e-mails thought to be deleted from the private server clinton used. the e-mails recovered are said to be both personal and professional in nature. the bureau is reportedly sifting through clinton s work e-mails investigating whether classified information was mishandled. but the issue here one of the issues at least is if the fbi can recover deleted e-mails, was the presidential candidate s correspondence ever truly secure? mark murray in washington, d.c. covering that part of the story for us this afternoon. so, again, mark, clinton apologized for the personal e-mail system. when s the read on whether the report is more damaging for her campaign? craig, right now the damaging part is drip, drip nature of everything that every single headline, every advancement of the story becomes something that the campaign doesn t want to talk about. they would rather talk about health care policy, the republican field and not this
you have the republican house going against her. and the media wants to knock her down because they want a race. and she has proven that she can stay tough through all of this. this e-mail thing is so much a bologna sandwich. do you think the new york times is out to get her? i don t know. let me tell you. i don t know one senator, not one, i don t know of any who doesn t send work e-mails on their personal e-mail address. it is done all the time. what hillary did was okay at the time. she got approval to do it. she used a private server which i would argue probably turns out to be safer than some of the government servers which has been hacked. so this thing is nothing but it s been 24/7. she is proving that she can take the heat. if you look at her right now still leading by a lot compared
clearly this e-mail situation is narrowing the gap for hillary. statistical tie. i think the party is getting nervous. i would always contend that her main problem is a general election problem. she s still the favorite candidate for the primary. the party is looking at her as a potentially flawed candidate for the general election. somebody who could lose based in part on this whole e-mail controversy. if those e-mails truly can t be recovered, this may all end up as part of the big muddled mess of the e-mail server. if they re able to take those e-mails and find there were indeed work e-mails included that will be another blow against her trustworthiness. she said there were definitely no work e-mails, they were all personal e-mails. who knows what it could reveal? which is why joe biden is hearing run, joe, run, from his corners. susan is right, her challenge is not going to be by any democrats unless there s an indictment.
e-mails, her legal team did extensive key word searches, went e-mail by e-mail, related as work based was handed over to the state department. so it was just her legal team? was she involved or her aides involved? i don t know what you mean by aide. she has personal attorneys who are well known. david kendall, yes. david kendall, cheryl mills, her personal attorneys. cheryl is testifying or giving an interview today on capitol hill. the personal e-mails, the ones that were personal in anywnatur were hers to do with what she wanted and quite understandably i think the public agrees that even politicians and public officials are entitled to privacy. and her daughter s wedding the work e-mails, brian, deleted as well. now i know that s right. they had already been provided. but, for instance, a judge said in the case of cheryl mills with her attorney who said, hey,
second, the way the information in the federal government is overclassified or reclassified all the time. and third, how can clinton actually put this controversy behind her? carol, how often is information reclassified within the federal government and why? i think that your question has sort of two parts. not just the and/why part. things are upgraded in classification, especially as they are about to be released and then this very specific setting which is hillary clinton s unusual trove of work e-mails turned over to the state now being released as part of a court-ordered public records release. and what the state department is doing is going through each of them and trying to determine are these things secret? are they confidential? do they meet a test of being classified in a way that would