At a joint hearing on the coronavirus and the procurement of personal protective equipment and other medical supplies. This rants an hour and a half. Joint hearing will come to order. Let me begin by thanking everyone for joining us today. I hope that my colleagues, our witnesses and viewers are staying healthy and safe. I want to thank chairman pain and Ranking Member king of the Emergency Preparedness response and recovery subcommittee, for coming together with Ranking Member crenshaw and i to hold this hearing. We are here to discuss federal and state efforts to picker critical supplies and response to the coronavirus pandemic. First, i want to acknowledge that the federal Emergency Management agency, fema, who is put in charge of the federal governments response was asked to testify today. While fema is not here today, i understand that and miss straighter gaynor plans to appear before the full Committee Later this month. Im pleased to hear this because it is vital that we Work Tog
I hope my colleagues, witnesses, and viewers are staying healthy and safe. I want to thank chairman pain and Ranking Member kane at the Emergency Preparedness respond and Recovery Committee for coming together with the Ranking Member and me to hold this hearing. We are here to discuss federal and state efforts to procure critical supplies in response to the coronavirus pandemic. I want to acknowledge the federal Emergency Management agency, which was put in charge of the federal governments response, was asked to testify today. Fema is not here today, but i understand there is an administrator to appear before the full Committee Later this month. Im pleased to hear this, because its vital we Work Together to address this challenge. I look forward to meeting with administrator gaynor soon and hearing what administrators have to say to form the discussion. Theres no denying the coronavirus pandemic has presented unparalleled challenges. One of the greatest challenges has been procuring a
Trevor welcome to the daily show, everybody. Thank you so much for tuning in. Thank you for coming out. Thank you so much for coming out people. Lets do it. Take a seat. Lets make a show. Im trevor noah. Our guest tonight is an author whose debut novel is a satire of race in america called such a fun age. Kiley reid is joining us everybody. cheers and applause its a really brilliant book. Also on tonights show, how you can go to space. Roy wood jr. Explores black fashion. And we find out if were all gonna die. So lets catch up on todays headlines. Trevor lets kick it off with nasa, americas most expensive way of collecting rocks. If you wanted to be an astronaut when you were a little kid, first of all, congratulations on being basic. laughter and, secondly, this may be your big chance. You want to be an astronaut . Well, you better know how to swim. Nasa is looking for a new crop of cadets willing to take the plunge in hopes of reaching outer space. The odds of being selected are pret
Thank you so much for coming out people. Lets do it. Take a seat. Lets make a show. Im trevor noah. Our guest tonight is an author whose debut novel is a satire of race in america called such a fun age. Kiley reid is joining us everybody. cheers and applause its a really brilliant book. Also on tonights show, how you can go to space. Roy wood jr. Explores black fashion. And we find out if were all gonna die. So lets catch up on todays headlines. Trevor lets kick it off with nasa, americas most expensive way of collecting rocks. If you wanted to be an astronaut when you were a little kid, first of all, congratulations on being basic. laughter and, secondly, this may be your big chance. You want to be an astronaut . Well, you better know how to swim. Nasa is looking for a new crop of cadets willing to take the plunge in hopes of reaching outer space. The odds of being selected are pretty low. Nasa only needs about 20 trainees for the next class. Officials say degrees in math, science, an
Headlines. Trevor lets kick it off with nasa, americas most expensive way of collecting rocks. If you wanted to be an astronaut when you were a little kid, first of all, congratulations on being basic. laughter and, secondly, this may be your big chance. You want to be an astronaut . Well, you better know how to swim. Nasa is looking for a new crop of cadets willing to take the plunge in hopes of reaching outer space. The odds of being selected are pretty low. Nasa only needs about 20 trainees for the next class. Officials say degrees in math, science, and engineering are required, and you have to have a masters degree. So if you think youve got what it takes to survive not just the neutral buoyancy pool but an actual mission in space, the next class opens up on monday. Apply then. Trevor haha why are we laughing . laughter thank god this guy is covering nasa and not a tornado. Everyone here is now homeless or dead haha. Louvre laugh but, yes, nasa is looking for new astronauts. But yo