Support OneGreenPlanet Being publicly-funded gives us a greater chance to continue providing you with high quality content. Please support us! Support Us In 2020, our homes became our … well … everything. For most of us, the place we used to hang our hat is now a workplace, schoolhouse, playground, movie theater, concert venue, and, for many, a gym. When it came to transforming your living room into a gym, many went straight to purchasing the essentials — a set of weights, a treadmill, an indoor bicycle, or a yoga or exercise mat, and there was an explosion in online class subscription services. With all this work being done to the body, how many of us invested in our pre or post-workout care? Getting your heart rate up and your body moving is an essential part of self-care, yet so is taking care of that body. This is where exercise rollers — also called foam rollers — come into play!