A provision of Rs 369 crore has been made under the Mukhyamantri Awas Yojana (Gramin). Further, a provision of Rs 5,548 crore has been made under Rashtriya Gramin Rojgar Guarantee Yojana to create 35 crore man days employment. Under Batch-1 of Pradhanmantri Gram Sadak Yojana-3, Rs 5,000 crore is proposed. As far as Panchayati Raj is concerned, a provision of Rs 10 crore for the establishment of 2 Chandrasekhar Azad Gramin Vikas Sachivalaya in each Nyay Panchayat. A provision of Rs 25 crore has been made to encourage excellent gram panchayats under the Mukhyamantri Panchayat Protsahan Yojana. A provision of Rs 20 crore has been made for the construction of multipurpose panchayat buildings in gram panchayats.