With a target of making Uttar Pradesh atmanirbhar , the Yogi Adityanath government on Monday presented a Rs 5,50,270.78 crore budget for 2021-22 in the state Assembly. With Assembly elections in the state less than a year away, the budget includes new schemes of Rs 27,598.40 crore. The budget presented by Finance Minister Suresh Kumar Khanna, in the presence of the chief minister, is over Rs 37,410 crore more than the previous year s budget size, making it the largest fund allocation. Reading out the budget speech from a laptop, Khanna said the target was to make Uttar Pradesh atmanirbhar and ensure all round development of the state.
The Budget session of UP legislature began on Thursday
New Delhi: The Yogi Adityanath government in Uttar Pradesh will present the Budget for the financial year 2021-22 in the state assembly on Monday (February 22).
Taking a cue from the Union Budget, the Budget in the state will also be presented in a paperless mode.
The state legislative assembly speaker Hriday Narayan Dixit on Sunday said that everything including the agenda of the House, and questions and answers will become paperless. There is a plan to implement the e-Vidhan in all the legislative assemblies of the country. It will be implemented in Uttar Pradesh as well, and the required money for its implementation will also be paid by us. For this project, the Union Parliamentary Affairs minister has been made the nodal, said Dixit.
This is the first time the Yogi Adityanath government in Uttar Pradesh presented a paperless budget. Yogi Adityanath (file photo) government presents fifth budget  |  Photo Credit: IANS
Lucknow: The Uttar Pradesh Government, on Monday, announced a Whopping Rs 5.50 lakh crore budget as Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath unveiled the plans to make his state
aatmanirbhar , meaning self-reliant, in line with PM Narendra Modi s call at the national level.
With the Assembly polls in the state just about a year away, the Chief Minister announced new schemes worth Rs 27,598.40 crore for the state. The budget was presented by Finance Minister Suresh Kumar Khanna. Interestingly, this was the first time that the Yogi Adityanath government presented a paperless budget in the state Assembly amid protests from the opposition demanding physical copies of the document.
UP Budget 2021 Updates: Uttar Pradesh Finance Minister Suresh Kumar Khanna presents the budget.
The Yogi Adityanath-led government Monday presented Rs 5,50,270.78 crore budget for 2021-22 in the State Assembly. With the Assembly election a year away, the budget includes new schemes of Rs 27,598 crore.
This is also Uttar Pradesh s first paperless budget.
Reading out the budget speech from a laptop, Finance Minister Suresh Kumar Khanna said the target was to make Uttar Pradesh Aatmanirbhar and ensure all round development of the state.
Ahead of the presentation of the budget, the state legislative assembly speaker on Sunday said that subsequently everything including the agenda of the House, and questions and answers will become paperless.