Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240706

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The very First Time Since 9 11. Two thousand one because of a Computer Glitch at the federal government. Later, congressman Byron Donalds and his wife, also erica , will join us to respond to the unbridled, vicious racial attacks from smallminded, msnbc, dnc viewers following last nights very contentious interview with joy reid. So stay tuned. By the way, we also at our grade at the end of the show, not getting enough as. Well see what happens. But we begin this wednesday night with fox news alert. Joe biden has been caught mishandling classified documents yet again for the second time this week. We are now learning that secret material from the Obama Administration turned up in another private unsecured office accessed by joe biden during his time as a private citizen. I think its time for maralago style raid to happen. At joe bidens private residences, where hes building a wall. By the way, or maybe someone in joes inner circle. Think about this. Why is this happening twice in a week . Could this be the result . Maybe someone doesnt want to run for reelection while we absolutely dont know that to be a fact, its certainly suspicious in terms of timing. But whats good for the goose is certainly good for the gander. Right, Merrick Garland, right, chris . Right. They are the ones that personally approved of the raid at maralago and former President Trumps home. This is why jim jordans investigation on the Judiciary Committee into whether or not our fbi is politicized and Doj Weaponizes is so important, it is so obvious that many americans, powerful bureaucrats, they are using their powerful positions to Impugn Republicans and protect democrats. If thats not the case that bidens home in delaware would have already been raided by the feds, a Criminal Investigation would already be underway. After all, even joe biden agrees that mishandling classified material is an egregious offense. Take a look at his own words. When you saw the photograph of the top secret documents laid out on the floor at maralago, what did you think to yourself looking at that image, how that could possibly happen . How anyone could be that irresponsible and i thought what data was in there that may compromise sources and methods . By that i mean names of people who helped or etc. And it just totally irresponsible. How how joe , how could that happen . How could you be so irresponsible . Anyway, today, our very own peter doocy asked the White House Press secretary if the president Still Believes that its irresponsible to mishandle classified material. Needless to say, Karine Jeanpierre was not able to answer the question. She had a tough day. Well, take a look on these documents. How could anyone be that irresponsive . Is not what this president says about mishandling classified documents. The president spoke to this personally. He spoke to this personally. He again, he believes that classified documents and information should be taken seriously. He takes them seriously. And he was surprised to learn by any any records. I disagree. I disagree. Heres what happened. Heres what happened once the justice. Well, let me let me explain to you the process. Heres what happened when his lawyers found out that the documents were there. They immediately turned them over to their archives, but they were immediate to turn them over to the do the right thing. Im not going to im not going to go into specifics, but im going what i am reiterating to you is what you heard from the president yourself, peter , which is how he saw the process and how he respects and truly respects and takes this very seriously. Checkmate, peter. You see, how can that happen . How could one be so irresponsible . So right. Was supposed to believe biden takes it so seriously that he left top secret classified material behind for the taking here, there everywhere for years. But according to democrats, the mob in the media, joe biden is allowed to mishandle top secret classified material. Now, when donald trump is accused of mishandling documents, then it becomes a National Security crisis. But if joe biden does it, no big deal. For example, look at the Washington Post, their fact checkers, socalled fact checker who can to fact check the fact checker anyway. Glenn kessler, bent over backwards trying to explain how the two cases are totally different. He may need to fact check himself. Did the associated press, the new york times, they did the same thing. Theyre running cover for joe biden. Theyre an extension of Karine Jeanpierre in the White House Press office. And by the way, fake news, cnn with an article titled there are clear distinctions between trump and bidens two cases, according to them, quote, the new controversy so far appears to be on a smaller scale. Its now getting bigger. Of course, there are differences between the two cases. Well, first of all, donald trump was president. Donald trump had the power to declassify anything when these documents were transported to maralago. By the way, theres no set process for declassification. Joe biden as Vice President did not have that power. Second, Donald Trumps documents were stored in a room that had been examined specifically by the fbi. They asked donald trump and his team to secure that room with a padlock at their request. He did so, by the way. They had full time Security Cameras on that door at all. Times anyway. Bidens documents were found now in multiple locations, including one facility bought and paid for by the communist party. Of china or whoever you want to classify, however you want to classify the fifty four plus Million Dollars china donated and third, the documents at maralago, they were recovered by force less than two years after donald trump left office. By contrast, biden left top secret documents dangling in the wind for over six years, according to the intellectual heavyweights in the Democratic Party. Biden is good, trump is bad, take a look at the Intelligence Community needs to do its risk and Damage Assessment about how donald was very reckless. Handling of these documents might have harmed our National Security. This is going to be politicized. I imagine it is already been politicized by those on the right and the former president. If the trump people represented that they provided all the classified or National Security information and didnt, thats a serious problem. We see no evidence of deliberate intent or obstruction of justice. As we see in the case of donald trump, the more likely this was not a mistake that these documents landed at maralago. This is what he intended. And it also, by the way, shows that they really want to get these documents back. And every second that theyre at is beach house. In the possession of donald trump is a risk to our National Security. Well, we all know that trump is a liar and a thief. You know, so its not that just to say that he obstructed and he lied. We dont think that biden is a liar and a thief. So we give him the benefit of the doubt. So the blatant bias, the blatant hypocrisy is probably now worse than ever, but not just from democrats on the media mob. Again, america is once trusted institutions. Theyre worse. Just look, the two tiered Justice System we have and handed down from the fbi, the doj, they treated Capital Rioters like terrorists. They portland rioters. There were Five Hundred And Seventy Four riots in the summer. Twenty , twenty Five Hundred And Seventy Four. Dozens of dead americans, billions in Property Damage and thousands of injured cops. They didnt have any hearings on that. They investigated donald trump over the russia folks, even offered an ex foreign spy a Million Dollars to make it true. But guess what . They wont dare touch the Bribery Corruption Allegations against the biden family syndicate. Now, they conducted Early Morning raids in Tactical Gear against numerous trump associates, even trump himself, and yet not evan hunter, who recovered his. Weve recorded his many crimes ,gets any of the same treatment they give Hillary Clinton. She was probably the worst of everybody, a free pass. She mishandled top secret classified documents. Shes the one that deleted Thirty Three Thousand emails, remember, with bleach bid to take cover. In terms of her record and background, we have no idea where the Thirty Three Thousand emails have said or where they are. The media mob, they dont care. Democracy dies and darkness, doesnt it . Or is it just a cute motto over at the Washington Post and not really a principled belief that socalled journalists at nearly every paper, nearly every news outlet, are only interested in protecting democrats and our federal government instead of actually holding them accountable. Right here with reaction, the author of the price of principle, and thats Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz and fox news legal analyst jarret. Professor, well start with you. By the way, they got these documents. They knew about them on november 2nd. That was six days before election day. Why didnt they tell the American People no one . Number two, based on the hillary case and now based on the biden case, what does that do to the maralago case . It throws it out the window. The one thing its absolutely certain is that Merrick Garland will not and should not prosecute donald trump, because to do so would have to pass what i call the Clinton Burger and now biden standard. You have to show that what trump did was so much worse that a different result is permissible. They should have disclosed this on november 2nd. And if they didnt, then they certainly shouldnt have waited two months. And now there are reports that the only reason was disclosed in two months was because the media was onto it. Somebody probably leaked it. But what we need is a single standard justice. And not only must justice be done, it was seem to be. And so i do not believe theres any realistic possibility that donald trump now gets prosecuted for what happened at maralago. I think that case is done. Greg, ive been saying and i think you agree with me, i do not believe in this country today. We have equal justice or equal application of our laws in this country. Wheres the raid of the properties of joe biden now . We have another batch of of documents that they found. What else might be coming . Shouldnt the fbi be looking into that . And then you go back to the whole Hillary Clinton scandal. No prosecutor would ever prosecute the july 2016 Press Conference with jim comey, even though he acknowledged a Treasure Trove of of secure documents and top secret classified information on the servers of Hillary Clinton. Nothing happened to her talk about obstruction. She deleted all these emails with bleach, but destroyed all of those devices with hammers removed all of those sim cards. That to me would be classic obstruction. One one. Nothing happened to her. Well, in your point is an important one , because if Merrick Garland were foolish enough to bring criminal charges against donald trump over the removal and storage of classified documents, even though they may have been declassified, that hasnt been litigated. He would have the Affirmative Defense of selective prosecution. You let other people like hillary, even bill clinton, now joe biden do it, but youre coming after me with a vengeance. You know, if donald trump was totally irresponsible, as joe biden claimed in that 60 minutes interview, then what does this make joe biden . It makes him doubly irresponsible. There are significant differences in the case that need to be pointed out. First of all, you know, in the trump case, he has unfettered authority before he leaves office to declassify documents. Joe biden as Vice President question that he doesnt have that authority. Go ahead. Yeah, because this is important. So there is no set standard or procedure that a president needs to follow to declassify information. I know President Trump was on the show. He made the comment. I could declassify it in front of people and im done. Thats all it takes. Is that true . Thats right. There are there are recommendations in the Executive Branch that you notify effective agencies, but there is no provision anywhere in the law that says the president has to tell anybody or put it in writing. He can simply do it by acting on his own. So good luck. Merrick garland trying to prove that trump didnt declassify these documents, which means, quite frankly, this the entire dispute should have been a civil one. The proper remedy is for garland, who has sought the records through his subpoena, go to an impartial judge in a civil court because the Control Statute is a civil statute. The president ial records act. But garland didnt do that. He decided on zone to criminalize a civil matter. Lets give you the last word. Thats. Yeah, we need new law, need laws that make it clear that were overclassifying things. How the president can declassify should be made a matter of law. But in light of the vagueness, in light of the uncertainty, in light of the fact that this has been going on , and i suspect further investigation will show that previous president s also kept things in their possession to help them write their memoirs. This is not an appropriate case for criminal prosecution. We have to stop applying a double standard. We have to stop criminalizing the Justice System. And that applies to both parties, democrats and republicans, in power. It should apply the same rules, No Tit For Tat and no trying to tap professor, we do need to investigate jim jordans investigation into whether the fbi is politicized and the Doj Weaponizes. But id also add , you know, joe biden is the one that lied to the country when he said he never once talked to hunter about his foreign business dealings. And we have a all of this evidence that is now come out that, in fact, he was up to his eyeballs in the business of his son , hunter, that had no experience, a fair investigate should not like the january six committee, which was, i agree there would agree with you. We need a fair investigation and we have to have a neutral law. All right. Thank you, professor. Thank you, greg. Now, lets be very clear here. The doj is not the only powerful federal institution abusing its power, the irs. Remember, they targeted conservatives under lois lerner and barack obama. They are now squeezing you, the middle Working Class in the country under joe biden, the lowest income wage earners. Guess what . Hardworking americans making under seventy five grand a year or nearly six times more likely to get audited than everyone else in america, except, of course, me. You get the hannity treatment. But guess what . The selfproclaimed hero of the middle class, joe biden, mr. Amtrac reportedly now is enraged that republicans want to defund the plan to more than double the size of the irs. The guy that just raised billions of dollars in new taxes on oil, gas, coal, retirement accounts and corporations. All of those taxes will be paid for and especially disproportionately harmful to the poor, the middle class people on fixed incomes, the American People are going to be hurt. Democrats, the media mob, are they going to call out joe biden . He broke his promise. Remember, he pledged he wouldnt raise taxes on anyone making under four hundred grand a year. He with reaction to all of tonights stories, a lawmaker who is now calling for a Special Counsel to investigate bidens classified document scandal, missouri senator josh hawley. Senator , great to have you. Lets talk about a special prosecutor. Why would that be warranted here . Because thats exactly what Merrick Garland has done to donald trump. And sean, as you were just saying a second ago, it cant be that we have two tiers of justice in this country. It cant be that theres one rule for republicans and different rule for democrats. You know, Merrick Garland said all we have to have a special prosecutor. Well, that means weve got to have one. For biden, its the same thing. And arguably, its worse for biden because, as you say, he could declassify whatever else we know is true. We know that he didnt have the power on his own as vp to declassify these documents. So listen, the democrats say theyre all for equity. Well, whats equitable here is that there be a Special Counsel. All right. Lets talk about the other issues in the house, investigations that will be moving forward. We have jim jordan, judiciary. Hell be looking into the irs. Im sorry, to the doj and the fbi, james comey, are looking into the biden family syndicate. These are all stories you have followed. Anthony fauci, the origins of covid, the botched withdrawal out of afghanistan. How important are these investigations . Because the media mob democrats, they want to dismiss them before they ever get started. Yeah, theyre hugely significant because real oversight is what this administration hasnt gotten is what congress has not done. And certainly the democrats in the senate are going to lift a finger to do anything that weve got to get the truth shown. This administration has lied to the American People about afghanistan and they have lied about the irs. Theyve lied now about joe biden and the classified documents. Theyve lied about whats going on at the border. Theyve lied, theyve lied, theyve lied. And its time to get the truth and to give it to the American People. The people deserve the truth. They deserve to know whats actually happening in their government, not is constant lies, which is what this administration lives by. Senator , let me ask you what happened over christmas. I couldnt believe my eyes. Here was an opportunity for four Senate Republicans to pass a continuing resolution, but yet they were bent to go forward with an omnibus bill that had a lot of reckless spending. By all accounts, and meanwhile ,they knew the republicans in the house would have a majority that could have worked with the republicans in the house. They could have got together and brought a budget that was fiscally responsible, that didnt rob from our kids and grandkids. Why did your colleagues in the senate go along with this republican colleagues . That is exactly what thats exactly with the senate should have done. Shawn, youre absolutely right. Thats why i voted against that huge budget bill. It made no sense to me at the time. And it still doesnt. The voters just gave us a republican house. Why in the world would we not allow the house to start doing their work and negotiate with joe biden and actually get some Budget Priorities that reflect the common sense of the American People . But, you know, Senate Republicans and Senate Democrats didnt want to do that. It was a capitulation. It was a surrender. And i was totally against it at the time. And i can just tell you now, as we come back into session, we have got to get some guts and hold these people accountable. No more surrenders, no more capitulations. Its time to get tough with the biden administration. Yeah, i totally agree. By the way, now you have a fellow missouri senator that shows great promise. And eric schmidt, i think hes going to do a good job. Your thoughts to go . Absolutely. I cant wait to work with them. Hes going to be tremendous. And weve got a lot of work to do. Theres a lot of accountability to be had, shawn, and theres a lot of fighting we need to do for the people of missouri and the American People. All right, josh hawley, thank you as always. We appreciate it. Now, coming up, the left is already demonizing republicans for even investigating the investigators. When we have every reason to. Youre not going to believe what theyre being compared to. Well check in with mike huckabee. Pete hegseth also coming up, Senator Kennedy from louisiana. And you or someone in this audience will get the last word tonight. It wont be me. And you get to grade me. 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And one fake news fraud over me ,the rnc even claims these investigations are actually aor. Form of insurrection. They love that word. Y whdiy didntd th they use it ine the summer of 2020 when we had five hundred andn seventy four riots that they were either silent about orsilent out or s said were mosl that warrant or just totallyy ignoreigd . D take a look. The single most dangerous concession, Kevin Mccarthy gaveu to the Insurrectionist Withinse the house is the establishment of f this Committee Gove on the weaponization of the federal government. Im not surent. Sure we are as a country ready for the cultural c divide. Thisreate. My create this is theirittee. Insurrection committee. Again, the committee, Ththe Platform they will use to foment insurrection using the levers of the congress. Govr hu here with reaction, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee ,along with fox and Friends Weekend cohost pete hegseth,e l insurrection, there will be violence there, declaring war on the fbi. Governor , by the way, congratulations on your daughter being sworn in as Thesh Youngest and first female governor. I was awesome. I think shes going to go down in history as the best governor ever. Arkansas history. Kidding. But in all seriousness, this kind of rhetoric, lets hope she does. I hope she does, too. C is s o but this rhetoric is so predictable. The left. But they did ignore those riots in the summer of 2020, didnt they . Well, they absolutely did. Rs ci and i find it very fascinating that David Jolleysua is saying, oh, this will just create such a cultural divide. Dont know where hes been living. We already have a cultural divide, but its not a divided just between democrats and republicans. Pr itits really a divide betwn people who believe in the rule of law and people who believe that the wheels of government ought to be used as weapons to crush the opposition. Thatsio what is angering a lotc of americans. Theyre not all republicans arar conservative. Theres some liberal people who are finally beginning to wake up and realizee Th Thatn Have A government out ofd control and weve got to get once again to the place wheres. Everybody lives under the same rules. If it doesnt happen, weve lost this great republic. Pete hegseth, if donald trump paid for a Russianbunc Disinformation dossier, leakedps it to the press, is,f thater dossier, the author of that dossier was offered a Million Dollars and couldnt accept the Millionot Accen because he t prove any of its true. En and then a month a later mon t,a dossier was used as the bulk of information for Fisa Fbe Application where that information is supposed to be verified i. I think you would say thatou the fbi abused power. Ifgu you have fbi agents led by a guy that wrote a thesis in 2016, how donald trump gotd elected, elected by conspiring with russia in 2016, he leads an effort to meet weekly with Big Tech Companiesthem and warn them that there mightyn be a Disinformation Campaign from a foreign country a that might be about hunter biden. When the fbi had the Huntertop Biden Laptop and paid twitter, for example, three and a half Million Dollars, what do you th say that the fbi at that pointub has taken on a Rollee Thatdemocr they ought not be involved in . At and why are democrats so reluctant to have that investigated . The left just might care about that. Sean, youre exactly right. Re exactlyotgeorge Orwell Wrotee Who Control The Present Controlt the past. And if Yoheu Control The Pash ,youat control the future. They e and thats what theyre counting on. ViKevin Mccarthy and republicans not doing. So we have to , as controllingto the present, look back atst tha the pastt. What happenedve to donald trump for four years, five or six years, based on avet fake investigation aboutigat rua. Mo then they went head over heelsrg in about maralago, as you covered in the opening of your show, yet the sammee thing and worse is happening with joe biden, not to mention sicking, i dont know, Intelligence Agencies in the doj on parentsew who want to protest School Boards or january six , whatoner happened to Political Prisoners or abortion clinics and the waay in which those Protesting Werety treated differently . You cant as the governor said, have a two Tiered Systemtw of justice that treats one side different than the other. So goo. D on republicans for looking back , because when you look back with the media, wont havent do it. Th they havent done it. You get a grain of truth about what they are really doingth and maybe open up the aperturet for the reality the world we live in, which is the fact that when joe bidens in control, he believes his Justice Department should prosecute his enemies ors even when hes not under donald trump, he counts on them to do the same, which they did from twenty it. Ry at this point, republicansshoulb should be even more aggressive than democrats ever have been. Governor , do you believe that the biden family is involved in a pay for play scandal or Influence Peddling . Nfluencescandal based mad on the information we know, Dodu You Believ be that we dont hav equal justice or application of our laws . Have wour laws . E gotten to thatn this country . Because i think probably we have. I absolutely think that thereea is a reasoben to believe that there is corruption and that it involves the Communist Chinesea Party Funneling Millions Of T Dollars that ended up inhe phe the pockets and handmes of members of the biden family. One thing ive learned, iveeard kind, become a code breaker. Ive decided like they did in world war two. Its real simple. Yes. The democrats accuse whatever the democrats accuse t us of, thats whatheyre theyre doing. Thats how you break the out there. Thatstheyre doing wh what theb i think thats a good code and a good motto to live by theg governor. Rati again, congratulations and thanks forons. Think o being with us, pete. Always great to have you. E come when w ae come back , another week, another disaster fork. Mayor pete budy judge. Are plus, what are liberals comingbe for this time . Youre not going to believem the latest target. Where do you hear fromtor john senator john kennedy . He always lighten things up quite a bit. 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Get the latest News Business and News Headlines on sirius xm any time anywhere. Fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening. And tonight, faa Sufferede Sy A Massive System Meltdown today, resulting in a nationwidestresult grounding l domestic flights in what was an absolute catastrophe fauci. Ure a the cause is still not clear. B the failure was caused by thet o faa notice to air missions, which notifies pilots of runway conditions, Arrival Proceduresns and other vital airport operations. Y, now, thankfully, the Ground Order Wa the inground s lifted earlier today, but it was the first such grounding since 9 11 01. O rais and it also is raising majormajo concern about outdated faa systems and infrastructure. Possible hijacking and sabotage ,and again, Shininghining A Spotlight On Transportation H secretary mayor pete and hisis failure to address these b growing problems. Mayouse once again today, well, mayor pete was ref out there, refused to show any sense of urgency on the matter and had this nonchalant response. Take a look. First of all, any into what the root cause was of this nooutage. G our prim well, now that the system is up and running, our primary focus is to determine that root cause. And ive directed the faarected to figur faa too fe out exactly happened. Ed this is an incredibly compleibli system. So glitches oron complications happen. Alat l the time, but we cantve allow them to ever lead to this level of disruption and weo lead wont ever allow them to lea dpd to a safety problem. On now, the troubles for mayor pete, dont stop there. As mr. Climate called alarmistsp himself once again Hoppeped Onda private jet from washington, d. C. To new york city. He hadwhy . He had a Radio Interview set up dimean aclu meeting before flying back hours later on your dime doesnt sound very environmentally friendly to me. By the way, since taking offic in 2020 one. Time but a judge has flown nearlyuy a 20 times on private jets that you buy and you pay for. Se about and while he lectures everybodyo else about the virtues of avoiding carbon emissions. But of course, the far lef t lunacy is hitting every inch of new extreme Democratic Party and theity and Tr Climate Cultis because the u. S. Product and Safety Commission this week reportedly floated the idea of actually banning gas stovesli to reduce pollution. They also want to get rid of light bulbs and by the way, while the Biden White House now says they are not in favor, the move the media Mob Appearsel to be all in. L po listen to this report. Rt fake news, cnn. The science is showing us that having a gas stove in a small apartment, especially with bad ventilationt especi, ie having a car idling there. They and if you have young kids, it can affect cognitive abilities and as well as asthma. All right. How did we ever survive as a human race with gas stove all these years . And you have see, shes using the opportunity to embarrass herself, even more because shes All Of A Sudden an expertn on gas stoves claiming they contribute to reduce e performance. Joe an maybe thatd explains joe and hs condition. Ted out, a but as congressman Randy Jackson pointed out, a photo appears to show that a Casioactl Cortez actually uses one herself, notlyf not to to bg a photo of jill biden is usingas a gas, though thats surfaced online. It was reaction louisian at senator john kennedy. Im not giving up my my gas stove. I was actually a cook in a restaurant when i was younger. And senator. And you cant cook in a restaurant without a gas stove that i know of. Well, famously, president lincoln had a team of rivals, sometimes i think President Biden has a team of. I dont mean to be unfair. Oh, thats fair. T many, many of President Biden a appointees are very smart, butre so was the unabomber. My point is that they may be smart, but they they dontses have, in a sense, for example, secretary aboudi, we learned this week took a a carbonne to spewing private plane to newne york city for a few hours to do a Radio Interview now. And like the secretary, but. Less than 30 days ago, his department told the states thate they ought to make building new roads. W the most possible priority because of climate change. Now, not everybody hasple le a private jet. Most people needave the dr to dw. And i know life is full of contradictions, but where i come from, we call thacomet fh hypocrisy. At hypocrisy im willing to wk with President Biden and the secretary on our environment. Yr but ie f youre going to be brave eco warrior, you need to be consistent. You mentioned the ban. Yes, sir. , i was just going to say, sean, you mentioned the ban on gas stoves by President Biden. O i want you to considerco the context in which this decision was made. Somethings very wrong in our country and most americans know it. The borders wide open, crimese way up. Tput our National Debt is greater than our national output. If inflation keeps going up,ppya the Powerball Jackpot is going to be a pound of hamburgerd. T 70he of the American People say the country is headed in the wrong direction and the Bad Administration is worried about about gas stoves. If if this administration has consistently demonstrated a blind spot about the livess and concerns of ordinaryan i w americans. And if i were president and My Number One Accomplishmentard was the decline in the standard of living foof r most americans, i wouldnt be worried about gas stoves. Well, they also i dont know if you heard about this,of they want to get rid of fluorescent light bulbs. I like my fluorescent lightbulb bulbs s just like i like my gas stove. Senator , i like to keep it. If and by the way, if they ban i, whos going to pay forth all the new stoves for people that cant afford . Well, let me make one more plea to president batton. Listening stop listening to thebe bezek wing of your party worry about and try to do something about ta the things that moms and dads worry about when they can liee n down to sleep. Ofat night and cant. And the rest of it will take care of itself. I think youd be a better president. Hands downesident ha. We love having you. E come senator john kennedy. Thank you. E come back , congressman byron donals, he fought back against joy reid and her vile attacks on her show last night. Were going to show you the highlights. This is your nbc network. S wifel hell join us along with hisrn wife when we return. L today. And then, of course , you get the last call tonight. Wh i realizice im no spring chicken. I know whats right for me. Ive got i s a plan which im sticking by. Doc wrote me the script. Doc wrote me the script. 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And you may qualify for no interest and no payments for twelve months. Plus, were including free fixtures. Go to jacuzzi baths, remodel. Com or call Eight Hundred Nine nine one zero one six three. Call no for breaking news, politics and beltway coverage like no othe only you can prevent wild fires. Now, last night, floridaorida republican Congressman Byron Donald sparred with far left lunatic over msnbc or nbc host joy reid as and showed us justn why hes such a rising star in the republican party. Watch this. So do you not believe thate a di the idea was to makeve a Diversity Statement by nominating it . Well, actually th, first,ai was not the idea because i wason in the room. The decision was madeexplai by people who chose to nominate me. That never happened. And youre still not explained. How have you Neverla Beestn inu Ca Leadership . Let me answer your question. Tell us , okay. Number two, now lets o go back. The Realitf Memby Is , is that t of members actually do believe in my ability to lead. They do am i to be despised for my youth because ive served one term, my members know that i have the ability to engage other members to the conference, but its evee its even bigger than that. Listen, we were at an Impasse T Last week and inhado our Speakership Electionne Kevse got that done. Kevin mccarthy is now speaker defehe house on voting laws. He voted you once yousaid defend voting laws that saidg getting rid of Ballotd Sa Harvesting is a good thing that we did. La defendeve t Littled The Florg Laws youve actually done inws the country. B t the float abutting logic. And the florida voting laws, the Election Laws are the Election Laws of arizona. Go ask where you go. Ask new york. We do it the best, okay . All right. Now, of course, joy reid has a history of these types of smear tactics. C standb does nbc stand by this . Heres another small sample. Take a look. Llectu i think evenal though we intellectually understand what america is at its base, right, that there is a great amount ofm necism, anti blackness, Anti Wackiness for so manyng reasons, being a Freeloaderd Dir and a selfish and disrespectful one , and for misappropriating black vernaculareser black misoc purposes, elon musk is the absolute worst. The coverage of ukraine has revealed a pretty radical disparity in how Humanuk Westk and Feelaredia To Western Media compared to their browner and blacker counterparts. Bla if somehow they managedged to to stumble into the supreme cour s supremet, did any of yous trust uncle clarence and amye Co Koninnie Barett and those guysin to actually follow the letter of the law . Tim scott standing there to provide the patina of o diversity over that round off aa words, basketful of words, though, sadly, the politics of personal destruction is nothing new from the left, as congressman donals wife, erica , is now shining a light on the attacks that they bothecm receive from unhinged liberal agitators, tweeting, quote, byroetinn and i have been togetr for twenty three plus years and the most racist attacks we experience are always from the left. They cant. Accept that a Freebc Thinking Black Man achievek ds mesuccess on his own merits,mare and they sure as heck cant stand that hes married to me. Try harder haters reaction. Congressman byron donalressman and his wife, erica. En erica , i thinate. K you need to join him in congress. Inin the senate, in politics, because i loved your tweet. And youre right. R iveive gotten to know your husband and hes a natural born leader. Nater in tha great story in te. Personal success. Have gotten a lot of reaction to that, erica . Definitely. More reaction than i expected,bh sean. And i really appreciate yoe h ua having me on. But t the truth is just what you said. My husband is a natural born leader. He is the future ofeagues the republican party. His colleagues in Congress Ingrw it. E know hi is colleagues from the floria house know it. People who workewi id with him and his career i cn finance know it. I certainly know it. Dos do. Boy its unfortunate that those on the other side tried. Theyrthe one the ones trying to tokenized him and say that the only reason he is successful is because of the color of his skin or alcause of who his wife is and the color ofl my skin. Has achd we all know that thats not hy true. And he has achieved hihard s sus sellige by hard work, meritncf hi and intelligence. And im so proud of him. M. And you should be i mean, ive gotten to know. Nd no, you, congressman. And l and i find iovt an honor. I love your life story. But you look at joy reid. Gigi abwas surprised you went on her show. Shes used the term uncleouar clarence about clarence thomasee. Hae once suggestede the gopsgo hatred for biden because he wasn the Vice President to a black president. She oncet. Sai said education. D the issue is code for White Parentpas who dont want racemab taught in schools. Maybe she forgot joe biden partnered with a formerp klansman to Stop Integrationintf public schools. He didnt want schools to be a racial jungle. She alsoalso sai said people the on the right would Trade Allope Whertax cuts for the ability to openly say the nword. Where does she get this from . And whats your reaction to nbc . Well, i mean, look, i dontgoin really pay muconh attention to what joy says. I think going on the show was is more about bringing the ideas of conservativnde to all voters something that i told my voters back in south florida. I wa s going to do. And , you know, i have no problem doing those interviews ime its important that Allt Americans hear the ideas Thatco Conservativenservas that we bele in, because its been the thing thats made america the beacon r of Light Acroslds the world. H tk so im not afraid of the of the tough talk or the battles because thats whats necessary thats whats necessary for republicanism and conservatism importantl and conservatives and more importantly, to succeed in these united states. America, how do you feel now that youre husband has been ine congress and is in congress, has now emerged as a leader . The attacks seem to escalate. You okay with all that . You know, we have thick skin showing. You migh sert i served on the school board in our local county, and thats what. You might be to get attacked. Youtact might be investigated as a domestic terrorist. Domestic i definitely am one of thoseg active parents. Byron and foi have Beer N Invold in this fight for over ten years. Mbers ofnow. Members of the tea partyonserv movement, conservatives in our community,atcommunit we aret stranger to the battle against the left and were not a afraid of them. And it takes leaders like Byron To Go On msnbc and cnn and battle them with ideas, with policies, with facts, and let the world know that wekw are not free to come with the receipts and show the america the truth about their policies and the impact of them. I personally gave up on the mall after i went on the view with rosie odonnell. That was it for me, a totaln, ta waste of my time anyway. Congressman, thanks for being with us. Erika, great to have you. Your congratulations. Come b ac twenty three years, both of you. We appreciate your time. All right. Y when w thee come back , you gete last word. I get a grade. N gett ini havent been getting all the as that i want here. Lets see what happens next. Last call straight ahead. 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Now theyll take on geno smith and the seahawks on sunday. Dekel, jones and the giants play take on kirk cousins and the vikings. He go saturday and sunday on fox. Oh, Part Super Wildcard weekend natural isnt ketanji mother nature. Im picking remedies from the cold and flu. Ill match to you made this. I made these colds packed with zinc, proven to shorten colds. It works naturally. This is not an adventure. This is a military selection. They will play by our rules. Do i still have that fire . Special forces Worlds Toughest test wednesdays on fox and watch. Any time on hulu, theres a new voice on Sunday Mornings and her name is shannon bream. On this show, well get to the heart of the issues Americans Care about and remind people in this town they work for you. Fox news sunday with Shannon Obrien on the fox news channel. All right. Time for last call, where a lucky Viewer Grades the show. R and if youad want to be on the show, you just call36 0p My Radio Show between three and six eastern 1800 nine for one sean. Tonight, its cindy fromits cif mahwah, new jersey. Ey cindy hocindy, how are you . Ean i m glad youre watching. Good. Good. How are you, sean . Im glad to be here. All right. What did you like aboutke and the show . What did you not what like and what ade do i get . So i think youre going r to be really happy tonight. Tonight is your night because your show has summed up for me s the last six years or so as to why i dvr your show. Every single night and watchtc it. The double standard, everything you guys mentioned tonight in all the all of your Guest Speakers that you had. Hink totally what i always thinknt ms about every night. And i saelusy to myself,e and s anyone in their right mind not think these things like us . And you make me feel to yes. You make me feel validated that im not some Insane Person on a little tiny island by myself. Selfso i am giving you an a plus plus tonight, not only just for tonight, but for the last six years. I think youve done an excellent job. And i tell you what, theres been times ive thought you should run for president , but up the messenger, we need you as the messenger. Sor. My one comment to you wouldjust be just make sure that you get your information out to the mainstream media. We need you out there. We need you send ending and giving this message. This yocou have my word. Im going to keep fightingy. Every day. This countrys two important thank yo. You want to thank you for a great call. The best credit ive gotten. I wow. Ives just such a grea this a go and if you want to call inu a three to six eastern Eight Hundred Nine for one , sean, and you can appear on the program. G as unfortunately, thats allnk the time we have left this evening. As always, thank you forus and joining us. Bl e. Making this show possible. Please set your dvr. Never miss an episode. In the meantime, it not your heart be troubled is or see you tomorrow. Im laura ingraham. This is ingram angle from washington. Tonight. Thanks for joining us. Ahead, it turns out joe biden had classified docs and more than one location. So weird how this is all being discovered just now. My thoughts on that moment. Plus, why isnt there more concern about healthy, athletic, young people dropping dead . Well have a full analysis ahead. But first, when will they suffer enough . Thats the focus

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