test test friday she s being transparent with the american people about her work e-mails as secretary of state and we re back now with the panel. brit what are we to make about the release on friday afternoon of this long holiday weekend of these benghazi e-mails given the fact that they all came from clinton s private e-mail server and two, that the ones that were turned over to the state department for release had been vetted by clinton and by her lawyer? well it s a sub set of a subset that came on friday. ay subset of those she didn t
test test i want people to see all them. it is the fact we have released all of them that have any government whatever. hillary clinton saying on friday that she is being transparent with the american people about her work e-mails as secretary of state and we are back now with the panel. brit what do we make of the release on friday afternoon of the one holiday weekend of the benghazi mails given they all came from clinton s private e-mail server; and two the ones turned over to the state department for release were all vetted by clinton and her lawyer? it is a subset of a subset that came out on friday. a tiny subset of those she does not delete.
didn t use e-mails as secretary of state, something which we now know is false because she had a blackberry and ipad. listen to this. tell me how people react. when i got to work as secretary of state, i opted for convenience to use my personal e-mail account, which was allowed by the state department because i thought it would be easier to carry just one device for my work and for my personal e-mails instead of two. looking back, it would have been better if i d simply used a second e-mail account and carried a second phone. but at the time this didn t seem like an issue. second, the vast majority of my work e-mails went to government employees at their government addresses, which meant they were captured and preserved immediately on the system at the state department. the lowest numbers i think i have ever seen. and here s the interesting part. there were a number of lies
second e-mail account and carried a second phone. but at the time this didn t seem like an issue. second, the vast majority of my work e-mails went to government employees at their government addresses, which meant they were captured and preserved immediately on the system at the state department. the lowest numbers i think i have ever seen. and here s the interesting part. there were a number of lies told. she had a blackberry, she had an ipad. and we know that those e-mails didn t weren t recorded properly. well that s the problem. and that s why she did so badly among republicans and truthfully sean democrats did not score her well at all. the lines just dropped. when you can t look people straight in the eye i ve got a camera in front of me. so i m looking right at you even though i can t see you. if you noticed in your clip she looks to the left, she looks to the right. she s looking at her notes. if you re telling the truth, you
second e-mail account and carried a second phone. but at the time this didn t seem like an issue. second, the vast majority of my work e-mails went to government employees at their government addresses, which meant they were captured and preserved immediately on the system at the state department. the lowest numbers i think i have ever seen. and here s the interesting part. there were a number of lies told. she had a blackberry, she had an ipad. and we know that those e-mails didn t weren t recorded properly. well that s the problem. and that s why she did so badly among republicans and truthfully sean democrats did not score her well at all. the lines just dropped. when you can t look people straight in the eye i ve got a camera in front of me. so i m looking right at you even though i can t see you. if you noticed in your clip she looks to the left, she looks to the right. she s looking at her notes. if you re telling the truth, you