and of course, the search and rescue operations are underway. first responders, they have been mobilized. emergency crewd ems doinge tr everything they can to rescuent those that are trappedinue as residents. now continue to suffer under the devastating storm surgesurg from naples to sarasota, forts o myers, beyond the storm is now barreling towards the coast of b south carolina. dsit looks to be headed straight towards charleston, will have full coverage throughout the night tonight. but first, as we have shown you on this program night after night, your presiden aftert, its the president of the united states of america, joe biden,tae is not weln is il. he is weak, is frail, frankly decrepit. is deteriorating cognitively p at a pretty rapired pacetty . and he s not fit to be the commander in chief yesterday. whankly,mmander- may have been joe biden s lowest moment yet,ic which is kind of saying a lot during a white house event on combating hunger, which honored the late indi
is nothing compared to what southwest florida woke up to today. shreve seeflorida woke un house others carried away by brutal storm . carried away by brutal storm surge surge and debris, including cars ending up in bays. in some circumstances, the destruction is almost unimaginable. circumstance steve harrigan, by the grace of god , rode out the storm as close to the impact zoneow as anyone else. and tonight we find him inrigh placita, which is right acrossci the causeway connecting i the barrier island of bocasl grande. steve , you ve seen some justrii horrific what can youstruct telion, whatc how the search and rescue attempts areue unfolding in the dark? there? ar they are going on . they are continuous. h they ve carried ouavt more than seven hundred rescues and they really got started just aftether 1:00 o clock in the o as soon as the winds die down belomow forty miles per hour, they were out there really risking their lives to try to save
let s hope we can improve. tonight. all right. but first, we ar are now on nighthouse three of the battle for the house speaker and we begin tonight with some good news. i can confirn m major negociate vote been going on all day behind the scenes while these votes were taking place todayhe with kevin mccarthy and many of the republican holdouts. thi and i can report that at this hour, a documented being put together that will go a long way to settling differences. 28 will it get kevin to two hundred and eighteen? we won twe won know until probay sometime tomorrow, maybe monday. if anything, it would justle ofo probably be a couple of votes short, but certainly progress. itht a is realt th tonight at ts hour, no doubt the american people are being patient, butop that patience is wearingle thin the vote totals remain as of now unchanged. three straightotals re days. we have two hundred republicans supporting mccarthy 20 supportin g somebody else. and the past twenty four hours,
may be tempting just to tune out, just to watch football or hgtv or the great british baking show. you know, whatever floats your boat. but i m here to tell you, pittsburgh, that tuning out is not an option. sulking and moping, that s not an option. the only way to make everything fair is if we, all of us, fight for it. the only way to save democracy is if we, together, fight for it. and it starts with electing people who know you, who see you, who care about you, who ve stood in your shoes. you did that two years ago when you sent joe biden to the white house. he s fighting for you every day, he s got your back, doing everything he can to put more money in your pockets, to make our streets safer, to bring good-paying jobs here to pennsylvania. now you need to do it again. because while there may be a lot of issues at stake in this election, there is one basic question that you should be asking yourself right now, and that is who will fight for you? that s the choice in this
i don t understand why anyone signs up for a lawyer for donald trump. it ends the same way. i know. it is really wild to watch it happen over and over and over and yet yeah. so it goes. the wheels keep turning. thank you, chris. and thanks to you at home for joining us this hour. imagine someone writes you a check. you take it to the bank. i you cash it, deposit it, whatever. and then that check bounces. now you didn t where you this check. you had no idea that it wasn t good. well, up in will today, bank as cross the country could charge you for that transaction. you would get charged a fee for being a victim of a fraud. that is a laundry list of junk fees. he announced his administration is cracking down nnon. have you ever shown to the airport and had the flight canceled and then the airline tries to charge you a fee to rebook you on a new flight? to replace the flight that they canceled? this thing happens. and biden is directing the department of transport