Headlines. Trevor lets kick it off with nasa, americas most expensive way of collecting rocks. If you wanted to be an astronaut when you were a little kid, first of all, congratulations on being basic. laughter and, secondly, this may be your big chance. You want to be an astronaut . Well, you better know how to swim. Nasa is looking for a new crop of cadets willing to take the plunge in hopes of reaching outer space. The odds of being selected are pretty low. Nasa only needs about 20 trainees for the next class. Officials say degrees in math, science, and engineering are required, and you have to have a masters degree. So if you think youve got what it takes to survive not just the neutral buoyancy pool but an actual mission in space, the next class opens up on monday. Apply then. Trevor haha why are we laughing . laughter thank god this guy is covering nasa and not a tornado. Everyone here is now homeless or dead haha. Louvre laugh but, yes, nasa is looking for new astronauts. But you can only apply if you have a masters degree and are in peak physical condition. Basically, you have to be an athletic nerd, which doesnt exist. That would be like. Neal degrasse mike tyson. laughter thats what youve got to be. Its time to discuss super novas. laughter im joking, mike. laughter now, ill be honest, i think nasas standards are too high. You shouldnt need a masters degree to go to space. You just need two things one, you need to know how to walk in slow motion, just. And, two, you need courage. Thats all you need. You know who nasa should hire . Those people who buy sushi at 7eleven. laughter thats what you need in space. I see you arent afraid of taking risks. Do you want to fly to pluto . All right, in other news, remember the admissions scandal that rocked american colleges last year, well, yesterday, one big parent got the biggest sentence yet. This morning, the heiress to the hot pocket snack food fortune was sentenced to prison. Hot pockets she understands the harm that her choices caused. She understands the impact that those choices had on students. Michelle janavs was sentenced to five months behind bars after pleading guilty to paying bribes to get her two daughters admitted to elite universities. Trevor thats right, the hot pockets heiress was sentenced to five months in prison. Although, after two and a half months, theyll take her out, flip her over, and then put her back in. laughter ploouz by the way, by the way, can we admit, hot pockets heiress is a very weird phrase that is somehow both trashy and extremely upper class at the same time. Its like, introducing the arch duchess of scratchoff lottery tickets. laughter now, some people will be like, oh, five months doesnt seem like a long time in prison, but it really is, especially if youre a rich white woman. I mean, for them, thats basically life. Think about it. By the time you get out, your book club has moved on to a totally new book. If you go to prison in august, youll completely miss Pumpkin Spice season. laughter and worst of all, your kids will have completely forgotten who you are, yeah. Youll be back like, its me, your mom, the woman the nanny gives you to on the weekends. Remember . laughter but, on the other hand, she might come out of prison with all new ideas for fillings for hot pockets, you know. Yeah. Shell be back in the boardroom like, all right, guys, forget that ham and cheese shit. Were doing toilet wine and cigarettes. Come on. Were going to put a shiv in each one. So if anybody stepso aunt becky, they can catch a fade. Finally, for all those ladies out there who are sick and tired of how expensive tampons are, you might want to consider moving to the highlands. In scotland, parliament has just approved plans to make sanitary products freely available to all women. Yeah, its the first nation in the world to do this. Now, the law would make tampons and sanitary pads available at designated public places, places like youth clubs and pharmacies. In 2018, scotland became the first country in the world to provide free sanitary products in schools, colleges, and universities. Trevor yes, congratulations, scotland, on being the first country to make sanitary products free to all the women who need it. Yeah. I think it should be like this everywhere, you know. cheers and applause it really should. Because if you think about it, its crazy that half the population has to pay so much for a natural process in their body. I mean, imagine if there was, like, a tax on boners. Yeah. laughter i would have been bankrupt by the time i was 13. laughter part of me wonders if this law was passed by mistake. Maybe someone in scoatish literal parliament was like, we need to fix our bloody problems. Free tampons for everyone. Lets talk about the coronavirus. Its the worst Global Pandemic since baby shark. There are now over 80,000 confirmed cases in 40 countries, including 57 confirmed cases right here in the United States. coughs 58. laughter and so today, the president of the United States held an Emergency Press conference to address peoples concerns. I have just received another briefing from a great group of talented people. Were ready to adapt, and were ready to do whatever we have to as the disease spreads, if it spreads. The level that weve had in our country is very low, and those people are getting better. Were very, very ready for this. Im going to be putting our Vice President , mike pence, in charge. Im going to ask mike pence to say a few words, please. Thank you, mike. Thank you, mr. President. Trevor yes, this is major news Vice President mike pence will be in charge of americas effort to contain the coronavirus. And i think this is great, yeah, because mike pence has a lot of experience in this area. Hes been quarantining himself from women his whole life. laughter this is great. And some might be worried, some might be worried because when mike pence was governor of indiana, he enabled an h. I. V. Outbreak when he didnt follow the advice of Public Health officials. But ill be honest, i still feel safer with him than with trump, all right, because trump, first of all, if you saw the briefing, didnt seem to know anything. That we didnt. Its like he gets his news online with us. I saw a thing. It looks bad. Its pretty bad. Some people have it. A lot of people have it. You might have it. I dont even know if i have it. And earlier this week, when trump was briefed on the virus, he seemed less concerned about a pandemic hurting people than he was about it hurting the economy. Because thats trumps real nightmare, right, if his stock market gets sick. He would be like, no, not my poor stock market not wall street ill nurse you back to health with my special chicken soup. Its a k. F. C. Bucket poured with diet coke. Its delicious dont judge. Dont judge. The diet coke undoes the k. F. C. laughter and, also, also, when trump first talked about the coronavirus earlier this week, im not going to lie, it wasnt exactly reassuring. The coronavirus, which is very well under control in our country, we have very few people with it. The people are getting better. Theyre all getting better. I think the whole situation will start working out. A lot of talent, a lot of brainpower is being put behind it. 2. 5 billion were putting in. Theres a very good chance youre not going to die. laughter trevor okay, were were definitely all gonna die. laughter you know, trump is great for jokes, but in times of crisis, trump is the worst person to reassure the nation, because a president is like a parent. Theyre supposed to make people feel like they have things under control. Trump is like, yeah, maybe you never like, hes the kind of parent who would freak their kid out even more. Daddy, there are monsters under my bed. Are they there . I dont know, kid, probably not. Nobody knows for sure. Nobody knows. You could have swallowed a tiny monster, and it could be growing in your tummy right now. Nobody knows. Good night, buddy. The question is, what is the latest news from the coronavirus and how is it affecting the world . Lets find out in our brand new segment, is this how we die . cheers and applause todays catastrophic threat to humanity is the coronavirus, also known as covid19. Or covfefe. Trump tried to warn us, but we laughed. Now, scientists are still learning about this virus because its so new. What we do know, though, is that it is extremely contagious and that it looks different, depending on which news channel youre watching. On nbc it looks like fish eggs. On abc it looks like nickelodeon slime. On cbs it looks like radioactive cauliflower. And on fox news they just made it look like hillary clinton. Lock it up lock it up louvre laugh and while america is bracing for the worst, other countries around the world are in the thick of it. So lets go over to japan, where the coronavirus isnt just getting people sick. Its also going for the gold. The 2020 Olympic Games in tokyo might be canceled because of the outbreak. A Senior Member of the International OlympicsCommittee Told the associated press, youre probably looking at a cancellation if the coronavirus outbreak isnt curtailed by may. Youre talking about hundreds of thousands of people coming from 200plus countries all staying in close quarters here in tokyo for a few weeks and then going back out to their home countries. If they dont get this thing under control, the potential for a major Public Health crisis and outbreak is huge. Trevor yes, the olympics might be canceled because of the coronavirus. And, personally, im devastated, because i was going to compete in the shot put. laughter yeah, no, for real. One of those big guys was going to throw me. laughter now, cancelling the olympics is a pretty big deal. In fact, the event has only ever been canceled for world wars and its old tweets. But it makes sense. Hosting a Worldwide Competition during a pandemic is a recipe for disaster. And its bound to affect the quality of the sports. You cant have that when there are disease going on. Can you imagine the relays . They will have the slowest times ever. Nobody will want to touch the same baton. Ew, ew, ew and good luck breaking records in the pool when youre dressed like this. laughter so, the virus is potentially a worldwarlevel threat, and you might be thinking with this level of danger, we should be turning to god. But as were learning from the philippines, god may not be able to help. Millions of christians around the world are observing Ash Wednesday today. It marks the start of lent, a season of fasting and prayer, all leading up to easter. This year, out of precaution for the coronavirus, some churches are sprinkling ashes on the heads of churchgoers instead of smudging it on their foreheads. Trevor yes, as unbelievable as it sounds, because of the coronavirus, many catholic priests are just sprinkling ashes on their parishioners, like a religious salt bae. laughter and thats how you know the coronavirus is serious, because even the church is afraid. Like, if coronavirus was around in the bible, jesus would have been like, i will lay hands on this lepper, and i will raise the dead. And for the oh, coronavirus. No, no. Let me turn this water into purell. I aint touching that shit. Laugh so japan and the philippines are taking major precautions. But all the way over in iran, things are already getting out of control. Iran has suffered the highest number of coronavirus deaths outside of china, with 15 dead and 95 cases reported. On monday, the countrys Deputy Health minister went on tv, insisting that the iranian government had the coronavirus under control. But the very next day, it was announced that he himself had contracted the virus. Audience oooh trevor are you shitting me . The Health Minister came out saying everything is fine, but then hes got the disease . So not only is this virus super contagious. It also has a sick sense of humor. laughter and its bad enough its bad enough that the Health Minister, the Deputy Health minister is sick, but its even worse that in the days before he was diagnosed he was going on tv and spreading it around. coughing audience ooooh trevor i think its safe to say that that guys career is over because, lets be honest, a Health Minister that gets sick will never be trusted again. Its like, Everybody Needs to wash their hands. People are like, man, why would we listen to you, you sickass bitch. laughter so thats where we are now. The coronavirus, which started in asia, has now spread from europe to the u. S. , the middle east, and all the way, as of today, to south america. So remember, people, wash your hands. Try not to touch your face. Cover your cough. And stay away from that Iranian Health official. laughter and if you do all of those things, theres a good chance youre probably not gonna die. Well be right back. cheers and applause cheers and applause trevor welcome back to the daily show. As you know, february is black history month, and were celebrating all month long with roy wood jr. Celebrating the Unsung Heroes of black history in another episode of cp time. applause welcome to cp time, the only show thats for the culture. Today, well be discussing black contributions to fashion. Normally, when we think about black fashion, we think about church hats so big, they block your view of jesus. Or we think about those suits that steve harvey wears that hog all the buttons. Leave some buttons for the rest of us, steve. Theyre keeping my clothes together with staples. But in actuality, the world of fashion has been filled with influential and iconic African American designers, like our first trailblazer, zelda wynn valdes, who was one of the first designers whose clothing accentuated womens curves. Before her, women covered up their their figures with bigass skirts the size of a Carnival Cruise ship. Women would get lost bending over to tie their shoes. Veldas curveflaunting designs were so popular, hugh hefner asked her to design the iconic outfits for the playboy bunnies. I never went to the playboy mansion myself because i was married, and also have a severe phobia of rabbits. You never know where rabbits are hiding. If you can pull one out of a hat, you can pull one out of anywhere. Kiss my ass. I dont want to be around that. Another black creator of couture was was stephen burles who designed for the disco era. I was always confused by disco. I couldnt tell who was dancing and who was giving me direction. laughter but disco isnt just about the moves. Its about the fashion, which stephen burles helped shape. He hung out at studio 54 and was popular among its celebrity regulars. He was the first to design clothes that were comfortable on the dance floor, even at 3 00 a. M. , right when the cocaine hit so harmed you thought you were the disco ball. laughter cocaine was better in the 70s. laughter burles also invented lettucing, which is when you make the material at the edge of a garment curl and ripple, like a piece of lettuce. Ill have to take his word for it, because ive never eaten a piece of lettuce. My favorite vegetable is caramelcovered popcorn. And, finally, our last designer brings us to the modern day. Virgil abloh, the first African American artistic director at louis vuitton, and driving force behind this decades streetwear movement. He made highend fashion take streetwear seriously you know, fancy logos, tshirts, chunky sneakers, hoodies pretty much anything youre not supposed to wear to a funeral, unless you and the deceased had a beef. Rest in peace, spencer. These jordans are stepping on your grave. Now, dont be fooled by the term streetwear. One of ablohs biggest companies, off white, sells sweatpants for over 300, and this luxury undershirt costs 200. Although, i dont know why you would spend so much money on a shirt aint nobody going to see. You know what i paid for my underwear . Nothing. A sixpack of drawers fell off the back of a walmart truck in 1987, and i never looked back. Laugh louvre so the next time you zip your fly and youre looking fly, remember the African American fashion trailblazers who made you that blazer. Now, if youll excuse me, im going to make my first shirt. Retail price 10,000. This old man has his debts. Well, thats all the time we have for today. Im roy wood jr. This has been cp time. And remember, for the culture. Ouch. Damn somebody get me a napkin. Im bleeding on my fabric cheers and applause trevor roy wood jr. , everybody. Well be right back. cheers and applause no matter where you are, Xfinity Mobile gives you the most reliable Wireless Network to connect you with those who matter most. Thats because its the network that gives you the best coverage and more flexible data that you can share, mix with unlimited and switch at any time. Youll save up to 400 a year on your wireless bill. Plus, get 300 off when you buy a new Samsung Galaxy s20 ultra. Xfinity mobile. Click, call or visit a store today. Trevor welcome back to the daily show. My guest tonight is a writer who explores racism and privilege in her New York Times bestselling debut novel called such a fun age. Please welcome kiley reid. cheers and applause trevor welcome to the daily show. Thank you for having me. Trevor congratulations on your debut novel being a New York Times bestseller seven weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. Thats amazing. applause and congratulations on creating a book thats not just doing well but its creating so much buzz in the right ways. You know, you have fans that include reese whitherspoon, who has made it her Book Club Book of the month. You have lena waithe, who bought it bought the film rights for the book, which is really fantastic. The book is an interesting one. Because it opens with 25yearold emira who is this Woman Working as a babysitter working for a white family who is very rich, and things, basically, go wrong. Yeah. Trevor where do you even come up with a story like that . Because it seems like a simple story. Its going to be babysitter world. It turns into a fake kidnapping, then white privilege. Its funny but also deep at the same time. Right. Trevor where does that come from . I think in many ways, this is a really old story, a black caregiver and a white woman and a white child, and their interactions are really precarious and charged. And from the very first chapter, emira is accused of kidnapping this child, and shes humiliated. And i think what makes it different is someone pulls out a cell phone, and peoples relationships to a racist incident becomes different when they see it firsthand. Trevor i dont want to spoil what happens later but i want to tell people what i knowledge is the catalyst. You have emira in a place where shes accused of kidnapping this little white child. You also have an incident in the phenomenonly, theres a racist incident with the husband, the phenomenonly is under siege, and the woman in the house, alix, calls her and says emira i need to come look after my child while we work out this racist thing. I think thats what this book is about. That happens. You have a little crush on someone. Shes an employee and you have to respect her place and it becomes tricky. Trevor why do you think it becomes so tricky. Its a wonderful book tow read and seems so natural. Highway did you manage to capture how tricky it could be . Is there a reason you went with that for a story . It could have been could have been a simpler story, didnt cone tain as much complexity that would get us into these conversations. I read interviews from every race, every walk of race, saying, i see myself in the story a different way. Is there a reason you went with this specific story . Its probably because i love awkward moments. I cant get enough of them. I love watching people squirm, and when i read a book and have to put it down. Those are my favorite moments. Trevor how many people have asked tow touch your hair . I mean, im going to say the limit does not exist. And its all those Little Things that are so layered in history that i love writing about. Trevor right, yes. So, let me ask you this if someone is reading this book and they go, kiley, im really trying. You know, im a white person who is really trying. I didnt even realize these microaggressions are taking place. I didnt even know that im offending people in these moments. Im really trying. When somebody reads this book, what do you hope they take from it that will give them a greater understanding of the world and interacting with people of color . This does happen. At every reading i have, there is a white woman who just finished reading it, and shes not ready to do this whole thing with me yet. Shes like, i dont know what you want me to do with this book. I think the biggest thing is the influence of the society rather than the individual. I feel that as soon as i start saying, youre a bad person, i stop judging the systems that keep poor people poor and give people permission to treat other people this way. Trevor wow. Theres a really big racist incident in the first chapter where emira is racially profiled, but for the rest of the novel shes struggling to get health insurance. And that is something that has been a problem for Domestic Labor workers since the 1930s and before that as well. And so i think covering these bigger issues of systemic racism is way more important than, you know, did i say the right thing in front of my cool babysitter . Trevor it really is fascinating that youve done that because when reading through the book, one thing that jumps out to me is you have this world where youve tackled an issue that many people have commented on. I see it a lot on line, people saying for instance, when theres a president ial debate or when people are talking to politicians, they make it seem like there are black issues and there are issues for every other american, when in fact black people have issues like anyone else can. And in this book you seem to highlight that. Its one issue of race, and then there are just issues of life that anyone can face. Yeah. Trevor was that purposeful . 100 . I think talking about race without talking about class is kind of a moot point. And there are black women in the novel who are wealthy and have really high respectability politics and believe emir should want more for her life. And she has other black friends who support her in everything she does. And i think not including all of those differences does a disservice to black women. Trevor ill tell you this, you have written a book that is funny, its engaging, it is wonderfully awkward in many moments. You dont want to put it down. You read it so quickly. This is not going to be your first bestselling novel. Thank you so much for being on the show. Thank you so much for having me. Trevor such a fun age is available now. You definitely want to go out and get it. Kiley reid, everybody, well be right back. cheers and applause cheers and applause trevor thats our show for tonight. Lights out with david spade is coming up next so stay tuned. But first here it is, your moment of zen. Joe biden has also called South Carolina his firewall. Questions about whether his South Carolina firewall will hold. Its supposed to be joe bidens firewall. Firewall. Firewall. Firewall. South carolina is his firewall. South carolina, though, is your firewall. You said its my firewall, i never said the campaign has said its your firewall. I said im going to do well there. And i think i have a real firewall in South Carolina. explosion are you ready yall to have some fun feel the love tonight dont you worry where it is you come from itll be all right its the late late show reggie ladies and gentlemen, way from inside a leopard print veganskinned jacket, give it up for your host, the one, the only james corden cheers and applause . James how are you. Thank you so much. Hello, good evening, welcome to the late late, late