I am disabled. And this past year, I watched my able-bodied friends struggle with postponing and 
downsizing weddings, while living with the reality that I can never 
,marry without risking loss of life-sustaining health care. Marriage should be an equal option for all, including disabled people. As long as we
Panera Wants Pagan Worker s Discrimination Suit Arbitrated
Law360 (May 25, 2021, 3:37 PM EDT) An arbitrator should hear a former Pittsburgh-area Panera Bread employee s claim that she faced discrimination from her Christian co-workers after revealing that she practiced a form of neo-paganism, attorneys for the restaurant told a Pennsylvania federal court.
Tammy McCoy had claimed in her lawsuit that she was subjected to a hostile work environment by bosses who insisted that she find God. But attorneys for PAN American Group LLC, which ran the Pleasant Hills, Pennsylvania, Panera Bread where McCoy had worked, said she d signed a dispute resolution program agreement that subjected such claims to binding arbitration.
The recognizable golden arches have always been more than a place to get a hamburger, french fries and a Coke for this mother and daughter duo. McDonald’s is a part of the family. Michele Rice-Kirkwood owns and operates eight western Pennsylvania restaurants, one where her daughter, Brittany Neal, is general