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communities. >> a joint statement from others say it is clear that governor cuomo has lost the confidence of his governing partners. >> i did not do what has been alleged. >> it is unacceptable. the governor must resign. ♪ this is "new day weekend" with victor blackwell and christi paul. oh, that is a beautiful shot of the city of pittsburgh. good morning to you. good morning wherever you are. thanks for being with us this morning. help is here, that's what we heard from the white house as the first $1400 stimulus payments are hitting bank accounts as early as today. >> president biden is going to hit the road for the nearly $2 trillion rescue plan. themessage, normalcy is close. and may 1, for all vaccines for all adults. and end of the virus as he called by 4th of july. and for those traveling for spring break, to not let guards down and there are more states easing restriction. >> let's go to the white house and cnn's jasmine wright is there. jasmine to you, the bill, signed passed and celebrated. what comes next? >> reporter: well, the president now turns his focus to actually implementing this very large covid relief bill. as he said yesterday in the rose garden, the devil is in the details. >> it's one thing to pass the american rescue plan. it's going to be another thing to implement it. it's going to require fastidious oversight to make sure there is no waste or fraud. and the law does what it's designed to do. and i mean, we have to get this right. details matter. because we have to continue to grow confidence in the american people that their government can function for them and deliver. >> reporter: now, a few things are going to happen next, victor. first, on monday, the white house will hold an event about implementation. president biden has said he will name someone to oversee it. and he has not done that yet. of course, whoever gets that job is going to have a lot to do because as i said, this is a big bill, a big role. next, you will see president bide combn going on what could be a victory tour, really both to educate americans on what is inside of this covid relief bill. but also to promote it. right now, this bill is popular, and the white house wants to keep it that way. so we are going to see president biden, vice president harris and other top surrogates crisscrossing the country in pennsylvania and, georgia -- excuse me, pennsylvania, delaware county, georgia, vegas to really push that message. victor, christi. >> so, i think a couple. daylights that the president threw out yesterday are what have stuck with people, you know, may 1st, people will be eligible. july 4th, we could be seeing some normalcy. what will is he saying specifically about either those dates or any other dates he wants to us look forward to? >> reporter: well, i think, christi, the first date that americans can really look forward to is this weekend. that is when the white house says the $1400 direct payment checks will start to pop up into people's bank accounts. of course, they have to be eligible. we know that those check pay automatic faster this time. but it will start popping up, they say, into bank accounts who are already signed up to the irs for direct ghost. christi. >> good to know. jasmine wright, always good to see you. >> in wilmington, delaware, not the white house. to correct that. president biden is hopeful for small gatherings by july 4th, as christi said. we're seeing gatherings happening at spring break hot spots. >> yeah. there's a real fear that people are going to let their guards down this week. s there also real hope with the vaccines administered in the u.s. here's cnn's natasha chen. >> reporter: the u.s. hit a new record of covid-19 vaccines administered in a single day. more than 2.9 million doses on friday alone. more than 1 in 10 people in the u.s. are now fully vaccinated according to cdc data. and more doses are coming. >> over the coming weeks, we will deliver vaccines directly up to 700 additional community health centers. that reach underserved communities. second, we will work to double the number of pharmacies participating in the federal pharmacy program. >> two, one, vaccinate! >> reporter: but there is still some hesitancy when it comes to the vaccine and it's is not just among minority communities. >> we are seeing vac seen hesitancy, really, as the pharmacists and i were talking about, south, a lot has to do with white republicans, quite honestly. >> reporter: but more options -- and astrazeneca tells cnn its phase 3 trial results are expected in the coming weeks, after which they'll apply for emergency use authorization. more states are expanding eligible groups for a covid-19 vaccine. as president biden has directed states to make all adults eligible by may 1st. and to make it easier to schedule a shot, new yorkers in both private and public sector jobs are being granted up to four hours off of work for each injection. but for some people, seeing the light at the end of the tunnel isn't enough. some spring breakers want to enjoy normal life now. >> i work in the hospital back in st. louis so i've been -- >> every day in st. louis, it's kind of -- a bit of freedom there, i heard. because you have the rules. >> reporter: more like a lack of them. florida businesses were allowed to reopen in full capacity in late september. but without the ability to enforce mask wearing with fines. >> we're probably one of the few people wearing masks walking around. >> yep. >> reporter: and now miami beach ma mayor dan gelber is bracing for a superspreader. would it make it easier if they didn't come? >> well, yes. >> listen, i'll be blunt, i know i'm the mayor of a hospitality town. we're trying to survive this. this is not a moment where, you know, we're saying oh, this is great, this is all great. we recognize that there's a pandemic and there's a crush of people who want to come here. there's real public safety issues that we have to address. we also worry that this community will become a superspreader for other communities. >> reporter: the same concerns echoed by the nation's top infectious disease expert. >> i don't know if you're a cancun guy or miami beach guy, but how concerned are you about spring break? >> you know i am, john. it's totally understandable that people want to do that. but that's something we really got to be careful of. we want people to have a good time on spring break, but don't put your guard down completely. just be prudent a bit longer. >> reporter: natasha chen, cnn, miami beach, florida. >> dr. saju mathew, public health official and care official in atlanta is here with us. doctor, good morning. >> good morning. >> let's start with travel. it's spring break season. the cdc will wait to release guidance on travel until more people are vaccinated, specifically, until, quote, we have more protection across the communities and population. do you think that's prudent? >> i think it's prudent, victor. but i definitely think that was a missed opportunity by cdc to really give people an incentive to get vaccinated. we just talked about how spring break is really around the corner. and as natasha mentioned a lot of people are getting together. why not give young people who are traveling anyway, an incentive to travel. get vaccinated, get travel. you know, if you really look at people who are vaccinated. they are safe. they are not necessarily obviously get infected. and there's also studies to show they decrease the infection to other people. and they're traveling to other people and safe, victor. i think the cdc should have given a few more guidelines have been more clear regarding vaccinating people. >> speaking about young people and vaccinations, you tweeted out this week, that a lot of your younger patients are reluctant maybe because of guilt to get the vaccine when it's offered to them. why, and what do you tell them? >> you know, ultimately, we all have to get vaccinated. we need to get to 75% to 85% herd immunity to protect each other. if the vaccine is offered to you regardless of age, you should get it. there are actually studies, victor, that show just because you declined the vaccine out of guilt doesn't necessarily mean it's going to go to an elderly person or if you're a yoga instructor and you take care of your mom twice a week and your mom is 75 you are a caregiver, if the vaccine is offered and you should get vaccinated. >> speaking of seniors, the medicaid/medicare service has got new information out to visit grandparents. they say you can do that even if you haven't vaccinate what should people know who visit their grandparents who have been vaccinated? >> well, i think it's important that the cdc needs to be a little more clear regarding guidelines. if you think about it, we're asking people not vaccinated to not travel. but we're also saying, hey, if you're not vaccinated, you can go see your grandmother, you can see your mother. part of it is the feeling that 75% of people in nursing homes have been vaccinated and there's some type of herd immunity protected. if you're an individual going to see your mom or dad, if you're sick, definitely don't see your mom even if you think it's a cold. if you can get tested three days before and then quarantine because of your mom or dad i think that's fine. remember, we're dealing with so much anxiety, victor with people, especially elderly people being alienated from loved ones, so i think that cdc is just encouraging people that you can do it safer. >> finally, there's a automatic of optimism after the president's speech and discussion of eventually getting together fourth of july weekend in small groups in back yards that help is here. is there any concern on your part that all of this optimism will cause some people to let their guard down too soon? we get to those groups on fourth of july weekend, if we do everything right up until then? >> yeah, i completely agree. i think with the mood of the country so much better, you still have to realize as we see these cases drop, you've got a good group of people who are vaccine hesitant to begin with. you might say, if my mom or dad are vaccinated, why do i have to get vaccinated. i think vaccine hesitancy and the false sense of security might actually tell people, you know, i don't think i need to get vaccinated. one last thing, victor, we need to hit the minority populations hard. 67% of white people have gotten either the first or second dose. but listen to this, only 7% of blacks have gotten their shots. so, we've got a group of people that are hesitant. we've got minorities that are not wanting to get the shot. and then we have this false sense of security. so, yes, all of that does worry me a little bit. >> in addition to the hesitancy, it's also access, we'll have a conversation about that later this morning. dr. saju mathew, always good to see you. new york governor andrew cuomo is refuting accusations now leaders in the party want him to step down. we'll hear his response. today marks one year, the anniversary of the shooting death of breonna taylor. >> i'll never get to a point where i'm over what happened to her. >> breonna's mother reflects on the past year and her continuing fight. ♪ ♪ smooth driving pays off. saving is easy when you're in good hands. allstate. click or call for a quote today. to be honest...a little dust? 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>> reporter: christi and victor, the governor insists he will not step down. he wants it to run the course. doubling down on the position, saying he will not step down even with those described increases calls from fellow democrats calling for him to resign. this is what he said in the latest press conference. >> i did not do what has been alleged. period. look. it's very simple. i never harassed anyone. i never abused anyone. i never assaulted anyone. now -- and i never would, right? >> reporter: the new allegations continue emerging from a growing list of women claiming, at least describing unsettling encounters with the governor, including what some have described as flirtatious and inappropriate comments that they received, especially during official meetings and just yesterday, a former state house reporter. just as the allegations are growing, as you mentioned a while ago, so is the list of democrats, not just state democrats here in new york but in the very powerful democrats in the senate, kirsten dill la brand and chuck schumer calling for the governor's resignation on what is described as not only multiple but also credible wl allegations against him. >> 18 members of the congressional delegation there, polo, thank you very much. let's bring in now cnn political commentator errol louis and host of you decide, the podcast. good morning, errol. let's start here with the bigger question, as we saw those photographs. is the governor's hold on his office any weaker than it was 24 hours ago, before we heard from these members of the delegation, calling for him to resign? >> good morning, victor. yes, the hold on the office is considerably weaker. the fact that so many members of the delegation, in coordinated fashion, all within a few minutes of each other, issued these statements calling for him to step down, gives you a sense that these are not people independently forming their own conclusions but that they're kind of acting as a group. the same is true for, of course, the junior and senior senator and cannot be said enough. chuck schumer is the senate majority leader. he's not just one legislator. he really helps control the flow of dollars to new york. so it's going to be harder for the governor to get anything done if he does decide to stay. can he be forced out legally? well, it's a pretty complicated impeachment process but even that has begun, victor, so he's got real problems here. >> so, we've been hearing from lawmakers in new york. what about new york voters, is there a gauge, errol, on what new yorkers think should happen here? >> well, here's what we know so far, christi, there have been some pollings, the pollings we've seen thus far do not look all that encourages for andrew cuomo. there's a thin majority saying he should is not step down. but on the other hand there's a small majority saying he should not run for re-election next year. somewhere in between quitting tomorrow and running for a fourth term next year, the voters are saying, well, we're not sure exactly what we want to see happen here. this is not great news for the governor. there's also some polling that suggests that he's -- as we would say, upside down. meaning, he's seen more unfavorably than favorably, when you talk about the specific issues that brought us to this point, one of which is, we should never lose sight, a scandal around hiding information, around deaths in nursing homes due to covid. that's kind of what precipitated much of this crisis. a loss of faith and whether or not the governor was being strictly truthful both with state legislators and the public. >> we've got a new york state democrat coming up on the show later. he told "the washington post" of the governor he doesn't have a lot of friends in the legislature. he's spent years making enemies. how much of this growing opposition, not just democrats staying silent, not coming out to support him but speaking out that he has to go is based on or fuelled by that adversarial relationship? >> yeah, well, adversarial say nice word, victor. hostile, toxic, abusive. those words have also been applied and, frankly, the administration doesn't even disavow them, doesn't deny them. their spokespeople say, well, he's a tough guy because that's what it takes to get things done. well, look, the consensus is he long ago crossed the line between tough and toxic. and it's in that kind of abusive workplace where people -- i mean just instant after instant, including after lawmakers, people being berated, threatened, belittled, mocked, ignored and humiliated. this has gone on for years now. that's two effects, victor, number one, he doesn't have a lot of friends, number two, it makes that even more credible. and that kind of environment, in his everkay operating procedure in his administration that some of it could be aimed, you know at women with sort of a harassing or sexualized twist. that some of it could be the kind of thing that can't get fixed, because in that kind of a culture, you don't have a clear path to telling people stop doing this. stop being abusive towards people. so, yeah, this is a problem that's been ten years in the making. the particulars, of course, have reached a crisis point but you could have seen some of this coming a long time ago. >> so, errol, real quickly, your newsmaker has asked the governor's office if allegations of abuse are officially filed and they refused to answer. the optics refused to answer may be a yes, but again they did not answer that. it would serve him to say no, would it not? what is the expectation moving forward here? >> sure. look, it's a simple thing, any answer other than no is a problem. if other people brought form allegations saying we're not going to tell you. file a freedom of information request, that tells us something that they don't want to tell us, which is they're going to give us even more information, the attorney general has launched sort of a website asking people to come forward if they have additional cases. we don't know what they're going to find or when they're going to present is it. but, you know, the lid is off, now people are being encouraged to come forward with stories. there are six so far. we'll see what else we find out. >> not only the investigation by the attorney general letitia james, but also by the assembly as well. see where that goes. errol louis, great to have you with us, sir. thank you. >> thank you. minneapolis has reached a multimillion-dollar settlement with the family of george floyd. we're going to break down the details, ahead. what about me? 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and there's no amount of compensation that you just spoke to that could ever compensate for a life. that's $7 million that you say is the largest. remember, minnesota also settled in connection with another officer for $20 million. that was in relation to a shooting that occurred previously. this is not a shooting, of course, for george floyd. but there's a bigger message here and that message is in reform. remember, this sparked protests throughout the country. protests more diverse than ever. more diverse with respect to people there, more diverse with regard to ages and everything else. and then remember the police reforms in terms of the, you know, issues relating to no choke holds, issues relatinging to reform of police. issues relating to training and everything else and deterrents. that is if this happens, police will be held accountable. if there's ever a message there are two, one is of justice and one is accountability. >> joey, quickly, we know there are different levels of accountability, obviously. any certain that this could affect the trial? >> i think the two are separate. and i think certainly when selecting a jury, you want the jury to know and understand. it's a component that has nothing to do at all with the case in court. i think ultimately, when that jury is selected and opening arguments and everything else happen, that trial will be measured by the evidence heard in that courtroom. and certainly not the filtering in of anything else, as we've have the composition of the jury thus far, they have selected seven jurors, you look to select, of course, a total of four, to be up to two, four, could be even more alternates. so we'll see. also, we're looking, christi at the charges he's facing. we know they added that whole third degree murder charge. there's a lot of confusion whether that can be added, that just relates to reckless conduct. it relates to being afraid. it relates to being so reckless, you put someone in danger. the legal issue is usually, firing a shot into a crowd you're endangering a whole bunch of people. the question is you can focus the depravity on one person. that question is being asked or choose one person to go in deciding a verdict with regard to what he's facing. >> i'm not sure everybody is aware, but today is one year since breonna taylor was shot and killed by louisville, kentucky, police in a flawed forced entryway into an apartment. her apartment. no officers have been directly charged with her death. we have learned from her mother, though, timyka palmer, she filed a case against six officers. she told us yesterday she never wants another family to experience this kind of pain. >> definitely anger. just anger that the way this whole thing happened. anger that it was so avoidable. and anger that she lost lower life for it. the goal is for they're not to be another breonna. so, you know, there's steps moving forward to ensure, hopefully ensure this won't happen again. >> association joey, what exactly does filing these internal complaints do? >> well, i think it doesn't do enough, clearly, right? this is your point what you just brought up in terms of accountability. what i think the family was looking for was criminal accountability, we know there was a predetermination by a grand jury. what does that mean? a grand jury doesn't decide guilt or innocence, just that a crime was committed and that officer committed. we know that the attorney general did not present charges as it related to breonna taylor herself. what the family would like to have seen if you're going to charge an officer, just shooting indiscriminately, charge the people who were there acting recklessly as to breonna taylor. knowing that that didn't happen, the family is doing a couple things. number one, they're looking for re-examination, why not go back to the grand jury, why not hold the officers accountable and present a new proponentation. about sthaent, there are the internal complaints. what did the officers do? what did they not do? what did they indicate in terms of the warrant being served? why did it have to be a no-knock warrant? where was the information, was why that information in the law that they would be in the apartment in the first place? so, yes, you can get accountability with this internal investigation. i don't think it's another accountability. i think the family wanted a heightened sense of justice and that would come from a grand jury presentation. >> so, in your opinion, you don't perceive any potential for charges in this case going forward? >> you know, i think you could. just to be clear about that, we know that the federal investigation, christi, i don't think as it relates to the federal investigation we'll see charges. why do i say that? because in federal crimes you need a heightened standard, you need to show really the willfulness of the conduct. you can argue it was willful, but can argue it's more negligible, more reckless. so the federal charge is out with respect to state charges. i think it relates to political will. i think if the family continues to pressure the government there, right, the state government, they could have and enforce a re-examination of the charges. those presentations could be made to the grand jury. so that's an open question, we'll see what happens. and i think we should know there's been so many reforms in light of breonna taylor she has not died in vain. but we know there's a ban on no-knock warrants there and nationally that's being re-examined as well. >> joey jackson your expert is valuable for us. thank you for getting up early for us. >> always, thanks, christi. so, there are events across the country today to honor breonna taylor and call for that justice that joey is talking about. there's a memorial event at 1:00 p.m. in louisville. a vigil at 5:00 a.m. in birmingham, alabama. a walk at 2:00 p.m. in sacramento, california, and say her name memorial reading that is online tonight, just in case you'd like to partake in any of those. well, coming up, we'll find out how science is giving students and teachers a safer way to get back to school. and remember to watch an all new episode of "stanley tucci: searching for italy" tomorrow night. he'll explore the art, the food, the culture of tuscany. watch the new cnn original series "stanley tucci: searching for italy" at 9:00 eastern right here on cnn. i need to spend more time... with my cat. i am just soo busy... busy bee. there's a raccoon outside of my door... and it's... a alpha. and when i was tired of the excuses? 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( ♪ ) juvéderm it. talk to your doctor about the juvéderm collection of fillers. so, victor, i think, i remember last year, i'm sure we all do when they cancelled march madness. i think for a lot of people, certainly not all who were affected, i think for a lot of people, i thought, oh, my gosh, this is abig deal. >> yeah, the nba game, the tom hanks, rita wilson news and march madness all happening in quick secession. that's when it was real for a lot of people who didn't know someone personally. let's bring in coy wire now. now that march madness will be back this year, there's a coach that said anxiety is not the word. it's an understatement. >> yeah, here we are a year later, talking about similar issues. christi and victor, selection is tomorrow, teams are battling it out trying to prove they have what it makes make it to the big dance. but the question who can be available to play. 11th ranked kansas dropped out of the big 12 finals last night after a positive test. virginia acc final against georgia tech was cancelled. that was one day after duke's season ended also due to a positive test. now, the coach on the defending champs, virginia's tony bennett, said in a statement, quote, we're exhausting all options to participate in the ncaa tournament. georgia tech coach saying he's doing all he can to get his team in. here he is. >> anxiety is an understatement. it's easier to say, people say, hey, it's out of control, don't worry. i understand that, i get that. better been such a grind to get to this point. so, we're right there, we're literally, what, 48 to 72 hours before we get on the plane to go to indy. we just got to fin it out. >> the ncaa is giving qualifying teams until tuesday to determine whether or not they will play in march madness. switching gears, ultimate fris bee frisbee, has been growing, the 18-year-old, disk diversity, created the first ever nationwide ultimate frisbee tour. it's called the color of ultimate showcase. >> me and three of my friends in georgia who are all players of color, we were finally bothered enough, i guess, by our actions, that we decided to try our hand by changing it. we spent six weeks together, dreaming of a way to bring a sample of the best players of color from our sport. not just the form for us, but to be showered, celebrated by the community. i have big dreams. i have huge dreams. i don't want to live my whole life fighting for equity. i would do such a good job, but i'm out of work in this field. there aren't many places, many realms, where black people are allowed to shine, in that makes sense. one area that we are given some space to be great is entertainment. i think of that, since the places where we can win are few are turning to sports as a microphone, that's definitely my experience. i think that's happening in sports in general. the nba comes to mind, the wnba. women's soccer. and i think that ultimate is right in line with is going on, but that we have an opportunity to do it better, seriously. we're small enough, but rich enough, not only fiscally, to set forth a standard that any sport, i believe, can take up and run with, that is what i want to do. that is what i want to try to do. if i fail, i'll be so happy that i exercise all of my energy on to that goal. >> sports can be one of our nation's greatest unifiers and with the kind of passion that shanye crawford has given, that will be ultimate. it's scheduled for this fall. >> coy wire, thank you so much. we'll be right back. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ excuse me ma'am, did you know that liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? 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then they get release back into the air, so you smell them later. ew right? that's why febreze created small spaces. press firmly and watch it get to work. unlike the leading cone, small spaces continuously eliminates odors in the air and on surfaces. so they don't come back for 45 days. just imagine what it can do with other odors. so, there's a new experimental alzheimer's drug that's showing some promise. the new england journal of medicine just published the results of the study that shows an intravenous drug from eli lilly could slow cognitive you decline. >> while it's early, researchers say the results could represent data on the ability to slow alzheimer's disease. dr. saju mathew say physician, public health care specialist, saju, good to see you, tell us what makes this so optimistic? >> yeah, it's exciting there are about 6 million people with alzheimer's dementia in the country. we know one of the main reasons that people have a decline in r cognition is a buildup of amyloid in the brain. if we increase the amyloid, can we improve the function. 250 participants in a small study over 18 months every eight weeks they got an i.v. infusion and there was a 32% slowing of decline of memory and cognition in these patients. that's huge, christi, i have family members they're not able to bathe themselves, they forget family members names, this is promising. >> dr. saju mathew, thank you. >> thank you. some of those first checks arriving in the bank accounts of americans this weekend. >> to every american watching, help is here. >> can we be hopeful that this is going to come to an end soon? >> not only hopeful, you can be absolutely certain. >> it's scenes like these in florida that experts worry will hurt progress. >> it's the rules. i saint ain't scared of covid. >> we're trying to survive this. we're also worrying this could be a superspreader for other communities.

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, Message , Couple , May 1st , Daylights , July 4th , Accounts , Payment Checks , Pay , Popping Up , People S Bank , Irs , Ghost , Wilmington , Gatherings , Fear , Spots , Hope , Record , Hit , Natasha Chen , 19 , Cdc , Data , Doses , 2 9 Million , 10 , Two , Number , Pharmacies , Program , Pharmacy , Vaccinate , Reach Underserved Communities , Community Health Centers , Second , 700 , Vaccine , Hesitancy , Minority , Pharmacists , Vac , Trial Results , Options , Republicans , Astrazeneca , Phase , South , 3 , Groups , Emergency Use Authorization , Work , Injection , Jobs , Sector , New Yorkers , The Light At End Of Tunnel Isn T Enough , Four , Kind , Errol Louis , Bit , Life , Spring Breakers , Hospital Back , Freedom , Black , Masks , Ability , Capacity , Mask , Businesses , Fines , Miami Beach , Yep , Yes , Dan Gelber , Where , Crush , Mayor , Hospitality Town , Pandemic , Community , Issues , Nation , Safety , Concerns , Something , Infectious Disease Expert , Cancun , Miami Beach 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Driving , Saving , Hands , Quote Today , Allstate , Dust , Dusters , Sweeper , Duty , Swiffer , Dust Mite Droppings , Skin Cells , Gross , Ewww , Clock , Grab , Trap , Matter , Reach , Feet , Floors , Grooves , Dust Bunnies , Cloths , Nice , 6 , Swiffering , Heebie Jeebies , Phhhhew , Plan , Lines , Plans , T Mobile , 2 , 0 , 55 , 70 , Line , Smartphone , Plus , Customer Service , Rate , Value , 17 , Chuck Schumer , Kirsten Gillibrand , Delegation , Partners , Names , Polo , Polo Sandro Oval , Calls , Democrats , Press Conference , Position , Increases , Anyone , Allegations , List , Comments , Encounters , Women Claiming , Disk Diversity , State House , Meetings , Resignation , Kirsten Dill La Brand , Senate , Members , Wl Allegations , Now Cnn , 18 , Question , Hold , Office , Host , Podcast , Photographs , Errol , 24 , Fact , Fashion , Statements , Conclusions , Senator , Same , For , Acting , Cannot , Junior , Anything , Legislator , Flow , Majority Leader , Problems , Impeachment Process , Lawmakers , Voters , Pollings , Gauge , Hand , Majority , Re Election , Somewhere , Running , News , Polling , The , Term , Meaning , Upside Down , Saying , Deaths , Hiding Information , Scandal , Sight , Public , State Legislators , Crisis , Loss , Faith , Friends , Opposition , Legislature , Enemies , Silent , The Washington Post , Word , Words , Toxic , Relationship , Abusive , Hostile , Spokespeople Say , Administration , Guy , Consensus , Workplace , Berated , Instant , Threatened , Belittled , Number One , Effects , Environment , Everkay Operating Procedure , Culture , Women , Twist , Harassing , Path , Problem , Particulars , Crisis Point , Making , Ten , Optics , Newsmaker , Abuse , Answer , Expectation , Form , Information , Freedom Of Information Request , Attorney General , Stories , Lid , Sort , Website , Six , Investigation , Assembly , Sir , Letitia James , Family , George Floyd , Settlement , Minneapolis , Ev , Wait , Memory , Concentration , Indicators , 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Million , Regard , Respect , Wages , Police Reforms , Reform , Police , Terms , Else , Choke , Deterrents , Training , Issues Relatinging , Accountability , Justice , Levels , Accountable , Jury , Court , Nothing , Arguments , Courtroom , Composition , Evidence , Filtering , Anything Else , Total , Alternates , Jurors , Seven , Conduct , Murder Charge , Confusion , Degree , Danger , Issue , Bunch , Crowd , Depravity , Everybody , Verdict , Entryway , Louisville , Kentucky , Officers , Apartment , Timyka Palmer , Though , Spain , Goal , Won T , Steps , Association Joey , Complaints , Predetermination , Charges , Crime , Grand Jury , Innocence , Didn T , Herself , Re Examination , Proponentation , Sthaent , Warrant , No Knock Warrant , Place , Presentation , Opinion , Potential , Standard , Crimes , Charge , State Charges , Willfulness , Presentations , State Government , Expert , Warrants , Flight , Reforms , Vain , Ban , Call , Memorial Event , Events , Vigil , Science , Memorial Reading , Many , Name , Walk , Coming Up , Birmingham , Alabama , Sacramento , California , Teachers , Students , Back To School , Episode , Food , Art , Stanley Tucci Searching For Italy , Tuscany , Door , Raccoon , Cat , Busy Bee , 9 , Skin , Challenge , Excuses , Making Spaghetti , Acne , Differin Gel , Hamster , Alpha , 90 , Music , Spaghetti , Jason Alexander Hoodie , Face , Somebody Else , I M Walkin On Air , Hoodie , Top Of The World , Jason Alexander , Tide Hygienic , Colon Cancer , Stages , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Stool , Dna , 92 , Risk , Results , Prescriber , 45 , Big One , Small Business , Power , Gig Speed Network , Bounce Forward , Internet , Comcast Business , Hygienist , Oral B My Hygienist , Cleaning , Pressure , Cleans , Round Head , Mouth , Energy , Micro Vibrations , Wow , Brush Head , Oral B , Team , Verizon , 5g Right , Engineer , Millions , World , Parts , Ultra Wideband , 5g Quality , Stream , Cities , Listen , 50 , Sanjay Gupta , Teachers Union , School , Look , Temperature Scans , Covid 19 , Keeping Everybody Safe At School , Plastic Dividers , Eating Outside , Decisions , Schools , Felt Scary , Lisa Herring , Weight , Feel , Public School , Health , Level , Surge Post Holiday , Mitigation , 25 , January 25th , Guidance , Washing Hands , Masking , Distancing , Civics , Middle School , Cleaning Facilities , Strategies , Community Spread , David T Housing , Herring , Five , In School Transmission Have , Doors , Quarantine , Ventilation , Contact Tracing , Isolation , Coronavirus Transmissions , Staff , Child , 100000 , Patrick Doherty , 4 , Tests , Adult , North Carolina , Stub , Doubts , School Districts , Scenario , 32 , Level Testing , Showing , Third , Player , School District Hoarse Open , 5260 , Sports , Reporting , Haven T , Coronavirus , Understatement , Coach , Tournament , Country Including March Madness , Protein , Glucose Control Products , Blood Sugar Levels , Blend , Nutrients , Kids , Try Boost , Planning , Version , Northwestern Mutual , Scarring , Volume Loss , Add Fullness , Cheeks , Nose , JuvÉderm Ultra Xc , JuvÉderm Xc , JuvÉderm Voluma Xc , Medicines , Fillers , Swelling , Side Effects , Body , Bleeding , Redness , Firmness , Itching , Bruising , Tenderness , Lumps , Discoloration , Bumps , Blood Vessel , Blindness , Scabs , Stroke , Vision Abnormalities , Collection , JuvÉderm , Gosh , Game , Secession , Abig Deal , Nba , Rita Wilson , Tom Hanks , Coy Wire , Teams , Selection , Dance , Test , Season , Finals , Duke , Georgia Tech , Virginia Acc Final , Kansas , Big 12 , 11th , 12 , 11 , Tony Bennett , Champs , Virginia , Ncaa , Out Of Control , Grind , Don T Worry , Plane , Indy , Fin , 48 , 72 , Frisbee , Bee Frisbee , Switching Gears , Ultimate Fris , Color , Players , Tour , Actions , Color Of Ultimate Showcase , Sport , Sample , Dreams , Places , Realms , Life Fighting For Equity , There Aren T , Field , Shine , Area , Few , Space , Entertainment , Microphone , General , Mind , Wnba , Women S Soccer , Enough , Unifiers , Passion , Shanye Crawford , Me Ma Am , Limu Emu , Limu , Liberty , Car Insurance , Liberty Mutual , Birds Flyin , Thigh , Trelegy , Stand , Copd , It S Time , Copd Medicine , Dawn , Down , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Heart Condition , Lung Function , Inhaler , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , Breathing , Chest Pain , Vision Changes , Osteoporosis , Pneumonia , Thrush , Tongue , Problems Urinating , Eye , Trelegy Com , Save , Piano Music , Comfort , Extreme , Lincoln , Hair , Surfaces , Suvs , Flings , Febreze Created Small Spaces , Odors , Spaces , Cone , Study , A New Experimental Alzheimer S , Drug , New England Journal Of Medicine , Promise , Public Health Care Specialist , Cognitive , Alzheimer S Disease , Eli Lilly , Researchers , Dementia , Reasons , 6 Million , Cognition , Amyloid , Buildup , Brain , 250 , Decline , Slowing , Infusion , I V , Family Members , Family Members Names , Ain T , Saint ,

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