just keep pumping the power nozzle to release a continuous burst of mist and make quick work of big jobs. it even works on stainless steel. it cuts through 100% of dirt, grease and grime. available with easy-to-swap refills. to get three times the cleaning power, try clean freak from mr. clean. . r. president biden is hitting the road this week to sell the coronavirus stimulus deal as people are starting to get those $1,400 checks. the president and vice president along with the first lady and second gentleman will be fanning out across the country to sell this plan. as you noticed there, they are hitting traditional battle ground states like pebs pens and nevada as well as -- pennsylvania and nevada as well as newly minted battle ground, georgia. the covid relief bill became law without a single republican vote. but if you ask republican voters, even those in ruby red districts how they feel about it the answer is a lot different from what you have been hearing from republican members of congress. cnn's gary tuchman reports. >> reporter: economic life has long been challenging in the mountainous towns of west virginia coal country. the covid outbreak has made things much worse. >> it is tough who of for my kids, my wife, my whole family in general, a lot of my family is out of work. >> reporter: he is a cole miner, like many people in this area lost his job. >> i love the mines. good money, good money. good living. >> reporter: how hard is it right now? >> it is a struggle right now. >> reporter: here in williamsson, west virginia, the covid relief bill is a huge relief for so many people. garland townsend is a restaurant dish worker. >> i am excited about it. any time you can help areas as depressed as we are and give people $1,400 it is going to help a little bit. >> reporter: help you? >> yes, sir, helped me, me and my wife store there is great awareness among people in mingo county that their senior u.s. senator joe manchin could have brought down this will if he wanted to, that he is, in effect, a king maker. and many of the people we talked to here like that. charles mcguire says he almost always votes republican, including for donald trump but he respects the political moves made by his conservative democratic senator. >> most of the time he just speaks his mind, speaks what is true. >> i think senator manchin has done very well in helping us through this. >> reporter: this is mayor of williamson, charlie hatfield who is an ancestor of the fame house hatfield family that feuded with the mccoys in this area in the late 1800s. the democratic mayor who doesn't want to reveal if he votes democrat or republican in national elections does reveal he likes this bill. >> i think it is a good thing. i can tell you what we are seeing in the city alone we will probably get $1 million. >> reporter: what proportion of your budget is that? >> almost a third. >> reporter: this is big money? >> it is big money. >> reporter: we did meet a couple of people in town who agree with republicans in congress who all gave the bill a thumbs down. >> a lot of weighs. >> reporter: many we talked to feel differently. this resident has a disability and doesn't have a job. how do you feel about the fact that all the republican senators said to to this. >> that's hog wash bull [ bleep ] there. >> watch your language. >> yes. apologize for my language. they shoe loosen up a little bit, do you know what i mean. >> reporter: kevin johnson, the laid off miner says he voted for donald trump and usually supports republicans. but disagrees with how gop leaders handled this. with had aid he says he will be able to -- >> pay up the rent and pay up the bills. we are behind. as well as everybody else. i am sure i ain't the only one that's got a tough time. >> reporter: tough times for so many. and now the hope that things will start getting better soon. gary tuchman, cnn, williamson, west virginia. just ahead, how the grammy also look a whole lot different this year. plus a cnn original series on how former president lincoln used the power of his word to uplift a nation in sorrow. lincoln, divided we stand, continues tonight apartment 10:00 here on cnn. ey now, you'r, get the show on, get paid ♪ ♪ and all that glitters is gold ♪ get 5 boneless wings for $1 with any handcrafted burger. only at applebee's. keeping your oysters business growing with any handcrafted burger. has you swamped. you need to hire. i need indeed indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventy-five-dollar credit when you post your first job at you know when your dog is itching for a treat. itching for an outing... or itching for some cuddle time. but you may not know when he's itching for help... licking for help... or rubbing for help. if your dog does these frequently. they may be signs of an allergic skin condition that needs treatment. don't wait. talk to your veterinarian and learn more at ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ they said it couldn't be done... but you managed to pack a record 1.1 trillion transistors into this chip. whoo! yeah! oh, hi. i invested in invesco qqq. a fund that invests in the innovators of the nasdaq 100, like you. you don't have to be circuit design engineer to help push progress forward. can i hold the chip? 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(vo 2) to join us with a donation, go to ♪ and a little bit of chicken fried ♪ ♪ cold beer on a friday night ♪ ♪ a pair of jeans that fit just right ♪ ♪ and the radio up ♪ get 5 boneless wings for $1 with any handcrafted burger. only at applebee's. we are live in the "cnn newsroom." thank for being here. i am ana cabrera in new york. health officials say don't let your guard down just yet. but tell that to the crowds partying in miami for spring break. cnn learned miami beach police spent the weekend breaking up unruly crowds. 100 people arrested this weed alone. some masks, but certainly not many, and no apparent concern for social distancing. those images aside there are glimmers of optimism today for school kids, their parents, and really for all americans eager to put the coronavirus pandemic finally in the past, dr. anthony fauci saying today it is possible that three feet of social distancing instead of six would suffice to reopen schools. he teased that new guidance would soon be coming. also today covid vaccinations are way up. the cdc no

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Ana Cabrera , New York , Sunday Afternoon , Cnn Newsroom , People , Spring Break , Police , Crowds , Miami Beach , Plus A Cnn , Tourists , Least , Philosophy , South Florida , 100 , Masks , Many , Distancing , Concern , Spring Breakers , Beaches , Health Experts , Restaurants , Sidewalks , Airports , Nationwide , Feet , Dr , Cdc , Anthony Fauci , Coronavirus , Front , Three , 107 Million , Six , Andrew Cuomo , Schools , Nancy Pelosi , House Speaker , Guidance , Developments , Sexual Harassment , Heart , Women , Resignation , Don T Want , Look , Feeling , Pandemic , Health Officials , Advice , Spring Brack , Bit , Crowd , Conditions , Intersection , Blocks , Try , On Friday Night , Ples Have , The Only One , Video , Shows , Cell Phone Video , Affiliates , One , Officers , Pepper Spray , Events , Hospital , Two , Things , It , Drugs , Weekend , City , Arrests , Weapons , Weather , Everyone , Cares , Part , Spike , Massachusetts , Kevin Johnson , Mask , Covid , Friend , Folks , Evenings , U S , Cases , Doctor , Deaths , Vaccinations , Gounder , Coal Country , Hearing , Holidays , Activities , Better , Big Covid Surges , Extent , Point , Infection Deaths , Winter Holiday Surge , Infection , 60000 , Uk , Variants , Some , Guard , Top , 1500 , Surge , Countries , Experience , Plateau , New York City , Rule , Mo Dr , Thrng , Data , Circumstances , Guidelines , Won T , Issue , Space , Students , Wall , Transmission , Droplets , Didn T , Virus , Amounts , Windows , Aerosols , Mouth , Airborne Spread , Coughing , Sneezing , Safe , Control , Model , Mask Use , Ways , Situation , Inthat , Lot , Risk , Community , Order , Corner , 1 , May 1st , Vaccine , Gut Check , Opportunity , Test , Eligibility , Sort , July 4th , Naturalsy , 4 , 1700 , Couple , Death Toll , Thigh , Plateaued , Dining , Reasons , Bars , Indoors , Strain , Variant , Path , Spread , Infectious Variants , The End , Elsewhere , Europe , Public Health , Measures , Boots , Lockdown , Italy , 10 , Woman , Congress , Company , Warning , Calling , Allegations , Andrew Quemo , Aknowna Jones , Investigations , Results , Interview , World , Tolerance , Leader , Subject , Result , Lead , Allies , Heart Figure , Majority Leader , Due Process , Minority , Investigation Play Out , Fairness , Senators , Majority , Vocal , Delegation , Kiersten Gillibrand , Chuck Shum Skperp , Statement , Jill Grand , Crisis , Leadership , Misconduct , Actions , Governor Cuomo , Individual , Abuse , Mutt Pell , Governing , Partners , Confidence , Good , Question , Distractions , Senator , Estate , Scandals , Focus Tor , Investigation , Yes , State Budget , Gum , Height , Government , Development , Works , Diabetes , Ideas , Vo , High School Sports Announcer , Remarks , Boyfriend , Breonna Taylor Case , Justice , Coming Up , Imagination , Electrify You , Game On , All Star , Go Play Hey Now , Show , Money , Burger , Glitters , Wings , Applebee S , Sharing Tips , Meet Whitney , Rock Star , Jane , 5 , , Members , Life , Love , 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Death , Kenneth Walker , Raid , Department , Louisville Metro Police Department , Lawsuit , Now Walker , Rights , Litigation , Anniversary , Charges , Grand Jury , Police Raid Calls , Memory , 26 , Lawyers , Experts , Warrant , Apartment , Amendment , Search Warrant , Claim , Crime , Evidence , Magistrate Judge , Cause , Location , Detective , Information , Learning , Words , Inspector , Reason , Being , Case , Mr , Attorneys , Joey , Chance , Violation , Separately , Walker Prevailing , Skill , Respect , Blowback , Bottom Line , Number , Innocence , Guilt , Subjects , Determination , Number One , Accountability , Jury , Problem , Regard , Jand , Fact , Will , Breonna Taylor In Dinger , Pressure , Attorney , Frankly , Trial , Derek Chauvin , Killing , George Floyd , Former Minneapolis , Judge , Charge , Anna , Murder Charge , Prosecution , Conviction , Course , Citizen , Terms , Duty , Pathway , Videotape , Encounters , Citizens , Rodney King Case , Examples , Jurors , Third Degree Charge , Officer , Haven T , Tune , Audio , Prosecutors , Areva , A Hispanic Male , Male , Jury Selection , Mixed Race , Rate , A Black Male , His 30s , Seven , 30 , Thoughts , Alternates , 14 , 50 , View , Jury Selection Process , Race , African American Male , Males , Believe X , Y , Black Male , Pigeon Hole , Mind , Questions , Believe Z , Questionnaire , Courtroom , Views , Thog Else , Decision , Matter , Protests , Representative , Belief , Goal , Court , Impact , Reeva , To 30s Range , Bias , Neck , Chauvin Kneeling , Jury System , Chkt , Ton , Media Attention , System , Individuals , Screen , Gentlemeny , Out Of My Mind , Juror , Biases , More , High School Basketball Announcer , Both , Expertise , Lip , Arriva , Comments , Basketball Tournament , Stream , Blood , Sound , Oklahoma , Norman High School Girl S Basketball Team , Matt Rowen , Team , Anthem , Kneeling , Players , Insults , Midwest City , Mic , Ladies And Gentlemen , Bleep , Norman , Rowen , Thing , Sugar , Game , Sugar Spikes , Say , Cannot , Crew , Imnot , Idea , Bill , R President Biden , Road , Contract , Voters , Tournament , Stimulus , Red State , The School District , Couple Up , Republican , 5g , Benefits , Price , T Mobile , Magenta Max , Phone , Smartphone , Taxes , Fees , Guys , Costs , Zero , Home , Odors , Febreze Fabric Refresher , Fabrics , Odor , Formula , Source , Surfaces , It Part , Curtains , Furniture , Tidying Up Routine , Office , Name , Expensing , Expenses , Books , Gaming , Bank , Balance , Pizza , Nothing , Guy , Times , Businesses , Intuit Quickbooks , Payments , Razor , Quality , Razors , Bookkeeping , Payroll , Four , Comfort , Harry , German , Blades , Test Kit , Health Insurance , Diy Test Kit , Huh , Schedule A Screening , Nato , Colon Cancer , Healthcare , Tests , Hassle , Human Way , Humana , Lawmaker , Colleagues , Conservative Democratic , Roles , Capitol Insurrection , January 6th , Sfoi , 6 , Brooks , Ethics Committee And To Quote Investigate Congresswoman Gobert , Mows Ar , House , Speech , Insurrection , Riot , Chamber , Rally , Violence , Ties , Gosar , Eyes , Standard , Expectations , All Of Us , Tweeting Speaker Pelosiese Location , Organizing , Organization , Organizers , Spirit Animal , House Ethics Committee , Ethics , Record , Conclusion , Few , Weren T , Stop , Connections , Sucinsurrectionists , Ability , Whattive , Standards , Letter , Paragraph , Department Of Justice , Ron Johnson , Capitol , Listen , Statutes , Attack , Law Enforcement , Donald Trump , Law , Joe Manchin , Tables , Election , Trouble , Wasn T Concerned , Tens Of Thoses Black Lives , Protesters , Concerned , Reaction , Antifa , Embrace , Terror Groups , Supremacist , Bill Barr Last Summer On A , Supremacists , Lives , Difference , State Capitol , Guns , Swastikas , Low , Groups , Public , This , Ideologies , White Supremacist , Platform , U S Senate , Racist , Insurrectionists , Platforms , Peddling , Conspiracy Theories , Falsehoods , Land , Republicans , Mitch Mcconnell , Speaker , Security Fence , 17 , Constituents , Complex , Visit , Razor Wire , Kabul , Overkill , Response , Either , Work , Signal , Patriots , Assault , Recommendations , Sympathy , Hon Hoare , Security , Access , Threats , Place , Barriers , Honore , Sltly , Variety , Security Measures , Floor , Kind , Witnesses , Gallery , U N , Bunch , Isn T The First Time , Places , Lawmakers , Femail , Parts , Ultra Wideband , 5g Quality , Cities , Millions , Capacity , Verizon , Jeans , Chicken , Pair , Beer , Radio Up , Cleaning Power , Freak , Sprays , Spray , Messes , Contact , Kitchen Grease , Bathrooms , Mist , Power Nozzle , Jobs , Dirt , Grime , Burst , Grease , Stainless Steel , Refills , President , Vice President , Checks , Gentleman , Stimulus Deal , Plan , First Lady , 400 , 1400 , Vote , Relief Bill , Battle Ground , Georgia , Nevada , Pebs Pens , Pennsylvania , Ruby Red , Answer , Gary Tuchman Reports , House Hatfield , Covid Outbreak , Wife , Tough , Towns , Kids , West Virginia , Miner , Area , Mines , Struggle , General , Living , Cole , Here In Williamsson , Restaurant Dish Worker , Relief , Areas , Garland Townsend , Sir , Store , Mingo County , Awareness , Charles Mcguire , King Maker , Effect , Charlie Hatfield , Mayor , Most , Senator Manchin , Moves , Williamson , Mccoys , Ancestor , Elections , Doesn T Want , 1800 , Proportion , Budget , Third , Million , 1 Million , Town , Bill A , Doesn T , Language , Disability , Hog Wash Bull , Leaders , Shoe , Aid , Reporter , Bills , Hope , Brent , Everybody Else , Ain T , Power , Word , Lincoln , Grammy , Gary Tuchman , Nation , Sorrow , Key , You R , 00 , Shortlist , Data Base , Business , Oysters , Itching , Dog , Treat , Outing , Help , Skin Condition , Signs , Veterinarian , Treatment , Itchingforhelp Com , Don T Wait , Chip , Couldn T , Hi , 1 Trillion , Innovation , Agent , Fund , Innovators , Circuit Design Engineer , Invesco Qqq , Nasdaq 100 , Help Push Progress Forward , Hair Goals , Hair , Length , Castor Oil , Vitamins , Cocktail , Fine , Elvive Dream Lengths , Split Ends , Hair Care , L Oreal Paris , Trevor Noah , Zoom , Festival , Facts , Vibe , Performers , Nominations , Big Night For Beyonce , Convention Center , Taylor Swift , Billy Eilish , Cardi B , Nine , Vaccination Clinic , World Renowned Cellist Ohio Ma Playing , Miranda Lambert , Yo Ma , Dose , 15 , Workers , Pop Up , Frontline , Shot , Observation , Serenity , Hero , Disabilities , Reality , Safety Reasons , Isolation , Waist , Covid 19 , 19 , 61 Million , Program , Training , Limitations , Journey , Nutrition , Atape A Healthy Lifestyle , Meet Wesley Hamilton , Beginning , Yurny , Injury , Someone , Mindset , Someone Else , Ripple Effect , Another , Inspiration , Story , Each Other , Human Smile , Cnnheros Com , Car Company , Subaru , Heroes , Meals , Need , Retailers , 100 Million , Donation , Subaru Com , Miami Beach Police , Weed , Miami , Images , Optimism Today For School Kids , Parents , Glimmers , No , Covid Vaccinations ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera

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coronavirus. and there is plenty to herald on that front. the cdc now hayes 107 million vaccine doses have been administered. and today, dr. anthony fauci said it is possible that three feet of social distancing instead of six would suffice to reopen schools. and he teased that new guidance should be coming from the cdc soon. also today we are closely following developments surrounding new york governor andrew cuomo. house speaker nancy pelosi saying cuomo needs the look inside his heart but ultimately stopped short of calling their his resignation as multiple women now accuse of him sexual harassment. we will go live to albany new york in i don't want. first to south florida where spring break is in full spring despite health officials' advice. cnn is in miami beach. what does spring brack look like? is the feeling there that the pandemic is over? >> certainly people have told us they are here partly because they are escaping more restrictive conditions wherever they came from. ples have had a bit of a hard time, as you mentioned earlier, on friday night, at an intersection just a few blocks from where we are, they had the try break up a large crowd. video that we can show you here, cell phone video acquired by one of our affiliates shows what happened. the miami beach police tweeted that the crowd became unruly, they surrounded the officers, they used pepper spray to disperse the crowd. two officers were hurt in those events and were sent to the hospital. the general overall feeling is that there are a lot more officers out assisting miami beach police than ever before. the city tells me over the whole weekend they have seen about 100 arrests. things like seizing weapons, seizing drugs, issues they typically deal with already during spring break. but because we are in a pandemic it is twice as hard. as i mentioned some spring break tourists told me they are trying to escape not just colder weather where they are from, but also more restrictive conditions. here are some people who came down here for two weeks from massachusetts. >> no one cares around here it seems like. not like thou one cares. but everyone is more relaxed. we are here to do that. >> i am trying to do my part just to help stop the spread or stop the spike. everyone else around me, not too worried.again, i am vaccinated. >> reporter: notice he said he has been vaccinated. he was one of the only people wearing a mask in that moment. his friend next to him said he had already gotten covid. so there was a little less concern from him. but generally speaking, folks i have talked to say they are not concerned with the crowds that they are spending time with had the evenings here on miami beach. ana? >> should they be? we will ask a doctor in just a moment. dr. gounder joins us now. vaccinations are accelerating, covid cases are dropping. covid-related deaths are slowing down as well. is the country in a better says to weather spring break activities like seeing and hearing about compared to some of the past holidays that were followed by big covid surges. >> ana, we have recovered to a extra extent from the winter holiday surge. but i think it is important the point out that cases and infection deaths are not continuing to drop. we have really plateaued now for a while at about 60,000 new infection as day. 1500 deaths per day. on top of that, people are going on spring break and letting down their guard as some of these new, more infectious variants are spreading across the country. you have one out of the uk as well as a newer one that's been detected here in new york city, which also seems to be more infectious. based on our previous experience in this country and in other countries, when you see a plateau, it predicts another surge. and we have these new variants that are also very much potentially fuelling a more severe surge. >> thrng mo dr. fauci signalled a potential change in the near future to the six foot social distancing rule that we have been living with now for more than a year. listen. >> the cdc is very well aware that data are accumulating making it look like three feet are okay under certain circumstances. they are analyzing that. and i can assure you within a reasonable period of time, quite reasonable, they will be giving guidelines according to the data that they have. it won't be very long, i promise you. >> dr. gounder, what do you think about three feet as opposed to six feet as more people are wearing masks and schools are trying the reopen and space issan issue? >> some of the data is were schools where students may not have been six feet apart. they may have been three feet apart. but when wearing mask, opened windows and had decent ventilation didn't see huge amounts of transmission, much transmission at all, in schools. i think what we have learned over the past year, how is this virus transmitted, through droplets, the more visible droplets that might fly out of our mouth when you cough in or is it the tiny aerosols that are more invisible when you are talking or sneezing or coughing? it may be that the aerosols are more important it really does seem like airborne spread is what matters here. that's why the masks and ventilation seem to be so critical, really to keeping people safe. >> speaking of masks, a new model is projecting mask use in the u.s. will plunge in june. if this happens and the virus is not completely under control, how do you see things playing out? >> it really depends on what people are doing. if people are outdoors and not wearing masks, inthat's a very different situation from if they are indoors not wearing masks. so i hope that, you know, people find other ways to reduce the risk. perhaps just really moving as much outside as possible when the weather is great in order to reduce transmission in the community at that time. >> in a lot of ways it does feel like we are rounding the corner. you hear about may 1st me all have eligibility pour the vaccine. july 4th could be an amazing opportunity to get together with people and feel some sort of naturalsy. however, the gut check here is, we are still looking at more than 1,700 american test that were just reported yesterday. why is the death toll still this high? when would you expect it to drop significantly? >> well, i think we sort of plateaued in our death toll and our cases for a couple of different reasons. one is people have been letting down their guard. they are not masking as much. they are not, you know, socializing perhaps outdoors. they are doing more indoors, in restaurants and bars. we have seen more indoor dining open up. that's one of the highest risk things you could be doing. and then do you have the spread of these more infectious variants. the uk variant is predicted to be the dominant strain. we are definitely on path for this to happen by the end of this month. this is the strain that resulted in a surge in cases in the uk as well as elsewhere in europe. and we have our own homegrown variant here in new york city which also seems to be more infectious and may be contributing to some this as well. you know, we are not out of the boots yet. only about 10% of americans have been fully vaccinated. so we have a bit of a ways more to go before we can really be lifting these public health measures safely shoo let's look at italy. they are going into another lockdown. and just let that be our visual and tangible warning of what would company if we are not more careful. thank you dr. gounder, as always. new today, the most powerful woman in congress, house speaker nancy pelosi, topping short of calling for new york governor andrew quemo to rean amid growing sexual harassment allegations. i want to bring in aknowna jones. what did pelosi have to say? >> ana, well, speaker pelosi is not among those calling on the governor to resign. here's what she had to say about that in an interview this morning. >> i do think that the women deserve to hear the results of these investigations, as does the governor. >> can he be an effective leader now? >> again -- no tolerance. no tolerance. this is a subject very near and dear the my heart. no tolerance for sexual harassment. let the world know that. >> but you are not calling on him to resign right now? >> i think we should see the results. he may decide. hopefully the result will be soon. when i am saying is the governor should look inside his heart. he loves new york. to see if he can govern effectively. >> so there you hear the house speaker saying the governor should look inside his heart figure out if he can continue the lead. what she said somewhat echos one of the allies we have heard of the governor, a new york state majority leader crystal people stokes said this is about the governor himself, this is about fairness and due process. she is also talking about letting the investigation play out. those two are in the minority when it comes to people being vocal about where they stan. the majority of new york's congressional delegation is calling on the governor to resign as are the two senators from new york, chuck shum skperp kiersten gillibrand. they joined together friday afternoon in a statement about that. senator jill grand spoke more sunday. here's what she had to say. >> overcoming the covid crisis requires focused steady sure leadership. i dmend the brave actions of the individual that have come forward to speak of serious allegations of misconduct and abuse. and because of the mutt pell credible sexual harassment and misconduct allegations, it's clear that governor cuomo has lost the confidence of his governing partners as well as the people of new york. that's why i believe that the governor has to resign. >> so, there you hear from senator gillibrand saying it is time for governor to step down for the good of the state of new york. and that you need focus tor. this is a question put to the governor, can you lead amidst the distractions, the investigations, the scandals that are unfolding? he argues that yes, he can, he can walk and chew gum at the same time. he was able to negotiate the state budget last year during the height of the pandemic in new york. he can do so again. he said there have been investigation this is the past that lasted for years. that that's how government works. you keep going even with things like this going on. that is what the governor is saying. we will see what plays out over the next week. >> aknowna jones, seems like every day there is a new development. appreciate you staying on top of it. coming up, new developments in the breonna taylor case. what her former boyfriend is doing now the seek justice. plus a high school sports announcer blames his racist remarks on diabetes. that's next. 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>> absolutely. the lawyers probably have a pretty substantial claim. the warrant that was used to enter breonna taylor's apartment had to be based on probable cause. probable cause means some credible evidence had to be presented to a magistrate judge to make him believe that her an was location of a crime or that crime had been conducted at her apartment. what we are learning is that there was a detective that submitted this information to this magistrate judge and in his own words he has omitted that he included false and fabricated information in this warrant. apparently he provided information that he contacted a postal inspector to confirm that drugs were being delivered to breonna taylor's apartment. he recanted that statement saying that was a false statement, that he never contacted any postal inspector to confirm that drugs were being, you know, delivered to that apartment. so if that evidence is presented during this lawsuit, which there is every reason to believe that it will be, that means that this fourth amendment violation case that has been filed by mr. walker's attorneys probably has a substantial chance of mr. walker prevailing in his case in separately, joey, could another grand jury be asked to consider additional charges specific to breonna taylor's kill which apparently didn't happen in the last grand jury? >> indeed they could. the bottom line, the case was present asked there was a lot of blowback with respect to what the grand jury was asked to do. a grand jury is not deciding guilt or innocence. they make two determination. number one, is there reason cause to believe a crime was committed? number two, did the subjects of the investigation commit the crime? when you don't present charge force the grand jury to consider with regard to accountability for breonna taylor, that's a problem. and then to the extent that it was never put before the jand jury with regard to conduct that put breonna taylor in dinger in fact killing her, i think you could see that occur. that's a political issue. frankly, it depends upon the will of the people and how much pressure willing going to put on the governor and the attorney to look at this anew and get accountability for the killing. >> let's get to the trial of former minneapolis police officer derek chauvin charged in the killing of george floyd. he is facing multiple charges including the new third-degree murder charge that a judge reinstate. he pleaded not guilty to all of the charges. how significant is the reinstated charge? >> very significant, anna. because it gives the prosecution another pathway in terms of getting a conviction in this case. we have to remember that betting a police officer first of all tried and ultimately convicted for killing a citizen while they are involved in the regular course of their duty is very, very difficult even when cases are like in the case of george floyd caught on videotape. we only need to go back to the rodney king case -- there are many examples where officers have been involved in violent encounters with citizens where the citizen have died but the officer haven't been convicted this. third degree charge gives prosecutors another tune to get a conviction. we know recently there was -- [ no audio ] >> we lost areva. let me turn to joey and ask about the jurors. jury selection continues rate now. right now, seven jurors have been seated for this trial including a white male in his 20s, a mixed race william woman in her 20s, a black male in his 30s, a hispanic male in his 20s and a white woman in her 50s. 14 jurors are needed, total, including two alternates. joey, based on when we know of the jurors, what are your thoughts is this are they representative? >> i would caution -- at this point -- it's premature to have a wholesale view of the jury selection process based on what we have here. but i the think when you have jurors like this, you saw there an hispanic male, an african-american male, you have a mixed race woman. you have -- so you have that. and then of course you have a number of white males who were there. remember, anna, people are very complex. as a result of that you can't pigeon hole them, white male will believe x, black male will believe y, and hispanic male will believe z. you only hope as attorneys that you ask two questions, number one, can you be fair and have an open mind. that's question number one when you are evaluating the evidence. number two, can you evaluate the evidence based on what's in the courtroom and thog else. i should add remember, these jurors had a questionnaire, that questionnaire sent to them in december had a number of things that they had to answer. what are your views on defunding the police? what are your views on black lives matter? did you participate in any protests? therefore, attorneys on both sides belief they are representative and can make the decision as relates to the charges. >> it is interesting that a lot of them fall within the 20s to 30s range. i don't know what impact that would have, if any. reeva, the goal is to pick jurors that are impartial and that don't come into the court with bias in the case. almost everyone though now has seen that shocking video of chauvin kneeling on george floyd's neck. >> it makes it very difficult, to be honest. our jury system is imperfect chkt we have to acknowledge we are asking people to come into a trial where there has been a ton of media attention. they watched the horrific video played over and over again. we are asking them to walk into the courtroom and be able to put aside what they have seen, what they have heard and to listen and make their decision about guilt or innocence based only on the information that's presented during that trial. we would like to believe, those of us that work this our legal system, that jurors are able to do that. we must acknowledge that's going to be really difficult. gentlemeny brought up the questionnaire. that's -- joey brought up the questionnaire. it is used so you can kind of screen out those individuals who have biases and many will tell you they can't set them aside. we should note in this case the judge dismissed a lot of jurors who said i have seen that videotape, i can't get it out of my mind. i don't believe i could be an impartial juror this this case? so they have to continue to go through more and more people. seven people selected so far. joey and arriva, good to see both of you. thank you for taking the time and sharing your expertise with us. >> thank you anna. lip to this, a high school basketball announcer in oklahoma is blaming his diabetes and spike in blood should go for the racist comments he made during the live stream of a basketball tournament. i thought we had some sound there. let me tell you what happen. the norman high school girl's basketball team were about to take on midwest city on thursday. the norman players started kneeling during the national anthem. that's when the announcer, matt rowen hurled horrifying racist insults at the norman team that were caught on mic is that we will right back here live after the national anthem, ladies and gentlemen. ♪ >> they are green and and black. >> oh, [ bleep ]. they are kneeling. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. norman deserves [ bleep ]. >> rowen later apologized saying in part, and i quote, i suffer type one diabetes and during the game my sugar was spiking. while not excusing my remarks it is not unusual when my sugar spikes that i become disoriented and often say thing that are not appropriate as well as hurtful. he goes on the say while the comments i made would certainly seem to indicate that i am racist, imnot. i have never considered myself to be racist and in short cannot explain why i made those comments. rowen was part of a crew under contract to broadcast this tournament that contract has now been terminated by the school district. couple up, as president biden hits the road to sell americans on the stimulus deal we will talk to red state voters to see what they think of the bill and the idea that not a single republican in congress supported it. t-mobile is the leader in 5g. we also believe in putting people first by treating them right. so we're upping the benefits without upping the price. introducing magenta max. now with unlimited premium data that can't slow down based on how much smartphone data you use. plus get netflix on us, and taxes and fees included! you won't find this with the other guys. in fact, you'll pay more and get less. right now, pay zero costs to switch! and bring your phone -- we'll pay it off! only at t-mobile. did you know the source of odor in your home... ...could be all your soft surfaces? 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pelosi was removed from the house chamber during the insurrection. she highlights brooks's speech at the trump rally shortly before the violence broke out and gosar's ties to -- she has since said it was in this moment that she closed her eyes and began to pray. congress -- the congress woman joins us now. what are your expectations of these investigations? >> well, i believe, anna, that we have a standard that we have to uphold in congress. if people do not uphold that ethical standard, then it reflects badly on all of us. equally important, i think that there has been no accountability for some of these members who clearly did and said things that were absolutely unacceptable, like tweeting speaker pelosiese location in real time, or organizing, you know -- one of the lead organizers called one of these members of congress his spirit animal for the rally, and the organization of the rally. i think that this is incredibly important for us to have accountability around, to have a complete investigation. i mean, i am asking for both the office of congressional ethics and the house ethics committee to investigate this because i think they can also find other thing that were not in the public record. i believe there are quite a few of those things. so i am looking forward to the conclusion the investigation and the results of that. >> what do you mean, other things that weren't in the public record and that you have an idea what have that would be? >> well, they are allowed to investigate any number of things related to other connections that these individuals may have had with sucinsurrectionists wi organizers of the stop the steal rally, thing that were perhaps not tweeted out but are still there. they have the ability to investigate all of those. so whattive i have asked for is full investigation. i listed many of the things that were this the public record but they can go beyond that and look for other evidence that these individuals did not uphold the standards that are expected of members of congress. and they can also refer, as you might see at the last paragraph of my letter, i say that these things can also be referred to the department of justice for further investigation according to federal statutes. into take a listen to what senator ron johnson said just this week about the capitol attack. >> i knew those were people that loved this country, that truly respect law enforcement, would never anything to break a law. so i wasn't concerned. had the tables been turned -- joe, this could get me in trouble. had the tables been turn asked president trump won the election and those were tens of thoses of black lives matter and antifa protesters i might have been a little concerned. >> i was stunned when i heard that. what's your reaction? >> i was stunned as well. these were things that perhaps if people thought them they knew well enough to not say them out loud. but this is what the republican party has become, a clear embrace of white supremacist domestic terror groups. and that is what the republican party apparently is today. you know, i questioned bill barr last summer on a -- as you know, about the difference between how black lives matter protesters were treated versus the people who stormed -- the white supremacists who stormed the -- state capitol with guns and swastikas. that's exact low what you are hearing in what ron johnson is saying. thing a u.s. senator would say or think these things. again, this is where the republican has gone. they are clearly embracing racist ideologies, white supremacist groups, and not afraid, completely emboldened to say that out loud this, public, and you know, have people realize that that's who they are. >> do you think ron johnson is racist? >> well, certainly from that statement it appears to be. and i think that he has to really examine what he's using his u.s. senate platform to do. not only this statement, but you know, a continued embrace of these insurrectionists as good people. a continued peddling of conspiracy theories and falsehoods from the u.s. senate, one of the highest platforms in the land. i think it is truly stunning. and scary for the republican party. scary for our country. >> 17 house republicans are asking speaker pelosi when the security fence around the capitol is coming down. listen to senate minority leader mitch mcconnell. >> i am extremely uncomfortable with the fact that my constituents can't come to the capitol, with all this razor wire around the complex. it reminds me of my last visit to kabul. >> what's your response to republican colleagues who say this is overkill? >> i say i don't like the razor wire either. but i also like being alive. i like to have the idea that i am going to wake up in the morning, go to work and be safe. what we have seen is that we have a lot of work to do to make sure that all of us can go to the capitol and be safe. so, you know, if mitch mcconnell was so concerned about this, he should have voted to impeach the president. that would have sent a very strong signal to white supremacist groups across the country. but he didn't do that. republicans didn't do that. we still have a lot of groups out there, ana, who believe they are patriots somehow for assaulting the capitol in the worst assault since -- you know, almost a century, more than a century. so i don't have a lot of sympathy for mitch mcconnell. that said, i hope senator mcconnell will embrace the recommendations of general hon hoare around the money we need to speak up to really update the security in the capitol so that we can all go to work safe and allow our constituents to come to the capitol and have public access. sltly that is very important and we want to ge to that place very quickly. >> honore has been projecting retractable barriers. really quickly, have you been receiving threats since january 6th? >> i have. i can tell you that i asked general honore whether we were safe now. he said we were, but i just think, ana that we are all struggling with what we went through, what we experienced as the closest witnesses to that assault, trapped in the gallery, u.n. many of us. trapped on the floor. is he we have work to do quickly to implement those security measures. >> what kind of threats have you been getting? >> you know, there is a variety. and this isn't the first time, ana. unfortunately, those threats have really increased against lawmakers over the last kefrl years that donald trump was in office. about there are email, a whole bunch of different places that we get threats, you be fortunately. >> thank you for speaking out and for being part of our show. thank you for coming on. >> thank you, ana. >> we'll be right back. most reliable network.s we designed our 5g to make the things you do every day better. with 5g nationwide, millions of people can now work, listen, and stream in verizon 5g quality. and in parts of many cities where people can use massive capacity, we have ultra wideband, the fastest 5g in the world. this is the 5g that's built for you. this is 5g built right. only from verizon. ♪ and a little bit of chicken fried ♪ ♪ cold beer on a friday night ♪ ♪ a pair of jeans that fit just right ♪ ♪ and the radio up ♪ get 5 boneless wings for $1 with any handcrafted burger. only at applebee's. something great from mr. clean. stop struggling to clean tough messes with sprays. try clean freak! it has three times the cleaning power of the leading spray to dissolve kitchen grease on contact. and it's great for bathrooms! just keep pumping the power nozzle to release a continuous burst of mist and make quick work of big jobs. it even works on stainless steel. it cuts through 100% of dirt, grease and grime. available with easy-to-swap refills. to get three times the cleaning power, try clean freak from mr. clean. . r. president biden is hitting the road this week to sell the coronavirus stimulus deal as people are starting to get those $1,400 checks. the president and vice president along with the first lady and second gentleman will be fanning out across the country to sell this plan. as you noticed there, they are hitting traditional battle ground states like pebs pens and nevada as well as -- pennsylvania and nevada as well as newly minted battle ground, georgia. the covid relief bill became law without a single republican vote. but if you ask republican voters, even those in ruby red districts how they feel about it the answer is a lot different from what you have been hearing from republican members of congress. cnn's gary tuchman reports. >> reporter: economic life has long been challenging in the mountainous towns of west virginia coal country. the covid outbreak has made things much worse. >> it is tough who of for my kids, my wife, my whole family in general, a lot of my family is out of work. >> reporter: he is a cole miner, like many people in this area lost his job. >> i love the mines. good money, good money. good living. >> reporter: how hard is it right now? >> it is a struggle right now. >> reporter: here in williamsson, west virginia, the covid relief bill is a huge relief for so many people. garland townsend is a restaurant dish worker. >> i am excited about it. any time you can help areas as depressed as we are and give people $1,400 it is going to help a little bit. >> reporter: help you? >> yes, sir, helped me, me and my wife store there is great awareness among people in mingo county that their senior u.s. senator joe manchin could have brought down this will if he wanted to, that he is, in effect, a king maker. and many of the people we talked to here like that. charles mcguire says he almost always votes republican, including for donald trump but he respects the political moves made by his conservative democratic senator. >> most of the time he just speaks his mind, speaks what is true. >> i think senator manchin has done very well in helping us through this. >> reporter: this is mayor of williamson, charlie hatfield who is an ancestor of the fame house hatfield family that feuded with the mccoys in this area in the late 1800s. the democratic mayor who doesn't want to reveal if he votes democrat or republican in national elections does reveal he likes this bill. >> i think it is a good thing. i can tell you what we are seeing in the city alone we will probably get $1 million. >> reporter: what proportion of your budget is that? >> almost a third. >> reporter: this is big money? >> it is big money. >> reporter: we did meet a couple of people in town who agree with republicans in congress who all gave the bill a thumbs down. >> a lot of weighs. >> reporter: many we talked to feel differently. this resident has a disability and doesn't have a job. how do you feel about the fact that all the republican senators said to to this. >> that's hog wash bull [ bleep ] there. >> watch your language. >> yes. apologize for my language. they shoe loosen up a little bit, do you know what i mean. >> reporter: kevin johnson, the laid off miner says he voted for donald trump and usually supports republicans. but disagrees with how gop leaders handled this. with had aid he says he will be able to -- >> pay up the rent and pay up the bills. we are behind. as well as everybody else. i am sure i ain't the only one that's got a tough time. >> reporter: tough times for so many. and now the hope that things will start getting better soon. gary tuchman, cnn, williamson, west virginia. just ahead, how the grammy also look a whole lot different this year. plus a cnn original series on how former president lincoln used the power of his word to uplift a nation in sorrow. lincoln, divided we stand, continues tonight apartment 10:00 here on cnn. ey now, you'r, get the show on, get paid ♪ ♪ and all that glitters is gold ♪ get 5 boneless wings for $1 with any handcrafted burger. only at applebee's. keeping your oysters business growing with any handcrafted burger. has you swamped. you need to hire. i need indeed indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventy-five-dollar credit when you post your first job at you know when your dog is itching for a treat. itching for an outing... or itching for some cuddle time. but you may not know when he's itching for help... licking for help... or rubbing for help. if your dog does these frequently. they may be signs of an allergic skin condition that needs treatment. don't wait. talk to your veterinarian and learn more at ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ they said it couldn't be done... but you managed to pack a record 1.1 trillion transistors into this chip. whoo! yeah! oh, hi. i invested in invesco qqq. a fund that invests in the innovators of the nasdaq 100, like you. you don't have to be circuit design engineer to help push progress forward. can i hold the chip? 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(vo 2) to join us with a donation, go to ♪ and a little bit of chicken fried ♪ ♪ cold beer on a friday night ♪ ♪ a pair of jeans that fit just right ♪ ♪ and the radio up ♪ get 5 boneless wings for $1 with any handcrafted burger. only at applebee's. we are live in the "cnn newsroom." thank for being here. i am ana cabrera in new york. health officials say don't let your guard down just yet. but tell that to the crowds partying in miami for spring break. cnn learned miami beach police spent the weekend breaking up unruly crowds. 100 people arrested this weed alone. some masks, but certainly not many, and no apparent concern for social distancing. those images aside there are glimmers of optimism today for school kids, their parents, and really for all americans eager to put the coronavirus pandemic finally in the past, dr. anthony fauci saying today it is possible that three feet of social distancing instead of six would suffice to reopen schools. he teased that new guidance would soon be coming. also today covid vaccinations are way up. the cdc no

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U S , Cases , Doctor , Deaths , Vaccinations , Gounder , Coal Country , Hearing , Holidays , Activities , Better , Big Covid Surges , Extent , Point , Infection Deaths , Winter Holiday Surge , Infection , 60000 , Uk , Variants , Some , Guard , Top , 1500 , Surge , Countries , Experience , Plateau , New York City , Rule , Mo Dr , Thrng , Data , Circumstances , Guidelines , Won T , Issue , Space , Students , Wall , Transmission , Droplets , Didn T , Virus , Amounts , Windows , Aerosols , Mouth , Airborne Spread , Coughing , Sneezing , Safe , Control , Model , Mask Use , Ways , Situation , Inthat , Lot , Risk , Community , Order , Corner , 1 , May 1st , Vaccine , Gut Check , Opportunity , Test , Eligibility , Sort , July 4th , Naturalsy , 4 , 1700 , Couple , Death Toll , Thigh , Plateaued , Dining , Reasons , Bars , Indoors , Strain , Variant , Path , Spread , Infectious Variants , The End , Elsewhere , Europe , Public Health , Measures , Boots , Lockdown , Italy , 10 , Woman , Congress , Company , Warning , Calling , Allegations , Andrew Quemo , Aknowna Jones , Investigations , Results , Interview , World , Tolerance , Leader , Subject , Result , Lead , Allies , Heart Figure , Majority Leader , Due Process , Minority , Investigation Play Out , Fairness , Senators , Majority , Vocal , Delegation , Kiersten Gillibrand , Chuck Shum Skperp , Statement , Jill Grand , Crisis , Leadership , Misconduct , Actions , Governor Cuomo , Individual , Abuse , Mutt Pell , Governing , Partners , Confidence , Good , Question , Distractions , Senator , Estate , Scandals , Focus Tor , Investigation , Yes , State Budget , Gum , Height , Government , Development , Works , Diabetes , Ideas , Vo , High School Sports Announcer , Remarks , Boyfriend , Breonna Taylor Case , Justice , Coming Up , Imagination , Electrify You , Game On , All Star , Go Play Hey Now , Show , Money , Burger , Glitters , Wings , Applebee S , Sharing Tips , Meet Whitney , Rock Star , Jane , 5 , , Members , Life , Love , Shipping , Cvs Carepass , Savings Secret , Health Brand Products , Bandaids , Whoaa , Oh Cool , 2 , 20 , Reward , Anything , Healthier , Promo Reward , Thanks , Sharing , Nail Polish , Project Managers , Projects , Cvs , 0 , Job , Candidates , List , Resume Database , Concealer , Credit , Click , Maybelline , Instant Eraser , Indeed Com Home , Seventy Five , Seventy Five Dollar , Copd , Walk In The Park , Contour , Correct , Something , Lungs , Flare Ups , Everything , Protection , Flare , Ups , Coughs , Breztri , Medicine , Real Protection Of Breztri , Flare Up Protection , Breathing Symptom Improvement , 52 , Don T , High Blood Pressure , Heart Condition , Breathing Problems , Rescue Inhaler , Asthma , Pneumonia , Thrush , Breathing , Vision Changes , Pain , Chest Pain , Osteoporosis , Problems Urinating , Swelling , Tongue , Eye , Eforms , Energy , Investing , Cleaner Future , Carbon Emissions Intensity , Operations , Technologies , Chevron , Homes , Human , Fuels , Breonna Taylor , Death , Kenneth Walker , Raid , Department , Louisville Metro Police Department , Lawsuit , Now Walker , Rights , Litigation , Anniversary , Charges , Grand Jury , Police Raid Calls , Memory , 26 , Lawyers , Experts , Warrant , Apartment , Amendment , Search Warrant , Claim , Crime , Evidence , Magistrate Judge , Cause , Location , Detective , Information , Learning , Words , Inspector , Reason , Being , Case , Mr , Attorneys , Joey , Chance , Violation , Separately , Walker Prevailing , Skill , Respect , Blowback , Bottom Line , Number , Innocence , Guilt , Subjects , Determination , Number One , Accountability , Jury , Problem , Regard , Jand , Fact , Will , Breonna Taylor In Dinger , Pressure , Attorney , Frankly , Trial , Derek Chauvin , Killing , George Floyd , Former Minneapolis , Judge , Charge , Anna , Murder Charge , Prosecution , Conviction , Course , Citizen , Terms , Duty , Pathway , Videotape , Encounters , Citizens , Rodney King Case , Examples , Jurors , Third Degree Charge , Officer , Haven T , Tune , Audio , Prosecutors , Areva , A Hispanic Male , Male , Jury Selection , Mixed Race , Rate , A Black Male , His 30s , Seven , 30 , Thoughts , Alternates , 14 , 50 , View , Jury Selection Process , Race , African American Male , Males , Believe X , Y , Black Male , Pigeon Hole , Mind , Questions , Believe Z , Questionnaire , Courtroom , Views , Thog Else , Decision , Matter , Protests , Representative , Belief , Goal , Court , Impact , Reeva , To 30s Range , Bias , Neck , Chauvin Kneeling , Jury System , Chkt , Ton , Media Attention , System , Individuals , Screen , Gentlemeny , Out Of My Mind , Juror , Biases , More , High School Basketball Announcer , Both , Expertise , Lip , Arriva , Comments , Basketball Tournament , Stream , Blood , Sound , Oklahoma , Norman High School Girl S Basketball Team , Matt Rowen , Team , Anthem , Kneeling , Players , Insults , Midwest City , Mic , Ladies And Gentlemen , Bleep , Norman , Rowen , Thing , Sugar , Game , Sugar Spikes , Say , Cannot , Crew , Imnot , Idea , Bill , R President Biden , Road , Contract , Voters , Tournament , Stimulus , Red State , The School District , Couple Up , Republican , 5g , Benefits , Price , T Mobile , Magenta Max , Phone , Smartphone , Taxes , Fees , Guys , Costs , Zero , Home , Odors , Febreze Fabric Refresher , Fabrics , Odor , Formula , Source , Surfaces , It Part , Curtains , Furniture , Tidying Up Routine , Office , Name , Expensing , Expenses , Books , Gaming , Bank , Balance , Pizza , Nothing , Guy , Times , Businesses , Intuit Quickbooks , Payments , Razor , Quality , Razors , Bookkeeping , Payroll , Four , Comfort , Harry , German , Blades , Test Kit , Health Insurance , Diy Test Kit , Huh , Schedule A Screening , Nato , Colon Cancer , Healthcare , Tests , Hassle , Human Way , Humana , Lawmaker , Colleagues , Conservative Democratic , Roles , Capitol Insurrection , January 6th , Sfoi , 6 , Brooks , Ethics Committee And To Quote Investigate Congresswoman Gobert , Mows Ar , House , Speech , Insurrection , Riot , Chamber , Rally , Violence , Ties , Gosar , Eyes , Standard , Expectations , All Of Us , Tweeting Speaker Pelosiese Location , Organizing , Organization , Organizers , Spirit Animal , House Ethics Committee , Ethics , Record , Conclusion , Few , Weren T , Stop , Connections , Sucinsurrectionists , Ability , Whattive , Standards , Letter , Paragraph , Department Of Justice , Ron Johnson , Capitol , Listen , Statutes , Attack , Law Enforcement , Donald Trump , Law , Joe Manchin , Tables , Election , Trouble , Wasn T Concerned , Tens Of Thoses Black Lives , Protesters , Concerned , Reaction , Antifa , Embrace , Terror Groups , Supremacist , Bill Barr Last Summer On A , Supremacists , Lives , Difference , State Capitol , Guns , Swastikas , Low , Groups , Public , This , Ideologies , White Supremacist , Platform , U S Senate , Racist , Insurrectionists , Platforms , Peddling , Conspiracy Theories , Falsehoods , Land , Republicans , Mitch Mcconnell , Speaker , Security Fence , 17 , Constituents , Complex , Visit , Razor Wire , Kabul , Overkill , Response , Either , Work , Signal , Patriots , Assault , Recommendations , Sympathy , Hon Hoare , Security , Access , Threats , Place , Barriers , Honore , Sltly , Variety , Security Measures , Floor , Kind , Witnesses , Gallery , U N , Bunch , Isn T The First Time , Places , Lawmakers , Femail , Parts , Ultra Wideband , 5g Quality , Cities , Millions , Capacity , Verizon , Jeans , Chicken , Pair , Beer , Radio Up , Cleaning Power , Freak , Sprays , Spray , Messes , Contact , Kitchen Grease , Bathrooms , Mist , Power Nozzle , Jobs , Dirt , Grime , Burst , Grease , Stainless Steel , Refills , President , Vice President , Checks , Gentleman , Stimulus Deal , Plan , First Lady , 400 , 1400 , Vote , Relief Bill , Battle Ground , Georgia , Nevada , Pebs Pens , Pennsylvania , Ruby Red , Answer , Gary Tuchman Reports , House Hatfield , Covid Outbreak , Wife , Tough , Towns , Kids , West Virginia , Miner , Area , Mines , Struggle , General , Living , Cole , Here In Williamsson , Restaurant Dish Worker , Relief , Areas , Garland Townsend , Sir , Store , Mingo County , Awareness , Charles Mcguire , King Maker , Effect , Charlie Hatfield , Mayor , Most , Senator Manchin , Moves , Williamson , Mccoys , Ancestor , Elections , Doesn T Want , 1800 , Proportion , Budget , Third , Million , 1 Million , Town , Bill A , Doesn T , Language , Disability , Hog Wash Bull , Leaders , Shoe , Aid , Reporter , Bills , Hope , Brent , Everybody Else , Ain T , Power , Word , Lincoln , Grammy , Gary Tuchman , Nation , Sorrow , Key , You R , 00 , Shortlist , Data Base , Business , Oysters , Itching , Dog , Treat , Outing , Help , Skin Condition , Signs , Veterinarian , Treatment , Itchingforhelp Com , Don T Wait , Chip , Couldn T , Hi , 1 Trillion , Innovation , Agent , Fund , Innovators , Circuit Design Engineer , Invesco Qqq , Nasdaq 100 , Help Push Progress Forward , Hair Goals , Hair , Length , Castor Oil , Vitamins , Cocktail , Fine , Elvive Dream Lengths , Split Ends , Hair Care , L Oreal Paris , Trevor Noah , Zoom , Festival , Facts , Vibe , Performers , Nominations , Big Night For Beyonce , Convention Center , Taylor Swift , Billy Eilish , Cardi B , Nine , Vaccination Clinic , World Renowned Cellist Ohio Ma Playing , Miranda Lambert , Yo Ma , Dose , 15 , Workers , Pop Up , Frontline , Shot , Observation , Serenity , Hero , Disabilities , Reality , Safety Reasons , Isolation , Waist , Covid 19 , 19 , 61 Million , Program , Training , Limitations , Journey , Nutrition , Atape A Healthy Lifestyle , Meet Wesley Hamilton , Beginning , Yurny , Injury , Someone , Mindset , Someone Else , Ripple Effect , Another , Inspiration , Story , Each Other , Human Smile , Cnnheros Com , Car Company , Subaru , Heroes , Meals , Need , Retailers , 100 Million , Donation , Subaru Com , Miami Beach Police , Weed , Miami , Images , Optimism Today For School Kids , Parents , Glimmers , No , Covid Vaccinations ,

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