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The inaugural Barbados Risk & Insurance Management
Conference, which will be held virtually from March 24-25, 2021 was
launched via Zoom recently.
The two-day conference is designed to showcase Barbados as a
competitive, mature insurance domicile that falls within the top
ten domiciles for captive insurance globally. The event is expected
to attract over 200 participants from the local, regional and
international insurance sector including risk, finance, legal and
investment, among other professions in the captive industry.
According to the President of the Barbados International
Business Association (BIBA) and CEO, Amicorp Bank & Trust Ltd,
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On 1 January 2021 the Central Bank of Ireland launched a
dedicated webpage on the operation of the Temporary Run off Regime
( TRR ) for Insurers and Insurance Intermediaries.
The TRR took effect from 23.00 on the 31 December 2020, when the
UK s transition period officially ended and Part 10 of the
Brexit Omnibus 2020 Act commenced. Where a UK/Gibraltar firm has
not put specific contingency plans in place in respect of its Irish
based policyholders, it can rely on the TRR which allows existing
policies to continue to be serviced after 31 December 2020, subject
The Facts
Worker acquires psychological injury after being bullied by
A worker was recruited by an employer following a history of
successful employment with multiple high-level companies. He was
employed by the employer as a Senior Director, Product Marketing
from December 2012 until July 2013.
During his employment, the worker alleged multiple difficulties
with his immediate superior. He said that she bullied him, had a
negative attitude towards him and criticised his work. She would
not provide him with information to assist with his work, was rude
to him in their conversations, and excluded him from conversations
with other management staff and from meetings.