Students of the Department of Theory and Methods of Primary Education E. Pimenova, A. Kuzmina, A. Makarova, N. Zinkina, A. Kozhevnikova, T. Simonova in practice together with students of the University Lyceum, 27, 46 and 48 schools of the city took an active part in the All-Russian Children’s Book Week – 2021.
March – April of this year was fruitful for the cooperation of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology with the libraries of our city.
The advertising messages about interesting books created by students of primary schools served a good cause: they contributed to the expansion of the reader’s horizons not only of classmates, but of all schoolchildren of Karelia who are interested in books. The National Library’s Children’s Reading Center received videos, presentations, drawings, reviews of books that can be used in working with children.