Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240708 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240708

constant russian bombardment. translation: when the shells started landing there, i thought my heart - would stop and i would not survive. also tonight, calls for action to end what some see as a "culture of misogyny" at westminster. it follows the resignation of the tory mp neil parish, who'd admitted viewing pornographic material on his phone in the commons chamber. mass protests in sri lanka as the government struggles over the crippling cost of living. and the most detailed sd model of the female anatomy, to help better medical diagnoses for women. and after katie taylor retains her world boxing titles in a historic fight, there's already talk of a rematch, against amanda serrano. good evening from kyiv. ukraine's president, volodymyr zelensky, said tonight about a hundred civilians have finally have been evacuated from a besieged steelworks in the southern city of mariupol. the united nations and red cross are coordinating the operation. they're hoping to rescue hundreds more people still in the steelworks — the last part of the city controlled by ukrainian fighters, who are now making a desperate final stand. the azovstal steelworks, with a sprawling network of underground bunkers and tunnels, has been devastated by constant russian bombardments. the people trapped there have been gradually running out of food, water and medicine. our correspondent laura bicker reports from zaporizhia — where the evacucees will be taken. after 60 days in darkness they can finally crawl into the daylight. above ground, they pick through the rubble, the remains of their place of refuge. they've lived in a maze of tunnels below this vast steel plant for weeks. the only way to survive the russian bombardment. svetoslav was six months old yesterday. nearly half his life has been underground. supplies have been cut off, for weeks. "the children were hungry," this woman says. more than 100 people have been allowed to leave. their horror is over, for now. translation: i can't believe it, two months of darkness. _ translation: i can't believe it, two months of darkness. i _ translation: i can't believe it, two months of darkness. i told _ translation: i can't believe it, two months of darkness. i told my - months of darkness. i told my husband, we won't be needing to go to the toilet with a torch and a bag. the azovstal steel plant is one of the biggest in the world. a unit of ukrainian fighters has tried to hold on to the site as this once vibrant european city was pounded by the russians. civilians took shelter underground alongside them, but the bombing was relentless. the azov group claim that even their hospital was targeted. people have experienced fragmentation wounds, lacerations, fractures, bullet wounds. it is amputation is, critical condition. there are a couple of hundred of them. but now there is a glimmer of hope. it will be a tense wait to see if more will make it out of this city alive. around 100 civilians are expected here in zaporizhzhia tomorrow but there are hundreds more still trapped within the steelworks. there are thought to be 100,000 people in the city of mariupol itself. that gives you an idea of the scale of the operation still to come. talks are under way but i'm told those negotiations are delicate, tense and complicated. everyone wants to see this succeed. laura bicker, bbc news, zaporizhzhia. here in kyiv, nancy pelosi, the speaker of the us house of representatives, has made a surprise visit for talks with ukraine's president volodymyr zelensky. she said the united states would stand with ukraine until, in her words, the "fight is done". she promised that congress would move quickly to deliver $33 billion worth of aid proposed by president biden. nancy pelosi is the latest high—profile international political figure to come to kyiv and offer president zelensky moral support. and he's getting much more than that from the united states, some $33 billion worth of economic, humanitarian and military assistance, promised by president biden. speaking in poland after nancy pelosi had left ukraine, she said ukraine is fighting for everyone's freedom. do not be bullied by bullies. if they're making threats, you cannot back down. that's my view of it, that we're there for the fight. and you cannot fold to a bully. russia is now stepping up its offensive on the eastern front in donbas, raining down rockets, artillery and tank fire on ukrainian trenches and bunkers. after two months on the front line, these ukrainian troops from the 81st brigade are now pulling back for a short rest, a break from the relentless russian onslaught that has killed and injured many of their colleagues. a combat doctor treats some of the troops for trench foot because they haven't been able to change soaking wet boots and socks. translation: this is a good opportunity for the boys - to rest and to return to the fight with new energy, to recover physically, morally and psychologically. but before too long, his men will be heading back to the front line, perhaps to face an even more ferocious russian attack. this war, which president putin had hoped would only last for a few days, could now rage on for months or even years to come, consuming more lives with every passing day. well, the ukrainian military say the weapons they really need now from the west are more heavy guns and long—range artillery in order to counter the barrages they are facing on that eastern front in donbas. even so, the ukrainians say they have had some success in the last few days in pushing pack russian forces in places like the suburbs of kharkiv, this country's second biggest city. that's the latest from me and the team here in ukraine. clive, back to you in the studio with the rest of the news. the speaker of the house of commons, sir lindsay hoyle, has called for a radical review of working practices following a series of sexual misconduct and bullying claims against politicians. yesterday, the conservative mp neil parish resigned after admitting he'd watched pornographic material on his phone in the commons chamber. tonight, the government said there is more work to do to improve behaviour in westminster. here's our political correspondent, ben wright. sexism and misogyny. sexual misconduct. there are some bad apples who are out of order, who behave like animals and are bringing parliament into disrepute. it's been a grim week for parliament, with mps agreeing this place needs to change. a moment of madness and also totally wrong. yesterday, the tory mp neil parish quit after admitting to watching pornography on his phone in the house of commons. that followed the backlash to an article about labour's deputy leader, angela rayner. there was cross—party outrage at a story saying she crossed and uncrossed her legs to distract borisjohnson. today, a tory source claimed that after investigating the matter, miss rayner had originally made the comments herself. labour called that a "vile, sexist smear." it's all put a spotlight on the culture of the commons. i think we've got to distinguish between some bad apples, people who behave badly, and the general environment. it's very similar to when people say, "oh, well, there are a number of racist people in this country so that means the whole country is racist. " that doesn't follow. female mps have been speaking out about their experiences of sexism and harassment and there is concern women could be deterred from going into politics in the first place. it's been really difficult to get women to come forward and stand for election because there is a sense that politics and public life is not a safe space for women any more. we need to show to women and girls, if you come into politics, it's going to be an environment where you are safe, you'll feel respected. parliament is certainly a unique workplace. mps employ their staff directly. it's a place of late nights, long hours, powerful people and boozy bars. a new process for dealing with sexual harassment and bullying complaints was introduced four years ago. everything that we've talked about in the last week is a breach of the rules already but the key thing is, do we make sure that those rules are then enforced? i express my sympathy. but the speaker of the house of commons now says there needs to be an urgent review into how westminster works. he wants cross—party talks and swift reform. i think wants to pull parties together and see what elsei can be done. i'm very happy to participate in that because we can't - go on with allegations coming out overand overagain. _ so the question is, what can be done to change the culture here? today, the commons speaker, sir lindsay hoyle, said he was considering putting an outside body in charge of employing parliamentary aides. but some mps doubt that will make any difference to tackling the problems of sexism, misogyny and bullying that have damaged parliament's reputation once again. changing working structures could be easier than improving standards at westminster. ben wright, bbc news. lancashire police have confirmed that the body of a woman found in the forest of bowland on friday is that of the missing 33—year—old, katie kenyon. a postmortem examination revealed the mother—of—two died of head injuries. a 50—year—old man, andrew burfield, from burnley, has been charged with murder. people in scotland who test positive for covid, or have mild symptoms, no longer need to self—isolate. instead they're being advised to stay at home until they feel better. testing sites have closed and contact tracing will no longer be carried out, due to the falling number of infections. several groups of migrants have been brought ashore by the border force in kent, after crossing the channel from france. they're the first arrivals for 11 days and our correspondent simonjones is in doverfor us tonight. bring us up—to—date with the latest. it's been a busy day for the border force in the channel. the first boat carrying migrants arrived at around 1am. several boats then followed, well into this evening. we haven't had numbers confirmed by the mod but i understand the figure is likely to be in excess of 200 people. today has been notable because these have been the first people making the crossing for 11 days. that had led some commentators and politicians to suggest that the governments plan to send some asylum seekers, some 4000 miles from here in kent, to rewind, was already having a deterrent effect. but i think the weather has been the large factor here because in the 11 previous days it's been pretty rough in the channel. there have been some strong winds. today the weather changed, it was very calm and we saw more arrivals happening. 0pposition politicians say the plan of sending people to rebrand is inhumane and unworkable. the government insist it has got the right policies in place to try to bring numbers down although it accepts that it isn't going to happen overnight.— accepts that it isn't going to happen overnight. accepts that it isn't going to ha en overniaht. ,, ., ., ~ happen overnight. ok, simon, thank ou. happen overnight. ok, simon, thank yom simon — happen overnight. ok, simon, thank you- simon jones — happen overnight. ok, simon, thank you. simon jones in _ happen overnight. ok, simon, thank you. simon jones in dover. - the cost—of—living crisis is a global phenomenon, and tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets of the sri lankan capital, colombo, protesting against steep price hikes for essential goods. dwindling foreign currency reserves mean the island nation of 22 million people is struggling to pay for food, fuel and foreign medicines. today's rally is the culmination of a week of demonstrations, uniting the country's different ethnic groups in opposition to the government. from colombo, anbarasan ethirajan has that story. a bruised economy bringing thousands to the streets. the country has run out of cash, struggles to import essential items. but these sri lankans aren't giving up. they demand a course correction. this woman has been camping here for 18 days. for people like her, basics have become luxury. you cannot afford to live here. food prices are increasing day by day and shortage of fuel, gas and all other essential goods and also medicine, so it is very difficult to live. a classic case of a country living beyond its means. now colombo is running from pillar to post for loans. a rude awakening for sri lankans. i have been coming to sri lanka for the past 25 years and these protests are quite extraordinary. ethnic fault lines, they run very deep here in sri lanka, but the cost of living crisis has brought the three major communities — the sinhalese, muslims and tamils — together. elsewhere in colombo, in a show of strength, the opposition turned up in huge numbers. the present government has led our country to total bankruptcy. there is abject poverty in all sectors of society. this government is an incompetent government. the government is on the back foot. they missed the point. they should have known, for example, 2020 when we started with the fresh government. no—one can say that we didn't have the facts. i mean, if you are a good analyst of the economic situation you should have known that this is coming. the only thing that you couldn't have predicted was the corona impact. the country's economic recovery is going to be long and arduous. these people want to ensure the government gets it right this time. anbarasan ethirajan, bbc news, colombo. it's hard to believe but for medical students access to detailed models of the female body are hard to come by. historically they've had to rely on images of the male body, in the teaching of anatomy. well, now the most intricate 3d model of the female body has been produced, and it's hoped the software will help enhance understanding, and perhaps even improve diagnosis of health problems. 0ur medical editor fergus walsh has that story. the female anatomy in all its minute and precise detail. something that's been largely missing from medical textbooks and teaching over the centuries. just this angle here, in females is much wider than we would see in males... at brighton and sussex medical school, first—year students are being taught using this new 3d female anatomy tool. next we are going to add on the breast tissue... the male body has been the default reference image for medical textbooks. several studies suggest women are more likely to be misdiagnosed than men for a range of conditions. previously, the teaching of anatomy has always been based on the male form and then the differences in females added on as an almost strange kind of adjunct. so it wasn't providing that really accurate information at students' fingertips, which they need, not only when they are learning but when they're doctors in practice. these students have yet to study on actual patients, but the hope is, by having both female and male anatomies in exquisite detail, it'll help prepare them for medicine in the real world. it makes a huge difference because women aren'tjust the sort of small men that medical textbooks usually make them out to be. we can see the full differences, rather than just putting some anatomical aspects of a female onto a male pelvis, we can see an actual female pelvis and the acute differences. it's a far cry from anatomical images of centuries past, which often relied on dissected bodies of male criminals. and it's much wider in females than it is in males... the developers say the female 3d anatomy is the most detailed ever produced, and is already being used in over 350 universities. fergus walsh, bbc news, brighton. now, with all the sport, here's chetan pathak at the bbc sport centre. good evening, highlights of today's football follow the news so if you don't want to know the scores, you'll need to look away now. everton's hopes of avoiding relegation from the premier league have been given a massive boost after they beat chelsea 1—0 at goodison park. richarlison with the winner early in the second half. everton remain in the bottom three, but two points from safety with a game in hand over leeds and burnley above them. tottenham were temporarily fourth after beating leicester 3—1, but arsenal replaced them with a 2—1 win at west ham. in scotland, celtic are a step closer to winning the premiership title after a 1—1 draw with rangers. jota gave the home side the lead in the old firm derbyjust after 20 minutes. but rangers eqaulised mid—way through the second half through fashion sakala. the result means celtic stay six points clear at the top with three games to go. chelsea restored their four—point lead at the top of the women's super league after holding on for victory at birmingham city. pernille harder�*s second half penalty was the only goal of the game. the 1—0 win means the title race remains in their hands, with arsenal keeping the pressure on with their 7—0 victory over aston villa. the biggest fight in the history of women's boxing lived up to expectations in the early hours of this morning, as ireland's katie taylor beat amanda serrano at madison square garden to retain her undisputed lightweight title. with more on a night that will live long in the memory of boxing fans — ade adedoyin reports from new york. and still the undisputed lightweight champion of the world... _ katie taylor retaining her world titles after a battling and bruising encounter. a career—defining performance and a defining night for the sport. serrano, all smiles on the way to the ring. taylor, calm and composed. but it didn't take long for things to heat up. taylor decided to fight fire with fire in the fifth, and almost paid the price. the champion showing incredible reserves of courage to survive over the next two rounds. she rallied in the late rounds. the final few seconds of the bout, an incredible feat. a brilliant finish to a brilliant contest. a performance from both fighters that more than lived up to the occasion. this was billed as the biggest bout in women's boxing. and what a way to write their names in the history of this iconic venue. the best night of my career, for sure. i wasn't sure if anything could reach my olympic gold medal moment, but tonight was absolutely the best moment of my career. i think myself and amanda have broken so many barriers over the last few years. it's going to inspire a lot of young girls. two women, a main event at a sold—out msg. who would have thought that? the fight lived up to the hype and there is already a clamourfor a rematch, possibly in ireland. this blockbuster bout the perfect showcase for the rise of women's boxing. ade adedoyin, bbc news, new york. an incredible night, there. ronnie 0'sullivan's dominating the world snooker championship final at the crucible and has extended his lead overjudd trump after the second session. the first was overshadowed by 0'sullivan arguing with the referee after he was given a formal warning for a gesture he made. as he looks to equal stephen hendry�*s record of seven titles, the world number one's been ruthless so far and leads trump by 12 frames to 5. the first to 18 wins, play resumes tomorrow. and emma raducanu's into the third round of the madrid 0pen, after an impressive win over fellow 19—year—old marta kostyuk. playing her first clay court season, raducanu delivered one of her best performances since winning the us open last year, winning in straight sets 6—2, 6—1. that's all your sport for now. that's it. now on bbc one, time for the news where you are. have a very good night. hello. this is bbc news with lukwesa burak. soon we'll be taking an in—depth look at the papers with our reviewers, entertainment journalist caroline frost and political commentator tony grew. that's coming up after the headlines. plant a tree for the jubilee. that was the message from the prince of wales today as he invited nature—lovers to mark the queen's 70—year reign. it's part of a scheme called the queen's green canopy, which will also dedicate 70 ancient woodlands to her majesty. the bbc royal correspondent, nicholas witchell, reports. newsreel: after the spade work, a good watering ensured - that the seedling got a proper start in life. she has, over the 70 years of her reign, planted many a tree to mark a visit by the monarch. buckingham palace estimates it must be something like 1,500. but the planting of trees has much more than a merely symbolic significance. they are, of course, vital to the environment. so plant a tree for thejubilee is the message being pushed today by the prince of wales, no mean tree—planter himself. to launch the queen's green canopy, 70 of the oldest trees and most ancient woodlands around the united kingdom have been identified. one of the ancient trees is at dumfries house in ayrshire. i am delighted, therefore, to have the opportunity to launch this project in the grounds of dumfries house under the majestic branches of this old sycamore, which predates the very house itself, having grown from seed more than 420 years ago. planted in 1599, or thereabouts, during the reigns of queen elizabeth i and king james vi, it is remarkable that this ancient tree is as old as shakespeare's hamlet and caravaggio's david and goliath. the purpose of the project, said the prince, was to conserve the united kingdom's natural heritage, to protect ancient woodlands and to plant many thousands of new trees in celebration of the queen's 70 years on the throne. nicholas witchell, bbc news. the papers will be coming up after the latest news headlines. time for a look at the weather with tomasz shafernacker. hello. the weather's been very mixed in the last couple of days. generally, a lot of cloud abouts, occasional outbreaks of rain and the outlook for the next two or three days is more or less the same. again, plenty of cloud, just a few sunny spells and scattered showers. but the really thick cloud of the outbreaks of rain that we had in the last day and a half has now moved to the south. it's in the english channel. it's just hugging the south coast through the early hours. so bits and pieces of rain from the tip of cornwall, devon, perhaps the isle of wight. elsewhere across the country, it's a cloudy early start with mist and murk in places, perhaps a bit of drizzle here and there and not cold, between six and ten degrees. so here's bank holiday monday, starting off pretty cloudy in most areas. there will be some sunshine developing, certainly across western parts of scotland, northern ireland, around the irish sea, inland there'll be sunny spells too, but also inland showers will start to develop almost anywhere, i think through the course of the morning into the afternoon. temperatures only ten in scotland, maybe 17 in the south of the uk. now here's the weather map for tuesday. a weather front tries to push into the north—west of the uk. here it is just to the north—west of our neighbourhood. but i think, generally speaking, we are talking about light winds, a lot of cloud showers perhaps brewing, particularly around wales and the south of england. driest of the weather will be on the east coast there, but cold. 0nly ten in newcastle, nine degrees in aberdeen. so that was tuesday. this is wednesday again, more of the same. there's very little wind in the atmosphere to push things around. so we keep that cloud. but showers are expected to form once again, particularly across central and more more especially southern parts of england, but temperatures recovering to 17 in london and around 15 in the lowlands of scotland. now, towards the end of the week, we are anticipating a change. the azores high is expected to build in. and with that also comes a warmer atmosphere. a warmer current is going to spread across the country. so that means temperatures are expected to rise. so here's the summary on the outlook. here's bank holiday monday, often cloudy for many of us, with just a few sunny spells. and then towards the end of the week, we're expecting those temperatures to rise. bye. hello. this is bbc news with lukwesa burak. we'll be taking a look at tomorrow morning's papers in a moment with political commentator tony grew and entertainment journalist caroline frost. first, the headlines. around 100 people have been evacuated from a steelworks in the ukrainian city of mariupol — where civilians and troops have been sheltering for weeks from heavy russian bombardments. the us speaker of the house — nancy pelosi — makes a surprise visit to kyiv, and promises american support for ukraine — she says, "until the fight is done". pressure mounts for reform of working practices in westminster — after mp, neil parish, resigns for watching pornography in the house of commons. a body found by police searching for a british woman who went missing more than a week ago has been confirmed

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Civilians , A Hundred , City , Life , Mariupol , Steel , Hundreds , Behind , Translation , Shells , Action , Calls , At Westminster , Russian Bombardment , Culture Of Misogyny , Government , Neil Parish , Phone , Protests , Material , Struggles , Commons Chamber , Resignation , Cost Of Living , Tory , Sri Lanka , Women , Anatomy , Katie Taylor , Model , Diagnoses , Sd , Fight , World , Titles , Rematch , Boxing , Amanda Serrano , Volodymyr Zelensky , Ukraine , Kyiv , Operation , Steelworks , United Nations , Rescue , Red Cross , People , Fighters , Part , Tunnels , Network , Azovstal Steelworks , A Desperate Final Stand , Russian Bombardments , Underground Bunkers , Laura Bicker , Medicine , Food , Where , Evacucees , Water , Zaporizhia , Place , Ground , Plant , Daylight , Rubble , Refuge , Maze , 60 , Svetoslav , Way , Bombardment , Supplies , Russian , Cut Off , Six , It , Woman , Horror , Children , Two , 100 , Darkness , Azovstal Steel Plant , Torch , Bag , Toilet , Husband , My Months Of Darkness , One , Site , Bombing , Unit , Shelter , Biggest , Vibrant European City , Hospital , Azov Group Claim , Bullet Wounds , Fragmentation Wounds , Lacerations , Fractures , Hundred , Amputation , Couple , Critical Condition , Glimmer Of Hope , More , Wait , Idea , 100000 , Nancy Pelosi , Bbc News , Us , Talks , Everyone , Scale , Negotiations , Visit , Surprise , Words , House Of Representatives , Congress , Figure , Biden , Zelensky Moral Support , President , Aid , 3 Billion , 33 Billion , Assistance , Poland , Fighting , Bullies , Freedom , Threats , View , Bully , Offensive , Rockets , Eastern Front , Donbas , Front Line , Troops , Bunkers , Trenches , Tank Fire , 81st Brigade , 81 , Break , Combat Doctor , Many , Rest , Some , Trench Foot , Onslaught , Colleagues , Socks , Boots , Opportunity , Men , Boys , Energy , War , Last , Attack , President Putin , Lives , Military , Artillery , Order , Guns , West , Weapons , Places , Forces , Success , Country , News , Lindsay Hoyle , House Of Commons , Latest , Team , Studio , Suburbs , Kharkiv , Clive , Bullying , Review , Sexual Misconduct , Politicians , Yesterday , Pornographic Material , Series , Working Practices , Ben Wright , Sexism , Misogyny , Apples , Work , Out Of Order , Westminster , Behaviour , Mps , Parliament , Pornography , Disrepute , Animals , Madness , Story , Angela Rayner , Article , Outrage , Backlash , Legs , Source , Borisjohnson , Labour , Matter , Culture , Comments , Commons , Miss , Smear , Rayner , Put A Spotlight , The General , Number , Doesn T Follow , Politics , Sense , Harassment , Experiences , Concern , Election , Girls , Workplace , Space , Sexual Harassment , Staff , Bars , Complaints , Process , Dealing , Thing , Rules , Breach , Everything , Sympathy , Four , Parties , Elsei , Allegations , Overand Overagain , Westminster Works , Go On , Swift Reform , Body , Commons Speaker , Question , Aides , Charge , Difference , Problems , Structures , Standards , Reputation , Doubt , Examination , Lancashire Police , Katie Kenyon , Forest Of Bowland , 33 , Scotland , Test , Symptoms , Head Injuries , Murder , Burnley , Covid , Old Man , Andrew Burfield , 50 , Channel , Border , Groups , Force , Contact Tracing , Migrants , Testing Sites , Infections , Kent , France , Simon Jones , Arrivals , Doverfor , 11 , We Haven T , Numbers , Evening , Mod , Excess , Boats , Boat Carrying Migrants , 200 , 1 , Commentators , Governments , Crossing , Asylum Seekers , 4000 , Weather , Winds , Rewind , Deterrent Effect , Factor , Plan , 0pposition , 0 , Thank Yom Simon , Isn T , Crisis , Isn T Going To Ha En Overniaht , Policies , Overnight , In Dover , Thank Ou , Streets , Colombo , Phenomenon , Goods , Reserves , Currency , Price Hikes , Capital , Island Nation , Tens Of Thousands , 22 Million , Fuel , Medicines , Opposition , Culmination , Rally , Economy , Demonstrations , Anbarasan Ethirajan , Thousands , Essential Items , Cash , Aren T Giving Up , Course Correction , Camping , Basics , 18 , Classic Case , Country Living , Essential Goods , Food Prices , Running , Gas , Loans , Pillar , Awakening , 25 , Fault Lines , Communities , Tamils , Sinhalese , The Cost Of Living , Muslims , Three , Elsewhere , Show , Point , Strength , Bankruptcy , Poverty , Example , Sectors , Society , Recovery , Facts , Situation , Analyst , Corona Impact , 2020 , Students , Teaching , Images , Models , 3d Model , Software , Diagnosis , Health Problems , Understanding , Fergus Walsh , 0ur Medical Editor , 3 , Something , Textbooks , Females , Detail , Males , Angle , Reference , Image , Anatomy Tool , Breast Tissue , Brighton And Sussex Medical School , Differences , Studies , Range , Conditions , Form , Wasn T , Practice , Doctors , Adjunct , Kind , Fingertips , Learning , Information , Hope , Anatomies , Patients , Sort , Female , Female Pelvis , Pelvis , Aspects , Far Cry , Bodies , Criminals , Developers , Chetan Pathak At The Bbc Sport , Most , 3d , Universities , Brighton , Centre , 350 , Everton , Football , Hopes , Highlights , Scores , Relegation , Boost , Premier League , Half , Game , Points , Safety , Hand , Winner , Chelsea , Richarlison , Leeds , Leicester , Goodison Park , Tottenham , Win , Arsenal , Title , Draw , Rangers , West Ham , Celtic , 2 , Lead , Top , Games , Home Side , Firm , Result , Women S Super League , Jota , Eqaulised Mid Way , Fashion Sakala , 20 , Victory , Pressure , Title Race , Hands , Penalty , Goal , Birmingham City , Pernille Harder , Aston Villa , 7 , Night , Northern Ireland , Lightweight Title , Beat , Expectations , Boxing Fans , Memory , History Of Women S Boxing , Madison Square Garden , Champion , Lightweight , Encounter , New York , Ade Adedoyin , Performance , Ring , Smiles , Serrano , Didn T , Things , Rounds , Courage , Price , Fifth , Fight Fire With , Bout , Women S Boxing , Names , Contest , Feat , Finish , Occasion , Career , History , Venue , Medal , Anything , Sure , Lot , Event , Barriers , Showcase , Blockbuster Bout , Hype , Rise , Msg , Clamourfor , Ronnie 0 Sullivan S , First , Overjudd , Trump , Referee , Session , Final , Crucible , Arguing , World Snooker Championship , 0 Sullivan , Record , Gesture , Wins , Number One , Warning , Frames , Stephen Hendry , 12 , Seven , 5 , Emma Raducanu , Round , Play , Clay Court , Madrid 0pen , Marta Kostyuk , Season , 19 , Performances , Bbc One , Us Open , 6 , Papers , Tony Grew , Headlines , Reviewers , Lukwesa Burak , Entertainment Journalist Caroline Frost , Tree , Queen , Message , Reign , Royal Correspondent , Bbc , Jubilee , Nature Lovers , Scheme , Majesty , Queen S Green Canopy , Prince Of Wales , 70 , Nicholas Witchell , Seedling , Newsreel , Spade Work , Reports , Start , Trees , Course , Buckingham Palace , Planting , Monarch , Significance , 1500 , Planter , Canopy , Woodlands , Thejubilee , Dumfries House , United Kingdom , Ayrshire , Project , Grounds , Seed , Sycamore , Branches , 420 , Reigns , Queen Elizabeth , King James Vi , David And Goliath , Caravaggio , Shakespeare S Hamlet , Thereabouts , 1599 , Prince , Celebration , Heritage , Purpose , Throne , Rain , Look , Outlook , Same , Outbreaks , News Headlines , Tomasz Shafernacker , Cloud Abouts , South , Cloud , Spells , Showers , English Channel , Plenty Of Cloud , South Coast , Tip , Pieces , Bits , Drizzle , Bit , Mist , Murk , Isle Of Wight , Cornwall , Devon , Ten , Areas , Anywhere , Western Parts , Bank Holiday Monday , Sunshine Developing , Irish Sea , Temperatures , Weather Front , North West , Afternoon , Weather Map , 17 , Cloud Showers , Driest , Neighbourhood , Brewing , South Of England , Wales , Atmosphere , Wind , Cold , East Coast , Aberdeen , Newcastle , 0nly , Nine , Change , Parts , Azores High , England , Lowlands Of Scotland , London , 15 , Current , Summary , End , Bombardments , Support , Speaker Of The House , Reform Of Working Practices In Westminster , Police , Mp , Pressure Mounts ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240708 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240708

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constant russian bombardment. translation: when the shells started landing there, i thought my heart - would stop and i would not survive. also tonight, calls for action to end what some see as a "culture of misogyny" at westminster. it follows the resignation of the tory mp neil parish, who'd admitted viewing pornographic material on his phone in the commons chamber. mass protests in sri lanka as the government struggles over the crippling cost of living. and the most detailed sd model of the female anatomy, to help better medical diagnoses for women. and after katie taylor retains her world boxing titles in a historic fight, there's already talk of a rematch, against amanda serrano. good evening from kyiv. ukraine's president, volodymyr zelensky, said tonight about a hundred civilians have finally have been evacuated from a besieged steelworks in the southern city of mariupol. the united nations and red cross are coordinating the operation. they're hoping to rescue hundreds more people still in the steelworks — the last part of the city controlled by ukrainian fighters, who are now making a desperate final stand. the azovstal steelworks, with a sprawling network of underground bunkers and tunnels, has been devastated by constant russian bombardments. the people trapped there have been gradually running out of food, water and medicine. our correspondent laura bicker reports from zaporizhia — where the evacucees will be taken. after 60 days in darkness they can finally crawl into the daylight. above ground, they pick through the rubble, the remains of their place of refuge. they've lived in a maze of tunnels below this vast steel plant for weeks. the only way to survive the russian bombardment. svetoslav was six months old yesterday. nearly half his life has been underground. supplies have been cut off, for weeks. "the children were hungry," this woman says. more than 100 people have been allowed to leave. their horror is over, for now. translation: i can't believe it, two months of darkness. _ translation: i can't believe it, two months of darkness. i _ translation: i can't believe it, two months of darkness. i told _ translation: i can't believe it, two months of darkness. i told my - months of darkness. i told my husband, we won't be needing to go to the toilet with a torch and a bag. the azovstal steel plant is one of the biggest in the world. a unit of ukrainian fighters has tried to hold on to the site as this once vibrant european city was pounded by the russians. civilians took shelter underground alongside them, but the bombing was relentless. the azov group claim that even their hospital was targeted. people have experienced fragmentation wounds, lacerations, fractures, bullet wounds. it is amputation is, critical condition. there are a couple of hundred of them. but now there is a glimmer of hope. it will be a tense wait to see if more will make it out of this city alive. around 100 civilians are expected here in zaporizhzhia tomorrow but there are hundreds more still trapped within the steelworks. there are thought to be 100,000 people in the city of mariupol itself. that gives you an idea of the scale of the operation still to come. talks are under way but i'm told those negotiations are delicate, tense and complicated. everyone wants to see this succeed. laura bicker, bbc news, zaporizhzhia. here in kyiv, nancy pelosi, the speaker of the us house of representatives, has made a surprise visit for talks with ukraine's president volodymyr zelensky. she said the united states would stand with ukraine until, in her words, the "fight is done". she promised that congress would move quickly to deliver $33 billion worth of aid proposed by president biden. nancy pelosi is the latest high—profile international political figure to come to kyiv and offer president zelensky moral support. and he's getting much more than that from the united states, some $33 billion worth of economic, humanitarian and military assistance, promised by president biden. speaking in poland after nancy pelosi had left ukraine, she said ukraine is fighting for everyone's freedom. do not be bullied by bullies. if they're making threats, you cannot back down. that's my view of it, that we're there for the fight. and you cannot fold to a bully. russia is now stepping up its offensive on the eastern front in donbas, raining down rockets, artillery and tank fire on ukrainian trenches and bunkers. after two months on the front line, these ukrainian troops from the 81st brigade are now pulling back for a short rest, a break from the relentless russian onslaught that has killed and injured many of their colleagues. a combat doctor treats some of the troops for trench foot because they haven't been able to change soaking wet boots and socks. translation: this is a good opportunity for the boys - to rest and to return to the fight with new energy, to recover physically, morally and psychologically. but before too long, his men will be heading back to the front line, perhaps to face an even more ferocious russian attack. this war, which president putin had hoped would only last for a few days, could now rage on for months or even years to come, consuming more lives with every passing day. well, the ukrainian military say the weapons they really need now from the west are more heavy guns and long—range artillery in order to counter the barrages they are facing on that eastern front in donbas. even so, the ukrainians say they have had some success in the last few days in pushing pack russian forces in places like the suburbs of kharkiv, this country's second biggest city. that's the latest from me and the team here in ukraine. clive, back to you in the studio with the rest of the news. the speaker of the house of commons, sir lindsay hoyle, has called for a radical review of working practices following a series of sexual misconduct and bullying claims against politicians. yesterday, the conservative mp neil parish resigned after admitting he'd watched pornographic material on his phone in the commons chamber. tonight, the government said there is more work to do to improve behaviour in westminster. here's our political correspondent, ben wright. sexism and misogyny. sexual misconduct. there are some bad apples who are out of order, who behave like animals and are bringing parliament into disrepute. it's been a grim week for parliament, with mps agreeing this place needs to change. a moment of madness and also totally wrong. yesterday, the tory mp neil parish quit after admitting to watching pornography on his phone in the house of commons. that followed the backlash to an article about labour's deputy leader, angela rayner. there was cross—party outrage at a story saying she crossed and uncrossed her legs to distract borisjohnson. today, a tory source claimed that after investigating the matter, miss rayner had originally made the comments herself. labour called that a "vile, sexist smear." it's all put a spotlight on the culture of the commons. i think we've got to distinguish between some bad apples, people who behave badly, and the general environment. it's very similar to when people say, "oh, well, there are a number of racist people in this country so that means the whole country is racist. " that doesn't follow. female mps have been speaking out about their experiences of sexism and harassment and there is concern women could be deterred from going into politics in the first place. it's been really difficult to get women to come forward and stand for election because there is a sense that politics and public life is not a safe space for women any more. we need to show to women and girls, if you come into politics, it's going to be an environment where you are safe, you'll feel respected. parliament is certainly a unique workplace. mps employ their staff directly. it's a place of late nights, long hours, powerful people and boozy bars. a new process for dealing with sexual harassment and bullying complaints was introduced four years ago. everything that we've talked about in the last week is a breach of the rules already but the key thing is, do we make sure that those rules are then enforced? i express my sympathy. but the speaker of the house of commons now says there needs to be an urgent review into how westminster works. he wants cross—party talks and swift reform. i think wants to pull parties together and see what elsei can be done. i'm very happy to participate in that because we can't - go on with allegations coming out overand overagain. _ so the question is, what can be done to change the culture here? today, the commons speaker, sir lindsay hoyle, said he was considering putting an outside body in charge of employing parliamentary aides. but some mps doubt that will make any difference to tackling the problems of sexism, misogyny and bullying that have damaged parliament's reputation once again. changing working structures could be easier than improving standards at westminster. ben wright, bbc news. lancashire police have confirmed that the body of a woman found in the forest of bowland on friday is that of the missing 33—year—old, katie kenyon. a postmortem examination revealed the mother—of—two died of head injuries. a 50—year—old man, andrew burfield, from burnley, has been charged with murder. people in scotland who test positive for covid, or have mild symptoms, no longer need to self—isolate. instead they're being advised to stay at home until they feel better. testing sites have closed and contact tracing will no longer be carried out, due to the falling number of infections. several groups of migrants have been brought ashore by the border force in kent, after crossing the channel from france. they're the first arrivals for 11 days and our correspondent simonjones is in doverfor us tonight. bring us up—to—date with the latest. it's been a busy day for the border force in the channel. the first boat carrying migrants arrived at around 1am. several boats then followed, well into this evening. we haven't had numbers confirmed by the mod but i understand the figure is likely to be in excess of 200 people. today has been notable because these have been the first people making the crossing for 11 days. that had led some commentators and politicians to suggest that the governments plan to send some asylum seekers, some 4000 miles from here in kent, to rewind, was already having a deterrent effect. but i think the weather has been the large factor here because in the 11 previous days it's been pretty rough in the channel. there have been some strong winds. today the weather changed, it was very calm and we saw more arrivals happening. 0pposition politicians say the plan of sending people to rebrand is inhumane and unworkable. the government insist it has got the right policies in place to try to bring numbers down although it accepts that it isn't going to happen overnight.— accepts that it isn't going to happen overnight. accepts that it isn't going to ha en overniaht. ,, ., ., ~ happen overnight. ok, simon, thank ou. happen overnight. ok, simon, thank yom simon — happen overnight. ok, simon, thank you- simon jones — happen overnight. ok, simon, thank you. simon jones in _ happen overnight. ok, simon, thank you. simon jones in dover. - the cost—of—living crisis is a global phenomenon, and tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets of the sri lankan capital, colombo, protesting against steep price hikes for essential goods. dwindling foreign currency reserves mean the island nation of 22 million people is struggling to pay for food, fuel and foreign medicines. today's rally is the culmination of a week of demonstrations, uniting the country's different ethnic groups in opposition to the government. from colombo, anbarasan ethirajan has that story. a bruised economy bringing thousands to the streets. the country has run out of cash, struggles to import essential items. but these sri lankans aren't giving up. they demand a course correction. this woman has been camping here for 18 days. for people like her, basics have become luxury. you cannot afford to live here. food prices are increasing day by day and shortage of fuel, gas and all other essential goods and also medicine, so it is very difficult to live. a classic case of a country living beyond its means. now colombo is running from pillar to post for loans. a rude awakening for sri lankans. i have been coming to sri lanka for the past 25 years and these protests are quite extraordinary. ethnic fault lines, they run very deep here in sri lanka, but the cost of living crisis has brought the three major communities — the sinhalese, muslims and tamils — together. elsewhere in colombo, in a show of strength, the opposition turned up in huge numbers. the present government has led our country to total bankruptcy. there is abject poverty in all sectors of society. this government is an incompetent government. the government is on the back foot. they missed the point. they should have known, for example, 2020 when we started with the fresh government. no—one can say that we didn't have the facts. i mean, if you are a good analyst of the economic situation you should have known that this is coming. the only thing that you couldn't have predicted was the corona impact. the country's economic recovery is going to be long and arduous. these people want to ensure the government gets it right this time. anbarasan ethirajan, bbc news, colombo. it's hard to believe but for medical students access to detailed models of the female body are hard to come by. historically they've had to rely on images of the male body, in the teaching of anatomy. well, now the most intricate 3d model of the female body has been produced, and it's hoped the software will help enhance understanding, and perhaps even improve diagnosis of health problems. 0ur medical editor fergus walsh has that story. the female anatomy in all its minute and precise detail. something that's been largely missing from medical textbooks and teaching over the centuries. just this angle here, in females is much wider than we would see in males... at brighton and sussex medical school, first—year students are being taught using this new 3d female anatomy tool. next we are going to add on the breast tissue... the male body has been the default reference image for medical textbooks. several studies suggest women are more likely to be misdiagnosed than men for a range of conditions. previously, the teaching of anatomy has always been based on the male form and then the differences in females added on as an almost strange kind of adjunct. so it wasn't providing that really accurate information at students' fingertips, which they need, not only when they are learning but when they're doctors in practice. these students have yet to study on actual patients, but the hope is, by having both female and male anatomies in exquisite detail, it'll help prepare them for medicine in the real world. it makes a huge difference because women aren'tjust the sort of small men that medical textbooks usually make them out to be. we can see the full differences, rather than just putting some anatomical aspects of a female onto a male pelvis, we can see an actual female pelvis and the acute differences. it's a far cry from anatomical images of centuries past, which often relied on dissected bodies of male criminals. and it's much wider in females than it is in males... the developers say the female 3d anatomy is the most detailed ever produced, and is already being used in over 350 universities. fergus walsh, bbc news, brighton. now, with all the sport, here's chetan pathak at the bbc sport centre. good evening, highlights of today's football follow the news so if you don't want to know the scores, you'll need to look away now. everton's hopes of avoiding relegation from the premier league have been given a massive boost after they beat chelsea 1—0 at goodison park. richarlison with the winner early in the second half. everton remain in the bottom three, but two points from safety with a game in hand over leeds and burnley above them. tottenham were temporarily fourth after beating leicester 3—1, but arsenal replaced them with a 2—1 win at west ham. in scotland, celtic are a step closer to winning the premiership title after a 1—1 draw with rangers. jota gave the home side the lead in the old firm derbyjust after 20 minutes. but rangers eqaulised mid—way through the second half through fashion sakala. the result means celtic stay six points clear at the top with three games to go. chelsea restored their four—point lead at the top of the women's super league after holding on for victory at birmingham city. pernille harder�*s second half penalty was the only goal of the game. the 1—0 win means the title race remains in their hands, with arsenal keeping the pressure on with their 7—0 victory over aston villa. the biggest fight in the history of women's boxing lived up to expectations in the early hours of this morning, as ireland's katie taylor beat amanda serrano at madison square garden to retain her undisputed lightweight title. with more on a night that will live long in the memory of boxing fans — ade adedoyin reports from new york. and still the undisputed lightweight champion of the world... _ katie taylor retaining her world titles after a battling and bruising encounter. a career—defining performance and a defining night for the sport. serrano, all smiles on the way to the ring. taylor, calm and composed. but it didn't take long for things to heat up. taylor decided to fight fire with fire in the fifth, and almost paid the price. the champion showing incredible reserves of courage to survive over the next two rounds. she rallied in the late rounds. the final few seconds of the bout, an incredible feat. a brilliant finish to a brilliant contest. a performance from both fighters that more than lived up to the occasion. this was billed as the biggest bout in women's boxing. and what a way to write their names in the history of this iconic venue. the best night of my career, for sure. i wasn't sure if anything could reach my olympic gold medal moment, but tonight was absolutely the best moment of my career. i think myself and amanda have broken so many barriers over the last few years. it's going to inspire a lot of young girls. two women, a main event at a sold—out msg. who would have thought that? the fight lived up to the hype and there is already a clamourfor a rematch, possibly in ireland. this blockbuster bout the perfect showcase for the rise of women's boxing. ade adedoyin, bbc news, new york. an incredible night, there. ronnie 0'sullivan's dominating the world snooker championship final at the crucible and has extended his lead overjudd trump after the second session. the first was overshadowed by 0'sullivan arguing with the referee after he was given a formal warning for a gesture he made. as he looks to equal stephen hendry�*s record of seven titles, the world number one's been ruthless so far and leads trump by 12 frames to 5. the first to 18 wins, play resumes tomorrow. and emma raducanu's into the third round of the madrid 0pen, after an impressive win over fellow 19—year—old marta kostyuk. playing her first clay court season, raducanu delivered one of her best performances since winning the us open last year, winning in straight sets 6—2, 6—1. that's all your sport for now. that's it. now on bbc one, time for the news where you are. have a very good night. hello. this is bbc news with lukwesa burak. soon we'll be taking an in—depth look at the papers with our reviewers, entertainment journalist caroline frost and political commentator tony grew. that's coming up after the headlines. plant a tree for the jubilee. that was the message from the prince of wales today as he invited nature—lovers to mark the queen's 70—year reign. it's part of a scheme called the queen's green canopy, which will also dedicate 70 ancient woodlands to her majesty. the bbc royal correspondent, nicholas witchell, reports. newsreel: after the spade work, a good watering ensured - that the seedling got a proper start in life. she has, over the 70 years of her reign, planted many a tree to mark a visit by the monarch. buckingham palace estimates it must be something like 1,500. but the planting of trees has much more than a merely symbolic significance. they are, of course, vital to the environment. so plant a tree for thejubilee is the message being pushed today by the prince of wales, no mean tree—planter himself. to launch the queen's green canopy, 70 of the oldest trees and most ancient woodlands around the united kingdom have been identified. one of the ancient trees is at dumfries house in ayrshire. i am delighted, therefore, to have the opportunity to launch this project in the grounds of dumfries house under the majestic branches of this old sycamore, which predates the very house itself, having grown from seed more than 420 years ago. planted in 1599, or thereabouts, during the reigns of queen elizabeth i and king james vi, it is remarkable that this ancient tree is as old as shakespeare's hamlet and caravaggio's david and goliath. the purpose of the project, said the prince, was to conserve the united kingdom's natural heritage, to protect ancient woodlands and to plant many thousands of new trees in celebration of the queen's 70 years on the throne. nicholas witchell, bbc news. the papers will be coming up after the latest news headlines. time for a look at the weather with tomasz shafernacker. hello. the weather's been very mixed in the last couple of days. generally, a lot of cloud abouts, occasional outbreaks of rain and the outlook for the next two or three days is more or less the same. again, plenty of cloud, just a few sunny spells and scattered showers. but the really thick cloud of the outbreaks of rain that we had in the last day and a half has now moved to the south. it's in the english channel. it's just hugging the south coast through the early hours. so bits and pieces of rain from the tip of cornwall, devon, perhaps the isle of wight. elsewhere across the country, it's a cloudy early start with mist and murk in places, perhaps a bit of drizzle here and there and not cold, between six and ten degrees. so here's bank holiday monday, starting off pretty cloudy in most areas. there will be some sunshine developing, certainly across western parts of scotland, northern ireland, around the irish sea, inland there'll be sunny spells too, but also inland showers will start to develop almost anywhere, i think through the course of the morning into the afternoon. temperatures only ten in scotland, maybe 17 in the south of the uk. now here's the weather map for tuesday. a weather front tries to push into the north—west of the uk. here it is just to the north—west of our neighbourhood. but i think, generally speaking, we are talking about light winds, a lot of cloud showers perhaps brewing, particularly around wales and the south of england. driest of the weather will be on the east coast there, but cold. 0nly ten in newcastle, nine degrees in aberdeen. so that was tuesday. this is wednesday again, more of the same. there's very little wind in the atmosphere to push things around. so we keep that cloud. but showers are expected to form once again, particularly across central and more more especially southern parts of england, but temperatures recovering to 17 in london and around 15 in the lowlands of scotland. now, towards the end of the week, we are anticipating a change. the azores high is expected to build in. and with that also comes a warmer atmosphere. a warmer current is going to spread across the country. so that means temperatures are expected to rise. so here's the summary on the outlook. here's bank holiday monday, often cloudy for many of us, with just a few sunny spells. and then towards the end of the week, we're expecting those temperatures to rise. bye. hello. this is bbc news with lukwesa burak. we'll be taking a look at tomorrow morning's papers in a moment with political commentator tony grew and entertainment journalist caroline frost. first, the headlines. around 100 people have been evacuated from a steelworks in the ukrainian city of mariupol — where civilians and troops have been sheltering for weeks from heavy russian bombardments. the us speaker of the house — nancy pelosi — makes a surprise visit to kyiv, and promises american support for ukraine — she says, "until the fight is done". pressure mounts for reform of working practices in westminster — after mp, neil parish, resigns for watching pornography in the house of commons. a body found by police searching for a british woman who went missing more than a week ago has been confirmed

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Civilians , A Hundred , City , Life , Mariupol , Steel , Hundreds , Behind , Translation , Shells , Action , Calls , At Westminster , Russian Bombardment , Culture Of Misogyny , Government , Neil Parish , Phone , Protests , Material , Struggles , Commons Chamber , Resignation , Cost Of Living , Tory , Sri Lanka , Women , Anatomy , Katie Taylor , Model , Diagnoses , Sd , Fight , World , Titles , Rematch , Boxing , Amanda Serrano , Volodymyr Zelensky , Ukraine , Kyiv , Operation , Steelworks , United Nations , Rescue , Red Cross , People , Fighters , Part , Tunnels , Network , Azovstal Steelworks , A Desperate Final Stand , Russian Bombardments , Underground Bunkers , Laura Bicker , Medicine , Food , Where , Evacucees , Water , Zaporizhia , Place , Ground , Plant , Daylight , Rubble , Refuge , Maze , 60 , Svetoslav , Way , Bombardment , Supplies , Russian , Cut Off , Six , It , Woman , Horror , Children , Two , 100 , Darkness , Azovstal Steel Plant , Torch , Bag , Toilet , Husband , My Months Of Darkness , One , Site , Bombing , Unit , Shelter , Biggest , Vibrant European City , Hospital , Azov Group Claim , Bullet Wounds , Fragmentation Wounds , Lacerations , Fractures , Hundred , Amputation , Couple , Critical Condition , Glimmer Of Hope , More , Wait , Idea , 100000 , Nancy Pelosi , Bbc News , Us , Talks , Everyone , Scale , Negotiations , Visit , Surprise , Words , House Of Representatives , Congress , Figure , Biden , Zelensky Moral Support , President , Aid , 3 Billion , 33 Billion , Assistance , Poland , Fighting , Bullies , Freedom , Threats , View , Bully , Offensive , Rockets , Eastern Front , Donbas , Front Line , Troops , Bunkers , Trenches , Tank Fire , 81st Brigade , 81 , Break , Combat Doctor , Many , Rest , Some , Trench Foot , Onslaught , Colleagues , Socks , Boots , Opportunity , Men , Boys , Energy , War , Last , Attack , President Putin , Lives , Military , Artillery , Order , Guns , West , Weapons , Places , Forces , Success , Country , News , Lindsay Hoyle , House Of Commons , Latest , Team , Studio , Suburbs , Kharkiv , Clive , Bullying , Review , Sexual Misconduct , Politicians , Yesterday , Pornographic Material , Series , Working Practices , Ben Wright , Sexism , Misogyny , Apples , Work , Out Of Order , Westminster , Behaviour , Mps , Parliament , Pornography , Disrepute , Animals , Madness , Story , Angela Rayner , Article , Outrage , Backlash , Legs , Source , Borisjohnson , Labour , Matter , Culture , Comments , Commons , Miss , Smear , Rayner , Put A Spotlight , The General , Number , Doesn T Follow , Politics , Sense , Harassment , Experiences , Concern , Election , Girls , Workplace , Space , Sexual Harassment , Staff , Bars , Complaints , Process , Dealing , Thing , Rules , Breach , Everything , Sympathy , Four , Parties , Elsei , Allegations , Overand Overagain , Westminster Works , Go On , Swift Reform , Body , Commons Speaker , Question , Aides , Charge , Difference , Problems , Structures , Standards , Reputation , Doubt , Examination , Lancashire Police , Katie Kenyon , Forest Of Bowland , 33 , Scotland , Test , Symptoms , Head Injuries , Murder , Burnley , Covid , Old Man , Andrew Burfield , 50 , Channel , Border , Groups , Force , Contact Tracing , Migrants , Testing Sites , Infections , Kent , France , Simon Jones , Arrivals , Doverfor , 11 , We Haven T , Numbers , Evening , Mod , Excess , Boats , Boat Carrying Migrants , 200 , 1 , Commentators , Governments , Crossing , Asylum Seekers , 4000 , Weather , Winds , Rewind , Deterrent Effect , Factor , Plan , 0pposition , 0 , Thank Yom Simon , Isn T , Crisis , Isn T Going To Ha En Overniaht , Policies , Overnight , In Dover , Thank Ou , Streets , Colombo , Phenomenon , Goods , Reserves , Currency , Price Hikes , Capital , Island Nation , Tens Of Thousands , 22 Million , Fuel , Medicines , Opposition , Culmination , Rally , Economy , Demonstrations , Anbarasan Ethirajan , Thousands , Essential Items , Cash , Aren T Giving Up , Course Correction , Camping , Basics , 18 , Classic Case , Country Living , Essential Goods , Food Prices , Running , Gas , Loans , Pillar , Awakening , 25 , Fault Lines , Communities , Tamils , Sinhalese , The Cost Of Living , Muslims , Three , Elsewhere , Show , Point , Strength , Bankruptcy , Poverty , Example , Sectors , Society , Recovery , Facts , Situation , Analyst , Corona Impact , 2020 , Students , Teaching , Images , Models , 3d Model , Software , Diagnosis , Health Problems , Understanding , Fergus Walsh , 0ur Medical Editor , 3 , Something , Textbooks , Females , Detail , Males , Angle , Reference , Image , Anatomy Tool , Breast Tissue , Brighton And Sussex Medical School , Differences , Studies , Range , Conditions , Form , Wasn T , Practice , Doctors , Adjunct , Kind , Fingertips , Learning , Information , Hope , Anatomies , Patients , Sort , Female , Female Pelvis , Pelvis , Aspects , Far Cry , Bodies , Criminals , Developers , Chetan Pathak At The Bbc Sport , Most , 3d , Universities , Brighton , Centre , 350 , Everton , Football , Hopes , Highlights , Scores , Relegation , Boost , Premier League , Half , Game , Points , Safety , Hand , Winner , Chelsea , Richarlison , Leeds , Leicester , Goodison Park , Tottenham , Win , Arsenal , Title , Draw , Rangers , West Ham , Celtic , 2 , Lead , Top , Games , Home Side , Firm , Result , Women S Super League , Jota , Eqaulised Mid Way , Fashion Sakala , 20 , Victory , Pressure , Title Race , Hands , Penalty , Goal , Birmingham City , Pernille Harder , Aston Villa , 7 , Night , Northern Ireland , Lightweight Title , Beat , Expectations , Boxing Fans , Memory , History Of Women S Boxing , Madison Square Garden , Champion , Lightweight , Encounter , New York , Ade Adedoyin , Performance , Ring , Smiles , Serrano , Didn T , Things , Rounds , Courage , Price , Fifth , Fight Fire With , Bout , Women S Boxing , Names , Contest , Feat , Finish , Occasion , Career , History , Venue , Medal , Anything , Sure , Lot , Event , Barriers , Showcase , Blockbuster Bout , Hype , Rise , Msg , Clamourfor , Ronnie 0 Sullivan S , First , Overjudd , Trump , Referee , Session , Final , Crucible , Arguing , World Snooker Championship , 0 Sullivan , Record , Gesture , Wins , Number One , Warning , Frames , Stephen Hendry , 12 , Seven , 5 , Emma Raducanu , Round , Play , Clay Court , Madrid 0pen , Marta Kostyuk , Season , 19 , Performances , Bbc One , Us Open , 6 , Papers , Tony Grew , Headlines , Reviewers , Lukwesa Burak , Entertainment Journalist Caroline Frost , Tree , Queen , Message , Reign , Royal Correspondent , Bbc , Jubilee , Nature Lovers , Scheme , Majesty , Queen S Green Canopy , Prince Of Wales , 70 , Nicholas Witchell , Seedling , Newsreel , Spade Work , Reports , Start , Trees , Course , Buckingham Palace , Planting , Monarch , Significance , 1500 , Planter , Canopy , Woodlands , Thejubilee , Dumfries House , United Kingdom , Ayrshire , Project , Grounds , Seed , Sycamore , Branches , 420 , Reigns , Queen Elizabeth , King James Vi , David And Goliath , Caravaggio , Shakespeare S Hamlet , Thereabouts , 1599 , Prince , Celebration , Heritage , Purpose , Throne , Rain , Look , Outlook , Same , Outbreaks , News Headlines , Tomasz Shafernacker , Cloud Abouts , South , Cloud , Spells , Showers , English Channel , Plenty Of Cloud , South Coast , Tip , Pieces , Bits , Drizzle , Bit , Mist , Murk , Isle Of Wight , Cornwall , Devon , Ten , Areas , Anywhere , Western Parts , Bank Holiday Monday , Sunshine Developing , Irish Sea , Temperatures , Weather Front , North West , Afternoon , Weather Map , 17 , Cloud Showers , Driest , Neighbourhood , Brewing , South Of England , Wales , Atmosphere , Wind , Cold , East Coast , Aberdeen , Newcastle , 0nly , Nine , Change , Parts , Azores High , England , Lowlands Of Scotland , London , 15 , Current , Summary , End , Bombardments , Support , Speaker Of The House , Reform Of Working Practices In Westminster , Police , Mp , Pressure Mounts ,

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