ADRIAN Anyone who wants a COVID-19 vaccine in Lenawee County should be able to get one.
The county has been holding mass vaccinations clinics at the Lenawee County Fair & Event Grounds since January and has expanded its efforts to include clinics at local fire departments, businesses and schools.
Vaccine hesitancy is now the biggest negating factor in ensuring that everyone who is eligible for the vaccine gets the vaccine.
“There’s definitely vaccine hesitancy. I mean we’re as a county, I think we’re just over 40% fully vaccinated,” Craig Tanis, emergency management coordinator for the county, said. “So I think that’s the point we’re at now is we got all the people that wanted it really bad initially, and now we’re going out in the communities and making it more convenient for those people who maybe were somewhat hesitant. So they’re coming in to get it and now we’re hitting the remainder of the ones that don’t necessarily want to
Re-Tree Tecumseh will soon plant 29 new street trees along West Chicago Boulevard. The trees are being planted in memorial to the late DJ Martin, former owner of Martin s Home Center.