Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Travel Show 20240709 : compareme

Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Travel Show 20240709

now on bbc news, it's time for the travel show — with christa larwood. this week on the show: how to survive one of the planet's longest lockdowns. we decided to start looking at how we're going to survive, how we're going to keep our staff engaged, how we're going to create revenue. the island with pride of place in lgbt history. it was pretty young the first time i visited this sunken forest and i think pulling in on that ferry, and next to the american flag, was this big beautiful rainbow flag. and just what is it that makes paris feel so parisian? theme music plays. i have returned to my home city of melbourne, after a long time away during the covid crisis. while the city has come through the pandemic well so far, in terms of preserving life, it has still suffered a big upheaval. if you ask the locals, they will tell you melbourne is the most locked down city in the world. that may or may not be exactly true but it's certain that this city has endured a lot of restrictions, with 262 days of lockdown between march 2020 and october 2021. and one of the things the hardest hit was its internationally renowned food scene. but i'd heard that among the challenges they'd face, industry here was adapting and evolving. melbourne's food scene is really unique. i think it is because we are so isolated down here in the bottom of the planet, we have had to actually do it ourselves but we are also the product of every different nation in the world which has come here over the last couple of hundred years and set up shop here. without the footfall of the city workers during the pandemic, melbourne city centre restaurants in particular suffered. but in the suburbs of melbourne, the opposite was happening. people were able to walk to their local takeaway or restaurants were turned into enotecas and delis. ok, so we're here, this is the place? one place which as adapted was anchovy, a south east asian restaurant which started selling bahn mi sandwiches from a food truck during the pandemic and was so successful, they have opened a dedicated bahn mi sandwich bar. oh, my goodness. so who's having the sardines? they are all for me. what are you having? we will share. it looks incredible. that's good, i'm so glad, thank you. there has been a lot of creativity and a lot of community, a lot of banding together in a way that i just don't think we have ever seen before. people sort of went back to basics but thenjust elevated those basics. so if you look at this sausage, for example, that is notjust something that has been bought or made by a butchers, they made this in—house, they aged their meats, they used all the herbs and spices, so you are essentially getting a restaurant dish between bread so there's still the character, there's still the heritage in something like a sandwich or a bahn mi but you get a really holistic experience of a chef's skill. this is lygon street, it's also known as melbourne's little italy. it's known for restaurants like this that are busy 24/7 and on the face of it, it looks like it has really bounced back after the pandemic. there's people everywhere, eating, drinking, enjoying themselves. if you look a little bit closer, you see things like this, where half of this restaurant is now closed because there still aren't enough customers and not enough staff. yet melbourne has also seen a huge amount of creativity from those in its restaurant scene, adapting to the problems they faced. people like shane delia, who is a much—loved chef in melbourne, he has a restaurant called maha and several other venues, he saw a massive opportunity in lockdown because the fine dining restaurants were finding it really hard to pivot into takeaway. i remember sitting with my wife on the couch thinking, we are done. we are going to have to hand back the keys to the house and i don't even know how we are going to survive. we employ 110 staff. they've all got partners, they've all got kids, they've friends so the extended network is huge and the impact on them was something that was really a heavyweight for me to carry. so he saw that there was a real opportunity there to par—cook everything, have it ready to be finished at home and delivered in refrigerated boxes, and he'd shifted everything. it went from a small order each day to hundreds of orders each day, to thousands of orders a week and then i realised this is probably a more significant business that would help others within the industry. shane started the finish and home meals for his own restaurants at first, before expending to a platform offering the service from high—end restaurants all around the city and beyond. this is the providoor box. what do we have here? i see a lamb shoulder. yeah, so this is — so inside you get the lamb shoulder that's already pre—roasted, then you canjust take it in this tray and put it into the oven. it'll come upjust like in the restaurant. i mean, this looks pretty good. i'm not sure everything is going to make it into the box because i'm going to have to take some home. so this has been incredibly successful. you must�*ve saved a lot of restaurants with this, right? you are a hero! no, i mean — look, we have helped a lot of restaurants. i think that the pandemic for restaurants in victoria and sydney would have been very different without the support of providoor but it's me — i mean, we've got a team of people. i was lucky enough to have the idea but then i've got a great community of people around us that have brought it all together. but for many foreign nationals in the industry who've remained, the situation has been especially challenging, like melbourne chef sarai castillo who was originally from mexico and was not eligible for government support. that was a massive issue during lockdown because the government chose not to give them support payments so you would think that would be a really awful story and it was because there were a whole heap of people here that had lived here for years, working full—time for businesses and very talented people in the industry, but what that did was flip it and they were like, "ok, we have these skills, we willjust start our own business." they've popped up like mushrooms all over melbourne. with established restaurant movida, she started a delivery menu which then grew into a food venue of its own. so, yeah, we were not getting any support. it was like, if we have no money, if you have no savings, you are like, do whatever you can. for me it was good because it was like a good opportunity to show my food, to show my recipes. like, yeah, to show my cooking and it was great and i never expected it. i was like, what is going to happen now and, yeah, so it was like bittersweet but it was good at the end. it seems like the phrase, when life gives you lemons you... make make lemonade... you made lemonade! and guacamole. and guacamole! that is phenomenal to see the effort that's going into keeping these places running. if you are heading to melbourne any time in the future, here are some of the things we think you should see and do. the maze of back streets and alleyways around the central business districts are called the laneways and they are a great place to get lost. they are famous for their street art and buzzy cafes and now is a good time to see them. the city's inside out recovery programme brings eating and entertainment out into the streets, allowing business to recover as safely as it can. melbourne's wednesday summer night market is back after two years of closures. there's shopping, food trucks and light entertainment, and check out the spirit zone to see what lockdown has done to your aura. it is free entry but, as with most places in melbourne, you need to show proof of double vaccination to get in. the three—week midsumma festival bills itself as an explosion of queer events that runs every january and february. it all kicks off with the carnival in alexandra gardens, on 23rd of january. there are 200 different events in 100 venues across the state of victoria and loads happening online too. and it has become a summer staple in melbourne, the annual sidney myer concert series returns to the music bowl. for more than 90 years, people have been enjoying the free performances by the melbourne symphony orchestra, in mid february. take a picnic and enjoy a totally free concert at a safe social distance. well, do stay with us on the travel show because coming up... why this stretch of coastline will always be special to america's lgbt nature lovers. so at kind of a young age, i found myself inspired just walking through this community. i did not really know why i was so jazzed up. and the battle royale between two rivals who both claim to be the real reason for paris's unique charm. so, don't go away. we are off to the us where around 50 miles or so from the heart of new york city is a little—known national park called fire island. national park told. it has 52 miles of shoreline, forest but it is a place that occupies the lgbt community. we went there to find out why. fire island national seashore is a national park. it's a barrier of 17 towns, 50 miles away from new york city. many of them are known for their long—standing lgbt communities. the sunken forest is a globally rare ecosystem. it's a very uncommon habitat. it's the fact that those holly trees are growing as close to the ocean and in such higher density as they do right here that makes this place unique. the forest sits behind two dunes, making itappear to be below sea level. they protect the trees from ocean salt spray and allow them to grow as tall as the dunes. the sunken forest would not exist if it weren't for this delicate balance. too much salt spray could kill the forest. not enough and the forest wouldn't have the minerals and nutrients that the ocean provides that feeds the trees. i grew up in mastic beach, which is sort of a lower income community on the south shore of long island. fortunately, mastic beach also happens to be one of the only places that you can walk onto fire island. it was a space i returned to every single summer. it's shifting landscape as a barrier island. every single day i come out here, it's a little bit different and i think that's all really inspiring because sometimes, we think of nature as this immutable, sort of unchangeable thing, but nature is really dynamic. i sort of came to my identity as a queer person later in life — towards the end of college. i sort of had to admit to myself that i was trans in some way. i identify now as trans feminine and non—binary. my pronouns are they/them. so at kind of a young age, i found myself inspired just walking through this community. i did not really know why i was so jazzed up. i knew about the lgbt history. before homosexuality was decriminalised, living an openly gay life was difficult in some states. isolated towns like cherry grove became safe havens for america's marginalised lgbt communities. i was pretty young the first time i visited the sunken forest. i was a volunteer. i was maybe 13, 1a at the time. and i think pulling in on that ferry, i saw these two flags. one was an american flag and next to the american flag was this big, beautiful rainbow flag, and i think it was the first time that i encountered a queer environment, queer space, queer community. eventually, i started leading programmes and actually, when i was 16, i started working as a park ranger. i've worked at fire island national seashore now for over ten years. there was this really significant grassroots effort that dates back all the way to the 1930s to actually create a national park, a national seashore, here at fire island. part of that was actually just an attempt to prevent robert moses and new york state from constructing a highway across the length of fire island. robert moses was a polarising urban planner in new york city. he was instrumental in the rapid construction of highways after the great depression. because the island is so narrow, a road across it would have completely reshaped the landscape. it would've threatened unique habitats like the sunken forest. in order to protect these towns, each one with their own really unique history and culture, they turned fire island into a national park so that future generations could come here and enjoy it for themselves. fire island national seashore became a national park in 1964. the biggest pleasures of working out here is just having this intimate knowledge of the space that i can then share with other people. i think that nature is something that i want to commune with often, especially when i'm feeling somewhat disconnected from the world. it's really nice to be able to get outside, to see all of these amazing plants, all of these amazing animals. it helps me to feel more connected to what's around me. french accordion music plays now, paris is a city that's rightly proud of its traditional image, but battlelines are being drawn over what truly makes it look and feel so uniquely parisian. upfor grabs, unesco world heritage status. so, will it be the crusty baguette or those distinctive blue—grey zinc rooftops that will triumph? we sent emeline nsingi nkosi to see two rivals slug it out for the honours. bells toll you can't walk more than a street in paris without seeing someone with a baguette under their arm. i'm told the french get through 10 billion of them every year. jaunty music plays it's no wonder, then, that the quality of the humble breadstick is taken so seriously, there is even an annual competition to be named the best baguette in paris. that one there. that looks good. and this place has won the award twice. law states a traditional baguette has to be made by hand with only four ingredients — water, salt, flour and yeast, and sold in the same place it's made. it is hoped the unesco status would protect this traditional method. battling the bakers are the roofers of paris, who claim that the beauty of the city's unique skyline is down in big part to the sea of blue—grey zinc roofs they maintain. this has got to be one of the best views in europe, and there's a couple of reasons for that. the first is that you can only build to a certain height, and the second one is that most of the rooftops are covered in the same blue and grey zinc. but paris hasn't always looks like this. in the late 19th century, emperor napoleon iii enlisted georges—eugene haussmann to completely redesign the city in one of the most ambitious plans of renovation in any city anywhere. inspired by london, a lighter, clean and safer paris soon emerged. the zinc rooftops became a symbol of the city's regeneration, covering around 75% of the roofs in paris. that's a lot of roofs! with not a lot of roofers to maintain them. now, several years since we tried to win this candidature, because it is very important to save the roofs of paris because each 50 or 60 years, you have to change the zinc. now, unfortunately, we have a terrible lack of well—trained roofers. why do you think there aren't enough young people who want to become roofers? young people think when you are on the roof, you have the rain, it's very cold or it's very hot. but in the same time, all the young roofers that i've met during my different reportings on the roofs of paris all told me "what i feel here is the freedom". the roofs aren'tjust an architectural treasure but an artistic one, too. hi! nice to meet you. during lockdown, raphael started taking candid photos from the roof of his building. his account quickly went viral. what a view! it's fantastic that you kind of, from this lockdown, you've been able to just build this huge instagram following of the rooftops. did you expect that to happen? what was that like? not at all. i think it is like a different kind of pictures because everyone has seen, like, the eiffel tower taken from the ground. and this time, it's like paris from above, which is unusual. and especially during the lockdown, everyone wanted to escape, you know? people started to take pictures from their windows, sometimes they managed to go on the roof of their buildings, so there really was a need to take, like, some fresh air and be free from your apartment. so that's why i think these pictures, they spoke to a lot of people. you want me to go straight in? you're not even going to show me? 0k. let's do it. let's do it! 0k. so, you don't want the eiffel tower alone because that can be a bit boring. boring. here. might be good if i know where the shutter is! both laugh it's fine! 0k. are you taking the clouds in the pictures? you do you. you are the artist! 0k. so it's basically called skyline, i.e., just the sky. i would buy this. you would buy this? i mean, have you seen this? it's not straight at all! in the end, the ministry of culture decided the bakers should be nominated for intangible heritage status. unesco will make a final decision by the end of this year. the roofers say they'll continue their fight for recognition. well, that's it for this week, but coming up next time... a vision of the future from 19705 tokyo. carmen climbs the nakagin tower to find out why capsule living was the japanese craze that never quite took off. look at this tiny bathroom! i'm not going to even attempt to go inside. wow! it still works? yes. there's hot water? no hot water. ooh, tough! don't forget, you can catch up with more of our recent adventures on bbc iplayer. we're on social media, too — just search for bbc travel show on facebook and instagram. until next time, from me and all of the travel show team here in melbourne, it's goodbye. hello, there. saturday was a rather cloudy day across much of the country. sunday looks brighter once we lose this weather front which is spreading southwards across the country, being a band of cloud and showers. and you'll also notice it will be a breezy day pretty much across the board, but certainly in the north, where we'll have gales across northern scotland. you can see why on the pressure chart, quite a few isobars here. this is the weather front spreading its way southwards across the country — this one brought some showers to southern areas overnight, that will eventually clear away and take any showers for the far south east of england. this weather front in the north will continue to sink southward through the day — barely anything on it by the time it reaches england and wales, in fact, and to be fragmenting to allow for quite a bit of sunshine to develop. and there'll be lots of sunshine across the northern half of the country. a breezy day, like i mentioned, windy in the north with gales for the northern isles. our air source will be coming in off the atlantic and, with quite a bit of sunshine around, it should feel a touch milder with highs of 8—11 celsius for many of us. now, as we move into sunday evening and overnight, the winds ease down for many — still quite breezy across the north uk, further showers for the northern isles, but high pressure begins to build in clear skies. temperatures will drop — and again, it's going to be a colder one than what we've seen through saturday night, with temperatures below freezing, and also some dense mist and fog patches around. our area of high pressure then, building in for monday, will bring a lot of settled weather — you can see barely any isobars on the chart, so winds will remain light all day for most of us. still some breeze and some cloud for the far north of scotland, but elsewhere, it's a chilly start with some frost and fog, which will clear and then leave actually a pretty pleasant day. quite a lot of sunshine up and down the country. after the chilly start, temperatures will reach highs of 7—9 celsius for most of us. as we move out of monday into tuesday, we see this frontal system sweep in off the atlantic, and that'll bring a wetter and windy day for the northern half of the country, the south still influenced by this area of high pressure. so it turns wet and windy for northern ireland, western scotland first, spreading across the rest of scotland, perhaps northern england into the afternoon. a chilly start with some fog across central and southern areas, but also a little bit of sunshine tending to break through in the afternoon as temperatures range from 7—11 celsius. thereafter, high pressure dominates the scene for the rest of the week and into the following weekend. so a lot of fine, unsettled weather with overnight frost and fog. see you later. hello and welcome to bbc news. three judges in australia have begun considering novak djokovic's appeal against the cancellation of his visa on the grounds of public health. djokovic's lawyers have been challenging the government's argument that the serbian player is an anti—vaccination figurehead. the judges say the verdict will be delivered on sunday or monday. i'm joined now by the bbc�*s phil mercer in melbourne. bring us up to date.

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Novak Djokovic , Cancellation , Appeal , Lawyers , Visa , Tennis Player , Front , Djokovic , Case , Visa Ban , Deportation , Federal Courtjudges , Three , People , Place , Waves , Eruption , Metre , Tsunami Warnings , Alerts , United States , Pacific Ocean , West Coast , Tonga , Japan , One , Fbi , Hostage Taker , Hostages , Synagogue , Police , Texas , Area , Service , Incident , Being , Residents , Planet , Show , Lockdowns , It S Time , Bbc News , The Travel Show , Christa Larwood , Staff , Island , Revenue , Pride , Lgbt History , Paris , Big Beautiful Rainbow Flag , Forest , Time , Ferry , Feel , City Of Melbourne , City , Theme Music Plays , Covid Crisis , New York City , Lockdown , Lot , Life , Pandemic , Most , May , World , Restrictions , Terms , Upheaval , Locals , March 2020 , 262 , Industry , Things , Food Scene , Hit , Evolving , 2021 , 2020 , October 2021 , Bottom , Product , Nation , Shop , Workers , Melbourne City Centre Restaurants In Particular , Footfall , Suburbs , Opposite , Restaurants , Restaurant , Takeaway , Delis , Food Truck , Anchovy , Bahn Mi , Enotecas , South East Asian , Goodness , Sardines , Sandwich Bar , Community , Way , Creativity , Banding , Basics , Example , Sausage , Thenjust , Notjust , Something , Butchers , Chef , Experience , Character , Heritage , Skill , Bread , Lygon Street , Herbs , Restaurant Dish , Spices , Meats , In House , It , Half , Face , Everywhere , Eating , Drinking , Little Italy , 24 7 , Shane Delia , Restaurant Scene , Customers , Amount , Problems , Called Maha , Opportunity , Couch Thinking , Venues , Dining , Wife , Keys To The House , Everything , Partners , Impact , Friends , Kids , Network , Heavyweight , Boxes , Par Cook , 110 , Order , Orders , Business , Expending , Others , Finish , Platform Offering , Beyond , Meals , Providoor Box , Lamb Shoulder , Shoulder , Pre Roasted , Oven , Tray , Home , Box , Ve , Hero , Support , Team , Victoria , Providoor , Sydney , Nationals , Sarai Castillo , Idea , Situation , Government , Government Support , Heap , Payments , Issue , Story , Mexico , Working Full Time , Businesses , Over , Skills , Flip , Mushrooms , Delivery Menu , Restaurant Movida , Food Venue , Money , Savings , Food , Recipes , The End , Lemons , Phrase , Places , Effort , Guacamole , Some , Running , Make Lemonade , Laneways , Back Streets , Business Districts , Alleyways , Maze , Cafes , Streets , Entertainment , Street Art , Inside Out Recovery Programme , Shopping , Entry , Closures , Food Trucks , Aura , Summer Night Market , Light Entertainment , Spirit Zone , Two , Double Vaccination , Proof , Events , Estate , Explosion , Carnival , Summer Staple , Midsumma Festival , Alexandra Gardens , 23rd Of January , 200 , 100 , 23 , Stay , Concert , Concert Series , Performances , Safe Social Distance , Music Bowl , Sidney Myer , Melbourne Symphony Orchestra , 90 , Kind , Rivals , Age , Stretch , Coastline , America S Lgbt Nature Lovers , Battle Royale , Charm , Claim , Reason , National Park , Fire Island , Shoreline , Heart , Don T Go Away , 52 , 50 , Towns , Many , Lgbt Communities , Lgbt Community , Barrier , Fire Island National Seashore , 17 , Ocean , Fact , Sunken Forest , Holly Trees , Ecosystem , Habitat , Density , Trees , Dunes , Ocean Salt Spray , Making Itappear , Sea Level , Balance , Weren T , Salt Spray , Minerals , Forest Wouldn T , Mastic Beach , Space , Income Community , Nutrients , South Shore Of Long Island , Bit , Nature , Landscape , Thing , Summer , Barrier Island , Immutable , Identity , Person , College , Pronouns , States , Safe Havens , Homosexuality , Decriminalised , Cherry Grove , Flags , Volunteer , Big , 1 , 13 , Grassroots Effort , Programmes , Queer Community , Queer Space , Park Ranger , Queer Environment , Ten , 16 , Robert Moses , Part , Seashore , Highway , Attempt , Length , New York State , 1930 , Highways , Construction , Polarising Urban Planner , Great Depression , Habitats , Road , Generations , History , Culture , 1964 , Wall , Knowledge , Plants , Pleasures , Accordion Music , Animals , French , Battlelines , Image , Zinc Rooftops , Crusty Baguette , Nsingi Nkosi , Honours , Unesco World Heritage Status , Upfor Grabs , Bells , Street , Someone , Baguette , Jaunty Music , Competition , Breadstick , Arm , Wonder , Quality , 10 Billion , There , Award , Water , Unesco , Status , Salt , Yeast , Flour , Hand , Law , Method , Four , Bakers , Roofers , Skyline , Roofs , Couple , First , Sea , Views , Reasons , Beauty , Who , Europe , Rooftops , Zinc , Height , Hasn T , 19th Century , 19 , Plans , Renovation , Emperor , Anywhere , Georges Eugene Haussmann , Napoleon Iii , London , Safer , Lighter , Regeneration , Symbol , 75 , Candidature , Lack , 60 , Roof , Aren T , Rain , Freedom , Reportings , All The Young , Raphael , Nice , Treasure , Artistic One , Building , Following , Instagram , Account , Photos , View , Pictures , Everyone , Eiffel Tower , Ground , Above , Buildings , Air , Apartment , Need , Windows , 0k , Boring , 0k , Fine , Clouds , Shutter , Laugh , Artist , Sky , Intangible Heritage Status , Decision , In The End , Ministry Of Culture , Craze , Recognition , Fight , Bathroom , Capsule Living , Nakagin Tower , Tokyo , Vision Of The Future , Carmen , 19705 , More , Adventures , Don T , Bbc Travel Show On Facebook , Yes , Ooh , Bbc Iplayer , Social Media , The Travel Show Team , Goodbye , Weather Front , Country , Showers , Cloud , Hello , Southwards , Band , Saturday , Sunday , North , Isobars , Gales , Board , Pressure Chart , Northern Scotland , Sunshine , England , Areas , Fragmenting , Anything , South East Of England , Wales , Highs , Air Source , Lots , Northern Isles , Off The Atlantic , 11 , 8 , High Pressure , Winds , Temperatures , Saturday Night , North Uk , Clear Skies , Fog , Weather , Chart , Freezing , Mist , Start , Frost , Elsewhere , Breeze , South , Sweep , System , Wetter , The Atlantic , Western Scotland First , Northern Ireland , 7 , 9 , Rest , Weekend , Scene , Afternoon , Judges , Figurehead , Player , Verdict , Grounds , Public Health , Argument , Australia , Phil Mercer ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Travel Show 20240709 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Travel Show 20240709

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now on bbc news, it's time for the travel show — with christa larwood. this week on the show: how to survive one of the planet's longest lockdowns. we decided to start looking at how we're going to survive, how we're going to keep our staff engaged, how we're going to create revenue. the island with pride of place in lgbt history. it was pretty young the first time i visited this sunken forest and i think pulling in on that ferry, and next to the american flag, was this big beautiful rainbow flag. and just what is it that makes paris feel so parisian? theme music plays. i have returned to my home city of melbourne, after a long time away during the covid crisis. while the city has come through the pandemic well so far, in terms of preserving life, it has still suffered a big upheaval. if you ask the locals, they will tell you melbourne is the most locked down city in the world. that may or may not be exactly true but it's certain that this city has endured a lot of restrictions, with 262 days of lockdown between march 2020 and october 2021. and one of the things the hardest hit was its internationally renowned food scene. but i'd heard that among the challenges they'd face, industry here was adapting and evolving. melbourne's food scene is really unique. i think it is because we are so isolated down here in the bottom of the planet, we have had to actually do it ourselves but we are also the product of every different nation in the world which has come here over the last couple of hundred years and set up shop here. without the footfall of the city workers during the pandemic, melbourne city centre restaurants in particular suffered. but in the suburbs of melbourne, the opposite was happening. people were able to walk to their local takeaway or restaurants were turned into enotecas and delis. ok, so we're here, this is the place? one place which as adapted was anchovy, a south east asian restaurant which started selling bahn mi sandwiches from a food truck during the pandemic and was so successful, they have opened a dedicated bahn mi sandwich bar. oh, my goodness. so who's having the sardines? they are all for me. what are you having? we will share. it looks incredible. that's good, i'm so glad, thank you. there has been a lot of creativity and a lot of community, a lot of banding together in a way that i just don't think we have ever seen before. people sort of went back to basics but thenjust elevated those basics. so if you look at this sausage, for example, that is notjust something that has been bought or made by a butchers, they made this in—house, they aged their meats, they used all the herbs and spices, so you are essentially getting a restaurant dish between bread so there's still the character, there's still the heritage in something like a sandwich or a bahn mi but you get a really holistic experience of a chef's skill. this is lygon street, it's also known as melbourne's little italy. it's known for restaurants like this that are busy 24/7 and on the face of it, it looks like it has really bounced back after the pandemic. there's people everywhere, eating, drinking, enjoying themselves. if you look a little bit closer, you see things like this, where half of this restaurant is now closed because there still aren't enough customers and not enough staff. yet melbourne has also seen a huge amount of creativity from those in its restaurant scene, adapting to the problems they faced. people like shane delia, who is a much—loved chef in melbourne, he has a restaurant called maha and several other venues, he saw a massive opportunity in lockdown because the fine dining restaurants were finding it really hard to pivot into takeaway. i remember sitting with my wife on the couch thinking, we are done. we are going to have to hand back the keys to the house and i don't even know how we are going to survive. we employ 110 staff. they've all got partners, they've all got kids, they've friends so the extended network is huge and the impact on them was something that was really a heavyweight for me to carry. so he saw that there was a real opportunity there to par—cook everything, have it ready to be finished at home and delivered in refrigerated boxes, and he'd shifted everything. it went from a small order each day to hundreds of orders each day, to thousands of orders a week and then i realised this is probably a more significant business that would help others within the industry. shane started the finish and home meals for his own restaurants at first, before expending to a platform offering the service from high—end restaurants all around the city and beyond. this is the providoor box. what do we have here? i see a lamb shoulder. yeah, so this is — so inside you get the lamb shoulder that's already pre—roasted, then you canjust take it in this tray and put it into the oven. it'll come upjust like in the restaurant. i mean, this looks pretty good. i'm not sure everything is going to make it into the box because i'm going to have to take some home. so this has been incredibly successful. you must�*ve saved a lot of restaurants with this, right? you are a hero! no, i mean — look, we have helped a lot of restaurants. i think that the pandemic for restaurants in victoria and sydney would have been very different without the support of providoor but it's me — i mean, we've got a team of people. i was lucky enough to have the idea but then i've got a great community of people around us that have brought it all together. but for many foreign nationals in the industry who've remained, the situation has been especially challenging, like melbourne chef sarai castillo who was originally from mexico and was not eligible for government support. that was a massive issue during lockdown because the government chose not to give them support payments so you would think that would be a really awful story and it was because there were a whole heap of people here that had lived here for years, working full—time for businesses and very talented people in the industry, but what that did was flip it and they were like, "ok, we have these skills, we willjust start our own business." they've popped up like mushrooms all over melbourne. with established restaurant movida, she started a delivery menu which then grew into a food venue of its own. so, yeah, we were not getting any support. it was like, if we have no money, if you have no savings, you are like, do whatever you can. for me it was good because it was like a good opportunity to show my food, to show my recipes. like, yeah, to show my cooking and it was great and i never expected it. i was like, what is going to happen now and, yeah, so it was like bittersweet but it was good at the end. it seems like the phrase, when life gives you lemons you... make make lemonade... you made lemonade! and guacamole. and guacamole! that is phenomenal to see the effort that's going into keeping these places running. if you are heading to melbourne any time in the future, here are some of the things we think you should see and do. the maze of back streets and alleyways around the central business districts are called the laneways and they are a great place to get lost. they are famous for their street art and buzzy cafes and now is a good time to see them. the city's inside out recovery programme brings eating and entertainment out into the streets, allowing business to recover as safely as it can. melbourne's wednesday summer night market is back after two years of closures. there's shopping, food trucks and light entertainment, and check out the spirit zone to see what lockdown has done to your aura. it is free entry but, as with most places in melbourne, you need to show proof of double vaccination to get in. the three—week midsumma festival bills itself as an explosion of queer events that runs every january and february. it all kicks off with the carnival in alexandra gardens, on 23rd of january. there are 200 different events in 100 venues across the state of victoria and loads happening online too. and it has become a summer staple in melbourne, the annual sidney myer concert series returns to the music bowl. for more than 90 years, people have been enjoying the free performances by the melbourne symphony orchestra, in mid february. take a picnic and enjoy a totally free concert at a safe social distance. well, do stay with us on the travel show because coming up... why this stretch of coastline will always be special to america's lgbt nature lovers. so at kind of a young age, i found myself inspired just walking through this community. i did not really know why i was so jazzed up. and the battle royale between two rivals who both claim to be the real reason for paris's unique charm. so, don't go away. we are off to the us where around 50 miles or so from the heart of new york city is a little—known national park called fire island. national park told. it has 52 miles of shoreline, forest but it is a place that occupies the lgbt community. we went there to find out why. fire island national seashore is a national park. it's a barrier of 17 towns, 50 miles away from new york city. many of them are known for their long—standing lgbt communities. the sunken forest is a globally rare ecosystem. it's a very uncommon habitat. it's the fact that those holly trees are growing as close to the ocean and in such higher density as they do right here that makes this place unique. the forest sits behind two dunes, making itappear to be below sea level. they protect the trees from ocean salt spray and allow them to grow as tall as the dunes. the sunken forest would not exist if it weren't for this delicate balance. too much salt spray could kill the forest. not enough and the forest wouldn't have the minerals and nutrients that the ocean provides that feeds the trees. i grew up in mastic beach, which is sort of a lower income community on the south shore of long island. fortunately, mastic beach also happens to be one of the only places that you can walk onto fire island. it was a space i returned to every single summer. it's shifting landscape as a barrier island. every single day i come out here, it's a little bit different and i think that's all really inspiring because sometimes, we think of nature as this immutable, sort of unchangeable thing, but nature is really dynamic. i sort of came to my identity as a queer person later in life — towards the end of college. i sort of had to admit to myself that i was trans in some way. i identify now as trans feminine and non—binary. my pronouns are they/them. so at kind of a young age, i found myself inspired just walking through this community. i did not really know why i was so jazzed up. i knew about the lgbt history. before homosexuality was decriminalised, living an openly gay life was difficult in some states. isolated towns like cherry grove became safe havens for america's marginalised lgbt communities. i was pretty young the first time i visited the sunken forest. i was a volunteer. i was maybe 13, 1a at the time. and i think pulling in on that ferry, i saw these two flags. one was an american flag and next to the american flag was this big, beautiful rainbow flag, and i think it was the first time that i encountered a queer environment, queer space, queer community. eventually, i started leading programmes and actually, when i was 16, i started working as a park ranger. i've worked at fire island national seashore now for over ten years. there was this really significant grassroots effort that dates back all the way to the 1930s to actually create a national park, a national seashore, here at fire island. part of that was actually just an attempt to prevent robert moses and new york state from constructing a highway across the length of fire island. robert moses was a polarising urban planner in new york city. he was instrumental in the rapid construction of highways after the great depression. because the island is so narrow, a road across it would have completely reshaped the landscape. it would've threatened unique habitats like the sunken forest. in order to protect these towns, each one with their own really unique history and culture, they turned fire island into a national park so that future generations could come here and enjoy it for themselves. fire island national seashore became a national park in 1964. the biggest pleasures of working out here is just having this intimate knowledge of the space that i can then share with other people. i think that nature is something that i want to commune with often, especially when i'm feeling somewhat disconnected from the world. it's really nice to be able to get outside, to see all of these amazing plants, all of these amazing animals. it helps me to feel more connected to what's around me. french accordion music plays now, paris is a city that's rightly proud of its traditional image, but battlelines are being drawn over what truly makes it look and feel so uniquely parisian. upfor grabs, unesco world heritage status. so, will it be the crusty baguette or those distinctive blue—grey zinc rooftops that will triumph? we sent emeline nsingi nkosi to see two rivals slug it out for the honours. bells toll you can't walk more than a street in paris without seeing someone with a baguette under their arm. i'm told the french get through 10 billion of them every year. jaunty music plays it's no wonder, then, that the quality of the humble breadstick is taken so seriously, there is even an annual competition to be named the best baguette in paris. that one there. that looks good. and this place has won the award twice. law states a traditional baguette has to be made by hand with only four ingredients — water, salt, flour and yeast, and sold in the same place it's made. it is hoped the unesco status would protect this traditional method. battling the bakers are the roofers of paris, who claim that the beauty of the city's unique skyline is down in big part to the sea of blue—grey zinc roofs they maintain. this has got to be one of the best views in europe, and there's a couple of reasons for that. the first is that you can only build to a certain height, and the second one is that most of the rooftops are covered in the same blue and grey zinc. but paris hasn't always looks like this. in the late 19th century, emperor napoleon iii enlisted georges—eugene haussmann to completely redesign the city in one of the most ambitious plans of renovation in any city anywhere. inspired by london, a lighter, clean and safer paris soon emerged. the zinc rooftops became a symbol of the city's regeneration, covering around 75% of the roofs in paris. that's a lot of roofs! with not a lot of roofers to maintain them. now, several years since we tried to win this candidature, because it is very important to save the roofs of paris because each 50 or 60 years, you have to change the zinc. now, unfortunately, we have a terrible lack of well—trained roofers. why do you think there aren't enough young people who want to become roofers? young people think when you are on the roof, you have the rain, it's very cold or it's very hot. but in the same time, all the young roofers that i've met during my different reportings on the roofs of paris all told me "what i feel here is the freedom". the roofs aren'tjust an architectural treasure but an artistic one, too. hi! nice to meet you. during lockdown, raphael started taking candid photos from the roof of his building. his account quickly went viral. what a view! it's fantastic that you kind of, from this lockdown, you've been able to just build this huge instagram following of the rooftops. did you expect that to happen? what was that like? not at all. i think it is like a different kind of pictures because everyone has seen, like, the eiffel tower taken from the ground. and this time, it's like paris from above, which is unusual. and especially during the lockdown, everyone wanted to escape, you know? people started to take pictures from their windows, sometimes they managed to go on the roof of their buildings, so there really was a need to take, like, some fresh air and be free from your apartment. so that's why i think these pictures, they spoke to a lot of people. you want me to go straight in? you're not even going to show me? 0k. let's do it. let's do it! 0k. so, you don't want the eiffel tower alone because that can be a bit boring. boring. here. might be good if i know where the shutter is! both laugh it's fine! 0k. are you taking the clouds in the pictures? you do you. you are the artist! 0k. so it's basically called skyline, i.e., just the sky. i would buy this. you would buy this? i mean, have you seen this? it's not straight at all! in the end, the ministry of culture decided the bakers should be nominated for intangible heritage status. unesco will make a final decision by the end of this year. the roofers say they'll continue their fight for recognition. well, that's it for this week, but coming up next time... a vision of the future from 19705 tokyo. carmen climbs the nakagin tower to find out why capsule living was the japanese craze that never quite took off. look at this tiny bathroom! i'm not going to even attempt to go inside. wow! it still works? yes. there's hot water? no hot water. ooh, tough! don't forget, you can catch up with more of our recent adventures on bbc iplayer. we're on social media, too — just search for bbc travel show on facebook and instagram. until next time, from me and all of the travel show team here in melbourne, it's goodbye. hello, there. saturday was a rather cloudy day across much of the country. sunday looks brighter once we lose this weather front which is spreading southwards across the country, being a band of cloud and showers. and you'll also notice it will be a breezy day pretty much across the board, but certainly in the north, where we'll have gales across northern scotland. you can see why on the pressure chart, quite a few isobars here. this is the weather front spreading its way southwards across the country — this one brought some showers to southern areas overnight, that will eventually clear away and take any showers for the far south east of england. this weather front in the north will continue to sink southward through the day — barely anything on it by the time it reaches england and wales, in fact, and to be fragmenting to allow for quite a bit of sunshine to develop. and there'll be lots of sunshine across the northern half of the country. a breezy day, like i mentioned, windy in the north with gales for the northern isles. our air source will be coming in off the atlantic and, with quite a bit of sunshine around, it should feel a touch milder with highs of 8—11 celsius for many of us. now, as we move into sunday evening and overnight, the winds ease down for many — still quite breezy across the north uk, further showers for the northern isles, but high pressure begins to build in clear skies. temperatures will drop — and again, it's going to be a colder one than what we've seen through saturday night, with temperatures below freezing, and also some dense mist and fog patches around. our area of high pressure then, building in for monday, will bring a lot of settled weather — you can see barely any isobars on the chart, so winds will remain light all day for most of us. still some breeze and some cloud for the far north of scotland, but elsewhere, it's a chilly start with some frost and fog, which will clear and then leave actually a pretty pleasant day. quite a lot of sunshine up and down the country. after the chilly start, temperatures will reach highs of 7—9 celsius for most of us. as we move out of monday into tuesday, we see this frontal system sweep in off the atlantic, and that'll bring a wetter and windy day for the northern half of the country, the south still influenced by this area of high pressure. so it turns wet and windy for northern ireland, western scotland first, spreading across the rest of scotland, perhaps northern england into the afternoon. a chilly start with some fog across central and southern areas, but also a little bit of sunshine tending to break through in the afternoon as temperatures range from 7—11 celsius. thereafter, high pressure dominates the scene for the rest of the week and into the following weekend. so a lot of fine, unsettled weather with overnight frost and fog. see you later. hello and welcome to bbc news. three judges in australia have begun considering novak djokovic's appeal against the cancellation of his visa on the grounds of public health. djokovic's lawyers have been challenging the government's argument that the serbian player is an anti—vaccination figurehead. the judges say the verdict will be delivered on sunday or monday. i'm joined now by the bbc�*s phil mercer in melbourne. bring us up to date.

Related Keywords

Novak Djokovic , Cancellation , Appeal , Lawyers , Visa , Tennis Player , Front , Djokovic , Case , Visa Ban , Deportation , Federal Courtjudges , Three , People , Place , Waves , Eruption , Metre , Tsunami Warnings , Alerts , United States , Pacific Ocean , West Coast , Tonga , Japan , One , Fbi , Hostage Taker , Hostages , Synagogue , Police , Texas , Area , Service , Incident , Being , Residents , Planet , Show , Lockdowns , It S Time , Bbc News , The Travel Show , Christa Larwood , Staff , Island , Revenue , Pride , Lgbt History , Paris , Big Beautiful Rainbow Flag , Forest , Time , Ferry , Feel , City Of Melbourne , City , Theme Music Plays , Covid Crisis , New York City , Lockdown , Lot , Life , Pandemic , Most , May , World , Restrictions , Terms , Upheaval , Locals , March 2020 , 262 , Industry , Things , Food Scene , Hit , Evolving , 2021 , 2020 , October 2021 , Bottom , Product , Nation , Shop , Workers , Melbourne City Centre Restaurants In Particular , Footfall , Suburbs , Opposite , Restaurants , Restaurant , Takeaway , Delis , Food Truck , Anchovy , Bahn Mi , Enotecas , South East Asian , Goodness , Sardines , Sandwich Bar , Community , Way , Creativity , Banding , Basics , Example , Sausage , Thenjust , Notjust , Something , Butchers , Chef , Experience , Character , Heritage , Skill , Bread , Lygon Street , Herbs , Restaurant Dish , Spices , Meats , In House , It , Half , Face , Everywhere , Eating , Drinking , Little Italy , 24 7 , Shane Delia , Restaurant Scene , Customers , Amount , Problems , Called Maha , Opportunity , Couch Thinking , Venues , Dining , Wife , Keys To The House , Everything , Partners , Impact , Friends , Kids , Network , Heavyweight , Boxes , Par Cook , 110 , Order , Orders , Business , Expending , Others , Finish , Platform Offering , Beyond , Meals , Providoor Box , Lamb Shoulder , Shoulder , Pre Roasted , Oven , Tray , Home , Box , Ve , Hero , Support , Team , Victoria , Providoor , Sydney , Nationals , Sarai Castillo , Idea , Situation , Government , Government Support , Heap , Payments , Issue , Story , Mexico , Working Full Time , Businesses , Over , Skills , Flip , Mushrooms , Delivery Menu , Restaurant Movida , Food Venue , Money , Savings , Food , Recipes , The End , Lemons , Phrase , Places , Effort , Guacamole , Some , Running , Make Lemonade , Laneways , Back Streets , Business Districts , Alleyways , Maze , Cafes , Streets , Entertainment , Street Art , Inside Out Recovery Programme , Shopping , Entry , Closures , Food Trucks , Aura , Summer Night Market , Light Entertainment , Spirit Zone , Two , Double Vaccination , Proof , Events , Estate , Explosion , Carnival , Summer Staple , Midsumma Festival , Alexandra Gardens , 23rd Of January , 200 , 100 , 23 , Stay , Concert , Concert Series , Performances , Safe Social Distance , Music Bowl , Sidney Myer , Melbourne Symphony Orchestra , 90 , Kind , Rivals , Age , Stretch , Coastline , America S Lgbt Nature Lovers , Battle Royale , Charm , Claim , Reason , National Park , Fire Island , Shoreline , Heart , Don T Go Away , 52 , 50 , Towns , Many , Lgbt Communities , Lgbt Community , Barrier , Fire Island National Seashore , 17 , Ocean , Fact , Sunken Forest , Holly Trees , Ecosystem , Habitat , Density , Trees , Dunes , Ocean Salt Spray , Making Itappear , Sea Level , Balance , Weren T , Salt Spray , Minerals , Forest Wouldn T , Mastic Beach , Space , Income Community , Nutrients , South Shore Of Long Island , Bit , Nature , Landscape , Thing , Summer , Barrier Island , Immutable , Identity , Person , College , Pronouns , States , Safe Havens , Homosexuality , Decriminalised , Cherry Grove , Flags , Volunteer , Big , 1 , 13 , Grassroots Effort , Programmes , Queer Community , Queer Space , Park Ranger , Queer Environment , Ten , 16 , Robert Moses , Part , Seashore , Highway , Attempt , Length , New York State , 1930 , Highways , Construction , Polarising Urban Planner , Great Depression , Habitats , Road , Generations , History , Culture , 1964 , Wall , Knowledge , Plants , Pleasures , Accordion Music , Animals , French , Battlelines , Image , Zinc Rooftops , Crusty Baguette , Nsingi Nkosi , Honours , Unesco World Heritage Status , Upfor Grabs , Bells , Street , Someone , Baguette , Jaunty Music , Competition , Breadstick , Arm , Wonder , Quality , 10 Billion , There , Award , Water , Unesco , Status , Salt , Yeast , Flour , Hand , Law , Method , Four , Bakers , Roofers , Skyline , Roofs , Couple , First , Sea , Views , Reasons , Beauty , Who , Europe , Rooftops , Zinc , Height , Hasn T , 19th Century , 19 , Plans , Renovation , Emperor , Anywhere , Georges Eugene Haussmann , Napoleon Iii , London , Safer , Lighter , Regeneration , Symbol , 75 , Candidature , Lack , 60 , Roof , Aren T , Rain , Freedom , Reportings , All The Young , Raphael , Nice , Treasure , Artistic One , Building , Following , Instagram , Account , Photos , View , Pictures , Everyone , Eiffel Tower , Ground , Above , Buildings , Air , Apartment , Need , Windows , 0k , Boring , 0k , Fine , Clouds , Shutter , Laugh , Artist , Sky , Intangible Heritage Status , Decision , In The End , Ministry Of Culture , Craze , Recognition , Fight , Bathroom , Capsule Living , Nakagin Tower , Tokyo , Vision Of The Future , Carmen , 19705 , More , Adventures , Don T , Bbc Travel Show On Facebook , Yes , Ooh , Bbc Iplayer , Social Media , The Travel Show Team , Goodbye , Weather Front , Country , Showers , Cloud , Hello , Southwards , Band , Saturday , Sunday , North , Isobars , Gales , Board , Pressure Chart , Northern Scotland , Sunshine , England , Areas , Fragmenting , Anything , South East Of England , Wales , Highs , Air Source , Lots , Northern Isles , Off The Atlantic , 11 , 8 , High Pressure , Winds , Temperatures , Saturday Night , North Uk , Clear Skies , Fog , Weather , Chart , Freezing , Mist , Start , Frost , Elsewhere , Breeze , South , Sweep , System , Wetter , The Atlantic , Western Scotland First , Northern Ireland , 7 , 9 , Rest , Weekend , Scene , Afternoon , Judges , Figurehead , Player , Verdict , Grounds , Public Health , Argument , Australia , Phil Mercer ,

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