Ahead of the 75th Independence Day celebrations, Delhi Police have made massive security arrangements in the national capital, especially at Red Fort, from where Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the nation, said Joint Commissioner of Traffic Police Sanjay Kumar on Wednesday.
New Delhi [India], August 13 (ANI): Ahead of the 75th Independence Day celebrations on August 15, a full dress rehearsal was held at Red Fort in the national capital amid tight security on Friday morning.
New Delhi [India], August 11 (ANI): Ahead of the 75th Independence Day celebrations, Delhi Police have made massive security arrangements in the national capital, especially at Red Fort, from where Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the nation, said Joint Commissioner of Traffic Police Sanjay Kumar on Wednesday.
Ludhiana: The incessant rain left many roads inundated in the city on Wednesday. Even as the municipal corporation officials claim to have solved the problem of waterlogging in many areas, they have failed to address it near their Zone C office at Gill Road.
The worst hit areas were Chandigarh Road, Fountain Chowk, Gill Road, Jamalpur and Hambran Road, among others.
Due to the construction of an elevated road at Ferozepur Road, commuters are forced to take diversions. The showers made them drive through stretches riddled with potholes full of rainwater.
Dr Premjit Singh, a resident of Chandigarh Road, said, “Even light rain is enough to flood Chandigarh Road. I had raised the matter with the CM office and my complaint was marked to the MC officials, but it has not been effectively addressed.”