Kalief Caseres
A 17-year-old minor became the first in a series of murders that took place within Belize City in the last week, beginning on Thursday, May 6. Gerald Tillett Jr., son of the late and infamous Gerald “Shiny” Tillett Sr. who was murdered himself in 2016, was in enemy territory when an attack was made on his life. It took place on Baghdad Street just before 7:00 p.m. His father was once the leader of the George Street Gang and, as such, Tillett Jr. was out of his turf when he was riding his bicycle along Baghdad. It wasn’t too long before multiple shots were fired by a gunman, fatally injuring the minor. Police responded to the incident where they found Tillett Jr. several feet away from his bicycle, indicating that he attempted to run for his life.
May 7, 2021
Gerald Tillett Jr.
Belize City police are on high alert, following the late evening murder of a known gang affiliate on Thursday. Gunfire erupted in the vicinity of Bagdad Street yesterday, shortly before seven p.m. When the shooting subsided, a young man lay dead not far from where his bicycle came to rest. It would appear that Gerald Tillett Jr. attempted to flee on foot after being mortally wounded, but he wouldn’t get far before collapsing to the pavement. What investigators later found out was that he was with two persons when one of them unleashed a hail of bullets in his direction. News Five’s Isani Cayetano has that story.
Justin Burns
21-year-old Kyle Latchman, a resident of George Street, and 19-year-old Justin Burns of Los Lagos were arraigned in court on separate charges of being members of two separate gangs. Latchman was the first to be arraigned before Magistrate Stephanie Gillett. It is alleged that he is a member of the George Street Gang while Burns is alleged to be a member of the Banak Street Gang. Both groups are known to engage in the conducting of serious crimes.
Both Latchman and Burns pleaded guilty and were each fined $3,000 to be paid by January 15, 2021 for Latchman and January 30, 2021 for Burns. If they fail to pay these fines, they will spend three years in prison.