08:02 - Biafrans Routinely Killed Since The Emergence Of President Muhammadu Buhari The very utterance of Muhammadu Buhari on 22nd of July 2015, at the United States Institute of Peace, is the worst democratic blunder and the beginning of maligning Biafrans for worst treatment in this present regime. The then newly elected President Buhari said and I hereby quote him verbatim: "The constituents, for example, that gave 97% of the votes cannot in all honesty, be treated same on some issues with constituencies that gave me five percent 5%”. So, since after his election and when he made this statement, his dealings towards those sections he believes to have given him the 5% votes have been dangerous, disasterous and devastating. Biafraland of course, has been the most affected. Though Fulanis have always loved to kill Biafrans, the dimension it took since the swearing in of Buhari as the Nigerian President, has really hpightened. Biafraland became a killing zone, where innocent citizens are senselessly killed on daily basis by Fulani Islamists and yet they are not questioned.