Students of the Department of Theory and Methods of Primary Education E. Pimenova, A. Kuzmina, A. Makarova, N. Zinkina, A. Kozhevnikova, T. Simonova in practice together with students of the University Lyceum, 27, 46 and 48 schools of the city took an active part in the All-Russian Children’s Book Week – 2021.
March – April of this year was fruitful for the cooperation of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology with the libraries of our city.
The advertising messages about interesting books created by students of primary schools served a good cause: they contributed to the expansion of the reader’s horizons not only of classmates, but of all schoolchildren of Karelia who are interested in books. The National Library’s Children’s Reading Center received videos, presentations, drawings, reviews of books that can be used in working with children.
Apr 21, 2021
The plenary session of the conference was opened by the acting head department Psychology Nadezhda Olegovna Dementyeva, Marina Stanislavovna Gvozdeva, Vice-Rector for International Affairs of Petrozavodsk State University, and Rimma Evgenievna Ermolenko, Director of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of PetrSU addressed the conference participants with a welcoming speech and wishes for successful professional communication.
Gennady Alexandrovich Saraev, Ombudsman for the Rights of the Child in the Republic of Karelia, spoke about the current social situation of the development of children and the conditions for the education of schoolchildren and students; Alla Valerianovna Gordeeva, Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Psychology of Donetsk National University, addressed with unconditional support for professional cooperation.
A fair of vacancies for technical and engineering specialties “TECHNO.PRO” was held in PetrSU.
There are a couple of months left before the end of the school year – for some students, this is their final year of study. Now is the time to decide on a place of future work, to find suitable vacancies or internships for yourself. This is why the Career Center hosts job fairs for students and alumni.
Representatives of Karelian and Russian companies came to personally meet students and alumni and tell in more detail about the areas of work, as well as inform about current vacancies and internships and answer questions of interest.
Apr 15, 2021
Many questions arose about the participation of children in international environmental actions. During the holidays, the school organizes environmental camps, where environmental projects and environmental actions are carried out. Additional education institutions exist, but environmental education is carried out at school. In high school, ecology is taught as a separate subject, the study of which ends with an exam.
The event was attended by 3rd year students of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology and 3rd year students of the Institute of Biology, Ecology and Agrotechnology, studying in the profiles “Primary Education” and “Biology and Chemistry”.
The organizers of the event thanked the specialist of PetrSU Yulia Vasilievna Komarova for the technical support of the video-conference session.
Apr 8, 2021
The analysis of the results obtained allowed us to conclude that 58% of students consider themselves financially literate; 81.4% of respondents are interested in improving their financial literacy.
Ropotina Elena Ivanovna, postgraduate student of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, conducted theoretical and practical classes with students on the “Theory and Methods of Financial Literacy”, including in a distance format. The greatest interest among students was aroused by interactive lessons of a practice-oriented orientation on the basics of financial literacy for younger students: distance family “Intellectual and financial marathon” and “Financial scanword”. Students noted the relevance, demand for such classes and the need for special pedagogical activities to form the financial literacy of schoolchildren.