Noida: After imposing fines to the tune of Rs 4 crore on 25 builders for non-compliance of its orders in favour of homebuyers, UP-Rera is now hearing the offenders out one-on-one. Top executives of Supertech Group and the Logix group turned up at the regulator’s door on Wednesday and Thursday, respectively, to negotiate and make fresh promises for completion of flats to escape fines.
“The meetings are being held with the erring builders on a one-on-one basis. However, there have been no discussions on whether they would be absolved of the heavy fines if they start delivering the pending units,” Balvinder Kumar, member of UP-Rera, told TOI.
UP-RERA deregisters two projects of Ansal API, imposes Rs 1.6 crore penalty
RERA said that the strict action has been taken after the promoter could not provide a satisfactory response to the deregistration notices by the authority.
A large number of complaints have been made by the allottees of the projects registered by the promoter with the authority, including non-possession of the units, non-refund of the amount deposited by the allottees, violating the terms and conditions of the sales contract/allotment letter.
New Delhi: The Uttar Pradesh Real Estate Regulatory Authority (UP-RERA) has de-registered two projects of Ansal API in Sushant Golf City, Lucknow.